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These are random listings of items we receive. This ensures the integrity of the WLOC Swap Shop Program and that the on-line service is not abused. We can not allow users to rely only on the website listings. We must still have listeners to the actual show in order for the program to be profitable. Also, remember that we can not list any guns, ammunition, fresh meat, realtor listed property nor items for any business. If you are a business and would like to be on the Swap Shop, contact us to find out how affordable and effective a sponsorship can be.
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Swap Shop Key:
FS = For Sale LF = Looking For
FR = For Rent WILL = Will Do
FL = For Lease LOST = Have Lost
TRADE = For Trade FOUND = Have Found
GA = Give Away
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Thursday, March 27th, 2025
FS - Bakers rack with butcher block shelf and skillet rack, $80, High School Musical bedroom set includes: headboard, chair, clock radio, lamp bedspread, curtains, most pieces are new and in original box. Black computer armoire, nearly new, $100, oak vertical audio cabinet with glass door, $100, metal adjustable bed frame twin/full, $25. Can send pictures, text only to 270-404-1754
LF - Large crate for a dog, reasonably priced, FREE - cut up cedar tree, must pick up. Call 270-773-2919 and please leave a message if no answer.
FS - 5 gallon buckets of Black Jack Elasto Kool roof coating, white in color, cools and seals roofs, $60 a bucket. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
FS - Country eggs, $3 per dozen, near Legrande area. Call 270-218-1486
FS - 2002 Chevy Blazer, 4wd, $1800 obo. Call 270-612-1204
Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
FS - Maytag front load washer, good condition, $125. Call 270-597-6808
Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
FS - 488 New Holland haybine, $1,000. Call 270-537-5099
FS - Heavy china cabinet, with shelves and doors, some glass, $125, older snow blower with remote $125, 20hp Kawasaki motor, $250, and front tine garden tiller, $150. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 Pigmy goats, female, 4-years-old, can be lead on leash. Can be seen at 1714 Cub Run Highway. Call 270-528-4190
Monday, March 24th, 2025
FS - One pair of black Arizona jeans, size 38x30, pair of Wrangler blue jeans, same size, $10 for both. Call 270-791-8916
FS - China cabinet, heavy made, top separates from bottom. The bottom has two doors, the top has glass shelves and small drawers, $150, does have lights. Power Mate front tine garden tiller, $200, Kawasaki 20hp twin cylinder motor, $250, or will do some trade with cash. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 6 dozen eggs $3.50 per dozen, if you take all. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, March 21st, 2025
FS - 20hp Kawasaki twin cylinder motor, $250 or trade, LF John Deere 240 complete frames. Call 270-670-1359
GA - 2 puppies, one male and one female, the mother is a white sheep dog and dad is a German Shepherd. In Knob Lick, call 270-590-2603
LF - Place to rent. Call 270-524-0045
LF - Galvanized dog feeder. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Friedrich Kuhl electric heating and cooling window air conditioner with remote, like new. It is a 20,000btu air conditioner and 13,000btu heat, rated for up to 1,000 square feet of coverage area. 230 volts, using 30 amp breaker, comes complete with owner's manual, asking $750. Call 270-528-6543w
FS - 5 dozen brown eggs. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, March 20th, 2025
FS - Long hair Chaweenie male and a mini Dachshund, male. Both need re-homing. Call 629-292-3315
FS - New Holland 478 haybine, 7' cut, field ready with double acting hydraulic cylinder lift, rollers and tires in good shape and wobble box is good. Asking $600. Call 270-597-6482
FS - 20 hp Kawasaki motor, $250 or cash. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
FS - Entertainment center, solid oak, $25. 2-wheel yard trailer the bed is 3'x4' and has tailgate, $150. Call 270-537-1202
FS - 20 twin cylinder Kawasaki motor, $250 or cash with trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Good used electric cook stove. Call 270-531-2061
FS - Massey Ferguson tractor, 240 diesel. Call 270-531-1651
FS - Eggs $4 per dozen, LF - old baled hay or straw. FS - 4 spd transmission out of a 4wd, has both drive shafts. Call 270-528-5208
Monday, March 17th, 2025
FS - Kawasaki 20hp motor, $300, runs good. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Large U-shaped office desk, $500; black computer armoire, $100; bakers rack with skillet rack, $75, Coleman twin size blowup mattress with pump, $25; oak stereo cabinet with glass door, $100. Everything must go. Text only at 270-404-1754
Thursday, March 13th, 2025
FS- Shorkie (Yorkie/shih Tzu mix) pups, $400, 14 weeks old and up to date on shots and de-wormed, $400. Call or text Brittany at 270-405-7910
Thursday, March 13th, 2025
GA - 22 pallets, must take all, 80's model gas golf cart, needs some minor work, $800 or cash with trade, 255 John Deere 54" cut riding mower, $350 or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Picture of Houchens Ferry at Roundhill. FS - tables, electric wheelchair. Call 270-773-3368
LF - 4 or 6" auger with will fit on any 3 pt hitch or trailer. Call 270-473-1446
Wednesday, March 12th, 2025
FS - Hand painted Quilt cabinet, with drawers on one side for storage. Located in Munfordville. Call 270-565-1663
FS - 2-year-old fawn colored mini male Dachshund, not fixed and good with kids, house broken, will sell or trade for a female Chihuahua pup, also LF - small pull behind camper for give away or a pop-up camper. Call 629-292-3315
FS - Red and gold male Pheasant, Hair sheep due to have babies soon, a big boar hog and fertile eggs. Call 270-473-1089
FS - Arizona black jeans 38x30 size, $5 each, Wrangler jeans, same size, $5 each, Farmall sign 12x17", $15. Call 270-791-8916
Tuesday, March 11th, 2025
FS - John Deere sickle mower, model 350, 7ft pto type, $650 obo; camper shell cap, dark blue, 80"x74" bottom, $650 obo; full size bed with real wood head and foot board, mattress and box springs, $100 obo; small white sailboat, has no sail or mast, $400 obo. Call or text 270-308-0894
GA - 10 pair of men's pants, size 40 x 32's in good condition. Call 270-218-9981
FS - 54" cut John Deere riding mower, no hood, mows good, $450 or will do trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Eggs; 4 spd transmission out of a Ford F-250 truck, will fit '83 and '84 models. Call 270-528-5208
Monday, March 10th, 2025
FS - Set of black 20" Moto Metal brand truck rims and tires, $250. Call or text 270-612-0926
FS - 255 John Deere riding mower, has no hood, runs good, 54" deck, $350. GA - 20 pallets, must take all. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Fertile eggs for hatching, green and brown and fertile duck eggs. Call 270-473-1089
FS - 6 dozen fresh eggs, $4.50 each. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, March 7th, 2025
LF - Mobile home that's a fixer upper, on a lot with electric and septic in Green County. Call 270-405-0118
FS - 2 men's size 9 1/2 Dr. Scholls tennis shoes, 11 new pair of men's underwear, size 36 and 3 pair of ladies Dr. Scholls sandals, size 7. Call 502-341-4335
Thursday, March 6th, 2025
LF - 3 interior doors 30" x 78" or 80" tall. Call 270-524-7709
LF - Size 288 tobacco trays and dual wheels for 4430 John Deere tractor, Nintendo Wii. Call 270-537-4084 or 270-537-4439
Wednesday, March 5th, 2025
GA - 24" flat screen smart tv. Call 270-646-6764
FS - 255 John Deere riding mower, GA - pallets, must take all. 1998 Ford Ranger, extended, cash and trade. LF - vinyl lift chair, old square body Murray riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
FS - 6x20 ft cattle trailer, $2750. Call 270-749-3313
FS - Set of 4 black Moto Metal rims with tires, $250. Call or text 270-612-0926
LF - 3-bedroom home for family of 3 adults, can pay up to $1,000 a month. Call 270-590-3209 or text.
FS - Electric wheelchair with charger. Call 270-773-3368
Monday, March 3rd, 2025
FS - 350 lb boar hog, $200; red and gold pheasants, $100 each, LF - empty protein tubs, FS - Female Shepherd ready to have pups, $250. Call 270-473-1089
LF - Lift chair, reasonably priced, vinyl. GA - 20 pallets, must take all, FS - 1998 Ford Ranger, 2wd, automatic, extended cab, will trade for full size pickup; LF - older square body Murray riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 year-old male Dapple Miniature Dachshund, has not been neutered and is good with other animals. Call 629-292-3315
FS - 800 series Ford tractor, $1400, runs good. Call 270-670-3570
Friday, February 28th, 2025
FS - Solid golden oak California king size 4 posts bed with 2 end tables, dresser and mirror included, $800. Call 270-404-1530
Community wide yard sale - 31W north Horse Cave in the Heavenly Haven Subdivision, between Horse Cave & Rowletts.
FS - Set of 4 20" Moto metal black rims with tires, $300 obo. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Lift chair, prefer vinyl, reasonable in good shape, a hood for 255 John Deere riding mower, old square body Murray mowers. FS - 2 plant stands, one is 3 ft wide, $25, wooden plant stand, holds 5 plants $15, outdoor wicker loveseat, $35. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 pair of Arizona black jeans, 38x30, $10 each, Wrangler blue jeans, 38x30, $10, metal tractor sign (12x17") $10. Take all for $30. Call 270-791-8916
FS - Queen electric adjustable bed, like new, raises head and feet. Under $500 asking price. Call 528-5488
Thursday, February 27th, 2025
FS - John Deere sickle mower, 7ft model 350 pto type, $750 obo. Call or text at 270-308-0894
FS - 6 ft cut New Holland haybine, rollers are good and field ready, $600 obo. Call 270-597-6482
LF - Home or mobile home to fix up on a lot with hookup. Call 270-405-0118
FS - Adjustable bed, queen size, electric, head and foot raise up,$500 obo. Call 270-528-6488
Wednesday, February 26th, 2025
LF - Hood to fit a John Deere 255, FS - 9 week-old Chihuahua pup, male, $300. Call 670-1359
FS - Farmall tractor metal sign, new 12x16", $10, black Arizona jeans, size 38x30, Wrangler blue jeans, $10 each. Call 270-791-8916
FS - Large and small rolls of wrapped hay. Call 270-528-1691
FS - 1359 Massey Ferguson disc-bind. Call 270-537-5642
FS - 1982 Harley Davidson Panhead motorcycle, 9/10th's put together, taking offers, cash only. Call 270-528-5015 and can leave a message
Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
FS - Set of tires, size 215 65 R16, have 75% tread. Call 270-576-8522
FS - 30 5x6 rolls of grass hay, $30 per roll or make a deal if you take all 30 rolls. Call 270-537-4183
LF - Aerator to pull behind lawnmower, hood for 255 John Deere riding mower. FS - 12x16 building with double doors on front, shingle roof, $1500 or will trade for pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - John Deere rolls of hay, $30 each and an exercise bike, $70. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 7" x 12" Farmall tractor metal sign, $15, Arizona black jeans, 38x30 and more blue jeans. Call 270-791-8916
FS - 530 John Deere hay roller, $6500 obo. Call 270-749-3313
Monday, February 24th, 2025
FS - Sprayer, back type, 5 gallon, light weight. $25. Call 270-218-9637
Friday, February 21st, 2025
GA - Downed tree limbs, need to be cut up and you can take home. Call 270-404-4370
LF - Vehicle, reasonable priced and running, car, suv, etc. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, February 20th, 2025
FS - Electric wheelchair, angel music boxes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Male Chihuahua, solid brown, $100. Call 270-218-5045
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
FS - 4 Moto metal rims with tires, 20" black with caps, screws and lug nuts, asking $300. For information or pictures, call or text 270-612-0926
FS - 2 small Lakewood heaters, $20 each, Warm Morning gas stove, $75, Stihl chainsaw, used very little, $190 and a Hot Point electric stove, $75. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 2007 Chevy pickup, no title, $450 cash or partial trade, LF - hood for 255 John Deere riding mower, LF - house in Horse Cave or Cave City, 2 to 3 bedroom. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Freestanding wood fireplace, $50. Call 270-524-0116
Tuesday, February 18th, 2025
FS - 2 Chihuahua pups, male and female, 8 weeks old, $150 each. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 2007 Chevy pickup, 2wd, regular cab, no title, not running, will sell whole or part out, LF - hood for 255 John Deere riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, February 17th, 2025
2007 Chevy pickup, part out or sell whole, 2wd, long wheel base. LF - hood for a 255 John Deere riding mower, LF - House to rent in Horse Cave or Cave City, 2 or 3 bedrooms. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 5x8 wagon, $100, Large hutch, $30, spreader with handle on it $25. Call 270-218-9637
Found - Hose from a manure spreader or water tank pump, has an accessory with it. Call 270-773-5306 and describe it.
LF - White topper for 2011 F-150. Call 270-735-5895
Friday, February 14th, 2025
FS - 2 Chihuahua pups, 1 male and 1 female, $300 each. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 2007 Chevy pickup, 1/2 ton, will part or sell whole, no title. LF - 3 bedroom house or mobile home to rent. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Gray/black buffet, quilt cabinets. In Munfordville, call 270-565-1663
Thursday, February 13th, 2025
FS - Yardmachine Garden tractor with lift on back, well sell or trade, 2007 Chevy, 2 wd, no title, will sell whole or part out. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 Chihuahua pups, ready to go, one male that's brown and female white with spots. Call 270-218-5045
Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
FS - 2007 Chevy pickup, full size, no title, will part out or sell whole, Yardmachine garden tractor with lift, will sell or trade. Call 270-670-1359
Found - Pumper hose off a tanker. Found around Horse Cave area. Call 270-773-5306 and describe the hose.
FS - Arizona jeans, black color, 38x30 size, $10 each; Farmall tractor metal sign, $15 or for both $20. Call 270-791-8916
Monday, February 10th, 2025
FS - Male and Female Chihuahuas, $350 each. Call 270-218-5045
GA - 3 female Blue Heeler pups. Call 270-218-3281
FS - Yardmachine garden tractor, 22h Kohler motor with lift on back, or will trade, 12x16' building, $1500 or possible trade and cash, 5x8 utility with drop gate, factory made, $350 or will do part trade with cash. 2007 1/2 ton Chevy pickup, no title. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, February 7th, 2025
FS - 2007 Chevy pickup, 2wd, no title, will sell whole or part out, utility trailer with metal floor, drop gate, $375. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 65 rolls of hay, $30 each. Call 270-218-0806
Thursday, February 6th, 2025
FS - 1992 Ford F-250 regular cab with 5.8 engine, 5 speed manual transmission, 4wd, utility bed, good sound body, needs tires and mufflers. $3500 negotiable. Call 270-218-8392
GA - 20 plus pallets. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
FS - Steel posts, hay fork, black wood posts, telephone posts, cattle head catcher. Call 270-286-4036
FS - 800 Series Ford tractor, $1400. Call 270-670-3570
FS - White female German Shepherd pup. Call 270-537-4848
Tuesday, February 4th, 2025
FS - 5x8' utility trailer, metal floor, no lights or fenders, $400 or will trade for riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Honda ES 5000 watt generator, gasoline, $1000, has auto throttle. Call 270-670-4048
FS - Full blooded Chihuahuas, 2 females and 1 male, $400 each. Call 270-218-5045
Monday, February 3rd, 2025
FS - 8 week-old male Shorkie puppies, have had first shots and dewormed, black and white. Call or text Brittany at 270-405-7910.
FS - Yard King riding mower, needs some work, will sell or partial trade, 12x16' outdoor building with double doors, solid wood with no leaks, $1500 or partial cash with trade, LF - home or mobile home to rent in Cave City or Horse Cave area, 2 to 3 bedroom. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Chihuahua pups, 1 male and 1 female, ready to go. $400 each. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 3 male Shorkie pups, have had shots and wormed. Call 270-405-7840
Friday, January 31st, 2025
GA - German Shepherd pup, 8 month-old, female, white in color. Call 270-537-4848
FS - 2004 Ford pickup, $1200 obo. Call 270-308-1475
LF - Kitten, play house with sand. Call 270-531-2061
Thursday, January 30th, 2025
FS - Female Chihuahua white with black spots, $400. GA - glass entertainment center. Call 270-218-5045
Wednesday, January 29th, 2025
FS - Seasoned split firewood, $50 a rick and can deliver. Call 270-570-9675
FS - Exercise bike, $75. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 2 record albums of original radio broadcast Western & Kentucky basketball game 1972. Call 270-646-6764 in Glasgow
FS - 2006 Chrysler Town & Country minivan, new tires, gold color, $3000. Call 270-590-8375
FS - 800 series Ford Tractor, runs good, $1400. Call 270-670-3570
LF - Urgent need for a gas cook stove, Call 270-537-3151
Tuesday, January 28th, 2025
FS - 2 female Chihuahuas, $400, black entertainment center to give away. Call 218-5045
GA - Blue Heeler pups, females. Call 270-218-3281
Monday, January 27th, 2025
FS - 5 ton wood splitter, 5 hp, $200, Poulan Pro chainsaw, $75. Call 270-246-1913
FS - 12'x16' building, $1500, or cash with trade, must be moved, has double doors. LF - House or mobile home to rent, 3 bedroom preferred in Cave City or Horse Cave area. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, January 24th, 2025
FS - 2002 Ford F-150, white pickup, extended cab, 23 ft disc for John Deere tractor. Call 270-565-2502
LF - Wheat pennies. Call 270-528-6546
FS - Whirlpool Duet dryer, $75. Call 270-421-6835
Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
FS - 2006 Chrysler Town & Country minivan, new tires, $3,000. Call 270-590-8375
FS - Older Better Built barn, 12x16, double doors on front, solid with no leaks, $1500 cash or possible trade with cash, LF - snowmobile, complete. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
FS - Paper shredder, Large man's leather jacket, new men's briefs, size 36, Ladies black boots, size 6 1/2. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Rolls of hay. Call 270-218-0806
FS - 65 to 70 rolls of hay, $35 per rolls, square bales of hay, $3 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 1948 bicycle, $50, LF - place to rent or rent to own in Barren and Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-308-1475
Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
FS - Female sheep, $200 each, will start having babies in April. Call 270-473-1089
LF - House or mobile home, 2 to 3 bedrooms in Cave City or Horse Cave. Call 270-261-2048
FS - Older Better Built barn, 12x16, double doors on front, solid with no leaks, $1500 cash or possible trade with cash, LF - snowmobile, complete. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, January 20th, 2025
FS - 2 pair of king size Liberty denim bib overalls, like new, 52x30 and 54x30. Also several other pairs in various sizes. 4 pair of brand new in the box women's leather Harley Davidson boots, 3 size 6M and one size 6 1/2, asking $75 each. For more information, call 270-991-9018
LF - Kitchen countertop for a double sink. Call 270-524-4913
FS - 2023 Mercury boat motor, 9.8, 4 stroke, $850. Call 270-746-3098
GA - Blue Heeler pups. Call 270-218-3281
FS - 2 female full-blooded Chihuahua pups, ready Feb. 14th, $400 each. GA - glass entertainment center. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Exercise bike. Call 270-537-4219
FS - 12x16 Better Built barn or will trade for 4wd pickup, LF - snow mobile and aftermarket parts for a G-1 golf cart. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Job sitting with elderly, has references and experience. Call 270-218-3982
FS - New 550 Husqvarna chainsaw, $300, 1995 GMC 3500 pickup, 454 engine, $3500. In Cave City, call 270-746-3098
Friday, January 17th, 2025
FS - 2023 Mercury outboard boat motor, 9.8, 4 stroke. $850. Call 270-746-3098
LF - Minivan or SUV with 3rd row, reasonably priced, old riding mowers and snowmobiles and aftermarket wheels to fit a G1 golf cart. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, January 16th, 2025
GA - Loveseat in good condition, glass entertainment center. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 65 to 70 rolls of hay, $35 each, square bales of hay, $3 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Rolls of hay, $30 each. Call 270-218-0806
FS - New Snow blower with paperwork, $100, gasoline, 3 pigs, one male and 2 female, $50 each. Call 270-473-0128
FS - New Husqvarna chainsaw, 24", in box, $300, new backpack Husqvarna blower, model 330, $300. Call 270-746-3098
Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
LF - 2 bedroom home to rent. Call 270-773-5625
Monday, January 13th, 2025
LF - Minivan or SUV, with 3rd row seat, between $2k to 3k, a couple of snow mobiles, wheels and tires for G1 golf cart, and an old car to travel back and forth to work. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Job sitting with the elderly, has references and experience. Call 270-218-3982
LF - Exercise bike. Call 270-537-4219
FS - Size 8 to 8 1/2 men's Hey Dude shoes, most are new. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, January 10th, 2025
FS - Mixed grass hay bales, $4 to $6 each. Call 270-218-8392
In need: Young mother with 5 children are staying at Star Motel and are needing a place to stay or rent. Call 270-774-1485
LF - 1998 to 2001 Dodge pickup for parts. Call 270-861-5291
Thursday, January 9th, 2025
FS - Tascam DS - multi-track recorder, $400, Kentucky mandolin and case, new, $800, 10x13 maroon color awning, $200. Call 270-473-1446
Free - Pallet of insulated fiberglass board. Call 270-612-0474
Moving sale at Kenneth Malone's is being rescheduled and will not be held Saturday, January 11th. 270-786-1762
Wednesday, January 8th, 2025
FS - Whirlpool dryer, 125. Call 270-421-6835
FS - Snap-on sand blaster about 6 ft tall, $1500, like new. Old corn sheller from the 20's or 30's, $285. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, January 7th, 2025
FS - 3 dwarf tiny rabbits, 2 are white color, the other is a cream color, $20 each. Call 270-537-5724
LF - After market wheels for Yamaha golf cart, couple of snowmobiles, running or not running and some old riding mowers. FS - 1 male Yorkie pup, registered and has had shots, tail docked and dew claws removed, $500. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, January 6th, 2025
LF - Old riding mowers, parts for G1 golf cart: air compressor wheels and tires. 2 male and 1 female Yorkie pups, registered, have had shots and wormed, dew claws cut, $600. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, December 30th, 2024
FS - New Craftsman impact gun 1/2" with case, charger and battery, $165 or will do partial trade with cash, GE electric dryer, works good, $100, LF - old riding mowers, go carts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 80 acres of standing pine timber in Cub Run. Call 270-537-5686
LF - Someone to appraise old coins. Call 270-735-6698
Friday, December 27th, 2024
FS - 6 Yorkie pups, 3 female, dew claws clipped, registered and shots, $800 each, 1/2" impact Craftsman with battery charger $180, 4 wheels and tires off S-10 pickup, $120 or will trade, LF - electric hospital bed and a handicap ramp, prefer hand rails. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, December 20th, 2024
FS - 6 Yorky pups, 3 male and 3 female, registered, dew claws are removed, $1,000 each, LF - old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, December 19th, 2024
Moving Sale Thursday, Friday & Saturday, at 1517 Main Street, Munfordville. Items include: Christmas trees, dorm fridge, pressure cooker, doll house, doll stroller and stand mixer. Everything left outside after closing in the evenings is free.
Wednesday, December 18th, 2024
FS - 12' x 6 1/2' ft factory made, ramps on back, heavy duty trailer, $900. or cash with trade. Call 270-670-1359
Tuesday, December 17th, 2024
FS - 6 & 1/2' x 12' trailer, factory made with ramps, $1100 cash or cash with trade, LF - old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, December 16th, 2024
FS - Brand new Bridgestone tires, size 225-50-17's, $100 and new set of tires, size 205-50-15's, $400. Call 270-565-2502
Friday, December 13th, 2024
FS - 2012 Nissan Sentra, 124k, good tires, runs good. Call 270-528-6672
FS - 2 wheel car dolly, $650, LF - older G-1 golf cart, and old mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, December 12th, 2024
FS - White quilt cabinet in Munfordville. Call 270-565-1663
FS - 12 x 6 1/2 ft trailer, ramps on back, heavy duty, needs tires and lights need to be wired. $1500 or do some trade on a pickup. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, December 11th, 2024
GA - Frame for a 32 ft long rv that has been torn down, has no axle or running gears. Call 270-473-1965
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, a couple of racing go carts or parts, set of 15" S-10 wheels with tires. Call 270-670-1359
FS - GE washer & dryer, $100 each, couch and loveseat in good condition, $50 each, glass top cook stove, $100. Call 270-473-1089
Monday, December 9th, 2024
FS - Car dolly $600, has new fenders, lights, straps, safety chains or will trade for utility trailer, LF - old riding mowers, golf carts, 4-wheelers, etc. running or not. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to appraise a comic book collection. Call 270-570-2204
LF - Free full size box springs. Call 270-576-1184
Friday, December 6th, 2024
FS - 5x10 Caravan flatbed trailer, with fold down sides, has new wheels and lights and has been garage kept, asking $1,000. FS = 2 piece coverall set, heavy and x-large, $125. Call 270-473-0128
GA - Like new rocker panel rock guards with all brackets and bolts, fits 2015-2025 Chevy Colorado. Text or call 270-774-1365
FS - 2015 Chevy Impala, loaded, $7500. Call 270-528-2202
FS - Z lock panels, metal with insulation, 22x5' long, 8 ft rollup door with hardware. Call 270-528-1492
Thursday, December 5th, 2024
LF - Exercise bike 537-4219
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024
FS - 7 1/2 ft Christmas tree, used two years, well taken care of, was purchased at Hobby Lobby, the pre-lit doesn't work, asking $100 in Munfordville. Call 502-377-2138
FS - White quilt cabinet with glass doors and lots of storage. Call 270-565-1663
LF - Old riding lawnmowers, running or not. FS - Car dolly, $650 or possible trade with cash, has new fenders and tail lights with good tires. Call 270-670-1359
Found - On Union Street, Munfordville, a stray male black cat, has been neutered, has white spot under chin. Call 270-218-5499
LF - 10x10 dog kennel. Call 270-612-0612
FS - 30,000 btu LP heater, ventless, 5 Kathedim ewe lambs, bred, set of 16" stock wheels for Toyota Tacoma truck. Call 270-932-1150
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024
FS - New hearing aids, $100, they are rechargeable. Call 270-537-1964
FS - Cat and kittens. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Electric fireplace, $100. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Work of any kind. Call 270-218-9637
Monday, December 2nd, 2024
FS - Electric fireplace, $100. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Shih tzu dog. Call 270-834-5530
LF - Old riding mower, FS - Milwaukee drive impact gun, $165, or possible trade with cash. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 7 1/2 ft Christmas tree, used two years, well taken care of, was purchased at Hobby Lobby, the pre-lit doesn't work, asking $100 in Munfordville. Call 502-377-2138
Wednesday, November 27th, 2024
FS - 2004 Ford Freelander RV camper on Lafferty Road. Has 61,000 miles and 31-foot long. Email Eugene Phelan at
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson diesel tractor, has power steering, 8 spd, with like new tires and good paint. Square bales of hay. Call 270369-7394
Tuesday, November 26th, 2024
LF - Help for Crystal Embry to be able to stay at Econolodge in Cave City tonight, $55.25 per night. Call 270-872-9787 or contact Econolodge at 270-773-3101
FS - Car dolly with new lights and straps, $650 cash. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2000 Buick Lasabre, runs good but transmission is bad, 3800 v-6, will move enough to get on a trailer, asking $850. Call or text 270-404-1250 in Munfordville.
Friday, November 22nd, 2024
LF - Lady in Cave City is in urgent need of $175 to pay rent. Today. She is staying at Econolodge. Money may be dropped off at WLOC in Horse Cave. For more information, call 270-872-9787.
FS - John Deere sickle mower, 7 ft model 350 pto type $1,000, one person sailboat, white with no sail or mast, $600, Camper shell cap, dark blue, outside dimensions on bottom 80"x74", came off swb Chevy truck, $750, two bunk 6 ft feeders, some dents and rust but still usable, $150 for both. Call or text 270-308-0894
Moving sale - Saturday at 272 Three Springs Highway, kids items, double stroller, household furniture. Call 270-774-2065
FS - 2009 GMC Acadia, 133k. Call 270-537-1202
LF - Houses to clean and a caregiver job for elderly, have references. Call 270-528-3685
Thursday, November 21st, 2024
FS - 12 old farmhouse white windows with glass and frame. Call 270-218-0825
FS - Flat vehicle rack that goes into a reece hitch to put a deer on, etc. $75. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Old riding mowers, Will sell or trade a car dolly for a drop gate trailer, and LF - big tackle box with fishing lures. Call 270-670-1359
FS - American racing center line rims, 5x5 Chevy. $350 obo. Call 270-401-6049
Tuesday, November 19th, 2024
FS - Three turkeys. Call 270-206-0171
LF - Old riding mowers, running or not. Will trade a car dolly for a utility trailer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Power wheel Jeep, has charger and new battery, 50" cut LTX 1050 Cub Cadet mower, old wheel horse Ford tractor. Call 270-324-2364
Monday, November 18th, 2024
FS - Man lift goes up to 40 ft and pull behind vehicle, works good. Call 270-283-5496
FS - 2000 gallon diesel tank and pump, $2,000. Call 270-218-2711
FS - Barrels, some with lids and several cowhide rugs. Call 270-590-4770
FS - TV stand, 48" wide, wooden with glass doors, $50, TV stand, 36" wide and wooden, $25, corn hold board set, regulation size, new in box, $50. Call 270-670-4272
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $1 each or $50 for all. Call 270-405-1260
Friday, November 8th, 2024
FS - Regular electric stick welder, $200. Call 270-748-4743
FS - 2007 Ford Taurus, oil just changed. $1500 obo. Call 270-473-1446
Thursday, November 7th, 2024
FS - Couch, loveseat, washer, dryer. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 2003 Ford Taurus, v-8, has back up camera but does need a heater core, $1500. Call 270-473-1446
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
FS - Spin Life scooter with a lift. $2000. Holds up to 500# and has side mirrors. Please call Tim at 270-528-7781
Tuesday, November 5th, 2024
GA - Boston Terrier, male, needs outside to roam. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Set of 16" wheels to fit a Toyota Tacoma, $150. 3 Ewe lambs, $300 each. Call 270-932-1150
LF - 7 cu ft deepfreeze. Call 270-473-9638
Friday, November 1st, 2024
FS - 7 to 9 laying hens, a young red rooster. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Puppies, mom is Yorkshire Shih Tzu mix, dad is papered Yorkshire, have had shots and wormed, $500 each and can send pics. Call 801-660-0144
FS - Old time trunk and antique rocking chair. Call 270-576-6853
Thursday, October 31st, 2024
FS - 2000 F150 Ford pickup, 4wd, quad cab, $1600 obo or possible trade. LF - old riding mowers, old golf cart. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Black metal bakers rack with butcher block shelf and skillet rack, $100, antique oak buffet with mirror, $450, secretary, $100, black computer armoire, $125, doll house, $40, Sunbeam stand mixer with extra attachments, $40, moving and everything in good condition in Munfordville. Call or text 270-404-1754
GA - Refrigerator for junk. Call 270-786-1116
Wednesday, October 30th, 2024
FS - 2 oak bar stools in good condition, king size mattress, clean and in good condition, pool table with everything, a maroon wide chair with ottoman, make an offer on any of these items. Turnips for sale. And looking for a good clean cook stove. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Hand painted denim jacket with peace sign design, XL size in Munfordville. Call 270-565-1663
Tuesday, October 29th, 2024
FS - John Deere sickle mower, 7 ft model 350 pto type, $1,000, sailboat, one person size, white with no sail or mast, $600, camper shell cap, dark blue, outside dimensions on bottom 80"x74", came off swb Chevy truck, $750. Call or text 270-308-0894
LF - Side by side, a Kawasaki mule or Gator. Call or text 270-308-0894
LF - Old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 5ft by 16ft horse panels. Call 270-612-0612
LF - Good used recliner, cheap. Call 270-218-9981
Yard Sale - At 712 W. Union St, Munfordville, Fri & Sat 7 to 4. Basement purge, beanies, baseball cards and sports memorabilia, kids toys, chairs, crib items, booster seats, clothes for adults and children, dishes, exercise equipment, collectibles, etc.
Monday, October 28th, 2024
GA - Yard sale items, no clothes, first come, first serve. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 pt hitch disc, lightweight with solid frame $100. Call 270-862-3116
Thursday, October 24th, 2024
FS - 9-month-old English Bulldog, male in good health and housebroken, $500. Call 270-473-0128
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
LF - Good used electric clothes dryer. Call or text 270-528-1419
FS - Smaller pieces of insulated fiberglass panels, bundle deals. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Washing machine, reasonably priced. Call 270-786-4477
LF - Older golf cart. FS - Husky 30" cut riding mower, $250, self propelled push mower, $80 and a like new push mower, $50. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Roll around Popular Mechanics toolbox, 5 large trays and 3 bottom trays, $80. Call 317-210-8837
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
FS - John Deere sickle mower, 7 ft model 350 pto type $1,000, one person sailboat, white, no sail or mast, $600, camper shell cap, dark blue, outside dimensions on bottom 80"x74", came off swb Chevy truck, $750, and Yard limb chipper, gas Briggs engine, new blades, $250. Call or text 270-308-0894
FS- White camper truck topper with racks for a 1500 Chevy Silverado. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Scaffolding, 6ft x 6ft, with safety gates, pins, wheels, $900 or possible trade with cash. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, October 21st, 2024
FS - 14 ft John boat with 9.9 Mercury motor with electric start. Call 270-407-5320
FS - 8 scaffoldings that are 6 ft long, have safety gates, wheels and pins, $1000/ possible trade, older 4x2 side by side with steel dump bed, $1800/ possible trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 new pair of ladies Dr. Scholl's tennis shoes, size 6 1/2, Minnie Mouse baby walker. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Quart jars, $10 per dozen. Call 270-524-3326
FS - Male English bulldog, housebroken, $500. Call 270-473-0128
FS - 2 sets of king size mattresses and box springs. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Running boards for a Ford pickup truck, barbed wire, 2 ceiling fans, a set of glass sliding shower doors. Call 270-537-3341
Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
FS - 3 new propane heaters in box. $50 each. Call 270-774-1485
FS - New Disney Minnie Mouse walker $10, heating pad, $15, 3 pair of men's shoes, sizes 9 1/2 and 11, $10 per pair. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Husky 30" cut riding mower $350, self propelled push mower, $80, and another push mower $65, LF - Yamaha golf cart, running or not and a house or mobile home with 2 to 3 bedrooms in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Cedar oval picnic table, $200, seats 8. Call 270-734-2747
Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
FS - Puppies, the dad is a papered Yorkshire Terrier, asking $500 per puppy. Call 801-660-0144
Monday, October 14th, 2024
FS - 46" Samsung wall mounted flat screen tv, $60, 56" stand-up mirror like new, $30, like new men's work boots, size 11 1/2 wide, $30. For more information, call Randy at 270-524-9276
FS - Husky riding mower, $250, self propelled push mower, $75, regular push mower, $65, LF -old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Small house radio with am/fm. Call 270-524-7709
LF - 2 electric heaters and house cleaning jobs in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-404-4370
Friday, October 11th, 2024
FS - Nine week old puppies with their shots, ready to go. Dad is a papered Yorkie mom is a Shitzu Yorkie mix. Three females and one male. Puppies look just like Yorkies with cute floppy ears and a white spot on their chest. Asking 500.00 firm. Call 801-660-0144, can send pictures.
Thursday, October 10th, 2024
Yard Sale - Multiple families at Hwy 1297 west of Glasgow in the Beckton Community, Friday
& Saturday, October 11th & 12th.
Yard Sale - Saturday at 8 am at 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, at the Whickerville Baptist Church near Monroe community. There will be clothes for $2 a bag and lots of other items. There will also be a Fish Fry at the church Saturday at 11 am which includes: fish, fries, slaw, hush puppies and drink. For more information, call 270-528-2407
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
FS - 20 insulated fiberglass panels, @ $2.50 each, and smaller pieces. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2004 Dodge Ram, has Hemi motor, 3/4 ton, 4x4, runs great. Asking $2900. Call 270-670-3570
LF - Dryer, water heater. Call Steve at 270-218-9637
FS - 4 boxes of white D4 vinyl siding or will do some trading. Call 270-786-4477
FS - Set of Toyota Tacoma 16" wheels, $200 for the set, also roll of woven wire, $200, 17 sheep, $250 each. Call 270-932-1150
FS - China cabinet, $80. Call 317-710-8837
FS - 2 tool boxes, $150 for both, one is Craftsman, the other is Popular Mechanics. Wheel horse disc to pull behind a small tractor. $150. Call 317-710-8837
Tuesday, October 8th, 2024
LF - Older golf cart, doesn't have to be running, also old mowers. FS - self-propelled push mower, $100 & a push mower, like new, $75. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 4x8 trailer with sideboards, $350, 2 toolboxes. Call 317-710-8837
Monday, October 7th, 2024
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday on Hwy 1297, west of Glasgow in the Beckton community. Many families will be participating in the yard sale.
Friday, October 4th, 2024
FS - New pair of size 11 mens shoes $10, Minnie Mouse baby walker, $10, and gospel cd's, $4 each. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Set of nylon safety harnesses, $15 each. Call 270-528-5208
LF - 2 people to bag ear corn in Priceville, $10 hour. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Self-propelled push mower, $100, push mower, like$75 like new. LF -old riding mowers, bathroom vanity and sink, at least 4' wide. Call 270-670-1359
Whickerville Baptist Church will be taking a tractor trailer load of items to those affected by recent flooding. If you have anything you would like to donate, please drop off items anytime in the church foyer, located at 90 Whickerville Road, near Monroe.
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday and Saturday, maybe Sunday - 8920 Happy Valley Road under the American flag tent. Kitchenware, vintage lawn furniture, vintage clothing, records, albums, glassware. Call 270-590-3452
LF - Electric dryer. Call 270-218-9637
Yard Sale & Fish Fry - at Whickerville Baptist Church in Hardyville Saturday, October 12th, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Clothes are $2 a bag and bags will be furnished. In case of rain, the yard sale will be around back in the pavilion.
FS - Self propelled push mower, $100, and a like new mower, LF - old mowers, bathroom vanity and sink 4' to 5' long. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Set of Toyota Tacoma 16" wheels $200 for the set, roll of woven wire, $$200, 17 sheep, $250 each. Call 270-932-1150
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024
FS - Rolled hay, $35 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Cedar oval picnic table, seats 8, $200. Call 270-734-2747
LF - 1999 to 2001 Dodge Ram 2500 for parts. Call 270-646-0878
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
FS - New Holland disc mower, 4 basket tedder, 256 New Holland dolly bar rake, Anarosa Y rake, and a New Holland square baler. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Self propelled mower, $75, LF - bathroom vanity, 4 to 5' with sink. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Old quilt, hand stitched, $50 obo. Call 270-590-7877
Monday, September 30th, 2024
FS - White farmhouse cabinet with black accents and buffalo plaid fabric, Victorian marble top table and vintage metal cabinet, in Munfordville. Call 270-565-1663
GA - 24 bulb Sunquest tanning bed. Call 270-537-4439
FS - 2 Cub Cadet zero-turn mowers for junk in Horse Cave. Call 270-473-4036
Friday, September 27th, 2024
FS - Twin beds with rails, $200, girl's 5-piece white bedroom suit, $300 obo. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Step rail to fit a Ford F-150 full size pickup. Call 270-218-9570
LF - Medium size male dog for a traveling companion, that's not owner-aggressive. Call 270-646-0878
Thursday, September 26th, 2024
LF - 16 ft gate in good condition. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - 4x8 trailer with side rails and has decent tires, $350. 2 roll-around toolboxes, 1 is a Craftsman and the other a Pro Mechanics toolbox, $175 for both. In Park City, call 317-710-8837
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
FS - 12-month-old male long hair apple head Chihuahua. Call 629-292-3315
LF - Portable wood plane. Call 270-218-3127
Monday, September 23rd, 2024
LF - Vanity and sink for bathroom can use up to 5ft, FS - brush guard for Ford pickup and Husqvarna 48" cut riding mower, $400 or will do some trading. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 oak bar stools, 2 twin beds, 4 piece girls white bedroom suite. Call 270-531-6947
Friday, September 20th, 2024
Benefit Yard Sale now thru Sunday for Nancy Parnell 2840 Sulphur Well - Knob Lick Road. Antiques dishes, kids toys, Holiday decor, etc. Call 270-218-8098
2 family yard sale at 1287 E Main Street, Horse Cave, bed clothes, dishes, clothing, piercing items. Call 270-528-1800
LF - Bathroom vanity sink 4 to 5 ft long, FS - Husqvarna riding mower, 48" cut, $400, brush guard chrome bumper that fits a Ford full size pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Register Pug puppies, $600 each. Call 270-773-2768
FS - Old railroad stock certificates, 1 from 1944 & 2 from the 60's, $10 each or $25 for all. Call 270-791-8916
Yard Sale - 323 Walthal Street, Horse Cave, new Amazon jewelry, household items, name brand clothes, Christmas decor, etc. Signs posted. Call 270-537-1162
Thursday, September 19th, 2024
FS - Husqvarna 48" cut hydrostatic riding mower, $500 obo, brush guard bumper for Ford pickup $60, LF - Old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 10x13 maroon awning, new in package, $200. Call 270-473-1446
Yard Sale - Thursday thru Saturday, at 212 White St, Cave City. Items include: notebooks, cookware, baby clothes, odds and ends.
LF - 1 or 2 row corn picker. Call 270-524-3460
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024
FS - 200 insulated fiberglass panels, $2.50 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Monday, September 16th, 2024
FS - 5 shop lights, 4 ft long , have 3 bulbs, with glass protectors, $20 each. Lawnmower parts. Call 270-218-9885
FS - 48" cut husky riding mower, $500 or possible trade, and a chrome brush guard for Ford pickup, $75 obo. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Carpenter to work on floors in Metcalfe County, LF - Cheap pushmower and have a small self-propelled lawnmower that isn't running but will trade in toward a pushmower. Call 270-404-4370 or 270-308-1475
FS - TV stand, 35" Emerson LED tv, $150 for both, brand new queen size air mattress, $80. Call 270-773-7937
Friday, September 13th, 2024
FS - 1963 Ford Tractor 801 diesel, runs good, $2900 and a 2003 Chevy S-10, blue in color, $3500. Call 270-670-3570
LF - Water heater and dryer. Call or text 270-218-9637
FS - Large and small rolls of hay. Call 270-524-9702 or 270-528-1691
LF - Back left mud flap for Grizzly 600 4-wheeler. Call 270-786-4399
Thursday, September 12th, 2024
FS - Deer corn, 50lb bags, $6 each, in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Chest type freezer, works fine, in Munfordville. Text only at 270-404-1754
Wednesday, September 11th, 2024
LF - Washer. Call 270-524-7817
FS - 10.2 cubit ft chest type freezer, $150 in Munfordville. Text 270-404-1754
LF - Old riding mower, side shaft motor, twin cylinder, for a Woods zero-turn mower. FS - Front tine garden tiller. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, September 9th, 2024
LF - Washer. Call 270-524-7817
Friday, September 6th, 2024
Yard sale today and Saturday 8 to 5 at 507 N Jackson Hwy, Hardyville; clothes, decor, light fixtures, misc. items.
Yard Sale - 313 N. 9th St., Cave City Fri, Sat & Sun, $1 items, signs posted. LF - Swing set, old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 418 Owen St, Cave City, today & Saturday. Christmas tins and kids toys, odds and ends, throws, rugs, pillows. Call 270-590-6031
FS - 100 steel posts $3 each, corner post $10, black $7 Union Light Road. Call 270-286-4036
FS - 4 piece white wood bedroom suit, best offer, 2 maple twin beds, all kinds of western books. Call 270-531-6947
Thursday, September 5th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels. Size: 6 foot 4 inches by 4 foot 10 inches...$2.50 each this week...Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2.50 each this week, small trailer, needs hubs and bearings, 3 wheels and tires with it, $50. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 45" flatscreen tv. Call 270-473-3475
FS - Electric chainsaw, $50. 270-218-5045
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024
FS - 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix, stripped, $400 good for derby or possible trade. LF - Swing set in good condition, old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 4 boxes of white vinyl siding, new. Call 270-786-4477
FS - Leather couch with built-in recliners and loveseat that reclines, pull out cabinet, looks like a table. Call 270-646-6475
FS - 2-month-old puppy to re-home, Corgi Poo and Schnauzer mixed. Call 270-401-8760
FS - 8-week-old Foxy Doxies, have had shots and wormed. Call 270-325-3051
Friday, August 30th, 2024
FS - White metal vintage cabinet, child's table & 2 chairs, unique cedar chest. Call 270-565-1663
FS - Kodak AZ 421 digital camera, $175. Call 270-307-3914
LF - Washer. Call 270-524-7817
LF - Swing set and old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, August 29th, 2024
FS - 2008 Buick Lucerne, needs transmission. Call 270-380-3024
FS - 1997 Mercedez Benz 420 sedan, 190k miles, v-8, runs and drives good, gold color, leather seats, sunroof. 2016 Ford Fusion, rebuilt, black with gray interior 170k miles. Call 270-576-4455 in Knob Lick area.
LF - Good burn barrel. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2 & $3 each, also a bundle of smaller ones, over 120 pieces for $50, would trade for a good push mower. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 4 used truck tires, size P275/55/R20, $75, brand new Dewalt hammer drill, 2 (18volt) batteries with charger and case, $100. Call 270-537-3325
Monday, August 26th, 2024
LF - Good swing set, old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Matchbox cars for mission trip. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, August 23rd, 2024
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday (8- 23 & 24) at 306 Green Street, Horse Cave, at 8 a.m. each morning. Items include: couch, desk, large wooden desk, entertainment center, corner shelf, 32" tv, coat rack, sheets, blankets, comforters, air fryer, clothes, dishes, whatnots, home decor, etc. Everything must go!
FS - Dishpan and iron griddle skillet. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 7 ft dump trailer, $500. Call 270-773-4366
Thursday, August 22nd, 2024
FS -2000 Dodge Neon, cold air and heat, 4 new tires, automatic, $650 with trade. LF - Swing set at reasonable price, old riding mowers 670-1359
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday (8-22, 23 & 24) at 306 Green Street, Horse Cave, at 8 a.m. each morning. Items include: couch, desk, large wooden desk, entertainment center, 32" tv, coat rack, microwave, air fryer, clothes, dishes, whatnots, home decor, etc. Everything must go!
GA - Blue Heeler pups. Call 270-473-1731
FS - 2 Poulan chainsaws and parts, $100, insulated fiberglass panels $2 & $3 each. Call 270-405-1260 in Summersville.
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2.50 each today in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Flatscreen tv, dvd player. Call 270-473-3475
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday (8-22, 23 & 24) at 306 Green Street, Horse Cave, at 8 a.m. each morning. Items include: couch, desk, large wooden desk, entertainment center, 32" tv, coat rack, microwave, air fryer, clothes, dishes, whatnots, home decor, etc. Everything must go!GA - Blue Heeler pups. Call 270-473-1731
FS - Electric chainsaw, $50. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 2004 red Chevy Blazer, $3500. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, August 20th, 2024
FS - 2 Poulan chainsaws and parts, $100, insulated fiberglass panels $2 & $3 each. Call 270-405-1260 in Summersville.
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday (8-22, 23 & 24) at 306 Green Street, Horse Cave, at 8 a.m. each morning. Items include: couch, desk, large wooden desk, entertainment center, 32" tv, coat rack, microwave, air fryer, clothes, dishes, whatnots, home decor, etc. Everything must go!
Monday, August 19th, 2024
LF - RV or conversion van, or pull behind camper, between $3,000 to $5,000, LF - old riding mowers, running or not. FS - 2000 Dodge Neon, automatic, 4 new tires on it, $850 or possible trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Ladies large black jacket, ladies black boots, size 6 1/2 and ladies black purse, $15 for all, 2 beige lawn chairs, $10 each and a microwave $10. Call 502-341-4335
Yard Sale - On Green St, Horse Cave, Friday and Saturday. Clothes, furniture, shoes, odds and ends.
Friday, August 16th, 2024
LF - Drivable RV or conversion van $3,000 to $4,000. FS - 2000 Dodge Neon with new tires, automatic, cold air. LF - Old riding mowers, GA - kittens. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, August 15th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2.50 each today in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 4 - 920 truck tires and rims $200, deer corn by the wagon load, can deliver. Call 270-528-1958
Wednesday, August 14th, 2024
FS - 12 ft long sliding board, came from a school. $350. 100 sheets corrugated metal, $3 each. Call 270-670-3570
GA - Blue Heeler pups. Call 270-473-1731
FS- Electric chainsaw, $45. Call 270-218-5045
GA - Kittens, FS - Coffee table. Call 270-218-3225
Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
LF - Old riding mowers, old Murrays, Craftsmans, FS - 2000 Dodge Neon, 4cyl, 4 door, $1200, has new tires. May do possible trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Large selection of matchbox cars, infant clothing in really good condition for an outreach ministry. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 10-12 black laying hens, $20 each. Call 270-823-4301
Monday, August 12th, 2024
LF- Black angus bull ready for service. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Electric stove, clean and works good, almond color, cord included that fits a 4 prong outlet, $250. Call 270-537-4122
FS - 250 farm tractor, 430 hours, asking $3500. Call 270-528-4117
LF - Large selection of matchbox cars, infant clothing in really good condition for an outreach ministry. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, August 9th, 2024
LF - 2 tires, size 175/70/14 and a reasonably priced RV that is drivable. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Insulated white fiberglass panels, $2 and $3 each. Size 6'4" and 4'10". Call 270-405-1260
Yard Sale - 3797 Charlie Moran Hwy, Fri & Saturday, quilts, girls clothes, big men's clothes, all kind of ladies, home decor. Call 270-786-2592
LF - Part time dance teacher, pay is based on commission with contract, starting 1st week in September. Call 270-883-1838
Thursday, August 8th, 2024
FS - 42" cut Cub Cadet mower, $450, full size aluminum toolbox, $60. Call 317-710-8837
FS - Decorative cedar chest, farmhouse white bench, Victorian marble top table. Call 270-565-1663
FS - Samsung Washer, 5 years-old, top load and works well. $200. 2014 Honda Accord, 165,000 miles on it, runs good, $5500. Call 270-528-6108
FS - Name brand blue jeans, size 30x30, 33x30, 34x30, 34x32 & 38x32. $8 each. Call 270-528-2407
GA - 6 fluorescent shop lights, uses 3 ft bulbs. Call 270-786-3705
Monday, August 5th, 2024
FS - Plus size clothing for women and music boxes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Aluminum tool box for full size pickup $60, 46" cub cadet riding mower, new battery $450. Call 317-710-8837
Friday, August 2nd, 2024
GA - Full size organ. Call 270-528-2407
Estate yard sale (Sexton's) - Today and Saturday at 7:00 a.m. at 115 Kountry Kitchen Road, Hardyville, near Memorial School.
FS - New 10x13 maroon retractable awning, $200. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Gold Comet laying hens, 4 Rhode Island Reds, white Leggern rooster and hen, $8 each or if you take multiples $7 each. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 50" flatscreen tv, $100, tv stand, $100, GA - Full size mattress in good condition, clean. Call 270-473-3475
Tuesday, July 30th, 2024
FS - Large rooster, boar hog and hair lambs. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 3 pt pickup disc, $200. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 10-12 black laying hens, $20 each. Call 270-823-4301
Monday, July 29th, 2024
FS - 7 oak and iron stall doors, 42x78, will sell all $525. E-mail
LF - Set of 14" tires for Dodge Neon, tires and wheels. Old riding Murray & Craftsman lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, July 26th, 2024
FS - 10x13' maroon awning, $200. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Electric chainsaw, $50. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Flat screen tv, $100. Call 270-473-3475
FS - Fiberglass panels, size 6'4" x 4'10". $3 & $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2001 Pontiac Montana van, $2500, 4ft utility trailer (dump). $600, and 2 Road Master bikes, older bicycles and old license plates. Call 270-576-2164
Wednesday, July 24th, 2024
FS - 5 Polypay wool Lambs in the 60 - 70 pound
range, asking $150 ea. 1 Polypay wool 2yr old Ewe, asking $200; 2 Saanen wethers,
4 months old. Asking $90 each. Char-Broil MASTERFLAME 7000 Grill Missing bottom
rack and needs cleaning, comes with partly full 17# propane tank, and 10# bag
Charcoal,. Asking $70. 2010 Husqvarna LGTH2454 Lawn Mower 54" triple blade mower
deck. Will need a new battery and air filter, has a mouse nest in motor
that needs removing. Stared and ran as of March 2024. Asking $900. Call
FS - Boar hop,
around 600 lbs, asking $150 obo. Call 502-263-8359
LF - Maintenance man. Call 270-576-8522
FS - Craftsman tractor with no mowing deck, has 23hp Kohler engine, and has snow blade and bucket, $300. Call 317-710-8837 in Park City
FS - Craftsman 42" cut riding mower, $600, Ford 801 Power Master diesel tractor, $2900. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024
FS - Six guineas, male and female. They are laying eggs, $100 cash. Email
Monday, July 22nd, 2024
LF - Private duty sitting, have years of experience taking care of the elderly and disabled. Call 270-786-3057
FS - 40cc Wildthing chainsaw with 18" bar, like new, $100, 1993 Chevy pickup, 2wd single cab, v-8, automatic, $1,000 or cash and trade, 2000 Dodge Neon, 4 door, it does smoke some, $800, LF - Craftsman and Murray riding mowers for the frames. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Antique wooden clothes wardrobe, GA - 3x, 4x & 5x men's clothes. Call 270-590-3209
Friday, July 19th, 2024
FS - 18 lambs. Call 270-932-1150
Yard Sale Today at 313 N. 9th St, Cave City: lots of new items, chainsaws, AA & AAA batteries, sheet sets, clothes, make up, FS - 1993 Chevy pickup, automatic, v-8, $1200 or will trade for small truck or car. LF - Old riding mowers for frames & 4 - 14" tires to fit a Dodge Neon or will take wheels and tires. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3pt hitch disc $200, riding mowers. Call 270-735-6698
Thursday, July 18th, 2024
FS - Fresh thornless blackberries, $20 a gallon, only picked when ordered. Call 270-590-6243
FS - 406-8920
FS - 1993 Chevy, long-wheel-base, 2wd, regular cab, asking $1500 cash or will trade for small car or pickup, LF - 14" tires for a Dodge Neon car. LF - minivan or small pickup truck for demolition derby, old lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Electric wheelchair, shower chair, electric cook stove. Call 270-773-3368
FS - 2003 GMC SLS Sonoma pickup, automatic, 6 cyl, black color and has 90,500 actual miles. Call 270-678-6412
FS - Ford 801 power master diesel tractor, $2900. Craftsman 42" cut riding mower, $600. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, July 17th, 2024
FS - 3 air conditioners; Frigidaire 6,000btu, $200; GE 10,000btu, $225; and an 18,000btu, $250. Old corrugated barn metal, 8' to 16' long, $4 per sheet. Call 270-670-3570
LF - House to rent, 3 bedrooms, out in the country, pet friendly with high speed internet. Call 270-459-3560 or 270-590-3209
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2 & $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
Tuesday, July 16th, 2024
GA - Canning jars, large and small. FS - Beer pulls. Call 270-773-5306
Monday, July 15th, 2024
FS - 2002 Dodge 1500 4dr, 2wd pickup, 5.9 motor, runs and drives good, various sizes of real wood vanities-counter tops, antique armchair and antique corner cabinet with glass doors. Call or text 270-361-1231
FS - 3pt hitch disc $200, riding mowers. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Mobility chair, Jazzy Elite HD. $400. with battery charger. Call 270-670-3480
FS - 3 air conditioners, all work good, 6,000 10,000 & 18,000btu. 150 Sheets of corrugated metal, $4 each. GA - Red leather sectional couch. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 4' chain link 12 x10 dog kennel, front tine garden tiller, in good condition and has reverse. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, July 12th, 2024
Yard Sale - Saturday at Hartland Storage in Munfordville, across from IGA, at 7 a.m., furniture, dishes, etc.
FS - Propane gas vent-free space wall heater, 20,000btu, still in box, $200. Call or text 270-681-8061
FS - 2 pair of men's jeans, size 32x30, baby stroller $5, men's Reebok tennis shoes, size 9, 65 egg cartons, 15c each. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 2 - 50 gallon whiskey barrels, $100 each. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 3 pt hitch disc, riding lawnmowers. Call 270-735-6698
Thursday, July 11th, 2024
Yard Sale - Today 307 N 3rd St Cave City, baby clothes, small to 4x clothes for men and women, shoes, baby stroller, playpen, walker, etc.
GA - New canning jars, quarts and some pints. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Older truck or minivan, 4 tires (14") for Dodge Neon FS - 14,000btu air conditioner, uses 220 plug, $180 cash, Call 270-670-1359
FS - 40 half-grown chickens, $4. Call 270-218-1961
LF - Portable wood plane. Call 270-218-3127
Wednesday, July 10th, 2024
FS - 2002 Dodge 1500 4dr 2wd v-8, 5.9 motor, $3,000. Call 270-361-1231
FS - 3 pt pickup disc, $200. Call 270-735-6698
Tuesday, July 9th, 2024
FS - Decorative cedar chest, one-of-a-kind. Call 270-565-1663
FS - 2002 Dodge 4-door, 2wd truck with 5.9 motor, runs and drives, $3000 obo. Call 270-361-1231
FS - 16 laying hens, $12. Call 270-932-1150
FS - 10x13 maroon awning, new in box, $200. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 4 dwarf rabbits, $15 each. Call 270-537-5724 or 270-537-5725
FS - 100 insulated panels, $3 each, in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - 2008 Chrysler Town & Country body. Call 270-531-2061
FS - Self-propelled push mower Husqvarna, $175. Call 270-528-1272
FS - 40 half-grown chickens, $4. Call 270-218-1961
Monday, July 8th, 2024
LF - Someone to cut down trees and move them. Call 270-218-2554
LF - 2 scooters taken from Farmwald's Bakery in Horse Cave. Call 270-590-3209 can arrange pickup, no questions asked.
LF - Windows size 28x43, front door - 36x80. These items are needed after a house fire, any kind of help is appreciated. The electric needs to be repaired and will cost $2500. Money can be given directly to Murphy's Electric. Call 270-774-1794
LF - Set of 14" tires for Dodge Neon, tires and wheels. Old riding lawnmowers, complete. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, July 5th, 2024
Yard Sale - Saturday at 8 at 80 Richardson Road, Munfordville behind the new Dollar Store, 4 families, sewing machines, fabric, clothes. Call 270-473-1045
FS - 4 piece dog kennel, 12x10- 6 ft tall. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Water heater for a mobile home, washer and dryer. Call 270-218-3411
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024
LF - Security storm door and an entry door, size 36x80. Please send pics to 270-723-4077
LF - Used catfish pole and reel. Call 270-218-1593
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
FS - 6 pullets, laying hens, $12 each, 9-months-old. Call 270-597-7336
FS - 2 new tires to fit a lawnmower or golf cart, $150 for both, size 24x12x12. Call 270-816-0658
GA - 3 Border Collie mixed pups. Call 270-535-9797
Monday, July 1st, 2024
FS - (2) 24" Schwinn bikes, $125 each. LF - Old minivan that runs and drives, G1 or G2 Yamaha golf cart complete. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Fiberglass panels, $2.50 each. Call 270-405-1260
Friday, June 28th, 2024
FS - 2018 Suzuki CSX motorcycle, $2000 or trade for a motor for a 2012 Chevy Traverse or a side by side. Call 270-405-3060
FS - 2 tires for a mower or golfcart, new, 24x12x12, $150. Call 270-816-0658
FS - Dirt Devil steamer mop, ladies sandals, size 11, men's jeans, baby stroller. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 9 hens, some starting to lay, 12x10 dog kennel. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 1993 Chevy S-10 pickup, new paint in good condition, $5500 obo. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, lots of uses, $3 and $4 each, will do better if take all. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Riding mower with grader blade on front, comes with bucket, tractor tires, with 22h Kohler engine, $400. Call 317-710-8837
FS - 6 laying hens, $12 each. Call 270-932-1150
LF - Used catfish pole. Call 270-218-1593
FS - 1973 Int'l 140 tractor, has cultivators. Call 270-537-5642
FS - 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail, 16,000 miles, runs great, classic color. Call Pat at 610-488-1782 in the morning.
Tuesday, June 25th, 2024
FS - 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail, 16,000 miles, runs great, classic color. Call Pat at 610-488-1782 in the morning.
LF - Lawnmower, prefer a zero-turn. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Blue Heeler pups (3 males and 4 females), $100 each, mom and dad are on sight. Call 270-218-3535 or 270-537-1508
FS - Samsung washer, $75. Call 270-505-5256
FS- Insulated fiberglass panels - 6' 4" x 4' 10", provides moisture barrier, $3 to $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Large tan color sectional, $300. Call 270-670-3570
Monday, June 24th, 2024
FS - 40 chickens, most are half grown $3 and $4. Call 270-218-1691
FS - Upright deepfreeze, $350. Call 270-537-4686
LF - Honda utility 4-wheeler or other brands. Call 270-537-5324
FS - 16" 8 lug wheel, came off utility trailer, $8. 9 silver lace wine dot pullets, 1 dominicker, $9 each if you buy all or $10 each . Call 270-528-5208
LF - Old square bodied lawnmower frames, do not have to have motors. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, June 21st, 2024
LF - Lawnmower, prefer a zero-turn. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Blue Heeler pups (3 males and 4 females), $100 each, mom and dad are on sight. Call 270-218-3535 or 270-537-1508
FS - Samsung washer, $75. Call 270-505-5256
Yard Sale - C T Hogan Lane just outside Hardyville in brick home. Heavy duty trailer, refrigerator, deer stand, mens clothes, housewares, CASE knives, books Friday & Saturday.
Thursday, June 20th, 2024
LF - Someone to bush hog a yard near Hardyville. GA - kittens. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Dog kennel, 12'x15', it is 6' tall, has front and back gate. Asking $100. Call 270-218-1691
FS - 65' bass boat, new motor, $2500. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 7 old limestone round grinding stones. Call 270-531-2862
Wednesday, June 19th, 2024
FS- Insulated fiberglass panels - 6' 4" x 4' 10", provides moisture barrier, $3 to $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Large tan color sectional, $300. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, June 18th, 2024
FS - Electric wheelchair with charger and batteries, music boxes. Call 270-773-3368
LF - Good riding lawnmower. Call 270-473-4035
Monday, June 17th, 2024
LF - Wild orange day lillies. Call Janie in Munfordville at 847-867-6833
FS - Craftsman riding lawnmower, $50, side by side steel refrigerators, both work, $50 & $150. Chest freezer, works, $40, red bricks, 25c each. All prices are negotiable. Call 270-535-9797
LF - Someone to do odd jobs in Horse Cave area. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 16 Ewe lambs. In Greensburg, Call 270-932-1150
FS - 10'x13' retractable canopy, maroon color, new, $225. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Queen size oak bed in Horse Cave. Call 270-473-0818
FS - Sausage grinder, hand cranked, new in box, $20, LF- carrier racks to slide in back. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Power lift tan recliner, used one month, $500. Call 270-524-7053
FS - Car dolly with new paint and good tires, 2 stand up air conditioners. (14,000 and 10,000btu). Call 270-943-9139
GA - Blue Heeler and Shepherd mixed pups. Call 270-473-1731
Friday, June 7th, 2024
Multi-family yard sale this weekend at 323 Wathall Street in Horse Cave. Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
68/80 400 Mile Yard Sale underway through this weekend!
Yard Sale - 5806 South Dixie Hwy between Horse Cave & Rowletts.
FS - 16 ft aluminum extension ladder. Call 270-528-6488
Moving Sale - Friday & Saturday at 1900 Hammonsville Road, just outside of Munfordville, solid oak 3-section bookcase with wooden desk, solid oak 10' buffet, clothing, flowerpots, candles, small hand tools, home decor, etc. Call 270-537-5312
FS - New shower chair, new Redwing shoes, size 6 1/2, egg cartons 15c each. Call 502-341-4335
Thursday, June 6th, 2024
Multi-family yard sale this weekend at 323 Wathall Street in Horse Cave. Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
68/80 400 Mile Yard Sale underway through this weekend!
FS - 4 kitchen chairs, baby stroller and mattress. Call 502-341-4335
Yard Sale - 5806 South Dixie Hwy between Horse Cave & Rowletts.
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2.50 each. Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
Multi-family yard sale this weekend at 323 Wathall Street in Horse Cave. Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
FS - 7 laying hens, full stock, different breeds, $10 each. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Winnie the Pooh table set for kid's room. Call 270-404-4695
Tuesday, June 4th, 2024
FS - 2 men's Dr. Scholl's shoes, size 9 1/2, $10, adult walker with wheels, $15, egg cartons, men's jeans, size 32x30, 36x30 & 40x32. Call 270-341-4335
Monday, June 3rd, 2024
FS - 12' & 8' Cattle gates, t-posts, wood posts. Call 270-286-4036
FS- 2004 Dodge 1500 pickup or will part out. Call 270-576-5414
Friday, May 31st, 2024
FS - Laying hens, 3 to 4 trolling motors. Call 270-528-5208
Yard Sale - now through the weekend, 313 N 9th St, Cave City, signs posted boxes on ground, fill bag $5, everything on table $1, 14000 btu air conditioner, $300 GA - pallets, LF - RV for reasonable price. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday, at 110 Monroe Street, Glasgow from 10 to 5.
FS - Ducks, guineas, chicks (small and large), also Yard Sale Thursday and Friday at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy, Bonnieville. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail, 16,000 miles, runs great and valued at $7999. Make an offer. Call 610-488-1782 ask for Pat.
Thursday, May 30th, 2024
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday, at 110 Monroe Street, Glasgow from 10 to 5.
FS - Ducks, guineas, chicks (small and large), also Yard Sale Thursday and Friday at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy, Bonnieville. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail, 16,000 miles, runs great and valued at $7999. Make an offer. Call 610-488-1782 ask for Pat.
FS - Aluminum extension ladder, $75. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Recliner. Call 270-473-0818
Yard Sale - now through the weekend, 313 N 9th St, Cave City, signs posted boxes on ground, fill bag $5, everything on table $1, 14000 btu air conditioner, $300 GA - pallets, LF - RV for reasonable price. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, May 29th, 2024
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 2564 L&N Turnpike - 5 families. Signs will be posted. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Older Troybilt riding mower, 42" cut, engine runs great but needs work. In Cave City, call 270-612-0926
FS - Old roosters, $5 each in Magnolia. Call 270-696-4041
FS - 3 pair men's steel toe boots, Justin Red Wing caterpillar, good condition. New set of steel Jeep wheels, kids bikes with training wheels, men's 12 speed bike, vintage men's Schwinn adult performance bike, new roof vents, utility sink, box of nails for a nail gun. Call 270-524-9592
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
FS - Half silver dollars, 40% Kennedy half dollars, $5 each, 90% silver, $12 each 270-816-0658
FS - New pair of men's size 11 tennis shoes, $5, 4 pair of men's jeans, sizes: 36x30 32x30 and 40x30, 3 new pair of women's Dr Scholl shoes , size 7, $6 each. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Grab A Hook Restaurant is looking for a cook. Call 270-932-5581
FS - Heavy green L-shaped desk with shelving and cabinet, has gold colored top, $100, must pick up. Call 270-528-4033
FS - (2) 14,000 btu air conditioners $300 each, new. 15 to 16 pallets, LF - RV at reasonable price. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Oak entertainment center, holds a 42" tv, $100. Call 270-537-1202
FS - Less than 6-month-old roosters, $5, in Magnolia area. Call 270- 696-4041
Friday, May 24th, 2024
FS - Half silver dollars, 40% Kennedy half dollars, $5 each, 90% silver, $12 each 270-816-0658
Yard Sale - across from Dr. Green's Office in Munfordville, 3 to 4 families. For more information, call 270-774-1563
FS - Window air conditioner, 14,000 btu, $275, new. Better Built Barn, 12 x 16, $1600 or trade, and GA - pallets. Call 270-670-1359
FS - New pair of mens size 11 tennis shoes, $5, 4 pair of men's jeans, sizes: 36x30 32x30 and 40x30, 3 new pair of women's Dr Scholl shoes , size 7, $6 each. Call 502-341-4335
Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
Yard Sale - Friday, May 24th, & Saturday, May 25th, at 6015 LeGrande Hwy, Hardyville. Signs will be posted. There will be men's summer and winter clothes, sizes XL-2X. Women's plus size summer and winter clothing, sizes XL-3X, toddler girls clothing, sizes 12 months-2T, youth boys clothing, sizes medium to XL. Lots of household items and lots more.
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
GA - Lumber and metal off an old house as well as lumber and metal from a couple of old building, must take down. Located next to Hudgins area in Hart County. Call 270-696-0568
FS - Fiberglass panels, $2.50 each (today only) in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Tuesday, May 21st, 2024
MUCH MUCH MORE! CALL 270-524-9592
LF - Reasonably priced garden tiller. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1975 Older dump truck, good condition, $6500. Sandblaster, $2500. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 16 ft aluminum extension ladder. $75. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Dino dune buggy for ages 3 to 6 years old, 12 volt, $150, Better Built barn 12x16, has lights, $1600. must be moved. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Lawnmower starters and parts. Call 270-218-9886
GA - Blue Heeler & Pitbull mixed pups. Call 270-218-3200
FS - 3 pt hitch disk, 5 or 6 ft, 2 push mowers, self-propelled. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Wedding dress, size 16, $150. 3 boxes of boys good nite briefs, boy's husky, size 14-16 shirts and pants. Call 270-528-6300
FS - Husqvarna self-propelled push mower, $175. Call 270-528-1272
Monday, May 13th, 2024
Moving Sale at 1517 Main St. Munfordville. Men's steel toe boots, girls bike with training wheels, men's 21 speed bike, cow mailbox, woman's shoes, 90's Jeep Cherokee body parts, round chrome commercial clothing rack. Call 270-524-9592
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $3 and $4 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - All in one desktop Apple computer, comes with touchscreen keypad and a separate keypad, a mouse, $150. Call 270-528-1733
FS - 3 zero turn mowers, $650 each cash, upright 30 gallon air compressor, $175, LF - Automatic pickup 2 to 3,000 range. Call 270-457-4236
GA - (12) 5 gallon buckets. Call 270-590-9215
FS - 12" western kids saddle. Call 270-932-1150
FS - 2 new 5000 btu GE air conditioners, $125 each, 12x16 better built barn, double doors in front, or will trade for truck or trailer, $1800 cash and must be moved. GA - 12 to 15 pallets. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, May 8th, 2024
CALL 270-524-9592
Yard Sale at 84 John Logsdon Road, Munfordville, Friday & Saturday, signs posted, Home Interior pics, clothes, blankets, kitchen accessories, etc.
Tuesday, May 7th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels $3 and $4 each in Summersville, would trade for a good mower. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Aluminum 16 ft extension ladder, $75. 270-528-6488
GA - Organ. Call 270-528-2407
Monday, May 6th, 2024
FS - 16 ft aluminum step ladder $75. Call 270-528-6488
LF - 200 to 300 acres in Hart County, contact Dale Vince. Call 270-256-8548
Friday, May 3rd, 2024
LF - Someone to cut 20 acres of hay, on a 3/4 - 1/4 business deal at 3324 South Dixie Hwy at Rowletts. Call 701-740-0245
GA - 28 cu. ft Frigidaire refrigerator with ice maker, condenser kicks in and out. It will need to be moved from a home. Call 270-524-7709
Moving Sale - at 1517 MAIN ST MUNFORDVILLE
CALL 270-524-9592
LF - Radiator for an automatic 1993 Dodge Dakota. Call 270-506-8791
FS - 7 blue green pole insulators, 1 clear, $4 each or $25 for all. Call 270-528-3516
Yard Sale - signs posted, 1287 East Main Street in Horse Cave. Today and Saturday.
Thursday, May 2nd, 2024
Yard Sale - today at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy, Bonnieville. Antique table and chairs, child recliner, speakers, fishing poles and push lawnmower. Chickens and everything. Call 270-531-6947
Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
FS - 8 black heifers, average 1100 lbs each, 6 to 7 months bred to registered Angus bull. Call 270-670-5465
GA - Leer red high top camper topper shell for a 1999 Ford F150 and up. Call 270-524-5131
Garage sale - Today and Thursday at Mt Beulah United Methodist Church, 3 miles west of Munfordville on Hwy 88 in the church parking lot, tools, work bench, extension cords, chainsaw, curtains and clothes. Call 815-821-1430
FS - 16 ft extension ladder, $75. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2005 Chevy Cobalt, 4dr, automatic, trade for minivan. 2 - 5000 btu window air conditioners, $125 each or trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Int'l 140 plowing tractor with cultivators. Call 270-537-5642
Tuesday, April 30th, 2024
FS - Window air conditioner, $50, works good. Call 270-218-5045
Monday, April 29th, 2024
FS - Full size My Pillow bed top for regular bed, $50. Call 270-126-2502 or 270-528-7964
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 7:30 a.m. 31-E north of Munfordville, heading toward Bonnieville, lots of stuff, priced to sell.
FS - 16 ft aluminum extension ladder, $75. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 9800 btu air conditioner, 5000 btu air conditioner, $125. LF - garden tiller around $100, GA - Camper shell for swb or extended cab pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 sections of Weather Tech floor mats for Nissan Pathfinder. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, April 26th, 2024
Yard Sale now through Sunday - everything is a $1, LF - cheap garden tiller that works. Location is 313 N 9th St Cave City. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 16 ft aluminum extension ladder, $75. Call 270-528-6488
GA - Blue loveseat, perfect shape. 1st come gets it. Call 270-524-2841
Yard Sale - Whickerville Baptist Church Youth Group yard sale and bake sale will be held Saturday, May 4th, from 8 to 2 at the church. There will be clothes, home decor, toys, etc. and clothes will be $2 a shopping bag. Bags will be furnished. For more information, contact Bro. Brock Stilts at 270-670-4301.
Thursday, April 25th, 2024
FS - John Deere tractor 790, 1468 hours, 3 pt hitch spreader, 2 bottom plows, rake, disc, seeder/spreader, weight box, roller, grader blade and 7' bush hog. Total package is $15,000. Call 270-528-1272
FS - John Deere zeroturn mower, Accel 48 deep, Z365R, 48A, 24.0 hp, 724 cc extended life series, easy change filter, value is $4,027. Selling for $3000, pick up in Rowletts. Used only a few times. Call 270-528-1272
Yard Sale - Whickerville Baptist Church Youth Group yard sale and bake sale will be held Saturday, May 4th, from 8 to 2 at the church. There will be clothes, home decor, toys, etc. and clothes will be $2 a shopping bag. Bags will be furnished. For more information, contact Bro. Brock Stilts at 270-670-4301.
Wednesday, April 24th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels. $1 to $3 each this week. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Weather Tech 6 mats for 2017 Nissan pathfinder, $75. New. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Radiator for 1993 Dodge Dakota. Call 270-506-8791
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024
FS - Baby stroller and mattress. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 16 ft extension ladder, aluminum $75. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Small garden tiller, 4 drawer dresser in good condition, and a riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, April 22nd, 2024
FS - 38 lb thrust Mankota trolling motor, like new. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 22" cut Husqvarna, $200, 2 - 10 ft goat gates, $175 each, bed sofa loveseat dining room table and chairs, and a kennel. $135 Call 270-528-1272
FS - 75 to 100 square bales of hay. Call 270-537-4044
Friday, April 19th, 2024
FS - 7 blue green pole insulators, 1 clear. $4 each or $25 for all. Call 270-528-3516
Thursday, April 18th, 2024
FS - Chickens of all kinds, LF - House to rent in Hart County. Call 270-696-0568
Yard Sale 1586 Boyds Knob Road near Canmer through Saturday, clothes, shoes, kids' games, key chains and necklaces. Call 270-218-3225
Benefit yard sale and bake sale Saturday 7:00 a.m. at Monroe Baptist Church in Hart County. Furniture, cedar curio cabinet (taking bids online), fill a bag of clothes for $3. Cookies and pies homemade. Register for a giveaway, no purchase necessary, check the winner on FB. All proceeds go to the church for repairs. Call 270-528-1183
FS - 60 bales of hay, $4 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
FS - 1974 Chevy dump truck in good condition, $700. Call 670-3570
FS - 790 John Deere tractor with bush hog and attachments, taking bids. Tan sofa, loveseat and chair, oak dining room table with 4 chairs. Call 270-528-1272
Tuesday, April 16th, 2024
FS - Parts for mowers, 3 zero turn mowers, Woods, Torro, etc. zero turn mowers, $550 each. LF - Chevy truck 2wd between $2000 to $3500. Call 270-457-4236
FS - New set of black Weather Tech floor mats for Nissan Pathfinder. Has front, middle and back seats. $85. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 60 square bales of hay, $4 per bale. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Carpenter bee traps, Insulated fiberglass panels 7'9" x 4'6", $3 each, other sizes are available from $1 to $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
Monday, April 15th, 2024
LF - Used gutters for a garage, around 15 ft in fair condition. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Woods zero and Torro and Cub Cadet zero-turn, need batteries or tune up. LF - Chevy pickup for $2000 to $3500. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Used pushmower. Call 270-537-4084
LF - Horse or donkey for a child. Call 270-537-4686
FS - Set of tires, size 265 50 R20's, 75% tread and can send pics, 2 ceiling fans or trade, LF - part time help for concession trailer. Call 270-537-3341
FS - 3 pt - 5 ft hitch disk. LF - Hemi Engine for 2016 Dodge truck. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 4 large guineas and 5 small chickens. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Small garden tiller, riding lawnmower that works. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 21" flat screen tv. Call 270-786-5824
Friday, April 12th, 2024
FS - 100 - 6'4" x 4'10" insulated fiberglass panels, $3 each, carpenter bee traps, $10 each. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
LF - Place to rent in Hart County, LF- Nintendo DS. Call 270-528-4750
Yard Sale - Saturday and Sunday - at 192 Jack McGuire Rd, Munfordville, clothes, all kinds of items.
FS - Cub Cadet tiller, rear-tine, $400. Call 270-590-7336
Thursday, April 11th, 2024
FS - 21" flat screen tv. Call 270-786-5824
Moving sale underway - 830 Martin Pierce Road, Cub Run, fishing items, boat, enclosed trailer. Call 270-524-3023
FS - New women's blouses, size 3x, large red suitcase, quilt tops, brown leather sofa, antique copper tea kettle and double broiler. Call 270-5824
FS - Baby chicks, all sizes, $3 each, tall white side by side refrigerator, $100, small apartment size black refrigerator, $45, 4 oak chairs, $100, 2 oak stools, $50, Oak table, $100. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Craftsman 42" riding lawnmower, runs good, looks good, roll of wire. 270-528-5208
FS - 1974 dump truck, good condition, $7800. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, April 10th, 2024
Moving Sale - 830 Martin Pierce Rd, Cub Run. Fishing, boat, furniture, household items, enclosed trailer, etc. Call 270-524-3023
Hwy 86 yard sale last Saturday in April, on the 27th. Starts at 62 and goes all the way to 60.
Found - Female German Shepherd dog in Upton/Millerstown area, she is wearing collars. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Small garden tiller, LF - 4 drawer dresser, good riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 60 gallon Sanborn silver bullet air compressor, 5 hp, $600. Call or text Scott at 812-517-4001 in Horse Cave.
FS - 1974 Chevy dump truck, good condition, $7,000. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Disney VHS movies, selling all for a deal. Call 270-735-6698
Tuesday, April 9th, 2024
LF - Chevy truck 2wd, $2,000 to $2,500, old utility trailers. FS - Mower parts. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Small garden tiller, reasonable, 4 or 5 drawer dresser, old riding mower that mows. Call 270-670-1359
Lost - Black billfold near Horse Cave IGA. Call 270-786-1873
Monday, April 8th, 2024
FS - Female Teacup long hair Chihuahua puppy, Toy male apple head Chihuahua puppy, 2012BMW 328isportline, clean title. Call 629-292-3315
LF - Fertile eggs for incubator, FS - sheep, $225. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 3 pt hitch disk, 5 ft, $200. Call 270-735-6698
Friday, April 5th, 2024
FS - 7' 9" x 4' 6" insulated fiberglass panels. $2 to $4 each and other sizes. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260.
FS - Old records and albums, Louis Armstrong and others. Call 270-786-5842
FS - 42" cut Craftsman riding mower, in good working order. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, April 4th, 2024
FS - 250 lb boar hog or will trade, also selling a 300 egg incubator. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Mixed breed laying hens and some guineas and a pair of peacocks, make offer. Call 270-528-6811
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024
FS - 250 lb boar hog or will trade, also selling a 300 egg incubator. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Mixed breed laying hens and some guineas and a pair of peacocks, make offer. Call 270-528-6811
Monday, April 1st, 2024
FS - Wood zero turn mower, Toro zero turn mower and Cub Cadet zero turn mower and some mower parts. Call 270-457-4236
GA - Electric organ. Call 270-218-8287
LF - Tires for a Ford F-350 pickup, size 215/85/16 and a cheap riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Gas cook stove, full size box springs and mattress. Call 270-524-5072
FS - 4 ft tall 2x2" square cage wire, Craftsman lawnmower 18hp, runs good. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, March 29th, 2024
LF - Someone to till a small spot for a garden on Green Street in Horse Cave. Call 270-218-3982
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday, 8am to 2pm, women's plus size, men's 2x & 3x clothes, furniture, antiques, tv's handmade soap, baby chicks, dvd's, wooden decor, jewelry. Location is 3817 Chaumont Rd, Park City, right off 31-W, signs are posted.
FS- 1950 Allis Chalmers tractor, with full set of 2 row cultivators, $1500. 1939 Ford Ferguson tractor, $2,800. Whirlpool dryer on pedestal, $100. Snap on sand blaster, asking $2500. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 2017 Buick Envision, $17,500. Call 270-528-6108
Thursday, March 28th, 2024
FS - Portable hand held stick welder, 70 amp, 120 volt. 2 boxes of welding rods 1/16 & 1/32 $65 firm. 42" riding mower, $50. Call 270-524-9276
FS - Zebra Finches, $25 each, bring your own cage, male and female, about 8 months old. Call 270-579-9639
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday, 8am to 2pm, women's plus size, men's 2x & 3x clothes, furniture, antiques, tv's handmade soap, baby chicks, dvd's, wooden decor, jewelry. Location is 3817 Chaumont Rd, Park City, right off 31-W, signs are posted.
FS - Set of 15" wheels for Jeep, $100. GA - Exercise bike. Call 270-528-1266
FS - 2017 Buick Envision, $17,500. Call 270-528-6108
FS- 1950 Allis Chalmers tractor, with full set of 2 row cultivators, $1500. 1939 Ford Ferguson tractor, $2,800. Whirlpool dryer on pedestal, $100. Snap on sand blaster, asking $2500. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, March 27th, 2024
LF - Moped, between $250 & $300, cheap loveseat, thick rubber mat for use on concrete. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Iza brand chickens, $15 each, country eggs for $3 a dozen. Call 270-528-1330
LF - Water heater for a trailer, odd jobs, roofing, fencing, carpentry, etc. Call 270-218-3411
FS - New virtual Reality headsets with blue tooth remotes, $10 each. Call 812-517-4001 in Horse Cave
Tuesday, March 26th, 2024
LF - Quick hitch for C-Farmall tractor, receiving bar or back cultivators. Call 270-590-8375
FS - Iza brown pullets, $15 each, fresh eggs, $3 a dozen. Call 270-528-1330
LF - Someone to plow a space for a garden on Green St, Horse Cave. Call 270-218-3982
FS - 3 pt hitch pick up disc. $200. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Lawnmower parts. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Ladies dresses, sizes: 10, 14 16 & 18, 3 ladies sandals; size 7. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 42" Craftsman lawnmower, new blades, good tires, Call 270-528-5208
FS - Mini fridge, new, $75 has double doors, kitchen table with 6 chairs, $125, LF - lawnmower. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, March 22nd, 2024
Yard Sale - 313 N 9th Street in Cave City. New dvd movies 2/$1, lots of items, dorm size refrigerator, $80, LF - push mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Large white fiberglass camper topper, needs a back door. Asking $100. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 4 tires off 2016 Chevy Silverado, aluminum wheels, $500, size 275 55 R20's, lots of tread. Call 606-335-0984
Thursday, March 21st, 2024
FS - 600 gallon water tank, plastic, $600. Has not had chemicals put in it. Call 270-524-2904
Wednesday, March 20th, 2024
FS - 3 pt. hitch disc, $200. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Licensed plumber. Call 270-218-8304
Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
LF - Guineas. Call 270-307-7773
LF - Photo of old grocery store that was located in Rex, Ky. If anyone has photo, please call 502-797-4268
FS - 100 insulated fiberglass panels, 7'9" x 4'6", $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2 toddler Disney tables, 3 pr of ladies Dr. Scholl's sandals, size 7, 2 pair of redwing tennis shoes. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Rotary tiller, 3 pt hitch, fits a tractor, FS - old junk lawnmowers, one smokes. Call 270-473-4035
Monday, March 18th, 2024
FS - White camper fiberglass topper, needs back door, $100. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 7'9" x 4'6", down to 3'x3', $1 to $4 each, would trade for a good mower. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
FS - Craftsman 46" cut mower, $450, Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, Gravely 24hp mower, 54" cut, and motors for mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Eggs $3 a dozen, Iza-brown pullets $15 each. Call 270-528-1330
FS - 600 gallon water tank. Call 270-524-2904
Thursday, March 14th, 2024
FS - Poulan Pro lawnmower 46" cut, may need a battery, $250, Craftsman 46" cut 3000 with big tires, $450, parts. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Hot tub that seats 4. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Carpenter bee traps, $10 each. Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024
FS - Green recliner and ottoman, $50, from a non-smoking home. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, birdhouse and bee traps in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
GA - 40" regular tv and pieces of furniture in Munfordville. Call 270-218-2924
FS - Teardrop chandelier, like new, $40. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 600 gallon plaster water tank in new condition. Text 270-473-0942
Tuesday, March 12th, 2024
LF - Sub soiler and 2 bottom plow. Call 270-218-1593
FS - Black Angus baby calf, $400. Call 270-765-9330
FS - 600 gallon plaster water tank in new condition. Text 270-473-0942
FS - Teardrop chandelier, like new, $40. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Green recliner and ottoman, $50, from a non-smoking home. Call 270-786-5824
Monday, March 11th, 2024
FS - Green recliner and ottoman, $50, from a non-smoking home. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Moped $250 to $300, cheap loveseat, thick rubber mat for use on concrete. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 600 gallon plastic water tank, the top comes off. Call 270-473-0942
Friday, March 8th, 2024
FS - 1989 Ford F800 bucket truck, 48' reach, runs good, 74,000 miles. Call 606-725-4051 after 4pm.
LF - 2008 Chrysler van for parts. Call 270-531-2061
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, bee traps and a detailed walnut birdhouse in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Moped, 200 to $250, running good, cheap loveseat. FS - 12 x 16 Better Built barn $2500, must be moved or will trade for a truck. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 25 to 30 acres of pasture to rent for cattle. Call 270-524-1110
FS - 2011 Ford Edge, black, & a 2006 Dodge Caravan, 4 oak chairs, $100. Call 270-531-6947
Thursday, March 7th, 2024
FS - 54" cut Gravely zero turn mower, 24hp, 54" Cub Cadet mower, 24hp, deck for 54" cut and 50" cut mower. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Electric cook stove, refrigerator. Call 270-473-1089
FS - 50 model TD9 Parting out Int'l dozer, new motor and radiator. 10 ton trailer. Call 270-579-2655
Wednesday, March 6th, 2024
FS - 600 gallon plaster water tank in new condition. Text 270-473-0942
FS - Teardrop chandelier, like new, $40. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Craftsman blower, $75, 16hp Owen side shaft mower, $175, LF - guinea pig with cage, FS - 12x16 building has double doors, or will trade for a truck. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Oak table with 4 chairs, $100. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 4 kitchen chairs, $15 each, baby mattress, $10, size 11 men's gloves, $10. Call 502-341-4335
Tuesday, March 5th, 2024
FS - Crystal chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Digital piano 88 keys in really good condition, all keys playing. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 2019 Chrysler Pacifica black minivan, 65,000 miles, 1495 So Dixie Hwy Munfordville 270-537-4439
Monday, March 4th, 2024
FS - Large, white fiberglass camper topper for a pickup, has some back door damage. Asking $200 obo. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Old riding mowers, running or not and Guinea pigs with a cage. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2001 Chevy Silverado king cab, 1500 series, asking $3,000. Call 270-528-6976
FS - 10'x10'x6' tall dog kennel, 4 ft rolls of cage wire 2"x2" square link, new. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, March 1st, 2024
FS - 10'x10'x6' tall dog kennel, 4 ft rolls of cage wire 2"x2" square link, new. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Kitchen table and 4 chairs, washer and dryer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Crystal chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
Thursday, February 29th, 2024
GA - Couch and 2 chairs, with flower design. Call 270-537-4044
Wednesday, February 28th, 2024
LF - Kitchen table and 4 chairs, washer and dryer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Crystal chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
Monday, February 26th, 2024
FS - Sanyo 50" tv with remote, works great $50, 70" x 99" white camper topper for truck, no back door $200 obo, Fugifilm digital camera, $20. Call or text 270-612-0926
FS - 2001 Chevy Silverado, 4 door pickup, asking $3,000. Call 270-528-6976
FS - Crystal chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Digital piano in good working condition, 88 keys. Call 270-670-9070
Found - At Salem Baptist Church, just off the Old Glasgow-Munfordville Road, a black Lab puppy. Call 270-774-1495
FS - 10'x10'x6' dog kennel. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, February 23rd, 2024
FS - Dog kennel 10'x10'x 6'. Call 270-528-5208
LF - old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-1110 or 270-528-4283
FS - Snap-on sound blaster 38 x 24", 5 ft tall, $2500. Electric hoist, will pickup 1000 lbs, $700, & a 6 ft disc, 3 pt hitch, $500. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Thursday, February 22nd, 2024
LF - Catalog for 2-wheel walk behind garden tractor. Call 270-791-8916
FS - Nanny goat $225, beef, ready for slaughter, fresh beef USDA approved. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Wednesday, February 21st, 2024
FS - 5x10' utility trailer, has wood floor, drop gate, $695, 2 zero-turn mowers, Gravely 50" cut, $795, Cub Cadet 50" cut, $995, and all kinds of mower parts, LF - lift chair in good condition for 250 lb person, will pay cash. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Storage building. Call 270-528-9964
Monday, February 19th, 2024
GA - Cats. FS - Necklaces, key chains, coffee table, $5. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Snap on sound blaster, $2500, like new. Electric hoist, 1000 lb, $600, 6 ft scalloped disk, $500, Allis Chalmer with cultivators, $2500. Call 270-670-3570
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-1110 or 270-528-4283
FS - Flowered design couch and 2 chairs. Call 270-537-4044
LF - Lift chair for 250 to 300 lb person. A table for a microwave. FS - 5x10 utility trailer with drop gate, $695. Call 270-457-4236
GA - 12 to 15 pallets, FS - 2 Kohler motors, 15 horse, $75 each, LF - old lawnmowers and go-karts, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Organ, LF - Wheelchair in good condition. Call 270-528-2407 can leave a message.
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, February 16th, 2024
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels $3 and $4 each or would trade for a good mower in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Shallow water tank and feeding trough for sheep. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Man's new black leather jacket, $25, 2 pair of tennis shoes, size 9&1/2 and 11. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Bumper hitch cattle trailer, 16 ft long, $1500, black Angus bull, $1300, goat with baby $225. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Dog kennel, $125. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2011 Ford Edge, v-6, 2006 Dodge Caravan, v-6, both have high mileage. Call 270-531-6947
Thursday, February 15th, 2024
FS - Snap-on sound blaster 38 x 24", 5 ft tall, $2500. Electric hoist, will pickup 1000 lbs, $700, & a 6 ft disc, 3 pt hitch, $500. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Wednesday, February 14th, 2024
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-1110 or 270-528-4283
FS - Round oak table with 4 chairs, $100, black compact refrigerator, white side by side refrigerator. Call 270-531-6947
Tuesday, February 13th, 2024
LF - 2008 Chrysler Town & Country van, dark color, for replacement parts. Call 270-531-2061
LF - House to rent in Hart County. Call 270-528-7076
FS - 4 tires, size 265x60xR20's, 75% tread. 2 deep fryers, 4 baskets, electric, and brand new set of running boards, and a drum set. Call 270-537-3341
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Standard size clean wood pallets, 10 to 15. Call 270-361-1233 may leave a message.
Monday, February 12th, 2024
GA - 15 pallets, FS - Husqvarna riding mower, $150. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Bee suit, size 2X with gloves, $100. Call 270-531-1392
FS - 2 16" tires, 235 70 16's. Skill saw, saw-zall, drill and light with 2 batteries and a charger, all for $25. 10x10x6 chain link dog kennel, like new. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2 commercial electric deep fryers or will trade, 4 tires 265 50 20's, like new or will trade. Call 270-537-3341
GA - 5 kittens to a good home, long fur, born Nov. 1st. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Wheelchair, $75. Call 364-444-9047
Friday, February 9th, 2024
FS - GE gas dryer. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 11 bales of hay, $40 each. Near Big Clifty. Call 270-945-0784
Thursday, February 8th, 2024
FS - 150 gallon heavy duty fuel tank, $150, 250 lb boar hog, $200. Call 270-473-1089
FS - Couch and 2 chairs, $20 for all. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 2 sets of windows, bedroom and living room with wooden frames, $35 per set obo. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Ford F-150 pickup. Call 423-616-3844
FS - 6 ft 3 pt pickup disc, $500. Allis Chalmer small tractor with cultivators, $1800. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, February 7th, 2024
LF - Lift chain for 250 lb person, FS - 5x10 utility trailer, Kawasaki motors and Briggs & Stratton motors, 50" Dixon zero turn mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 10 x 10 x 6 dog kennel, one-year-old in excellent condition. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
GA - 5 kittens to a good home, long fur, born Nov. 1st. Call 270-773-8535
GA - Organ, LF - Wheelchair in good condition. Call 270-528-2407 can leave a message.
Tuesday, February 6th, 2024
LF - House to rent in Hart County. Call 270-528-7076
FS - 4 tires, size 265x60xR20's, 75% tread. 2 deep fryers, 4 baskets, electric, and brand new set of running boards, and a drum set. Call 270-537-3341
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Standard size clean wood pallets, 10 to 15. Call 270-361-1233 may leave a message.
Friday, February 2nd, 2024
Susan Heindl and her husband lost several items after a recent house fire. The structure can be repaired. Gift cards to Lowe's are suggested, no matter how small or big, to help with the repairs to the home. They are in need of clothing: ladies size, 16W pants & X-Large shirts, size 8 undergarments and size 9 shoe; and in men's sizes, 36L or 36x34, Medium shirts and undergarments, and shoes, size 13, and socks. Also large adult pads or briefs are needed (5 thickness). They are in need of towels, queen size sheets, blankets or comforters, pillows, household and personal care items, and a Bible, etc. Clothing and items may be brought to Studio 101 - WLOC radio station in Horse Cave or contact Susan at 270-774-1794. A gofundme page has been set up on Facebook help the Heindl's, created by Brian Poteet. Prayers are requested for the family and especially their grandson, Alexander, who has been missing since November.
LF - Lift chair for 250 to 300 lb person. A table for a microwave. FS - 5x10 utility trailer with drop gate, $695. Call 270-457-4236
GA - 12 to 15 pallets, FS - 2 Kohler motors, 15 horse, $75 each, LF - old lawnmowers and go-karts, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Organ, LF - Wheelchair in good condition. Call 270-528-2407 can leave a message.
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Thursday, February 1st, 2024
FS - Bee suit, size 2X with gloves, $100. Call 270-531-1392
FS - 2 16" tires, 235 70 16's. Skill saw, saw-zall, drill and light with 2 batteries and a charger, all for $25. 10x10x6 chain link dog kennel, like new. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2 commercial electric deep fryers or will trade, 4 tires 265 50 20's, like new or will trade. Call 270-537-3341
GA - 5 kittens to a good home, long fur, born Nov. 1st. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Wheelchair, $75. Call 364-444-9047
Wednesday, January 31st, 2024
GA - Organ, LF - Wheelchair in good condition. Call 270-528-2407 can leave a message.
FS - Chandelier, with teardrop design, like new $45. Call 270-774-1485
Tuesday, January 30th, 2024
FS - TV stand with glass door, $10. Call 502-341-4335
FS - John Deere pushmower. Call 270-528-5529
LF - Ferrot, old riding mowers, go-carts, etc running or not. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, January 29th, 2024
GA - 5 kittens, male and female, various colors, ready for a home. Call 270-773-8535
Susan Heindl and her husband lost several items after a house fire Wednesday. The structure can be repaired. They are in need of clothing: ladies size, 16W pants & X-Large shirts and size 9 shoe; and in men's sizes, 36L or 36x34, Medium shirts, he also is in need of shoes or boots, size 13. Also large adult pads or briefs are needed (5 thickness). They are in need of a mattress and box springs, towels, sheets, household and personal care items, and a Bible, etc. Clothing and items may be brought to Studio 101 - WLOC radio station in Horse Cave or contact Susan at 270-774-7294. A gofundme page has been set up on Facebook help the Heindl's, created by Brian Poteet. Prayers are requested for the family and especially their grandson, Alexander.
Friday, January 26th, 2024
Will do - quilting and alterations, will also make memory quilts from your loved ones clothes, t-shirts, etc. Call 270-786-2592
Susan Heindl and her husband lost several items after a house fire Wednesday. The structure can be repaired. They are in need of clothing: ladies size, 16W pants & X-Large shirts and size 9 shoe; and in men's sizes, 36L or 36x34, Medium shirts, he also is in need of shoes or boots, size 13. Also large adult pads or briefs are needed (5 thickness). They are in need of a mattress and box springs, towels, sheets, household and personal care items, and a Bible, etc. Clothing and items may be brought to Studio 101 - WLOC radio station in Horse Cave or contact Susan at 270-774-7294. A gofundme page has been set up on Facebook help the Heindl's, created by Brian Poteet. Prayers are requested for the family and especially their grandson, Alexander.
FS - Cherry picker that pulls motors out of cars, New Husky toolbox, stackable, $275, Husqvarna riding mower, $125. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1959 Ford Galaxy, has big block motor, 2 door and black in color, has 79,000 miles, $8500. Call 270-572-6579
Thursday, January 25th, 2024
FS - Cherry picker that pulls motors out of cars, New Husky toolbox, stackable, $275, Husqvarna riding mower, $125. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1959 Ford Galaxy, has big block motor, 2 door and black in color, has 79,000 miles, $8500. Call 270-572-6579
FS - Bottled lamb, 9 days old, black and white. Call 270-528-6693
GA - Organ from a church. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Newborn or bottle calf to go on a cow. Call 270-723-4077
Wednesday, January 24th, 2024
FS - Late 50's or early 60's Coca-Cola machine, $250, works good. Call 270-537-4044
GA - Organ from a church. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Newborn or bottle calf to go on a cow. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Bottled lamb, 9 days old, black and white. Call 270-528-6693
Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024
GA - 5 kittens, two are gray, 1 black, 1 calico and one brown and white mix. Call 270-773-8535
Susan Heindl and her husband lost several items after a house fire Wednesday. The structure can be repaired. They are in need of clothing: ladies size, 16W pants & X-Large shirts and size 9 shoe; and in men's sizes, 36L or 36x34, Medium shirts, he also is in need of shoes or boots, size 13. Also large adult pads or briefs are needed (5 thickness). They are in need of a mattress and box springs, towels, sheets, household and personal care items, and a Bible, etc. Clothing and items may be brought to Studio 101 - WLOC radio station in Horse Cave or contact Susan at 270-774-7294. A gofundme page has been set up on Facebook help the Heindl's, created by Brian Poteet. Prayers are requested for the family and especially their grandson, Alexander.
Monday, January 22nd, 2024
GA - Young, black female cat, has been spayed and in Cub Run area. Call 270-218-5294
FS - Late 50's or early 60's Coca-Cola machine, $250, works good. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Flatscreen tv. Call 270-786-5824
Thursday, January 18th, 2024
LF - Up to 5 black heifers, desire M/L #1 grade. Desire 700 lb. Call 270-670-5465
FS - Chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
Wednesday, January 17th, 2024
LF - Wood stove door ASAP. Call 270-528-1168
LF - Old riding mowers, running or not, GA - Black female Poodle, almost 2 years old in Cave City. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Surround sound with Phillips brand speakers, 1 Pioneer and 1 Samsung speaker with remote control, high output, asking $50, Halo brand range finder $75, Fuji film camera. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Butane or natural, older Warm Morning gas stove, with the blower, $150. Call 270-670-3570
Thursday, January 11th, 2024
FS - 5 or 7 shank chisel plow. Call 270-218-3824
LF - 2 bedroom, 1 bath home for rent. Call 270-524-3575 and ask for Hillary Pulliam.
FS - Dry Walnut lumber 2 1/2" thick, 12" wide x 10 ft long. Call 270-218-0825
FS - Chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Fuji film digital camera $20, Halo brand range finder, $75, slip on exhaust for sports bike and 2 pieces of pipe with it. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Semi-truck/tanker drivers at New Haven, haul farm production, medical card required, drug free and experienced drivers only. Also LF - officer personnel in Bardstown, must have knowledge of Microsoft Office - Word Excel Powerpoint in a fast paced environment, must be able to multi-task, drug free. Call 502-349-9707
Wednesday, January 10th, 2024
LF - 2 bedroom, 1 bath home for rent. Call 270-524-3575 and ask for Hillary Pulliam.
FS - Dry Walnut lumber 2 1/2" thick, 12" wide x 10 ft long. Call 270-218-0825
FS - 2000 GMC pickup, $6500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
LF - Hard plastic Christmas decorations. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 6'4" x 4'10", $3 or $4, will trade for firewood & riding mower. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Fred Thrasher "Cease Fire" #1077, signed and stamped in original envelope, never been framed, $100. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 600 gallon plastic water tank. Call 270-473-0942
Tuesday, January 9th, 2024
FS - Apple Watch Series 5 cellular and GPS, $180. Call 270-528-7981
FS - Black iron kettle number 15 with stand, Glacier Bay stainless steel pull down faucet, new in box, ladies size 7 black lycra boots, like new. Can send pictures or text 270-404-1754
FS - 2000 GMC pickup, $6500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Eagle depth finder, no cables. $10 obo. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Two wheels for a hospital bed. Call 270-723-4077
Friday, January 5th, 2024
FS - Fuji film digital camera $20, Halo brand range finder, $75, slip on exhaust for sports bike and 2 pieces of pipe with it. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Male Yorkie Shih-Tzu cross, weighs 4 lbs, long haired male Chihuahua puppy and a fawn Great Dane female pup. Call 629-292-3315
LF - Electric chainsaw. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Metal cart with wheels, has place for a tank, and a tray for a wire welder. 2 tires - 235 70 16 ms, one is still on wheel. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, January 4th, 2024
FS - Black iron kettle number 15 with stand, Glacier Bay stainless steel pull down faucet, new in box, ladies size 7, black lycra boots, worn once, can send pics. Text only at 270-404-1754
FS - 1963 Ford 881 tractor, 1600 hours, new tire and wheels, fenders, paint, a show tractor, $5500. 1963 Ford 800, runs good with a lift problem, $1,800. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 6 ft disk, 3 pt. $500, like new, '39 Ford Ferguson tractor, $3500. Call 270-670-3570
LF - Semi-truck/tanker drivers at New Haven, haul farm production, medical card required, drug free and experienced drivers only. Also LF - officer personnel in Bardstown, must have knowledge of Microsoft Office - Word Excel Powerpoint in a fast paced environment, must be able to multi-task, drug free. Call 502-349-9707
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024
FS - New 8 gallon Husky air compressor, $125, new 8,000 btu portable air conditioner, $140, collection of 50 states knives in carrying case. 16 hp Kohler motor $100. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2006 Ford Focus, blue, hatchback, has broken windshield.$1,000 obo. Call 364-208-7507
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels $4 each in Summersville. Would trade for a good mower or fire wood. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Apple watch Series 5 cellular and gps, $180. Call 270-528-7981
Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024
FS - 61" zero turn mower, $950. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Fujifilm digital camera, $20, Halo brand range finder, $75. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Hard plastic Christmas decorations. Call 270-528-2407
Thursday, December 28th, 2023
LF - Small female Chihuahua. Call 270-218-2304
LF - 2 wheels for a hospital bed. Call 270-723-4077
GA - Loveseat and couch. Call 270-528-1390
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 6'4" x 4'10", $3 or $4, will trade for firewood & riding mower. Call 270-405-1260
Found - White, female mixed Chihuahua on Palmore Rd, Horse Cave on Dec. 18th. Call 270-537-5701
Wednesday, December 27th, 2023
LF - someone to work on a Chevy Equinox in Cave City 270-576-2814
FS - 10x13 awning new still in plastic 270-473-1446
Wednesday, December 20th, 2023
FS - 18 Avon bottles, 3 old RC bottles, all for $150. Call 270-528-3516
FS - 27" color flat screen tv, $45, 7 ft pre-lit Christmas trees, used one time, $75. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Stainless steel electric cook stove in good working order. Call 270-786-3581 or 270-524-7182
Tuesday, December 19th, 2023
FS - Large old black kettle on a stand, Dora the Explorer bedroom ensemble, youth size pink bean bag chair. Text only 270-404-1754
FS - Husky and German Shepherd pups, known as a Shepsky, ready -or Christmas. Call 270-537-1451 or 270-528-1491
GA - 6 kittens, different colors and gender, in Cave City. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Chandelier, like new, $45. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Fred Thrasher "Cease Fire" #1077, signed and stamped in original envelope, never been framed, $100. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 600 gallon plastic water tank. Call 270-473-0942
Monday, December 18th, 2023
Found - Large specialty key found at IGA in Munfordville Friday morning, close to the soft drink machine. The key was turned in at the office. Call 270-537-4224
FS - Hickory nut kernels and black walnut kernels. GA - Banty rooster. Call 270-407-5320
FS - 5x10 utility trailer $795, Kawasaki motor, Kohler engine, B&S motor, LF - old utility trailers, will pay cash. Call 270-457-4236
Thursday, December 14th, 2023
FS - 4-month-old Yorkie Poo pup, 2 Shitzu pups, 3 Boston Terrier pups, a rare 2-year-old lavender white color male Pomeranian, LF - deer meat and Ipad 8th generation or 10th generation. Call 615-722-8226
LF - 1998 - 2001 Dodge pickup odd and end parts. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Boston Terrier. Call 270-524-3624
FS - 6 ft - 3 point hitch pickup disc $500, 800 series Ford tractor $1800, 881 Ford tractor $5500. Call 270-670-3570
Wednesday, December 13th, 2023
LF - House trailer axle. Call 270-537-4084
FS - Camper, zero turn mower, gas cook stove. Call 270-528-5393
Tuesday, December 12th, 2023
FS - 2000 GMC ext cab 4wd pickup, $7000 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 5x10 trailer with wood floor, drop gate, new tires, also FS - 2 new 13" trailer tires, GA - Cabinet model tv in good condition. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 65cc KTM dirt bike, has lots of aftermarket upgrades, very fast bike. Asking $2500. Call or text Jay at 270-872-8723
Monday, December 11th, 2023
FS - Halo brand range finder, $75, Fuji film digital camera, $20 with case and manual, Phillips brand surround sound system, has built in stereo with speakers, $50, 40 dvd and Blu ray discs, $2 each. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 2 2001 Ford Explorers, same color, 4wd, also 1984 Ford 700 log truck, runs, large pig weighs around 300 to 400 lbs, can deliver local, $400. Call 270-565-2502
Friday, December 8th, 2023
FS - Yorkie Maltese cross pup, also Teacup Chihuahua pups, 2-year-old white male Pomeranian. Call 615-772-8226
Kitchen cabinets, sink, bathroom cabinet with sink, oven, microwave, shelving. Call 270-537-5724
FS - Small chandelier, has tear lights, used very little. Asking $25. Can pickup at WLOC radio station. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Bales of hay. Call 270-528-1221
FS - 1100 watt am/fm and cd home stereo and speakers, $200. Call 270-404-0562
LF - 5 spd trans for 1998 Ford Ranger pickup. Call 270-590-6556
Thursday, December 7th, 2023
LF - Someone who sells Highland cattle. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 115hp Johnson boat motor, 1962-64 Coke bottle machine. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Old red belly Ford tractor for parts, $450 firm. Call 270-786-3705
FS - 4- 900/20 truck tires and rims, $250. Call 270-528-1958
FS - 1985 Int'l farm truck with a dump on it, $2,000. Call 270-735-6698
Wednesday, December 6th, 2023
FS - 40 dvd's and some Blu Rays $2 each in good condition, Bear Intense cross bow with scope $225, Night vision binoculars $150, Halo brand range finder $75, Fugi film camera. Call 270 612-0926
LF - Round baled hay, prefer John Deere rolled, need 20 plus rolls. Call 270-528-1221
FS - Rooster and hens in Bonnieville area, they were born in June. Can meet in Bonnieville or Munfordville. Call 716-969-5632
FS - Detailed birdhouses, cabin style with detailed front porch, insulated fiberglass panels, $3 & $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Different sizes of feeder pigs, and beef calves, LF - meat hogs. Call 270-734-1552
Tuesday, December 5th, 2023
FS - 2000 GMC 4wd, extended cab, 1/2 ton pickup, $7000. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Full size black diamond plated toolbox, 2 trays and keys $150, used for one month, 5x8 trailer, like new $600, 150 gallon fish aquarium with stand $200, (2) 4 wheelers, one is a Honda 400 4x4, garage kept, $3,000, the other is a Honda 300 with snow plow, new tires, garage kept, $2500. Call 270-473-0128
FS - Older 15 1/2 hp Kohler lawnmower motor, $35. Old tires. Call 270-786-3705
Monday, December 4th, 2023
FS - 40 DVD's, some are Blu Ray, $2 each, Bear Intense Crossbow, $225, Halo range finder $75, Rexing B1 night vision binoculars with camera/video, $150, Fujifilm digital camera, $25. In Cave City, call or text 270-612-0926
FS - (2) 4 wheelers, one is Kawasaki 300 blue in color, with snow plow, has been serviced, $2600 and a Honda 400 automatic, new tires, $3500, both garage kept. Also FS - 5x8 trailer with drop down ramp, $700. Call 270-473-0128
FS - Dixon zero turn 50" cut mower, $895, and a 42" cut Torro zero turn mower, $695, also LF - old zero turn mowers, and utility trailers. Call 270-457-4236
Thursday, November 30th, 2023
FS - 115hp Johnson boat motor, 1962-64 Coke bottle machine. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Old red belly Ford tractor for parts, $450 firm. Call 270-786-3705
FS - 4- 900/20 truck tires and rims, $250. Call 270-528-1958
FS - 1985 Int'l farm truck with a dump on it, $2,000. Call 270-735-6698
Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
FS - Halo Z1200 range finder $75, Rexing B1 night vision binoculars with camera $150, Bear Intense crossbow $250…Cave City area…call or text 270-612-0926
FS - 3 pair ladies boots, $10 each, brown size 8, 10 & 12, black leather jacket, size 8, $15. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Gravely zero turn mower, 54" cut, 24hp, $1295, Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, 24hp, $995, like new 5x10 utility trailer, $700, LF - old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236 or 270-427-8200
Lost dog - Female, White and brown spots, name is Roxie, not wearing a collar, was seen behind Lighthouse Church in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-3705
FS - Red Belly Ford tractor with flathead motor, $400. Call 270-786-3705
Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
GA - 8 mixed puppies, at 1176 Red Buck Estes Road. Call 270-524-0126
FS - Bear Intense crossbow $300 obo, Rexing B1 night vision binoculars, $150, Halo Z1200 range finder $100 in Cave City area. Call or text 270-612-0926
FS - Dora full size comforter, pink bean bag chair, full size Dora sheet set, 2 Dora rugs, fleece throw, trash can, throw pillow and wash cloths, all items like new. Will sell separately or bundle. Call 270-404-1754
FS - 7x14' boxed in tandem trailer, $4300, has new tires. 2 4-wheelers- a Kawasaki 4x4 with a snow plow, $3000, garage kept, and a 400 Honda 4x4, automatic 4-wheeler, $3500, and a 5x8' utility trailer, drop tailgate, new lights and paint, $700. Call 270-473-0128
Monday, November 27th, 2023
FS - Black walnut and hickory nut kernels. Call 270-407-5320
LF - Electric cook stove, 1/2 size mattress, 2 recliners, kitchen table with chairs. Call 270-361-3667
GA - Blue Heeler and Beagle mixed pups and German Shepherd pups. Call 270-786-2645
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup, extended cab, 4wd, $7,000. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 2 new pop-up canopies, 10x10, $65 each, also 2 Ryobi sawzalls, $150 for both and LF - any old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 20 ft trailer with sides, new paint and tires, 61" cut zero turn mower $1,000 and a 6ft, 3 pt hitch disc, $500. Call 270-670-3570
Friday, November 24th, 2023
FS - Bear Intense crossbow $300 obo, Rexing B1 night vision binoculars, $150, Halo Z1200 range finder $100 in Cave City area. Call or text 270-612-0926
LF - 2 bedroom home to rent in Hart County. Call 270-218-2826
FS - Lots of chickens, Rhode Island red, Easter eggers, Bardrocks, etc, 4 to 5 months old, and 3 mini pigs, will soon be ready. Call 270-634-0466
Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023
FS - Bear Intense Crossbow with scope, quiver and 2 arrows, $300. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 7x14' boxed in tandem trailer, $4300, has new tires. 2 4-wheelers- a Kawasaki 4x4 with a snow plow, $3000, garage kept, and a 400 Honda 4x4, automatic 4-wheeler, $3500, and a 5x8' utility trailer, drop tailgate, new lights and paint, $700. Call 270-473-0128
FS - Dozen male sheep, 7 months old, 110 to 135 lbs, 5 larger Rams, 2 years old, multi-colored. Call 270-528-1221
Tuesday, November 21st, 2023
FS - 2 Ryobi tile saws, $150 for both, (2) 10x10' pop up tents, $80 each, LF - riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
GA - German Shepherd pups, and Blue Heeler/Beagle mixed pups. Call 270-473-1731
LF - Dresser, half mattress, electric cook stove, washer & dryer and a couch. Call 270-361-3667
FS - Large quantity of Christmas items, $100 negotiable, also a tote full of new, sealed over the counter medicines, such as NyQuil, cold and allergy medicines and vitamins. Call 269-275-9204
Monday, November 20th, 2023
FS - Deer corn, $6 per bag, 7 ft. 3 pt hitch bush hog, $900. Call 270-218-3827
FS - 3 mobile home axles, $75. Call 270-524-7709
Friday, November 17th, 2023
FS - Power lift cloth recliner, tan color, used one month, excellent condition, $500. Call 270-524-7053
FS - New in box, Die cast toy 1586 Int'l Harvester tractor, $20, art set with carrying case, $25, Nascar dvd's, collector #3 Dale Earnhardt pocket knife, antique tractor magazines, Nascar board game, like new. Call 270-791-8916
LF - Free or cheap treadmill or exercise bike. Call 270-646-6123
FS - Deer corn, $6 per bag, 7 ft. 3 pt hitch bush hog, $900. Call 270-218-3827
LF - 15 ft hay wagon. Call 270-407-3551
Thursday, November 16th, 2023
FS - Fujifilm Finepix digital camera, $25, Phillips surround sound with speakers $50, D&D slip on exhaust, $25. In Cave City, call or text 270-612-0926
LF - 1 bedroom apartment or house to rent. Call 270-370-8902
FS - Black walnut kernels and hickory nut kernels. Call 270-407-5320
FS - 36" color flatscreen tv. $40 Call 270-786-5824
FS - 2000 GMC ext cab 4wd, 185,0000 miles $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Small apartment-size black refrigerator, standard refrigerator with freezer on side and has icemaker. Call 270-531-6947
Monday, November 13th, 2023
FS - Black walnut kernels and hickory nut kernels. Call 270-407-5320
FS - 2000 GMC pickup 4wd, ext cab, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
GA - 10 sets of wooden table legs, oval shaped. Must take all and 8 to 10 pallets, LF - old riding mowers, scooters and go-carts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Gravely 54" cut zero turn $1295, Dixon 50" zero turn mower, $1095, parts, motors, decks, starters. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 5x10' utility tilt trailer with lights, $725 obo. Call 270-457-4236 or 270-427-8200
Friday, November 10th, 2023
FS - 3 mobile home trailer axles, $100 for all obo. Call 270-524-7709
FS - 2000 GMC ext cab 4wd, 185,0000 miles $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
Thursday, November 9th, 2023
FS - Fujifilm Finepix S8600 digital camera $40, Phillips Cinema surround sound with speakers, $100 obo, D&D slip on exhaust, $50 obo in Cave City. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Old red Ford tractor for parts, $450, firm. Call 270-786-3705
Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
FS - Small apartment-size black refrigerator, standard refrigerator with freezer on side and has icemaker. Call 270-531-6947
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023
FS - New queen size mattress bought on Amazon, $250. Call 270-528-4752
FS - Fuji film digital camera S8600, like new with case and manual, $50. Old school Phillips surround system, $100 obo, D&D brand exhaust, $50 obo. 270-612-0926
LF - Young Jersey cow. Call 270-646-6922
FS - Female Shorkie pup, white with some brown color. $75. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Furniture, couch, table, 1/2 size mattress. Call 270-361-3667
FS - 4 large totes of collectible glassware, 70's, 80's, 90's, some are new. All for one price or by the piece in Horse Cave. Call 270-670-3480
FS - Golden Doodle pups, large size. Call 270-537-4217
Monday, November 6th, 2023
LF - free or cheap treadmill or exercise bike. 270-646-6123
FS - Yorkie puppies, $75 each. German Shepherd mixed puppies, $10 each. Call 270-473-1731
FS - 2000 GMC ext cab 4wd, 185,0000 miles $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 2 - 24 hp Kawasaki motors, 23 hp Kawasaki motor, 2 - 23hp Kohler motors, 124hp and 122 hp Briggs & Stratton motors, LF - zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 5x10' tilt trailer, $725. Call 270-427-8200
Friday, November 3rd, 2023
FS - Fujifilm Finepix S8600 digital camera with carrying case, used very little, $50, Phillips Digital Cinema Center surround sound system with several speakers, works great $100. In the Cave City area, call or text 270-612-0926
FS - New queen size mattress, $250. Call 270-528-6246
FS - 8 laying hens and red rooster $7, each if you take all. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, November 2nd, 2023
FS - 55 gallon drums for burn barrels. Call 270-612-06122
GA - Kids toys, Big Wheel, kitchen toy and bike. FS - Shorkie pups $100 each. Call 270-218-5045
GA - German shepherd Puppies. Call 270-786-2645
FS - Deer corn $6 a bag. Call 270-218-3827
FS - 10x13 awning, red in color, new in plastic. $250. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Black walnuts and hickory nut kernels, already picked and hulled. Call 270-407-5320
Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
FS - Hot Point gas stove. Call 270-528-9353
GA - 3-year-old Pitbull. Call 270-528-4750
LF - Parts for 2008 Town & Country van, black or blue in color. Call 270-531-2061
FS - 3 die cast tractors, art set with carrying case, $25. Call 270-791-8916
FS - Toshiba tv, new heating pad, 12 pair of diabetic socks. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 2 zero-turn mowers, 5x12 drop gate trailer. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Small air compressor. Call 270-528-1997
Tuesday, October 31st, 2023
LF - Someone with a license to anchor down a mobile home in Cave City. Call 270-612-1428
FS - Shorkie puppies, $100 each. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Furniture, loveseat, recliner, 1/2 size mattress. Call 270-303-6126
FS - Guineas, oak table with 4 chairs and other furniture pieces. Call 270-531-6947
Monday, October 30th, 2023
FS - 2000 GMC 4wd pickup, extended cab, $7500. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Shorkie pups $100 each. Call 270-218-5045
GA - German Shepherd pups. Call 270-786-2645 or 270-473-1731
FS - Deer corn in Munfordville area, $6 each. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Bourbon Red meat turkeys, hatched in Spring, in Hart County. Call 270-238-0161
Friday, October 27th, 2023
LF - Small air compressor. Call 270-528-1997
FS - Oak table with 4 chairs, refrigerator, guineas. Call 270-531-6947
Thursday, October 26th, 2023
LF - Small air compressor. Call 270-528-1997
GA - yard full of walnuts in Munfordville. Call 270-473-0942
LF - Turnips. Call 270-932-4020
GA - 3 Rhode Island Red roosters and 3 white Leggar roosters. Call 270-791-8916
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup, extended cab, 4wd, has 185k, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
LF - Grass hay around Cub Run, Bonnieville and Munfordville area. Call 270-528-6246'
FS - Adult walker with wheels, crutches, baby mattress and stroller. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Large, white insulated fiberglass panels, $4 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Shorkies. Call 270-218-5045
GA - Mixed German Shepherd pups. Call 270-786-2645 or 270-473-1731
FS - 3 pieces of Magnolia Crock pottery, portable Singer sewing machine, 7ft pre-lit Christmas tree, $75, 36" & 12" tv's. Call 270-786-5824
Tuesday, October 24th, 2023
FS - Large, white insulated fiberglass panels, $4 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Shorkies. Call 270-218-5045
GA - Mixed German Shepherd pups. Call 270-786-2645 or 270-473-1731
FS - 3 pieces of Magnolia Crock pottery, portable Singer sewing machine, 7ft pre-lit Christmas tree, $75, 36" & 12" tv's. Call 270-786-5824
Monday, October 23rd, 2023
GA - Walnuts in the Lonoke area. Call 270-524-3620
FS - Galaxy CB, 2 extra mics, $40. Call 606-219-5928
LF - VIP 50cc moped for parts. Call 270-405-1691
FS - Shorkies in November, $400 each, 3 males, 2 females. Call 270-218-5045
GA - Cats, moma and kittens. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Mixed puppies. Call 270-786-2645
FS - 2006 Buick LaCrosse, needs a body module, a back glass and a driver side window, leather interior, clean $500. Call 270-576-1022
GA - German Shepherd pups. Call 270-786-2645 or 270-473-1731
FS - Ricks of wood. Call 270-996-2663
FS - Coleman 10hp, 5000 watt generator, $450 firm, 46" Samsung flat-screen TV, wall-mount only with remote, $150, has no brackets. Call Randy at 270-524-9276
LF - 30 ft bumper hitch camper or 5th wheel, riding mowers and push mowers, golf carts, go-carts. FS - 1985 pull behind bumper camper, 16ft, $1600 obo. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Baby gate. Call 270-218-3827
Lost - Antique corn cracker at Fisher Ridge or 357 from Luv's to 31-E to Hwy 88 toward Cub Run. Call 270-537-5725
GA - 3 Leggar rooster, 3 Rhode Island Red rooster. Call 270-791-8916
FS - 54" cut Gravely zero turn mower, 50" cut Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 2 Kamasaki motors, 23 and 24". LF - old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
Found - 2 hogs and 2 gilts. Call 270-528-3755
FR-Lease - 1,000 square foot commercial property on Main Street in Glasgow, rent includes: water, electric and garbage and has been newly remodeled. Call 270-646-8866
FS - Sit down pedal exercise machines, maple finish microwave cabinet, kitchen cabinets, dinette set with 6 chairs with 2 large leafs, 2 desks for $10 and $30. Call 270-537-5724
FS - Original radio broadcast on 2 long playing albums of Wes Strader - WKU vs Ky featuring Clarence Glover & Jim McDaniel, Adolph Rupp, Jim Richards & Johnny Oldham. Call 270-646-6764
FS - Set of Bridgestone tires, 235x20" - $100, Craftsman 6hp air tank, $500, organizer with lots of drawers, $200. Call 270-646-8404
LF - Rolley hay, FS - 2004 Chevy Cavalier. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 4 country store bread racks. Call 270-524-9165
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson gasoline tractor with a 6 ft bush hog and grader box. Call 270-528-4750
FS - 25 pair of high end Nike shoes for boys or girls, $150. Call 270-308-1765
FS - 115 hp Johnson boat motor, large rolls of hay, $40 per roll. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Rust colored whirlpool electric cook stove and matching over the stove microwave. Call 270-361-1326
FS - 1993 Chevy pickup, step side, 5.0 motor, automatic. Call 270-996-1297
FS - Keurig coffee maker, 12 cup capacity, uses pods or ground coffee, very clean, $60, metal detector from Radio Shack, works good, $40, Men's walking shorts, size 36, Big Creek collection, worn once $15, 3 men's large sweaters, blue coat, black coat and short sleeve blue pullover $4 each, Mitchell T-30 rod & reel, used once, comes with some bait and box, $20. Call weekdays at 270-218-8211
One RV hookup available on a farm in Upton. NO PETS ALLOWED. Call 270-769-8528
Wednesday, October 11th, 2023
One RV hookup available on a farm in Upton. NO PETS ALLOWED. Call 270-769-8528
FS - Dixon zero turn mower $500 or cash with trade, GA - 4 rabbits to one person. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Push mower - Call 270-773-7844
LF - Set of turning plows for a 3-point hitch tractor or a tiller. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 9 laying hens and a rooster, $9 each. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Puppies. Call 270-473-1731
FS - Halloween masks and costumes. Call 270-283-5537
LF - Turnips. Call 270-774-1485
LF - One or two row corn picker. Call 270-524-3460
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
Monday, October 9th, 2023
FR/Lease - 1,000 square foot commercial property on Main Street in Glasgow. Rent includes: water, electric & garbage and has been newly remodeled. Call 270-646-8866
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup, 4wd, extended cab, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Dixon zero turn lawnmower $500 or cash and trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 9 laying hens and a rooster, $9 each. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Blue tan male Miniature Pincher puppy, Male Golden Doodle puppy, LF - Small pull behind camper or pop up camper that is free or cheap and has the title. Call 615-722-8226
FS - XBox 360 $200, 4 games. Can be seen 1161 Main St apt 15 Munfordville, Ky.
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - D&D Brand slip on exhaust, $100. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
LF - Hauling job, will move appliances. Call 270-218-3755
Friday, October 6th, 2023
FS - 10x13 new red manual retractable awning, $250. Call 473-1446
Yard Sale - Off 31-W on Butler Road behind WLOC Radio Station in Horse Cave, Friday & Saturday. Full adjustable bed, lighted china cabinet, collectibles, clothing for the family, home decor, etc. Call 270-537-5072
FS - Air fryer $50, toaster oven $10, small flat screen tv, has no remote $20, marble top coffee table $40, 2 Kobe Bryant pillows, $20 for both, 2 small girl outfits, one is 6-9 months, $10, the other is 4th of July 0-3 months, $10, girls size 0-3 mos Converse shoes, GA - Cats. Call 270-218-3325
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday & Sunday afternoon at 8920 Happy Valley Road, 1 mile past Save-A-Lot in Cave City. Rugs, vintage clothes, household items, Pyrex, Christmas items, older toys, etc. Call 270-590-3452
Thursday, October 5th, 2023
FS - Blue tan male Miniature Pincher puppy, Male Golden Doodle puppy, LF - Small pull behind camper or pop up camper that is free or cheap and has the title. Call 615-722-8226
Yard Sale - Now through Friday at 10566 N. Jackson Highway, Magnolia. Toys, clothes, stemware, wedding items, outdoor wicker set with small table, etc. Call 270-537-4686
FS - D&D Brand slip on exhaust, $100. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
LF - Hauling job, will move appliances. Call 270-218-3755
FS - XBox 360 $200, 4 games. Can be seen 1161 Main St apt 15 Munfordville, Ky.
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Catfish cages, 2 different sizes, 3 chicken coops $50 for all 3, Cub Cadet L10350 hydrostatic mower, 42 L108 John Deer mower. Call 270-246-1913
Wednesday, October 4th, 2023
Yard Sale - Now through Friday at 10566 N. Jackson Highway, Magnolia. Toys, clothes, stemware, wedding items, outdoor wicker set with small table, etc. Call 270-537-4686
FS - 2 zero turn 50" cut mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Table and 6 chairs, buffet, kitchen cabinets. Located at Fisher Ridge near Horse Cave. Call 270-537-5724
FS - 2011 Nissan Cube, will consider trade. Call 270-786-4477
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 6 piece tan colored floor mats, tan colored steering wheel cover, short length lime green jacket, size 6. Call 270-341-4335
FS - White wall oven that is fairly new, 2 computer desks with drawers, an over the stove microwave paid $350 for it new and only asking $50, also a bunch of other items. Call 270-537-5724
FS - 2 zero turn 50" cut mowers. Call 270-457-4236
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023
FS - 2 zero turn 50" cut mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Table and 6 chairs, buffet, kitchen cabinets. Located at Fisher Ridge near Horse Cave. Call 270-537-5724
FS - 2011 Nissan Cube, will consider trade. Call 270-786-4477
Monday, October 2nd, 2023
Yard Sales - Richardson Subdivision in Munfordville, Fri & Sat beginning at 9 a.m. about 16 houses participating. Call 270-473-1045
FS - D&D Brand slip on exhaust, $100. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Someone to move a storage building from Horse Cave to Munfordville. Call 270-537-4224
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
LF - Hauling job, will move appliances. Call 270-218-3755
FS - White wall oven that is fairly new, 2 computer desks with drawers, an over the stove microwave paid $350 for it new and only asking $50, also a bunch of other items. Call 270-537-5724
FS - 6 piece tan colored floor mats, tan colored steering wheel cover, short length lime green jacket, size 6. Call 270-341-4335
Friday, September 29th, 2023
FS - D&D Brand slip on exhaust, $100. Call 270-612-0926
FS - XBox 360 $200, 4 games. Can be seen 1161 Main St apt 15 Munfordville, Ky.
LF - 12-18 month girl winter sleepers. Call 270-528-7759
YARD SALE - 313 N 9th Street, Cave City, through Saturday, with weather permitting, Halloween stuff, Dixon zero turn mower, air compressor. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to move a storage building from Horse Cave to Munfordville. Call 270-537-4224
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
LF - Hauling job, will move appliances. Call 270-218-3755
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
Thursday, September 28th, 2023
FS - White fiberglass panels, 6'4" & 4'10" lots of uses including insulators, under laminate flooring, $3 and $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Oval kitchen table, 6 ft long with 6 chairs, $35 and a 52" cut Dixon zero turn mower, $700. Call 270-670-1359
FS - White wall oven that is fairly new, 2 computer desks with drawers, an over the stove microwave paid $350 for it new and only asking $50, also a bunch of other items. Call 270-537-5724
FS - 6 piece tan colored floor mats, tan colored steering wheel cover, short length lime green jacket, size 6. Call 270-341-4335
YARD SALE - 313 N 9th Street, Cave City, through Saturday, with weather permitting, Halloween stuff, Dixon zero turn mower, air compressor. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to move a storage building from Horse Cave to Munfordville. Call 270-537-4224
Wednesday, September 27th, 2023
LF - Someone to move a storage building from Horse Cave to Munfordville. Call 270-537-4224
FS - 6 piece tan colored floor mats, tan colored steering wheel cover, short length lime green jacket, size 6. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Catfish cages, 2 different sizes, 3 chicken coops $50 for all 3, Cub Cadet L10350 hydrostatic mower, 42 L108 John Deer mower. Call 270-246-1913
FT - Toy die cast tractors for a vintage real type push mowers prefer the metal handle bars type, will meet in the Brownsville area. Call 270-791-8916
YARD SALE - 313 N 9th Street, Cave City, through Saturday, with weather permitting, Halloween stuff, Dixon zero turn mower, air compressor. Call 270-670-1359
FS - White wall oven that is fairly new, 2 computer desks with drawers, an over the stove microwave paid $350 for it new and only asking $50, also a bunch of other items. Call 270-537-5724
Tuesday, September 26th, 2023
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup ext. cab, 4wd, less than 185k miles, asking $7500, obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Graco Pack n Play, like new with extra mattress and 3 sheets $45, Graco stroller, like new $35, Paw Patrol power wheel, $30. Call 270-646-8134
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Slip on exhaust for a sports bike, 18" long, like new, and the pipes, make an offer. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Wall oven, microwave for over the stove, microwave cart, 2 desks, one is heavier with keyboard drawer, has door and drawer on both sides, exercise machine, dining room table with 6 chairs, buffet, kitchen cabinets and misc pieces. Call 270-537-5724
FS - Late 90's Golf cart, electric, new batteries and charger, new wheels and tires, body is excellent, has new style top. Call 270-401-8760
Monday, September 25th, 2023
FS - Deer corn bag or truckload in Hart County. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Slip on exhaust for a sports bike, 18" long, like new, and the pipes, make an offer. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Wall oven, microwave for over the stove, microwave cart, 2 desks, one is heavier with keyboard drawer, has door and drawer on both sides, exercise machine, dining room table with 6 chairs, buffet, kitchen cabinets and misc pieces. Call 270-537-5724
FS - Late 90's Golf cart, electric, new batteries and charger, new wheels and tires, body is excellent, has new style top. Call 270-401-8760
Friday, September 22nd, 2023
FS - Ladies Levi jeans, size 12 Tall, like new. $5. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Queen size mattress and box springs and linen for someone with health issues. Call 270-250-9898
FS - 2 catfish cages, 2 different sizes and can put wheels on, 3 small chicken coop houses on wheels. Call 270-246-1913
LF - Hauling job, will move appliances. Call 270-2183755
FS - 2 toddler tables with 2 chairs each, Disney Princess and Blues Clues, a new heating pad, coffee maker, adult walker. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Like new 6 ft disc, asking $475. Call 270-670-3570
Thursday, September 21st, 2023
FS - 2017 Kia Soul, needs fuel pump,$1800 or $1200 cash and trade. Call 270-308-1765
FS - 5x12 trailer has drop ramps, 2001 Chevy pickup, 4.8, v-8 engine, lots of mower parts. Call 270-457-4236
Wednesday, September 20th, 2023
FS - Kitchen table and 6 chairs, with leaf $35, 52" cut Dixon zeroturn mower, $700. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2020 7x12 "Ta2" double axle enclosed trailer with side door and rear gate that lets down. Call 270-418-0562
FS - Outdoor building $2,000, full of items. Call 270-735-6322
FS - 2018 Chevy Trax, 75,000 miles, asking $13,500. Good condition. Call 270-528-7872
FS - 2010 Nissan Cube, has salvage title, good gas saver, $4200. LF - Old appliances to give away, will pick up. Call 270-786-4477
FS- Yard Machine mower, 42" cut, mows good, $150. Call 528-4750
FS - 9 laying hens, lay brown eggs, $10 each if you take all, LF - 20 ton bench press. Call 270-528-5208
FS - New heating pad, adult walker with wheels, coffee maker. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Nintendo game system with 2 games $40, moving sale today at 1968 Seymour Bear Wallow Road. Call 270-218-5473
FS - New Holland 7 ft Haybind, one owner, $900, a couple of Ford 800 series tractors. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, September 19th, 2023
2017 Kia Soul $3,000, has catalytic converter issue, clean interior. Call 270-308-1765
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at 8552 N Jackson Hwy, just south of Griderville, sign in yard. There will be tools, clothing, etc.
FS - Registered Pug puppies in Cave City. Call 270-773-2768
Monday, September 18th, 2023
FS - Deer corn. Call 270-218-3827
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup truck, 4wd, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
LF - Mandolin. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 2014 Ford Focus, 120k miles. $5500. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Full size 4-door pickup. Call 270-218-3827
Friday, September 15th, 2023
FS - 30 wood pallets, $75 for all. Call 270-646-8828
Yard Sale - Brick house beside Wigwam Store on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave, wheelchair, motorcycle helmets, etc.
FS - 2001 Nissan Cube, has salvage title, good gas saver. $4200. Call 270-786-4477
FS - 2 Boxer puppies. Call 270-612-0612
FS - Riding and push mowers, clothes dryers. Call 270-786-2903
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra pickup truck, 4wd, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Cloth reclining lift chair, tan color, used one month, $500. Call 270-524-7053
FS - 10x13 maroon awning, retractable, $250. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 2000 Chevy Blazer 185k sunroof, new tires, $2500. Call 270-218-2869
Thursday, September 14th, 2023
FS - 21 US Mint coin sets 1973 - 1993. $210. Call 270-816-0658
FS - 2000 Ford Excursion. Call 270-218-8236
Yard Sale - Tuesday thru Thursday at 10566 N Jackson Hwy, brick home on the right between Jonesville and Magnolia, clothes, trinkets, 3-wheel bikes (one is for a handicap person), toys, dog stroller, wicker furniture, etc. Call 270-528-7076
FS - 42" cut Cub Cadet mower, hydrostatic, $250, LF - Electric cook stove and old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Mandolin. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra ext cab 4wd pickup, has less than 185k miles$7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
Wednesday, September 13th, 2023
Yard Sale - Tuesday thru Thursday at 10566 N Jackson Hwy, brick home on the right between Jonesville and Magnolia, clothes, trinkets, 3-wheel bikes (one is for a handicap person), toys, dog stroller, wicker furniture, etc. Call 270-528-7076
FS - 2014 Ford Focus, 120k miles. $5500. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 42" cut Cub Cadet mower, hydrostatic, $250, LF - Electric cook stove and old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Full size 4-door pickup. Call 270-218-3827
Tuesday, September 12th, 2023
FS - 1985 Honda Nighthawk motorcycle, 4 cyl, dual overhead cam engine in immaculate condition. Call 270-651-2595
Yard Sale - Tuesday thru Thursday at 10566 N Jackson Hwy, brick home on the right between Jonesville and Magnolia, clothes, trinkets, 3-wheel bikes (one is for a handicap person), toys, dog stroller, wicker furniture, etc. Call 270-528-7076
FS - Riding mowers, push mowers. Call 270-786-2903
FS - Boat in good condition. Call 270-473-1731
FS - Commercial clothes racks. $75 each. Call 270-283-5537
Monday, September 11th, 2023
LF - Mandolin. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra ext cab 4wd pickup, has less than 185k miles, $7500 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 6'4" x 4'10", white in color. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
FS - Fishing boat $250. Call 270-473-1731
FS - Troybilt pressure washer, used very little, pump doesn't work. Call 270-524-7709
Friday, September 8th, 2023
Yard sale - Friday & Saturday at 418 Owen St. Cave City, Christmas decor, throws, laundry detergent, pocket knives. Call 270-590-6031
FS - 20 sheep, 85 to 115 lbs, also have 5 rams, 185 to 225 lbs, 18 months old, multiple colors. Call 270-528-1221
FS - 4 new tires, 225 60 R16. Call 270-528-3307
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 307 N 3rd St, Cave City, name brand clothes for girls and boys, baby clothes, outdoor items, tv, shoes. Call 270-590-3692
LF - A couple of tv's that can be mounted on a wall and a hideaway bed. Call 270-473-3003
Yard Sale - through Saturday, 803 East Side Court, on Short Cut Road. clothes, fall and Christmas items, copier, dishes, books.
Thursday, September 7th, 2023
FS - Pair of D&D slip on exhaust for a sports bike, has pipe $100. Call 270-612-0926
Yard Sale - through Saturday, 803 East Side Court, on Short Cut Road. clothes, fall and Christmas items, copier, dishes, books.
FS - Boxer pups, have had shots, $300. Call 270-612-0612
LF - Electric cook stove. Yard Sale through Sunday in Cave City, riding mower, motor stand, new and used items, at 313 N. 9th St. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Aluminum toolbox for full size Chevy truck. FS - 2 Kohler 23 hp motors, 2 Briggs & Stratton motors, 5x12 Trailer with slide ramps, parts for mowers. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Someone to cook Hello Fresh meals at a residence in Munfordville. One day a week and will need three meals cooked, should take 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Call 270-528-5953
Wednesday, September 6th, 2023
LF – Mandolin, 270-473-1446
YS – 603 N Buckner Ave, will have baby girl clothing, girl children clothing, tools, snow blowers, sneakers and a bunch more. Too many to list. For questions, call 270-218-1379
LF - 4 door 4wd pickup. FS - Gravity wagon $800. Call 270-218-3827
Tuesday, September 5th, 2023
FS - Polypay Wool Lamb Wether - 118 lbs, born January 2023, Chicken heavy breed - 2 pullets and 5 cockerels, hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 2010-11 Chevy HHR, red, has good body and was running when parked, but poorly, asking $1500 obo, in Summer Shade area. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 2 recliners, burgundy and gold, $50 each. Call 270-528-6108
Friday, September 1st, 2023
Yard Sale - Saturday at 80 Richardson Road, Munfordville. 1st yard sale of the year. Call 270-473-1045
FS 2003 GMC Sierra pickup, extended cab, 4wd, $8,000. 2 wooden rocking chairs, $150 for the set, metal glider with cushion, $75. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 6 foot 4 inches by 4 foot 10 inches white in color for $3 and $4 each. Would trade for a good mower or fire wood. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Someone to clean an apartment in Glasgow. Call 270-308-8881
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 1 Nanny, 3 Wethers and 1 non-breeder Doeling, Polypay wool lambs - 1 Wether Lamb, chickens heavy breed - 2 Pullets and 5 Cockerels hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
Thursday, August 31st, 2023
Yard Sale - now through Saturday at 1338 S Dixie Hwy at Rowletts, next to the new Dollar Store. Call 270-218-0265
FS - 10x13 retractable awning in new condition, maroon color, $250. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Running boards for a 2000 Ford Ranger, extended cab. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Small boat trailer for a john boat, $160. Call 270-405-1260
FS - New Weather Tech floor mats for 2016-2019 Nissan Pathfinder. $75. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 1990 Cub Cadet AGS 2130 mower with Kohler engine, speckled bantys and 11 young rabbits. Call 270-528-4750
FS - Showcase $75, shelving out of Family Dollar store, 6 sections, 4 ft wide each, 7 ft tall, shelf and bin $450 for all. Cub Cadet riding mower $275, hydrostatic. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 recliners $50 for both, oak round table with 4 chairs, antique round table with 2 chairs, 1 twin beds (no mattresses), black small apartment refrigerator, assorted bar stools, 2 new bathroom shelves for above commode, $10 each, and baby guineas. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 6 foot 4 inches by 4 foot 10 inches white in color for $3 and $4 each. Would trade for a good mower or fire wood. Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, August 30th, 2023
FS - New Weather Tech floor mats for 2016-2019 Nissan Pathfinder. $75. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 1990 Cub Cadet AGS 2130 mower with Kohler engine, speckled bantys and 11 young rabbits. Call 270-528-4750
FS - Showcase $75, shelving out of Family Dollar store, 6 sections, 4 ft wide each, 7 ft tall, shelf and bin $450 for all. Cub Cadet riding mower $275, hydrostatic. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 recliners $50 for both, oak round table with 4 chairs, antique round table with 2 chairs, 1 twin beds (no mattresses), black small apartment refrigerator, assorted bar stools, 2 new bathroom shelves for above commode, $10 each, and baby guineas. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 6 foot 4 inches by 4 foot 10 inches white in color for $3 and $4 each. Would trade for a good mower or fire wood. Call 270-405-1260
Tuesday, August 30th, 2023
LF- concrete steps, 2 sets of handrails, and size 24/10/11 four wheeler tires . Call 270-723-4077
FS - insulated fiberglass panels 6 foot 4 inches by 4 foot 10 inches white in color for $3 and $4 each. Would trade for a good mower or fire wood. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Polypay Wool Lambs - 1 Wether Lamb, Chicken Heavy Breed - 2 Pullets and 5 Cockerels hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Semi truck tanker driver needed to haul farm products, no CDL, experienced driver. Also LF - office personnel with knowledge of Microsoft Office plus fast paced environment, multi-task for an auctioneer. LF - Experienced cattle worker to feed and sort cattle, and able to drive John Deere equipment. Call 502-349-9707
LF - Concrete steps, 2 sets of handrails and size 24/10/11 four wheeler tires. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2002 Ford Sport Trac pickup, 4.0, V6, 4wd, transmission needs replacing and front windshield is cracked, asking $750 or partial trade, located in Horse Cave. Call 931-677-9292
FS - New set of Weather Tech floor mats, for a 2016 to 2019 Nissan Pathfinder, $75, has 3 sets of mats. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Women's plus size clothing, handheld Kindle Fire with games. Call 270-773-3368
GA - Bulldog male puppy. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 1989 Chevy truck, 350 engine, 5 new tires, new battery, 150,000 miles, 1968 16 ft Ebb tide boat 70h motor, set of left hand Hybrid golf clubs, used 1 time, asking $360, and 4 Graphite rods with reels. Call 270-528-1452
Monday, August 29th, 2023
FS - Parting out Gravely zero turn mowers, 2 - 50" cut zero turn mowers (Dixon & Cub Cadet), 5x12' trailer $695. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Mixed Hay, $40 per roll. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Hollywood hot tub spa $200. Call 270-590-8240
FS - Antique sewing machine with table $100. Call 270-590-8679
FS - Ikea bookshelf $60, red leather chair, elevates your feet, $100. Call 270-590-9360
LF - 6 to 8 gallon whiskey barrels. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Someone to clean an apartment in Glasgow. Call 270-308-8881
LF - Water turnoff valve for older water meter. Call 270-537-4224
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra 4wd, extended cab, $8,000 obo, 2 wooden rocking chairs $150 for both, metal glider with cushions, $75. Call 270-385-1344
Friday, August 25th, 2023
FS - Small boat trailer for a John boat, $160 in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Small 10 ft cu. freezer. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Pop up shelters with wall curtains, 2 picnic tables, double deep fryer, new electric pressure cooker, glider rocker and a wheelchair. Call 270-786-2592
LF - Good electric cook stove. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra extended cab, 4wd, outdoor furniture, 2 wooden rocking chairs, and a metal glider. Call 270-385-1344
FS - or trade - cloth couch, will trade for a sectional couch. Call 270-404-0562
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-612-0612
Monday, August 21st, 2023
FS - 2006 John Deere riding mower, 42" cut, 17hp Briggs & Stratton, asking $250. Call 270-405-1691
FS - Speckled banty chicks and Arraconda blue chickens, GA - kitten. Call 270-528-4750
LF - Running boards for a 2000 Ford Ranger, extended cab. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Igloo coolers, used, 2 - 30 qt coolers $10, 120 qt cooler $30, 5 gallon industrial water cooler. $30. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Couch, chair and ottoman, $100 in Munfordville. Call 270-524-4440
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 1 Nanny, 3 Wethers and 1 non-breeder Doeling, Polypay wool lambs - 1 Wether Lamb, chickens heavy breed - 2 Pullets and 5 Cockerels hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
GA - Large tree for firewood at Woodsonville cemetery. Call 270-646-6824
Friday, August 18th, 2023
Missing - Male Blue Heeler with orange collar was last seen on 357 between Munfordville and 936. Call 904-575-1811
Yard Sale - Wednesday through Saturday, 3 miles east of Horse Cave and 1 mile west of Wigwam General Store on 218. Comforters, dishes, highchair, child's rocker, bed skirts, no clothes. Call 270-786-1195
FS - Jon boat trailer $60. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Wreaths for various holidays, homemade flowerpots. Call 618-240-3528
FS - Showcases $50 each. Clothes racks $75 each. PS 3 with games. Call 270-283-5537
Yard Sale - at 212 White St. in Cave City, fishing poles, etc.
LF - Someone to bush hog a yard on Boyds Knob Road. Call 270-218-3225
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat - 418 Owen St. Cave City - everything is cheap, Kohls comforters, odds and ends, some items are new. Call 270-590-6031
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat - 8920 Happy Valley Road, 1 mile from Save-a-lot, collectibles, home decor, antiques. Call 270-590-3452
FS - Speckled banty chicks and Arraconda blue chickens, GA - kitten. Call 270-528-4750
Thursday, August 17th, 2023
LF - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Catfish cages, 2 different sizes. Call 270-246-1913
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 7'9" x 4' 6" and smaller sizes, $3 and $4 each, would trade for good mower or firewood. Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, August 16th, 2023
Yard Sale - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday - 3 miles east of Horse Cave and 1 mile west of Wigwam General Store on Hwy 218. Comforters, dishes, high chair, child's rocker, bed skirts, no clothes. Call 270-786-1195
LF - Running boards for a 2000 Ford Ranger, extended cab. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Igloo coolers, used, 2 - 30 qt coolers $10, 120 qt cooler $30, 5 gallon industrial water cooler. $30. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Couch, chair and ottoman, $100 in Munfordville. Call 270-524-4440
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 1 Nanny, 3 Wethers and 1 non-breeder Doeling, Polypay wool lambs - 1 Wether Lamb, chickens heavy breed - 2 Pullets and 5 Cockerels hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
GA - Large tree for firewood at Woodsonville cemetery. Call 270-646-6824
Tuesday, August 15th, 2023
FS - Couch, chair and ottoman, $100 in Munfordville. Call 270-524-4440
FS - Moped, runs, $250, 2 showcases - today only $50 each or $75 for both, clothes racks, $35 each, LF - small female Chihuahua. Call 270-283-5537
LF - Job remodeling barns, roofing, and other jobs. Call 270-218-1748
Fs - 2004 Chevy Cavalier, $2,000, Great Dane pups. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Running boards for a 2000 Ford Ranger, extended cab. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-612-0612
FS - Fred Thrasher print, (Battle of Mill Springs, limited edition, Jan. 19th, 1862), signed and numbered, $125. Will donate $50 of it to WLOC Clothes for Kids. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Gravity bed or wagon. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Igloo coolers, used, 2 - 30 qt coolers $10, 120 qt cooler $30, 5 gallon industrial water cooler. $30. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 255 Massey Ferguson tractor, 52hp, new paint, 2 hydraulic hoses in the back. Call 270-369-7394
FR - 4 bedroom brick home, 2 1/2 bath, $900 a month with $1600 deposit. Call 270-786-4655
Monday, August 14th, 2023
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 1 Nanny, 3 Wethers and 1 non-breeder Doeling, Polypay wool lambs - 1 Wether Lamb, chickens heavy breed - 2 Pullets and 5 Cockerels hatched in April and May. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 2 coolers - 32 qt, 120 qt cooler and smaller cooler with spout. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Gravely zero turn 20hp mower $1,095, 50" cut Cub Cadet mower, $995, 24 hp Briggs & Stratton motor, LF - old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
GA - Couch covered up outside, FS - marble top coffee table. $40. Call 270-218-3225
GA - Large tree for firewood at Woodsonville cemetery. Call 270-646-6824
FS - Showcases, $100 each, clothes racks. LF -Female Chihuahua. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Wood stove with ash pan, Ashley or King. Call 270-218-3827
Thursday, August 10th, 2023
FS - 2 ladies size 6 1/2 Dr Scholl's tennis shoes, 2 toddler tables with chairs. Call 502-341-4.335
FS - Baby guineas, oak table and 4 chairs, 2 rocking chairs, barstools. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 23 hp Command Kohler motor, 24 hp Kohler motor, 52" deck for zero turn mower , 50" deck for Cub Cadet mower, 24 hp Briggs & Stratton motor and a 5x12 utility trailer with drop ramp. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Massey Ferguson mowing machine, late model, with 2 cut blades, kept inside. $2,000. Call 270-528-1322
Wednesday, August 9th, 2023
FS - Fred Thrasher print, signed and numbered, $125. Will donate $50 of it to WLOC Clothes for Kids. Call 270-773-5306
FS - Igloo coolers, used, 2 - 30 qt coolers $10, 120 qt cooler $30, 5 gallon industrial water cooler. $30. Call 270-612-0926
Multi-family yard sale, Thursday, Fri & Sat 8a.m. to 3p.m. at 85 Possum Hollow Road, in the Kessinger community. Call 270-670-2163
FS - 2 Showcases $75 or $100 for both, Playstation 3 with games $65, clothes racks $25 each or will make a deal for all, bag of jackets. Call 270-283-5537
FS - 255 Massey Ferguson tractor, 52hp, new paint, 2 hydraulic hoses in the back. Call 270-369-7394
Tuesday, August 8th, 2023
FS - 12x24' building, 3 years old, insulated, has electricity, $4,000 firm. Must be moved. Call 270-734-2747
FS - Canning jars, quarts, pints, jelly jars. Selling all for one price. Call 270-404-4232
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-773-2768
Monday, August 7th, 2023
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 1 Nanny, 3 Wethers and 1 Non-Breeder Doeling Polypay wool lambs, 1 Wether lamb. Call 270-531-6177
FS - John boat trailer, has winch, jack stand, guide bars and 2 extra wheels and tires $200, there is an issue with one wheel, insulated fiberglass panels. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 12 ft x 6'4" utility trailer, 4 ft drop down tailgate $1000. Call 815-821-1431
FS - Marble top coffee table $40, boxes of dishes $30, GA - cats. Call 270-218-3225
Friday, August 4th, 2023
LF - Gravity bed or wagon. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Boxer pups, 9-weeks-old. Call 270-612-0612
FS - 6-week-old Basset Hound pups, $200, parents on site. Call 270- 576-6625
Thursday, August 3rd, 2023
LF - 2000 to 2002 parts for Dodge Ram 2500 series. Call 270-646-0878
LF - 15 passenger van in really good condition. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 120 qt Igloo cooler, used once, $30 obo. Call 270-612-0926
3 Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday, August 4th & 5th, at 8:00 a.m. at 103 Edwards Avenue, Horse Cave (cancel if raining). Brand name clothes, all sizes, purses, beauty items, house decor, toys, baby items, etc.
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023
LF - 2000-2002 Dodge Ram 2500 for parts. Call 270-646-0878
FS - Wedding decor, very nice inversion table,
metal desk, exercise bike, new mirror, and over the commode shelf. LF- louvered
door around 22 inches wide.
Call or text 270-723-4077
LF - Job remodeling barns, roofing, and other jobs. Call 270-218-1748
LF - Gravity bed or wagon. Call 270-218-3827
FR - 4 bedroom brick home, 2 1/2 bath, $900 a month with $1600 deposit. Call 270-786-4655
Tuesday, August 1st, 2023
LF - Someone to clean an apartment in Glasgow, prefer Tuesday or Wednesday. Call 270-308-8881
LF - Water turnoff valve for older water meter (square nut). Call 270-537-4224
LF - 6 to 8 20 gallon whiskey barrels. Call 270-473-1446
3 Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday, August 4th & 5th, at 8:00 a.m. at 103 Edwards Avenue, Horse Cave (cancel if raining). Brand name clothes, all sizes, purses, beauty items, house decor, toys, baby items, etc.
Monday, July 31st, 2023
FS - 2 glass showcases in good condition, $100 each or $175 for both. Call 270-218-5045
3 Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday, August 4th & 5th, at 8:00 a.m. at 103 Edwards Avenue, Horse Cave (cancel if raining). Brand name clothes, all sizes, purses, beauty items, house decor, toys, baby items, etc.
Friday, July 28th, 2023
3 Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday, August 4th & 5th, at 8:00 a.m. at 103 Edwards Avenue, Horse Cave (cancel if raining). Brand name clothes, all sizes, purses, beauty items, house decor, toys, baby items, etc.
FS - 120 qt Igloo cooler, $30. Call 270-612-0926
FS - New potatoes, Kindle Fire with charger, GA - Plus size clothes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Real wood California King bed, $900 obo. Text 270-404-1530
Thursday, July 27th, 2023
FS - 2004 Chevy Cavalier, runs good. Great Dane pups. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Couch in like new condition, light beige color, brown electric recliner, electric fireplace. Call 270-218-5576
LF - Nice baby boy clothes, due in September. Call 270-531-2061
Wednesday, July 26th, 2023
LF - Parts for Woods bush hog, crank type. Call 270-218-3827
FS - 10 10 John Deere tractor, gas model, 2100 miles, with cultivator, $5,000. Call 270-537-5686
FS - Corner entertainment center, 32" Sharp tv, microwave stand. Call 270-218-2304
FS - Coin-operated pool table with balls, racks, sticks. $250. Used set of wheels and tires for Polaris Razor. Call 270-385-1344
LF - 10 Laying hens. Call 270-816-3172
FS - New potatoes, Kindle Fire, plus size clothing. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Assorted prints, Fred Thrasher $150, Ivan Wilson print, In the Beginning Kroger 100th Anniversary print, maps of battlefields prints, etc; none of them have been framed and most are in original envelopes. Call 270-773-5306
Tuesday, July 25th, 2023
LF - Parts for Woods bush hog, crank type. Call 270-218-3827
FS - 10 10 John Deere tractor, gas model, 2100 miles, with cultivator. $5,000. Call 270-537-5686
Monday, July 24th, 2023
FS - Treeclimber deer stand $45, fence insulators, Tom Clancy books, cd player for home stereo, Poulan chainsaw, parts only, old McCullough chainsaw $100. Call 270-537-5725
FS - New 38x30 men's jeans $5, new Dr. Scholl's women's sandals, size 7, $6. Coffee maker $5. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Coin operated pool table with balls and sticks, racks, $250, set of used wheels and tires for Razor. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 50" cut Gravely zero turn mower, $1,095 , Dixon 50" cut zero turn mower, $895, Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, $995. Call 270-4257-4236
Friday, July 21st, 2023
LF - Leftover White vinyl double 4 siding, can be new or used in Horse Cave or surrounding area. Call 270-786-1918
FS - Handbags, various kinds, across the RR tracks in Horse Cave on the porch. Call 270-786-3371
FS - 2 used tables and 2 chairs one is Blue's Clues, and 1 is Disney, GA - 4 green aluminum lawn chairs, kitchen chair with arms. Call 502-341-4335
FS - White electric stove $350, like new. Call 270-579-6032 in Cecilia.
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
Thursday, July 20th, 2023
LF - Washer, dryer, refrigerator. Call 270-529-0425
LF - Kitchen sink in good condition around 70" long. Need sink cabinet and counter or complete sink. Call 270-670-9070
LF - 1 to 2 people, able to lift up to 80 lbs, have valid license and pass drug test. Call 270-883-1838
FS - 2 - 2001 Ford Explorers, 4wd, make a good vehicle from both, one has a title, the other for parts, 1984 F700 log truck, gasoline. Call 270-565-2502
FS - Bar hay rake, $400, 7 ft Massey Ferguson mowing machine, $2,000. Call 270-531-2060
FS - 2004 Cavalier, runs good. Great Dane pups. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Front end parts for 2008 Chrysler Town & Country van, black or dark blue color preferred. Call 270-531-2061
FS - Boxer and Pug puppies. Call 270-612-0612
Tuesday, July 18th, 2023
GA - Golden Retriever puppies to good homes, one male and one female, house trained, good with children and other pets. E-mail or text 312-270-0850
LF - Bushel of tomatoes for canning. Call 270-537-3546
LF - 7-shank chisel plow. Call 270-218-3827
Monday, July 17th, 2023
FS - 6 roosters, $5 each in Horse Cave. Call 270-473-4035
GA - 4 to 5 bread trays. Must pick up at WLOC Radio station. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 3 go-carts for teenager or adults, all key start, new tires, $2200 $1200, $800. Call 270-473-3407
Friday, July 14th, 2023
LF - Allis Chalmer plates for a corn planter. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Chickens. Call 270-531-6947
LF - 15" 4-lug wheel for 2009 Chevy Aveo. Call 270-670-1011
Wednesday, July 12th, 2023
GA - Older metal swing set with slide. Call 270-773-5625
LF - 2 or 3 people for drywall or barn work, $100 a day. Call 270-218-1748
LF - Short school bus or church bus, must seat 15 people. FS - 1997 Jeep Wrangler, has hardtop and bikini top, automatic. $4,000 obo. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 1999 Chevy Silverado 1500, 4x4, clean title, has broken frame in back passenger side, has over 294,000 miles, $3500 obo. Call 270-943-0662
Tuesday, July 11th, 2023
LF - Someone to cut up 40 acres of hay on shares. Call 270-531-2155
FS - 851 New Holland hay roller, $1,000. 10,000 lb electric winch, 12 volt, $250. Call 270-537-5099
Monday, July 10th, 2023
FS - Handbags, various kinds, across the RR tracks in Horse Cave on the porch. Call 270-786-3371
FS - 2 used tables and 2 chairs one is Blue's Clues, and 1 is Disney, GA - 4 green aluminum lawn chairs, kitchen chair with arms. Call 502-341-4335
FS - White electric stove $350, like new. Call 270-759-6032 in Cecilia.
Friday, July 7th, 2023
GA - King size mattress and twin mattress to someone in need. Call 270-537-1848
FS - 2 new pair men's jeans, size 36x30, size 11 men's tennis shoes, new heating pad and new blood pressure monitor. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Nice baby boy clothes. Call 270-531-2061
LF - 4 strands of small blue Christmas lights. Call 270-528-2407
Thursday, July 6th, 2023
GA - 22 ft camper trailer, older, could be used for hunting cabin. Call 815-821-1431
FS -2004 Chevy Cavalier, asking $1200. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Power wheels for kids $50. Call 270-528-6546
LF - Bearded dragon. Call 270-473-3407
Wednesday, July 5th, 2023
FS - 50" cut Gravely zero turn mower, $1,095 , Dixon 50" cut zero turn mower, $895, Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, $995. Call 270-4257-4236
GA - Female Blue Heeler/Pit mix, answers to Angel, not aggressive. Call 270-473-1446
FS - 13 week-old toy size Chihuahua pups, $250 each, 2 female French Bulldog-Pug cross pups, $800 each, LF - 5x8' utility trailer with working lights or an enclosed trailer. Call 615-772-8226
FS - Wooden shelves $15 each. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Tailgate for 2000 model and up Ford Dually, solid white, spare tire and wheel for Ford Dually. couch and 2 recliners. LF - part-time or full-time help on concession stand. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Push mower $100 and small electric garden tiller $50. Call 270-528-6107
Monday, July 3rd, 2023
FS - Ford F150 Power wheels, needs a battery. $50. Call 270-528-6546
FS - 50" cut Dixon zero-turn mower $950, 50" cut Gravely zero-turn mower, $1250, 50" cut Cub Cadet mower $1150, 5x12 trailer with drop gate, $795. LF - old zero turn mowers for parts. Call 270-457-4236
June 30th, 2023
Yard Sale - Inside at 3340 Three Springs Hwy, Hardyville, crafts, clothes, etc. 4614 Three Springs Hwy is a bake sale. Call 270-670-5884
LF - Round or square bales of hay. Call 270-524-3341
FS - Tote full of yard sale items in Munfordville. Call 270-524-4547
GA - 2 set of kittens, 6 total, 3 are 9-weeks-old and 3 are 8-weeks- old. FS - Solid oak kitchen table with 3 chairs, $20. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 2008 Chrysler Town & Country van, preferably black or blue in color. Call 270-531-2061
FS - Oliver 2 bottom turning plow, kick back type, $200. Call 270-531-2060
Thursday, June 29th, 2023
GA - 3-month-old female Pitbull puppy. Call 502-526-8012
FS - Wooden shelves, $35 each 7 of them. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Set of 17" Michelin tires on 5-lug aluminum wheels, have pics. Call 270-401-8760
FS - 2004 Chevy Cavalier and Haire lambs. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 851 New Holland hay roller $1,000. Call 270-537-5099
FS - 10,000 lb electric winch, 12 volt. $250. Call 270-537-5099
FS - Troybilt rear bagger mower, high wheel, self-propelled, Honda engine. Call 270-773-5625
LF - Someone to mow around trailer, about half acre, twice a month. Located about 4 miles north of Cub Run on Hwy 728. Text 502-938-1779 or email
Wednesday, June 28th, 2023
LF - Someone to do bush hogging on 1 acre. Call 270-361-3385
Tuesday, June 27th, 2023
FS - Stihl weed eater, straight shaft, asking $75. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Goats and 12 ft gates for goats. Call 270-706-4888
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 Doeling, 1 Yearling Billy, 2 Wethers and 2 Non-Breeder Doe Polypay Wool Lambs, 1 Wether Lam and 1 - 2016 Ewe. Call 2702-531-6177
Friday, June 16th, 2023
FS - 5x9' diamond plated dump trailer, new paint and tires, $300. Call 270-473-3407
FS - Oak pedestal table with 5 oak chairs $150. Located at 209 Old St. Munfordville. Call 270-524-5307
FS - 2 pair of ladies Avia tennis shoes, size 8, Coach purse and Tommy Hilfiger purse. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Antique wall mounted oak wooden telephone, crank style, $100. Call 270-531-5922
Thursday, June 15th, 2023
FS - 851 New Holland roller, $1,000. Call 270-537-5099
FS - Baby stroller $5, adult walker $10, shower bench $10, country cd's, men's large clothes $1 each, size 11 men's tennis shoes $5. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Phillips interior lights, new in box, will make a deal. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Stihl straight shaft weedeater, $85. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Merle boy French Bulldog, $1,000, 2-year-old female Merle Aussie Doodle, $250, 2 Teacup Chihuahua female pups, a toy male Chihuahua pup, LF - 5'x8' utility trailer, cheap or give away. Call or text 270-891-7774
FS - 10x16 storage shed $2300, fiberglass panels. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
FS - Professional Bonnet Salon hairdryer. $40. 25 nut crackers $40, vintage antique baby stroller $200, Garage Sale - until everything is gone at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road. Call 270-218-1796
GA - Female Schnauzer 1 year-old, house broke and good with kids, there is a re-homing fee. Call 270-612-1428
LF - 4wd side by side in really good condition to use on a farm. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - Edger, 3 or 4 weedeaters, 2-year-old push mower, 4 tires, size 265x70x17's. Call 270-646-0878
FS - Yamaha 220 Beartrack 4-wheeler, green with good tires, has front brake issue, $1,000. Call 270-473-3407
Wednesday, June 14th, 2023
REQUIRED Located in New Haven, Drug-free experienced drivers only. Home Every
night! Call Billy Frank 502-349-9707 or Call Tom Smith at 502-349-5143
And must be able to multi-task. Located in Bardstown. LF - CATTLE
involved, in New Haven and Drug-free experienced. Call Billy Frank at
FS - Professional Bonnet Salon hairdryer. $40. 25 nut crackers $40, vintage antique baby stroller $200, Garage Sale - until everything is gone at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road. Call 270-218-1796
GA - 8 kittens on Red Buck Estes Road. Call 270-524-0126
FS - Baby stroller $5, adult walker $10, shower bench $10, country cd's, men's large clothes $1 each, size 11 men's tennis shoes $5. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 50" cut Dixon zero-turn mower $950, 50" cut Gravely zero-turn mower, $1250, 50" cut Cub Cadet mower $1150, 5x12 trailer with drop gate, $795. LF - old zero turn mowers for parts. Call 270-457-4236
Tuesday, June 13th, 2023
LF - 6 to 8 - 20 gallon whisky barrels. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Phillips interior lights, new in box, will make a deal. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Stihl straight shaft weedeater, $85. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 10x16' storage building $2300 in Summersville, insulated fiberglass panels $4 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Merle boy French Bulldog, $1,000, 2-year-old female Merle Aussie Doodle, $250, 2 Teacup Chihuahua female pups, a toy male Chihuahua pup, LF - 5'x8' utility trailer, cheap or give away. Call or text 270-891-7774
FS - Refrigerator, 3 Guineas. Call 270-531-6947
LF - 20 rolls of hay. Call 270-528-1221
Monday, June 12th, 2023
FS - Stihl weedeater, straight shaft. $85. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 10x16 storage shed $2300, fiberglass panels. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
Friday, June 9th, 2023
Yard Sale - All week at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road, Horse Cave, antique furniture and more. Call 270-218-1796
5 family Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday - at 103 Circle Drive in Horse Cave, Case knives, clothes, home decor, grill, stereo, printer, etc. Call 270-404-4232
Yard Sale Saturday on Flint Hill Road, Sonora, beside the school. Call 270-531-6947
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 418 Owen Street, Cave City. Call 270-590-6031
Yard Sale Friday and Saturday at 8920 Happy Valley Road, Cave City, 1 mile toward Save-A-Lot. Call 270-590-3452
Yard Sale Friday & Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.- 466 John Logsdon Road. Dressers, book shelves, porter cable scroll saw, tools, pedestal sink, floor tile, ceramic tile, ceiling lights, also....
FS - 2011 Dodge Ram Quad with 6" lift kit, transmission has been redone, has a little rust, comes with new Rocker panels plus extra parts, asking $15,000, 1996 Dodge Neon Coup, $2,000 obo. Call 270-473-4017
FS - Set of 17" Chevrolet wheels with Michelin defector LPX, tread has 2,000 miles. Asking $1,000. Call 270-401-8760
FS - Baby chicks. Call 270-531-6947
Thursday, June 8th, 2023
LF - Turning plow for tractor and a golf cart. Call 270-735-6698
5 family Yard Sale - today, Friday & Saturday - at 103 Circle Drive in Horse Cave, Case knives, clothes, grill, stereo, printer, etc. Call 270-404-4232
FS - New heating pad, shower bench and a Coach purse. Call 502-341-4335
Yard Sale - All week at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road, Horse Cave, antique furniture and more. Call 270-218-1796
GA - Female Schnauzer 1 year-old, house broke and good with kids, there is a re-homing fee. Call 270-612-1428
LF - 4wd side by side in really good condition to use on a farm. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - Edger, 3 or 4 weedeaters, 2-year-old push mower, 4 tires, size 265x70x17's. Call 270-646-0878
FS - Yamaha 220 Beartrack 4-wheeler, green with good tires, has front brake issue, $1,000. Call 270-473-3407
Wednesday, June 7th, 2023
Yard Sale - All week at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road, Horse Cave, antique furniture and more. Call 270-218-1796
LF - 4wd side by side in really good condition to use on a farm. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - Stihl weedeater, straight shaft. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 910-234-0281
FS - BMW, clean title, LF - Place to rent that is pet friendly, and an adult male long hair Chihuahua or small male Pomeranian. Call 629-239-1559
FS - Edger, 3 or 4 weedeaters, 2-year-old push mower, 4 tires, size 265x70x17's. Call 270-646-0878
FS - Yamaha 220 Beartrack 4-wheeler, green with good tires, has front brake issue, $1,000. Call 270-473-3407
Tuesday, June 6th, 2023
Yard Sale - All week at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road, Horse Cave, antique furniture and more. Call 270-218-1796
GA - Female Schnauzer 1 year-old, house broke and good with kids, there is a re-homing fee. Call 270-612-1428
GA - 5-month-old Blue Heeler puppy. Call 270-473-9707
FS - 30 sheep, 50 to 100 lbs, male and female, wormed, tagged and well fed. Call 270-528-1221
GA - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-3212
LF - Set of full size bedrails. Call 270-774-1563
Monday, June 5th, 2023
FS - 10x16 storage shed $2300, fiberglass panels. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
Yard Sale - Today New Liberty, Big Meadow area.
FS - Interior lights, new in box. Discontinued by Lowe's, wall, ceiling, vanity, etc. $10 each, in Cave City. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 3 zero-turn mowers, $995 to $1195, parts for mowers, LF - 6'x10' trailer or boat trailer around 14 to 16 ft. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Stihl weed eater $85, straight shaft. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Valley Brand coin-operated pool table with accessories $250, nails for Passload nailgun. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 2014 Chevy Impala, will trade for a pickup. Call 270-218-8236
GA - Male Blue Heeler, has had shots. Call 270-473-9707
FS - 4 tires, 265 70 $17's, pull behind smoker grill, Craftsman edger. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Straw near Horse Cave. Call 270-473-0907
Wednesday, May 31st, 2023
FS - Stihl gas weedeater, $85, straight shaft. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Disc mower, hay rake, 2 basket hay tedder, LF - 12,000 btu air conditioner. Call 270-218-3827
FS - Gravely 50" cut zero turn mower, Cub Cadet 50" cut zero turn mower, 50" cut Dixon zero turn mower, parts for mowers, LF - boat trailer with 5-hole wheels. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 3/4 ton or ton pickup and some help on a concession trailer. Call 270-537-3341
FS - New pair of Redwing shoes, size 6 1/2, shower bench, new heating pad, camo t-shirts, size small & medium, free egg cartons. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, old pickup or car around $1000, FS - front tine Husky tiller and rear tine tiller, $100 for both. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to do odd jobs in Bonnieville, yard work, etc. Call 270-317-3043
FS - Bathtub with 2 sliding doors with tracking, $100, natural gas heater, $65 like new. Call 270-218-1748
FS - Glass square beveled tabletop 27" x 27", $30. bathroom sink. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 1990 Chevy Silverado Z71 4wd pickup, short bed, new tires. $1,000. Husky riding mower, needs deck, $75. Call 270-246-1913
Tuesday, May 30th, 2023
FS - Picnic table $75, wishing well $65, large wishing well $50. Call 270-218-5045 or 270-283-5537
FS - New Phillips lights in box, wall, ceiling, vanity, 3 & 5 fixtures. Call 270-612-0926
LF - White dishwasher in excellent condition. Call 270-723-4077
Lost - Long black wallet, has brown and black rivets on one side, Sunday afternoon at Food Lion in Glasgow, contains CDL's, social security card and bank card, along with insurance card. Offering $100 cash reward for return. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Full size bed with mattress & box springs. Call 270-493-3547
LF - Motor for 7 hp Troybilt garden tiller or will sell it. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Someone to do odd jobs in Bonnieville, yard work, etc. Call 270-317-3043
FS - Bathtub with 2 sliding doors with tracking, $100, natural gas heater, $65 like new. Call 270-218-1748
GA - 2 full stock adult Beagles, male and female, spayed and neutered and will run rabbits. Call 270-218-5208 or 270-218-5207
FS - 17 Haire lambs in Adair Co. They are male and female. Call 270-378-6583
FS - 30 sheep, 50 to 100 lbs, male and female, wormed, tagged and well fed. Call 270-528-1221
GA - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-3212
LF - Set of full size bedrails. Call 270-774-1563
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900, 2 boxes of nails for a passload nail gun. Call 270-385-1344
Friday, May 26th, 2023
GA - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-3212
LF - Free couch for a family in need. Call 270-218-5288
Multiple family Yard sale 10244 Jackson Hwy, Cave City, Friday and Saturday until noon. Jewelry, clothes, decor, shoes, games, and so much more.
FS - Pallet racks with floors $100 a set. Call 270-473-0942
FS - 3-year-old Schnauzer, Haire lams born in December. Call 270-528-6693
Lost - Tuesday - black backpack at crossroads at 728 and 88 at Cub Run. Urgently need it. Call 270-218-0623
Thursday, May 25th, 2023
Yard Sale - Today (Thursday) and Saturday - 108 Edwards Ave in Horse Cave, signs posted, movies, Playstation game, coffee pots, angels, computer games, etc. Call 270-786-5111
FS - New 3-in-1 Baby bed, asking $130. Call 270-646-8134
GA - 2 full stock adult Beagles, male and female, spayed and neutered and will run rabbits. Call 270-218-5208 or 270-218-5207
FS - 17 Haire lambs in Adair Co. They are male and female. Call 270-378-6583
Multiple family Yard sale 10244 Jackson Hwy, Cave City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday until noon. Jewelry, clothes, decor, shoes, games, and so much more.
FS - 30 sheep, 50 to 100 lbs, male and female, wormed, tagged and well fed. Call 270-528-1221
GA - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-3212
LF - Free couch for a family in need. Call 270-218-5288
Wednesday, May 24th, 2023
FS - Glass square beveled tabletop 27" x 27", $30. bathroom sink. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 1990 Chevy Silverado Z71 4wd pickup, short bed, new tires. $1,000. Husky riding mower, needs deck, $75. Call 270-246-1913
Yard Sale - Today at 8984 N Dixie Hwy Bonnieville, King metal headboard and baseboard, baby chicks, 2012 Ford Edge Ltd. Call 270-531-6947
Multiple family Yard sale 10244 Jackson Hwy, Cave City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday until noon. Jewelry, clothes, decor, shoes, games, and so much more.
LF - Someone to do odd jobs in Bonnieville, yard work, etc. Call 270-317-3043
FS - Bathtub with 2 sliding doors with tracking, $100, natural gas heater, $65 like new. Call 270-218-1748
FS - TD 923 Taylor Way 4 ft. roto tiller, will fit 3pt hookup, asking $1,000. White Coleman Kids mini bike, $300. Call 270-670-0986 or 270-651-9842
FS - Pallet racks with floors $100 a set. Call 270-473-0942
FS - 5x8' tilt trailer, couch, 2 recliners, 2 end tables and coffee table, 110 air conditioner. Call 270-531-3341
FS - 3-year-old Schnauzer, haire lams born in December. Call 270-528-6693
Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023
LF - Someone to do odd jobs in Bonnieville, yard work, etc. Call 270-317-3043
FS - Bathtub with 2 sliding doors with tracking, $100, natural gas heater, $65 like new. Call 270-218-1748
FS - TD 923 Taylor Way 4 ft. roto tiller, will fit 3pt hookup, asking $1,000. White Coleman Kids mini bike, $300. Call 270-670-0986 or 270-651-9842
FS - King size metal headboard and baseboard, refrigerator, sectional couch. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2006 Suzuki 4wd, timing chain broke, chainsaw, $60, LF - older pickup. LF - Air compressor, upright battery charger with dials. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Pallet racks with floors $100 a set. Call 270-473-0942
FS - 5x8' tilt trailer, couch, 2 recliners, 2 end tables and coffee table, 110 air conditioner. Call 270-531-3341
FS - 3-year-old Schnauzer, haire lams born in December. Call 270-528-6693
Monday, May 22nd, 2023
GA - 2 full stock adult Beagles, male and female, spayed and neutered and will run rabbits. Call 270-218-5208 or 270-218-5207
FS - 17 Haire lambs in Adair Co. They are male and female. Call 270-378-6583
FS - 30 sheep, 50 to 100 lbs, male and female, wormed, tagged and well fed. Call 270-528-1221
GA - Egg cartons. Call 270-524-3212
LF - Set of full size bedrails. Call 270-774-1563
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900, 2 boxes of nails for a passload nail gun. Call 270-385-1344
Friday, May 19th, 2023
Yard Sale - today on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave beside the old carwash. Rod and reels, bathtub, glass doors, lots of various items. Call Steve at 270-218-1748
Yard Sale - 2959 Boyds Knob Road, Munfordville, clothes, kids clothes, household items, home decor. Fri & Saturday. Call 317-526-8726
GA - 3 pieces of 4 ft long roofing, 101 Bobby Lane, Munfordville. Call 270-473-3909
Yard Sale - 2355 Charlie Moran Hwy, kids clothes, bikes, tools, today only. Call 270-537-4693
LF - Free couch for a family in need. Call 270-218-5288
FS - Strawberries, $13 a gallon. Call 270-773-2768
Thursday, May 18th, 2023
FS - New Phillips lights, wall, sconces, vanity, etc. $10 each. Call 270-612-0926
LF - Free couch for a family in need. Call 270-218-5288
Found - Brown and white Boxer Wednesday afternoon in front of Horse Cave Jobe's newspaper. Wanting to find the owner or a good home for it.
FS - Strawberries, $13 a gallon. Call 270-773-2768
FS - Massey Ferguson cycle bar mower, $2,000. Call 270-531-2060
FS - Bull Mastiff female puppy $500, AKC chocolate Merle Dachshund $800. Call 629-239-1559
LF - Plastic barrel with lid. Call 270-816-3172
GA - Golden Retriever pups, 1 male and 1 female, house trained. Email or text 312-270-0850
Wednesday, May 17th, 2023
FS - Bull Mastiff female puppy $500, AKC chocolate Merle Dachshund $800. Call 629-239-1559
LF - Plastic barrel with lid. Call 270-816-3172
GA - Golden Retriever pups, 1 male and 1 female, house trained. Email or text 312-270-0850
GA - 10 month old puppy, 1/2 Terrier, broke to underground fence and housebroke. Call 270-537-5150
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900x, $7500, and roofing nails for a nail gun in box. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 2 zero turn mowers, 50" cut, one is Gravely and Cub Cadet, $1295 each, 5x12 utility trailer with ramps $695, and all kinds of parts. LF - 2 wd pickup, $1500 to $2500 cash, old zero turn mowers and utility trailer. Call 270-457-4236
Tuesday, May 16th, 2023
GA - 10 month old puppy, 1/2 Terrier, broke to underground fence and housebroke. Call 270-537-5150
FS - Small dog cage $35. Large wishing well $60, medium size wishing well $45, small wishing well $35, picnic table $65. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Insulated white, fiberglass panels, 6'4" by 4'10", $4. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Interior lights $15 each, or $10 each if you buy several. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Massey Ferguson cycle bar mower, $2,000. Call 270-531-2060
LF - Free horse and will pay for delivery. Call 270-218-1796
Monday, May 15th, 2023
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900x, $7500, and roofing nails for a nailgun in box. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 9x12 building, has metal sides and roof. Call 270-218-8098
FS - 3 new pair of Dr. Scholl's sandals, size 7, black Coach purse, new heating pad, new blood pressure monitor. Call 502-341-4335
Thursday, May 11th, 2023
FS - Interior lights $15 each, or $10 each if you buy several. Call 270-612-0926
FS - Massey Ferguson cycle bar mower, $2,000. Call 270-531-2060
LF - Free horse and will pay for delivery. Call 270-218-1796
Wednesday, May 10th, 2023
FS - Small deep freeze, clean, $50, commercial paint sprayer, like new $900, garage door opener with two remotes $30, Trucker Garmin GPS with voice activation $210. Call 270-816-3172
FS - KB 923 rototiller, 4ft. $1,000. Call 270-651-9842
FS - 1952 30 Ferguson tractor. Call 270-308-3321
FS - Metal roofing. Call 270-524-1113
Tuesday, May 9th, 2023
FS - 3 year old female Schnauzer, Haire lambs born in December. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Air compressor, upright battery upright charger with dials. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Interior lights, $15 each, new, or if you buy several, $10 each. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 1952 30 Ferguson tractor. Call after 5:00 p.m. at 270-308-3321
FS - TD 923 Kay-way 4 ft. roto-tiller, 2 years old, tines are good, asking $1000. Call 270-651-9842
FS - 2 zero turn mowers, 50" cut, one is Gravely and Cub Cadet,$1295 each, 5x12 utility trailer with ramps $695, and all kinds of parts. LF - 2 wd pickup, $1500 to $2500 cash, old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 24 x 7 travel trailer, gooseneck with new tires, brakes, new lights. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Troybilt 48" cut lawnmower, $500, Husqvarna 46" cut mower,$450, 50" cut Craftsman mower $700. LF - Old truck around $1000. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, May 8th, 2023
FS - Interior lights, $15 each, new, or if you buy several, $10 each. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 1952 30 Ferguson tractor. Call after 5:00 p.m. at 270-308-3321
FS - TD 923 Kay-way 4 ft. roto-tiller, 2 years old, tines are good, asking $1000. Call 270-651-9842
FS - 2 zero turn mowers, 50" cut, one is Gravely and Cub Cadet,$1295 each, 5x12 utility trailer with ramps $695, and all kinds of parts. LF - 2 wd pickup, $1500 to $2500 cash, old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 24 x 7 travel trailer, gooseneck with new tires, brakes, new lights. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Troybilt 48" cut lawnmower, $500, Husqvarna 46" cut mower,$450, 50" cut Craftsman mower $700. LF - Old truck around $1000. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, May 5th, 2023
Huge Yard Sale- 31-W south of Bonnieville Friday & Saturday. Lots of furniture. Call 270-537-4681
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday 8:00 a.m. chairs, computer desks, hats, earrings, clothes, Christmas decorations, china cabinet, at 602 Hubbard Avenue, Munfordville. Call 270-779-7560
FS - Twin size headboard, black Redwing tennis shoes, size 6 1/2, bp monitor and heating pad. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3x14 Jon boat, carpet, newly painted, has trolling motor, $2,000. Call 270-473-3407
Thursday, May 4th, 2023
FS - 1957 David Bradley 2 wheel garden tractor $300. Call 270-935-3798
FS - LG 32" flatscreen tv $50, 2 - Playstation 3 games. $10. Call 270-786-5111
Huge Yard Sale- 31-W south of Bonnieville, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Lots of furniture. Call 270-537-4681
Yard Sale - Today, Friday & Saturday 8:00 a.m. chairs, computer desks, hats, earrings, clothes, Christmas decorations, china cabinet, at 602 Hubbard Avenue, Munfordville. Call 270-779-7560
FS - Haire lambs, males and females, GA - 3 month old white Labradoodle. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Speckled bantys, hens and roosters. Call 270-528-4750
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023
FS - 150 square bales of hay, $4 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
Huge yard sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday,
LF - Any lawnmowers, atv's, golf carts for free, leftover yard sales items for give away. Call 270-218-1796
GA - 8-week-old Mt Kerr full stock male puppy, white with red and brown color, parents are registered. Call 270-218-1350
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023
FS - Hotpoint cook stove. Call 270-528-5393
GA - White Whirlpool dishwasher, Phillips tv. Call 502-341-4335 after 5 p.m.
FS - Xbox 360 with 20 games and a Playstation 2 with games, $120 each. Call 270-218-1378
FS - Camper topper for 2009 Dodge pickup short bed, prefer black. Call 270-590-8375
Monday, May 1st, 2023
FS - Carpenter bee traps, $8 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Huge yard sale -Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 31-W heading towards Bonnieville at the old Scotty's Concrete.
LF - Camper top for 2009 Dodge pickup, prefer black. Call 270-590-8375
FS - Interior lights, ceiling, wall sconces, vanity lights, $20 each, new in box. Call 270-612-0926
FS 44" cut Swisser mower to pull behind anything, 1999 F-350 box truck with 15 ft box, 18 ft car trailer with new ramps, Cub Cadet riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900, 2 new packs of pass load nails. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 36" tv, small adult rocking chair, green velvet chair & ottoman, old oak table with leaf and 4 - size 3x new women's shirts. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Golf cart. Call 270-766-9940
FS - Fertile pheasant eggs, ready to hatch. Call 270-528-6693
LF - 1998-2001 Jaguar XJ8 motor. Call 270-528-6540
FS - new heating pad, new blood pressure monitor, size 6 1/2 black Redwing shoes, SAS white shoes, size 6 1/2. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 Saanen bottle Bucklings, 2 polled, 1 dehorned, 8 weeks old, $50 firm. Call 270-531-6177FS - 2010 Chevy Impala LT, good tires, cold air, needs transmission $950. Call 270-404-1250
LF - Scanner. Call 270-261-1258
GA - Labradoodle, 4 years-old, housebroken, crate trained. Call 270-401-8760
Friday, April 28th, 2023
FS - Insulated white, fiberglass panels, 6'4" by 4'10", $4 each, would also trade for good mower, trolling motor or chainsaw. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2 trolling motors, one is a side mount. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 16 shelf commercial display, metal with wooden boards, dvd's and other items. Call 270-670-7409 or 270-670-7408
LF - Polaris Ranger side-by-side and Nova parts for 1973-74. Call 270-528-1419
Thursday, April 27th, 2023
FS - Interior lights, ceiling, wall sconces, vanity lights, $20 each, new in box. Call 270-612-0926
Yard Sale - Today, quilting material, flower pots, giveaway clothing bags, in Bonnieville. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2 zero turn mowers, 50" cut $1295 each, parts, motors, starters, decks for mowers, LF - old zero turn mowers for parts, LF - 4wd truck. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Small trolling motor, $45. Call 270-528-5208
Wednesday, April 26th, 2023
FS - 4-wheel older hay rake in good condition $400. Call 270-777-8753
FS - Carpenter bee traps, $8 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
GA - 3 barn cats. Call 270-524-5072
FS - Refrigerator, round-about couch, yard sale today, 2 miles north of Bonnieville at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy. Call 270-531-6947
Tuesday, April 25th, 2023
FS - 4 dozen mixed breed hatching eggs in Hart County. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Old fireplace mantel, came out of a 1920 Queen Ann home in very good condition. Call Gary at 270-834-0288
FS 44" cut Swisser mower to pull behind anything, 1999 F-350 box truck with 15 ft box, 18 ft car trailer with new ramps, Cub Cadet riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Eggs, bantys, pullets, control motor for a boat. Call 270-528-4750
Whickerville Youth Yard Sale will be held Saturday, April 29th, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Whickerville Baptist Church at 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville. There will be household items, toys, clothes and more. Clothes are $2 a bag and bags will be furnished.
FS - Male Shorkie puppy, Asking $300. Call 270-218-5045
Monday, April 24th, 2023
FS - 36" tv, small adult rocking chair, green velvet chair & ottoman, old oak table with leaf and 4 - size 3x new women's shirts. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Golf cart. Call 270-766-9940
FS - Fertile pheasant eggs, ready to hatch. Call 270-528-6693
LF - 1998-2001 Jaguar XJ8 motor. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Ceiling lights, vanity lights, new in box in Cave City. Call 270-612-0926
FS - new heating pad, new blood pressure monitor, size 6 1/2 black Redwing shoes, SAS white shoes, size 6 1/2. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 Saanen bottle Bucklings, 2 polled, 1 dehorned, 8 weeks old, $50 firm. Call 270-531-6177FS - 2010 Chevy Impala LT, good tires, cold air, needs transmission $950. Call 270-404-1250
LF - Scanner. Call 270-261-1258
GA - Labradoodle, 4 years-old, housebroken, crate trained. Call 270-401-8760
FS 44" cut Swisser mower to pull behind anything, 1999 F-350 box truck with 15 ft box, 18 ft car trailer with new ramps, Cub Cadet riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Lawnboy 21" cut push mower. Call 270-524-7709
LF - Spring cleaning and organizing jobs, will do deep cleaning, yard clean up and garage clean out $15 an hour. Call Sandy at 270-861-5177
LF - Couch and chair, furniture. Call 270-218-1796
FS - Playstation 2 with 30 games, $125. Call 270-218-1378
FS - Mini refrigerator, stereo speakers, LF - 3x women's clothes, a roommate and a place to rent in Cave City area. Call 270-590-7367
LF - Older car or truck for around $1,000, 6x10' dog kennel and old mowers, mopeds, go carts. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, April 19th, 2023
FS - Eggs, bantys, pullets, control motor for a boat. Call 270-528-4750
Yard sale - Today at 8984 N Dixie Hwy Bonnieville, baby chicks, cages, small table, old refrigerator. 2011 Ford Edge car, rockers, material, etc. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Polaris Ranger. Call 270-528-1419
Tuesday, April 18th, 2023
FS - 2013 flat bottom fishing boat with trailer, 5hp trolling motor, looks good and runs great, has 35 lb truss motor and updated tags, ready to go. Call 270-528-5208
Garage Sale - Everyday at 1698 Seymour Bearwallow Road, Horse Cave. All money goes to a food bank. Call 270-218-1796
Monday, April 17th, 2023
LF - Couch and chair in good condition. Call 270-218-5288
LF - Wood chipper in Hart or Barren County. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2014 Hyundai Elantra, has transmission issues, but well-maintained. $2,000 obo. Call 270-473-3366
LF - 5x10 or 5x12 trailer. FS - parts for lawnmowers, 40 gallon air compressor, 2 zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 5 Blue Heeler pups $50 each, mother on sight. Call 270-473-0474
LF - 2 to 5 acres of land in Hart and Barren County. Call 270-774-7483
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, old pickup $1200, FS - 44" cut swisser, to pull behind a mower. $400. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 8 ft Massey Ferguson disc mower, 2 basket New Idea hay tedder, New Holland 256 hay rake and dolly wheel. $6000. Call 270-218-8391
Friday, April 14th, 2023
FS - 3 Chicken coop houses. Call 270-246-1913
FS - All kinds of parts for mowers including: starters, motors, hydros, decks and more. Call 270-457-4236
Thursday, April 13th, 2023
FS - Sheep and ewes, a sheep dog near Bonnieville. Call 270-218-8347 and leave a message.
Wednesday, April 12th, 2023
Whickerville Youth Yard Sale will be held Saturday, April 29th, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Whickerville Baptist Church at 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville. There will be household items, toys, clothes and more. Clothes are $2 a bag and bags will be furnished.
FS - 6 handbags, assorted colors and sizes. Located in Horse Cave across the RR track, 1st house on left. Call 270-786-3371
Tuesday, April 11th, 2023
FS - Full size headboard, made out of cherry wood, black Coach purse, 2 rose colored lamps. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 2011 Ford Edge. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Portable woodchipper, electric or gas, used one time. $350. Call 270-734-2747
FS - Wurlitzer piano with bench $200. Call 270-528-6108
FS - Gravely 52" cut mower, $1050, Cub Cadet lawnmower, $1095, floor model tv $50. LF - Chevy pickup 2wd, $1500 to $2000. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Meat hogs and beef for slaughter, 16 or 18 ft pull behind trailer, $2500 with dovetail and ramps. Call 270-734-1552
FS - X-large lift chair, brown color, like new, $500. Call 270-590-8271
Monday, April 10th, 2023
FS - Male Shorkie puppy, Asking $300. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Blue plastic lawn chairs, 2 toddler tables and 2 chairs, Disney and Blues Clues. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 chicken coup houses $100. Call 270-246-1913
LF - Set of 4 wheeler ramps. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 2 speaker stands, never been used. Call 270-774-7342
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900, asking $8500, 2 new packs of pass load nails. Call 270-385-1344
Friday, April 7th, 2023
FS - Male Shorkie, reddish brown. $300 obo. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Tennis racket or heavy duty badminton. Call 270-524-7709
FS - 3 new pair of size 7 Dr. Scholls sandals, black coach purse and new heating pad. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Phillips brand lights, ceiling, vanity and wall lights, $20 each or cheaper if you buy in quantity. Call or text in Cave City at 270-612-0926
Thursday, April 6th, 2023
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, old truck $1,000 to $1200, chicken coop. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1964 model 10-10 John Deere gas tractor, 2200 hours on it with cultivators $5500. Call 270-537-5686 in Cub Run area.
Wednesday, April 5th, 2023
FS - 4 Shorkie puppies, 2 male and 2 female. 7 weeks old. Asking $300. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Rolled and square baled hay in Mayesville (Dover, Ky). Call Kevin at 606-882-3641 or 606-301-1155
GA - Great Pyranese and Border Collie mixed pups, 8 weeks-old. Call 270-473-0472
FS - 2010 Chevy Impala LT, good tires, heat and air, remote start, needs transmission. $950. Call 270-404-1250
LF - Stainless steel flattop cooking stove. Call 270-786-3581
FS - 1999 Chevy Silverado Z71 4wd, runs good, needs work, $1000 obo. Call 270-218-1378
Tuesday, April 4th, 2023
GA - Hospital bed for someone in need. Call 270-528-2564
FS - Full size headboard, made out of cherry wood, black Coach purse, 2 rose-colored lamps. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Vinyl kids playset, white and blue, has roof and sandbox $400. Call 270-473-3407
FS - 4x8 lift table, pulls up by using a winch, $200. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 2 ladders. Call 270-590-1215
Monday, April 3rd, 2023
FS - Phillips interior light fixtures, new in box, for vanity, ceiling and floor lights $20 each. Call 270-612-0926 in Cave City
FS - Rolled and square baled hay in Mayesville (Dover, Ky). Call Kevin at 606-882-3641 or 606-301-1155
FS - Shorkie puppies, $300 each. Call 270-218-5045
GA - Pups, Great Pyranese and Border Collie mix, male and female. Call or text 270-473-0472
FS - 5'x12' utility trailer, $650, Cub Cadet zeroturn mower 54" cut, $1,95, Encore zeroturn mower, 48" cut, $895. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 14" wheel or wheel and tire, 5-lug with 4.5" spacing to use as spare. Call 270-681-8061
Wednesday, March 29th, 2023
FS - Phillips interior light fixtures, new in box, for vanity, ceiling and floor lights $20 each. Call 270-612-0926 in Cave City
FS - 3 old tractor-type lawnmowers, they run, but need work. Call 270-413-4035
FS - 120 square bales of hay, $4 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
GA - Great Pyranese and Border Collie mixed pups, 8 weeks-old. Call 270-473-0472
Tuesday, March 28th, 2023
FS - Work lift-table, perfect for lawnmowers and small engines, $200 obo. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 3 new pair size 7 shoes, baby stroller, 2 end tables, small desk and older type wicker bench. Call 502-341-4335
GA - Female guinea in Roundhill area. LF - Small chicken coup, single level. Call 270-792-3028 or 270-791-8916
Monday, March 27th, 2023
FS - New interior light fixtures, $20 each or buy 4 get 1 free. In the Cave City area, call or text 270-612-0926
FS - 2010 Chevy Impala LT, good tires, heat and air, remote start, needs transmission. $950. Call 270-404-1250
FS - Maytag refrigerator freezer, French door, white with ice maker and water dispenser in door, 27cu. ft $300. Call 270-681-8061
FS - 6 iron skillets $250, jigsaw puzzles, vintage Marlboro and Camel jackets. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Chaise lounge. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Chicken coup for 5 to 6 hens and rooster, 2 good dressers or chest of drawers, lawnmowers, go carts, mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Wagon tires, size 225 70's or 75x15. Call 270-218-8391
Friday, March 24th, 2023
LF - Chaise lounge. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 5x12 utility trailer drop ramps, $650, Cub Cadet 50" zero turn mower, $1095, 48" cut Encore mower Kamasaki engine, $895, LF - old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 6 iron skillets $250, 17 jigsaw puzzles, most are 1000 pieces, one is Hallmark 1969, $25 for all. Marlboro vintage jacket and Camel vintage jacket, $20 each. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Stainless steel flattop cooking stove. Call 270-786-3581
FS - 1999 Chevy Silverado Z71 4wd, runs good, needs work, $1000 obo. Call 270-218-1378
Thursday, March 23rd, 2023
FS - 6 iron skillets $250, 17 jigsaw puzzles, most are 1000 pieces, one is Hallmark 1969, $25 for all. Marlboro vintage jacket and Camel vintage jacket, $20 each. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Stainless steel flattop cooking stove. Call 270-786-3581
FS - 1999 Chevy Silverado Z71 4wd, runs good, needs work, $1000 obo. Call 270-218-1378
Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023
FS - Small john boat or kayak trailer $200, fits a 2" ball in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 3 sizes of wishing wells, $40 for large, $45 for medium & $35 small size, in good shape. Call 270-218-3798
GA - Small leather loveseat. Come and pick up. The address is 418 Owen St, Cave City. Call 270-590-6031
FS - Lift chair, 2 years old, $500. Call 270-528-6108
Tuesday, March 21st, 2023
FS - Hen, 10 chicks, farm fresh eggs, gravity wagon, 9 week-old and 6-month-old Labradoodle. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Gasoline water pump, Craftsman 22" cut trimmer, $250, Poulan heavy duty front tine tiller $300, 46" cut Husqvarna riding mower, $450. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 2 young brown egg laying hens, $10 each, 10-month-old pair of Cayuga ducks, hen and drake, $30 for the pair. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Southern States 42" cut riding mower, Cub Cadet zero radius 52" cut mower $1095, Toro zero radius turn mower $695, LF - mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 3 new pair of Dr. Scholl's sandals, size 7, area rug, black Coach purse, new heating pad. Call 502-341-4335
LF - mobile home tires, size 814.5. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Queen size bed with mattress. Call 270-531-2862
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, all sizes $4 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Monday, March 20th, 2023
LF - Transmission for 1990 pickup, 2wd, extended cab, 700R4 and LF - riding mowers, go carts, mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone who buys junk cars, have one still runs, has major oil leak. Call 270-528-2033
FS - 6 iron skillets, (been boxed up), electric pole saw. Call 270-773-5306
FS - Assorted Candy, chocolate covered cherries, Valentines day candy, mints, etc at S&K Bargains on Facebook and pickups will be at Cave City and proceeds go to WLOC Clothes for Kids.
Thursday, March 16th, 2023
GA - Metal from a swimming pool. Call 270-308-1765
LF - 40 to 50 hp tractor. Call 270-612-0213
Wednesday, March 15th, 2023
FS - Washer and dryer $300. Call 270-524-6056
FS - Small boat or kayak trailer $200 in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2007 1300 motorcycle $3500, has bent fender. FS - Golf cart, needs work $650, 20 ft trailer with 2' dovetail $3600. Call 317-710-8837 in Park City
Tuesday, March 14th, 2023
FS - Lift chair $500. Call 270-528-6108
FS - PolyPay Ram, born January 2022, weighs approximately 130 to 140 lbs, $200. Call 270-531-6177
Monday, March 13th, 2023
FS - 5x12' utility trailer with drop ramps, $650, Encore zero turn mower 48" cut $895, mower parts, LF - old zero turn mowers, truck '63 to '85 swb or a body. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, March 10th, 2023
FS - Husqvarna 46" cut, 21 hp Kohler twin rear bagger, $300, Grasshopper zero turn mower, 24 hp Kohler twin 48" cut, 4 LT 245/75/17 tires $40. Call in Cave City 662-420-3652
LF - 4 door car, $2500 to $3000, riding mowers and parts, FS - 15 ft box trailer, automatic with air. $4500, 18' car trailer $3,000. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Hay in Hart County, rolled or baled. Call 270-524-3341
FS - Antique oak dining room table and 6 chairs, $800. Call 270-528-4189
Thursday, March 9th, 2023
FS - 5-string Peavee Bass, like new. Call 270-774-7342
FS - 5x12' utility trailer with drop gate, LF - 1963-85 Chevy truck, shortbed or body. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Square bales of hay or round bales, in Hart County for cows. Call 270-524-3341
FS - 6 ft Sun Joe electric pole saw, and extends to 9 ft, new. $70. Call 270-773-5306
Moving sale - 312 Harper Drive, apt A5 in Horse Cave. Table and chairs, appliances, numerous items. Call 270-250-9898
LF - New windows, size 30x60 and 46x60 (not replacement windows), grey vinyl siding, 24" oak bathroom vanity with sink and mobile home entry doors. Call or text 270-723-4077
LF - Cedar full or queen size bedroom suite. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Black laying hen, 10 baby chicks, gravity wagon, farm fresh eggs. Call 270-528-6693
Wednesday, March 8th, 2023
LF - Square bales of hay or round bales, in Hart County for cows. Call 270-524-3341
FS - 6 ft Sun Joe electric pole saw, and extends to 9 ft, new. $70. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 320 Garmin tracking system for dogs, has 3 collars, charger and case. $350. Call 270-792-6376
Moving sale - 312 Harper Drive, apt A5 in Horse Cave. Table and chairs, appliances, numerous items. Call 270-250-9898
LF - New windows, size 30x60 and 46x60 (not replacement windows), grey vinyl siding, 24" oak bathroom vanity with sink and mobile home entry doors. Call or text 270-723-4077
Tuesday, March 7th, 2023
LF - Cedar full or queen size bedroom suite. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2006 24 ft travel trailer $7800 & a 2014 Polaris Razor $8900. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Black laying hen, 10 baby chicks, gravity wagon, farm fresh eggs. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Drywall hangers and finishers for a personal residence. Call 270-565-2884
LF - Car between $2500 to $3000 and old riding mowers. FS - 1999 F-350 box truck with slide out walk board $4500 or possible trade with cash. FS - 18 ft car trailer, new wheels and tires, new wench and toolbox $3000 obo, will consider possible trade with cash, 6 1/2 hp Husky garden tiller, front tine for $650. Call 270-670-1359.
Thursday, March 2nd, 2023
LF - Cedar full or queen size bedroom suite. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Housekeeper in Glasgow. Call 270-651-2510
FS - 2006 24 ft travel trailer $7800 & a 2014 Polaris Razor $8900. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Queen size sleigh bed with gel memory, foam cooling mattress and box springs. $500 obo. Call 270-670-2163
FS - 2018 Coachman Catalina, 25 ft bumper pull camper, has fireplace, power awning, power slide out, queen size bed, sleeps 6. Call 270-590-9165
LF - 2 bedroom house or mobile home or a lot for rent. Call 270-218-1748
Wednesday, March 1st, 2023
FS - 2008 Nissan Sentra. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Housekeeper in Glasgow. Call 270-651-2510
FS - Couch, clean in good shape $50, Call 270-218-5045
LF - Shelves. Call 270-283-5537
Tuesday, February 28th, 2023
FS - Couch, clean in good shape $50, Call 270-218-5045
LF - Shelves. Call 270-283-5537
Monday, February 27th, 2023
LF - Housekeeper in Glasgow. Call 270-651-2510
LF - Someone to do handyman work. Call 270-299-1067
FS - Southern Sates 42" cut lawnmower, needs battery, Cub Cadet zero turn 50" cut mower $1295, LF - old zero turn mowers, will pay cash and LF - parts for zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 0ld riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, FS - 1999 F350 box truck, automatic, runs good, $5,000. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Limited edition Spiderman Playstation 4 Pro includes: Spiderman controller, Spiderman game plus games, no scratches, all original, plus flat screen monitor. Call 270-579-9146 or 270-308-9889
FS - 6 ft Farm King tiller box, goes behind tractor, 6 horse Snapper garden tiller, electric start, like new push mower, Craftsman edger for sidewalks, wood chipper. Call 270-646-0878
Friday, February 24th, 2023
LF - Used battery charger. Call 270-528-3307
LF - 40 to 50hp tractor. Call 270-621-0213
FS - 2004 Volkswagon Golf for parts or to repair, New bearings and rear pads, starter and batter. $500 obo in Cave City. Call 270-612-0926
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023
FS - 5 1/2 x 12' trailer $995, Husqvarna 48" cut mower $495, 2 Kamasaki motors and 2 Kohler motors, rod and reels. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 2 to 3 Holstein calves on dry feed around 250 lbs, FS - 10x10x6 ft dog kennel. Call 270-528-5208
Tuesday, February 21st, 2023
FS - 6-year-old Kane Korso, 120 lb inside dog, AKC, housebroken, crate trained, with a crate of dog food. Call 270-473-3407
LF - Dog kennel. Call 270-524-0126
FS - 2005 Dodge Neon, $650, may have blown head gasket. Call 270-784-4840
Monday, February 20th, 2023
FS - 2001 Ford Edge SUV. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Eggs, $3 dozen, can deliver in Horse Cave & Cave City. FS - gravity wagon. Call 270-528-6693
LF - 40 to 50 hp tractor. Call 270-612-0213
FS - 2009 Honda 450 dirt bike $4500, mini-bike $250, 2000 Dodge Neon $1,000, 3 riding mowers - 2019 Troybilt, John Deere & Cub Cadet. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Outdoor dog feeder. Call 270-218-8391
Friday, February 17th, 2023
FS - 2006 24 ft travel trailer $7800 & a 2014 Polaris Razor $8900. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Yard sale tables, 4 metal shelves. Call 270-218-1748
LF - Someone associated with Area 5 Special Olympics. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 5 1/2 x 12' trailer $995, Husqvarna 48" cut mower $495, 2 Kamasaki motors and 2 Kohler motors, rod and reels. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 2 to 3 Holstein calves on dry feed around 250 lbs, FS - 10x10x6 ft dog kennel. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, February 16th, 2023
LF - Administrative assistant for office personnel, quick books and real estate knowledge, paralegal assistance, and a licensed realtor. Call 502-349-9707.
FS - AKC Golden Retriever pups, weeks old, $850 each. Call 270-230-3694
FS - 1966 Ford Thunderbird, platinum blue and has 113,000 miles, well maintained, runs and drives good. Can send pictures. $10,000 cash firm. Call 270-218-5504
GA - Barn cats. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Firewood $60 truckload, delivered locally. Call 270-528-6566 or 270-218-3225 or 270-218-2283
FS - 2019 Cub Cadet 50" cut $1495, 2017 Cub Cadet, 50" cut $1295, 5 1/2 ft by 12 ft trailer $995, lawnmower parts. Call 270-457-4236
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023
FS - AKC Golden Retriever pups, weeks old, $850 each. Call 270-230-3694
FS - 1966 Ford Thunderbird, platinum blue and has 113,000 miles, well maintained, runs and drives good. Can send pictures. $10,000 cash firm. Call 270-218-5504
GA - Barn cats. Call 270-218-3225
FS - Firewood $60 truckload, delivered locally. Call 270-528-6566 or 270-218-3225 or 270-218-2283
FS - 2019 Cub Cadet 50" cut $1495, 2017 Cub Cadet, 50" cut $1295, 5 1/2 ft by 12 ft trailer $995, lawnmower parts. Call 270-457-4236
Tuesday, February 14th, 2023
FS - Queen size sleigh bed with gel memory, foam cooling mattress and box springs. $500 obo. Call 270-670-2163
FS - 2018 Coachman Catalina, 25 ft bumper pull camper, has fireplace, power awning, power slide out, queen size bed, sleeps 6. Call 270-590-9165
LF - 2 bedroom house or mobile home or a lot for rent. Call 270-218-1748
FS - 1981 Fisher Marine johnboat, 16 ft, 25 hp motor, has trolling motor, new tires and wheels on trailer, new switchboard, all new lights. $2500. Call 270-670-2242
LF - Collection of MASH seasons. Call 270-598-2466
LF - Fertile turkey eggs. Call 270-537-1918
FS - 2006 Pilgrim travel trailer $7800, 2014 Polaris Razor 900, asking $8900 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - New 5 qt. red KitchenAide mixer, $175. Call 270-473-1337
Friday, February 10th, 2023
FS - New red 5 qt. Kitchen Aid mixer, $175. Call 270-473-1337
Thursday, February 9th, 2023
FS - 2014 Chevy Sonic, needs motor, asking $2,000 cash only. Call 270-528-6149
FS - Richie Waters cattle waterers, 2 hole is $250 and 4 hole is $350. Call 270-786-3078
LF - Unlocked Verizon smart phone. Call or text 270-218-1378
FS - Square bales of hay, 10 florescent 4 ft lights with 4 bulbs. Call 270-537-4044
Wednesday, February 8th, 2023
FS - 2012 Chrysler 200. Call after 3 p.m. 270-404-3529
LF - Chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 1993 GMC Sierra, good tires, drives great. Call 270-524-2904
FS - 24 hp Kamasaki twin cylinder engine & 24 hp Briggs & Stratton motor, LF - 23 to 25 hp Kohler side shaft engine for Grasshopper mower. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Size 12 4 38 back tractor tire. Call 270-413-4035
Monday, February 6th, 2023
FS - 6 ft Farm King tiller box, like new and barn kept, $1800, 4 17" tires, $50 each and a pull behind grill smoker on wheels and bran kept, $250. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Back tractor tire, size 12-4-38. Call 270-413-4035
FS - Free standing woodstove $40. Call 270-524-0116
FS - Laying hens. Call 270-528-5208
LF_ Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, truck $800 to $1000, FS - 2019 Troybilt 48" cut $500 or may trade, 42" Cub Cadet mower $475 or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1984 Int'l log truck, has automatic transmission, 466 diesel motor $6500 and 2008 Chrysler Town & Country van, needs transmission rebuilt, asking $2,000. Call 270-774-7483
Friday, February 3rd, 2023
*Gentleman lost everything in house fire: in need of men's clothing 30x30 and size medium shirts, also another man is in need of clothing and wears X-large shirts and size 44 pants. In need of household items, appliances, etc. For more information, contact Glenn Perry at 270-784-4840.
FS - 10 open face rod and reels, $150. 24 hp Kamasaki motor, 24 hp Briggs & Stratton motor, 2019 Cub Cadet and 2017 Cub Cadet zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 8x16 ft hay wagon $500 and a pull type spray, $700. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Washer and dryer for a family that lost everything in a fire. Call 270-524-0126
Tuesday, January 31st, 2023
FS- 7" Onn tablet with a child protective case and charger. Call 270-646-8134
FS - 5 1/2 x 12 dove tail trailer $995, lawnmower parts of all kinds, LF - 2wd Chevy pickup up to $2500, FS - Lots of rod and reels. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2018 25' coachman Catalina, sleeps 6, has queen bed pull out, power slide out, flatscreen tv. Call 270-590-9165
FS - Gravity wagon, Free - German Shepherd mixed pups. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Place to rent in Bonnieville Munfordville area, need a 2-bedroom at least. Call 270-218-1350
FS - 32" flat screen tv $10. Call 270-528-1235
LF - Quilted blankets for moving furniture. Call 270-786-4351
LF - Rearend for 1979 Chevy Camaro and parts for 72 to 74 Chevy Nova. Call 270-528-1419
Monday, January 30th, 2023
LF - Place to rent in Bonnieville Munfordville area, need a 2-bedroom at least. Call 270-218-1350
Lost - 2 Great Pyranese, male and female pink collar near 677 and Davis Bend Road. Call 270-861-5975
FS - 5 1/2 x 12 dove tail trailer $995, lawnmower parts of all kinds, LF - 2wd Chevy pickup up to $2500, FS - Lots of rod and reels. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2018 25' coachman Catalina, sleeps 6, has queen bed pull out, power slide out, flatscreen tv. Call 270-590-9165
Friday, January 27th, 2023
GA - Full blooded female Great Pyranese, 2 half Great Pyranese 7 months old, 1/2 Bull Mastiff mix, male and female. Call 270-773-7279
FS - 2918 Coachman Catalina, 25 ft bumper pull Camper, has power slide out, queen size bed, sleeps 6 people. Call 270-590-9165
Wednesday, January 25th, 2023
FS - 5'x`10' flatbed trailer, 5 1/2' x 12' trailer, new tires, (3) 234 75 15" tires and wheels, have 5" bolt pattern. LF - zeroturn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 5 to 6 ft patio door, someone to finish to sheet rock for a room. Call 270-473-0907
Tuesday, January 24th, 2023
FS - 8 ft disc mower, 2 basket hay tedder, new Holland hayrake dolly wheel, $6000. Call 270-218-8391
Monday, January 23rd, 2023
FS - Exercise bike. $65. Call 719-460-2943
FS - 2 - 23hp Kohler motors, 2 - 24hp Briggs & Stratton motors, 5' x 10' tilt trailer with good tires, 54" deck for Gravely zero-turn mower, 42" & 46" decks for Cub Cadet zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 4-year-old female Labra-doodle, house and crate trained, rehoming fee. Call 270-401-8760
LF - Furniture, washer, dryer in the Glasgow, area cheap or free and clean, can pick up. Call or text 240-787-1030
FS - 2010 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited, 4 door, hard top with 3-piece sunroof, tan interior, 4wd, has 94,000 miles, 3.8 v-6 with no accidents, asking $16,500. Call 270-646-0202
FS - 2 black leather women's jackets, size medium, cat litter box with lid and Disney table with 2 chairs. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Gravity wagon, German Shepherd Aussie pups, asking for rehoming fee $25. Call 270-528-6693
Thursday, January 19th, 2023
FS - Australian cross pups $25, gravity wagon. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Automatic washer. Call 270-531-1161
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
Moving sale - 231 Maupin Road. Columbia. All the furniture is less than a year old. New beds, mattresses, camo coffee table and matching end tables, dinette set, etc. Several items cheap. Call 270-250-4317FS - Propane gas cook stove $200. Call 270-786-5616 after 12 noon.
FS - 2006 24 ft camper $7800, 2014 Polaris Razor $8900. Call 270-385-1344
Tuesday, January 17th, 2023
FS - 2006 24 ft camper $7800, 2014 Polaris Razor $8900. Call 270-385-1344
Monday, January 16th, 2023
FS - 5x10 flatbed trailer and a 5 1/2 x 12 trailer, both have new tires, 60" cut Cub Cadet zero turn mower and a Gravely zero turn mower. Call 270-457-4236
Moving sale - 231 Maupin Road. Columbia. All the furniture is less than a year old. New beds, mattresses, camo coffee table and matching end tables,
dinette set, etc. Several items cheap. Call 270-250-4317
Friday, January 13th, 2023
FS - Oasis knee scooter, has inflatable tires, with inflator and basket, new with instructions, $75. Call 270-786-3795
Wednesday, January 11th, 2023
FS - Powermatic 66 table saw, air-powered, $1200, can e-mail pictures. Call 270-524-4252
FS - Pallet of shutters, all are 9" wide, 36" pacific blue, gray, maroon and black, also 22" forest green and 27" brown color. Call 270-524-4252
LF - Vehicle $1500 to $2000. Call 270-901-7596
Monday, January 9th, 2023
GA - 7 1/2 ft prelit Christmas tree, has 1500 lights, one section of lights don't work at times. Call 270-528-6547
LF - Old zero turn mowers for parts, 2 wd truck, $1500 to $2500, FS - 25 to 30 rod and reels, $300. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 9 Pitsky/Mountain Cur pups, 8 weeks old. $100. Call Mike at 270-405-7840
LF - old mowers, gocarts, mopeds, old car or truck up to $1000. FS - 2019 Troybilt riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2006 24 ft travel trailer $7800, 900 Polaris Razor, $8900. Call 270-385-1344
Friday, January 6th, 2023
GA - 7 1/2 ft prelit Christmas tree, has 1500 lights, one section of lights don't work at times. Call 270-528-6547
Thursday, January 5th, 2023
Female Chihuahua 5 years old, solid brown. $30 re-homing fee. LF - cash register. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
LF - Garage door opener. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Washer. Call 270-784-4840
Wednesday, January 4th, 2023
FS - Female Chihuahua, 3 to 4-years-old, $25, "Rightfoot", housebroken, have paperwork, up to date on shots. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
FS - Playstation 4 Pro Spiderman edition, 1tb, can be played in 4k has 11 games, VR Headset, controllers and cables, cash only, pick up in Glasgow. Call 270-579-9146 or 270-308-9889
LF - Good cd player. Call 270-678-6050
LF - Natural gas dryer. FS - Square baled hay. Call 270-565-2502
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023
FS - 5x10 tilt trailer $450, 2017 Cub Cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, $795, Husqvarna 48" cut mower $450, 25 to 30 rod and reels, all kinds $350 cash, LF - pickup between $1500 to $2,000, will pay cash. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, 2019 Troybilt riding mower 14" cut $500, LF - SUV or van for $800 to $1000. LF - store shelving 6 to 8 ft long (4 sections). Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1993 GMC Sierra pickup, new tires, interior is really good condition, 4 wd, red in color. Call 270-524-2904
Friday, December 30th, 2022
A Food & Clothes Pantry will be open today, December 30th, at Horse Cave Christian Church from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The church address is 105 Guthrie Street beside German American Bank.
FS - Square baled hay, $4 per bale, and some rolled hay. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Girl's Disney table and 2 chairs, 2 black Redwing tennis shoes and 2 Home Interior pictures. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Husqvarna lawnmower 23 hp 48" cut, new tires $450, John Deere 175 17 hp with 38" cut, needs battery $299, Curtis 220 air compressor $300, rod and reels, all kinds $350 for all. Call 270-457-4236
Wednesday, December 28th, 2022
FS - 2 pair of Avia tennis shoes, size 8 and a black leather jacket, size medium. Call 502-341-4335.
FS - Barbie items $40, rabbit cages $100 for all, picnic table $75. Call 270-218-3225 or 270-218-0756
FS - Sharp steam and scrub mop in box $100, like new wine color Lazyboy recliner, $200. Call 270-528-4088
FS - Square baled hay, GA - women's clothes, size Medium and size 16's. Call 270-565-2502
Tuesday, December 27th, 2022
FS - Wood in Munfordville $70 a rick - delivered or $60 a rick if you pick up. Call 270-537-4114 or 270-218-1331
FS - 10x10x6 ft dog kennel, like new $275. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, FS - 1995 Chevy pickup 4x4, $1500 or partial trade, 2019 Troybilt lawnmower 56" cut, $500. Call 270- 670-1359
Thursday, December 22nd, 2022
FS - 1 & 1/2 rick of wood. Call 270-590-4850
FS - Square bales of hay. Call 270-528-7635
FS - AKC registered Rottweiler pups, five female and one male, vet checked with up-to-date shots $800. Call or text 270-528-6506
Wednesday, December 21st, 2022
LF - Load of wood today in Horse Cave. Call 270-218-1748
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, FS - 2019 Troybilt 46" cut riding mower $500, 1996 Chevy pickup $1500 or will do partial trade, new electric skate board, $100. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Firewood in Munfordville delivered $70 per rick, all split. Call 270-218-1331 or 270-537-4114
FS - Brooms $5 each, Twister mop, $5 each, new, 3 Tide detergents $5 each, new knives in box, other last minute Christmas items. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Artificial eggs, FS 10x10x6 dog fence, antique corn sheller. Call 270-528-5208
Tuesday, December 20th, 2022
LF - Mobile home doors, concrete porch steps and good white refrigerator. Call or text 270-723-4077
LF - Antenna towers and will take them down on their property. Call 270-681-5544
Monday, December 19th, 2022
FS - German Shepherd Aussie mixed pups. Call 270-528-6693
LF - Small companion dog. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 48" Husqvarna mower, new tires $475. 54" Cub Cadet zero turn mower, $1200, 25 to 30 rod and reels $350, 2 - 20hp Kohler motors, 2 Kamasaki engines. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, December 16th, 2022
FS - Home Interior pictures, 2 pair of Redwing tennis shoes, size 9 and 6 1/2, Disney table and chairs. Call 270-341-4335'
FS - 2014 Polaris Razor 900 $8900 obo, 2006 24' travel trailer, $7800 obo. Call 270-385-1344
FS - Oak round table with 4 chairs. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 1993 GMC Sierra 2500 pickup, new tires, 4wd, red in color. Call 270-524-2904
FS - iphone cases, new, $5 each, piercing rings, toe rings, ankle bracelet, Tide and Downy $5 per jug. Febreze $5 each. Call 270-283-5537
Wednesday, December 14th, 2022
LF - Country eggs. Call 270-473-9638
Tuesday, December 13th, 2022
FS -13 bottles of Tide, 3 bottles of Downy, $5 each. Toe rings, earrings, all types of piercing rings. LOL kids scooter. Call 270-283-5537
FS - 2006 24' travel trailer $7800, 2014 Polaris Razor, $8900. Call 270-385-1344
FS - 2016 Polaris Razor, needs front wheel bearing $7650. Call 270-308-1765
FS - Deck for 42" John Deere mower, LF - 42" cut deck for John Deere zeroturn mower, and zero turn mowers, FS - 54" deck for a Gravely mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2003 Oldsmobile van. $1400. Call 270-317-9630
FS - New bandsaw, new pizza warmer and new chainsaw in box. Call 270-668-6634
LF -Bell ringers for Salvation Army. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 6 laying hens, $10 each, 4 guineas $20 each. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Carpet padding, white refrigerator, mobile home doors, concrete steps. Call 270-723-4077
Friday, December 2nd, 2022
FS - Small Harbinger PA system, used twice with 5 microphones, dual cd/turntable, wires, stands, $250. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Yamaha Breeze 4-wheeler, new tires. $1,000. Call 270-786-3962
FS - 1992 Chevy extended cab 4wd pickup, $3,000. Call 270-590-8375
LF - Shelving, small glass showcase, old riding lawnmowers, mopeds, vehicle around $800 to $1,000. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, December 1st, 2022
FS - 1993 GMC Sierra, 4wd, new tires. Call 270-524-2904
FS - 2012 Chevy Malibu, needs transmission, 2005 Dodge Avenger, needs thermostat, $2500 for both. Call 270-218-0332
FS - Dora, full size comforter and matching full size sheet set, 2 rugs, fleece throw, trash can, a pillow, wash cloths, beach towel and coordinating pink bean bag chair with 2 pillows, all items are new or like new, can meet in Greensburg or Munfordville. Call 270-524-9592
LF - Someone to clean windows. Call 270-528-5953
Tuesday, November 29th, 2022
FS - 1993 GMC Sierra, red, excellent shape, 4wd, new tires. Call 270-524-2904
Monday, November 28th, 2022
LF - Old riding mowers, gocarts, mopeds, 640 John Deere riding mower, need running gear or complete. FS - Troybilt riding mower 46" cut $500 or will do cash and trade. LF - Car or truck $800 to $1000. Call 670-1359
FS - 5 to 6 zero turn mowers and all kinds of parts, LF - truck $1500 to $3000. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, November 25th, 2022
GA - Female rabbit. Call 270-528-6381
Donations are needed for men, women, children's clothing and baby furniture at Maltias, all items are free, located behind Dr. Pandeya in Munfordville.
LF - Good used refrigerator. Call 859-948-5519
LF - Go-carts, mopeds, old car or truck, lawnmowers, FS - Girls Schwinn bike, 20" $85, 20" girls bike, $65, 2019 46" cut Troybilt riding mower $550. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022
FS - A very nice 7 1/2 foot used 1 year. Christmas tree Been boxed and sealed well. 3 step set up. Has 1000 pre strung lights. Not been able to get them working as of now. 1945 natural branch tips. Easy set up. $125. This tree is already set up to view. Location in Munfordville behind IGA . Call (502)377-2138. to setup a time to view. Or call 270-524-1035 to leave message if no answer.
Found - on Pine Ridge Road, a dog and a pig ( they travel together), trying to find the owners. Call and describe 502-263-8359
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022
FS - Hutch chicken house or use for dogs, king size mattress, round oak kitchen table and 4 chairs, adult wooden rocker, wide cloth flowered chair with oak trim. Call 270-531-6947
Monday, November 21st, 2022
LF - Female roommate in Green County. Call 270-405-1691
LF - New electric skate board $150. 2 new boys 20" bikes $65 and $85. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 300 - 5 gallon buckets 25 cents each. Call 270-576-4131
LF - 40 to 50 gallon water heater and vehicle $1000 to $1500. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Square baled hay. Call 270-565-2502
Thursday, November 17th, 2022
FS - Woodsplitter $700, needs pump. Hay ring $100. Call 270-528-2977
LF - Slim line Christmas tree. Call 270-537-4224
LF - 2 car radio antennas off a 1964 - 68 Chevrolet. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Small PA system, 4 channel with cords, cables, mic stands and cassette player. Used twice. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Female roommate $100 per month. Call 270-405-1691
FS - 10,000 lb trailer hitch with sway bars. Call 662-420-3652
FS - 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix, 178,000 miles, has been hit in front by deer, drivable and has oil changed regularly, needs tires. $1,800. Call 270-774-1577
FS - 7 harmonicas, professional quality with hard shell case, $100 for all. Call 270-473-1886
FS - Baled hay $5 each, also hay in shed. Call 270-528-7635
Wednesday, November 16th, 2022
FS - 1984 Int'l log truck, runs great, automatic transmission 466 diesel motor, solid frame, hydraulic brakes, comes with tools, straps, etc. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2008 Yamaha 250 Raptor 4-wheeler, new battery and chain, new sprockets and tires, runs great $2600. Call 270-537-1702 in Hart County.
LF - Female roommate. Rent is $100 a month in Green County. Call 270-405-1691
LF - 2 to 3 bedroom house to rent in Hart County and need a truckload of firewood. Call 270-774-6086
FS - Firewood, truckload 1 1/2 rick, will deliver locally $60 a truckload. Call 270-218-1350
FS - Power chair with carrier that works on a reece hitch. $500. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Truck driver for farm production, no CDL required, medical card is required, must be drug free and experienced drivers only, LF - cattle worker to care for feed and sort cattle, mend fencing and drive John Deere equipment, Also LF - experienced quarter horse person to care for horse barn, pasture and maintain barn. Call Billy Frank Harned at 502-349-9707
FS - 10,000 lb trailer hitch with sway bar. Call 662-420-3654
Yard Sale - Saturday 9 to 4 at Essential at 150 Interstate Plaza in Munfordville, crafts, clothes for men, women and children, home decor. Call 270-473-1045
Tuesday, November 15th, 2022
FS - Power chair with carrier that works on a reece hitch. $500. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Truck driver for farm production, no CDL required, medical card is required, must be drug free and experienced drivers only, LF - cattle worker to care for feed and sort cattle, mend fencing and drive John Deere equipment, Also LF - experienced quarter horse person to care for horse barn, pasture and maintain barn. Call Billy Frank Harned at 502-349-9707
FS - 10,000 lb trailer hitch with sway bar. Call 662-420-3654
Yard Sale - Saturday 9 to 4 at Essential at 150 Interstate Plaza in Munfordville, crafts, clothes for men, women and children, home decor. Call 270-473-1045
Monday, November 14th, 2022
LF - Someone who can deliver firewood to a lady in Hardyville area (Fairview/Pascal Road), urgently needed by this afternoon. She is facing major surgery soon and unable to get wood or pack it in. Call 270-528-6976
*Gentleman has chain saws, etc, looking for someone to donate time to help cut and load wood for lady in need. Call 270-528-7635
FS - Parts for mowers, a couple of mowers, LF - $1500 to $3000 truck and zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, November 11th, 2022
FS - 2 Home Interior pictures with Amish scene. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 7 1/2' Christmas tree, used 2 years, easy setup, boxed and stored well and is setup to view behind IGA in Munfordville, $50, also 7 1/2' Christmas tree, used 1 year, been boxed and sealed well, 3 step setup, has pre strung lights, but can't get them working, 1945 natural branch tips, $125. Call to view at 502-377-2138
LF - Scissor hay spear, entry doors and storms doors for a mobile home, and a deck. Call 270-723-4077
Thursday, November 10th, 2022
Yard Sale - Shady Acres Subdivision Munfordville, today. Call 270-524-4547
LF - Car, truck or van $800 to $1000 for a family. FS - 2 ladder shelves, new in box, 4' to 5' tall. $45. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, November 9th, 2022
FS - 18 month-old Black Angus Bull, not registered in the Horse Cave area. asking $1650. Call 270-537-5624
GA - 3 Pyrenees and Poodle mix pups, 10 weeks old, to a good home. Call 270-861-5982
FS - 2003 Yamaha Roadster, $4,000. Call 435-580-9389
FS - GE washer & dryer, heated pool cover, Chicago welder, self-propelled lawnmower in Cave City. Call 502-408-4847
FS - Standup antique radio $50, old antique whiskey barrel $80, white wrought iron bedstead $50. Call 270-786-5842
Tuesday, November 8th, 2022
FS - 8 ft pool table, with balls and sticks, new felt. $300. Call 270-473-0907
LF - Miniature Dacshound or small dog. In Buffalo, call 618-792-7483
FS - 2003 Yamaha Roadster, 16,000 miles, in Munfordville. Call 435-580-9389
Monday, November 7th, 2022
FS - 1 pair (male & female) of Cayuga Ducks, 6 months old, $30 for the pair. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Montgomery Ward garden tiller, rear tine $325 or cash and trade, G-1 golf cart $1600. Call 270- 670-1359
Yard Sale - all week Scott Street Munfordville, mens' pants, children's clothes, women's clothes, odd and ends, children's books. Call 270-524-4547
FS - 10x10 6 ft dog kennel, 12 ft flatbottom boat 2013 model, lake ready with lights, hand-turned corn sheller. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, November 4th, 2022
Missing - 2 dogs on Jenny Road, Cave City, one is tall the other is Collie type. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 2 ladies medium black leather jackets, size 9 and 6 1/2 black tennis shoes $15 each, Disney table and chairs, $15. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Front and back bumper, black primer, for 2000 Dodge dually, $150. Call 270-773-5306
Thursday, November 3rd, 2022
FS - 8 ft pool table with balls and sticks $300. Call 473-0907
LF - Miniature Dash hound or small dog. Call 618-792-7483
LF - Experienced Quarter Horse Rider to care for horses in barns and pastures and maintain barn area, to ride and possibly train, located in New Haven. Also LF - Office Personnel in a friendly office atmosphere, fast paced, required to have knowledge of Microsoft Office, Word Excel, Power Point and Quick books a plus, detailed oriented. ---------
Also LF - Semi-truckers for farm, no CDL required. Needed to drive and haul on farm, medical card required, drug-free, experienced drivers only, and LF - a cattle work hand for farm work, feed and sort cattle, mend fences, drive tractor and other farm equipment. located in New Haven. Call 502-349-9707
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $2 to $6 each different sizes and deals in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Found - Blue Heeler in the Uno area. Call 270-774-7296
FS - Conduits and electric boxes, 50" Troybilt mower $1900 obo. GA - puppies. Call 270-308-0701
Tuesday, November 1st, 2022
FS - 2021 Lonewolf 6x12 Utility Trailer, wood floor, ramp gate and will come with a trailer lock and title, asking $1700 obo. Call 270-646-0067
Monday, October 31st, 2022
FS - Leftover lumber cuttings... good quality. Great for woodworking, small projects, up-cycling or even use it in your fire pit (it's getting chilly)! Mainly spruce and yellow pine. Planks, boards, chunks, squares, some 1”-2" thick good for plaques, small signs, wood burning etc, and might even be a few blocks. On KY 88 in Munfordville. $10/box. Call 270-524-4252
FS - 1 Pair, (male & female) of Cayuga Ducks, 5 months old. $30.00 for the pair. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Dry ice for Halloween project. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, October 26th, 2022
Found - Blue Heeler in the Uno area, has no collar. Call 270-774-7296
FS -23 hp Kohler pro engine, 20hp Kohler pro engine. LF - $1500 to $3000 2wd, Chevy pickup, Cub Cadet 54" cut mower, trailer, LF - 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Washer, refrigerator, crock pot, roommate to share expenses, 3x clothing and a job, FS - toys. Call 270-590-7367
LF - 4dr car, suv or van $800 to $1,000 dependable, FS - Poodle, black AKC registered, up to date shots, 14 weeks $550. Call 270-670-1359
FS- 2 gas weed eaters, Echo & Stihl $70 each or $100 for both. 2 - 235 75 R15 tires, $15 each. Call 270-246-1913
FS - Dump bed lawnmower trailer, holds 3500 lbs. Call 270-599-8073
FS - 2 1/2 ft wide x 3 ft long utility trailer pull behind for lawnmower $80. must be picked up. Call 270-599-8073
FS - Fresh sorghum. Call 270-537-5642
LF - bookshelf for movies, cheap, FS - Bluetooth speaker, new $50, rabbit cage $35, new. LOL scooters $20 each, new babydoll in box $15. Call 218-5045 or 270-283-5537
FS - Aftermarket bumpers for 2000 Dodge 2500 model. Call 270-773-5306
GA - 5 year-old female pitbull mix, brendel color, housebroke, with leash. Call 270-651-9842
Friday, October 21st, 2022
Yard Sale - 212 White Street Cave City Fri & Sat, picnic table outside table and chairs, kids clothes, bike, pictures and Tupperware. Call 270-218-0756 or 270-218-3225
LF - Bookshelf. FS - rabbit cage, $35, new. Call 270-283-5537
Yard Sale - today located 3 1/2 miles outside of Munfordville on Cub Run Hwy, antiques, farming items, tools. Hedgehogs, live traps, Call 270-537-5875 or 270-218-8392
LF - Someone to clean a pond out. Call 270-537-3418
FS - 21 ft aluminum bottom boat with trolling motor, swivel seats, ready for lake, dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, October 20th, 2022
FS - Michael Myers masks, skeleton masks, Halloween makeup, various costumes, LOL kids scooter $25 each, guinea pig cage $30 LF - bookshelf for movies, cheap. Call 270-283-5587
FS - Gravely zero-radius turn mower 54" cut, $1500. Call 270-218-8098
FS - Hay rolls and square bales of hay. Call 270-537-4044
Wednesday, October 19th, 2022
FS - Husqvarna tractor type lawnmower,48" cut, and a 50" Cub Cadet zero turn mower, LF - Chevy truck, FS - 25 to 30 fishing poles. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Ladies long black medium leather jacket $15, ladies SAS white tennis shoes, size 6 1/2 $15, Redwing tennis shoes, 6 1/2 size ladies, adult walker with seat $15, new raised toilet seat with handles on each side, $25. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 10x10x6 dog kennel, 10x12x6 dog kennel, 12 ft aluminum, flat bottom boat, runs like new, lake ready and good trailer. Call 270- 528-5208
FS - Refrigerator, calves, laptop with charger, PSP. Email -
FS - Halloween items, wigs, assorted masks, costumes, spiders, window clings, 2 LOL kids scooters $25 each. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Electric cook stove, reasonably priced. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 4 peacocks, chickens, ducks and guineas. Call Donnie at 270-670-3069
FS - Set of tires off Polaris Ranger, 2 are 25x10x12 and 2 are 25x11x12 $150 with 4 new tubes. Call 270-537-5099
Tuesday, October 18th, 2022
FS - Refrigerator, calves, laptop with charger, PSP. Email -
FS - Halloween items, wigs, assorted masks, costumes, spiders, window clings, 2 LOL kids scooters $25 each. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Electric cook stove, reasonably priced. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 4 peacocks, chickens, ducks and guineas. Call Donnie at 270-670-3069
FS - Set of tires off Polaris Ranger, 2 are 25x10x12 and 2 are 25x11x12 $150 with 4 new tubes. Call 270-537-5099
Monday, October 17th, 2022
FS - XL camouflage coveralls, like new $50, camouflage bib coveralls, size medium, like new. Call 270-537-4122
FS - 2008 EZ Go golf cart, blue with nice wheels, clean. Call 270-786-4351
FS - New small aquarium with parts in plastic. Call 270-524-4547
FS - Alternator and starter off a 2006 Ford Fusion $150 for both. Call 270-308-1057
LF - 6x12 utility trailer. Call 270-774-1485
LF - 16 ft metal cattle racks, good used deck or decking supplies, entry doors for mobile home. Call or text 270-723-4077
LF - 22 to 24 hp side shaft motor for Woods Grasshopper zero turn mower. LF- left hand hydro for 2019 Cub Cadet ZTR 150. FS - 5 1/2 x 12 ft utility trailer with drop gate, new tires. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Black walnuts and hickory nut kernels. Call 407-5320
FS - Cub Cadet 2016 hydrostatic 50" cut riding mower, like new $800 or will partial trade, pushmower $100, LF - van or SUV $800 to $1,000, old riding mowers, gocarts mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 6 ft bushhog 3pt hitch or pull type, must have 60 horse gear box. Call 270-218-8391.
FS - 3 rabbit cages, $25 for all. Call 270-528-6381
FS - Dog kennels, 12x10 and 10x10, 12 ft aluminum boat with trailer, ready for the lake. $1700. Call 270-528-5208
Thursday, October 13th, 2022
FS - Graco Pack n Play, bassinet, Converse tennis shoes size 7, and purple Converse tennis shoes, baby boys blue jean jacket. Call 270-646-8134
LF - Secretary in Bardstown area. Call 502-349-9707
LF - Roommate to share expenses, refrigerator, washer, furniture, deep fryer, work. Call 270-590-7367
FS - Rolled hay, $30 per roll, $4 per bale, GA - furniture. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Car or truck frame machine, complete with all accessories. Call 270-774-1485
Yard Sale - 7 a.m. Saturday, toys shoes, treadmill, clothes $2 bags, chili lunch at 1200 Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Shower bench $15, adult walker with seat $15. Call 502-341-4335
Wednesday, October 12th, 2022
FS - Car or truck frame machine, complete with all accessories. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Black Max push mower, like new $100, or will trade, LF - car or SUV $800 to $1,000, old mowers, mopeds, go-carts. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 7 a.m. Saturday, toys shoes, treadmill, clothes $2 bags, chili lunch at 1200 Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Graco Pack n Play, bassinet, Converse tennis shoes size 7, and purple Converse tennis shoes, baby boys bluejean jacket. Call 270-646-8134
Found - older female Beagle hound, very friendly at Pine Ridge Hill. Call 270-524-7329
FS - Small piano, heavy, price negotiable. Call 270-473-1044 or 270-524-4547
FS - XL camouflage coveralls, like new $50, camouflage bib coveralls, size medium, like new. Call 270-537-4122
FS - 2008 EZ Go golf cart, blue with nice wheels, clean. Call 270-786-4351
FS - Boxer pups. Call 270-773-2768
FS - 1992 Chevy ext cab 4wd, new tires and wheels $3,000. Call 270-590-8375
Monday, October 10th, 2022
FS - Car or truck frame machine, complete with all accessories. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Black Max pushmower, like new $100, or will trade, LF - car or SUV $800 to $1,000, old mowers, mopeds, go-carts. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 7 a.m. Saturday, toys shoes, treadmill, clothes $2 bags, chili lunch at 1200 Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Old antique upright wooden radio. 38" tall and 23" wide, 11" deep. $100. Call 270-786-5842
Friday, October 7th, 2022
Yard Sale - Saturday, 3 families, at 806 Lingale Drive near Caverna Elementary School
FS - Shower bench $15, adult walker with seat $15. Call 502-341-4335
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 212 White Street, Cave City, boys and girls clothing, baby girl clothes, etc. Call 270-218-3225
LF - Small horse trailer or 16 ft metal racks. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, large white ones or will trade for good riding mower, chain saw and firewood in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Friday, September 30th, 2022
FS - New small aquarium with parts in plastic. Call 270-524-4547
Yard Sale at Cottrell Gates building, just north of Bonnieville today. Call 270-531-2060
Thursday, September 29th, 2022
Yard Sale - thru Saturday, local and state memorabilia, tools, signage, antiques 8920 Happy Valley Road in Cave City, 1 mile from Sav-A-Lot. Call 270-590-3452
Rollercoaster yard sale on Cordell Hull Highway extends from Mammoth Cave to Tompkinsville, into Burkesville and back into Glasgow and will be held through the weekend.
Yard Sale at 212 White Street, Cave City Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Yard Sale - Saturday at 898 Logsdon Valley Rd, several men's shirts, work boots, furniture. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Someone to do pressure washing and stain before the colder weather. Call 270-646-0878
Wednesday, September 28th, 2022
Yard Sale - thru Saturday, local and state memorabilia, tools, signage, antiques 8920 Happy Valley Road in Cave City, 1 mile from Sav-A-Lot. Call 270-590-3452
Rollercoaster yard sale on Cordell Hull Highway extends from Mammoth Cave to Tompkinsville, into Burkesville and back into Glasgow and will be held through the weekend.
FS - Husqvarna 23 hp 50" cut mower, 25 hp Cub Cadet 54" cut zero turn mower, LF - 22 to 25 hp Kohler or B&S motor for Grasshopper or Woods mower. Call 270-457-4236
Yard Sale at 212 White Street, Cave City Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
FS - Chest type deepfreeze $100. Call 270-0756 or 270-218-3225
Tuesday, September 27th, 2022
FS - Deer corn $7 a bag, or $6.50 each if you take 10. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Walker with seat $50 and a shower bench. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Picture windows, 4 available, 36" x 84", vinyl picture window, tan with LOW-E and ARGON with nail finish and j channel $220 each. Call 270-530-270-4252
FS - Set of tires off Polaris Ranger, 2 are 35x10x12 and 2 are 25x11x12 $150 with 4 new tubes. Call 270-537-5099
FS - Vinyl swing set with sandbox and extras $500 or will trade for a utility trailer. Call 270-473-0881
FS - Encore zero-radius turn mower, LF - 22 to 24 hp for horizontal mower and 23hp Kohler motor. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Yearbooks from Hart County High School for 1972, 73, 74 or 75. Call 808-937-2101
Monday, September 26th, 2022
FS - 4 horses. Call 270-528-2649
FS - Rolled hay $30 each, 200 square bales $4.50 each. Call 270-786-4044
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, car or truck $500 to $800, set of wheel weights for a riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Cub Cadet zero turn mower 54" cut, 2019 Cub Cadet ZT-150 50" cut, LF - 22 to 24 hp motors for grasshopper or woods mower and old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 dog kennels, 10x10x6 ft tall, 2013 - 12 ft aluminum fishing boat with good trailer, 5hp gasoline motor. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Hay wagon. Call 270-505-5365
LF - Someone to cut 10 acres of mixed hay, north of Bonnieville. Call 270-531-2060
FS - 8 week-old boxer pups. Call 270-773-2768
Friday, September 16th, 2022
Yard Sale today at 3797 Charlie Moran Hwy, beside Wigwam General Store, new router, new electric pressure cooker, clothes for men, women and little girls, wheelchair and knee scooter. Call 270-786-2592
FS - New foam board insulation, standard 4'x8' sheets, approximately 40 sheets of 4" $60 each, and 60 sheets of 2" $45 each in Munfordville. Call 270-524-4252
Yard Sale Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 575 Perkins Cemetery Road, Magnolia, signs posted. Lots of Halloween decor, house items, antiques, shop lights, new lock gas caps, wood chipper, lots of new items.
FS - (2) 10x10x16 chain-link dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Hay wagon. Call 270-505-5365
GA - Side by side refrigerator. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 23hp Kohler Command engine, 24hp Briggs & Stratton engine, 19.5hp Briggs & Stratton engine and tires, wheels and other parts for zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 150 rolls of hay. Call 270-537-4044
Thursday, September 15th, 2022
GA - Side by side refrigerator. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 2018 John Deere pull-type XM8 Bush hog. $6500. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 23hp Kohler Command engine, 24hp Briggs & Stratton engine, 19.5hp Briggs & Stratton engine and tires, wheels and other parts for zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 150 rolls of hay. Call 270-537-4044
FS - New extendable Flashlights, new game chairs $65, LOL kids scooters, light up, new in box $25 each, new candles, and new foot massagers. Call 270-283-5537
Wednesday, September 14th, 2022
FS - 2 Saanen dairy goat doelings, born March 9th & April 16th this year, $175 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - A truck driver for hire and someone to work on farm with tractor and sorting equipment and clean horse barn. Call Billy at 502-349-9707
GA - Side by side refrigerator 270-590-3209
FS - 23hp Kohler Command engine, 24hp Briggs & Stratton engine, 19.5hp Briggs & Stratton engine and tires, wheels and other parts for zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 150 rolls of hay. Call 270-537-4044
Monday, September 12th, 2022
FS - 2 Saanen dairy goat doelings, born March 9th & April 16th this year, $175 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Roommate, beds and a free refrigerator, odd jobs. FS - tv's and knives. Call 270-612-0652
LF - A truck driver for hire and someone to work on farm with tractor and sorting equipment and clean horse barn. Call Billy at 502-349-9707
FS - New extendable Flashlights, new game chairs $65, LOL kids scooters, light up, new in box $25 each, new candles, and new foot massagers. Call 270-283-5537
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, reasonably priced car or truck, Redmax weedeater $125, Troybilt 42" riding mower $350. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Older truck. Call 270-537-4926
FS - Husqvarna 48" cut mower, new tires, 16 hp Briggs & Stratton motor, LF - old zero turn mowers, 22 to 24hp side shaft motor for Grasshopper and Woods mower. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, September 9th, 2022
Lost - Part Heeler/Lab white dog with red patch on one eye in the Cub Run-Wax-Bee Spring area. Answers to the name "Apollo". Call 270-308-1765
LF - Pygmy nanny goats, near Munfordville. Call 502-377-2978 or 502-263-8359
FS - 10x10x6 chain link dog kennel, LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 3 totes of yard sale items. Call 270-524-4547
Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
FS - Red rotating light bar for emergency bar $150 with built in siren, small air hockey table $25, Troybilt riding lawnmower. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2019 Razor, low hours, $20,000, LF - older car or truck, reasonable, tires and wheels, 5 lug for riding mower, old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Stuff to haul off, washers, etc, free. FS - TV, games, knives, LF - roommate. Call 270-612-0652
LF - Clothes hangers, cheap or giveaway and a clothes rack, FS - Female Albino guinea pig, $25, 2 LOL kids scooters $25 each, car jack. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
FS - 4 245 50 R20 Goodyear black wall tires $50, spare tire and wheel, 6 lug and fits an ;08 Chevy Colorado, $15, Black & Decker Saber saw, 110v, $35, clutch and brake pedals for 1952 8N Ford or Ferguson tractors, $15 each, 1/4" speed wrench, $20 obo. Call weekdays at 270-218-8211 or 270-218-8211
LF - Front mount deck 52" for Woods or Grasshopper mower. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Tires for 195 70's or 75 series 14's and 225 70s or 75 x 15's. Call 270-218-8391
Tuesday, September 6th, 2022
FS - Ferret. Call 270-537-1265
FS - Register boxer pups $600. Call 270-612-0213
FS - 16hp Briggs & Stratton horizontal shaft motor. Parting out 54" cut Cub Cadet mower, FS - 50" cut Cub Cadet mower. LF - 22hp to 24hp Kohler horizontal shaft for grasshopper mower, old zero turn mowers, running or not, Call 270-457-4236
FS - Ringneck pheasant chicks, just hatched, some are 4 months old, hair lambs. Call 270-528-6693
LF - 29 rolls of hay. Call 230-3883
LF - Pallets. Call 270-590-2428
Friday, September 2nd, 2022
Yard Sale - Thursday - Saturday at 164 Webb Avenue, Smiths Grove. Lots of women's clothing, some are new.
Big yard sale - Saturday at Grab A Hook Catfish near Pierce.
Yard Sale N. 9th Street in Cave City.
Thursday, September 1st, 2022
Yard Sale - Thursday - Saturday at 164 Webb Avenue, Smiths Grove. Lots of women's clothing, some are new.
Big yard sale - Saturday at Grab A Hook Catfish near Pierce.
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022
FS - New folding desk with oak colored top $50. Call 270-646-8828
FS - LOL scooter, new that light up $25 each. Kid pillows, unicorn and puppy dog $8 each, new. Foot bath massagers in box, new, baby highchair $15, DVD's, 2 guinea pigs $20, male and female. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
LF - 15 passenger van and small type cargo van. Call 270-670-7725
FS - Rolling plant cart, can display 6 to 8 plants, new. $50. Call 270-646-8828
FS - 7 laying hens, Rhode Island Reds and Comets. Miniature Pin. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 8-in-1 Air Fryer, new $80, has various settings, new professional Espresso machine $75. Call 270-646-8828
LF - Driver for 3-4 guys from Summer Shade to Munfordville and back 5 days a week. Pickup at 5:30 a.m. then again at 3:00 p.m. Call 270-524-4252
Tuesday, August 30th, 2022
FS - 8-in-1 Air Fryer, new $80, has various settings, new professional Espresso machine $75. Call 270-646-8828
LF - Driver for 3-4 guys from Summer Shade to Munfordville and back 5 days a week. Pickup at 5:30 a.m. then again at 3:00 p.m. Call 270-524-4252
FS - Twin size box springs and mattress, $75, am/fm 8 track record player, $40 can send pictures. Call 270-405-1691
Monday, August 29th, 2022
FS - Twin size box springs and mattress, $75, am/fm 8 track record player, $40 can send pictures. Call 270-405-1691
FS - Husquvarna 48" cut mower $495, cub cadet zero turn mower, 50" cut, $995, motors and parts for lawn mowers, LF - old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
3 - family yard sale - Saturday at 80 Richardson Subdivision in Munfordville, clothes, household items, fabrics at Bradley Residence. Call 270-473-1045
FS - Disney table and 2 chairs, new blood pressure monitor, new heating pad, adult walker with seat. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Weber camping size grill, never been used, $125 firm, strap on stealth camera for hunting, no manual, new with batteries, $60 firm. Call Randy at 270-524-9276
FS - New pushmower, $200 or will trade, LF - older car or truck $500 to $800, old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, August 26th, 2022
GA - State Fair tickets. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 49" cut Husquvarna 23 hp mower, $550, parts and zero turn mowers. LF - 22 hp or bigger horizontal shaft motor, old zero-turn mowers and parts. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Old riding mowers, old car or truck, up to $800, set of tires or even 6, size 215 85 16's. FS - Baja minibike $450. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Pushmower. Call 270-218-5288
LF -
Driver for 3-4 guys from Summer Shade to
Munfordville and back 5 days a week. Pickup at 5:30 a.m. then again at 3:00 p.m.
Call 270-524-4252
To Top Of Page
Thursday, August 25th, 2022
FS - Electric leaf blower, 26" girls bike, vcr/dvd player, printer for a computer. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Pair of sights for a gun, Fiatchi brand, large, white motorcycle helmet, full facial, $20 worn once. Pair of tires for a GX1400 Ninja, $20, tires, size P335 55 R 17's, $30 for the pair. Call 270-612-0926
FS - 2004 Ford pickup, need transmission, asking $600. Call 270-528-1562
Wednesday, August 24th, 2022
FS - 2014 GMC Acadia SLT, leather seats, captain chairs, 3rd row, 186,000 miles, Asking $9,500. Call or text Adam at 270-537-3761.
FS- Pair of size 10 boots, $40, LF - owner of boys tennis shoes that were found on the Old Glasgow Road. Call 270-773-5306
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy Bonnieville, girls bedroom suit, bikes, etc. Call 270-531-6947
FS - New ratchet straps, LOL kids scooter, new, Yeti cups, medium sized, black and bluish-green, 2 sets, new foot massager, carjack, baby highchair, box of kid's chalk, new. Call 270-283-5537
Lost - A short PTO Shaft fell out of the back of a truck on 31-W Main Street in front of Munfordville Napa. Call Danny at 270-524-4535
FS - Powered wheelchair, has front and rear controls, reclines, good condition. Call 270-528-6410
LF - Milk cow. FS- 1966 John Deere 40 20, 100 hp tractor, new paint. Call 270-773-7279
FS - 1997 Jeep Wrangler, soft top, asking $7500 obo. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2 mantle type lanterns, one is a Sears $40, and the other is a Coleman $25. Call 270-531-2060
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022
FS - Queen size box springs and mattress, $75 cash, very good condition. Call 270-405-1691
FS - Jersey bull, 800 to 900 lbs, LF - parts for front end older GMC truck. Call 270-734-1552
FS - 2 guinea pigs, male and female, with water bottles, food and bedding $45 for all, ratchet straps, LOL kids new scooters, Yeti cups, new, foot massagers in box, kids chalk, new in box, dvd movies. Call 270-283-5587 or 270-218-5045
FS - Rabbits $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy Bonnieville, girls bedroom suit, bikes, etc. Call 270-531-6947
Monday, August 22nd, 2022
Found - Name brand kids' shoes on the Old Munfordville Glasgow Road, near Salem Baptist Church. Call and describe 270-773-5306
FS - Herd of 23 sheep, 10 ready to have babies, young ewes. Call 270-537-5875
LF - Hydro pump for Cub Cadet zero turn, left side. FS- 23 hp Kawasaki motor, 23 hp Kohler motor, 24 hp Briggs & Stratton motor. LF - 22 to 24 hp motor for Grasshopper mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - New ratchet straps, LOL kids scooter, new, Yeti cups, medium sized, black and bluish-green, 2 sets, new foot massager, carjack, baby highchair, box of kid's chalk, new. Call 270-283-5537
FS - Twin size box springs and mattress, used very little. $100. Call 270-404-1691
Friday, August 19th, 2022
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, large, bright white. Call 270-405-1260
Yard Sale - at Veterans Park 13-W at Rowletts, rabbits, lots of set ups Saturday.
LF - Mechanic at Logsdon's Lawnmower in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-4351
Thursday, August 18th, 2022
Lost - A short PTO Shaft fell out of the back of a truck on 31-W Main Street in front of Munfordville Napa. Call Danny at 270-524-4535
FS - Powered wheelchair, has front and rear controls, reclines, good condition. Call 270-528-6410
LF - Milk cow. FS- 1966 John Deere 40 20, 100 hp tractor, new paint. Call 270-773-7279
FS - 1997 Jeep Wrangler, soft top, asking $7500 obo. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2 mantle type lanterns, one is a Sears $40, and the other is a Coleman $25. Call 270-531-2060
Wednesday, August 17th, 2022
LF - Someone to work on a riding mower. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Diamond plated Kobalt toolbox for full size pickup, mounting hardware and keys included. $125. Call 270-537-4122
FS - New ratchet straps $25 each, kid's chairs $3 each, bath and foot massager, new $30 each, DVD's $1 each, carjack $20 and a high chair $15. Call 270-283-5537
FS - B&M universal automatic star shifter, new in box $180. Call 270-646-8828
LF - Sitter on Saturdays in Munfordville for 6 hours, $10 per hour. Call 270-668-8129
Tuesday, August 16th, 2022
FS - New ratchet straps $25 each, kid's chairs $3 each, bath and foot massager, new $30 each, DVD's $1 each, carjack $20 and a high chair $15. Call 270-283-5537
Monday, August 15th, 2022
LF - Someone to work on a riding mower. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Diamond plated Kobalt toolbox for full size pickup, mounting hardware and keys included. $125. Call 270-537-4122
FS - Baby stroller, infant car seat, baby mattress, ironing board. Call 270-340-4335
LF - old riding mowers, set of 215 85 16" tires for box truck, FS - new dorm size Whirlpool refrigerator, slight dent, but works well, $75. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Jersey bull, about 800 to 900 lbs, will deliver, LF - 03 GMC full size truck parts. Call 270-734-1552
LF - Used t-posts, 6 1/2 to 7 ft. Call 270-528-6700
Friday, August 12th, 2022
FS - Big, strong rooster to a good home $50. He is defensive and randomly pecks, about 10 months old. Call 716-969-5632
FS - Like new 61" cut Grasshopper mower with Kohler engine, has 22 hours on it. Call 270-786-4351
FS - 2 woodstoves, one can be used for coal, small garden tiller. Call 270-646-0705
FS - 25 hp Kamasaki motor, 23 hp Kohler motor, deck for 42" cut zero-turn mower, LF - old zero-turn mowers for parts. Call 270-457-4236
Yard Sale - 5085 Priceville Road, proceeds go to Priceville Cemetery now through Saturday, glassware, kitchen items, king size headboard, sheets, books. Call 270-531-3333
Thursday, August 11th, 2022
FS - New full facial motorcycle helmet, built in visor, used once $40 obo, garden tiller with attachment $1750, used very little, 2 crossbows. Call 270-612-0926
GA - Coonhound pups. Call 270-537-5875
Found - Young black part Pitbull dog on Quarry Road, near Bear Wallow in Horse Cave. Very friendly. Call 270-528-1958
There will be a trailer of donations taken to eastern Kentucky Saturday, August 13th. Items needed include: personal items, cleaning supplies, mops, disinfectant wipes, diapers, wipes, formula, etc. The address is 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, at Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-670-4301 or 528-1877
FS - 1050 Cub Cadet riding mower 50" cut, 24hp, $495, 42" cut Torro zero-turn mower 20hp, $750. LF - Zero-turn mowers and a 5x10 or 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
Wednesday, August 10th, 2022
Found - Young black part Pitbull dog on Quarry Road, near Bear Wallow in Horse Cave. Very friendly. Call 270-528-1958
FS - Guineas. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Unicorn pillow, dog pillow, new $8 each, dresser $5, highchair $15, foot massager $25, kids chairs $5, flowers 4 for $5, stools $7 or both $12. Call 270-283-5537
There will be a trailer of donations taken to eastern Kentucky Saturday, August 13th. Items needed include: personal items, cleaning supplies, mops, disinfectant wipes, diapers, wipes, formula, etc. The address is 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, at Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-670-4301 or 528-1877
Tuesday, August 9th, 2022
FS - 3 new Kobalt weedeaters, 24 volt. Kobalt blower $40 each, 2 40 volt Kobalt blowers, Kobalt 40 volt weedeater $60 each. Does not come with battery or charger. Call 646-8828
FS - Guineas, different sizes. Call 270-531-6947
FS 42" 23 horse cub cadet lawnmower, pressure washer and mini bike, Bengo go cart, Husky 28 ton wood splitter. Call 270-218-0215
FS - 2 new 245 60 20" tires, $175, 195 65 15" tire, $30. Call 270-786-3705
There will be a trailer of donations taken to eastern Kentucky Saturday, August 13th. Items needed include: personal items, cleaning supplies, mops, disinfectant wipes, diapers, wipes, formula, etc. The address is 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, at Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-670-4301 or 528-1877
Monday, August 8th, 2022
FS - 2 woodstoves, small garden tiller. Call 270-646-0705
There will be a trailer of donations taken to eastern Kentucky Saturday, August 13th. Items needed include: personal items, cleaning supplies, mops, disinfectant wipes, diapers, wipes, formula, etc. The address is 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, at Whickerville Baptist Church. Call 270-670-4301 or 528-1877
FS - Self-propelled push mower $125, LF - set of tires 215/85/16 tires, need to be 10 ply, 4-seater golf cart, old riding mowers, go carts mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Old zero-turn mowers, 5x10 or 5x12 trailer, 2wd pickup $1500 to $2500, FS - parts for mowers, 1050 50" cut mower. Call 270-457-4236
Friday, August 5th, 2022
FS - Like new 61" cut Grasshopper mower, 22k with Kohler engine. Call 270-786-4351
Thursday, August 4th, 2022
FS - Twin size white wooden bed with 3 drawers underneath comes with the mattress and mattress pad. $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Shower chair, heating pad , walker with seat. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Jersey bull 800 to 900 pounds, LF - parts for front end older GMC truck. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Older wooden cabinet 7 ft x 4 ft. Call 270-786-3705 or 270-473-0501
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022
FS- Box of kids chalk $10, high chair $5, 2 stools,$12, kids chairs $5 each, flowers in pot 2 for $5, foot massager $25 each, car jacks $15 each, dvd's $3 each 2 for $5, candles $5 each. LF - ferret. Call 270-283-5537
FS - Twin size white wooden bed with 3 drawers underneath comes with the mattress and mattress pad. $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Cherry changing table $50, bassinet $25, cherry toddler bed $30, oak rocking chair $25. Call 270-590-8271
FS - Older wooden cabinet 7 ft x 4 ft. Call 270-786-3705 or 270-473-0501
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022
FS - 1050 Cub Cadet riding mower 50" cut, 24hp, $495, 42" cut Torro zero-turn mower 20hp, $750. LF - Zero-turn mowers and a 5x10 or 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Multiple semi-tires, used, asking $100 each, they have good tread. Call 270-404-1275 for more information or pictures.
LF - 3 pt hitch single breaking plow. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Nintendo Switch $100. Call 270-218-1378
FS - 2 tires, 235x75xR15's, 75% tread. Call 270-678-1039
Monday, August 1st, 2022
FS - Multiple semi-tires, used, asking $100 each, they have good tread. Call 270-404-1275 for more information or pictures.
LF - old riding mowers, set of 10 ply tires 215 85 16's, new Lincoln welder $325, Baja mini-bike $350 or some trade 670-1359
FS - 1050 Cub Cadet riding mower 50" cut, 24hp, $495, 42" cut Torro zero-turn mower 20hp, $750. LF - Zero-turn mowers and a 5x10 or 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Dvd's $1 and up, dishcloths 2 for 3, new cell phone cases, baby wipes, Skill saw, game chair, highchair $15, foot massager bath $25. LF - ferret. Call 270-283-5537
FS - 2 kids scooters $25 each, new, Mt Dew metal sign 2 for $7 and Pepsi signs, highchair $20, boys boxers sizes 2T and 3T. Call 270-283-5537
Friday, July 29th, 2022
FS - 1050 Cub Cadet riding mower 50" cut, 24hp, $495, 42" cut Torro zero-turn mower 20hp, $750. LF - Zero-turn mowers and a 5x10 or 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - New dishcloths 2 for $3, new cell phone cases $2 each, game chair $50, skill saw $20, baby wipes 2 for $5, high chair $10, light up wheeled scooters, new $25 each, dvds $1 each. LF - ferret. Call 270-283-5537 270-218-5045
FS - Tv, 2 games and baby toy, LF - lady to share 3 bedroom apartment or house, a job. Call 270-612-0652
LF - Any type of work in Hart County area. Call 502-693-5326
LF - old riding mowers, set of 10 ply tires 215 85 16's, new Lincoln welder $325, Baja mini-bike $350 or some trade 670-1359
LF - Coon & Possum foot traps. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Haire lambs. Call 270-528-6693
LF - 3 bedroom house to rent in Monroe, Block City or Shady Grove area, will consider 2 bedroom. Call 270-528-5407
Thursday, July 28th, 2022
FS - Guineas. Call 270-531-6947
Wednesday, July 27th, 2022
FS - Dvd's $1 and up, dishcloths 2 for 3, new cell phone cases, baby wipes, Skill saw, game chair, highchair $15, foot massager bath $25. LF - ferret. Call 270-283-5537
LF - Set of 215 85 16's tires. LF - old riding mowers, FS - 225 Lincoln stick welder, Baja mini-bike $250. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1050 cub cadet 50" cut riding mower $495, Torro 42" zero turn mower $750, LF - old zero turn mowers, 5 or 6 x10 utility trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Wood, some already cut, some needs splitting. Call 270-670-5614
Tuesday, July 26th, 2022
FS - Nintendo Switch $100. Call 270-218-1378
FS - 2 tires, 235x75xR15's, 75% tread. Call 270-678-1039
FS New twin weighted blankets $30 each, new 120 piece kid's chalk set $15, 2 light-up kid's scooters $25 each, gaming chair $160, new dishtowels 2 for $3, LF - ferret. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
Monday, July 25th, 2022
LF - 3 bedroom House to rent in Monroe, Block City, Shady Grove area, will consider 2 bedroom. Call 270-528-2407
Friday, July 22nd, 2022
Multi family yard sale Friday and Saturday at 2610 Upton Melrose Road in Upton, name brand shoes, purses, furniture, roll top desk, shelves, medicine cabinet, bedding, grill, jacuzzi tub, Paula Vaughn framed prints, decor, clothing, toys, shoes, signs are posted.
FS - 4 Toyo tires 245/75/R17, 75% tread remaining $200, king size bedroom set, headboard with frame, highboy chest, dresser and night stand. $450. Call 270-537-4122 in Horse Cave.
LF - Washer and dryer, electric stove. Call 270-531-1669 in Munfordville.
FS - 1050 Cub Cadet 24HP 50" cut zero turn mower, Torro zero turn 42" cut mower, mower motors, LF - zero turn mowers, running or not. Call 270-457-4235
Thursday, July 21st, 2022
FS - Guineas, western books, oak table with 4 chairs, bookcase, L6 dishwasher, small loveseat, playpen. GA - Romance books. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Flat screen tv, another tv, small toys, baseball cards, cell phone. GA - small dog. Call 270-612-0652
Wednesday, July 20th, 2022
FS - Registered boxer pups. Call 270-612-0213
LF - Loveseat with built in recliners. Call 270-524-7709
LF - Bottom half of a white window, size 28x32 1/2". Call 270-723-4077
FS - 5 male sheep, good for breeding. Call 270-528-1221
FS - 12 hp Cub Cadet riding tractor Husky wood splitter, go cart. Call 270-218-0215
FS - Drywall lift. Call 270-590-6031
Found - Walker coonhound on Raider Hollow Rd. Call 502-545-1348
FS - 2 kids scooters $25 each, new, Mt Dew metal sign 2 for $7 and Pepsi signs, highchair $20, boys boxers sizes 2T and 3T. Call 270-283-5537
Tuesday, July 19th, 2022
FS - 12 hp Cub Cadet riding tractor Husky wood splitter, 6 1/2 horse bingo go cart. Call 270-218-0215
FS - Drywall lift. Call 270-590-6031
Found - Walker coonhound on Raider Hollow Rd. Call 502-545-1348
FS - 2 kids scooters $25 each, new, Mt Dew metal sign 2 for $7 and Pepsi signs, highchair $20, boys boxers sizes 2T and 3T. Call 270-283-5537
LF - Loveseat with built in recliners. Call 270-524-7709
LF - Bottom half of a white window, size 28x32 1/2". Call 270-723-4077
FS - 5 male sheep, good for breeding. Call 270-528-1221
FS - 14 ft canoe, 2 life jackets, $250. Call 270-473-3133
GA - 3 year-old Shih Tzu. Call 270-590-8271
Monday, July 18th, 2022
FS - Game chair $60, new, footbath massager $20, Pepsi metal signs 2 for $12, skillsaw $30, stand up mirrors, new $20 each, floating candles 3 for $1, baby wipes 2 for $5. LF- Ferret. Call 270-283-5537
FS - 4 1/2' x 8' trailer, 5x7 tilt trailer all metal, 5x4 ft drop gate for trailer, Kamasaki motors, Kohler motors, etc. Call 270-457-4235
LF - Coon & possum foot traps. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, July 15th, 2022
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at 3797 Charlie Moran Hwy, chest of drawers, wheelchair, clothes, little girl clothes, quilts, etc.
Yard Sale Friday - 8920 Happy Valley Road Hwy 90 Cave City. Clothing, household goods, collectibles. Call 270-590-3452
FS - 255 Massey Ferguson tractor, 52hp, diesel with power steering runs good. In Hart County, call 270-369-7394
LF - 2 larger sized windows, can not use replacement windows, need asap. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 5x7 tilt trailer, all metal, 4x5 ft tailgate, encore zero turn mower 48" cut, Torro 42" cut lawnmower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Good used bar-rake with dolly. Call 270-527-5875
FS - Touch lamps, GA - dog, FS - XBox 360 games, LF - place to rent, odd jobs and blue jeans. Call 270-612-0652
LF - Gravity bed wagon. Call 270-218-8391
Thursday, July 14th, 2022
FS - King automatic woodstove with stove board, 3 point hitch potato plow, Stihl MS 2700QC chainsaw with case. Call 270-786-1636
FS - New footbaths, $30 each. Call 270-283-5537
FS - 110 air conditioner. Call 270-531-6947
Wednesday, July 13th, 2022
FS - 5' x 7' tilt trailer, all metal, 5'x4' drop gate for a trailer, 23 hp Kamasaki engine, 23hp Kohler engine and other motors. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 8 week old Boxer puppies. Call 270-612-0213
FS - 2013 Dodge Avenger, blue color, new tires $3500 or will partial trade, New Zippo lighters. $20 each. Call 270-473-1920
Tuesday, July 12th, 2022
LF - Metal floor car hauler. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Ferret. FS - sunglasses $2 each , PS4 games $6 each, cage and bedding, chairs $20, skill saw $25, 2 wooden stools $7 each, candles, hand sanitizers, 2 car jacks. Call 270-283-5557 or 218-5045
LF - Oak exterior doors, good 2x4's, luan under pavement flooring, windows with grills. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Cub Cadet 12 horse lawnmower, 28 ton Husky wood splitter, go-cart. Call 270-218-0215
FS - (2) 235 75 R15 tires, 75% tread. Call 270-678-1039
Monday, July 11th, 2022
FS - 6 ft white swing $200, less than a year old, 8 Zippo lighters, 4 planters $25 each, 2 whiskey barrels, $75. Call 270-473-1920
FS - 23 hp Kawasaki motor, 23 hp Kohler motor, high-dro pumps for zero turn mowers, 2 zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
Tuesday, July 5th, 2022
FS -
Pressure washer $40, new. come-along $20, cage with bedding $25 with water
bottle, new baby teethers 2 for $2, boys 2T and 3T boxers, new. boys underwear
packs, mens boxer $t6, floating candles, new sunglasses $3 each. Call
270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
LF - White window, size 28x32 1/2". Need just the bottom half. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Like new XBox and video games, Call of Duty, . Call 270-590-5240
LF - Gravity box. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Loveseat with recliners built in. Call 270-524-7709
LF - New or used metal - 5 pieces, 14 ft long or shorter, FS - 1999 Monte Carlo
$1200, 1999 4-wheeler $1600, Lincoln stick welder $375, 15 ft car trailer $2400,
LF - old riding lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 10 ft Kayak, paddles and life jacket. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 10 ft Bushog. Call 270-524-4528
Friday, July 1st, 2022
FS -
Cub cadet mower 1050 model has a 50 inch cut with a 24 HP kholer engine, parting
out 98 gmc s15, 4 wheel drive extended cab v6 automatic transmission, LF - zero
turn mowers working or not 270-457-4236.
Thursday, June 30th, 2022
Yardsale: On hwy 70 between knob lick and sulfur wells, today is the LAST DAY , Lawn mower, large display case, sports cards, xbox 1 and PS4 games, jewelry clothes. Signs are posted. Call: 270-218-8098
LF - metal roofing at least 6 pieces 12 to 14foot long, side by side with dump bed, and a 4 seat gold cart in good shape, old riding lawnmowers, FS: 99 monte carlo 1200 or trade, brand new lincoln 225 stick welder $375 OBO or trade, 16 foot car trailer, with detachable sides, $2300 or trade. Call: 270-670-1359
FS - insulated white fiberglass panels ranging from $2-$6. In the Summersville community. Call: 270-405-1260.
Wednesday, June 29th, 2022
FS - Pressure washer for $50, 2 game chairs brand new in box $60 each, 2 ton come for $25, 2 LOL kid scooters $25 each, a fan $12, call: 270-405-0238
FS - A Buck sheep (2 years old) black and white in color, call: 270-378-6583
FS - Farm fresh eggs, over 14 dozen available, located in Munfordville. That's white and brown eggs. Only $2/dozen. She will deliver for a small fee. Call: 270-670-2163.
FS - 2010 model 10 foot Bush Hog brand bush hog in excellent condition, Call: 270-524-5428
FS - Gas powered hedge trimmers asking $75. Call 270-678-1039
LF - A white window size 28x32 1/2 inches. Only need the bottom half, call: 270-723-4077.
Monday, June 27th, 2022
GA - Ladies disposible underwear small and medium Call: 270-528-5588
FS - 99 monte carlo $1200, 99 honda 4 wheeler 2wd in good shape for $1600, 16 foot car trailer for $2600 obo or trade for smaller trailer (something like a 10x12), lincoln welder (brand new) $375 obo, & LF old riding lawn mowers Call: 270-670-1359
Friday, June 24th, 2022
FS - Micro suede tan loveseat, $65 pickup in Horse Cave. Call 270-537-4122
FS - 14 ft 2-person canoe with life jackets and paddles $250. Call 270-473-3133
Missing - "Lucky" since Thursday, near Powder Mills Road on Land Camp creek, female older dog with an old red collar. Call 270-528-5152
Thursday, June 23rd, 2022
FS - Husqvarna and Craftsman. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Remote control touch lamps, games, X-Boxes, toys, baseball cards, LF - 3x women's clothes and box springs and mattress and odd jobs. Call 270-612-0652
LF - Rolls of hay. Call 270-646-8507
GA - Kittens to a good home, male and female. Call 502-377-2978 in Bonnieville.
Yard Sale- Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 313 N. 9th Street, Cave City, 1999 Monte Carlo, Honda 4-wheeler, push mower, dirt bike, weed eaters, etc. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022
FS - 32" tv, 2 end table lamps, microwave. Call 270-218-2304
GA - Kenmore washer and dryer for parts, and will deliver to you. Call 270-528-1997
Monday, June 20th, 2022
FS - 14 ft 2 person canoe with two life jackets. $250 Call 270-473-3133
FS - 52" cut Woods zero turn mowers 18 hp, Swicher zero turn mower 52", Southern States and Troybilt, both are 42" , parts, LF -0ld mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Farm table with 3 chairs and bench, pool ladder, vanity with sink and faucets, matching cloth couch and chair, roll top desk, and a jacuzzi. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - Insulated white fiberglass panels, 7'10 x 4'6. $2 to $6 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Thursday, June 16th, 2022
GA - 2 kittens. Call 270-786-1700
FS - 8 ft. XM8 John Deere bushog, 8x16' wagon. $700. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, FS - Craftsman 21 hp riding mower, has been redone $400 or partial trade, 150cc moped, runs great $825, cash and possible trade, 1999 250 Honda 4-wheeler, 2wd $2,000 obo. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 10 ft. Sun Dolphin kayak, has open top. Call 270-528-5208
Tuesday, June 14th, 2022
FS - Therapeutic shower head, new bp monitor, toddler car seat, adult shower chair, Disney 4-wheeler. Call 270-341-4335
FS - 7 lambs, $175 each or if you take all, $150 each. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Xbox 360 with 300 games, baseball cards, records, FR - Room and LF - Small pup or kitten. Call 270-612-0652
LF - 5x10 or 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
FS - Tobacco plants (Ky 219). Call 270-537-4439
Monday, June 13th, 2022
FS - 2 52" cut zero turn mowers, Woods and Swischer, 42" type tractor, LF - zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
Thursday, June 9th, 2022
LF - Landscaping, needs help putting out approx. 40 hedge bushes and 7-8 trees. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Trip latch for the blade of a 451 new holland mower. Call 270-378-6583
FS - 10 foot dolphin open top kayak with fishing pole holders and a storage bin in the back. Call 270-528-5208
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022
FS - Freezer beef ready for slaughter June 20th. Call 270-734-1552
LF - Old riding mowers, FS - 2 - 3wheel bikes. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 8 month old Boston Terrier $300. Call 270-473-3407
FS - 2 trout lines $20, 100 gallon propane tank $50, 5 - 5x7 rugs, $40 and long black leather biker's coat. Call 270-524-4913
FS - Baby stroller $5, crib mattress $10, car seat $10, diapers, size 2 and 3 $4 per package. Call 502-341-4335
Tuesday, June 7th, 2022
LF - Someone to do landscaping at a home. Serious calls only, call 270-646-0878
FS - Tankless water heater 235-70 R16's. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 2 dogs missing one is tall, one is miniature collie, 270-786-5719
FS - 10 ft dolphin kayak, paddles, used one time. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 16" commercial concrete mixer, has 2 new tires, and an extra motor, $6000. Call 270-308-1632
Monday, June 6th, 2022
FS - 10x32 swimming pool has the inflatable ring. $30. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 2 gas grills, need cleaning $75 each. Call 270-531-2060
FS - Baby Lambs , 6 months-old. Call 270-528-2407
Friday, June 3rd, 2022
GA - Pitbull pup on Red Buck Estes Road. Call 270-524-0126
Yard Sale - Friday - 94 Knob Hill across from the Dollar Store in Horse Cave. Farmhouse items, clothes, home decor.
FS - Twin size white metal daybed. Call 270-537-1185
Thursday, June 2nd, 2022
LF - Mopeds, go carts, old riding mowers, FS - New deer camera $175, also 2 - 3 wheel bikes $250. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday across from the Dollar Store in Horse Cave. Call 270-670-5624
FS - 50 cc dirt bike, air compressors, satellite dish, gas sprayer, guitar stands, garden tiller frames, hauler, Troy Bilt mower with bad motor, and more. Call 270-646-6334
FS - Farm jack- $30. Call 270-790-7344
FS - Two Cherry end tables and a Cherry coffee table- $100. Call 270-649-1103
LF - A cloth recliner. Call 270-404-2992 or 270-579-6979
LF - Older bass boat, back seat for a Club Cart, and a covered trailer (12′). Call 270-792-1709
Wednesday, June 1st, 2022
FS - Large car seat for a child, $40, 2 AT&T phones, $40 for both, full size bed with mattress $110. Call 270-678-5184
LF - Carpenter work, has 35 years of experience. Call 270-901-8837
LF - German Police female puppy. Call 270-528-1183
FS - 10 ft Dolphin fishing kayak, paddles, life jacket. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Curtis 220 air compressor, 40 gallon tank, 16 hp side shaft B & S motor, Kohlers and Kawasaki engines. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Fresh eggs in Horse Cave. Call 270-473-0923
FS - Electric range. Call 270-786-1550
Tuesday, May 31st, 2022
FS - John Deere 348 square baler $10,000, XM8 bush hog $7000, 8 x 16 hay wagon $700. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 2 gas grills in good condition $50 each. Call 270-531-2060
LF - zero turn mowers, running or not pay cash, 2 wheel drive truck 1500 and up, also has lawn mower parts for sale, motors, rear ends, decks - 270-457-4236
FS - Pataffia worms, 170 Stihl chainsaw, Echo weed eater, and an electric cook stove- 270-670-1403
FS - Set of 24” tires and wheels- 305/35/R24- $500. Call 270-524-4913
FS - 7×20 double axle trailer with good tires- 2 foot dove-tail and ramps- $3800. Call 317-710-8837
Thursday, May 26th, 2022
FS - Baby stroller, odd chairs, flowerpots. Call 502- 341-4335
FS - John Deere 348 square baler $10,000, XM8 bushhog $7000, 8 x 16 haywagon $700. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 2 gas grills in good condition $50 each. Call 270-531-2060
Wednesday, May 25th, 2022
FS - Nintendo switch with 3 games $200, Air Pod pros. Call 270-218-1378
GA - 5 kittens and moma cat, assorted colors. Call 270-524-0435
Tuesday, May 24th, 2022
FS - 2 gas grills in good condition, each has a burner on the end, $50 each. Call 270-531-2060
Whickerville Baptist Church revival 90 Whickerville Road, Hardyville, begins tonight at 6:30 p.m.
Monday, May 23rd, 2022
FS - 2 gas grills in good condition, each has a burner on the end, $50 each. Call 270-531-2060
LF - zero turn mowers, running or not pay cash, 2 wheel drive truck 1500 and up, also has lawn mower parts for sale, motors, rear ends, decks - 270-457-4236
Friday, May 20th, 2022
FS - Toddlers Minimouse 4 wheeler, large shower chair, new bp monitor, new commode seat raiser. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Husqvarna weedeater, needs some work $10. Call 270-308-1765
LF - Solid oak cabinet, no glass, must be tall but not over 30" wide. Call 270-723-4077
GA - 3 cans of Enfamil formula. Call 270-786-0006
FS – Yard Sale at 1839 Main Street, in Munfordville just past Raider Hollow, today until 2 p.m.
Thursday, May 19th, 2022
FS - Zero turn
mowers, motors, parts, Kawasaki's, briggs & strattons, also LF old zero turn
mowers running or not and a 5X8 OR 5X10 2 wheel trailer - 270-457-5236
To Top Of Page
Wednesday, May 18th, 2022
FS - Husqvarna Weedeater that needs work. $10 - 270-308-1765
FS - Fresh farm eggs $2 a dozen located in Munfordville, call 270-670-2163
Tuesday, May 17th, 2022
WILL - Yard Sale Saturday at the Whickerville Baptist Church located at 90 Whickerville road, Hardyville. Will have several items such as wood workers items, nice tables, clothes from newborn to x-large, dishes toys games movies, records, etc. Proceeds go towards the Youth of Whickerville Baptist Church program. 7am - 2pm If Not Raining.
Monday, May 16th, 2022
GA - 2 rabbits, they are 2 1/2 months old, 1 male and 1
female - 270-528-6381
LF - zero turn mowers, running or not pay cash, 2 wheel drive truck 1500 and up,
also has lawn mower parts for sale, motors, rear ends, decks - 270-457-4236
FS - washer and dryer for sale $125 for the pair - 270-537-4044
FS - small air conditioner, LG dish washer in good condition, freezer, chickens
8 weeks old - 270-531-6947
To Top Of Page
Friday, May 13th, 2022
FS - 8 & a quarter x 20 14 ply new tire on rim $90. Call 270-218-0480
FS - Baby chicks. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Hereford bull $1800, raised on farm. Call 270-528-6700
FS - Nice detailed bird houses- $75, carpenter bee traps, and some insulated fiberglass panels- $6 each- 270-405-1260
FS - 50 cc dirt bike, air compressors, satellite dish, gas sprayer, guitar stands, Cub Cadet mower 46”, garden tiller frames, hauler, and more- 270-646-6334
FS - 8 weaned Jersey Heifers, and looking for a three-quarter Chevy or GMC truck- 4 wheeled drive- 270-734-1552
Thursday, May 12th, 2022
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, large white ones $5 & $6 each in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Old mowers, mopeds, go-carts, etc, 450 Honda dirt bike, 2 sets 15" tires - 1050 15" or set of white letter to fit S-10 235 70 15" Call 270-670-1359
FS - Husqvarna weedeater $20, carb needs cleaning. Call 270-308-1765
FS - Twin size white wooden bed with drawers underneath, comes with mattress and a new mattress pad. Call 270-670-9070
FS- '89 1500 Honda Gold Wing motorcycle, $3,000 has 97,000 miles, 21 spd mountain bike 24" $40, like new. 285 80 17 Big Mudder tire $25, like new. Call 270-524-1333
FS - Baby chicks. Call 270-531-6947
Yard Sale 8984 Bonnieville, Thursday, Fri & Sat, bikes, dishwasher, baby clothes, exercise equipment, 2x and 3x clothing, some antiques. Call 270-531-6947
Wednesday, May 11th, 2022
FS - Minimouse 4 wheeler, Disney table and 2 chairs, adult shower chair. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Cub Cadet zero-turn mower, 50" cut. Woods 52" cut zero turn mower, LF - old zero-turn mowers, 2wd truck. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Building full of yard sale items; make an offer. Call270-670-3488
FS - Registered black bull- $1900. Call 270-991-6642
FS - 2001 Toyota Corolla, needs motor, $1,000. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 50 cc dirt bike, air compressors, satellite dish, gas sprayer, guitar stands, Cub Cadet mower 46”, garden tiller frames, hauler. Call 270-646-6334
FS - Building full of yard sale items; make an offer- 270-670-3488
FS - Registered black bull- $1900- 270-991-6642
Tuesday, May 10th, 2022
FS - Hereford bull $1800, raised on farm. Call 270-528-6700
FS - 8 weaned Jersey Heifers, and looking for a three-quarter Chevy or GMC truck- 4 wheeled drive- 270-734-1552
FS - Building full of yard sale items; make an offer. Call270-670-3488
FS - Registered black bull- $1900. Call 270-991-6642
LF - Good pickup truck. Call 270-404-2188
LF - Head liners for a car. Call 270-774-7082
LF - Young Poodle pup. Call 270-842-3458
LF - Registered bore hog. Call 270-537-4709
FS - Twin bed and new mattress and box springs. Call 270-618-1431
FS - Fishing poles and canning jars. Call 270-528-5425
FS - GE 10,500 BTU AC- $150. Call 270-597-2603
Monday, May 9th, 2022
FS - 2001 Toyota Corolla, needs motor, $1,000. Call 270-774-7483
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, set of 3110 50 15" mud tires, old car or truck for a work vehicle, 400 Honda dirt bike or Yamaha 400 dirt bike. Call 270- 670-1359
FS - White wooden twin size bed (more for a girl) with wooden base and drawers underneath, has mattress and new mattress pad. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Zero-turn radius mower parts and motors, decks, etc. LF - 2wd pickup around $1500 and up, old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Bee traps, birdhouses, insulated fiberglass large white panels $6 each. In Summersville, call 270-405-1260
Friday, May 6th, 2022
FS - Cobra 138XLR cb radio, 2 large pitcher and bowl sets, 5 5x7 blue rubber back carpets, like new, long black leather bikers coat $50, 2 biker goggle sets $10 for both, UK wreath $20, UK throws, bib, blanket, all must be sold. Call 270-524-4913
Yard Sale - Saturday at Hardyville Community Center 8 to 4, infant to XL clothes, Nike, American Eagle, fishing gear, toys, home decor....
Yard Sales - Elk Street in Munfordville, Skyline Drive and more in Munfordville for the Munfordville City Wide Yard Sale.
FS - 4 Home Interior pictures, angels, unicorns, stroller, infant Minnie Mouse car seat. Call 270-473-3702
Warehouse sale - Saturday 7 a.m., furniture, clothes, shoes, Christmas items, knick knacks, office chairs 1490 South Dixie Hwy across from the Ambulance Service in Munfordville...
FS - 2 zero-turn mowers, motors and parts, LF - Chevy truck 2wd. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Shower chair, new heating pad, Mini-mouse 4-wheeler. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 2001 Toyota Corolla, needs motor, new tires and fuel pump $1000 obo. Call 270-774-7483
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022
GA - Cedar tree that needs to be cut up at 314 N. Butler Road in front of Dart Container in Horse Cave. Can come by any day to pick up and load. Call 270-786-5616
FS - Male Pitbull puppy, has shots and wormed $150. Call 270-283-5537 or 270-218-5045
Found - House dog on Mill Street in Munfordville, black and white female with brown over her eyes. Call 270-524-9832
LF - Garden tiller. Call 270-670-6834
FS - 50 rolls of hay $25, 80 bales of square baled hay $3.50 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 3 bedroom brick home in Horse Cave, $240,000. Call 270-404-5451
LF - Chain link dog kennel or chain link fencing. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Block and brick layers. Starting pay is $25 per hour. Call 270-537-3794
FS - White wicker, queen bedroom suit, dresser & mirror with night stand, $150 for all, 270-670-9991
FS - 1985 Ford Crown Vic, and a 2003 Ford Taurus. Call 270-531-1395
LF - old car or truck up to $1,000, old riding mowers, running or not, FS - White rear tine tiller $475. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 semi tires, left tread is at 26/32nds size, is 295/75/22.5. Like new, and will take $600 for all three, delivered. Call 270-473-3859
Monday, May 2nd, 2022
FS - White wicker, queen bedroom suit, dresser & mirror with night stand, $150 for all, 270-670-9991
FS - 1985 Ford Crown Vic, and a 2003 Ford Taurus. Call 270-531-1395
LF - old car or truck up to $1,000, old riding mowers, running or not, FS - White rear tine tiller $475. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 semi tires, left tread is at 26/32nds size, is 295/75/22.5. Like new, and will take $600 for all three, delivered. Call 270-473-3859
Friday, April 29th, 2022
FS - 16.6 cu ft Haulmaster trailer $350, 5 5x7 blue rubber back carpets (indoor-outdoor) $10 each, new. FS - 2 pitcher and bowls, $25 each set, the stand is $30, 3 wreaths UK, red, white and blue and Christmas $25 each, long leather black bikers coat, goggles, etc. Call 270-524-4913
LF - Place to rent near Greensburg or in Green County. Call 270-222-8068
Garage Sale -underway at Hwy 88, 3 miles west of Munfordville at Mt. Beulah UMC parking lot.
FS - Dixon zero turn mower 46" cut, 52" cut Woods zero turn mower, lawnmower motors and parts. Call 270-457-4236
Yard Sale - 120 Scott St. Munfordville, 2 families, behind the old stock pen at the depot. Lots of everything. Call 270-524-4547
FS - Adult shower chair, new heating pad, toddlers Mini Mouse 4-wheeler, stroller. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Rolled hay, kept in dry. Call 270-218-0806
FS - Brown eggs, Laying hens. Call 270-528-5208
Yard Sale - Mt. Beulah Methodist Church parking lot on Hwy 88 Thursday and Friday, recliners, children's clothes, bed, dresser, chest, motorcycle helmet, linen, bedding.
Thursday & Friday Hwy 70 at Griderville, dvds, baby items, Hot Wheels, new wedding dress. 270-670-7409
FS - 2 old cars, 1985 LTD Crown Victoria 2003 Ford Taurus sedan. Call 270-531-1392
Tuesday, April 26th, 2022
FS - Phone table $35, antique square table $30, quilts and rugs, Haul Master small trailer for pontoon boat, $350. Call 270-524-4913
FS - Lawn trailer $50. Call 270-670-1359
Saturday will be the Hwy 86 yard sale - Hwy 62 to Hwy 60.
LF - 4. 8 motor for a 1999 Chevy 2wd, FS - Refrigerator. Call 270-528-1419
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
FS - 3 banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 14' Woods Batwing bush hog, $2,000 and 1950 Ferguson, new tires, runs good $2900. Call 270-670-3570
Monday, April 25th, 2022
FS - 2002 Ford Ranger, 4wd, white, has air $2700. Call 270-524-1110
FS - 2 tires and wheels for a lawnmower. Motors for lawnmowers, rear ends, starters and carburetors. LF - Old mowers and tillers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 - 12 week old Blue-Pit bull pups, LF - couch, loveseat and dressers. FS - 2001 F-150 4 door or will trade. Call 218-2184
FS - 5 week-old female Dachsund, full blooded, gray with black spots $250. Call 270-473-3702
LF - Roommate to share expenses, FS - toys, LF - small dog. Call 270-612-0652
FS - Fireplace out of a 1920's home $250. Call 270-834-0288
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
Friday, April 22nd, 2022
FS - 2 blue Pitbull pups, kennels, and doghouse $350 or $150 for each dog. LF - couch, loveseats and dressers. Call 270-218-2184
Yard Sale at 246 Mt. Sherman Road, just outside of Magnolia, lots of medical equipment and wood working equipment. Call 502-526-8012 now through Sunday.
Garage Sale at 8234 Cub Run Hwy, dvd's 50c each, books 50c, Aquaview fish finder $100, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon, new $750, antique tables $30 each, 2 trout lines $20, Lord's Supper in golden trim frame $30, long black leather biker's coat $80, Tread climber $250, 5x7 blue rugs with rubber backing $10 each. Call 270-524-4913
FS - Fireplace out of a 1920's home $250. Call 270-834-0288
Thursday, April 21st, 2022
FS - 20 ft pontoon boat $7,000. Call 270-528-6700
LF - Good camper that doesn't leak. Call 270-774-7483
FS - 2 - 12 week old Blue-Pit bull pups, LF - couch, loveseat and dressers. FS - 2001 F-150 4 door or will trade. Call 218-2184
FS - 5 week-old female Dachsund, full blooded, gray with black spots $250. Call 270-473-3702
LF - Roommate to share expenses, FS - toys, LF - small dog. Call 270-612-0652
FS - 2 prom dresses, blue - size 8 and silver - size 7, new heating pad, shower chair, girls Disney 4-wheeler, sandals, sizes 6 1/2 and 7. Call 270-341-4335
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
FS - 2 prom dresses, blue - size 8 and silver - size 7, new heating pad, shower chair, girls Disney 4-wheeler, sandals, sizes 6 1/2 and 7. Call 270-341-4335
GA - 3 kittens, 2 are bobtail. Call 270-528-6693
FS - Detailed birdhouses, can send pictures, in Summersville area. Call 270-405-1260
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
FS - 3 banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 42" Husky riding mower, 16.5 hp, new battery, as is $245. Call in Glasgow 217-412-7930 or 217-412-3311
Yard Sale - Wednesday at 200 Old US 31 Loop North Road in Cave City in Griderville, behind the lawnmower shop. Hours are 9 to 5. For more information, call 270-670-7409
GA - 2 lamps and tv. Call 270-405-1743
Garage moving sale - Aquaview fish finder $100, pitcher & bowl stand $35, phone table, old, antique square table $35, Sea Eagle blowup one-person pontoon with trailer $750, old man's clothes holder $35, 2 large pitcher & bowl sets $25 each, old filing cabinet $35, UK items, large Lord's Supper prayer picture $25, long black leather bikers coat, Butterball turkey fryer, stainless steel, $50, Tread climber $300, marble top table 14", lots of books. Call 270-524-4913 or visit 8234 Cub Run Hwy Munfordville.
FS - 14' Woods bush hog $2,000, 1950 Ferguson tractor $2800. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Baby mattress. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 totes of yard sale items. Call 270-524-4547
Tuesday, April
19th, 2022
FS - 2 prom dresses, blue - size 8 and silver - size 7, new heating pad, shower chair, girls Disney 4-wheeler, sandals, sizes 6 1/2 and 7. Call 270-341-4335
GA - 3 kittens, 2 are bobtail. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 14' Woods Batwing bush hog, $2,000 and 1950 Ferguson, new tires, runs good $2900. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Detailed birdhouses, can send pictures, in Summersville area. Call 270-405-1260
Garage sale underway on Cub Run Highway. Quilts, afghans, strip rugs, all marked down, GA - Men's and women's clothes. Call 270-524-4913
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
FS - 2 rabbits, $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
FS - Rolled hay, barn kept, $30. Call 270-218-0806
FS - Lap throw, regular-size quilt, 5 ft bush hog, 6 ft grader blade, cutting torch. Call 270-696-0620
LF - Rolled hay in Hart County. Call 270-537-3418
LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 3 banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 42" Husky riding mower, 16.5 hp, new battery, as is $245. Call in Glasgow 217-412-7930 or 217-412-3311
Monday, April 18th, 2022
LF - Inside rabbit cage. Call 270-537-3733
FS - Aquaview fish finder $100, pitcher and bowl stand $40, old sewing table, antique square table $35 each, Sea eagle pontoon with trailer $775, 2 large pitcher bowl sets, wall cabinet $50, UK shirts and items, 2 trout lines $25, Treadclimber $375, Long black leather, bikers coat $90, 2 black helmets $40 for both, GA - men's suit coats, ladies clothes. Garage Sale with lowered prices. Call 8234 Cub Run Hwy, 270-524-4913
FS - Dixon zero turn mower (older) in good shape, 42" Craftsman riding mower or will trade, 2 new gaming chairs $50 each, LF - old car, truck or van, must run good. FS - 2003 Chevy Silverado Supersport $11,500 or possible trade LF - old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 200 Old US 31 Loop in Griderville behind the lawnmower shop. Call 270-670-7409
FS - Jewelry, all kinds of pieces. odds and ends. Call 270-218-5045
FS- 46" cut Dixon zero radius-turn mower, 50" Cub Cadet riding mower, set of tires for the back of mower 20 x 10 x 8, all kinds of lawnmower motors, parts, LF - old riding mowers or zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Rolled hay, $30 each. Call 270-218-0806
FS - 12 dozen large brown eggs $1.50 per dozen. LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS -4 ft metal brake $150. Call 904-586-7721
Friday, April 15th, 2022
FS - Aquaview underwater viewing system, new $150 firm, new Smart gate opener with optional Smart phone control with power box $200, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon boat with trailer $800, 2 trout lines $25, etched mirror Footprints in the Sand, $25, Lords Supper, framed $30, long black leather bikers coat, and biker helmets, etc, turkey fryer $50, Tread climber $375, GA - 3 long men's dress coats $10 each, GA - ladies clothes, Saturday is the last day of Garage sale. 8234 Cub Run Hwy, Munfordville or call 270-524-4913.
GA - 3 large trees, cut down in Monroe, just off 88, for firewood, come cut it up. Call 502-526-8012
FS - 2 rabbits, $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
FS - Rolled hay, barn kept, $30. Call 270-218-0806
FS - Lap throw, regular-size quilt, 5 ft bush hog, 6 ft grader blade, cutting torch. Call 270-696-0620
LF - Rolled hay in Hart County. Call 270-537-3418
LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Portable Singer sewing machine. Call 270-786-5824
Thursday, April 14th, 2022
FS - 2 rabbits, 2 months old, $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
FS - 42" Dixon zero-turn mower, 50" Cub Cadet, 24 hp zero turn mower, 42" Husky and 42" Murray tractor type riding mowers. Also LF - old mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 shower chairs, toddler Disney 4-wheeler, gray prom dress, size 7. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Regular size quilt top and queen size quilt top, pitcher & bowl, a lap throw, 5' bush hog, 6' grader blade. Call 270-696-0620
FS - 42" Husky riding mower, 16.5 hp, new battery, as is $245. Call in Glasgow 217-412-7930 or 217-412-3311
FS - Male long-hair Teacup Chihuahua puppy and male Maltipoo pup. Pickup is in Nashville. Text only 213-770-8338
FS - Like new 12x24 high barn shed with Dutch lap siding, 2 lofts, build in shelving and workbench, $4,000. Call 270-535-5999
FS - 3 pair of Dr. Scholl's sandals, brown, black and red, size 7. 2 shower chairs, one is new, and a prom dress, size 7, gray and silver color. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 tractor type 42"riding mowers, Husky, MTD 20 hp Briggs and Stratton engine, Murray and 2 zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Red nose Pit Bull puppies, $50 each. Call 270-473-3567
FS - Eggs $1.50 per dozen. Call 270-473-1021
Wednesday, April 13th, 2022
FS - Aquaview underwater viewing system, new $150 firm, Smart Gate opener with optional smartphone control with power box $200, new. UK items, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon, one person $800 with trailer, large Lakestream waders,. 2 trout lines, Lord's Supper and Footprints in the sand pictures, large leather biker coat $90, new black helmets $40, 2 rain suits $10 for set, turkey fryer, tread climber $400, GA - 3 long men's coats, and clothes also women's clothing. Garage sale is underway 8234 Cub Run Hwy or call 270-524-4913
FS - 2 rabbits $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
FS - Craftsman riding mower, front tine garden tiller. Call 270-234-6765
FS - Lap throw, regular-size quilt, 5 ft bush hog, 6 ft grader blade, cutting torch. Call 270-696-0620
LF - Rolled hay in Hart County. Call 270-537-3418
LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Portable Singer sewing machine. Call 270-786-5824
FS - X-Box 1 with 5 games $200, hand-held PSP with 14 games $125, PS-5, 2 controllers and 1 game $550. Call 270-528-6774
Monday, April 11th, 2022
FS - Portable Singer sewing machine. Call 270-786-5824
FS - X-Box 1 with 5 games $200, hand-held PSP with 14 games $125, PS-5, 2 controllers and 1 game $550. Call 270-528-6774
GA - Men's long sleeve shirts, dress pants, etc. and women's clothing, sizes 11/12 & 13/14. FS - Large Lakestream waders, hip to chest, black leather large riding jacket, 2 sets of trout lines, marble top tables for plants, Lord's prayer picture $30, etched Footprints in the Sand framed picture $25, Butterball turkey fryer $50, Aquaview underwater viewing system, new $150,Tread climber machine, like new, $500 obo, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon, one-man, enclosed trailer $850. All kinds of UK collector items. Call 270-524-4913 and garage sale continuing 8234 Cub Run Hwy.
FS - 3 banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 42" Dixon zero-turn mower, 50" Cub Cadet, 24 hp zero turn mower, 42" Husky and 42" Murray tractor type riding mowers. Also LF - old mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 shower chairs, toddler Disney 4-wheeler, gray prom dress, size 7. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 42" riding mower with extra deck. Call 270-234-2765
FS - 10x12 dog kennel, comes in sections, will buy old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Gold Retriever pups, de-wormed, 1st vaccines, playful. Call 270-355-3558
FS - 5 ft bush hog and 6 ft grader blade in Magnolia. Call 270-491-0445
Friday, April 8th, 2022
FS - 42" riding mower with extra deck. Call 270-234-2765
FS - 2 shower chairs, toddler Disney 4-wheeler, gray size 7 prom dress. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Uk items, GA- men's large shirts, one suit, 4 dress coats, men's shorts, size 38, FS - tread climber 500, long black leather bikers coat L $100, trout lines 25, etched Footprints in the Sand mirror, Lord's prayer picture, large new lake stream waders 25, Butterball turkey fryer $60, 2 round marble top tables, 2 small wooden rockers, antique cream $35, 2 large pitcher & bowl sets and 1 wood finished stand to hold them with small mirror, aqua view underwater viewing system, new. $150 firm. frameless pontoon boat for one person with trailer. Ongoing garage sale at 8234 Cub Run Hwy or call 270-524-4913
Thursday, April 7th, 2022
FS - 4 - 15" trailer tires and wheels, $100 obo. Call 270-590-4830
FS - 2 - three-month-old Blue Heeler and Bulldog pups. Call 270-473-0352
LF - Old Hot Rod project cars or will trade. Call 502-322-7961
FS - 2 round marble top stands 14" top and 12" top. phone table with shelf in natural dark wood $35, antique square 16" wood table $35, 2 small wooden rockers in antique cream, $35 each, 2 large pitcher & bowl sets, wooden stand with mirror. UK items, flags, shirts, hoodie, blankets, etc. 2 trout lines $25 for both, etched Footprints in the Sand picture $25 in frame, gold-framed Lord's Supper $30, large Lakestream waders hip to chest, new $25, large leather long bikers coat, helmets, gloves, caps, etc. Ohio Steel professional-grade yard sweeper $65, square Butterball turkey fryer $60, Sea-eagle frameless pontoon for one person in trailer, $800 firm, man's chair-coat holder $35, Tread-climber $500, Garage sale is underway at 8234 Cub Run Hwy, Munfordville. Call 270-524-4913
FS - 42" Husky riding mower, 16.5 hp, new battery, as is $245. Call in Glasgow 217-412-7930 or 217-412-3311
Wednesday, April 6th, 2022
FS - 32" tv $198, works, FR - room, must share expenses, LF - jobs and babysit, small dog. FS - angels, what knots. LF - place to rent. Call 270-612-0652
Tuesday, April 5th, 2022
FS - 4 Yearling Angus heifers, farm raised, vaccinated. Call 270-537-3219
LF - Mature black Angus gull, 2 female sheep, 6 to 8 months old, mature Ram, FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, rebuilt title, has 31k, Call 270-528-1221
GA - Men's clothing, FS - UK items, set of 2 trout lines $25, etched mirror footprints $25 in wood frame, Lord's Supper gold framed picture $30, Large Lake-stream waders, hip to chest $25, long black bikers coat, size large, $100, Ohio Steel professional sweeper $65, square butter ball stainless steel turkey fryer $60, used once. FS - Frameless pontoon boat, for one person, with trailer, has tags, needs trolling motor, 2 marble small round tables with brass bottoms, 2 pitcher and bowl sets, and 1 stand with mirror on top. Continuing garage sale at 8234 Cub Run Highway. Call 270-524-4913
FS - Husqvarna rear tine garden tiller, 5 hp, $300. Call 270-786-2952
FS - 42" Troybilt riding mower, 50" zero radius turn mower, 2 seater go-cart. $200, gaming chairs $50, LF - Old car or truck $500 to $1,000. and old riding mowers, running or not. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Regular size quilt top and queen size quilt top, pitcher & bowl, a lapthrow, 5' bush hog, 6' grader blade. Call 270-696-0620
Monday, April 4th, 2022
FS - Large Lakestream waders, hip to chest $30, new, black leather riding gear, 2 sets of trout lines, never used $25 for both, marble top tables for plants, 2 small wooden rockers, cream colored $35 each, large pitcher and bowl sets, Tread-climber machine, like new $500 obo, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon, one-man, enclosed trailer $850. All kinds of UK collector items. Call 270-524-4913 and garage sale continuing 8234 Cub Run Hwy.
FS - 3 Banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Rolled hay $25, baled hay $3.50. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 2009 Ford Explorer, needs new battery and 2 back tires. $3700 270-308-1765 ask for Scott
LF - 3 bedroom home for rent in Cub Run or Munfordville area. Call 270-524-7068
Friday, April 1st, 2022
FS - Large Lakestream waders, hip to chest $30, new, black leather riding gear, 2 sets of trout lines, never used $25 for both, marble top tables for plants, 2 small wooden rockers, cream colored $35 each, large pitcher and bowl sets, Tread-climber machine, like new $500 obo, Sea Eagle frameless pontoon, one-man, enclosed trailer $850. All kinds of UK collector items. Call 270-524-4913 and garage sale continuing 8234 Cub Run Hwy.
FS - 3 Banty roosters $15 for all. Call 270-528-5208
Wednesday, March 30th, 2022
FS - UK collector items (make offer), man's clothes holder and chair $35, tread climber, $500, lots of black leather biker coats, gloves, helmets and riding gear. 2 round marble top stands 14" and 12" in a cream color, $25 each, antique square wooden table, $35, wrought iron with wood trim and glass top table, $40, 2 small wooden cream color rockers. $35, 1 large pitcher and bowl set and a stand with swivel small mirror on top $80, homemade rugs and quilts. Call 270-524-4913 continuing garage sale 8234 Cub Run Hwy.
FS - 10 x 12 dog kennel, comes in sections, will buy old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 5 ft bushog and 6 ft grader blade in Magnolia. Call 270-491-0445
FS - Golden Retriever pups, de-wormed, 1st vaccines, playful.$400 to $600. Call 270-355-3558
LF - Used motor for a 2001 Toyota Corolla. Call 270-774-7483
Monday, March 28th, 2022
FS - Male long-hair Teacup Chihuahua puppy and male Maltipoo pup. Pickup is in Nashville. Text only 213-770-8338
FS - 18 ft Parti Kraft pontoon boat, fisherman's package with trailer, 50 hp motor, has 3 yr transferable warranty, well kept and maintained. Serious inquiries only, $10,500. Call 270-606-1762
FS - Like new 12x24 high barn shed with Dutch lap siding, 2 lofts, build in shelving and workbench, $4,000. Call 270-535-5999
FS - 3 pair of Dr. Scholl's sandals, brown, black and red, size 7. 2 shower chairs, one is new, and a prom dress, size 7, gray and silver color. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 tractor type 42"riding mowers, Husky, MTD 20 hp Briggs and Stratton engine, Murray and 2 zero-turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Red nose Pit Bull puppies, $50 each. Call 270-473-3567
FS - Eggs $1.50 per dozen. Call 270-473-1021
LF - Old riding mowers, old car or truck $1,000, 2 mopeds, one runs $250 for both. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, March 25th, 2022
Garage sale - continuing at 8234 Cub Run Hwy Munfordville. Helmets, gloves, long and short coats for bikers. sea eagle pontoon boat for 1 person $850, quilts, rugs, will sell cheap, 2 Mighty Mule easy gate openers $200 or both $350. Call 270-524-4913
FS - 156 dvd's $30, air fryer $15 and crock pot $15. Call 270-576-1261
FS - Push mower $50. Call 270-861-9301
FS - Black Hereford bull, LF - 2 1/2 year-old dually truck bed for a 2007 Chevy. Call 270-524-4068
FS - 2-seater go cart $350 or will trade, LF - older car or truck $500 to $1,000, FS - 38" Bowens 15hp riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 12 x 10 dog kennel, 6 ft tall, chain link, LF - old dog kennels. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2005 Chevy van, has dvd player. Call 270-473-1045
Thursday, March 24th, 2022
Garage sale ongoing - 8234 Cub Run Hwy, 8 miles outside of Munfordville, fishing equipment, gate openers, Hip to chest main street wader $30, saw blades and a meat saw, good ladies reading books, black leather bike riding gear and helmets. Call 270-524-4913
FS - 156 dvd's $30, air fryer $15 and crock pot $15. Call 270-576-1261
FS - Push mower $50. Call 270-861-9301
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022
FS - 2 shower chairs, 2, Mini-Mouse 4 wheeler, size 7 prom dress, gray and silver color, also 2 black Redwing shoes, sizes 6 & 9. Call 502-341-4335
LF - 5 ft grader box that has the teeth. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Dixon zero turn mowers, 50" cut Cub Cadet zero turn mower, parts for mowers. LF - old mowers, 71 to 95 automatic 2 wd truck. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Any kind of jobs, FS - Blue jeans, LF - place to rent, 2 to 3 bedrooms. Call 270-612-0652
FS - 5x6' rolled hay, $25 each. Call 270-932-2086 in Greensburg.
FS - 12 x 20 chain link dog kennel, it can make 2 pens. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Antique wood pedestal kitchen table, strong and heavy, $500, 6 ladder back oak kitchen chairs with solid wood bottom, $175, and custom made train oak table $50. Call 270-537-5094
FS - Rolled hay, dry in shed. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - Small dog pen. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Mobility chair. Call 270-390-1728
Monday, March 21st, 2022
FS - Antique wood pedestal kitchen table, strong and heavy, $500, 6 ladder back oak kitchen chairs with solid wood bottom, $175, and custom made train oak table $50. Call 270-537-5094
FS - Rolled hay, dry in shed. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - Small dog pen. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Mobility chair. Call 270-390-1728
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, go carts, LF - minivan, works good, FS - 38" Bowens 25hp lawnmower, John Deere 54" cut lawnmower, 3 new gaming chairs, $60 each, pull behind wagon for a mower $50. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 5 ft grader box that has the teeth. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Dixon zero turn mowers, 50" cut Cub Cadet zero turn mower, parts for mowers. LF - old mowers, 71 to 95 automatic 2 wd truck. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Any kind of jobs, FS - Blue jeans, LF - place to rent, 2 to 3 bedrooms. Call 270-612-0652
FS - 5x6' rolled hay, $25 each. Call 270-932-2086 in Greensburg.
FS - 12 x 20 chain link dog kennel, it can make 2 pens. Call 270-528-5208
Tuesday, March 15th, 2022
FS - baby stroller, mini mouse 4 wheeler needs charger, older
shower chair, in Munfordville area
Thursday, March 10th, 2022
LF - Transport chair with high back, reasonable in good condition, LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, FS - 2003 SS pickup ext cab, or will trade, Nissan 4wd pickup, no title, 5 spd $1,000, Yardmachine riding mower 42" $350, pull behind trailer, $50, gaming chairs, $50 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Helium tank, refillable $50, pair of new boots size 10, $40. Call 270-773-5306
Monday, March 7th, 2022
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, FS - 1997 Nissan pickup, 4wd, 5spd, cold air, off-road vehicle, no title, asking $1200 or will take $800 with trade, gaming chairs $60. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1020 Cub Cadet 42" cut, Husky 42" cut mower, 3 Kohler command motors, 2 - 24 hp briggs & stratton motors. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 75 to 100 acres of land in Cave City or Hiseville. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Odd jobs. Call 270-832-8366
Friday, March 4th, 2022
FS - 3 ultra electric mobility chair, lightly used with new batters in Magnolia. Call 270-390-1728
FS - Barn kept, rolled hay. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - 2 milk cows. Call 270-773-7279
FS - Outside rock wood burning stove. Call 270-565-1663
FS - 8 to 9 ft pony trailer $800. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 2008 Pontiac Torrent SUV or will trade, or part out. Call 270-528-2649
FS - 5 string Peavey bass or will trade Call 270-774-7342
FS - Small camping trailer. Call 270-218-0006
FS - Rolled hay in Cub Run. Call 270-524-3460
FS - 42" 1024 Cub Cadet, 22hp Briggs & Stratton mower, 42" Torro 20hp zero-turn mower, and all kinds of mower parts. Call 270-457-4236
LF - old go-carts, mopeds, lawnmowers, old cars, vinyl recliner. FS - New Coleman boat motor, 2.6 - 4 stroke, 2005 Chevy Malibu LS, no title, but has good motor. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 12 cows, come will calve in the fall. Call 270-537-5642
LF - Someone to plow a garden in Munfordville. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Hickory nut and black walnut kernels. Call 270-407-5320 in Monroe County.
Yard Sale - 31W Bonnieville - Friday, table and chairs, etc. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Extra heavy duty Hoveround electric wheelchair and carrier for back of vehicle. Call 270-590-3209
LF - Swing set with a slide, reasonably priced. Call 270-524-0116
Thursday, March 3rd, 2022
FS - 2008 Pontiac Torrent SUV or will trade, or part out. Call 270-528-2649
FS - 5 string Peavey bass or will trade Call 270-774-7342
FS - Small camping trailer. Call 270-218-0006
FS - Rolled hay in Cub Run. Call 270-524-3460
FS - Electric mobility chair, lightly used with new batteries for $800. Call 270-390-1728 in Magnolia
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022
LF - Someone to plow a garden in Munfordville. Call 270-834-0288
FS - All kinds of parts for zero-turn mowers, 220 volt Curtis commercial air compressor. LF - any parts for zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Hickory nut and black walnut kernels. Call 270-407-5320 in Monroe County.
Tuesday, March 1st, 2022
FS - Rolled hay, barn kept. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - Someone to plow a garden in Munfordville. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Estate household items, furniture and appliances. Call 270-590-4316
LF - 2 milk cows. Call 270-773-7279
FS - Outside rock wood burning stove. Call 270-565-1663
Monday, February 28th, 2022
FS - Electric mobility chair, lightly used with new batteries for $800. Call 270-390-1728 in Magnolia
LF - 100 to 150 T-post. Call 270-646-8952, please leave a message.
FS - New shower chair, heating pad, 3 black leather jackets, 2 Redwing shoes sizes 6 1/2 and 9. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Couple of Holstein calves on dry feed, old dog kennels chain link. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Heavenly Highway Hymnals. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Kohler Command motors 20hp, 23 hp, 25hp, 2 - 24h Briggs & Stratton motors and parts for all kinds of motors. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 50 cc mini-bike with training wheels $500. Call 270-991-0285
LF - Outdoor rabbit cages, FS - 2 small lawnmower trailers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 100 rolls of hay $25 per roll, and 100 square bales of hay $3.50 each. Call 270-537-4044
Friday, February 25th, 2022
LF - 2 healthy, milk producing milk cows, prefer Jersey or Guernsey. Call 270-773-7279
FS - 100 rolls of hay $25, 100 square bales $3.50 each. Call 270- 537-4044
FS - 62" Husqvarna Parts mower, tractor style, LF- 1/4 of beef. Call 270-735-5004
LF - Swingset with a slide, reasonable. Call 270-524-0116 leave a message.
FS - Vintage coke machine with rotator knobs. Takes quarters only. Does work., FS - Ford e350 bucket van. Bucket van has a small electrical issue and needs the hydraulic clutch replaced. Does come with the clutch. Asking $4500., LF - Anyone who has a small house for sale in hart or barren county. Wanting to purchase for investment property rental house. Call 270-774-7483
FS - Extra he
avy duty Hoveround electric wheelchair and carrier for back of vehicle. Call 270-590-3209FS - 2019 Diamond Cargo enclosed car hauler bumper hitch trailer, $10,000 GVWR, excellent condition. N
ew 12K weight distribution hitch, can be purchased separately, $8500. Call 270-537-4034
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022
LF - Laying hens and a chicken coop. Call 270-473-3003
FS - Vintage coke machine with rotator knobs. Takes quarters only. Does work., FS - Ford e350 bucket van. Bucket van has a small electrical issue and needs the hydraulic clutch replaced. Does come with the clutch. Asking $4500., LF - Anyone who has a small house for sale in hart or barren county. Wanting to purchase for investment property rental house. Call 270-774-7483
FS - Rolled hay, kept in shed. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - Rabbit cage, and FS - 2 pull behind trailers for lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022
LF - 2 healthy, milk producing milk cows, prefer Jersey or Guernsey. Call 270-773-7279
GA - Cat, a brown and white small dog, LF - 3 or 4x clothing,
pots, pans and household items, any kind of odd jobs, place to rent in Cave City
2 to 3 bedroom, FS - XBOX 360 and remote. Call: 270-612-0652.
Monday, February 21st, 2022
FS - Picnic tables with metal frames and wood tops and seats. $50 each. Call 270-392-5507
FS - Size 36 women's blue jeans, LF - 2 or 3 bedroom apartment for rent, GA - small brown and white dog. Call 270-612-0652
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, FS - couple of pull behind lawnmower trailers, new BMW radiator, 1992 Chevy Caprice, miss in motor, $1500 or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - White riding mower, good motor and frame, runs good 38" cut, needs headlight cover, LF - couple of Holstein calves, helmet for a coon hunting light. Call 270-528-5208
Friday, February 18th 2022
LF - old riding mowers, go karts, old car or truck $500 to $1,000, FS - radiator for BMW $20. 2 small trailers, pull behind or trade, new electric power washers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 14 ft bush hog batwing woods $2500, Bronco 3 pt hitch seed sower $350. 1986 135 MF tractor $4800, 1939 Ford Ferguson tractor, $3800. Call 270-670-3570
Tuesday, February 16th 2022
LF - Rolled hay. Call 270-218-3019
LF - Old zero turn mowers, will pay cash, 2wd truck $1500 to 2500
FS - zero turn and tractor type mowers, and parts. Call 270-457-4236
Monday, February 15th, 2022
FS - Horse cave KOA Campground has used Picnic Tables
$60 each on a first come, first serve basis, they have metal
frames, wood tops and wood seats which can be replaced
with new wood tops and new wood seats if needed
Call Jason at 270-392-5507.
FS - Extra hevy duty Hoveround electric wheelchair and carrier for back of vehicle. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 2019 Diamond Cargo enclosed car hauler bumper hitch trailer, $10,000 GVWR, excellent condition. NEw 12K weight distribution hitch, can be purchased separately, $8500. Call 270-537-4034
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, car or truck $500 to $1,000 running, FS - new radiator for BMW $25. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Place to rent to own in Cave City, GA - dog, LF - 3x clothing, FS - blue jeans. Call 270-612-0652
FS - 62" Husqvarna Parts mower, tractor style, LF- 1/4 of beef. Call 270-735-5004
LF - Swingset with a slide, reasonable. Call 270-524-0116 leave a message.
Friday, February 11th, 2022
LF - 3 - 275 or 300 gallon totes. Call 270-218-3019 FS - 100 rolls of mixed hay $25, can help load, 150 square
bales $3.50. Call 270-537-4044 LF - 50 rolls of good hay. Call 270-218-3019
Thursday, February 10th, 2022
FS - Child's wooden rocking chair $15, Bowens 21" pushmower
$45, detailed walnut birdhouses in Summersville. Hand made large walnut cutting
or serving board $45. Call 270-405-1260 FS - Pair of men's Ridgecut boots, size 10, new in box.
$40, helium tank $50. Call 270-773-5306 FS - 3 tires size 235 75 15's on Chevy wheels, 5" bolt
pattern, 6'x4"x10' trailer, has tilt bed. Call 270-457-4236 FS - 40 Stihl weedeater $80, Murray pushmower $30, needs
some work. Call 270-405-1260
Wednesday, February 9th, 2022
FS - Echo chainsaw, runs good, $80, needs chain sharpened. Call 270-861-9301 and ask for Jake.
FS - New shower chair, new heating pad, 2 ladies black leather jackets, size medium, ladies boots, size 9&10. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Electric dryer. Call 270-590-3195
FS - 1995 Cajun boat 48 johnson special has trolling motor and fish finder. Call 270-612-0801
LF - Old riding lawn mowers, go cart, moped, LF an old car $500-$1000, FS AXEL for go cart, 4 wheeler or anything you can build around it for $60. Also FS a new radiator for a bmw . 270-670-1359
Monday, February 7th, 2022
FS - Microwave $30, ladder $15, tv $30, 2 end tables $10, tv stand $20. LF- moped that's running. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Rocking chair. Call 270-774-7483
LF - Pots and pans, blankets and pillows, FS -36 bluejeans, touch lamps, tvs, LF - 3x clothes for give away, LF - jobs and place to rent in Cave CIty area. 270-612-0652
LF - Daytime caregiver. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Seasoned firewood- $60 per rick and delivered- 270-576-6625
FS - Wheel Horse frame- or trade- 270-404-0999
FS - Framing nail gun- 270-404-2992 or 270-579-6979
FS - 100% pure bred Blood Hound (search and rescue dog) $200- 270-659-9092
FS - Ford 600 tractor (or trade) 270-590-7422
FS - 2 nice bass amps and some acoustic electric guitars; JBL speakers- 270-576-6422
FS - 32 Magnavox TV- $75- 270-618-1695
FS - 2 male Guinean pigs- black and white- $10 each if you take both- 270-427-6080
FS - 16 foot bumper hitch car hauler and wench- $2000- 270-590-2625
FS - John Deere 2240 tractor- $7500 obo- 270-404-5368
FS - 6 Golden Doodle puppies- up to date on shots- 270-855-0976
FS - Large commercial upright freezer- $600- 270-202-6250
FS - 45 hp Evinrude motor- $100. Silver dish set (make an offer) and a Johnny Cash (signed) record- 270-579-3527
FS - Horse hay- $40 each and cow hay- $30- 270-590-1058
FS - Seasoned firewood (hardwood) 270-576-5548
FS - 2 cane bottom chairs, air compressors, kid’s dirt bike and mini-bike, gas golf cart, guitar stands and some side-shaft motors, Gas logs with remote, 100 gallon propane tank, NEW 32” storm door, and more- 270-646-6334
FS - Xbox Series X, with controller, box, warranty papers, like new with external hard drive and 2 headsets, $500. Call 270-218-8273
LF - Miniature pony or miniature horse. Call 270-576-0711 after 6:00 p.m.
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, truck that runs. FS - new radiator, aluminum $30, new axle for 4 wheeler, hardware, brackets, chain, etc, $60 . Call 270-670-1359
FS - Xbox Series X, with controller, box, warranty papers, like new with external hard drive and 2 headsets, $500. Call 270-218-8273
LF - 20,000 btu wall heater, 120 gallon to 200 gallon propane gas tank. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, old car or truck, after market wheels and tires 15" 6 lug, 235 75 15" tires set. FS - new radiator $40, 3 wheeler axle or 4 wheeler axle, new $75. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 Kohler motors, 20, 23 and 25 hp - command motors, 2 Briggs & Stratton motors. LF - a 2wd truck. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 1995 Cajun boat 48 Johnson special has trolling motor and fish finder. Call 270-612-0801
LF - Hoveround in good condition. Call 270-531-1651
FS - Queen size mattress and box springs. Call 270-678-1039
FS - Side by side refrigerator with icemaker. Call 270-531-6947
FS - New work boots, size 10, Ridgecut, not steel toe $40. brown color. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 825x20" 14 ply large truck tire on rim, new. $100. Call 270-218-0480
FS - Shower chair, holds up to 350 lbs. Call 270-341-4335
FS - 2004 Ford 350 bucket van, 235,000 miles, van runs great, but needs some repair. $5500 obo in Legrande area. Call 270-774-7483
FS - Square baled hay. Call 270-218-8391
LF - old riding mowers, go carts, old car or truck up to a $1000, set of 2mathching tires 235 75 15's, FS - Bouncy house by Lil Tykes, $180. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1995 Cajun boat 48 Johnson special has trolling motor and fish finder. Call 270-612-0801
LF - 2wd truck between $1500 and $2500, zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
GA - 2 Warm Morning gas stoves. Call 270--268-1418
FS - New work boots, size 10, Ridgecut, not steel toe $40. brown color. Call 270-773-5306
FS - 150 Massey Ferguson gas tractor. $3,000. Call 270-473-4035
FS - 300 gallon fuel tank with electric pump. Call 270-590-8977
FS - Portable basketball goal. Call 270-590-9215
FS - Kerosene heater $50, truck tire chains $30, wooden clothes rack. $50. Call 270-786-5842
FS - 1995 Cajun boat 48 Johnson special has trolling motor and fish finder. Call 270-612-0801
LF - 2wd truck between $1500 and $2500, zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Hoveround in good condition. Call 270-531-1651
FS - Queen size mattress and box springs. Call 270-678-1039
FS - Portable Singer sewing machine. Call 270-786-5824
FS - High chair $20, treadmill $75. 2 wheelchairs $50 each, exercise bike $25. Call 270-774-1406
GA - 2 Warm Morning gas stoves. Call 270--268-1418
FS - New work boots, size 10, Ridgecut, not steel toe $40. brown color. Call 270-773-5306
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, moped, old car or truck, doesn't matter what it looks like, up to $1,000, derby cars. FS - Little Tykes bouncy house $180. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 meat hogs, 200 lbs each, 42"x42" plywood $8 each per sheet. LF - 2 steel tanks for storage, motor and transfer case for Ford. Call270-734-1552
FS - Queen size mattress and box springs. Call 270-6781039
FS - Side by side refrigerator with icemaker. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Hoveround wheelchair. Call 270-531-1651
FS - 150 Massey Ferguson gas tractor. $3,000. Call 270-473-4035
FS - 300 gallon fuel tank with electric pump. Call 270-590-8977
FS - Portable basketball goal. Call 270-590-9215
FS - Kerosene heater $50, truck tire chains $30, wooden clothes rack. $50. Call 270-786-5842
FS - 825x20" 14 ply large truck tire on rim, new. $100. Call 270-218-0480
FS - 1946 red belly Ford Tractor $500, has 6 volt system, new tires, doesn't run. Call 270-421-1948
LF - Battery operated oxygen concentrator. Call 270-590-2988
FS - 3 barstool swivel chairs $50 for all 3, rolled hay $25 each, baled hay, $3.50 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 10 ft aluminum brake $1500, cutter $200. (if you buy the brake). Call 270-369-7869
LF - old riding mowers, old cars to make derby cars, FS - Li'l Tykes bouncy house $180, LF - set of after market wheels with good mud tires. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Shower chair, holds up to 350 lbs. Call 270-341-4335
FS - 825x20" 14 ply large truck tire on rim, new. $100. Call 270-218-0480
LF - old riding mowers, old cars to make derby cars, FS - Li'l Tykes bouncy house $180, LF - set of after market wheels with good mud tires. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Shower chair, holds up to 350 lbs. Call 270-341-4335
LF - Reasonably priced car. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2004 Ford 350 bucket van, 235,000 miles, van runs great, but needs some repair. $5500 obo in Legrande area. Call 270-774-7483
LF - 3pt hitch hay spear. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Like new electric space heater, 1500 watts, fan and 2 settings, has safety tip over switch $10, detailed birdhouses, can send pictures in the Summersville area. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Hoveround in good condition. Call 270-531-1651
FR - House in Glasgow, ready February 1st. FS - baby highchair $15. Call 270-590-3195
LF - old riding mowers, old cars, FS - Li'l Tykes bouncy house $200, electric heaters $35 each. LF - set of after market wheels with mud tires, FS - 16 ft utility trailer or trade for box trailer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Vinyl swing set includes: baby swing, regular swing, slide, steps and sandbox $500, LF - House to rent in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-473-3205
LF - Washer. Call 270-786-3756
FS - Portable Singer sewing machine. Call 270-786-5824
FS - High chair $20, treadmill $75. 2 wheelchairs $50 each, exercise bike $25. Call 270-774-1406
LF - 20,000 btu wall heater, 120 gallon to 200 gallon propane gas tank. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Glass entertainment center $20, Marlboro Zippo lighters $15 each. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Like new electric space heater, 1500 watts, fan and 2 settings, has safety tip over switch $10, detailed birdhouses, can send pictures in the Summersville area. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Hoveround in good condition. Call 270-531-1651
FR - House in Glasgow, ready February 1st. FS - baby highchair $15. Call 270-590-3195
LF - old riding mowers, old cars, FS - Li'l Tykes bouncy house $200, electric heaters $35 each. LF - set of after market wheels with mud tires, FS - 16 ft utility trailer or trade for box trailer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Vinyl swing set includes: baby swing, regular swing, slide, steps and sandbox $500, LF - House to rent in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-473-3205
LF - Washer. Call 270-786-3756
FS - Portable Singer sewing machine. Call 270-786-5824
FS - High chair $20, treadmill $75. 2 wheelchairs $50 each, exercise bike $25. Call 270-774-1406
LF - 20,000 btu wall heater, 120 gallon to 200 gallon propane gas tank. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Glass entertainment center $20, Marlboro Zippo lighters $15 each. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Like new electric space heater, 1500 watts, fan and 2 settings, has safety tip over switch $10, detailed birdhouses, can send pictures in the Summersville area. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Hoveround in good condition. Call 270-531-1651
FR - House in Glasgow, ready February 1st. FS - baby highchair $15. Call 270-590-3195
LF - old riding mowers, old cars, FS - Li'l Tykes bouncy house $200, electric heaters $35 each. LF - set of after market wheels with mud tires, FS - 16 ft utility trailer or trade for box trailer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Queen size box springs and mattress. Call 270-678-1039
FS - Vinyl swing set includes: baby swing, regular swing, slide, steps and sandbox $500, LF - House to rent in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-473-3205
LF - Washer. Call 270-786-3756
FS - Portable Singer sewing machine. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Hoveround electric wheel chair and carrier for the back of a vehicle. Call 270-590-3209
GA - Donations to give away to those affected by recent storms. Call 270-404-3171
Looking for free dog at least 9 months old…- (270) 991-8758
FS - All kinds of different home items and decorations and furniture! old bench vintage console record player and vintage singer sewing machine and altos of clothing and baby high chair and much more. Call 270-524-9470 or 270-473-0858
LF - Place to rent near Cave City or Glasgow. Call 270-221-4614
FS - Hoveround electric wheelchair and carrier for the back of a vehicle. Call 270-590-3209
GA - Donations to give away to those affected by recent storms. Call 270-404-3171
Looking for free dog at least 9 months old. Call (270) 991-8758
FS - All kinds of different home items and decorations and furniture! old bench vintage console record player and vintage singer sewing machine and altos of clothing and baby high chair and much more. Call 270-524-9470 or 270-473-0858
LF - Place to rent near Cave City or Glasgow. Call 270-221-4614
LF - Old riding mowers, old golf carts, old cars for derby cars, FS -Little Tykes bouncy house with a slide $200, 16 ft utility trailer, factory made, will trade for box trailer, LF - set of 6 lug Chevy wheels with mud tires,. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Glass tv stand $25, LF - man's mountain bike, reasonable, or will trade -entertainment center for a bike. Call 270- 218-5045
FS - High chair $20, treadmill $75. 2 wheelchairs $50 each, exercise bike $25. Call 270-774-1406
LF - Old riding mowers, golf carts, FS - Bouncy house with slide $200, 16' utility trailer, will trade for a box trailer, LF - set of 6 lug Chevy wheels. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Glass tv stand $25, LF - man's mountain bike, reasonable, or will trade -entertainment center for a bike. Call 270- 218-5045
FS - High chair $20, treadmill $75. 2 wheelchairs $50 each, exercise bike $25. Call 270-774-1406
LF - Old riding mowers, golf carts, FS - Bouncy house with slide $200, 16' utility trailer, will trade for a box trailer, LF - set of 6 lug Chevy wheels. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Meat hog, 450 to 500 lbs. Call 270-473-0683
FS - Detailed 2-room cabin style birdhouses. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Men's mountain bike, and a place to rent in the Horse Cave area. Call 270-975-1010
LF - Old riding mowers, gocar5ts, mopeds, car to make derby car, factory made dual axle trailer, bouncy house wi9th the slide $200. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Lift chair, like new condition, $600, gray vinyl surface that wipes clean. Call 270-537-4259
LF - Chevy short bed truck. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Troybilt riding mower with 18 hp and 42" cut, ready to mow, Asking $250. Call 270-975-1010
FS - Wire type pet taxi, $15, chain link dog kennel 10'x10' x 6 ft tall, and a 38" 13.5hp White riding lawnmower. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 6 1/2 x 12' utility trailer, has storage unit on each fender $1800, like new. Call 270-317-5115 or 270-473-3205
FS - 4 mixed large breed brown egg laying pullets. $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 2 cushion loveseat, beige, hunter green plaid, from a no smoke or pets home, $50. Call 270-369-8645
LF - Someone to clean house once a week, references required. Call 270-473-0793
FR - House in Cave City. Call 270-773-3236
FS - GE flat top stove, Roper dryer. $100 each. Call 270-528-2407
FS- Mens jeans sizes - 48x28, 46x30, ladies jacket medium and some boots. Call 270-341-4335
FS -Pair of slip on D&D exhaust pipes off a 2008 Ninja, Good condition $300, pair of 17" car tires 235 55r 17's $30 for the pair. Call 270-612-0751
Wednesday, December 29th, 2021
FS - 4 x5 ft Rolled hay $25 a roll, square bales $3.50 each. Call 270-537-4044
LF - Transfer case for 2004 Chevy 2500 heavy duty, FS - meat hogs, 3 Holstein heifer calves. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Skillets, 16 ft. utility trailer or will trade for a box trailer, LF - old mowers, older cars to make derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Chevy short bed truck. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Troybilt riding mower with 18 hp and 42" cut, ready to mow, Asking $250. Call 270-975-1010
FR - House in Cave City. Call 270-773-3236
FS - Good Year premium rubber trim to fit truck, 3 piece floor mats, $15, room size gas heater with hook-ups, Warm Morning, glass front, $35 for all, 12 volt heat cushion, works with cigarette lighter, portable $6, Roto front tyne frame, heavy duty and needs vertical shaft engine. $10. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-218-8211
FS - Gravely zero turn mower, 22 twin cylinder with 54" cut, needs battery and front pump seal, $200. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Wire type pet taxi, $15, chain link dog kennel 10'x10' x 6 ft tall, and a 38" 13.5hp White riding lawnmower. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 6 1/2 x 12' utility trailer, has storage unit on each fender $1800, like new. Call 270-317-5115 or 270-473-3205
FS - 4 mixed large breed brown egg laying pullets. $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 2 cushion loveseat, beige, hunter green plaid, from a no smoke or pets home, $50. Call 270-369-8645
FS - Border Doodle Pups, male and female, several Jersey Steers, ready for slaughter. Call 270-734--1552
FR - House in Cave City. Call 270-773-3236
FS - Good Year premium rubber trim to fit truck, 3 piece floor mats, $15, room size gas heater with hook-ups, Warm Morning, glass front, $35 for all, 12 volt heat cushion, works with cigarette lighter, portable $6, Roto front tyne frame, heavy duty and needs vertical shaft engine. $10. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-218-8211
FS - Gravely zero turn mower, 22 twin cylinder with 54" cut, needs battery and front pump seal, $200. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Treadmill $50, 2 large parrot cages $75 each. Call 270-597-2907
FS - Gravity wagon, saddle, set of tires 275-55-R20, 2 tires, size7.50xR16 with rims and 1 tire size 225-75-R17, old bicycles, black Angus heifer about 225 lbs. Call 270-392-8320
FS - 5×4 tailgate for utility trailer, 3 Kohler engines, 20hp, 23hp, and 25hp and 2 Briggs & Stratton engines, both 24hp. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Bench saw – 10″ Delta table saw $5, 6″ carbide table grinder, double side, 2 wheels $50. Call 270-991-0396
FS - Three Hackney ponies, a 2 year old stud, 4 year old mare, and an 8 month old filly. Call 270-670-2976
LF - Someone to clean house once a week, references required. Call 270-473-0793
FS - 10x10 chain link dog kennel, 6ft tall, 38" cut Husky lawnmower. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Wire type pet taxi, $15, chain link dog kennel 10'x10' x 6 ft tall, and a 38" 13.5hp White riding lawnmower. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 6 1/2 x 12' utility trailer, has storage unit on each fender $1800, like new. Call 270-317-5115 or 270-473-3205
LF - Cutting torches with tanks. Call 270-646-6922
FS - 5 x7 trailer with steel bed and racks. $300. 270-218-8302
FS - GE flat top stove, Roper dryer. $100 each. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Caregiver job, references available. Call Jillian at 270-816-8967
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator silver and black LG dishwasher. Call 270-531-6947
GA - 4 pups, mother is full blooded beagle, father is a red heeler mix. yellowish and red color. Call 502-263-8359
FS - 4 mixed large breed brown egg laying pullets. $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 2 cushion loveseat, beige, hunter green plaid, from a no smoke or pets home, $50. Call 270-369-8645
LF - Cutting torches with tanks. Call 270-646-6922
LF - Someone to clean house once a week, references required. Call 270-473-0793
FS - 10x10 chain link dog kennel, 6ft tall, 38" cut Husky lawnmower. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Kitchen table and 2 chairs- $50- 270-473-1611
FS - 1997 Clayton mobile home- 16×80- 3 beds/2bath- $8000- 270-282-1282
FS- Mens jeans sizes - 48x28, 46x30, ladies jacket medium and some boots. Call 270-341-4335
FS -Pair of slip on D&D exhaust pipes off a 2008 Ninja, Good condition $300, pair of 17" car tires 235 55r 17's $30 for the pair. Call 270-612-0751
Wednesday, December 15th, 2021
FS - 2 cushion loveseat, beige, hunter green plaid, no smoke or pets $50 270-369-8645
LF - Cutting torches with tanks. Call 270-646-6922
LF - Someone to clean house once a week, references required. Call 270-473-0793
GA - 4 pups, mother is full blooded beagle, father is a red heeler mix. yellowish and red color. Call 502-263-8359
FS - 4 mixed large breed brown egg laying pullets. $7 each. Call 270- 531-6177
FS - 2 Holstein steers, $700 and $900. Call 270-528-6712
FS - Queen size Cannonball bedroom suit, solid wood with cherry finish, mattress, box springs, dresser and chest. Call 270-528-6983
FS - 2 Holstein steers 600 to 800 pounds, 24 ft metal flat wagon. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 10x10 chain link dog kennel, 6ft tall, 38" cut Husky lawnmower. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Cutting torches with tanks. Call 270-646-6922
LF - Someone to clean house once a week, references required. Call 270-473-0793
LF - Captain America comic books from the 1940s-1950s- 270-622-2744
LF - Someone to wire a couple of sheds- 270-404-5406
LF - Old tractor with loader- 270-404-2182
LF - Good refrigerator- 270-774-7800 or 270-404-3171
FS - Kitchen table and 2 chairs- $50- 270-473-1611
FS - 1997 Clayton mobile home- 16×80- 3 beds/2bath- $8000- 270-282-1282
FS - Radar detector- $10, TV (in house) antenna- $5, 3 pairs of girls leather shoes (Sz.5) 270-576-1323
FS - 19 mixed black calves, 10 pigs, and red boar hog - pics are available and can possibly deliver- 270-734-1552
GA - 4 pups, mother is full blooded beagle, father is a red heeler mix. yellowish and red color. Call 502-263-8359
FS - 4 mixed large breed brown egg laying pullets. $7 each. Call 270- 531-6177
FS - 2 Holstein steers, $700 and $900. Call 270-528-6712
FS - Queen size Cannonball bedroom suit, solid wood with cherry finish, mattress, box springs, dresser and chest. Call 270-528-6983
FS - 2 Holstein steers 600 to 800 pounds, 24 ft metal flat wagon. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Captain America comic books from the 1940s-1950s- 270-622-2744
LF - Old tractor with loader- 270-404-2182
LF - Good refrigerator- 270-774-7800 or 270-404-3171
FS - 10x10 chain link dog kennel, 6ft tall, 38" cut Husky lawnmower. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 4 mixed large breed brown egg laying pullets. $7 each. Call 270- 531-6177
FS - 2 Holstein steers, $700 and $900. Call 270-528-6712
FS - 1989 Polar Craft boat (16 foot) with a 40 hp Mercury motor- $3500, Some glass jugs, home made quilts, and a Sleep Number mattress with pad- $900- 270-524-4913
FS - Rods and reels, paint guns, air guns, pressure washers- 270-404-1827
GA - 4 pups, mother is full blooded beagle, father is a red heeler mix. yellowish and red color. Call 502-263-8359
FS - 4 mixed large breed brown egg laying pullets. $7 each. Call 270- 531-6177
FS - 2 Holstein steers, $700 and $900. Call 270-528-6712
FS - 1989 Polar Craft boat (16 foot) with a 40 hp Mercury motor- $3500, Some glass jugs, home made quilts, and a Sleep Number mattress with pad- $900- 270-524-4913
FS - Rods and reels, paint guns, air guns, pressure washers- 270-404-1827
FS - Extra firm mattress and box spring, ventilation fan, light weight comforter for a California king bed, and a 10 comforter set (queen) 270-457-3219
FS - 1992 F150 long bed- 2 wheel drive- 142K and good tires (needs a little work) $1500- 270-261-1860
FS - 1 gas golf cart, mini-bikes, air compressors, 2 cane bottom chairs, kid’s dirt bike, and mini-bike parts to build your own- 270-646-6334
FS - 1997 RV (30′) 53,000 miles- $6,500- 270-943-9139
FS - Queen size Cannonball bedroom suit, solid wood with cherry finish, mattress, box springs, dresser and chest. Call 270-528-6983
FS - 2 Holstein steers 600 to 800 pounds, 24 ft metal flat wagon. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 1989 Polar Craft boat (16 foot) with a 40 hp Mercury motor- $3500, Some glass jugs, home made quilts, and a Sleep Number mattress with pad- $900- 270-524-4913
FS - Rods and reels, paint guns, air guns, pressure washers- 270-404-1827
FS - Extra firm mattress and box spring, ventilation fan, light weight comforter for a California king bed, and a 10 comforter set (queen) 270-457-3219
FS - 1992 F150 long bed- 2 wheel drive- 142K and good tires (needs a little work) $1500- 270-261-1860
FS - 1 gas golf carts, mini-bikes, air compressors, 2 cane bottom chairs, kid’s dirt bike, and mini-bike parts to build your own- 270-646-6334
FS - 1997 RV (30′) 53,000 miles- $6,500- 270-943-9139
FS - Wooden entertainment center- 270-651-2510
LF - Captain America comic books from the 1940s-1950s- 270-622-2744
LF - Old tractor with loader- 270-404-2182
LF - Good refrigerator- 270-774-7800 or 270-404-3171
Massey Ferguson gas tractor $3,000. Call 270-473-4035
FS - 5 x7 trailer with steel bed and racks. $300. 270-218-8302
FS - GE flat top stove, Roper dryer and Hotpoint washer. $450 for all or $175 each. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Caregiver job, references available. Call Jillian at 270-816-8967
LF - Stainless steel electric skillet. Call 270-218-0006
LF -Volunteers to ring bells for the Salvation Army, FS - Whirlpool refrigerator silver and black LG dishwasher. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Good washing machine. Call 270-786-3756
FS - Girls Disney table and chairs, Minnie Mouse 3 wheeler, GA - full size box springs and mattress. Call 270-341-4335
LF - Someone to change out a motor for a 2006 Ford Ranger, 4 cyl. Call 270-646-0878
FS - 2 male German Shepherd pups, 17 weeks old, registered. Call 270-230-7978
FS - Square bales and rolls of hay. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Rolled hay $25 and square bales $3.50 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Set of wheels and tires off a 2000 Jeep Wrangler, LF - 4wd Chevy truck, FS - 2019 Chevy Silverado crewcab. Call 270-528-1471
LF - Place to rent near Horse Cave or Cave City area. Call 270-975-1010
FS - GE flat top stove, Roper electric dryer, Hotpoint washer, $150 each. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 5.4 Ford motor, transmission and rear end $500. Call 270-774-7342
GA - Cats (female), 8 months old. Call 270-786-1225
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon 4x4. Call 615-507-9868
FS - Girls Disney table and chairs, Minnie Mouse 3 wheeler, GA - full size box springs and mattress. Call 270-341-4335
LF - Someone to change out a motor for a 2006 Ford Ranger, 4 cyl. Call 270-646-0878
FS - 2 male German Shepherd pups, 17 weeks old, registered. Call 270-230-7978
FS - Square bales and rolls of hay. Call 270-537-4044
FS- Detailed birdhouses $70 each, walnut, oak, and cedar, looks like cabins with detailed front porches. Call 270-405-1260
GA - Cats (female), 8 months old. Call 270-786-1225
FS -2004 GMC Yukon 4x4. Call 615-507-9868
FS - Like new refrigerator, dishwasher, 2 Schwinn bikes. Call 270- 531-6947
FS- Detailed birdhouses $70 each, walnut, oak, and cedar, looks like cabins with detailed front porches. Call 270-405-1260
GA - Cats (female), 8 months old. Call 270-786-1225
FS -2004 GMC Yukon 4x4. Call 615-507-9868
FS - Like new refrigerator, dishwasher, 2 Schwinn bikes. Call 270- 531-6947
FS - Lots of baseball cards and old baseball books- 270-678-4136
FS - 38” Murray riding mower and 2 push mowers- 270-404-0999
FS - Tires- 225/65/r17 (Good Year) 270-773-5334
FS - 1981 El Camino- 1 owner- NICE- $13,000- 270-943-0557
FS - Oak claw foot dining table with 6 chairs. Priced to sell at $85. Must pick up in Glasgow. Call 270-646-0427
FS - 7 ft Christmas tree, pre-lit, propane gas grill. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Moped, reasonably priced and a place to rent around Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-975-1010
FS - 4 x 5 ft rolls of hay. $35 each, may deliver. Call 270-242-7172
FS- Detailed birdhouses $70 each, walnut, oak, and cedar, looks like cabins with detailed front porches. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 9 ft willow Christmas tree with lights $100, 7 ft cashmere pencil Christmas tree with lights $50, both came from Michaels. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 1991 Pontiac Bonnieville. Call 270-283-2690
FS - Cedar wardrobe and cedar chest $275. Call 270-473-3733
FS - Gas stove $25, refrigerator $25. Call 270-432-7131
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave area. Call 270-975-1010
LF - Couch and loveseat in good condition and clean. Call 270-473-3089
FS - 7 ft Christmas tree, pre-lit, propane gas grill. Call 270-786-5824
LF - Moped, reasonably priced and a place to rent around Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-975-1010
LF - Old riding mowers, running or not, older cars for derby cars, 16 ft factory made utility trailer, will trade for another one. Call 670-1359
FS - Ladies boots and 2 black leather jackets. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Cabinet type wood burning stove , with mat and woodbox. $350. Call 270-537-4259
FS - Mini Nintendo with built-in games, $25. Call 270-218-5045
FS - 1996 $1300. ????Call 270-576-5561
LF - Diesel tractor, around 50hp in good condition. Call 270-528-7121
FS - 2005 Buick LaSabre, new tires $1800. Call 317-5115
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator with ice maker $300, LG dishwasher $150, man and woman's Schwinn bikes. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2000 Ford Ranger, v-6, driver door damage, but runs good, asking $2400. Call 270-566-4698
FS - 2005 Ford extended cab pickup 179,000 miles, white in color, $1800. Call 270-473-3093
FS - Small chest freezer, guinea pigs and quail. Call 270--218-8302
FS - Gas stove $25, refrigerator $25. Call 270-432-7131
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave area. Call 270-975-1010
LF - Couch and loveseat in good condition and clean. Call 270-473-3089
FS - 2 Dr Scholl's tennis shoes, size 6 1/2, pink Disney table and chairs, child's youth bed. Call 502-341-4335
LF - House or apt in Horse Cave. Call 270-975-1010
FS - Mini Nintendo with built in games $25. Call 270-218-5045
LF - old riding mowers, FS - Easy go golf cart, doesn't run, asking $225. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 ladies medium leather jacket, ladies boots, size 8, 8 1/2 and 9. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Two - 20 month old bulls and two heifers (bred), $900 each, 2002 Dodge van, handicap accessible, with ramp in the back, $1000. Call 270-312-8526
FS - 2005 Dodge Dakota quad cab, needs axle for the 4WD, could use a rear bumper, 204,000 miles, $5,000. Call 270-576-7965
FS - Large couch, air tank, black iron patio chairs. Call 270-678-4136
FS - Waterfall, smart tv, large television, 3 Xbox's and games, Alexa, LF - work. Call 270-612-0584
FS - Black whirlpool refrigerator, side by side freezer with ice maker, china cabinet with lights, 6 ft tall. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 9 ft willow Christmas tree with lights $100, 7 ft cashmere pencil Christmas tree with lights $50, both came from Michaels. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 1991 Pontiac Bonnieville. Call 270-283-2690
FS - Cedar wardrobe and cedar chest $275. Call 270-473-3733
FS - Gas stove $25, refrigerator $25. Call 270-432-7131
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave area. Call 270-975-1010
LF - Couch and loveseat in good condition and clean. Call 270-473-3089
LF - 250 to 300 gallon propane tank. Call 270-528-2407
FS - wood splitter goes behind tractor, $300. Call 270-528-2977
FS - 1982 HD wide glide, garage kept, 21,000 miles, has manual. Call 270-218-3127
FS - Good quality horse hay in square bales, heavy duty hay wagon with like new slats, 8x17 ft bed $1650. 25 wire and electric fence posts, 10 oak 2x4's and other 2x4's, nine treated fence posts $7 each, gravity bed wagon, kept inside $1950. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Orchard grass rolled hay. Call 270- 612-0213
FS - 2019 Jeep Wrangler wheels and tires, new, 245/75/17, asking $600. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Lazy Boy sectional with 2 recliners (one on each end), pet and smoke free home $700 cash. Call 270-528-4329
FS - Guinea pigs, hedgehogs, pigeons, sugar gliders. Call 270-406-8476
FS- Detailed birdhouses $70 each, walnut, oak, and cedar, looks like cabins with detailed front porches. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars to make derby cars, Christmas blowups, FS - new electric heaters in the box, new skillets $12 each, 2 bikes, one is 26" 21 spd racing bike $100, and girls Huffy 24" pink, $100. Call 270-6701359
FS - 2005 Ford extended cab pickup 179,000 miles, white in color, $1800. Call 270-473-3093
FS - Small chest freezer, guinea pigs and quail. Call 270--218-8302
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars to make derby cars, Christmas blowups, FS - new electric heaters in the box, new skillets $12 each, 2 bikes, one is 26" 21 spd racing bike $100, and girls Huffy 24" pink, $100. Call 270-6701359
LF - Someone to change a motor, 2.3, 4 cylinder. Call 270-646-0878
LF - House or apt in Horse Cave. Call 270-975-1010
FS - Mini Nintendo with built in games $25. Call 270-218-5045
FS - Area rug, two ladies black leather jackets, ladies boots, sizes 8 to 9, 2 pair of new Redwing shoes, sizes 6 1/2 and 9. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Cherry king size sleigh bed frame. $50. Call 270-308-1765
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars to make derby cars, Christmas blowups, box trailer 12 to 14 ft, 26" 21 speed racing bike $100, girls pink Huffy 24" bike, $100. FS - Readiheater on wheels, burns kerosene or diesel, 135,000 btu, asking $250. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Waterfall, smart tv, large television, 3 Xbox's and games, Alexa, LF - work. Call 270-612-0584
FS - Black whirlpool refrigerator, side by side freezer with ice maker, china cabinet with lights, 6 ft tall. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 9 ft willow Christmas tree with lights $100, 7 ft cashmere pencil Christmas tree with lights $50, both came from Michaels. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 1991 Pontiac Bonnieville. Call 270-283-2690
FS - Cedar wardrobe and cedar chest $275. Call 270-473-3733
FS - Gas stove $25, refrigerator $25. Call 270-432-7131
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave area. Call 270-975-1010
LF - Couch and loveseat in good condition and clean. Call 270-473-3089
FS - Gas stove $25, refrigerator $25. Call 270-432-7131
LF -House to rent in Horse Cave area. Call 270-975-1010
LF - Couch and loveseat in good condition and clean. Call 270-473-3089
LF - Information on food giveaway at Hart County Fairgrounds. Call 270-590-0172
LF - 2 half beds, full size bed, loveseat, couch and dresser. Call 270-361-8274
LF - 250 to 300 gallon propane tank. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Old riding lawnmowers, cars to make derby cars, wooden sleds and Christmas blowups, box trailer 14 to 16 ft, FS - skillets $12, new electric heaters, $30. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Lift chair, vinyl or leather, from a smoke free home. Call 270-537-4259
FS - 9 ft unlit Christmas tree $50, new Christmas wreaths $25 each. Call 270-590-1461
FS - Volkswagen Bug project car or make rat rod out of it. Asking $1,000. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Black whirlpool refrigerator, side by side freezer with ice maker, china cabinet with lights, 6 ft tall. Call 270-531-6947
FS - wood splitter goes behind tractor, $300. Call 270-528-2977
FS - 1982 HD wide glide, garage kept, 21,000 miles, has manual. Call 270-218-3127
FS - Good quality horse hay in square bales, heavy duty hay wagon with like new slats, 8x17 ft bed $1650. 25 wire and electric fence posts, 10 oak 2x4's and other 2x4's, nine treated fence posts $7 each, gravity bed wagon, kept inside $1950. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Orchard grass rolled hay. Call 270- 612-0213
FS - 2019 Jeep Wrangler wheels and tires, new, 245/75/17, asking $600. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Refrigerator. Call 270-218-1350
LF - 2" cowl hood for 1984 Chevy pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1995 Ford F-250 4x4 pickup, diesel, automatic $8,000. Call 270-218-1350
Found - Large white Great Pyranese at 5119 Defries Road, Canmer, believed to be a pet. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Snowblade for small tractor, 4 wheeler or mower $100, Huskey rear tine tiller in good condition, runs well and has 5.5 hp gas engine and 18" tilling width $400. Call 270-991-4223
FS - 2 Dr Scholl's tennis shoes, size 6 1/2, pink Disney table and chairs, child's youth bed. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Chickens. Call 270-218-2256
LF - 2" cowl hood for 1984 Chevy pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Brown recliner $25 in good condition. Call 270-528-2444 or 270-528-1235
LF - Loveseat. Call 270-473-3089
LF - Queen or full size bed and clothes for a lady and two young boys, pull ups or diapers. Call 270-361-8274
FS - Small Bobcat 371 skid steer, has 14hp Kohler motor. Call 270-524-0116
LF - 2 half beds, full size bed, loveseat, couch and dresser. Call 270-361-8274
FS - 9 ft willow Christmas tree with lights $100, 7 ft cashmere pencil Christmas tree with lights $50, both came from Michaels. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 1991 Pontiac Bonnieville. Call 270-283-2690
FS - Cedar wardrobe and cedar chest $275. Call 270-473-3733
Found - Large white Great Pyranese at 5119 Defries Road, Canmer, believed to be a pet. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Snowblade for small tractor, 4 wheeler or mower $100, Huskey rear tine tiller in good condition, runs well and has 5.5 hp gas engine and 18" tilling width $400. Call 270-991-4223
FS - 2 Dr Scholl's tennis shoes, size 6 1/2, pink Disney table and chairs, child's youth bed. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars to make derby cars, old wooden sleds, Christmas blowups. FS - 2004 Honda Accent, 5 speed, will trade for a pull behind camper, LF - 14 to 16 ft box trailer. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Refrigerator. Call 270-218-1350
LF - Queen or full size bed and clothes for a lady and two young boys, pull ups or diapers. Call 270-361-8274
LF - Chickens. Call 270-218-2256
FS - 4 white lettered tires $60. 225/75/15", 283 Chevy motor, rebuilt $500 and transmission, aluminum intake for small block Chevrolet $75. 360 Chevy turbo transmission $125. Call 270-590-1311
FS - 9 ft willow Christmas tree with lights $100, 7 ft cashmere pencil Christmas tree with lights $50, both came from Michaels. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 1991 Pontiac Bonnieville. Call 270-283-2690
FS or trade - 2004 Honda Accent for a pull behind camper and LF - a box trailer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Cedar wardrobe and cedar chest $275. Call 270-473-3733
Found - Large white Great Pyranese at 5119 Defries Road, Canmer, believed to be a pet. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Snowblade for small tractor, 4 wheeler or mower $100, Huskee rear tine tiller in good condition, runs well and has 5.5 hp gas engine and 18" tilling width $400. Call 270-991-4223
LF - old riding mowers, golf carts, go carts, old cars, old wooden sleds, boxed in trailer 14 to 16 ft 1,000 to 1400, 2004 Honda car to trade for pull behind camper. Call 270-670-1359
Found - Large white Great Pyranese at 5119 Defries Road, Canmer, believed to be a pet. Call 270-528-2407
GA - 2 kittens. Call 270-537-4525
LF - 10" speaker box. Call 270-576-5996
FS - Snowblade for small tractor, 4 wheeler or mower $100, Huskee rear tine tiller in good condition, runs well and has 5.5 hp gas engine and 18" tilling width $400. Call 270-991-4223
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, golf carts, old cars, old wooden sleds, Christmas blowup and outdoor items. Call 670-1359
GA - 2 kittens. 537-4525
LF - 10" speaker box. Call 270-576-5996
Indoor yard sale - Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Shepherd's House Church at 7464 Edmonton Road, Glasgow. All proceeds go to support ministry to Africa.
FS - Snowblade for small tractor, 4 wheeler or mower $100, Huskee rear tine tiller in good condition, runs well and has 5.5 hp gas engine and 18" tilling width $400. Call 270-991-4223
FS - Brown recliner $25 in good condition. Call 270-528-2444 or 270-528-1235
LF - Loveseat. Call 270-473-3089
LF - Queen or full size bed and clothes for a lady and two young boys, pull ups or diapers. Call 270-361-8274
FS - Small Bobcat 371 skid steer, has 14hp Kohler motor. Call 270-524-0116
LF - 2 half beds, full size bed, loveseat, couch and dresser. Call 270-361-8274
GA - Kittens, 6 months-old, Call 270-361-8274
FS - John Deere rolled hay in Upton. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Truck reasonably prices, 14 to 16 ft enclosed trailer, 150 cc moped $600 or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 large trash bags of Halloween costumes, body spray. $20 each. Call 270 537-4090
FS - Gravely lawnmower 54", needs gas tank, runs good $700. Call 270-437-4481
LF - 2 hare rams at least a year-old. Call 270-218-8302
LF - Old riding mowers, cars to make derby cars, old wooden sleds. FS - Large 2 seater go cart $700 or partial trade. 2011 150 cc moped, $800. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Chickens. Call 270-218-2256
LF - 2" cowl hood for 1984 Chevy pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Brown recliner $25 in good condition. Call 270-528-2444 or 270-528-1235
LF - Loveseat. Call 270-473-3089
LF - Queen or full size bed and clothes for a lady and two young boys, pull ups or diapers. Call 270-361-8274
FS - Small Bobcat 371 skid steer, has 14hp Kohler motor. Call 270-524-0116
LF - 2 half beds, full size bed, loveseat, couch and dresser. Call 270-361-8274
GA - Kittens, 6 months-old, Call 270-361-8274
FS - John Deere rolled hay in Upton. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Truck reasonably priced, 14 to 16 ft enclosed trailer, 150 cc moped $600 or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 large trash bags of Halloween costumes, body spray. $20 each. Call 270 537-4090
FS - Gravely lawnmower 54", needs gas tank, runs good $700. Call 270-437-4481
LF - 2 hare rams at least a year-old. Call 270-218-8302
LF - Old riding mowers, cars to make derby cars, old wooden sleds. FS - Large 2 seater go cart $700 or partial trade. 2011 150 cc moped, $800. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Chickens. Call 270-218-2256
LF - 2" cowl hood for 1984 Chevy pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1952 8N Ford tractor. Call 270-528-6410
FS - 4 white lettered tires $60. 225/75/15", 283 Chevy motor, rebuilt $500 and transmission, aluminum intake for small block Chevrolet $75. 360 Chevy turbo transmission $125. Call 270-590-1311
LF - Riding lawnmowers, go carts, old wooden sleds, Christmas blowups, FS - 150 cc moped, $900. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 23 hp, 20 hp, and 25 hp Kohler Command engines, LF -older mowers and a truck between $1500 to $2500. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 50 to 75 gallon fuel tank to fit the back of a truck. Call 270-528-7635
FS - 2 good 4 wheel wagons, gravity bed wagon, square bales of hay, fence posts, Craftsman table saw, 2x4's, 10 ft long. Call 270-932-1777
Indoor yard sale - Saturday, October 23rd & Saturday, October 30th, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Shepherd's House Church, 7464 Edmonton Road, Glasgow. All proceeds will support ministry to Africa.
LF - Good used bed or couch. Call 270-995-5263
LF - 10" speaker box. Call 270-576-5996
FS - Mini refrigerator, speakers, Xbox and games and remote control, LF - baby bed. Call 270-612-0584
LF - Motor and trans for a 1998 Chevrolet pickup. Call 270-579-6031
FS - Rolls of new carpet, all new. 12x 15, 12x18, various colors. 1999 S-10 black, 4cyl, 5 speed pickup, has air. $3500. LF - Gas cookstove, in nice condition, stainless steel and couch, loveseat and recliners. Call 270-528-1242
FS - 5 gallon food grade buckets, 50c each, 17" car tires off a Chevy Impala, $30 for the pair, Dunlop 17" motorcycle tires, $30. men's winter coats, like new. Cast iron skillets, various sizes in Cave City. Call 270-612-0751
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars, old wooden sleds with metal runners, 2008 Moped, 150 cc, $900 or trade, large two-seater go cart with roll bars $700 or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Rolls of new carpet, all new. 12x 15, 12x18, various colors. 1999 S-10 black, 4cyl, 5 speed pickup, has air. $3500. LF - Gas cookstove, in nice condition, stainless steel and couch, loveseat and recliners. Call 270-528-1242
FS - 5 gallon food grade buckets, 50c each, 17" car tires off a Chevy Impala, $30 for the pair, Dunlop 17" motorcycle tires, $30. men's winter coats, like new. Cast iron skillets, various sizes in Cave City. Call 270-612-0751
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars, old wooden sleds with metal runners, 2008 Moped, 150 cc, $900 or trade, large two-seater go cart with roll bars $700 or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 24 ft long hay wagon. Call 270-218-8391
Indoor yard sale - Saturday, October 23rd & Saturday, October 30th, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Shepherd's House Church, 7464 Edmonton Road, Glasgow. All proceeds will support ministry to Africa.
FS - 2007 Nissan Titan, silver, 295k miles, automatic, 2wd, crew cab with toolbox and ladder rack, cold air, runs and drives. $6250. Call or text 270-405-0735
FS - 15,000 btu Warm Morning propane room/shop heater, porcelain finished, glass front, all hookup accessories, except regulator. $60 for all, lime spreader, push type, $7, wheel and tire for Chevy Colorado pickup $25, five horsepower Tecumsey engine, from a self-propelled snow blower, used very little, $25. and air compressor, horizontal tank, single cylinder, homemade, runs good, $25. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-218-8211
LF - Someone to do painting (primer and painting) in Hiseville area. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Someone to work on an older stereo. Call 270-5285143
LF - Chickens. Call 270-218-2256
GA - Magnavox tv, 14 to 16" screen. On the carport with yellow sign at 302 East Dale Heights.
LF - Small buck rabbit, reasonably priced. Call 270-537-5724
GA - 2 kittens, 6 months old. Call 270-537-4525
FS - Restaurant equipment, chairs, tables, coolers, hoods, racks and more, will sell individually or lot. Call or text 270-597-6102
FS - 2 toddler beds, 2 dressers and full size bed, dishes, pots and pans. Call 270-361-8274
FS - Insert for a Reese hitch, has 2" ball $15, large box of industrial glue sticks, 10", about 200 in box, detailed walnut birdhouses. All in Summersville area. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 3 riding mowers, Cub Cadet, Murray and a Husky, 2 older men's bicycles. Call 270-218-2256
FS - 2004 Dodge Dakota, v-6, automatic, 3.7 magnum, high mileage, $3995. Call 270-678-6376
LF - 2126 Woods 10 ft bush hog or a round center gear box shaft for one. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Couple bundles of corn shocks. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Chevy truck, $1500 to $2500, LF - mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 ricks of wood, 3 doors, $50 for all 3. Call 270-861-9300
LF - Couple bundles of corn shocks. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Chevy truck, $1500 to $2500, LF - mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 ricks of wood, 3 doors, $50 for all 3. Call 270-861-9300
LF - Nice golf cart. Call or text 270-766-9940
FS - 2 Goodman heat pumps and inside air handlers, new, 4 ton SEER 13. $2200. Call 270-597-6102
FS - 1991 Pontiac Bonnieville, 140k miles, located in Greensburg, $700. Call 270-283-2690
FS - 3 steel dollies, $25 each. Call 270-317-5115
FS - Large trampoline, asking $225. Call 270-317-5115
LF - Snake to clear out a drain. Call 270-218-8302
LF - 3 brass tables, end tables and a coffee table. Call 270-786-3359
LF - Chickens. Call 270-218-2256
GA - Magnavox tv, 14 to 16" screen. On the carport with yellow sign at 302 East Dale Heights.
FS - 2004 Dodge Dakota, v-6, automatic, 3.7 magnum, high mileage, $3995. Call 270-678-6376
LF - 2126 Woods 10 ft bush hog or a round center gear box shaft for one. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Small buck rabbit, reasonably priced. Call 270-537-5724
GA - 2 kittens, 6 months old. Call 270-537-4525
FS - Restaurant equipment, chairs, tables, coolers, hoods, racks and more, will sell individually or lot. Call or text 270-597-6102
FS - 2 toddler beds, 2 dressers and full size bed, dishes, pots and pans. Call 270-361-8274
FS - 3 riding mowers, Cub Cadet, Murray and a Husky, 2 older men's bicycles. Call 270-218-2256
LF - Riding lawnmowers, go carts and old metal sleds, FS - 2 woks $20 each, new skillets $12, 150cc moped $900, 2-seater go-cart, Craftsman riding mower. $300, Call 270-670-1359
FS - Insert for a Reese hitch, has 2" ball $15, large box of industrial glue sticks, 10", about 200 in box, detailed walnut birdhouses. All in Summersville area. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 220 Bayou 4 wheeler, $900, 42" flat screen tv. $75. Call 270-218-8391
FS - 7, 8, 9, 10 ft ladders, walnut seasoned wood, all season tires came off a Ford Ranger and a set of inside doors. LF - Junk cars. Call 270-861-9300.
FS - 50 - 5 gallon plastic buckets with metal handles 50c each, cast iron skillets, assorted sizes. Call 270-612-0751
Yard Sale - Youth of Bonnieville Baptist Church, past the Elementary school, will be at the Pavilion, for a trip to see the Ark.
FS - 2 Holstein steers. $1 per pound. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Deer corn. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Warm morning gas stove with pipe, 50,000 btu, asking $350. Call 270- 528-4109
LF - Flip phone compatible with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-218-0006
FS - Baby mattress and child's bed, adult walker. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 7, 8, 9, 10 ft ladders, walnut seasoned wood, all season tires came off a Ford Ranger and a set of inside doors, LF - junk cars. Call 270-861-9300
FS - 3 guineas with large cage and all accessories, $150 for all obo. Call 270-763-3504
FS - Round table and 2 chairs $25. Call 270-473-3755
FS - 2 hover boards, one is a child's the other adult. $40 and $60 with chargers. Call 270-317-5155
FS - 220 Bayou 4 wheeler, $900, 42" flatscreen tv. $75. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Deer corn. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Warm morning gas stove with pipe, 50,000 btu, asking $350. Call 270- 528-4109
LF - Flip phone compatible with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-218-0006
FS - Baby mattress and child's bed, adult walker. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 3 guineas with large cage and all accessories, $150 for all obo. Call 270-763-3504
FS - 220 Bayou 4 wheeler, $900, 42" flatscreen tv. $75. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Canning tomatoes. Call 270-473-1499
FS - Deer corn. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Warm morning gas stove with pipe, 50,000 btu, asking $350. Call 270- 528-4109
LF - Golf Cart in good condition. Call 270-766-9940
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars, old wooden sleds, FS - 2 mopeds 150's, run good or will trade and a 42" Craftsman riding mower or trade. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Thursday through Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 318 Walthall Street, Horse Cave.
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday at 6707 Priceville Road, between Priceville and Cub Run, inside and outside. Call 270-531-2341
Several Yard Sales at D&B Tax Office on Hwy 90 between Cave City and Glasgow Thursday, Friday and Saturday
FS - Shelled corn, 42" x 42" and 1/2" thick plywood $8 each. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Quail. Call 270-218-8302
FS - Smart tv, blue tooth speakers, 3XBox systems and games, bicycles, LF - Place to rent in Cave City, GA - Kittens, men's clothes, men and women's rings.. Call 270-612-0584
FS - 2 hover boards, one is a child's the other adult. $40 and $60 with chargers. Call 270-317-5155
FS - 220 Bayou 4 wheeler, $900, 42" flatscreen tv. $75. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Canning tomatoes and Estate sale Friday and Saturday on Waldeck Road south of Bonnieville, Civil War dresses and outfits, all kinds of items, cabinets, dresser sets, bedroom suit. Call 270-473-1499
FS - Deer corn. Call 270-218-8391
LF - older cars to make derby cars, old mowers, and a Nubian female pigmy goat, FS - 42" cut Craftsman will sell or trade, two new microphones $40 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 7, 8, 9, 10 ft ladders, walnut seasoned wood, all season tires came off a Ford Ranger and a set of inside doors, LF - junk cars. Call 270-861-9300
Thursday, September 30th, 2021
Yard Sale - Thursday through Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 318 Walthall Street, Horse Cave.
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday at 6707 Priceville Road, between Priceville and Cub Run, inside and outside. Call 270-531-2341
Several Yard Sales at D&B Tax Office on Hwy 90 between Cave City and Glasgow Thursday, Friday and Saturday
FS - Round table and 2 chairs $25. Call 270-473-3755
Yard Sale - Friday at 110 Memorial Drive, Bonnieville, behind the school, lots of items, bag of clothes $5, will make deals.
FS - Box of industrial glue sticks over 150, 10" by 5/8 for $12, and a reese hitch with a 2" ball for $15, some detailed walnut birdhouses in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Shelled corn, 42" x 42" and 1/2" thick plywood $8 each. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Medium size refrigerator. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Quail. Call 270-218-8302
FS - Smart tv, blue tooth speakers, 3XBox systems and games, bicycles, LF - Place to rent in Cave City, GA - Kittens, mens clothes, men and women's rings.. Call 270-612-0584
FS - 2 hover boards, one is a child's the other adult. $40 and $60 with chargers. Call 270-317-5155
FS - 220 Bayou 4 wheeler, $900, 42" flatscreen tv. $75. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Canning tomatoes and Estate sale Friday and Saturday on Waldeck Road south of Bonnieville, Civil War dresses and outfits, all kinds of items, cabinets, dresser sets, bedroom suit. Call 270-473-1499
Wednesday, September 29th, 2021
Yard Sale - Thursday through Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 318 Walthall Street, Horse Cave.
LF - 4 wheeler ramps. Call 270-473-0749
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator, side by side, has icemaker. Call 270-531-6947
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday at 6707 Priceville Road, between Priceville and Cub Run, inside and outside. Call 270-531-2341
Several Yard Sales at D&B Tax Office on Hwy 90 between Cave City and Glasgow Thursday, Friday and Saturday
LF - Old cars, old riding mowers, mobility scooters, moped, old sleds with metal runners, Little Tykes outdoor set with slide, female dwarf billy goat. FS - 42" Craftsman mower $350. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Round table and 2 chairs $25. Call 270-473-3755
Yard Sale - Thursday through Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 318 Walthall Street.
FS - 2 new microphones $35 each, 2 red 42" cut lawnmowers, White and Craftsman or will trade. LF - Old mowers, old cars to make derby cars, old wooden sled, good moped and 4 wheel scooter chair. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2006 GMC Cannon, 4 cylinder truck, good tires. $1,600. Call 270-524-9626
FS - Box of industrial glue sticks over 150, 10" by 5/8 for $12, and a reese hitch with a 2" ball for $15, some detailed walnut birdhouses in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - House to rent in Hart County. Call 270-524-0045
FS - 3 new pair of shoes, 2 are black Redwing, sizes 6 1/2 and 9. 8 1/2 size bone color shoes for diabetic. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars to make derby cars, old wooden sleds, LF - Center cap for a 2001 Dodge 2500 3/4 ton, FS - treadmill $35, Craftsman riding mower $375. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Deer corn in bags or bulk, LF - 50 lb seed sacks. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Shelled corn, 42" x 42" and 1/2" thick plywood $8 each. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Medium size refrigerator. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Quail. Call 270-218-8302
FS - Smart tv, blue tooth speakers, 3 Xbox systems and games, bicycles, LF - Place to rent in Cave City, GA - Kittens. Call 270-612-0584
FS - Ladies jackets, ladies boots, sizes 8 to 9, baby mattress, adult walker. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Twin size mattress. Call 270-218-1350
FS - Deer corn. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Hand miter saws, detailed walnut birdhouses, can send pictures. Call 270-405-1260
LF - 2002 Chevy Silverado truck with a blown motor, need body. Serious calls only. Call 270-528-2033
FS - Trampoline $250, Amish swing set, has slide and 2 swings and roof on top, $400. Wolverine 4 wheeler bike. Call 270-317-5115
FS - Riding mowers, tools, table saws, LF - housedog. Call 270-218-2256
Yard Sale - Friday at 110 Memorial Drive, Bonnieville, behind the school, lots of items, bag of clothes $5, will make deals.
FS - Pull behind dump bed wagon, goes behind a lawnmower, treadmill, new skillets. Call 270-1359
FS - Smart tv, games for an Xbox, bicycle. Call 270-612-0584
FS - 3 weaned Billy goats. Can deliver. Call 270-734-1552
Thursday, September 23rd, 2021
Yard Sale - Friday at 110 Memorial Drive in Bonnieville, turn at Bonnieville Baptist Church at 7:30 a.m. Items include: chainsaw camping items, dishes, serving items, girl's boots, men's and women's clothing, shoes, jewelry and household items.
GA - Dozen baby quail. Call 270-218-8302
FS - 2 hover boards, one is a child's the other adult. $40 and $60 with chargers. Call 270-317-5155
LF - Twin size mattress. Call 270-218-1350
FS - Shelled corn, 42" x 42" and 1/2" thick plywood $8 each. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Medium size refrigerator. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Quail. Call 270-218-8302
FS - Smart tv, blue tooth speakers, 3XBox systems and games, bicycles, LF - Place to rent in Cave City, GA - Kittens. Call 270-612-0584
FS - Ladies jackets, ladies boots, sizes 8 to 9, baby mattress, adult walker. Call 502-341-4335
Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021
FS - Smart tv, blue tooth speakers, 3XBox systems and games, bicycles, LF - Place to rent in Cave City, GA - Kittens. Call 270-612-0584
FS - Ladies jackets, ladies boots, sizes 8 to 9, baby mattress, adult walker. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Old riding mowers, old sleds with metal runners, FS - small trailer $50, treadmill $50, 2005 GMC Z-71 pickup, extended cab, 4wd. may trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 5x5 rolled hay $35 each. Call 270-932-4120
FS - 2 hoverboards, one is a child's the other adult. $40 and $60 with chargers. Call 270-317-5155
LF - Twin size mattress. Call 270-218-1350
FS - Shelled corn, 42" x 42" and 1/2" thick plywood $8 each. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Medium size refrigerator. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Quail. Call 270-218-8302
FS - Deer corn in Munfordville. Call 270-218-8391
FS - Vintage all metal Craftsman skill saw in box $20, some cutting boards and detailed birdhouses in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
GA - Stray male dog, white Shiatzu, in Canmer. Call 270-528-2531
LF - Twin size mattress. Call 270-218-1350
LF - Miniature pony. Call 270-646-4179
FS - Quail. Call 270-218-8302
FS - Square tubing metal pickup racks, white rooster and hen $10 for both. LF -10x10 dog kennel. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 5x5 rolled hay $35 each. Call 270-932-4120
FS - Old McCullough boat motor, 3 horizontal shaft go kart motors, 16" cut Stihl chainsaw. Call 270-531-6564
LF - Used electric dryer. Call 270-528-7635
FS - Smart tv, blue tooth speakers, 3XBox systems and games, bicycles, LF - Place to rent in Cave City, GA - Kittens. Call 270-612-0584
FS - Ladies jackets, ladies boots, sizes 8 to 9, baby mattress, adult walker. Call 502+341-4335
LF - Old riding mowers, old sleds with metal runners, FS - small trailer $50, treadmill $50, 2005 GMC Z-71 pickup, extended cab, 4wd. may trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 hoverboards, one is a child's the other adult. $40 and $60 with chargers. Call 270-317-5155
LF - Twin size mattress. Call 270-218-1350
FS - Shelled corn, 42" x 42" and 1/2" thick plywood $8 each. Call 2701-734-1552
FS - Medium size refrigerator. Call 270-590-3195
FS or trade - Chrome 20" wheel 245/55/20's for 14 or 15" stock wheels and tires for an S-10. Call 270-576-5996
LF - Horizontal 16 or 18 shaft for Grasshopper mower and Cub Cadet mower for parts, and LF a truck. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Vintage all metal Craftsman skill saw in box $20, some cutting boards and detailed birdhouses in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
GA - Stray male dog, white Shiatzu, in Canmer. Call 270-528-2531
LF - Twin size mattress. Call 270-218-1350
LF - Miniature pony. Call 270-646-4179
FS - Quail. Call 270-218-8302
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars, wooden sleds with metal runners, FS - treadmill, electric $35, 2005 GMC Z-71 pickup, 4wd, ext cab, and pull behind trailer $50. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Square tubing metal pickup racks, white rooster and hen $10 for both. LF -10x10 dog kennel. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 5x5 rolled hay $35 each. Call 270-932-4120
FS - King size cherry sleigh style bed frame. Call 270-308-1765
LF - Good home for 2 black and white Border Collies. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Old McCullough boat motor, 3 horizontal shaft go kart motors, 16" cut Stihl chainsaw. Call 270-531-6564
FS - Vintage all metal Craftsman skill saw in box $20, some cutting boards and detailed birdhouses in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
GA - Stray male dog, white Shiatzu, in Canmer. Call 270-528-2531
LF - Twin size mattress. Call 270-218-1350
LF - Miniature pony. Call 270-646-4179
FS - Quail. Call 270-218-8302
Wednesday, September 15th, 2021
FS Deer corn. Call 270-218-8391
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars, old wooden sleds. FS - Electric treadmill $35, works, 2005 GMC Z-71 pickup, ext cab 4wd, pull behind trailer for lawnmower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Trampoline, asking $250, Amish swing set, has slide, 2 swings and roof on top. $400, Wolverine 4-wheeler bike. $2300. Call 270-317-5115
FS - 142 Husquvarna chain saw $125. Call 270-531-6457
Yard Sale 803 Eastside Drive in Horse Cave with fall items, wreaths, clothes, Thursday & Friday 8 to 5 and 8-12 Saturday
LF - Little boys clothes 4T and 5T, cleaning houses. Call 270-361-8274
Yard Sale - 313 N. 9th St, Cave City through Saturday, new and used items, LF - old riding mowers, old cars. Call 270-670-1359
LF -Large dehumidifier. Call 270-218-0006
FS - 2005 Buick LaSabre, 2 owner car, $800. Call 270-317-5115 or 270-528-7701
FS - Hand saws, detailed birdhouses, 2 toolboxes, one is full of tools, both for $35, 200 industrial glue sticks $15. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Refrigerator $50, LF - twin size mattress. Call 270-303-1832
Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
LF -Large dehumidifier. Call 270-218-0006
FS - Baby mattress, Disney table and chairs, adult walker, walking cane. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 2005 Buick LaSabre, 2 owner car, $800. Call 270-317-5115 or 270-528-7701
FS - Hand saws, detailed birdhouses, 2 toolboxes, one is full of tools, both for $35, 200 industrial glue sticks $15. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 142 Husquvarna chain saw $125. Call 270-531-6457
LF - Work, GA - kittens, LF - small puppy, FS - XBOX 360, cd's bikes. Call 270-612-0584
FS - Hay, just outside of Canmer. Call 270-528-2531
FS - Refrigerator $50, LF - twin size mattress. Call 270-303-1832
FS - Whirlpool washer, dryer and dishwasher, $60 for all. Call 270-531-6457
LF - Place to rent in Glasgow vicinity. Call 270-579-2516
FS - Older air compressor with 12 gallon air tank. $145. Call 502-492-7954
LF - Dogs to train for sheep and cattle, Blue Heelers, Australian Shepherds and Border Collies. Call 270-473-3246
FS - 2 toolboxes, one is full of tools $40, 200 industrial glue sticks $15, detailed birdhouses, in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Sears portable air compressor has 12 gallon tank, has new electric motor $145. Call 502-492-7954
FS - Refrigerator $50, LF - twin size mattress. Call 270-303-1832
GA - Mixed Border Collie pup, 2 months old. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Whirlpool washer, dryer and dishwasher, $60 for all. Call 270-531-6457
LF - Place to rent in Glasgow vicinity. Call 270-579-2516
FS - Older air compressor with 12 gallon air tank. $145. Call 502-492-7954
LF - Dogs to train for sheep and cattle, Blue Heelers, Australian Shepherds and Border Collies. Call 270-473-3246
FS - 2 toolboxes, one is full of tools $40, 200 industrial glue sticks $15, detailed birdhouses, in Summersville. Call 270405-1260
FS - Sears portable air compressor has 12 gallon tank, has new electric motor $145. Call 502-492-7954
FS - Refrigerator $50, LF - twin size mattress. Call 270-303-1832
Wednesday, September 1st, 2021
FS - Laying hens. Call 270-528-1950
FS - Whirlpool washer, dryer and dishwasher, $60 for all. Call 270-531-6457
LF - Electric skillet. Call 270-218-0006
FS - Rolls of grass hay, $30. Call 270-932-4120
FS - Frame from under camper, 13 ft long, square tubing. $175. Call 270-528-5208
FS - White refrigerator $50, electric cook stove $150. Call 270-945-3539
FS - Loveseat, coffee table, 2 end tables, walker with seat and walking cane. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Dogs to train for sheep and cattle, Blue Heelers, Australian Shepherds and Border Collies. Call 270-473-3246
LF - Place to rent in Glasgow vicinity. Call 270-579-2516
FS - Older air compressor with 12 gallon air tank. $145. Call 502-492-7954
FS - Whirlpool washer and dryer and dishwasher $60 for all three, works good. Call 270-531-6457
LF - Volunteers to help Hart County Salvation Army, bell ringing will be later this year. The organization helps with certain needs of the county. Call 270-528-7707
FS - Rolled hay, $30 each. Call 270-932-4120
GA - Collie pup, 2 months old. Call 270-524-0605
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars, old wooden sleds with metal runners, FS - John Deere riding mower 54" deck, non-stick skillets $12 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Whirlpool washer and dryer and dishwasher $60 for all three, works good. Call 270-531-6457
LF - Volunteers to help Hart County Salvation Army, bell ringing will be later this year. The organization helps with certain needs of the county. Call 270-528-7707
FS - Rolled hay, $30 each. Call 270-932-4120
FS - Frame from a camping trailer, set of pickup racks, metal tubing. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 6 laying hens $5 each. Call 270-524-5428
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars to make derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Ky State Fair parking and fair ticket $8. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 2001 Wolverine 4-wheeler, blue color, push start. $2300. Call 270-317-5115
FS - Brown cloth recliner $25. Call 270-528-2444 or 270-528-1235
LF - Lift chair. Call 270-932-4020
FS - Sears portable air compressor has 12 gallon tank, has new electric motor $145. Call 502-492-7954
LF - Nice golf cart or will consider one that needs work. Call 270-766-9940
LF - Old riding mowers, zero turn or tractor type, old cars to make derby cars, set of aftermarket wheels and tires for a golf cart. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Collie pup, 2 months old. Call 270-524-0605
LF - 2 to 3 bedroom house to rent, mother with 2 children, near Cave City and Horse Cave area. Call 270-361-8274
FS - 2 toolboxes, one is full of tools $40, 200 industrial glue sticks $15, detailed birdhouses, in Summersville. Call 270405-1260
GA - Scrap metal in Munfordville. Call 270-473-9008
FS - Loveseat, coffee table, 2 end tables, walker with seat and walking cane. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Dogs to train for sheep and cattle, Blue Heelers, Australian Shepherds and Border Collies. Call 270-473-3246
FS - White refrigerator $50, electric cook stove $150. Call 270-945-3539
LF - Place to rent in Glasgow vicinity. Call 270-579-2516
FS - 2001 Yamaha Wolverine, 4wd, blue in good shape. $2300 firm. Call 270-317-5115
FS - Adult walker with seat, walking cane, ladies shorts, sizes 14, 16 and 18, 2 new pair of ladies Dr Scholls shoes , coral color. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Rolls of grass hay, $30. Call 270-932-4120
FS - Frame from under camper, 13 ft long, square tubing. $175. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars, fold up plastic tables. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Loveseat, coffee table, 2 end tables, walker with seat and walking cane. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Dogs to train for sheep and cattle, Blue Heelers, Australian Shepherds and Border Collies. Call 270-473-3246
FS - White refrigerator $50, electric cook stove $150. Call 270-945-3539
GA - 2-year-old Red Heeler Dog. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Place to rent in Glasgow vicinity. Call 270-579-2516
FS - Older air compressor with 12 gallon air tank. $145. Call 502-492-7954
FS - Couch and loveseat, $150, good condition, non smoker, about 2 years old. Call 270-528-6506
FS - Trailer axles in Park City. Call 317-710-8837
GA - Part Border Collie pup. Call 270-524-0605
LF - House to rent in Hardyville or Munfordville, $400 to $500 per month. Call 270-590-2597
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars, 6' folding plastic tables,
FS - pull behind trailer for lawnmower. $60. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Smart tv, blue tooth speaker, bike, Xbox games and Xbox.
LF - Small puppy free, place to rent in Cave City or Horse Cave. Call 270-612-0584
FS - 1996 Chevy Blazer, 4wd, 130k, needs front drive shaft and door speakers, back hatch needs work, $1200. Call 502-264-7413
FS - Cordless house phone $10. Taser. Call 218-5045
FS - Couch and loveseat, $150, good condition, non smoker, about 2 years old. Call 270-528-6506
FS - Trailer axles in Park City. Call 317-710-8837
LF -Calf hutches. Call 270-612-0213
FS - 25 iron electric fence posts and wire, Craftsman table saw with heavy duty motor on metal stand $300, gravity bed wagon with good tires $1900, horse hay in square bales,, 12 deck boards 1 x 6" , 2x4's 14 ft long, 9 treated fence post. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 2001 Yamaha Wolverine, 4-wheeler, 4x4. $2500 obo. Call 270-317-5115
FS - 3 Guinea fowls, $50 for all. Call 270-524-5728
FS - 2002 Volkswagon Jetta station wagon, 2.0 Turbo, 5 spd. Call 270-531-6457
GA - Female Blue Healer and Husky mix, 2 years old. Call 270-786-5030
FS - Cordless house phone $10. Taser. Call 218-5045
FS - Couch and loveseat, $150, good condition, non smoker, about 2 years old. Call 270-528-6506
FS - Automatic suction pool cleaner, $25. Collection of Wilton cake pans, large collection of porcelain dolls, new in boxes. Call 270-531-1669
GA - 3 kittens. Call 270-537-4525
Yard Sale Thurs, Fri and Sat Hwy 70 between Sulphur Well and Knob Lick, tools, antiques, old knives, etc. Call 270-218-0813
Yard Sale -Thursday & Friday - 208 Walthal Street, Horse Cave, all kinds of items.
FS - 2 tool boxes, one is full of tools, both for $40, hand saws and plastic milk crates for $5 each, detailed cabin style birdhouses. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Oak table and 3 chairs $125, end tables $20, large oak desk, two piece, $250, other furniture and household items in the Cave City area. Can text pictures. Call 270-537-4122
GA - Female Blue Healer and Husky mix, 2 years old. Call 270-786-5030
FS - Cordless house phone $10. Taser. Call 218-5045
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, golf carts, old cars to make derby cars, 2 to 3 folding plastic tables. 270-670-1359
LF -Calf hutches. Call 270-612-0213
FS - 25 iron electric fence posts and wire, Craftsman table saw with heavy duty motor on metal stand $300, gravity bed wagon with good tires $1900, horse hay in square bales,, 12 deck boards 1 x 6" , 2x4's 14 ft long, 9 treated fence post. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Rolls of hay, 5x5, $30 per roll. Call 270-932-4120
LF - Mechanic to work on small engines and lawnmowers in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-4351
A Birthday Card Shower is being held for Pat Riggs. She will be turning 83 on August 25th. The address is 6960 Old Munfordville Road, Cave City, Ky. 42127
FS - Couch and loveseat, $150, good condition, non smoker, about 2 years old. Call 270-528-6506
FS - Automatic suction pool cleaner, $25. Collection of Wilton cake pans, large collection of porcelain dolls, new in boxes. Call 270-531-1669
FS -1930 Brotch Royal wood cook stove, $300 obo. Call Terry at 270-531-6457
FS - 1982 Harley Davidson Commemorative Edition in Munfordville. Call 270-531-7476 or 270-218-3127
FS - 2001 Yamaha Wolverine 4-wheeler, 4x4, $2500 or will trade. Call 270-317-5115
FS - Couch and loveseat, $150, good condition, non smoker, about 2 years old. Call 270-528-6506
FS - Used metal roofing. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Washer, dryer and table. Call 270-528-3307
GA - 3 kittens. Call 270-537-4525
FS - Automatic suction pool cleaner, $25. Collection of Wilton cake pans, large collection of porcelain dolls, new in boxes. Call 270-531-1669
FS - Trailer axles in Park City. Call 317-710-8837
LF - Chickens and hens. Call 270-528-4194
FS - Oak table and 3 chairs $125, end tables $20, large oak desk, two piece, $250, other furniture and household items in the Cave City area. Can text pictures. Call 270-537-4122
LF - White baby bed, FS - adult walker. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 2001 Yamaha Wolverine 4-wheeler, 4x4, $2500 or will trade. Call 270-317-5115
FS - Used metal roofing. Call 270-735-6698
LF - 2" metal cowl hood for a 1994 Chevy pick up and other parts, cars to make derby cars, gas golf carts, mopeds, etc. FS - 1996 Z-71 pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Washer, dryer and table. Call 270-528-3307
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday at 548 Short Cut Road, Horse Cave. Mens, womens and kids clothing, toys, tools, fishing poles, cheap.
Multi family yard sale - Thursday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. located behind WLOC indoor and outdoor, next to Sister Schuberts. Furniture, yard items, wedding dress, clothes, etc. Call 270-537-5072
FS - Oak table and 3 chairs $125, end tables $20, large two-piece oak desk $250, other furniture and household items in the Cave City area, can text pictures. Call 270-537-4122
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday at 548 Short Cut Road, Horse Cave. Mens, womens and kids clothing, toys, tools, fishing poles, cheap.
Multi family yard sale - Thursday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. located behind WLOC indoor and outdoor, next to Sister Schuberts. Furniture, yard items, wedding dress, clothes, etc. Call 270-537-5072
GA - 3 kittens. Call 270-537-4525
FS - Automatic suction pool cleaner, $25. Collection of Wilton cake pans, large collection of porcelain dolls, new in boxes. Call 270-531-1669
FS - Trailer axles in Park City. Call 317-710-8837
LF - Chickens and hens. Call 270-528-4194
FS - Couch and loveseat, $200, good condition, non smoker, about 2 years old. Call 270-528-6506
FS - Delta table saw, $250, like new. Call or text 270-872-8723
FS - 20" cut push mower, $50. Call 270-432-1492
FS - 5 x 9 trailer with drop tail. Call 270-786-2619 or 270-218-0006
FS - Craftsman 16" scroll saw $50 or trade to a pushmower, also have nice birdhouses, in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Truck, old mowers and a 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Skill saw. Call 502-888-6196
FS - Couch and loveseat, $200, good condition, non smoker, about 2 years old. Call 270-528-6506
LF - mopeds, gas golf cars, old cars, lawnmowers, 2 to 3 - 6' folding tables. FS - 1996 Z 71 pick up, 4wd. Possibly trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Place to rent in Hardyville, Munfordville and Horse Cave. Call 270-590-2597 or 270-590-2598
FS -1930 Brotch Royal wood cook stove, $300 obo. Call Terry at 270-531-6457
FS - Futon couch; $100 OBO. Free - Calico kitten to a good home. Cave City 270-901-8819
FS - 1982 Harley Davidson Commemorative Edition in Munfordville. Call 270-531-7476 or 270-218-3127
LF - Place to rent in Hardyville, Munfordville and Horse Cave. Call 270-590-2597 or 270-590-2598
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday at 418 Owen St Cave City. Glassware, primitives, etc. Call 270-590-6031
Saturday evening from 5 to 9 p.m. at 301 Main Street Munfordville, Bro. Dewayne Kidd and team will be praying for anyone or their loved ones who need it. Water baptism available as well.
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor with continental gas engine $3500, motor rebuilt. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Realtree deer stand new and 5 gallon buckets, clean, 50c each. Call 270-404-0223 in Cave City
GA - Kittens. Call 270-537-4525
FS – extra large brown lift chair; $400 OBO. Brown suede rocking recliner; $150 OBO. Briggs & Stratton self propelled mower with 22″ cut; $100 OBO. 2 dog life jackets. Call 270-524-4913
FS -1930 Brotch Royal wood cook stove, $300 obo. Call Terry at 270-531-6457
FS - 1982 Harley Davidson Commemorative Edition in Munfordville. Call 270-531-7476 or 270-218-3127
LF - Place to rent in Hardyville, Munfordville and Horse Cave. Call 270-590-2597 or 270-590-2598
LF - Peaches & cream corn in Horse Cave area. Call 270-473-0923
FS - 20" cut pushmower, $50. Call 270-432-1492
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor with continental gas engine $3500, motor rebuilt. Call 270-537-5875
LF - Old riding mowers, gas golf carts, old cars to make derby cars, lawnmowers, LF - fold up tables. FS - 1996 Z71 4wd pickup, cash or partial trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Realtree deer stand new and 5 gallon buckets, clean, 50c each. Call 270-404-0223 in Cave City
GA - Kittens. Call 270-537-4525
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
LF - 2 bedroom house to rent in Horse Cave, Munfordville, Hardyville. Call 270-590-2597
LF - Panel side door for a 10x10 chain link fence, 6 ft. Call 270-524-3620
FS -1930 Brotch Royal wood cook stove, $300 obo. Call Terry at 270-531-6457
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave or Cave City by August 1st. Call 989-424-8455
LF - mopeds, gas golf cars, old cars, lawnmowers, 2 to 3 - 6' folding tables. FS - 1996 Z 71 pick up, 4wd. Possibly trade. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 3 families Thursday through Saturday on Hwy 70 - 2 miles out of Cave City at Wendell Sturgeon residence. Wicker furniture, lots of items. Call 270-773-2952
LF - Place to rent in Hardyville, Munfordville and Horse Cave. Call 270-590-2597 or 270-590-2598
LF - Peaches & cream corn in Horse Cave area. Call 270-473-0923
Yard Sale in Linwood Friday beginning at 8:00 am., 6597 N. Jackson Highway, ladder, work benches, long handled drill, toys, clothes, shoes, etc. Call 270-537-4259
FS - 20" cut pushmower, $50. Call 270-432-1492
Found - In front of Dart Tuesday morning, brown and tan Beagle hound pup, has black harness and a leash. Call 270-670-2296
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor with continental gas engine $3500, motor rebuilt. Call 270-537-5875
LF - Old riding mowers, gas golf carts, old cars to make derby cars, lawnmowers, FS - 1996 Z71 4wd pickup, cash or partial trade. Yard Sale - 313 N. 9th St, Cave City (Friday). Call 270-670-1359
FREE – 10 baby chickens and a rooster. Call 270-202-2048
FS – extra large brown lift chair; $400 OBO. Brown suede rocking recliner; $150 OBO. Briggs & Stratton self propelled mower with 22″ cut; $100 OBO. 2 dog life jackets. 270-524-4913
FS – Sunbeam bread maker; $20. 270-943-1653
FS - Futon couch; $100 OBO. Free - Calico kitten to a good home. Cave City 270-901-8819
FS – 2 JBL 210 speakers, Alvarez acoustic/electric guitar, and a Peavey amp. In Glasgow 270-576-6422
FS – Paparazzi jewelry (earrings, bracelets and a ring); $20 for all. 2 coupe car riding toys; $5 each. 2 capri outfits; $5 each. Call 270-576-1323
FS – Peaches and cream corn; $5 a dozen. In Barren County 270-590-8117
FS – Black & Decker electric weedeater, Black & Decker electric hedge trimmer with 16″ bar, and a tailgate from a 1990 GMC pickup truck. Call 270-678-7432
Yard Sale - 3 families Thursday through Saturday on Hwy 70 - 2 miles out of Cave City at Wendell Sturgeon residence. Wicker furniture, lots of items. Call 270-773-2952
LF - Place to rent in Hardyville, Munfordville and Horse Cave. Call 270-590-2597 or 270-590-2598
LF - Peaches & cream corn in Horse Cave area. Call 270-473-0923
Yard Sale in Linwood Friday beginning at 8:00 am., 6597 N. Jackson Highway, ladder, work benches, long handled drill, toys, clothes, shoes, etc. Call 270-537-4259
FS - 20" cut pushmower, $50. Call 270-432-1492
FS - Realtree deer stand new and 5 gallon buckets, clean, 50c each. Call 270-404-0223 in Cave City
GA - Kittens. Call 270-537-4525
Found - In front of Dart Tuesday morning, brown and tan Beagle hound pup, has black harness and a leash. Call 270-670-2296
FS - 5 x 9 trailer with drop tail. Call 270-786-2619 or 270-218-0006
FS - 2 gallons blackberries $18 per gallon. Call 270-218-8155
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
FS - 2000 Harley Davidson Sportster. Call 270-308-9281
Found - In front of Dart Tuesday morning, brown and tan Beagle hound pup, has black harness and a leash. Call 270-670-2296
FS - Fresh peaches. Call 270-524-4223
LF - 2 bedroom house to rent in Horse Cave, Munfordville, Hardyville. Call 270-590-2597
FS - Chickens. Call 920-757-8906
FS - Craftsman 16" scroll saw $50 or trade to a pushmower, also have nice birdhouses, in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Truck, old mowers and a 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Old riding mowers, old cars, gas golf carts, mopeds, 6 ft folding tables, FS - 1996 Z-71 pickup, sell or partial trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Panel side door for a 10x10 chain link fence, 6 ft. Call 270-524-3620
FS - John Deere L-120, 48" cut lawnmower, $500. Call 270-528-1997
FS - Baby chicks $1, Rabbits $8 to $10, ducks $15. Call 270-528-1674
FS - Adult walker, baby mattress and stroller, Red Wing shoes, black, size 6 1/2, and a food slicer. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
FS - 2000 Harley Davidson Sportster. Call 270-308-9281
Found - In front of Dart Tuesday morning, brown and tan Beagle hound pup, has black harness and a leash. Call 270-670-2296
FS - Fresh peaches. Call 270-524-4223
LF - 2 bedroom house to rent in Horse Cave, Munfordville, Hardyville. Call 270-590-2597
FS - Chickens. Call 920-757-8906
FS - Craftsman 16" scroll saw $50 or trade to a pushmower, also have nice birdhouses, in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Truck, old mowers and a 6x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Old riding mowers, old cars, gas golf carts, mopeds, 6 ft folding tables, FS - 1996 Z-71 pickup, sell or partial trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Baby chicks $1, Rabbits $8 to $10, ducks $15. Call 270-528-1674
FS - Adult walker, baby mattress and stroller, Red Wing shoes, black, size 6 1/2, and a food slicer. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Three male Feist puppies to re-home, 12 weeks old. Call 270-531-5705
FS - 2 riding lawn mowers one is a cub cadet, the other is a husky, one runs and the other needs some work, asking $500 for both. Call (270) 537-5461
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
FS - 2000 Harley Davidson Sportster. Call 270-308-9281
LF - Old riding mowers, old mopeds, garden tillers, old gas golf carts, junk cars to make derby cars, FS - 1996 Z71 pickup, regular cab, 4wd, new rebuilt transmission sale or trade. 2 golf carts, needs some work, gas and electric. Call 270-670-1359
Found - In front of Dart Tuesday morning, brown and tan Beagle hound pup, has black harness and a leash. Call 270-670-2296
LF - Rat Terrier puppy. Call 270-590-9215
LF - Small puppy, FS - bicycle, games, tv, mens clothing. Call 270-612-1230
LF - Truck for $1,000 to $2,000, a 6×10 trailer, and old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 3-bedroom house with land to buy in Edmonson County. Looking for a 2-speed power glide transmission. Call 270-597-7552
LF - Old riding mowers, old mopeds, garden tillers, old gas golf carts, junk cars to make derby cars, FS - 1996 Z71 pickup, regular cab, 4wd, new rebuilt transmission sale or trade. Call 270-670-1359
Found - In front of Dart Tuesday morning, brown and tan Beagle hound pup, has black harness and a leash. Call 270-670-2296
LF - Rat Terrier puppy. Call 270-590-9215
LF - Small puppy, FS - bicycle, games, tv, mens clothing. Call 270-612-1230
LF - Truck for $1,000 to $2,000, a 6×10 trailer, and old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 3-bedroom house with land to buy in Edmonson County. Looking for a 2-speed power glide transmission. Call 270-597-7552
LF - Old riding mowers, old mopeds, garden tillers, old gas golf carts, junk cars to make derby cars, FS - 1996 Z71 pickup, regular cab, 4wd, new rebuilt transmission sale or trade. Call 270-670-1359
Found - In front of Dart Tuesday morning, brown and tan Beagle hound pup, has black harness and a leash. Call 270-670-2296
LF - Gas golf cart. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Rat Terrier puppy. Call 270-590-9215
LF - Small puppy, FS - bicycle, games, tv, mens clothing. Call 270-612-1230
LF - Panel side door for a 10x10 chain link fence, 6 ft. Call 270-524-3620
FS - John Deere L-120, 48" cut lawnmower, $500. Call 270-528-1997
FS - Adult walker, baby mattress and stroller, Red Wing shoes, black, size 6 1/2, and a food slicer. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 16" Craftsman scroll saw, $65, decorative 4" metal bell with a pig on top to hang on post, $15, can send pictures in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Acoustic guitar signed by Clay Underwood with picture, brand name is Woods $600 firm, 7 boards of arrowheads, 185 pieces in all, $1400 firm, all but 4 pieces were found in Hart County. For more information, contact Randy at 270-524-9276, can leave a message.
LF - Someone to do housecleaning. Call 270-427-8831
FS - Baby chicks $1, Rabbits $8 to $10, ducks $15. Call 270-528-1674
FS - 5 x 9 trailer with drop tail. Call 270-786-2619 or 270-218-0006
FS - 2 gallons blackberries $18 per gallon. Call 270-218-8155
LF - Truck for $1,000 to $2,000, a 6×10 trailer, and old zero turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
LF - 36″ storm door with full glass, and a floor lamp. Call 270-943-1653
LF - 3-bedroom house with land to buy in Edmonson County. Looking for a 2-speed power glide transmission. Call 270-597-7552
LF - Ragdoll cat. Call 270-576-4463
LF - Set of 4 tires (size 245/75/16), and a Honda Element. Call 270-606-1928
LF - Horses and sheep. Call 270-563-4273
FS - (2) 7×9 garage doors and 1 opener with all attachments with all brackets and screws just now taken down. $400 call or text (270) 308-6352
FS - Three male Feist puppies to re-home, 12 weeks old. Call 270-531-5705
FS - 2 riding lawn mowers one is a cub cadet, the other is a husky, one runs and the other needs some work, asking $500 for both. Call (270) 537-5461
LF - Work of any kind and transportation and food. Call 270-612-0546
FS - Husqvuarna 22" cut walk behind self-propelled mower. $150. Call 270-218-1379
FS - Baby chicks $1, Rabbits $8 to $10, ducks $15. Call 270-528-1674
LF - Panel side door for a 10x10 chain link fence, 6 ft. Call 270-524-3620
FS - John Deere L-120, 48" cut lawnmower, $500. Call 270-528-1997
FS - Adult walker, baby mattress and stroller, Red Wing shoes, black, size 6 1/2, and a food slicer. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Old riding mowers, gas golf carts, old cars to make derby cars out of. FS - 1996 Chevy Z-71 pickup, has Crate motor and new transmission, 4wd, regular cab. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 16" Craftsman scroll saw, $65, decorative 4" metal bell with a pig on top to hang on post, $15, can send pictures in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Kayaks to buy. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Panel side door for a 10x10 chain link fence, 6 ft. Call 270-524-3620
FS - John Deere L-120, 48" cut lawnmower, $500. Call 270-528-1997
Hart County Farmer's Market is in Horse Cave at the Park until 1:00 p.m.
FS - Adult walker, baby mattress and stroller, Red Wing shoes, black, size 6 1/2, and a food slicer. Call 502-341-4335
FS - King size bed frame with box springs. Call 270-524-0116
LF - Old riding mowers, gas golf carts, old cars to make derby cars out of. FS - 1996 Chevy Z-71 pickup, has Crate motor and new transmission, 4wd, regular cab. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 16" Craftsman scroll saw, $65, decorative 4" metal bell with a pig on top to hang on post, $15, can send pictures in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Kayaks to buy. Call 270-723-4077
FS - John Deere riding mower, 48" cut, 957 hours and has a new transmission or will sell new riding mower if interest. Call 270-528-1997
FS - 1982 Harley Davidson, wide glide, collectors edition, has 121,000 miles. Call 270-218-3127
FS - 44 rolls of spring grass hay, $30 each. Call 270-932-2086
LF - Lawnmowers, go carts, golf carts, old cars, mopeds. FS - 1996 Z-71 pickup with regular cab, 2wd, 4spd, 1985 Ford F-150 truck, regular cab, 2wd, 4sp,1994 - Jeep Cherokee, 4wd, automatic, off-road only. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 16" Craftsman scroll saw, $65, decorative 4" metal bell with a pig on top to hang on post, $15, can send pictures in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Acoustic guitar signed by Clay Underwood with picture, brand name is Woods $600 firm, 7 boards of arrowheads, 185 pieces in all, $1400 firm, all but 4 pieces were found in Hart County. For more information, contact Randy at 270-524-9276, can leave a message.
LF - Old riding mowers, gas golf carts, moped, go carts, older cars to make derby cars. FS - 1985 F-150 Ford 2wd, 4 speed and 1994 Jeep Cherokee, 4wd, 4.0 automatic with new tires, off road only. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Pair of Oakley sunglasses. $50. Call 270-528-6546
Lost - Male Senior dog near the Wigwam Store area. He is a Yorkie mix and $1000 reward is being offered for his safe return to the owner. Call 270-404-6111.
LF - 4.0 Ford motor for a 1992 Ranger. Call 270-670-1403
FS - New dishwasher and over the stove microwave. Call 270-524-1915
FS - Pull behind enclosed trailer, 4 ft tall has drop gate $400, 4 ft chain link fence, 100-150 feet $200 in the Fisher Ridge area. Call 270-537-5725
FS - 2015 Chevy 4 door pickup, 42k miles. Call 270-773-0278
Yard Sale - Friday at IGA in Upton. Lots of clothes for $1 each for men, women, boys and girls, some have new tags, shoes, furniture, home decor, primitive items, bedding, movies video games, toys books, etc.
FS - Acoustic guitar signed by Clay Underwood with picture, brand name is Woods $600 firm, 7 boards of arrowheads, 185 pieces in all, $1400 firm, all but 4 pieces were found in Hart County. For more information, contact Randy at 270-524-9276, can leave a message.
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday at 8:00 a.m. on Rd 1140 north of Munfordville, furniture, clothes, etc. Call 270-537-3902
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 1311 S. Dixie Hwy beside Historical Society. Housewares, books, etc. Call 270-528-6172
LF - House trailer. Call 270-786-6115
LF - House to rent. Call 270-493-0991
LF - Place to rent in Cave City, reasonably priced. Call 270-670-4412
LF - House between Munfordville and Bonnieville or Horse Cave. Call 270-524-1168
FS - Pair of Oakley sunglasses. $50. Call 270-528-6546
Lost - Male Senior dog near the Wigwam Store area. He is a Yorkie mix and $1000 reward is being offered for his safe return to the owner. Call 270-404-6111.
FS - Old milk jugs, 118 Scott Street in Glasgow. Call 270-576-7471
LF - Someone to do housecleaning. Call 270-427-8831
LF - House trailer. Call 270-786-6115
LF - House to rent. Call 270-493-0991
LF - Place to rent in Cave City, reasonably priced. Call 270-670-4412
LF - House between Munfordville and Bonnieville or Horse Cave. Call 270-524-1168
FS - New wheel chair $50, chest of drawers $20. Call 786-2592
FS - 5x5 rolls of hay $30 each. Call 270-932-2086
FS - set of cattle racks, $100. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Old riding mowers, old cars, mopeds, golf carts, FS - 1996 Z71 pickup, regular cab, 4wd, new motor, new rebuilt trans, 1985 F-150, 2wd - regular cab. 1994 Jeep Cherokee - off road only, 4.0, automatic. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Set of 17” Chevy rims and tires- 255/20/17 (Firestone) $400. Call 270-792-6916
LF - A good boat motor- 175-200 horse. Call 270-597-6328
LF - A small breed Billy goat or some Nannies. Call 270-537-1918
LF - Cheap or free Peacock. Call 270-404-6386
LF - 250 pound hog. Call 270-699-6187
LF - 4.0 Ford motor for a 1992 Ranger. Call 270-670-1403
LF - House trailer. Call 270-786-6115
LF - House to rent. Call 270-493-0991
LF - Place to rent in Cave City, reasonably priced. Call 270-670-4412
LF - House between Munfordville and Bonnieville or Horse Cave. Call 270-524-1168
FS - New wheel chair $50, chest of drawers $20. Call 786-2592
FS - New hay spike, heavy duty, good quality horse hay, gravity bed wagon, electric fence box, 50 iron posts and wire $25, 9 treated fence posts and barbwire, aluminum Jon boat $400. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Old milk jugs, 118 Scott Street in Glasgow. Call 270-576-7471
LF - Someone to do housecleaning. Call 270-427-8831
LF - Kayaks to buy. Call 270-723-4077
FS - New commode in box $175. Call 270-531-2853
FS - Pair of Oakley sunglasses. $50. Call 270-528-6546
Lost - Male Senior dog near the Wigwam Store area. He is a Yorkie mix and $1000 reward is being offered for his safe return to the owner. Call 270-404-6111.
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, old cars, gas golf carts, 26" girls bike at reasonable price. FS - 1996 Z71 pickup, 4wd, regular cab, possible trade, 1985 F-150 Ford pickup 2wd, regular cab, 4 spd, sale or trade, 1994 Jeep Cherokee, off road only 4.0 automatic. Call 270-670-1359
Found - Cattle. Call Carlon Fields in Upton 270-369-7651
Yard Sale - Friday at 226 East Center Street in Munfordville from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. humidifier, men's work boots, size 13, bicycle holder, small tables, clothing, etc. Call 270-524-2448
Yard Sale - 208 Walthall Street in Horse Cave, lots of everything.
LF - House trailer. Call 270-786-6115
LF - House to rent. Call 270-493-0991
LF - Place to rent in Cave City, reasonably priced. Call 270-670-4412
LF - House between Munfordville and Bonnieville or Horse Cave. Call 270-524-1168
LF - Old riding lawnmowers, old gas golf carts, old junk cars, moped, FS - 2 bush hogs and a finishing mower $300 for all. 1996 Chevy pickup, new motor and rebuilt transmission, possible trade. 1985 Ford F=150 or will trade, 1994 Jeep Cherokee 4wd, off road only. Call 270-670-1359
FS - New wheel chair $50, chest of drawers $20. Call 786-2592
Yard Sale at 208 Walthall Street today, Nike clothing.
FS - New hay spike, heavy duty, good quality horse hay, gravity bed wagon, electric fence box, 50 iron posts and wire $25, 9 treated fence posts and barbwire, aluminum Jon boat $400. Call 270-932-1777
Yard Sale - Friday at 226 East Center Street in Munfordville from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. humidifier, men's work boots, size 13, bicycle holder, small tables, clothing, etc. Call 270-524-2448
Yard Sale - 208 Walthall Street in Horse Cave, lots of everything.
LF - House trailer. Call 270-786-6115
FS - Horse hay in bales and rolls, 2 tractor rims 13 6, 20 6, truck tires 18 19 and 20s. Call 502-888-6196
LF - 17" rims for a 2004 Chevy Impala. E-mail
LF - House to rent. Call 270-493-0991
LF - Place to rent in Cave City, reasonably priced. Call 270-670-4412
FS - Old milk jugs, 118 Scott Street in Glasgow. Call 270-576-7471
LF - Someone to do housecleaning. Call 270-427-8831
LF - Kayaks to buy. Call 270-723-4077
Hart County Farmers Market is open 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Horse Cave at the park.
LF - House between Munfordville and Bonnieville or Horse Cave. Call 270-524-1168
FS - New commode in box $175. Call 270-531-2853
FS - Pair of Oakley sunglasses. $50. Call 270-528-6546
LF - Old mowers, gas golf carts, old cars to make derby cars, go carts, FS - bush hogs and a finishing mower, 1985 F-150 Ford pickup, 2wd, 4 spd. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1963 Galaxy convertible with a 352 big block- $4500 obo, 1979 Ford parts truck (make an offer) 1940 Ford- $7500 and a 1940 Dodge- 270-459-2105
FS - Transmission for a 1996 Mustang GT- 5 speed with all accessories- $750- 270-579-9907
FS - Roto-tiller – 5.5 horse- runs great- $100- 270-590-4250
FS - Slate pool table with pool balls- $175- 270-646-6777
Hart County Farmers Market is open 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Located next to Hart County Sheriff’ Office in Munfordville.
LF - old mowers, gas golf carts, old cars to make derby cars, go carts, FS - bush hogs and a finishing mower, 1985 F-150 Ford pickup, 2wd, 4 spd. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Pair of Oakley sunglasses. $50. Call 270-528-6546
FS - 1963 Galaxy convertible with a 352 big block- $4500 obo, 1979 Ford parts truck (make an offer) 1940 Ford- $7500 and a 1940 Dodge- 270-459-2105
FS - Transmission for a 1996 Mustang GT- 5 speed with all accessories- $750- 270-579-9907
FS - Roto-tiller – 5.5 horse- runs great- $100- 270-590-4250
FS - Slate pool table with pool balls- $175- 270-646-6777
LF - Gas golf carts, go karts, old mowers, mopeds, etc. FS - bush hogs, finishing mower sell together or will split. 1985 Ford F150 truck 4 spd . Call 270-670-1359
FS - Salem RV 5th wheel , has 3 ft extension $4,000. Call 1-615-888-6017
FS - 4 tires, 265 65 18's.. $40 for all. Call 270-299-1277
LF - Rear tine tiller. Call 270-524-7817
LF - Outdoor wicker patio set. Call 270-218-8155
FS - 2015 Chevy 4 door pickup, has 42,000 miles. Call 270-773-0278
LF - Bottle calves. Message Ruby Dennis on Facebook or call and leave a message. Call 270-438-0171
Missing dog - from Cub Run area, name is Flint, male, has orange collar with the name Pat Logsdon on it. He understands when you say "Flint are you hungry". If you see the dog, Call 270-524-0921
FS - Rabbits and roosters. Call 270-528-1674
FS - 10 laying hens including 4 Rhode Island Red - and Golden Comet, 2 roosters. $90 for all. FS - Laying chickens and other roosters, $60 for all. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Outside work, setting tobacco, etc and in need of food. Call 270-612-0546
FS - Meat cutter and new sheet set, men's size 9 Redwing shoes. Call 270-283-2690
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
FS - Baby swing, mattress and adult walker. Call 270-502-341-4335
FS - Troybilt garden tiller, 2 years old, selling for $1200, has side dressers. Call 270-646-0878
FS - Size 3 men's jogging pants or shorts. Call 270-531-2061
LF - 12" rear wheel for Husqvarna Zero Radius mower. Call 270-774-7342
FS - Dresser 22" tall with 9 drawers. $40, multi meter $15, 2 - 10" PA speakers and bee traps and birdhouses. Call 270-405-1260
LF - 5000 btu air conditioner. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Corn hole game. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Chest of drawers. Call 270-537-5512
FS - 5 - 4 year old sheep, black and white ram and other small sheep. Call 270-537-5875
LF - A local business is looking for lawnmower mechanics, someone to work on small engines as well. Call Andy at 270-786-4351
FS - 110 air conditioner, works good $225 obo. Call 270-773-5309
LF - 5000 btu air conditioner. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Junk cars, mopeds, golf carts, go carts. FS - 42" Troybilt riding lawnmower, 2 bush hogs and a finishing mower. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday until noon at 100 C T Hogan Lane in Hardyville
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
LF - Corn hole game, reasonably priced. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Chest of drawers. Call 270-537-5512
LF - Mechanics to work on mowers and engines. Call Andy at 270-786-4351
FS - Whiskey barrel $100, and a wagon wheel $75. Call 270-786-5842
LF - 5000 btu air conditioner. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Junk cars, mopeds, golf carts, go carts. FS - 42" Troybilt riding lawnmower, 2 bush hogs and a finishing mower. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to install a wheelchair lift on the back of a vehicle. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Rabbits and roosters. Call 270-528-1674
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
LF - Corn hole game, reasonably priced. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Chest of drawers. Call 270-537-5512
LF - Mechanics to work on mowers and engines. Call Andy at 270-786-4351
FS - 31x70 commercial building in Horse Cave, does need some repair. Call 270-537-4034
FS - Bales and rolls of orchard grass hay. Call 502-888-6196
FS - Whiskey barrel $100, and a wagon wheel $75. Call 270-786-5842
LF - 5000 btu air conditioner. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Junk cars, mopeds, golf carts, go carts. FS - 42" Troybilt riding lawnmower, 2 bush hogs and a finishing mower. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to install a wheelchair lift on the back of a vehicle. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Rabbits and roosters. Call 270-528-1674
FS - Carpenter bee traps $8 and $10 and nice detailed walnut birdhouses. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
LF - Old lawnmowers, push mowers, golf carts, mopeds, go carts, alternator and other parts for an 84 Jeep Cherokee and cowl hood. FS - 42" Troybilt riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Corn hole game, reasonably priced. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Chest of drawers. Call 270-537-5512
LF - Mechanics to work on mowers and engines. Call Andy at 270-786-4351
FS - Carpenter bee traps $8 and $10 and nice detailed walnut birdhouses. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Dry wall lift. Call 270-590-6031
LF - Old lawnmowers, push mowers, golf carts, mopeds, go carts, alternator for an 84 Jeep Cherokee and hydrostatic mowers. FS - 42" Troybilt riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Corn hole game, reasonably priced. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Chest of drawers. Call 270-537-5512
FS - 5 - 4 year-old sheep, black and white ram and other small sheep. Call 270-537-5875
LF - Mechanics to work on mowers and engines. Call Andy at 270-786-4351
Yard Sale - Richardson Subdivision in Munfordville through Saturday, signs are posted.
Estate Sale - 31W Upton, signs posted, underway through Saturday, half-price will be Saturday
FS - Adult walker, baby high chair, mattress and stroller. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Moped $500, queen size sheet set, black Redwing shoes size 9, new. Call 270-283-2690
Yard Sale - Brick house next to Wigwam store 31-E. Fri & Sat.
Yard Sale - Richardson Subdivision in Munfordville, Thursday through Saturday, signs are posted.
LF - Old riding mowers, gas golf carts, go carts, etc, old junk cars to make derby cars, FS - 42" cut Troybilt riding mower, cash and trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Adult walker, baby high chair, mattress and stroller. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Moped $500, queen size sheet set, black Redwing shoes size 9, new. Call 270-283-2690
FS - Carpenter bee traps $8 and $10 and nice detailed walnut birdhouses. Call 270-405-1260
LF - 3 bedroom house or apartment or trailer or willing to rent a 2 bedroom in Barren or Metcalfe area and can pay rent price of $550.00 to $700.00 a month. Call (270)576-2681 or (270)404-4937
FS - set of 4 SUV Tires size 245 75 R16 , $20.00. Call (270) 432-3340 if no answer leave a message.
FS - Boat with 150hp motor.. Call 270-427-6786
FS - Grease gun. Call 270-670-4115
FS - Trailer $500. Call 270-303-6126
FS - 2002 Jeep Liberty; $3,500. 1997 Chevy Blazer; $3,000. Call 270-590-3578
Yard Sale - Richardson Subdivision in Munfordville, Thursday through Saturday, signs are posted.
LF - Old riding mowers, gas golf carts, go carts, etc, old junk cars to make derby cars, FS - 42" cut Troybilt riding mower, cash and trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Adult walker, baby high chair, mattress and stroller. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Moped $500, queen size sheet set, black Redwing shoes size 9, new. Call 270-283-2690
FS - Carpenter bee traps $8 and $10 and nice detailed walnut birdhouses. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Used push mower in Cub Run and Munfordville area. Call 270-473-3093
FS - 31x70 commercial building in Horse Cave, does need some repair. Call 270-537-4034
FS - Whiskey barrel $100, and a wagon wheel $75. Call 270-786-5842
LF - Game chickens and Guinea eggs to hatch. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 110 air conditioner, works good $225 obo. Call 270-773-5309
LF - Game chickens and Guinea eggs to hatch. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 5 - 4 year old sheep, black and white ram, and other small sheep. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Carpenter bee traps $8 and $10 and nice detailed walnut birdhouses. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Used push mower in Cub Run and Munfordville area. Call 270-473-3093
FS - 31x70 commercial building in Horse Cave, does need some repair. Call 270-537-4034
FS - Bales and rolls of orchard grass hay. Call 502-888-6196
FS - Kenmore dryer $100 obo, tanning bed, best offer. Call 230-872-1492
LF - Someone to sit with an elderly person. Call 270-786-5842
FS - 42" Troybilt riding mower, cash and trade, microwave. LF - old cars to make derby cars, mopeds, golf carts, go carts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Leather couch. Call 270-774-5486
LF - Used push mower in Cub Run and Munfordville area. Call 270-473-3093
FS - 31x70 commercial building in Horse Cave, does need some repair. Call 270-537-4034
FS - Bales and rolls of orchard grass hay. Call 502-888-6196
FS - Kenmore dryer $100 obo, tanning bed, best offer. Call 230-872-1492
LF - Someone to sit with an elderly person. Call 270-786-5842
LF - The Wilderness Family and The Great Divide movies. Call 270-590-0172
LF - old mowers, golf carts, mopeds, old junk cars to make derby cars, new microwave $50, new skillets, 11" $15 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Female pygmy goat. Call 270-528-6381
LF - Deepfreeze. Call 270-524-1168 or 270-774-1832
FS - Rear tyne tiller. Call 270-524-7817
FS - 50cc motor Scooter, less than 500 miles, asking $600. Call 270-218-0006
FS - P205 65 R15 set of tires and hubcaps $250. Call 270-473-4145
FS - Large DS combination wood coal stove, good condition $1,000. Call 531-2341
FS - Drywall lift. Call 270-590-6031
FS - Whiskey barrel $100, and a wagon wheel $75. Call 270-786-5842
FS - 12 volt auto craft battery for a zero turn mower or motorcycle or ATV $25. Call 270-473-1446
LF - Game chickens and Guinea eggs to hatch. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 5 - 4 year old sheep, black and white ram, and other small sheep. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Carpenter bee traps $8 and $10, walnut church style birdhouses for $30. Call 270-405-1260
LF - The Wilderness Family and The Great Divide movies. Call 270-590-0172
FS - 12 volt auto craft battery for a zero turn mower or motorcycle. $25. Call 270-473-1446
FS - Baby stroller; $30. Tan loveseat; $75. Call 270-670-7278
FS - Stihl 170 chainsaw with 14″ bar; $150 OBO. Call 270-576-8214
FS - Walker coon hound. Brownsville Call 270-597-6328
FS - 2 mini refrigerators. Smiths Grove Call 270-543-1137
FS - 1944 John Deere model B tractor (needs carburetor); $2,500. Call 270-670-2933
FS - Ford 3600 tractor; $8,500. Call 270-670-5388
LF - Old junk cars, 110 window air conditioner, FS - 42" cub cadet riding mower, new skillets $15 each and a new microwave $60. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 2172 Charlie Moran Hwy Horse Cave, games, jewelry, toys, movies. Call 270-218-3469
LF - Fire King Jadeite teardrop mixing bowl. 270-427-7774
LF - Hothouse tomatoes. 270-670-6842
LF - Riding mowers (running or not) and lawn mower motors. Call 270-308-5057
LF - someone to roof a house (materials provided). Call 270-786-8751
FS - TV stand with 22 ft pole and over 120 feet of cable. $25, bee traps $8 and $10. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 4 ton porter power $100, 10 ton porter power, $125, in box cars ramps $30, Woods zero turn mower with 18 hp Kohler twin cylinder has bearings, needs starter, $300. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Xbox games, over 200, 3 X-boxes, stereo, tablet, LF - roommate to share expenses. 3 and 4x clothes. Call 270-612-1230
FS - Leather couch. Call 270-774-5486
LF - Old riding mowers, golf carts, mopeds, old junk cars running or not, FS - 42" Cub Cadet riding $375, microwave new $60, skillets $15 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 4 ton porter power $100, 10 ton porter power, $125, in box cars ramps $30, Woods zero turn mower with 18 hp Kohler twin cylinder has bearings, needs starter, $300. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Xbox games, over 200, 3 X-boxes, stereo, tablet, LF - roommate to share expenses. 3 and 4x clothes. Call 270-612-1230
LF - Old riding mowers, golf carts, mopeds, go carts, older cars to make derby cars, FS - 42" cut Cub Cadet riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Used car between $1300 to $1400. Call 270-524-2861
FS - Baby highchair and mattress, adult wheelchair and walker. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Moped. Call 270-283-2690
Yard Sale - 1208 LeGrande Hwy, Friday and Saturday, clothes, household items, 2 sets of tires, 2011 Jeep Cherokee. Call 270-539-5075
FS - set of square tubing cattle racks, brown eggs $1 per dozen. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Collectible Coke bottles, including Nascar bottles and KY basketball. Call 270-670-3480
FS - 4 ton porter power $100, 10 ton porter power, $125, in box cars ramps $30, Woods zero turn mower with 18 hp Kohler twin cylinder has bearings, needs starter, $300. Call 270-590-1847
FS - set of square tubing cattle racks, brown eggs $1 per dozen. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Collectible Coke bottles, including Nascar bottles and KY basketball. Call 270-670-3480
FS - Cub Cadet 42" cut riding mower $375 or cash and trade, LF - car or truck, old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, microwave $60, 11" skillets $15 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Xbox games, over 200, 3 X-boxes, stereo, tablet, LF - roommate to share expenses. 3 and 4x clothes. Call 270-612-1230
LF - ATV, older model like a Mule. Call 270-612-1428
LF - Someone to cut and bale hay, can have the hay. Call 404-4232
LF - Brick layers and block layers, and stone masons. Call 270-537-3794
LF - Someone to hem pants. Call 270-218-0006
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, golf carts, go carts, truck $1,000 to $1500, medium size plastic barrels, skillets $15 each and microwaves $60. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Adult walker, baby high chair and mattress. Call 270-341-4335
FS- Moped. Call 270-283-2690
Lost - Billfold in the Horse Cave area. long black clutch purse. Can be brought to WLOC. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Square tubing pickup racks. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 16 ft gooseneck cattle trailer, inside width is 70", has new tires, marker lights and wiring, seasoned oak flooring, two rear doors and one side access door. $2,500. Call 270-307-1478
FS - 4 ton Porter power $100, 10 ton Porter power $125, in box car rams $50. Call 270-590-1847 Call 270-590-1847
FS - 48" Heavy duty deck for Cub Cadet, Toro 42" zero radius turn mower, 23 & 25 horse power engine. LF - Zero radius turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 - 9 drawer with vanity mirrors $50 for both. Cat perch 6 ft. Call 270-612-0409
FS - AC compressor, R22 freon. Call 270-773-5306
FS - Ford 3600 tractor; $8,500. Call 270-670-5388
FS - Blue couch; $75. Brown couch; $75. Table and 4 chairs; $35. Corner TV stand; $150. Brown couch with no cushions; $35. Call 270-678-3800
FS - Baby stroller; $30. Tan loveseat; $75. Call 270-670-7278
FS - Stihl 170 chainsaw with 14″ bar; $150 OBO. Call 270-576-8214
FS - Adult walker, baby high chair and mattress. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Moped. Call 270-283-2690
Lost - Billfold in the Horse Cave area. long black clutch purse. Can be brought to WLOC. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Square tubing pickup racks. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Small end table with magazine rack. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 16 ft gooseneck cattle trailer, inside width is 70", has new tires, marker lights and wiring, seasoned oak flooring, two rear doors and one side access door. $2,500. Call 270-307-1478
FS - 4 ton Porter power $100, 10 ton Porter power $125, in box car rams $50. Call 270-590-1847 Call 270-590-1847
FS - 48" Heavy duty deck for Cub Cadet, Toro 42" zero radius turn mower, 23 & 25 horse power engine. LF - Zero radius turn mowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2 - 9 drawer with vanity mirrors $50 for both. Cat perch 6 ft. Call 270-612-0409
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, golf carts, car or truck $1000 to $1500, matching set of 15" tires, 5 lug, FS - microwave $60, skillets $15 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - AC compressor, R22 freon. Call 270-773-5306
Yard Sale 803 Eastside Drive in Horse Cave today and Saturday until noon, clothes, bedding, air fryer, concrete bench, toys, decor. Call 270-218-0879
LF - old riding mowers, go carts, gas golf carts, $1000 to $1500 car or truck, new microwave $60, skillets $15 each. Call 270-670-1359
Yard sale - 2172 Charlie Moran Highway today and Saturday, jewelry, movies, electronics. Call 270-218-3469
FS - Adult walker, baby high chair and mattress. Call 270-341-4335
FS- Moped. Call 270-283-2690
FS - Barn lumber, 500 ft, used metal $1.50 ft and new metal. Call 270-242-7172
Lost - Billfold in the Horse Cave area. long black clutch purse. Can be brought to WLOC. Call 270-786-1873
LF - old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, golf carts, pickup truck $1500, new microwave, skillets $15 670-1359
FS - Square tubing pickup racks. Call 270-528-5208
FS - small end table with magazine rack. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 16 ft gooseneck cattle trailer, inside width is 70", has new tires, marker lights and wiring, seasoned oak flooring, two rear doors and one side access door. $2,500. Call 270-307-1478
FS - Carpenter bee traps $8 and $10, walnut church style birdhouses. Call 270-405-1260
FS - White storm door $35, does not have a frame. Call 615-906-9400
LF - 2 bedroom or 3 bedroom home to rent, with central heat and pet friendly. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 new rolls 39" heavy gauge woven wire. $100 a roll. Call 270-242-7172
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
FS - 2002 Artic Cat 4 wheeler $600. Shop lights, 4 ft long, 48's with 2 bulbs. Call 270-629-1313
FS - 2 adult all leather motorcycle vests, like new $20 each, two 15" computer monitors, $15 each, and a nice hard shell type brief case $10. Call 270-524-0824
Lost - Friendly 7 year-old black/brown mix white chest and tips of paws. Black collar, silver tag. Last seen Manchester Hwy 12 old County 1. Call 715-284-7511 or call the animal shelter if seen.
FS - Fuel tank with electric motor. Call 270-590-3498
LF - Roommate to share expenses and women's clothes size 4x, FS - new tablet. Call 270-612-1230
FS - GE Electric cooking stove, Dishwasher, both are almond color, $50 each. Call 270-524-9311
FS - 18 rabbits (all colors) $5 and $3. Call 270-524-0605
FS - 2002 Honda Goldwing, 29,000 miles, dark blue. Call 270-524-0116
LF- 2 pea fowl hens. Call 270-528-5407
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
FS - 2002 Artic Cat 4 wheeler $600. Shop lights, 4 ft long, 48's with 2 bulbs. Call 270-629-1313
FS - Bee traps $8 and $10, in Summersville, also walnut and butternut birdhouses $30 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - White storm door $35, does not have a frame. Call 615-906-9400
FS - New 100 gallon fuel tank with new pump. Call 270-590-3498
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
FS - White storm door $35, does not have a frame. Call 615-906-9400
FS - New 100 gallon fuel tank with new pump. Call 270-590-3498
LF - Old mowers, go-carts, golf carts, car or truck $1000 to $1500, FS - 42"cut Husky riding mower, new microwave $60, new skillets $15 each, gas grill $100 new. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
FS - 2 adult all leather motorcycle vests, like new $20 each, two 15" computer monitors, $15 each, and a nice hard shell type brief case $10. Call 270-524-0824
Lost - Friendly 7 year-old black/brown mix white chest and tips of paws. Black collar, silver tag. Last seen Manchester Hwy 12 old County 1. Call 715-284-7511 or call the animal shelter if seen.
FS - White storm door $35, does not have a frame. Call 615-906-9400
FS - New 100 gallon fuel tank with new pump. Call 270-590-3498
FS - 2 new rolls 39" heavy gauge woven wire. $100 a roll. Call 270-242-7172
FS - 2 adult all leather motorcycle vests, like new $20 each, two 15" computer monitors, $15 each, and a nice hard shell type brief case $10. Call 270-524-0824
LF - Old mowers, go-carts, golf carts, car or truck $1000 to $1500, FS - 42"cut Husky riding mower, new microwave $60, new skillets $15 each, gas grill $100 new. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
FS - 50 to 60 records and Disney movies (VHS). Call 270-735-6698
FS - Fuel tank with electric motor. Call 270-590-3498
LF - Roommate to share expenses and women's clothes size 4x, FS - new tablet. Call 270-612-1230
FS - 2 new rolls 39" heavy gauge woven wire. $100 a roll. Call 270-242-7172
FS - Bee traps, two styles $8 to $10. Call 270-405-1260
FS - GE Electric cooking stove, Dishwasher, both are almond color, $50 each. Call 270-524-9311
FS - 2 adult all leather motorcycle vests, like new $20 each, two 15" computer monitors, $15 each, and a nice hard shell type brief case $10. Call 270-524-0824
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday, April 30th, and May 1st, at 1490 S. Dixie Hwy, medical supplies, floating devices, kids clothes, shoes, pictures and more. Call 270-537-4439
Benefit yard sale Saturday, May 1st, at United Faith Independent Church beginning at 7:00 a.m. Breakfast will be served from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
FS - Bee traps, two styles $8 to $10. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 42" cut Troybilt riding mower, Poulan weedeater, LF - Chevy truck and zero radius turn lawnmower parts. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 50 to 60 records and Disney movies (VHS). Call 270-735-6698
FS - Fuel tank with electric motor. Call 270-590-3498
LF - Roommate to share expenses and women's clothes size 4x, FS - new tablet. Call 270-612-1230
LF - House to rent with about an acre of ground, car or truck for around $1,000, mopeds, golf carts, go carts, old riding mowers, etc. FS - Husky riding mower, new microwaves $60 and new skillets $15 each. Call 270-670-1359
Benefit yard sale Saturday, May 1st, at United Faith Independent Church beginning at 7:00 a.m. Breakfast will be served from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
FS - 18 rabbits (all colors) $5 and $3. Call 270-524-0605
LF - 2008 Jeep Patriot. Call 270-405-0118
FS - GE Electric cooking stove, Dishwasher, both are almond color, $50 each. Call 270-524-9311
LF - 2 bedroom or 3 bedroom home to rent, with central heat and pet friendly. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 new rolls 39" heavy gauge woven wire. $100 a roll. Call 270-242-7172
FS - Bee traps, two styles $8 to $10. Call 270-405-1260
Benefit yard sale Saturday, May 1st, at United Faith Independent Church beginning at 7:00 a.m. Breakfast will be served from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
FS - 18 rabbits (all colors) $5 and $3. Call 270-524-0605
LF - 2008 Jeep Patriot. Call 270-405-0118
FS - GE Electric cooking stove, Dishwasher, both are almond color, $50 each. Call 270-524-9311
LF - 2 bedroom or 3 bedroom home to rent, with central heat and pet friendly. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 new rolls 39" heavy gauge woven wire. $100 a roll. Call 270-242-7172
FS - Carpenter bee traps $8 and $10, works great, in Summersville. Call 270-405-1260
Benefit yard sale Saturday, May 1st, at United Faith Independent Church beginning at 7:00 a.m. Breakfast will be served from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
LF - Old riding mowers, golf carts, mopeds, go karts, car or truck around $1,000. FS - 42" Husky riding mower, new skillets $15 each, new microwaves in box. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Monday and Tuesday, 3 miles out of Munfordville on Cub Run Highway at Mt. Beulah Church parking lot. Call 270-815-821-1430
LF - 2008 Jeep Patriot. Call 270-405-0118
FS - GE Electric cooking stove, Dishwasher, both are almond color, $50 each. Call 270-524-9311
LF - Individual to prepare home cooked meals for a program for elderly and disabled, must be able to do simple math and simple paperwork, full or part time. Contact Brandy at 270-385-9060
FS - 18 rabbits (all colors) $5 and $3. Call 270-524-0605
Benefit yard sale Saturday, May 1st, at United Faith Independent Church beginning at 7:00 a.m. Breakfast will be served from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
LF - Old riding mowers, golf carts, mopeds, go-carts, car or truck around $1,000. FS - 42" Husky riding mower, new skillets $15 each, new microwaves in box. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Monday and Tuesday, 3 miles out of Munfordville on Cub Run Highway at Mt. Beulah Church parking lot. Call 270-815-821-1430
LF - 2008 Jeep Patriot. Call 270-405-0118
LF - Passenger van that seats 12 to 15, around $3,000, riding mowers, go karts, mopeds, golf carts, older car or truck from $800 to $1,000, FS - garden tillers, need work. Call 270-670-1359
Lost - Wallet in Glasgow area belongs to James P. Case, offering $200 reward for the return. Call 270-590-2102
FS - 2 adult all leather motorcycle vests, like new $20 each, two 15" computer monitors, $15 each, and a nice hard shell type brief case $10. Call 270-524-0824
LF - Full and part time drives at The Ole Homeplace (non-emergency medical transport drivers) in Munfordville and Campbellsville. Must have a clean MVR and background and must be able to pass a drug screen. $10 an hour. Call 270-524-3302
FS - Full size set of metal pickup racks, sliding gate. 35 lb trolling motor. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Rear tine garden tiller. Call 270-524-7716
LF - Garden Tiller. Call 270-528-1562
FS - Bee traps, two styles $8 to $10. Birdhouses shaped like a church, $30. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Full and part time drives at The Ole Homeplace (non-emergency medical transport drivers) in Munfordville and Campbellsville. Must have a clean MVR and background and must be able to pass a drug screen. $10 an hour. Call 270-524-3302
LF - Someone experienced with electric to run electric line from breaker box to a water heater. Call 270-774-2854
FS - Full size set of metal pickup racks, sliding gate. 35 lb trolling motor. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Rear tine garden tiller. Call 270-524-7716
LF - Garden Tiller. Call 270-528-1562
FS - Baby mattress, highchair, stroller, walker. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Bee traps, two styles $8 to $10. Birdhouses shaped like a church, $30. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Full size set of metal pickup racks, sliding gate. 35 lb trolling motor. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Baby mattress, highchair, stroller, walker. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Bee traps, two styles $8 to $10. Birdhouses shaped like a church, $30. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Old golf carts, gas carts, mopeds, a 12 to 15 passenger van $3000 to 3500, FS - 1993 Chevy van, 4.3 automatic, or will trade or would like to purchase a transmission. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone experienced with electric to run electric line from breaker box to a water heater. Call 270-774-2854
FS - New factory sealed Nintendo Switch Animal Crossings Addition with 12 month Nintendo Online Family Plan for $350, brand new Nintendo game and watch Super Mario Brothers, $35. Call 270-560-7787
FS - 25 oak 2x4's and variety of boards, assorted sizes, hay spike, 9 treated fence posts, Super 100 Int'l electric fence box, horse hay in bales and rolls. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Garden Tiller. Call 270-528-1562
FS - New factory sealed Nintendo Switch Animal Crossings Addition with 12 month Nintendo Online Family Plan for $350, brand new Nintendo game and watch Super Mario Brothers, $35. Call 270-560-7787
FS - Baby mattress, highchair, stroller, walker. Call 270-341-4335
LF - Swing set in good condition with the slide for 3 children. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Someone experienced with electric to run electric line from breaker box to a water heater. Call 270-774-2854
LF - Old golf carts, gas carts, mopeds, a 12 to 15 passenger van $3000 to 3500, FS - 1993 Chevy van, 4.3 automatic, or will trade or would like to purchase a transmission. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Bee traps, two styles $8 to $10. Birdhouses shaped like a church, $30. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Navy blue sofa, like new, navy blue recliner $350 for both. Call 270-528-6108
FS - Full size set of metal pickup racks, sliding gate. 35 lb trolling motor. Call 270-528-5208
FS - New factory sealed Nintendo Switch Animal Crossings Addition with 12 month Nintendo Online Family Plan for $350, brand new Nintendo game and watch Super Mario Brothers, $35. Call 270-560-7787
LF - Swing set in good condition with the slide for 3 children. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Baby mattress, highchair, stroller, walker. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Carpenter wood bee traps, bird houses, $30. Call 270-405-1260
GA - Older upright piano. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Old riding mowers, go-karts, mopeds, gas golf carts, LF - 12 to 15 passenger van $3000. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Rear tine garden tiller. Call 270-524-7716
FS - New factory sealed Nintendo Switch Animal Crossings Addition with 12 month Nintendo Online Family Plan for $350, brand new Nintendo game and watch Super Mario Brothers, $35. Call 270-560-7787
LF - Swing set in good condition with the slide for 3 children. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Baby mattress, highchair, stroller, walker. Call 270-341-4335
FS - Carpenter wood bee traps, bird houses, $30. Call 270-405-1260
LF - old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, golf carts, cheap car or truck. FS - Baha mini bike $500 or will do trade with cash. Call 270-670-1359
FS - ISA brown chickens, 5 months to a year old, they lay a big brown egg. asking $10 each. healthy and friendly. Call 270-428-5546
FS - 2 tractor tires 6.00 – 16 Nylon Implement -as 504 6 ply Rating BK T NO Calls after 8:00 p.m., If no answer leave message.(270) 404-1095
LF - Hens for egg laying near Hardyville. Call (270) 473-1021
LF - Old riding mowers, go karts, gas golf carts, car or truck $800 to $1000, FS - riding mowers, new 900 microwaves $60 each, 2 bouncy houses $300 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - New factory sealed Nintendo Switch Animal Crossings Addition with 12 month Nintendo Online Family Plan for $350, brand new Nintendo game and watch Super Mario Brothers, $35. Call 270-560-7787
FS - New microwaves in box $60 each, 2 new bouncy houses, 9 ft tall $300 each, 5 riding mowers, Cub Cadet self-propelled 22" cut push mower, 16 ft utility trailer with ramps, LF - Old car or truck that runs and old gas golf carts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Disassembled log cabin, and a 1920s wood cook stove. Call 270-792-3751
FS – Man’s tungsten wedding band (size 11); $40. Ton Dually steel wheels; $75 for set of 4. Lots of scrap metal. Call 270-407-8505
FS – 40″ or 42″ smart TV; $90. Call 270-432-7035
FS - 3 baby lambs 100 each. Call 270-528-2407
LF - 24 or 25 ft gooseneck trailer with ducktail and a ramp. Call 270-528-1123
LF - Swing set in good condition with the slide for 3 children. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 5 black Angus heifers weighing approximately 600 pounds, farm raised and fully vaccinated. Call 270-537-3219
FS - 2250 Intl loader with hayspear and bucket. pull behind cultivators. Call 270-646-0878
LF - Bantam chickens or Cochin chickens. Call 270-381-0059
LF - Swing set in good condition with the slide for 3 children. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Washer and dryer, refrigerator, reasonable. swing set in good condition and outdoor playhouse and swimming pool. Call 270-218-1466
FS - 3 baby lambs 100 each. Call 270-528-2407
LF - 24 or 25 ft gooseneck trailer with ducktail and a ramp. Call 270-528-1123
FS - New microwaves in box $60 each, 2 new bouncy houses, 9 ft tall $300 each, 5 riding mowers, Cub Cadet self-propelled 22" cut push mower, 16 ft utility trailer with ramps, LF - Old car or truck that runs and old gas golf carts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Disassembled log cabin, and a 1920s wood cook stove. Call 270-792-3751
FS – original hood for a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle; $225. Back bumper for a 1971 or 1972 Chevrolet Chevelle; $75. 305 Chevy engine; $100. Set of heads for a Ford 460 big block engine; $75. Carburetor for a 1979 Dodge truck; $55. Tailgate for a 1965 Chevy truck; $50. Call 270-459-2105
FS – Man’s tungsten wedding band (size 11); $40. Ton Dually steel wheels; $75 for set of 4. Lots of scrap metal. Call 270-407-8505
FS – 40″ or 42″ smart TV; $90. Call 270-432-7035
FS - Silver Mercury dimes. Call 270-696-0809
FS - 5-lug Ford steel wheels with tires (size 235/75/15); $175 for the set. 5×8 enclosed trailer. 18′ car trailer. Call 270-670-5745
FS - New microwaves in box $60 each, 2 new bouncy houses, 9 ft tall $300 each, 5 riding mowers, Cub Cadet self-propelled 22" cut push mower, 16 ft utility trailer with ramps, LF - Old car or truck that runs and old gas golf carts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Swing set in good condition with the slide for 3 children. Call 270-670-9070
LF - 17″ chrome or aluminum wheels for a 2011 Ford F150 (6-lug). Call 270-590-4497
LF - work truck (prefer Chevy). Smiths Grove. Call 270-576-5264
FS - large rooftop luggage carrier. $75. Call 270-528-6895
FS – 1998 Dodge Dakota/2 wheel drive/single cab; $500. Call 270-590-4111
FS – Firewood. Call 270-576-6781
LF - Washer and dryer, refrigerator, reasonable. swing set in good condition and outdoor playhouse and swimming pool. Call 270-218-1466
FS - 3 baby lambs 100 each. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Small half size refrigerator, small air conditioner, pool ladder, twin double stroller, western books. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Nanny goat 270-312-1364
LF - Old riding mowers, go-karts, golf carts, older car or truck $800 to 1000, new 900 watt microwaves $60 each, 2 bouncy house slides new $300. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Workers at Logsdon's Lawnmower & Small Engine in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-4351
LF - Swing set in good condition with the slide for 3 children. Call 270-670-9070
LF - 17″ chrome or aluminum wheels for a 2011 Ford F150 (6-lug). Call 270-590-4497
LF - work truck (prefer Chevy). Smiths Grove. Call 270-576-5264
FS - Large rooftop luggage carrier. $75. Call 270-528-6895
FS - Rolled hay $20 each. Call 270-242-7172
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, mopeds, old gas golf carts, car or truck, FS - new microwaves in box $60 each, 2 bouncy house slides, 9 ft tall in box $300 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Heavy duty post hole digger, works off 3 pt hookup, 12" Auger, 25 Oak 2x4's new, Electric fence box, hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 55-gallon metal barrels, and running boards for an S-10 and an F-250. Call 270-576-5414
FS – 1998 Dodge Dakota/2 wheel drive/single cab; $500. Call 270-590-4111
FS – Firewood. Call 270-576-6781
FS – Wheels from a 2005 Chevy Tahoe and tires (size 275/55/20); $400 for the set. Pepsi can machine; $250. Call 270-261-1802
FS - Tan loveseat; $50. Baby stroller; $30. Call 270-670-7278
FS - Electric cook stove; $75. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Cows, feeder steers and heifers. Call 270-563-4273
LF - Washer and dryer, refrigerator, reasonable. swing set in good condition and outdoor playhouse and swimming pool. Call 270-218-1466
FS - 3 baby lambs $100 each. Call 270-528-2407
LF - 24 or 25 ft gooseneck trailer with ducktail and a ramp. Call 270-528-1123
LF - Old riding mowers, golf carts, car or truck $800 to $1000, new 900 watt microwaves $60, bouncy house slide $200, new in box, Baha mini bike with extra parts $500 or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 55-gallon metal barrels, and running boards for an S-10 and an F-250. Call 270-576-5414
FS – 1998 Dodge Dakota/2 wheel drive/single cab; $500. Call 270-590-4111
FS – Firewood. Call 270-576-6781
FS - 3 baby lambs $100 each. Call 270-528-2407
LF - 24 or 25 ft gooseneck trailer with ducktail and a ramp. Call 270-528-1123
LF - Old riding mowers, golf carts, car or truck $800 to $1000, new 900 watt microwaves $60, bouncy house slide $200, new in box, Baha mini bike with extra parts $500 or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 55-gallon metal barrels, and running boards for an S-10 and an F-250. Call 270-576-5414
FS – 1998 Dodge Dakota/2 wheel drive/single cab; $500. Call 270-590-4111
FS – Firewood. Call 270-576-6781
FS – Wheels from a 2005 Chevy Tahoe and tires (size 275/55/20); $400 for the set. Pepsi can machine; $250. Call 270-261-1802
FS - Toolbox on casters with Craftsman cabinet and Craftsman chest, and toolbox on casters with Waterloo cabinet and Craftsman chest; $200 for all. Hobart stick welder; $175. Call 270-590-3931
FS - Tan loveseat; $50. Baby stroller; $30. Call 270-670-7278
FS - Electric cook stove; $75. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Cows, feeder steers and heifers. Call 270-563-4273
FS - 1923 Willie T-Bucket. Call 270-487-9790
FS - 22hp Briggs & Stratton engine, 23hp Kohler engine, 25hp Kohler engine, and various lawn mower parts. 270-457-4236
FS - Coke bottles; 5 cents each. Call 270-432-7035
FS - corner oak cabinet, and end tables. Call 270-427-6786
LF - Swing set in good condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Small half size refrigerator, small air conditioner, pool ladder, twin double stroller, western books. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Smooth top electric cook stove and double door refrigerator $100 each. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Large Presto pressure cooker. Call 270-670-9983
LF - Washer and dryer, refrigerator, reasonable. swing set in good condition and outdoor playhouse and swimming pool. Call 270-218-1466
FS - 3 baby lambs 100 each. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Swing set in good condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Small half size refrigerator, small air conditioner, pool ladder, twin double stroller, western books. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Smooth top electric cook stove and double door refrigerator $100 each. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Large Presto pressure cooker. Call 270-670-9983
LF - Washer and dryer, refrigerator, reasonable. swing set in good condition and outdoor playhouse and swimming pool. Call 270-218-1466
FS - DS wood heating stove, model is Heatright #120, in excellent condition, bought new from a local dealer, $1200. Call 270-528-6895
FS - Baldwin organ, foot pedals. Call 270-473-0560
LF - Cheap RV in good condition. Call 270-524-0435
FS - Rocking chair $35 and end tables $20. Call 270-786-5826
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, older car and truck $800 to $1000, Baha minibike $500 or trade. Bouncy house with the slide $200 in box. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Washer and dryer, refrigerator, reasonable. swing set in good condition and outdoor playhouse and swimming pool. Call 270-218-1466
FS - 40" flatscreen tv $175. Call 270-312-4381
FS - 2 basket hay tedder. Call 502-888-6196
LF - Swing set in good condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Small half size refrigerator, small air conditioner, pool ladder, twin double stroller, western books. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Smooth top electric cook stove and double door refrigerator $100 each. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Large Presto pressure cooker. Call 270-670-9983
LF - Old mowers, golf carts, gokarts, mopeds, car or truck $800 to $1000, FS - Baha mini bike with extra parts $500 cash or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Large rooster, couple of holstsein calves, FS - 5 laying hens. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Washer and dryer, refrigerator, reasonable. swing set in good condition and outdoor playhouse and swimming pool. Call 270-218-1466
Found - Black and white cattle dog on Hwy 31E at Wigwam area toward Glasgow at the old stockyard barns.
GA - Large treadmill, does need some minor work. Call 270-524-3620
LF - Old riding mowers, gocarts, mopeds, parts for 6x4 JD Gator, treadmill, car or truck, Baha minibike with parts $500. Call 270- 670-1359
LF - Washer and dryer, refrigerator, reasonable. swing set in good condition and outdoor playhouse and swimming pool. Call 270-218-1466
FS - Snow away plow, used very little. Hydraulic with remote. $800. Call 270-670-7725
FS - Black Angus calf 550 lbs, $550, can't see very well. Call 270-528-6700
Found - Black and white cattle dog on Hwy 31E at Wigwam area toward Glasgow at the old stockyard barns.
GA - Large treadmill, does need some minor work. Call 270-524-3620
FS - Smooth top electric cook stove and double door refrigerator $100 each. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Whirlpool washer $100 and 1/2 horse garage door opener $75. Call 270-935-3798
FS - Rocking chair $35 and end tables $20. Call 270-786-5826
LF - Any size bed, reasonable for a single mom. Call 706-690-6070
GA - Large treadmill, does need some minor work. Call 270-524-3620
FS - Smooth top electric cook stove and double door refrigerator $100 each. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Whirlpool washer $100 and 1/2 horse garage door opener $75. Call 270-935-3798
FS - Snow away plow, used very little. Hydraulic with remote. $800. Call 270-670-7725
FS - Black Angus calf 550 lbs, $550, can't see very well. Call 270-528-6700
LF - Any size bed, reasonable for a single mom. Call 706-690-6070
FS - Wood cook stove $25. Will load. Call 270-524-1110
FS - 40" flatscreen tv. Call 270-312-4381
FS - 1992 Honda Goldwing has 22,000 miles, $2800. Call 270-773-7487
LF- Someone reasonable to repair a driveway. Call 270-218-5045
FS - White silky chicks, Blue Rock pullets and roosters, and Bar Rock roosters. Call 270-634-0466
GA - Large treadmill, does need some minor work. Call 270-524-3620
FS - Smooth top electric cook stove and double door refrigerator $100 each. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Whirlpool washer $100 and 1/2 horse garage door opener $75. Call 270-935-3798
FS - Snow away plow, used very little. Hydraulic with remote. $800. Call 270-670-7725
LF - Old riding lawnmowers, parts for 6 x 4 John Deere Gator, go-carts, car or truck $800 to $1000, washer reasonable. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Black Angus calf 550 lbs, $550, can't see very well. Call 270-528-6700
FS - 40" flatscreen tv. Call 270-312-4381
FS - 1992 Honda Goldwing has 22,000 miles, $2800. Call 270-773-7487
LF- Someone reasonable to repair a driveway. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Girls 20" bike, FS - used Whirlpool washer, log splitter. Call 524-0116 leave message
LF - Any size bed, reasonable for a single mom. Call 706-690-6070
FS - Wood cook stove $25. Will load. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Old riding mowers, go carts, mopeds, treadmill in good condition, washer, old junk cars. Call 270-670-1359
Missing Beagle pup since February 3rd, lemon and white with bright red collar, name is Cash, 7 months old. Pine Ridge Hill area.502-263-8359 502-377-2976
FS - 10 coonhound pups, had 1st shots. $160 each. Call 270-473-3181
LF - Registered black Angus bull, ready for service. Text or leave message at 270-723-4077
FS - Smooth top electric kitchen stove, white. $100 Call 270-786-1000, ask for Betty
FS - White silky chicks, Blue Rock pullets and roosters, and Bar Rock roosters. Call 270-634-0466
FS - 4 new tires and aluminum wheels, 215 70 R16. $300. Call 270-773-4453
FS - Rocking chair $35 and end tables $20. Call 270-786-5826
FS - Large Presto pressure cooker. Call 270-670-9983
FS - Antiques, old plows, car parts, old bikes, glassware, cabinets, vcr players, will sell all together. Munfordville area. Serious calls only. Call 270-524-2864
LF- Old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, gas golf carts, parts for 6x4 John Deere gator, car or truck $800 to $1000 price range, washer at reasonable price. Call 270-670-1359
Missing Beagle pup since February 3rd, lemon and white with bright red collar, name is Cash, 7 months old. Pine Ridge Hill area.502-263-8359 502-377-2976
LF - 2 Hair sheep. Call 502-888-6196
FS - 10 coonhound pups, had 1st shots. $160 each. Call 270-473-3181
LF - Registered black Angus bull, ready for service. Text or leave message at 270-723-4077
FS - Smooth top electric kitchen stove, white. $100 Call 270-786-1000, ask for Betty
FS - Rolled hay, clean, may deliver east of Big Clifty. Call 270-242-7172
FS - White silky chicks, Blue Rock pullets and roosters, and Bar Rock roosters. Call 270-634-0466
FS - 4 new tires and aluminum wheels, 215 70 R16. $300. Call 270-773-4453
LF - Treadmill in good working condition, car or truck $700 to $800. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 2 Hair sheep. Call 502-888-6196
FS - 10 coonhound pups, had 1st shots. $160 each. Call 270-473-3181
FS - DS wood heating stove, model is Heatright #120, in excellent condition, bought new from a local dealer, $1200. Call 270-528-6895
FS - Baldwin organ, foot pedals. Call 270-473-0560
LF - Cheap RV in good condition. Call 270-524-0435
FS - Rocking chair $35 and end tables $20. Call 270-786-5826
FS - Large Presto pressure cooker. Call 270-670-9983
FS - 1973 C900 fire truck, 60,000 miles, asking $4,000. Call 317-710-8837
FS - 5.0 Ford motor and transmission, 127,000 miles $450. Call 270-218-1083
FS - 2004 Chevy Aveo compact car, with parts to repair, asking $800. Call 270-528-6699
FS - Cobalt toolbox for Chevy S-10, wooden patio cooler. Call 270-670-0986
LF - Registered black Angus bull, ready for service. Text or leave message at 270-723-4077
FS - Smooth top electric kitchen stove, white. $100 Call 270-786-1000, ask for Betty
FS - Rolled hay, clean, may deliver east of Big Clifty. Call 270-242-7172
FS - DS wood heating stove, model is Heatright #120, in excellent condition, bought new from a local dealer, $1200. Call 270-528-6895
LF - Old riding mowers, go karts, old car or truck, reasonable, golf carts, FS - Baha minibike $500 or trade, 1985 Dodge D250, 2wd or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Baldwin organ, foot pedals. Call 270-473-0560
LF - Cheap RV in good condition. Call 270-524-0435
FS - Rocking chair $35 and end tables $20. Call 270-786-5826
FS - Large Presto pressure cooker. Call 270-670-9983
FS - 1973 C900 fire truck, 60,000 miles, asking $4,000. Call 317-710-8837
FS - 5.0 Ford motor and transmission, 127,000 miles $450. Call 270-218-1083
FS - 2004 Chevy Aveo compact car, with parts to repair, asking $800. Call 270-528-6699
FS - Cobalt toolbox for Chevy S-10, wooden patio cooler. Call 270-670-0986
LF - Registered black Angus bull, ready for service. Text or leave message at 270-723-4077
FS - White silky chicks, Blue Rock pullets and roosters, and Bar Rock roosters. Call 270-634-0466
FS - 4 new tires and aluminum wheels, 215 70 R16. $300. Call 270-773-4453
FS - Smooth top electric kitchen stove, white. $100 Call 270-786-1000, ask for Betty
FS - DS wood heating stove, model is Heatright #120, in excellent condition, bought new from a local dealer, $1200. Call 270-528-6895
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, old car or truck, reasonable, golf carts, FS - Baha minibike $500 or trade, 1985 Dodge D250, 2wd or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Baldwin organ, foot pedals. Call 270-473-0560
LF - Cheap RV in good condition. Call 270-524-0435
FS - Rocking chair $35 and end tables $20. Call 270-786-5826
FS - Large Presto pressure cooker. Call 270-670-9983
FS - 1973 C900 fire truck, 60,000 miles, asking $4,000. Call 317-710-8837
FS - 5.0 Ford motor and transmission, 127,000 miles $450. Call 270-218-1083
FS - 2004 Chevy Aveo compact car, with parts to repair, asking $800. Call 270-528-6699
FS - Nickel plated toolbox $75, 2 other toolboxes. Call 270-576-8982
FS - 2 generators, 700 watts. Call 615-888-6017
LF - Old mowers, mopeds, golf carts, go karts, diamond plated toolbox with keys for full size pickup. FS - 1985 Dodge pickup, 2003 Buick LeSabre, possible trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Wagon or trailer with bench seating, to borrow or rent for a wedding. Call 270-537-5725
LF - House to rent in Upton, Glendale or E-town area. Call 270-524-0435
FS - Cobalt toolbox for an S10 $200, patio wooden primitive cooler. Call 270-670-0986
FS - Rolled hay, clean, may deliver east of Big Clifty. Call 270-242-7172
FS - Cobalt toolbox for a small Chevy pickup. Call 270-670-0986
FS - 2013 Chrysler 200 Touring, 75,000 miles, new tires and brakes $5600. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Old mowers, mopeds, golf carts, go karts, diamond plated toolbox with keys for full size pickup. FS - 1985 Dodge pickup, 2003 Buick LeSabre, possible trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Wagon or trailer with bench seating, to borrow or rent for a wedding. Call 270-537-5725
LF - House to rent in Upton, Glendale or E-town area. Call 270-524-0435
FS - Cobalt toolbox for an S10 $200, patio wooden primitive cooler. Call 270-670-0986
FS - Rolled hay, clean, may deliver east of Big Clifty. Call 270-242-7172
FS - Cobalt toolbox for a small Chevy pickup. Call 270-670-0986
FS - 2013 Chrysler 200 Touring, 75,000 miles, new tires and brakes $5600. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Firewood; $45 a rick. Glasgow. 270-404-5543
LF - Gas golf carts, cars, go karts, mopeds, set of after market wheels for a golf-cart, 5 speed truck, FS - Baha minibike, $500, 1985 D-250 Dodge pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 20 rolls of hay; $40 a roll. 15 to 55 gallon plastic barrels; $10 each. 270-202-6250
FS - Square bales of hay. Hart County. 270-537-5673
FS - 5×8 lawn mower trailer. 270-427-9498
FS - Sleep Number queen size bed; $175. 270-576-8830
FS - Tractor tires with rims (size 14.9-24). 270-246-0058
FS - Stainless steel gas grill. Heald Hauler utility ATV. Troybilt riding mower with 42″ cut. Front and rear tine garden tillers. Air compressors. Vented propane heaters. Call 270-646-6334
FS - 8′ aluminum truck bed. Call 270-792-3751
Wednesday, February 24th, 2021
FS - Cobalt toolbox for a small Chevy pickup. Call 270-670-0986
FS - 2013 Chrysler 200 Touring, 75,000 miles, new tires and brakes $5600. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Firewood; $45 a rick. Glasgow. 270-404-5543
FS - Set of 4 tires (size 245/60/16). Roll-around heater. 1996 Dodge Ram. Jeff Gordon memorabilia. Call 270-670-1403
FS - 1983 Johnson 70hp outboard motor; $800. Call 270-784-3441
FS - 2005 Chrysler Pacifica (parting out). Call 270-473-4111
FS - 1982 Honda CB750 motorcycle made into a 3-wheeler; $500. 16′ trailer (needs floor); $200. Call 270-287-7967
FS - 16′ trailer. Call 270-646-5643
FS - GE electric cook stove; $35. Call 270-308-0324
FS - Samsung Galaxy S9 cell phone; $150. Samsung Galaxy watch; $200. Call 270-670-2557
FS - Hay for horses and cattle. Call 270-537-5673
FS - GE electric cook stove; $35. Call 270-308-0324
FS - Samsung Galaxy S9 cell phone; $150. Samsung Galaxy watch; $200. Call 270-670-2557
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, wheels and tires, 6 lug for a Chevy in decent condition, old car or truck that runs, vice, FS- 1985 Dodge pickup, Baha minibike with parts. Call 670-1359
FS - 2013 Chrysler 200 Touring 75,000 miles, like new tires, $6000. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 5 spd transmission for 1990 Ford Mustang, 4 spd automatic transmission for Camaro. Call 270-317-9739
FS - 1982 Honda CB750 motorcycle made into a 3-wheeler; $500. 16′ trailer (needs floor); $200. Call 270-287-7967
FS - 16′ trailer. Call 270-646-5643
Missing since Wednesday, Beagle, 6 months old, lemon and white, has orange color collar. toward Munfordville or could be between Munfordville and Bonnieville. Answers to Cash or Little Man. Reward offered. Pictures can be seen on the ARK website. Call 502-263-8359 or 502-377-2976
FS - Hay for horses and cattle. Call 270-537-5673
FS - Wheel weights, solder, rolled insulation, and lawn mower parts. Call 270-670-6152
FS - 1983 Johnson 70hp outboard motor; $800. Call 270-784-3441
FS - 2005 Chrysler Pacifica (parting out). Call 270-473-4111
FS - 1982 Honda CB750 motorcycle made into a 3-wheeler; $500. 16′ trailer (needs floor); $200. Call 270-287-7967
FS - 16′ trailer. Call 270-646-5643
FS - GE electric cook stove; $35. Call 270-308-0324
FS - Samsung Galaxy S9 cell phone; $150. Samsung Galaxy watch; $200. Call 270-670-2557
Wednesday, February 10th, 2021
Missing since Wednesday, Beagle, 6 months old, lemon and white, has orange color collar. toward Munfordville or could be between Munfordville and Bonnieville. Answers to Cash or Little Man. Reward offered. Pictures can be seen on the ARK website. Call 502-263-8359 or 502-377-2976
FS - Hay for horses and cattle. Call 270-537-5673
LF - 31 1050 15" tires, old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, vice, old car or truck that runs, FS - set of car ralleys, Baha mini bike, 1985 Dodge, Automatic truck. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Coleman generator, like new $400 firm. Call 270-537-4259 or 270-531-2853\
FS - Wheel weights, solder, rolled insulation, and lawn mower parts. Call 270-670-6152
FS - 1983 Johnson 70hp outboard motor; $800. Call 270-784-3441
FS - 2005 Chrysler Pacifica (parting out). Call 270-473-4111
FS - 1982 Honda CB750 motorcycle made into a 3-wheeler; $500. 16′ trailer (needs floor); $200. Call 270-287-7967
FS - 16′ trailer. Call 270-646-5643
FS - GE electric cook stove; $35. Call 270-308-0324
FS - Samsung Galaxy S9 cell phone; $150. Samsung Galaxy watch; $200. Call 270-670-2557
Missing since Wednesday, Beagle, 6 months old, lemon and white, has orange color collar. toward Munfordville or could be between Munfordville and Bonnieville. Answers to Cash or Little Man. Reward offered. Pictures can be seen on the ARK website. Call 502-263-8359 or 502-377-2976
FS - Small and Medium women's clothes, most are 50 cents each. Call 270-524-4547
FS - Hay for horses and cattle. Call 270-537-5673
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Thick chair cushion 18 x 23" at least 2 inches thick. Call 270-528-5964
FS - 17" tire, small compact half refrigerator $50, hockey table $20, womens boots, white plastic ladder, western books $20, Tupperware, new, 2 older 32" tv's mount on wall. Double stroller. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 6 English coonhound puppies. Pair of woman’s boots (size 8); $15. 270-308-6503
FS – two zero turn mowers (50″ cut and 48″ cut). Curtis air compressor. 270-457-4236
FS - queen size mattress pad; $100. 22″ mags with wheels, 6 lugs and tires. 502-689-8368
LF - old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, vice, old car or truck that runs, FS - set of car ralleys, Baha mini bike, 1985 Dodge, Automatic truck. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 31 1050 15" tires, old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, golf carts, older car or truck that runs. FS - 1985 Dodge pickup automatic 3/4 ton, Baha minibike $500. Call 270-670-1359
Missing since Wednesday, Beagle, 6 months old, lemon and white, has orange color collar. toward Munfordville or could be between Munfordville and Bonnieville. Answers to Cash or Little Man. Reward offered. Pictures can be seen on the ARK website. Call 502-263-8359 or 502-377-2976
LF - Exterior mobile home door 32 x 73, FS - 6 piece drum set XL $150, electric Jazzi scooter $400. Call 270-531-1669
LF - Small dog, a Maltese or Malti-Poo, reasonable. Call 270-453-3792
FS - Small and Medium women's clothes, most are 50 cents each. Call 270-524-4547
LF - Old mowers, go-karts, golf-carts, mopeds, older car or truck that runs, and a large vice. FS - 1985 E250 Dodge long bed truck, Baha mini-bike $500 or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Hay rolls $25 each in Greensburg. Call 270-299-5119
FS - Hay for horses and cattle. Call 270-537-5673
FS - square baled hay. Call 270-537-5673
FS - 2 530x12 tires $35, 7,000 generator. Call 270-735-6698
FS - recliner, table and antique chairs. Call 270-272-3293
FS - bulldog puppy. Call 270-404-5981
FS - 2 young feeder pigs. Call 270-932-2667
LF - couch and coffee table. Call 270-576-5552
LF - old barns to tear down. Call 270-261-2464
LF - corral panels. Call 270-670-5745
LF - Old gas golf carts, older car or truck that runs, large vice, FS - Coleman screened in canopy $100, 7 piece Copper Chef skillets, $65. Call 270- 670-1359
FS – Barn doors; $100. 270-427-9498
FS - Killer Instinct Fierce 405 crossbow and broad head target $225. Call or text 270-404-0223
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Exterior mobile home door 32 x 73, FS - 6 piece drum set XL $150, electric Jazzi scooter $400. Call 270-531-1669
LF - Old gas golf carts, older car or truck that runs, large vice, FS - Coleman screened in canopy $100, 7 piece Copper Chef skillets, $65. Call 270- 670-1359
FS – Barn doors; $100. 270-427-9498
FS - Killer Instinct Fierce 405 crossbow and broad head target $225. Call or text 270-404-0223
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Exterior mobile home door 32 x 73, FS - 6 piece drum set XL $150, electric Jazzi scooter $400. Call 270-531-1669
LF - Small dog, a Maltese or Malti-Poo, reasonable. Call 270-453-3792
LF - Thick chair cushion 18 x 23" at least 2 inches thick. Call 270-528-5964
LF - Old riding mowers, old gas golf carts, tillers, go-karts, high back boat seats, older car or truck $500 to 600, FS - Microwaves $35 each, Coleman screened in tent $100, Baha minibike $500 cash. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Turkey and 6 meat chickens, blue rooster, new Craftsman weedeater. Call 270-528-4760
FS - Killer Instinct Fierce 405 crossbow and broad head target $225. Call or text 270-404-0223
FS - square bales of hay. Call 270-537-5673
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Small and Medium women's clothes, most are 50 cents each. Call 270-524-4547
FS – Barn doors; $100. 270-427-9498
FS - Tan loveseat; $100. Cardio glider; $10. Electric cook range; $100. Maple bed with boxspring; $75. 270-670-7278
FS - 1952 Ford flat bed ton truck; $2,750. 1949 International flat bed ton truck; $2,800. Front and back bumpers and a driver’s side door for a 1971 Chevelle. 1940 Dodge 2-door sedan; $5,700. 270-459-2105
FS - 17" tire, small compact half refrigerator $50, hockey table $20, womens boots, white plastic ladder, western books $20, Tupperware, new, 2 older 32" tv's mount on wall. Double stroller. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Turkey and 6 meat chickens, blue rooster, new Craftsman weedeater. Call 270-528-4760
FS- Killer Instinct Fierce 405 crossbow and broad head target $225. Call or text 270-404-0223
LF - Old riding mowers, garden tillers, mopeds, golf carts, older car or truck $700, set of 195 60 15's, FS - new microwaves $35 each, Copper Chef skillet sets, new in box. Call 270-670-1359
FS - square bales of hay. Call 270-537-5673
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Small and Medium women's clothes, most are 50 cents each. Call 270-524-4547
LF - Small dog, a Maltese or Malti-Poo, reasonable. Call 270-453-3792
FS – Barn doors; $100. 270-427-9498
FS - Tan loveseat; $100. Cardio glider; $10. Electric cook range; $100. Maple bed with boxspring; $75. 270-670-7278
FS - 1952 Ford flat bed ton truck; $2,750. 1949 International flat bed ton truck; $2,800. Front and back bumpers and a driver’s side door for a 1971 Chevelle. 1940 Dodge 2-door sedan; $5,700. 270-459-2105
FS - 6 English coonhound puppies. Pair of woman’s boots (size 8); $15. 270-308-6503
FS – two zero turn mowers (50″ cut and 48″ cut). Curtis air compressor. 270-457-4236
FS - queen size mattress pad; $100. 22″ mags with wheels, 6 lugs and tires. 502-689-8368
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-3195
FS - Tan loveseat; $100. Cardio glider; $10. Electric cook range; $100. Maple bed with boxspring; $75. 270-670-7278
FS - 1952 Ford flat bed ton truck; $2,750. 1949 International flat bed ton truck; $2,800. Front and back bumpers and a driver’s side door for a 1971 Chevelle. 1940 Dodge 2-door sedan; $5,700. 270-459-2105
FS - 6 English coonhound puppies. Pair of woman’s boots (size 8); $15. 270-308-6503
FS – two zero turn mowers (50″ cut and 48″ cut). Curtis air compressor. 270-457-4236
FS - queen size mattress pad; $100. 22″ mags with wheels, 6 lugs and tires. 502-689-8368
FS – 2002 GMC Envoy. 270-218-5070
FS - Turkey and 6 meat chickens, blue rooster, new Craftsman weedeater. Call 270-528-4760
FS - square bales of hay. Call 270-537-5673
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $800. Call 270-303-8091
LF - PT Cruiser, straight shift, $1500 or less. Call 270-524-5280
FS- Killer Instinct Fierce 405 crossbow and broad head target $225. Call or text 270-404-0223
LF - Old riding mowers, garden tillers, mopeds, golf carts, older car or truck $700, set of 195 60 15's, FS - new microwaves $35 each, Copper Chef skillet sets, new in box. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Exterior mobile home door 32 x 73, FS - 6 piece drum set XL $150, electric Jazzi scooter $400. Call 270-531-1669
LF - Older working vehicle, set of 2 lawnmower seats or to go on a golf cart, FS - 2004 Nissan Altima, all leather, $2600 or trade, Baha mini bike $500 or trade, new microwaves in box $35. 2 John Deere riding mowers $450 for both or cash/trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Small and Medium women's clothes, most are 50 cents each. Call 270-524-4547
LF - Small dog, a Maltese or Malti-Poo, reasonable. Call 270-453-3792
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Treadmill in good condition. Call 270-528-4033
LF - Sturdy basketball goal set with pole. Call 270-774-1485
FS – Barn doors; $100. 270-427-9498
FS - Tan loveseat; $100. Cardio glider; $10. Electric cook range; $100. Maple bed with boxspring; $75. 270-670-7278
FS - 1952 Ford flat bed ton truck; $2,750. 1949 International flat bed ton truck; $2,800. Front and back bumpers and a driver’s side door for a 1971 Chevelle. 1940 Dodge 2-door sedan; $5,700. 270-459-2105
FS - 6 English coonhound puppies. Pair of woman’s boots (size 8); $15. 270-308-6503
FS – two zero turn mowers (50″ cut and 48″ cut). Curtis air compressor. 270-457-4236
FS - queen size mattress pad; $100. 22″ mags with wheels, 6 lugs and tires. 502-689-8368
FS – 2002 GMC Envoy. 270-218-5070
LF - Exterior mobile home door 32 x 73, FS - 6 piece drum set XL $150, electric Jazzi scooter $400. Call 270-531-1669
LF - Older working vehicle $800 to $1,000, set of 2 lawnmower seats or to go on a golf cart, FS - 2004 Nissan Altima, all leather, $2600 or trade, Baha mini bike $500 or trade, new microwaves in box $35. 2 John Deere riding mowers $450 for both or cash/trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Small and Medium women's clothes, most are 50 cents each. Call 270-524-4547
Clean up sale - 8 to 5 open Friday and Saturday Cottrell's Feed & Farm Supply. Call 270-531-2245
FS - 2 mopeds. Call 270-283-2690
LF - Small dog, a Maltese or Malti-Poo, reasonable. Call 270-453-3792
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-3195
FS - 2 backpacks full of old postage stamps. Call 270-524-0165
LF - Exterior mobile home door 32 x 73, FS - 6 piece drum set XL $150, electric Jazzi scooter $400. Call 270-531-1669
LF - Older working vehicle $800 to $1,000, set of 2 lawnmower seats or to go on a golf cart, FS - 2004 Nissan Altima, all leather, $2600 or trade, Baha mini bike $500 or trade, new microwaves in box $35. 2 John Deere riding mowers $450 for both or cash/trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Small and Medium women's clothes, most are 50 cents each. Call 270-524-4547
Clean up sale - 8 to 5 open Friday and Saturday Cottrell's Feed & Farm Supply. Call 270-531-2245
FS - 2 mopeds. Call 270-283-2690
LF - Small dog, a Maltese or Malti-Poo, reasonable. Call 270-453-3792
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-3195
FS - 2 backpacks full of old postage stamps. Call 270-524-0165
FS - 2 mopeds. Call 270-283-2690
LF - 2 John Deere riding mowers, one has a bagger $450 for both, old mowers, mopeds, garden tillers, older car or truck that runs. 2004 Nissan Altima, 4 door automatic, 188,000 miles $2600 or trade, new microwaves. $35 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Turkey and 6 meat chickens, blue rooster, new Craftsman weedeater. Call 270-528-4760
Clean up sale - 8 to 5 open Friday and Saturday Cottrell's Feed & Farm Supply.
FS - square bales of hay. Call 270-537-5673
FS - 2 mopeds. Call 270-283-2690
LF - Old mowers, mopeds, garden tillers, older car or truck that runs. 2004 Nissan Altima, 4 door automatic, 188,000 miles $2600 or trade, new microwaves. $35 each. Call 270-670-1359
LF - House to rent. Call 270-576-1170
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $800. Call 270-303-8091
LF - Small dog, a Maltese or Malti-Poo, reasonable. Call 270-453-3792
FS - AT&T cellphone $100, LF - house to rent. Call 270-404-5918
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-3195
FS - New lift chair. Call 270-786-5372
LF - Treadmill in good condition. Call 270-528-4033
LF - Sturdy basketball goal set with pole. Call 270-774-1485
LF - PT Cruiser, straight shift, $1500 or less. Call 270-524-5280
FS - 1984 ton 350 Ford with flatbed, new tires, new clutch, needs an engine. Call 270-531-2245
LF - old riding mowers, mopeds, garden tillers, old car or truck that runs, 2004 Nissan Altima, all leather $2600 or trade, new microwaves $35 each 2003 Chevy truck bed with tailgate $500. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Treadmill in good condition. Call 270-528-4033
LF - House to rent in the Munfordville area. Have three children. Call 270-218-0639
FS - New Killer Instinct Crossbow, $225, two 195/65R/15 tires. $30 in Cave City. Call or text 270-404-0223
FS - 2 backpacks full of old postage stamps. Call 270-524-0165
FS - New lift chair. Call 270-786-5372
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $800. Call 270-303-8091
LF - PT Cruiser, straight shift, $1500 or less. Call 270-524-5280
FS - 1984 ton 350 Ford with flatbed, new tires, new clutch, needs an engine. Call 270-531-2245
LF - old riding mowers, mopeds, garden tillers, old car or truck that runs, 2004 Nissan Altima, all leather $2600 or trade, new microwaves $35 each 2003 Chevy truck bed with tailgate $500. Call 270-670-1359
LF - PT Cruiser, straight shift, $1500 or less. Call 270-524-5280
FS - 1984 ton 350 Ford with flatbed, new tires, new clutch, needs an engine. Call 270-531-2245
LF - Treadmill in good condition. Call 270-528-4033
LF - Ham string stretcher. Call 270-670-9070
LF - House to rent in the Munfordville area. Have three children. Call 270-218-0639
FS - New Killer Instinct Crossbow, $225, two 195/65R/15 tires. $30 in Cave City. Call or text 270-404-0223
FS - 2 backpacks full of old postage stamps. Call 270-524-0165
FS - New lift chair. Call 270-786-5372
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $1800. Call 270-303-8091
LF - House to rent in the Munfordville area. Have 3 children. Call 270-218-0639
FS - 2 - 15" tires $10 each and 2- 17" tires $15 each. Call 270-404-0223
FS - New Killer Instinct Crossbow, $225, two 195/65R/15 tires. $30 in Cave City. Call or text 270-404-0223
FS - 2 backpacks full of old postage stamps. Call 270-524-0165
FS - New lift chair. Call 270-786-5372
FS - Home Interior pictures, all sizes in good condition. Call 270-524-0165
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $1800. Call 270-303-8091
LF - Old mowers, gokarts, garden tillers, mopeds, older car that runs, cheap, Coleman pop up screened in tent $100, new microwaves $35 each. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Leaf blower vacuum and mulcher $50. Call 270-528-6546
FS - Lift chair. Cal 270-786-1410
FS - 2 - 15" tires $10 each and 2- 17" tires $15 each. Call 270-404-0223
FS - New Killer Instinct Crossbow, $225, two 195/65R/15 tires. $30 in Cave City. Call or text 270-404-0223
GA - Bag of baby girl's clothes. Call 270-590-0172
FS - 2 backpacks full of old postage stamps. Call 270-524-0165
FS - New lift chair. Call 270-786-5372
FS - Home Interior pictures, all sizes in good condition. Call 270-524-0165
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $1800. Call 270-303-8091
LF - 73 to 85 Chevy truck bed, LF - 6'x10' trailer, FS - 22 hp Cub Cadet zero radius turn mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Leaf blower vacuum and mulcher $50. Call 270-528-6546
FS - Lift chair. Cal 270-786-1410
FS - Craftsman table saw $100, another table saw $85, JD Chainsaw $100. Call 270-218-2256
FS - 2 - 15" tires $10 each and 2- 17" tires $15 each. Call 270-404-0223
FS - 32" flatscreen tv $50, bluetooth speaker with remote $40, vcr/dvd player $40, taser $15, new. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Microwave, case of glow sticks. Call 270-537-3733
LF - Old mowers, gokarts, garden tillers, mopeds, older car that runs, cheap, Coleman pop up screened in tent $100, new microwave $35. FS = Nissan Altima $2600. 670-1359
LF - Good wheelchair. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Bag of baby girl's clothes. Call 270-590-0172
FS - 2 backpacks full of old postage stamps. Call 270-524-0165
FS - New lift chair. Call 270-786-5372
FS - Home Interior pictures, all sizes in good condition. Call 270-524-0165
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $1800. Call 270-303-8091
LF - 73 to 85 Chevy truck bed, LF - 6'x10' trailer, FS - 22 hp Cub Cadet zero radius turn mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Leaf blower vacuum and mulcher $50. Call 270-528-6546
FS - or trade - Blue pulling mower $800 and White pulling mower$1500, ready to pull. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 2 - 15" tires $10 each and 2- 17" tires $15 each. Call 270-404-0223
GA - Bag of baby girl's clothes. Call 270-590-0172
LF - Wheelchair, old car or truck, $500, FS - New microwaves $35 each. Coleman canopy 10x12 $100, FS - 2004 Nissan Altima, all leather, 188,000 miles $2600 or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 backpacks full of old postage stamps. Call 270-524-0165
FS - New lift chair. Call 270-786-5372
FS - Home Interior pictures, all sizes in good condition. Call 270-524-0165
FS - New gold color bathroom faucet. $35. New Kerosene forced air heaters $125 each or $200 for both. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Lift chair. Cal 270-786-1410
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $1800. Call 270-303-8091
FS - Craftsman table saw $100, another table saw $85, JD Chainsaw $100. Call 270-218-2256
FS - 7 oak curio cabinets, 2 oak hutches, oak dining table with 2 leafs, 6 chairs, sofa sleeper and loveseat, amber moon and stars and pink depression glassware. Call 270-537-4955
FS - 2 backpacks full of old postage stamps. Call 270-524-0165
FS - Old mowers, gokarts, golfcarts, old car or truck, cheap, FS - 2004 Nissan Altima, 188,000 ,miles $2600 or trade, new Coleman 10x12 screened in canopy,. $100. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 large tool chests, table saw Skill, work bench with drill, vice and grinder, chainsaw, 2015 GMC Sierra pickup has 26,000 miles, utility trailer 8x10 with racks, 2 aluminum 50 gallon water tanks. Call 270-537-4956
FS - Craftsman table saw $100, another table saw $85, JD Chainsaw $100. Call 270-218-2256
FS - New gold color bathroom faucet. $35. New Kerosene forced air heaters $125 each or $200 for both. Call 270-774-1485
LF - 73 to 85 Chevy truck bed, LF - 6'x10' trailer, FS - 22 hp Cub Cadet zero radius turn mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 99 Transmission out of a Camaro, automatic. transmission out of a 90 Mustang, 5spd. Call 270-317-9739
FS - Craftsman table saw $100, another table saw $85, JD Chainsaw $100. Call 270-218-2256
FS - 26" flatscreen LCD tv on stand $50, cordless Kobalt trimmer, like new with extra battery $120. Portable Hitachi table saw, $120. Call 270-834-6422
FS - Set of 15×8 center line wheels for a Chevy with 5 bolt pattern; $300. Call 270-670-6970
FS - 2 large tool chests, table saw Skill, work bench with drill, vice and grinder, chainsaw, 2015 GMC Sierra pickup has 26,000 miles, utility trailer 8x10 with racks, 2 aluminum 50 gallon water tanks. Call 270-537-4956
FS - Craftsman table saw $100, another table saw $85, JD Chainsaw $100. Call 270-218-2256
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50 R15 XLT. Call 270-590-8139
FS - Lift chair. Cal 270-786-1410
FS - Home Interior pictures, all sizes in good condition. Call 270-524-0165
FS - New gold color bathroom faucet. $35. New Kerosene forced air heaters $125 each or $200 for both. Call 270-774-1485
FS - New lift chair. Call 270-786-5372
LF - Old riding lawnmowers, mopeds, go-carts and golf carts. FS - 3000 watt Champion generator $250, Nissan Altima, $2600. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 73 to 85 Chevy truck bed, LF - 6'x10' trailer, FS - 22 hp Cub Cadet zero radius turn mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $1800. Call 270-303-8091
FS - 26" flatscreen LCD tv on stand $50, cordless Kobalt trimmer, like new with extra battery $120. Portable Hitachi table saw, $120. Call 270-834-6422
FS - 6′ tall curio cabinet; $50. Smiths Grove. 270-576-1654
FS - Sears riding mower (no deck), lawn mower parts and tires. 270-670-6152
FS - Set of 15×8 center line wheels for a Chevy with 5 bolt pattern; $300. 270-670-6970
FS - 2 large tool chests, table saw Skill, work bench with drill, vice and grinder, chainsaw, 2015 GMC Sierra pickup has 26,000 miles, utility trailer 8x10 with racks, 2 aluminum 50 gallon water tanks. Call 270-537-4956
FS - Leaf blower vacuum and mulcher $50. Call 270-528-6546
FS - VCR and DVD Combo $45, flatscreen 32" tv, $50 works good. Bluetooth speakers, new $45, Trees in the yard - free for firewood, must clean up. Call 270-786-5072
FS - 99 Transmission out of a Camaro, automatic. transmission out of a 90 Mustang, 5spd. 317-9739
FS - Craftsman table saw $100, another table saw $85, JD Chainsaw $100. Call 270-218-2256
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $1800. Call 270-303-8091
FS - 26" flatscreen LCD tv on stand $50, cordless Kobalt trimmer, like new with extra battery $120. Portable Hitachi table saw, $120. Call 270-834-6422
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50 R15 XLT. Call 270-590-8139
FS - Lift chair. Cal 270-786-1410
LF - old mowers, go karts, mopeds, set of wheels and tires 15", 6 lug for 4 wd. parts for 88 Chevy 4wd pickup. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 large tool chests, table saw Skill, work bench with drill, vice and grinder, chainsaw, 2015 GMC Sierra pickup has 26,000 miles, utility trailer 8x10 with racks, 2 aluminum 50 gallon water tanks. Call 270-537-4956
FS - 7 oak curio cabinets, 2 oak hutches, oak dining table with 2 leafs, 6 chairs, sofa sleeper and loveseat, amber moon and stars and pink depression glassware. Call 270-537-4955
FS - or trade - Blue pulling mower $800 and White pulling mower$1500, ready to pull. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Place to rent in Horse Cave and Munfordville. $450 and under. Call 270-283-8540
FS - Leaf blower vacuum and mulcher $50. Call 270-528-6546
FS - Home Interior pictures, all sizes in good condition. Call 270-524-0165
FS - 2014 Quantum Edge HD power wheelchair, 600 lb capacity with reclining lift, has new battery and charger with inflatable seat cushion. $1800. Call 270-303-8091
FS - 26" flatscreen LCD tv on stand $50, cordless Kobalt trimmer, like new with extra battery $120. Portable Hitachi table saw, $120. Call 270-834-6422
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50 R15 XLT. Call 270-590-8139
FS - Lift chair. Cal 270-786-1410
FS - New gold color bathroom faucet. $35. New Kerosene forced air heaters $125 each or $200 for both. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Leaf blower vacuum and mulcher $50. Call 270-528-6546
LF - old mowers, go karts, mopeds, set of wheels and tires 15", 6 lug for 4 wd. parts for 88 Chevy 4wd pickup. FS - 04 Nissan Altima 4 door, $2600 obo, or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 large tool chests, table saw Skill, work bench with drill, vice and grinder, chainsaw, 2015 GMC Sierra pickup has 26,000 miles, utility trailer 8x10 with racks, 2 aluminum 50 gallon water tanks. Call 270-537-4956
FS - 7 oak curio cabinets, 2 oak hutches, oak dining table with 2 leafs, 6 chairs, sofa sleeper and loveseat, amber moon and stars and pink depression glassware. starts 270-537-4955
FS - or trade - Blue pulling mower $800 and White pulling mower$1500, ready to pull. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Place to rent in Horse Cave and Munfordville. $450 and under. Call 270-283-8540
FS - 6′ tall curio cabinet; $50. Call 270-576-1654
FS - Sears riding mower (no deck), lawn mower parts and tires. Call 270-670-6152
FS - set of 15×8 center line wheels for a Chevy with 5 bolt pattern; $300. Call 270-670-6970
FS - 10×10 dog kennel with roof; $250. Call 270-473-0717
FS - Four 16″ wheels and tires for Chevy 6-lug. Heater with logs. Muck boots (size 7). Nascar collectibles. Call 270-670-1403
FS - Large Coleman 4,000 generator and a smaller generator; $250 for both. Call 270-597-7320
FS - Pair of glass lamps; $50 for both. Call 270-272-3293
FS - Two large 3’x3′ dog houses; $75 and $60. Call 270-678-7509
FS - Frigidaire washing machine; $125. Old steel wheels; $60. Call 317-710-8837
FS - 8N Ford tractor (doesn’t run); $300 OBO. 270-392-9340
FS - Ford tractor; $1,500. Bush hog; $200. Amish books; $3 each. Baby clothes; $1 each. Box trailer; $700. Call 270-427-7168
FS - New gold color bathroom faucet. $35. New Kerosene forced air heaters $125 each or $200 for both. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 8 foot Seahawk mini bass boat/pontoon style $325 obo/trade, ATN X-Sight 4K Pro 3-14x day/night vision scope $450 or trade, 2 tents $40. Call in Cave City 270-537-5066
FS - Leaf blower vacuum and mulcher $50. Call 270-528-6546
LF - old mowers, gokarts, mopeds, set of wheels and tires 15", 6 lug for 4 wd. parts for 88 Chevy 4wd pickup. FS - 04 Nissan Altima 4 door, $2600 obo, or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 large tool chests, table saw Skill, work bench with drill, vice and grinder, chainsaw, 2015 GMC Sierra pickup has 26,000 miles, utility trailer 8x10 with racks, 2 aluminum 50 gallon water tanks. Call 270-537-4956
FS - 7 oak curio cabinets, 2 oak hutches, oak dining table with 2 leafs, 6 chairs, sofa sleeper and loveseat, amber moon and stars and pink depression glassware. starts 270-537-4955
FS - or trade - Blue pulling mower $800 and White pulling mower$1500, ready to pull. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Place to rent in Horse Cave and Munfordville. $450 and under. Call 270-283-8540
Wednesday, December 30th, 2020
LF - old mowers, moped gas golf carts, gocarts, LF - parts for 88 Chevy pickup and tires and wheels in good condition, FS - 214 John Deere older mower. 2004 Nissan Altima, '06 Honda 400 EX 4wheeler, $2500. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 7 oak curio cabinets, 2 oak hutches, oak dining table with 6 chairs, sofa sleeper with matching loveseat, pink depression glassware; amber moon and stars, 2 rolling tool chests, new table saws, work bench with drill, vice and grinder; Poulan chainsaw, gas blower, 2015 GMC Sierra with 26,000 miles, 6x10 utility trailer with the racks, 2 aluminum 50 gallon water tanks, new riding mower. Call 270-537-4955
FS - New gold color bathroom faucet. $35. New Kerosene forced air heaters $125 each or $200 for both. Call 270-774-1485
LF - 200 gallon propane gas tank, Christmas decorations, hard plastic. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 70's & 80's boxes of baseball cards, firewood starter. Call 502-408-4847
FS - 8 foot Seahawk mini bass boat/pontoon style $325 obo/trade, ATN X-Sight 4K Pro 3-14x day/night vision scope $450 or trade, 2 tents $40. Call in Cave City 270-537-5066
FS - Bulldog, male $25. Call 270-473-0352
FS - 2 - 5x30x12 tires, new $40 for both. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Rolled hay, $25, bales $4 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 7 oak curio cabinets, 2 oak hutches, oak dining table with 6 chairs, sofa sleeper with matching loveseat, pink depression glassware; amber moon and stars, 2 rolling tool chests, new table saws, work bench with drill, vice and grinder; Poulan chainsaw, gas blower, 2015 GMC Sierra with 26,000 miles, 6x10 utility trailer with the racks, 2 aluminum 50 gallon water tanks, new riding mower. Call 270-537-4955
FS - New gold color bathroom faucet. $35. New Kerosene forced air heaters $125 each or $200 for both. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Old lawnmowers, go-karts, mopeds, set of aftermarket Chevy wheels and tires, FS - 2004 Nissan Altima, 4 door automatic $2800 obo, 400 EX Honda 4-wheeler, possible trade. 214 John Deere riding mower, older or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 200 gallon propane gas tank, Christmas decorations, hard plastic. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 70's & 80's boxes of baseball cards, firewood starter. Call 502-408-4847
FS - 8 foot Seahawk mini bass boat/pontoon style $325 obo/trade, ATN X-Sight 4K Pro 3-14x day/night vision scope $450 or trade, 2 tents $40. Call in Cave City 270-537-5066
FS - Men's tan size small regular insulated overalls, new, and a foot detox machine with dual tubs, salt and bags, used twice. Call 270-723-4077
LF - PT Cruiser, 5 speed with hand cranked windows. $1000 or less. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Pulling mowers, ready to pull $2,000 for both. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Fresh eggs. Call 270-528-6546
LF - Place to rent in Horse Cave and Munfordville. $450 and under. Call 270-283-8540
FS - 3 metal barstools. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Parting out a mower, with deck and rear end, has 4 tires and the wheels. Call 270-670-6152
FS - 2004 F250 4WD extended cab – 240,000 miles – $3200 obo. Call 270-537-5769
FS - Couch in good shape $40 – queen size bed with mattress, box springs, headboard and footboard $100 – 2 bicycles, one boy’s and one girl’s $35 each – twin bed with mattress and box springs $50 – Kimball piano $100. Call 270-780-6701
FS - 1978 15 ft bass boat with Mercury motor, licensed in 2020, has trolling motor, new lights and extra lights, rod & reels, and life jackets, $1995. Call 270-590-4349
FS - Bathroom faucet, new in box. $35. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Bulldog, male $25. Call 270-473-0352
FS - 2 - 5x30x12 tires, new $40 for both. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 2004 Nissan Altima, 4 door, automatic $2800 or cash with trade, 214 John Deere older riding mower, 10x12 Coleman screened in canopy $100, LF - old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds,. 670-1359
LF - 200 gallon propane gas tank, Christmas decorations, hard plastic. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 70's & 80's boxes of baseball cards, firewood starter. Call 502-408-4847
FS - 8 foot Seahawk mini bass boat/pontoon style $325 obo/trade, ATN X-Sight 4K Pro 3-14x day/night vision scope $450 or trade, 2 tents $40. Call in Cave City 270-537-5066
FS - Goose ball adapter. Call 270-528-4033
FS - 4 Mastercraft tires 265-50-20 $40 each – 3 Continental Extreme Contact tires 295-35-21 $40 each – 2 Firestone Destination tires 265-65-18 $40 each – 270-576-0971
FS - Men's tan size small regular insulated overalls, new, and a foot detox machine with dual tubs, salt and bags, used twice. Call 270-723-4077
Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020
FS - 8 foot Seahawk mini bass boat/pontoon style $325 obo/trade, ATN X-Sight 4K Pro 3-14x day/night vision scope $450 or trade, 2 tents $40. Call in Cave City 270-537-5066
FS - Goose ball adapter. Call 270-528-4033
LF - Old mowers, Older John Deere riding mower, 2004 Nissan Maxima $2900 or partial trade, clean. screened in canopy $125. 670-1359
LF - PT Cruiser, 5 speed with hand cranked windows. $1000 or less. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Pulling mowers, ready to pull $2,000 for both. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Fresh eggs. Call 270-528-6546
LF - Place to rent in Horse Cave and Munfordville. $450 and under. Call 270-283-8540
FS - Men's size 10 muck boots, new in box, men's tan size small regular insulated overalls, new, and a foot detox machine with dual tubs, salt and bags, used twice. Call 270-723-4077
FS - New brass bathroom faucet. $35. Call 270-786-4400
LF - set of tires and wheels, full size Chevy lug pattern 15", LF - car or truck, reasonably priced, old wooden sleds FS - 1014 John Deere riding mower or will trade, LF- old riding mowers, go carts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 12 pieces of galvanized roofing 12 to 14 ft long 12x25 2x4's oak. Int'l electric fence box, gravity bed wagon with good tires $1950 obo, horse hay, square bales or rolls. all 270-932-1777
LF - PT Cruiser with straight shift and roll up windows and no sunroof up to $1,000. Call 270-524-3280
LF - Fresh eggs. Call 270-528-6546
FS - Men's size 10 muck boots, new in box, men's tan size small regular insulated overalls, new, and a foot detox machine with dual tubs, salt and bags, used twice. Call 270-723-4077
FS - ATN-Sight 4K Pro 3-14x day/nightvision scope $500 trade/obo, 8 ft Seahawk mini bass boat $325 trade/obo, Buck 110 folding knife with black sheath $40, in the Cave City area. Call or text 270-404-0223
LF - Mixed breed. Call 270-537-5066
LF - 1 acre of ground with electric and water available. Call 270-473-0749
FS - Goose ball adapter. Call 270-528-4033
FS - Dayton brand electric chain hoist, 110 volts, has a 300 lbs lift rating, $250, Black & Decker rotary concrete drill with carrying case and Clay Underwood acoustic guitar with case, has signature and photo with it $500. Call 270-524-9276
LF - Male Blue Heeler, FS - Button mower. Call 270-218-2256
FS - Woodstove fireplace insert. Call 270-590-1547 after 3:30 p.m.
FS - Rolled hay, $25, bales $4 each. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Men's size 10 muck boots, new in box, men's tan size small regular insulated overalls, new, and a foot detox machine with dual tubs, salt and bags, used twice. Call 270-723-4077
Wednesday, December 16th, 2020
LF old mowers, go-karts, mopeds, gas golf cart, old car or truck that runs, wooden sleds, set of 15" Chevy wheels and tires, 5 hole pattern. Call 270-670-1359
FS - ATN-Sight 4K Pro 3-14x day/nightvision scope $500 trade/obo, 8 ft Seahawk mini bass boat $325 trade/obo, Buck 110 folding knife with black sheath $40, in the Cave City area. Call or text 270-404-0223
FS - 1983 Cutlass cruiser station wagon with Craiger wheels $500, old aluminum block and engine, 5.3 liter, and 95 Honda XR80 dirt bike $500. Call 270-218-0232
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 5'3. $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Mixed breed. Call 270-537-5066
FS - Size 11 men’s diamond ring, 14k white gold, half carat diamond solitaire – Buck stove, really heavy, wood burning. Call 270-696-0809
FS - 1999 27 ft Nomad travel trailer with 5 new tires, everything works, sleeps 6. Call 270-646-5643
FS - Plastic barrels that had soap in them, 3 sizes from 15 to 55 gallon $10 each – rolled hay, 5×5, mixed grass, first cutting $40 each – house trailer axles $50 each (no wheels or tires) – Scottsville – 270-202-6250
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 5′ x 4’11” $3 each – Green County – 270-405-1260
FS - 1989 Ford truck, short wheel base, has the 5.0 in it, runs great, 90,000 miles, just changed the oil $2900 – Glasgow – 270-261-2686
FS - ATN-Sight 4K Pro 3-14x day/nightvision scope $500 trade/obo, 8 ft Seahawk mini bass boat $325 trade/obo, Buck 110 folding knife with black sheath $40, in the Cave City area. Call or text 270-404-0223
FS - 1983 Cutlass cruiser station wagon with Craiger wheels $500, old aluminum block and engine, 5.3 liter, and 95 Honda XR80 dirt bike $500. Call 270-218-0232
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 5'3. $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Mixed breed. Call 270-537-5066
LF - 1 acre of ground with electric and water available. Call 270-473-0749
FS - 3 metal barstools. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Lizard skin cowboy boots, new, size 11 – clear tail lights for an S-10 truck – Scottsville – 502-689-8368
FS - Frigidaire washing machine $125 – bed cover in good shape for a short wheel base Chevy $125 – Park City – 317-710-8837
FS - 1939 Model A John Deere, partially rebuilt and painted $3600 OBO – 270-748-0843
FS - 2-bag Coleman lanterns – 270-528-5208
FS - 4 Mastercraft tires 265-50-20 $40 each – 3 Continental Extreme Contact tires 295-35-21 $40 each – 2 Firestone Destination tires 265-65-18 $40 each – 270-576-0971
LF - Twin trundle bed, outdoor hard plastic Christmas decor. Call 270-528-2407
LF - old mowers, go-karts, mopeds, gas golf cart, old car or truck that runs, wooden sleds, set of Chevy wheels and tires. Call 270-670-1359
FS - ATN-Sight 4K Pro 3-14x day/nightvision scope $500 trade/obo, 8 ft Seahawk mini bass boat $325 trade/obo, Buck 110 folding knife with black sheath $40, in the Cave City area. Call or text 270-404-0223
FS - 3 metal barstools. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Baby stroller, walker, and carseat. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 1983 Cutlass cruiser station wagon with Kraiger wheels $500, old aluminum block and engine, 5.3 liter, and 95 Honda XR80 dirt bike $500. Call 270-218-0232
LF - Twin trundle bed, outdoor hard plastic Christmas decor. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Part time or full time drivers in Horse Cave for the Old Home Place Transport. Call 270-524-3302
FS - Goose ball adapter. Call 270-528-4033
FS - Dayton brand electric chain hoist, 110 volts, has a 300 lbs lift rating, $250, Black & Decker rotary concrete drill with carrying case and Clay Underwood acoustic guitar with case, has signature and photo with it $500. Call 270-524-9276
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 5'3. $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Old go karts, gas golf carts, mopeds, old mowers, and a set of wheels and tires, 5 Chevy lug pattern to fit a trailer, old wooden sleds with metal bottoms. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Part time or full time drivers in Horse Cave for the Old Home Place Transport. Call 270-524-3302
LF - Twin trundle bed, outdoor hard plastic Christmas decor. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Home Interior pictures. Call 270-369-8183
LF - Mixed breed. Call 270-537-5066
LF - 1 acre of ground with electric and water available. Call 270-473-0749
FS - 3 metal barstools. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Baby stroller, walker, and carseat. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Mixed breed dog. Call 270-537-5066
LF - Set of tires and wheels for a trailer 15" - 505 lug pattern, old wooden sleds, older car or truck that runs $500 to $600, old riding mowers, go karts, gas golf carts, Taking deposits on 2 male Yorkie pups. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Washer, doesn't spin. Call 270-524-3620
LF - Part time or full time drivers in Horse Cave for the Old Home Place Transport. Call 270-524-3302
LF - Twin trundle bed, outdoor hard plastic Christmas decor. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Home Interior pictures. Call 270-369-8183
LF - Mixed breed. Call 270-537-5066
LF - 1 acre of ground with electric and water available. Call 270-473-0749
FS - 3 metal barstools. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Baby stroller, walker, and carseat. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, gray marble color, $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - 4 ft white Christmas tree and any decorations someone could donate. Call 270-392-8728
LF - Chihuahua or Poodle, Call 270-537-4465 or 270-0537-6536\
FS - 2 sewing machines, works good, sewing machine cabinet $40 for all. Call 270-786-3756
FS - 1983 Cutlass cruiser station wagon with Kraiger wheels $500, old aluminum block and engine, 5.3 liter, and 95 Honda XR80 dirt bike $500. Call 270-218-0232
FS - Fireplace insert. Call 270-590-1547 after 3:30 p.m.
FS - Goose ball adapter. Call 270-528-4033
LF - 2x8's, 2x6's, 16 ft long, set of tires and wheels for a trailer 15" - 505 lug pattern, old wooden sleds, older car or truck that runs $500 to $600, old riding mowers, go karts, gas golf carts, Taking deposits on 2 male Yorkie pups. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Washer, doesn't spin. Call 270-524-3620
LF - Part time or full time drivers in Horse Cave for the Old Home Place Transport. Call 270-524-3302
LF - Twin trundle bed, outdoor hard plastic Christmas decor. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Extra wide wheelchair and a free puppy. Call 270-651-2510
FS - Zippo lighters (new in box), 6 ft Christmas tree. Call 270-473-9204
FS - Men's size 10 muck boots, new in box, men's tan size small regular insulated overalls, new, and a foot detox machine with dual tubs, salt and bags, used twice. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Two pulling mowers, ready to pull, may trade one for equal value $2000. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Home Interior pictures. Call 270-369-8183
GA - Washer, doesn't spin. Call 270-524-3620
LF - 2x8's, 2x6's, 16 ft long, set of tires and wheels for a trailer 15" - 505 lug pattern, old wooden sleds, older car or truck that runs $500 to $600, old riding mowers, go karts, gas golf carts, FS - Coleman screened in canopy $125, new. Taking deposits on 2 male Yorkie pups. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Skyjack electric scissor lift. $2500. Call 270-537-5099
FS - 1/2 to 1 acre of land with electric and water access. Call 270-473-0749
FS - Woodstove fireplace insert. Call 270-590-1547 after 3:30 p.m.
FS - Rolled hay, $25, bales $4 each. Call 270-537-4044
LF - Extra wide wheelchair and a free puppy. Call 270-651-2510
FS - Zippo lighters (new in box), 6 ft Christmas tree. Call 270-473-9204
FS - Men's size 10 muck boots, new in box, men's tan size small regular insulated overalls, new, and a foot detox machine with dual tubs, salt and bags, used twice. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Two pulling mowers, ready to pull, may trade one for equal value $2000. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Home Interior pictures. Call 270-369-8183
LF - Old gas golf carts, garden tillers, mowers, go carts, car or truck cheap and running, old wooden sleds. FS - Screened in canopy 10x12 $150. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Goose ball adapter. Call 270-528-4033
LF - Extra wide wheelchair and a free puppy. Call 270-651-2510
FS - Zippo lighters (new in box), 6 ft Christmas tree. Call 270-473-9204
FS - 3 compartment warming/server, black in color, electric, used once. Call 270-670-9070
GA - 5 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-2864
FS - 3 metal barstools. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Baby stroller, walker, and carseat. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, gray marble color, $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Dayton brand electric chain hoist, 110 volts, has a 300 lbs lift rating, $250, Black & Decker rotary concrete drill with carrying case and Clay Underwood acoustic guitar with case, has signature and photo with it $500. Call 270-524-9276
FS - Men's size 10 muck boots, new in box, men's tan size small regular insulated overalls, new, and a foot detx machine with dual tubs, salt and bags, used twice. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Two pulling mowers, ready to pull, may trade one for equal value $2000. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Home Interior pictures. Call 270-369-8183
LF - Old gas golf carts, garden tillers, mowers, go carts, car or truck cheap and running, old wooden sleds, 16 or 18 ft car trailer. FS - Screened in canopy 10x12 $150. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Goose ball adapter. Call 270-528-4033
LF - Extra wide wheelchair and a free puppy. Call 270-651-2510
FS - Zippo lighters (new in box), 6 ft Christmas tree. Call 270-473-9204
FS - 3 compartment warming/server, black in color, electric, used once. Call 270-670-9070
GA - 5 rolls of hay. Call 270-524-2864
FS - 3 metal barstools. Call 270-537-4044
FS - Baby stroller, walker, and carseat. Call 502-341-4335
FS - '52 Golden Jubilee tractor. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, gray marble color, $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Dayton brand electric chain hoist, 110 volts, has a 300 lbs lift rating, $250, Black & Decker rotary concrete drill with carrying case and Clay Underwood acoustic guitar with case, has signature and photo with it $500. Call 270-524-9276
FS - Men's size 10 muck boots, new in box, men's tan size small regular insulated overalls, new, and a foot detx machine with dual tubs, salt and bags, used twice. Call 270-723-4077
LF - 4 ft white Christmas tree and any decorations someone could donate. Call 270-392-8728
LF - Chihuahua or Poodle, Call 270-537-4465 or 270-0537-6536
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $3 each, similar to paneling -405-1260
LF - Trundle bed, outdoor hard plastic Christmas decorations. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Weslo cross cycle, $50, treadmill $40.
LF - Old gas golf carts, garden tillers, mowers, go carts, car or truck cheap and running, old wooden sleds, 16 or 18 ft car trailer. FS - Screened in canopy 10x12 $150. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2000 Chrysler Sebring, convertible. Call 270-786-2707
FS - Fireplace insert. Call 270-590-1547 after 3:30 p.m.
FS - Goose ball adapter. Call 270-528-4033
LF - Male Blue Heeler. Call 270-218-2256
LF - 4 ft white Christmas tree and any decorations someone could donate. Call 270-392-8728
LF - Chihuahua or Poodle, Call 270-537-4465 or 270-537-6536
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, $3 each, similar to paneling. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Trundle bed, outdoor hard plastic Christmas decorations. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Weslo cross cycle, $50, treadmill $40.
LF - old mowers, go-karts, mopeds, gas golf carts, old car or truck that runs, 10x12 screened in canopy $150. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Dayton brand electric chain hoist, 110 volts, has a 300 lbs lift rating, $250, Black & Decker rotary concrete drill with carrying case and Clay Underwood acoustic guitar with case, has signature and photo with it $500. Call 270-524-9276
Wednesday, November 25th, 2020
LF - old mowers, go-karts, mopeds, gas golf carts, old car or truck, FS - 10x12 screened in canopy $150. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Dayton brand electric chain hoist, 110 volts, has a 300 lbs lift rating, $250, Black & Decker rotary concrete drill with carrying case and Clay Underwood acoustic guitar with case, has signature and photo with it $500. Call 270-524-9276
LF - Used metal roofing in 3 ft wide sheets. Call 270-524-7709 and ask for Randy
FS - 2 sewing machines, works good, sewing machine cabinet $40 for all. Call 270-786-3756
FS - 1983 Cutlass cruiser station wagon with Craiger wheels $500, old aluminum block and engine, 5.3 liter, and 95 Honda XR80 dirt bike $500. Call 270-218-0232
LF - Small, male house dog. Call 270-405-0292
LF -old mowers, gas golf carts, mopeds, older car or truck, Coleman screened in tent 10x12, new $150, double door mini fridge $150. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Fireplace insert. Call 270-590-1547 after 3:30 p.m.
FS - Used wood cook stove $50 obo and will load it. Call 270-524-1110
FS - insulated fiberglass panels, similar to paneling, $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2 sewing machines, works good, sewing machine cabinet $40 for all. Call 270-786-3756
FS - 1983 Cutlass cruiser station wagon with Craiger wheels $500, old aluminum block and engine, 5.3 liter, and 95 Honda XR80 dirt bike $500. Call 270-218-0232
LF - Old outdoor hard plastic Christmas decorations. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 1983 Cutlass cruiser station wagon with Craiger wheels $500, old aluminum block and engine, 5.3 liter, and 95 Honda XR80 dirt bike $500. Call 270-218-0232
LF - Old mowers, go karts, old gas golf carts, old car or truck that runs, FS - Coach leather backpack $50, dorm size refrigerator. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Old outdoor hard plastic Christmas decorations. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Old lawnmowers, go carts, golf carts, mopeds, older car or truck that runs, FS - 3 LED bar lights 2 are 52", one used 32" bar light. Coleman screened in canopy tent, 3.1 cu ft mini fridge double door. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 10 to 12 - 2x4's, 12 ft long made out of oak, 10 to 12 pieces of galvanized metal roofing 12 to 14 ft long, horse hay in square bales, 8 heavy duty farm gates, electric fence box. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 5 ft bush hog, in Cub Run. Call 270-524-0313
LF - Work in tobacco, farming, carpentry, etc. Call 270-308-7524
Lost - Female Red Tick Beagle in Upton area while hunting, wears collar and a tracking device. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, similar to paneling. $3 each or will trade for riding mower or push mower. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Used wood cook stove $50 obo and will load it. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Any type of work, tobacco, carpentry, etc. Call 270-308-7524
LF - Small, male house dog. Call 270-405-0292
FS - Firewood. Call 270-528-1531
FS - 3 17" tires, metal deer stand, stereo table. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Used wood cook stove $50 obo and will load it. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Any type of work, tobacco, carpentry, etc. Call 270-308-7524
Lost - Female Red Tick Beagle. In Upton area for over a week, lost while hunting. Was wearing a collar and tracking device. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Small, male house dog. Call 270-405-0292
FS - Firewood. Call 270-528-1531
LF - House in the country under $500 monthly, German Shepherd pup for service animal, reasonable, will sit with elderly for a few hours daily. Call 270-524-9533
Wednesday, November 18th, 2020
FS - 12 piece of metal roofing, galvanized, gravity bed with good tires $1950, horse hay in square bales, 8 long heavy duty gates, electric fence box. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 3 17" tires, metal deer stand, stereo table. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Old mowers, go karts, golf carts, mopeds, older car or truck that runs, new Coleman canopy screened in, 3.1 cu ft mini fridge double door. Call 270-670-1359
LF- Set of tires (size 215/55/18). Hart County. Call 270-528-6166
LF - 4-wheel drive 4 door mid size pickup truck. Also looking for an LP gas cook stove and oven. Brownsville. Call 270-792-1709
LF - Old barns to tear down. Call 270-427-9498
LF - 10′ or 12′ fiberglass ladder. Call 270-784-3543
LF - Tractor mounted PTO wood chipper. Glasgow. Call 270-590-4165
FS - 2 - 17" tires $20 each, 2 new Gander Mtn. Vortex left handed reels $40 each, like new men's winter coats $20 each, heavy made fire ring 9x30x12" thick $50 obo on any of the items. Call 270-404-0223
GA - Golden Retriever pups, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, perfect for families with children or other pets. Text 256-663-8167
FS - Ridgecut work boots, size 10m, waterproof, $65, new. Call 270-773-5306
FS - New Idea hay rake $300 firm or trade. Call 270-528-8530
FS - Lepresse chopper, new in box $35. 590-1461
LF - Old mowers, golf carts, go carts, old car or truck. FS - Coach leather backpack, lawnmower jack $40, Coleman screened in canopy 10x12, new. mini fridge 3.1 cu ft double door, new 670-1359
FS - 19 and 53 gallon hot water heaters, $50 and $100. Call 927-207-7126
FS - New brown cloth couch and matching recliner; $400. New black mini refrigerator. Bowling Green. 270-418-7684
FS - Firewood (will deliver if you buy 2 ricks or more). Glasgow. 270-576-6625
FS - Freeman loader; $100. Holstein bull; $800. Two black bulls; $1,000 each. Hiseville. 270-590-9804
FS – 2005 Buick LeSabre; $2,500. Edmonton. 270-646-0668
FS - Set of tires (size 215/70/16); $80. Hart County. 270-528-6166
FS - For sale – insulated fiberglass panels; $3 each. Green County. 270-405-1260
FS - 8×16 building; $1,700. Floor jack; $75. 8,000BTU air conditioner; $175. 5,000BTU air conditioner; $60. Brown cloth couch; $30. Glasgow. 270-780-6701
FS - 3 year old purebred Charolais bull. Allen County. 270-622-0598
FS - Boat with 5hp engine for sale or trade. Fountain Run. 270-570-0492
FS - 27′ Nomad travel trailer (sleeps 6). Haywood. 270-646-5643
LF - Old riding mowers, go karts, old gas golf carts, old car or truck. FS - lawnmower jack $40, Coach leather backpack $75, mini fridge double door silver in box, new. outdoor canopy, screened in. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Work in tobacco, farming, carpentry, etc. Call 270-308-7524
Lost - Female Red Tick Beagle in Upton area while hunting, wears collar and a tracking device. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, similar to paneling. $3 each or will trade for riding mower or push mower. Call 270-405-1260
LF - House in the country under $500 monthly, German Shepherd pup for service animal, reasonable, will sit with elderly for a few hours daily. Call 270-524-9533
LF - Boston Terrier prefer female or mini Schnauzer. Call 270-670-6952
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels. $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Firewood. Call 270-528-1531
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-773-2768
FS - Several small antiques. Call 270-524-2864
FS - 3 - 17" tires. Call 270-531-6947
LF - 3 wheel bike for an adult. Call 270-786-4399
FS - Electric hospital bed $100. Call 270-748-0052
FS - 1952 Golden Jubilee tractor, needs work. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Workout bench, with bars and weights, steel and concrete. $250. Call 270-774-2065
FS - 4 rims and tires for a golf cart; $50. Pull behind wagon for a mower; $60. Call 270-218-1220
FS – New brown cloth couch and matching recliner; $400. New black mini refrigerator. Call 270-418-7684
FS – Firewood (will deliver if you buy 2 ricks or more). Call 270-576-6625
LF – Set of after-market wheels (15×8, 6-lug) for a Toyota pickup truck. Call 270-202-2880
LF – 2010 or newer gas golf cart. Call 270-576-5696
LF – Set of tires (size 215/55/18). Hart County. Call 270-528-6166
LF – 4-wheel drive 4 door mid size pickup truck. LF - an LP gas cook stove and oven. Call 270-792-1709
Wednesday, November 11th, 2020
LF - Boston Terrier prefer female or mini Schnauzer. Call 270-670-6952
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels. $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Old mowers, go karts, mopeds, old gas golf carts, old car or truck that runs, FS - 2 52" new LED barlights and a 32" used bar light, Coach leather backpack. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Firewood. Call 270-528-1531
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-773-2768
FS - 5 ft bush hog in the Cub Run area $500. Call 270-5240313
FS - Several small antiques. Call 270-524-2864
FS - 3 - 17" tires. Call 270-531-6947
LF - 3 wheel bike for an adult. Call 270-786-4399
FS - Electric hospital bed $100. Call 270-748-0052
LF - Wood stove, camper. Call 270-774-2751
FS - Pair of work boots, 10m size, waterproof, oil resistant, $65. Call 270-773-5306
FS - Hay, 5ft x 5ft rolls. Call 270-528-2531
FS - 1952 Golden Jubilee tractor, needs work. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Workout bench, with bars and weights, steel and concrete. $250. Call 270-774-2065
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-773-2768
FS - 5 ft bush hog in the Cub Run area $500. Call 270-5240313
FS - Several small antiques. Call 270-524-2864
FS - 3 - 17" tires. Call 270-531-6947
LF - 3 wheel bike for an adult. Call 270-786-4399
LF - Wood stove, camper. Call 270-774-2751
FS - Pair of work boots, 10m size, waterproof, oil resistant, $65. Call 270-773-5306
FS - Hay, 5ft x 5ft rolls. Call 270-528-2531
FS - 14- 2x & 3x name brand shirts and sweaters. Lapresse, new, 8 in 1 for a cook. Call 270-590-1461
LF Old mowers, gokarts, golf carts, old car or truck, mopeds, FS - Lawnmower jack $50, Coach backpack $80. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 5 coonhounds. Call 270-218-2645
FS - Boxer pups. Call 270-773-2768
FS - Hay $35 per roll. Call 270-524-9702 or 528-1691
FS - Rolls of hay, $30 each. Call 270-932-4120
FS - Hay, 5ft x 5ft rolls. Call 270-528-2531
FS - 5 boxes of glow sticks $8 per box. Call 270-734-2747
LF - Double door refrigerator. Call 270-524-2938
FS - Electric hospital bed $100. Call 270-748-0052
LF - Old mowers, gokarts, mopeds, old gas golf carts, old car or truck that runs, FS - 2 LED bar lights 52" long, new or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 32" bar light or will trade, coach leather backpack $100, lawnmower jack $50. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, gray marble color, 5 x 5 approximately, like paneling. $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Boxer pups. Call 270-773-2768
FS - Hay $35 per roll. Call 270-524-9702 or 528-1691
FS - Rolls of hay, $30 each. Call 270-932-4120
LF - Wood stove, camper. Call 270-774-2751
FS - Pair of work boots, 10m size, waterproof, oil resistant, $65. Call 270-773-5306
FS - Hay, 5ft x 5ft rolls. Call 270-528-2531
FS - 5 boxes of glow sticks $8 per box. Call 270-734-2747
LF - Double door refrigerator. Call 270-524-2938
FS - Electric hospital bed $100. Call 270-748-0052
LF - Wood stove, camper. Call 270-774-2751
FS - Workout bench, with bars and weights, steel and concrete. $250. Call 270-774-2065
FS - 15 pieces of galvanized metal roofing, corrugated $75 for all. gravity bed wagon, like new with good tires $1950, asst of barn lumber, poplar and oak, horse hay in square bales, 8 farm gates made of heavy duty steel. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Hay, 5ft x 5ft rolls. Call 270-528-2531
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-773-2768
FS - 5 boxes of glow sticks $8 per box. Call 270-734-2747
LF - Double door refrigerator. Call 270-524-2938
FS - Electric hospital bed $100. Call 270-748-0052
LF - Old mowers, gokarts, gas golf carts, older car or truck cheap and running, FS - 1997 Ford F150 extended cab, will sell for parts or junk, lawnmower jack $50, 52" light bar (new, 32" light bar (used), light brown Coach leather backpack $100. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2004 Jeep Wrangler, 4x4 air, hardtop, 82,000 miles $8500, lots of trailers, all kinds and sizes. Call 615-888-6017
FS - Pair of work boots, 10m size, waterproof, oil resistant, $65. Call 270-773-5306
FS - Hay, 5ft x 5ft rolls. Call 270-528-2531
FS - Boxer puppies. Call 270-773-2768
FS - set of shower doors, one is mirrored $30. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 1952 Golden Jubilee tractor, needs work. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Workout bench, with bars and weights, steel and concrete. $250. Call 270-774-2065
LF - Old mowers, gocarts, gas golfcarts, old cars, old car or truck that runs, FS - Coach leather back pack, light brown $100. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 15 pieces of galvanized metal roofing, corrugated $75 for all. gravity bed wagon, like new with good tires $1950, asst of barn lumber, poplar and oak, horse hay in square bales, 8 farm gates made of heavy duty steel. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Workout bench, with bars and weights, steel and concrete. $250. Call 270-774-2065
LF - Old mowers, gocarts, gas golfcarts, old cars, old car or truck that runs, FS - Coach leather back pack, light brown $100. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 15 pieces of galvanized metal roofing, corrugated $75 for all. gravity bed wagon, like new with good tires $1950, asst of barn lumber, poplar and oak, horse hay in square bales, 8 farm gates made of heavy duty steel. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 5 boxes of glow sticks $8 per box. Call 270-734-2747
LF - Double door refrigerator. Call 270-524-2938
FS - 4 Beagle hounds, 2 are registered, set of 6 Tritonic shock collars, with controls and charger base, fence panels. Call 615-330-0463
FS - John Deere D140 48hp, has 2 new belts, Troybilt 17" push mower, flat top guitar. Call 270-670-1513
FS - 2 year old Cub Cadet riding mower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Hollister jeans, size 34x32. Call 270-537-5512
LF - Riding lawnmower. Call 270-299-1277
FS - Metal detector. Call 270-487-1479
FS - 2007 Gravely riding mower, 60" cut, 448 hours, $3500, pressure washer with Honda motor, all hoses, ready $199. Call 270-814-1068
FS - 2004 Jeep Wrangler, 4x4 air, hardtop, 82,000 miles $8500, lots of trailers, all kinds and sizes. Call 615-888-6017
LF - Twin trundle bed. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Metal detector. Call 270-487-1479
FS - 2250 Int'l tractor loader, has hay spear, 6 ft bucket. 270-646-0878
FS - 2007 Gravely riding mower, 60" cut, 448 hours, $3500, pressure washer with Honda motor, all hoses, ready $199. Call 270-814-1068
FS - 2004 Jeep Wrangler, 4x4 air, hardtop, 82,000 miles $8500, lots of trailers, all kinds and sizes. Call 615-888-6017
GA - Spotted catfish, LF - Pig 100-150lbs. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Twin trundle bed. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Dual detox machine, two cleanses at a time, with aluminum case, 2 tubs, bag of salt, instructions, used twice, like new. LF - desk with hutch. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Info and photos for the old Horse Cave Speedway, located on 218 on the Bobby Dale farm, older Barren County Speedways at the fairgrounds at Park City and one on 31-E. Call 270-524-3280
LF -0ld riding mowers, derby card, FS - Jack $50, new, Coach leather backpack $125, new, set of aluminum wheels and tires to fit a golf cart or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 5 to 6 loads of top soil. Call 270-646-0878
FS - 4 Beagle hounds, 2 are registered, set of 6 Tritonic shock collars, with controls and charger base, fence panels. Call 615-330-0463
FS - Skid steer. Call 270-834-8484
GA - Golden Retriever puppies to forever homes, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, excellent temperament, trainable, perfect for families. Serious inquiries only, email or text 828-354-3889
FS - 17" tires, $20, 2 Gander Mountain reels $50 each, men's winter dress jackets $20, black fireman's suit, large, waterproof. $50. Call 270-404-0223
FS - Metal detector. Call 270-487-1479
FS - 4 Beagle hounds, 1 male, other females, set of Tritonic shock collars with remotes and charging base, fence panels to make 7 dog pens. 615-330-0463
LF - old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, old gas golf carts, and cars to make derby cars, Christmas blowups, FS - 1996 or 97 Ford pickup truck, ext cab. $300. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Golden Retriever pups, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, great for families with children or other parts. Text 256-663-8167
GA - Spotted catfish, LF - Pig 100-150lbs. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Twin trundle bed. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 17" tires, $20, 2 Gander Mountain reels $50 each, men's winter dress jackets $20, black fireman's suit, large, waterproof. $50. Call 270-404-0223
FS - Metal detector. Call 270-487-1479
LF - Rabbit cages. 2'x2'x18". Call 270-537-5544
FS - Metal detector. Call 270-487-1479
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 5x5's, $3 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 2250 Int'l tractor loader, has hay spear, 6 ft bucket. 270-646-0878
FS - 2007 Gravely riding mower, 60" cut, 448 hours, $3500, pressure washer with Honda motor, all hoses, ready $199. Call 270-814-1068
FS - 2004 Jeep Wrangler, 4x4 air, hardtop, 82,000 miles $8500, lots of trailers, all kinds and sizes. Call 615-888-6017
FS - Dinette set with 4 chairs, antique kitchen cabinet. Call 270-528-4295
FS - 2 recliners, full size bed with rails. Call 270-531-6947
GA - Golden Retriever puppies to forever homes, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, excellent temperament, trainable, perfect for families. Serious inquiries only, email or text 828-354-3889
FS - 2006 Cub Cadet Hydrostatic 25 hp, 50" cut, $800. Call 270-590-8596
FS - Coach backpack, leather, $150 new. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Spotted catfish, LF - Pig 100-150lbs. Call 270-528-5208
GA - Golden Retriever pups, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, great for families with children or other parts. Text 256-663-8167
FS - 2007 Gravely riding mower, 60" cut, 448 hours, $3500, pressure washer with Honda motor, all hoses, ready $199. Call 270-814-1068
FS - 2004 Jeep Wrangler, 4x4 air, hardtop, 82,000 miles $8500, lots of trailers, all kinds and sizes. Call 615-888-6017
FS - Dinette set with 4 chairs, antique kitchen cabinet. Call 270-528-4295
FS - 2 recliners, full size bed with rails. Call 270-531-6947
GA - Golden Retriever puppies to forever homes, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, excellent temperament, trainable, perfect for families. Serious inquiries only, email or text 828-354-3889
FS - 2006 Cub Cadet Hydrostatic 25 hp, 50" cut, $800. Call 270-590-8596
FS - Coach backpack, leather, $150 new. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 4 Beagle hounds, 1 male, registered, Tritonic shock collars, set of 6 with chargers, aluminum dog box and storage, fence panels 6x10. Call 615-330-0463
LF - Rabbit cages, 2'x2'x18". Call 270-537-5544
FS - 2007 Chevy Impala. Call 270-590-6031
FS - 17" tires, $20, 2 Gander Mountain reels $50 each, men's winter dress jackets $20, black fireman's suit, large, waterproof. $50. Call 270-404-0223
FS - Metal detector. Call 270-487-1479
LF - Old riding mowers, go-karts, mopeds, old gas golf carts, derby cars, Christmas blowups, FS - Coach leather backpack, black. $150. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Firewood for special cut wood, LF - square baled hay. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 3/16" thick, lots of uses $3 each or will trade to a good mower or belt sander. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Rolled and square baled hay, mixed. Call 270-537-4044
LF - Old riding mowers, go-karts, mopeds, derby cars, Halloween and Christmas blow ups, FS - Phillips water pump, new $150, LF - campfire wood. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Pumpkins $1 to $3, all sizes toward Mammoth Cave. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Antique tools, antiques inside garage, set up inside. Call 270-524-2864
LF - House to rent. Call 270-576-1170
FS - 2 new heads for '02 to '09 Chevy Trailblazer. Call 270-834-9960
FS - 2006 Nissan Frontier, extended cab, 4x4. Call 270-834-9960
FS - 2 Black Angus heifers. Call 270-590-9215
FS - 2004 New Holland 330 tractor 4x4, finishing mower, plow, grader blade and lift. $8500 for all. Call 270-528-6780
GA - 3 kittens, 2 females and 1 tom. Call 270-786-1288
FS - Two new kerosene space heaters, for large spaces. Call 270-774-1485
FS - PVC water pipe, asking half price, electric fence box, iron posts, electric fence wire, woven wire, 2 gravity bed wagons. Call 270-932-1777
Yard Sale - Whickerville Baptist Church Saturday, October 24th, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The location is 90 Whickerville Road in Hardyville. Lunch will be available at 11:00 a.m. All proceeds will go to the Church and Youth group.
FS - Dried gourds, 7 1/2' Christmas tree $50, pint jars. Call 270-325-3710
FS – Flat top electric stove, black, electric hospital bed with mattress. Call 270-748-0052
GA - Golden Retriever puppies to forever homes, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, excellent temperament, trainable, perfect for families. Serious inquiries only, email or text 828-354-3889
LF - Electric cook stove. Call 270-308-7524
FS - Rolled hay $30 each. near Greensburg. Call 270-932-4120 or 270-932-2086
FS - PVC water pipe, asking half price, electric fence box, iron posts, electric fence wire, woven wire, 2 gravity bed wagons. Call 270-932-1777
Yard Sale - Whickerville Baptist Church Saturday, October 24th, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The location is 90 Whickerville Road in Hardyville. Lunch will be available at 11:00 a.m. All proceeds will go to the Church and Youth group.
FS - Dual detox machine, two cleanses at a time, with aluminum case, 2 tubs, bag of salt, instructions, used twice, like new. LF - desk with hutch. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Two new kerosene space heaters, for large spaces. Call 270-774-1485
FS - new Phillips 190cc water pump $175. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Set of 8 tractor weights (100 lbs each) rolled hay. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 2250 Intl loader has bucket, hayfork, new hoses. Call 270-646-0878
FS - 2 old turning plows, old farm equipment. Call 270-524-2864
FS - 6 ft aluminum step ladder $40, 18 ft extension ladder $65. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Dual detox machine, two cleanses at a time, with aluminum case, 2 tubs, bag of salt, instructions, used twice, like new. LF - desk with hutch. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Two new kerosene space heaters, for large spaces. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Lawnmowers, mopeds, gokarts, derby cars, FS - new Phillips 190cc water pump $175. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Set of 8 tractor weights (100 lbs each) rolled hay. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 2250 Intl loader has bucket, hayfork, new hoses. Call 270-646-0878
FS - 9 ft New Holland disc-mower, 4 basket tedder, 8 wheel rake. 270-537-5875
FS - 2 old turning plows, old farm equipment. Call 270-524-2864
FS - Dried gourds, 7 1/2' Christmas tree $50, pint jars. Call 270-325-3710
FS - 6 ft aluminum step ladder $40, 18 ft extension ladder $65. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Rolled hay $30 each. near Greensburg. Call 270-932-4120 or 270-932-2086
FS - Dual detox machine, two cleanses at a time, with aluminum case, 2 tubs, bag of salt, instructions, used twice, like new. LF - desk with hutch. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Two new kerosene space heaters, for large spaces. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Lawnmowers, mopeds, gokarts, derby cars, FS - new Phillips 190cc water pump $175. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Set of 8 tractor weights (100 lbs each) rolled hay. Call 270-537-4044
FS - 2250 Intl loader has bucket, hayfork, new hoses. Call 270-646-0878
FS - 9 ft New Holland disc-mower, 4 basket tedder, 8 wheel rake. 270-537-5875
FS - 2 old turning plows, old farm equipment. Call 270-524-2864
FS - couch, grill, LF - 2 to 3 bedroom house in Caverna School district. Call 270-670-5624
FS - 6 ft aluminum step ladder $40, 18 ft extension ladder $65. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Girls clothing, size 10-12 and some boys clothes size 7/8. Call or text 270-528-7981
FS - Dried gourds, 7 1/2' Christmas tree $50, pint jars. Call 270-325-3710
Yard Sale - Everything 1/2 price at 11 Craddock Road, Munfordville.
FS - couch, grill, LF - 2 to 3 bedroom house in Caverna School district. Call 270-670-5624
FS - 6 ft aluminum step ladder $40, 18 ft extension ladder $65. Call 270-528-6488
Yard Sale - 2175 Hammonsville Road Munfordville, antique dishes, trinkets, pictures, small appliances, dvd, Christmas decor, clothing, etc.
Lost multi-colored billfold in Munfordville Saturday. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Girls clothing, size 10-12 and some boys clothes size 7/8. Call or text 270-528-7981
FS - 6 ft aluminum step ladder $40, 18 ft extension ladder $65. Call 270-528-6488
Yard Sale - 1586 Boyds Knob Road through Friday, Minnie Mouse playpen, boys and girls clothes, Call 270-473-3532
FS – Flat top electric stove, black, electric hospital bed with mattress. Call 270-748-0052
GA - Golden Retriever puppies to forever homes, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, excellent temperament, trainable, perfect for families. Serious inquiries only, email or text 828-354-3889
FS - Dining room table with leafs, burgundy sofa, used very little, area rug. gas grill, patio table and chairs. Call 270-670-5624
LF - old mowers, gokarts, mopeds, gas golfcarts, derby cars, FS - 2 Female Yorkie pups, registered, chocolate color, taking deposits. Call 270-670-1359
Lost multi-colored billfold in Munfordville Saturday. Call 270-528-7643
Yard Sale - 1/2 off prices......2175 Hammonsville Road Munfordville, antique dishes, trinkets, pictures, small appliances, dvd, Christmas decor, clothing, etc.
Yard Sale -Friday at 11 Craddock Road, everything is 1/2 price on Hwy 88. between Hardyville & Munfordville.
FS - Dried gourds, 7 1/2' Christmas tree $50, pint jars. Call 270-325-3710
LF - Gaming desk and a desk hutch. Call 270-723-4077
Yard Sale at 2175 Hammonsville Road in Munfordville, signs posted, antique dishes, Corelle dishes, small appliances, toys, clothes and shoes, etc. now thru Thursday.
FS - Gas space heater. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Girls clothing, size 10-12 and some boys clothes size 7/8. Call or text 270-528-7981
FS - 6 ft aluminum step ladder $40, 18 ft extension ladder $65. Call 270-528-6488
Yard Sale - 1586 Boyds Knob Road through Friday, Minnie Mouse playpen, boys and girls clothes, Call 270-473-3532
FS – Flat top electric stove, black, electric hospital bed with mattress. Call 270-748-0052
GA - Golden Retriever puppies to forever homes, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, excellent temperament, trainable, perfect for families. Serious inquiries only, email or text 828-354-3889
LF - Gaming monitor and desk, small pickup truck, light colored 2010 model or newer SUV. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 75 to 80 T-posts, electrical fence wire, used barbed wire, 600-700 PVC water pipe at 1/2 price, new assorted barn lumber, New Holland manure spreader, Craftsman table stand with motor. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Electric cook stove. Call 270-308-7524
FS - Girls clothing, size 10-12 and some boys clothes size 7/8. Call or text 270-528-7981
FS - 6 ft aluminum step ladder $40, 18 ft extension ladder $65. Call 270-528-6488
Yard Sale - 1586 Boyds Knob Road through Friday, Minnie Mouse playpen, boys and girls clothes, Call 270-473-3532
FS – Flat top electric stove, black, electric hospital bed with mattress. Call 270-748-0052
GA - Golden Retriever puppies to forever homes, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, excellent temperament, trainable, perfect for families. Serious inquiries only, email or text 828-354-3889
LF - Gaming monitor and desk, small pickup truck, light colored 2010 model or newer SUV. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 75 to 80 T-posts, electrical fence wire, used barbed wire, 600-700 PVC water pipe at 1/2 price, new assorted barn lumber, New Holland manure spreader, Craftsman table stand with motor. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Used dryer in good condition. Call 270-528-6286
LF - House to rent $400 to $500 per month in Bonnieville, Munfordville, Horse Cave area, need a 2 to 3 bedroom. Call 270-531-6247
FS - Dewalt battery tools includes circular saw, saw saw, 1/2" drill, flashlight and two batteries. $150. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Chest of drawers in good shape, and a daybed with trundle. Call 270-773-7169
LF - Goats and a horse $500 range. Call 270-246-1913
FS - 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited, new parts, brake lines, good tires, solid project car $300, dryer $50. Call 270-537-4034
FS - Dried gourds, all sizes, 7 1/2 ft tall Christmas tree $50, 21 pint jars. Call 270-325-3710
LF - Miniature goats, male and female. 73 - 87 Chevy 1/2 ton 4wd, big dog 4 speed transmission for parts. Call 270-864-5172
FS - Vera Bradley purse $20, Vera Bradley back pack $25, Bronco men's boots, size 10 1/2 EE $20. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 4x5 rolled bales of hay, 20 to 25 rolls. Call 270-537-3158
FS - Coal stove with 30 to 35 bags of coal. Call 270-218-3127
LF - Electric cook stove. Call 270-308-7524
FS – Flat top electric stove, black, electric hospital bed with mattress. Call 270-748-0052
GA - Golden Retriever puppies to forever homes, 1 male and 1 female, house trained, excellent temperament, trainable, perfect for families. Serious inquiries only, email or text 828-354-3889
LF - Gaming monitor and desk, small pickup truck, light colored 2010 model or newer SUV. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 75 to 80 T-posts, electrical fence wire, used barbed wire, 600-700 PVC water pipe at 1/2 price, new assorted barn lumber, New Holland manure spreader, Craftsman table stand with motor. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Vera Bradley purse $20, Vera Bradley back pack $25, Bronco men's boots, size 10 1/2 EE $20. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 4x5 rolled bales of hay, 20 to 25 rolls. Call 270-537-3158
LF - Electric cook stove. Call 270-308-7524
FS - Brothers sewing machine (new), over the stove Frigidaire microwave, under the counter dishwasher (new). Call 270-524-1915
LF - Used dryer in good condition. Call 270-528-6286
LF - House to rent $400 to $500 per month in Bonnieville, Munfordville, Horse Cave area, need a 2 to 3 bedroom. Call 270-531-6247
Yard Sale - Happy Valley Road, Friday & Saturday, collectibles, furniture, clothing, etc.
Moving sale begins Thursday and runs through Saturday at 74 Meadowview Street, couch, tables, lawnmowers, antique milk glass dishes. Call 270-670-5624
Moving sale at 11 Craddock Road on Hwy 88 between Munfordville & Hardyville Thursday and Friday.
Yard Sale - Wednesday through Saturday, 4 families, at Slick Rock and Lawson Road. Call 270-590-9953
FS - 5 to 10 bales of straw, can be last years. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Dewalt battery tools includes circular saw, saw saw, 1/2" drill, flashlight and two batteries. $150. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Chest of drawers in good shape, and a daybed with trundle. Call 270-773-7169
LF - Goats and a horse $500 range. Call 270-246-1913
LF - Old mowers, gokarts, cars to make derby cars, LF - car or truck, cheap and running. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited, new parts, brake lines, good tires, solid project car $300, dryer $50. Call 270-537-4034
FS - Dried gourds, all sizes, 7 1/2 ft tall Christmas tree $50, 21 pint jars. Call 270-325-3710
LF - Miniature goats, male and female. 73 - 87 Chevy 1/2 ton 4wd, big dog 4 speed transmission for parts. Call 270-864-5172
FS - Vera Bradley purse $20, Vera Bradley back pack $25, Bronco men's boots, size 10 1/2 EE $20. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 4x5 rolled bales of hay, 20 to 25 rolls. Call 270-537-3158
FS - Coal stove with 30 to 35 bags of coal. Call 270-218-3127
LF - Electric cook stove. Call 270-308-7524
FS - Vera Bradley purse $20, Vera Bradley back pack $25, Bronco's mens boots, size 10 1/2 EE $20. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 1992 Buick Lesabre Limited, new parts, new brake lines, good tires, nice interior, solid project. $300, dryer $50. Call 270-537-4034
Moving sale begins Thursday and runs through Saturday at 74 Meadowview Street, couch, tables, lawnmowers, antique milk glass dishes. Call 270-670-5624
Moving sale at 11 Craddock Road on Hwy 88 between Munfordville & Hardyville Thursday and Friday.
Yard Sale - Wednesday through Saturday, 4 families, at Slick Rock and Lawson Road. Call 270-590-9953
FS - 2007 Ford Taurus, new battery, good tires $1800. Call 723-6653
Yard Sale - 2172 Charlie Moran Hwy, Horse Cave, Thursday and as long as weather permits. Call 270-528-6774
LF - Electric cook stove. Call 270-308-7524
FS - Large and medium Presto Pressure cookers, make an offer. Call 270-670-9983
LF - 5 to 10 bales of straw, can be last years. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Box full of all new electrical EPVC parts and fitting. The box includes 90 degree sweeps, LBs, Couplings, 1 slip joint and many other parts and fitting $60.,Northwest Transit with carrying case $50. Call 270-524-9276
LF - Goats, and a horse $500 range. Call 270-246-1913
Wednesday, September 30th, 2020
FS - Large and medium Presto Pressure cookers, make an offer. Call 270-670-9983
FS - Vera Bradley purse $20, Vera Bradley back pack $25, Bronco's mens boots, size 10 1/2 EE $20. Call 270-590-1461
LF - Electric cook stove. Call 270-308-7524
LF - Go-karts, gas golf carts, old mowers, cars to make derby cars, FS - 2008 Baha motorcycle or will trade for a go-kart. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 5 to 10 bales of straw, can be last years. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Box full of all new electrical EPVC parts and fitting. The box includes 90 degree sweeps, LBs, Couplings, 1 slip joint and many other parts and fitting $60.,Northwest Transit with carrying case $50. Call 270-524-9276
LF - Goats, and a horse $500 range. Call 270-246-1913
Moving sale at 11 Craddock Road on Hwy 88 between Munfordville & Hardyville Thursday and Friday.
Yard Sale - Wednesday through Saturday, 4 families, at Slick Rock and Lawson Road. Call 270-590-9953
FS - 1992 Buick Lesabre Limited, new parts, new brake lines, good tires, nice interior, solid project. $300, dryer $50. Call 270-537-4034
Moving sale begins Thursday and runs through Saturday at 74 Meadowview Street, couch, tables, lawnmowers, antique milk glass dishes. Call 270-670-5624
FS - Large and medium Presto Pressure cookers, make an offer. Call 270-670-9983
LF - Electric cookstove. Call 270-308-7524L
FS - Coal Stove with 30 to 35 bags of coal. Call 270-218-3127
FS - Jack Pacific Plug & Play with tv and all types of games, nice girls children's clothes up to size 4, white kitchen pantry, 9 ft porch posts with tops and bottoms. Call 270-427-2888
GA - Barn cats. Call 270-537-4993
LF - 5 to 10 bales of straw, can be last years. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Dried gourds, all sizes, 7 1/2 ft tall Christmas tree $50, 21 pint jars. Call 270-325-3710
LF - Miniature goats, male and female. 73 - 87 Chevy 1/2 ton 4wd, big dog 4 speed transmission for parts. Call 270-864-5172
FS - Box full of all new electrical EPVC parts and fitting. The box includes 90 degree sweeps, LBs, Couplings, 1 slip joint and many other parts and fitting $60.,Northwest Transit with carrying case $50. Call 270-524-9276
LF - dryer. Call 270-528-6286
Yard Sale - Thurs, Fri & Sat. moving sale, furniture, dishes, lawnmowers, tools, inside and outside, rain or shine 8 a.m. at 74 Meadowview Street in Horse Cave. Call 270-670-5624
FS - Dewalt battery tools includes circular saw, saw saw, 1/2" drill, flashlight and two batteries and charger. Asking $175. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Vera Bradley purse $20, Vera Bradley back pack $25, Bronco's mens boots, size 10 1/2 EE $20. Call 270-590-1461
LF - Small 4wd truck in good shape. Call 270-723-4077
LF - 2x4's, 2x6's, 2x10's, all 8 ft. and 4x8 plywood. Call 270-218-1466
GA - 5 kittens (6 weeks old). Call 270-786-1288 can leave a message
LF - Go-karts, gas golf carts, old mowers, cars to make derby cars, FS - 2008 Baha motorcycle or will trade for a go-kart. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Double door refrigerator (white), glass top stove, washer and dryer $125 each or $400 for all. Call 270-473-3733 in Munfordville
FS - Oak china cabinet, charcoal grill $50, electric griddle, sink rack $15. Call 270-565-4689
FS - Pumpkins, assorted sizes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Brothers sewing machine (new), over the stove Frigidaire microwave, under the counter dishwasher (new). Call 270-524-1915
FS - Dried gourds, all sizes, 7 1/2 ft tall Christmas tree $50, 21 pint jars. Call 270-325-3710
LF - Miniature goats, male and female. 73 - 87 Chevy 1/2 ton 4wd, big dog 4 speed transmission for parts. Call 270-864-5172
LF - dryer. Call 270-528-6286
Yard Sale - Thurs, Fri & Sat. moving sale, furniture, dishes, lawnmowers, tools, inside and outside, rain or shine 8 a.m. at 74 Meadowview Street in Horse Cave. Call 270-670-5624
FS - Dewalt battery tools includes circular saw, saw saw, 1/2" drill, flashlight and two batteries and charger. Asking $175. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Vera Bradley purse $20, Vera Bradley back pack $25, Bronco's mens boots, size 10 1/2 EE $20. Call 270-590-1461
LF - Small 4wd truck in good shape. Call 270-723-4077
LF - 2x4's, 2x6's, 2x10's, all 8 ft. and 4x8 plywood. Call 270-218-1466
GA - 5 kittens (6 weeks old). Call 270-786-1288 can leave a message
LF - Go-karts, gas golf carts, old mowers, cars to make derby cars, FS - 2008 Baha motorcycle or will trade for a go-kart. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Double door refrigerator (white), glass top stove, washer and dryer $125 each or $400 for all. Call 270-473-3733 in Munfordville
FS - Oak china cabinet, charcoal grill $50, electric griddle, sink rack $15. Call 270-565-4689
FS - Pumpkins, assorted sizes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Brothers sewing machine (new), over the stove Frigidaire microwave, under the counter dishwasher (new). Call 270-524-1915
LF - Small 4wd truck in good shape. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Large propane ventless gas heater. Call 270-218-0006
FS - 2 end tables $25 for both. Call 270-786-1281 or text 270-528-6108
FS - Jack Pacific Plug & Play with tv and all types of games, nice girls children's clothes up to size 4, white kitchen pantry, 9 ft porch posts with tops and bottoms. Call 270-427-2888
LF - 2x4's, 2x6's, 2x10's, all 8 ft. and 4x8 plywood. Call 270-218-1466
GA - 5 kittens (6 weeks old). Call 270-786-1288 can leave a message
LF - Go-karts, gas golf carts, old mowers, cars to make derby cars, FS - 2008 Baha motorcycle or will trade for a go-kart. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Double door refrigerator (white), glass top stove, washer and dryer $125 each or $400 for all. Call 270-473-3733 in Munfordville
FS - Oak china cabinet, charcoal grill $50, electric griddle, sink rack $15. Call 270-565-4689
FS - Pumpkins, assorted sizes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Brothers sewing machine (new), over the stove Frigidaire microwave, under the counter dishwasher (new). Call 270-524-1915
Thursday, September 24th, 2020
LF - Small 4wd truck in good shape. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Coal Stove with 30 to 35 bags of coal. Call 270-218-3127
LF - old golf carts, derby cars, tailgate for a utility trailer, FS - 2008 street bike, clear title. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 4x5 bales of rolled hay $20 to $25 in Bonnieville. Call 270-537-3158
GA - Barn cats. Call 270-537-4993
Yard Sale - Cave St in Horse Cave, lots of everything. new heaters, tools, clothes. Call 270-612-1056
LF - Large propane ventless gas heater. Call 270-218-0006
FS - 2 end tables $25 for both. Call 270-786-1281 or text 270-528-6108
LF - Old riding lawnmowers, derby cars, go karts, tailgate. FS - 2 riding lawnmowers, 2008 Baha motorcycle, utility trailer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Jack Pacific Plug & Play with tv and all types of games, nice girls childrens clothes up to size 4, white kitchen pantry, 9 ft porch posts with tops and bottoms. Call 270-427-2888
FS - 25 Gal 5HP Sears Air Compressor with reel and hoses and is on wheels asking $150. Call 270-590-0984
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020
LF - Old mowers, go-karts, mopeds, older cars for derby cars. FS- 08 Baha street bike, clean title , 1900 miles, call 270 -270-1359
LF - Chest of drawers in good shape and also a daybed with trundle reasonable. Call 270-773-7169
LF - 10-15 clean 5 gallon buckets 270-218-0006
FS - 2 gravity bed wagons and square bales of hay... call 270-932-1777
LF - 3 Bedroom home to rent in Horse Cave or Cave City area. Please call 270-773-7279 ask for Melinda
LF-Old mowers, go-karts, mopeds, older cheap car or truck that runs for derby use: FS- 08 Baha streetbike, clean title , 1900 miles, call 270 -270-1359
LF-Chest of drawers in good shape and also a daybed with trundle reasonable. Call 270-773-7169
LF-10-15 clean 5 gallon buckets 270-218-0006
FS-2 gravity bed wagons and square bales of hay... call 270-932-1777
LF-3 Bedroom home to rent in Horse Cave or Cave City area. Please call 270-773-7279 ask for Melinda
LF - Old mowers, go-karts, mopeds, older cheap car or truck that runs: FS-02 Olds Alero runs good will sale or trade, 08 Baha streetbike, clean title , 1900 miles, call 270 -270-1359
FS-07 Ford Taurus Runs good, air works, good battery and tires, Call 270-524 -6653
FS- Rolls of Hay in Green County call 270-932-2086 or 270-932-4120
FS-Craftsman self propelled push mower 6.75 hp with 22 inch cut $50. Call 270-590-1847
Thursday, September 17th, 2020
LF-Looking for a gravity wagon please call 270-524-3460
FS-Cricket phone with charger $50. call 270-381-0306
LF-3 Bedroom home to rent in Horse Cave or Cave City area. Please call 270-773-7279 ask for Melinda
FS-25 Gal 5HP Sears Air Compressor with reel and hoses and is on wheels asking $150. Call 270-590-0984
LF - Old mowers, go-karts, mopeds, older cheap car or truck that runs, FS - dorm refrigerator $40, metal dump trailer $80. 2000 Olds Alero, cold air, or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Living room suit, couch and loveseat, no stains, smoke free home $150. Call 270-473-4040 or 270-524-2751
FS- Dishwasher, under the sink, over the stove microwave barely used, portable musical instrument. Other items as well. Call 270-524-1915 ask for Nora.
LF - Job taking care of elderly, has references and is dependable, a carpenter to put up paneling in a trailer. Call 270-670-1338
Yard Sale - Friday just past the stockyard, 2172 Charlie Moran Hwy, Horse Cave, toys, electronic, clothes, etc.
Yard Sale - 313 N. 9th Street in Cave City, everything is $3, signs are posted. 2000 Olds Alero, cold air, or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat in Bonnieville, full size bed frame, picnic table, kitchen table and chairs, fresh eggs and green tomatoes. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, derby cars, older car or truck running, FS - utility trailer 5x10 will trade to a larger one. dorm refrigerator $40, small metal trailer $80. Call 270-670-1359
Missing dog in the 4552 Cub Run Highway, Female Blue Healer bulldog mix. White and blue speckled. has collar Bubby Dennis. Answers to Sassy. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Rhode Island red hens. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Box full of all new electrical EPVC parts and fitting. The box includes 90 degree sweeps, LBs, Couplings, 1 slip joint and many other parts and fitting $60.,Northwest Transit with carrying case $50. Call 270-524-9276
FS - Living room suit, couch and loveseat, no stains, smoke free home $150. Call 270-473-4040 or 270-524-2751
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, derby cars, older car or truck running, FS - utility trailer 5x10 will trade to a larger one. dorm refrigerator $40, small metal trailer $80. Call 270-670-1359
Missing dog in the 4552 Cub Run Highway, Female Blue Healer bulldog mix. White and blue speckled. has collar Bubby Dennis. Answers to Sassy. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Rhode Island red hens. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Box full of all new electrical EPVC parts and fitting. The box includes 90 degree sweeps, LBs, Couplings, 1 slip joint and many other parts and fitting $60.,Northwest Transit with carrying case $50. Call 270-524-9276
FS - Living room suit, couch and loveseat, no stains, smoke free home $150. Call 270-473-4040 or 270-524-2751
Yard Sale -Saturday at 7 a.m., 3 miles past Glasgow High School on 68/80, sink, stove, girls clothes, baby clothes.
36x46 double pane window, new. Call 270-646-0967 773-3706
LF - Old mowers, go-karts, mopeds, older cheap car or truck that runs, FS - dorm refrigerator $40, metal dump trailer $80. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Automatic pool vacuum. ,$125. Call 270-786-1281 or 270-528-6108
FS - New in box New Balance shoes, size 10 medium. $25. Call 270-590-1461
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at Mt. Beulah Church lawn on 88, 3 miles out Cub Run Highway.
FS - Washer and dryer $300, black electric cook stove $150. Call 218-0689
LF - Computer. Call 270-524-3212
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-784-8139
LF - Set of wheels and tires to fit a Chrysler minivan. Call 270-524-3280
FS - 5 antique mirrors $5 to $10 each, antique Barbie dolls. Call 270-590-8240
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at Mt. Beulah Church lawn on 88, 3 miles out Cub Run Highway.
FS - Kitchen table and chairs, bedroom suit, umbrella with glass table, small wooden picnic table. LF - Canning jars reasonable. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Washer and dryer $300, black electric cookstove $150. Call 218-0689
LF - Computer. Call 270-524-3212
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-784-8139
LF - Chevy trucks, GM cars. Call 270-218-0689
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020
FS - 3 Mastercraft tires, size 265 R70 16's $90. Call 270-218-0480
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-784-8139
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
LF - Old mowers, garden tillers, mopeds, derby cars. FS - 1985 GMC 4wd Sonoma, no title or will trade. 5x10 utility trailer with drop gate will trade for 6x12. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Gravity bed wagon, like new $1950, horse hay in square bales or rolls, New Holland manure spreader, assortment of barn lumber (never used) PVC water pipe 1" to 4" 24 length. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 2006 Ford Taurus, grey, 4-door, needs transmission; $1,000 OBO. 270-535-1109
FS - set of Ford 15″ aluminum wheels with Goodyear tires; $400 OBO. Scottsville. 270-943-0866
FS - lot with house for sale in Tompkinsville. Chickens. 270-407-3551
FS - John Deere mower with 54″ cut; $300. Smiths Grove. 270-790-9643
FS - 30 gallon water heater; $100. Maytag white dish washer; $75. Over the stove microwave; $25. Smiths Grove. 270-784-2090
FS - Two framed prints of the Tennessee Titans/Super Bowl. Cherry twin bed. Entertainment center. Solid oak kitchen table. Totes full of dishes. Tompkinsville. 270-427-2888
FS - 3 Mastercraft tires, size 265 R70 16's $90. Call 270-218-0480
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-784-8139
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
FS - 12 ft john boat, trailer, new marine battery, trolling motor. $950 or motor for $650. LF - square hooded Murray 6 speed lawnmower for parts. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Set of wheels and tires to fit a Chrysler minivan. Call 270-524-3280
FS - 5 antique mirrors $5 to $10 each, antique Barbie dolls. Call 270-590-8240
FS - New bread maker $30. Call 270-404-5309
LF - Old barns to tear down, paying cash money. 270-427-9498
LF - Painter or handyman for a job. Smiths Grove. 270-925-2219
LF - Small used concrete mixer, in good condition in the Glasgow area. Call 270-678-3574
LF - Sets of old horse hanes and horse collars. Call 270-646-0878
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-590-8139
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
LF - Pool pump, and a free small dog. 270-991-0396
LF - S-10 4-wheel drive or a Ford Explorer. Bowling Green. 270-792-6376
LF - Housekeeper. Glasgow. 270-651-2510
FS - 12 ft john boat, trailer, new marine battery, trolling motor. $950 or motor for $650. LF - square hooded Murray 6 speed lawnmower for parts. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Set of wheels and tires to fit a Chrysler minivan. Call 270-524-3280
LF - Old mowers, gokarts, mopeds, derby cars, FS - dorm refrigerator, GMC Sonoma ext cab 4wd, no title for farm truck cash or trade. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Saturday, 5 families, 3 miles from Glasgow High School on the Edmonton Road. 7 a.m.
FS - 3 Mastercraft tires, size 265 R70 16's $90. Call 270-218-0480
LF - Sets of old horse hanes and horse collars. Call 270-646-0878
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-590-8139
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
LF - old riding mowers, old cars to make derby cars. FS - shower chair $30, dorm size refrigerator $40, LF - chest type deep freeze. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Ashley wood heater $300, new set of grates. Call 242-7172
Yard Sale - Saturday, 5 families, 3 miles from Glasgow High School on the Edmonton Road. 7 a.m.
FS - 3 Mastercraft tires, size 265 R70 16's $90. Call 270-218-0480
LF - Sets of old horse hanes and horse collars. Call 270-646-0878
LF - 5×10 enclosed trailer. Barren County. 270-427-6786
LF - Pool pump, and a free small dog. 270-991-0396
LF - S-10 4-wheel drive or a Ford Explorer. Bowling Green. 270-792-6376
LF - Housekeeper. Glasgow. 270-651-2510
LF - old mowers, gokarts, mopeds, chest type deepfreeze, FS Dodge Neon, 4 cyl, no title., Call 670-1359
FS - Wood pallets in good shape 50c each. Call 270-531-2245
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-590-8139
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
LF - Sets of old horse hanes and horse collars. Call 270-646-0878
LF - old mowers, gokarts, mopeds, chest type deepfreeze, FS Dodge Neon, 4 cyl, no title., Call 670-1359
FS - Wood pallets in good shape 50c each. Call 270-531-2245
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-590-8139
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
FS - Presto pressure cooker, luggage set. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Baby mattress, high chair, childs youth bed, little girls Disney table with 2 chairs. Call 502-341-4335
LF - 70,000 btu furnace for mobile home. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Dodge Neon, 5 spd, no title, 79 Nissan Pickup, 4wd will trade for gas golf cart or 4 wheeler, LF - riding mowers, gokarts and mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 12 ft john boat, trailer, new marine battery, trolling motor. $950 or motor for $650. LF - square hooded Murray 6 speed lawnmower for parts. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Set of wheels and tires to fit a Chrysler minivan. Call 270-524-3280
LF - Sets of old horse hanes and horse collars. Call 270-646-0878
LF - old mowers, gokarts, mopeds, chest type deepfreeze, FS Dodge Neon, 4 cyl, no title., Call 670-1359
FS - Wood pallets in good shape 50c each. Call 270-531-2245
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-590-8139
LF - Chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-524-7182
FS - 1975 John Deere diesel tractor. $5995, located in Glasgow. Call 270-749-3313
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
LF - Goats to buy and a 6x12 utility trailer. Call 706-255-7686
FS - 7x10 trailer, drop tailgate, mesh floor, 2 John Deere lawnmowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Gravity bed $2950, Craftsman table saw, New Holland manure spreader, large assortment of barn lumber and rolled and baled hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
Found - 2 dogs at Pine Ridge Hill, 1 is black and white, the other is a tan poodle. Found at 3965 Pine Ridge Hill.
FS - 5 antique mirrors $5 to $10 each, antique Barbie dolls. Call 270-590-8240
FS - New bread maker $30. Call 270-404-5309
FS - Craftsman generator, like new, 6500 watts. $125. Call 270-612-0195
FS - 7740 Ford tractor, 86 hp, runs $12,500. Call 1-615-888-6017
LF - Blue plastic barrels with lids and rings. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Canning jars, 14 pints with rings, 15 jelly jars with rings $5, 11 jelly, 3 pints with rings $5. Call 270-651-6103
FS - 36" white storm door with sliding glass and screen, has light hail damage at bottom $50, 5000 btu air conditioner, needs cleaning, but works. Call 270-524-9276
LF - 2x4's 5' to 10' long. Call 270-473-3248
FS - Horse trailer 4 horse slant, has refrigerator, air-conditioner, fresh paint, LF - black kitchen stove with regular burners, if possible. Call 270-699-6187
FS - 2 metal clothing racks $20 for both, 25 record albums, Dell computer with keyboard, mouse, speakers, $100. 100 cup coffee pot. Call 270-612-1056
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
FS - 36" white storm door with sliding glass and screen, has light hail damage at bottom $50, 5000 btu air conditioner, needs cleaning, but works. Call 270-524-9276
LF - 2x4's 5' to 10' long. Call 270-473-3248
LF - Pre 1965 silver dimes, will pay $1.50 each. Call 270-816-0658
LF - Old mowers, go carts, chest type deepfreeze, FS - Dodge Neon, FS or trade - 1997 Nissan 4x4 pickup, no title, FS - 2001 Chevy box truck. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-524-7182
FS - 1975 John Deere diesel tractor. $5995, located in Glasgow. Call 270-749-3313
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
LF - Goats to buy and a 6x12 utility trailer. Call 706-255-7686
FS - 7x10 trailer, drop tailgate, mesh floor, 2 John Deere lawnmowers. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Gravity bed $2950, Craftsman table saw, New Holland manure spreader, large assortment of barn lumber and rolled and baled hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
Found - 2 dogs at Pine Ridge Hill, 1 is black and white, the other is a tan poodle. Found at 3965 Pine Ridge Hill.
FS - 5 antique mirrors $5 to $10 each, antique Barbie dolls. Call 270-590-8240
FS - New bread maker $30. Call 270-404-5309
FS - Craftsman generator, like new, 6500 watts. $125. Call 270-612-0195
FS - 7740 Ford tractor, 86 hp, runs $12,500. Call 1-615-888-6017
LF - Blue plastic barrels with lids and rings. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Canning jars, 14 pints with rings, 15 jelly jars with rings $5, 11 jelly, 3 pints with rings $5. Call 270-651-6103
Free - Kittens and mothers. Call 270-505-2283
FS - Baby mattress, high chair, childs youth bed, little girls Disney table with 2 chairs. Call 502-341-4335
LF - 70,000 btu furnace for mobile home. Call 270-524-1110
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
LF - Lady that does machine quilting. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Heavy duty wagon like new 8x20 ft $2950, livestock watering tank, 50 gallon $35 obo, Sears table saw, heavy duty $350, New Holland square hay baler, like new $6500 obo. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Refrigerator . Call 270-773-3368
LF - Pre 1965 silver dimes, will pay $1.50 each. Call 270-816-0658
FS - 36" white storm door with sliding glass and screen, has light hail damage at bottom $50, 5000 btu air conditioner, needs cleaning, but works. Call 270-524-9276
LF - 30 plus acres in the Glasgow/Bon Ayr/Beckton area. Call 270-261-1392
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-590-8139
LF - Goats to buy and a 6x12 utility trailer. Call 706-255-7686
Free - Kittens and mothers. Call 270-505-2283
FS - Gravity wagon $2950 obo, livestock watering tank $40 obo, New Holland manure spreader, large assortment of barn lumber, antiques. call 270-932-1777
FS - Baby mattress, high chair, childs youth bed, little girls Disney table with 2 chairs. Call 502-341-4335
LF - 70,000 btu furnace for mobile home. Call 270-524-1110
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
LF - Lady that does machine quilting. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Pre 1965 silver dimes, will pay $1.50 each. Call 270-816-0658
FS - 36" white storm door with sliding glass and screen, has light hail damage at bottom $50, 5000 btu air conditioner, needs cleaning, but works. Call 270-524-9276
LF - 30 plus acres in the Glasgow/Bon Ayr/Beckton area. Call 270-261-1392
FS - 30" glass top electric Whirlpool cook stove, oven doesn't work $50. Call 270-528-1839
FS - Boys jeans, size 10-18, $2 a pair. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-590-8139
LF - Goats to buy and a 6x12 utility trailer. Call 706-255-7686
FS - 7x10 trailer with mesh floor, drop tailgate. 2 John Deere lawnmower. Call 270-457-4236
Garage sale - new items, etc... 7 1/2 mm Millerstown Road, in Clarkson. FS - HP computer, does need some work. Motorcycle helmets. Call 270-446-0180
FS - Horse trailer 4 horse slant, has refrigerator, air-conditioner, fresh paint, LF - black kitchen stove with regular burners, if possible. Call 270-699-6187
FS - 2 metal clothing racks $20 for both, 25 record albums, Dell computer with keyboard, mouse, speakers, $100. 100 cup coffee pot. Call 270-612-1056
LF - 70,000 btu furnace for mobile home. Call 270-524-1110
Garage sale - Ice box $100, 5 years-old. Thursday through Saturday. 7 1/2mm Millerstown Road, outskirts of Clarkson. Call 270-446-0180
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
LF - Deepfreeze, FS - Dell computer. Call 270-612-1056
FS - Table and 6 chairs. $200. Call 270-670-5414
FS - 7x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Place to rent, FS - record albums, 2 clothes racks. $20. Call 270-612-1056
LF - Old lawnmowers, etc. FS - dorm size refrigerator 97 Nissan 4wd, no title, 2001 Chevy box truck $2600 or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Refrigerator . Call 270-773-3368
LF - Lady that does machine quilting. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Pre 1965 silver dimes, will pay $1.50 each. Call 270-816-0658
Garage Sale - Fri & Sat, lots of stuff in Clarkson area. Clothing, vcr tapes, dvds, camcorders, push mower, electric well pump motor. Call 270-446-0180
FS - 36" white storm door with sliding glass and screen, has light hail damage at bottom $50, 5000 btu air conditioner, needs cleaning, but works. Call 270-524-9276
LF - 70,000 btu furnace for mobile home. Call 270-524-1110
Garage sale - Ice box $100, 5 years-old. Thursday through Saturday. 7 1/2mm Millerstown Road, outskirts of Clarkson. Call 270-446-0180
LF - Bushel of tomatoes. Call 270-651-2557
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
LF - Deepfreeze, FS - Dell computer. Call 270-612-1056
FS - Table and 6 chairs. $200. Call 270-670-5414
FS - 7x10 trailer. Call 270-457-4236
LF - Place to rent, FS - record albums, 2 clothes racks. $20. Call 270-612-1056
Garage Sale - Thursday and Saturday; clothing, tools at 7.5 mm Millerstown Road in Clarkson , also garden supplies. Call 270-446-0180
FS - Heavy duty wagon like new 8x20 ft $2950, livestock watering tank, 50 gallon $35 obo, Sears table saw, heavy duty $350, New Holland square hay baler, like new $6500 obo. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Refrigerator . Call 270-773-3368
FS - 36" white storm door with sliding glass and screen, has light hail damage at bottom $50, 5000 btu air conditioner, needs cleaning, but works. Call 270-524-9276
LF - 30 plus acres in the Glasgow/Bon Ayr/Beckton area. Call 270-261-1392
FS - 30" glass top electric Whirlpool cook stove, oven doesn't work $50. Call 270-528-1839
LF - Someone to pour a concrete pad in the Cave City area. Call 270-612-0213
LF - Small deepfreeze. Call 270-670-9087
FS - 7x10 trailer with mesh floor, drop tailgate. 2 John Deere lawnmower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Antique pitcher and bowl set. $75. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Bushel of tomatoes. Call 270-651-2557
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
FS - Boys jeans, size 10-18, $2 a pair. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Goats to buy and a 6x12 utility trailer. Call 706-255-7686
FS - 30" glass top electric Whirlpool cookstove, oven doesn't work $50. Call 270-528-1839
FS - Desktop Dell computer $100. record player, albums $40. Call 270-612-1056
LF - Someone to pour a concrete pad in the Cave City area. Call 270-612-0213
Garage sale - lots of new items, bathing suits, water fountain, tools, misc items, today. 7369 Millerstown Road In Clarkson Call 270-446-0180
LF - Old lawnmowers, etc. FS - dorm size refrigerator 97 Nissan 4wd, no title, 2001 Chevy box truck $2600 or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Small deepfreeze. Call 270-670-9087
FS - old cedar rocker, child's desk, LF - canning jars. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-590-8139
LF - Goats to buy and a 6x12 utility trailer. Call 706-255-7686
FS - Intex pool ladder, new in box. $20. Call 270-646-0967 or 270-773-3706
FS - 7x10 trailer with mesh floor, drop tailgate. 2 John Deere lawnmower. Call 270-457-4236
Yard sale items - 1 tote. dishes, etc. Call 270-524-4547
FS- plus size clothes, LF - refrigerator. Call 270-773-3368
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
FS - 15" tires and wheels, 13x10.50xR15 XLT, chrome wheels, look like Mag wheels. Call 270-590-8139
LF - Goats to by and a 6x12 utility trailer. Call 706-255-7686
FS - Intex pool ladder, new in box. $20. Call 270-646-0967 or 270-773-3706
FS - 7x10 trailer with mesh floor, drop tailgate. 2 John Deere lawnmower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Antique pitcher and bowl set. $75. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Bushel of tomatoes. Call 270-651-2557
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
FS - Boys jeans, size 10-18, $2 a pair. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
FS - New bread maker $30. Call 270-404-5309
FS - Craftsman generator, 6500 watts, like new $125 in Cave City. Call 270-612-0195
FS - Canning jars, 14 pints with rings, 15 jelly jars with rings $5, 11 jelly, 3 pints with rings $5. Call 270-651-6103
FS - 30" stainless steel glass top electric cookstove, oven doesn't work. $50. Call 270-528/-1839
Yard sale items - 1 tote. dishes, etc. Call 270-524-4547
FS- plus size clothes, LF - refrigerator. Call 270-773-3368
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
Yard Sale - through Saturday at 1586 Boyds Knob Road, clothes for men and women, kids clothes, dishes, etc. Call 270-473-3532
FS - Intex pool ladder, new in box. $20. Call 270-646-0967 or 270-773-3706
FS - 7x10 trailer with mesh floor, drop tailgate. 2 John Deere lawnmower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Antique pitcher and bowl set. $75. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Bushel of tomatoes. Call 270-651-2557
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
FS - Boys jeans, size 10-18, $2 a pair. Call 270-723-4077
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at 9 a.m., boys clothes, located on Steen Avenue in Horse Cave near4 the cemetery.
FS - 40" x 17" tv table will hold up to 50" tv, cherry wood grain with shelves $40. Call 270-646-0967
Yard Sale - 6597Linwood on 31-E, baby items, men and women's clothing, skill saw, toaster oven. Call 270-537-4259
FS - Siren and speaker, LED dash light, double burner deep fryer with 5 extra baskets. 537-3341
Yard Sale 8984 N. Dixie Hwy, Bonnieville, pine wooden desk and chair, red couch, 2 older rockers, etc. 8 roosters, vegetables. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 65" Sony television, 2 years-old, $550. Call 270-590-2229
Yard Sale - through Saturday at 1586 Boyds Knob Road, clothes for men and women, kids clothes, dishes, etc. Call 270-473-3532
FS - Intex pool ladder, new in box. $20. Call 270-646-0967 or 270-773-3706
LF - Old mowers, FS - mini fridge, 2001 Chevy box truck $2700 or cash and car trailer, Nissan pickup 4wd, no title, will trade, 1997 Ford Expedition, needs some work, $800 cash or trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 7x10 trailer with mesh floor, drop tailgate. 2 John Deere lawnmower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Antique pitcher and bowl set. $75. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Bushel of tomatoes. Call 270-651-2557
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
FS - New bread maker $30. Call 270-404-5309
FS - Craftsman generator, 6500 watts, like new $125 in Cave City. Call 270-612-0195
FS - Canning jars, 14 pints with rings, 15 jelly jars with rings $5, 11 jelly, 3 pints with rings $5. Call 270-651-6103
Yard Sale - Wednesday through Saturday at 1586 Boyds Knob Road, clothes for men and women, kids clothes, dishes, etc. Call 270-473-3532
LF - Old mowers, FS - mini fridge, 2001 Chevy box truck $2700 or cash and car trailer, Nissan pickup 4wd, no title, will trade, 1997 Ford Expedition, needs some work, $800 cash or trade. Call 270-670-1359
A birthday card shower is being held for Pat Riggs, she will be 82 on August 25th. The address is 6960 Old Munfordville Road, Cave City, Ky. 42127
FS - 1969 Ford XL convertible, red with white interior, 429 engine $3200. Call 270-421-1948
LF - Bluegrass cell phone. Call 270-537-3884
FS - 7x10 trailer with mesh floor, drop tailgate. 2 John Deere lawnmower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Antique pitcher and bowl set. $75. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Bushel of tomatoes. Call 270-651-2557
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
FS - New bread maker $30. Call 270-404-5309
FS - Craftsman generator, 6500 watts, like new $125 in Cave City. Call 270-612-0195
FS - 7740 Ford tractor, 86 hp, $12,500. Call 1-615-888-6017
LF - Blue plastic barrels with lids and rings. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Canning jars, 14 pints with rings, 15 jelly jars with rings $5, 11 jelly, 3 pints with rings $5. Call 270-651-6103
FS - 1969 Ford XL convertible, red with white interior, 429 engine $3200. Call 270-421-1948
LF - Bluegrass cell phone. Call 270-537-3884
FS - 7x10 trailer with mesh floor, drop tailgate. 2 John Deere lawnmower. Call 270-457-4236
FS - Antique pitcher and bowl set. $75. Call 270-590-3195
LF - Bushel of tomatoes. Call 270-651-2557
FS - 7 P205 65R 16 car tires, 3 has 1/2 tread $30. 4 has 30-40% tread, $15 each, one older model Camaro wheel $25, Canon -way printer/copier, like new $25, rear bumper for older model Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle. $10. Call 270-537-5732
FS - New bread maker $30. Call 270-404-5309
FS - Craftsman generator, 6500 watts, like new $125 in Cave City. Call 270-612-0195
FS - 7740 Ford tractor, 86 hp, $12,500. Call 1-615-888-6017
LF - Blue plastic barrels with lids and rings. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Canning jars, 14 pints with rings, 15 jelly jars with rings $5, 11 jelly, 3 pints with rings $5. Call 270-651-6103
LF - Blue plastic barrels with lids and rings. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Canning jars, 14 pints with rings, 15 jelly jars with rings $5, 11 jelly, 3 pints with rings $5. Call 270-651-6103
FS - Fence panels $50, bathroom sink and cabinet $40. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 69 Ford XL Convertible, 429 engine, needs a top and brakes. 72,000 miles. $2500. Call 270-421-1948
FS - Face masks $5 each, assortment of colors. Text 270-579-9639
LF - Gray scrubs, 3 to 4x shirt and XL-2X pants. Call 270-945-3539
FS - Mobility scooter, Jazzy select elite $850, with 2 new batteries. Call 270-646-3434
FS - Single man tent, 6 man tent, good condition. $30 for both. Call 270-404-0223
FS - 2003 Chevy minivan. Call 270-599-6959
FS - Whirlpool washer, works. Call 270-524-0116
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, 2010 HHR automatic, 4 door, 2001 3500 Chevy box truck, or will trade. Nissan pickup 4wd 5 spd, will trade, mini fridge $40, LF - 4 wheeler around $500. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Fence panels $50, bathroom sink and cabinet $40. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 69 Ford XL Convertible, 429 engine, needs a top and brakes. 72,000 miles. $2500. Call 270-421-1948
FS - Face masks $5 each, assortment of colors. Text 270-579-9639
LF - Gray scrubs, 3 to 4x shirt and XL-2X pants. Call 270-945-3539
FS - Mobility scooter, Jazzy select elite $850, with 2 new batteries. Call 270-646-3434
FS - Single man tent, 6 man tent, good condition. $30 for both. Call 270-404-0223
FS - 2003 Chevy minivan. Call 270-599-6959
FS - Whirlpool washer, works. Call 270-524-0116
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, 2010 HHR automatic, 4 door, 2001 3500 Chevy box truck, or will trade. Nissan pickup 4wd 5 spd, will trade, mini fridge $40, LF - 4 wheeler around $500. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Face masks $5 each, assortment of colors. Text 270-579-9639
LF - Gray scrubs, 3 to 4x shirt and XL-2X pants. Call 270-945-3539
FS - Fence panels $50, bathroom sink and cabinet $40. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 69 Ford XL Convertible, 429 engine, needs a top and brakes. 72,000 miles. $2500. Call 270-421-1948
FS - 2001 Chevy box truck, 3500 series, or will trade for a car trailer, 2010 HHR, high mileage, runs, 1997 Nissan 4wd, 5 spd pickup, no title, will trade, LF -riding mowers, gokarts and mopeds. 670-1359
FS - Mobility scooter, Jazzy select elite $850, with 2 new batteries. Call 270-646-3434
FS - Single man tent, 6 man tent, good condition. $30 for both. Call 270-404-0223
FS - 2003 Chevy minivan. Call 270-599-6959
FS - Whirlpool washer, works. Call 270-524-0116
FS - Tobacco sticks. 5c each. Call 270-590-6013
FS - Face masks $5 each, assortment of colors. Text 270-579-9639
LF - Gray scrubs, 3 to 4x shirt and XL-2X pants. Call 270-945-3539
FS - Fence panels $50, bathroom sink and cabinet $40. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 69 Ford XL Computer, 429 engine, needs a top and brakes. 72,000 miles. $2500. Call 270-421-1948
FS - 40 pair of boys windbreaker/athletic pants $50, also other boys sizes, including jeans. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator, white, works good, has icemaker. $100. Call 270-218-0264
FS - 2001 Chevy box truck, 3500 series, or will trade for a car trailer, 2010 HHR, high mileage, runs, 1997 Nissan 4wd, 5 spd pickup, no title, will trade, LF -riding mowers, gokarts and mopeds. 670-1359
FS - Mobility scooter, Jazzy select elite $850, with 2 new batteries. Call 270-646-3434
GA - older model tv. LF - 16 ft utility trailer, reasonable. 270-528-5208
FS - Single man tent, 6 man tent, good condition. $30 for both. Call 270-404-0223
FS - 2003 Chevy minivan. Call 270-599-6959
FS - Face masks $5 each, assortment of colors. Text 270-579-9639
LF - Gray scrubs, 3 to 4x shirt and XL-2X pants. Call 270-945-3539
FS - Fence panels $50, bathroom sink and cabinet $40. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Hinges for 10 doors about 2 to 3.5", LF - complete set of kitchen cabinets. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 250 square bales of hay, orchard grass, fescue and clover, 2nd cutting, $2.50 per bale. Call 270-528-6983
FS - Fresh tame blackberries, west of Glasgow $20 per gallon. Call 270-590-4239
FS - Rototiller, works, 12 1/2 hp. Call 270-735-6322
FS – two cows (Brown Swiss and a Jersey). Mt Hermon. 270-427-6116
FS - 40 pair of boys windbreaker/athletic pants $50, also other boys sizes, including jeans. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator, white, works good, has icemaker. $100. Call 270-218-0264
LF - History of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church. Call 270-531-2061
FS - New turning plow, a spindle broken, $175. Call 270-786-3705
LF - Lady mannequin in sitting position. Harlequin sunglasses. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Face masks $5 each, assortment of colors. Text 270-579-9639
LF - Gray scrubs, 3 to 4x shirt and XL-2X pants. Call 270-945-3539
FS - Fence panels $50, bathroom sink and cabinet $40. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Hinges for 10 doors about 2 to 3.5", LF - complete set of kitchen cabinets. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 250 square bales of hay, orchard grass, fescue and clover, 2nd cutting, $2.50 per bale. Call 270-528-6983
FS - Fresh tame blackberries, west of Glasgow $20 per gallon. Call 270-590-4239
FS - Rototiller, works, 12 1/2 hp. Call 270-735-6322
FS – two cows (Brown Swiss and a Jersey). Mt Hermon. 270-427-6116
FS – recliner. Grandfather clock. Glasgow. 270-861-9069
FS – Scotts riding mower with 42″ cut; $300. Husky riding mower; $200. Glasgow. 270-308-5057
FS - Single man tent, 6 man tent, good condition. $30 for both. Call 270-404-0223
FS - 2003 Chevy minivan. Call 270-599-6959
LF - Stone or brick to put on front of a house. Call 473-1048
LF - House to buy and a red rooster. Call 270-531-6247
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator, white, works good, has icemaker. $100. Call 270-218-0264
FS - Baby mattress, stroller and carseat and walker. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 69 Ford XL Computer, 429 engine, needs a top and brakes. 72,000 miles. $2500. Call 270-421-1948
FS - 2 clothes racks $30 for both, LF - gray scrubs, 3x or 4x. 270-612-1056
FS - 40 pair of boys windbreaker/athletic pants $50, also other boys sizes, including jeans. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator, white, works good, has icemaker. $100. Call 270-218-0264
LF - History of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church. Call 270-531-2061
FS - New turning plow, a spindle broken, $175. Call 270-786-3705
LF - Hinges for 10 doors about 2 to 3.5", LF - complete set of kitchen cabinets. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 250 square bales of hay, orchard grass, fescue and clover, 2nd cutting, $2.50 per bale. Call 270-528-6983
FS - Fresh tame blackberries, west of Glasgow $20 per gallon. Call 270-590-4239
FS - Rototiller, works, 12 1/2 hp. Call 270-735-6322
Horse Cave Christian Church at 105 Guthrie Street will be holding their food pantry and clothes closet at 9:00 a.m. Friday, July 24th. 25 boxes of food will be distributed to families in need. Clothing and miscellaneous items will be displayed outdoors on the south end of the church for those in need of clothing.
FS – Whirlpool electric stove. Ryobi battery powered lawn mower. Two DVD players. Cave City. 270-473-1984
FS – 3 point hitch pickup disc. Glasgow. 270-670-5112
FS – medium to large plastic dog house; $30. Twin bed; $30. Glasgow. 270-678-9653
FS – 55″ Phillips flat screen TV; $300. Glasgow. 270-576-8275
FS – leftovers from a yard sale, wanting to sell everything for one price. Edmonton. 270-590-4983
FS – Wheel Horse lawn tractor with 12hp motor. Lawn mower parts. Glasgow. 270-670-6152
FS – Bonanza riding mower with 8hp motor; $500. 9,500 watt generator; $1,500. Cub Run. 270-996-0701
FS – 1997 Nissan pickup. 2001 Chevy box truck. Cave City. 270-670-1359
FS – large Bell helmet; $55. Glasgow. 270-943-0557
FS – antique dresser with mirror; $35. Metcalfe County. 270-432-7035
FS – five baby chickens and feed; $20. Diamond plated toolbox for a pickup; $50. Hart County. 270-528-5208
FS – two cows (Brown Swiss and a Jersey). Mt Hermon. 270-427-6116
FS – recliner. Grandfather clock. Glasgow. 270-861-9069
FS – Scotts riding mower with 42″ cut; $300. Husky riding mower; $200. Glasgow. 270-308-5057
FS - 40 pair of boys windbreaker/athletic pants $50, also other boys sizes, including jeans. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator, white, works good, has icemaker. $100. Call 270-218-0264
LF - History of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church. Call 270-531-2061
FS - New turning plow, a spindle broken, $175. Call 270-786-3705
LF - Refrigerator. FS - HHR automatic, some hood damage, runs. Call 270-670-1359
GA - older model tv. LF - 16 ft utility trailer, reasonable. 270-528-5208
FS - Single man tent, 6 man tent, good condition. $30 for both. Call 270-404-0223
FS - 2003 Chevy minivan. Call 270-599-6959
LF - Stone or brick to put on front of a house. Call 473-1048
LF - Couch. Call 270-524-4977
FS - Baby mattress, stroller and carseat and walker. Call 502-341-4335
LF - 2 full-time and 2 part-time drivers at the Old Homeplace. Call 270-524-3302
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator. $150. Call 270-528-5784
FS - 5 hp 25 gallon air compressor with hose and reel $100. Call 270-590-0984
LF - House to buy and a red rooster. Call 270-531-6247
FS - 40 pair of boys windbreaker/athletic pants $50, also other boys sizes, including jeans. Call 270-723-4077
FS - large assortment of barn lumber, electric fence box, wires, iron posts, etc, Sears table saw $295, heavy duty hay wagon, 8 by 20 ft $2950 obo, quality horse hay, bales or rolls. Call 270-932-1777
LF - History of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church. Call 270-531-2061
FS - New turning plow, a spindle broken, $175. Call 270-786-3705
Lost - set of house keys at Lighthouse church in Horse Cave Sunday.3 to 4 keys. Call 270-528-5964
FS - Tame blackberries, $15 per gallon. At Hardyville. Call 270-537-5512
LF - Hinges for 10 doors about 2 to 3.5", LF - complete set of kitchen cabinets. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 250 square bales of hay, orchard grass, fescue and clover, 2nd cutting, $2.50 per bale. Call 270-528-6983
LF - Lady mannequin in sitting position. Harlequin sunglasses. Call 270-524-3280
LF - House to buy and a red rooster. Call 270-531-6247
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator, white, works good, has icemaker. $100. Call 270-218-0264
LF - 2 young jennies. Call 270-786-2600 590-3209
LF - Couch. Call 270-524-4977
FS - Baby mattress, stroller and carseat and walker. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Refrigerator. FS - HHR automatic, some hood damage, runs. Call 270-670-1359
GA - older model tv. LF - 16 ft utility trailer, reasonable. 270-528-5208
Lost - set of house keys at Lighthouse church in Horse Cave Sunday.3 to 4 keys. Call 270-528-5964
FS - Tame blackberries, $15 per gallon. At Hardyville. Call 270-537-5512
LF - 110 air conditioner. Call 270-473-3532
LF - Old mowers, go-karts, mopeds, derby cars, FS - glider cloth rocker recliner, new $250, 1997 Nissan pickup, 4 wd, 5 spd, no title, will trade, 2001 Chevy boxtruck 3500 series and will trade. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Stacked washer and dryer. reasonable. Call 270-531-2619
FS - Polaris 325 Magnum 4 wheeler, automatic, utility with hitch Call 270-773-5625
LF - Used 32" storm door. Call Call 270-524-7709
FS - Craftsman riding mower 17.5 horse power 1 year old $500. Troybuilt riding mower 17.5 horse power 4 years old $400. Call 270-786-1744
FS - 3 point hitch hay fork $100 obo call 270-563-2599 or 270-790-2470
FS - 250 square bales of hay, orchard grass, fescue and clover, 2nd cutting, $2.50 per bale. Call 270-528-6983
FS - Fresh tame blackberries, west of Glasgow $20 per gallon. Call 270-590-4239
LF - Hinges for 10 doors about 2 to 3.5", LF - complete set of kitchen cabinets. Call 270-723-4077
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday at Brenda's Log Cabin on North Jackson Hwy across from Gilead Church 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
LF - Lady mannequin in sitting position. Harlequin sunglasses. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Craftsman riding mower 17.5 horse power 1 year old $500. Troybuilt riding mower 17.5 horse power 4 years old $400. Call 270-786-1744
FS - 3 point hitch hay fork $100 obo. Call 270-563-2599 or 270-790-2470
LF - old mowers, mopeds, FS - Glider recliner rocker, gray cloth $250, dorm refrigerator $40, Nissan 4wd pickup, no title will trade for golfcart or 4 wheeler, 2001 Chevy box truck, runs good or will trade for car trailer. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Polaris 325 Magnum 4 wheeler, automatic, utility with hitch Call 270-773-5625
LF - Used 32" storm door. Call Call 270-524-7709
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator, white, works good, has icemaker. $100. Call 270-218-0264
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower with 23hp Kohler engine and 50″ cut; $2,450. Bowling Green. 270-790-7344
FS - Leather couch and loveseat; $600. Chalybeate. 270-282-1251
FS - Grader blade goes under the belly of a Wheel Horse. Wheel Horse trailer. Wheel weights for a garden tractor. Cub Cadet pulling mower; $3,000. Temple Hill. 270-427-6786
FS - 250 square bales of hay, orchard grass, fescue and clover, 2nd cutting, $2.50 per bale. Call 270-528-6983
FS - Fresh tame blackberries, west of Glasgow $20 per gallon. Call 270-590-4239
LF - Hinges for 10 doors about 2 to 3.5", LF - complete set of kitchen cabinets. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Old Pepsi soda bottles from Tompkinsville. Also looking for Saturday Evening Post magazines from the 30s and 40s. Columbia. 270-805-1891
LF - Old barns to tear down. Also looking for a Honda 4-wheeler. 270-427-9498
LF -– pen-raised bobwhite quail. 270-646-8498
Looking for – large safe. 270-696-0809
Looking for – pontoon boat for around $3,000. 270-646-7894
FS - 350 motor and four brand new tires with rims LF - any free dressers or bed or any boy and girl stuff please give me a call try help a family member out. (270) 361-7511
FS - Queen size bed rails to put box springs and mattress on. $30 or best offer. (270) 308-7409
FS - small 5 speed Saturn no converters and no title, be good derby car $225 firm, also looking for good kid broke horse for my daughter and looking for old barns buildings to tear down pay cash call or text anytime 270-261-2464
FS - cook stove work great Asking $50. baby bed that turns into a day bed comes with mattress. Asking $40. I also have a nice twin slay bed. Asking $40. All prices are negotiable. Call or text Anytime 270-261-1467
LF - Someone to put metal roofing on small building, have all new metal. (270) 537-5056
FS - Craftsman riding mower 17.5 horse power 1 year old $500. Troybuilt riding mower 17.5 horse power 4 years old $400. Call 270-786-1744
FS - 3 point hitch hay fork $100 obo call 270-563-2599 or 270-790-2470
LF - House to buy and a red rooster. Call 270-531-6247
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday at Brenda's Log Cabin on North Jackson Hwy across from Gilead Church 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
LF - Lady mannequin in sitting position. Harlequin sunglasses. Call 270-524-3280
LF - Iphone XR or an 11, must be with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-723-4077
LF - 2 full-time and 2 part-time drivers at the Old Homeplace. Call 270-524-3302
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator. $150. Call 270-528-5784
FS - 5 hp 25 gallon air compressor with hose and reel $100. Call 270-590-0984
LF - House to buy and a red rooster. Call 270-531-6247
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday at Brenda's Log Cabin on North Jackson Hwy across from Gilead Church 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
LF - Lady mannequin in sitting position. Harlequin sunglasses. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator, white, works good, has icemaker. $100. Call 270-218-0264
LF - Old Pepsi soda bottles from Tompkinsville. LF - Saturday Evening Post magazines from the 30s and 40s. Columbia. 270-805-1891
LF - Old barns to tear down. Also looking for a Honda 4-wheeler. 270-427-9498
LF - Pen-raised bobwhite quail. 270-646-8498
LF - Large safe. 270-696-0809
LF - Pontoon boat for around $3,000. 270-646-7894
FS - 350 motor and four brand new tires with rims. LF - Any free dressers or bed and boy and girl items. (270) 361-7511
FS - Queen size bed rails to put box springs and mattress on. $30 or best offer. (270) 308-7409
FS - Small 5 speed Saturn no converters and no title, good derby car $225 firm, LF - good kid broke horse and old barns and buildings to tear down. 270-261-2464
FS - Cook stove, asking $50. baby bed that turns into a day bed comes with mattress. Asking $40. nice twin slay bed. Asking $40. All prices are negotiable. Call or text Anytime 270-261-1467
LF - 2 young jennies. Call 270-786-2600 590-3209
LF - Iphone XR or an 11, must be with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Mannequin that sits and sunglasses. Call 270-524-3280
Yard Sale - Today at 1586 Boyd's Knob Road, children's clothes, baby items, etc. Call 270-473-3532
FS - 1997 Nissan pickup, 4wd, 5 spd, no title will trade for gas golfcart or 4 wheeler, 2001 Chevy box truck with roll up door. LF - Riding mowers, gokarts, cars to make derby cars. Call 670-1359
LF - Couch. Call 270-524-4977
FS - New weight distribution hitch for a travel trailer. Call 270-528-4033
FS - Campbell Hausfeld generator, 6 hp OHV motor. $100. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator, white, works good, has icemaker. $100. Call 270-218-0264
FS - 14″ rally wheels and tires; $100. 270-427-8318
FS - Food mill; $20. antique Christmas lights set; $40. Small black cabinet; $40. Red Liz Claiborne purse; $20. . 270-579-6483
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower with 23hp engine; $250. 270-427-7175
FS – rubber mats. Austin community. 270-576-7439
FS – bale straw, and two cows. Mt Hermon area. 270-427-6116
LF – Chihuahua and a Yorkie. 270-303-5508
LF - old barns to tear down, paying cash money up front. 270-427-0587
LF – hitch for a 2005 Toyota Highlander. Haywood. 270-646-5643
LF - Loveseat. 270-537-3733
LF - side chap motor for a tiller (3hp to 5hp). 270-308-1467
LF - automatic transmissions for a 1993 Ford F150 2-wheel drive and a 1993 Ford F150 4-wheel drive. Also looking for junk cars and trucks. 270-576-7439
LF - Someone to help fix death wobble on a 2009 Jeep Wrangler. Hart County. 270-218-1104
FS - Cub cadet riding mower with 22 how twin cam OHV motor and 42″cut, asking $400.00 (270) 590-1847
FS - Single burial plot located at Glasgow Municipal Cemetery $400. Call or text 270-404-0654
FS - 2013 Snapper pro commercial mower, one owner, electric deck lift. Call 270-261-1392
FS - Electric fencing with the boxes, posts, water trough for livestock, 8 x 25' hay wagon, horse hay bales and rolls, 6 ft bush hog. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 2001 Chevy pickup, or will trade for car or truck. 1997 Nissan 4wd, 4cyl, 5 speed, no title will trade for gokart or 4 wheeler. LF - gokarts, cars to make derby cars, riding mowers, etc. Call 270-670-1359
FS - All types of rabbits $10 each. Call 270-537-3701
LF - 2 young jennies. Call 270-786-2600 590-3209
LF - Iphone XR or an 11, must be with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-723-4077
LF - 2 full-time and 2 part-time drivers at the Old Homeplace. Call 270-524-3302
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator. $150. Call 270-528-5784
FS - 5 hp 25 gallon air compressor with hose and reel $100. Call 270-590-0984
FS - Baby mattress, stroller and carseat and walker. Call 502-341-4335
LF - House to buy and a red rooster. Call 270-531-6247
FS - Dog kennel panels, used fencing material, tubing, wooden fence panels, 30′ tall bouncy house with slides. Bowling Green. Call 270-991-1004
FS - 20″ girls pink bicycle- $40. Call 270-670-8639
FS - 2013 Snapper pro commercial mower, one owner, electric deck lift. Call 270-261-1392
FS - Electric fencing with the boxes, posts, water trough for livestock, 8 x 25' hay wagon, horse hay bales and rolls, 6 ft bush hog. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 250 square bales of mixed hay, 2nd cutting. Call 270-528-6983
FS - 2001 Chevy pickup, or will trade for car or truck. 1997 Nissan 4wd, 4cyl, 5 speed, no title will trade for gokart or 4 wheeler. LF - gokarts, cars to make derby cars, riding mowers, etc. Call 270-670-1359
FS - All types of rabbits $10 each. Call 270-537-3701
LF - 2 young jennies. Call 270-786-2600 or 270-590-3209
LF - Iphone XR or an 11, must be with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-723-4077
LF - 2 full-time and 2 part-time drivers at the Old Homeplace. Call 270-524-3302
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator. $150. Call 270-528-5784
FS - 5 hp 25 gallon air compressor with hose and reel $100. Call 270-590-0984
FS - 2013 Snapper pro commercial mower, one owner, electric deck lift. Call 270-261-1392
FS - Electric fencing with the boxes, posts, water trough for livestock, 8 x 25' hay wagon, horse hay bales and rolls, 6 ft bush hog. Call 270-932-1777
Missing - In Horse Cave, a house cat, female, black with a pink collar with tags. Call 270-786-4399
FS - Chickens, hockey table. Little Tykes tables,. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 250 square bales of mixed hay, 2nd cutting. Call 270-528-6983 day hours.
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, FS - 42" cut Craftsman mower, 1997 Nissan pickup, 4wd, 5 spd, no title, will trade for gas golfcart of 4 wheeler. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2001 Chevy pickup, or will trade for car or truck. 1997 Nissan 4wd, 4cyl, 5 speed, no title will trade for gokart or 4 wheeler. LF - gokarts, cars to make derby cars, riding mowers, etc. Call 270-670-1359
LF - AMF 1965 Mustang pedal car in restorable condition. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Used metal, 12 ft sheets, 5V, around 40 pieces. Call 270-735-6698
FS - All types of rabbits $10 each. Call 270-537-3701
LF - Iphoine XR or an 11, must be with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2013 Snapper pro commercial mower, one owner, electric deck lift. Call 270-261-1392
FS - Electric fencing with the boxes, posts, water trough for livestock, 8 x 25' hay wagon, horse hay bales and rolls, 6 ft bush hog. Call 270-932-1777
Missing - In Horse Cave, a house cat, female, black with a pink collar with tags. Call 270-786-4399
FS - Chickens, hockey table. Little Tykes tables,. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 250 square bales of mixed hay, 2nd cutting. Call 270-528-6983 day hours.
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, FS - 42" cut Craftsman mower, 1997 Nissan pickup, 4wd, 5 spd, no title, will trade for gas golfcart of 4 wheeler. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 18 gallon gas tank for a boat $25. Call 270-612-0409
FS - Campbell Hausfield 6 hp OHV Intex motor generator with 3500 watts $150. 205/R75/15 tires $100. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Barnett Ghost 410 crossbow with scope, quiver and arrows with practice tips and brand new blade tips for hunting $500 firm in Cave City area. Call 270-404-0223
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
LF - Iphoine XR or an 11, must be with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Good used roofing $5 each. Call 270-735-6698
LF - 2 young jennies. Call 270-786-2600 590-3209
FS - 2013 Snapper pro commercial mower, one owner, electric deck lift. Call 270-261-1392
FS - Electric fencing with the boxes, posts, water trough for livestock, 8 x 25' hay wagon, horse hay bales and rolls, 6 ft bush hog. Call 270-932-1777
Missing - In Horse Cave, a house cat, female, black with a pink collar with tags. Call 270-786-4399
FS - Chickens, hockey table. Little Tykes tables,. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 250 square bales of mixed hay, 2nd cutting. Call 270-528-6983 day hours.
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, FS - 42" cut Craftsman mower, 1997 Nissan pickup, 4wd, 5 spd, no title, will trade for gas golfcart of 4 wheeler. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 18 gallon gas tank for a boat $25. Call 270-612-0409
FS - Campbell Hausfield 6 hp OHV Intex motor generator with 3500 watts $150. 205/R75/15 tires $100. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Barnett Ghost 410 crossbow with scope, quiver and arrows with practice tips and brand new blade tips for hunting $500 firm in Cave City area. Call 270-404-0223
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
LF - Iphoine XR or an 11, must be with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Good used roofing $5 each. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Misc, tools, clothing. Call 270-446-0180
Yard Sale - 3 to 4 family yard sale Bonnieville 8984 N. Dixie. Call 270-531-6947
Yard Sale - Thurs & Fri, 8 to 5 and Sat 8 to noon, leaf blower, laundry tubs, fishing, girls clothes, glassware, quilts, household items. at 3945 Cub Run Highway. Call 270-524-0116
Missing - housecat, black female, long haired, hot pink collar with tag from 105 Yancy Avenue in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-4399
Yard sale - weekend between Millerstown and Clarkson in Grayson County. 270-446-0180
3945 Cub Run Hwy at Mt. Beulah church. , Thursday, Fri & Sat. fishing supplies, tools, cookbooks, quilts, girls clothes, etc. Call 815-821-1430
FS - Misc, tools, clothing. Call 270-446-0180
FS - Campbell Hausfield 6 hp OHV Intex motor generator with 3500 watts $150. 205/R75/15 tires $100. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 38 treated fence posts, hay wagon with 20 ft flatbed $1950, square and rolled hay, 6 ft bushhog $750. Call 270-932-1777
LF - 10 foot sections of an antenna tower, need 40 ft. Call 270-465-1976
FS - Barnett Ghost 410 crossbow with scope, quiver and arrows with practice tips and brand new blade tips for hunting $500 firm in Cave City area. Call 270-404-0223
FS - Rear tine tiller $500, LG flip phone - straight talk $25, Jeans, $2 each, Model A jack $25. Call 270-446-0180
Yard Sale - Thursday & Friday from 8 to 5 and Saturday from 8 to noon. leaf blower, laundry tubs, fishing items, girls clothes, glassware, quilts, household items at 3945 Cub Run Hwy. Call 270-524-0116
FS - 38 treated fence posts, hay wagon with 20 ft flatbed $1950, square and rolled hay, 6 ft bushhog $750. Call 270-932-1777
LF - 10 foot sections of an antenna tower, need 40 ft. Call 270-465-1976
FS - Barnett Ghost 410 crossbow with scope, quiver and arrows with practice tips and brand new blade tips for hunting $500 firm in Cave City area. Call 270-404-0223
Found - A shop jack, looks new on 31-E and Hwy 88. Call 270-537-1202
FS - Electric fence supplies, 30 new treated posts, NH manure spreader $3500, hay wagon 8x 20 ft $1900, water pipe $300, square bales and rolls of hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
LF - Iphoine XR or an 11, must be with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Good used roofing $5 each. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Misc, tools, clothing. Call 270-446-0180
FS -Woods zero turn mower $2500, good shape. Call 270-670-5614
FS - Campbell Hausfield 6 hp OHV Intex motor generator with 3500 watts $150. 205/R75/15 tires $100. Call 270-590-1847
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave. Call 270-308-0825
LF - Parts for golf carts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
Found - A shop jack, looks new on 31-E and Hwy 88. Call 270-537-1202
FS - Electric fence supplies, 30 new treated posts, NH manure spreader $3500, hay wagon 8x 20 ft $1900, water pipe $300, square bales and rolls of hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
FS - Quilts, curtains and household items $75. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 230 pieces of treated decking lumber, $350. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Iphoine XR or an 11, must be with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Good used roofing $5 each. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Misc, tools, clothing. Call 270-446-0180
FS - FS - 2 - 42" cut Craftsman mowers, 1997 pickup - Will trade for a 4 wheeler or gas golf cart, LF - riding mowers, go-karts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Hammock; $90. Two tractor tires for FREE. 270-799-1490
FS - Jazzy electric mobile chair; $1,500. Glasgow. 270-590-0104
FS - 1968 Craftsman riding mower; $200. Glasgow. 270-670-9592
LF - Landfill. 813-917-1443
LF - House to rent and a refrigerator. 270-576-5931
LF - 6×10 or 6×12 trailer, and zero turn mowers (running or not). 270-457-4236
LF - Cattle scales. Hart County. 270-734-1552
LF - Chihuahua. 270-303-5508
LF - 14′ or 16′ trailer with dovetail gate. 270-427-6786
LF - Curio cabinet. 270-570-0297
LF - Electric stove and refrigerator. Need to have them delivered. Glasgow. 270-404-5466
LF - Someone to dig a pond. Alvaton. 270-938-5329
LF - Motor for a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and a 392 rear end for a 2004 Dodge Ram 150. 270-606-1222
LF - Steering column for a 1997 GMC Sonoma. 270-670-1659
FS - Hard truck bed topper for a 2007 Dodge truck. call 270-670-3250
LF - Iphoine XR or an 11, must be with Bluegrass Cellular. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Good used roofing $5 each. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Misc, tools, clothing. Call 270-446-0180
FS - FS - 2 - 42" cut Craftsman mowers, 1997 pickup - Will trade for a 4 wheeler or gas golf cart, LF - riding mowers, go-karts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Parts for golf carts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
Found - A shop jack, looks new on 31-E and Hwy 88. Call 270-537-1202
FS - Electric fence supplies, 30 new treated posts, NH manure spreader $3500, hay wagon 8x 20 ft $1900, water pipe $300, square bales and rolls of hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
FS - Quilts, curtains and household items $75. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 230 pieces of treated decking lumber, $350. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Zero turn Woods mower, deck in front. $2500. Call 270-670-5614
Garage Sale .Millerstown Road outside of Clarkson. Call 270-446-0180
LF - 5 lug wheels for a 2019 Chevy 4 wd. FS - dog kennel panels. Call 270-528-1419
Yard Sale - underway at N. 9th St. Cave City, toys, cornhole boards, weedeaters, lamps. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1955 Ford 600 tractor. Monroe County. 270-427-7657
FS - 1990 Buick Park Avenue. 270-746-1074
FS - two trailers and riding mowers. 270-457-4236
FS - grader blade for a tractor, and lawn mower parts. Glasgow. 270-670-6152
FS - set of 4 rolling chairs, ladies 3XL leather jacket, box of women’s clothing. 270-773-5334
FS - 1988 Chevrolet. Two baby calves. Center. 270-590-5635
FS - 1972 GMC pickup truck (no title); $800. 1961 Ford truck unibody; $2,800. 270-459-2105
FS - Black bull; $900. 270-734-1552
FS - Murray 20″ mower; $30. One Michelin tire (235/70/16); $30. 270-473-3735
FS - motor for a central heat and air unit. Slot machine. Magnolia community. 270-696-0809
FS – queen size comforter with pillows. . 270-237-3546
FS – 5×10 trailer with new tires. 270-646-5643
Yard Sale - tomato cages, heaters, 100 CT Hogan Lane to Memorial School, signs posted, Thurs, Fri & Sat. 8 a.m. Call 270-528-3698
FS - Flip phone with case $20, 5 tv's and a console 5tv $10 each, flat screen tv to give away - doesn't work, like new motorcycle cover $15, RCA & Hitachi camcorders $25 for both, Ford Model "A" jack $25. Cal 270-446-0180
LF - Parts for golf carts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
Found - A shop jack, looks new on 31-E and Hwy 88. Call 270-537-1202
FS - Electric fence supplies, 30 new treated posts, NH manure spreader $3500, hay wagon 8x 20 ft $1900, water pipe $300, square bales and rolls of hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
FS - Quilts, curtains and household items $75. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 230 pieces of treated decking lumber, $350. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Zero turn Woods mower, deck in front. $2500. Call 270-670-5614
FS - Flip phone with case $20, 5 tv's and a console 5tv $10 each, flat screen tv to give away - doesn't work, like new motorcycle cover $15, RCA & Hitachi camcorders $25 for both, Ford Model "A" jack $25. Cal 270-446-0180
LF - Parts for golf carts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
Found - A shop jack, looks new on 31-E and Hwy 88. Call 270-537-1202
FS - Electric fence supplies, 30 new treated posts, NH manure spreader $3500, hay wagon 8x 20 ft $1900, water pipe $300, square bales and rolls of hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
FS - Quilts, curtains and household items $75. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 230 pieces of treated decking lumber, $350. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Zero turn Woods mower, deck in front. $2500. Call 270-670-5614
Garage sale - now thru the weekend on Millerstown Road.
Yard sale - through Friday in Cave City on North 9th Street. lamps, furniture, etc. Call 270-670-1359
FS -Woods zero turn mower $2500, good shape. Call 270-670-5614
FS - Campbell Hausfield 6 hp OHV Intex motor generator with 3500 watts $150. 205/R75/15 tires $100. Call 270-590-1847
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave. Call 270-308-0825
FS - Saanen dairy goat yearling doe $175 and 4 doeling $150 each, 7 bronze/Narragansett Heritag4e standard turkey cross poults were hatched on May 9th, $12 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Flip phone with case $20, 5 tv's and a console 5tv $10 each, flat screen tv to give away - doesn't work, like new motorcycle cover $15, RCA & Hitachi camcorders $25 for both, Ford Model "A" jack $25. Cal 270-446-0180
LF - Parts for golf carts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
Found - A shop jack, looks new on 31-E and Hwy 88. Call 270-537-1202
FS - Electric fence supplies, 30 new treated posts, NH manure spreader $3500, hay wagon 8x 20 ft $1900, water pipe $300, square bales and rolls of hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
FS - Quilts, curtains and household items $75. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 230 pieces of treated decking lumber, $350. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Zero turn Woods mower, deck in front. $2500. Call 270-670-5614
Found - A part German Shepherd dog with a blue collar on Green Street in Horse Cave in the vicinity of Old Glasgow Road. Call 270-786-1288
FS - Saanen dairy goat yearling doe $175 and 4 doeling $150 each, 7 bronze/Narragansett Heritag4e standard turkey cross poults were hatched on May 9th, $12 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Flip phone with case $20, 5 tv's and a console 5tv $10 each, flat screen tv to give away - doesn't work, like new motorcycle cover $15, RCA & Hitachi camcorders $25 for both, Ford Model "A" jack $25. Cal 270-446-0180
LF - Good used camper. Call 270-774-2751
Found - A shop jack, looks new on 31-E and Hwy 88. Call 270-537-1202
LF - Old riding mowers, cars to make derby cars, good SUV or minivan with air. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Electric fence supplies, 30 new treated posts, NH manure spreader $3500, hay wagon 8x 20 ft $1900, water pipe $300, square bales and rolls of hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Treadmill. Call 270-786-2432
FS - Quilts, curtains and household items $75. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 230 pieces of treated decking lumber, $350. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Zero turn Woods mower, deck in front. $2500. Call 270-670-5614
FS - Saanen Dairy Goat Yearling Doe $175, 4 Doeling $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor, 165 Massey Ferguson tractor. Call 270-369-7394
FS - Two iron benches and table $100 for all. Call 270-590-1461
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower, $400. Call 270-590-1847
Yard Sale - Today at IGA in Upton
LF - Old mowers, mini bikes and mopeds, derby cars, 4 door Chevy pickup or Duramax 4wd. Call 670-1359
FS - Double basket commercial deep fryer with 5 baskets, small smoker grill and gas grill. Call 270-537-3341
LF - Male pit bull puppy or full grown call or text- 270-308-0691
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
FS - John Deere decorations, pictures, tins, shelf and plates. $50. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Forklift has big tires. Call 270-590-2988
LF - Border Collie, full blooded, any gender with or without papers. Call 270-473-1086
FS- Large assortment of barn lumber, electric fence boxes, wire, etc, Sears table saw $295, new 42 ft log chain with hooks $2 per foot, New Holland manure spreader $3500. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Baby chicks up to 7 weeks old, eggs, Yard Sale today at 11:00 a.m. hockey table, baby stroller, high chair, tomato plants, bags of clothes, 8984 N. Dixie Hwy Bonnieville. Call 270-531-6947
Yard Sale - 31-E south of the Wigwams toward Glasgow today, lamps, pillows, household items, no clothes.
FS - Saanen Dairy Goat Yearling Doe $175, 4 Doeling $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor, 165 Massey Ferguson tractor. Call 270-369-7394
FS - Two iron benches and table $100 for all. Call 270-590-1461
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower, $400. Call 270-590-1847
Wednesday, June 10th, 2020
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower, $400. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat yearling doe $175 and 4 doeling at $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor, 165 Massey Ferguson tractor. Call 270-369-7394
FS - Two iron benches and table $100 for all. Call 270-590-1461
LF - Bluegrass LG flip phones. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Quart canning jars $7 a dozen. Call 270-320-3102
LF - Male pit bull puppy or full grown call or text- 270-308-0691
LF - Wood pallets and bunkbeds, couch and dressers. Call 270-576-1022
FS - Size 8 1/2 Durango boots, few scuffs, $200 cash firm. Text 270-670-5183
FS - 2002 VW Jetta TDI, 6 spd, trans black with brown leather, loaded, sunroof, heated seat, asking $4300. Text only to 270-459-0599
FS - Two row no-til Allis Chalmer planter in Morgantown. Call 270-991-0706
FS - 17,000 BTU AC unit, can put in window or wall, $325…270-427-0587
FS - Maytag dryer $150… Glasgow… 270-404-5662
FS - Old tobacco setter for use as a lawn ornament $15… will help load… in the Eighty Eight community… can send pictures… call or text 270-839-4214
FS - Red wagons, including Western Flyer and Radio Flyer… 8×10 utility trailer $800… dump trailer to pull behind a mower, almost new, $200… automotive items like license plates, hubcaps, antique 10 cent Coke machine, works, early 60’s, $350… Glasgow… 270-576-2164
FS - 2 tires and wheels, 185-75-14, came off an Oldsmobile… big crankout window 28″ or 29″ wide and about 70″ tall… Haywood… 270-646-5643
FS - China cabinet with glass doors, like new, can send pics, $200… Glasgow… 270-646-0060 or 404-0051
FS - Cabinet model Singer sewing machine… Bowling Green… 270-799-1490
FS - Oliver turning plow $150… 6ft bush hog $500… 20ft John Deere wagon with bed $950… 28ft long hay elevator for square bales with motor $250… Barren County… 270-670-3570
LF - Old barns, will tear down, remove, and pay cash… 270-427-0587
LF - A few quail in Barren County area to use for training hunting dogs… Austin Tracy… 270-646-8498
LF - A set of 13 inch tires in the Glasgow area. Call 270-579-1725
Tuesday, June 9th, 2020
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower, $400. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat yearling doe $175 and 4 doeling at $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor, 165 Massey Ferguson tractor. Call 270-369-7394
FS - Two iron benches and table $100 for all. Call 270-590-1461
LF - Bluegrass LG flip phones. Call 270-537-5875
Monday, June 8th, 2020
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor and 165 Massey Ferguson tractor. Call 270-369-7394
FS - Two iron benches and table $100 for all. Call 270-590-1461
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower, $400. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, garden tillers, golf cart, old cars to make derby cars, LF - 4 door Chevy pickup around $2500. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Set of heads for a small block Chevy, also 202 exhaust valves, and a 160 intake- 270-590-2740
LF - 5×8 tilt trailer with sides and wooden floor- 270-576-5696
LF - Old mowers and mopeds, old cars, lawn mower wagon, 20-26 horse Kohler motor- 270-670-1359
LF - Pickup truck- S10 or Dodge; in the $1000 range- 270-991-0396
LF - Some Billy Goats- $150-$200 range- 270-404-1015
LF - Hot wheels- 270-670-1659
LF - Good used dryer- 270-678-7584
LF - Topper for a 2008 Toyota Tundra (6.5 feet) 270-384-1776
LF - Good washer- 270-407-0603
LF - Some gutters to clean- 270-427-1082
Friday, June 5th, 2020
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower, 22 hp twin cam OHV, 42" cut. $400. Call 270-590-1847
3 family yard sale, Friday and Saturday, June 5th & 6th, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day at 120 Vine Drive, Horse Cave, baby and children's clothes, baby items, toys and more.
LF - Sweet potato slips. Call 270-524-7716
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
FS - John Deere decorations, pictures, tins, shelf and plates. $50. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Forklift has big tires. Call 270-590-2988
LF - Border Collie, full blooded, any gender with or without papers. Call 270-473-1086
Thursday, June 4th, 2020
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower, 22 hp twin cam OHV, 42" cut. $400. Call 270-590-1847
3 family yard sale, Friday and Saturday, June 5th & 6th, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day at 120 Vine Drive, Horse Cave, baby and children's clothes, baby items, toys and more.
LF - Sweet potato slips. Call 270-524-7716
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
FS - John Deere decorations, pictures, tins, shelf and plates. $50. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Forklift has big tires. Call 270-590-2988
LF - Border Collie, full blooded, any gender with or without papers. Call 270-473-1086
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020
LF - old riding mowers, mopeds, tillers, old cars, pickup truck. Call 670-1359
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower, 22 hp twin cam OHV, 42" cut. $400. Call 270-590-1847
3 family yard sale, Friday and Saturday, June 5th & 6th, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day at 120 Vine Drive, Horse Cave, baby and children's clothes, baby items, toys and more.
LF - Sweet potato slips. Call 270-524-7716
FS - 5 dozen country fresh eggs $2 per dozen. Call 270-473-3678 or 270-473-9043
GA - Parakeet. Call 270-786-2432
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower, 22 hp twin cam OHV, 42" cut. $400. Call 270-590-1847
3 family yard sale, Friday and Saturday, June 5th & 6th, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day at 120 Vine Drive, Horse Cave, baby and children's clothes, baby items, toys and more.
LF - Sweet potato slips. Call 270-524-7716
FS - 5 dozen country fresh eggs $2 per dozen. Call 270-473-3678 or 270-473-9043
GA - Parakeet. Call 270-786-2432
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
Monday, June 1st, 2020
FS - Saanen dairy goat yearling and four doelings. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Acrylic basketball goal, needs post, has backboard. $35. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Used washer. Call 270-473-0110
LF - Solid white kitten. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Sweet potato slips. Call 270-524-7716
FS - 5 dozen country fresh eggs $2 per dozen. Call 270-473-3678 or 270-473-9043
GA - Parakeet. Call 270-786-2432
FS - John Deere decorations, pictures, tins, shelf and plates. $50. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Forklift has big tires. Call 270-590-2988
Friday, May 29th, 2020
FS - 250 tobacco sticks, heavy duty log puller to pull logs, new log chain, 22 ft long, 2 electric fence boxes $75 each, 2 utility poles, 30 ft long $15 each, 20 foot hay wagon $1950. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Sweet potato slips. Call 270-524-7716
FS - 5 dozen country fresh eggs $2 per dozen. Call 270-473-3678 or 270-473-9043
GA - Parakeet. Call 270-786-2432
LF - Someone to bring mulch in Cave City to a home. Call 615-945-7636
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
LF - Border Collie, full blooded, any gender with or without papers. Call 270-473-1086
FS - John Deere decorations, pictures, tins, shelf and plates. $50. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Forklift has big tires. Call 270-590-2988
FS - New Holland manure spreader, square hay baler, electric fence boxes $75 each, 55 concrete blocks $1 each, hay wagon, flatbed 20 ft long $1950. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 1993 or 94 Ford, 24 passenger bus, 2 new batteries, $1500, has 107,000 miles. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 20 ft by 5 ft trailer, heavy built, $650. Call 270-590-1847
Thursday, May 28th, 2020
LF - Someone to bring mulch in Cave City to a home. Call 615-945-7636
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
LF - Border Collie, full blooded, any gender with or without papers. Call 270-473-1086
FS - John Deere decorations, pictures, tins, shelf and plates. $50. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Forklift has big tires. Call 270-590-2988
FS - New Holland manure spreader, square hay baler, electric fence boxes $75 each, 55 concrete blocks $1 each, hay wagon, flatbed 20 ft long $1950. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 1993 or 94 Ford, 24 passenger bus, 2 new batteries, $1500, has 107,000 miles. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 20 ft by 5 ft trailer, heavy built, $650. Call 270-590-1847
Wednesday, May 27th, 2020
FS - New Holland manure spreader, square hay baler, electric fence boxes $75 each, 55 concrete blocks $1 each, hay wagon, flatbed 20 ft long $1950. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 1993 or 94 Ford, 24 passenger bus, 2 new batteries, $1500, has 107,000 miles. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 20 ft by 5 ft trailer, heavy built, $650. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Someone to bring mulch in Cave City to a home. Call 615-945-7636
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
LF - Border Collie, full blooded, any gender with or without papers. Call 270-473-1086
FS - John Deere decorations, pictures, tins, shelf and plates. $50. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Forklift has big tires. Call 270-590-2988
Tuesday, May 26th, 2020
FS - 1993 or 94 Ford, 24 passenger bus, 2 new batteries, $1500, has 107,000 miles. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 20 ft by 5 ft trailer, heavy built, $650. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Someone to bring mulch in Cave City to a home. Call 615-945-7636
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
LF - Border Collie, full blooded, any gender with or without papers. Call 270-473-1086
FS - John Deere decorations, pictures, tins, shelf and plates. $50. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Forklift has big tires. Call 270-590-2988
Friday, May 22nd, 2020
FS - Bee traps $8 to $10, insulated fiberglass panels, bird houses. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 1993 or 94 Ford, 24 passenger bus, 2 new batteries, $1500, has 107,000 miles. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 20 ft by 5 ft trailer, heavy built, $650. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Someone to bring mulch in Cave City to a home. Call 615-945-7636
LF - Cedar chest or trunk, old riding mowers, running or not, garden tillers, mopeds, FS - Craftsman 42" cut riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
Missing - Female cat in Indian Hills Drive area in Glasgow. brown and gray. $100 reward. Call 270-590-1542
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
Thursday, May 21st, 2020
FS - Bee traps $8 to $10, insulated fiberglass panels, bird houses. Call 270-405-1260
FS - 1993 or 94 Ford, 24 passenger bus, 2 new batteries, $1500, has 107,000 miles. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 20 ft by 5 ft trailer, heavy built, $650. Call 270-590-1847
LF - Someone to bring mulch in Cave City to a home. Call 615-945-7636
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
Wednesday, May 20th, 2020
LF - A stud pony 38 to 45 inches. Call or text 270-670-2902
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
LF - Someone to till up a garden spot in the Linwood area. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, minibikes, lawnmower motors 19h and 20-25h Briggs and Stratton. FS - 1999 Olds Silhouette van. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
Tuesday, May 19th, 2020
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
LF - Someone to till up a garden spot in the Linwood area. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 3 year-old Appaloosa stud pony, broke to ride. Call 270-537-1825
LF - A stud pony 38 to 45 inches. Call or text 270-670-2902
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Goats to buy. Call 706-255-7686
FS - Outdoor bench and table $125, outdoor bench seat $75, vinyl screen door $20 and heavy steps $50. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 7 steers and a Holstein. Call 270-528-3307
FS - Face masks, various colors $5 each. Text Text 270-579-9639
FS - New Holland zero turn riding mower 18 h motor, Murray 42" cut riding mower, LF - old lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
Monday, May 18th, 2020
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
LF - Someone to till up a garden spot in the Linwood area. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 3 year-old Appaloosa stud pony, broke to ride. Call 270-537-1825
LF - A stud pony 38 to 45 inches. Call or text 270-670-2902
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Goats to buy. Call 706-255-7686
FS - Outdoor bench and table $125, outdoor bench seat $75, vinyl screen door $20 and heavy steps $50. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 7 steers and a Holstein. Call 270-528-3307
FS - Face masks, various colors $5 each. Text Text 270-579-9639
FS - New Holland zero turn riding mower 18 h motor, Murray 42" cut riding mower, LF - old lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, May 15th, 2020
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
LF - 2000 to 2004 Toyota Tacoma. Call 270-230-5921
LF - Old riding mowers, tillers, mopeds, old derby cars, old pickup trucks. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Goats to buy. Call 706-255-7686
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
FS - New Holland manure spreader $4950, New Holland square hay baler model 276, $4950, 2 row cultivator and 3 bottom plow, gravity wagon bed, like new $1950. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Someone to till up a garden spot in the Linwood area. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 3 year-old Appaloosa stud pony, broke to ride. Call 270-537-1825
LF - A stud pony 38 to 45 inches. Call or text 270-670-2902
FS - Outdoor bench and table $125, outdoor bench seat $75, vinyl screen door $20 and heavy steps $50. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 7 steers and a Holstein. Call 270-528-3307
FS - Face masks, various colors $5 each. Text Text 270-579-9639
FS - 500 gallon propane gas tank. Call 270-218-0006
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, minibikes, lawnmower motors 19h and 20-25h Briggs and Stratton. FS - 1999 Olds Silhouette van. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, May 14th, 2020
LF - Someone to repair a chimney on a metal roof. Call 270-524-3714
LF - 2000 to 2004 Toyota Tacoma. Call 270-230-5921
LF - Old riding mowers, tillers, mopeds, old derby cars, old pickup trucks. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Goats to buy. Call 706-255-7686
FS - 1996 30 ft camper with slide out, bought new, only 42,000 miles, $8995. Call 270-774-1485
FS - New Holland manure spreader $4950, New Holland square hay baler model 276, $4950, 2 row cultivator and 3 bottom plow, gravity wagon bed, like new $1950. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Someone to till up a garden spot in the Linwood area. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 3 year-old Appaloosa stud pony, broke to ride. Call 270-537-1825
LF - A stud pony 38 to 45 inches. Call or text 270-670-2902
FS - Outdoor bench and table $125, outdoor bench seat $75, vinyl screen door $20 and heavy steps $50. Call 270-590-1461
FS - 7 steers and a Holstein. Call 270-528-3307
FS - Face masks, various colors $5 each. Text Text 270-579-9639
FS - 500 gallon propane gas tank. Call 270-218-0006
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, minibikes, lawnmower motors 19h and 20-25h Briggs and Stratton. FS - 1999 Olds Silhouette van. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, May 13th, 2020
FS - Model A jack, antique $30, hydraulic floor jack, needs some work $25, large Tom Tom GPS $25. Call 270-446-0180
FS - Goats and sheep 270-459-0005
FS - 15 geese, full grown. Call 537-5875
LF - Someone to till up a garden spot in the Linwood area. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 3 year-old Appaloosa stud pony, broke to ride. Call 270-537-1825
LF - A stud pony 38 to 45 inches. Call or text 270-670-2902
FS - Outdoor bench and table $125, outdoor bench seat $75, vinyl screen door $20 and heavy steps $50. Call 270-590-1461
GA - Firewood at 523 West Water Street.
Found - A set of keys in Munfordville. Call 270-473-3733
FS - 7 steers and a Holstein. Call 270-528-3307
FS - Face masks, various colors $5 each. Text Text 270-579-9639
FS - 500 gallon propane gas tank. Call 270-218-0006
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, minibikes, lawnmower motors 19h and 20-25h Briggs and Stratton. FS - 1999 Olds Silhouette van. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Husquvarna 42" cut riding lawnmower. Call 270-230-5921
Tuesday, May 12th, 2020
LF - A stud pony 38 to 45 inches. Call or text 270-670-2902
FS - Outdoor bench and table $125, outdoor bench seat $75, vinyl screen door $20 and heavy steps $50. Call 270-590-1461
GA - Firewood at a523 West Water Street.
Found - A set of keys in Munfordville. Call 270-473-3733
FS - 7 steers and a Holstein. Call 270-528-3307
FS - Face masks, various colors $5 each. Text Text 270-579-9639
LF - Playstation 4. Reasonably priced in good condition. Call 270-670-4252
FS - 500 gallon propane gas tank. Call 270-218-0006
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, minibikes, lawnmower motors 19h and 20-25h Briggs and Stratton. FS - 1999 Olds Silhouette van. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Owl decor to scare away birds. Call 270-528-4033
LF - Husquvarna 42" cut riding lawnmower. Call 270-230-5921
Monday, May 11th, 2020
FS - Model A or old Chevy jack, rust color $30, heavy duty floor jack, needs some work $25, 2 VHS camcorders $20 each. Call 270-446-0180
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, minibikes, lawnmower motors 19h and 20-25h Briggs and Stratton. FS - 1999 Olds Silhouette van. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Owl decor to scare away birds. Call 270-528-4033
LF - A stud pony 38 to 45 inches. Call or text 270-670-2902
FS - Outdoor bench and table $125, outdoor bench seat $75, vinyl screen door $20 and heavy steps $50. Call 270-590-1461
GA - Firewood at a523 West Water Street.
Found - A set of keys in Munfordville. Call 270-473-3733
FS - 7 steers and a Holstein. Call 270-528-3307
FS - Face masks, various colors $5 each. Text Text 270-579-9639
Friday, May 8th, 2020
Found - set of keys in Munfordville. Call 270-473-3733
LF - Husquvarna 42" cut riding lawnmower. Call 270-230-5921
FS - Face mask $5 each, various colors.
FS - Screen door $20, heavy steps, can be painted. $50. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 1999 Olds Silhouette van, Sears zero radius turn mower, LF - lawnmowers and tillers, 19 hp and 25hp Briggs & Stratton engine. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Playstation 4. Reasonably priced in good condition. Call 270-670-4252
FS - 7 steers and 1 Holstein. Call 270-528-3307
Thursday, May 7th, 2020
LF - Husquvarna 42" cut riding lawnmower. Call 270-230-5921
FS - Face mask $5 each, various colors. Text 270-579-9639
FS - Screen door $20, heavy steps, can be painted. $50. Call 270-590-1847
FS - Antique rooster vase with canisters $25, strawberry plants, Model A antique jack $40. Call 270-446-0180
FS - 1999 Olds Silhouette van, Sears zero radius turn mower, LF - lawnmowers and tillers, 19 hp and 25hp Briggs & Stratton engine. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Filing cabinet. Call 270-723-4077
LF - John Deer tractor riding lawnmower or a Cub Cadet. Call 270-230-5921
LF - Playstation 4. Reasonably priced in good condition. Call 270-670-4252
FS - 500 gallon propane gas tank. Call 270-218-0006
Monday, May 4th, 2020
LF - Filing cabinet. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Yamaha 650 Jet Ski, needs a battery, turquoise blue color $300. 220 electric air compressor 200 gallon tank $400 obo. call 270-446-0075
FS - 15 ft gooseneck camper frame, 1999 Camaro. Call 270-473-3248
LF - Cheap camper, over 24 ft. Call 270-774-2751
FS - Long aluminum ladder $50. Call 270-524-5307
LF - John Deer tractor riding lawnmower or a Cub Cadet. Call 270-230-5921
LF - Playstation 4. Reasonably priced in good condition. Call 270-670-4252
FS - 500 gallon propane gas tank. Call 270-218-0006
LF - Someone to till up a garden spot in Linwood area. Call 270-590-3209
Friday, May 1st, 2020
LF - Filing cabinet. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Yamaha 650 Jet Ski, needs a battery, turquoise blue color $300. 220 electric air compressor 200 gallon tank $400 obo. call 270-446-0075
FS - 15 ft gooseneck camper frame, 1999 Camaro. Call 270-473-3248
LF - Cheap camper, over 24 ft. Call 270-774-2751
F S- 42" cut White Hydrostatic riding mower. Call 270-651-9842
FS - Music boxes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Long aluminum ladder $50. Call 270-524-5307
LF - John Deer tractor riding lawnmower or a Cub Cadet. Call 270-230-5921
LF - Playstation 4. Reasonably priced in good condition. Call 270-670-4252
FS - 5x7 heavy duty trailer, $200. Call 270-524-9215
Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
FS - Industrial grade air compressor, $400 neg. Jetski, Yamaha 650, doesn't have title, blue and white $250. HP computer with copy machine, monitor, keyboard and tower. $50. cd/dvd player $45. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Goats, feeder pigs, Indian relics. Call 270-246-1913
FS - Under the counter dishwasher, new. pieces of household items. Call 270-524-1915
FS - Long aluminum ladder $50. Call 270-524-5307
LF - John Deer tractor riding lawnmower or a Cub Cadet. Call 270-230-5921
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave or Munfordville. Call 270-283-7979
FS - Large trailer can haul 3 - zero radius turn mowers with weedeater racks, new tires and wheels $2500. Call 270-670-7725
LF - Playstation 4. Reasonably priced in good condition. Call 270-670-4252
FS - 5x7 heavy duty trailer, $200. Call 270-524-9215
LF - Silver coins before 1964. Call 270-816-0658
FS - Dog kennels, rabbit cages, pet carrier. Call 270-528-1099
Monday, April 27th, 2020
LF - Riding mowers, mopeds, tillers, old cars, pickup truck Chevy ext cab 03 to 05, reasonable. Call 270-670-1359
LF - AMF 1965 Mustang pedal car. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Laying hens. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Long aluminum ladder $50. Call 270-524-5307
LF - John Deer tractor riding lawnmower or a Cub Cadet. Call 270-230-5921
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave or Munfordville. Call 270-283-7979
LF - 6x10 utility trailer. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Large trailer can haul 3 - zero radius turn mowers with weedeater racks, new tires and wheels $2500. Call 270-670-7725
LF - Yards to mow. Call 270-531-1706
FS - 5x7 heavy duty trailer, $200. Call 270-524-9215
LF - Silver coins before 1964. Call 270-816-0658
FS - Dog kennels, rabbit cages, pet carrier. Call 270-528-1099
Friday, April 24th, 2020
FS - long aluminum ladder $50. Call 270-524-5307
LF - Old riding mowers, mopeds, garden tillers, throttle for old Poulan chainsaw 670-1359
LF - John Deer tractor riding lawnmower or a Cub Cadet. Call 270-230-5921
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave or Munfordville. Call 270-283-7979
LF - 6x10 utility trailer. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Large trailer can haul 3 - zero radius turn mowers with weedeater racks, new tires and wheels $2500. Call 270-670-7725
LF - Yards to mow. Call 270-531-1706
LF - Privacy wood fence that stands up. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 5x7 heavy duty trailer, $200. Call 270-524-9215
LF - Silver coins before 1964. Call 270-816-0658
FS - Dog kennels, rabbit cages, pet carrier. Call 270-528-1099
Found - Dark gray and white long, haired cat, in the Upton area, has been shaved under throat, cannot meow. Call or text 270-723-4077
LF - Used washer. Call 270-590-3209
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020
LF - John Deer tractor riding lawnmower or a Cub Cadet. Call 270-230-5921
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave or Munfordville. Call 270-283-7979
LF - 6x10 utility trailer. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Large trailer can haul 3 - zero radius turn mowers with weedeater racks, new tires and wheels $2500. Call 270-670-7725
LF - Yards to mow. Call 270-531-1706
LF - Privacy wood fence that stands up. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 5x7 heavy duty trailer, $200. Call 270-524-9215
LF - Silver coins before 1964. Call 270-816-0658
FS - Dog kennels, rabbit cages, pet carrier. Call 270-528-1099
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - 40 rolls of grass hay, 700 square bales of horse hay. Call 270-579-6714 or 270-576-6722
FS - Troybilt garden tiller $225, little garden dump trailer $175. Call 270-537-1202
FS - 2 female German Shepherd pups, wood bee traps $5 each, Craftsman garden tiller. Call 270-528-5208
FR - One bedroom apartment, no smoking, $630 monthly, deposit required. Call 270-651-9545
Found - Dark gray and white long, haired cat, in the Upton area, has been shaved under throat, cannot meow. Call or text 270-723-4077
FS - 1999 Plymouth Voyager van, $500. Call 270-524-5703
LF - Used washer. Call 270-590-3209
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
Monday, April 20th, 2020
LF - Riding mowers, go karts, mopeds, garden tillers, old cars to make derby cars. 2 riding mower motors 19 h Briggs, 21-25 Briggs or Kohler. FS - Weed eater on wheels. Call 670-1359
FS - Childs youth bed, baby walker, stroller, high chair, baby mattress, car seat. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Yards to mow. Call 270-531-1706
LF - Privacy wood fence that stands up. Call 270-590-1847
FS - 5x7 heavy duty trailer, $200. Call 270-524-9215
LF - Silver coins before 1964. Call 270-816-0658
FS - Dog kennels, rabbit cages, pet carrier. Call 270-528-1099
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
Friday, April 17th, 2020
FS - 5x7 heavy duty trailer, $200. Call 270-524-9215
LF - Silver coins before 1964. Call 270-816-0658
FS - Dog kennels, rabbit cages, pet carrier. Call 270-528-1099
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
LF - Silver coins before 1964. Call 270-816-0658
FS - Dog kennels, rabbit cages, pet carrier. Call 270-528-1099
A family lost their home in a house fire. Danny & Gail Philpott, their daughter and 18 month-old granddaughter lived in the home. They are in need of clothes, furniture, dishes, household items, etc. Call 270-218-0170
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
Monday, April 13th, 2020
A family lost their home in a house fire. Danny & Gail Philpott, their daughter and 18 month-old granddaughter lived in the home. They are in need of clothes, furniture, dishes, household items, etc. Call 270-218-0170
FS - Full stock Blue heeler pups. Call 270-524-1676
FS - 38" cut MTD riding mower, weedeater on wheels or will trade, LF - riding mowers, garden tillers, mopeds, 2 motors - 19h Briggs and 24 to 25h motor for a Kohler or Briggs. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 40 rolls of grass hay, 700 square bales of horse hay. Call 270-579-6714 or 270-576-6722
FS - Troybilt garden tiller $225, little garden dump trailer $175. Call 270-537-1202
FS - 2 female German Shepherd pups, wood bee traps $5 each, Craftsman garden tiller. Call 270-528-5208
FR - One bedroom apartment, no smoking, $630 monthly, deposit required. Call 270-651-9545
Friday, April 10th, 2020
FS - 3 riding mowers, 1 MTD 38" cut, a 30" cut and a Troybilt 42" cut or will trade, LF - 18h Briggs & Stratton motor and a 24-25h Briggs & Stratton motor or Kohler, LF - old mowers, derby cars, mopeds. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 5 Blue Heeler pups. Call 270-524-1676
Found - Dark gray and white long, haired cat, in the Upton area, has been shaved under throat, cannot meow. Call or text 270-723-4077
LF - Yards to mow. Call 270-537-1706
Wednesday, April 8th, 2020
LF - Kenner SSP Smash up derby set or loose cars and parts. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Rear tine tiller, old fashioned lawnmower, Cub Cadet lawnmower, like new in storage. Under the counter dishwasher. like new. Call 270-524-1915
FS - Troybilt garden tiller $225, little garden dump trailer $175. Call 270-537-1202
FS - 2 female German Shepherd pups, wood bee traps $5 each, Craftsman garden tiller. Call 270-528-5208
Monday, April 6th, 2020
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
FS - HP computer $40 with copier, Proton cd/dvd player with small speakers $40, computer desk $30, it is light brown wood, Italian antique flower vase $25, Proteck cutoff saw $40. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds and a 24-25 hp motor for a Kohler or Briggs & Stratton mower, patio furniture. FS - Yard sweeper, Poulan chainsaw. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1999 Plymouth Voyager van, $500. Call 270-524-5703
FR - One bedroom apartment, no smoking, $630 monthly, deposit required. Call 270-651-9545
LF - Used washer. Call 270-590-3209
Friday, April 3rd, 2020
FS - Large wall picture, $5, child's used bed, white $25, child's rocking chair $10, 4 white lawnchairs. Call 502-341-4335
LF - Set of Ford Ranger wheels, 4 slot. Call 270-524-3280
Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
FS - Industrial radio, pull behind yard rakes, mulcher, pull behind, Poulan chainsaw with 18" bar or will trade, LF - old riding mowers, gokarts, mopeds, motor for a riding mower 24 horse. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
Monday, March 30th, 2020
FS- Dog pen with gate, has wooden posts $50. Call 270-786-5072
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
Wednesday, March 25th, 2020
FS - HP computer $40 with copier, Proton cd/dvd player with small speakers $40, computer desk $30, it is light brown wood, Italian antique flower vase $25, Proteck cutoff saw $40. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 2 cows, 3 year-old registered Black Angus bull and 3 year-old black Angus Heifer. $1400 for both. Call 270-688-4256
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
FS - Honda riding mower, $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
FS - Antique John Deere zero turn mower… Glasgow… 270-579-9108
FS - 1994 Mustang GT $4500… Green County… 270-405-0381
FS - 1999 Harley Davidson Super Glide, trimmed in pink… Harley Davidson parts… glass blocks that came out of a bathroom… metal wheels 30 inches tall… Beckton… 270-590-6410
FS - 2019 Harley Davidson Fatboy, 800 miles on it… 2019 Razer 900, 4o hours on it… both A-1 condition… Morgantown… 270-999-2170
LF - Old barns, will tear down, haul away, and pay cash… 270-427-9498
Monday, March 23rd, 2020
FS - HP computer $40 with copier, Proton cd/dvd player with small speakers $40, computer desk $30, it is light brown wood, Italian antique flower vase $25, Proteck cutoff saw $40. Call 270-446-0075
LF - old riding mowers and mopeds, 26hp Kohler Courage motor for a mower, FS - Pull behind yard sweepers, mulcher, pull behind, couple of weedeaters, LF trailer for pull behind. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Queen size mattress or regular size. Call 270-524-4547
FS - Parting out a 2004 Chevy Impala, has bucket seats and other great parts… Scottsville… 270-622-9445
FS - 1995 Nissan 4WD pickup, V6, auto, good heat/AC, $2900… French bulldog puppies, 9 weeks old, 2 male and 2 female… Bon Ayr… 270-670-1517
FS - New in the box flux welder, roll of wire, helmet, shield… 2 pressure cookers… iRobot vacuum cleaner, hardly used… Glasgow… 270-404-4508
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra 1500, 4WD, new transmission that is still under warranty, $5000… Glasgow… 270-404-1092
FS - Antique John Deere zero turn mower… Glasgow… 270-579-9108
Friday, March 20th, 2020
LF - old mowers, junk cars, garden tillers, mopeds, LF - 20 to 26" motor Kohler Courage or Kohler Command, old Murray mower parts. FS- weedeaters, LF - derby cars. 670-1359
Thursday, March 19th, 2020
FS - 2 cows, 3 year-old registered Black Angus bull and 3 year-old black Angus Heifer. $1400 for both. Call 270-688-4256
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
FS - Honda riding mower, $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
FS - Proton cd/dvd player with 5 speakers $50, HP computer with copier $50, wooden desk $30, Proteck mitre saw $40. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Old riding mowers, derby cars, mopeds, motor for a 20 to 26 hp Kohler for a mower, FS - weedeaters. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Queen size mattress in Horse Cave. And a coffee table. Call 270-990-7950
Wednesday, March 18th, 2020
FS - Pine colored desk, computer HP with copier $50, Yardmachine riding mower, needs transmission, $100. Proteck cutoff miter saw $40, Size 14 leather boots for farmers. $10 Call 270-446-0075
FS - 2 cows, 3 year-old registered Black Angus bull and 3 year-old black Angus Heifer. $1400 for both. Call 270-688-4256
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
FS - Honda riding mower, $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
Tuesday, March 17th, 2020
FS - Pine colored desk, computer HP with copier $50, Yardmachine riding mower, needs transmission, $100. Proteck cutoff miter saw $40, Size 14 leather boots for farmers. $10 Call 270-446-0075
FS - 2 cows, 3 year-old registered Black Angus bull and 3 year-old black Angus Heifer. $1400 for both. Call 270-688-4256
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
FS - Honda riding mower, $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
Monday, March 16th, 2020
FS - 2 cows, 3 year-old registered Black Angus bull and 3 year-old black Angus Heifer. $1400 for both. Call 270-688-4256
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
FS - Honda riding mower, $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
FS - Dell computer and copier $60, wooden desk $40, Yardmachine lawnmower, needs trans. $100 neg. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Old mopeds, lawnmowers, old Murray 70 model riding mower parts and cars to make derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Treated 2×8 lumber, 10ft long, $125… 270-427-9498
FS - 1999 Chevy 4WD truck, 3 door, 5.3, auto, extended cab… 2 trailers… mowers and mower parts… 270-457-4236
FS - Heirloom grandfather clock, 7ft tall, cleaned and oiled, nice chimes, great condition… ’06 Volvo XC90 SUV, 3rd row seating, sunroof, video monitors in back seat, good tires, runs and drives good, has a little exterior damage, $3500 OBO… Allen County… 270-622-8280
FS - 4000 Ford tractor with front end loader, 3 point hitch, power steering, new front tires, can deliver, $3500 … White Mills… 270-763-7336
FS - Set of 4 20 inch rims, 5 lugs, universal, 5×4.5 bolt pattern, $150… Rocky Hill… 270-991-0396
FS - LT3000 mower with 42″ cut and a TroyBilt Pony 17.5 hp mower… Glasgow… 270-670-6152
FS - 2008 Dodge Ram Sport. 5.7, 4 door, new battery, new starter, needs drivers side front fender and bed, clear title, I will put a water pump on it, selling AS IS, $1300 negotiable… Clarkson… 270-446-0075
FS - Farm fresh brown country eggs $2 per dozen… on Hwy 249 in Roseville… 270-576-3403
FS - 2009 Nissan Altima, some dents in passenger door and fender, runs and drives great, 199,000 miles, $2100… Knob Lick… 270-308-5270
FS - 2006 Chevy Equinox SUV, 2WD, approximately 150,000 miles, black, been regularly serviced and well kept, serious calls only… 270-427-6786
FS - 2008 Kia Sentry, 85,000 miles, 1 owner, and a second one for parts (has blown head gasket), $4000 for both… Glasgow… 270-590-3578
FS - 1991 Mercedes 350 SDL, nice car, diesel, starts and runs but needs a head gasket before you can drive it, $600… Bowling Green… 270-303-1096
FS - Pleasure bridle, English saddle, Western saddle, 3 horse collars, 3 halters, work bridle, work harness with oak hanes, $125 for all, or will sell items individually… Eighty Eight community… 270-839-4214
FS - 4ft and 5ft rolls of hay… king size mattress with pillow top, about 6 or 7 years old, $120… 2005 Chevy Avalanche, 4 door, 4WD, power everything… Tompkinsville… 270-407-3551
FS - Two AKC registered German Shepherds, 1 male and 1 female, will make you a good deal… 2 10×10 chain link dog runs… 2 dog houses… 3 500ft rolls of 3/4 inch water pipe $75 per roll… miscellaneous tools… Edmonton… 270-250-3680
Friday, March 13th, 2020
FS - 2 cows, 3 year-old registered Black Angus bull and 3 year-old black Angus Heifer. $1400 for both. Call 270-688-4256
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
FS - Honda riding mower, $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
FS - Dell computer and copier $60, wooden desk $40, Yardmachine lawnmower, needs trans. $100 neg. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Old mopeds, lawnmowers, old Murray 70 model riding mower parts and cars to make derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
Thursday, March 12th, 2020
LF - 3 to 4 bedroom home in Glasgow or Cave City area. Call 270-537-4571
FS - Carpenter bee traps, birdhouses, 16" Craftsman chainsaw $55, fiberglass panels. Call 270-405-*1260
FS - 2 cows, 3 year-old registered Black Angus bull and 3 year-old black Angus Heifer. $1400 for both. Call 270-688-4256
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
FS - Honda riding mower, $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
LF - Chainsaw, cheap and running, and a highchair for give away. Call 270-528-6042
Tuesday, March 10th, 2020
LF - Female Toy Fox Terrier or Toy Rat Terrier pup. Call 270-473-1100
LF - Any household items, living room furniture, tv's, night stand microwave, cart and sheets for a queen size bed. Call 606-282-2017
FS - Honda riding mower, $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Dell computer, complete with a copying machine $60, Proteck cross saw, yellow $50. Call 270-446-0075
FS- Washer $25, electric cook stove $25, refrigerator $50. Call 270-537-4465
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
LF - Chainsaw, cheap and running, and a highchair for give away. Call 270-528-6042
Monday, March 9th, 2020
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
LF - Chainsaw, cheap and running, and a highchair for give away. Call 270-528-6042
LF - Reese hitch for a Toyota mini-van- 270-308-6460
LF - A Chevy pickup parts truck- extended cab- 4 wheel drive (1988-1998) and would like some junked cars- 270-597-7552
LF - Queen size head board- 270-432-2591
LF - 5-10 horse electric motor (air compressor) 270-590-4051
LF - Welder- 270-528-1419
LF - Coat rack (2 rods) 270-629-5315
FS - Couch and love seat from smoke and pet free home, purchased from Fords Furniture- $350 OBO Call or txt serious inquiries only 270-404-5403
LF - Used water heater and electric range. Call 270-308-7677
LF - Yorkie, 5 years or younger, female, for breeding. Call 270-590-6062
FS - 2007 Chevy Silverado, 2500 heavy duty, 6.0 liter, 4 door, 132,000 miles. $6500. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2 Tom Toms, one is for a motorcycle, $25 each, Proteck cut off saw $50, riding lawnmower, pushmower, both need work, rear tine garden tiller. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Large insulated panels, over 6 ft $2 each, can send pictures. Call 270-405-1260
Friday, March 6th, 2020
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
FS - 2 Tom Tom GPS's, work good. parts from 2008 Dodge Ram Sport. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 4x7 utility trailer or will trade. 2 weedeaters, one is like new. Call 270-670-1359
LF - House, can make down payment and monthly payments, and LF a house to rent $300 to $350. Call 270-473-0580
LF - Chainsaw, cheap and running, and a highchair for give away. Call 270-528-6042
FS - 2007 Chevy Silverado, 2500 heavy duty, 6.0 liter, 4 door, 132,000 miles. $6500. Call 270-590-6007
Wednesday, March 4th, 2020
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS - 40 rolls of grass hay, 700 square bales of horse hay. Call 270-579-6714 or 270-576-6722
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
FS - Set of Ford wheel weights for a tractor. Call 537-4044
FS - 4x7 utility trailer with drop tailgate, LF - old mowers, mopeds. FS - 2 weedeaters or will trade. New starter off a 350 Chevy truck. Call 670-1359
Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020
FS - 2008 Dodge Ram Sport, automatic, white, needs bed and front fender. over 100,000 miles $1300. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Main runners and cross T's for a drop ceiling. Call 270-748-0052
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, 4 speed, automatic, ps, pl, cruise, air, keyless entry, has 233,000 miles in Glasgow. Asking $3500 cash. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS - 40 rolls of grass hay, 700 square bales of horse hay. Call 270-579-6714 or 270-576-6722
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
Monday, March 2nd, 2020
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS - 40 rolls of grass hay, 700square bales of horse hay. Call 270-579-6714 or 270-576-6722
FS- Truck and Blazer, located in front of Barren County Jail. Call 270-590-9953
FS - 4x7 utility trailer, 2 weedeaters, LF - old riding mowers, mopeds, 70 model old Murray riding mowers. 670-1359
FS = 12 pair of mens workpants 35 x 30, $4 each. all for $40, quality horse hay in square bales. $6 each. small microwave in box $30. Call 932-1777
LF - Early model van, 3'4 or 1/2 under $2,000. Call 270-473-1958
Friday, February 28th, 2020
FS - Easter baskets $12 each or 2 for $20. in Horse Cave. Call 270-473-1250
LF - White cat. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Fire wood, $40 per rick and can deliver in Cave City and Horse Cave area. Small gas fee if farther. Call 270-670-6449
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
Thursday, February 27th, 2020
FS - 20x42 Tactical Rifle scope, SWFA brand, like new, scope mounts $150 for all. Call 270-404-0223
LF - Electric clothes dryer. Call 270-263-8359
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Fire wood, $40 per rick and can deliver in Cave City and Horse Cave area. Small gas fee if farther. Call 270-670-6449
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
Wednesday, February 26th, 2020
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Fire wood, $40 per rick and can deliver in Cave City and Horse Cave area. Small gas fee if farther. Call 270-670-6449
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
Tuesday, February 25th, 2020
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Fire wood, $40 per rick and can deliver in Cave City and Horse Cave area. Small gas fee if farther. Call 270-670-6449
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - 35" boys bike $40, pins for a wagon trailer. men and women's clothes, assorted sizes, tarps, dragon lamp, body piercing jewelry, baseball cards. Call 270-786-5072
LF - House to rent. Call 270-537-3733
FS - Riding mower… LT 1000, 14.5 hp, good deck… mower parts… 600×16″ tires… 5×10 trailer… Glasgow… 270-670-6152
FS - 12 sheets new style metal 16 ft long, 11 sheets of 10’8″ long, 11 sheets from 8 to 10 ft, all 3 ft wide… an outside AC unit for a house… 270-427-9498
FS - Seasoned wood $35 per rick… Horse Cave… 270-218-2933
FS - 2005 Hyundai Elantra, 4 cylinder, automatic, good tires, >200,000 miles, $1250 OBO… ’92 Mustang motor, 4 cylinder, $200 OBO… Warren County area… 270-799-4386
FS - 42 inch flatscreen TV… 270-579-9592
FS - 2 male Maltese puppies, shots, dewormed, $800 each… Glasgow… 270-579-1414
FS - 6.5×16 enclosed trailer, good tires, has a spare, breakaway box, E-track around sides, side door and back door, white, good shape… Alvaton… 270-991-6642
FS - Metal tool boxes, mixed tools, Troy Bilt Pony lawn mower that needs repaired, other miscellaneous items… Monroe County… 270-427-8563
FS - Bolen riding mower… Tompkinsville… 270-407-1938
FS - Parting out a 2001 GMC Sonoma, extended cab, aluminum wheels, new tires, for parts only… used metal roofing 12 ft long… 200 red oak 2×4’s, 12 ft long… Bon Ayr… 270-792-9125
FS - Generator, garden tiller, zero turn mower, Poulan chainsaw, push mower, Stihl chainsaw… Barren County… 270-427-6786
FS - Trees… 2 new Chinese rain trees, 8 ft tall, ready to set, $50 for both… Tompkinsville… 270-487-9790
FS - 2 1928 silver dollars, known as Peace Dollars, rare… Magnolia… 270-696-0809
Monday, February 24th, 2020
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
LF - Old riding mowers, gokarts and mopeds. FS - weedeater, like new. 1981 Chevy pickup swb. or will trade. Call 670-1359
LF- Place to live in Horse Cave. Call 283-7979
FS - Fire wood, $40 per rick and can deliver in Cave City and Horse Cave area. Small gas fee if farther. Call 270-670-6449
LF - House or mobile in Horse Cave. Call 270-283-7979
LF - Worker at BRAWA, flexible, part time, cleaning position available, 25 to 30 hours per week, must be 18 or older, have reliable transportation, and a clean record. Inquire at 175 Trojan Trail in Glasgow.
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 190k, 4.6 Tritan motor, silver color, extended cab. $1800 obo. or will trade to a midsize car. Call 270-407-9006
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
Friday, February 21st, 2020
LF - Hunting land to lease in Hart, Barren & Metcalfe Counties. Call 270-646-6003
FS - Fire wood, $40 per rick and can deliver in Cave City and Horse Cave area. Small gas fee if farther. Call 270-670-6449
LF - House or mobile in Horse Cave. Call 270-283-7979
FS - 1981 Chevy swb, LF old Murray riding mowers for parts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Worker at BRAWA, flexible, part time, cleaning position available, 25 to 30 hours per week, must be 18 or older, have reliable transportation, and a clean record. Inquire at 175 Trojan Trail in Glasgow.
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 190k, 4.6 Tritan motor, silver color, extended cab. $1800 obo. or will trade to a midsize car. Call 270-407-9006
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
Thursday, February 20th, 2020
FS - Cummalong, hammers, garden tools, yard tools, knives, digital camera, laptop, movies, cd's. Call 270-786-5072
LF - Odd jobs or work in Horse Cave area, and for a house, 3 to 4 bedroom. Call 270-537-3733
FS - Size 10, 3-piece wedding band set $15, apple items, plates, cups $20, 3 John Deere bowls. Call 270-473-3678
FS - 7 x 30 camper, $450, needs work. Call 270-774-2751
LF - House to rent in Memorial School district area. Call 270-524-9533 or 270-524-0435
FS - 50-100 parts mowers, and 3 trailers- 270-457-4236
FS - Older Whirlpool dryer- $50 (works good) 270-670-3700
FS - 1978 old painting of the Mammoth Cave hotel (framed) by Dale Grey- $100- 270-843-1651
FS - Whirlpool glass top cook stove- stainless steel- $100, and a 2007 Kawasaki 250CC dirt bike (bad motor) 270-428-6584
FS - 2003 Trailblazer- runs good- power windows- $2000- 270-670-6412
Wednesday, February 19th, 2020
LF - House in Horse Cave to rent. FS - coffee table. Call 270-283-7979
LF - Worker at BRAWA, flexible, part time, cleaning position available, 25 to 30 hours per week, must be 18 or older, have reliable transportation, and a clean record. Inquire at 175 Trojan Trail in Glasgow.
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - Square bales of hay $5. Call 606-484-1100
FS - Horse hay in square bales. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Craftsman chainsaw 16" bar $60, insulated fiberglass panels, $2 each, smaller $1 5x5'. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Mobile home on 2 acre lot in Pascal community, bought in 2000 new, has new metal roof, water heater and water meter. Asking $34,000. Call 270-218-0992
FS - 4x8 utility trailer $150, tilts, like new weedeater, LF - old mowers, mini bikes, sprees. 1981 Chevy pickup swb, automatic. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Red Heeler pup, 6 months old. $75. Call 270-531-6947
FS- 1975 MTD riding mower. Call 270-218-0813
FS - 2005 Kawasaki 3010 mule engine. 1700 hrs. Mechanically sound motor and can hear run. $1500.00. Call 270-576-0770
FS - set of 235-50-18 tires, one like new, other 3 - half tread, take $60 for set, curio cabinet, can send pics, $50. LF - old barns buildings to tear down, call or text (270) 261-2464
FS - 5X8 tilt trailer (with a gate) $425 and some furniture- 270-780-6701
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 190k, 4.6 Tritan motor, silver color, extended cab. $1800 obo. or will trade to a midsize car. Call 270-407-9006
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Pair of Red Wing boots (sz.12) like new- $60- 270-834-9619
FS - 6 foot topper for a Dodge Ram (67” wide by 78” long) $150, Exercise bike- $15, Lots of blue jeans (sz. 30×36) and a tail gate for a 2008 Dodge Ram (white) $100- pictures are available and can deliver- 270-446-0075
FS - 2005 Hyundai Elantra- $1500, 1992 Ford Mustang motor- $300 obo, 1995 Dodge truck hood- $50- 270-799-4386
FS - 1969 Camaro hood- $125, 305 Chevy motor, Model A motor, and a 1964 Thunder Bird (complete) 270-459-2105
FS - Sewing machine, Oak kitchen table, Antique radio- 270-799-1490
FS - Long lady’s leather coat (small) $50- 270-678-9653
Tuesday, February 18th, 2020
LF - Worker at BRAWA, flexible, part time, cleaning position available, 25 to 30 hours per week, must be 18 or older, have reliable transportation, and a clean record. Inquire at 175 Trojan Trail in Glasgow.
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - 2005 Chevy 2500 4wd utility truck $3500, 4x5 rolls of hay delivered $65 a roll, loads consist of 30 rolls, 44 gallon fuel tank with electric pump $325, 2 gas welders that need work $100 to $150. Call 270-572-7442
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 190k, 4.6 Tritan motor, silver color, extended cab. $1800 obo. or will trade to a midsize car. Call 270-407-9006
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
GA - White cat, ears are black, female. Call 270-773-2999
LF - Baby walker and Pack n Go playpen in good condition. Call 270-531-1669
FS - Stihl 271 chainsaw. Call 270-407-1490
FS - 2004 Chrysler Town & Country van, silver, 3rd row seating, nice and clean, reliable, runs good… Tompkinsville… 270-427-0179
FS - Large industrial mailbox, Armor brand, new, operates by combination only, 11″ wide x 18″ deep x 14.5″ tall… 270-457-3219
FS - Chest type freezer $50… Hiseville… 270-308-6222
FS - 2005 Buick Rendezvous SUV, 3rd row seating, leather, loaded, heated seats, sunroof, 2nd owner, never smoked in, 151,000 miles, clear title. Call 270-528-1242
FS - Sportsman incubator, holds 280 eggs, automatic, $300… between Ft. Run and Gamaliel… 270-434-4392
LF - Electric cook stove. Call 270-773-4390
LF - Carpentry work and odd jobs, have references… 270-361-8913
LF - Hens in Tompkinsville… 270-487-5637
LF - Old barns, will tear down, haul away, and pay cash for… 270-427-9498
LF - Old motor home with a big block Chevy… 270-528-1419
LF - Steel pipes, minimum of 2 3/8″ diameter… Leitchfield… 270-230-7978
LF - A puppy young enough to grow up with a small child… 270-786-8769
LF - An exercise bike, the kind with the moving handlebars… 270-457-3435
FS - Volkswagen Beetle, red, runs good, $2500… Chevrolet HHR, runs good, $3500… (270) 612-1428
FS - New bath room sink with pedestal $35… A set of head lights for a Chevy Impala $30… A set of head lights for a 2005 GMC truck. Both sets have the bulb in them, $40 for both sets or make an offer… 270-590-1311
LF - A 4×6 trailer, just need good axle and frame. (270) 537-5056
LF - 30 to 40 large rolls of hay, 5×6, within 20 miles of Bowling Green… (270) 792-3563
FS - 2005 Kawasaki 3010 mule engine. 1700 hrs. Mechanically sound motor and can hear run. Priced to sell at $1500.00. Call 270-576-0770
Monday, February 17th, 2020
LF - Worker at BRAWA, flexible, part time, cleaning position available, 25 to 30 hours per week, must be 18 or older, have reliable transportation, and a clean record. Inquire at 175 Trojan Trail in Glasgow.
LF - Cowl hood and automatic steering column for a Chevy pickup, FS - weedeater 4 x8 utility tilt trailer, or will trade, LF - old mowers, gokarts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Red Healer pup $100, Call 270-531-6947
FS - Chain horse, digital camera $35, cd's $1 and up, Zippo Marlboro lighter, $20, blacklight $25, boy's 50": bike, additional Zippo lighters. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Seasoned firewood. Call 270-528-1531
FS - Headlights and taillights for a 2005 F-150, $100 for all…4 tires 245-65-17 $75… taillights for a 2005 Grand Cherokee Chief $50… Glasgow… 270-576-0302
FS - 65hp Evinrude boat motor $500… 270-579-2778
FS - 250 Polaris 4 wheeler, needs a carburetor, $350… 135 Massey Ferguson tractor, gas, power steering. $3800… 270-763-7336
FS - 5×10 utility trailer, good tires, $550… Hiseville… 270-670-8271
FS - 4 tires 235-60-18… ’98 Ford Taurus… ’95 3/4 ton Chevy truck… Glasgow… 270-579-1725\
FS - Billy goat… 270-670-5703
FS - Several riding mowers… 270-670-6152
FS - 2 bras, 42C, one black and one white, $21 for one and $22 for the other one… a variety of purses… Glasgow… 270-590-6139
FS - ’07 Ford Mustang GT California Special, 34,000 miles, turbo, nitrous hookups, cold air intake, gauges, rebuilt title, $15,500 or trade for a 4 door Jeep Wrangler, can send pictures… Browder in Muhlenberg County… call or text 270-791-0069
FS - Several motors, including a model A engine $50… 268 V8 Ford motor from a ’63 Falcon $100… 302 motor from a Ford truck $100… 305 Chevy motor, needs rebuilt, $100… also have a ’73 Corvette Stingray for sale, hunter orange, all matching numbers, $16,000… Burksville… 270-459-2105
FS - 2 twin size black metal beds, came from Walmart, $100 each… Ft. Run… 270-606-1168
FS - ’88 Toyota 4×4 extended cab, 4 new tires, 183,000 miles, $3500 firm… Edmonton… 270-580-2625
FS - 5×8 trailer with a gate $350 firm… Glasgow… 270-780-6701
FS - Under the counter cash drawer with key and
push button operation… 2 person sauna… miscellaneous tools… an office for rent…
FS - 10 ft. Jon boat, no trailer… 12 sheets of metal 12 ft. long and 11 sheets 10 ft. long… Summer Shade… 270-427-9498
FS - 2 infrared wall heaters, like new, $225 OBO… Bowling Green… 270-202-5293
FS - Medium size dog house $15… 270-670-7278
FS - Fender Telecaster… Ibanez acoustic electric… Fender bass… miscellaneous items… Glasgow… 270-576-3126
FS - Wizard front tine tiller $30… Bowling Green… 270-792-3751
FS - Stihl 271 chainsaw… Tompkinsville… 270-407-1490
FS - 2004 Chrysler Town & Country van, silver, 3rd row seating, nice and clean, reliable, runs good… Tompkinsville… 270-427-0179
FS - Large industrial mailbox, Armor brand, new, operates by combination only, 11″ wide x 18″ deep x 14.5″ tall… 270-457-3219
FS - Chest type freezer $50… Hiseville… 270-308-6222
Friday, February 14th, 2020
FS - Used I-Pad, $125, youth type 4-wheeler, like new $1600, older model Camaro wheel, $25, P205-65R-16 tires, 3 are 50% tread $30 each and four are 30% tread $15 each, Canon Pixma printer/copier, wireless, like new $50. Call 270-524-0824 and 270-537-5757
FS - 2005 Chevy 2500 4wd utility truck $3500, 4x5 rolls of hay delivered $65 a roll, loads consist of 30 rolls, 44 gallon fuel tank with electric pump $325, 2 gas welders that need work $100 to $150. Call 270-572-7442
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 190k, 4.6 Tritan motor, silver color, extended cab. $1800 obo. or will trade to a midsize car. Call 270-407-9006
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
Thursday, February 13th, 2020
FS - 2005 Chevy 2500 4wd utility truck $3500, 4x5 rolls of hay delivered $65 a roll, loads consist of 30 rolls, 44 gallon fuel tank with electric pump $325, 2 gas welders that need work $100 to $150. Call 270-572-7442
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 190k, 4.6 Tritan motor, silver color, extended cab. $1800 obo. or will trade to a midsize car. Call 270-407-9006
LF - Refrigerator, single door. Call 270-786-1873
LF - Someone with a bucket truck for a church steeple, will need to be taken down and put back up. Call 270-528-2407
LF - I-phone 6 with Bluegrass service. Call 270-524-4547
FS - Kindle Fire with charger, Electric wheel chair and recliner- 270-773-3368
LF - 1 year old Kemmer Cur dog- female- white- bob tailed and registered- 270-678-2312
LF - A good couch- 270-678-3800
LF - Set of 18” wheels for a 2009 Cadillac CTS- 270-889-4023
LF - Barns to tear down and clean up- 270-590-9804
LF - Someone to help hang 26 sheets of dry-wall- 270-670-9248
LF - Toyota truck- 4 wheel drive-V6- 4 door (2010-2016) 270-427-6786
LF - The ‘Destroyer’ book series (paper back) 270-535-9432
LF - Dodge motor; 2002 Dodge Durango- 4.7- 270-773-4366
Wednesday, February 12th, 2020
FS - 2005 Chevy 2500 4wd utility truck $3500, 4x5 rolls of hay delivered $65 a roll, loads consist of 30 rolls, 44 gallon fuel tank with electric pump $325, 2 gas welders that need work $100 to $150. Call 270-572-7442
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 190k, 4.6 Tritan motor, silver color, extended cab. $1800 obo. or will trade to a midsize car. Call 270-407-9006
FS - 2 small oil lanterns- $10 each, and a drop leaf Cherry table- $40- 270-272-3293
FS - Oak & Hickory firewood (seasoned and green) $45-$50- 270-774-7800
FS - New Jewelry boxes, and lots of items; New computer desk, dishes, etc- $100- 270-975-4071
FS - Hot plate (2 burner) $10, and a large plastic tool box- $15 and looking for a hair dryer- 270-792-5981
FS - 200 amp electric service, 2 garden tiller tires, news garden tiller (front tine), new kid’s acoustic guitar- $30, a new ‘OPEN’ sign, Washer, and a Charcoal BBQ grill- 270-646-6334
FS - 2006 Polaris 300 4 wheeler- NEW motor- new battery and good tires- $1300- 270-834-6996
Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
FS - 2005 Chevy 2500 4wd utility truck $3500, 4x5 rolls of hay delivered $65 a roll, loads consist of 30 rolls, 44 gallon fuel tank with electric pump $325, 2 gas welders that need work $100 to $150. Call 270-572-7442
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
LF - Maytag ringer washer and electric washer. Call 270-570-3933
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 190k, 4.6 Tritan motor, silver color, extended cab. $1800 obo. or will trade to a midsize car. Call 270-407-9006
FS - Oak table and 4 chairs- $200- 270-473-1546
FS - Work harness, 3 collars, 2 saddles, 3 halters, and more- $175- 270-839-4214
FS - 302 motor (1997) and radiator- $200- 270-261-1487
FS - 2001 Fright liner- sleeper- mid roof (call for the price) 2005 Avalanche 4 wheel drive- LOADED- $4000, & looking for 5-6 laying hens- 270-407-3551
FS - Gas dryer- $50- 270-404-0291
FS - TV wall mount (swivels) brand new- 270-246-2115
FS - 2001 Buick Lesabre- 169K- $3300 and a nice electric range- $70- 270-792-6370 & 270-368-0005
Monday, February 10th, 2020
FS - 2005 Chevy 2500 4wd utility truck $3500, 4x5 rolls of hay delivered $65 a roll, loads consist of 30 rolls, 44 gallon fuel tank with electric pump $325, 2 gas welders that need work $100 to $150. Call 270-572-7442
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
FS - Small white cabinet with two shelves on top and hamper on the bottom. 6 ft tall. Call 270-786-5824
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168.
LF - Wood boards for free. Call 270-590-6866
FS - TV antenna- 270-678-2312
FS - 2005 Hyundai Elantra- good tires- $1200, and a 1999 Dodge truck- 4 wheel drive short bed- single cab- $2800 and looking for some female rabbits- 270-799-4386
FS - Front bumper for a F250- $100- 270-537-4709
FS - Oak table, and looking for a rear tire and rim for a 1950 Ferguson tractor- 270-799-1490
FS - Organ- beautiful and restored- $2000- ask for pics- 502-529-2321
FS - 20’ goose-neck trailer with steel all around- $1600- 270-308-6364
FS - 2002 Toyota Camry LE- 191K- $2000- 270-678-0313
FS - Mobile home that MUST BE moved- 53×13- $5500- 270-784-3540
FS - 1990 Chevy 4 wheel drive truck- 270-646-0657
Friday, February 7th, 2020
FS - 2005 Chevy 2500 4wd utility truck $3500, 4x5 rolls of hay delivered $65 a roll, loads consist of 30 rolls, 44 gallon fuel tank with electric pump $325, 2 gas welders that need work $100 to $150. Call 270-572-7442
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
FS - Small white cabinet with two shelves on top and hamper on the bottom. 6 ft tall. Call 270-786-5824
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168.
LF - Wood boards for free. Call 270-590-6866
Thursday, February 6th, 2020
FS - Beige loveseat, dark brown recliner, burgundy recliner. All in good condition. Call 270-834-9846
FS - 1988 4x4 truck $2600, 1998 Ford Explorer, 4wd, $900. Call 270-590-9953
FS - Bowflex stand to put weights on, new. Disney movies, filter for pool or spa, new. 2 guinea pig cages with straw. Call 270-524-4547
LF - Cowl hood and steering column for a Chevy pickup. Old mowers, mini bikes, gokarts. Call 270-670-1359
Wednesday, February 5th, 2020
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
FS - Small white cabinet with two shelves on top and hamper on the bottom. 6 ft tall. Call 270-786-5824
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168.
FS - 52 piece Correlle dishes $20, Gallery dishes, 7 bowls, 8 cups and 8 plates $10, toddler size 4 jeans with tags, 4 Levi's, Gap and a pair of Gymboree, $50 for all. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Wood boards for free. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Organ- beautiful and restored- $2000- ask for pics- 502-529-2321
FS - 20’ goose-neck trailer with steel all around- $1600- 270-308-6364
FS - 2002 Toyota Camry LE- 191K- $2000- 270-678-0313
FS - Mobile home that must be moved- 53×13- $5500- 270-784-3540
FS - 1990 Chevy 4 wheel drive truck- 270-646-0657
FS - Poulan chainsaw, and looking for a kitchen table (pedestal) and chairs, and for some old mowers, go karts, and derby cars- 270-670-1359
FS - Oak table and 4 chairs- $200- 270-473-1546
FS - Work harness, 3 collars, 2 saddles, 3 halters, and more- $175- 270-839-4214
Tuesday, February 4th, 2020
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
FS - Small white cabinet with two shelves on top and hamper on the bottom. 6 ft tall. Call 270-786-5824
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168.
FS - 52 piece Correlle dishes $20, Gallery dishes, 7 bowls, 8 cups and 8 plates $10, toddler size 4 jeans with tags, 4 Levi's, Gap and a pair of Gymboree, $50 for all. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Wood boards for free. Call 270-590-6866
Monday, February 3rd, 2020
FS - Horse hay in square bales $6 each, small microwave $30. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Seasoned and green firewood, can deliver. Call 270-528-1531
FS- Honda, Saturn, Dodge Ram and a Lincoln car, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Call 270-786-2903
FS - Karaoke machine, new. $30 50 " bicycle $25, dvd's $1 each, dragon lamp $15, Marlboro Zippo lighters $25 each. Call 270-975-1010
LF - Kitchen table and chairs, old pickup that runs, cheap, old riding mowers, gokarts, garden tillers. Call 670-1359
FS - Murphy bed $25, washer, shakes on spin cycle $25. Call 270-380-5167
LF - 15 to 20 acres with or without house around Edmonton. Call 270-590-9626
FS - Barn wood. Call or text 270-590-9831
FS - 2 blue max chainsaws, both run, with 20" and 14" bars and chains each. Call 270-428-5546
GA - TV (older) heavy- works great- 270-774-1614
GA - 48” Floor model TV- works good- comes with remote- 270-590-6588
Friday, January 31st, 2020
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
FS - Small white cabinet with two shelves on top and hamper on the bottom. 6 ft tall. Call 270-786-5824
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168.
FS - 52 piece Correlle dishes $20, Gallery dishes, 7 bowls, 8 cups and 8 plates $10, toddler size 4 jeans with tags, 4 Levi's, Gap and a pair of Gymboree, $50 for all. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 16 foot gooseneck cattle trailer, good tires, has spare tire. $1200. Call 270-524-5963
LF - Wood boards for free. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Table and chairs, old riding mowers, garden tillers, minibikes, old pickup that is cheap, old cars. Call 670-1359
FS - 5 apple plates, 3 cups and sugar bowl $25, 3 piece size 10 wedding band set for a woman. Call 270-473-3678
FS - 2004 Dodge Durango $1300, LF - convertible car seat. Call 270-404-2354
FS - 1992 Bonnieville SE, 3800 engine, needs right back wheel cylinder, riding mowers, pusmowers, weed eaters, pressure washer. Call 270-528-4750
Thursday, January 30th, 2020
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
FS - Small white cabinet with two shelves on top and hamper on the bottom. 6 ft tall. Call 270-786-5824
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168.
FS - 52 piece Correlle dishes $20, Gallery dishes, 7 bowls, 8 cups and 8 plates $10, toddler size 4 jeans with tags, 4 Levi's, Gap and a pair of Gymboree, $50 for all. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 16 foot gooseneck cattle trailer, good tires, has spare tire. $1200. Call 270-524-5963
LF - Wood boards for free. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Queen size bedroom suit- 2 chest of drawers- full body mirror- box spring (no mattress) $300- 270-427-8083 or 270-427-8903
FS - 165 Massy Ferguson tractor- good tires- $3500- 270-576-3621
FS - Corn augers (21’ long) with motor- $250 each, Hay elevator (square bales) 28’ long- $250, Old team mowing machine- $125, and some glass show cases- 270-670-3570
FS - Hay ring- $25- 270-839-4214
FS - Set of Dodge wheels and tires, and 2 pull trailers and a few other things- 270-784-1734
FS - Brand NEW Fire stick (Amazon) $30- 270-237-0933
FS - 4 tires- 245/70/16- $40- 270-407-8042
FS - Remington natural gas heater (BRAND NEW) $175 obo- 270-646-7818
FS - Small ½” impact wrench (battery or car outlet) $30- 270-590-4983
FS - 5 tires- on aluminum Jeep wheels- 255/75/17 (mud and snow) $300, 2003 Ford Freestyle- all leather- seats 6- $2500, and a 2003 Hyundai Accent- 117K- $1800 (needs door handles) 270-438-6033
FS - Nice deep freeze- like new- $175- 270-528-7722
FS - 1976 F250 ¾ ton- super cab- 4 speed- A1 condition- 100K- 390 motor- $5500- 270-796-6772
LF - 2 tires- 235/50/18- 270-622-1163
LF - Miniature Jacks and Jennies- 270-590-9804
LF - 2 tires- 245/45/XR20- 270-991-0396
LF - Good cheap flat screen TV- 270-670-8639
LF - Someone to work on trucks- 270-612-1111
LF - Radio to mount on a tractor- 270-246-2767
LF - Carpenter to install some kitchen counter tops- 270-670-1338
LF - Large dog house- 270-421-5553
LF - Wardrobe or something to hang clothes in- 270-996-8286
LF - House to rent- 270-366-6683
Wednesday, January 29th, 2020
FS - 1988 4x4 pickup $2600, 1998 Ford Explorer, 4x4, $900. Call 270-590-9953
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
FS - Small white cabinet with two shelves on top and hamper on the bottom. 6 ft tall. Call 270-786-5824
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168.
FS - 52 piece Correlle dishes $20, Gallery dishes, 7 bowls, 8 cups and 8 plates $10, toddler size 4 jeans with tags, 4 Levi's, Gap and a pair of Gymboree, $50 for all. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 16 foot gooseneck cattle trailer, good tires, has spare tire. $1200. Call 270-524-5963
FS - Black vinyl topper, good condition $150, skiing machine $15. bluejeans 30 to 36 waist. tailgate off a Dodge Ram $200. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, under 5 ft, gray marbled color. $2 each, other panels $1, some are thinner. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Wood boards for free. Call 270-590-6866
LF - House and 8-10 acres to rent or contract- 270-604-9171
LF - Small house dog- 270-432-7035
LF - Backhoe work and I have my CDLs- 270-678-6223
LF - Someone to work on a space heater- 270-579-2778
LF - Commercial shelving- 270-576-5696
LF - Kid’s 4 wheeler, Living room suit, and a pull behind trailer- 270-579-9108
LF - Hoveround chair (ASAP) 270-576-5297
LF - 1968-1972 Chevy Nova, and parts for a 1981 Z28- 270-528-1419
FS - Truck load of oak wood, in Hiseville, must pickup $30. Call (270) 261-1282
FS - 5 Pitt/blue heeler puppies for sale 7 weeks old, 3 of which are brindles, other two are black and white. $50. Call 270-220-5058
FS - 235 Husqvarna chainsaw, good bar and chain. $150. Call 270-646-7026
LF - Lot for mobile home where someone could put 2 cabins to possible rent to own in Barren County or other counties in Kentucky. Call (270) 612-1423
FS - John Deere lawn tractor 48" cut, 22 horsepower, asking $750 obo. NASCAR collection and a snare drum asking $200 obo. In Bowling Green, call (270) 202-5085
LF - 6 gallon water heater for RV. Call 270-246-7005
FS - Over 300 cd's, mix of everything $100 obo. Call 270-404-0892
LF - 255/55/R19 tires. Call 270-528-4724
FS - Honey $9 per pint- 270-774-1614
FS - 2010 Lincoln car- black with tan leather interior- heated seats and loaded! $6900, and a NEW receiving hitch to go with it- 270-779-1224
FS - 1999 Buick Century (bad motor) looks great- $550, Tables, Chairs, Piano, and lots of estate items, also, a 1990 Cadillac- 270-734-1552 (pictures are available)
FS - DVR (new) $200, Complete channel master set up; rotation and pole- $150, and a tailgate for a 2001 Ford Ranger (red) $50- 270-524-4913
FS - Craftsmen lawn mower (48”) needs a battery, Wheel horse frame, Lawn mower parts, Grader blade, and a 16’ trailer- $800- 270-670-6152
FS - Lots of chicken supplies (houses feeders and more) $200 each for the chicken houses- 270-784-0734
FS - Fiberglass roofing, and a 2 gallon water heater- 270-404-6708
FS - 1988 F150- 2 wheel drive- 5 speed- $2000 obo- 270-590-2625
FS - Murray (wide body) riding mower and a dog kennel (large) 270-407-1842
FS - Xbox, 2 DVD players, Play Station 1- 270-404-5543
FS - Set of mud grip tires- 295/70/18- $100- 270-646-8569
FS - 2006 Volvo SUV- 160,000 miles- 3rd row seating- moon roof- DVD monitors- $4000 obo- 270-622-8280
FS - 2007 Town and Country van- 3rd row seating- needs fuel pump- $650 obo- 270-563-4273
FS - Firewood- 270-407-1490
Tuesday, January 28th, 2020
FS - vinyl topper for 6 ft bed pickup. $150, skii machine $15, 30 - 36" jeans, service manual $5 for Pontiac, Lumina, etc. Call 270-446-0075
FS - White microwave $20, babybed $20. Call 270-524-0605
FS - 1988 4x4 pickup $2600, 1998 Ford Explorer, 4x4, $900. Call 270-590-9953
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
FS - Small white cabinet with two shelves on top and hamper on the bottom. 6 ft tall. Call 270-786-5824
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168.
FS - 52 piece Correlle dishes $20, Gallery dishes, 7 bowls, 8 cups and 8 plates $10, toddler size 4 jeans with tags, 4 Levi's, Gap and a pair of Gymboree, $50 for all. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 16 foot gooseneck cattle trailer, good tires, has spare tire. $1200. Call 270-524-5963
FS - Pictures, Pillows, and rugs and a trunk load of things- 270-579-6463
FS - Medium size freezer (GE) also a microwave cart (wooden) $65 270-975-4071
FS - Couch and chair- $100- 270-646-7099
FS - Black water pipe- $75 each, Doctor scale- $75, Farm scale- $150, and looking for a 17” wheel for a Dodge dually- 270-378-6998
FS - 200 amp electric service, 2 cane bottom chairs, Adult go kart (13 horse) Large Dale Earnhardt figure (6’) Front tine garden tiller, Tiller tires, and a Schwinn tricycle (chrome)- 270-646-6334
FS - 7 foot (three-point hitch) grader blade- $200 obo, Cross breaker- $250, Carry All (3 point hitch) Boat trailer- $175, 2456 Massy Ferguson tractor (diesel) $4200, Pontoon trailer (24’) $750, and a leather jacket- $25- 270-590-3931
LF- House and 8-10 acres to rent or contract- 270-604-9171
Monday, January 27th, 2020
FS - Lawn care trailer, over 20 ft, fits 3 zero turn mowers, custom built with storage. $2500. Call 270-670-7725
FS - Small microwave, new $30, electric sewing machine in case $30, horse hay, square bales, 35x30 men's work pants, florescent lights 270-932-1777
LF - Electric kitchen cooking stove. Call 270-473-9204
LF - Round kitchen table and chairs, old pickup that runs, old riding mowers, mini bikes. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Engine for a 1996 Geo Tracker, FS - registered and purebred white Dorper sheep, land for hay and pasture, grain fed Holstein steer $500. Call 270-749-4232
LF - White cat. Call 270-524-1110
FS - 48" floor model tv Toshiba $75. Call 270-996-3280
FS - Torpedo heater 120,000 BTUs- $175, 495 Case tractor- 53 horse- $6900- 270-403-1206
FS - 1998 extended cab GMC 4 wheel drive truck- bad motor, but I have a motor for it- $1500 without and $2000 with motor- 270-528-6540
FS - Medium size freezer (GE) also a microwave cart (wooden) $65, and a Corvette (collectors) jacket (3x) 270-975-4071
FS - 3 Pygmy nanny goats- $20 each, and a 3 point hay fork (new) $200- 270-528-6757
FS - Small dog house- $10- 270-670-7278
FS - 1996 Honda Accord (derby car) with aluminum wheels, and looking for a Chevy parts truck (extended cab) 1988-1998- 270-597-7552
FS - Kerosene blow heater and a propane gas wood stove (with logs) 270-432-4400
FS - Insulated fiber glass panels- $2 per sheet- 270-405-1260
FS - Wire brushes- $30, 5×5 trailer with new tires (frame) $100 obo, Xbox, Play Station 1, 2 VCRs, Surround sound speaker set (5 speakers) $30, and a pair of Reebok ladies steel toe shoes- (7 ½) $20- 270-576-7336
FS - 150 sheets of metal and looking for old barns to tear down- 270-427-9498
FS - Couch and chair- $100- 270-646-7099
FS - Black water pipe- $75 each, Doctor scale- $75, Farm scale- $150, and looking for a 17” wheel for a Dodge dually- 270-378-6998
FS - 2 meat hogs, and a New Holland 275 hay bailer- $1200- 270-537-5673
FS - Kobalt hedge trimmer (new) and a transmission for a 2002 Chevy Blazer- 270-670-4050
FS - Corner cabinet, Half cabinet, and some small cabinets, Fishing poles, and 2 lamps- 270-528-5425
Thursday, January 23rd, 2020
FS - Small white cabinet with two shelves on top and hamper on the bottom. 6 ft tall. Call 270-786-5824
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168.
FS - 25 gallon upright air compressor, $26, service manual for 92 to 94 $5, for cars. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 52 piece Correlle dishes $20, Gallery dishes, 7 bowls, 8 cups and 8 plates $10, toddler size 4 jeans with tags, 4 Levi's, Gap and a pair of Gymboree, $50 for all. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 16 foot gooseneck cattle trailer, good tires, has spare tire. $1200. Call 270-524-5963
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168
FS - 1988 Chevy truck $2600, 1996 Ford Explorer $900. Call 270-590-9953
FS - Craftsmen and Cub Cadet mower, Wheel horse mowing frame, 18 horse motor, Lawn mower parts, and 4 tires and wheels (tractor tread) 1997 GMC dually 4 wheel drive- 270-670-6152 or 270-261-1034
FS - 16’ utility trailer- $100, and a set of cattle rack inserts- $500 ($1500 for both) 270-427-0398
FS - Baby bed- $50, 2 burn barrels- $10 each- 270-535-5600
FS - Blue Heeler puppies- $100 each- 270-834-9608
FS - 2011 C71 Red pickup- 4.3 V6 2 wheel drive- 94K- $6900- 270-779-0828
FS - Tool box for a Ford Ranger- $75, Oil filter cabinet, Cargo carrier for a 4 wheeler- 270-404-2689
FS - 2006 Volvo SUV- 2 good tires- 3rd row seating- 160K- $4000- 270-622-8280
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020
FS - 52 piece Correlle dishes $20, Gallery dishes, 7 bowls, 8 cups and 8 plates $10, toddler size 4 jeans with tags, 4 Levi's, Gap and a pair of Gymboree, $50 for all. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 16 foot gooseneck cattle trailer, good tires, has spare tire. $1200. Call 270-524-5963
FS - Refrigerator, washer and dryer, a vehicle. Call 270-786-2903
LF - Fender and hood for an 81 Chevy Camaro, GA - Queen mattress and box springs. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Small truck, 4wd, low mileage. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Wood private fence boards, need 100 or more. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1996 Ford Explorer, 4 liter, v-6, runs good. $900. Call 270-590-9953
FS -1988 Chevy truck $2600, 1996 Ford Explorer $900. Call 270-590-9953
FS - 16 ft gooseneck cattle trailer, spare tire, works good. $1600. Call 270-524-5963
LF - House to rent in Hart County, between $250 and $350. Call 270-524-1168
FS - Set of tire chains for a small tractor 13 or 14". Call 270-537-5875
FS - 2 Marlboro Zippo lighters $25 each, movies $1 each, karaoke machine $20, bassinette that rocks $20, 3x bluejean jacket, dragon lamp $15, toys, adult coloring books and pens, hoodies $3 each, 50" boys bike $35. LF - odd jobs in Horse Cave area. Call 270-975-1010
FS - 30 gallon upright air compressor, electric with accessories $65, 25 gallon air compressor, needs electric motor $25. skiing machine $20, service manual for a Chevy Lumina up to 2001 models. $5. Call 270-446-0075
LF - House to rent in Hart County, 3 bedroom. Call 270-250-7451 or 270-524-1168
FS - 1988 Chevy truck $2600, 1996 Ford Explorer $900. Call 270-590-9953
Tuesday, January 21st, 2020
FS - 52 piece Correlle dishes $20, Gallery dishes, 7 bowls, 8 cups and 8 plates $10, toddler size 4 jeans with tags, 4 Levi's, Gap and a pair of Gymboree, $50 for all. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 16 foot gooseneck cattle trailer, good tires, has spare tire. $1200. Call 270-524-5963
FS - 2 Marlboro Zippo lighters, $25 each, dragon lamp, kids toys, adult coloring books and pens $1 each, hoodies, 3x blue jean jacket $10, jewelry body piercing, LF - odd jobs around Horse Cave. Call 270-975-1010
FS - Refrigerator, washer and dryer, a vehicle. Call 270-786-2903
LF - Fender and hood for an 81 Chevy Camaro, GA - Queen mattress and box springs. Call 270-528-1419
GA - Power chair recliner, has some wear on the foot piece. Call 270-786-3771
LF - Small truck, 4wd, low mileage. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Wood private fence boards, need 100 or more. Call 270-590-6866
FS -1988 Chevy truck $2600, 1996 Ford Explorer $900. Call 270-590-9953
FS - 16 ft gooseneck cattle trailer, spare tire, works good. $1600. Call 270- 524-5963
LF - House to rent in Hart County, between $250 and $350. Call 270-524-1168
LF - Information on Jason Belcher from Cecilia. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels. $2. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Microwave, small and new $30, 2 electric sewing machines $35 each. Horse hay in square bales, mens work pants $35 for all. 2 overhead shoplights, 4ft bulbs. $15 each. Call 270-932-1777
Friday, January 17th, 2020
FS - 2 Marlboro Zippo lighters, $25 each, dragon lamp, kids toys, adult coloring books and pens $1 each, hoodies, 3x blue jean jacket $10, jewelry body piercing, LF - odd jobs around Horse Cave. Call 270-975-1010
FS - Refrigerator, washer and dryer, a vehicle. Call 270-786-2903
LF - Fender and hood for an 81 Chevy Camaro, GA - Queen mattress and box springs. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Table and chairs, with leaf and 4 chairs, like new in Hardyville, $300. Call 270-528-5381
GA - Power chair recliner, has some wear on the foot piece. Call 270-786-3771
LF - Small truck, 4wd, low mileage. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Wood private fence boards, need 100 or more. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1996 Ford Explorer, 4 liter, v-6, runs good. $900. Call 270-590-9953
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
Thursday, January 16th, 2020
FS - Table and chairs, with leaf and 4 chairs, like new in Hardyville, $300. Call 270-528-5381
GA - Power chair recliner, has some wear on the foot piece. Call 270-786-3771
LF - Small truck, 4wd, low mileage. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Wood private fence boards, need 100 or more. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1996 Ford Explorer, 4 liter, v-6, runs good. $900. Call 270-590-9953
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Hood and fender for an 81 Chevy Camaro, queen size mattress and box springs to give away. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Under the counter Frigidaire dishwasher, silver and black, 3 area rugs with mats, hall runner, inside doors and one outside door with screen. Cub Cadet riding mower, used 20 minutes. Call 270-524-1915
FS - Ashley wood heater, new grates. $300. Call 270-242-7172
LF - House to rent in Hart or Barren County. Call 270-528-7851
Wednesday, January 15th, 2020
LF - Work in tobacco or other work. Call 270-537-1558
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, over 6'. $2 each. can cut with utility knife. Yardmachine lawnmower, big wheel with 6 horse $20. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Someone to build a dog house. Call 270-524-2172
FS - Table and chairs, with leaf and 4 chairs, like new in Hardyville, $300. Call 270-528-5381
FS - Hay mover (hydraulic) $500, 15 & 16” rims (6 lug) and some 10/15 tires and rims (6 lug) (2)14” tires and rims, Nice leather jacket- $25, 7 foot grader blade (3 point hitch) $200 obo, 3 point hitch Carry All- $120 obo, and looking for some 13” rims for a boat trailer- 270-590-3931
FS - Antique court house picture- 270-799-1490
FS - Bed and topper cover for a 2004 Dodge pickup, and looking for some junked cars- 270-597-7552
FS - 5×8 utility trailer with tool box- new tires- $300, Fender 212R guitar amp, Yamaha acoustic guitar, UK blue and white guitar, and other things- 270-405-0821
FS- 300 gallon fuel tank- $250, Large Pepsi clock- $225, Set of Ford 17” wheels and tires- $140, Day bed and mattress- $50, 100 pieces of China (12 people) $225, Plastic and metal barrels- $15 each, 3 bundles of Cull lumber- $225 (for the large) and $125 each for the other two- 270-202-6250
Tuesday, January 14th, 2020
FS - Good quality horse hay in square bales… 2 new sewing machines, $100 for both… … 270-932-1777
FS - 2 or 3 trailers… 270-457-4236
FS - 2 riding mowers, need a little work, $75 for both… 270-404-3575
FS - Nice toys, mostly boys but some girls, $10 for all… 270-576-5297
FS - 2001 Chevy Z71, 4.2 engine, red, $6900… 270-779-0828
FS - 2 recliners, 1 is a brown lift chair, other is a blue rocker recliner, $30 for both… ’95 Chevy Silverado, new tires, new front end, full bed, extended cab, $2150… ’75 Chevy Nova, rare, bucket seats and console, small V8 engine, rally wheels, $3300 firm… 270-320-7087
LF - 6 ft bed and a front driver’s side fender for a 2008 Dodge Ram, prefer white… 270-446-0075
LF - Large recliner, loveseat type preferred, but will take just about any kind, Munfordville area… 270-308-6480
LF - A young miniature mare around 3 ft tall, gentle… 270-427-8563
LF - 17 inch rims 5×4.5, will trade 20 inch rims for them… 270-991-0396
LF - A Beagle hound, male or female, to run rabbits… 270-576-0015
LF - A half size bed… 270-432-7035
LF - A picture of the old Houchins Ferry… 270-773-3368
LF - 4 good tires 245-70-16 or 245-75-16… ’93-’95 short bed truck body… 270-457-4236
Looking for a caregiver’s job. I have 3 years experience. I will stay Day or Night. Call me at 270-528-4021 or house phone 270-531-2720.also clean houses.
Looking to buy 15 to 20 acres of land, with or without a house, around Edmonton area… for more information, call 270-590-9626.
FS -- 1978 Mammoth Cave framed print- signed and numbered- $100- 270-843-1651
FS - 50 gallon fish aquarium with 4 fish; comes with stand- $100, Chevy Lumina car and a Gold Wing motorcycle- 270-446-0075
FS - King size mattress and box springs- 3 years old- great condition- $$125- 270-404-5580
FS - 2 registered Mountain Feist pups- 270-427-1035
FS - Parting out a 2013 Dodge Ram 1500, Also some Ford and Chevy motors- 270-230-2716
FS - 2006 Honda Accord with 103,000 miles- leather heated seats and more- $5000- 270-792-6376
FS - Leather like brown recliner (like new) $150 firm- 270-670-5398
FS - 2 female Boxer puppies- 3 months old- $500 each- 270-612-0213
GA - Power chair recliner, has some wear on the footpiece. Call 270-786-3771
FS - Boys Justin boots 7 1/2, boy muckboots, size 8, $4, Nike air tennis shoes, size 7 $5. In good shape. Call 270-473-3678
FS - Laying hens, chickens. 531-6947
FS - Table and chairs, with leaf and 4 chairs, like new $300. In Hardyville, call 270-528-5381
Monday, January 13th, 2020
FS - Firewood. Call 270-528-1531
LF - Small truck, 4wd, low mileage. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Wood private fence boards, need 100 or more. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1996 Ford Explorer, 4 liter, v-6, runs good. $900. Call 270-590-9953
FS - Boys clothes (pants, shirts, hoodies, jeans), size 10-18, including huskies. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 7 pair of blue jeans, size 38x30, in good shape. $20 for all. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1998 Suzuki Rodeo, V6 auto 4WD Glasgow, $1800 OBO… 270-861-9185
FS - John Deere 4 wheeler, 4WD, around 450 hours on it, automatic or manual, Munfordville area… 270-528-4252
FS - Miscellaneous items including rugs, pictures, flower arrangements, clothing, pillows and more, $40 for all. Call 270-579-6463
FS - Table and chairs, table is about 6 ft long with chairs, $40 for the set, Bee Spring area… 270-230-7348
FS - Model A engine, does not run, been sitting for a while, $50… Model A parts… 1968 302 Ford motor $125… 305 Chevy motor $125… 200 6 cylinder motor from a 1965 Mustang $400… 270-459-2105
FS - 2 dog houses, 1 large and 1 small to medium, $35… ’99 F150, extended cab, back seats, V8, 4.6 auto with overdrive, gray, around 230,000 miles, good tires and interior, spare tire, $2500… 270-670-7278
FS - Thick cushioned brown love seat… maple color coffee table… large square print in frame, ducks flying over swamp, 19″ tool box with plastic slide out trays… a 2-burner hot plate… large square mirror… 270-792-5981
FS - 5×10 trailer with a new floor… 270-646-7708
Friday, January 10th, 2020
FS - 1996 Ford Explorer, 4 liter, v-6, runs good. $900. Call 270-590-9953
FS - Boys clothes (pants, shirts, hoodies, jeans), size 10-18, including huskies. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 3 door, extended cab, $2,000 obo. Call 270-407-9006
FS - 7 pair of blue jeans, size 38x30, in good shape. $20 for all. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Log chains 16 to 20 ft long, horse hay in square bales, farm gates. Call 270-932-1777
FS - American Gray Bird, 4 year old female, lays eggs, $500… 606-307-0362
FS - 1998 Suzuki Rodeo, V6 auto 4WD Glasgow, $1800 OBO… 270-861-9185
FS - Speaker box with 2 10″ speakers, was custom made to fit a 2000-2001 Chevy, $200… 270537-5673
FS - 1992 Chevy Lumina, 4 door, runs good, good tires, blue, around 69,000 miles, $2000 negotiable… ’93 Honda Goldwing, show bike, extra chrome, around 80,000 miles, $3000 negotiable… can send pictures, can test drive, delivery available… leather recliner $1200… Clarkson area… 270-446-0075
FS - John Deere 4 wheeler, 4WD, around 450 hours on it, automatic or manual, Munfordville area… 270-528-4252
Thursday, January 9th, 2020
FS - 4 hamsters, each has a cage $20 each. Call 270-590-2603
FS - 1996 Ford Explorer, 4 liter, v-6, runs good. $900. Call 270-590-9953
FS - Boys clothes (pants, shirts, hoodies, jeans), size 10-18, including huskies. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 3 door, extended cab, $2,000 obo. Call 270-407-9006
FS - 7 pair of blue jeans, size 38x30, in good shape. $20 for all. Call 270-590-6866
Wednesday, January 8th, 2020
FS - Boys clothes (pants, shirts, hoodies, jeans), size 10-18, including huskies. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Beige love seat and sofa, 2 years old, $350. Email
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1998 Ford F-150, 3 door, extended cab, $2,000 obo. Call 270-407-9006
FS - 2 Poulan chainsaws $80 for both or trade, LF - old mowers, gokarts, derby cars. Call 670-1359
FS - 7 pair of blue jeans, size 38x30, in good shape. $20 for all. Call 270-590-6866
Tuesday, January 7th, 2020
FS - Boys clothes (pants, shirts, hoodies, jeans), size 10-18, including huskies. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Beige love seat and sofa, 2 years old, $350. Email
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Old dog kennels, laying hens. Call 270-473-3678
FS - 7 pair of blue jeans, size 38x30, in good shape. $20 for all. Call 270-590-6866
LF - White cat or kitten. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Service manual for a Chevy Lumina $5, entertainment center with glass doors on bottom, has shelves, medium size $25, can deliver. LF - house to rent $500 to $600 a month, Bowling Green, Glasgow, Somerset, near a Wal-mart. Will do - handyman work, weld, carpentry. Call 270-446-0075
Monday, January 6th, 2020
FS - Fiberglass insulated panels $2 each. Can send pics. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Gas dryer, used very little. Call 270-773-3436
FS - pair of 6 ton jack stands, homemade fire ring, 30" $50, pair of Rigid pipe cutters $20 each. Call 270-404-0223
FS - Boys clothes (pants, shirts, hoodies, jeans), size 10-18, including huskies. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Beige love seat and sofa, 2 years old, $350. Email
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
Friday, January 3rd, 2020
FS - 1992 Chevy Lumina, v-6, automatic, $3,000, Goldwing GL 1500, black 83,000 miles $3200. 50 gallon fish aquarium $100. Can send pics. LF - place to rent in Glasgow, BG, Somerset, etc. 2 miniature dogs. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 2 female Boxer pups. Call 270-612-0213
FS - 18 laying hens and a rooster. $20 for all. 898 Logsdon Valley Road. Call 270-524-1110
LF - A flat bed for a short wheel base truck- or if you could build one- 270-590-5191
LF - Old Grit newspaper (not the book form) 270-505-2646
LF - Used tires- 205/50 (or 55) 16s- 270-606-1518
LF - Slide out hitch for a gooseneck- 740-818-4522
LF - Junked cars in the area- 270-597-7552
LF - Mobile home and 5-10 acres- 270-604-9171
LF - Parts for a 2003 Ford Ranger- 270-590-9747
LF - CB radio (home) - 419-569-1875
GA - 2 male rabbits to a good home- 270-427-0600
LF - Cat, good at killing mice, brown leather recliner, wood stove under $150. 9 month-old female Great Pyrenees, asking $200 obo. Call (270) 801-3731
LF - King cab 4x4 body with no rust on frame and body, must be ready to put in 22r motor. No junk or if someone has a Toyota Truck ready to drive, under $1500. Call 270-579-9176
FS - Boys clothes (pants, shirts, hoodies, jeans), size 10-18, including huskies. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Beige love seat and sofa, 2 years old, $350. Email
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
Thursday, January 2nd, 2020
FS - 2 Poulan chainsaws $100 for both, LF - cow hood for an '81 Chevy pickup, old riding mowers, mini bikes, go-carts, etc. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1992 Chevy Lumina, blue, 4 door, v-6, automatic, 79,000 miles $3,000 or will trade. Honda Goldwing 1500 GL, 6 cyl, am/fm cassette, loaded $3500. brown leather recliner $200. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Boys clothes (pants, shirts, hoodies, jeans), size 10-18, including huskies. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Beige love seat and sofa, 2 years old, $350. Email
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Work of any kind- ASAP- 270-622-1163
LF - Dryer and some laying hens- 270-407-3551
LF - Full blooded Bassett Hound, housebroke if possible. Call 270-590-6062
FS - English Bulldog pups $600 each. Call 213-309-5891
FS - Fresh pecans. Call 270-428-5546
LF - Farm worker to milk cows in the Center area. Call 270-528-6336
FS - 1999 Ford F-150 extended cab, $1850 obo. Call 270-315-2904
FS - 9 week old Australian Shepherd with shots- $300 obo- 270-528-6693
FS - 2005 Toyota Prius- $1200- 270-861-9185
FS - 4 riding mower- 2 run and 2 don’t- $100- 270-612-1206
FS - Set of tires- 225/45/17- $100 obo- 270-779-8022
FS - 4 Michelin tires- 235/75/15 and 4 aluminum Chevy 5 lug wheels, 2 tires- 205/75/15, 1967-1968 Camaro parts, and some 1970 Chevelle car parts- 270-646-7413
FS - Ceramic set up- kiln, molds, and more- $450, and a Yamaha PA system- $400 obo- 270-590-6630
FS - Antique Edison players, 2 View Masters, Lamps, and some old books with pictures from the 1700s, 1923 Willis car- convertible- 360 automatic- $9500- 270-487-9790
FS - 2 leather men’s jackets- $25 each, Men’s jeans- $5 each, (2) 14” tires and wheels, Hydraulic hay mover- $500, 7’ grader blade (3 point hitch) $200, and looking for some 13” 5 lug White Spoke wheels- 270-590-3931
FS - Parting out a 1975 Chevy 1 ton truck- goose-neck hookup and 12’ flat bed- 270-622-1208
FS - 11 NEW air filters for a heat and air unit- 20x24x1- 270-286-8086
FS - Bluegrass men’s bicycle (26”) 55 years old, Iron kittle with rack, and two portable chicken coops- 270-303-2797
FS - Merit treadmill- with speed and distance- 270-678-2775
FS - Better Homes and Gardens magazines and others- $20, Hard-back books on health, blood sugar, and finances- $10 each- 270-579-1589
FS - 1930s US tires sign- $450, Antique Teddy Bear on wheels- 270-622-4884
FS - Upright sand blaster- $50, 10,000 watt generator (15 horse) and a 530 CASE tractor- 270-618-0403
FS - 2001 Football cards (2001) $20- 270-404-2354
FS - Adult GO Kart, 200 amp electric service, 2 cane bottom chairs, Large Dale Earnhardt figure, Front tine tiller, Tiller wheels and tires, and a Cobra 2000 CB radio- 270-646-6334
FS - 1999 F150- V8 extended cab- DVD player- $2500, and 2 dog houses- $30 for both- 270-670-7278
Monday, December 30th, 2019
FS - 2 Poulan chainsaws, $100 for both, LF - old mowers, mini bikes, old derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Boys clothes (pants, shirts, hoodies, jeans), size 10-18, including huskies. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Jobs- Carpenter with 35 years experience and references- 502-714-8073
LF - Tires- 205/50/16 or 205/55/16- 270-646-1518
LF - Ukulele or mandolin and ping-pong table- 270-670-2406
LF - 18 horse Briggs lawn mower motor, and a 22-24 horse V twin Briggs motor- 270-457-4236
LF - Good dependable car with good heat- 270-801-3731
LF - Work of any kind- ASAP- 270-622-1163
FS - Queen mattress and box springs, large rabbit hutch, boys clothes, sizes 8 to 18, including husky. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Beige love seat and sofa, 2 years old, $350. Email
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
Friday, December 27th, 2019
FS - Queen mattress and box springs, large rabbit hutch, boys clothes, sizes 8 to 18, including husky. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Beige love seat and sofa, 2 years old, $350. Email
LF - Steel door with jam for garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - White refrigerator, works good, $75. Call 270-590-6866
FOR SALE- Leather lady’s jacket- GIPI- size 10- $35 firm- 270-678-5778
FOR SALE- 20’ gooseneck trailer with lights- double axle- $1200- 270-590-9831
FOR SALE- Set of 17” tires- $100 obo- 270-779-8022
FOR SALE- Farm fresh brown eggs- $2 per doz. 270-597-1054
FOR SALE- 15” rims and rings and Chevy caps- $80, Spotlight- plugs in to a car, Military jacket and pants- $10 and other pants- $10- 270-576-6791
FOR SALE- 302 Ford motor- $125, 305 Chevy motor- $125, 1976 Harley Davidson motorcycle- 250 SS- no title- 270-459-2105
FOR SALE- Speed Way brand sled- 270-427-7774
FOR SALE- Factory made heavy duty utility trailer- 16’ good floor and jack- 270-670-5745
FOR SALE- 2018 Chevy Spark- 29,000 miles- $12,000- 270-576-6471
FOR SALE- 1999 Kawasaki Vulcan motorcycle- 54,000 miles- saddle bags and radio- $2000 obo or would do some trading- 270-303-7269
FOR SALE- Insulated fiberglass panels- $2 per sheet- 270-405-1628 or 270-405-1260
FOR SALE- Truck bed for a 2016 Dodge Ram 3500 Dually with hitch and liner- $500- 270-791-7680
FOR SALE- 5’ pre-lit Christmas tree- $40- 270-646-7397
FOR SALE- 2 Husqvarna push mowers, Lawn mower parts, (2) 600/16 tractor tread tires, and looking for some 18/9/50 pulling mower tires- 270-670-6152
FOR SALE- 2003 Trailblazer in good condition- $2000- 270-670-6412
FOR SALE- Starter and relay for a 350 Honda TRX 350- $45 for both- 270-246-1205
FOR SALE- Axes, sledgehammers, mauls, Ox yoke, Cultivator, and looking for some tractor cleat tires- 23/850/12, and a coral panel, 16’ gate, and a set of hay rings- 270-670-5398
FOR SALE- Standing drill press- $100- 270-651-7891
FOR SALE- 3X leather Dale Jarrett racing jacket- 270-773-5334
FOR SALE- 50,000 BTU propane gas heater- $75 (or would give it away if you really need it) 270-622-0628
FOR SALE- White queen bed- $40- 270-670-2406
FOR SALE- 2 snow/mud tires- 235/75/15 and rims- $50, ½” electric drill- $50- 270-246-2287
FOR SALE- Side by side RCA refrigerator with ice and water in door- like new, Exercise bike- $25, Fireplace screen- $20- 270-457-3219
FOR SALE- Brown leather couch- $50- 270-590-1246
FOR SALE- Seasoned and green firewood and can deliver locally- 270-774-7800 or 270-404-2803
FOR SALE- 250 Stihl chainsaw with new chain and parts- $150, and (2) 9” steel wheels- $30- 270-528-5208
FOR SALE- Stihl (Farm Boss) chainsaw- 20” bar (571) NEW- $350- 270-218-5030
FOR SALE- Polaris 4 wheeler (350) and a Oak kitchen table- 270-799-1490
FOR SALE- Jersey cross Heifer- $300- 270-590-9804
FOR SALE- Full size aluminum tool box and a Husqvarna chainsaw- 270-261-1213
FOR SALE- 1983 CJ7 Jeep and a 2002 Chevy S10, and a 20’ Ponderosa cattle trailer- 270-421-3455
FOR SALE- 2007 Nissan Altima- $1600, 2008 Kia car- 4 cylinder, and a 1997 F150- V6 5 speed- $400, Rubber mats, and looking for junk vehicles- 270-576-7439
FOR SALE- Stihl chainsaw- 16” bar- $125- 270-303-9214
FOR SALE- Xbox 360 with 2 games- 440, Curio cabinet- $35, Blue tarps- $10 each and DVD movies- $1 each- 270-786-5072
Thursday, December 26th, 2019
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, large $2, small for $1 each. Call 270-405-1628
FS - Refrigerator, white $75. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Queen size mattress and box springs. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 1995 Ford F-150, 5 spd. Call 270-774-1830
Monday, December 23rd, 2019
FS - Rabbits 8 weeks old $15 each. toaster oven. Call 270-786-4836
GA - 6 month old part Rat Terrior/Shepherd pup to a good home; good squirrel dog- 270-457-3287
GA - Blue Heeler/Pit Bull puppies- no shots- 270-537-3100
FS - Battery powered blower with charger- $200- 270-576-8828
LF - A good half bed- 270-432-7035
LF - Chevy truck frame (for a 1968 Chevy pickup) 606-306-7470
LF - Old comic books and old toys- 270-579-1585
LF - Straight seat for a 2004 Toyota- 270-427-6786
LF - Weaned calves- 270-230-7348
LF - A VCR/DVD combo player & some sliding mirror closet doors- 270-576-6942
LF - 6.5 or 7’ pre-lit Christmas tree- 270-590-9329
LF - Some slabs for a deer stand and some junked cars- 270-597-7552
LF - Paw Patrol (kid’s toy) and some Legos- 270-774-1296
LF - Beagle Hound (full size) 270-622-0628
FS - Play Station 2 with 35 to 40 games asking $100.00 obo. (270) 779-2759
FS - Spot light $15, plugs in car, 4 rims, rings also Chevy caps 15 inch for Chevy S10…$80…(270) 576-6791
FS - 9N Ford tractor, currently not running. $500 and a single cylinder Wisconsin engine $50. (270) 670-4918
FS - Mixture of cabinet doors good for replacement or crafts. $4 each or 2 for $6. Cuisinart elite collection 2.0 14 cup food processor, New $150. 270-843-8667
FS - coral panels, head chute, hay ring, kubota compact tractor, portable stall panels and other odd and ends. (270) 404-6167
FS - Yamaha acoustic guitar $60, Spencer electric guitar with stand $75, Dewalt 6 1/2 inch circular saw bare tool. $40. (270) 407-9724
FS - 2006 Chevy Equinox suv power brakes ,seats, cruise, leather heated seats, Sirius xm radio, sun roof, 145,000 miles. Asking. $3,295. call 270-991-3672
FS - New Holland Square Baler 273 $700. 3-point hay fork $125.00 26” bicycle like new $50. Stamina Exercise machine like new. $100. 1948 or 49 Mercury with flat head V-8 Engine all parts are on the engine and dash parts and wheels on the vehicle can sent pictures. (270) 286-8262
FS - Lots of garage sale items, 2 store shelves. (270) 590-9455
Thursday, December 19th, 2019
FS - Bar stools $40 for the pair, light fixtures, 44 of them for $25, galvanized wall hangings 6 for $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - New Bluegrass I-phone 11, large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2 flat screen tv's 28", $50 for both. Call 270-473-1285
LF - Small house dog, 2 years or older, housebroken. Call 270-218-0282 or 270-524-1110
Wednesday, December 18th, 2019
FS - Bar stools $40 for the pair, light fixtures, 44 of them for $25, galvanized wall hangings 6 for $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - New Bluegrass I-phone 11, large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2 flat screen tv's 28", $50 for both. Call 270-473-1285
LF - Small house dog, 2 years or older, housebroken. Call 270-218-0282 or 270-524-1110
FS - 2 Christmas stockings, UK and Jingle Bells, large size. $30 each. Call 270-786-2538
FS - Xbox 360 with some games, dvd's $1 each, new tarps $10 each, women's shoes, 50" boys bike. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Invocare electric hospital bed with rails and mattress $150. in the Cave City area. Call 270-537-4122
FS - 12 foot cattle trailer (bumper pull) $1900, Pick up disc- $350, Used hay fork- $90- 270-670-8716
FS - Electric treadmill- 270-622-8280
FS - Refrigerator- works good- $50- 270-308-1467
FS - 14×70 mobile home- must be moved off the property- not livable, but would make a good storage unit- $1200- 270-796-6772 or 270-282-1282
FS - 14 Holstein steers, 2005 Dodge Neon (blue) $1600, and a 2006 Chevy Impala- $2350 (both are very dependable) 270-734-1552
FS - Kitchen cabinet, 3 point hitch hay mover, Tractor weights, and a front bumper for an older tractor- 270-563-4399
FS - 2006 Polaris 300- newly rebuilt- only has 20 miles on the motor- new battery and new rope- $1500 firm- 270-834-6996
FS - Blue Heeler mixed puppies- $50 each- up to date on shots- 270-774-1296
FS - Good washer and dryer- $100, and a 1994 Tracker- 270-432-4400
FS - 5×8 utility trailer, 30 strains of Christmas lights, White riding mower, and some Beagle dogs- 270-670-1403
FS - Blue Heeler/Pit Bull puppies- no shots
FS - Wedding band sets (size 7) 270-218-5070
FS - Double mirror dresser- $40, 351 Ford intake- $100, Two 4 barrel carburetors- 270-421-0618
FS - Porcelain dolls, Barbie dolls, Canister sets, Christmas ornaments, Bluegrass music CDs- $2 each, Jennies, Parakeets, and some cookie jars- 270-777-1990
FS - Battery powered blower with charger- $200- 270-576-8828
LF - A good half bed- 270-432-7035
LF - Chevy truck frame (for a 1968 Chevy pickup) 606-306-7470
LF - Old comic books and old toys- 270-579-1585
LF - Straight seat for a 2004 Toyota- 270-427-6786
LF - Weaned calves- 270-230-7348
LF - A VCR/DVD combo player & some sliding mirror closet doors- 270-576-6942
LF - 6.5 or 7’ pre-lit Christmas tree- 270-590-9329
LF - Some slabs for a deer stand and some junked cars- 270-597-7552
LF - Paw Patrol (kid’s toy) and some Legos- 270-774-1296
LF - Beagle Hound (full size) 270-622-0628
FS - Play Station 2 with 35 to 40 games asking $100.00 obo. (270) 779-2759
FS - Spot light $15, plugs in car, 4 rims, rings also Chevy caps 15 inch for Chevy S10…$80…(270) 576-6791
FS - 9N Ford tractor, currently not running. $500 and a single cylinder Wisconsin engine $50. (270) 670-4918
FS - Mixture of cabinet doors good for replacement or crafts. $4 each or 2 for $6. Cuisinart elite collection 2.0 14 cup food processor, New $150. 270-843-8667
FS - coral panels, head chute, hay ring, kubota compact tractor, portable stall panels and other odd and ends. (270) 404-6167
FS - Yamaha acoustic guitar $60, Spencer electric guitar with stand $75, Dewalt 6 1/2 inch circular saw bare tool. $40. (270) 407-9724
FS - 2006 Chevy Equinox suv power brakes ,seats, cruise, leather heated seats, Sirius xm radio, sun roof, 145,000 miles. Asking. $3,295. call 270-991-3672
FS - New Holland Square Baler 273 $700. 3-point hay fork $125.00 26” bicycle like new $50. Stamina Exercise machine like new. $100. 1948 or 49 Mercury with flat head V-8 Engine all parts are on the engine and dash parts and wheels on the vehicle can sent pictures. (270) 286-8262
FS - Lots of garage sale items, 2 store shelves. (270) 590-9455
Tuesday, December 17th, 2019
FS - Bar stools $40 for the pair, light fixtures, 44 of them for $25, galvanized wall hangings 6 for $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - New Bluegrass I-phone 11, large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2 flat screen tv's 28", $50 for both. Call 270-473-1285
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, assorted sizes $2 each, smaller sizes too. Call 270-405-1628
FS - Xbox 360 with games $45, curio cabinet $35, tarps unopened. Call 270-786-5772
LF - Small house dog, 2 years or older, housebroken. Call 270-218-0282 or 270-524-1110
Monday, December 16th, 2019
FS - China cabinet $35, X-box 360 with games $45, works. Call 270-786-5072
FS - 2 new sewing machines $100 for both. antique iron bed $100, horse hay, 16 ft gooseneck horse trailer $3800. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Bar stools $40 for the pair, light fixtures, 44 of them for $25, galvanized wall hangings 6 for $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - New Bluegrass I-phone 11, large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2 flat screen tv's 28", $50 for both. Call 270-473-1285
FS - Curio cabinet (wooden) with lights- $60, and some tools- $20- 270-786-5072
FS - 1991 Mercedes (needs head gasket) 350 diesel in A1 condition- leather interior- new tires and battery- $600 as is- 270-303-1096
FS - 2 Pit Bull pups (male) 270-670-3027
FS - 2 female German Shepherd pups- $200 each- 573-625-3985
FS - 12 foot cattle trailer (bumper pull) $1900, Pick up disc- $350, Used hay fork- $90- 270-670-8716
FS - Electric treadmill- 270-622-8280
FS - Refrigerator- works good- $50- 270-308-1467
FS - 14×70 mobile home- must be moved off the property- not livable, but would make a good storage unit- $1200- 270-796-6772 or 270-282-1282
FS - 14 Holstein steers, 2005 Dodge Neon (blue) $1600, and a 2006 Chevy Impala- $2350 (both are very dependable) 270-734-1552
Friday, December 13th, 2019
FS - 2 new sewing machines $100 for both or $75 each. Christmas tree $20 in box. 16 ft horse trailer, like new $3800, iron antique bed with box springs and mattress. square bales of horse hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Boxer pups. Call 270-773-2768. Call 270-612-0213
FS - Bar stools $40 for the pair, light fixtures, 44 of them for $25, galvanized wall hangings 6 for $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 44 light fixtures, $75 for all or $5 each. 6 galvanized hangings, new $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - New Bluegrass I-phone 11, large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 1992 4.3 motor and another for parts- $400, Miter saw (like new) $50- 270-246-1734
FS - 244 piece Craftsmen tool set- NEW- $150 obo- 270-590-4497
FS - 1998 Dodge truck- new tires- 4 wheel drive- full size- single cab- $2000- 270-899-2067
FS - 40 lbs gas tank, Double and single edge axes, Sledge hammers, Mauls, Ox yoke, and some double pane windows; and looking for a set of tractor cleat tires (23/850/12) 270-670-5398
FS - 1950 Ferguson tractor, Wood burning stove (glass front) and an Oak kitchen table- 270-799-1490
FS - Culti-packer (pull behind) 270-576-7591
FS - Universal trike kit, 6×14 tandem axle trailer, Tile saw (new) and more- 270-590-1102
FS - Antique hand tools, 7000 watt generator, 2 watches, Humidifier, Old gas cans, Double steel doors- 270-465-1240
FS - Kid’s battery operated ride- $25, Tricycle- $25, Scooter- $8, 2 sets of golf clubs (taking offers) 1964 Chevy Impala hub caps- $60, office chair- $20- 270-943-0557
FS - 2 flat screen tv's 28", $50 for both. Call 270-473-1285
Thursday, December 12th, 2019
FS - 225 60 R17" tires, 1/2 tread. $50. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 2 flat screen tv's 28", $50 for both. Call 270-473-1285
LF - Small house dog, 2 years or older, housebroken. Call 270-218-0282 or 270-524-1110
FS - 2006 Dodge Caravan, high mileage, motor has less miles. decent tires. $1600. Call 537-5875
FS - Homemade firering, 1/2" thick steel ring. 9 1/2" tall $50, hunting knife with deer antler handle and one with a rubber handle $40 each. Call 270-404-0223
Wednesday, December 11th, 2019
FS - Bar stools $40 for the pair, light fixtures, 44 of them for $25, galvanized wall hangings 6 for $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 44 light fixtures, $75 for all or $5 each. 6 galvanized hangings, new $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - New Bluegrass I-phone 11, large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Front end parts for a 2008 Ford Focus- 270-404-3891
LF - 100 pound propane tank- 270-590-2740
LF - Firewood- 270-259-6804
LF - Patio furniture and outside rocking chairs- 270-432-4935
FS - Video games for PlayStation one. GA - 2 sibling dogs, part Lab and Pitbull, fixed. 5 to 6 years old. Call 270-678-4416
FS - iPhone X through AT&T, Asking $800.00 or trade for Horse tack or a broke horse. Cooking stove – $130. Call 502-791-4127
LF - Work sitting with elderly, have experience and references, day or night. Call or text 270-646-7334
LF - Used refrigerator, reasonable priced. Call 270-407-1100
FS - 4 steering wheels- 1963 Ford- $40, 1979 Dodge truck- $40, 1988 Chevy- $40, Original 442 Oldsmobile- $325, 1962 Ford Thunderbird (needs restored) $1800 obo, 2 sets of bucket seats- 270-459-2105
FS - Microwave- $30, LF - good electric dryer- 270-404-2689
FS - Registered Mountain Feist pups- 8 weeks old- 270-427-1035
FS - Miniature spotted pig (male) $35- 270-646-0451
FS - 2 Subaru’s; 2002 4 cylinder all wheel drive, and a 1990 2 wheel drive automatic- 606-306-7470
FS - 4.5 × 5 trailer- $100, PlayStation 1- $20, Carrying bag, Scanner- $20, and other things- 270-576-7336
FS - 1992 4.3 motor and another for parts- $400, Miter saw (like new) $50- 270-246-1734
Tuesday, December 10th, 2019
FS - Bar stools $40 for the pair, light fixtures, 44 of them for $25, galvanized wall hangings 6 for $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Bull calf, 10 month-old, 4 year-old Holstein cow, Golden Jubilee tractor, hay baler and hay rake. Call 270-528-6540
FS - 44 light fixtures, $75 for all or $5 each. 6 galvanized hangings, new $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - New Bluegrass I-phone 11, large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Job sitting with elderly, references and experience. Call Anna at 270-218-5141
LF - Canning jars, pints, quarts, half gallons, gallon jars. Call 270-524-7817
Found - Orange male cat on Priceville Road, friendly, has been fixed. 1 year-old. Call 270-537-1894
FR - Houses. Call Victoria at 270-457-3829
LF - Wood and a dump bed trailer. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 5x8 utility trailer would trade for a larger trailer. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Hamsters, 4 in different cages, $20 each. Call 270-590-2603
FS - 12 ricks of seasoned Hickory firewood, and 3 ricks of Cherry- $50 each- 270-576-5085
FS - Ford dually (1994) crew- 7.3- $2500, 2 electric dryers- $50 for both, 7 foot 3 point hitch grader blade-$200 obo, and a boat trailer- $175- 270-590-3931
FS - Meat hogs- 270-590-9045
FS - 110 BUT heater- $25, Dishwasher- $25- 270-590-1435
FS - Electric dryer, Craftsmen tool box with 3 drawers and tools, Husqvarna 46” mower- 270-590-4497
FS - Dale Jarrett racing jacket- $100- 270-773-5334
FS - 2014 Chevy Traverse- $8500- 270-590-3537
FS - Medium size dog kennel, Fireplace insert with logs- $50, Oak table with leaf- $40, 3×3 Oak table- $20, 2002 Trailblazer- 6 cylinder- 270-308-8179
FS - Firewood- $35 or $45 delivered- 270-670-4416
FS - White plastic barrels- $10 each, and looking for help sorting lumber in Scottsville KY- 270-202-6250
LF - 16-18 foot trailer- 270-303-1360
LF - Pecans- 270-537-4662
LF - Manifold with oil port for a small block 56 Chevrolet- 270-537-4398
LF - Good wide recliner- 270-308-6460
LF - Pygmy Billy Goat- 270-774-1614
LF - Straight 6 or 5 speed transmission- 270-670-1338
LF - An injector box for a 1996 Ford F250 7.3- 270-576-3731
Monday, December 9th, 2019
FS - Bar stools $40 for the pair, light fixtures, 44 of them for $25, galvanized wall hangings 6 for $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 2 new sewing machines $50 each, 2 artificial Christmas trees $35 & $25. 16 ft gooseneck horse trailer $3800 obo, horse hay in square bales. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, assorted sizes, gray marbled color. $2 each. Call 270-405-1628
FS - 2002 Ford Windstar van $500, gas cook stove and dryer $75 for both, 2 Poulan chainsaws $100 each or trade. LF - old riding mowers, go-karts, junk cars. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Seasoned and dry firewood. Can deliver. Call 270-528-1531
FS - 400 big block (Ford) and C6 transmission- $450- 270-612-1206
FS - Warm Morning propane heater- large- with pipes included- blower- pics are available- $100, and a 1993 Buick Road Master- $1500- 270-218-0505
FS - 4 tires- half tread- 195/55/20- $200 obo- 270-590-4537
FS - 2003 Trailblazer- $2500, Dishwasher- $35, Microwave- $25- 270-670-6412
FS - 2006 Ford Ranger- 4 wheel drive, NEW beginners basketball goal, and LOTS of brand name purses- 270-749-4848
FS - Glass top cook stove (Whirlpool) stainless steel- oven does not work- $75 obo- 270-528-1839
FS - 2001 GMC Sonoma (or will part it out), 200 Red Oak 2x4s, and 100 sheets of used roofing metal- 270-792-9125
FS - Roper clothes dryer- $50- 270-646-7606
FS - NEW oil-less turkey cooker- $60, Dryer- $100, Wood stove made from pipe line- $200, 2 NEW 2200I Honda generator invertors- $825 each- 270-576-5178
FS - Holstein Heifer, 2 Holstein bull calves- $275 each, Holstein cow- 270-590-9804
FS - Guineas, 3 young Bantys, 4 laying hens, Pair of young Parakeet birds, Pet cages, and house hold items- 270-777-1990
FS - 55 gallon drums- $15 each- 270-434-4006
FS - Australian Shepherd puppy- male- registered- can send pics- $600- 270-404-0291
Friday, December 6th, 2019
FS - Emerson 1000 watt microwave oven $5. Call 270-524-7709
FS - 2001 Montana $1,000, all electric. Call 270-473-1423
FS - Male Yorkie dog $250, registered, 2 Poulan chainsaws or will trade, gas cook stove and dryer $50 each. LF - upright battery charger with boost. old go-karts, mini bikes. Call 670-1359
FS - 8 acres house with farm. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Bull calf, 10 month-old, 4 year-old Holstein cow, Golden Jubilee tractor, hay baler and hay rake. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels. Call 270-405-1628
FS - 44 light fixtures, $75 for all or $5 each. 6 galvanized hangings, new $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - New Bluegrass I-phone 11, large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Job sitting with elderly, references and experience. Call Anna at 270-218-5141
LF - Canning jars, pints, quarts, half gallons, gallon jars. Call 270-524-7817
Found - Orange male cat on Priceville Road, friendly, has been fixed. 1 year-old. Call 270-537-1894
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - 1 year old female Beagle Blue Heeler mix, kid friendly, house trained $50. Call 270-238-2710
FS - Goodyear boots, size 10 1/2, steel toe $20, primitive galvanized hangings 5 for $50, hunter pink ceiling fan $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Good used wheelchair $50. Text Debbie at 270-579-9639
Thursday, December 5th, 2019
FS - Hickory and oak seasoned firewood. Call 270-528-1531
FS- Troybilt riding mower, like new, used twice $1,000. 42" cut. Call 270-734-2747
FS - Bull calf, 10 month-old, 4 year-old Holstein cow, Golden Jubilee tractor, hay baler and hay rake. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels. Call 270-405-1628
FS - 44 light fixtures, $75 for all or $5 each. 6 galvanized hangings, new $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - New Bluegrass I-phone 11, large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Job sitting with elderly, references and experience. Call Anna at 270-218-5141
LF - Canning jars, pints, quarts, half gallons, gallon jars. Call 270-524-7817
Found - Orange male cat on Priceville Road, friendly, has been fixed. 1 year-old. Call 270-537-1894
FR - Houses. Call Victoria at 270-457-3829
LF - Wood and a dump bed trailer. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - 1 year old female Beagle Blue Heeler mix, kid friendly, house trained $50. Call 270-238-2710
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019
GA- Chihuahua, long haired, 6 months old. 4 roosters. Call 270-524-0605
FS - 4x4 insulation panels. 1 dozen for $100. Call 270-299-5119
FS - 4 tires, $50, 44 light fixtures $75. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Bluegrass I-phone 11, FS - large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Job sitting with elderly, references and experience. Call Anna at 270-218-5141
LF - Canning jars, pints, quarts, half gallons, gallon jars. Call 270-524-7817
Found - Orange male cat on Priceville Road, friendly, has been fixed. 1 year-old. Call 270-537-1894
FR - Houses. Call Victoria at 270-457-3829
LF - Wood and a dump bed trailer. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Goodyear boots, size 10 1/2, steel toe $20, primitive galvanized hangings 5 for $50, hunter pink ceiling fan $15. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Job stripping tobacco or in construction. Call 270-308-0825
FS - Good used wheelchair $50. Text Debbie at 270-579-9639
LF - Washer. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - 1 year old female Beagle Blue Heeler mix, kid friendly, house trained $50. Call 270-238-2710
Monday, December 2nd, 2019
FS - 4 tires, $50, 44 light fixtures $75. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Bluegrass I-phone 11, FS - large rabbit hutch and queen size mattress set. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Antique iron bed with mattress and boxsprings $125 obo, 15 ft gooseneck horse trailer $3800, 7 ft Christmas tree in box $25, square bales and rolls of horse hay and straw. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 2003 Chevy Colorado, 4wd, needs motor $700, 9x12 building with green roof with sides and has shelves $1,000 firm. Call 270-218-0186
FS - Curio cabinet $50, 2 sets of tools. Call 270-786-5072
FS - 2002 Ford Windstar van $500 or will trade for utility trailer, gas cookstove and gas water heater $50 each, 2 Poulan chainsaws, 16" & 18" bar. LF old riding mowers, wheels and tires for a Chevy 1981 pickup. Call 270- 670-1359
Friday, November 29th, 2019
LF - Job sitting with elderly, references and experience. Call Anna at 270-218-5141
LF - Canning jars, pints, quarts, half gallons, gallon jars. Call 270-524-7817
Found - Orange male cat on Priceville Road, friendly, has been fixed. 1 year-old. Call 270-537-1894
FR - Houses. Call Victoria at 270-457-3829
LF - Wood and a dump bed trailer. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Goodyear boots, size 10 1/2, steel toe $20, primitive galvanized hangings 5 for $50, hunter pink ceiling fan $15. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Job stripping tobacco or in construction. Call 270-308-0825
FS - Good used wheelchair $50. Text Debbie at 270-579-9639
LF - Washer. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - 1 year old female Beagle Blue Heeler mix, kid friendly, house trained $50. Call 270-238-2710
Wednesday, November 27th, 2019
FS - Set of 20" rims Moto Metal have 35" tires on and brand new. $1700 Call 270-670-6722
FS - 2002 Ford Windstar van, 2 Poulan chainsaws, like new or will trade, gas cook stove and gas dryer $50 each. LF - old mowers, go-karts. Call 270 670-1359
FS - Emerson 1,000 watt microwave $10. Call 270-524-7709
LF - Job sitting with elderly, references and experience. Call Anna at 270-218-5141
LF - Canning jars, pints, quarts, half gallons, gallon jars. Call 270-524-7817
Found - Orange male cat on Priceville Road, friendly, has been fixed. 1 year-old. Call 270-537-1894
FR - Houses. Call Victoria at 270-457-3829
LF - Wood and a dump bed trailer. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Goodyear boots, size 10 1/2, steel toe $20, primitive galvanized hangings 5 for $50, hunter pink ceiling fan $15. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Job stripping tobacco or in construction. Call 270-308-0825
FS - Good used wheelchair $50. Text Debbie at 270-579-9639
LF - Washer. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - 1 year old female Beagle Blue Heeler mix, kid friendly, house trained $50. Call 270-238-2710
LF - Underpinning and concrete blocks- 270-576-6492
LF - Good used hand tools- 270-427-8563
Tuesday, November 26th, 2019
LF - Job sitting with elderly, references and experience. Call Anna at 270-218-5141
LF - Canning jars, pints, quarts, half gallons, gallon jars. Call 270-524-7817
Found - Orange male cat on Priceville Road, friendly, has been fixed. 1 year-old. Call 270-537-1894
FR - Houses. Call Victoria at 270-457-3829
LF - Wood and a dump bed trailer. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Goodyear boots, size 10 1/2, steel toe $20, primitive galvanized hangings 5 for $50, hunter pink ceiling fan $15. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Job stripping tobacco or in construction. Call 270-308-0825
FS - Good used wheelchair $50. Text Debbie at 270-579-9639
LF - Washer. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - 1 year old female Beagle Blue Heeler mix, kid friendly, house trained $50. Call 270-238-2710
FS - Disney movies, dvd's and vhs, Mr. Coffee coffee maker, small 2 cup coffee maker. Call 270-524-4547
LF - 23 to 25hp bottom shaft motor for a Kawasaki engine. Call 270-670-1895
FS - Used 16" tires, 235 245 and 265 $20 each. horse hay in bales and rolls, stored inside. straw in bales, 3 sewing machines, in box $75 each. gooseneck horse trailer $3800 obo. portable concrete mixer and wheel barrow $375. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Cub Cadet lawnmower LT 42", 18 hp, KH5400, used 20 minutes. Frigidaire microwave, electronic keyboard. Call 270-524-1915
Monday, November 25th, 2019
FS - Square bales of straw, quality horse hay, bales and rolls. 7 ft artificial Christmas tree $35, gooseneck horse trailer $3800, portable concrete mixer $375. Call 270-932-1777
LF - 6 ft bed, front fender and headlight housing for 2008 Dodge Ram sport. or buy complete truck. LF - handyman work, maintenance, carpentry. In Clarkson, call 270-446-0075
FS - 2002 Ford Windstar van, gas cooking stove, gas driver, 2 Poulan chainsaws, GT 5,000 54" cut Craftsman riding mower. LF - old mowers, go-karts, mini bikes. 670-1359
FS - Washer and dryer, 2 chainsaws, and firewood- 270-579-3069
FS - Large welder, 8 horse Briggs engine, 600/16 tire (tractor tread) Compact disc and other things- 270-670-6152
FS - 16’ trailer- $900 obo, set of 20” rims- $150 obo, and a Cub Cadet mower- $150 obo- 270-576-2065
FS - Seasoned firewood- 10 ricks for $450, or $50 each and can deliver- 270-576-6625
FS - Mixed firewood- $30 per rick and can deliver for an extra fee- 270-670-4416
FS - 1993 Ford 150 long bed, Massy Ferguson tractor, and a wood splitter- 270-528-5425
FS - 4 used Good Year tires P205/70/R15 and they on rims- 270-670-8271
FS - Set of 15×7 Chevy Rally wheels and Douglas tires- 215/70/15- 270-590-3537
Friday, November 22nd, 2019
FS - Under the counter dishwasher, new. 1292 East Gap Hill Road, Cub Run. Funds will be donated to the Nursing Homes. Call 270-524-1915
LF - Job sitting with elderly, references and experience. Call Anna at 270-218-5141
LF - Canning jars, pints, quarts, half gallons, gallon jars. Call 270-524-7817
Found - Orange male cat on Priceville Road, friendly, has been fixed. 1 year-old. Call 270-537-1894
FR - Houses. Call Victoria at 270-457-3829
LF - Wood and a dump bed trailer. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Goodyear boots, size 10 1/2, steel toe $20, primitive galvanized hangings 5 for $50, hunter pink ceiling fan $15. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Job stripping tobacco or in construction. Call 270-308-0825
FS - Good used wheelchair $50. Text Debbie at 270-579-9639
LF - Washer. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - 1 year old female Beagle Blue Heeler mix, kid friendly, house trained $50. Call 270-238-2710
FS - 16’ trailer- $900 obo, set of 20” rims- $150 obo, and a Cub Cadet mower- $150 obo- 270-576-2065
FS - Seasoned firewood- 10 ricks for $450, or $50 each and can deliver- 270-576-6625
FS - Mixed firewood- $30 per rick and can deliver for an extra fee- 270-670-4416
FS - 1993 Ford 150 long bed, Massy Ferguson tractor, and a wood splitter- 270-528-5425
FS - 4 used Good Year tires P205/70/R15 and they on rims- 270-670-8271
FS - Set of 15×7 Chevy Rally wheels and Douglas tires- 215/70/15- 270-590-3537
FS - Rear tine tiller, Chainsaws, and some riding and push mowers- 270-670-7175
FS - 500 side by side UTV- 270-590-1102
FS - 1988 Chevy half ton pickup- 350 automatic- 2 wheel drive- $900- 270-590-4250
FS - 2002 Toyota Camry- good tires and good air- $2500, and a 2005 Chevy Silverado with 189,000 miles- with tool bens and ladder racks- $5500- 270-678-0313 or 270-678-5371
FS - 2010 Chevy Cobalt- been wrecked- LOTS of good parts and good tires- $300 as is- 270-734-2731
FS - Whirlpool dish washer- $40 obo, and looking for some good seasoned firewood- 270-404-3203
FS - 200 square bales of hay- $3.50 each- 270-784-6461
FS - Bicycle, Rod iron table and 4 chairs, 2 metal seed sewers- 270-392-8320
FS - Roper washer- $40, Alvarez acoustic guitar, Peavey speakers, Bass bottoms- 270-576-3126
Thursday, November 21st, 2019
FS - side by side refrigerator and cook stove $150 each. 832-4558
FS - Portable concrete mixer $375, antique iron bed with box springs and mattress $125, 16 ft gooseneck horse trailer $3800 obo, 7 ft Christmas tree in box $35 obo, horse hay in square bales and rolls, clean hay. Call 270-932-1777
Found - male orange ginger cat, neutered. near Hill of Terror in Priceville. Call 270-537-1894
GA - Male Beagle puppy, 2 female Chihuahuas $50 each, have had shots. Call 270-218-1195
FS - Goodyear boots, size 10 1/2, steel toe $20, primitive galvanized hangings 5 for $50, hunter pink ceiling fan $15. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Job stripping tobacco or in construction. Call 270-308-0825
FS - Good used wheelchair $50. Text Debbie at 270-579-9639
LF - Washer. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - 1 year old female Beagle Blue Heeler mix, kid friendly, house trained $50. Call 270-238-2710
Wednesday, November 20th, 2019
LF - Job stripping tobacco or in construction. Call 270-308-0825
FS - Good used wheelchair $50. Text Debbie at 270-579-9639
LF - Washer. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - Emerson microwave, 1000 watt. $10. Call 270-524-7709
LF - Upright battery charger, set of tires and wheels for 81 Chevy pickup, 2002 Ford Windstar van, runs good. or will trade. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1 year old female Beagle Blue Heeler mix, kid friendly, house trained $50. Call 270-238-2710
Tuesday, November 19th, 2019
LF - Job stripping tobacco or in construction. Call 270-308-0825
FS - Good used wheelchair $50. Text Debbie at 270-579-9639
LF - Washer. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - Portable concrete mixer with wheel barrow. $375 obo, 16 ft Gooseneck horse trailer $3800 obo, 5 ft Christmas tree $25 obo, heavy duty wood splitter, quality hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Living room suit $300, full size toolbox $75. Call 270-528-7701
FS - Fiberglass panels, black and gray, $2 each. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 2 John Deere riding mowers, one is zero radius turn. $500. Call 270-218-2256
FS - Whirlpool washer $350, Kenmore dryer $250, or both for $500. Call 936-933-1171
FS - Orange insulated coveralls. Size XL. $25, 2 - 6 ft pencil Christmas trees. $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Woodstove. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Youth camouflage clothes, boots, boys jeans, shirts, hoodies, queen size matching pillow top mattress set, no frame. LF - gun safe. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Curio cabinet $50, Barbie dolls in boxes, prices vary. Call 270-565-4477
FS - Nuts, pecans, cashews, chocolates, proceeds go to Cystic Fibrosis. 1 lb bags. Gada's Beauty Salon on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1415 Ext. 3
Monday, November 18th, 2019
FS - 1993 Chevy pickup, no title, automatic, swb. $450. 2002 Ford Windstar van, hit in front or will trade, LF - old riding mowers, mini bikes and go-karts. FS - Poulan chainsaws. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Job stripping tobacco or in construction. Call 270-308-0825
FS - Good used wheelchair $50. Text Debbie at 270-579-9639
LF - Washer. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Firewood $40 a rick. Call 270-453-4428
FS - Portable concrete mixer with wheel barrow. $375 obo, 16 ft Gooseneck horse trailer $3800 obo, 5 ft Christmas tree $25 obo, heavy duty wood splitter, quality hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Living room suit $300, full size toolbox $75. Call 270-528-7701
FS - Fiberglass panels, black and gray, $2 each. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 2 John Deere riding mowers, one is zero radius turn. $500. Call 270-218-2256
LF - Earcorn 100 bushel or more, FS 12 x 60 mobile home. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Whirlpool washer $350, Kenmore dryer $250, or both for $500. Call 936-933-1171
FS - Orange insulated coveralls. Size XL. $25, 2 - 6 ft pencil Christmas trees. $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Woodstove. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Youth camouflage clothes, boots, boys jeans, shirts, hoodies, queen size matching pillow top mattress set, no frame. LF - gun safe. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Curio cabinet $50, Barbie dolls in boxes, prices vary. Call 270-565-4477
Friday, November 8th, 2019
Estate Sale today and Sat. - furniture, bar and stools, table and chairs, rocker, antiques, pictures, etc. inside at 100 Skyline Drive in Munfordville. Call 270-834-6347
FS - Fiberglass insulated panels $2 each, can send pics and deliver. Call 270-446-0075
ARK Voucher distribution at Bonnieville City Hall 11 to 1 p.m. Saturday $25 cost for spay or neuter, first come, first serve. Must have proof of residency.
GA - Dishwasher. Call 270-524-3382
Yard Sale - 6707 Priceville Road today. lots of items. Call 270-528-6263
Indoor tag sale - 28 Seymour Lane, Saturday, right off Hwy 218. Call 270-670-5144
LF - Propane fireplace with mantle, prefer corner style. Call 270-537-4122
Thursday, November 7th, 2019
FS - Fiberglass insulated panels, black and gray color, 1/8" thick. $2 per sheet. 3 piece Jaguar luggage set. $25. Can send pics. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels $2 each, small sizes 5x5 $1 each. Call 270-405-1628
Estate Sale - Fri & Sat 8:00 a.m. 100 Skyline Drive Munfordville, behind IGA. Bedroom suit, dinette set, living room suit, antiques, glassware, old trunk, bookcases, misc......, leather bar. Call 270-834-6347
FS - Oculus Go, virtual reality headset, new in box, 64gb. $200 obo. Call 502-263-8359
FS - Deepfreeze $150, GA - 4 roosters. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Whirlpool washer $350, Kenmore dryer $250, or both for $500. Call 936-933-1171
Moving sale - Saturday, November 9th, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at 28 Seymour Lane, Horse Cave, Will be held inside, tools, furniture, household items, everything must go.
FS - Orange insulated coveralls. Size XL. $25, 2 - 6 ft pencil Christmas trees. $50. Call 270-590-6866
Wednesday, November 6th, 2019
FS - Youth camouflage clothes, boots, boys jeans, shirts, hoodies, queen size matching pillow top mattress set, no frame. LF - gun safe. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Whirlpool washer $350, Kenmore dryer $250, or both for $500. Call 936-933-1171
Moving sale - Saturday, November 9th, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at 28 Seymour Lane, Horse Cave, Will be held inside, tools, furniture, household items, everything must go.
FS - Orange insulated coveralls. Size XL. $25, 2 - 6 ft pencil Christmas trees. $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Curio cabinet $50, Barbie dolls in boxes, prices vary. Call 270-565-4477
FS - 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited, clear title, for parts. Call 270-786-4846
LF - Woodstove. Call 270-748-0052
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 2001 Ford F150 270-218-0813
Yard Sale - 6707 Priceville Road, Robin and Becky Childress home, Thurs - Saturday 8:00 a.m. assorted clothing, household items, large pictures, exercise equipment, etc. Call 270-528-6263
FS - 2001 Chevy Suburban, 3/4 ton, good tires, heavy duty. daily driven. 4wd. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 2 Jersey bull calves- 2 weeks old- $40 each, 55 gallon barrels- $8 each, and some 15 gallon barrels- $2 each- 270-590-9801
FS - Top soil- can deliver, and some sporting goods- 270-763-7336
FS - 6 horse power out bored motor, and some arrow heads- 270-563-6973
FS - 4 wheel cart with sides- $50, Antique sewing machine (60 years old) 270-528-1416
FS - Washer and dryer, 2 chainsaws, and firewood- 270-579-3069
FS - Large welder, 8 horse Briggs engine, 600/16 tire (tractor tread) Compact disc and other things- 270-670-6152
FS - 16’ trailer- $900 obo, set of 20” rims- $150 obo, and a Cub Cadet mower- $150 obo- 270-576-2065
FS - Seasoned firewood- 10 ricks for $450, or $50 each and can deliver- 270-576-6625
FS - Mixed firewood- $30 per rick and can deliver for an extra fee- 270-670-4416
FS - 1993 Ford 150 long bed, Massy Ferguson tractor, and a wood splitter- 270-528-5425
Tuesday, November 5th, 2019
FS - Youth camouflage clothes, boots, boys jeans, shirts, hoodies, queen size matching pillow top mattress set, no frame. LF - gun safe. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Whirlpool washer $350, Kenmore dryer $250, or both for $500. Call 936-933-1171
Yard Sale/moving sale - behind WLOC radio station in Horse Cave on 31-W, all this week, furniture, washer dryer set, mattress sets, end tables, pictures, lamps, household items, tools, etc. Call 270-537-5072
Yard Sale - Thursday through Saturday, Childress address, fundraiser. Out of Priceville, toward Cub Run.
Moving sale - Saturday, November 9th, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at 28 Seymour Lane, Horse Cave, Will be held inside, tools, furniture, household items, everything must go.
FS - Orange insulated coveralls. Size XL. $25, 2 - 6 ft pencil Christmas trees. $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Curio cabinet $50, Barbie dolls in boxes, prices vary. Call 270-565-4477
FS - 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited, clear title, for parts. Call 270-786-4846
LF - Woodstove. Call 270-748-0052
Monday, November 4th, 2019
FS - Head gate $375, kitchen cabinets, top and bottom with sink and faucets $200, 16 ft gooseneck horse trailer $3800, horse hay, square bales. wood splitter $375. Call 270-932-1777
GA- Roosters. Call 524-0605
Moving sale - Saturday, November 9th, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at 28 Seymour Lane, Horse Cave, Will be held inside, tools, furniture, household items, everything must go.
FS - 22 ton gas powered log splitter. Call 270-537-4617
FS - 1993 Chevy 4wd, pickup or will trade, 2002 Ford Windstar van, air and heat or will trade, LF - parts for a 1981 Chevy pickup, old mowers, gokarts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Orange insulated coveralls. Size XL. $25, 6 ft pencil Christmas tree. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Female AKC registered Italian Grey Hound- 5 pounds and 5 weeks old- 270-622-8280
FS - 2003 Dodge Dakota V6 and good tires- 149K- Nice inside and out! $3600- 270-792-2152
FS - 1995 Ford 9000 semi with a 48’ trailer- single axle- $13,000- 270-433-1419
FS - Registered Black Angus bull- $1800- 502-821-3759 or 270-286-9518
FS - Blue Heeler pup- 10 weeks old- shots are up to date- $100- 270-834-9608
FS - 2003 Trailblazer with 160,000 miles- daily driver- $3500- 270-670-4609
FS - 2009 Nissan Altima with 124,000 miles (pics are available) 4 Jersey Heifers, and looking for some 15” tires- 235/75/15- 270-734-1552
FS - 2 Jersey bull calves- 2 weeks old- $40 each, 55 gallon barrels- $8 each, and some 15 gallon barrels- $2 each- 270-590-9801
FS - Top soil- can deliver, and some sporting goods- 270-763-7336
FS - 6 horse power out bored motor, and some arrow heads- 270-563-6973
FS - 4 wheel cart with sides- $50, Antique sewing machine (60 years old) 270-528-1416
FS - Washer and dryer, 2 chainsaws, and firewood- 270-579-3069
FS - Large welder, 8 horse Briggs engine, 600/16 tire (tractor tread) Compact disc and other things- 270-670-6152
Friday, November 1st, 2019
FS - Curio cabinet $50, Barbie dolls in boxes, prices vary. Call 270-565-4477
FS - 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited, clear title, for parts. Call 270-786-4846
LF - Woodstove. Call 270-748-0052
FS - 2 tires 195 60 R15's $40 for both. Call 270-537-1964
LF - Small gunsafe, FS - Queen size matching mattress set, boys clothes sizes 8 to XL, sold by the box, some with tags. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Boys clothes 4T to 5T winter clothes. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Siberian Husky Blue Heeler mix puppies. To good homes. Call 270-786-4855
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, various sizes, gray marbled color $2 each. Call 270-405-1628 or 270-405-1260
FS - 1993 Chevy pickup, will trade. 2002 Ford Windstar van, heat and air, 2 Poulan chainsaws, LF - old mowers 670-1359
FS - 12 x 16 ft blue area rug. $100. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, 4x4, automatic $3700, Yamaha jet ski, 2014 VX Deluxe, 3 passenger, 65 hours. $6500. Call 270-681-8061
FS - Three point hitch scissor high lift ,with hydraulic cylinder $200.00 in Morgantown KY…(270) 999-3822
FS - Fresh cut firewood for sale, mostly ash. $30 per rick. Call for more information. (270) 670-6602
FS - 4 wheel of ford expedition 2013 17 inch 5 lug $150.00 or trade for Chevy 6 lug wheels for sale 2005 GMC 4 wheel drive $4800. need front fender and bumper or will buy front fender and bumper (270) 590-1311
FS - Cub cadet parts mower, Craftsman parts mower, Bolens parts mower Toro wheel horse zero turn parts mower and 4 like new 205 75 15 tires on KIA wheels asking $250 firm, 2 Abu Garcia reels n 2 penn peer salt water reels sking $100 obo. Call (270) 618-2216
FS - 4.0 motor and transmission for sale came out of 2001 ford explorer 4wd…(270) 670-3182
LF - Odd jobs I can do Concrete, wood decks and handyman service you need yard work.. just give me a call 270-404-1173
FS - male Great Dane 9 months old to re-home and I have a large bird cage to sale and open to trades call or text 270-612 1305
LF - Freestanding coat rack\ hall tree… also need a rocking chair for the living room. Call 270-943-1653.
FS - Six speed 38 inch cut Bowen lawn mower. Needs some work. $100.00 or best offer.. (270) 579-2466
FS - 16 ft double axle utility heavy duty trailer needs new floor and lights $800, 15 gal pull behind 12 volt sprayer on trailer works great $50 270-590-4983…A pull behind mower or 4 wheeler…(270) 590-4983
Thursday, October 31st, 2019
FS - Curio cabinet $50, Barbie dolls in boxes, prices vary. Call 270-565-4477
FS - 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited, clear title, for parts. Call 270-786-4846
LF - Woodstove. Call 270-748-0052
FS - 2 tires 195 60 R15's $40 for both. Call 270-537-1964
LF - White cat. 524-1110
LF - Stolen bike, green wheels with silver color, across from the Horse Cave Baptist Church, a Spiderman bike was also stolen from the location. Call 270-528-6540
LF - A young Poodle dog- 270-537-3733
LF - 350 turbo automatic transmission for a 1981 Chevy pickup- 270-670-1359
LF - A good work truck- 1990-2002 (2500 series) Chevy or GMC- 4 wheel drive- 270-670-7264
LF - golf cart- white with top and chrome wheels- will pay cash- 270-678-2219
LF - Someone with a portable saw-mill- 502-529-2321
LF - A black side by side refrigerator with ice- 270-282-1242
LF - Double pulley for a crank-shaft for a 800 Ford tractor- 270-622-0259
LF - Small puppy; and a Boston Terrier (female) 270-943-7859
LF - Eden Pure electric heater (portable) 270-590-4456
LF - Odd jobs (brick laying or other) 270-361-8913
LF - Barns to tear down- 270-427-9498
LF - Tractor tire- 750/16- 270-678-2256 or 270-678-7900
FREE- Cats and kittens- 270-651-2516
FS - Two Chester white sows (pigs) - One sow weights 300lbs and the other sow weights 240lbs call me at 270-261-2752 and make me a offer if interested would be good for a cookout or barbecue…(270) 261-2752
Wednesday, October 30th, 2019
FS - Curio cabinet $50, Barbie dolls in boxes, Call 270-565-4477
FS - 1992 Buick LeSabre Ltd for parts, clear title. Call 270-786-4846
LF - Woodstove. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Kitchen table and 4 chairs. Call 270-590-8562
FS - 9x12 green roofed building, tan, all metal, has shelves. Call 270-528-8355
LF - Dog house and interior door. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Small gunsafe, FS - Queen size matching mattress set, boys clothes sizes 8 to XL, sold by the box, some with tags. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
FS - Sun visor for a 1983 Ford truck (Ranger) $45, Hub caps for 1956 & 1957 Chevy, Steel wheel for a 1957 Chevy, 1962 Ford truck (Unibody) $2800, 1962 Ford Thunder Bird- $1800; pictures are available- 270-459-2105
FS- Lots of nice 1950 comic books; Batman and others, And an old 1937 Kentucky Farm Bureau sign- 270-622-2744
FS - 7’ pull behind bush hog- $600 cash- 270-537-5673
FS - 5×10 utility trailer and 7 rabbit dogs- 270-670-1403
FS - 2 rams- $175 each, Ditch Witch with back-hoe- $7500, 2003 Chevy 3500 Duramax- $9000 or would do some trading- 270-378-6998
FS - Frigidaire refrigerator with ice maker- $200, 1995 Oldsmobile- $1000 and some jewelry- 270-629-5315 or 270-407-9588
FS - Stainless steel refrigerator with ice and water- $200- 270-904-4877 or 270-790-1754
FS - 4 Parakeets and 2 cages and some extras- $200 for all- 270-622-9445
FS - Heavy duty tool box for a full size truck- $50- 270-904-3229
FS - 2 Jersey bull calves- $30 each, and looking for a house to rent in the Eighty Eight community- 270-590-9801
FS - 4630 Ford tractor with bush hog and loader- $13,500- 270-670-2944
FS - Recliner from a pet free/smoke free home- $30- 270-528-6546
FS - 2 Four wheelers- Honda and Yamaha, and a 2003 KIA Station wagon- 270-286-4713
FS - Lift chair, Chair that makes a bed, and a massage chair- 270-576-8791
FS - 1997 Toyota Camry with good air and good tires- $1800- 270-904-4877
FS - 16 foot cattle trailer with gooseneck, new floor, and good tries- $2000- 270-774-3336
FS - Some AKC registered Great Dane puppies- up to date with shots- $600-$1000- 270-590-9512
Tuesday, October 29th, 2019
FS - 1992 Buick LeSabre Ltd, for parts. Call 270-786-4846
LF - Insulated boards. Call 270-786-1620
LF - Stolen silver Mongoose bicycle with green wheels, taken from Main Street in Horse Cave. Call 270-528-6540
LF - Woodstove. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Some arrow heads and some new and old pocket knives- 270-563-6973
FS - Holstein steers and a red/white face bull; and looking for a steel or aluminum tank- 1000-2000 gallon- 270-734-1552
FS - 1978 Lincoln Continental with a 1990 Ford rear end; there’s no motor nor transmission, also a 400 big block motor- 270-612-1206
FS - Old antique oak table, Singer sewing machine, Some cook-wear, and a wood burning stove with glass front- 270-799-1490
FS - Scrubs and tops- $15- 270-670-7278
FS - 1993 Chevy pickup short wheel base- parting out or as is, GT5000 Craftsmen riding mower (54”) 2 NEW Poland chainsaws, Dewalt radio- $50, Three registered Yorkie puppies- 270-670-1359
FS - Charolais bulls, 2 basket hay tedder, and looking for a solid white kitten- 270-670-4262
FS - Pair of antique bolt bens- $250 each or $400 both; 48”x48” shower pan- $100, Heavy duty stainless steel commercial sink- $250, Wood vices for wood working- $40 each- 270-784-3540
FS - Large wood stove for a shop or basement- $300- 270-579-2770
FS - Boat trailer- $175, 7 foot grader blade- $200 and LF - someone to tear down a building in Ft. Run- 270-590-3931
FS - 2006 Nissan Maxima- good tires and air- $3200- 270-537-4662
FS - 14×70 mobile home- must be moved- 270-237-7475
FS - 2004 Dodge truck- crew cab (1500 series) $4000 firm- 270-780-6701
FS - 1923 Willys with 9,000 miles- 360 automatic- $10,500, and lots of antique record players and radios and tables- 270-487-9790
FS - 2 Royal Palm turkeys- Hen and Tom- $100 for both- 270-774-1614
Monday, October 28th, 2019
LF - Small gunsafe, FS - Queen size matching mattress set, boys clothes sizes 8 to XL, sold by the box, some with tags. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Body parts or body for 75 to 81 Camaro. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima $1200 and 2006 Nissan Maxima $3200. Call 270-537-4622
FS - Dining room table with 6 chairs, Full size bed (head, foot, and rails) and some bicycles- 270-272-3293
LF - 10 to 12 bales of old hay. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 2006 Ford Windstar van, 1993 Chevy swb, pickup, Poulan chainsaws, Craftsman GT 5000 lawnmower, Yorkie pup. CKC registered. LF - upright battery charger, LF - old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Tall dresser. Call 270-473-3718
FS - Gas stove (NEW) $150, Fuji men’s bicycle with lights and wide seat- $150, and lots of antique furniture- 270-393-1097
FS - LG flip phone- works with Bluegrass- comes with charger- $25- 270-428-2812
FS - Diamond plated tool box for a small pickup- $65- 270-590-1056
FS - Like new DVR- $200, and a TV antenna hookup set- nice equipment- $150, and some FREE chicken wire- 270-524-4913
FS - 2005 Yamaha V Star 1100 motorcycle, Washer and dryer set, New basketball goal, Saddle bags, P90X workout set, Wood chipper, Vinyl floor, and some barn lumber- 270-590-1102
FS - Seed sower- pull behind a lawn mower- $25, Small portable refrigerator for a dorm or man cave- $20- 270-428-2812
FS - 2 portable heaters- $50 for both or $35 each- 270-678-2312
FS - 1995 GMC full size- 8 cylinder automatic- $3000, Heavy duty file cabinet- $40- 270-586-1639
FS- 2 Jet Skis, Pontoon, 15 year old watch dog, Old trailer (perfect for hauling wood) $200- 270-670-9561
LF - 21 horse power twin cylinder lawn mower motor- 270-670-5698
LF - Set of tires- 215/70/15- 270-308-5300
LF - Insulated garage door- 7’x9’ 270-618-0038
LF - Transmission for a 1994 Ford Ranger- 270-384-1776
LF - 4 tires- 215/70/16 or would trade an aluminum tool box for a full size truck for some- 270-270-261-1213
LF - A small house dog- puppy- 270-943-3293
LF - 302 Ford motor for a 1988 Ford Mustang and 5 speed transmission- 270-308-5332
LF - House for rent- 270-576-5931
LF - Odd and end Jobs or work in Barren County
area. FS - wall paneling. 3 sheets are dark colored and 3 sheets are white
colored with design of wooden boards, Kirby vacuum for sale 40$ also it can
shampoo carpets.
electric 4×4 motor for 01 GMC transfer case shift motor. Call 270-308-7200
or text.
LF - Laying hens. Call 270-392-9340
FS - AKC Registered English Bulldog Puppies, Vaccinations all up to date. Two males and one female. $2,500. (440) 781-3136
FS - New and barely used elderly scooter color red asking $4000- (270) 590-2324
FS - Comfort built HP-61 pellet stove, heats up to 3,000 square feet. Asking $1,200 obo… call 270-991-3142 or 270-991-2667
Friday, October 25th, 2019
FS - 2006 Nissan Maxima, $3,000, 1996 Nissan Pathfinder $2500, 2001 Nissan Maxima $1200. Call 270-537-4662
Yard Sale - today - 100 C. T. Hogan Lane toward Hardyville, prints, saddles, box items, child's Corvette car, needs battery. primitives, clothes, camping items, glassware, Christmas items. Call 270-528-3698
Estate Sale - 100 Skyline Drive behind IGA, dinette set with 6 chairs, corner cabinet, leather bar stand, dehumidifier, misc. bedroom and living room suit, end tables, entertainment center, pictures. Today and Saturday. Call 270-834-6347
FS - Pumpkins, gourds, green tomatoes. Call 270-531-6947
Found at 4844 Cub Run Highway - Redbone coonhound, trying to find the owner. Call 207-218-2645
FS - 1993 Chevy 4wd, no title or will trade, 2 Poulan chainsaws or trade, 2006 Ford Windstar van, or will trade. Craftsman GT 5000 lawnmower, LF - old mowers, mini bikes, go-karts. Call 270-6701359
FS - Barrel wood stove $60. Call 270-537-3705
LF - Small gunsafe, FS - Queen size matching mattress set, boys clothes sizes 8 to XL, sold by the box, some with tags. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Body parts or body for 75 to 81 Camaro. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima $1200 and 2006 Nissan Maxima $3200. Call 270-537-4622
FS - Dining room table with 6 chairs, Full size bed (head, foot, and rails) and some bicycles- 270-272-3293
FS - Gas stove (NEW) $150, Fuji men’s bicycle with lights and wide seat- $150, and lots of antique furniture- 270-393-1097
FS - LG flip phone- works with Bluegrass- comes with charger- $25- 270-428-2812
FS - Diamond plated tool box for a small pickup- $65- 270-590-1056
Thursday, October 24th, 2019
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday at 110 C. T. Hogan Lane in Hardyville toward memorial school . Suitcases, saddles for tombstones, yellow childs Corvette car, etc. 270-528-3698
LF - 32" tv. FS - 27" tv. $60. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Pumpkins, squash and goards. Buy 1 get 1 free, for a good cause. In Bonnieville. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Small gunsafe, FS - Queen size matching mattress set, boys clothes sizes 8 to XL, sold by the box, some with tags. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Body parts or body for 75 to 81 Camaro. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima $1200 and 2006 Nissan Maxima $3200. Call 270-537-4622
FS - Welder, Wheel and tire 255/70/16 $25, 2 side shaft engines, Lawn mower parts, and yard sale items- 270-670-6152
FS - 22 foot aluminum flag pole- 270-418-7644
FS - NEW NASCAR car limited edition Jeff Gordon jacket- size large- $75, Kentucky Wildcat wind breaker- XL- $25- 270-418-7980
FS - Front tine and Real tine garden tillers, and looking for a 2009 and up Toyota truck (king cab) 270-427-6786
FS - Cloth recliner- good condition- $30- 270-528-6546
FS - Solid steel wood burning stove with glass front- $450- 270-799-1490
FS - Lady’s clothing (size 24) in good condition, and looking for some good tools- 270-427-8563
FS - A 200 six-cylinder and C4 transmission- $425, 302 Ford motor, 305 Chevy motor, Model A motor, V8 Ford motor, and some intakes and lots of other things; serious calls only- 270-459-2105
FS - 2 clothes dryers- $100 each and a new dish washer- $100- 270-790-1754
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels- (used- $1 per sheet) New- $2 per sheet- 270-405-1260
FS - Nice cargo trailer (6×10) with shelves- $1200- 270-646-5996
FS - Italian Greyhound puppy- 4 months old- 270-622-8280
FS - Diamond ring (size 8) Frigidaire refrigerator, Men’s and women’s clothing- 270-629-5315
FS- Side by side refrigerator- stainless steel- Kenmore and a Craftsmen pressure washer- $175- 270-790-1754
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019
LF - Small gunsafe, FS - Queen size matching mattress set, boys clothes sizes 8 to XL, sold by the box, some with tags. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Body parts or body for 75 to 81 Camaro. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima $1200 and 2006 Nissan Maxima $3200. Call 270-537-4622
FS - Chest freezer $175 obo. Call 270-524-0605
FS - 2008 Chevy Malibu. $3,000. Call 270-612-0650
LF - 16” steel wheel (8 lug) for a Chevy pickup- 270-670-5745
LF - Land to buy in South Edmonson County- 270-597-7552
FS - Wood futon. 784 international tractor with 2250 loader. 2004 Volvo needs fuel pump for $300. Small upright freezer for $75. Medal patio set. 2 chairs, love seat. Coffee table with all cushions, all for $85.00. Wood round table with 4 ladder back chairs. Call 270-428-4040
FS - Old GMC/White Dump Truck. Needs some repair. CAT engine. $1500…270-579-6587
GA - 5 month old kittens to a good home…270-612-0683
FS - Snare drum and carry case and triangle, sticks and a book asking $200. Call 270-202-5085
FS - 1988 Chevy Celebrity with V 6 Engine, low miles $1500 obo- 270-792-3563
FS - Welder, Wheel and tire 255/70/16 $25, 2 side shaft engines, Lawn mower parts, and yard sale items- 270-670-6152
FS - 22 foot aluminum flag pole- 270-418-7644
FS - New NASCAR limited edition Jeff Gordon jacket- size large- $75, Kentucky Wildcat wind breaker- XL- $25- 270-418-7980
FS - Front tine and Real tine garden tillers, and LF - 2009 and up Toyota truck (king cab) - 270-427-6786
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019
LF - Small gunsafe, FS - Queen size matching mattress set, boys clothes sizes 8 to XL, sold by the box, some with tags. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Information on missing Beagle Hound, a neighbor told the owner the dog was struck by a car, but the dog was not found, it is a family pet. Call Shyann Winchester at 270-537-1619
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Body parts or body for 75 to 81 Camaro. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima $1200 and 2006 Nissan Maxima $3200. Call 270-537-4622
GA - Walnuts. Call 270-773-3374 Hatcher Valley Road
FS - Electric baby swing, $25, like new. Call 270-590-8486
LF - Small gun safe, FS - queen size matching mattress set, boys clothes size 8-XL, sorted in boxes, selling by the box, can send pics. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Load of pumpkins 8984 N. Dixie Hwy., toward Upton. All kinds, sizes, and gourds. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Kids movies $1 each. Call 270-524-4547
FS - 2 room tent with a spare tent that has no poles. 2 person tent, smaller $50 for all. Other camping equipment, yard sale items, 25c each. Call after 11:00 a.m. at 270-579-1710
FS - 2008 Artic Cat 4 wheeler- has gun rack- 366 cc- needs minor work- $350- 270-834-9619
FS - Simplicity lawn tractor with ball hitch and snow plow hook up- 48” and 16 horse power- new belts (needs pulley) $250 cash, 2 tires- 215/70/15- $40, Troy Bilt weed eater- $50, Swimming pool ladder- $20, and 2 front end lawn mower rims- $20- 270-991-0396
FS - Seasoned firewood (mixed) $50 delivered and $45 you pick up- 270-774-7800
FS - Tow bar- $40, Jeep Wrangler wheel flares for 2014- $80, 3 sets of after market- $15 each, Volkswagen parts- $75, Weather Tech floor mats, and more- 270-670-5591
FS - Dining room table with 6 chairs- $100, Winged back chairs- $25- 270-272-3293
FS - Oliver plow- $125, Cattle scale- $1500, 1970 Coke machine- $350, and looking for a small horse- 270-670-3570
FS - 3 Stihl chainsaws- $75- $100 each, 1985 Honda Goldwing with 34,000 miles with an extra parts bike- $2200 obo- 270-407-1636
FS - Frigidaire refrigerator- $250- 270-629-5315
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima- $1200- 270-537-4662
FS - Maple twin bed (complete) $40- 270-651-5348
LF - A good cheap refrigerator- 270-404-3484
LF - A 6 foot bed for a Dodge Ram Sport- 270-446-0075
LF - RV door and a oxygen machine (small) 270-576-5643 or 270-590-7231
LF - Parts for a 1977-1979 Ford LTD- 270-590-3556
LF - A puppy - 270-473-0812
Monday, October 21st, 2019
LF - Small gunsafe, FS - Queen size matching mattress set, boys clothes sizes 8 to XL, sold by the box, some with tags. Call 270-723-4077
Found - Male coonhound in the Johnson Springs area, orange collar with distinctive marking. Call and identify at 270-590-3209
LF- Transmission for 1981 Chevy pickup, FS - 1993 Chevy swb, 4wd or will trade, 2006 Ford Windstar van or will trade, Craftsman GT 5000 mower, 3 Yorkie pups, 2 Poulan chainsaws, Dewalt radio $50. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Female Poodle. Under 1 year-old. Call 270-573-3733
LF - Average size Camper. Call 304-9575
Estate Sale - Fri & Sat at 100 Skyline Drive Munfordville 8:00 a.m. furniture, appliances, lots of miscellaneous, children's items. Call 270-834-6347
LF - TV. FS - 27" television. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Junk Max chainsaw- 6450AVS- 270-590-2676
LF - Some garden ripe tomatoes and some rhubarb- 270-943-1653
LF - A wooden antique bed- 270-590-2652
FR - 3 bedroom house in Allen County- $500 per month and $400 deposit- NO large dogs- 270-237-7562
FS - 4) P215-60R-16 tires- asking $40.00 dollars…270-427-7835
FS - 2004 Chevrolet truck is a 4 wheel drive. It is red it runs and drives good everything works, it is a v8 has 206,000 miles price $3,900. Call 270-670-1529
FS - 2019 four bedroom double wide mobile home and lot for sale. Lot is 1.2 (-/+) acres. Call (270) 590-5035
FS - 1998 Russian tractor- 90 horse with a front end loader- 4 wheel drive- make an offer- 270-799-7213
FS - Set of Good Year Wrangler tires- 80% tread left- 265/65/18- $50 each- 270-576-0971
FS - 2 intakes (283) Chevy and a 1965 289, Set of exalts manifolds for a 69 Chevy truck, AMF Harley Davidson motorcycle- no title- good project for someone, 1962 Ford Thunderbird (needs restored) $1800, All State motorcycle gas tank- 270-459-2105
FS - 5 foot bush hog, 1 row tobacco setter, and a Husqvarna riding mower- 48” (needs some TLC) 270-590-1190
FS - Dining room table (sits 6) and 3 extra chairs- 270-646-2832
FS - Old big screen TV- 270-446-0075
FS - 2001 PT Cruiser with new tires- good air and tires- clear title- 180K- $1000- 270-763-7336
FS - 4 shop lights- 270-773-4252
FS - Transfer case and transmission for a 2001 Chevy pickup- $100- 270-218-0232
FS - 2 International hay balers, International mowing machine and hay rake- all for- $1100, 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee- 270-392-1465
FS - 2004 Kawasaki Vulcan (2000 cc) custom pain job and lots of chrome- very nice- $5000 firm- 270-404-0223
FS - 300-400 Red oak 2x6s (16 feet) and some used metal roofing, Aluminum wheels and tires and a 2001 GMC Sonoma extended cab- 270-792-9125
Friday, October 18th, 2019
LF - Information on missing Beagle Hound, a neighbor told the owner the dog was struck by a car, but the dog was not found, it is a family pet. Call Shyann Winchester at 270-537-1619
Yard Sale - in Cave City today through Sunday, lawnmowers, weedeaters, industrial radio, etc. 54" cut Craftsman riding mower, 2000 Nissan car, v-6 automatic, 4 door. LF - old mini bikes, gokarts. FS - 4 Yorkie pups, registered. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Solid white cat. Call 270-524-1110
LF - Left handed baseball glove. Call 270-774-7923
FS - 2 parakeets $100 with cage and food. Call 270-473-1423
LF - Motor for son's go-kart, 6 1/2 horse and the 2 front tires that was stolen at Coats Transmission in Cave City. Call 270-773-3332
LF - Tool box for a mid size GMC and wanting a gas BBQ grill- 270-308-0149
LF - Power take-off shaft for a Massy Ferguson tractor and a 10’ Jon Boat (aluminum) 270-590-5192
LF - Junk Max chainsaw- 6450AVS- 270-590-2676
LF - Some garden ripe tomatoes and some rhubarb- 270-943-1653
LF - A wooden antique bed- 270-590-2652
FR - 3 bedroom house in Allen County- $500 per month and $400 deposit- NO large dogs- 270-237-7562
FS - (4) P215-60R-16 tires- asking $40.00. 270-427-7835
Thursday, October 17th, 2019
FS - Recliner $30 in Glasgow. Call 270-528-6546
Yard Sale - Multi family, live estate sale for Rose Bostic, 5 rooms full of household items, bedroom suit, shelves, weedeater, table saw, 475 Waldeck Road, Bonnieville Friday and Saturday. 8 a.m. Call 270*473-1499
FS - 2001 Nissan car $1200. Call 270-537-4622
FS - Boys clothes, size 8 to XL, including huskies and camo, dresses, skirts, tops, men's and junior girls clothes, will sell by the box, lots of name brands. Some still have tags, from smoke and pet free home. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Green chair and ottoman, antique Lincoln bed, full size, antique dresser. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Body parts or body for 75 to 81 Camaro. Call 270-528-1419
FS - (3) 8 foot long porch rails with spindles- $35 each, (2) 4 foot long with spindles- $35 for both, 50 gallon plastic barrels, and a cattle water trough- 270-791-2646
FS - Pull behind camper (2004) nice and clean- Dutchmen Sport- $3500- 270-773-5907
FS - 2 small 4 wheelers- $50 (need work) and a full size tool box- $50- 270-246-2751
FS - 4 Michelin tires- 265/70/16- $20 each- 270-576-6791
FS - 7 foot bush hog- $600 cash and some square bales of hay- 270-537-5673
FS - Alvarez electric/acoustic guitar, Fender 12 string, PA speakers, Bass bottoms, and looking for a tire- 215/70/15- 270-576-3126
FS - Pigmy Billy goat- $100- 270-427-0923
LF - Tool box for a 2009 Ford Ranger- 270-320-5691
LF - Someone to bush hog 3 acres outside Glasgow…and you can have the hay FREE- 270-796-6772
LF - Tool box for a mid size GMC and wanting a gas BBQ grill- 270-308-0149
LF - Power take-off shaft for a Massy Ferguson tractor and a 10’ Jon Boat (aluminum) 270-590-5192
Wednesday, October 16th, 2019
FS - 2001 Nissan car $1200. Call 270-537-4622
FS - Boys clothes, size 8 to XL, including huskies and camo, dresses, skirts, tops, men's and junior girls clothes, will sell by the box, lots of name brands. Some still have tags, from smoke and pet free home. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Green chair and ottoman, antique Lincoln bed, full size, antique dresser. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2003 Mitsubishi Montero- needs work- $600 obo- 270-202-5576
FS - Coleman electric furnace, out of a 12x65 mobile home. $75. Call 270-524-3620 or 270-537-1964
FS - Wall natural gas heater $70, new. Call 270-473-3248
FS - 2 drop gate trailers and 2 zero turn mowers and lots of mower parts- 270-457-4236
FS - 2 concrete flower pots- 270-773-3368
FS - 7’ 3 point hitch grader blade- $200, 220 Kawasaki 4 wheeler- $800, Ford truck bed- $200, Right front fender for a 1992 Ford- $50, Right front fender for a 1973-1979 Ford pickup, Pontoon trailer- $600, 2 hunting ladder stands and some climbing sticks- $125- 270-590-3931
FS - 1985 Z-28 with Chevy wheels and a 305 motor- $3500- 270-528-3926
Tuesday, October 15th, 2019
FS - 2001 Nissan car $1200. Call 270-537-4622
FS - Boys clothes, size 8 to XL, including huskies and camo, dresses, skirts, tops, men's and junior girls clothes, will sell by the box, lots of name brands. Some still have tags, from smoke and pet free home. Call 270-723-4077
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Green chair and ottoman, antique Lincoln bed, full size, antique dresser. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FOR SALE- 488 New Holland haybine, 7’ haybine, Hay rake, and a 240 John Deere skid steer- 270-590-2359
FOR SALE- Rototiller- 5 horse- $75- 270-432-1492
FOR SALE- John Deere zero turn mower and looking for some golf carts for parts- 270-427-8831
FOR SALE- 1993 F150- flat bed and good tires- $1500 obo- 270-261-1539
FOR SALE- Fresh Jersey cow- $400- 270-590-9804
FOR SALE- 3 registered Quarter horses- 270-670-1579
FOR SALE- 5 foot Bush Hog brand bush hog- $450 obo- 270-218-2087
FOR SALE- 2 dog kennels (10×10 & 10×20) and 3 dog houses- 270-261-1609
FOR SALE- Neon beer signs and a mini-frig (man cave items) 270-237-0933
FOR SALE- 2010 Dodge Ram 4×4 hemi- 140K- $9500, Black stainless steel Whirlpool dish washer- $250, Farm scale- $200- 270-378-6998
FOR SALE- Gravity feed fuel tank with stand- 300 gallon- $75, 16 foot Cherokee horse trailer with tack area and part living quarters- $2500- 270-612-1317
FOR SALE- 2003 Mitsubishi Montero- needs work- $600 obo- 270-202-5576
Monday, October 14th, 2019
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, can deliver, black and gray, bedliner for a Dodge Ram pickup, 6 ft bed. 3 piece luggage set, black. $30. or will trade for air compressor or ac/dc arc welder. Call 446-0075
GA - Kittens, 5 weeks old. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Craftsman 54" cut riding mower, like new. 2002 Nissan car, 4 door, automatic, will trade for pickup. LF- old mowers, gokarts, etc. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Mini barn storage building, 1 year old, 12x24, has window in back, electric and partial insulation. $3500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Boys clothes, size 8 to XL, including huskies and camo, dresses, skirts, tops, men's and junior girls clothes, will sell by the box, lots of name brands. Some still have tags, from smoke and pet free home. Call 270-723-4077
Friday, October 11th, 2019
Yard Sale 408 Washington Street, Munfordville, Friday only. quilt tops, bakers rack, antique Early American lamps, wicker full size bed frame.
FS - Propane forklift $4500. Call 270-590-0219
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima $1200. Call 270-537-4662
Yard Sale 6597 N. Jackson Hwy, 31-E in the Linwood community. Friday only. Signs posted, night stand, decorative shelves, clothes, baby items, household items.
Whickerville Baptist Church will have a yard sale and bake sale Saturday 7:00 a.m., there will be lunch, car show. Call 270-576-0168
Wednesday, October 9th, 2019
FS - 20,000 btu natural gas heater. $70. Call 270-473-3248
FS - Small freezer $60. Call 270-524-0605
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday 408 Washington Street in Munfordville, behind SCRTC, 3 families, printers, clothing. Some free items.
LF - Someone to build a garage. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Propane forklift $4500. Call 270-590-0219
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Green chair and ottoman, antique Lincoln bed, full size, antique dresser. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Lazy boy couch, 1 year-old, 2 Lazy boy chairs, antique coffee and end tables, Yamaha keyboard, table with 6 chairs and hutch, electric washer, gas dryer, brass table, 4 piece bedroom suite, 3 piece solid cherry bedroom suite, antique desk. Call 270-548-5262
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
Tuesday, October 8th, 2019
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
FS - GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, no title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Green chair and ottoman, antique Lincoln bed, full size, antique dresser. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Wonder Woods heat stove with blower. $250. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Circuit Expression with 2 cartridges $60, Circuit Personal cutter with accessories $70, brown couch $70, 2 boxes of primitive items. $30. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Insulated panels, black and gray $3 each, can send pics and deliver, vinyl black topper off a Dodge Ram $250. Call 270-446-0075 270-405-1260
FS - Wood $45 a rick. Call 270-473-3248
Monday, October 7th, 2019
FS - Vinyl topper for a 6 ft bed. Fiberglass insulated panels. $3 each, black and gray, LF - motor for an air compressor or will sell compressor. Call 270-446-0075
LF - 8 to 10 small square bales of hay, can be old. Call 270-590-3209
LF - Kenner SSP Smash up derby sets, separate or complete. Call 270-524-3280
LF - House or mobile home in Cave City, Horse Cave, Glasgow, areas. FS - 3 riding mowers, 2 Poulan chainsaws, or will trade, FS - 3 Yorkie pups. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Lawnmower lift. $50. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
FS- GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, not title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Green chair and ottoman, antique Lincoln bed, full size, antique dresser. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Wonder Woods heat stove with blower. $250. Call 270-528-1419
Friday, October 11th, 5:00 p.m. Youth Services at Creekside Baptist Church on 31-W in Bonnieville, 6 miles from Munfordville.
FS - Circuit Expression with 2 cartridges $60, Circuit Personal cutter with accessories $70, brown couch $70, 2 boxes of primitive items. $30. Call 270-590-6866
Friday, October 4th, 2019
LF - 16" wheel for a 2008 Chrysler Town & Country van. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Craftsman 54" cut, Husky GT garden tractor with lift, John Deere 42" cut, or will trade, 2 Poulan chainsaws, LF - old riding mower, go-karts. 270-670-1359
LF - Tv, FS - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
FS- GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, not title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Lazy boy couch, 1 year-old, 2 Lazy boy chairs, antique coffee and end tables, Yamaha keyboard, table with 6 chairs and hutch, electric washer, gas dryer, brass table, 4 piece bedroom suite, 3 piece solid cherry bedroom suite, antique desk. Call 270-548-5262
LF - Full and part time drivers at the Old Homeplace Transport, semi-retired or retired individuals would be suited for these positions. The office is located at 3321 South Dixie hwy in Rowletts. Call 270-524-3302
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Green chair and ottoman, antique Lincoln bed, full size, antique dresser. Call 270-786-5824
FS - 12 x 24 mini barn storage building, has large window in back, partially insulated, wired for electricity. $3500. About 1 year-old. Call 270-786-4846
Thursday, October 3rd, 2019
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
FS - Wonder Woods heat stove with blower. $250. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Place to share rent in Cave City, Horse Cave, Lebanon Springs, E-town, Scottsville. Call 270-404-2951
FS- GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, not title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Lazy boy couch, 1 year-old, 2 Lazy boy chairs, antique coffee and end tables, Yamaha keyboard, table with 6 chairs and hutch, electric washer, gas dryer, brass table, 4 piece bedroom suite, 3 piece solid cherry bedroom suite, antique desk. Call 270-548-5262
LF - Full and part time drivers at the Old Homeplace Transport, semi-retired or retired individuals would be suited for these positions. The office is located at 3321 South Dixie hwy in Rowletts. Call 270-524-3302
FS - New kerosene heater $75. Call 270-786-3912
LF - pop up camper with air conditioning. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Green chair and ottoman, antique Lincoln bed, full size, antique dresser. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Craftsman 5000 GT 54" cut riding mower, like new or will trade, Husky GT 46" cut, garden tractor with lift, John Deere hydrostatic 42" cut mower. or will trade. LF - old riding mowers, 670-1359
Yard Sale - Thursday, 2175 Hammonsville Road, Munfordville, brick house, signs posted, girls bike, Town & Country wagon with racks, radio flyer wagons, vintage, like new, mens 38 x30, ladies jeans, trinkets, sheets, dvd's, toys, girls clothes, shoes.
Yard Sale - Hwy 90, 8920 Happy Valley Road toward Glasgow from Cave City. Wedding supplies, household goods, shutters, old tools, chairs, Call 270-590-3452
Yard Sale -4598 Mammoth Cave Road, Cave City. shoes, purses, candles, clothes, antique lamps, Christmas items, trailer hitches. Call 270-528-4117
Friday, October 11th, 5:00 p.m. Youth Services at Creekside Baptist Church on 31-W in Bonnieville, 6 miles from Munfordville.
FS - 12 x 24 mini barn storage building, has large window in back, partially insulated, wired for electricity. $3500. About 1 year-old. Call 270-786-4846
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019
FS - Kitchen cabinets with sink and faucet $250 obo, horse hay in square bales, headgate $375, upright deepfreeze $125. 16 ft horse trailer $3750. Call 270-932-1777
Yard Sale - 4598 Mammoth Cave Road toward the park. Thursday and Friday. Call 270-528-4117
FS - 40 ft tv tower. Call 270-537-4025
FS - 2003 Jeep Liberty, with 4 like new tires. Call 270-537-4807
FS - 12x24 gray metal mini barn storage building, $3700 obo. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Wonder Woods heat stove with blower. $250. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Place to share rent in Cave City, Horse Cave, Lebanon Springs, E-town, Scottsville. Call 270-404-2951
FS - GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, not title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Lazy boy couch, 1 year-old, 2 Lazy boy chairs, antique coffee and end tables, Yamaha keyboard, table with 6 chairs and hutch, electric washer, gas dryer, brass table, 4 piece bedroom suite, 3 piece solid cherry bedroom suite, antique desk. Call 270-548-5262
LF - Full and part time drivers at the Old Homeplace Transport, semi-retired or retired individuals would be suited for these positions. The office is located at 3321 South Dixie hwy in Rowletts. Call 270-524-3302
FS - New kerosene heater $75. Call 270-786-3912
FS - Circuit Expression with 2 cartridges $60, Circuit Personal cutter with accessories $70, brown couch $70, 2 boxes of primitive items. $30. Call 270-590-6866
Tuesday, October 1st, 2019
FS - 12x24 gray metal mini barn storage building, $3700 obo. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
FS - Wonder Woods heat stove with blower. $250. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Place to share rent in Cave City, Horse Cave, Lebanon Springs, E-town, Scottsville. Call 270-404-2951
FS- GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, not title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Lazy boy couch, 1 year-old, 2 Lazy boy chairs, antique coffee and end tables, Yamaha keyboard, table with 6 chairs and hutch, electric washer, gas dryer, brass table, 4 piece bedroom suite, 3 piece solid cherry bedroom suite, antique desk. Call 270-548-5262
LF - Full and part time drivers at the Old Homeplace Transport, semi-retired or retired individuals would be suited for these positions. The office is located at 3321 South Dixie hwy in Rowletts. Call 270-524-3302
FS - New kerosene heater $75. Call 270-786-3912
LF - 2 steel doors, 36" doors, 2 rollup doors 12x12. Call 270-773-3332 or 528-6540
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, assorted sizes, $2 per sheet. Call 270-405-1260
Monday, September 30th, 2019
FS - 12x24 gray metal mini barn storage building, $3700 obo. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
FS - Wonder Woods heat stove with blower. $250. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Place to share rent in Cave City, Horse Cave, Lebanon Springs, E-town, Scottsville. Call 270-404-2951
FS- GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, not title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Lazy boy couch, 1 year-old, 2 Lazy boy chairs, antique coffee and end tables, Yamaha keyboard, table with 6 chairs and hutch, electric washer, gas dryer, brass table, 4 piece bedroom suite, 3 piece solid cherry bedroom suite, antique desk. Call 270-548-5262
LF - Couch, FS - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Full and part time drivers at the Old Homeplace Transport, semi-retired or retired individuals would be suited for these positions. The office is located at 3321 South Dixie hwy in Rowletts. Call 270-524-3302
Yard Sale - all week between Knob Lick and Sulphur Well on Hwy. Call 270-218-2605
FS - 54" Craftsman mower, like new or will trade, Husky garden tractor with lift, hydrostatic, John Deere riding mower, 42" cut or will trade. LF - riding mowers,, gokarts, derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Seasoned or dried lumber, maple, cherry, walnut. Call 270-528-3709
FS - New kerosene heater $75. Call 270-786-3912
Friday, September 27th, 2019
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
FS - Wonder Woods heat stove with blower. $250. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Place to share rent in Cave City, Horse Cave, Lebanon Springs, E-town, Scottsville. Call 270-404-2951
FS- GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, not title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Circuit Expression with 2 cartridges $60, Circuit Personal cutter with accessories $70, brown couch $70, 2 boxes of primitive items. $30. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Lazy boy couch, 1 year-old, 2 Lazy boy chairs, antique coffee and end tables, Yamaha keyboard, table with 6 chairs and hutch, electric washer, gas dryer, brass table, 4 piece bedroom suite, 3 piece solid cherry bedroom suite, antique desk. Call 270-548-5262
FS - Like new Earthquake brand wood chipper $225, Craftsman rototiller, 24" tines, $150. Call 270-528-5192
FS - Small propane heater, Buddy series for a small area $40. insulated fiberglass panels, can send pics $2 per sheet, gray marble. 400 fiberglass panels, white, $1 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS Amish books, $10. LF - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
Horse Cave Christian Church Clothes Closet Food Pantry will be open Friday, September 27th, from 9:00 a.m. til 11:00 a.m. The first 25 will receive a food box. There will be clothing for everyone in the family and refreshments will be served. Everything is free.
Yard Sale - multi-family, clothing for everyone, jogging stroller, golf clubs, books and more. Saturday at 6000 Defries Road Canmer.
FS - 12x24 gray metal mini barn storage building, $3700 obo. Call 270-786-4846
Moving Sale - 65 Forrestville Road off Hwy 88 toward Cub Run. Lamps, tables and chairs, blankets and sheets. Call 270-524-0605
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima $1200. Call 270-537-4662
Wednesday, September 25th, 2019
FS - Electrician ladder, roofers ladder, Craftsman 18" chainsaw, toolbox $10, ac compressors - best offer, storm door glass with chrome 29". LF - Home or mobile home to rent on some farm land, Horse Cave, Hart, Barren, Metcalfe County. Call 502-408-4847
FS - 2005 Chevy Cavalier, new tires, around 130,000 miles, AC works, 4 door $1500 obo. Call 270-579-6943
FS - Wonder Woods heat stove with blower. $250. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 1997 Ford F-1`50, 4wd, 4.6 automatic shifter in floor $2500, 280,000 miles, has new tires, radiator, water pump and battery. And a 1997 Ford F-150, 5.4 automatic, new tires and wheels, motor and trans, 130,000 miles. $6,000. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Place to share rent in Cave City, Horse Cave, Lebanon Springs, E-town, Scottsville. Call 270-404-2951
FS- GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, not title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Circuit Expression with 2 cartridges $60, Circuit Personal cutter with accessories $70, brown couch $70, 2 boxes of primitive items. $30. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Lazy boy couch, 1 year-old, 2 Lazy boy chairs, antique coffee and end tables, Yamaha keyboard, table with 6 chairs and hutch, electric washer, gas dryer, brass table, 4 piece bedroom suite, 3 piece solid cherry bedroom suite, antique desk. Call 270-548-5262
FS - Like new Earthquake brand wood chipper $225, Craftsman rototiller, 24" tines, $150. Call 270-528-5192
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Farm work, carpentry, welding in Horse Cave, Munfordville, Cave City area. Call 270-218-2868
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
Tuesday, September 24th, 2019
LF - Place to share rent in Cave City, Horse Cave, Lebanon Springs, E-town, Scottsville. Call 270-404-2951
FS- GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, not title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Circuit Expression with 2 cartridges $60, Circuit Personal cutter with accessories $70, brown couch $70, 2 boxes of primitive items. $30. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Lazy boy couch, 1 year-old, 2 Lazy boy chairs, antique coffee and end tables, Yamaha keyboard, table with 6 chairs and hutch, electric washer, gas dryer, brass table, 4 piece bedroom suite, 3 piece solid cherry bedroom suite, antique desk. Call 270-548-5262
GA - 7 kittens to a good home, 7 weeks old, litter box trained in the Cub Run area. Call 270-421-8339
FS - Amish books $10. Call 270-528-7643
FS - 1988 Chevy pickup- V8- automatic- good tires- $1400- 270-590-4250
FS - Maple dining table with 2 leafs and 6 chairs, 2 winged back chairs, Glass top living room table, and a riding mower- 270-272-3293
FS - Set of snow-flake wheels and tires (15×7) $400 obo, 200 six-cylinder with a C4 transmission, 1974 AMF Harley Davidson motorcycle- no title- good project for someone- 270-459-2105
FS - 2007 Chrysler Pacifica- V6- 95,000 miles- sits 6 people- $4,995- 270-612-0009
FS - Lots of clean golf balls- 12 for $5 and 18 for $7.50- 270-646-2758 or 270-261-1609
FS - 2 drop gate trailers, and 2 zero turn mowers (Dixon and Cub Cadet) and looking for 2 tires- 245/70 (or 75) 16s- 270-457-4236
FS - Thomas Kinkade oil panting- very nice- “Spring Gate” $350- 270-779-5412
FS - 2 hunting ladders, Safety harness, and some climbing sticks- $125 for all, 1128 spin-out rims off a 35 Massy tractor with hardware- $400, 220 Kawasaki Bayou 4 wheeler- $800, Yard vacuum with a 10 horse Briggs motor- $400- 270-590-3931
FS - 350 Wolverine utility 4 wheeler with new tires- $1000, 3 Mustang hoods and some fenders- 270-261-2464
FS - 5 silver dollars and one is a Carson City coin, and 800-1000 diecast cars new and still in boxes- 270-696-0809
FS - Wood splitter in good condition- 270-528-1839 or 270-528-1797
FS - Treadmill- lowered price- $25, Avon Cape Cod dish set- LOTS of pieces- $150- 270-749-5704
FS - Tailgate for a 2014 Nissan Frontier- $150, 2 month old Ozzy Pit Bull- $50, NEW Jerry Lee Lewis record- make an offer, Bed cover and tie downs for a 2014 Nissan Frontier, and looking for a pickup in the $3000 (or under) range- 270-670-3609
FS - 2019 Camper fully LOADED with factory warranty- $14,500- 270-597-7320
FS - A 2007 Malabo Max to a good truck- 270-407-3392
FT - I have a set of wheels and tires- 6 lug Chevy 20”- wanting to trade to another set- 270-646-7717
LF - A good 3 wheeled bicycle for an adult- 270-893-8250
LF - Donations for a family to pay funeral expenses- 270-404-1720 or 270-579-1441
LF - Old style tobacco sticks- 270-246-1734
LF - TV stand with double doors or shelves- 270-629-5315
LF - 4-5 folding card tables- 270-606-1928
LF - Hydraulic pump for a Massy Ferguson tractor (35 Massy) 270-495-0030 or 270-792-4645
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima $1400. Call 270-537-4663
FS - Tractor has 784 International with 2250 International loader, 2004 Volvo, needs a fuel pump for 300. Solid wood pedestal table with 4 ladder back chairs, upright freezer $75. Call 270-428-4040 or 270-590-9135
FS - Like new Earthquake brand wood chipper $225, Craftsman rototiller, 24" tines, $150. Call 270-528-5192
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, $4200. Call 270-681-8061
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Farm work, carpentry, welding in Horse Cave, Munfordville, Cave City area. Call 270-218-2868
Monday, September 23rd, 2019
LF - Place to share rent in Cave City, Horse Cave, Lebanon Springs, E-town, Scottsville. Call 270-404-2951
FS- GMC Sonoma, 5 spd, 2.2 - 4 cyl, for parts, not title. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Circuit Expression with 2 cartridges $60, Circuit Personal cutter with accessories $70, brown couch $70, 2 boxes of primitive items. $30. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Lazy boy couch, 1 year-old, 2 Lazy boy chairs, antique coffee and end tables, Yamaha keyboard, table with 6 chairs and hutch, electric washer, gas dryer, brass table, 4 piece bedroom suite, 3 piece solid cherry bedroom suite, antique desk. Call 270-548-5262
GA - 7 kittens to a good home, 7 weeks old, litter box trained in the Cub Run area. Call 270-421-8339
FS - Insulated panels, white and black, can deliver. $5 per sheet for the larger ones, the others are $3 each, big screen tv Hitachi on a stand $100 neg. tailgate for Dodge Ram Sport, 6 ft bed, white. $100 neg. Call 270-446-0075
FS - White garden tractor 46" cut, has a lift, John Deere 42" cut hydrostatic, or will trade. LF - riding mowers. 670-1359
FS - Lawn mower lift. $55. Call 528-6488
LF - 77 to 79 for a Ford LTD. Call 590-3556
FS - Tractor has 784 International with 2250 International loader, 2004 Volvo, needs a fuel pump for 300. Solid wood pedestal table with 4 ladder back chairs, upright freezer $75. Call 270-428-4040 or 270-590-9135
FS - Like new Earthquake brand wood chipper $225, Craftsman rototiller, 24" tines, $150. Call 270-528-5192
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, $4200. Call 270-681-8061
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Farm work, carpentry, welding in Horse Cave, Munfordville, Cave City area. Call 270-218-2868
Friday, September 20th, 2019
FS - New kerosene heater $75. Call 270-786-3912
FS - Chickens and quail. Call 270-459-0522
FS - White riding mower 46" cut, has lift on the back, 42" John Deere riding mower or will trade, LF - old riding mowers, gokarts, 670-1359
Yard Sale Fri & Saturday at 108 Brittin Way in Cave City.
FS - Lawnmower lift $50. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Tractor has 784 International with 2250 International loader, 2004 Volvo, needs a fuel pump for 300. Solid wood pedestal table with 4 ladder back chairs, upright freezer $75. Call 270-428-4040 or 270-590-9135
FS - Like new Earthquake brand wood chipper $225, Craftsman rototiller, 24" tines, $150. Call 270-528-5192
FS - Childs youth bed, baby mattress, baby stroller, carseat, men's pants. Call 502-341-4335
Yard sale - 1586 Boyds Knob Road, Friday, clothes, Call 270-473-3678
FS - 8 lug tires and wheels 255/70/R16. $200, 6 lug tires and wheels 255/70/15. $100. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, $4200. Call 270-681-8061
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Farm work, carpentry, welding in Horse Cave, Munfordville, Cave City area. Call 270-218-2868
Thursday, September 19th, 2019
FS - New kerosene heater $75. Call 270-786-3912
FS - Chickens and quail. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 8 lug tires and wheels 255/70/R16. $200, 6 lug tires and wheels 255/70/15. $100. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, $4200. Call 270-681-8061
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Farm work, carpentry, welding in Horse Cave, Munfordville, Cave City area. Call 270-218-2868
FS - Hay balers, one is good, the other for parts.$700, Intl mowing machine and a new Idea hayrake, 1996 Jeep Cherokee Laredo, needs some work. $500. Call 270-392-1465
FS - Electrician ladder, roofers ladder, 3 tires 265 70R16, old boom box, LF - Farm house for rent. Call 502-408-4847
LF - Set of 4 slot Ford Ranger wheels. Call 270-524-3280
LF - semi truck tank trailer. Call 270-230-7158
LF - Good washer. Call 270-590-0172
Wednesday, September 18th, 2019
FS - Australian Shepherd dog $100, 2 years old. Call 270-537-1089
FS - Cub Cadet new lawnmower, used 20 minutes. Price negotiable. 3 sculptured type rugs, rolled in storage with mats, 1 8x 10 and 2 5 x 7. Call 270-524-1915
FS - 3 bedroom home, located outside of Glasgow. Call 270-528-1607
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima. $1200. Call 270-537-4662
LF - 2 steel doors, 36", 2 rollup doors 12x12. Call 270-773-3332
Yard sale - Thursday and Friday at 1535 Legrande Hwy on 218, 1 1/2 miles east of Wigwam Store, dresser, coffee table, glassware, Amish books, Barbies, etc.
FS - Shih Tzu puppies- $350 each- 270-308-1705
FS - 1985 F150- $1600, Exercise bike- $35, and looking for a grass catcher in the Glasgow area- 270-590-6588
FS - White brand lawn mower- 54” cut and needs to be purged- $400 obo- 270-646-7403
FS - 2001 Chevy Blazer- $800- 270-579-1310
FS - Power wheel chair- $4000, and looking for a chest of drawers (light Cherry) 270-678-3800
FS - Table with 6 chairs and hutch, Server court, Bedroom suite (complete), TV, Coffee and end tables, Computer desk, and an exercise chair- 270-782-7267 or 270-779-8659
FS - New kerosene heater $75. Call 270-786-3912
FS - Chickens and quail. Call 270-459-0522
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Farm work, carpentry, welding in Horse Cave, Munfordville, Cave City area. Call 270-218-2868
FS - Wii game system with 2 controllers- $60, Exercise machine- $45 and a 2000 Dodge Caravan – $800- 270-404-6998
FS - Natural gas dryer- $125- 270-404-6708
FS - 2 cane bottom chairs, 200 amp electric service, Chipper Vac, Front tine tiller, 125 Four wheeler with reverse, Life size Dale Earnhardt figure, Yard machine mower with a GREAT 18 horse V Twin motor- 270-646-6334
FS - Patio set with 4 chairs- $150 obo- 270-579-9697
FS - house on 16 acres- 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms- 270-678-5146
FS - Electric treadmill- $50, Small dog house- $20- 270-749-5704
FS - 110 wire welder and a gas torch set 9new) $125- 270-790-1754
FT - 2005 Yamaha Vstar motorcycle to someone who will do some work on a mobile home- 270-590-1102
FT - Set of 22” wheels and tires with Bridgestone tires TO a set of 17” Dodge wheels and tires- 270-834-9619
LF - Bunk bed set- 270-999-8177
LF - Power scooter for my wife- ASAP- 270-590-6410
LF - 5 gallon buckets and some food grade barrels- 270-319-2639
LF - Set pf 16” wheels or some 8 lug wheels with tires- 270-246-2423
FS - Craftsman riding mower, 15 1/2 hp. Briggs & Stratton engine, 42″ deck, new battery, good tires, needs a little engine work. $85.00…270-434-3752
FS - Male Pit bull $300 obo, 4 months old utd on all shots. Text 270-216-9401
FS - Wooden twin bunk bed. Never stained or painted. Mattresses are not included…270-308-5230
LF - 69-72 Chevy Nova…270-528-1419
Tuesday, September 17th, 2019
FS - New kerosene heater $75. Call 270-786-3912
FS - Chickens and quail. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 8 lug tires and wheels 255/70/R16. $200, 6 lug tires and wheels 255/70/15. $100. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, $4200. Call 270-681-8061
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
LF - Society Finch birds. Call 270-579-9639
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Farm work, carpentry, welding in Horse Cave, Munfordville, Cave City area. Call 270-218-2868
Yard Sale 1586 Boyds Knob Road today through Friday. Call 270-473-3678
FS - Full size toolbox fits an F-150 pickup. Call 270-774-2751
FS - Craftsmen push mower- $100 and some yard sale items- 270-579-3711
FS - Seasoned Hickory firewood- $50 per rick and can deliver- 270-612-1209
FS - 2 original steel wheels for a 1957 Chevy- $20 each, Full set of hub caps for a 57 Chevy, 4 original Pontiac wheels (snow flake) $400 obo, Old spot light off a Dodge car- $40, 1969 Camero hood- $125, 302 Chevy motor- 270-459-2105
FS - Jazzy wheelchair- $500 obo- 270-407-7257
FS - 28 Rolls of quality hay- $30 each or make a deal- 270-218-0505
FS - Polaris 4 wheeler 4×4- $400 and a FREE small dog (male) 270-799-1490
FS - 1994 Honda 4 wheeler 2 wheel drive- $500 and looking for barns to tear down- 270-427-9498
FS - 1990 Chevy half ton pickup PARTS TRUCK, 2002 Ford Explorer PARTS TRUCK- $500 each and lots of large fans (48”-50”) $100 each- 270-392-1599
FS - Nice dining room (Cherry) set; table and 6 chairs, Buffet, and China Cabinet- like brand new- $1200- 270-781-1258
FS - 2013 Tacoma 4 door truck- LOADED- V6 automatic- $19,500; has 91,000 miles- 270-590-6410
FS - 2004 GMC Envoy- all leather and fully loaded- very dependable- 200K- MAKE AN OFFER- 270-308-5627
FS - Full size Cherry bed (no box spring nor mattress) also a nice dinning room table with 6 chairs and 2 leafs, 2 other chairs- 270-272-3293
FS - 14×24 building/house; insulated, wired, must be moved- $26,500; comes with bed, 50” TV, and recliners- 270-246-1734
FS - Corner cabinet and two other cabinets- 270-528-5425
FS - Cub Cadet zero turn mower parts or repair and a 26” Snapper mower for parts or repair- $300 for both- 270-991-3700
FS - Queen size box spring- $10, and looking for a door for my RV- 270-670-7278
FS -1996 Blazer 4 wheel drive- automatic- V6 and good tires- $2500- 270-790-7537
FS - 1988 Bronco2 4 wheel drive- 2.9- 5 speed- $5,200- 270-765-3696
FS - 2001 GMC pickup- 4.8 and 176,000 miles- rebuilt transmission- $3500, and a 5×8 enclosed trailer. 270-670-5745
FS - New leather jacket- size 46- $50, and a new Harley Davidson riding boots- $50- 270-576-5562
FS - Old farm harvest table- 50” long- $250, and some rare 1800s hard back books and quilts- 270-622-2744
Monday, September 16th, 2019
FS - kitchen cabinets, solid wood, $235 obo, horse hay, square bales, gooseneck horse trailer, like new $3750, head gate $375, 16 cub ft upright deepfreeze, works good. Call 270-932-1777
FS - John Deere 42" cut lawnmower, White 46" cut, Statesman 46" cut lawnmower. Will trade also, LF - rear-end for Husky riding mower, hydrostatic. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Fiberglass insulated panels, 1/4" thick. $2 per sheet. Call 270-405-1628
FS - New kerosene heater $75. Call 270-786-3912
FS - Chickens and quail. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 8 lug tires and wheels 255/70/R16. $200, 6 lug tires and wheels 255/70/15. $100. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Husqvarna tractor style mower- 19 horse- 48” $800, and looking for a boat motor- 60-100 horse, and needing some mud tires- 265/70/16 and a set of ramps for a car hauler- 270-590-5928
FS - Full size bed (no box spring and no mattress) 2 chairs, Bicycles, and a riding lawn mower- 270-272-3293
FS - Rare chickens- cuckoo Maran chickens- $10 each, Maran Rooster, Sapphire gem chickens – 270-308-0324
FS - Nice refrigerator with ice maker (not hooked up) $250- 270-629-5315
FS - 10 rolls of hay (5×5) $35 each, and lots of plastic and metal barrels- 270-202-6250
FS - 3 heavy duty double door storage cabinets with metal shelves- $65 each, Steel towing cable- $75- 859-396-2792
FS - White fiberglass topper for a 1998 Chevy- $100- 270-361-1496
FS - 1989 boat (21 feet) new motor- $3000, Reese 5th wheel hitch- $375, Parts camper- $500- 270-678-6998
FS - Lift chair, Garden tiller, and exercise equipment- 270-576-8791
LF - Old window shutters and spindles- 270-579-2588
LF - Parts for a 1986-1987 Ford Mustang- Performance parts, and a garage to rent- 270-308-5332
LF - Someone with a front loader to move a large pile of trash- 270-261-1487
LF- Someone to work on a house - 270-576-8973
LF - An old South Central phone book from the 1980s- 270-404-5523
LF - Yorkie puppy- 270-749-4302
LF - Laying hens- 270-678-4363
FS - Mobile home in Bowling Green. Located in the area of Corvette plant/Warren East High School. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Priced at $15,000. Call 270-784-6775
FS -1988 Celebrity 4 Door with v 6 Engine Low Miles- 270-792-3563
FS - Refrigerator. Call 270-646-6317
Friday, September 13th, 2019
FS - Chickens and quail. Call 270-459-0522
Community Yard Sale - in the Crestwood neighborhood in Munfordville Saturday, lots of everything. Call 270-218-3131
FS - RCA tablet with case and keyboard. $75. Call 270-786-3912
Yard Sale - at Mt. Hermon Community Center Friday. Call 270-427-8400
FS- 2001 Nissan Maximum $1200. Call 270-537-4662
FS - New kerosene heater $75. Call 270-786-3912
Thursday through Sunday. 31-W yard sale - antiques in Park City, old Coke machines, oxen yolk used in Louie Nunn's inauguration, etc. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 8 lug tires and wheels 255/70/R16. $200, 6 lug tires and wheels 255/70/15. $100. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2015 Street Glide motorcycle- 574 miles- like brand new- $16,500- 270-590-2486
FS - Old junk car- 270-670-8639
FS - Ladies leather jacket- Size 10- $75 today- 270-678-5778
FS - Husqvarna tractor style mower- 19 horse- 48” $800, and looking for a boat motor- 60-100 horse, and needing some mud tires- 265/70/16 and a set of ramps for a car hauler- 270-590-5928
FS - Full size bed (no box spring and no mattress) 2 chairs, Bicycles, and a riding lawn mower- 270-272-3293
FS - Rare chickens- cuckoo Maran chickens- $10 each, Maran Rooster, Sapphire gem chickens – 270-308-0324
Thursday, September 12th, 2019
FS - 8 lug tires and wheels 255/70/R16. $200, 6 lug tires and wheels 255/70/15. $100. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - John Deere LA 110, 42" cut riding mower, White 46" cut, 18 1/2 hp, Statesman 46" 6 spd. or will trade. LF - old riding mowers, gokarts, mini bikes, hydrostatic rearend for a Husky. Call 270-670-1359
FS - end and coffee tables. Call 270-524-7736
FS - Cub Cadet lawnmower, new. Came from TSC, gave $1695. asking $1500 or neg. Call 270-524-1915
Thursday through Sunday. 31-W yard sale - antiques in Park City, old Coke machines, oxen yolk used in Louie Nunn's inauguration, etc. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Tote full of yard sale items $10 for all, nurses uniforms tops, $1 and one is new, Carebear dvd's $1 each. Call 270-524-4547
FS - (2) 302 Ford motors- $300 or would do some trading- 270-261-1487
FS - 1998 Bay Liner fish and ski boat and new trailer with good tires, 2005 VStar motorcycle, Wheel Horse lawn tractor- 270-590-1102
FS - AKC registered Labs- 606-303-2357
FS - Satellite dish for a camper and box- $250- 270-904-3229
FS - 2005 Ford 1 ton van- 30,000 miles V10, 1923 Willis show car (convertible) 9,000 miles with good tires, Butter churns, and lots of antiques- 270-487-9790
FS - Refrigerator- $75, Maytag washer- $50, Lots of foot traps and stretchers- 270-202-0704
FS - 2001 Dodge truck- $800, Weed eater- $50- 270-308-5270
FS - 1996 GMC step side pickup- 4 wheel drive- $1500- 270-597-3747
FS - 2004 GMC Envoy SUV- 200 K- Loaded- $2100 obo, 2004 F150 V6- long wheel base- $2500- 270-308-5627
FS - 1988 Camaro- project car- good parts- $1000 obo- 270-392-9323
FS - Husqvarna chainsaw- 18” bar- $250 obo, and I do some light bush hogging on the side- 270-799-2591
FS - 2015 Street Glide motorcycle- 574 miles- like brand new- $16,500- 270-590-2486
Wednesday, September 11th, 2019
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, $4200. Call 270-681-8061
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
LF - Society Finch birds. Call 270-579-9639
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - International 184 tractor belly mower with 3 point hitch $2200 or would trade for nice gas golf cart. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Primitive signs, sconces, about 25 items $60, brown fabric couch $60. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Wheels and tires, 8 lug, size 255/70/R16 with lug nuts and caps $250, wheels and tires, plus lug nuts, size 255/70/R15, one tire has bad place. $130. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 Kawasaki VN 2000 motorcycle, fall colors, chrome, super charger intake, Vance Hines exhaust, $5,000. In Cave City, call 270-404-0223
LF - Used house trailer, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday at Mt. Hermon Community Center, proceeds go to the community center. Call 270-427-8400
FS - 2 sets of nice golf clubs, 2 weed eaters, 2 kerosene heaters- 270-943-0557
FS - 350 Chevy engine with 5 speed transmission, Another 350 Chevy engine and transmission, 1999 Chevy ¾ ton- 270-528-4252
FS - Rabbits- $10 each and stackable cages- $20 each- 270-303-9214
FS - 8 baby calves, Holstein heifer, Long horned cow, 2 Jersey cows, 1987 Gold Wing (Honda) motorcycle, and looking for some horses- 270-563-4273
Tuesday, September 10th, 2019
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, $4200. Call 270-681-8061
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
LF - Society Finch birds. Call 270-579-9639
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - International 184 tractor belly mower with 3 point hitch $2200 or would trade for nice gas golf cart. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Primitive signs, sconces, about 25 items $60, brown fabric couch $60. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Wheels and tires, 8 lug, size 255/70/R16 with lug nuts and caps $250, wheels and tires, plus lug nuts, size 255/70/R15, one tire has bad place. $130. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 Kawasaki VN 2000 motorcycle, fall colors, chrome, super charger intake, Vance Hines exhaust, $5,000. In Cave City, call 270-404-0223
FS - Kitchen cabinets, top and bottom, has sink and faucets. $200, horse hay in bales or rolls, stored inside. gooseneck horse trailer $3750. headgate $375. 16 cubic ft upright deepfreeze $125. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Small baby bottles. Call 270-590-0172
FS - 22 ton log splitter $400 270-528-8355 or 270-528-6838
Yard Sale - 1586 Boyds Knob Road now through Saturday, boys clothes, etc. Call 270-473-9043
FS - 20’ pontoon for fishing, 70 hp motor. $3000 or trade for smaller fishing boat or VW Bug, please send pictures of trade to 270 -784-6403.
FS - 2012 Chevy sonic, new transmission and other parts needs a head gasket $600. 1998 Lincoln Town car - needs fuel pump $700. 270 202-1503
FS - 4 puppies, Beagle and Boston Terrier, 6 weeks old, $25. 270-670-7874
Monday, September 9th, 2019
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, $4200. Call 270-681-8061
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
LF - Society Finch birds. Call 270-579-9639
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - International 184 tractor belly mower with 3 point hitch $2200 or would trade for nice gas golf cart. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Primitive signs, sconces, about 25 items $60, brown fabric couch $60. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Wheels and tires, 8 lug, size 255/70/R16 with lug nuts and caps $250, wheels and tires, plus lug nuts, size 255/70/R15, one tire has bad place. $130. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 Kawasaki VN 2000 motorcycle, fall colors, chrome, super charger intake, Vance Hines exhaust, $5,000. In Cave City, call 270-404-0223
FS - 46" cut White riding mower, 46" cut Statesman motor or will trade. LF - rearend for Husky hydrostatic lawnmower, LF - mini bikes, lawnmowers, 1986 camper or will trade for pickup, LF - straight shaft weedeater. 670-1359
FS - Set of 4 Michelin tires and rims- $100- 270-786-2507 or 270-218-0318
FS - Light rack for a pickup and some great knives- 270-735-5004
LF - Someone to clean a home- 270-535-6749
LF - Someone to replace a garage door opener- 270-678-3800
LF - Battery for a NICO 18 volt skill saw- 270-453-3509
LF - Gas grill- 270-612-1209
LF - 4 tires- 255/70/16s- 270-590-9239
LF - 1 tire- 14”- 270-792-1709
LF - Gun cabinet and some tires- 35/1250/20” 270-597-7552
LF - A small load of eared corn- 270-576-7591
LF - Tail Gate for a 2017 Dodge Ram 1500- 270-361-1365
FS - GE black stove $300, oak grandfather clock $500, large oak entertainment center $300, oak table with hutch and 4 chairs, extra leaf $600, oak 2 piece bedroom suit with dresser and mirrors $500, Cherry 4 piece bedroom suit $800, Echo weadeater $60, dog kennel $60, 2 oak bar stools $60, swing sets $50, 1991 Ford truck, red, 250 4x4, $2,000. Call 270-678-4416
LF - Couple of office chairs with arm rest and rollers. 270-606-1954
FS - (2) 5000 btu air conditioners for sale Both works $25.00 each Call mornings before 11 am Leave message if no answer….270-781-4302
FS - 4 Michelin Latitude Tour Tires. Size P225 65 R17. Good tread. no cuts. No dry rot. Price $100. Call 270- 786-2507 or 270-218-0318.
Friday, September 6th, 2019
LF - 6 to 8 year old pony or horse, medium size, FS - shell corn augers, set of cattle scales $1800. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, $4200. Call 270-681-8061
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 2x clothing, plus size including tops and boutique styles. $40 for all. FS - brown couch $70. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Society Finch birds. Call 270-579-9639
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - International 184 tractor belly mower with 3 point hitch $2200 or would trade for nice gas golf cart. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Compact disc, Side shaft 8 hp Briggs motor, Grader blade, Records, Bread box- 270-670-6152
FS - 14’ stock trailer- $900, Troy Bilt mower- 42” $150 and a engine stand on wheels- $60- 270-943-0866
FS - Tread mill (electric) $50, Console stereo with 2 speakers- $50, and a medium size dog house- $20- 270-749-5704
Thursday, September 5th, 2019
FS - 2004 GMC Yukon, dark blue, 4wd, $4200. Call 270-681-8061
Estate Tag Sale - Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 12th 13th and 14th, at 802 N. Dixie Hwy, (31-W) Cave City, glassware, furniture, yard sale. Call 270-670-8033
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 2x clothing, plus size including tops and boutique styles. $40 for all. FS - brown couch $70. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Society Finch birds. Call 270-579-9639
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 4 tires- 225/60/16- like new with rims- $80, Pull behind lawn mower trailer- $30- 270-218-2705
FS - Set of golf clubs with bag- $30, Mountain bike- 21 speed- $15, Play Station 15 games, Sega game system with 4 games- $15, JBL surround sound speakers- 10” $20, 3 flat screen TVs- $40 for all, 3 Blu Ray players- $20, Digital scales- $10, Fish tank- $10, 3 nice gates (10’) $40, 12’ ladder- $20, Chicken cage- $10, New skill saw and jigsaw- $20- 270-576-7336
FS - Red bull (white face) $900, 1998 S10 extended cab- 5 speed- $1,450, 2002 Cadillac with 89,000 miles and new tires- $3250, and looking for a 20-24 volt impact tool with lots of torque- 270-734-1552
FS - 2 riding mowers and mower parts, and looking for 3-4 Red laying hens- 270-457-4236
FS - Truck bed trailer with a 2” ball, Stihl chainsaw- $125, and looking for old barns to tear down- 270-427-9498
FS - 2004 GMC Envoy- LOADED- 4 wheel drive- new tires- $2500 or would do some trading- 270-308-5627
FS - Large (heavy) entertainment center (solid wood) $225- 270-576-5297
FS - 1970s model John Deere mower, and looking for 2008-2009 Toyota 4 wheel drive- 4 door- V6 automatic (or Ford Ranger) 270-427-6786
FS - Charolais bulls and a 2 basket hay tedder- 270-670-4262
FS - Laying hens- $8 each, Young guineas, Young ring neck pheasants, Young Billy Goat, Church bell, and more- 270-777-1990
FS - Troy Bilt push mower- $50, 2 chainsaws (Echo and Husqvarna) 16”- $150, 18” $175- 270-303-9214
FS - Power chair- $250 obo- 270-303-7674
FS - 1960s China Cabinet with 2 glass doors- $50, Curio cabinet, and an aluminum extension ladder- $50- 270-590-0598
FS - 1998 Toyota Avalon SLS- good air and tires- $1,850- 270-779-7660
FS - Super C Farm All tractor- $700- 270-404-5379
Wednesday, September 4th, 2019
LF - Society Finch birds. Call 270-579-9639
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Mattress, box springs, padded head board, light brown with metal frame. Call 936-933-1171
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 2x clothing, plus size including tops and boutique styles. $40 for all. FS - brown couch $70. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - International 184 tractor belly mower with 3 point hitch $2200 or would trade for nice gas golf cart. Call 270-590-6007
GA - 3 donkeys in Hardyville area. Call 270-570-5232
FS - 16 cubic ft upright freezer $125, head gate for catching cattle $375, horse trailer $3750. Horse hay in square bales, kitchen cabinets, top and bottom with sink, natural wood finish. $200. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Toolbox for full size pickup $100. Call 270-786-1443
Free - Outside cats, have had shots, spayed. Call 270-524-0165
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima $1500. Call 270-537-4662
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler and a 2002 PT Cruiser. Call 270-774-1485
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019
LF - Society Finch birds. Call 270-579-9639
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Mattress, box springs, padded head board, light brown with metal frame. Call 936-933-1171
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 2x clothing, plus size including tops and boutique styles. $40 for all. FS - brown couch $70. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - International 184 tractor belly mower with 3 point hitch $2200 or would trade for nice gas golf cart. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Firewood. Call 270-524-3211
LF - Old riding mowers, go-carts, hydrostatic rear-end for Husky riding mower, chest type deepfreeze $65. Call 270-670-1359
GA - 3 donkeys in Hardyville area. Call 270-570-5232
LF - 1969 to 72 Chevy Nova. Call 270-528-1419
FS - 2 Male Scovy ducks $5 each. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Small electric weed eater- 270-579-6463
LF - 200 rolls of hay- 270-218-1043
LF - Barns to tear down and clean up- 270-427-9498
LF - Oven door for a drop in stove (27”x19”) 270-646-8338
LF - Dust collection system for a shop (small) 270-404-3203
LF - Old barns and buildings to tear down. Call 270-261-2464
FS - Boston terrier pups for a re-homing fee to good homes. Call 270-590-6209
FS - Two 8-week-old female Great Dane puppies, Purebred, but no papers. Vet-checked, first shots, and de-wormed. Parents on site. Asking $450 each. 270-590-9512
FS - 2 Goodyear tires, Dextero P265/70R17 call 270-404-5195
FS - Green beans, butternut squash and spaghetti squash. 270-428-5546
LF - Construction worker. Call 270-590-2396
FS - 40 HP Evinrude EVO outboard motor with electric start. Includes shift controls and cables, also 1 new spare propeller. $1,850. Johnson 12 volt foot control trolling motor $50. OMC Cobra 12 Volt foot control trolling motor $50. Call 270-237-7418
FS - Dover rams- 270-932-7466
FS - 2016 Star Craft camper, with sliding windows and lots of extras- $13,000- 270-843-6301 or 270-535-6749
FS - 2005 Chevy Cobalt- 4 cylinder- 270-576-3344
FS - 4 tires- 225/60/16- like new with rims- $80, Pull behind lawn mower trailer- $30- 270-218-2705
FS - Set of golf clubs with bag- $30, Mountain bike- 21 speed- $15, Play Station 15 games, Sega game system with 4 games- $15, JBL surround sound speakers- 10” $20, 3 flat screen TVs- $40 for all, 3 Blu Ray players- $20, Digital scales- $10, Fish tank- $10, 3 nice gates (10’) $40, 12’ ladder- $20, Chicken cage- $10, New skill saw and jigsaw- $20- 270-576-7336
Friday, August 30th, 2019
LF - Cheap vehicle $500 or less, old riding mowers. FS - black refrigerator, chest type deepfreeze. Call 670-1359
LF - Society Finch birds. Call 270-579-9639
FS - 4 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, 60 to 65 lbs, $100 each, 1 wether weight at approximately 35 lbs $50. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Rolled mixed hay in Canmer area. Call 270-528-2531 or 270-218-0806
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Mattress, box springs, padded head board, light brown with metal frame. Call 936-933-1171
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-944-7902
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2009 JTM 250 XCF dirt bike with helmets and accessories- $2800, 100 amp meter base- $350, 2000 Camper- 30 feet- 1 slide out- gas appliances- $2800, Yamaha golf cart- $850- 270-378-6998
FS - Bush Hog finish mower (900) 90” wide; heavy duty- $1750, Water tank (5’ long) perfect to make a smoker- $150- 270-784-2090
LF - Some tires- 35/1250/20s 270-597-7552
LF - Camper top for a 1999 Nissan extended cab- 270-457-4757
LF - Someone to build a handicap ramp for my son- 270-590-8596
LF - Parts for a 2007 Kia Optima- 270-427-0576
LF - Houses to clean in Barren or Warren county- 270-579-8974
LF - Some pigs- 270-404-5947
LF - Driver’s side front fender for a 2006 Town and Country- 270-404-6522
LF - Small electric weed eater- 270-579-6463
Thursday, August 29th, 2019
LF - Society Finch birds. Call 270-579-9639
FS - 1/2 acre in Canmer. Call 270-218-1466
Yard Sale 1586 Boyds Knob Road now through Monday, LF - cheap cooking stove. Call 473-3678
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Mattress, box springs, padded head board, light brown with metal frame. Call 936-933-1171
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-944-7902
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 2x clothing, plus size including tops and boutique styles. $40 for all. FS - brown couch $70. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Electric treadmill- $50, Console stereo and speakers- $50, Large dog crate- $45, Dog house- $25- 270-749-5704
FS - Old wooden vises (2) $40 each- 270-784-3540
FS - 16 foot gooseneck trailer- new bed and new tires- 270-774-3336
FS - Computer disk with 2 shelves- $25- 270-286-8086
FS - New Walker with seat and storage- $50, Wide potty chair with adjustable legs- $25- 270-590-5039
FS - Jersey bull calf- $40, 3 Jersey Holstein calves (3 days old) $125 each- 270-590-9801
FS - Like new hospital bed with remote; comes with 50 new sheets- $250- 270-834-9619
FS - Jayco camper (2002) 29 feet- $6500- 270-537-3943
FS - 2003 GMC Envoy- LOADED- heated seats, all power, etc- new tires- 220K- $2500 or would trade to a pickup- 270-308-5627
FS - Heavy duty pool deck- 12×8- $600- 270-438-6584
FS- 2007 Yamaha Trike- 29K- $9500, 2 bedroom mobile home, 2004 Nissan Exterra- $3200- 270-576-8971
FS - 20 sheets of roofing metal- $160- 270-404-5691
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi metal cooler. Call 270-774-1485
Wednesday, August 28th, 2019
FS - 1/2 acre in Canmer. Call 270-218-2256 or 270-218-1466
FS - Yard sale items, between Hardyville & Munfordville. $200. clothes, glassware, Christmas items. Call 270-528-8355
LF - Chest type deepfreeze. Call 270-590-0172
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Mattress, box springs, padded head board, light brown with metal frame. Call 936-933-1171
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-944-7902
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 2x clothing, plus size including tops and boutique styles. $40 for all. FS - brown couch $70. Call 270-590-6866
FS - White zero radius turn mower. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Doelings and wethers. Call 270-531-6177
Tuesday, August 27th, 2019
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Mattress, box springs, padded head board, light brown with metal frame. Call 936-933-1171
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-944-7902
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Whirlpool electric range, Frigidaire 18 cubic ft refrigerator, like new, 1950's Massey Ferguson M35 tractor and box blade, Sole Treadmill, mans Shwinn 18 speed bike, ladies 6 speed boardwalk bike, set of golf clubs and bag. Call 270-473-0827
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 2x clothing, plus size including tops and boutique styles. $40 for all. FS - brown couch $70. Call 270-590-6866
FS - White zero radius turn mower. $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Pressure cooker, luggage set, like new $40, old Pepsi cooler. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Information on Robertson County Cemetery. Call 270-524-3125
FS - NEW 15” Husqvarna tiller with a 110 Honda motor- $400- 270-308-5300
FS - Oak table and 4 chairs- $100- 270-528-4197
FS - 20 acres of timber- 270-218-0450
FS - 12 foot cattle trailer (or horse) $1500, Red horse buggy with top- $3000 obo- 270-678-6512
FS - Old jelly cupboard- $200 obo, Dough bowl, Dresser, Primitive table, and other items- 270-427-7774
FS - 4 long horned cows- $450 each, Black cow and calf- $600, Jersey bull- $300, 1987 Gold Wing motorcycle- $850- 270-563-4273
FS - Lots of chain linked fence with posts- $200- 270-646-0966
FS - 10 New Zealand rabbits- $10 each, Husqvarna 455 chainsaw (20”) $225, Push mower with bagger- $50- 270-303-9214
FS - 2007 Chevy Cobalt 2 door coupe- very dependable- $2000- 270-612-1153
FS - 30 gallon sprayer (pull behind lawn mower) Aerator, Seed sower, Roller and many others- 270-670-9843
FS - Hay equipment- Roller, New Idea disc mower (8’) Wheel rake- $1500- 270-991-3700
FS - Solid wood entertainment center (heavy) 4 shelves and 2 glass doors- holds a 32” flat screen TV- $225- 270-576-5297
FS - 2000 Dodge Caravan- $800, Treadmill- $45, Wii with controllers and 2 games- $60- 270-404-6998
Monday, August 26th, 2019
LF - Yard ariator 528-6488
LF - Semi truck tanker trailer with good tires. 270-230-7158
LF - set of 4 slot, Ford Ranger wheels. Call 270-524-3280
LF - Old riding mowers, go karts, mini bikes. older car $500 or less, running. FS - Black refrigerator, chest type deepfreeze. Call 670-1359
FS - Plus size, 2x clothes, tops and boutique style $40 for all, brown couch. $70. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Hay, rolled, just cut. Call 528-2531 or 270-218-0806
LF - Farm trailer. Call 270-528-2152
FS - Amish books, LF - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
FS - 6 dozen canning jars, $2 per dozen. Call 270-528-1797
Friday, August 23rd, 2019
FS - New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Mattress, box springs, padded head board, light brown with metal frame. Call 936-933-1171
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-944-7902
FS - 4 tires, 225 60 R17 $50 half tread. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 16 ft 1985 camper or will trade, 2003 Hyundai Sonota, v-6, refrigerator or will trade, deepfreeze, 2 Yorkie pups, 1 male and 1 female. LF -rear end for hydrostatic mower. 670-1359
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Whirlpool electric range, Frigidaire 18 cubic ft refrigerator, like new, 1950's Massey Ferguson M35 tractor and box blade, Sole Treadmill, mans Shwinn 18 speed bike, ladies 6 speed boardwalk bike, set of golf clubs and bag. Call 270-473-0827
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 2x clothing, plus size including tops and boutique styles. $40 for all. FS - brown couch $70. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor (gas) $3200, 6 foot finish mower- $600 OR BOTH for- $3500, Commercial Snapper 60” mower- 150 hours- 28 horse fuel injected- $1500, Delta 4 vacuum dust collector- 3 horse power- $600- 270-670-7187
LF - Kawasaki side by side (Mule) 270-434-2233
LF - S10 Wheels- 270-597-7552
LF - Someone to cut to logs off a property- 270-774-1975
LF - A place to coon hunt- 270-597-3082 or 270-246-1405
LF - good pole saw- 270-935-9599
LF - Metal Cow Hood for a 1993 S10 Chevy pickup- 270-535-8614
LF - Good clothes dryer- 270-579-8099
FS - 2002 Keystone Sprinter model # 252 RLS fifth wheel camper, asking $7,500 obo. call 270-938-7617 or 270-421-3683
LF - Someone to take a 20x20 metal silo down in the Smiths Grove area. Call 270-202-8753
FS -Nascar collection or trade. Call 270-202-5085 in the bowling green area
FS - 100 amp meter base with 50 amp RV plug on pole. All 2019 equip and was inspected. $350, 3 point farm auger. $375…270-378-6998
FS - 1997 Ford Explorer 4×4 , just rebuilt rear end, cold a/c, good rubber and aftermarket CD player. 198k $1,350 firm…270-670-9986
Thursday, August 22nd, 2019
FS - Kenmore automatic washer, white, no dents, ready to use. $45. New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Mattress, box springs, padded head board, light brown with metal frame. Call 936-933-1171
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-944-7902
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Whirlpool electric range, Frigidaire 18 cubic ft refrigerator, like new, 1950's Massey Ferguson M35 tractor and box blade, Sole Treadmill, mans Shwinn 18 speed bike, ladies 6 speed boardwalk bike, set of golf clubs and bag. Call 270-473-0827
Card Shower for Pat Riggs, turning 81 on August 25th. Send birthday cards to 6960 Old Munfordville Road, Cave City, Ky. 42127
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Squire (Fender) guitar with amp- $100 (comes with a case too) 270-597-7552
FS - Husqvarna 128 weed eater- needs screws- $25, Craftsmen weed eater- $30, Leer camper top- fits a 1999-2016 Ford Super Duty- $200- 270-438-2680
FS - 4 tires- 3 of them came off a three-quarter ton truck (265/75/16 and the other is a John Deere Gator- 270-678-2468
LF - Barns to tear down and clean up- 270-427-0587
LF - Odd jobs in the area- 270-991-0264
LF- Property to buy or lease or to contract in Barren County area- 270-943-1872
LF - Someone to put up some siding on my barn- 270-781-6131
LF - Large hens, Roosters, and Bantams- 270-670-3069
FS - White zero radius turn mower. $400. Call 270-590-6007
Horse Cave Christian Church's Clothes Closet and Food Pantry will be held Friday, August 23rd, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 25 boxes of food will be on a 1st come- 1st serve basis. Everything is free and refreshments will be served. The church is located behind Citizens First Bank in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-4600 for more information.
FS- Amish books $10, LF - Amish books and a couch. Call 270-528-7643
FS - 2x clothing, plus size including tops and boutique styles. $40 for all. FS - brown couch $70. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor (gas) $3200, 6 foot finish mower- $600 OR BOTH for- $3500, Commercial Snapper 60” mower- 150 hours- 28 horse fuel injected- $1500, Delta 4 vacuum dust collector- 3 horse power- $600- 270-670-7187
FS - 1995 Nissan pickup- 4 wheel drive- new tires- sun roof- $3000 - 270-404-2111
FS - Baja mini-bike- must be reassembled- 270-590-6379
FS - Camel cigarette thermometer, Butter churn, 4 foot saw blade, Dough bowl, and other old pieces- 270-427-7774
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator with Ice maker- double door- $150- 270-528-4197
FS - 3 point hitch tractor sprayer- $75- 270-590-3055
LF - Truck tool box for a 2003 Chevy S10- 270-308-8287
LF - Kawasaki side by side (Mule) 270-434-2233
LF - S10 Wheels- 270-597-7552
LF- Someone to cut to logs off a property- 270-774-1975
Wednesday, August 21st, 2019
GA - pile of wood, 4 ft tall from a downed tree in Glasgow. Call 270-528-6546
FS - Kenmore automatic washer, white, no dents, ready to use. $45. New youth 4-wheeler, all lights, speedometer, automatic, red $1,600. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Mattress, box springs, padded head board, light brown with metal frame. Call 936-933-1171
FS - Squirrel cage fan. $30. Call 270-524-9626
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
Found - Boat seat, 4 ft tall, padded with straps in the Goodnight area. The boat seat was left across from Goodnight-Hiseville Road on 31-E for whoever it belongs to. Call 270-590-6513
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-944-7902
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Whirlpool electric range, Frigidaire 18 cubic ft refrigerator, like new, 1950's Massey Ferguson M35 tractor and box blade, Sole Treadmill, mans Shwinn 18 speed bike, ladies 6 speed boardwalk bike, set of golf clubs and bag. Call 270-473-0827
Card Shower for Pat Riggs, turning 81 on August 25th. Send birthday cards to 6960 Old Munfordville Road, Cave City, Ky. 42127
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator with Ice maker- double door- $150- 270-528-4197
FS - 3 point hitch tractor sprayer- $75- 270-590-3055
FS - Squire (Fender) guitar with amp- $100 (comes with a case too) 270-597-7552
FS - Husqvarna 128 weed eater- needs screws- $25, Craftsmen weed eater- $30, Leer camper top- fits a 1999-2016 Ford Super Duty- $200- 270-438-2680
FS - 4 tires- 3 of them came off a three-quarter ton truck (265/75/16 and the other is a John Deere Gator- 270-678-2468
LF - Barns to tear down and clean up- 270-427-0587
LF - Odd jobs in the area- 270-991-0264
LF- Property to buy or lease or to contract in Barren County area- 270-943-1872
LF - Someone to put up some siding on my barn- 270-781-6131
LF - Large hens, Roosters, and Bantams- 270-670-3069
Tuesday, August 20th, 2019
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
Found - Boat seat, 4 ft tall, padded with straps in the Goodnight area. The boat seat was left across from Goodnight-Hiseville Road on 31-E for whoever it belongs to. Call 270-590-6513
FS - 1985, 16 ft long camper, might trade, 2003 Hyundai Sonata or will trade, black refrigerator $150 obo, chest type deepfreeze $65, new small generator $75, LF - rear end for Husky lawnmower. Fs- 18 h 42" cut Statesman riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Whirlpool electric range, Frigidaire 18 cubic ft refrigerator, like new, 1950's Massey Ferguson M35 tractor and box blade, Sole Treadmill, mans Shwinn 18 speed bike, ladies 6 speed boardwalk bike, set of golf clubs and bag. Call 270-473-0827
Card Shower for Pat Riggs, turning 81 on August 25th. Send birthday cards to 6960 Old Munfordville Road, Cave City, Ky. 42127
FS - Yearling Simmental angus cross bull. $1500. Call 270-537-3761
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-944-7902
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Cory farm wagon with a 16 ft flatbed $500, 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited $500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Couch (brown and gold) with wood trim and round kitchen table with 4 chairs. Call 270- 524-7736
FS - Kenmore automatic washer, clean, $45, Youth 4 wheeler with lights, automatic, red $1600. Call 524-0824 537-5732
FS - New camping tent for 10 $125. Call 270-528-1322
FS - Baja mini-bike- MUST BE reassembled- 270-590-6379
FS - Camel cigarette thermometer, Butter churn, 4 foot saw blade, Dough bowel, and other old pieces- 270-427-7774
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator with Ice maker- double door- $150- 270-528-4197
Monday, August 19th, 2019
LF - 2 - 12x12 rollup doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
FS - Queen size mattress, box springs, padded head board, light brown and metal frame. Call 936-933-1171
Found - Boat seat, 4 ft tall, padded with straps in the Goodnight area. The boat seat was left across from Goodnight-Hiseville Road on 31-E for whoever it belongs to. Call 270-590-6513
FS - 1985, 16 ft long camper, might trade, 2003 Hyundai Sonata or will trade, black refrigerator $150 obo, chest type deepfreeze $65, new small generator $75, LF - rear end for Husky lawnmower. Fs- 18 h 42" cut Statesman riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 17.5 foot ladder stand- $50- 270-392-0683
FS - 50” LED Smart TV (3 years old) $150-
FS - 135 Massey Ferguson tractor (gas) $3200, 6 foot finish mower- $600 OR BOTH for- $3500, Commercial Snapper 60” mower- 150 hours- 28 horse fuel injected- $1500, Delta 4 vacuum dust collector- 3 horse power- $600- 270-670-7187
FS - Aerator- $50- 270-678-8805
FS - 1995 Nissan pickup- 4 wheel drive- new tires- sun roof- $3000- 270-404-2111
FS - Whirlpool electric range, Frigidaire 18 cubic ft refrigerator, like new, 1950's Massey Ferguson M35 tractor and box blade, Sole Treadmill, mans Shwinn 18 speed bike, ladies 6 speed boardwalk bike, set of golf clubs and bag. Call 270-473-0827
Card Shower for Pat Riggs, turning 81 on August 25th. Send birthday cards to 6960 Old Munfordville Road, Cave City, Ky. 42127
FS - Yearling Simmental angus cross bull. $1500. Call 270-537-3761
LF - 2 - 12x12 roll up doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-944-7902
LF - 220 air conditioner for a church or a 110. Call 270-786-3705
LF - 100 to 125 lb boar hog. Call 270-537-5482
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Cory farm wagon with a 16 ft flatbed $500, 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited $500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
Thursday, August 15th, 2019
LF - Electric cook stove. 270-473-3678
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-994-7902
FS - Whirlpool electric range, Frigidaire 18 cubic ft refrigerator, like new, 1950's Massey Ferguson M35 tractor and box blade, Sole Treadmill, mans Shwinn 18 speed bike, ladies 6 speed boardwalk bike, set of golf clubs and bag. Call 270-473-0827
Card Shower for Pat Riggs, turning 81 on August 25th. Send birthday cards to 6960 Old Munfordville Road, Cave City, Ky. 42127
FS - Yearling Simmental angus cross bull. $1500. Call 270-537-3761
LF - 2 - 12x12 roll up doors, LF - 2 - 36" steel doors. Call 270-528-6540 or 270-773-3332
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-944-7902
LF - 220 air conditioner for a church or a 110. Call 270-786-3705
LF - 100 to 125 lb boar hog. Call 270-537-5482
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Cory farm wagon with a 16 ft flatbed $500, 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited $500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 3 pups- $25 each- Rat Terrier/Border Collie mix- 270-646-8498
FS - New hospital bed and sheets, 2 blowers, Lots of baseball cards and comic books, Ammunition box and safe- 270-834-9619
FS - 3 bedroom house and nice lot in Edmonton; or would rent to a couple with references, 10” Craftsmen table saw- 270-432-5232
FS - Ford truck bed trailer with 2” ball, 4×6 lawn trailer, 8 lug wheels and accessories, and looking for barns to tear down- 270-427-9498
FS - 2 tires- 245/60/18 and a Briggs motor (20 horse) 270-670-1403
FS - 2007 Nissan Maxima- LOADED- leather- 160K- $4000 obo- 270-791-2305
FS - Side shaft engine, and another engine, 4 wheels and tires (off a Ford truck) Cub Cadet grader blade, Oak entertainment center, TV, Large coffee pot- 270-670-6152
FS - 2007 Yamaha Trike, 2004 Nissan 6 cylinder, Mobile Home- 2 bedrooms- 270-576-8971
Wednesday, August 14th, 2019
FS - 1985 camper has bumper hitch 16 ft long, has 4 new tires. $3,000 obo, LF - rearend for hydrostatic MTD lawnmower, FS - 46" cut Statesman lawnmower, LF - minibikes, go-karts and lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Electric cook stove. 270-473-3678
LF - 20" fish tank lid with lights. Call 931-994-7902
FS - Whirlpool electric range, Frigidaire 18 cubic ft refrigerator, like new, 1950's Massey Ferguson M35 tractor and box blade, Sole Treadmill, mans Shwinn 18 speed bike, ladies 6 speed boardwalk bike, set of golf clubs and bag. Call 270-473-0827
Card Shower for Pat Riggs, turning 81 on August 25th. Send birthday cards to 6960 Old Munfordville Road, Cave City, Ky. 42127
FS - Yearling Simmental angus cross bull. $1500. Call 270-537-3761
LF - 100 to 125 lb boar hog. Call 270-537-5482
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Cory farm wagon with a 16 ft flatbed $500, 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited $500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
Tuesday, August 13th, 2019
LF -Someone to take a lady to get groceries and medicine today. Mammoth Cave Road. Call 270-773-8815
FS - Whirlpool electric range, Frigidaire 18 cubic ft refrigerator, like new, 1950's Massey Ferguson M35 tractor and box blade, Sole Treadmill, mans Shwinn 18 speed bike, ladies 6 speed boardwalk bike, set of golf clubs and bag. Call 270-473-0827
FS - 46" cut Statesman riding mower with bagger, LF - rearend for Husky riding mower, old mowers, gokarts. Call 270-670-1359
Card Shower for Pat Riggs, turning 81 on August 25th. Send birthday cards to 6960 Old Munfordville Road, Cave City, Ky. 42127
FS - Yearling Simmental angus cross bull. $1500. Call 270-537-3761
LF - 100 to 125 lb boar hog. Call 270-537-5482
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Cory farm wagon with a 16 ft flatbed $500, 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited $500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
Monday, August 12th, 2019
FS - 2000 Ford Taurus, pop up camper with air $1500 for both. Call 270-938-2922
FS- Propane heater, uses 1 gallon tank and adaptor up to 15 gallon. $60. Insulated fiberglass panels $3 and some that are dirty $1.50. Small sizes are $2. Call 270-405-1260
LF - 800 to 900 lb Jersey steer to eat. Call 270-528-1562
FS - 31 rolls of hay. Call 270-932-2086
Card Shower for Pat Riggs, turning 81 on August 25th. Send birthday cards to 6960 Old Munfordville Road, Cave City, Ky. 42127
FS - Yearling Simmental angus cross bull. $1500. Call 270-537-3761
LF - 100 to 125 lb boar hog. Call 270-537-5482
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Cory farm wagon with a 16 ft flatbed $500, 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited $500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 42” Troy Bilt riding mower- 17.5 horse- $200 obo, Firewood- Oak and Hickory- $45 each and can deliver- 270-943-0866
FS - 1987 Honda Gold Wing- 270-563-4273
FS - Super C Farm All tractor (1960s) rusty, and looking for some 16” tires- 270-404-5379
FS - Box of clothes for a teen-ager- T-shirts and some new shorts- $15 for all- 270-404-0984
FS - 16” tires- 265/75/16 with 8 lug rims, Glass blocks, and some iron wheels- 270-590-6410
FS -Set of nice golf clubs with bag, 21 speed Mountain Bike, Confederate $20 bill, Original Nintendo and original Play Station with 15 games, Antique water basen, and some 10” BJL surround sound speakers- 270-576-7336
LF - 4 tickets to the upcoming pre-season show with the Titans and the Patriots (Aug. 17th). Call 270-834-9619
LF - 1 white lettered tire- 265/75/16- 270-646-5643
LF - A zero turn, Cub Cadet, Troy Bilt, to put a motor in- 270-597-7552
LF - House cleaning jobs- references- 270-606-0682
LF - Miter saw- 270-384-1776
LF - Disk mower (8-9 feet) 270-286-8769 or 270-799-9514
LF - Old barns and buildings to tear down and do total cleanup. Call or text 270-261-2464
LF - Boston Terrier pups 270-590-6209
LF - Free items - Sheets size twin full and queen, Exercise bike and weight bench, Blankets, Curtains, Clothes size 4t boys. 14 16 young girls and 8 boys Any help is appreciated. Call 270-579-9176
FR - House in Temple Hill- 2 bedrooms and 1.5 bath- 706-865-1821
Thursday, August 8th, 2019
LF - 100 to 125 lb boar hog. Call 270-537-5482
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Cory farm wagon with a 16 ft flatbed $500, 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited $500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Horse hay, electric fence box $60, kitchen cabinets top and bottom with faucets $200, pvc water pipe, upright deepfreeze $125. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10, 4 cylinder, 188,000 miles, heat and air works, needs freon, $2400. Call 270-579-9639
FS - 1995 Jaguar XJ6 in A1 condition- new tires- $1,895; 8×10 storage shed with double doors- $200 (you have to move it) 2005 Ford Explorer- 6 cylinder- new tires- $4500- 270-779-1224
FS - 8 month old Female German Shepherd- $150, Set of car ramps- $30- 270-646-7403
FS - Whirlpool washer and dryer in perfect condition- $500 cash - 270-799-2591
FS - New hospital bed with remote- 270-834-9619
FS - 4 tires- 235/75/16- $80, 2 NEW tires- 225/45/18- $75 each, Dewalt 20 volt impact wrench and a hammer drill with battery and charger- $215, and a 1999 Dodge pickup single cab- V6 automatic- 130,000 miles- $1,750- pics are available- 270-734-1552
FS -2 new tires- 225/45/17- $75 each- 270-590-8544
FS - 2014 Toyota Tundra- extremely nice! 103 K- 5.7- $19,000- 678-857-4273
FS - 1993 Lexus- good tires- cold air- $650 obo, 2005 Elantra- good air- $1200 obo- 270-799-4386
FS - 1994 Cavalier- cracked head- 2.2, Variety of college books, fiction books, and others, Large collection of movie posters- 270-791-0069
FS - 33 foot RV (454) 63,000 miles- 270-646-5643
FS - New Husqvarna 17” rear tine tiller- $400- 270-308-5300
FS - 1991 Chevy Silverado long bed- new tires- new brakes- new liner- $1800- 270-799-9562
FS - Weed eater (on wheels) like new- and a nice push mower- 270-427-6786
FS - 2000 GMC Sierra- extended cab- 3rd door- 158K- $3500- 270-842-0336
FS - Queen size box springs- $20- 270-670-7278
FS - 2006 PARTS camper- 24’ with one slide out- $600, Equalizer hitch (complete) 12” Auger with bit- $475, KTM dirt bike with electric start- great condition- $2500- 270-378-6998
FS - Cub Cadet Zero turn mower- 50” cut- 270-404-5580
FS - 1941 restored Plymouth Rat Rod, 1972 Tiger 650 Triumph motorcycle, 1980 Yamaha 500cc (restored) 10,000 BTU air conditioner- $100, Smoker Grill- like new- $200- 270-590-8171
FS - 42” Troy Bilt riding mower- 17.5 horse- $200 obo, Firewood- Oak and Hickory- $45 each and can deliver- 270-943-0866
Wednesday, August 7th, 2019
LF - 100 to 125 lb boar hog. Call 270-537-5482
LF - Twin size bed, clean in good condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $950 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Cory farm wagon with a 16 ft flatbed $500, 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited $500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Quails, Chickens, and young turkeys- 270-459-0522
FS - Cub Cadet front tine tiller- like new, Tool box for a full size truck, Nuts and bolts, and some electric tools- 270-579-1842
FS - 61 key keyboard- $30, Alvarez acoustic guitar, and lots of PA equipment, also a hunting camera- 270-576-3126
FS - 6 foot bush hog (3 point hitch) like new- $700, and some Blue Heeler pups- 270-250-4036
FS - 7 foot bush hog (pull) $650 cash- 270-537-5673
FS - Large dog crate, and a truck battery-
FS - 1987 Jeep Wrangler Laredo- 4.0- hard top- 94,000 miles- $4000- 270-261-1242
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower- 38” 12.5 horse- $250, Snapper mower- 30” 12.5 horse- electric start- $100- 270-308-5057
LF - Someone to cut 9 acres of hay in Glasgow- 270-404-5285
LF - Tall table and bar stools- 270-453-2001 or 270-670-4668
LF - 9 foot disk mower to cut hay- 270-286-8769 or 270-799-9514
LF - Houses to clean in Allan and Barren county- references available- 270-606-0682
LF - Good trolling motor (hand held) 270-670-6376
LF - Jobs in Barren county- farm, yard, tobacco, anything- 270-579-1570
LF - Odd jobs in the area, and parts for a 2001 Chrysler Town and County van- email-
FS - Husqvarna 48” riding mower… 24 hp Kohler command 2018 . Ready for a new yard. 270-535-5104
FS - 2011 Chevy Malibu for sale it has new tires and new rain guards it has 166,577 miles it is an automatic and has a clean title it also comes with the original chrome wheels. Call 270-670-9227
FS - 6×12 enclosed trailer, side walk door, rear ramp door. New tires. Does need lights to be rewired. I do have the light and wiring kit to go with trailer . No paperwork. $1500.00 firm . Serious inquiries only. 3 bolt on aluminum ladder racks for trailer $40.00. Harley Davidson riding jacket size XXL. asking $200, matching chaps both for $275. 270-779-2759
FS - Scissor lift. 3 point hitch with cylinder. $240…270-999-3822
FS - Two 30 gallon aquariums. Each come with complete set up including stands and fish. Asking $125 per aquarium, 7 finches males and females. comes with flight cage and accessories. Asking $75. Call 270-590-9695
FS - Ford Explorer Sport Trac, 4dr. short bed, Runs good. $3800, Double recliner couch and double recliner. Both in excellent cond. Smoke free, pet free home. $300 or will sell separate. Call 270-537-3263
Tuesday, August 6th, 2019
FS - 2006 camper (parts only) good AC- $600, Equalizer hitch- $100, OMC boat parts- 270-250-3680
FS - Banty roosters and hens- 270-579-8881
FS - Cherry bedroom suite and a Whirlpool refrigerator- 270-528-4197
FS - 1992 F150 4 wheel drive- short bed- new mud grips- 302 V8 automatic with new transmission- $2300, and a 1998 Ford Ranger- 4 wheel drive- 4.0 extended cab- $1500- 270-763-7336
FS - Set of aluminum wheels and tires 16” great condition- came off a 2008 Mustang $150; also the headlights and taillights- 270-774-1975
FS - Topper for a Polaris Razor- $50 or would trade- 270-427-0630
FS - Kid’s toy box, 2 outside benches, and a kid’s car (push and ride) 270-799-6218
FS - 3 ladies Timex watches- brand new, Trail camera (new) 270-308-7781
FS - 16’ utility trailer- heavy duty- $850- 270-622-0628
FS - 2000 Jimmy- good body, but bad transmission- new tires- $500- 270-670-2325
FS - 1988 Bronco 2- V6 2.9- 5 speed- $5300- 270-765-3696
FS - Nice lift chair- like new- $200- 270-590-6379
FS - Quails, Chickens, and young turkeys- 270-459-0522
FS - Cub Cadet front tine tiller- like new, Tool box for a full size truck, Nuts and bolts, and some electric tools- 270-579-1842
FS - 61 key keyboard- $30, Alvarez acoustic guitar, and lots of PA equipment, also a hunting camera- 270-576-3126
FS - 6 foot bush hog (3 point hitch) like new- $700, and some Blue Heeler pups- 270-250-4036
FS - Black hutch $50, glass showcase $35, Big sign with letters $100. Call 528-8355
FS - Bolen lawnmower 38"cut, 15 1/2 hp Briggs & Stratton motor. $200. Call 270-590-4497
FS - Chickens, 2 side by side doors, 3 end tables, glass. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Stack of material, primitive. will sell cheap. Call 270-786-3756
GA - Plus size clothes, FS -music boxes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $1,050 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Cory farm wagon with a 16 ft flatbed $500, 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited $500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
Monday, August 5th, 2019
LF - Small air conditioner. Cheap. Call 270-786-5111
LF - Twin size bed, clean, with or without boxsprings and mattress. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 2 motorcycle helmets $20 each or $30 for both, 2 tents $40 for both, set of saddle bags $150, Colt hunting knife $40. Call 270-404-0223
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $1,050 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, bright white $3 each, smaller sizes white or gray $2 each. Small propane heater and adaptor $65, Peavey Predator electric guitar, bluish gray with amp $125. Call 207-405-1260
FS - 14 ft flatbottom boat $400, 8 ft wheel disc $400, cattle scales up to 4000 lbs $1800, digital readout, Oliver turning plow $125, lots of pea gravel. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Cory farm wagon with a 16 ft flatbed $500, 1992 Buick LeSabre Limited $500. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 1 Saanen dairy goat doeling $175, 3 Saanen dairy goat wethers $100 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Couch and chair, Red chair and rocker, Table and chairs (for a deck) and a remote control car (still in box) 1957 Chevy- 270-618-1133
FS - 33 foot RV- 270-646-5643
FS - (2) 18” tires- 245/60/18 and 3 weed eaters- 270-670-1403
FS - CRS 250 dirt bike- $2200- 270-427-9464
FS - NEW 12 volt Dewalt miter saw with stand- $400 and a set of dump bells and rack- $300- 270-774-6300
FS - Black (female) Great Dane (pups soon) $200- 270-528-6693
FS - Large dining room table (claw feet)
LF - 20 volt Impact wrench with battery and charger, 3 ton floor jack- 270-734-1552
LF - Semi trailer (for storage) Plasma cutter- 270-763-7336
LF - A white lettered tire- 265/75/16- 270-646-5643
LF - Small chest style deep freeze- 270-361-1365
FREE- 2 puppies- the mother is a Pit Bull and the father is a Kentucky Mountain Cur- 270-938-5058
FREE- Kitten to a good home- 270-563-6973
FREE- 12 years old female Chihuahua to a good home- 270-261-1467
FS - Cub Cadet lt1046 lawn tractor with 280 hrs, around a 2005 model. New deck belt with about 2 hrs on it, 2 sets of blades (1 brand new, 1 newly resharpened), also comes with a mower/atv lift used only once. Asking $700… 270-791-6031
FS - Like new Cub cadet front tine tiller with a 6.5 horse motor, mantis electric tiller, cook top wood stove, oxygen/ecetyelene cart, briar blades, Belt Sanders, Nut bins full of various parts and pieces & screws n bolts, Tool box of various electrical parts, Big and small hand saws and cross cut saws… 270-579-1842
FS - 6 panel interior door and jam 30 x80- $20.00…270-428-2355
Friday, August 2nd, 2019
LF - Small air conditioner. Cheap. Call 270-786-5111
LF - Twin size bed, clean, with or without boxsprings and mattress. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
Garage Sale next to the Dollar Store in Horse Cave, kids clothes, adults, winter coats, Christmas items, walking sticks, watermelons, home decor. Today, possibly Saturday.
LF - Microwave in Munfordville area. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Miniature Jersey cows and herd bull, Call 270-246-2948
FS - Set of interior French doors- $50 (no casing) and a Husqvarna lawn mower- 17.5 horse- $150- 270-524-1650
FS - 1971 Cub Cadet riding mower (needs battery) good tires- $300- 270-427-6786
FS - 2001 F250 7.3 diesel 4 wheel drive- 270-246-2230
FS - 1998 Ford Ranger- 4.0- 4 wheel drive- $1750, Set of 16” tires- $150- 3-7336
FS - Several goats, Quarter Horse Gelding- $1500- 270-590-6853
FS - Corn Hole boards- $175 and $220 with vinyl wrapping (with bags) and a 1998 Ford Mustang GT- $5500- 270-308-5357
FS - 3 Michelin tires- $100 each- 270-646-5902
FS - 50” TV (LED) $150- 270-935-9599
FS - 10 speed bicycle (flat tire) $15, 12 speed (looks new) $25 and a Kawasaki Bayou 300 Four Wheeler- $1800- 270-427-0660
FS - 10 big red laying hens- $8 each, Guineas, Ring Neck Peasants, Parakeets, and some pet carriers- 270-777-1990
FS - Square bales of hay- $3 each, 16 foot hay wagon- $450- 270-799-5962
FS - 50”Cub Cadet- 388 hours- $800- 270-404-5580
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 2 motorcycle helmets $20 each or $30 for both, 2 tents $40 for both, set of saddle bags $150, Colt hunting knife $40. Call 404-0223
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $1,050 obo. Call 270-765-8525
Thursday, August 1st, 2019
FS - 33 1/3, 78's and 44 records $1 each, black industrial fan, like new on wheels. $100, 2 Goodrich tires P215 65 R15's on Chevy wheels $40 each, Proteck miter saw $100, kids recliner, brown. $20. Call 270-446-0075
Yard Sale 313 N. 9th Street Cave City - today, detergents, clothes, lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Yamaha golf cart. Call 270-537-4533
Yard Sale everyday through Saturday 3404 Hardyville Road. Comforters, dishes, glassware, household items. Call 270-528-6838
Yard Sale 1586 Boyds Knob Road, now through Saturday, baby clothes, etc. Call 270-473-3678
LF - Free queen size mattress and box springs or cheap. Call 270-473-3678
Yard Sale - behind WLOC in Horse Cave now through Friday. 3 families, home decor clothing, filing cabinet, antique washtub, set of tires. Call 270-537-5072
FS - Small propane heater with adaptor $65. like new. Peavey Predator electric guitar, bluish gray color, cord and small amp $125. insulated fiberglass panels, white $3, smaller sizes $2 each. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Set of fender flares for a 2007-2013 short bed Chevy pickup, and a 2000 Ford Explorer- nice and clean- 270-678-4277
FS - Whirlpool electric cook stove- new with tags still on it, Whirl Pool refrigerator (double door) with ice maker, Solid Cherry bedroom suite- 270-528-4197
FS - Car trailer (16 feet x 78”) all metal- $450, Homelite back pack leaf blower- $75, Pair of leather Harley Davidson boots (size 9m) $75- 270-317-6995
FS - 1950s Farm All tractor- $700- 270-404-5379
FS - Love seat (reclines) tan in color- $60, and a FREE blue recliner (lift chair with not working controls- but still nice to sit in) 270-590-3511
FS - 1994 Cavalier car- good for parts or fix it up- $350 obo- 270-791-0069
FS - 3 riding mowers- all need work- $275 (John Deere and Husqvarna) and looking for junked cars- 270-843-9575
FS - Unit made of old barn lumber (bar or island) 3 feet long and 18” wide- 270-361-9813
FS - 2003 Ford Explorer- all power and good air- $1800- 270-790-1754
LF - New or used 250-300 gallon propane gas tank- 270-749-4232
LF - Parts for a Honda Spree (1987) 270-427-0923
FS - 4 tires P265/70R17. Call 270-404-5195
Wednesday, July 31st, 2019
FS- Scooter (wheel chair) in A1 condition- with extra parts- Make an offer- 270-670-4956
FS - Electric cook stove- $50- 270-629-5315
FS - Nice set of men’s golf clubs- with bag and 60 golf balls- $150- 270-773-2276
FS - 3 year old Samsung washer- $300, Set of living rooms tables- $25 for all, Curtains- $1 each, Brown couch (that reclines) and recliner chair- $25, Punch bowl- $10- 270-773-4989
FS - Garden tractor with turning plow, Rear tine tiller- 270-457-3539
FS - 3 year old Boxer (or would do some trading) 270-528-6693
FS - Lots and baby diapers and a full body maternity pillow- 270-473-3386
FS - Rocker recliner- $20, and a dresser (4 drawer) $20- 270-991-0396
FS - Statesmen mower- 46” 18 horse with bagger, Troy Bilt 42” 18 horse, Go cart, Small generator (like new) $80, Honda car V6 (looking to trade for a mini-van) 270-670-1359
FS - 2006 VTX Honda 1300 motorcycle- you must see it! Been kept inside- $4000 obo- 270-590-9326
FS - 33 foot RV or would trade- 270-646-5343
FS - 2002 Hyundai Sonata with 199 K- 4 cylinder- cold air- gas saver- $1800- 270-597-7552
FS - Couch, Smoker grill, Exercise equipment, and a garden tiller- 270-576-8791
FS - Antique cast iron bank (Civil war) $400- 270-696-0809
FS - 2005 Buick Lesabre- 118,000 miles- 30 miles to the gallon- nice and clean- $3000- 270-528-1242
FS - Large industrial fan. $100, works good, Goodrich tires 215 65 R15's on Chevy wheels, topper for a Dodge Ram $250, tailgate $150. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Amish books $10, LF - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Boat and motor with trailer, 14 ft $450, 8 ft wheel disc $450, set of cattle scales, digital readout $1800. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Craftsmen T1000 lawn tractor- 2 years old- $600- 270-590-4369
FS - Set of 8 lug wheels and tires for Chevy or Ford- 265/75/16- Master Craft-, Glass blocks, and some iron wheels- 270-590-6410
FS - Jersey steer calf (weaned) Red Bull (gentle) $850, and some Holstein steers- 270-590-9804
FS - House and acre of land in Oakland, 1987 Honda Goldwing motorcycle, Black cow, and a Jersey milk cow- 270-563-4273
FS - LARGE collection of baseball and basketball cards. 270-427-0783
FS - 2005 Honda Shadow 600- 13,000 miles- A1 condition- comes with 3 helmets- $1500- 270-404-3501
FS - 1958 John Deere 620 tractor- $5500 obo- 270-404-5368
FS - 1988 350 Chevy engine and transmission; and a 5 speed transmission- 270-528-4252
FS - Orchard grass square bales of hay- $4.75 each- 270-528-1531
FS - 2 vehicles that need work; 2001 Bonnieville- $400, 2004 KIA Sedona van- rough, but runs- $400- 270-404-0127
FS - 4 speed transmission and transfer case for a 1989 Ford pickup, 1 bottom turning plow and grader blade- 270-622-7667 or 270-622-0259
FS - 2014 Harley Davidson Tri Glide- 8,100 miles- like new; or would trade to a good RV- 270-996-0287
FS - 2002 Hyundai Sonata- nice and clean- 4 door- 199K- cold air- daily driver- clear title- $1500- 270-597-7552
FS - Electric cook stove- $50, Pair of Red Wing boots (size 9) $75, Quilt tops, and looking for some Oak end tables- 270-629-5315
FS - Set of fender flares for a 2007-2013 short bed Chevy pickup, and a 2000 Ford Explorer- nice and clean- 270-678-4277
Tuesday, July 30th, 2019
FS - 2 Goodrich tires, size 215 65 R15, on Chevy wheels $40 each, topper and tailgate for Dodge Ram, 6 ft bed. $150 for tailgate, $250 for the topper. Mitre cutoff saw, $100. Record collection, $1 each or $100 for all. there are all sizes. Call 270-446-0075
FS- Insulated fiberglass panels $3 and $2 each. Peavey Predator electric guitar, bluish gray with cord $100. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Twin size bed in good condition, prefer white. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15, Radio Flyer town and country wagon $40. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 2 motorcycle helmets $20 each or $30 for both, 2 tents $40 for both, set of saddle bags $150, Colt hunting knife $40. Call 404-0223
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $1,050 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - Sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Seat for a zero turn mower (with arms) 270-404-6522
LF - Nice Pontoon boat in good condition- 270-678-7310
LF - Canning Jars-quartz, pints, rings and lids. Leave a message or text to 502-517-6483
FS - New Holland square hay bailer 273, $750.00…270-286-8262
FS - Nascar collection mostly Jeff GORDON… but have other drivers as well would like to sell call or text for more information in Bowling green area, asking $2500 obo 270-202-5085
FS - Scooter (wheel chair) in A1 condition- with extra parts- Make an offer- 270-670-4956
FS - Electric cook stove- $50- 270-629-5315
FS - Nice set of men’s golf clubs- with bag and 60 golf balls- $150- 270-773-2276
FS - 3 year old Samsung washer- $300, Set of living rooms tables- $25 for all, Curtains- $1 each, Brown couch (that reclines) and recliner chair- $25, Punch bowl- $10- 270-773-4989
FS - Garden tractor with turning plow, Rear tine tiller- 270-457-3539
FS - 3 year old Boxer (or would do some trading) 270-528-6693
FS - Lots and baby diapers and a full body maternity pillow- 270-473-3386
FS - Rocker recliner- $20, and a dresser (4 drawer) $20- 270-991-0396
FS - Statesmen mower- 46” 18 horse with bagger, Troy Bilt 42” 18 horse, Go cart, Small generator (like new) $80, Honda car V6 (looking to trade for a mini-van) 270-670-1359
FS - 2006 VTX Honda 1300 motorcycle- you must see it! Been kept inside- $4000 obo- 270-590-9326
FS - 33 foot RV or would trade- 270-646-5343
FS - 2002 Hyundai Sonata with 199 K- 4 cylinder- cold air- gas saver- $1800- 270-597-7552
FS - Couch, Smoker grill, Exercise equipment, and a garden tiller- 270-576-8791
FS - Antique cast iron bank (Civil war) $400- 270-696-0809
FS - 2005 Buick Lesabre- 118,000 miles- 30 miles to the gallon- nice and clean- $3000- 270-528-1242
FS - Poulan lawn mower- 42” 17.5 horse- fix it up or use for parts- $100- 270-678-9653
LF - Barns to tear down and some used insulation- 270-427-0587
LF - Full size bed, Washer and dryer, and a refrigerator- 270-427-1389
LF - Portable 10,000 BTU air conditioner- 270-319-2639
Monday, July 29th, 2019
FS - 8 ft trailer x 4ft 4 1/2" wide, single axle, good tires. Black, can send pictures $250, 2 tires Goodrich P215 65 R-15's $40 each. Proteck cutoff saw $100, topper and tailgate for Dodge Ram 6 ft bed $250 & $200. Call 270-446-0075
LF - 9" Ford rearend. Call 270-307-4587
FS - Brown fabric couch $80, chair and ottoman $15, Radio Flyer town and country wagon $40. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1950, 51 and 65 old Munfordville School annuals, 1970 Hart County high year book $75 each for all. Call 270-505-2646
FS - Queen size headboard and bed frame $100. Call 936-933-1171
FS - 2 motorcycle helmets $20 each or $30 for both, 2 tents $40 for both, set of saddle bags $150, Colt hunting knife $40. Call 404-0223
LF - Masonry and labor workers. Transportation can be arranged. Call 270-537-3794
FS - Playstation 2 with all cords and dancing game $25, HP table, needs an hp charger or use for parts $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1998 Harley Davidson Sportster, 6 Rhode Island Red pullets. $6 each. Call 270-404-6647
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $1,050 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 5x8 trailer $500, John Deere riding mower $350, or both $800. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 42" Troybilt lawnmower, Statesman riding mower, one seater gocart, LF - old mowers, minibikes, gocarts, etc. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Rohn VS Commercial tower, great for CB, ham or commercial business, 90 ft. Call 270-473-0789
FS - 3 piece luggage set. hard shell, dark blue. $50. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2 rocker recliners- $50 each- 270-590-6588
FS - 4’ compact disks and cultivators with 3 point hook ups, Diamond plated tool box, 2 side shaft engines, Lawn mower parts, Parts for a 2003 F150- 270-670-6152
FS - 2014 Skid Steer with 1600 hours- $23,000, T4020 New Holland tractor (70 horse power) with 1900 hours- $22,000, 14 year old Quarter Horse- 270-537-4709
FS - Dixie Chopper mower- 50” cut- 20 horse Kohler- $1500, LF - a good used boat motor- 50-90 horse- 270-590-3931
Friday, July 26th, 2019
Yard Sale - 31-E near the Wigwam Friday. Call 270-786-5824
Yard Sale - 8920 Happy Valley Road, Cave City. canning jars, tools, furniture clothing, kitchen items, collectibles, Friday and Saturday. Call 270-590-3452
Yard Sale - 1586 Boyds Knob Road, children's clothes, air fryer, Earnhardt knife collection, Friday Munfordville and Canmer. Call 270-473-3678
FS - Amish books, 45 $10. LF - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Headboard and bed frame, queen size, $100 neg. Call 936-933-1171
FS - 2 motorcycle helmets $20 each or $30 for both, 2 tents $40 for both, set of saddle bags $150, Colt hunting knife $40. Call 404-0223
LF - Masonry and labor workers. Transportation can be arranged. Call 270-537-3794
FS - Playstation 2 with all cords and dancing game $25, HP table, needs an hp charger or use for parts $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS- 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each, 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - 1998 Harley Davidson Sportster, 6 Rhode Island Red pullets. $6 each. Call 270-404-6647
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $1,050 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 5x8 trailer $500, John Deere riding mower $350, or both $800. Call 270-590-6007
LF - White (preferred) twin bed in good condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Jewelry box- $10 and some chandelier clip on shades- $10- 270-579-6463
FS - Dog box for a pickup- $275- 270-618-9607
FS - 425 John Deere mower (needs motor) 2 zero turn mowers, and 2 drop gate trailers (5×8 & 5×10) and mower parts- 270-457-4236
FS - 2454 Husqvarna tractor lawn mower- only 6 hours- like brand new- $1300 firm- 270-427-6786
FS - Diamond plated tool box for a full size truck (and trays) and 2 hitch carriers, 20’ extension ladder and another- 270-612-1381
FS - 2 rocker recliners- $50 each- 270-590-6588
FS- 4’ compact disks and cultivators with 3 point hook ups, Diamond plated tool box, 2 side shaft engines, Lawn mower parts, Parts for a 2003 F150- 270-670-6152
Thursday, July 25th, 2019
FS - 2 motorcycle helmets $20 each or $30 for both, 2 tents $40 for both, set of saddle bags $150, Colt hunting knife $40. Call 404-0223
LF - Masonry and labor workers. Transportation can be arranged. Call 270-537-3794
FS - Playstation 2 with all cords and dancing game $25, HP table, needs an hp charger or use for parts $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS- 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each, 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - 1998 Harley Davidson Sportster, 6 Rhode Island Red pullets. $6 each. Call 270-404-6647
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $1,050 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 5x8 trailer $500, John Deere riding mower $350, or both $800. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Husky 46" cut riding mower, v-twin motor. Banty chicks and hens. Call 270-528-4750
Yard Sale -1586 Boyds Knob Road, now through Saturday, clothes. Call 270-473-3678
FS - Brown couch with changeable cushions and pillows $100, high back chair with ottoman $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Rohn VS Commercial tower, great for CB, ham or commercial business, 90 ft. Call 270-473-0789
Yard Sale - Friday on 31-E, south of the Wigwam in Horse Cave. Household items. Call 270-786-2502
FS - Topper for 6 ft bed, used for a Dodge Ram $250, black. 2 tires on wheels 215 65 R15's $40 each. Protec mitre cutoff saw, $125. Call 270-446-0075
LF - White (preferred) twin bed in good condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Jewelry box- $10 and some chandelier clip on shades- $10- 270-579-6463
FS - Dog box for a pickup- $275- 270-618-9607
FS - 425 John Deere mower (needs motor) 2 zero turn mowers, and 2 drop gate trailers (5×8 & 5×10) and mower parts- 270-457-4236
FS - 2454 Husqvarna tractor lawn mower- only 6 hours- like brand new- $1300 firm- 270-427-6786
FS - Diamond plated tool box for a full size truck (and trays) and 2 hitch carriers, 20’ extension ladder and another- 270-612-1381
FS - 2 rocker recliners- $50 each- 270-590-6588
FS- 4’ compact disks and cultivators with 3 point hook ups, Diamond plated tool box, 2 side shaft engines, Lawn mower parts, Parts for a 2003 F150- 270-670-6152
Wednesday, July 24th, 2019
FS - 3 piece luggage set. hard shell, dark blue. $50. Call 270-774-1485
FS- Vinyl topper, $250 came off a Dodge Ram 1500. Garage Sale now through Saturday on Millerstown Road, Clarkson. Record collection, all kinds of music. Proteck cut off saw, shopvac, air compressor, rear tyne tiller. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 24 ft pool with ladder, etc. $500. new pool pump $150. Call 270-748-0052
FS - 2 motorcycle helmets $20 each or $30 for both, 2 tents $40 for both, set of saddle bags $150, Colt hunting knife $40. Call 404-0223
LF - Job in tobacco. Call 270-404-0928
Yard Sale - 313 N. 9th Street Cave City now through Friday. 670-1359
FS - Wringer washer, 1940's $250, pile of pea gravel, 14 ft aluminum boat and trailer with 5 1/2 hp evinrude motor, turning plow $150. Call 670-3570
LF - Masonry and labor workers. Transportation can be arranged. Call 270-537-3794
LF - White (preferred) twin bed in good condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Playstation 2 with all cords and dancing game $25, HP table, needs an hp charger or use for parts $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS- 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each, 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - 1998 Harley Davidson Sportster, 6 Rhode Island Red pullets. $6 each. Call 270-404-6647
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $1,050 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 5x8 trailer $500, John Deere riding mower $350, or both $800. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Sweet Corn in the Glasgow area- 270-670-6842
LF - Seat for a zero turn mower (with arms) 270-404-6522
LF - Nice Pontoon boat in good condition- 270-678-7310
LF - Home canning Jars-quartz, pints, rings and lids. Leave a message or text 502-517-6483
FS - New Holland square hay bailer 273 for sale $750. Call 270-286-8262
FS - Nascar collection mostly Jeff GORDON… but have other drivers in Bowling Green area, asking $2500 obo. Call 270-202-5085
FS - Water fountain (concrete) $100- 270-646-2112
FS - Lots of old comic books, Baseball and football cards, and a hand held leaf blower- 270-834-9619
FS - Steering box for a 1971 Vega- $125, 1971 GT grill, Old vinyl records, 2 MG wheels 15” spoke, 2 slot wheels 14×6 (Ford Mustang) 4 Pontiac wheels (Snow Flake wheels) and a 302 Ford motor that needs to be rebuilt- 270-459-2105
FS - Nice set of bunk beds- $300- 270-799-1490
FS - Kid’s play dome- $25, 2 boxes of little boys clothes (winter and summer) new born to 12 months- 270-670-2264
FS - Jewelry box- $10 and some chandelier clip on shades- $10- 270-579-6463
Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019
FS - 3 piece luggage set. hard shell, dark blue. $50. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Masonry and labor workers. Transportation can be arranged. Call 270-537-3794
FS - Playstation 2 with all cords and dancing game $25, HP table, needs an hp charger or use for parts $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS- 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each, 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - 1998 Harley Davidson Sportster, 6 Rhode Island Red pullets. $6 each. Call 270-404-6647
FS - 1995 Pontiac Bonnieville, high miles, runs great, clear title $1,050 obo. Call 270-765-8525
FS - 5x8 trailer $500, John Deere riding mower $350, or both $800. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Husky 46" cut riding mower, v-twin motor. Banty chicks and hens. Call 270-528-4750
LF - Twin bed in good shape, prefer white. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Wood burning stove. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Set of rims with 3 great Michelin tires- 270-784-1218
FS - Smoker (made out of a propane tank on wheels) with 3 ricks of Hickory wood $1200- 270-537-4398
FS - 2003 Ford Ranger- 4.0- V6- 270-421-5121
FS - 2 rugs and pillows and 2 pair of ladies shows (size 7) all for $20, A 3 tier light fixture- $10- 270-579-6463
FS - Yard Machine- 40” and a Murray riding mower- both for- $200 and looking for some good used 2x4s- 270-404-2689 or 270-606-5313
FS - Solar camping lights and turn in to flash lights- 270-670-1355
FS - 2015 Cadillac- silver- black interior- 56,000 miles- good warrantee- $18,500 and a heavy duty 8 foot picnic table- $100- 270-404-0051
FS - Set of steel lockers- perfect for storage- $150- 270-779-2661
FS - Stainless steel propeller for a Johnson motor or Evinrude- $125- 270-784-3441
FS - 2003 Freight Liner Columbia- no motor or transmission- good parts- 270-670-9986
FS - 46” Craftsmen mower- needs some TLC- $100, 1994 S10 Blazer 2 door 2 wheel drive- 4.3 (needs fuel pump) and a 2002 Hyundai Sonata- 270-597-7552
FS - 2 Mountain Feist puppies- $50 each- 270-404-5524
FS - Kolbalt tool box with built in radio and other features, Manure Spreader- $1600, Golf Cart- $2000, 4 Holstein Calves- $800, and looking for some help working in tobacco- 270-528-1365
FS - Nice leather couch with recliners on the ends- $300- pics are available- 270-590-0164
FS - 1978 Snapper mower with low hours- kept inside- 32”- $215, Craftsmen mower- low hours- needs switch- $125, Chevy GMC Safari- $2200- 270-320-7087
FS - 3 riding mowers and 3 push mowers- for sale or trade- 270-272-3293
Monday, July 22nd, 2019
FS - Amish books. $15, Call 270-528-7643
FS- Riding mower, trailer.
FS- Small new generator $80, 2 riding lawnmowers, Troybilt and Statesman, gocart, 2002 4 door automatic, Honda. LF - gocarts minibikes. lawnmowers. Call 270-670-1359
GA - Kittens. Call 270-935-3802
FS - 6 dozen canning jars. Call 270-528-1797
FS - Insulated panels $3 each and $2 each for smaller, electric saw saw $10, electric Peavey guitar $100 with cord. Call 270-405-1260
FS - John Deere riding mower- older 212 with a 12 horse Kohler and a LA 105 42” mower, Yard Machine garden tiller- 270-670-3604
FS - Shaved Ice business and equipment- call for details- 270-590-6070
FS - Quality horse hay, Kitchen Cabinets (top and bottom) $200, 4 wheel farm wagon- $1250 obo, And lots of PVC water pipe- 270-932-1777
FS - Truck load of Oak 2x4s and a few 2x6s- $40, Front tine tiller (Yard Machine)- $120, Barn lumber- 270-473-1959
FS - 8’ picnic table, and a 2015 Cadillac- 56,000 miles- 29 miles to the gallon, new tires- very nice- $19,500- 270-404-0051
FS - Garden tiller and some exercise equipment- 270-576-8791
FS - NEW Continental tire- 215/45/17- $80, and a Bass Buggy (seats 2) $250- 270-670-9561
FS - 225/75/16 tire, Burnt oil (for an oil stove) FREE, and looking for a girl’s 10 speed bicycle- 270-670-8639
FS- Nice kitchen/dining table and 6 chairs (solid Maple) $250, and looking for some 17” wheels and tires for a 2014 Ford Escape- 270-272-3293
FS - 1500 feet of ceiling tile (2×2 pieces) 270-792-3751
FS - 16 foot aluminum ladder- $45, 2 steel wheels and tires- 15”- $25 for both, 2 push mowers- $30 for both- 270-432-1492
FS - Kobalt tool box with build in stereo and other features- $1200, Some hay, and farm equipment- 270-528-1365
FS - (8) 250 gallon totes- $35 each obo- 270-670-9512
FS - 200 amp electric service, 2 tillers (like new) 2 new mini-bikes, Some tires, John Deere 105 riding mower with new battery, Mini-bike parts, Porch swing, and some outside chairs- 270-646-6334
LF - Flat bed dump trailer in the $2500 range- 270-589-1330
LF- House or mobile home to rent for my family ASAP– 270-773-3186 or 270-535-9706
LF - Enclosed trailer (6×10 or 6×12) and needing a camper top for a 1999 Nissan extended cab- 270-457-4757
LF - 1 trailer tire- ST205/75/R15- 270-793-5548
LF - Half runner green beans- 270-773-5334
LF - 10 bales of hay in Glasgow- 270-590-4633
LF - Someone to do some light house work in Bowling Green- 859-771-5458
LF - Driving jobs for the Amish- 270-670-2325
FOR TRADE- 40’ of metal fencing and poles to a good weed eater- 270-308-1838
Friday, July 19th, 2019
Huge 6 family yard sale - 3079 Happy Valley Road next to the airport in Glasgow. Luggage, men's and lots of women's clothing, name brands. Children's (boys and girls), baby clothes, luggage, household items, guitars, keyboard with stand, glassware, home decor, lots of dvds and more. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 42" cut Troybilt riding mower, 46" cut Statesman riding mower with bagger, 6 1/2 hp go-cart. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 3 piece luggage set. hard shell, dark blue. $50. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Hay $4.75 each. Call 270-528-1531
F s- Old fireplace mantle, came out of a 1920 home. $250. Call 270-834-0288
FS - 20174 50cc scooter. $250 cash. Call 270-319-6466
LF - Masonry and labor workers, transportation can be arranged. Call 270-537-3794
FS - John Deere riding mower, has new battery. Ready to go $350. Call 270-590-6007
Thursday, July 18th, 2019
7 family yard sale - SATURDAY ONLY, 7:00 a.m. Hwy 90 near the airport in Glasgow. Clothing for adults, children, infants, boys and girls, housewares, guitars, keyboard with stand, toys, Bath n Body items, seed sower and lots more. Everything priced to sell. Call 270-670-9070 or 270-670-8052.
FS - Collection of records, all kinds, $100 for all 300. heavy duty axle trailer, needs some work. $300, fiberglass panels, white and gray, assorted sizes. $5, $4. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Yards to mow in Glasgow. Call 270-576-2009
FS - 6 dozen quart canning jars $3 each dozen. Call 270-528-1797
LF - Boots, riding clothes, chest protector for small dirt bike, already have a helmet. Call 270- 537-5512
LF - Masonry and labor workers. Transportation can be arranged. Call 270-537-3794
FS - Playstation 2 with all cords and dancing game $25, HP table, needs an hp charger or use for parts $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 32 ft. 1996 Holiday Rambler, clean, big slide out $4,000 obo. Call 270-404-5777 or 270-678-7310
LF - Van to seat 6 people. Call 270-308-8369
LF - 12,000 btu window air conditioner. Call 270-801-3731
LF - Kittens to stay in barn, guaranteed a good home. Call 270-670-1475
FS - 2007 Ford Explorer, clean, low mileage. Call 270-590-4497
LF - Reasonably price garden tiller. Call 270-612-0707
FS - 20 foot gooseneck cattle trailer also a 20 foot flatbed trailer. Call 270-670-3250
FS- 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each, 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - 1998 Harley Davidson Sportster, 6 Rhode Island Red pullets. $6 each. Call 270-404-6647
LF - Chain link fence with fence panels. Call 270-748-0052
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
FS - John Deere riding mower, 19.5 hp with 42" cut, $250 firm, Yard Man riding mower $150. Call 270-590-6007
Wednesday, July 17th, 2019
FS 4 Black Angus heifers $800 each, Black Angus bull. Call 270-528-4109
LF - White side by side refrigerator. Call 270-590-3548
FS - Boards and bench, painted decor. Call 270-528-7961
FS - Female cockatiel bird and cage $40. Troybilt 42" cut lawnmower, 42" cut Statesman mower with bagger, one seater gocart or will trade. LF - old riding mowers, push mowers, gocarts and mini bikes. Call 270-670-1359
FS - White refrigerator and range- $250- 931-624-1293
FS - 2004 Ford Explorer- 4 door- 4 wheel drive- 154K- Nice- $1500- 270-590-4497
FS - Craftsmen riding mower- Large- tractor style- 213 hours- 54” 26 horse (like new) and a Troy Bilt mower- 42” Briggs- 270-590-1190
FS - Yard sale items, Ladies bicycle, and looking for some pigs, and a camper for a 1999 Nissan extended cab- 270-457-4757
FS - 70 rolls of quality hay- (5×6) 270-670-3867
FS - Fender Telecaster guitar with case, 55 gallon barrels- pictures are available- 270-579-7004
FS -1997 Chevy Blazer (all wheel drive) 273,000 miles- 4 door- $1000 and a FREE weed eater- 502-321-1557
FS - 2 mint green chairs- nice and pretty- $80 each, and some size 7 women’s shoes- $7- 270-576-5743
FS- 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each, 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - 1998 Harley Davidson Sportster, 6 Rhode Island Red pullets. $6 each. Call 270-404-6647
LF - Chain link fence with fence panels. Call 270-748-0052
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
FS - Set of tires- 225/70/14 with aluminum wheels- $150, Full size NACAR sign- $350, 60 gallon compressor- $200, Roll around Craftsmen tool box- $75- 2001 Harley Davidson Sportster- 270-576-5178
FS - Old Cub Cadet mower (runs) also a 7 foot finish mower, and some vinyl skirting- 270-246-0058
FS - 2003 F150 (Parting out) lawn mower parts and looking for someone to work on a go cart- 270-670-6152
FS - Zero turn mower, and a 12 drawer shot cabinet- 270-384-2652
FS - 2 bush hogs; 6 foot and 7 foot- 270-537-5673
FS - Craftsmen 5 horse gas compressor with 50 feet of hose- $300- 270-404-5777
FS - 2001 White zero turn mower- 50” with good tires and blades- $700, Electric leaf blower- $25, Front and rear tine tillers and push mower- $50 each or $800 for everything- 270-392-9323
FS - Antique hay rake (big wheels) $100- 270-428-2812
FS - D28 Martin guitar with papers- sounds great- like new- 270-576-3126
FS - Old TV antenna with a 17’ pole, Saw hoist, and wire stretcher- all for- $30 or would trade to a good push mower- 270-678-2312
FS - Roof top AC unit for a camper or box trailer- $100- 270-792-3751
FS - 3. Farm auger- $475, 10,000 watt generator- $750, 4.3 OMC boat parts, and looking for some 14” tires for a trailer- 270-378-6998
LF - Good used refrigerator- 270-765-3344
Tuesday, July 16th, 2019
FS - John Deere riding mower, 19.5 hp with 42" cut, $250 firm, Yard Man riding mower $150. Call 270-590-6007
FS- 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each, 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - 1998 Harley Davidson Sportster, 6 Rhode Island Red pullets. $6 each. Call 270-404-6647
LF - Chain link fence with fence panels. Call 270-748-0052
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 3 Michelin tires- 225/65/17 and (2) 1998 Buick wheels- 270-404-5195
FS - 2 old Life Magazines from 19420 $30- 270-999-0116
FS - Kitchen cabinets- $200 or you take them down for- $100, Full size refrigerator- $100, and a stackable washer and dryer- $200- 270-784-3540
FS - New love seat (cloth) $75- 270-453-3522
FS - 20 rolls of grass hay- $35 each- 270-528-5208
FS - Pair of wooden wagon wheels- $100, Heavy anvil, Oak dresser (like new) $100, and a primitive wooden kitchen table- $75- 270-427-7774
FS - 1985 S10 (runs, but needs motor work) 2.8 V6- 4 wheel drive- $500- 270-670-5398
FS - Original Nintendo with 4 controllers- 2 game guns- leather cases- $100 obo- 270-938-5463
FS - Whirlpool dish washer- $50 obo- 270-606-0606
FS - 2 complete twin beds (Cherry) $150, Queen size bed (complete)- $100, 1987 32’ camper- $1600- 270-780-6701
FS - Iron patio set (1950s) with 2 glass top tables- $250, and a 1950s metal patio set (4 piece) $175- 270-622-2744
FS - 2800 PSI pressure washer- $300, 1993 S10- 4.3 in A1 condition- $2500, Set of 15” aluminum wheels- 5 lug Chevy- 270-670-2744
FS - 1980s bass boat and trailer with a Johnson 150 horse motor- $1600- 270-784-2266
FS - 2004 Suzuki bike- 26K- $1400 or would trade to a good 4 wheeler- 270-834-6996
FS - Set of tires- 225/70/14 with aluminum wheels- $150, Full size NACAR sign- $350, 60 gallon compressor- $200, Roll around Craftsmen tool box- $75- 2001 Harley Davidson Sportster- 270-576-5178
FS - Old Cub Cadet mower (runs) also a 7 foot finish mower, and some vinyl skirting- 270-246-0058
FS - 2003 F150 (Parting out) lawn mower parts and looking for someone to work on a go cart- 270-670-6152
FS - Zero turn mower, and a 12 drawer shot cabinet- 270-384-2652
FS - 2 bush hogs; 6 foot and 7 foot- 270-537-5673
FS - Craftsmen 5 horse gas compressor with 50 feet of hose- $300- 270-404-5777
Monday, July 15th, 2019
GA - Small kittens in Cave City. Call 270-935-3802
FS - 2 36" double doors, baby stroller, shower seat. 270-531-6947
FS - Haier small chest type freezer, works good. $60. Call 270-670-9070 or 270-646-8507
FS - 42" cut Troybilt, 46" cut Statesman mower with bagger, gokart, one seater, female cockatiel bird $75 with cage, LF - old riding mowers, mini bikes. Call 270-670-1359
FS - John Deere riding mower, 19.5 hp with 42" cut, $250 firm, Yard Man riding mower $150. Call 270-590-6007
FS- 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each, 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - 1998 Harley Davidson Sportster, 6 Rhode Island Red pullets. $6 each. Call 270-404-6647
LF - 12,000 btu window unit air conditioner. Call 270-801-3731
LF - Kittens to stay in barn, mouse catchers. Call 270-670-1475
FS - Have a 2007 Ford Explorer good clean dependable vehicle low mileage can be seen at 312 McKenna st u can call 270-590-4497
LF - Looking for a garden tiller reasonable price…270-612-0707
FS - 20 foot gooseneck cattle trailer also a 20 foot flatbed trailer. Call 270-670-3250
FS - Barn metal (6 & 16 foot long) 270-576-3838
FS - 2 nice chairs- mint green- high back- $150 or $80 each- 270-579-6463 or 270-678-1264
FS - 1995 Dodge Ram hood- $50, 1993 Lexus 2 door- $700 obo, 2006 F350 crew cab- 4 door- Power Stroke- $9500- 270-799-4386
FS - 80 rolls of hay (5 x 6) $35 each- 270-670-3867
FS - Les Paul guitar and case, Fender Telecaster guitar with case, 18” bass speakers for a PA, and some 55 gallon barrels with and without tops- 270-579-7004
FS - Gravity wagon, 2 new generators, Pressure washer, Gas powered golf cart, Kobalt tool box, and some cattle- 270-528-1365
FS - 305 Chevy motor, 302 Ford motor (both need to be rebuilt) Exhaust manifolds for a 283 Chevy, Old (1930) RC bottles, and lots of Galaxy car parts- 270-549-2105
FS - 2015 Cadillac- extremely nice- serviced only at Cadillac- 56,000 miles- kept inside- $20,000 obo- 270-404-0051
FS - 25 gallon gas sprayer- $150- 270-799-1490
FS - WD45 Allis Chalmer tractor, 7’ finish mower, and 13 boxes of brand new vinyl skirting- 270-246-0058
FS - 1975 CJ5 Jeep- would trade to a camper or something of equal value; and 2 boat trailers- 270-421-4989
FS - Brown recliner- $150- 270-590-8853
FS - Bolens mower- 15.5 horse- 38”- $300 and LOTS of mower parts- 270-457-4236
LF - Chain link fence with fence panels. Call 270-748-0052
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Baby guineas. Call 270-218-3019
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
Friday, July 12th, 2019
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday, 402 N. 2nd Street Cave City.
FS - 1998 Harley Davidson Sportster, 6 Rhode Island red pullets $6 each. Call 270-404-6647
FS - 3 family yard sale Friday, 8 to 6 at 120 Vine Drive Horse Cave, toys, misc....
Family yard sale, Saturday at 111 Yancey Avenue Horse Cave, name brand clothes, toys, dishes, electronics, jewelry, perfume, home furnishings. Call 270-670-8769
Yard Sale - 3404 Hardyville Road, Friday and Saturday. Fishing poles and tackle tools. Call 270-528-6838
FS - one seater gokart or will trade, 46" cut 18 hp Statesman mower with bagger, LF - old mowers, go karts, mini-bikes, etc. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Good used refrigerator- 270-765-3344
LF - Set of tires- 235/75/R15s- 270-590-8711\
LF - Jon boat trailer- 270-392-0683
FS - 8n ford tractor with bush hog $2200.00 Massey Ferguson 135 $3200. 3 Jersey steers 1 approx. 500 pounds 2 approx. 300 pounds each. Call 270-432-7568
FS - 32 ft. 1996 Holiday Rambler, clean, garage kept, big slide out $4,000. Call 270-404-5777. OR 270-678-7310
LF - A good van or something that seats 6 people. Call 270-308-8369
LF - 12,000 btu window air conditioner. Call 270-801-3731
GA - 50 to 60 wooden pallets. Weathered, neatly stacked. Call Clyde in Munfordville at 270-473-1050
LF - Chain link fence with fence panels. Call 270-748-0052
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Baby guineas. Call 270-218-3019
Thursday, July 11th, 2019
Yard Sale for Priceville Cemetery, cookbooks, bedspreads, sheets, Thursday, Fri & Sat, 5885 Priceville Road. Call 270-531-3333
Yard Sale - behind WLOC Radio Station off 31-W, today, Fri & Sat. full size box springs and mattress, grill, motorcycle, old double metal washtub, clothing, glassware, home decor.
GA - 50 to 60 wooden pallets. Weathered, neatly stacked. Call Clyde in Munfordville at 270-473-1050
LF - Chain link fence with fence panels. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Square glass table with four chairs, needs cushions. $30. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 7ft 10" x 4 ft 6", white smaller sizes.$3 each. 6 ft x 5ft white and gray $2 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - Troybilt riding mower $300. Push mower. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each. 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
FS - 2800 PSI pressure washer- $300, 1993 S10- 4.3 in A1 condition- $2500, Set of 15” aluminum wheels- 5 lug Chevy- 270-670-2744
FS - 1980s bass boat and trailer with a Johnson 150 horse motor- $1600- 270-784-2266
FS - 2004 Suzuki bike- 26K- $1400 or would trade to a good 4 wheeler- 270-834-6996
FS - Set of tires- 225/70/14 with aluminum wheels- $150, Full size NACAR sign- $350, 60 gallon compressor- $200, Roll around Craftsmen tool box- $75- 2001 Harley Davidson Sportster- 270-576-5178
FS - Old Cub Cadet mower (runs) also a 7 foot finish mower, and some vinyl skirting- 270-246-0058
FS - 2003 F150 (Parting out) lawn mower parts and looking for someone to work on a go cart- 270-670-6152
FS - Zero turn mower, and a 12 drawer shot cabinet- 270-384-2652
FS - 2 bush hogs; 6 foot and 7 foot- 270-537-5673
FS - Craftsmen 5 horse gas compressor with 50 feet of hose- $300- 270-404-5777
FS - 2001 White zero turn mower- 50” with good tires and blades- $700, Electric leaf blower- $25, Front and rear tine tillers and push mower- $50 each or $800 for everything- 270-392-9323
FS - Antique hay rake (big wheels) $100- 270-428-2812
FS - D28 Martin guitar with papers- sounds great- like new- 270-576-3126
FS - Old TV antenna with a 17’ pole, Saw hoist, and wire stretcher- all for- $30 or would trade to a good push mower- 270-678-2312
FS - Roof top AC unit for a camper or box trailer- $100- 270-792-3751
FS - 3. Farm auger- $475, 10,000 watt generator- $750, 4.3 OMC boat parts, and looking for some 14” tires for a trailer- 270-378-6998
Wednesday, July 10th, 2019
FS - Horse hay, bales and rolls, stored inside, heavy duty electric fence post, $65, kitchen cabinets with sink and faucet, wood. $200, 4 wheel wagon, with removable sideboards $1250 obo. pvc water pipe 1 to 4". Call 270-932-1777
FS - 42" cut Cub Cadet LT 42 riding lawnmower, 18hp. $1595. Used one time. Call 270-524-1915
FS - Hay. Call 270-932-2086
FS - 2 mint green chairs- nice and pretty- $80 each, and some size 7 women’s shoes- $7- 270-576-5743
FS - 3 Michelin tires- 225/65/17 and (2) 1998 Buick wheels- 270-404-5195
FS - 2 old Life Magazines from 19420 $30- 270-999-0116
FS - Kitchen cabinets- $200 or you take them down for- $100, Full size refrigerator- $100, and a stackable washer and dryer- $200- 270-784-3540
FS - New love seat (cloth) $75- 270-453-3522
FS - 20 rolls of grass hay- $35 each- 270-528-5208
FS - Pair of wooden wagon wheels- $100, Heavy anvil, Oak dresser (like new) $100, and a primitive wooden kitchen table- $75- 270-427-7774
FS - 1985 S10 (runs, but needs motor work) 2.8 V6- 4 wheel drive- $500- 270-670-5398
FS - Original Nintendo with 4 controllers- 2 game guns- leather cases- $100 obo- 270-938-5463
FS - Whirlpool dish washer- $50 obo- 270-606-0606
FS - 2 complete twin beds (Cherry) $150, Queen size bed (complete)- $100, 1987 32’ camper- $1600- 270-780-6701
FS - Iron patio set (1950s) with 2 glass top tables- $250, and a 1950s metal patio set (4 piece) $175- 270-622-2744
GA - 50 to 60 wooden pallets. Weathered, neatly stacked. Call Clyde in Munfordville at 270-473-1050
LF - Chain link fence with fence panels. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Square glass table with four chairs, needs cushions. $30. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 7ft 10" x 4 ft 6", white smaller sizes.$3 each. 6 ft x 5ft white and gray $2 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - Troybilt riding mower $300. Push mower. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each. 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Baby guineas. Call 270-218-3019
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
Tuesday, July 9th, 2019
FS - Amish books and LF - Amish Books. Call 270-528-7643
GA - 50 to 60 wooden pallets. Weathered, neatly stacked. Call Clyde in Munfordville at 270-473-1050
LF - Chain link fence with fence panels. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Square glass table with four chairs, needs cushions. $30. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Petite size clothing for a lady. Small shirts, size 5 to 7 pants, shoes and socks are needed. Located at 175 Gilead-Fairview Road, Canmer. Call 270-528-5868
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 7ft 10" x 4 ft 6", white smaller sizes.$3 each. 6 ft x 5ft white and gray $2 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - Troybilt riding mower $300. Push mower. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each. 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Baby guineas. Call 270-218-3019
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
FS - White refrigerator and range- $250- 931-624-1293
FS - 2004 Ford Explorer- 4 door- 4 wheel drive- 154K, $1500- 270-590-4497
FS - Craftsmen riding mower- Large- tractor style- 213 hours- 54” 26 horse (like new) and a Troy Bilt mower- 42” Briggs- 270-590-1190
FS - Yard sale items, Ladies bicycle, and looking for some pigs, and a camper for a 1999 Nissan extended cab- 270-457-4757
FS - 70 rolls of quality hay- (5×6) 270-670-3867
Monday, July 8th, 2019
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
LF - Petite size clothing for a lady. Small shirts, size 5 to 7 pants, shoes and socks are needed. Located at 175 Gilead-Fairview Road, Canmer. Call 270-528-5868
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 7ft 10" x 4 ft 6", white smaller sizes.$3 each. 6 ft x 5ft white and gray $2 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - Square glass table with four chairs. The chairs could use cushions. $30. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Troybilt riding mower $300. Push mower. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 7 Saanen Dairy Goat Wethers, $100 to $150 each. 2 Saanen Doelings $175 each. Call 270-531-6177
Black cow and #86 both ears. 300 lbs with a calf on the way in the Centerpoint community. Call 270-528-1950
LF - Chain link fence with fence and fence panels. Call 270-748-0052
Yard Sale 2172 Charlie Moran Hwy, today. games, old coins, etc. Call 270-528-6774
FS - Female Cockatiel bird and cage $75, 46" cut Craftsman mower, gokart, one seater. or will trade. LF - --old mowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Amish books $10. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Baby guineas. Call 270-218-3019
Friday, July 5th, 2019
A yard sale will be held Saturday at Lighthouse Church in Horse Cave on the Old Glasgow Road, weather permitting.
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
LF - Petite size clothing for a lady. Small shirts, size 5 to 7 pants, shoes and socks are needed. Located at 175 Gilead-Fairview Road, Canmer. Call 270-528-5868
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 7ft 10" x 4 ft 6", white smaller sizes.$3 each. 6 ft x 5ft white and gray $2 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Nurse Practitioner position, full or part-time, just recently relocated to the area, has education, experience and references available. Email -
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - Square glass table with four chairs. The chairs could use cushions. $30. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Troybilt riding mower $300. Push mower. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Turkeys, Bourbon Reds, RoyalPalms and rare Black Mottled $8 each. Call or text Melody at 270-670-9247
LF - Hood, 2 doors with crank windows, & a grill for a square body s10 pickup for reasonable price. Call 270-421-5475
FREE- 12 foot by 30” swimming pool with all the accessories- 2 years old- Come take it down- 270-646-8178
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019
LF - 235 75 R15 tires, or 31 GM 50's for back of truck. FS - 46" cut Statesman lawnmower, one seater gocart, LF - old mowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 1947 Ford Coupe, $4500. Call 270-421-1948
FS - Fiberglass insulated panels, lots of uses. $3 each, small sizes, white and gray $2. Can send pic. Call 270-405-1260
FS - Sectional couch, sleigh bedroom set, 2 desks and 2 chairs, old cedar wardrobe with mirror, 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam Subdivision. Old Pepsi metal cooler, old wooden kitchen. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Console piano. Call 270-612-1428
FS - Fireplace insert, to burn wood, also has set of logs. Call 270-528-1997
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019
FS -Table top ice maker, Punching bag, and LOTS of baseball cards- 270-282-9512
FS - Electric cook stove- $40- 270-404-5459 or 270-678-0867
FS - TV stand- $20- 270-904-3229
FS - Weaned Holstein Steers, Jersey steer bulls, Jersey Heifers and others- 270-734-1552
FS - Incubator, Baby chicks, Spare tire- 195/65/15, and lots of yard sale items- 270-453-4555
FS - Roof top AC for a camper- $100- 270-792-3751
FS - 12 pair of men’s work paints- $4 each or $45 for all; 18 cubic feet deep freeze- $125, Quality horse hay, 2000 feet of PVC pipe and a horse trailer- 270-932-1777
LF - Someone to cut 4 acres of hay; you can have the hay free- 270-646-8779
LF - 5.0 Ford motor- small block- 270-799-4386
LF - Truck- V6- 4 door- 2 or 4 wheel drive- 270-427-6786
F TRADE - 22” wheels and tires; would like to trade to a set of 17” for a 2005 Dodge- 270-938-5463
LF - One bedroom apartment, pet friendly, around $300 a month, and willing to work on deposit. 270-473-4011
FS - Tama drumset, $400 obo, several western horse saddles and tac items, camping tents, brown cloth recliners. Call 270-505-0332
FS - 4 Wes Kendall prints, of an old trunk - spring, summer, fall and winter. Call 270-774-3167
FS - Price reduced! - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
LF - Petite size clothing for a lady. Small shirts, size 5 to 7 pants, shoes and socks are needed. Located at 175 Gilead-Fairview Road, Canmer. Call 270-528-5868
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 7ft 10" x 4 ft 6", white smaller sizes.$3 each. 6 ft x 5ft white and gray $2 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Nurse Practitioner position, full or part-time, just recently relocated to the area, has education, experience and references available. Email -
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
Yard Sale - Open house Saturday, July 6th, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 110 Memorial Drive in Bonnieville. Glassware, clothes, health supplies and more. Call 270-792-4175
Monday, July 1st, 2019
FS - Tama drumset, $400 obo, several western horse saddles and tac items, camping tents, brown cloth recliners. Call 270-505-0332
FS - 4 Wes Kendall prints, of an old trunk - spring, summer, fall and winter. Call 270-774-3167
FS - Intex 42" pool ladder, $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Price reduced! - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
FS - 1946 Ford Coupe, in Bowling Green area. $3500. Call 421-1948
FS - Amish books $10. LF - books. Call 270-528-7643
F S- John Deere lawnmowers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, weed eaters. Call 270-218-2256
FS - One seater go-kart, Statesman 46" cut riding mower, LF - go-karts, mini bikes. Call 270- 670-1359
LF - Petite size clothing for a lady. Small shirts, size 5 to 7 pants, shoes and socks are needed. Located at 175 Gilead-Fairview Road, Canmer. Call 270-528-5868
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels 7ft 10" x 4 ft 6", white smaller sizes.$3 each. 6 ft x 5ft white and gray $2 each. Call 270-405-1260
LF - Nurse Practitioner position, full or part-time, just recently relocated to the area, has education, experience and references available. Email -
LF - A House. Call 270-473-3673
FS - 2008 Chevy Cobalt, 2008 Pontiac Torrent and LF - Pontoon boat. Call 270-528-2649
FS - Bed cap for a 2003 S10- 270-678-1039
FS - 5 x 10 factory made trailer- like new- $700 and a 3 point hay mover (ball hitch) $65- 270-590-6230
FS - 2008 Chevy truck (6.6) PARTING OUT- 270-670-6710
FS - Yard sale items; and looking for a camper top for a 1999 Nissan extended cab; and LF - some hogs (under 100 pounds) 270-457-4757
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima- good tires and cold air- $1500- 270-537-4662
FS - Display cabinets, Shelving cabinets and other store items- 270-218-0503
FS - 3 riding mowers (John Deere and Husqvarna) and looking for old junked vehicles- 270-834-9575
FS - Humidifier (new and still in the box) $100, Water pump for a 98 F100 (new) $50- 270-792-1715
FS - 2000 Four wheeler, Large weed eater, 4 push mowers, Wood chipper (pull behind) call for prices- 270-670-4050
FS - Rare Coke cooler (70s) on legs; Old oil and kerosene lamps, Quilts and quilt tops, Antique cigar displays and more- 270-622-4884
FS - 2 self propelled mowers (like new) Troy Bilt and John Deere- $80 each or $150 for both, 16’ trailer (steel floor) $600- 270-317-6995
FS - 1993 Sweet Water Pontoon with lift trailer- $4000 obo; 2002 Pontoon with 50 horse motor and trailer- $6000, 718 Grass Hopper (parts) 1128 Spin Out rims and hardware, LF - electric welder- 270-590-3931
FS - 2001 Chevy Cavalier- 270-457-4934
FS - 2010 6 x 10 trailer (factory built) new tires- $800 firm- 270-670-4204
FS - Chest style deep freeze- not working- 270-646-8178
Friday, June 28th, 2019
FS - Tama drumset, $400 obo, several western horse saddles and tac items, camping tents, brown cloth recliners. Call 270-505-0332
FS - 4 Wes Kendall prints, of an old trunk - spring, summer, fall and winter. Call 270-774-3167
FS - Intex 42" pool ladder, $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Price reduced! - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
Yard Sale - Friday 7:30 to 400 p.m. at 201 Lynn Avenue in Munfordville, clothing, cardio glider, size 12 wedding dress. Call 270-524-3652
FS - 2008 Chevy Cobalt, 2008 Pontiac Torrent, LF - Pontoon boat. Call 270-528-2649
LF - A full time or part time Nurse Practitioner position, just relocated to the area. Contact
Fs - 1986 Dodge D100 short bed, has new parts, 1996 long bed with parts to go with it $3500. Call 502-724-7778
LF - A house. Call 270-473-3673
FS - 2 gocarts, one seaters, LF -riding mowers, pushmowers, old gocarts mini bikes. Call 270-670-1359
Black angus heifers and bull. $5500 for all .Call 270-528-4109
FS Natural gas heater, like new. $100. Call 270-473-3733
Yard Sale on Hwy 88 and Boyds Knob Road at D & S Auction. Today and possibly Sat. Call 528-7253
FS - Electric Yamaha portable music instrument, will record and play back. Owners manual. new Brothers sewing machine. Call 270-524-1915
FS - Sears washer and a Samsung dryer, like new, front loading, $150 each… call 270-599-4052
FS - Washing machine that came from a rental property in Glasgow, don’t know the history on it, it’s free… 2004 Chevy Uplander, backed into a pole and the insurance company totaled it, has a new transmission, a salvage title, $500… call 270-784-3540
FS - Scroll saw… Diamond Back bicycle, hybrid, 21 speed… call 270-646-7127
FS - Oliver turning plow, 12″, painted, $150… 1984 Arrow motor home, 57,000 miles, has a leak in the front, 350 motor, $1600… 2 new harnesses, $100 for both… 1970 Coke machine that takes the small bottles, works, $350… call 270-670-3570
FS - 1950 Massey Ferguson tractor, runs good… call 270-799-1490
FS - 350 lb. hogs $100 each… 1995 Chevy truck, crew cab, 164,000 miles, runs good, $3500 OBO… call 270-528-6693
FS - Queen size bed with oak headboard and footboard, $25… 3 point auger $450 or might trade on a meat calf… 3 bottom plow $375… 4.3 liter OMC engine, boat motor parts… call 270-378-6998
FS - Pull behind camper, sleeps 8-10, cold AC, 2 showers, 2 stoves… Bayliner fishing and ski boat with walk through windshield, sale or trade… call 270-404-1429
FS - 2010 Mazda Miata MX5, 6 speed automatic with paddle shift, silver with black convertible top, Bose stereo, cold air, 38,000 miles, fairly new battery and tires, ready to go… call 270-404-0051
Thursday, June 27th, 2019
FS - Tama drumset, $400 obo, several western horse saddles and tac items, camping tents, brown cloth recliners. Call 270-505-0332
FS - 4 Wes Kendall prints, of an old trunk - spring, summer, fall and winter. Call 270-774-3167
FS - Intex 42" pool ladder, $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Price reduced! - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
Yard Sale - Friday 7:30 to 400 p.m. at 201 Lynn Avenue in Munfordville, clothing, cardio glider, size 12 wedding dress. Call 270-524-3652
FS - 2002 Ford Escape. $2,000. Call 270-576-5222
FS - Amish books. $10. And LF - Amish Books. Call 270-528-7643
Yard Sale - 108 Brighton Way, Cave City Park Haven Apt. Complex. Thursday and Friday. Call 270-670-6305
FS - Square glass table with four chairs. The chairs could use cushions. $30. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Troybilt riding mower $300. Push mower. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2008 Chevy Cobalt, 2008 Pontiac Torrent, LF - Pontoon boat. Call 270-528-2649
FS - Bumper hitch horse trailer that holds 2 horses… electric grinder… about 50 sheets of corrugated metal, would like to sell those together. Call 270-427-9498
FS - Chisel plow, $200… set of bucket seats for an ’88 Cadillac Eldorado, make an offer…24 ft travel trailer would make a good hay hauler, $300… blower system sawdust collector with 10hp motor, $500… 2 GE electric
ranges, $100 each… 3 wooded lots, 2 miles from Nolin Dam, $12,500 for all 3 lots… call 270-286-8845 or 597-6792
FS - Old farmhouse style table and 4 antique chairs made from barn wood, $150, can send pictures… call 270-246-0717
FS - WWI bayonet and slot machine that takes tokens. Call 270-300-3038
Wednesday, June 26th, 2019
FS - Tama drumset, $400 obo, several western horse saddles and tac items, camping tents, brown cloth recliners. Call 270-505-0332
FS - 4 Wes Kendall prints, of an old trunk - spring, summer, fall and winter. Call 270-774-3167
FS - Intex 42" pool ladder, $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Price reduced! - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
GA - Pot belly pig, female, older. Needs a good home. Very large and stays outdoors. Call 270-670-8052
FS - 1993 F-150, manual transmission, has a flat bed on it, $1500… 4 Cooper tires, 285-R75-R16, $50… call 270-261-1295
FS - Huskee riding mower, 17.5hp Briggs and Stratton engine, 42″ cut, quit running $75 OBO… call 270-646-0390 and ask for Barry
FS - two wingback chairs, upholstered in light green, matching, $170 for both… call 270-579-6463
FS - 18 ft. trailer with a 2 ft. dovetail, new paint, good floor, 7 ft. wide, $2000… call 270-735-2539
FS - swimming pool, round, 12 ft wide and 30″ high, 2 years old, complete set with filter and all – FREE… large chest style freezer that has quit running, free, need to haul it away… call 270-646-8178
FS - 1996 Chevy 2500 utility truck, 5 speed, diesel, 4 new tires, 197,00 miles, air compressor, etc… call 270-308-5332
FS - Honda Civic, either 2000 or 2001, one owner, looks like new, 2 door, automatic, 4 cylinder, air, sun roof, new tires, silver, 156,000 miles, $2500… 2002 Honda CRV, 4WD, black, clean, new alloy wheels, air, 194,000, $2750… call 270-528-1242
FS - baby chicks… incubator, manual, need to hand turn the eggs… yard sale items… male rabbit, black, free… call 270-453-4555
FS - red roan cows, and black white-faced cows, $325 each…longhorns $375 each… 2 black steers $250 each… Jersey cow and calf $350… black cow and calf $375… also looking for some horses… call 270-563-4273
FS - Massey Ferguson tractor, gas engine… call 270-773-3368
FS - older walnut pedestal dining room table and 4 chairs, $300… also have yard sale items… call 270-618-5825
Tuesday, June 25th, 2019
FS - Under the counter dishwasher, new. Price is negotiable. Call 270-524-1915
FS - Tama drumset, $400 obo, several western horse saddles and tac items, camping tents, brown cloth recliners. Call 270-505-0332
FS - 4 Wes Kendall prints, of an old trunk - spring, summer, fall and winter. Call 270-774-3167
FS - 2002 Ford Escape $2,000. Call 270-576-5222
FS - Pyranese Mountain dog pup, 7 to 8 months. Call 502-387-5949
FS - Intex 42" pool ladder, $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 2008 Chevy Cobalt, 2008 Pontiac Torrent, LF - pontoon boat. Call 270-528-2649
LF - Outdoor dog kennel, chain link – call 270-590-8411
LF - Large-breed roosters and/or laying hens – call 270-670-3069
LF -Belt sander, and burl wood or other exotic wood to make knife handles with – call 270-735-5004
FS - Electric lift chair, fully reclines, beautiful blue leather, used 3 months, $450… 4 1/2 cu ft 2-door Frigidaire refrigerator, top freezer, used 3 months, 43″ by 23″ $250 OBO… B&D counter top convection oven, 22″ by 12″ used twice, works great, $35. Call 270-791-5435
FS - Yard machines push mower $40, Gazelle by Tony Little exerciser $10, black office chair, for tall person $40, electric recipracal saw $20, Dorm size refrigerator $65, large decorative bird cage $40. Call 270-524-5749
FS - New Holland 467 haybine 7 ft. $1250, New Holland bailer $2100, New Holland (2 basket) Tedder $600, John Deere hay rake $2200, Potato Digger/subsoiler $50 each, Gravity bed -$800 (new tires), 2 row International Plow(16 inch) $200 and 6 roll hay hauler( new tires) $700. All items kept inside. Call 270-646-6753
FS - 2 nice whirlpool refrigerator and a woman's bike. LF - Place to rent in the country and a Toyota pickup and some hay. Call 270-579-9176
FS - Craftsman 38 inch Agri-fab lawn sweeper, garage kept. Asking $140, patio set with good cushions. Cushions are rust color and patio set is bronze. Plastic wicker type material. Comes with a bench, two chairs and two glass top small tables. Asking $175. Cave City area. Can text pics. Call 270-537-4122.
FS - GE Stove, black, good condition, Cherry 3 bedroom suit with full or queen size, Oak table with hutch with 4 chairs, grandfather clock, Oak large entertainment center, John Deere lawnmower 40 or 42 cut, Maytag washer and dryer match set. Oak 2 bedroom suit with dresser with mirror full size. Call 270-678-4416
FS - 2 push mowers… Zero turn cub cadet 50′ cut… Husqvarna riding mower. Call 270-590-6007
Monday, June 24th, 2019
FS - Tama drumset, $400 obo, several western horse saddles and tac items, camping tents, brown cloth recliners. Call 270-505-0332
FS - 4 Wes Kendall prints, of an old trunk - spring, summer, fall and winter. Call 270-774-3167
FS - 2002 Ford Escape $2,000. Call 270-576-5222
FS - Massey Ferguson tractor and electric wheelchair. Call 270-773-3368
LF - Small camper. Call 270-218-1466
FS - Pyranese Mountain dog pup, 7 to 8 months. Call 502-387-5949
FS - Intex 42" pool ladder, $20. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 2008 Chevy Cobalt, 2008 Pontiac Torrent, LF - pontoon boat. Call 270-528-2649
LF - Washer, FS - 2 gokarts, one seaters, or trade. old riding mowers, minibikes, gokarts. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Ford tractor and Honda 300 4 wheeler. Call 270-528-1187
FS - Dickey's men's work pants, size 35 x 30, 18 cubic ft deepfreeze $100, headgate, horse hay, 800 ft pvc water pipes, heavy duty wagon, 21 ft horse trailer $4700. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Laying hens. Call 270-528-1950
FS - Husky 42" riding mower, needs a battery $125, Troybilt self-propelled mower $50, set of 350 short headers. $60. Call 270-246-1913
FS - Mink stole - Autumn Hays brand. LF - Seiko battery powered watch, FS - area rugs. Call 270-524-1915
FS - 2003 Hyundai car $1800, 2001 Chevy Impala, tools. Call 270-319-6466
FS - Bunk beds, Blue Jersey chickens $10 each, old fashioned tomato juicer. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Old bottle coke machine $375, 1984 - 28 ft motor home $1500, 1964 Chevy pickup $8900. Call 270-670-3570
GA - 4 kittens, weaned, litter box trained. Call 270-537-3693
LF - Red and white Tom Turkey. Call 270-218-3017
FS - Like new 18 cu. ft refrigerator $300. Call 270-473-0827
FS - Complete set of Titlest golf clubs with bag $100. Call 270-473-0827
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 1969 85hp Evinrude boat motor, no controls, $600 – call 270-565-5727
LF - 1980 and older cars, trucks, and vans – call 270-792-6188
LF - a jon boat trailer for a 14 ft. boat – call 270-392-0683
LF - washer to buy… also looking for someone who can haul off the old one – call 270-404-5580
LF - a pair of bunk beds and one twin bed, with mattresses, need them ASAP – call her at work at 270-773-3186, or after 3pm at 270-612-1208
LF a camper shell for a 1993 Chevy 1500 full size pickup with short bed – call 270-597-7552
LF - old riding mowers, mini bikes, and go carts… a nice van with A/C… a 4 wheeler – call 270-670-1359
LF - hogs to buy… camper shell to fit a 1999 Nissan extended cab – call 270-457-4757
Tuesday, June 18th, 2019
FS - Large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
GA - 4 kittens, weaned, litter box trained. Call 270-537-3693
LF - Red and white Tom Turkey. Call 270-218-3017
FS - Like new 18 cu. ft refrigerator $300. Call 270-473-0827
FS - Complete set of Titlest golf clubs with bag $100. Call 270-473-0827
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Insulated panels, can be delivered 1/4" thick, 4 1/2 wide, almost 8 ft long $4 each. 33 1/3, 78's and 45's records, all kinds, about 350, can send pictures $1 each. Big screen tv, older style, Hitachi, 2 ft deep with stand and drawers. $400 neg. Call 270-446-0075
F S- Honda 300 4 wheeler and a Ford tractor. Call 270-528-1187
FS - 3 sheep. Call 270-524-0605
LF - House in Horse Cave or Cave City, around $400 a month. Call 270-786-5030
FS - 2 go-karts, one seaters, or will trade, LF - old riding mowers, push mowers, go-karts, mini bikes. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Washer, small pull behind or popup camper. Call 270-218-1466
FS - 2001 Ford F-150, 4 door, will trade for a smaller truck… also selling mower parts and 4 wheeler – call 270-670-6152
FS - several Chevy motors that need rebuilt… a 305, a complete 1956 265 V8, two 350 Chevy blocks… also some Ford parts, 302 motor, 1965 8 inch rear end, 200 6 cylinder for a 1965 Mustang, 40,000 miles on it – call 270-459-2105
FS - 2001 pull behind Sierra camper, sleeps 6, self contained, $6,000 – call 270-791-1112
FS - Diamond Back hybrid 21 speed, scroll saw, mini table saw, hand tools, etc. – call 270-646-7127
FS - a 2-horse bumper hitch trailer… 2002 Honda 4 wheeler, 4WD, 3300 miles – call 270-427-9498
FS - incubator (not auto turner, must turn eggs yourself), baby chicks – call 270-453-4555
FS - lift chair, blue, $150… Drive walker with the seat, $40 – call 270-590-3511
FS - 1996 Chevy 2500 utility truck, 5 speed, with air compressor, air hose, bottle jack, etc… ready to go – call 270-308-5332
FS - a 9 wheel straight hay rake – call 270-202-1487
FS - a 220 window air conditioner, don’t know the BTU, but it’s big, $50… a rooftop for a Polaris Razer – call 270-427-0630
FS - Charolais Bulls and Angus bulls… a 2-basket hay spreader… gas cooking stove – call 270-670-4262
FS - GE washer and dryer, not sure of age, but they work, $150 firm, first come first serve… 2 Nintendo DS game systems with a bunch of games, chargers, etc. $45 for all – call 270-576-2473
FS - side-by-side refrigerator $100… electric stove, dishwasher, range hood – call 270-537-5056
FS - baby bunnies, and 2 male Nigerian dwarf goats, 2 years old – call 270-590-9077
FS - several tables, solid not folding, came from a shop, plain, heavy duty, $25 each… a manual wood splitter, only used for one winter, $100 – call 270-670-7278
Monday, June 17th, 2019
FS - Breakfast nook, seats 7 to 8 people $200, large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
GA - 4 kittens, weaned, litter box trained. Call 270-537-3693
FS - John Deere pulling mower $400, Troybilt Thoroughbred riding mower $400. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Red and white Tom Turkey. Call 270-218-3017
GA - Registered male Walker Coonhound. LF - Bluegrass cell phone. Call 270-218-2645
FS - Like new 18 cu. ft refrigerator $300. Call 270-473-0827
FS - Complete set of Titlest golf clubs with bag $100. Call 270-473-0827
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Pontoon Boat, 75 hp Mercury, trailer $5,000. Call 270-590-4239
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, white, can deliver. $4 each, 33 1/3, 45 & 78 records, country, rock, big bands, $1 each. Call 270-446-0075
LF - 2 racing tires for an S-10. Call 307-4587
GA - 2 kittens. Male and female. Call 270-437-3678
FS - 5 spd trans from a 93 Ford F150 $200. Call 270-537-3705
FS - 1998 Ranger- 4 cylinder- automatic (would trade to a 4 x 4 Four Wheeler) or $1500, 2 self propelled push mowers (Troy Bilt and John Deere) $75 each- 270-317-6995
FS - 2000 Ford truck- extended cab- V8 automatic- $1500- 270-576-3344
FS - 2007 Honda Accord 5 speed- $3100- 270-421-4402
FS - Whirlpool dryer- $50- 270-427-9866
FS - Lower unit for a 165 horse boat motor, NEW Create power head (8 channel)- $300 firm, and looking for some 365/50/20 tires- 270-457-3219
FS - 1993 F150 flat bed- $1500- 270-261-1295
FS - (25) 2 x 4s (16’) $150, 3 Rubber Made water troves- $45 each, 325 gallon water tank (for the back of a truck) LOTS of plastic and metal barrels- $12-$15 each- 270-202-6250
FS - Antique water basin, Craftsmen circular saw, Craftsmen Jigsaw, 10” JVC home theater speakers, and a set of golf clubs (beginners) with bag- 270-576-7336
FS - 4 tires- 245/70/16, 2 tires- 245/60/18s, 2 tires- 245/70/18, 3 adult bicycles, and a Yard Machine (38” cut) 270-670-1403
FS - 3 farm gates (10 and 14 feet) and looking for a small puppy- 270-428-5546
FS - 1995 Chevy truck- extended cab- $2500 cash, 1975 Nova- 2 door, 2 Craftsmen mowers- $150 each, Lift chair and recliner, and LOTS of other items- 270-320-7087
LF - Info on how to get rust off a cast iron skillet- 270-404-2803
LF - Scrap wood to build a wheelchair ramp- 270-646-7403
FS - Female brindle pit, 6 months old. Mostly potty trained. Asking $150. Male pit German Shepherd Rottweiler mix pup. He is 4 months old. $25. 270-576-1666
Friday, June 14th, 2019
Yard Sale - Friday & Saturday at 2435 Griderville Road, Hwy 70. Call 270-773-2952
FS - 33 1/3, 78 and 45 records. country, rock n rolls, etc. $1 each. 1992 Chevy Lumina, 4 door, v-6, has new cd player, 68,000 miles. two owner. $3,000 neg. Insulated panels. Call 270-446-0075
Yard Sale - behind Caverna Board of Education, pack n play, toys, clothes, housewares. Today.
8920 Happy Valley Road. Cave City....yard sales
Yard Sale - behind WLOC in Horse Cave on 31-W, 2 to 3 families, today and Saturday. Jeep, motorcycle, ceiling fan, houseware items, old buffet, clothes etc.
FS - 2001 Chevy Impala. $1200 obo. Call 270-319-6466
Yard Sale - IGA in Upton Friday, June 14th, toys, house decor, recliner, boys jeans, girls and adult clothes, movies, games, etc.
Thursday, June 13th, 2019
FS - Massey Ferguson tractor. and music boxes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Breakfast nook, seats 7 to 8 people $200, large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Employee at BRAWA in Glasgow, must be 18 and have transportation, lift 40 plus pounds, high school diploma or GED, and pass drug test and background check. Apply in person at BRAWA.
GA - Registered male Walker Coonhound. LF - Bluegrass cell phone. Call 270-218-2645
FS - one seater gokart $200, minibike $350, LF - old gokarts, etc, old mowers. Yard Sale in Cave City today Fri & Sat. 313 N. 9th Street in Cave City. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - behind WLOC radio station on 31-W Horse Cave, drums, clothing, fill a bag, tools, grill, motorcycle.....Today, Fri & Saturday. Call 270-537-5072
FS - Insulated panels, larger $3 each and smaller $2 each. Call 270-405-1628
GA - Refrigerator, table and chairs, kitchen buffet/cabinet, 2 twin box springs, 4 goldfish and aquarium with stand. Call 270-612-0701
FS - New Zealand rabbits. Call 270-786-4836
GA - 4 kittens, weaned, litter box trained. Call 270-537-3693
FS - John Deere pulling mower $400, Troybilt Thoroughbred riding mower $400. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Red and white Tom Turkey. Call 270-218-3017
FS - Kitchen table with glass top- $20- 606-688-7075
FS - Set of 4 tires (Wild Country) 235/75/15- 80% tread- $150- 270-427-6402
FS - Boxer puppies (8 weeks) 270-773-2768
FS - 305 Chevy motor, 302 Ford motor (both need to be rebuilt) Set of heads for a 292, Cast Iron intakes for a 283 Chevy motor, 8” Ford rear end- 270-459-2105
FS - Couch and chairs (recline) Sail boat parts, Living room tables, Nice window curtains, Punch bowl set- 270-773-2105
FS - 2 horse trailer with double doors in the back- $700- 270-427-9498
FS - 2001 Dodge Ram pickup- extended cab- 200,000 miles- automatic- 5.2- 4 new tires- remote start- new battery- cold air- $3500, Fiberglass camper shell with tinted windows- $200- 615-655-7511
FS - 1998 Ranger- 4 cylinder- automatic (would trade to a 4 x 4 Four Wheeler) or $1500, 2 self propelled push mowers (Troy Bilt and John Deere) $75 each- 270-317-6995
FS - 2000 Ford truck- extended cab- V8 automatic- $1500- 270-576-3344
Wednesday, June 12th, 2019
FS - Massey Ferguson tractor. and music boxes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Oliver turning plow $150, 84 Arrow motor home 22 ft long, has a leak in front $1600. 1970's Coke machine uses small bottles. $350, 2 sets of mule harnesses $100. Call 670-3570
LF - Parts for a 49CC scooter- 270-612-0742
LF - Appliances- 256-458-9782
FS - Super C with cultivators, 2 bottom plow, 16” dually wheel and tire, 2 Rubbermaid brand water troughs and 1 Tarter brand metal water trough . All 3 are 100 gallon, Lazy Boy tiller, and a push mower. Call (270) 576-4646
LF - Basset hound puppy close to Tennessee preferably black and white. 615-561-5166
FS - 5 Michelin XZE 225/70r19.5 tires. 1 tire almost new. The other 4 has about 25% tread left on them. Asking $300 for all. 270-670-1623
FS - 2 high back rocker gliders . 325.00 Amish made of sassafras wood. 270-590-1664
FS - 4 Geo Metro’s – 1 daily driver – 1 needs a little work – 2 wrecked parts cars. All are 3 cylinder , 5 speed cars. $2000. Call 270-791-8001
FS - 10 ft Jon boat w/trolling motor $300, Harley Davidson riding jacket and chaps jacket XXL. $250 for the set . PS2 w/35 games $125, pool pump practically new $125. 270-779-2759
FS - Breakfast nook, seats 7 to 8 people $200, large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Employee at BRAWA in Glasgow, must be 18 and have transportation, lift 40 plus pounds, high school diploma or GED, and pass drug test and background check. Apply in person at BRAWA.
GA - Registered male Walker Coonhound. LF - Bluegrass cell phone. Call 270-218-2645
FS - Like new 18 cu. ft refrigerator $300. Call 270-473-0827
FS - Complete set of Titlest golf clubs with bag $100. Call 270-473-0827
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Like new exercise machine (used 2-3 times) A1 condition- $300- 270-590-2341
FS - Treadmill- $75 obo, and LF - decks to build- 270-308-5375
FS - 1 antique bed (100 years old) with canopy (twin size) $100 and another brass bed (heavy) with box springs and mattress- $100, and a good weed eater- $20- 270-576-8697
FS - Troy Bilt push mower (self propelled) Disk and cultivators, Mower parts, and lots of scrap (junk) 270-670-6152
FS - 4 tires- 325/60/17- $100- 270-799-3041 or 270-434-4364
FS - 2 Pontoon boats- 2002- 18 feet- 50 horse with trailer- good top- $6000, 1993 Sweet Water- 70 horse- with lift trailer and new tires- $4000, 718 Grass Hopper mower for parts- Lots of good parts and tractor style tires- $700- 270-590-3931
FS - Lots of strawberry plants- 10 for $10; and looking for some rolls of batting (for quilts) 270-524-4913
FS - 1923 WILLIE T-bucket car (360) convertible- automatic- steel body, 2005 Ford van with raised top- perfect for flea-markets- 29,000 miles, Cast Iron wall lamps (1800s) and some Edison record players with horns- 270-487-9790
FS - 1996 Chevy 2500 (utility bed) with LOTS of tools (air compressor, etc) $7000, 4 tires- 275/60/20- $100, 2 tires 11/2/24- $100- 270-308-5332
FS - 3 red laying hens- $6 each, 13 pasture gate (metal) and some Bee Traps- $5 each (if you take 5 or more $4 each) 270-528-5208
FS - Square bales of horse hay- $4 each, and a nice entertainment center with glass doors and shelves- 270-678-3288
FS - Wood splitter (Briggs motor) 6.5 horse- $700, and looking for a rear end for a Cub Cadet mower- 270-407-1636
FS - Universal sewing machine with stand and a FREE refrigerator- 270-590-1752
FS - 2000 Chevy pickup (3500) 8 lug- body is rough and the motor has a miss; and a 1 ton truck frame- $1500 for BOTH! 270-597-7552
FS - 300 pound boar hog- $100, Doberman pups (6 weeks) $250 each- 270-528-6693
FS - Kitchen table with glass top- $20- 606-688-7075
Tuesday, June 11th, 2019
LF - SSP Smashup derby cars, 57 Ford, 57 Chevy wagon, etc....LF - Set of Ford Ranger wheels, late 90's, early 2000's. FT - Aluminum wheels and LF - semi truck tanker trailer. Call 270-524-3280
FS - 2 dining room tables, one is large with insert piece, with 6 chairs. the other 4 chairs. $75 each. Call 270-590-8225
FS - Breakfast nook, seats 7 to 8 people $200, large sectional $200, antique sleigh bedroom suit, 2 dressers and a washstand. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Riding toys for children. Call 270-473-9638
FS - 1989 Procraft fishing ski boat with 115 hp engine $3,000, 1978 650 Kawasaki motorcycle, original $2500. Call 270-737-3871
LF - Pop up or pull behind camper. Call 270-218-1466
FS - Large shampooer, women's clothes, kid's clothes. Call 270-524-5252
FS - Bed with Mattress, dresser, nightstand with lamps, coffee table, couch, overstuffed chair, kitchen table and chairs. $1500 for all. Call 615-854-1433
FS - 1999 Monte Carlo (bad motor) would like to trade it- 270-427-1035
FS - Mini-bike, Craftsmen lawn mower (42”) and looking for some corn hole boards and bags and looking for some old mowers and go carts- 270-670-1359
FS - Insulated panels- various sizes- $3-$4 each, Some old records- $1 each, 2000 Ford Taurus (green) 172 K- V6 automatic- $1400- 270-446-0075
FS - Stihl weed eater and blower- 270-576-5540
FS - Kitchen table and patio table, some heaters, LF - odd jobs in the area- 270-404-2717 or 270-576-8972
FS - 2 horse trailer, 2002 Honda 4 wheeler (4 wheel drive) Belt sander, and a Stihl weed eater, 5 horse side shaft motor- 270-427-9498
FS - 1923 Willis T-bucket convertible (360) 2005 Ford van (30,000 miles) cargo van- V10, Old crank record player, and a nice couch- 270-487-9790
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower (50”) power steering- 270-427-6786
FS - Red, Pink, and Yellow tomato slips- 270-678-4992 or 270-404-3653
FS - Wheels and tires (80% tread) 225/55/15 and 205/75/14 ($85 & $125) and a 2006 Nissan Marino- runs good- 146,000 miles- Leather- sun roof, CD player- $3500- 270-427-0463
FS - 2 wheel horse cart- $350- 270-597-7294
FS - Charcoal/gas grill (still in the box) $125- 270-622-9540
FS - V bottom boat (1971) motor is bad- 20 horse (bad motor) with trailer with new tires- $600- 270-792-1149
FS - Power washer (2600 PSI) gas powered- does not have a hose or sprayer- $60, and a 21” Murray push mower- brand new- used 1 time- $50- 270-202-5715
FS - Murray 42” riding mower (12.5 horse) needs a belt- $150 obo- 270-991-0396
FS - Pull behind sprayer with a 22 gallon tank- $200- 270-799-1490
FS - Tow dolly and straps- $575, Tanning bed- $200, Oak dinning table with 4 chairs- $100- 270-576-5178
FS - Post hole digger- $250, Drag blade- $250, 2011 Jeep Patriot- 4 wheel drive (74,000 miles) $6500, Chicken coop (like new) $100, and looking for a portable air conditioner- 910-546-2188
FS - Old 1950s buffet in A1 condition- $350, Ladies faded denim jacket (sz. 16) $12, 3 antique iron bed frames (twin size) a 5 man tent (new) $35, and looking for a plastic barrel with a removable lid- 270-618-5825
FS - Car dolly and a 2015 cattle/horse trailer with gooseneck- like new- 270-670-2944
FS - 1998 Ford Ranger- daily driver- 160K- 4 cylinder automatic- good cold air- $1200 firm- 270-317-6995
FS - 2012 Coachmen 5th wheel camper (37 foot) with 4 slides- $18,500- 270-308-5268
FS - 1 year old black Lab dog- $100 obo, and a 350 pound bore hog- 270-528-6693
FS - 1998 Double wide mobile home (28 x 64) in the E-town/Radcliff area; 4 bedrooms 3 bath- you can move to the location or move the trailer- $14,500; also a 2000 Mercury Sable station wagon- $1650, and a calves (large and small) 270-734-1552
FS - Levi and Wrangler jeans and T-shirts- 270-404-0984
FS - Full size tool box (aluminum) $150- 270-407-9281
FS - Side by side refrigerator- $40- 270-404-0291
FS - LG 30 Cell phone with cover and chargers- unlocked- $60 obo or would trade to a push mower- 270-991-0396
Monday, June 10th, 2019
LF - Employee at BRAWA in Glasgow, must be 18 and have transportation, lift 40 plus pounds, high school diploma or GED, and pass drug test and background check. Apply in person at BRAWA.
FS - 2004 Ranger XLT, 4x4, ext cab, 4 door. $1700 obo. Call 270-319-6466
FS - Breakfast nook, seats 7. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Trailer 15 ft long $600. Call 270-307-4587
FS - 2 push mowers, zero turn Cub Cadet, Husqvarna riding mower. Call 270-590-6007
GA - Registered male Walker Coonhound. LF - Bluegrass cell phone. Call 270-218-2645
LF - Old iron posts, 7 ft long. Call 270-786-3705
FS - Minibike $350, gokart, 1 seater $200, Craftsman 42" cut mower $300, LF- riding mowers, gokarts and mini bikes. Reasonable van with air. FS - Paint sprayer $40. Call 270-670-1359
LF - 4 wheeler $400 to 500. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Tuesday through the weekend in Cave City. Call 270-579-2351
FS - Like new 18 cu. ft refrigerator $300. Call 270-473-0827
FS - Complete set of Titlest golf clubs with bag $100. Call 270-473-0827
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, June 7th, 2019
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10, 5 spd. $850. 2 go-karts, 2 and 1 seater $225 each, Coleman minibike $350, Craftsman 42" cut lawnmower $300. LF - lawnmowers, minibikes, go-karts. Call 670-1359
LF - Employee at BRAWA in Glasgow, must be 18 and have transportation, lift 40 plus pounds, high school diploma or GED, and pass drug test and background check. Apply in person at BRAWA.
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, 7'10", $3 each, smaller sizes $2 each. Call 270-405-1628
LF - 14" Ford Ranger wheels, 4 slot. LF - Semi truck tanker trailer. Call 270-230-7158
GA - Registered male Walker Coonhound, LF - Bluegrass cell phone, not a smart phone. Call 270-218-2645
Thursday, June 6th, 2019
FS - Carter gokart, starts good, 6 1/2 horse Honda engine $300. Call 270-218-0813
FS - 2003 Town & Country van, 1997 Buick Century, 1995 Ford Ranger. Call 270-524-5916
LF - Red and White Tom Turkey. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Day bed, 2 LazyBoy recliners, bookcase, kitchen table, 2 lamps, wall pictures, curtains, startup kit for 150. Call 270-404-4108
FS - Green flowered sectional couch, lawn chairs. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Laying hens, 30 ft gate, wood bee traps. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Super C with cultivators, 2 bottom plow, 16” dually wheel and tire, 2 Rubbermaid brand water troughs and 1 Tarter brand metal water trough . All 3 are 100 gallon, Lazy Boy tiller and push mower. Call (270) 576-4646
LF - Kitchen table and at least 6 chairs, clean love seat and recliner and rocking chair and 1 boy and 1 girl toddler beds. Call or text 270-579-9176
FS - 662 John Deere hay rake, dolly wheel, fresh paint, rebuilt gear box last year $1775. 270-202-0501
FS - Old 1950s buffet in A1 condition- $350, Ladies faded denim jacket (sz. 16) $12, 3 antique iron bed frames (twin size) a 5 man tent (new) $35, and looking for a plastic barrel with a removable lid- 270-618-5825
FS - Car dolly and a 2015 cattle/horse trailer with gooseneck- like new- 270-670-2944
FS - 1998 Ford Ranger- daily driver- 160K- 4 cylinder automatic- good cold air- $1200 firm- 270-317-6995
FS - 2012 Coachmen 5th wheel camper (37 foot) with 4 slides- $18,500- 270-308-5268
FS - 1 year old black Lab dog- $100 obo, and a 350 pound bore hog- 270-528-6693
FS - 1998 Double wide mobile home (28 x 64) in the E-town/Radcliff area; 4 bedrooms 3 bath- you can move to the location or move the trailer- $14,500; also a 2000 Mercury Sable station wagon- $1650, and a calves (large and small) 270-734-1552
FS - Levi and Wrangler jeans and T-shirts- 270-404-0984
FS - Full size tool box (aluminum) $150- 270-407-9281
FS - Side by side refrigerator- $40- 270-404-0291
FS - LG 30 Cell phone with cover and chargers- unlocked- $60 obo or would trade to a push mower- 270-991-0396
LF - 1988-1996 Chevy regular cab- 270-528-4252
LF - Someone to rake hay in Munfordville- 270-218-0916
LF - Someone to work on a 2009 Jeep Wrangler (has a shaking problem) 270-218-1104
LF - Parts for a 49CC scooter- 270-612-0742
LF- Appliances- 256-458-9782
Wednesday, June 5th, 2019
FS - 2003 Town & Country van, 1997 Buick Century, 1995 Ford Ranger. Call 270-524-5916
LF - Red and White Tom Turkey. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Day bed, 2 LazyBoy recliners, bookcase, kitchen table, 2 lamps, wall pictures, curtains, startup kit for 150. Call 270-404-4108
Indoor yard sale for a church, bake sale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, hot dogs, etc. Rain or shine, located on the corner across from Clark Drugs Munfordville, Family of God church.
FS - Solid brown couch, in good condition $200, pet free and smoke free home. Call 270-565-1163
FS - Green flowered sectional couch, lawn chairs. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 07 Chevy Impala, 6 cyl, black, needs some work. Call 270-312-5502
LF - Semi truck tank trailer, with good tires and brakes. Call 270-524-3280
Tuesday, June 4th, 2019
FS - 2 Massey Ferguson tractors, music boxes. Call 270-773-3368
FS - 8 weeks Boxer pups $600 270-773-2768
FS - 2003 Town & Country van, 1997 Buick Century, 1995 Ford Ranger. Call 270-524-5916
LF - Red and White Tom Turkey. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10 or will trade, 42" cut Craftsman riding mower, 2 go karts, mini bike, LF - riding lawn mowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 199t Ford F-250, lots of new parts, 114,000 miles, auto with air. Call 270-319-6466
FS - Laying hens, 30 ft gate, wood bee traps. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Super C with cultivators, 2 bottom plow, 16” dually wheel and tire, 2 Rubbermaid brand water troughs and 1 Tarter brand metal water trough . All 3 are 100 gallon, Lazy Boy tiller and push mower. Call (270) 576-4646
LF - Kitchen table and at least 6 chairs, clean love seat and recliner and rocking chair and 1 boy and 1 girl toddler beds. Call or text 270-579-9176
FS - 662 John Deere hay rake, dolly wheel, fresh paint, rebuilt gear box last year $1775. 270-202-0501
FS- Complete Radon mitigation system. Brand new, never used, Includes: RadonAway model GP 501 mitigation pump. . Also comes with 30 feet of 3″ PVC pipe and all the connectors, fittings, and adapters needed. All brand new, asking $140 for entire package. Offers considered. 270-792-5013.
LF - Someone to mow around mobile home weekly, 1/2 acre, located 4miles south of Cub Run on Hwy 728. Call 502-938-1779
FS - Day bed, 2 LazyBoy recliners, bookcase, kitchen table, 2 lamps, wall pictures, curtains, startup kit for 150. Call 270-404-4108
FS - Murray push mower with Briggs & Stratton motor, 20" cut $40, push mower with Bolen MTD motor, 20" cut $20, Snapper riding mower, shift on the go 30" cut, $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
Friday, May 31st, 2019
Yard Sales - 6597 N. Jackson Hwy (31-E) right before entering Linwood. Today
FS - Leftover yard sale items. Must take all. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Amish books $10, LF - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
FS - 2003 Town & Country van, 1997 Buick Century, 1995 Ford Ranger. Call 270-524-5916
FS- Stihl weed eater and blower- 270-576-5540
FS - Kitchen table and patio table, some heaters, and looking for odd jobs in the area- 270-404-2717 or 270-576-8972
FS - 2 horse trailer, 2002 Honda 4 wheeler (4 wheel drive) Belt sander, and a Stihl weed eater, 5 horse side shaft motor- 270-427-9498
FS - 1923 Willis T-bucket convertible (360) 2005 Ford van (30,000 miles) cargo van- V10, Old crank record player, and a nice couch- 270-487-9790
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower (50”) power steering- 270-427-6786
FS - Red, Pink, and Yellow tomato slips- 270-678-4992 or 270-404-3653
FS - Wheels and tires (80% tread) 225/55/15 and 205/75/14 ($85 & $125) and a 2006 Nissan Marino- runs good- 146,000 miles- Leather- sun roof, CD player- $3500- 270-427-0463
FS - 2 wheel horse cart- $350- 270-597-7294
FS - Charcoal/gas grill (still in the box) $125- 270-622-9540
FS - V bottom boat (1971) motor is bad- 20 horse (bad motor) with trailer with new tires- $600- 270-792-1149
FS - Power washer (2600 PSI) gas powered- does not have a hose or sprayer- $60, and a 21” Murray push mower- brand new- used 1 time- $50- 270-202-5715
FS - Murray 42” riding mower (12.5 horse) needs a belt- $150 obo- 270-991-0396
FS - Pull behind sprayer with a 22 gallon tank- $200- 270-799-1490
FS - Tow dolly and straps- $575, Tanning bed- $200, Oak dinning table with 4 chairs- $100- 270-576-5178
FS - Post hole digger- $250, Drag blade- $250, 2011 Jeep Patriot- 4 wheel drive (74,000 miles) $6500, Chicken coop (like new) $100, and looking for a portable air conditioner- 910-546-2188
FS - Old 1950s buffet in A1 condition- $350, Ladies faded denim jacket (sz. 16) $12, 3 antique iron bed frames (twin size) a 5 man tent (new) $35, and looking for a plastic barrel with a removable lid- 270-618-5825
FS - Car dolly and a 2015 cattle/horse trailer with gooseneck- like new- 270-670-2944
Thursday, May 30th, 2019
FS - Boxer pups. 773-2768
FS - 16 ft trailer $1200 with wench, 2 horse trailer, new tires $1200. Call 270-473-1255
Yard Sale - 6597 N. Jackson Highway,, in the Linwood area, Friday. Call 270-537-4259
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10 or will trade, minibike and gokart or will trade, 42" cut Craftsman riding mower. LF - old riding mowers. Call 670-1359
FS - 2 CMA tickets for June 6th, 7th & 8th in Nashville. 3 bedroom brick home in Wigwam subdivision. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2 bookcases, 6 ft tall, entertainment center, 2 desks with chairs, lawn chairs, old Pepsi metal cooler, white older kitchen cabinet. Call 270-774-1485
Yard Sale - Sat 7 to 2, 290 Wildcat Rd Glasgow, and Thurs Fri & Sat next week. Call 270-576-5841
Cave City City wide yard sale June 13,14 & 15th. Call 270-590-3862
LF - Someone to mow around mobile home weekly, 1/2 acre, located 4miles south of Cub Run on Hwy 728. Call 502-938-1779
FS - Day bed, 2 LazyBoy recliners, bookcase, kitchen table, 2 lamps, wall pictures, curtains, startup kit for 150. Call 270-404-4108
FS - Murray push mower with Briggs & Stratton motor, 20" cut $40, push mower with Bolen MTD motor, 20" cut $20, Snapper riding mower, shift on the go 30" cut, $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - MTD rear tine tiller for parts, older air compressor. Call 270-590-3209
LF - Babysitting or cleaning job in Horse Cave. Call 270-297-0564
LF - Moped in good shape. Call 270-786-5072
GA - Kittens. Call 270-786-2645
FS - Horse and pony $600. Call 270-473-1089
Wednesday, May 29th, 2019
Cave City City wide yard sale June 13,14 & 15th. Call 270-590-3862
FS - 2004 Chevy Malibu, 134,000 miles, 4 cyl, automatic. cold air, good tires, 2nd owner. $1750. Call 270-537-1964
FS - Red Comet laying hens $7 each. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Flatbottom Oliver 12" turning plow $150, set of mule harnass, brass knobs, 4 collars $150, old 70's Coke bottle machine $375, 1939 2N Ford tractor. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Dark wooden bookcases with 4 to 5 shelves, 6 ft tall, entertainment center with bottom doors, and glass doors. 2 desks, dark and light with chairs. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to mow around mobile home weekly, 1/2 acre, located 4miles south of Cub Run on Hwy 728. Call 502-938-1779
FS - Day bed, 2 LazyBoy recliners, bookcase, kitchen table, 2 lamps, wall pictures, curtains, startup kit for 150. Call 270-404-4108
FS - Murray push mower with Briggs & Stratton motor, 20" cut $40, push mower with Bolen MTD motor, 20" cut $20, Snapper riding mower, shift on the go 30" cut, $400. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - New Hammock- $80- 270-799-1490
FS - 2006 Lincoln town car- 100,000 miles- been wrecked- good motor and transmission- $500- 270-590-2837
FS - 2004 Dodge truck, 2000 Chevy 4 wheel drive, and a 2001 Pontiac Grand AM- 270-576-8971
FS - 2016 Dirt Bike (250 Apollo) and 3 bicycles with extra wheels and tires- $100- 270-749-4848
FS - 22 foot swimming pool (52” deep) brand new- $450- 270-991-7389
FS - 2005 Chevy 2500 pickup- extended cab- 4 wheel drive- 169K- 270-597-6038
FS - Power wheel chair, Microwave, and a 17” computer monitor with mouse and key pad- 270-576-2232
FS - 33 foot RV, House and 3 acres, and a White lawn mower (54”) 270-646-5643
FS - Plastic chicken feeders- $2 each- 270-646-0966
FS - John Deere 566 Hay Roller and kicker- $8500- 270-590-2652
FS - 2008 F350 diesel- LOADED- automatic- new tires- 175K- $16,000- 270-528-1242
FS - 6’ bush hog (pull behind) new cylinder- $325, Glass blocks- $1 each, Iron wheels - 270-590-6410
FS - Red belly Ford tractor, Diamond plated tool box, Black plastic tool box, Zero turn mower - 270-590-6295
Tuesday, May 28th, 2019
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10, 5 spd, 4cyl. Craftsman 42" cut riding mower, gokart, 6 1/2 hp motor, minibike, or will trade. LF - set of cornhole boards and bags, old riding mowers, minibikes, gokarts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Metal posts, from chain link fence. Call 270-774-1830
LF - Used clean concrete blocks. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Dark wooden bookcases with 4 to 5 shelves, 6 ft tall, entertainment center with bottom doors, and glass doors. 2 desks, dark and light with chairs. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to mow around mobile home weekly, 1/2 acre, located 4miles south of Cub Run on Hwy 728. Call 502-938-1779
FS - MTD rear tine tiller for parts, older air compressor. Call 270-590-3209
LF - Babysitting or cleaning job in Horse Cave. Call 270-297-0564
LF - Moped in good shape. Call 270-786-5072
GA - Kittens. Call 270-786-2645
FS - Horse and pony $600. Call 270-473-1089
Yard Sale - today - off 88, 10 miles from Munfordville on Forrestville Road. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Amish books $10. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Pink Mini Mouse jeep $25. 110 air conditioner. Call 270-531-6947
Yard Sale- 101 Mammoth Cave Road, Horse Cave, all week, past Love's Truck Stop. Shelves, crib, prom dresses, toys, new items. Call 270-537-1761
FS - Topper for a Polaris Razor- $125- 270-427-0630
FS - 3 mixed calves (weaned) Holstein calves (weaned) 2000 Mercury Station Wagon- 99K- $1650, and looking for a transfer case for a 2003-2006 Chevy 2500- 270-734-1552
FS - Ford AA tractor with a 5’ bush hog- $3300- 270-763-7336
FS - 225/65/17 tires (4) High chair, and a game rooster- 270-773-5334
FS - 2 parakeets with cage $25.00 3 tires 225/65R 17 $90,6X10 dual axle trailer $850. Call 270-404-5195
LF - Free puppy for children. No older than 8 to 10 weeks old. Call 270-576-5086
FS - 20’ pontoon, 50hp motor and trailer…$5800. Call 270-537-3263
FS - 3 bottom Oliver Plow, barn kept, asking $300, 3 point hitch post hole digger, $275, 4-5 metal sliding barn doors – all for $150, located at Sonora, south end of Hardin County. Call 270-307-7344
FS - 20 foot + 5 foot dovetail trailer, brakes, bearings and seals just redone. New floor and new wiring, everything works $4500. Queen size oak bed frame $25. 3 bottom plow $375. Call 270-378-6998
FS - Several boxes of yard sale items. Decor, pillows, grease guns, printers, games and a lot more. About 8 boxes. Pick up Cave City. $30 must take all. 270-537-4122
FS - 2011 Golf Cart $2500. Call 270-576-1657
Friday, May 24th, 2019
FS - 8 ft long fiberglass panels, white. 6 1/2 ft long, black and white, LP records, 33 & 1/3, country, rock n roll, 45's, 78's. 2000 Ford Taurus, green, 172,000 miles, v-6, automatic. $1400. Call 270-446-0075
GA - Shower doors, fit a regular tub, outside is like a mirror. Call 270-524-3620
LF - Cornhole set and bags. FS - 42" Craftsman lawnmower, minibike, 2 seater gokart, LF - riding mowers, gokarts, mini bikes. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - 2 family. Saturday and all next week. off 88 on Forrestville Road, 1st house on left. Call 270-524-0605
LF - Small chainsaw. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Day bed, 2 LazyBoy recliners, bookcase, kitchen table, 2 lamps, wall pictures, curtains, startup kit for 150. Call 270-404-4108
FS - Murray push mower with Briggs & Stratton motor, 20" cut $40, push mower with Bolen MTD motor, 20" cut $20, Snapper riding mower, shift on the go 30" cut, $400. Call 270-590-6007
Thursday, May 23rd, 2019
FS - Amish books, and LF - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
GA - Cherry trees. Call 270-528-2152
FS - MF tractors (2), plus size clothes to give away. Call 270-773-3368
FS - 110 air conditioner, Minnie Mouse jeep. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Movie shelf $20. Call 270-473-3678
FS - Day bed, 2 LazyBoy recliners, bookcase, kitchen table, 2 lamps, wall pictures, curtains, startup kit for 150. E-mail
FS - Murray push mower with Briggs & Stratton motor, 20" cut $40, push mower with Bolen MTD motor, 20" cut $20, Snapper riding mower, shift on the go 30" cut, $400. Call 270-590-6007
LF - 23 horse Kohler engine for a Dixie Chopper- 270-784-2352
LF - 4’ bush hog and willing to trade a 5’ bush hog- 270-576-4509
LF - Small Beagle Hound- 270-799-4386
LF - Jet Ski trailer that holds 2- 270-670-7264
LF - Old barns to tear down and clean up- 270-427-0587
FS - 2 year old Jersey heifer, asking $700 firm. Call 270-622-0259
FS - Electric fireplace, $300. Call or text 270-590-5709
FS - 2007 Chrysler Sebring (silver) needs starter. Clean title 206,000 miles. 2.4, 4 cylinder. Good motor and transmission. Some minor body damage. $800 obo. Located in Smiths Grove. Call 270-935-7438
LF - 2-3 bedroom house or trailer. Preferably out of City limits. Prefer barren county, cave city, or Scottsville area. Small children in home and also a dog. 270-404-2998.
FS - Complete set of drafting tools. Includes: Vintage oak and cast iron, tilting drafting table with light. T-square, several triangles, adjustable triangles, compasses, protractors, architect scales, drafting tape, templates, rafter scales, lead holders, lead, lead pointer, electric eraser & refills, pantograph, slope tables, and dial-a-rafter scale. Also comes with 80+ sheets of 18″ X 24″ and 25+ sheets of 24″ X 36″ drafting paper, adjustable drafting stool on wheels. Asking $220 cash for all. 270-792-5013.
FS - Collection of Doris Day movies, VHS. Approximately 20 Asking $45. Call 270-237-0248 or 270-618-5825
FS - 300 unfinished red oak hardwood tongue and groove flooring. 2” x 6’ x 3/4” in original factory bundles. Call or text 270-834-6208
FS - Double sided hot dog cart, with generator, freezer, tables, coolers, umbrellas, pans and utensils. $6,000. Call 270-404-3099
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019
LF - Someone to build steps around a porch, pressure wash the porch. Call 270-646-0910
FS- Fiberglass insulated panels, white, some are white and black. 2000 Ford Taurus, one owner, green, 172,000 miles. clean interior $1400. 33 1/3, 78 and 45 records, original covers $1 each. Call 270-446-0075
GA - 3 puppies, part German Shepherd, females. Call 270-524-2172
FS - Amish Books.$10. Call 270-528-7643
FS -Remote controlled car- $100- 270-612-0708
FS - Yanmar tractor- $1250, 400 Ford engine (78K) and some 17” tires and wheels (2 sets) 270-678-9066 or 270-834-6313
FS - Registered White rams and ewes and some 55 gallon barrels- $4 each- 270-749-4232
FS - 1985 Ford F150 (or trade) 270-590-6588
FS - Small dolly, Metal shelves, Tool box, 4 metal tractor seats, 14” & 15” wheels and tires, and looking for a good cheap golf cart- 270-427-0463
FS - Extra wide potty chair with adjustable legs- $20- 270-428-2812
FS - Dehumidifier- $50, Camper shell top for a 2001 Dodge long bed- $75, and a coin operated slot machine- $500- 270-261-1629
FS - Table and 4 chairs- $80- 270-272-3293
FS - 1957 (620) John Deere tractor- $6000- 270-404-5368
FS - 26 x 52 swimming pool- like new with a new pump- 270-612-0534
FS - Truck bed (step side) off a 1998 GMC with Reese hitch and a car port- 270-202-0588
FS - 2002 dirt bike XR 70, 2 leaf blowers, Craftsmen self propelled push mower, and lots of music equipment- 270-646-6334
FS - Jersey milk cow and calf- 270-563-4273
FS - Golf cart (2015) horn, lights, and more! Like new- $4250- 270-678-2219
LF - Set of hospital bed rails (both) 270-202-5623 or 270-996-0287
Tuesday, May 21st, 2019
FS - Massey Ferguson 50 tractor 270-773-3368
Monday, May 20th, 2019
LF - Old truck or car, old mowers and go carts FS - Mini bike 270-670-1359
FS - Zero turn mower (will consider trade for a trailer) 270-935-3798
FS - Riding mower 270-218-0006
FS - 03 Pontiac Grand Prix, 95 F-250 2x4 truck in great condition 270-319-6466
Friday, May 17th, 2019
Yard Sale - 234 Bunch Road, near Griderville Hiseville area. clothes, etc, chest type deepfreeze $100. Call 270-590-6513
Yard Sale - Family of God church today and Saturday across from Clarks Drug Store in Munfordville. Items are from the church store, furniture, clothing, dishes.
FS - 4 white plastic lawn chairs, baby mattress, picture and mirror. Call 270-341-4335
LF - Scrap vehicles and lawnmower. Call 270-847-3424
FOR SALE- Clothes- (XXS and Medium) like new- $10 each- 270-590-2026
LF - House to rent in the area- 270-404-3552
LF - Mechanic jobs, Carpentry jobs and will cut and bale hay- 270-404-5368
LF - 5 acres (small farm) with house and barn- 270-202-5927
LF - Potato plow- 270-331-3165
LF - Foosball table and a tanning bed- 270-282-1242
LF - Barns or homes to be torn down. Call 270-590-5709
LF - 3 bedroom or more home for a family with a half acre yard minimum, Barren or Warren County. Call 270-589-9473
Thursday, May 16th, 2019
FS - Cub Cadet LT1050, needs motor, deck and seat, Huskee gt 20 hp and 46" cut, needs work, Troybilt with a bagger, Husky LT 4200, Craftsman 14 hp. All for $600. Call 270-590-6007
LF- Clerks and workers at the Wigwam Store at the junction of 218 & 31-E, east of Horse Cave. Apply in person at the Wigwam Store.
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Lots of scraped metal- 270-407-8505
FS - 20’ cattle trailer, 16’ trailer with new tires, Cub Cadet yard machine, and a Cub Cadet low boy- 270-421-3455
FS - Small charcoal grill- $20, Old school desk- $25, And a tires from off Dale Earnhardt’s race car 270-524-1954 or 270-218-3075
FS - Set of tractor tires- 13/6/28 $225, and another set of 11/2/24 $125 and a 12,000 BTU window air conditioner- $65- 270-646-8637
FS - Upright piano- $300. 270-784-1899
FS - Vacuum cleaner and a tow bar- 502-689-8368
FS - Fiberglass insolated panels- $2-$3 each sheet, and some Bee traps- $6 each- 270-405-1260
FS - Craftsmen lawn mower (42”) new battery- $600 obo, and a full size antique bed with new box springs and mattress- $100- 270-670-8183
FS - 2003 Envoy 4 wheel drive with trailer hook ups- 270-579-2351
FS - 10 goats (1 Billy- 3 nannies-6 babies) make you a deal today- 270-246-1405
FS - Complete set of LT 245/75/16 10 ply tires- $20 each, and 225/60/16 $10 each- 270-590-6230
FS - Clothes- (XXS and Medium) like new- $10 each- 270-590-2026
LF - House to rent in the area- 270-404-3552
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900. Call 270-774-1485
Wednesday, May 15th, 2019
FS - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Cub Cadet LT1050, needs motor, deck and seat, Huskee gt 20 hp and 46" cut, needs work, Troybilt with a bagger, Husky LT 4200, Craftsman 14 hp. All for $600. Call 270-590-6007
LF- Clerks and workers at the Wigwam Store at the junction of 218 & 31-E, east of Horse Cave. Apply in person at the Wigwam Store.
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Grass Hopper mower (61”) and a brown leather recliner- 270-590-8853
FS - Horse saddle, Couch and love seat, and 1 zero turn and tractor style mower- 270-618-0403
FS - 2 old Dr Pepper bottles (1930s) and 2 RC bottles (1930s) A hood for a 1969 Camaro, 2 Chevy blocks (5.7) 350, Set of heads for a 1954 Mercury 292- 270-459-2105
FS - 2001 Ford F150 SUPER CREW CAB- V8- $1500, 1999 F150 extended cab- $1200, 2001 Ford Explorer, 1998 Ford Explorer (parts) $250- 270-319-6466
FS - International Farm All tractor- 12 volt- new parts- cultivators- 2 point hitch- $1500- 270-646-0766
FS - 1997 Chevy truck- extended cab- 4 wheel drive, and looking for barns to tear down- 270-427-9498
FS - 14 foot fiberglass Jon boat with trolling motor- no leaks- $275- 270-943-7170
FS- Brown couch (from a smoke free pet free home) $100, 2005 Ford van- raised roof- 29K- clear title, and a 1923 T-bucket car- convertible- VERY NICE, and some antiques- 270-487-9790
Tuesday, May 14th, 2019
FS - Cub Cadet LT1050, needs motor, deck and seat, Huskee gt 20 hp and 46" cut, needs work, Troybilt with a bagger, Husky LT 4200, Craftsman 14 hp. All for $600. Call 270-590-6007
Yard Sale 2002 Campground Road in Park City, Fri & Sat 8 to 5. Call 270-670-3207
FS - Log splitter- 6.5 horse Briggs- $900 obo, and some FREE tree tops- come and cut them up- 270-407-1636
FS - Chihuahua dog (7 years old $50 (female) 270-590-2603
FS - 12 shadow boxes, Collectable tins, Banty chickens and baby chicks- 270-777-1990
FS - 2001 Honda CVR all wheel drive- good tires- $1300 obo- 270-773-4512
FS - Blue recliner- $40, 2 end tables- $10 each, ipod (Amazon Fire) with charger- $50, and Garage sale in Clarkson KY all this week (Millerstown Rd) 270-446-0075
FS - 2000 Honda Accord- 4 door- 230K- $1200 obo- 270-535-7074
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator- $100, Washer- $25 and a stereo system with large speakers- $50. 1100 gallon water tank- $250- FREE puppies. Call 270-943-1872
FS - Pictures, Country cassette tapes and other things- $20- 270-579-6463
FS - 600 Honda Shadow with 13,000 miles- comes with helmets- $2500- 270-404-3355
FS - 1990 Cadillac Fleetwood- 148K- 2nd owner- all original- call and we’ll make a deal today- 270-646-3415
FS - 2 Stihl chainsaws- $250 each and 1 Husqvarna- $275- 270-303-9214
FS - Set of back tractor tires and rims- 14/9/24 with the centers- 270-590-2792
FS - Grass Hopper mower (61”) and a brown leather recliner- 270-590-8853
FS high tunnel-60’x30’, Super C with cultivators, Ford 2 bottom plow, Ford bushhog, Servis Little Rhino grader blade. Call (270) 576-4646
FS - 2 John Deere riding mowers, both need engines, one is L130 - 54" cut hydrostatic drive, cruise control, engine removed. the other is a JD 111, 38" cut. $140 for both. Call 270-392-1326
FS - Lay down type craftsman air compressor 125 p s i — 4 horse power 25 gallon $100.00 no leaks (270)-202-6197
FS - 5 Cubic Foot Chest Freezer $60, 5X10 foot utility trailer with loading ramp $500. Call 270-646-0419 or 270-646-0419
FS - 2001 Toyota Tacoma 4 door 4 wheel drive 147,000 miles $9500 firm….270-622-8644
LF - 2 or 3 bedroom fixer upper house for rent in the outskirts of Bowling Green. Call 270 392 9630
FS - 32 Ceramic dolls $7.50 each and new microwave for $35. 270-535-7076
FS Baby bed and toddler bed for sale in good condition. 270 473 1984
FS - Lowe 1648 Jon boat. Mercury 9.9 Bigfoot 4 stroke motor, electric start, like new condition. Camo paint, has scissor style duck blind. Trailer is like new and rewired, has Eagle fish finder and MotorGuide trolling motor. $4200. Call 270-579-9876
FS - 2 Power wheelchairs, and a microwave. Call 270-576-2232
Monday, May 13th, 2019
FS - Cub Cadet LT1050, needs motor, deck and seat, Huskee gt 20 hp and 46" cut, needs work, Troybilt with a bagger, Husky LT 4200, Craftsman 14 hp. All for $600. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, can deliver. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Lift chair, hunter green. $50, new shower chair, $30, 2 seater go-kart or will trade, 3 riding mowers 42" cut, 2 are Craftsmans. LF - Cheap dependable car. And Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2 tents, one is a single $10. and a 6 to 8 person tent, $40. 5 piece Kobalt wrench set, $25, rigid pipe cutters $20, 2 WWII ammo cans. $25. 270-774-6307
FS - Hockey table, Kids Minnie Mouse jeep, 110 air conditioner, pine bunk beds, pink table, Vera Bradley purses, rocking chairs, 270-531-6947
FS - 5 x 8 trailer with good tires (tilt) 2” ball- $400- 270-670-5745
LF - Farm house or mobile home and a couple of acres to rent or rent to own- 270-604-9171
LF - Barns to tear down and clean up- 270-427-0587
LF - Good used disk mower- 270670-5252
LF - 3-4 piece white wicker furniture- 270-999-0116
LF - Bed and bumper for a Ford F150 4 door super crew cab (2000-2004) or would buy the whole thing- 270-604-9171
LF - A good car mechanic to do some work for me- 270-218-3250
LF - Black bull to lease- 270-796-0063
LF - Small Dixon zero turn mower- 270-622-0007
LF - Holstein bull- 270-678-4861
LF - A hood for a 2005 Trailblazer- 270-590-4704
FS -Teacup male Yorkie pup 4 months old, $400 cash and must pick up. Frenchie pups $600 each. Call 931-401-2925
LF - Free Pekingese or Shih Tzu a good loving elderly home. Call 270-308-1963
FS -Sim Angus bulls.15 months old call 270-590-3490
FS · High tunnel-60’x30’, Super C with cultivators, Ford 2 bottom plow, Ford bushhog, Servis Little Rhino grader blade. (270) 576-4646
FS - 18 different model Corvettes and a 1957 red Chevrolet convertible. All are factory filled and sealed and come with the original factory boxes and paper work. Also includes a 1953 Corvette decanter from Automobile Quarterly-made in Italy in 1975, and a one of a kind, ceramic 1955 Corvette cookie jar. This all comes in a beautiful Pulaski, oak and glass, lighted display case. Asking $1300 for all. Offers considered. 270-792-5013.
LF - big stock roosters text (270) 537-1824
FS - John Deere plow 3 point hitch. 4 – 14 inch bottom pulls good $300….270-404-5368
Friday, May 10th, 2019
FS - 3 42" cut riding lawnmowers, lift chair $50, new bath chair $30, LF go karts, mini bikes, old riding mowers, FS - 2 seater go kart. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Battery operated Mini mouse jeep, new. 110- air conditioner, pine bunk beds, hockey table, picnic table. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 35 ft long camper, one bedroom, camo. Call 270-218-0366
FS - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Laying hens $6 each. Call 270-528-1950
FS - Horseman doll 28" tall, hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection, 4 piece red satin sheet set, Beanie babies, queen size Texas Star quilt. Call 786-4737
FS - Cub Cadet LT1050 needs motor, deck and seat, Huskee gt 20 hp and 46" cut, needs some work, Troybilt with bagger, needs work, Huskee LT 4200 needs work and Craftsman 14 hp that needs work, lots of extra parts too. All for $600. Call 270-590-6007
Thursday, May 9th, 2019
FS - Black Angus Bulls, 20 months old, registered bulls and cows. $1500 each. Call 270-537-3586
FS - 2000 Ford Taurus, green, 172,000 miles, runs good. $1500 or neg. Fiberglass insulated panels, white, 8 ft long x 4 1/2 wide, 6 1/2 ft long. Can deliver $4 and $3. Call 270-446-0075
Wednesday, May 8th, 2019
LF- Clerks and workers at the Wigwam Store at the junction of 218 & 31-E, east of Horse Cave. Apply in person at the Wigwam Store.
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air, paved driveway. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Black Angus bull $1700. Call 270-537-3586
LF - Entertainment center. or something that will hold a 42" tv. Call 270-307-4587
LF - Info and photos on the old Horse Cave Speedway on 218 in the 40's, and on the old Glasgow Junction Speedway at the fairgrounds. and the track on Hwy 70 and 31-E. Will give photos back. Call 270-524-3280
Tuesday, May 7th, 2019
LF- Clerks and workers at the Wigwam Store at the junction of 218 & 31-E, east of Horse Cave. Apply in person at the Wigwam Store.
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Yardmachine tiller $200, fiberglass panels, 6 1/2 ft x 4 1/2 ft wide and 8x4. black and gray, white $4. 2000 Ford Taurus, high mileage, $1500. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 3 riding Craftsman lawnmowers, lift chair $50, shower chair, new $30, LF - go-karts, mini bikes, derby car. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Coach purse, Ky purse, Amish books $10 each. Call 270-528-7643
GA - 4 donkeys to a good home. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Nice computer desk- $20- 270-286-8086
FS - Set of 17” Michelin tires, Game Rooster, and high chair- 270-773-5334
FS - Electric golf cart (2 new batteries) $2000- 270-763-7336
FS - Queen pillow top bed (like new) and an antique full size brass bed- 270-453-3522
FS - WD45 Allis Chalmer tractor, Set of tractor tires and rims, and some laying hens and Banties- 270-246-0058
FS - Husqvarna chainsaw, and an antique couch and chair, Yard Sale items, and some fishing equipment- 270-629-5-5876
FS - International Farm All tractor with cultivators- 2 point hitch and lots of new parts and good tires- 270-646-0766
FS - Nice entertainment center (oak) – 270-678-2775
FS - 125 Apollo dirt bike (2016) $550, 4 bicycles (with 4 extra tires and wheels) Yard Sale items, Deep freeze (chest) 2 years old- $125- 270-749-4848
FS - 1 acre with garages and buildings- $35,000- 270-780-6701
FS - Lift chair - $200, and a dish washer- $100- 270-590-6295
FS - Framed prints, Dinning table and chairs- 270-272-3293
FS - Several car motors, Parts cars (1973-1974 Vega) & a 1973 Plymouth Duster- $1000, and some old 1930 RC and Dr’ Pepper bottles- 270-459-2105
FS - Hand made quilts, $13 blue jars and lids, Antique wheel chair, and a solid oak dresser- 270-427-7774
FS - 2 drop gate trailers- 270-457-4236
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator- $100, 1100 gallon water tank- $250, Washer- $25, Stereo system with 2 large speakers- $50, Baby stroller with car seat- $10 and some free puppies- 270-943-1872
FS - Jersey heifer and baby, and 10 Heifers- $275 each if you take them all, LF - transfer case for a 2003-2006 Chevy 2500 three quarter ton- 270-734-1552
FS - 2 year old dish washer- $100 obo, and looking for a female Peacock- 270-774-1614
FS - Gun Cabinet (black walnut) 5 piece bedroom suite, and a Steepleton pool table with leather pockets- 502-689-8368
FS - Old year books- 1937 Tennessee, 1939 Gamaliel, and a 1941 Western- 270-590-5039 FOR SALE- 6 x 8 dump bed trailer with a heavy axle, and parting out an old bass boat- 270-678-9066 or 270-834-6313
FS - Bumblebee traps, 2001 Freight Liner semi, and a 2005 Avalanche- 4 door- 4 wheel drive- all power- 270-407-3551
Monday, May 6th, 2019
FS - 3 Baler boxes, air press, 5 Red Comet laying hens. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Honda 300 4 wheeler, Ford tractor. 528-1187
LF - Info or photos on Park City Speedway and the racetrack out at the old Dutch Mill. (Hart & Barren Co. areas). Call 270-524-3280
FS - Boat with trailer, has trolling motor $400. Van, new tires 64,000 miles. $700. Call 270-531-6701
LF- Clerks and workers at the Wigwam Store at the junction of 218 & 31-E, east of Horse Cave. Apply in person at the Wigwam Store.
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Natural gas cook stove. Call 270-786-1873
LF - Barns to tear down (will pay cash and will clean up) 270-427-0587
LF - Set of small ATV tires- I have a set of BIG tires I would trade for- 270-938-5463
LF - Used wicker outside furniture- 270-999-0116
FS - Four tire and wheels (Chevy) $45 . LF - someone to saw up some logs in to lumber…270-590-1311
FS - 1 year old Dachshund female. Spayed and current on her shots. $100. Call 615-981-1663
FS - 2000 1542 Lowe all weld duck boat with 2000 25hp Yamaha four stroke motor, everything runs and drives good. 270-799-9341
Friday, May 3rd, 2019
LF- Clerks and workers at the Wigwam Store at the junction of 218 & 31-E, east of Horse Cave. Apply in person at the Wigwam Store.
FS - 28" horseman doll, 57 years old, hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection, queen size quilt, set of red satin sheets, Beanie babies. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 2000 Ford Taurus, automatic, v-6, $1500 neg. LF - air compressor motor (110) Call 446-0075.. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 3 riding 40" cut lawnmowers, push mower, garden tiller, front tine. LF - old lawnmowers, FS - shower chair, LF - gokarts, minibikes, and cars for derby. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Turkeys, 2 months old and Bantys. Call 270-528-4750
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 3 year books- 2000 Barren County High, 1999 Barren County Middle, and a Park City 1994 & 1995- $10 each or $25 for all- 270-646-2501
FS - Air purifier system, Texas (grafting) calculator- $20, Radio/CD player out of a 2007 Silverado- 270-432-1492
FS - 2 white refrigerators and a cook stove- $100 each and looking for a small push mower- 270-612-0809
FS - Weed eaters, Leaf blowers, and chainsaws- 270-579-2881
FS - 2005 Avalanche 4 wheel drive- 4 door, 21’ bass boat and trailer, 2001 Freight liner semi, and some electric golf carts- 270-407-3551
FS - 1950 Ford car with lots of new parts- $9,500 and a 2001 Ford Taurus- $900- 270-670-9624
LF - Place to rent in Barren county- 270-473-4053
LF - Place to rent in the Rocky Hill area- 270-938-5463
Thursday, May 2nd, 2019
FS - Mathews Solocam bow with extras $375, 3 pair of new Levi's 501 men's jeans $20 each, like new 5 piece Kobalt saw wrenches 1" - 1 1/4" $30, Minolta Maxxum 300si camera with 3 rolls of film $50. In Cave City area, call 270-774-6307
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Oliver turning plow, painted $175, 9 ft New Holland haybine $700, 1970's old Coke machine, uses bottles $400, old 1930's wringer washer $200, Kawasaki mule $1500, 2wd. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Husqvarna riding lawnmower $300, 2000 Ford Taurus, $1500, can send pics and deliver. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Mobile home tires, 7 14 1/2 size. Call 270-307-4587
LF - Clerks and workers at the Wigwam Store at Jct. 218 & 31-E, east of Horse Cave. Apply in person at the store.
LF - Natural gas cook stove. Call 270-786-1873
FS - 6’ bush hog (pull type) 2 saw blades (64”) and wheels and axle off a seed sower- 270-590-6410
FS - Couch and chair (older) great condition, 5-6 interior doors- 270-286-4105
FS - Nice computer desk- $20- 270-286-8086
FS - Guineas (full size) $20 per pair- 270-612-0233
Wednesday, May 1st, 2019
FS - Mathews Solocam bow with extras $375, 3 pair of new Levi's 501 men's jeans $20 each, like new 5 piece Kobalt saw wrenches 1" - 1 1/4" $30, Minolta Maxxum 300si camera with 3 rolls of film $50. In Cave City area, call 270-774-6307
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision with mature trees, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom, central heat and air. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Troughs to feed cattle. FS - Chickens, hens and roosters. Call 270-218-3019
FS - Van $700. boat with 2 motors. Call 270-531-6701
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat, fabric, women and children's clothes 8 a.m. 80 Richardson Road below Hart County High School.
FS - 3 pair of Levi 501 button fly jeans, 40x32 and 34's. $20 each. 5 piece Kobalt standard American set of wrenches 1" to 1" 1/4, $30, rigid pipe cutters $25. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Amish books, Ky purse $10, Coach purse with billfold $10. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Movie stand $20. Call 270-473-3678
GA - Pickanese and Chihuahua mix dog. Call 270-579-1710
FS - 2001 Ford Explorer, needs alternator. $1,000, 1999 Ford F-150, ext cab, 4 door, daily driven. $1200, 2006 Dodge Stratus, 153,000 miles, cold air. $1800. Call 270-319-6466
FS - 14 Bob White quails- $5 each- 270-834-9278
FS - Entertainment center/Display case (with lights) $75, and some FREE window screens- 270-392-1465
FS - Refrigerator, Washer and dryer, 2007 Cub Cadet mower (54”) $1,100- 270-590-3578
Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
GA - Male and female Chihuahua. Call 270-537-4908
FS - 4 Craftsman riding mowers 42" cut, front tine garden tiller, push mower or will trade. LF - riding mowers for parts, gokarts, mini bikes. FS - Bath chair, new. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Someone to till a garden. Call 270-528-6286
LF - place to rent. have 3 children. Call 270-473-1765
LF - Natural gas cookstove. Call 270-786-1873
LF - Information and pictures, will return them, on any of the old speedways at the old Barren County Fairgrounds, and track near the Dutch Mill at 31-E & Hwy 70. Photos from the original old Horse Cave Speedway in the 40's and 50's. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Queen size bed with box springs and mattress. Call 270-774-6518
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Dominicker chickens (50) Amish grown- $15 each- 270-991-0396
FS - Deer feeders- $75 each, 14” Craftsmen wood plainer- $150, Large mini-bike- $450 and some goats- 270-537-5056
FS - 6 x 10 trailer (duel axle) $900, 3 Michelin tires- 225/65/17 $120- 270-537-5056
FS - Murray riding mower- 40” and a push mower- they both need work- 270-427-8563
FS - Side by side refrigerator- $100, 42” Craftsmen mower- $400- 270-590-7485
FS - 2001 Pontiac Grand AM- $1500, 1989 Clayton mobile home- $3000- 270-576-8971
FS - Large collection of rare antiques (Ronald Reagan, Ringo Star, Gone with the Wind, etc.) Quaker State sign- $400- 270-670-1321
FS - Jersey cow and calf- $475, 5-6 Holstein heifers- 270-536-4273
FS - Outside swing (with top) and a Amish made picnic table- 270-670-8271
FS - 2013 F150 (black) 4 wheel drive- 111,000 miles- 270-535-5960
FS - Mathews Solocam bow with extras $375, 3 pair of new Levi's 501 men's jeans $20 each, like new 5 piece Kobalt saw wrenches 1" - 1 1/4" $30, Minolta Maxxum 300si camera with 3 rolls of film $50. In Cave City area, call 270-774-6307
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900. Call 270-774-1485
Monday, April 29th, 2019
FS - Table model popcorn popper with accessories, 2-3 quart size kettle $50 or will rent for $25, BB gun, fully automatic, Daisy brand, ammo and CO2 cartridges, condensation pump $10, 1967-8 original Camaro wheel. $50, Harley Davidson easy off windshield, needs fork brackets $40 obo. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Steepleton pool table, heavy, light colored wood. Call 270-528-7635
FS- Husqvarna riding mower, needs cable $300, 2000 Ford Taurus, green, high miles $1500. Can send pictures and deliver. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Lift chair. $50 . Call 270-590-0984
LF - Troughs to feed cattle. FS - Chickens, hens and roosters. Call 270-218-3019
FS - Solid cherry bedroom suit with mattress, oak bedroom suit complete, couch, chair and loveseat. 2 door refrigerator, electric cookstove, microwave, wooden table with 6 chairs. Call 270-528-4197
FS - Mathews Solocam bow with extras $375, 3 pair of new Levi's 501 men's jeans $20 each, like new 5 piece Kobalt saw wrenches 1" - 1 1/4" $30, Minolta Maxxum 300si camera with 3 rolls of film $50. In Cave City area, call 270-774-6307
LF - Ground to lease for cattle in the Barren county area, around 150-250 acres, acreage does not have to all be in one spot, must be fenced and have a water source. Call 270-590-3394
LF - A good used golf cart - 270-678-2219
LF - Old barns to tear down and some junked cars- 270-427-9498
LF - A good dependable van- 270-404-0950
FS - 100 sheets of peg board all sizes with hooks, baskets, shelves. All sizes of display shelves and tables, some still in boxes. Boxes and boxes of wood trim. Make an offer. I have a 4 x 7 old railroad cart asking $500 on a great antique piece for home or office between 1920 and 1930 model. Call 270-361- 8073
FS - 8700 Ford Tractor Looks And Runs Good. Call 270-843-5411
FS - 2 garbage bags of 6/6x girl’s clothes. Spring, summer and fall some are named brand…$20 each bag. Also, 8 pairs of Jeans…mainly name brand and 2 pairs of dress pants…$30 for the jeans and dress pants. Also, Hospital Bed with nice mattress and works great…$500. 270-590-3257
FS - iPhone 6s Plus 16 gb that is unlocked to any carrier comes with otter box case asking $200. 270-303-8946
FS - 1986 V700 Honda Magna Motorcycle, maintenance maintained, also couch & love seat, no spots or stains. Call 270-427-8519
Friday, April 26th, 2019
FS - 3 riding mowers, 1 push mower, 2 garden tillers, front and rear tine. new shower chair, LF - gokarts, minibikes, old riding mowers, derby car. 670-1359
FS - 4 wheeler Cooster 110, black spider look. has a rack, must be welded $200. Building kept, has cut off switch. Call 270-524-0402
LF - Tiller, reasonable or tiller motor. Call 270-325-2759 or 270-524-0435
FS - Mathews Solocam Bow with a Mathews arrow rest and a Hamskea drop away rest, 10 Gold Tip Triple X carbon practice arrows and 2 Sure Loc sights and several stabilizers, and carrying case. E-mail
Garage Sale - Millerstown Road, grayish white couch $40, matching loveseat $30, can deliver. swivel rocker pink, rocker recliner $30 each. Call 270-446-0075
LF - refrigerator. Call 270-537-3884
FS - Amish books, Ky purse, Coach purse and billfold. $10 each. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Table model popcorn popper with accessories, 2-3 quart size kettle $50 or will rent for $25, BB gun, fully automatic, Daisy brand, ammo and CO2 cartridges, condensation pump $10, 1967-8 original Camaro wheel. $50, Harley Davidson easy off windshield, needs fork brackets $40 obo. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 20 rolls of mixed hay $50 each. Call 270-528-4084
LF - Pyrex in good condition. Call 270-537-4122
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday at 3778 Iron Mountain Road, Center. Fri 8 to 5 and Sat 8 to 2. 12x17 carpet, 12x16 linoleum, gas grill, dishwasher, clothes, curtains, shoes, dishes, purses, bedspreads, boys shirts, 30x30 pants, numerous items. Call 270-565-1163. Home of Mildred Edwards and items listed on facebook.
FS - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick home in Wigwam Subdivision, has jetted tub for two, most rooms have been newly painted, enclosed sunroom. Call 270-774-1485
Thursday, April 25th, 2019
FS - Table model popcorn popper with accessories, 2-3 quart size kettle $50 or will rent for $25, BB gun, fully automatic, Daisy brand, ammo and CO2 cartridges, condensation pump $10, 1967-8 original Camaro wheel. $50, Harley Davidson easy off windshield, needs fork brackets $40 obo. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 20 rolls of mixed hay $50 each. Call 270-528-4084
LF - Pyrex in good condition. Call 270-537-4122
LF - House to rent in the country- 270-404-3552
LF - Cattle pasture in the Barren/Warren area and looking for extra work fertilizing and liming- 270-670-9930
LF - Barns to tear down- will pay cash- 270-427-0587
FS - 2006 Dodge Stratus, v-6, automatic, air. 130,000 miles $1200, 1998 Ford Explorer for parts, 2 F-150 pickups, one runs. Call 270-319-6466
FS -Round table $25, has two leafs, can deliver, 2 end tables, one is tan, the other cherry brown. $10 each. Call 270-446-0075
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday at 3778 Iron Mountain Road, Center. Fri 8 to 5 and Sat 8 to 2. 12x17 carpet, 12x16 linoleum, gas grill, dishwasher, clothes, curtains, shoes, dishes, purses, bedspreads, boys shirts, 30x30 pants, numerous items. Call 270-565-1163. Home of Mildred Edwards and items listed on facebook.
Wednesday, April 24th, 2019
FS - Steepleton pool table, heavy, light colored wood. Call 270-528-7635
FS - Table model popcorn popper with accessories, 2-3 quart size kettle $50 or will rent for $25, BB gun, fully automatic, Daisy brand, ammo and CO2 cartridges, condensation pump $10, 1967-8 original Camaro wheel. $50, Harley Davidson easy off windshield, needs fork brackets $40 obo. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 20 rolls of mixed hay $50 each. Call 270-528-4084
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
LF - Pyrex in good condition. Call 270-537-4122
FS - headgate $400, horse hay in square bales, upright deepfreeze $125, log chains $2 per foot, patio glass door to give away, must pickup. Call 270-932-1777
FS - End tables $10 each,, round hardwood table with 2 leafs, $25, insulated fiberglass panels, $2 up to $3 each. Call 270-446-0075
FS- Square baled hay. Call 270-537-5875
FS - 5th wheel plate for a pickup- 270-218-3224
FS - 6’ bush hog (drag style) with a new cylinder, Pile of angle iron, Glass blocks- 270-590-6410
LF - Parts for a International 35 hay rack- 270-299-6375
LF - Double recliner- 270-524-4346 (after 7 PM) or 270-308-6058 or 270-308-6059
LF - Place to lease for 4 horses; need it for a couple of months; in the Cave City/ Park City area- 4-5 acres would be perfect- 270-670-1403
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019
FS - 2001 Ford F-150, super crewcab, 4.6, automatic, 2wd, needs torque converter, has title. $1500. 1999 F-150 ext cab, 4 door, $1200, 2001 Ford Explorer XLT, needs alternator, minor work. $1500. 1998 Ford Explorer, $250, transmission is bad. Call 270-319-6466
FS - 3 riding mowers 42" cut, one pushmower 20", 2 garden tillers, one is a front tine, or will trade. LF - go-karts, running or not, mini bikes, old riding mowers for parts, male cockatiel bird. FS - shower chair, adjustable. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale Friday and Saturday. FS - Small charcoal grill $20, old school desk $25, tire from Earnhardt Jr.'s pitcrew, $40. Call 270-218-3075
FS - Yard sale items, 2 totes full for one price. Call 270-524-4547
Monday, April 22nd, 2019
FS - Steepleton pool table, heavy, light colored wood. Call 270-528-7635
FS - Table model popcorn popper with accessories, 2-3 quart size kettle $50 or will rent for $25, BB gun, fully automatic, Daisy brand, ammo and CO2 cartridges, condensation pump $10, 1967-8 original Camaro wheel. $50, Harley Davidson easy off windshield, needs fork brackets $40 obo. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 20 rolls of mixed hay $50 each. Call 270-528-4084
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
LF - Pyrex in good condition. Call 270-537-4122
FS - 28" horseman doll, older in original outfit, hand quilted baby quilts and wall hangings, romance books, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection, like new, queen size quilt, Texas Star, queen size set of red satin sheets, Beanie babies. Call 270-786-4737
FS - Incubator system- $50, 2 lion head rabbits, and a Nigerian Dwarf goat- 270-590-9077
FS - 1998 Ford Explorer (parting out) 4.0 motor, Set of 245/70/16 tires on chrome wheels- $300, 1999 F150 extended cab- 4 door- it’s a good work truck- $1500 or would trade and looking for some junked cars- 270-319-6466
FS - Half truck load of old barn wood (60 years old) and de-nailed- 270-576-5488
FS - 5th wheel plate for a pickup- 270-218-3224
FS - 6’ bush hog (drag style) with a new cylinder, Pile of angle iron, Glass blocks- 270-590-6410
LF- Parts for a International 35 hay rack- 270-299-6375
LF - Double recliner- 270-524-4346 (after 7 PM) or 270-308-6058 or 270-308-6059
Friday, April 19th, 2019
FS - Steepleton pool table, heavy, light colored wood. FS - Blue Heeler pup, female. Call 270-528-7635
FS - Table model popcorn popper with accessories, 2-3 quart size kettle $50 or will rent for $25, BB gun, fully automatic, Daisy brand, ammo and CO2 cartridges, condensation pump $10, 1967-8 original Camaro wheel. $50, Harley Davidson easy off windshield, needs fork brackets $40 obo. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 20 rolls of mixed hay $50 each. Call 270-528-4084
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900,, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Antique anvil- $175 firm, and looking for some Hot Wheels to collect and also some 1970 Wacky packages- 270-622-2744
FS - Patio table and 4 chairs, 220 air compressor, Router, and looking for Hot Wheels- 270-670-1659
FS - Fishing boat and trailer- 270-404-5392 or text
FS - Plastic tool box for a pickup- $25 and looking for a good push mower- 270-590-2381
FS - Boxes of clothing- ladies, men, and kids- all for- $650- 270-303-0260
FS - Square bales of mixed hay- $3 each- 270-799-5962
Thursday, April 18th, 2019
Fs - Hard maple 6 drawer dresser, can deliver $50, King size love seat, swivel rocker $50, I-pad $50. in Clarkson. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Wheel barrel and push mower. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Steepleton pool table, heavy, light colored wood. FS - Blue Heeler pup, female. Call 270-528-7635
FS - Table model popcorn popper with accessories, 2-3 quart size kettle $50 or will rent for $25, BB gun, fully automatic, Daisy brand, ammo and CO2 cartridges, condensation pump $10, 1967-8 original Camaro wheel. $50, Harley Davidson easy off windshield, needs fork brackets $40 obo. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 20 rolls of mixed hay $50 each. Call 270-528-4084
FS - Kids 4-wheeler 110 black spiderweb. need welding and carburetor. $200. Call 270-524-0402
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900,, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
LF - Good kid’s dirt bike- 502-575-7249
LF - Some T posts- 270-670-5745
LF - House to rent in the country. 270-404-3552
LF - Set of bunk beds with drawers- 270-799-2550
LF - Twin bed and a tankless water tank (propane). 270-622-8280
LF - Camper top for a Nissan Frontier (1999) 270-457-4757
LF - Electric water heater 40 to 50 gallon on good condition- 270-404-2398
LF - a few yards to mow in the Cave City area. Call 270-535-5104
FS - 8700 Ford Cab Tractor, runs good. Call 270-843-5411
FS - Old barn, need complete clean-up call 270-670-3466
FS - 2009 Nissan Sentra, 4 door, 6-speed manual transmission, 150,000 miles, 30 mpg, daily driver… $4250. 270-670-5434
LF - 5 laying chicken hens. Price would depend on age and breed of hens. Call 270-792-7787.
Wednesday, April 17th, 2019
FS - Table model popcorn popper with accessories, 2-3 quart size kettle $50 or will rent for $25, BB gun, fully automatic, Daisy brand, ammo and CO2 cartridges, condensation pump $10, 1967-8 original Camaro wheel. $50, Harley Davidson easy off windshield, needs fork brackets $40 obo. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 20 rolls of mixed hay $50 each. Call 270-528-4084
FS - Kids 4-wheeler 110 black spiderweb. need welding and carburetor. $200. Call 270-524-0402
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900,, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Mobile wheelchair. Call 270-773-4721 or 270-308-9126
FS - Long prom dress, size small, tangerine color, LF - Buick Enclave. Call 270-723-4077
LF - Chrome wheels for a Volkswagen Beatle- 270-799-1490
LF - Good kid’s dirt bike- 502-575-7249
LF - Some T posts- 270-670-5745
Tuesday, April 16th, 2019
FS - Movie stand $25, Easter wreaths $10 each. Man's watch $10, Dale Earnhardt and Jr. knife collectible - $25. 270-473-3678
FS - Table model popcorn popper with accessories, 2-3 quart size kettle $50 or will rent for $25, BB gun, fully automatic, Daisy brand, ammo and CO2 cartridges, condensation pump $10, 1967-8 original Camaro wheel. $50, Harley Davidson easy off windshield, needs fork brackets $40 obo. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 20 rolls of mixed hay $50 each. Call 270-528-4084
FS - WD Allis Chalmer tractor, set of tractor tires and rims, ready. Call 270-246-0058
FS - Kids 4-wheeler 110 black spiderweb. need welding and carburetor. $200. Call 270-524-0402
FS - Farm house table, 80 x 42, one piece. $350. Call 270-773-4402
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Mobile wheelchair. Call 270-773-4721 or 270-308-9126
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900,, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Long prom dress, size small, tangerine color, LF - Buick Enclave. Call 270-723-4077
Monday, April 15th, 2019
FS- Horseman doll, baby quilts, wall hangings, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection, large hand quilted quilt, red queen size sheet set, Beanie babies. 270-786-4737
FS - Dorm size black refrigerator, pair of 20" tires, Tommy lift gate for a van or pickup, flattop cook stove, Kenmore washer. 270-324-2177
LF - Rear tine tiller. Call 270-528-6286
LF - Enclosed trailer. Call 270-218-0105
FS - 6 drawer solid maple dresser, bbq stand $10 need a wheel, end tables $10 each, LF - motor for 25 gallon air compressor. Call 270-446-0075
FS 1920's wringer washer $200, 2 - 2 bottom plows $190, 1970 coke machine for small bottles $450, New Holland hay rake $600, few 1940 - 50 tractor parts. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 4 riding mowers, one is John Deere 42" cut, MTD 38" cut, LF - go-karts, mini bikes, male cockatiel bird, paint sprayer on wheels. Call 270-670-1359
FS - WD Allis Chalmer tractor, set of tractor tires and rims, ready. Call 270-246-0058
FS - Kids 4-wheeler 110 black spiderweb. need welding and carburetor. $200. Call 270-524-0402
FS - Farm house table, 80 x 42, one piece. $350. Call 270-773-4402
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Mobile wheelchair. Call 270-773-4721 or 270-308-9126
FS - Older white kitchen cabinet with flour sifter and drawers, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900,, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Long prom dress, size small, tangerine color, LF - Buick Enclave. Call 270-723-4077
Friday, April 12th, 2019
Large Yard Sale on Hwy 88 past the high school in Munfordville, clothes household items, opens at 9, on Bobby Lane. Today and Saturday, signs are posted. Call 270-473-1873
FS - Dresser, end tables. Metal Garage door 8 x9' wide, garage sale in Clarkson. 270-446-0075
FS - 01 Ford Taurus, motor and trans. other parts. Call E. E. Wilson
FS - Pipefitter tools, wrenches. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Amish books. Coach purse $10, Ky purse $10. 270-528-7643
FS - Kids 4-wheeler 110 black spiderweb. need welding and carburetor. $200. Call 270-524-0402
FS - Farm house table, 80 x 42, one piece. $350. Call 270-773-4402
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Mobile wheelchair. Call 270-773-4721 or 270-308-9126
FS - Electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900,, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Long prom dress, size small, tangerine color, LF - Buick Enclave. Call 270-723-4077
Thursday, April 11th, 2019
FS - Liner for full size short bed pickup, load straps for log trailer or flatbed trailer. Call 270-473-3789
FR - 2 bedroom, 1 bath house in country $450. Call 270-528-5082
FS - Antique bed with mattress and box springs, $150, king size, carpet shampooer $50. older tv. $25. Call 270-524-5262
GA - Treadmill. Call 270-528-5381
FS - Kids 4-wheeler 110 black spiderweb. need welding and carburetor. $200. Call 270-524-0402
FS - Farm house table, 80 x 42, one piece. $350. Call 270-773-4402
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Mobile wheelchair. Call 270-773-4721 or 270-308-9126
FS - Electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900,, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Long prom dress, size small, tangerine color, LF - Buick Enclave. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Two donkey colts, one male and one female $50 each. Call 270-524-5621
Wednesday, April 10th, 2019
Fs - Kids 4-wheeler 110 black spiderweb. need welding and carburetor. $200. Call 270-524-0402
FS - Coach purse $15, Ky purse $15, Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Medium nurses uniforms, cherry drop leaf table and chairs $300 218-0961
FS - 4 white plastic lawn chairs, push mower, mattress and car seat 502-341-4335
FS - 4 riding mowers, push mowers or will trade. , LF - go karts, mini bikes, cars to make derby cars. and old riding mowers. 670-1359
LF - Apartment or home, under $450, no lease. Call 606-312-7143
Yard sale 1164 McCandless Coomer Road, Easter items tools, prom dress. Today. Call 270-218-0813
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Mobile wheelchair. Call 270-773-4721 or 270-308-9126
FS - Electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900,, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Long prom dress, size small, tangerine color, LF - Buick Enclave. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Wheel horse mower, twin cylinder motor with weights plus extra motor. $800. Cal 270-590-6007
FS - Two donkey colts, one male and one female $50 each. Call 270-524-5621
Tuesday, April 9th, 2019
FS - Mobile wheelchair. Call 270-773-4721 or 270-308-9126
FS - Black glass top cooking stove, ladies 6 spd bike, Tommy lift gate for a van or pickup, 20" tires, solid cherry desk, antique Martha Washington desk. Call 502-689-1113
GA - Lift for power chair, remote controlled. for inside a van. Call 270-537-1697 in Munfordville.
FS - 4 white plastic lawn chairs, push mower, baby mattress, car seat. Call 502-341-4335
FS - 9' garage door $50, garage sale in Clarkson, LF - motor for 25 gallon air compressor. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Horseman doll in original dress, older doll. hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, romance books, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection, queen size Texas Star quilt, queen size satin sheet set, Beanie babies. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Someone to help with scraping, painting windows and doors. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900,, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
LF - Someone to mow a lawn in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1443
FS - Farm house table, 80 x 42, one piece. $350. Call 270-773-4402
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Long prom dress, size small, tangerine color, LF - Buick Enclave. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Wheel horse mower, twin cylinder motor with weights plus extra motor. $800. Cal 270-590-6007
FS - Two donkey colts, one male and one female $50 each. Call 270-524-5621
FS - Solid Oak table and 6 chairs- $140, Porch bench- $40, lots of wall pictures and shelves- 270-749-5704
FS - Over 100 fishing bate; plastic worms- crank and spinner bate, and some used hunting equipment- 270-670-5451
FS - Hospital bed- $40, Computer and monitor- $25, Aquarium- $5 (comes with a screen top) and some other things- 270-308-1493
FS - Cub Cadet mower- 60” cut and a Kohler engine= $900- 270-590-1190
Monday, April 8th, 2019
FS - Electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900,, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
LF - Someone to mow a lawn in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1443
FS - 02 Ford Escape $2700. Call 270-576-5222
FS - Farm house table, 80 x 42, one piece. $350. Call 270-773-4402
FS - Large bed and mattress and box springs. Call 270-524-5262
Will trade - 99 Dodge truck will trade (heater core is out), 318 automatic for a small pickup Ford or Nissan, 5 spd. Call 270-524-3280
LF - Someone to mow a small yard in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 2001 Ford F250 pickup. Call 270-528-2686
FS - riding mower, 3 push mowers, L F- go-karts, mini bikes. old riding mowers for parts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Long prom dress, size small, tangerine color, LF - Buick Enclave. Call 270-723-4077
FS - Wheel horse mower, twin cylinder motor with weights plus extra motor. $800. Cal 270-590-6007
FS - Two donkey colts, one male and one female $50 each. Call 270-524-5621
Friday, April 5th, 2019
FS - electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hard shell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to mow a lawn in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1443
LF - Small Ford Ranger or Dodge Dakota, straight shift, roll up windows, under $2,000. will trade 1999 Dodge Ram. Call 270-524-3280
LF - Stackable electric washer and dryer. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Long prom dress, size small, tangerine color, LF - Buick Enclave. Call 270-723-4077
F s- set of rims and tires, off a Ford Explorer, 245 70 16's. $200. 2001 Ford F-150 Supercrew cab $2250. 1999 F-150 ext cab 4door $1500. Call 270-319-6466
Garage sale at Clarkson, rear tiller, cherry picker, located on Millerstown Road. Call 270-446-0075 today and Saturday.
FS - 12 round bales of hay- $50 each or $500 for all- 502-529-2321
FS - Sirius radio with weather channel; comes with a monitor- $25- 270-904-3229
FS - Solid Oak table and 6 chairs- $140, Porch bench- $40, lots of wall pictures and shelves- 270-749-5704
Thursday, April 4th, 2019
FS - , electric racecar set, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hardshell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 774-1485
LF - Good zero turn lawnmower. Call 270-524-3460
FS - Antique dresser with mirror, with 4 big drawers and 2 small drawers, has some marble. Call 270-524-2522LF - 12-20 ft box off a box truck in or around Bowling Green. Call 270-774-6300
FS - Wheel horse mower, twin cylinder motor with weights plus extra motor. $800. Cal 270-590-6007
FS - Two donkey colts, one male and one female $50 each. Call 270-524-5621
LF - Zero radius turn mower. Call 270-524-3460
FS - 175 John Deere 42" cut mower, 2 pushmowers, 6.5 Briggs & Stratton motor, paint sprayer on wheels, LF - go-karts, mini bikes and cars for derby. 670-1359
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019
FS - Antique 10 gallon milk can $25, electric racecar set, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hardshell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 774-1485
LF - Good zero turn lawnmower. Call 270-524-3460
FS - 175 John Deere mower, 2 pushmowers, paint sprayer on wheels, 6.5 Briggs n Stratton motor, LF - go karts, mini bikes old lawn . Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale 307 N. 3rd Street in Cave City. all kinds of clothing, decor. today, Thursday and Friday
FS - Antique dresser with mirror, with 4 big drawers and 2 small drawers, has some marble. Call 270-524-2522LF - 12-20 ft box off a box truck in or around Bowling Green. Call 270-774-6300
FS - Wheel horse mower, twin cylinder motor with weights plus extra motor. $800. Cal 270-590-6007
FS - Two donkey colts, one male and one female $50 each. Call 270-524-5621
LF - Zero radius turn mower. Call 270-524-3460
LF - Used cattle horse trough. Call 256-777-3099
FS - Bed, footboard, rails, slats, dresser, lighted mirror and chest. $200. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Side by side refrigerator- $50- 270-590-7485
FS - 2 Craftsmen scan tools- for domestic and domestic- $150- 270-597-7552
FS - Double baby stroller and a swing set- make an offer, and looking for odd jobs in the area- 270-404-1349
FS - Huffier bull- mature- $700 and can send pics- 270-734-1552
FS - Log splitter with a Briggs motor- $900- 270-407-1636
FS - Bed cover for a 1997 S10- light blue in color- will fit others too- $100- 270-576-5488
FS - 12 round bales of hay- $50 each or $500 for all- 502-529-2321
FS - Sirius radio with weather channel; comes with a monitor- $25- 270-904-3229
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019
FS - Antique 10 gallon milk can $25, electric racecar set, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hardshell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 774-1485
LF - Good zero turn lawnmower. Call 270-524-3460
FS - 2 CMA Music Festival tickets for June. Lower section 114, Thursday through Sunday and a 3 night hotel stay in Nashville. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Antique dresser with mirror, with 4 big drawers and 2 small drawers, has some marble. Call 270-524-2522LF - 12-20 ft box off a box truck in or around Bowling Green. Call 270-774-6300
FS - Rainbow vacuum. Call 270-528-4109
LF - Caregiver job or job cleaning houses. Contact Sheila McCubbins. Call 270-218-2026
FS - Older hoseman doll, baby quilts, wall hangings, cook books, Jane Austin dvd collection, red satin sheet set, beanie babies, older, queen size hand quilted Texas Star design quilt. Call 270-786-4737
FS - Wheel horse mower, twin cylinder motor with weights plus extra motor. $800. Cal 270-590-6007
FS - Two donkey colts, one male and one female $50 each. Call 270-524-5621
LF - Zero radius turn mower. Call 270-524-3460
FS - Cub Cadet garden tiller rear tine. Call 270-537-3004
FS - White and red cows- 270-622-0259
FS - 2 deep fryers; Fugi men’s bicycle- $150, And a new wheel chair- 270-393-1097
FS - Antique wash stands in great condition, Energy efficient AC- $60, 18 speed mountain bike with new tires- $30, RCA surround sound system with sub woofer- 270-576-7336
FS - Brown couch and love seat (can send pics) $300, and looking for C10 truck parts and a Chevy V8 motor in good condition- 270-799-5925
FS - 2008 Ford Focus (clean title) 190 K- $1500, and looking for a hay rake in the Barren/Warren area- 270-763-7336
FS - Electric cook stove- nice and clean, and a good love seat- 270-404-6708
FS - 2 tents- one is a 2 room tent with porch and the other a little smaller- 270-576-6162
FS - Set of hub caps for a 1977 Thunder Bird (15”) Pontiac rally wheels for a 1980 Fire Bird, Rear end for a 1965 Ford Mustang (5 lug) and a cluster for a 1966 Mustang- 270-459-2105
FS - 2 clothes racks, Small dorm style refrigerator, and 4 tires- 215/75/15- 270-670-1403
FS - 3 year old washer and dryer- A1 condition- $500- 270-791-0852
FS - 2 tires- 265/70/17s with half tread- $100, and 2 NEW set of 265/70/17s for $600- 270-790-9088
FS - Cub Cadet riding mower- 42” cut- LTD 1040 automatic- 812-797-5774
FS - Top post battery- $45- 270-646-6807
Monday, April 1st, 2019
FS - Antique 10 gallon milk can $25, electric racecar set, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hardshell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls, old metal Pepsi cooler. Call 270-774-1485
Garage Sale - Grayson County Clarkson area. Call 270-446-0075 today - lots of items
LF - 30 to 40 bales of straw. Call 270-646-0910.
Fs - 1998 Ford Explorer, parting out or whole, v-6 good interior, good rims and tires 16", has title. 2001 Ford F-150 Super crewcab, 1999 F-150 4 door. LF - scrap vehicles. Call 270-319-6466
LF - Refrigerator, reasonable or give away. Call 270-735-6322 or 270-524-0435
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
LF - Used cattle horse trough. Call 256-777-3099
FS - Bed, footboard, rails, slats, dresser, lighted mirror and chest. $200. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 774-1485
FS - 1991 Chevy 4 x 4 ¾ ton truck (no title) 270-317-6995
FS - Plastic tool box for a truck- $50, and a 5th wheel adaptor- $75, and looking for a good motorcycle in the $2000 range- 270-303-4301
FS - Jersey Heifer- $300 or trade for a horse- 270-563-4273
LF - Rear end for a 2002 GMC Sierra 4 x 4 1500- 270-847-0610
Friday, March 29th, 2019
FS - WWII ammo cans $15 each, assorted wrenches USA $1 each, buck pathfinder knife $40, fishing bait, leather chaps and pants. call 270-774-6307
FS - Antique 10 gallon milk can $25, electric racecar set, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hardshell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2005 Chevy Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 motor, white, automatic $18,000. Call 270-576-4915
LF - 2 half beds. Call 270-307-4587
LF - Welding jobs and will travel. Located in Clarkson. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Good zero turn lawnmower. Call 270-524-3460
FS - 1992 Chevy 1500 4x4, $900. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Used cattle horse trough. Call 256-777-3099
FS - Bed, footboard, rails, slats, dresser, lighted mirror and chest. $200. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Riding lawnmower, 38" cut. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Troy Bilt mower- like new- $500- 270-651-5613
FS - 2 used tires 195/65/15- $30, Lots of appliances for junk, Old comic books, Baseball cards, and lots of jewelry- $45- 270-421-0823
FS - 3 lawn mowers, A rack for a 5 gallon fuel tank, Outside swing, 6 x 4 lawn mower trailer, and a winch- 270-590-4049
FS - Young rabbits- $5 each- 270-597-7997
FS - 1991 Chevy 4 x 4 ¾ ton truck (no title) 270-317-6995
FS - Wooden ½ bed and another too- 270-457-4757
FS - Plastic tool box for a truck- $50, and a 5th wheel adaptor- $75, and looking for a good motorcycle in the $2000 range- 270-303-4301
FS- Jersey Heifer- $300 or trade for a horse- 270-563-4273
LF - Rear end for a 2002 GMC Sierra 4 x 4 1500- 270-847-0610
Thursday, March 28th, 2019
FS - 2 CMA Music Festival tickets for June. Lower section 114, Thursday through Sunday and a 3 night hotel stay in Nashville. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Used cattle horse trough. Call 256-777-3099
FS - Bed, footboard, rails, slats, dresser, lighted mirror and chest. $200. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Riding lawnmower, 38" cut. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 774-1485
FS - Electric racecar set, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hardshell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Good zero turn lawnmower. Call 270-524-3460
FS - 1992 Chevy 1500 4x4, $900. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Antique dresser with mirror, with 4 big drawers and 2 small drawers, has some marble. Call 270-524-2522LF - 12-20 ft box off a box truck in or around Bowling Green. Call 270-774-6300
Will do- welding, Clarkson area. FS - 600 cc Yamaha, $500. Call 270-446-0075
Yard Sale - Today north of I-65 Munfordville
FS - Wheel horse mower- 42” and a 3’ blade, 4 x 14 Flat bed trailer, Full size boat trailer, 2001 Sun Fire, and a set of 215/60/15 Pontiac wheels and tires- 270-404-1429
FS - Set of 235/75/15 used tires- $60- 270-308-5800
FS - Radio out of a 2007 Motor home- Sirius XM & weather channel- $50 for all- INCLUDES the monitor- 270-904-3229
FS - 2005 Honda Shadow 600- 13,000 miles- with 3 helmets- 270-404-3355
FS - 271 New Holland square hay bailer and a 9’ haybine- 270-421-3455
FS - Nice large window AC unit- 18,000 BTU- Like new- $250- 270-597-7552
FS - 2002 Gold Wing- 60 K- comes with extras- 270-207-8193
FS - Cub Cadet zero turn mower- 22 house- 50” cut, and a Dixon zero turn- 15 horse- 42” cut and 2 drop gate trailers- 270-457-4236
Wednesday, March 27th, 2019
FS - 28" tall Horsemen doll in original outfit, 54 years old. handquilted baby quilts and wall hanging, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, red satin sheet set, queen size, bag of Beanie Babies, large queen siz3e quilt. LF - someone to work on computer 786-4737
FS - 70's Epiphone acoustic guitar toolbox 40" 'wide. Information Call 270-735-5004
F S- Upright deepfreeze, Kenmore. $125. Shampooer $30. Call 270-773-5309
LF - Recliner 270-473-3678
FS - 2000 Yamaha Kodiak 4 wheeler with new parts- $1150- 270-938-5463 (or would do some trading)
FS - Jersey Heifer (ready to calve) and a bull (good for breeding) 270-734-1552
FS - 1980 Trans AM pace car- t-tops- no rust- $3800, 2011 Ford Fusion- nice and clean- all power- $3500- 270-799-4386
FS - 2002 Ford Escape- 4 wheel drive- $2700- 270-576-5222
FS - 2004- Toyota Tacoma (been wrecked) runs and drives- 5 speed- $1700 cash- 270-218-0480
FS - 1997 Jaguar- 140 K- runs good, but was side swiped- $1000, and looking for an old stereo receiver- 502-572-7249
FS - Wheel horse mower- 42” and a 3’ blade, 4 x 14 Flat bed trailer, Full size boat trailer, 2001 Sun Fire, and a set of 215/60/15 Pontiac wheels and tires- 270-404-1429
FS - 2 CMA Music Festival tickets for June. Lower section 114, Thursday through Sunday and a 3 night hotel stay in Nashville. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Used cattle horse trough. Call 256-777-3099
FS - Bed, footboard, rails, slats, dresser, lighted mirror and chest. $200. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Riding lawnmower, 38" cut. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 774-1485
Tuesday, March 26th, 2019
FS - Log chains, 20 ft long, head gate for catching cattle $400, kitchen cabinets, top and bottom with sink $200. Stihl chainsaw 18" bar $200, quilts $30 each. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 2 CMA Music Festival tickets for June. Lower section 114, Thursday through Sunday and a 3 night hotel stay in Nashville. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Used cattle horse trough. Call 256-777-3099
FS - Bed, footboard, rails, slats, dresser, lighted mirror and chest. $200. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Riding lawnmower, 38" cut. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Reece hitch for 1997-2002 F-150. $50, Reece hitch for E-150 van. $50, tow bar and 2" ball $50, 1994 Dodge pickup - parting out, LF - junk vehicles. Call 270-218-1220
FS - 1992 Chevy 1500 4x4, needs trans or clutch. $900. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Black cook stove, electric. Call 270-528-1183
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 774-1485
FS - Electric racecar set, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hardshell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls. Call 270-774-1485
Will remove bee swarms. Call 270-681-8061
FS - Porcelain dolls, Ladies jeans, and leather coats- 270-629-5315
FS - Turkey platters, Ladies purses, Canister sets, Flower pots and holders and lots of other things- 270-777-1990
FS - 2002 Kawasaki Drifter- $3500, and a 6 x 12 trailer- $450- 270-784-2329
LF- An exercise bike- long style- 270-792-1709
LF - Small puppy- 270-404-2842
LF- Pocket knives- send pics- 270-996-8588
Monday, March 25th, 2019
FS - Bed, footboard, rails, slats, dresser, lighted mirror and chest. $200. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 175 John Deere 42" hydrostatic lawnmower, 3 to 4 pushmowers or will trade. paint sprayer. LF - go karts, mini bikes, derby cars, old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
LF - someone to do computer work. Call 270-786-4737
FS - Riding lawnmower, 38" cut. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Reece hitch for 1997-2002 F-150. $50, Reece hitch for E-150 van. $50, tow bar and 2" ball $50, 1994 Dodge pickup - parting out, LF - junk vehicles. Call 270-218-1220
LF - 2 tractor tires for 16.9 x 30. Call 270-528-3307
FS - 1992 Chevy 1500 4x4, needs trans or clutch. $900. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Coach purse and Kentucky Purse. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Brahma rooster. $9. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Black cook stove, electric. Call 270-528-1183
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 774-1485
FS - Electric racecar set, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hardshell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls. Call 270-774-1485
Will remove bee swarms. Call 270-681-8061
LF - Old Home Place at Rowletts is looking for drivers. Call 270-524-3302
FS - 2004 Dodge Stratus- 270-384-2652
FS - Porcelain dolls, Ladies jeans, and leather coats- 270-629-5315
FS - Turkey platters, Ladies purses, Canister sets, Flower pots and holders and lots of other things- 270-777-1990
FS - 2002 Kawasaki Drifter- $3500, and a 6 x 12 trailer- $450- 270-784-2329
LF - An exercise bike- long style- 270-792-1709
Thursday, March 21st, 2019
LF - Good zero turn lawnmower. Call 270-524-3460
FS - 1992 Chevy 1500 4x4, $900. Call 270-590-6007
GA - Upright Whirlpool freezer, needs freon. Call 270-531-1669 or 270-473-9100
FS - 26" boys bike, has new tires. $50/ Call 270-524-0165
LF - Jobs painting, have experience. 218-2729
FS - Full size bed with dresser and mirror, lawn chairs three totes of Beanie babies. Call 270-528-6729
FS - Murray riding mower 38" cut. $180. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 2002 Ford Escape 4wd. $2700. Call 270-576-5222
Wednesday, March 20th, 2019
FS - 28" horsemen doll in original outfit, 54 years old, hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, red satin sheet set, new oversized 4 piece, Beanie Babies, new. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 4 purebred Brahma roosters. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Antique dresser with mirror, with 4 big drawers and 2 small drawers, has some marble. Call 270-524-2522LF - 12-20 ft box off a box truck in or around Bowling Green. Call 270-774-6300
LF - Used cattle horse trough, for garden planting. Call 256-777-3099
FS - Murray riding mower 38" cut. $180. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Set of tires for a Hummer- 285/75/16s or 315/75/16s- 270-303-4301
LF - Full blooded pit bull puppy. Call 270-612-0918.
FS - Antique oak desk, 48" wide with dovetail drawers, needs refinishing, approximately 50 years old. $65 cash. Small oasis brand water fountain 12×12 Inch square. $75.00 cash…270-590-1769
FS - Gatormade utility trailer- $1200, like new. call 270-629-5719
LF - Good gator or golf cart… gas only, would trade a good suv. Call 270-579-1414
FS - 1996 Dodge Cummins dually 4×4, flatbed, driven daily. Call 270-597-7030
LF - Black cook stove, electric. Call 270-528-1183
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 774-1485
FS - Electric racecar set, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hardshell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls. Call 270-774-1485
Horse Cave Christian Church Clothes Closet and Food Pantry will be open Friday, March 22nd, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the church. No income verification and everything is free. The church is located behind Citizens First Bank in Horse Cave.
Will remove bee swarms. Call 270-681-8061
LF -Old Home Place at Rowletts is looking for drivers. Call 270-524-3302
Estate sale in Cave City, 2 entertainment cents, odd tables, dishes, kitchen items, ladies clothes sizes 14-16, maple solid wood table and chairs, couch and chair, recliner, end tables, bed and chest of drawers, Broyhill bedroom maple suit, lamps, odd cabinets and household items. Call 270-774-1127
Tuesday, March 19th, 2019
LF - square baled hay. Call 270-531-1392
FS - Black bed with box spring, full size, porcelain dolls, lawn chairs. Call 270-528-6729
FS - Old antique dresser with mirror, 4 large drawers, has marble. Call 270-524-2522
FS - Leather chaps and pants $30 for both, fishing bait, $1 each for all. 2 antique shoe cobblers, $20, hunting knives, Winchester, etc. motorcycle leather bags. Call 270-774-6307
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1900, 2006 Chevy HHR $3,000, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer SUV $2500. Call 774-1485
FS - Used cattle horse trough. Call 256-777-3099
FS - 38" cut Murray lawnmower 528-6488
FS - Full set of tires- 205/55/R16 and chrome wheels- $1000 (brand new) 270-606-1820
FS - 5 x 12 utility trailer- drop gate and good tires- $800 or would trade to a car trailer; Men’s and ladies bicycles- $50 each, and looking for an oil pan for a 2001 Chevy Silverado- V8- 270-799-6218
FS - Collection of fruit jars (100 years old) and some milk bottles- 270-670-1321
FS - Double barrel wood stove- $75, Freon gas, Queen size bed frame (Oak) $25, LF - wet tile saw- 270-378-6998
FS - 10 goats (2 are pregnant) $800- 270-392-1465
FS - 2 Silky roosters- $5 each, Pioneer CD player- $20, (2) 30 pound boxes of roofing nails- $15 each or $25 for all- 270-303-6985
LF - A good camper (big enough for 4-6) $2500 range- 270-614-1247
LF - An old wooden window and frame and a metal kitchen cabinet and sink- 270-453-2331
LF - Bumper pull horse trailer (3-4 horse) 270-361-1365
LF - Double recliner- 270-308-6059
LF - A good Dodge Caravan- 270-791-0236
LF - Full size bed (270-597-7685) and a 10-12 foot- dual axle trailer, 50-90 CC 4 wheeler- 270-246-1734
LF - Exercise bike and for a set of tires- 265/70/R18s- 270-792-1709
LF - Small car (Honda Civic, etc) $2000-$3000 range- 270-779-3192
LF- Set of tires for a Hummer- 285/75/16s or 315/75/16s- 270-303-4301
LF - Wheel and tires for a 2004 Honda Elantra, Insulated fiberglass panels, All bathroom items (sink, vanity, toilet, etc) Wiring, 2 x 4s, and a cover for a bass boat- 270-943-1486
Monday, March 18th, 2019
FS - 2 Jersey Bull calves- $200 each, Holstein heifer- $300, and looking for 5-6 rolls of hay- 270-457-4934
FS - Queen size pillow top oak bed- like new- $300- 270-453-3522
FS - 2002 Honda 4 wheeler- $2200, 2008 500 Honda 4 wheeler- $2600- 270-427-9498
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima- good tires and air- $1500- 270-537-4662
FS - Bumper hitch trailer (7 ½ feet x 25 feet) 6 lug- $800 with new bed- 270-763-7336
FS - 3 sewing machines, Pet carriers, Old records- $1 each, Corn bread pans- $10 each, Porcelain dolls- $10 each, and some chickens- 270-777-1990
FS - Bread box, Old records, Lawn mower parts, 5 chainsaws- $10 each, Push mower (needs work) but the frame is good- 270-670-6152
FS - Country farm fresh brown eggs- $1.75 per doz.- 270-678-4277
FS - 1 acre of land near Glasgow- $35,000- 270-780-6701
FS - 2 dish washers- work great- $100 each- 270-404-0291 & can send pictures
FS - 2000 Ford F150- 46 K- $2800, and a 2013 Chevy Impala- 123 K- $2200- 270-404-6126
FS - Set of exhausts manifolds for a 1969 Chevy truck- $100, Victor Jr intakes for a small block Chevy- $150, A rough & rusty 1974 Vega- no title- good parts- $300, and a hood for a 1997 Ford truck- $250- 270-459-2105
FS - Patio table and chairs, 3 pigs- $25 each and looking for Hot Wheels- 270-670-1659
FS - 2 zero turn mowers, Front and rear tine tillers, and two trailers- 5 x 10 and 5 x 8; drop gate- 270-427-4236
FS - 6 ricks of firewood- $100, 110 Honda 3 wheeler- $175 obo- 270-308-8179
FS - 50 gallon fish aquarium with fish- $100, 25 gallon fish aquarium with fish- $50, Troy Bilt mower- 42” cut, and looking for old riding mowers, mini-bikes and go carts and old cars- 270-670-1359
FS - 2010 Razor (seats 4 people) 800s- in A1 condition- $8500- 270-590-0849
FS - Kobalt tool box (for a full size truck) $50- 270-734-2731
FS - Nice dog kennel- makes (2) 10 x 10 or 10 x 20; 4 doors, ramps, panels- powder coated- $800- 270-528-7851
FS - 1923 Willie Car- convertible- 360 automatic, and a 2005 Ford van- 29,000 miles- raised roof, and lots of antiques- 270-487-9790
FS - 1992 Chevy 2500- 4 wheel drive- V6- $500, and a 1990 1500 4 wheel drive v8- $1750- 270-246-2423
FS - Large freezer- $100 obo- 270-702-6684
FS - 1950 antique Ferguson tractor- $1800- 270-799-1490
FS - Full set of tires- 205/55/R16 and chrome wheels- $1000 (brand new) 270-606-1820
FOR SALE- 5 x 12 utility trailer- drop gate and good tires- $800 or would trade to a car trailer; Men’s and ladies bicycles- $50 each, and looking for an oil pan for a 2001 Chevy Silverado- V8- 270-799-6218
FOR SALE- Collection of fruit jars (100 years old) and some milk bottles- 270-670-1321
FS - Double barrel wood stove- $75, LOTS of Freon gas, Queen size bed frame (Oak) $25, and looking for a wet tile saw- 270-378-6998
LF - Driving job for Amish work crews, junk vehicles. Call 218-1220
FS - Electric racecar set, electronic dartboard game, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, rocking horse, old Elvis Presley magazines, small round Early American table, Dale Earnhardt items, old 40's hardshell trunk with hangers, popcorn popper, golf balls. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Electric cook stove, black color. Call 270-527-1183
LF - Square baled hay, Call 270-531-1392
Estate sale in Cave City, 2 entertainment cents, odd tables, dishes, kitchen items, ladies clothes sizes 14-16, maple solid wood table and chairs, couch and chair, recliner, end tables, bed and chest of drawers, Broyhill bedroom maple suit, lamps, odd cabinets and household items. Call 270-774-1127
FS 175 John Deere, 42" cut, Troybilt, 42" cut mowers, 2 pushmowers, one is a Troybilt. or will trade. LF - old mowers, old cars for derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Amish books $10. Call 528-7643
FS - Leather motorcycle riding pants and chaps. $20 each or $30 for both. 100 artificial fishing baits. Call 270-774-6307
F s- 38" cut tractor type lawnmower, older, works. $200. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Top soil, fill dirt, red sand. Call 270-537-5875
Horse Cave Christian Church Clothes Closet and Food Pantry will be open Friday, March 22nd, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the church. No income verification and everything is free. The church is located behind Citizens First Bank in Horse Cave.
Will remove bee swarms. Call 270-681-8061
LF -Old Home Place at Rowletts is looking for drivers. Call 270-524-3302
Friday, March 15th, 2019
Will remove bee swarms. Call 270-681-8061
Estate Sale - 2 entertainment centers, odd tables, dishes and kitchen items, ladies clothes sizes 14 -16, household items. Call 270-774-1127
LF -Old Home Place at Rowletts is looking for drivers. Call 270-524-3302
FS - 42" cut Troybilt lawnmower, 2 self propelled pushmowers, LF - go-karts and mini bikes, and old cars for derby cars. 670-1359
LF - Hiring over the road drivers for Veteran's Transportation. Immediate positions. Call 537-3688
FS - 2002 PT Cruizer $2200, 2007 Chevy Trailblazer. $2500. Call 270-774-1475
FS - Kirby vacuum- like new- $250, Tilt bed trailer to haul a lawn mower- $50- 270-904-0931 or 270-846-6406
FS - Rear tine tiller- $450, Acer lap top computer- $150- 270-407-1938
FS - 220 air compressor, Patio table and 4 chairs and looking for Hot Wheels- 270-670-1659
FS - 2000 F150- $3000 obo. 2013 Chevy Impala- $2200 obo- 270-404-6126
FS - 2002 Trailblazer 4 wheel drive- 270-590-4497
FS - Lots of fishing equipment- over 100 fishing lures and tackle box- $300- 270-670-5451
FS - 2 columns for a porch- $25- 270-792-3751
FS - 1500 Yanmar tractor- $1200, 400 Ford engine with 78,000 miles- $300- 270-834-6313 or 270-678-9066
FS - 8 sow pigs- $50 each- 270-612-1209
FS - Refrigerator- $100, Wood burning stove- $75- 270-943-1872
FS - Nice Jersey cow (calving soon) gentle and has been milked- $1250- 270-734-1552
FS - 1923 Willie car- very nice, 2005 Ford van- raised top- V10, and an upright (piano style) record player, and lots of antiques- 270-487-9790
Thursday, March 14th, 2019
FS - Solid wood table and 6 chairs (maple), couch and chair, recliner, end tables, coffee table, bed and chest of drawers, 4 piece maple Broyhill bedroom suit, lamps, old cabinets and household items. Call 270-774-1127
Horse Cave Christian Church Clothes Closet and Food Pantry will be open Friday, March 22nd, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the church. No income verification and everything is free. The church is located behind Citizens First Bank in Horse Cave.
FS - 28" horsemen doll in original outfit, handquilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, cook books, Jane Austin dvd collection, romance books, hand quilted quilt "Texas Star". Call 270-786-4737
FS - 2015 Torro commercial lawnmower 60" cut, 501 hours. $4500. Call 270-218-2004
FS - Rolled hay, 23 rolls, make offer, 1967 Mustang, parting out, camping tents. Call 270-505-0332
FS - Adult electric Racecar set, new adult electric dartboard game, electronic, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, child's rocking horse, old Elvis Presley, Teen magazines Reader's Digest, etc. Early American small round table, Dale Earnhardt items, golf balls, old 40's hard shell trunk with wooden hangers inside, popcorn popper. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Work, painting, with experience. Call 270-218-2729
Will - haul off junk iron, metal and old appliances for the items. FS - Queen size bedroom suit, no mattress or box springs. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Brown leather couch- $200, Oak China cabinet with glass doors- $200, and 2003 Grass Hopper mower- 61”- 270-590-8853
FS - 2000 Prowler camper with a super slide- $5000, And a zero turn Dixon mower- $1000- 270-792-6376
FS - Mini-refrigerator- $60- 270-799-2365
FS - 1996 S10- 2 wheel drive- 4.3- $2000- 270-528-1365
FS - 2000 Ford Ranger truck- automatic- 4 wheel drive- new tires- $1900- 270-774-1975
FS - 2000 bumper hitch camper- $6500- 270-576-5028
FS - 2 power wheel chairs and a microwave- 270-576-2232
FS - Whirlpool dish washer and a white porcelain kitchen sink- both for- $150- 270-791-2628
FS - Cedar blanket chest- $95- 270-843-1651
FS - Whirlpool washer (full size) $75, and a FREE truck bed liner- 270-796-6772
FS - 2 tillers- front and rear tine, 2 drop gate trailers, and 2 mowers- 270-457-4236
FS - Chrome headache racks (pickup) $65, Round hood wheel horse frame (pulling mower frame) $650- 270-590-3554
FS - Vintage Star Wars collectables- $150 (pics are available) and a 1985 Big Red 3 wheeler- great condition- $1800 firm- 270-576-7818
FS - 1 bottom plow, 7’ cross breaker, 2 row cultivator, 750 Kawasaki jet ski and trailer- $1200, 4 wheeler Kawasaki Bayou- $1100, and a trailer with no bed. 270-590-3931
FS - Kirby vacuum- like new- $250, Tilt bed trailer to haul a lawn mower- $50- 270-904-0931 or 270-846-6406
FS - Rear tine tiller- $450, Acer lap top computer- $150- 270-407-1938
FS - 220 air compressor, Patio table and 4 chairs and looking for Hot Wheels- 270-670-1659
FS - 2000 F150- $3000 obo. 2013 Chevy Impala- $2200 obo- 270-404-6126
FS - 2002 Trailblazer 4 wheel drive- 270-590-4497
FS - Lots of fishing equipment- over 100 fishing lures and tackle box- $300- 270-670-5451
Wednesday, March 13th, 2019
FS - Rolled hay, 23 rolls, make offer, 1967 Mustang, parting out, camping tents. Call 270-505-0332
FS - Adult electric Racecar set, new adult electric dartboard game, electronic, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, child's rocking horse, metal small table with 2 chairs, old Elvis Presley, Teen magazines Reader's Digest, etc. Early American small round table, Dale Earnhardt items, golf balls, old 40's hard shell trunk with wooden hangers inside, popcorn popper. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Work, painting, with experience. Call 270-218-2729
Will - haul off junk iron, metal and old appliances for the items. FS - Queen size bedroom suit, no mattress or box springs. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Electric cook stove (glass top) $100, 1966 Oldsmobile convertible (body) $750, 2 recliners- $50 for both, 2 riding mowers- one is a Craftsmen (10 horse) $75; the other is a 42” 15.5 Kohler- $225- 270-421-0618
FS - Full size commercial duty flat track go-kart, 5 1/2 hp Honda engine dual rear brakes shoulder harness runs great very heavy duty 500.00…Yamaha EF 2800 watt heavy duty generator - $450. firm very nice unit- 270-590-1769
LF - Dependable car or SUV no more then $1500, LF - tires size 235/85/r16 and 2 large rosters and a few laying hens, frig, stove and dishwasher in good shape from bug free home. Call 270-303-4144
Tuesday, March 12th, 2019
FS - Adult electric Racecar set, new adult electric dartboard game, electronic, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, child's rocking horse, metal small table with 2 chairs, old Elvis Presley, Teen magazines Reader's Digest, etc. Early American small round table, Dale Earnhardt items, golf balls, old 40's hard shell trunk with wooden hangers inside, popcorn popper. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Rolled hay, 23 rolls, make offer, 1967 Mustang, parting out, camping tents. Call 270-505-0332
FS - 175 John Deere mower and a Husky mower, Rear and front tine tillers- 270-457-4236
FS - Lots of antique lamps- 270-487-9790
FS - Tattoo equipment- 5 machines and more- $125 for all- 270-938-5463
FS - 4 wheeler (350 Honda crouch rocket) not getting gas- 270-404-5379
FS - 182 records (45s) $100, Old cast iron corn bread pans- $10 each (new) Lots of chickens, and some records (33s) $1 each and some ladies purses- 270-777-1990
FS - 14’ fishing boat (metal) needs work- $1200, 2003 Chevy Silverado (went under water at the lake) new tires and 18” chrome wheels- $1800- 270-779-3192
FS - Samsung Galaxy 6 cell phone- $200, Cook stove- $50 and dish washer- $50- 270-670-3609
FS - Electric cook stove (glass top) $100, 1966 Oldsmobile convertible (body) $750, 2 recliners- $50 for both, 2 riding mowers- one is a Craftsmen (10 horse) $75; the other is a 42” 15.5 Kohler- $225- 270-421-0618
FS - Pontoon boat (floating dock) with good floors- $750, Kawasaki Bayou 220- rebuilt- should be ready today or tomorrow- good tires- $950, 6 foot Ferguson disk- $450, 1 bottom plow, Cross Breaker, 2 row cultivator- 270-590-3931
LF- 50 to 90 CC 4 wheeler- 270-246-1734
LF - plastic 5 gallon buckets- 270-528-5425 or 502-758-8883
LF - Someone to work on an electric furnace- 270-432-7035
LF - A small aerator (pull behind a lawn mower) 270-586-1639
GA - Red Healer dog (4 years old) to a good home- 270-670-9797
LF - Extended cab, 4wd drive truck around $3000 range (no Fords). FS - stove and fridge, both work needs cleaning $75 each. FS - 6 by 8 trailer good floor to foot sides 3 foot drop gate, not factory trailer. $400. Call 270-261-2464
I’m looking for a good electric clothes dryer. Call 270-670-4956
Monday, March 11th, 2019
FS - Adult electric Racecar set, new adult electric dartboard game, electronic, Presto pressure cooker, 5,000 btu air conditioner, child's rocking horse, metal small table with 2 chairs, old Elvis Presley, Teen magazines Reader's Digest, etc. Early American small round table, Dale Earnhardt items, golf balls, old 40's hard shell trunk with wooden hangers inside. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Amish books, Ky purse $35, Coach purse $45. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Old riding mowers, old go carts and mini bikes, FS - 50 gallon fish tank on stand $100 with fish, 25 gallon fish aquarium $50 or will trade, Troybilt 42" cut riding mower. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 12 x 12 dog kennel (new) with 4 side panels- $350, Set of Mule harnesses- $500, and a team of Horses (mares) 15 hand high- 270-250-4036
FS - Refrigerator- $100- nice- 270-943-1872
FS - Craftsmen tool box (2 pieces) on wheels- $100- 270-590-8596
FS - Classic 1982 El Camino- runs, but needs work- $1250- 270-317-6995
FS - Lot of diabetic socks- 270-407-3342
FS - 3 hogs- $300- 270-528-6693
FS - Garden tiller (rear tine), Lots of music equipment, 2 leaf blowers, and a FREE outside air unit (large) 270-646-6334
FS - 14’ flat bottom boat- 8 horse Johnson trolling motor, and a 14’ V bottom- nice with lots of accessories- 270-774-2959
FS - Leasing 47 acres- perfect for raising cattle and 3 head of cattle- 270-791-2646
FS - LOTS of NEW ladies clothing, Set of tires- 215/60/17, Some 4 wheeler tires and rims, and a large NEW window- $100- 270-646-5646
FS - 4 x 8 trailer- $300 and a 16’ canoe- $300, and a FREE Bird dog to a good home- 270-670-9561
FS - Wheel barrel- $40, Scaffles- $50, Brick tongs- $10 and some 2 x 10s- $5 each- 270-457-3287
LF- B & M shifter for a 350 turbo, and FS - 20 gallon Craftsmen air compressor- $50- 270-597-7552
LF - Banty chickens and baby chicks- 270-946-6251
LF - Rolls of hay in the Glasgow area- 70-579-9176
LF - A good mini-van- 270-300-3038
LF - Someone to do some tile work, and needing a equipment trailer (flat bed, gooseneck, etc) 270-378-6998
LF - Horse hay (square bales) 270-670-3466
LF - Place to rent in Cave City- $450 per month- 2-3 beds- 270-943-1486
LF- Set of used tires- 235/70/16- 270-606-1518
FS - 2 pet carriers. 270-308-0367
FS - Statesman rear – tine garden tiller, 17” 5.5 Briggs engine. $275. 270-834-0084
LF - 5-6 angus heifers-200-300 lbs. 270-777-1100
LF - Clean, Cheap, Dependable Car, Truck Or SUV. Call Or Text 270-404-5708
LF - Small cast iron woos stove under $150…270-230-6796
LF - Good dependable car in the. $500 to $1200 dollar range also looking for tires size 235/85/r16. Call 270-303-4144
Thursday, March 7th, 2019
FS - 28" Horseman doll, hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, cookbooks, flower books, queen size Texas Star quilt, red satin queen size sheet set, Beanie babies. Call 270786-4737
FS - Rolled hay, 23 rolls, make offer, 1967 Mustang, parting out, camping tents. Call 270-505-0332
FS - Amish books, $10. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Work, painting, with experience. Call 270-218-2729
Will - haul off junk iron, metal and old appliances for the items. Call 270-590-6007
FS - New adult electric race car set, new adult electronic dart board game, Presto pressure cooker, rocking horse, wooden with mane, red metal small table and 2 matching chairs, several old Reader's Digest magazines, old teen magazines, Elvis Presley magazines, many are unopened, small round end table, older. Dale Earnhardt items, Cereal boxes, etc. new boxes of golf balls, luggage and old time suitcase (traveling trunk), with wooden hangers and compartments in good condition, 5000 btu window air conditioner. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
FS - 5 chain saws- $10 each; Push mower, and a Cub Cadet (big wheels) pulling mower- $600- 270-670-6152
FS - Couch and love seat- new- 6 months old, and a 2003 Cadillac 5 speed and leather- can send pictures- 270-799-5925
FS - 2002 450 Four wheeler with good tires, and a 500 Honda Four wheeler; both are 4 wheel drive- and looking for old barns to tear down- 270-427-9498
FS - Zero turn mower (Gravely) 54” commercial deck with 18 horse V twin motor- $1000, John Deere riding mower (42”) $350 and a Craftsmen (42”) $350- 270-308-5057
FS -1987 F-350 5 speed (460 V8) 140 K- comes with a 8’ flat bed and gooseneck ball- $1500- 270-763-7336
FS - Kitchenaid dish washer (Black) Drop In gas cook stove- $100 each- 270-404-0291
Wednesday, March 6th, 2019
FS - Baby ducklings, adults and Bantam chicks, and roosters. Call 270-531-3198
FS- Washer. Call 865-313-7659 or 270-473-0788
FS - John Deere Z rake. $2200. Call 270-528-6700
FS - Dog Pen, powder coated. use 10 x10 or 10x20, comes with 12 panels, 4 doors, weather shades, etc. $1,000. stepping stones with it. porch swing, new. $75. Call 270-528-7851
Tuesday, March 5th, 2019
LF - Old riding mowers, go karts, mini bikes, cars for derby cars, male cockatiel. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Cub Cadet puller with weights. Call 270-670-6152
Will do - alterations. Call 270-528-2444
FS - Rainbow vacuum cleaner with attachments, $400. Call 270-528-4109
FS - New adult electric race car set, new adult electronic dart board game, Presto pressure cooker, rocking horse, wooden with mane, red metal small table and 2 matching
chairs, several old Reader's Digest magazines, old teen magazines, Elvis Presley magazines, many are unopened, carpet steamer and cleaner, new meat slicer for home, small
round end table, older. Dale Earnhardt items, Cereal boxes, etc. new boxes of golf balls, luggage and old time suitcase (traveling trunk), with wooden hangers and compartments
in good condition, 5000 btu window air conditioner. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
FS - 2004 Chevy Impala LS- new tires- can send pics- $1800 and looking for a good Chevy or GMC truck- 270-799-5925
FS - Electric dryer- 270-773-5334
FS - New bed frame (for a kid’s bed) $50 (2) 17” tires- $40, and some motors and motor parts- 270-404-2689
FS - Set of rally wheels- 15” $400- 270-670-5345
FS - 2001 Nissan Maxima- 200K- good tires and air- $1800- 270-537-4662
FS - Body for a 1973 Plymouth Duster (318 car) $1300 obo, Steering column and box for a 1973 Vega, 350 Chevy block- $125- 270-459-2105
Monday, March 4th, 2019
FS - Rainbow vacuum cleaner with attachments, $400. Call 270-528-4109
LF - Someone to clean stalls. Call 270-537-3379
FS - New adult electric race car set, new adult electronic dart board game, Presto pressure cooker, rocking horse, wooden with mane, red metal small table and 2 matching
chairs, several old Reader's Digest magazines, old teen magazines, Elvis Presley magazines, many are unopened, carpet steamer and cleaner, new meat slicer for home, small
round end table, older. Dale Earnhardt items, Cereal boxes, etc. new boxes of golf balls, luggage and old time suitcase (traveling trunk), with wooden hangers and compartments ingood condition, 5000 btu window air conditioner. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
FS - All together or separate: entertainment stand, 2 older TVs, metal twin loft bed frame, matching end tables huge variety of dishes....270-404-2225
FS - White loft bed, no mattress. Has a chalk board on the bottom. $100.270-524-4275
LF - Ferret in Barren County.....270-612-1305
GA - Red roosters 2, 1 dominicker Call 270-524-0605
FS - 2 row tobacco planter- $75, 3 bottom plow- $375, Double barrel wood stove- $150, Polaris Razor (2009) 340 hours- $5500 or trade- 270-378-6998
FS - Jersey Heifers- 270-734-1552
FS - Pontoon boat (20’) $750, 1992 Ford truck bed- $200, 3 point Massy Ferguson disk, 1 bottom turning plow- 270-590-6931
LF - Parts for a Bush Hog brand zero turn mower (50”) and looking for a good 4 wheel drive truck- 270-457-4236
LF - Male Cockatiel bird, Male Yorkie dog, Old complete mowers, and old cars (to make derby cars) 270-670-1359
LF - Horse hay (square bales) 270-796-3047
LF - Good washer- 270-670-1359
LF - Horses & Ponies- 270-563-4273
LF - 2 or 4 tires- 245/70/16s- 270-576-3800
LF - Rhode Island Red rooster- 270-678-5889
LF - Goats and calves- 270-938-5924
LF - Computer for a 2005 Ford Escape- 3.0- 270-734-1552
LF - Senior Pekingese. 270-308-1963
LF - Carpenter work, experienced, references, barns, room additions, garages, decks, etc. 270-287-8229
LF - Free or cheap electric cook stove. 270-622-0694
FR - 4 bedroom mobile home in country, no pets. $500 deposit and $500 a month. 270 773-2304 or 270-590-1005
FS - Desk with shelf unit, and slider shelf $80, 2 entertainment centers, $50 and $85, coffee table with glass, heavy $45, 5 tier shelf unit $35 and 4 tier shelf unit $25. (270) 618-1144
Friday, March 1st, 2019
LF - old riding mowers, Baha mini bikes and go karts, cockatiel bird. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2000 Chevy Suburban, sell engine or all, LS 5.3 engine, 4wd engine. Reece hitch off a 2001 350 Ford van, reece hitch off a 1999 Chevy Silverado, factory set of hubcaps of an E-350 Ford van, LT 225 75 16 tires. LF - job hauling Amish. Call 270-218-1220
FS - Rainbow vacuum cleaner with attachments, $400. Call 270-528-4109
FS - Coach purse and billfold $45, Ky purse, Amish books $10. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Someone to clean stalls. Call 270-537-3379
FS - New adult electric race car set, new adult electronic dart board game, Presto pressure cooker, rocking horse, wooden with mane, red metal small table and 2 matching chairs, several old Reader's Digest magazines, old teen magazines, Elvis Presley magazines, many are unopened, carpet steamer and cleaner, new meat slicer for home, small round end table, older. Dale Earnhardt items, Cereal boxes, etc. new boxes of golf balls, luggage and old time suitcase (traveling trunk), with wooden hangers and compartments in good condition, 5000 btu window air conditioner. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
LF - Old comic book collections- 270-579-1585
LF - Camper for a 1999 Nissan extended cab- 270-457-4757
FS - 24’ extension Aluminum ladder and a 8’ aluminum step ladder w/ tray like new both are Werner ladder’s….. 270-453-3150
FS - X-large inside dog crate, $50 firm, blue max chainsaw 18 inch bar run and cuts $100 or trade to smaller saw also looking for old barns and buildings to tear down…270-261-2464
LF - Gas golf cart, needs lights & windshield & top.. 270-427-6354
LF - Used mobile home to buy must be at least 3 bedrooms and at least 2 bathrooms. Under $12,000. And LF - good running dodge Cummins diesel 4×4 STANDARD king cab preferably and must be 1998 or older, nothing over $4000…(270) 579-9176
LF - Stihl Husqvarna junk or non functional chainsaws or may trade good running saw for some junk non running saws.... 270-670-8080
FS -Forester fireplace insert Sturdy and heavy double walled with glass doors, $100.00 must pick up and can send pics......270-579-6706
FS - All together or separate: entertainment stand, 2 older TVs, metal twin loft bed frame, matching end tables huge variety of dishes....270-404-2225
FS - White loft bed, no mattress. Has a chalk board on the bottom. $100.270-524-4275
LF - Ferret in Barren County.....270-612-1305
Thursday, February 28th, 2019
FS - Rainbow vacuum cleaner with attachments, $400. Call 270-528-4109
LF - Someone to clean stalls. Call 270-537-3379
FS - New adult electric race car set, new adult electronic dart board game, Presto pressure cooker, rocking horse, wooden with mane, red metal small table and 2 matching chairs, several old Reader's Digest magazines, old teen magazines, Elvis Presley magazines, many are unopened, carpet steamer and cleaner, new meat slicer for home, small round end table, older. Dale Earnhardt items, Cereal boxes, etc. new boxes of golf balls, luggage and old time suitcase (traveling trunk), with wooden hangers and compartments in good condition. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
FS - Craftsmen lawn mower (riding) 48” with a 25 horse Kohler engine- $300- 270-404-3775
FS - 2005 Artic Cat 4 wheeler- 4 wheel drive- loaded, but needs very little work- $1200- 270-646-7863
FS - Wooden baby changing table- $50, and a wooden bassinet- $40, and LOTS of baby items- 270-283-5469
FS -1997 Nissan 4 cylinder- automatic- extended cab- 2 wheel drive- $800 obo- 270-590-5928
FS - Dobro, Kentucky mandolin 2 lap steels, and looking for a solid state Peavey amp and some Coke a Cola collectables (cars) 270-579-2754
FS - Wooden changing table (cherry) and matching bed- $100- 270-361-7339
FS - 2001 Mazda (3000) pickup- 160 K- nice and clean- new tires- short bed and a matching camper- $3000 and can send pictures- 270-576-7818
FS - 2001 Dodge Caravan- 230 K- $1000, Propane fireplace log set- $200, 4 Prom dresses- can send pictures- 270-404-1576
FS - Nice golf cart, Music equipment, 2 leaf blowers, and a bumper for a Cub Cadet or Craftsmen mower- 270-646-6334
FS - Older tractor (Yanmar) I have the clutch, but can’t put it in, and a 1978 Ford motor with 78 K miles- $300- 270-678-6334 or 270-834-6313
FL - 27 Acres in Alvaton KY to raise cattle; nice fence, automatic watering, woods, and more- 270-791-2646
LF - 1995-1996 F-150- 270-938-5924
LF - Wringer Maytag washer. 270-202-5727
LF - Set of heads for a S10- 270-597-7552
Wednesday, February 27th, 2019
FS - Rainbow vacuum cleaner with attachments, $400. Call 270-528-4109
LF - Someone to clean stalls. Call 270-537-3379
FS - 4 door Mercury car- 4 cylinder- (2007) needs some work- runs good- $1000- 270-734-1552
FS - Full size pool table (and sticks) - 270-590-1254
FS - Serger sewing machine, Glassware, Child’s desk and more- 270-457-4757
FS - 2008 4 wheel drive 4 wheeler (500 series) and a 450 Honda 4 wheel drive 4 wheeler (2002) and looking for old barns and buildings to tear down- 270-427-9498
FS - Craftsmen lawn mower (riding) 48” with a 25 horse Kohler engine- $300- 270-404-3775
FS - Coach purse and billfold $45, Ky purse, Amish books $10. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Set of tires 215 60 r16, FS - Joe Box toolbox 735-5014
FS - 2 Gineau pig cages, feed and bedding. Call 816-0505 after lunch
FS - Man's watch, new. $10, Dale and Dale Jr collectors knife, $25, movie shelf $30. 473-3678
Tuesday, February 26th, 2019
FS - New tire 225 60 r16. Spare wheel and tire for Chrysler Town & Country minivan. Call 207-590-3209
FS - Horseman doll in original outfit, wall hangings, Amish books, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection, queen size quilt, red satin sheet set, Beanie babies, older ones. Call 270-786-4737
FS - Rainbow vacuum cleaner with attachments, $400. Call 270-528-4109
FS - Head gate for catching cattle $450, log chains, $1 per foot, light poles, square bales of horse hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Chicken coop, bought last year at TSC, has ladder. Call 270-528-6381
LF - 215 60 r15 tires, FS - Joe box toolbox. Call 270-735-5004
FS - Car CD player- $20, 2 Silky Roosters- $5, House Hold items, and a 7’ level- $50- 270-303-6985
FS - Old records (45s) Ladies purses- $10 each, Hard and paper back books on the lives of Country artists- $4 each or will make a deal- 270-777-1990
FS - Set of wheels (15 x 8) aluminum and looking for body parts for a square body S10- 270-597-7552
FS - 2 Billy Goats- 270-427-0196
FS - Lots of chickens- 270-459-0522
FS - Bales of straw- 270-528-1365
FS - Strap on deer stand with harness- $75- 270-528-5208
FS - 16’ fiberglass canoe with 2 new oars; comes with a vehicle transfer kit (for car or truck) and 1 adult size life jacket- $800 obo- 270-646-7497
FS - Trailer frame with camper (30’) with new jack and good tires and wheels- $300, And I restore Oliver tractors- 270-763-7336
FS - 70 pint dehumidifier- $50, Heavy 3 point hay fork (with ball) $75- 270-590-6230
FS - Antique sleigh bed with 2 dressers and washstand, matching, 4 piece, full set. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
Monday, February 25th, 2019
LF - Old riding mowers, mini bikes, junk cars. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Rainbow vacuum cleaner with attachments, $400. Call 270-528-4109
FS - 2007 Dodge Caliber- extremely nice- 89K- 4 door- hatch back- new tires- $5000 firm- 270-537-3111
FS - 6-8 young sows- $50 each- 270-612-1209
FS - Lots of mixed tools, and a deer stand- 270-427-8563
FS - 6 ½ x 12 trailer with double axle- new tires- $1000, Lawn mower parts, Stainless steel shop table, and a chain saw- 270-670-6152
FS - Large car port (47’ long x 13’ wide) $2400 or can divide it in to two parts- 270-202-0588
FS - Nice dog house- $30- 270-678-4992 or 270-404-3653
FS - Hereford bull and Holstein heifer- $600 for both, 3 bottom plow- $300 and some 4.3 motor parts- $300- 270-250-3680
FS - 2 motors- 260 V8 (no heads) $150 and a 302 Ford motor- $150; 2 Vegas (74 & 74) for parts, 1973 Plymouth Duster- $1200 or would trade on any of these items- 270-459-2105
FS - Key board- Roland F90 (88 keys) and a tow bar- $125- 270-237-3546
FS - 3 Honda Odyssey wheels and tires- 16” and looking for odd jobs in the Glasgow area- 270-404-1303
FS - Weed eater (FS 40 CC) Stihl- like new- $125- 270-670-1711
FS - Allis Chalmer garden tractor with a 59” mower- $2500 or would do some trading- 270-579-3589
FOR SALE- NICE older couch and chair, and 4 interior doors, and a nice computer desk- 270-286-4105 or 270-286-8086
FS - 2 year old dish washer- $125 obo, and a 15’ V bottom boat and trailer (no motor) $300 obo or would trade for a calf- 270-774-1614
FS - 2009 Polaris Razor (341 hours) $5500 or would trade- 270-250-3680
FS - large deep freeze- $100, 2 truck loads of firewood- $30- 270-646-5643
FS - 10 rick of seasoned firewood- $40 per rick- 270-670-6108
FS - Axles (for a trailer) and a 5 x 10 and 5 x 7 drop gate trailers and looking for parts for a Bush Hog brand zero turn mower (50” cut) 270-457-4236
FS - Maytag glass top stove- black- needs a cord- $100- 270-404-5368
FS - 1923 Willis car- great condition- $12,500, and a 2005 Ford (F350) van- raised top- V10; and lots of antique lamps and radios- 270-487-9790
FS - Piano- $150 and lots of masonry equipment- 270-779-2217
FS - Kenmore washer and dryer (front load) and a Frigidaire range- $30- 270-579-3206
FS - 2 Jersey bull calves- $30 each- 270-590-9801
FS - 2001 Grand AM car, 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix, 2 Dodge trucks (2002 & 2004) and 2 tractors- 2000 series Ford and a 140 International- 270-576-8971
FS - Briggs and Stratton push mower- $30, and a child’s bounce house- 270-646-7403
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels- $2-$3 each- 270-405-1678 (can send pictures)
FS - An old picture (framed) of Scottsville and some old pictures too- 270-799-1490
FS - 200 old records- $1 each, 500 collectable tins, Old sausage grinders, and some pet carriers- 270-777-1990
FS - Good motor- 4.0- 127,000 miles- $500 and guaranteed to work- 270-597-7797
LF - Someone to work on an electric furnace- 270-432-7035
LF - Sliding 5th wheel hitch or a gooseneck adaptor- 270-670-4333
LF - Firewood delivered- 270-432-2258
LF - Metal top for a pontoon or would buy a whole pontoon (for parts) 270-777-3534
LF - Trailer; big enough to haul a 61” zero turn mower- 270-579-7004
Friday, February 22nd, 2019
LF - Someone to clean stalls. Call 270-537-3379
FS - Antique sleigh bed with 2 dressers and washstand, matching, 4 piece, full set. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
LF - Old mowers, mini bikes and go karts, cars for derby. Call 270-670-1359
FS - GE cook stove- good condition- $75, 2011 Dodge Durango- 124 K- 3rd row- leather- $10,000- 270-793-8625
FS - Brand new gazebo- 270-629-6103
FS - 2 year old dish washer in good condition- $125 obo, Boat and trailer- $300 obo- 270-774-1614
FS - 2 AKC registered Lab dogs- young- $300 and $100- 270-938-5981
FS - 28 x60 mobile home (must be moved) 1997- $10,000, 1998 Jeep Wrangler 160,000 miles- 5 speed- $5000, 2000 5th wheel- 30’- the slide out needs minor work- $500, 1998 Nissan truck- extended cab- 2 wheel drive- $800- 270-590-5928
FS - 70 pint de-humidifier- $50, And a belt exercise machine- $75- 270-590-6230
FS - 3 rocking chairs (new) and an antique butter mold- 270-777-1990
FS - Gas powered golf cart, 2 leaf blowers, Rear tine garden tiller, and lots of sound equipment- 270-646-6334
FS - Tow bar- $125, and a queen size bed with frame-box spring and mattress- $125- 502-689-8368
FS - 20-25 plastic 55 gallon drums- $15 each or will make a deal- 270-791-2628
FS - Upright freezer (3 years old) $300, 2 push mowers- $10 each, China cabinet- $100- 270-272-3293
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels- various sizes- $2-$3 each- 270-405-1628
FS - Jack Russell mix puppies- $75 each- 270-528-6693
FS - Green couch- cloth- smoke free home- $200- 270-590-3511
FS - Grain conveyor (old) 16-24 foot- 270-202-2302
FS - 2 row tobacco planter- $75, 3 bottom plow- $375, Double barrel wood stove- $150, Polaris Razor (2009) 340 hours- $5500 or trade- 270-378-6998
Thursday, February 21st, 2019
FS- 2004 Harley Davidson, 3 wheel bike. $13,500. Can send pics. fish aquarium with 4 fish and stand. $175 and will deliver. Tracphone $20 with charger. Bike carrier for the back of a car, new. $10 Call 270-446-0075
FS - Nigerian dwarf goats, 2 males $100 each, 2 other males, neutered. $100. Call 270-531-3198
FS - 10 horse side shaft engine, Lawn mower parts, Stainless steel shop table, Bread box, Old records, 6.5 x 12 trailer (red) with aluminum wheels- 270-670-6152
FS - 3 Silky roosters, 2 month old rabbits, Car CD player, and house-hold items- 270-576-0183
FS - 200 six cylinder motor (came out of a 1965 Ford Mustang) AND a C4 transmission- motor has 41,000 miles- $450, Chevy 327 motor (67) $550 firm; Grill for a 1941 Chevy car- $450, 1974 Vega (complete) lots of rust, but would make a good project car- $300- 270-459-2105
FS - 2002 Ford- 4 wheel drive- diesel- new tires and wheels- leather and loaded- new transmission- $10,500- 270-763-7336
FS - 2008 500 Honda 4 wheeler- electric shift with good tires; and looking for some old barns and buildings to tear down (will pay cash) 270-427-9498 or 270-427-9056
FS - 16 chickens (1 rooster) $5 each, if you purchase all. 270-528-5208
FS - Storage building- nice- plywood inside and metal outside- $600 obo, must be moved- 270-678-6376
FS - 2005 Harley Davidson (Fat Boy) 19K- $8000, 2007 Road King Harley Davidson- 19K- $9200- 270-308-5300
FS - Teddy Bear collectables- $2 each, 500 collectable tins, Pet carriers, CDs- $2 each, Old records- $1 each- 270-777-1990
FS - 10” Pro Tech miter saw, Sears 16 gallon shop vac, Uni-flame gas grill, Heavy duty camper seat, Bicycle/ATV car changer- ALL- $50- 270-904-3229
FS - Roper electric stove (needs the trays under the burners & a plug) $75, and a 3 in 1 (9 x 16) canopy- nice- brand new $250 or would do some trading- 270-991-0396
FS - Fiberglass bed truck bed cover, Wood bed-stead, and a nice dish washer (Maytag) 270-590-1611
FS - GE cook stove- $75, 2011 Dodge Durango- 124 K- 3rd row- leather- $10,000- 270-793-8625
LF - Someone to clean stalls. Call 270-537-3379
Wednesday, February 20th, 2019
FS - 2 ft 10" long microwave, 1 ft 6" tall, GE, black in color, roosters (2) to give away. Call 270-524-0605
LF - Old mowers, go karts, mini bikes, cars for derby cars, male cockatiel. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Ladder rack for a pickup. Call 270-537-3705
FS - 6x10 trailer with 2x 10 new flooring, new lights, 2" ball and good tires, $600, Full size bed frame only $15. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Square bales of hay- $3 each- 270-799-5962
FS - Custom golf cart (2015) loaded- $6000- 270-646-6334
FS - Love seat, Propane heater, and a dining room table and 4 chairs- 270-404-6708
FS - Lots of quality baby items- 270-834-6923
FS - Complete twin bed with box spring and mattress, and another twin box spring- 270-404-2329
LF- Complete Jeep Cherokees- 270-427-1428
LF - A tank less water heater (propane fired) 270-622-8280
LF - 8’ step side GM truck bed- 270-606-1928
LF - A plumber in the Tompkinsville area- 270-427-7342
LF - Boat trailer- 270-943-7170
LF - Straw bales or rolls- 270-237-0823
LF - Good golf cart- 270-678-2219
FS - IPHONE 5S 32GB & 5 4800mah rechargeable battery cases go with it… Works. Call 270-202-8753
FS - 4 Geo’s , 1997 daily driver, 3 cylinder, 5 speed , 1996 drive able, 3 cylinder, 5 speed, 1999 whole parts car, 3 cylinder, 5 speed, 1997 body parts car, All for $ 2,850. call 270-791-8001
FS or trade - 2003 Lincoln suv and 2003 Chevy asto van. Call 270-590-1311
GA - 2 rabbits. Call 270-612-0118
FS - Lots of frame prints, different sizes and by different artist. Call 270-622-5817
FS - Yamaha XYZ 600 cc motorcycle. $200. Trac phone cell phone with charger. $20. 50 gallon fish aquarium with stand and heater with 4 fish and food. $175. Can send pictures and deliver. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Rolled hay, preferably in Horse Cave area, need 10 to 12 rolls. Call 270-537-4122
LF - Loveseat. Call 270-528-1868
Found - Black male dog without a collar, has a green strap halter. at 2400 block of Griderville Road. Call 270-773-2377
Tuesday, February 19th, 2019
FS - 6x10 trailer with 2x 10 new flooring, new lights, 2" ball and good tires, $600, Full size bed frame only $15. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Washer and dryer. Call 270-218-0813
FS - American standard commode, electric wheelchair. Call 270-218-2067
FS - Porcelain dolls- $10, Country CDs, Old records, Pet carriers, Cookie jars, Sausage and meat grinders. Call 270-777-1990
FS - Oak table and mirror- $40- 270-590-2331
FS - 2002 Chevy pickup (Avalanche) 184 K- new tires- automatic- leather and some quality prints- 270-651-2275
FS - 3 black cows- $650 for all- 270-563-4273
FS - Husqvarna riding mower- 19 horse motor- 42” cut- $500- 270-670-5345
FS - 4 items for one money; Shop vac (Sears) 16 gallon, Chop saw (10”) Gas grill, and swivel seat (also slides) for a boat- ALL for $60- 270-904-3229
FS - Couch and chair (green and gold) GREAT condition, and 4 interior doors, and a Del desk top computer- 270-286-4105 or 270-286-8086
FS - Trailer frame (35 feet long) with nice wood floor- $600- 270-763-7336
FS - 1993 F-150- needs head gasket- runs- good air- no rust- 3 new tires- $450- 270-943-1872
FS - Golf cart, 2 leaf blowers, Rear tine garden tiller, and lots of music equipment, and looking for firewood in the Haywood area- 270-646-6334
FS - Set of tires- 245/65/R17s- $75- 270-606-1928
FS - Small farm trailer- 4 x 8- $400 obo, 10’ bass buggy with trolling motor- $400 or would do some trading- 270-670-9561
FS - 2006 Kia Optima- good heat and air and good tires- $1700- 270-651-3671
FS - Old 20’ pontoon boat- no title- no trailer- $750- 270-590-3931
FS - Big block Chevy motor with only 500 miles- $2500- 678-378-7981
FS - 12” double compound miter saw with stand- $175- 270-774-6300
FS - 2 old collectible books- 270-799-1490
FS - Gas powered clothes dryer- $150, Nice recliner- $175- 270-646-0306
FS - Nissan truck- junk- $200- 270-646-0966
FS - 2001 Mazda pickup (3000 series) 2 wheel drive- 3.0- V6- all powered- loaded- $3000- 270-576-3511
FS - Nice couch (green) $200- 270-590-3511
FS - Firewood in Haywood- $40 per rick- 270-670-6108
FS - 1 acre with 2 garages and a building- $35,000 firm (near Glasgow) and looking for a good out building- 12 x 16 or 20- 270-780-6701
FS - 14’ boat trailer and a zero turn mower- 270-457-4236
FS - 2 Holstein bulls- $450 each or will make a deal- 270-590-9804
FS - Square bales of hay- $3 each- 270-799-5962
Monday, February 18th, 2019
FS - Horseman doll, Amish books, Harlequin Romance books, Martha Stewart cook books, Paul Dean books, queen size Texas Star quilt, red satin sheet set, Beanie babies. Jane Austin dvd collection. Call 786-4737
FS -30" long microwave, black $200 obo. Call 270-524-0605
LF - Slab firewood. 270-528-2152
FS - American Standard commode, electric wheelchair. 270-218-2067
FS - Stemware glasses, dog stroller. Call 270-524-9533
FS - 2015 Chevy crew cab, 4x4, 5.3, automatic, white, and a 2004 Ford F150 crew cab, 4x4 Lariat, leather, sunroof, like new tires, may take partial trade. Call 270-576-4915
LF - Rolled hay, preferably in Horse Cave area, need 10 to 12 rolls. Call 270-537-4122
LF - Loveseat. Call 270-528-1868LF - Moped for reasonable price. 786-5072
Found - Black male dog without a collar, has a green strap halter. at 2400 block of Griderville Road. Call 270-773-2377
LF - 1 full time driver at the Old Homeplace Transport. Apply at the office in Rowletts.
Now hiring - Dinosaur World for part-time seasonal position. Duties include cash register, stocking, maintenance and some lifting. Apply in person at Dinosaur World, Cave City.
LF - Good electric cook stove- 270-404-6137
LF - Parts of a 1957 Chevy 4 door hard top- 270-792-3751
LF - Flat top cook stove- 270-218-3250
FS - 1963 Plymouth valiant slant six engine push button transmission runs and drives 2000 call 270-579-3779 for more info
FS - 2009 Pontiac G6, white, tinted windows. Runs and drives great. 155,000 miles.. asking $5K OBO. Call or text 270-427-0730
LF - cheap fixer upper john boat with trailer and Motor for a cheap price thanks and have a good day….270-670-9753
FS - hot wheels , five steel target stands hand made, And some car parts for a mustang gt year ranging from 96-02 and a 1996 mustang gt. Call 270-308-5357
FS - 1995
-1500 4×4 blazer blue auto runs but has a tick and no title $500$ obo. Call
FS - 2006 Toyota Tundra, 1 owner, 229,200 miles, Runs and drives
$8,000, -Spitfire Scout4 Scooter, Like new $600, -Oak China Cabinet $250 and
-Roscoe Wheelchair, Like new $100…270-782-2570
FS - 1997 dodge Dakota p/u truck, motor needs work, ext-cab 4×4 body in good shape. sell for $700 or trade . I am looking for 3pt tractor wood splitter or good engine driven one. Also, looking for 3pt post hole digger….270-646-5566
LF - Good set of tires and wheels size 265x75x16 to fit a ford or just the wheels or tires…270-590-6409
LF - Hog that weighs 150-250 pounds…270-404-0412
FS – Livestock, including ; Yorkshire boar about 780lbs, Yorkshire sow about 460lbs sow of 6 litters here and is currently pregnant due 4-24/4-27 about 160lbs Yorkshire landrace boar. 3 Mammoth Jack’s. For more information, call or text Michael in Edmonton at 270-725-1842
FS - Cargo trailer and handyman tools.. Selling due to health reasons. Call 270-725-1842
Friday, February 15th, 2019
FS - Yamaha XYZ 600 cc motorcycle. $200. Trac phone cell phone with charger. $20. 50 gallon fish aquarium with stand and heater with 4 fish and food. $175. Can send pictures and deliver. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Rolled hay, preferably in Horse Cave area, need 10 to 12 rolls. Call 270-537-4122
LF - Loveseat. Call 270-528-1868LF - Moped for reasonable price. 786-5072
LF - Babysitting job in Horse Cave. Call 786-5072
FS - Solid Cherry large desk, Martha Washington antique desk, solid oak china cabinet, newborn Dash hound puppy, 6 weeks old. 502-689-1113
LF - Single car canopy. Call 270-537-4681
FS - 2001 Ford F150 4wd. Call 270-528-6286
Found - Black male dog without a collar, has a green strap halter. at 2400 block of Griderville Road. Call 270-773-2377
LF - 1 full time driver at the Old Homeplace Transport. Apply at the office in Rowletts.
FS - 2015 Chevy crew cab, 4x4, 5.3, automatic, white, and a 2004 Ford F150 crew cab, 4x4 Lariat, leather, sunroof, like new tires, may take partial trade. Call 270-576-4915
Now hiring - Dinosaur World for part-time seasonal position. Duties include cash register, stocking, maintenance and some lifting. Apply in person at Dinosaur World, Cave City.
LF - Good king size bed- just frame, head and foot board- 270-438-2471
LF - Propane gas tank- 270-646-5643
LF - Good cheap vehicle- car or truck in the $600-$800 range- 270-779-2217
FS - 2003 Chevy or trade for paint job Chevy truck… 270-590-1311
FS - 2005 Maxima. About 213,000 miles. Leaks oil. Other than that rides quiet and drives like new. Leather seats in good condition. Heated seats and steering wheel. Needs paint job. 270-646-7481
FS - Wood burning fireplace insert. Asking $150. 270-434-3769
Thursday, February 14th, 2019
Found - Black male dog without a collar, has a green strap halter. at 2400 block of Griderville Road. Call 270-773-2377
FS - Yamaha YZX 98 model, with no title. $200, 50 gallon fish aquarium, heater, stand, and food. $200. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Miniature Dash hound, 6 weeks old, black and tan, kitchen island with cabinets, black flat top stove and Kenmore washer. Call 502-689-1113
Now hiring - Dinosaur World for part-time season position. Duties include cash register, stocking, maintenance and some lifting. Apply in person at Dinosaur World.
LF - 1 bale of straw. Call 270-786-1288
LF - 1 full time driver at the Old Homeplace Transport. Apply at the office in Rowletts.
FS - LG smart phone, unlocked with case $200 cash in Glasgow, LF- 1986 Toyota 4x4, extended cab, 22R motor, standard frame, no rust, not plated, LF - Dodge Cummins 4x4, extended cab, standard 1997 or older, ready to drive. Call or text 270-579-9176
LF- Good king size bed- just frame, head and foot board- 270-438-2471
LF - Propane gas tank- 270-646-5643
LF - Good cheap vehicle- car or truck in the $600-$800 range- 270-779-2217
Wednesday, February 13th, 2019
Now hiring - Dinosaur World for part-time season position. Duties include cash register, stocking, maintenance and some lifting. Apply in person at Dinosaur World.
LF - 1 bale of straw. Call 270-786-1288
LF - Meat hog. Call 270-369-8183
LF - 1 full time driver at the Old Homeplace Transport. Apply at the office in Rowletts.
FS - LG smart phone, unlocked with case $200 cash in Glasgow, LF- 1986 Toyota 4x4, extended cab, 22R motor, standard frame, no rust, not plated, LF - Dodge Cummins 4x4, extended cab, standard 1997 or older, ready to drive. Call or text 270-579-9176
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8 diameter, 6 1/2" useable length $9. Call 270-786-1288
FS - Toolbox, gun cabinet. Call 270-735-5004
Tuesday, February 12th, 2019
FS - Puppy, Dashound 6 weeks old, miniature. Flat top cook stove, Kenmore washer 689-1113
FS - Set of tires, size 225 60r 17's. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Amish books, Coach purse $45 and billfold, Ky purse $35. Call 270-528-7643
FS - 2007 Harley Davidson sportser, ham radio 500 watt linear. Call 270-773-5625
FS - 2 large dolls, Hot Wheels. Call 270-524-3368
FS - 2004 Chevy Impala LS- new tires- can send pics- $1800 and looking for a good Chevy or GMC truck- 270-799-5925
FS - Electric dryer- 270-773-5334
FS - New bed frame (for a kid’s bed) $50 (2) 17” tires- $40, and some motors and motor parts- 270-404-2689
FS - Set of rally wheels- 15” $400- 270-670-5345
FS- 2001 Nissan Maxima- 200K- good tires and air- $1800- 270-537-4662
FS - Body for a 1973 Plymouth Duster (318 car) $1300 obo, Steering column and box for a 1973 Vega, 350 Chevy block- $125- 270-459-2105
FS 1996 Blazer- 4 wheel drive- $1900- 270-576-1145
FS - Old couch and chair (green & gold) gently used, and 4 interior doors- 270-286-4105 or 270-286-8086
FS - Nice gun cabinet (wooden and glass) Coffee table and 2 end tables- 270-590-2568
FS - Stainless steel shop table, Weed eater racks, Old records, Bread box, and lots of lawn mower parts- 270-670-6152
FS - Brown couch trimmed in wood- $150, 2005 Ford van (with raised roof) 29K (perfect for flea market) 1923 T-bucket (convertible) and lots of antiques and old oil lamps- 270-487-9790
FS - 3 year old dish washer- can send pics- $125- 270-774-1614
FS - Set of tires (like new) 305/75/16s on 6 lug wheels- $150- 270-597-7552
FS - Polaris ATV tool box (rear) lock and go- $75, 2009 Razor- $6200, - 270-378-6998
FS - HUGE bag of little girl’s clothing- $25- 270-670-7240
FS - 2 sets of tires (20” and 22”) all for $100 and glass blocks for – $1 each- 270-590-6410
FS - Dell computer- works good- 270-286-8086
FS - Chrysler mini-van- 270-670-1359
FS - White golf cart, 2 leaf blowers, Rear tine tiller, and lots of music sound equipment- 270-646-6334
FS - 2001 Mazda pickup- NICE- 2 wheel drive- new tires- interior is in A1 condition- $3000- 270-576-7818
FS - Mustang show car- 1992- 5.0 5 speed, 5th wheel hitch- $600- 270-597-6724
LF - Bales of hay in the Glasgow area- 270-361-7056
LF - Gun cabinet that locks- 270-524-4346 or 270-308-6059
LF - Jobs working on tractor and semi tires- 270-308-5332
LF - 10 x 10 dog kennel and a 2 wheel drive S10 frame- 270-597-7552
LF - Bracket for a T110 John Deere mower- 270-938-5463
LF - Bale housing for a 5.0 mustang 5 speed- 270-773-4766 or 270-773-7245
LF - Bales of straw- 270-590-6410
LF - 4 wheel drive 4 wheeler, Turn over ball for a gooseneck, and a swivel chair- 270-590-5928
LF - Male Cockatiel bird, Old complete mowers- 270-670-1359
LF - Good electric cook stove- 270-404-6137
LF - Parts of a 1957 Chevy 4 door hard top- 270-792-3751
LF - Flat top cook stove- 270-218-3250
FS - 1963 Plymouth valiant slant six engine push button transmission runs and drives 2000 call 270-579-3779 for more info
FS - 2009 Pontiac G6, white, tinted windows. Runs and drives great. 155,000 miles.. asking $5K OBO. Call or text 270-427-0730
LF - cheap fixer upper john boat with trailer and Motor for a cheap price thanks and have a good day….270-670-9753
FS - hot wheels , five steel target stands hand made, And some car parts for a mustang gt year ranging from 96-02 and a 1996 mustang gt. Call 270-308-5357
FS - 1995
-1500 4×4 blazer blue auto runs but has a tick and no title $500$ obo. Call
FS - 2006 Toyota Tundra, 1 owner, 229,200 miles, Runs and drives
$8,000, -Spitfire Scout4 Scooter, Like new $600, -Oak China Cabinet $250 and
-Roscoe Wheelchair, Like new $100…270-782-2570
FS - 1997 dodge Dakota p/u truck, motor needs work, ext-cab 4×4 body in good shape. sell for $700 or trade . I am looking for 3pt tractor wood splitter or good engine driven one. Also, looking for 3pt post hole digger….270-646-5566
LF - Good set of tires and wheels size 265x75x16 to fit a ford or just the wheels or tires…270-590-6409
LF - Hog that weighs 150-250 pounds…270-404-0412
FS – Livestock, including ; Yorkshire boar about 780lbs, Yorkshire sow about 460lbs sow of 6 litters here and is currently pregnant due 4-24/4-27 about 160lbs Yorkshire landrace boar. 3 Mammoth Jack’s. For more information, call or text Michael in Edmonton at 270-725-1842
FS - Cargo trailer and handyman tools.. Selling due to health reasons. Call 270-725-1842
LF - Electric wheel chair carrier for the back of a vehicle 270-678-5037
Monday, February 11th, 2019
FS - 2015 Chevy crew cab, 4x4, 5.3, automatic, white, and a 2004 Ford F150 crew cab, 4x4 Lariat, leather, sunroof, like new tires, may take partial trade. Call 270-576-4915
Now hiring - Dinosaur World for part-time seasonal position. Duties include cash register, stocking, maintenance and some lifting. Apply in person at Dinosaur World, Cave City.
FS - 50 gallon fish aquarium, catfish, heater, stand, $200 firm. 2 VHS camcorders $20 each. case and battery charger $20 each. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Male Cockatiel, washer, old riding mowers, cars for derby cars. 670-1359
LF - 1 bale of straw. Call 270-786-1288
LF - Meat hog. Call 270-369-8183
LF - 1 full time driver at the Old Homeplace Transport. Apply at the office in Rowletts.
FS - LG smart phone, unlocked with case $200 cash in Glasgow, LF- 1986 Toyota 4x4, extended cab, 22R motor, standard frame, no rust, not plated, LF - Dodge Cummins 4x4, extended cab, standard 1997 or older, ready to drive. Call or text 270-579-9176
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8 diameter, 6 1/2" useable length $9. Call 270-786-1288
LF - Fiberglass topper for an S-10 truck, high back. Call 270-537-1706
FS - Antique 5 legged drop leaf table. $75. Call 270-473-1499
FS - Pedestal sink $50, box of aluminum siding, new 10 to 12" wide, 12 ft long pieces, double sink with delta faucets ad 2 oak mirrors. $75. Call 270-786-1281
FS - Framed prints, assorted sizes, paintings, antique rocker, refinished, and inside plants. Call 270-524-9647
LF - Firebird body or Camaro body. Call 270-307-4587
FS - Log chains, horse hay in square bales, head gate for catching cattle $450, kitchen cabinets, top and bottom with sink and faucets, electric fence box, $65. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 1984 Crown Vic, good body. needs motor. Call 270-531-1392
FS - Bi fold doors, 6 sets matching, metal. Call 270-565-1663
FS - Pink guitar. Call 270-579-2754
LF - Gun cabinet. Call 270-524-4346 or 270-308-6059
LF - Mowing deck for 42" John Deere. Call 270-938-5463
Friday, February 8th, 2019
FS - 2015 Chevy crew cab, 4x4, 5.3, automatic, white. 2004 Ford F-150 crew cab, 4x4 Lariat, leather, sunroof, like new tires, may take partial trade. Call 270-576-4915
Now hiring - Dinosaur World for part-time season position. Duties include cash register, stocking, maintenance and some lifting. Apply in person at Dinosaur World.
LF - 1 bale of straw. Call 270-786-1288
LF - Small pickup truck, good condition. under $2000. 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup, , good tires, has new shocks. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Porcelain doll, original clothing, baby quilts, wall hangings, romance books, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, queen size quilt "Texas Star" hand quilted, red satin sheet set, Beanie babies. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Movies, The White Buffalo, Christmas Magic and the Great Divine. Call 270-590-0172
FS - Coach purse $45, Ky purse $35. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Male Yorkie, male cockatiel, old cars and old mowers. Call 270- 670-1359
LF - Meat hog. Call 270-369-8183
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8 diameter, 6 1/2" useable length $9. Call 270-786-1288
FS - LG smart phone, unlocked with case $200 cash in Glasgow, LF- 1986 Toyota 4x4, extended cab, 22R motor, standard frame, no rust, not plated, LF - Dodge Cummins 4x4, extended cab, standard 1997 or older, ready to drive. Call or text 270-579-9176
LF - 1 full time driver at the Old Home Place Transport at Rowletts. Please apply at the Old Home Place Transport location.
LF - Bullet style shop heater- 270-799-1490
LF - 2 metal wheels 15” 5 lug for a half ton Chevy- 270-528-5208
LF - 4 x 4 Chevy or GMC truck- 270-457-4236
LF - Good outside building (12 x 20) with a porch and needing some go cart and mini-bikes parts- 270-780-6701
LF - Some firewood delivered in Cave City- 270-438-0818
LF - Dual axle trailer (10-12 feet long) 270-246-1734
Thursday, February 7th, 2019
FS - VHS camcorders, $20 each, cases and battery charges and battery $20, like new upright freezer with lock $250, 50 gallon fish aquarium, fish, etc. $200. VHS and dvd movies. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Barrel lids $12 each, 10 are available. Call 270*786-4836
Soup lunch at the Hart County Extension 4-H program Friday, several orders can be delivered. Call 270-524-2451
FS - Oak kitchen table with chairs, loveseat, antique shelf with 2 drawers. 270-576-5222
F s- Full size toolbox for a pickup with key. Call 270-528-2531
FS - Custom built lawnmower trailer that will haul three commercial mowers, has racks, upgraded axles, wheels and tires. $2350 firm. Call 270-670-7725
LF - Meat hog. Call 270-369-8183
LF - 1 full time driver at the Old Home Place Transport at Rowletts. Please apply at the Old Home Place Transport location.
FS - 43" Samsung Smart tv, like new $275. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8 diameter, 6 1/2" useable length $9. Call 270-786-1288
FS - LG smart phone, unlocked with case $200 cash in Glasgow, LF- 1986 Toyota 4x4, extended cab, 22R motor, standard frame, no rust, not plated, LF - Dodge Cummins 4x4, extended cab, standard 1997 or older, ready to drive. Call or text 270-579-9176
FS - 1992 Ford F150 4 wheel drive- rebuilt title- 5.0- $1150- 270-246-6701
FS - Husqvarna chain saw (370) 24” bar and a new chain, Yard Machine mower, and some Go Cart frames- 270-565-2587
FS - 1973 Plymouth Duster- $1200, 1986 Chevy Silverado (square body) $5500, and a 1965 Ford Galaxy- nice and solid- big block (or trade) $4500, 302 Ford (1968) motor- 270-459-2105
FS - 2003 Chevy Silverado (parting out or would sell as is) and a 2003 5.3 Chevy motor- 270-792-4645
FS - Racing Go Cart (or trade) Cow Hood for a 67 Mustang, Grill for a 65-68 Ford Mustang- 270-407-3874
FS - Bed covers for Chevy pickups (short and long wheel base) 1994 1 ton Dually (parting out) and some Holly carburetors- 270-202-7569
Wednesday, February 6th, 2019
FS - 43" Samsung Smart tv, like new $275. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Housekeepers and front desk from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. at holiday Inn Express, 750 Flint Ridge Road, Horse Cave, apply in person.
FS - HP Slate 21" Android touch screen computer, $100 comes with wireless keyboard and mouse, must pickup in Horse Cave. Call 270-308-0184
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8 diameter, 6 1/2" useable length $9. Call 270-786-1288
FS - LG smart phone, unlocked with case $200 cash in Glasgow, LF- 1986 Toyota 4x4, extended cab, 22R motor, standard frame, no rust, not plated, LF - Dodge Cummins 4x4, extended cab, standard 1997 or older, ready to drive. Call or text 270-579-9176
FS - Dalmatian puppy- 10 weeks old- registered- $400- 270-622-8280
FS - Couch (8 feet long), like new that reclines in each end- $400- 270-773-4618
FS - 5 x 10 & a 4 x 7 (drop gate) and a 5 x 7 metal trailer (tilt) 270-457-4236
FS - Deep freeze (upright) in great condition- $300, China cabinet, and a table with 4-6 chairs and looking for a 6 lug 15” Dakota truck wheel- 270-272-3293
FS - Dryer- like new- $125- 270-773-5334
FS - 1994 Ford F150- 4 wheel drive- lifted- needs minor work- $3000 or would trade- 270-570-0347
FS - Bread box (wooden), Old records, 10 horse side shaft motor, Weed eater racks, Lawn mower parts (wheels and tires too) and some Jeep tires and wheels 265/70/15. Call 270-670-6152
Tuesday, February 5th, 2019
FS - Washer $100. Call 270-218-1259
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8 diameter, 6 1/2" useable length $9. Call 270-786-1288
FS - LG smart phone, unlocked with case $200 cash in Glasgow, LF- 1986 Toyota 4x4, extended cab, 22R motor, standard frame, no rust, not plated, LF - Dodge Cummins 4x4, extended cab, standard 1997 or older, ready to drive. Call or text 270-579-9176
FS - 60 gallon fish tank with oak base $75. Call 270-218-0105
FS - Fish aquarium $250, can send pics and deliver, upright freezer, less than a year old $350. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 43" Samsung Smart tv, like new $275. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Housekeepers and front desk from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. at holiday Inn Express, 750 Flint Ridge Road, Horse Cave, apply in person.
FS - HP Slate 21" Android touch screen computer, $100 comes with wireless keyboard and mouse, must pickup in Horse Cave. Call 270-308-0184
FS - 3 roosters, 30 rabbits, 14 x 6 portable storage building, and some house-hold items- 270-303-6985
FS - Set of new tires- 205/60/16, Some 4 wheeler tires and wheels, and a large window (brand new) the crank in style- 270-646-5643
FS - Dish washer- $100 or would trade to a refrigerator- 270-404-5947
FS - 2 Chainsaws (Husqvarna) 18” bar- $175, Stihl chainsaw- 16” bar- $125 and some others too- 270-935-8319
FS - Lawn mower trailer in A1 condition- 270-904-0731 or 270-846-6406
LF - Standing drill press and some blade grinders- 270-579-3589
Monday, February 4th, 2019
FS - Horseman doll in original clothing, old. hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, romance books, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection, queen size Texas Star design quilt. red satin sheet set. Beanie babies. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Male cockatiel bird, riding mower, FS - minivan for junk. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Firewood. 528-1531
FS - 43" Samsung Smart tv, like new $275. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Housekeepers and front desk from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. at holiday Inn Express, 750 Flint Ridge Road, Horse Cave, apply in person.
FS - HP Slate 21" Android touch screen computer, $100 comes with wireless keyboard and mouse, must pickup in Horse Cave. Call 270-308-0184
FS - 2 female Shorkie pups- $200 each - 270-535-7079
FS - 1997 F-150- white- all leather- 200K- 4 X 4- extended cab- good tires- $2300 obo, and a miniature Chase lounge chair- $45- 270-996-0344
FS - 2003 Mustang- V6 automatic- Red- runs. $1000- 270-563-6038
FS - New video Bluetooth sound board- 380 watts and a 14 K gold pocket watch- all for $75- 270-438-9788
FS - 4 matching model T wheels, and a 5 horse Johnson motor, and a women’s riding saddle- 270-404-2876
FS - Roper dryer- call for details- 270-773-5334
FS - 4 ½' by 8' lawn mower trailer- with small wheels- dump bed- $225- 270-427-9056
FS - Roper electric stove- $100 cash or would do some trading- needs a cord and pans with fit under the burners- 270-991-0396
FS - Cherry picker- $75 today, New wall mount heater- $64- 270-308-1124
FS - 5’ claw foot tub- $400, and a 6’ long whirlpool- nice- $800- 270-792-1822
FS - 2 year old dishwasher – white- good condition- $125- 270-774-1614
FS - Go Cart frame (with back tires and wheels and a body kit) $150- 270-407-3874
FS - 2001 Mazda, regular cab with topper- new tires- 2 wheel drive- can send some pics- $3100- 270-576-7818
FS - 14ft v-bottom John boat, no leaks, ready to go. Trolling motor included. $300 Call 270-590-5856
LF - Handyman work, general home/appliance repairs, interior/exterior painting, drywall repair, flooring, 30 years carpentry experience. References. Call 270-670-5687
FS - 2001 coachman Catalina fifth wheel camper needs some work $4,000 on lot, can be moved. Call 270-799-9717
FS - PS2 and 40 games $150, men’s size 10 - 7 diamond cluster ring $300. men’s 2xl Harley Davidson riding jacket $250. 270-779-2759
Thursday, January 31st, 2019
FS - fish aquarium, with fish and stand $200. Frigidaire upright freezer. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Red couch- nice, Recliner (brown) Coffee table and End tables with matching lamps, Diesel tank, Boarder Collie pups and another couch- 270-590-2568
FS - White golf cart, LOTS of music equipment, 2 leaf blowers, and some mini-bike parts and frames- 270-646-6334
FS - 2 bulls- 270-590-2505
FS - 2009 Ford F350- 5.4 gas motor- $7500, Old refrigerator and microwave, and a 1997 Ford truck- 7.3 diesel- 4 wheel drive- 270-670-1694
FS - 2001 Honda CRV- no smoker- White in color- good tires- 4 cylinder- $2500 cash, Wooden desk, iron with shelf on top, Filing cabinet (wooden) and a small table to hold computer tower, printer, and CDs - all for $100, and laminate flooring- 400 square feet- $200- 270-528-1242
LF - A bullet style shop heater- 270-799-1490
LF - 2 metal wheels 15” 5 lug for a half ton Chevy- 270-528-5208
LF - 4 x 4 Chevy or GMC truck- 270-457-4236
LF - Good outside building (12 x 20) with a porch and needing some go cart and mini-bikes parts- 270-780-6701
LF - Some firewood delivered in Cave City- 270-438-0818
LF - Dual axle trailer (10-12 feet long) 270-246-1734
LF - Gooseneck trailer- $4000 range, Cargo trailer with tandem axles- 270-991-1004
LF - Full size truck- Dodge- 2002-2005- 615-388-5731
LF- Natural born bob tailed kitten- 270-590-5635
LF - 2 ricks of good firewood- delivered in the Bowling Green area, and a full size truck- (1996-2006) with smaller motor- 207-890-5506
FS - 17 foot flat bed bumper hitch trailer, good tires floor and jack, pulls good $500. 13 month-old Red Tick Coonhound. LF - Old barns and buildings. Call 270-261-2464
FS - 2008 Dodge 4wd, mega cab, fully loaded, diesel, $17,500, serious calls only. Call 270-834-6403
FS - 4 Geo Metro, 2 are parts cars , 2 are drivable. The cars are 1996, 2 are 1997 and 1999. Selling all 4 cars for $3000, firm. Call 270-791-8001
Wednesday, January 30th, 2019
FS - Upright Frigidaire freezer, has locking door. $300. 50 gallon fish aquarium with fish, stand, light and heater and food. $250. Call 270-446-0075
LF - Housekeepers and front desk from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. at holiday Inn Express, 750 Flint Ridge Road, Horse Cave, apply in person.
Stolen - white circulation fan from back yard at Broadway Street, Cave City, between Friday at 4:30 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. Saturday.
FS - Holly carburetors- 270-202-7569
FS - Lawn mower trailer (pull behind) $50- 270-904-0734
FS - 1991 RV- Fleetwood Sound Wind- nice- 270-991-1004
FS - 30 calves- Angus cross- bulls and heifers- 270-453-3775
FS - Nice white dresser with large mirror- $125, LG gas dryer- $200, Deep freeze- $200- 570-404-1305
FS - Heavy duty hay trailer (16 x 5 ½ feet) all steel- $1200, 2 dog houses with treated wood- 270-791-2646
FS - Rainbow vacuum with attachments; The shampooer is brand new- all is in A1 condition- $400
FS - 2001 Mazda pickup- 3.0- V6 automatic- all power- regular cab- with topper- 2 wheel drive- $3250, and a- 2005 Honda 500- 4 wheeler- $3500- 270-576-7818
FS - Nintendo DS (older) with games and a case- $30- 270-531-2147
Tuesday, January 29th, 2019
LF - Housekeepers and front desk from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. at holiday Inn Express, 750 Flint Ridge Road, Horse Cave, apply in person.
Stolen - white circulation fan from back yard at Broadway Street, Cave City, between Friday at 4:30 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. Saturday.
FS - 28" doll in original outfit, wall hangings, baby quilts, romance books, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, queen size Texas Star quilt, red satin 4 piece sheet set for queen. Beanie babies, assorted sizes. Call 270-786-4737
FS - Upright Frigidaire freezer $300, 50 gallon fish aquarium, stand, heater, fish. $200. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 60 gallon fish tank with stand $100. Call 270-218-0105
FS - Female Pit Bull- 3 months old - $150- 270-576-1666 & can send some pictures
FS - Large refrigerator (single door) 2 years old- $150, and a cook stove (needs one burner replaced) $75- 270-361-1116
FS - Dalmatian puppy- 10 weeks old- registered- $400- 270-622-8280
FS - Couch (8 feet long) like new that reclines on each end- $400- 270-773-4618
FS - 5 x 10 & a 4 x 7 (drop gate) and a 5 x 7 metal trailer (tilt) 270-457-4236
FS - Deep freeze (upright) - $300, China cabinet, and a table with 4-6 chairs and looking for a 6 lug 15” Dakota truck wheel- 270-272-3293
FS - Dryer- like new- $125- 270-773-5334
FS - 1994 Ford F150- 4 wheel drive- lifted- needs minor work- $3000 or would trade- 270-570-0347
FS - Bread box (wooden) Old records, 10 horse side shaft motor, Weed eater racks, Lawn mower parts (wheels and tires too) and some Jeep tires and wheels 265/70/15- 270-670-6152
FS - 25 cu ft. side by side Whirlpool refrigerator freezer clean and works good $300. Call 270-428-5023
LF - 3 bedroom house to rent in the Glasgow Barren County area. Call 270–670–2294
FS - 8 acres on the Conatser Road in the Glasgow Barren County area, Off HWY 90 east onto Lick branch road about 2 miles out. Road frontage, good flat land. Call 270–590-9329
LF - Someone to mount a TV on the wall. FS - hydraulic lift for a patient with sling and will roll and swivel, has brakes. Can send pictures. Like new.. Asking $400. Wooden headboard, for full size /double bed $20. 270-618-5825.
LF - Jobs doing home repairs, carpentry, drywall, painting, have references. Glasgow area. Call 270-670-5687
LF - T-post, fencing materials, and square bales of hay. (270)799-9185
GA - 2 male cats. Could be barn or house cats. Litter box trained. Call 270-308-1963
Monday, January 28th, 2019
FS = HP Slate 21" Android touch screen computer, $100 comes with wireless keyboard and mouse, must pickup in Horse Cave. Call 270-308-0184
FS - Frigidaire upright freezer, can deliver $300, 50 gallon fish aquarium, fish, stand and food. Call 270-446-0075
F S- Nigerian male dwarf goats, born in 2018, 2 that are neutered born in 2017, bantam chickens and standard roosters. Call 270-531-3198
FS - Glass Chem and glass , LF - hen turkey 528-4750 537-1844
FS - 3 ricks of firewood, must pickup, green. $100 for all. Call 270-473-1408 in Bonnieville.
FS - 3 wooden rockers. $100 for all, 3 copper glass tables $100 for all. LF - small doghouse. Call 270-531-6947
FS- Quality horse hay (square bales) Log chains- $1-$2 per foot, Cattle head gate- $450 obo, Electric fence box- $65- 270-932-1777
FS - Set of Buick rims- 15” $40, 16” chrome wheels- $60, Race go cart frame- $150- 270-528-6914
FS - Camaro car body (1994) no motor, but good tires- 270-261-1487
FS - 28 Holstein Steers, and some other steers (Jersey and Jersey mix), LF - 4 tires for a trailer- 205/70/15 10 ply- 270-734-1552
LF - A house and land to rent or rent to own- 270-604-9171
LF - 15 Rolls of hay- 270-576-6307
LF - Small puppy- $50 range- 270-904-1137
LF - Birds of any kind- 270-404-0950
LF- Automatic transmission for a 1999 Honda Accord and a place to rent. - 270-779-2217
LF - Large dog kennel- 270-597-7552
LF - Border Colley or Australian Shepherd pup- 270-590-2367
LF - 2 bales of good hay at reasonable price. FS -f dvds at reasonable price. 2 homemade baby quilts. 270-773-4512
FS - 2008 Nissan Sentra (130,700) 4 door Silver, good tires, brakes, new battery, pet and smoke free. Call after 6:00 p.m. at 502-680-2475
Congratulations to Rose Whitlow - WLOC Swap Shop Winner this week of $50!
Be listening for your chance to win on Studio 101!
Friday, January 25th, 2019
GA - Female Chihuahua, 7 months old. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Coach purse $45, Ky. Ky. purse. $35. Call 270-528-7643
Fs- Upright freezer, less than a year old, Frigidaire, has lock and key, 50 gallon fish aquarium. $200. Call 270-446-0075
GA - Male cat. Neutered. Call 270-646-8509
LF - Babysitting jobs in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Golf clubs and golf balls. Call 270-565-1712
FS - 5 x 10 utility trailer will trade for a cargo trailer 537-3341
FS - 5th wheel trailer 16 ft on bottom, 4 ft on top, needs bed. $600. Call 270-307-4587
FS - 3 riding mowers $300, generator $400. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Grill for 2008 Chrysler Town and Country van and heater core. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Large tobacco baler box. Call 270-369-8183
FS - Boys 2T to 4. Clothes. Call 270-537-5572
FS - Floor lamp $10. Call 270-524-4547
FS - Quality horse hay (square bales) Log chains- $1-$2 per foot, Cattle head gate- $450 obo, Electric fence box- $65- 270-932-1777
FS - Set of Buick rims- 15” $40, 16” chrome wheels- $60, Race go cart frame- $150- 270-528-6914
FS - Camaro car body (1994) no motor, but good tires- 270-261-1487
FS - 28 Holstein Steers, and some other steers (Jersey and Jersey mix) and looking for 4 tires for a trailer- 205/70/15 10 ply- 270-734-1552
Thursday, January 24th, 2019
FS - Upright freezer $300 Frigidaire, line new. 50 gallon fish aquarium, 4 fish, stand, $250. neg. LF - trailer tires P175 80R13's. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Horseman doll 28" tall with original clothes, hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, Harlequin books, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection, large queen size Texas Star quilt, queen satin sheet set, Beanie Babies. Call 270-786-4737
FS - Dishes, quilt, old nickels, wheat pennies. Indian head penny. Call 270-524-0435
LF - Fiberglass topper for an S-10 truck, high back. Call 537-1706
FS - Antique 5 legged drop leaf table $75. Call 270-473-1499
FS - Weed eater racks- $30, lawnmower tires (tractor tread) old records, bread box, 205/70/15 tires on Jeep wheels and more items too- 270-670-6152
FS - 4 wheeler tires- in good condition- Front- 26x9Xr12 Rear- 12x11Xr12- $100, Antique dresser- $60, Flat top guitar- $40, 2013 Spree with 827 miles- $700 cash, and a GE electric stove- $75 cash- 270-612-0478
FS - 1997 Ford F150 4.6- runs and drives- $500- 270-799-2550
FS- 2 Chevy motors (350) and a FREE New Zealand doe rabbit- 270-576-6228
FS - Dalmatian puppy- 10 weeks old- 270-622-8280
FS - 2006 Nissan Sentra- 159 K- new paint and new brakes- nice and dependable- $2200- 270-773-2919
FS - Nice couch- $150- 270-487-9790
FS- Insulated panels, Glassware, and some deer horn key chains - 270-457-4757
FS - Double door gun cabinet and lots of DVDs and looking for some Hot Wheels- 270-670-1659
FS- 2 custom guitars (Telecaster and Stratocaster) with gig bags, and a Black Star guitar amp- $150, Wood stove (made from a barrel) on legs- $80- 270-579-7004
FS - Black refrigerator (large) $200, Cook stove (white) needs one burner replaced- $75, and a good microwave (white) $25- 270-361-1116
FS - Pioneer amp- 1000w and some wheels and tires (17”) 270-943-9022
FS - 1991 Bounder RV- 33’- 270-590-6379
LF - Plastic or metal barrels with lids to store feed- 270-392-4514
LF - Place to rent in Austin Tracy area ASAP- 270-308-7497
LF - Dual axle trailer- 10’ or 12’- 270-246-1734
LF - Electric switches for a 2002 Kia Sportage 4 door (my windows won’t roll down) 270-261-1468
LF - Good used black range hood- 270-331-3165
LF - 10 rolls of good cow hay - 270-796-0063
FS - 24 game mixed hens and a rooster- 270-459-0522
GA - 4 hamsters, call 270-612-0118
Will do - handy man, home repairs, painting, carpentry, etc. in Glasgow area. Call 270-679-5687
LF - Used tires. Size P225 x 70 – R15 would like to buy complete set , but I would take qty 2.
FS - 1998 Mazda short bed .Transmission needs to be checked. Call 270-670-2294
FS - Framed prints by different artist and different size prints. Call 270-622-5817
FS - Table 4’ 6” X 3’ by 3ft. $50 & 6 high back chairs with padded seats $75.00…270-590-6866
LF - Square bales of hay- 270-799-9185
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019
LF - Trailer tires size 175 80 13's, FS - 50 gallon fish aquarium with stand, fish and food $200, Frigidaire refrigerator. $400. Call 270-446-0075
LF - 6x8 or 6x10 box trailer or will trade a box trailer. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Tool box for a full size truck- $70- 270-218-1329
FS - Upright deep freeze (3 years old) made by Frigidaire- $300- 270-272-3293
FS - 2002 Dodge truck- 4 door- V8, also a 2007 Grand Prix- 270-576-8971
FS - Baby clothes, lots of yard sale items (will make a deal) Hiking boots (size 6 ½) New Balance shoes (6 1/2) $50 for both; 2 Men’s wedding bands, Entertainment center and a TV stand- 270-749-4848
FS - 2 buildings full of yard sale items including a Coke picture- $25- 270-457-4757
FS - (3) 100 gallon barrels- $75 each, (2) 12’ feeders- $100 each, Calf house- $100, Goat carrier- $100, Small feeders (from TSC) Lots of metal (for welding projects) and lots of TAC and some saddles- 270-670-6498
FS - Good refrigerator- $175 obo, Ringer washer- $200, Wood/coal stove- $150, and a old Coke machine- $450- 270-670-3570
FS - Black tool box (plastic) $50, 5th wheel adaptor for a pickup- $150, Snapper mower (33”) $150, (4) 16” tires- $50, CB radio equipment, 2000 Dodge Dakota- extended cab- 4 wheel drive- $1000, 2 kerosene heaters- $100, Bath room vanity counter top- $40, 33 gallon air compressor- $60, Some propane heaters and tanks- $100 for all, Jogging baby stroller- $30- 270-303-4301
FS - 2005 Ford van- ¾ ton- V10- raised roof- 29,000 miles- great condition, Lots of marbles, and a 50th anniversary Fender guitar with hard shell case- $700- 270-487-9790
FS - Truck load of lumber from a privacy fence- good condition- $45 for all of it- 270-991-0396
FS - 2013 Spree- 150 CC- clear title- like new- $750, Washer and dryer set- Kenmore- $125, Coke machine (holds cans) $250, and a building full of yard sale items- 270-612-0478
FS - New Brother sewing machine- 270-678-4318
FS - 1991 Bounder RV in great condition- 33’- with lots of storage; also comes with a generator- $6000 obo, and a camper top for a small truck- $50 obo- 270-590-6295 or 270-590-6379
FS - 50 canning jars- $20, Camper top- $65, and some drive shafts for a 4 wheel drive Chevy- 270-590-6588
LF - Old zero mowers to fix up (50” cut or bigger) 270-597-7552
LF - Rolled hay in the east Glasgow area- 270-590-1190
LF - Odd jobs in the Glasgow area and a cheap car (maybe could work out a payment plan) 270-404-1303
LF - Set of tires- 225/70/15s (would be willing to take 3) 270-331-3165
LF - 2 twin beds in good condition- 270-622-8280
LF - Toyota truck (in the $5000-$8000 range) and needing some watering troughs (2-3) 270-590-6410
LF - Dodge truck parts 92003-2004) 615-388-5731
FS - 2003 Chevy Astro van run good- new tires, 2003 Lincoln Aviator 4 door… new tires. Call 270-590-1311
FS - Wood/cook stove $300, white billy goat $100. LF - old barns and buildings to tear down. Call 270-261-2464
LF - Good used electric dryer reasonably priced. Call 270-678-5209
FS - New nest 3rd generation thermostat $200. Call 270-991-6547
FS - 22 ton wood splitter 8 hp $650.00 / 20 ton three point hitch wood splitter $450.00 (270) 427-6194
FS - Good cook stove- $50- 270-361-7812
FS - Lots of shiplap (barn lumber) for home décor; Old doors and window seals- 270-670-3546
FS - Kohler motor (8 horse) $150, Rear Tine tiller- $40, Grill assembly for a 1966 Mustang, Cow hood for a 1967 Mustang- 270-407-3874
FS - 1997 Dodge Dakota extended cab- 162,000 miles- would trade for a good boat motor- 270-407-3874
FS - 12’ stock trailer- 270-308-6059 or 270-853-3822
FS - 16’ boxed in trailer- 5th wheel- oak floor- diamond plated stainless steel- $2500- 270-612-0834
FS - 2 nylon harness for a pony- new (full sets) $100 each or $175 for both, and looking for a tom turkey- 270-537-4669
FS - 1923 Willie car (T bucket) convertible- 360 automatic- yellow with flames. Edison record players (with the horn) and some old 1800s radios and lamps- 270-487-9790
FS - 450-500 new bricks- $.25 each- 270-938-5463
FS - Full size bed- box springs and mattress included and a set of sheets- all for- $50- 270-622-8280
FS - Battery powered floor buffer- $200, 6 x 12 enclosed trailer with full shelving- drop tail gate- $1600- 270-935-1198
FS - Female Pit Bull- 14 weeks old- $200- 270-576-1666
FS - Great Pyrenees puppies (7) $150 each and some goats for sale too- 270-590-6853
FS - 2008 Polaris Sportsmen 4 wheeler- like new- 60 hours- 4 x 4 automatic- $3500 for would trade for a good gooseneck trailer, 3 bottom plow- $375, and looking for a 20” tires and wheel- 270-378-6998
FS - Laying hens, Ducks, and chicken pens- 270-579-6449
FS - Dinning room table and chairs, 20’ extension ladder, Love seat and recliner- 270-404-6708
FS - Kawasaki Bayou 220- 2 wheel drive- 4 wheeler- $650, 2 deer ladder stands with climbing sticks and lines- $150 for all; 1128 tractor rim (spin out) $200, 3 point hitch, Ferguson disc (6 foot) 2 row cultivator, 7’ cross breaker, 1 bottom plow- 270-590-3931
FS - Red Belly Ford tractor with 6’ bush hog- $1800- 270-308-7306
FS - Tow bar- $125, 502-689-8368
FS - Extension ladder- $30- 270-404-6708
FS - Black cow (800 pounds) and calf (400 pounds) $600 for both; and looking for a gas powered leaf blower- 270-590-9804
LF- Good firewood- 270-528-5208
LF - Some land to lease for cattle (20 acres or more) 270-670-9930
LF - Car lift- 270-268-6060
LF - A good recliner and delivered- 270-487-9135
LF - Automatic transmission for a 1999 Honda Accord V6 and a place to rent - 270-779-2217
LF - 2007 Ranger Spot front end parts- 270-286-8324
FS - Set of 4 size 235- 70-R16 tires $75 or best offer. For sale refrigerator only 2 years old $175. 270-670-5949
Free - Black and white cat, male, asap. Call 270-308-1963
Found - Beagle on Mammoth Cave Rd, Cave City. Call or text 270-308-1963
FS - 2013 Lincoln MKS sedan ,33000-34000 actual miles, beautiful metallic black exterior, black interior, all power, includes tilt & telescoping steering wheel, adjustable accelerator, park assist, navigation, rear backup camera, heated & cooled front seats, heated rear seats, heated steering wheel, dbl moon roof, rear window defrost & shade, adaptive cruise control, Michelin tires, asking $18,500. Call 270-646-7465
LF - Rolled hay- 270-590-1019
GA - 3 mules/jackass tin the Rockfield area of Bowling Green. Call- 270-202-4495
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019
FS - Upright freezer, $400, 50 gallon fish aquarium with stand with fish and food $250. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Pedestal sink $50. box of aluminum siding, new. 10 to 12" wide, 12 ft long pieces, double oak sink with delta faucets and 2 oak mirrors. $75. Call 270-786-1281
GA - 6 month old brown female Chihuahua. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Home Interior Framed prints, assorted sizes, paintings. antique rocker with cloth seat and backing, woven and refinished. inside plants. call 270-524-9647
FS - 12’ stock trailer- 270-853-3822 or 270-308-6059
FS - UK (blue and white) acoustic guitar, Dobro, Acoustic electric guitar, Fiddles, Bass guitar and some Coca-Cola items- 270-579-2754
FS - Side and back glass for a 1973 Vega and other parts to fit too; 1965 Ford Galaxy car- 352 big block- 330 horse- light blue in color- $4500, 302 Ford motor- 270-459-2105
FS - Mixed firewood (hard wood) 270-576-6625
FS - 2009 Ford 4 door 4 wheel drive- 5.4 gas, 1997 4 wheel drive 4 door- 7.3 diesel, 1964 Chevy (fully restored) 1972 Chevy (fully restored) 2009 F-150 PARTS truck (4.6) and lots of Chevy truck parts- 270-670-1694
FS - 14’ boat trailer with jack and winch, Drop axle for a trailer and some mowers and mower parts- 270-547-4236
FS - 2 row tobacco setter- $300 or would trade- 270-404-6522
FS - 6 bottle calves- $100 for all; and a few other cows too- 270-563-4273
FS - Used refrigerator in good condition- $100- 270-670-1694
FS - 2006 Kia Optima- 4 door- never been smoked in- 270-651-3671
FS - 2001 Volkswagen Beagle parts, iron kettle. 270-799-1490
FS - 16’ trailer (dual axle) 2 x 6 treated floor- 270-427-6786
FS - 2 Beagle hounds- 1 ½ years old- Male and female- $100 for both- 270-590-4537
FS - 1973 Plymouth Duster body; clear title- 318 car- can send some pictures- $1300- 270-459-2105
FS - Heavy 3 point hay fork with ball for pulling- $75, and a 6’ box blade and plow- like new- $350- 270-590-6230
FS - 2 Mowers, Dinning room table and chairs and some other living room chairs, and an upright deep freeze- like new- 270-272-3293
FS - Black Frigidaire stove- $75, Primitive hutch- $75, and looking for a Pygmy Billy Goat- 270-774-1614
FS - 4 rabbits (5-6 months old) $20 each, Drone with camera- $25, Verizon tablet- $50- 270-308-1471
FS - 1980 WKU year book- 270-428-1628
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels- $2 per sheet- 270-405-1628
FS - 6 x 10 single axle trailer- $450 obo- 270-943-0866
FS - Outside pole lamp- 270-361-8913
FS - AKC registered German Shepherd- female- $250 or would trade; 3 bottom plow- $350, 2 row tobacco setter- $350 - 270-378-6998
FS - Hub assembly for a 2003 Chevy Trailblazer- $25- 270-579-8376
FS - Hickory and Cherry firewood- $35 per rick- 270-473-1408
LF - Little Kemmer dog- 6 months to 2 years- must be solid white with bob tail and female- 270-678-2312
LF - Scroll saw to do small wood projects- 270-590-4718
LF - Wood splitter- 270-457-4236
LF - Someone who buys car batteries, Converters, and aluminum wheels- 270-218-1220
LF - 2 twin size beds (complete) 270-622-8280
LF - Bird dog box and some bird dogs- 270-670-0866
LF -Motor for a 2002 Toyota Tacoma- 4 cylinder- 2.4 (1999-2004) 270-405-1114
LF - 55 gallon metal barrels- 270-646-7403
FS - 1 1/2 year-old male Great Pyrenees $100, has had shots but not neutered. Call 270-312-6140
Monday, January 21st, 2019
FS - Good cook stove- $50- 270-361-7812
FS - Lots of shiplap (barn lumber) for home décor; Old doors and window seals- 270-670-3546
FS - Kohler motor (8 horse) $150, Rear Tine tiller- $40, Grill assembly for a 1966 Mustang, Cow hood for a 1967 Mustang- 270-407-3874
FS - 1997 Dodge Dakota extended cab- 162,000 miles- would trade for a good boat motor- 270-407-3874
FS - 12’ stock trailer- 270-308-6059 or 270-853-3822
FS - 16’ boxed in trailer- 5th wheel- oak floor- diamond plated stainless steel- $2500- 270-612-0834
FS - 2 nylon harness for a pony- new (full sets) $100 each or $175 for both, and looking for a tom turkey- 270-537-4669
FS - 1923 Willie car (T bucket) convertible- 360 automatic- yellow with flames. Edison record players (with the horn) and some old 1800s radios and lamps- 270-487-9790
FS - 450-500 new bricks- $.25 each- 270-938-5463
FS - Full size bed- box springs and mattress included and a set of sheets- all for- $50- 270-622-8280
FS - Battery powered floor buffer- $200, 6 x 12 enclosed trailer with full shelving- drop tail gate- $1600- 270-935-1198
FS - Female Pit Bull- 14 weeks old- $200- 270-576-1666
LF - Firebird body or Camaro body. Call 270-307-4587
FS - 28" Horseman doll in original outfit, wallhangings and baby quilts, romance books, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, queen size Texas Star quilt, red satin 5 piece sheet set, Beanie babies. Call 786-4737
FS - Log chains, horse hay in square bales, head gate for catching cattle $450, kitchen cabinets, top and bottom with sink and faucets, electric fence box, $65. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 1984 Crown Vic, good body. needs motor. Call 270-531-1392
FS - Bi fold doors, 6 sets matching, metal. Call 270-565-1663
FS - Pink guitar. Call 270-579-2754
Friday, January 18th, 2019
LF - 2 older 8 ft wooden ladders. Call 270-531-2862
FS - 28" Horseman doll, with original clothing, Amish books, Harlequin books, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd new collection, queen size hand quilted quilt, 4 piece red satin sheet set, bag of Beanie babies. Call 786-4737
FS - 4'6" x 3' x 3' table $50, 6 high back chairs with brown padded cushions. $75. Call 270-590-6866
LF - King size box springs and mattress, free or cheap. Call 270-524-9647
Thursday, January 17th, 2019
FS - Older Large crocks, older Don Ensor prints, items from home, moving. small desk, old time small car collection. 2516 Boyds Knob Road, Canmer. Call 270-528-3607
LF - Fence for small dog. FS - 18 ft cattle trailer $500, needs a floor. Refrigerator $100, Warm morning coal or wood stove $100. 1939 2N Ford tractor $1800. Call 670-3570.
FS - Horse hay, square bales, headgate $400, spreader, heavy duty electric fence box $65, kitchen cabinets, bottom and top with sinks and faucet $200. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Table with six chairs. $120. Will sell separately. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Washer. Call 270-786-6118
FS - Winchester hunting knife $10, Camillus hunting knife $10, Buck 105 Pathfinder hunting knife $45, steel hunting traps $7 each in Cave City. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 108 square ft of prefinished oak hardwood flooring $300, Exercise bike $70, treadmill $195. Call 270-528-6466 or 270-528-3387
FS - Medium size refrigerator, tom turkey, 8 months old, 9 to 10 big roosters. Call 270-528-4750 or 270-537-1844
LF - 2 , 8 ft older wooden ladders. Call 270-531-2862
LF - Chain hoist. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Ky purse $35, Coach purse $45. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Beige recliner. Call 270-473-1836
FS - 10x20 dog kennel. Tent for 10 people. new. $150 each. Call 270-528-1322
FS - Winchester hunting knife $10, Camillus hunting knife $10, Buck 105 Pathfinder hunting knife $45, steel hunting traps $7 each in Cave City. Call or text 270-774-6307
Wednesday, January 16th, 2019
FS - Nigerian Dwarf male goats, born March 2018, 2 that are a year old, neutered. bantam chickens and roosters. Call 270-531-3198
LF - Dead wood. not seasoned. Call 270-590-0172
LF - Trailer to haul a lawnmower, with dump or ramps. 8 ft. 93 Honda Goldwing, 6 cyl, cassette, cb radio, extra chrome, black and red striping will trade for $4500 obo, LF - Lift truck to rent or buy. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Table with six chairs. $120. Will sell separately. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Washer. Call 270-786-6118
FS - Winchester hunting knife $10, Camillus hunting knife $10, Buck 105 Pathfinder hunting knife $45, steel hunting traps $7 each in Cave City. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 108 square ft of prefinished oak hardwood flooring $300, Exercise bike $70, treadmill $195. Call 270-528-6466 or 270-528-3387
FS - Medium size refrigerator, tom turkey, 8 months old, 9 to 10 big roosters. Call 270-528-4750 or 270-537-1844
LF - Teacup Pomeranian puppy. Call 270-528-1555
FS - Double door refrigerator $150, go-kart $150. washer and dryer $50, Call 270-786-2903
Tuesday, January 15th, 2019
FS - Horse Hay, square bales, headgate $450, spreader for a tractor $450, heavy duty electric fence box $65, kitchen cabinets $250, top and bottom with sink and faucets. Call 270
GA - 5 young roosters. 3 miles from Cub Run. Call 270-524-0605
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave area. 270-405-0419
FS - Table with six chairs. $120. Call 270-590-6866
LF - 2 , 8 ft older wooden ladders. Call 270-531-2862
LF - Washer. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Winchester hunting knife $10, Camillus hunting knife $10, Buck 105 Pathfinder hunting knife $45, steel hunting traps $7 each in Cave City. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 108 square ft of prefinished oak hardwood flooring $300, Exercise bike $70, treadmill $195. Call 270-528-6466 or 270-528-3387
Lost - English Masstif with a large black collar, 125 lbs, male, tan with black face, missing for 2 weeks in Canmer area, Hwy 677. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Firewood, $35 per rick. Assorted. in Bonnieville. Call 270-473-1408
Monday, January 14th, 2019
FS - Older horseman doll in original clothing, baby quilts and wall hangings, Amish books, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, Texas Star quilt, 4 piece red satin sheet set, Beanie babies. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Chain hoist. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Table with six chairs. $120. Call 270-590-6866
LF - 2 , 8 ft older wooden ladders. Call 270-531-2862
LF - Washer. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Pine lumber and red oak lumber off an old house, Cracker Barrel child's rocker, old school desk. Call 528-4750 537-1844
LF - Bob tailed kitten 524-7736
LF - Book written by Frances Moss, Spirit of Memorial. Any yearbooks from Hart Memorial High School. Call 270-528-4189
FS - Firewood $100, 4 ricks. assorted. Split up. In Bonnieville off 31-W. Call 270-473-1408
LF - Washer. Call 270-786-6118
FS - Winchester hunting knife $10, Camillus hunting knife $10, Buck 105 Pathfinder hunting knife $45, steel hunting traps $7 each in Cave City. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 108 square ft of prefinished oak hardwood flooring $300, Exercise bike $70, treadmill $195. Call 270-528-6466 or 270-528-3387
LF - cockatiel bird, old riding mowers, derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
Friday, January 11th, 2019
LF - Book written by Frances Moss, Spirit of Memorial. Any yearbooks from Hart Memorial High School. Call 270-528-4189
FS - Firewood $100, 4 ricks. assorted. Split up. In Bonnieville off 31-W. Call 270-473-1408
FS - Table, cherry color with six chairs with brown padded cushions. $120. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Winchester hunting knife $10, Camillus hunting knife $10, Buck 105 Pathfinder hunting knife $45, steel hunting traps $7 each in Cave City. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 108 square ft of pre-finished oak hardwood flooring $300, Exercise bike $70, treadmill $195. Call 270-528-6466 or 270-528-3387
FS - Old doll, wall hangings, baby quilts, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, Beanie babies, satin sheet set. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Washer. Call 270-786-6118
FS - 4 tires 225 60 R17's $50, half tread, wooden toddler bed $20. Call 270-528-2407
Thursday, January 10th, 2019
Lost - English Masstif with a large black collar, 125 lbs, male, tan with black face, missing for 2 weeks in Canmer area, Hwy 677. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Firewood, $35 per rick. Assorted. in Bonnieville. Call 270-473-1408
Wednesday, January 9th, 2019
FS - Ky purse $35, Coach purse $45. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Beige recliner. Call 270-473-1836
FS - 10x20 dog kennel. Tent for 10 people. new. $150 each. Call 270-528-1322
FS - Winchester hunting knife $10, Camillus hunting knife $10, Buck 105 Pathfinder hunting knife $45, steel hunting traps $7 each in Cave City. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - Table and six chairs, heavy. few scratches, good condition $140. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 108 square ft of pre-finished oak hardwood flooring $300, Exercise bike $70, treadmill $195. Call 270-528-6466 or 270-528-3387
FS - Kitchen cabinets, sinks and faucets, top and bottom $250. Horse and sheep hay, rolls or bales, stored inside. Head gate for catching cattle. $450. electric fence box. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Heart necklace, new. $20. Call 270-528-6976
FS - 1986 Chevy truck. Call 270-590-6007
FS - TSR 18 Yamaha keyboard $50, guitar and amp $95, mandolin $50, GS330 S guitar with bag $225. Call 270-646-7465
FS - 2013 Lincoln MKS car, mint condition, 33,000 miles, heated seats. Call 270-646-7465
FS - 1999 Ford Explorer, drives, $500. Call 270-308-7517
Tuesday, January 8th, 2019
FS - Old doll, wall hangings, baby quilts, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, Beanie babies, satin sheet set. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Washer. Call 270-786-6118
FS - Winchester hunting knife $10, Camillus hunting knife $10, Buck 105 Pathfinder hunting knife $45, steel hunting traps $7 each in Cave City. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 60 gallon fish tank on an oak stand. $100. Call 270-218-0105
GA - Onions, heads of lettuce at fellowship hall at the Lighthouse Church in Horse Cave off Hwy 218.
LF - Bobtail kitten. Call 270-524-7736
FS - Table and six chairs, heavy. few scratches, good condition $140. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 108 square ft of prefinished oak hardwood flooring $300, Exercise bike $70, treadmill $195. Call 270-528-6466 or 270-528-3387
FS - Kitchen cabinets, sinks and faucets, top and bottom $250. Horse and sheep hay, rolls or bales, stored inside. Head gate for catching cattle. $450. electric fence box. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 6,000 watt portable generator. $550. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Grill for 2008 Chrysler Town & Country minivan. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Honda 4-wheeler. Call 270-528-1187
FS - Golf clubs, assorted sets, golf balls. Call 270-565-1712
FS - 1989 14x66 single wide mobile home, Fleetwood, 3 bedroom, 1 bath in Cave City, must be moved $500. Call 270-773-7962
FS - Set of four tires, size 245/75/16. $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 4 tires 225 60 R17's $50, half tread, wooden toddler bed $20. Call 270-528-2407
Monday, January 7th, 2019
FS - House plants, spider plants $1 to $12, Aloe Veras, assorted sizes, Barrel Cactus. Call 270-524-9647
LF - Buick Enclave, low miles. Text 270-723-4077
FS - Log chains $1 per foot, horse hay in square bales, head gate $450 obo, kitchen cabinets, top and bottom with sink and faucets. $250, electric fence box, $65. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Table and six chairs, heavy. few scratches, good condition $140. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 108 square ft of prefinished oak hardwood flooring $300, Exercise bike $70, treadmill $195. Call 270-528-6466 or 270-528-3387
LF - Small dog pen. Call 524-1110
LF - Someone to move a mobile home from Smiths Grove to Horse Cave. Call 270-473-3640
FS - Queen size electric blanket, tan with dual controls $45. Call 270-678-7216
FS - 12 x 50 mobile home, partially remodeled. Call 270-537-5875
LF - Washer. call 270-528-6118
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
Friday, January 4th, 2019
FS - House plants, spider plants $1 to $12, Aloe Veras, assorted sizes, Barrel Cactus. Call 270-524-9647
LF - Buick Enclave, low miles. Text 270-723-4077
FS - Frigidaire refrigerator $175, 1970's Coke machine. $450, cherry picker $85, Oliver 12" turning plow $190, Warm morning coal stove or wood $200, older stove $50, old ringer aluminum washer $200. Call 270-670-3570
Fs - Queen size electric blanket, tan with dual controls $45. Call 270-678-7216
FS - 12 x 50 mobile home, partially remodeled. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Craftsman riding mower, needs deck work. $75. Call 270-218-0105
FS - Heart necklace, new. $20. Call 270-528-6976
FS - 1986 Chevy truck. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
LF - Washer. call 270-528-6118
FS - Floor buffer for the home. Call 270-524-1113
FS - Flip phone LG - $25. Call 270-528-2444
FS - Double door refrigerator $150, go-kart $150. washer and dryer $50, Call 270-786-2903
FS - Kitchen cabinets, sinks and faucets, top and bottom $250. Horse and sheep hay, rolls or bales, stored inside. Head gate for catching cattle. $450. electric fence box. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 6,000 watt portable generator. $550. Call 270-735-6698
FS - TSR 18 Yamaha keyboard $50, guitar and amp $95, mandolin $50, GS330 S guitar with bag $225. Call 270-646-7465
FS - 2013 Lincoln MKS car, mint condition, 33,000 miles, heated seats. Call 270-646-7465
FS - 1999 Ford Explorer, drives, $500. Call 270-308-7517
FS - Medium size refrigerator, tom turkey, 8 months old, 9 to 10 big roosters. Call 270-528-4750 or 270-537-1844
LF - Teacup Pomeranian puppy. Call 270-528-1555
FS - Double door refrigerator $150, go-kart $150. washer and dryer $50, Call 270-786-2903
LF - Grill for 2008 Chrysler Town & Country minivan. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Honda 4-wheeler. Call 270-528-1187
FS - Golf clubs, assorted sets, golf balls. Call 270-565-1712
FS - 1989 14x66 single wide mobile home, Fleetwood, 3 bedroom, 1 bath in Cave City, must be moved $500. Call 270-773-7962
FS - Set of four tires, size 245/75/16. $125. Call 270-590-6007
Thursday, January 3rd, 2019
FS - Collector doll 28" tall, 54 years old, hand quilted baby quilts and wall hangings, Amish books, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, large bag of Beanie babies, 4 piece satin sheet set for queen size. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Washer. call 270-528-6118
FS - Gas dryer $100. Used very little. Maytag. Call 270-773-3436
FS - Craftsman riding mower, needs deck work. $75. Call 270-218-0105
LF - English Mastiff 125 lbs, tan with black face, male, missing from Canmer, Hwy 677. Missing over a week. Call 270-528-6540
FS - 4 tires 225 60 R17's $50, half tread, wooden toddler bed $20. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 2 Warner brand step ladders, one is fiberglass $40, the other is aluminum and foldable, up to 11 ft. $40. 5 to 7 open face Ambassador rods and reels. assorted prices. Call 270-774-6307
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Heart necklace, new. $20. Call 270-528-6976
FS - 1986 Chevy truck. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 20 rolls of hay $25 each, horse equipment. Call 270-505-0332
LF - Teacup Pomeranian pup. Call 270-528-1555
FS - 45 to 50 iron posts $2.50 each. Call 270-524-4687
FS - House trailer, $350. at Sunny Brook Trailer Park. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Holstein cow, bull. Horses. Call 270-528-6540
LF - Holstein steers. Call 270-524-3460
FS - Floor buffer for the home. Call 270-524-1113
FS - Flip phone LG - $25. Call 270-528-2444
FS - Double door refrigerator $150, go-kart $150. washer and dryer $50, Call 270-786-2903
FS - Kitchen cabinets, sinks and faucets, top and bottom $250. Horse and sheep hay, rolls or bales, stored inside. Head gate for catching cattle. $450. electric fence box. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 6,000 watt portable generator. $550. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Round hay feeder for horses, refrigerator. Call 270-590-7089
FS - TSR 18 Yamaha keyboard $50, guitar and amp $95, mandolin $50, GS330 S guitar with bag $225. Call 270-646-7465
FS - 2013 Lincoln MKS car, mint condition, 33,000 miles, heated seats. Call 270-646-7465
FS - 1999 Ford Explorer, drives, $500. Call 270-308-7517
Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019
FS - Collector doll 28" tall, 54 years old, hand quilted baby quilts and wall hangings, Amish books, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, large bag of Beanie babies, 4 piece satin sheet set for queen size. Call 270-786-4737
LF - cockatiel bird, old riding mowers, derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Heart necklace, new. $20. Call 270-528-6976
FS - 1986 Chevy truck. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 20 rolls of hay $25 each, horse equipment. Call 270-505-0332
LF - Teacup Pomeranian pup. Call 270-528-1555
FS - 1993 Chevy Astro van, $650, chest deep freeze $75. LF - old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - T-shirts, 2 and 3x, Tupperware. Some are polo $5 each. Call 270-7864836
FS - Hand quilted quilt, queen size, bag of Beanie babies, Amish books, flower books, cookbooks, Horsemen doll, Jane Austin dvd collection, baby quilts, romance books. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 1994 2 wd S-10, 2.2 5 speed, 2nd owner, new tires. Call 270-401-8760
FS - Built in electric oven $25. Call 270-590-8562
FS- Green sofa, heavy. $75. Call 270-774-6518
FS - 5x10 utility trailer, tandem axle, good tires. Tree, needs to be cut up, can have wood. Call 270-537-3341
FS - 45 to 50 iron posts $2.50 each. Call 270-524-4687
FS - House trailer, $350. at Sunny Brook Trailer Park. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Holstein cow, bull. Horses. Call 270-528-6540
LF - Holstein steers. Call 270-524-3460
FS - Coach purse $45, Ky purse $35. Call 270-528-7643
LF - 24 passenger bus. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 2 1/2 ricks of firewood. $50 for all, must pick up. Call Tracy 270-401-1994
FS - Munfordville school annuals, 1965, 66, 67 68. Lost - size of a quarter - a Masonic coin with emblem and "around to it". 505-2646
FS - Area rug 10x11. rose in color. $50. Call 270-531-5922
FS - New tent for 10 people $125. Call 270-528-1322
Friday, December 28th, 2018
Lost - Large English dog, tan with black face, male. Canmer area on Hwy 677. Call 270-528-6540
LF - Bobtail kitten. Call 524-7736
Thursday, December 27th, 2018
FS - 6 x 10 Trailer, with drop tail gate, has new floor, lights, 2" hitch and three new tires. $600. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Teacup Pomeranian puppy. Call 270-528-1555
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
Missing - Female full stock bloodhound, answers to Matilda, tan and black near the Tommy Toms and Lonoke Road area. Call David at 270-528-1221
FS - Heart necklace, new. $20. Call 270-528-6976
FS - 4 piece satin sheet set, queen size, horseman doll, 54 years old, hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, large handmade queen quilt, new. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Cockatiel birds, old riding mowers. call 270-670-1359
LF - Refrigerator. Call 270-528-5868
Wednesday, December 26th, 2018
FS - Medium size refrigerator, tom turkey, 8 months old, 9 to 10 big roosters. Call 270-528-4750 or 270-537-1844
LF - Teacup Pomeranian puppy. Call 270-528-1555
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
Missing - Female full stock bloodhound, answers to Matilda, tan and black near the Tommy Toms and Lonoake Road area. Call David at 270-528-1221
FS - Heart necklace, new. $20. Call 270-528-6976
FS - Maytag gas dryer, 2 years old. $200. neg. Call 270-773-3436
FS - Pocket knives, all kinds. Call 270-579-1710
FS - Floor buffer for the home. Call 270-524-1113
FS - 1989 14x66 single wide mobile home, Fleetwood, 3 bedroom, 1 bath in Cave City, must be moved $500. Call 270-773-7962
FS - Set of four tires, size 245/75/16. $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Coach purse $45, Ky purse $35. LF - Bluegrass phone. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Bucket truck to trim limbs. Call 270-579-6032
FS - 2 tires 235 65 R16's, half tread. $20, ringer washer, $300. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2003 Sportstrack, 4wd, pickup $2200. Call 270-473-1423
Friday, December 21st, 2018
FS - 6 x 10 Trailer, with drop tail gate, has new floor, lights, 2" hitch and three new tires. $600. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Teacup Pomeranian puppy. Call 270-528-1555
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
Missing - Female full stock bloodhound, answers to Matilda, tan and black near the Tommy Toms and Lonoake Road area. Call David at 270-528-1221
Thursday, December 20th, 2018
FS - Set of tires P195 65 R15's. $100. on steel wheels, LF - old mowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 6 x 10 Trailer, with drop tail gate, has new floor, lights, 2" hitch and three new tires. $600. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Teacup Pomeranian puppy. Call 270-528-1555
FS - Flip phone LG - $25. Call 270-528-2444
FS - Square baled hay. Call 270-528-1531
FS - 6 open faced used rod and reels, assorted brands, $40 each, 50 to 60 Bass crank baits. $2 each, green fiberglass step ladder $45. Call 270-774-6307
FS - 10x20 dog kennel. $150. Call 270-528-1322
Cave City Christian Church, clothes of all sizes, toys, household items, signs will be posted. Thursday, Dec. 20th, 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Everything is free. Call 270-579-2351
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
Missing - Female full stock bloodhound, answers to Matilda, tan and black near the Tommy Toms and Lonoke Road area. Call David at 270-528-1221
LF - 24 passenger bus. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 2 1/2 ricks of firewood. $50 for all, must pick up. Call Tracy 270-401-1994
FS - Munfordville school annuals, 1965, 66, 67 68. Lost - size of a quarter - a Masonic coin with emblem and "around to it". 505-2646
FS - Area rug 10x11. rose in color. $50. Call 270-531-5922
FS - New tent for 10 people $125. Call 270-528-1322
Wednesday, December 19th, 2018
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Heart necklace, new. $20. Call 270-528-6976
FS - 1986 Chevy truck. Call 270-590-6007
Missing - Female full stock bloodhound, answers to Matilda, tan and black near the Tommy Toms and Lonoake Road area. Call David at 270-528-1221
FS - 20 rolls of hay $25 each, horse equipment. Call 270-505-0332
LF - Teacup Pomeranian pup. Call 270-528-1555
FS - Double door refrigerator $150, go-kart $150. washer and dryer $50, Call 270-786-2903
LF - Grill for 2008 Chrysler Town & Country minivan. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Honda 4-wheeler. Call 270-528-1187
FS - Golf clubs, assorted sets, golf balls. Call 270-565-1712
LF - 2 loads of wood. oak is preferred. Call 270-524-4687
GA - Black and white cats. Call 270-531-1651
LF - Load of dead wood. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Set of 4 tires. 225 60 R17's $50. wooden gray toddler bed $20. Call 270-528-2407
GA - Wood, tree is down in the yard, needs to be cut up. FS - 5x10 Bobcat trailer, tandem axle or will trade. Call 270-537-3341
FS - Coca Cola shelf and bottles of Coke. $100. Call 270-524-3212
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, white, gray, 5 x 6 ft. $2. Call 270-405-1628
FS - Holstein cow, 4 years old $800, Call 270-528-6540
Tuesday, December 18th, 2018
FS - Kitchen cabinets, $250, factory built, horse hay in rolls or bales, stored inside, headgate, like new $450 obo, electric fence box $65, log chains $1 per foot. Call 270-932-1777
Lost - Masonic coin, size of a quarter, has emblem and "tuit" on one side. Near Munfordville or Horse Cave area. Call 270-505-2646
FS - Riding mower $75, runs, needs deck work. Call 270-218-0105
FS - TSR 18 Yamaha keyboard $50, guitar and amp $95, mandolin $50, GS330 S guitar with bag $225. Call 270-646-7465
FS - 2013 Lincoln MKS car, mint condition, 33,000 miles, heated seats. Call 270-646-7465
FS - 1999 Ford Explorer, drives, $500. Call 270-308-7517
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Heart necklace, new. $20. Call 270-528-6976
FS - 4 piece satin sheet set, Beanie babies, hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Horseman doll. Cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, queen size quilt, new. Amish books romance books. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 1986 Chevy truck. Call 270-590-6007
Missing - Female full stock bloodhound, answers to Matilda, tan and black near the Tommy Toms and Lonoake Road area. Call David at 270-528-1221
FS - 20 rolls of hay $25 each, horse equipment. Call 270-505-0332
FS - Christmas decorations, window and shelf decor. cheap. Call 270-524-9647
FS - 2 and 1/2 rick wood $50. Call 270-401-1994
F S- 1993 Chevy Astro van, 4.3, v-6 automatic. or will trade, LF - old mowers. Call 670-1359
FS - 1987 Dodge, 6 cyl pickup $700, set of 350 short headers $100. Call 270-246-1913
LF - Older camper parts. Call 270-774-2751
FS - Oak door, new, 28 x 68, 2 other doors, firewood $35 per rick, ladder rack for full size pickup $100. Old western holster for a 22 $100. Call 270-473-1408
FS - Coca Cola shelf and bottles of Coke. $100. Call 270-524-3212
Monday, December 17th, 2018
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Heart necklace, new. $20. Call 270-528-6976
FS- House trailer, must be moved. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Kitchen cabinets, sinks and faucets, top and bottom $250. Horse and sheep hay, rolls or bales, stored inside. Head gate for catching cattle. $450. electric fence box. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 6,000 watt portable generator. $550. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Round hay feeder for horses, refrigerator. Call 270-590-7089
LF - Single parent and son, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Cheap or free. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 1970's Coke machine, for small bottles $450, cherry picker $85, Yearf Mule $1200, 1945 to 1955 tractor parts, turning plow $190, Oliver brand. Call 670-3570
FS - 4 piece satin sheet set, Beanie babies, hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Horseman doll. Cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, queen size quilt, new. Amish books romance books. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 1986 Chevy truck. Call 270-590-6007
FS - LG 55" flatscreen $160 firm. Call 270-612-0701
Missing - Female full stock bloodhound, answers to Matilda, tan and black near the Tommy Toms and Lonoake Road area. Call David at 270-528-1221
FS - Compound bow, camouflage, in case $300. Call 270-446-0075
FS - 20 rolls of hay $25 each, horse equipment. Call 270-505-0332
Friday, December 14th, 2018
Congratulation to our winner of the $100 on Swap Shop this week. Norman Cottrell!
Cave City Christian Church, clothes of all sizes, toys, household items, signs will be posted. Thursday, Dec. 20th, 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Everything is free. Call 270-579-2351
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Heart necklace, new. $20. Call 270-528-6976
FS - Several Amish books, $3 each. Call 270-590-0677
FS - 1993 Chevy Astro van, $650, chest deep freeze $75. LF - old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
FS - T-shirts, 2 and 3x, Tupperware. Some are polo $5 each. Call 270-7864836
FS - Hand quilted quilt, queen size, bag of Beanie babies, Amish books, flower books, cookbooks, Horsemen doll, Jane Austin dvd collection, baby quilts, romance books. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 1994 2 wd S-10, 2.2 5 speed, 2nd owner, new tires. Call 270-401-8760
FS - Built in electric oven $25. Call 270-590-8562
FS- Green sofa, heavy. $75. Call 270-774-6518
FS - 5x10 utility trailer, tandem axle, good tires. Tree, needs to be cut up, can have wood. Call 270-537-3341
FS - 45 to 50 iron posts $2.50 each. Call 270-524-4687
FS - House trailer, $350. at Sunny Brook Trailer Park. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Holstein cow, bull. Horses. Call 270-528-6540
LF - Holstein steers. Call 270-524-3460
FS - Coach purse $45, Ky purse $35. Call 270-528-7643
Thursday, December 13th, 2018
WLOC is giving away $100 this Friday on Swap Shop. All swap shop calls will be registered into a random drawing Friday morning. Good luck and make sure you call in your swap shop items!
Cave City Christian Church, clothes of all sizes, toys, household items, signs will be posted. Thursday, Dec. 20th, 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Everything is free. Call 270-579-2351
FS - 2006 Club Car with new battery, nice wheels and stereo system with backseat, headlights & taillights. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 1984 Crown Vic, no engine, good body. Call 270-531-1392
FS - 2 UK large hand knitted Christmas stockings. Call 270-270-786-2538
FS - 2005 Nissan Sentra, 140k plus miles. Call 270-786-1410 or 270-774-1543
LF - Small wooden kitchen table 270-218-0503
FS - Go-kart $150, washer and dryers. Call 270-786-2903
LF - Lady looking for work. Call 270-537-5512
FS - 2006 Club car golf cart, new batteries, nice wheels and stereo system with back seat. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Deer blind pop up $25, Bull bar for a Ford Ranger with a skid plate $30. 270-786-1864
GA - Old type RCA tv. Call 270-524-4547
FS - LG 55" flatscreen $160 firm. Call 270-612-0701
Missing - Female full stock bloodhound, answers to Matilda, tan and black near the Tommy Toms and Lonoake Road area. Call David at 270-528-1221
FS - Compound bow, camouflage, in case $300. Call 270-446-0075
FS - Table and 4 chairs, and small table and 2 chairs. 528-3307
FS - cb radio. 473-1285
FS - Antique rocking chair. Call 270-524-5307
GA - 2 black and white cats. Call 270-531-1651
Wednesday, December 12th, 2018
WLOC is giving away $100 this Friday on Swap Shop. All swap shop calls will be registered into a random drawing Friday morning. Good luck and make sure you call in your swap shop items!
LF - 24 passenger bus. Call 270-670-7725
FS - 2 1/2 ricks of firewood. $50 for all, must pick up. Call Tracy 270-401-1994
FS - Munfordville school annuals,
1965, 66, 67 68. Lost - size of a quarter - a Masonic coin with emblem and "around to it". 505-2646
FS - Area rug 10x11. rose in color. $50. Call 270-531-5922
FS - New tent for 10 people $125. Call 270-528-1322]
FS- Copper radiator for Ford F-250 with 351 engine. 531-1392
FS - 3 riding lawnmowers 42: 735-6698
LF - Wood for a lady in need. 528-6976
FS - 5 bows over top of stock trailers, clamp on. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Heavy quilt, $100, old time. set of Strawberry dishes $20. Call 270-524-0435
FS - Murray riding mower $75. Call 270-218-0105
FS - 20 rolls of hay $25 each, horse equipment. Call 270-505-0332
FS - I-phone SE Bluegrass phones $100 each. Call 270-597-6102
FS - LG 55" flatscreen tv. $160 firm. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
FS - 1986 Chevy pickup, $950. Bluegrass Samsung Galaxy j3, $100. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1989 14x66 single wide mobile home, Fleetwood, 3 bedroom, 1 bath in Cave City, must be moved $500. Call 270-773-7962
FS - Set of four tires, size 245/75/16. $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Bowmadness bow PSC, new string and cable and sight. $300 obo. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Weslo Cross Cycle exercise bike, $50, like new. Call 270-528-3387 or 270-528-6466
FS - 5,000 btu air conditioner, works, $50. Call 270-308-0183
FS - Two recliners and two sofas, green. England brand. $100 for each. Call 270-786-1409
FS - 19" tv $20. Call 270-473-3404
Tuesday, December 11th, 2018
WLOC is giving away $100 this Friday on Swap Shop. All swap shop calls will be registered into a random drawing Friday morning. Good luck and make sure you call in your swap shop items!
LF - Grill for 2008 Chrysler Town & Country minivan. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Honda 4-wheeler. Call 270-528-1187
FS - Golf clubs, assorted sets, golf balls. Call 270-565-1712
LF - 2 loads of wood. oak is preferred. Call 270-524-4687
GA - Black and white cats. Call 270-531-1651
LF - Load of dead wood. Call 270-524-1110
FS - Set of 4 tires. 225 60 R17's $50. wooden gray toddler bed $20. Call 270-528-2407
GA - Wood, tree is down in the yard, needs to be cut up. FS - 5x10 Bobcat trailer, tandem axle or will trade. Call 270-537-3341
FS - 14 x 66 single wide mobile home, 1989 Fleetwood, gray, 3 bed, 2 bath, must be moved. Call 270-773-7962
FS - Tupperware Micro pro grill, pressure cooker, smart cooker, ultimate stack cooker. Call 270-702-6658
FS - Maytag gas dryer, 2 years old. $200. neg. Call 270-773-3436
FS - LG 55" flatscreen tv. $160 firm. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
FS - Pocket knives, all kinds. Call 270-579-1710
FS - Floor buffer for the home. Call 270-524-1113
FS - 1986 Chevy pickup, $950. Bluegrass Samsung Galaxy j3, $100. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1989 14x66 single wide mobile home, Fleetwood, 3 bedroom, 1 bath in Cave City, must be moved $500. Call 270-773-7962
FS - Set of four tires, size 245/75/16. $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Bowmadness bow PSC, new string and cable and sight. $300 obo. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Weslo Cross Cycle exercise bike, $50, like new. Call 270-528-3387 or 270-528-6466
FS - 5,000 btu air conditioner, works, $50. Call 270-308-0183
FS - Two recliners and two sofas, green. England brand. $100 for each. Call 270-786-1409
FS - 19" tv $20. Call 270-473-3404
Monday, December 10th, 2018
WLOC is giving away $100 this Friday on Swap Shop. All swap shop calls will be registered into a random drawing Friday morning. Good luck and make sure you call in your swap shop items!
FS - Queen size quilt, satin sheet set, Beanie Babies, Amish books, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection Horseman doll, wall hangings, LF - quilt racks. Call 270-786-4737
FS - Christmas decorations, window and shelf decor. cheap. Call 270-524-9647
FS - 2 and 1/2 rick wood $50. Call 270-401-1994
F S- 1993 Chevy Astro van, 4.3, v-6 automatic. or will trade, LF - old mowers. Call 670-1359
FS - 1987 Dodge, 6 cyl pickup $700, set of 350 short headers $100. Call 270-246-1913
LF - Older camper parts. Call 270-774-2751
FS - 1986 Chevy pickup, $950. Bluegrass Samsung Galaxy j3, $100. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Rolled hay, $25 per roll, horse equipment. Call 270-505-0332
FS - Oak door, new, 28 x 68, 2 other doors, firewood $35 per rick, ladder rack for full size pickup $100. Old western holster for a 22 $100. Call 270-473-1408
FS - Coca Cola shelf and bottles of Coke. $100. Call 270-524-3212
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels, white, gray, 5 x 6 ft. $2. Call 270-405-1628
FS - Holstein cow, 4 years old $800, Call 270-528-6540
FS - Coach purse $45, Ky purse $35. LF - Bluegrass phone. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Bucket truck to trim limbs. Call 270-579-6032
FS - 2 tires 235 65 R16's, half tread. $20, ringer washer, $300. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2003 Sportstrack, 4wd, pickup $2200. Call 270-473-1423
Friday, December 7th, 2018
FS - Large queen size handquilted quilt, Texas Star, red queen satin sheet set, large bag of Beanie babies, Amish books, flower books, cookbooks, wall hangings, baby quilts. LF - quilt racks. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Outside antenna. Call 270-786-3705
FS - 1989 14x66 single wide mobile home, Fleetwood, 3 bedroom, 1 bath in Cave City, must be moved $500. Call 270-773-7962
FS - Set of four tires, size 245/75/16. $125. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Holstein cow. $800. Call 270-528-6540
Thursday, December 6th, 2018
FS - Set of 4 tires, 245 75 16's, $125. Call 590-6007
FS - Bluegrass Samsung Galaxy J3, with pink case. $120. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Ringer washer, works. 3 horse power gasoline water pump. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2 tickets for Friday, Dec. 7th, 6:30 p.m. est. for Alabama, Ricky Skaggs, Ky Headhunters. $97 each. they are 8 steps from the floor. Call 270-537-5180
Benefit auction for baby Jonathan Bostic Saturday, he had open heart surgery, proceeds will go toward bills. Auction items and cakes are greatly appreciated. At Bonnieville Elementary School at 5:00 p.m. There will be live auction, cakewalk, concessions, etc. Call 270-473-1499 or 524-9647
FS- Holstein cow and a bull. $700 each. or $1200 for both. Call 270-528-6540
FS - Bowmadness bow PSC, new string and cable and sight. $300 obo. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Weslo Cross Cycle exercise bike, $50, like new. Call 270-528-3387 or 270-528-6466
FS - 5,000 btu air conditioner, works, $50. Call 270-308-0183
FS - Two recliners and two sofas, green. England brand. $100 for each. Call 270-786-1409
FS - 19" tv $20. Call 270-473-3404
LF - Refrigerator. Call 270-528-5868
Wednesday, December 5th, 2018
FS - 2 tickets for Friday, Dec. 7th, 6:30 p.m. est. for Alabama, Ricky Skaggs, Ky Headhunters. $97 each. they are 8 steps from the floor. Call 270-537-5180
LF - Quilt racks. Call 270-786-4737
Benefit sale - Saturday at Bonnieville Elementary School at 5:00 p.m. for Johnathan Bostic, who had heart surgery. Proceeds will go to the family for medical bills. Silent auction, cake walk, concessions. LF - any donated items. Call 270-473-1499 or 270-524-9647
FS - 1986 Chevy Silverado, short bed, 2wd, 3 spd automatic. 350 engine. $8,000 firm. Call 270-816-0505
FS - Washer and dryer. Call 270-786-2903
LF - Odd jobs in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-405-0419
FS - Tan/greenish color. Couch and loveseat $50. Call 270-590-2819
FS - 3 Jersey cows, all for $700 each. Call 270-524-1110 473-3706
FS - Bowmadness bow PSC, new string and cable and sight. $300 obo. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Weslo Cross Cycle exercise bike, $50, like new. Call 270-528-3387 or 270-528-6466
FS - 5,000 btu air conditioner, works, $50. Call 270-308-0183
FS - Two recliners and two sofas, green. England brand. $100 for each. Call 270-786-1409
FS - 19" tv $20. Call 270-473-3404
LF - Refrigerator. Call 270-528-5868
FS - Pontiac rally wheels- $125, Cluster off of a 1966 Ford Mustang (original) $50, Set of Vega seats (1973) and Vega parts too- 270-459-2105
FS - 1986 Ford RV- runs and drives- 460 motor with only 70,000 miles- $700, and lots of hunting equipment- 270-537-4571
FS - Gas powered wood splitter (pull behind) $400- 270-427-9056
Monday, December 3rd, 2018
FS - Handquilted quilt, queen size, Texas Star, red queen satin sheet set, 4 piece, large bag of Beanie babies, new. Amish books, cookbooks, flower books Jane Austin dvd collection, 54 year4-old horsemen doll, quilts, wall hangings. LF - quilt racks. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Refrigerator. Call 270-528-5868
FS - 55" LG flatscreen tv. $169. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
FS Couch and loveseat. $75. Call 270-590-2819
FS - Bowmadness bow PSC, new string and cable and sight. $300 obo. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Weslo Cross Cycle exercise bike, $50, like new. Call 270-528-3387 or 270-528-6466
FS - 5,000 btu air conditioner, works, $50. Call 270-308-0183
FS - Two recliners and two sofas, green. England brand. $100 for each. Call 270-786-1409
FS - 19" tv $20. Call 270-473-3404
FS - Maytag washer and dryer- $75 each or $130 for the pair, 2 twin beds with slats and single mattress- $75 each or $130 for both, Foosball table with other games- $60, Free standing basketball (adjustable) goal- $60, Slow cooker/buffet- $20 and some jewelry (necklaces and more) $1 and $2- all prices are negotiable- 270-646-4612
FS- Generator with handles and wheels- $450- 270-446-0075
FS - Flat top glass cook stove (GE) needs cleaning- $50- 270-433-1125
FS - Firewood- 3 ricks for $150 and 4th rick free- 270-576-6625
Friday, November 30th, 2018
LF - Refrigerator. Call 270-528-5868
FS - Bowmadness bow PSC, new string and cable and sight. $300 obo. Call 270-774-6307
FS - LG 55" flat screen tv. $169. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Sheep and horse hay, baled and rolled, log chain -$1 a foot, all wood kitchen cabinets with a sink. Head gate $450 for cattle. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Washer and dryer $100. Call 270-786-1620
FS - Maytag washer and dryer- $75 each or $130 for the pair, 2 twin beds with slats and single mattress- $75 each or $130 for both, Foosball table with other games- $60, Free standing basketball (adjustable) goal- $60, Slow cooker/buffet- $20 and some jewelry (necklaces and more) $1 and $2- all prices are negotiable- 270-646-4612
FS- Generator with handles and wheels- $450- 270-446-0075
FS - Flat top glass cook stove (GE) needs cleaning- $50- 270-433-1125
FS - Firewood- 3 ricks for $150 and 4th rick free- 270-576-6625
FS - Weslo Cross Cycle exercise bike, $50, like new. Call 270-528-3387 or 270-528-6466
FS - LG 55" tv, $169. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
FS - 5,000 btu air conditioner, works, $50. Call 270-308-0183
FS - Two recliners and two sofas, green. England brand. $100 for each. Call 270-786-1409
FS - 19" tv $20. Call 270-473-3404
LF - Help in paying for repairs for a vehicle for a disable Munfordville man. Call 270-537-4641
Thursday, November 29th, 2018
FS - Table and 4 chairs, parting out a 210 John Deere, Lots of other lawn mower parts, and a set of Jeep tires- 265/70/15- $150- 270-670-6152
FS - Smart TV with remote- $150- 270-432-7035
FS - Honda Shadow motorcycle- 600- 12K- kept inside- comes with 3 helmets- $2000- 270-404-3355
FS - Camper- $2,000, Boat and motor- $800, Pink toddler bed and mattress- $30, Flat screen TV 19”- $50, Baby bed mattress- $25, 2 hand held games- $75 each or $150 for both, Old TV (25”) $25, Toy coop (kid) $30 and a pink coop with batteries- $50- 270-746-1088
FS - Set of tires- 265/70/17s Good Year Wrangler with great tread- $200 for all- 270-943-0557
FS - Fresh pecans and pecan wood; great for smoking or grilling- 270-428-5546
FS - 1988 Jeep Wrangler- 4 wheel drive- 270-670-2826
FS - Queen Ann (oak) chest- $300, Victorian writing desk (1800s) $275- 270-734-1764
FS - 1993 F150 (step side) needs work- good tires- runs good- $900 obo-270-943-1872
FS - Galaxy S-4 Cell phone- with belt clip and case- $100, leaf vacuum (5 horse Briggs) hooks up to your mower- comes with a wagon- $600- 270-784-2090
LF - Small gun cabinet with locks- 270-524-4346 or 270-308-6059
LF - Good shower chair- 270-786-2394 or 270-646-6303
LF - Someone to do some home repairs- 859-279-9040
LF - 6 x 6 treated posts (12’ long) and some 2 x 8s and 2 x 10s and need some underground wire- 270-670-5398
LF - Bucket truck lift to buy or lease- 270-446-0075
FS - 3 male Mastweiler puppies, very large when full grown. $150. Call 615-561-8984
FS - two temporary telephone poles… both have 200 amp breaker box and the breaker inside the box…. both have a 100 breaker and two 50 amp breaker’s both post, box for the meter and for outlet plug-ins. 50 a piece or $900 obo. Call 502-504-6215
FR - Mobile home for rent in Glasgow 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, washer - dryer, stove - refrigerator and dishwasher, in country on acre lot, $650. Call 270-597-2373
FS - 6 male Australian Shepherd puppies, will be ready to take home 12/10/18. Pups will come dual registered. Out of working stock. 3 black tris, 3 red tris. Taking deposit now. $400 total price. Call 270-590-5655
Wednesday, November 28th, 2018
FS - Weslo Cross Cycle exercise bike, $50, like new. Call 270-528-3387 or 270-528-6466
FS - LG 55" tv, $169. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-612-0701
FS - Charolais cow, 460 lbs. $425. Call 270-678-1139
FS - Big steers, different sizes, 30 Holstein steers, dehorned, fresh cow with 5 calves. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Tailgate off a Dodge Ram $200 obo and a tailgate for a 1997, green. $150. Call 270-991-0396
FS - 4 tires, 225/60/15's
FS - New generator with 240 and 110 outlets- $500 or would trade, 2 VHS cameras with cases- $30, 270-446-0075
FS - 1994 Fleetwood RV- Class A- 54K- $6500, 5500 watt generator (like new) $250, and looking for a good used 4 wheeler in the $1000-$1500 range, and LF - wave runners- 270-991-1004
FS - Parting out a 2017 Polaris Razor, and a 2000 Chevy- needs work- runs and drives - $1500- 270-646-7717
FS - 3 dog collars (underground wire) shock collars- $50- 270-563-6973
FS - Charolais cow (MIXED) 460 pounds- $425- 270-678-1139
FS - Lots of big steers (different sizes) 30 Holstein steers- dehorned and ready, and a fresh cow with 5 calves- can send pictures- 270-734-1552
FS - Tailgate off a Dodge Ram- $200 obo, and a tailgate off a 1997 S10 (green) $150- 270-991-0396
FS - 4 tires- 225/60/15s white lettered- $60- 812-797-5774
FS - Power wheel chair, Toaster oven, and Sharp brand microwave - 270-576-2232
FS- 2 motorcycles- 1980 Honda 750 4 cylinder- 12,000 miles- $1500 or would trade, 1978 Yamaha 750 (needs a little work) $600, and a 302 Ford motor- 270-459-2105
FS - Queen size box springs and mattress with frame- $100- 270-404-5379
FS - 1999 Buick Lesabre- runs great- leather seats- power windows and AC- $2800- 270-618-1431
FS - 1989 Honda Rebel 450- 270-457-4934
FS - Ladies clothes and shoes and LF - handyman jobs- 270-446-0075
FS - Table and 4 chairs, Parting out a 210 John Deere, Lots of other lawn mower parts, and a set of Jeep tires- 265/70/15- $150- 270-670-6152
FS - 5,000 btu air conditioner, works, $50. Call 270-308-0183
FS - Two recliners and two sofas, green. England brand. $100 for each. Call 270-786-1409
FS - 19" tv $20. Call 270-473-3404
LF - Help in paying for repairs for a vehicle for a disable Munfordville man. Call 270-537-4641
Tuesday, November 27th, 2018
FS - 5,000 btu air conditioner, works, $50. Call 270-308-0183
FS - Kitchen cabinets, top and bottom with sink $250, horse hay, square bales or rolls, head gate $450, heavy duty electric fence box $65, log chains $1 per foot. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Two recliners and two sofas, green. England brand. $100 for each. Call 270-786-1409
FS - 19" tv $20. Call 270-473-3404
LF - Old riding mowers, radiators, car batteries, FS - 1990's model Ford Escort $450. Call 670-1359
GA - Firewood in Smiths Grove- 270-202-4469 or 270-563-6401
FS - 4 Goodyear Wrangler SRA tires. About half tread. Came off 2017 Ram 1500 with 28,000 miles. Pair of new rubber floor mats for front of Ram 1500. 270-590-1664
FS - 1963 gas 35 Massey Ferguson tractor runs, body great for restoring. 270-796-0567
FS - Upright piano $60. 270-678-5037
FS - 1930's dinning room table with 6 chairs, new cushions $475. Call or text 270-670-5148
FS - Twin Craftomatic bed. works fine…$100, Hospital Bed with mattress, works fine…$500, Dishwasher with butcher block top…$50, Entertainment center…$50, Exercise bike …$40, TV works…$20. Call 270-590-3257
FS - Aussie boxer mix pups 6 weeks old utd on shots and wormed asking $60 a pup. Call or text 270-202-7828
LF - 20-30ft metal driveway culvert pipe. Call 270-774-6300
FS - SSR 70 kid’s dirt bike- like new- $700, and a 1991 Chevy- 350 motor- 25K- with rally wheels- needs transmission- $2000 as is or $2500 with transmission- 270-670-5345
FS - Mixed seasoned firewood- $35 per rick (pick up) or $40 locally delivered- 270-774-7800 or 270-404-2803 (leave message)
FS - Truck and trailer load of yard sale items- $250 obo, and a vintage Elvis doll- $50, Antique bowl set with antique stand- $150 obo- 270-308-1124
FS - 23 nice ladies watches- $50, Collection of wigs (12) with head- $50, 3 bicycles with extra wheels, Lots of yard sale items, TV stand (black with glass) $40, Baby clothes and stroller- $30, Collection of jewelry boxes- $20 each or $100 for all- 270-749-4848
Monday, November 26th, 2018
FS - 2 recliners, 2 sofas, green, England brand, $100 each. Call 786-1409
FS - 19" tv, $20. Call 473-3404
FS - Horsemen doll, 54 years old, dressed in red. Baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, Harlequin books, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, large queen size Texas Star hand quilted quilt, red satin queen sheet set, Beanie babies. LF - quilt racks. Call 270-786-4737
FS - Sheep, all sizes and colors. Call 270-537-5875
FS - 5 acres with buildings in Hart County, 3 miles from Cub Run. Call 524-0605
FS - Washer and dryer $50 for both. Call 270-786-2903
LF - Baby sitting job in Horse Cave or housecleaning job. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Classic crochet items, large old fashioned lady Southern Bell, 20" tall by 22" wide in a frame, bluebirds 23" width, nativity scenes made with corn husks $15 to $25. Call 270-524-9647
GA - 2 female Beagles, one is a tri color, and a black and tan. Call 270-528-2407 or 218-0520
GA - old type tv. Call 270-524-4547
GA - Color tv, Cave Springs Road. Call 270-524-4977 ask for Dorothy
FS - Power wheels jeep- pink in color- with battery and charger- with LED lights- $60- 270-799-5925
FS - Karaoke set with CDs and cordless mic- 270-792-6376
FS - 1963 35 Massey Ferguson tractor- 270-779-0567
FS - 5 roosters (Rhode Island Red) Parade saddle (new) 4 year old spotted horse, and a 1988 Chevy truck- ¾ ton 350 with good tires (or would trade). Call after 2:30 p.m. at 270-590-5635
FS - Antique wrought iron bed- $60- 270-202-0704
FS - Power wheel chair, Toaster oven, and a Sharp brand microwave- 270-576-2232
FS - Set of 17” American racing wheels, Lots of sports cards, and looking for Hot Wheels- 270-670-1659
FS - Ringer washer (electric) $375- 270-528-5208
FS - Tilt bed lawn mower trailer- $420- 270-779-0828
FS - Mountain bike- $35 obo- 270-407-3342
LF - Gun cabinet that locks- 270-308-6059 or 270-524-4346
LF - Large propane tank- 270-646-5643
Friday, November 23rd, 2018
FS - 19" tv. $20. Call 270-473-3404
GA - Part Chihuahua, part Jack Russell dog, 2 years-old. 270-524-0605
FS - 19" tv. $20. Call 270-473-3404
LF - Help in paying for repairs for a vehicle for a disable Munfordville man. Call 270-537-4641
FS - Antique Victoria record player with records and a 7 piece pitcher and bowl set- perfect condition- 270-991-7947
FS - Lots of musical instruments- dobro, Kentucky mandolin, Fender amp, acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitar and more- 270-579-2754
FS - 4 Uniroyal tires- 265/75/16s- great tread left- $200- 270-308-5627
FS - 1989 Chevy Trailblazer 4 x 4- $500, 15” 5 lug wheels and tires- $200, and a 30” Pyramid wood stove- $300- 270-286-9594
FS - 1987 Chevy ¾ ton truck- new tires- 350, and a 2000 Honda 4 wheeler- 4 wheel drive- 270-427-9056
FS - Set of tires and chrome wheels- 195/60/16s, 4 tires and wheels for a 4 wheeler, and a NEW large window (28 x 70) crank style- 270-646-5643
FS - Girl’s bike, TV, Entertainment center, Converter box, Homemade child’s desk, Serger sewing machine- 270-547-4757
FS - Storage unit full of things- 28’ of wire shelving and hangers, Stainless steel clothing racks, and a FREE TV (older) with remote- 270-792-3751
FS - Webber gas grill with 3 burners (stainless steel) nice- $350- 270-535-5391
FS - 60 gallon air compressor (220 hook up) 5 horse (needs switch) and 2 rolls of chain link fence- 270-432-3048
FS - Nice couch and chair- $125- 270-678-7759
FS- Power wheels jeep- pink in color- with battery and charger- with LED lights- $60- 270-799-5925
Wednesday, November 21st, 2018
FS - 19" tv. $20. Call 270-473-3404
LF - Help in paying for repairs for a vehicle for a disable Munfordville man. Call 270-537-4641
LF - Old riding mowers, cars for derby cars, old car batteries and radiators. 270-670-1359
FS - Washer and dryer $125. Call 812-292-2712
FS - Solid cherry desk, Martha Washington antique desk, dark brown leather couch, 20" tires, Christmas decorations. Call 270-324-2177
FS - 1993 Chevy Silverado 4×4 for sale comes with toolbox and other tires, asking $4,000. Call 270-576-6471
FS - Red Belly Ford tractor and 4’ bush hog. Call 270-590-2966
FS - 2006 Toyota Camry SE, black, 137K and 1 owner. Asking $6,500. Call
LF - Parts to fit a 2002 ford Taurus will buy a whole car for parts only or just the parts and LF - garden bathtub with the jets… call after 3:30 - 270-579-1322
Tuesday, November 20th, 2018
LF - Tobacco work- 270-404-5345
FS - 2000 Scrambler Polaris, 500 liquid cooled, 4 stroke and 2x4 drive system, oil changed, fluids checked, new brake pads and new carburetor. $1,000. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser, auto with air, leather, moon roof, 2006 Chevy HHR LT - auto, with air, moon roof, red with chrome wheels and a 2007 Chevy Trailblazer, auto with air $2900 obo. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Maytag washer and dryer $150. Call 812-292-2712
LF - Help to repair a vehicle for a disabled man in Munfordville.
FS - Refrigerator $200, 2 years-old and a china cabinet $200. Call 270-646-3518
FS - 3 tickets to Noah's Ark $90. Call 270-528-1183
FS - Kenmore washer, solid oak roll top desk, Christmas decor, old and new. Call 270-324-2177
LF - Place to rent in Cave City or Barren County. Reasonable. FS - extra large wheel chair $50 obo, gasoline powered engine for small car, best offer. Call 270-308-7517
GA- 2 puppies. Collie mix. Call 270-990-7185
FS - Pair of registered walker coonhounds. pair of shock collars and tracking system. Call 270-218-2645
FS - Drag disk, Punching bag and boxing gloves- 270-405-3407
FS - Large and small truck tool boxes- $100 each- 270-586-1639
FS - Gravely zero turn mower or would trade- 270-943-8605
FS - NEW Cabela’s deer stand- 17’- $80- 270-678-3084 or 270-646-8335
FS - 1996 Winnebago- 32’- 460 big block- $9000 or trade- 270-996-8070
FS - 4 used tires- 2 are 225/50/18 and the other are 245/60/18s, NEW Basketball goal (adjustable) and some Chainsaws and a dog box for a pickup- 270-670-1403
FS - Rabbits- $5 each, And a utility trailer- 6’ x 40” 270-427-7920
FS - 2 motor homes- 2005- 41K- 36’- 4 slides- $67,500, and a 1996 Jayco 29.5’ 460 engine- $9600- 270-796-7266
FS - 1971 Chevy 4 wheel drive- single cab- comes with some extra pieces- runs good- $2500- 270-991-8444
FS - 4 Poland chainsaws- $50 for all- 270-286-8805
FS - Cargo carrier for a vehicle- $75, Medium dog house, Murray riding mower- 270-590-8711
FS - 8 totes full of girl’s clothing, Double pane window- large- crank style- 28 x 70- 270-646-5643
FS - Jersey steer- dehorned (800-900 pounds) Old coal stove with 35 bags of coal- $300, Upholstery supplies and equipment- 270-531-7476
FS - 2 chain link dog kennels- 10 x 10 and 10 x 20- $150 for both- 270-261-1609
LF - A pig- 75-100 pounds and Hot Wheels- 270-670-1659
FS - 2008 Pontiac G-8, v6, 119,000 miles, salvage title, cosmetic damage only. Runs and drives. 270-308-5077
FS - 18′ x 7′ heavy duty bumper hitch trailer with lights $900. (4) American Racing chrome wheels with Goodyear 265/70R16 tires, 6 lug. Fits Chevy. $350. Call 270-286-9465
FS - 1996 Nissan truck 4×4. Call 270-670-7674
Monday, November 19th, 2018
FS - Queen size Texas star quilt, red queen satin sheet set 4 pieces, Beanie Babies, Amish books, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection, Horsemen doll, wall hangings, baby quilts, Harlequin books, old almanac. Call 786-4737
FS - 2000 Scrambler Polaris, 500 liquid cooled, 4 stroke and 2x4 drive system, oil changed, fluids checked, new brake pads and new carburetor. $1,000. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Old riding mowers, cars for derby cars. Call 670-1359
FS - Kitchen cabinets with sinks and faucets $275 obo. horse hay, square baled or rolls. head gate $450, heavy duty fence and fence boxes - $1 per foot. Call 270-932-1777
LF - 2 or 3 bedroom home in Park City and Glasgow area, cook stove, cheap or give away, FS - Large wheelchair 28" wide, with paperwork, best offer. Call 270-308-7517
LF - used Levis 32×32 or 32×34 reasonable price…270-407-9968
LF - a pontoon boat and trailer reasonable price concession stand….270-407-9968
FS - Tanning bed and some girl’s toys- 270-670-1659
FS - Dixie Chopper zero turn mower- 500 hours- or would trade for a good 4 wheel drive pickup- $2800- 270-268-6060
FS - King size mattress- $100 obo- 270-563-0010
FS - 18” Poland chain saw and a small Porter Table air compressor- 270-407-8505
FS - Large bull (700 lbs) Long horn cow, Holstein steers, and others too- 270-563-4273
FS - Power chair- $300- 270-678-7278
FS - Antique Singer sewing machine with pedal- cabinet and drawers- $75- 270-261-1227
FS - 2001 Nissan- good air- good tires- sun roof- $2200- 270-537-4662
FS - Several Holstein steers, Jersey and Jersey mix steers, and a Honda CRV all wheel drive straight stick- runs good- 180K- $1650- 270-734-1552
FS - Sharp brand microwave- $50- 270-567-2232
FS - Drag disk, Punching bag and boxing gloves- 270-405-3407
FS - Large and small truck tool boxes- $100 each- 270-586-1639
FS- Gravely zero turn mower or would trade- 270-943-8605
Friday, November 16th, 2018
FS - 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser, auto with air, leather, moon roof, 2006 Chevy HHR LT - auto, with air, moon roof, red with chrome wheels and a 2007 Chevy Trailblazer, auto with air $2900 obo. Call 270-774-1485
FS - washer, dark brown leather couch, target practice shooter, 20" tires, black flattop stove, oak roll top desk. Call 270-324-2177
FS - New hand-quilted queen quilt, green and yellow Texas star, queen red satin sheet set, Beanie babies, Amish cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection, wall hangings, older doll, 1959 Almanac. LF - quilt racks. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Bails of straw; around $4 each- and some free firewood- 270-576-1666
LF - Tobacco work- 270-404-5345
LF - Yorkie pup- female- 270-670-1567
LF - Roofing jobs- 270-282-3876 or 270-622-6436
Wednesday, November 14th, 2018
FS - Christmas decor, artificial trees, pair of 20" stars 19", dark brown leather couch, washer, flattop black stove. 502-689-1113
FS - 2 boxes of boys clothes, size 4, 5 & 6's. Call 270-786-3756
LF - Remote control cars and trucks- 270-799-5925
LF - Tobacco work. 270-404-5345
LF - Roofing jobs- 270-282-3876 or 270-622-6436
LF - Electric cooking stove, no flattop. Call 270-428-2710
FS - Celebrity x mobility scooter stopped working, but has two good batteries. make reasonable offer….270-749-9018
Tuesday, November 13th, 2018
FS - Dark brown leather couch, solid oak roll top desk, Kenmore washer, beige loveseat. Call 324-2177
FS - Maytag deepfreeze, new. $400. Call 786-4603
FS - Queen size quilt, green background "Texas Star", red satin sheet set, queen size, bag of Ty Beanie Babies, assorted sizes, all new. Amish books, cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, 54 year-old doll, hand quilted baby quilts and wall hangings. romance books. LF - Quilt racks. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 04 Hyundai Sante Fe, needs an engine. $1,000. Call 270-773-3332
GA - 3 roosters, small female Chihuahua and pup. Call 270-524-0605
Monday, November 12th, 2018
LF - Help, man lost everything in a housefire. Home of C. J. Crain in Munfordville. Call 270-528-6273
FS - Scrambler Polaris, 500 liquid cooled four stroke and 2x4 drive system, oil changes, fluids checked, new brake pads and carburetor. $1500. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Junk to haul, appliances, farm equipment , campers, vehicles, mobile homes, school buses, anything metal with wheels and motor. Also LF - Land or property to rent to own in Barren County. Call 270-308-1124
FS - Coach purse and billfold $45, Ky purse $35. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Roper washer $75, shampooer $30 with hose. dvd's. Call 270-773-5309
LF - Old riding mowers, 4 wheelers, cars to make derby cars. call 270-670-1359
FOR SALE- FOR SALE- Kirby vacuum cleaner with attachments- $900 firm, 7 ½ foot Christmas tree- $40, Pull behind sprayer (small) $50, Fertilize spreader- $15, Large entertainment center (heavy) $75- 270-597-2358
FOR SALE- 5 Beagle pups (ready next Wed) full stock- de-wormed- $75 each- 270-590-4537
FOR SALE- 2000 Chevy 4 wheel drive- 5 speed- good condition- no rust- 270-427-9056
FOR SALE-2 A frame ladders (6’) make an offer, Used tires (lots of sizes) including some 15” $20 each, Ramp (for loading a 4 wheeler or wheel chair) $100, Porcelain sink- $25- 502-408-4847
FOR SALE- 8 horse Mercury outboard boat motor- NEW- $800- 270-622-0628
FOR SALE- Old 1980s TV with digital box, Warm morning propane stove (45,000 BTU) and a 120 gallon propane tank- taking offers on all these items- 270-799-3041
FOR SALE- #8 Massey Ferguson pull lawn mower- new engine- new paint- new tires- $700- 270-407-8505
FOR SALE- 1999 Dodge truck- 2500 series- extended cab- 5 speed, Glass blocks, and some iron wheels- 270-590-6410
FOR SALE- Tin- 2400 square feet Red and 2400 square feet of grey- $600 each- 270-427-0660
FOR SALE- Short 2 x 6s, Complete sway bar, and a surround sound system- 270-246-1734
FOR SALE- Sheet rock screw gun- $20- 207-361-1278
FOR SALE- 1971 Aluminum fishing boat- 14’- light weight- 8.5 horse- with trolling motor- comes with a trailer too- very nice- $800- 270-799-6672
FOR SALE- Lots of rent for the Roller Coaster yard sale- 270-670-5679
FOR SALE- 5’ bush hog- $150- 270-590-6233
FOR SALE- 4 truck tires- $100 each- 270-404-5285
FOR SALE- Nice Massy Ferguson tractor (1961) gas- good tires- good paint- $3250 or would trade, 750 Kawasaki jet ski and trailer- $1250, Parting out a 1965 Ferguson- 270-590-3931
Friday, November 9th, 2018
FS - Large queen size Texas Star handquilted quilt, queen red satin sheet set, new, bag full of Beanie babies, 8 small and 7 large ones, LF - quilt racks, FS - Amish books, Horseman doll, baby quilts, wall hanging, Harlequin Romance books, cookbooks. Call 786-4737
LF - Junk appliances, vehicles, farm equipment, campers, mobile homes, school buses, anything metal or with wheels and motors, and for land or property to rent to own in Barren County. Call 270-308-1124
FS - 6 ft square hunting blind, some minor issues, has carrying backpack $50. Call 270-786-3474
FS - Camper, 2 Beagle hound dogs for Give away. Call 528-5393
FS - 3 tickets to Noah's Ark $90. Call 270-528-1183
LF - Avon representative. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Electric GE cook stove $40, Maytag washer $40. Call 270-361-9865
FS - Orchard grass and fescue grass hay, rolled with John Deere roller. Call 270-299-5359
FS - 600 cds in excellent condition, $1 each. Call 270-524-3368
FS - PSE Bowmadness bow with new string and cable, new Trophy Ridge sight $325, 2 antique Implement wheels, has some surface rust, no holes $250. Call or text in Cave City at 270-774-6307
FS - 2006 Chevy HHR, $3650, red, automatic, moon roof. 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Box trailer. Call 270-537-3794
FR - 2 bedroom apartment with private backyard. $500 per month, plus utilities. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 5 Great Dane pups- Non-registered- $450 and $800 registered with shots- 270-590-9512
FS - Dale Earnhardt jacket (30-40 years old) $75 obo- 931-624-2690
FS - John Deere 7’ drag disk in good condition - 270-563-4399
FS - 3 tobacco bailer boxes with a press and a 7’ haybine- 270-537-5673
FS - 2 water fountains (wall mount style) stainless steel- $100 each or $75 each if you take both, Some carpet squares (16 x 30) out of an old pharmacy- nice- $150, Roof top AC for a camper- $150- 270-792-3751
Thursday, November 8th, 2018
LF - Refrigerator, prefer almond color. Call 270-524-9311
FS - 2000 Monte Carlo SS, air, antique hand stitched old feed mill state butterfly quilt. Call 270-792-9990
FS - Electric GE cook stove $40, Maytag washer $40. Call 270-361-9865
FS - Orchard grass and fescue grass hay, rolled with John Deere roller. Call 270-299-5359
FS - 600 cds in excellent condition, $1 each. Call 270-524-3368
FS - PSE Bowmadness bow with new string and cable, new Trophy Ridge sight $325, 2 antique Implement wheels, has some surface rust, no holes $250. Call or text in Cave City at 270-774-6307
FS - 2006 Chevy HHR, $3650, red, automatic, moon roof. 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Box trailer. Call 270-537-3794
FR - 2 bedroom apartment with private backyard. $500 per month, plus utilities. Call 270-774-1485
LF - 4 basket hay tedder- 270-537-5673
LF - Double wide mobile home, fixer upper for under $5,000. Serious inquiries only. Call 270-579-9176
FS -Approximately 300 bales horse quality fescue orchard grass hay 2018 spring cutting. Call 270-670-8657
FS -: Pulling mower with cub cadet drive shaft and motor hooked-up just needs finishing. Asking $250. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Pair of bunk beds, cheap or donation. Still looking for a pair of bunk beds. Call 270-791-0069
FS - 2006 F150 (been wrecked) short wheel base- V6 automatic, Sears pulling mower, 210 John Deere and lots of mower parts- 270-670-6152
FS - 46” TV (like new) Nascar items, and a Cub Cadet rear tine tiller- 270-308-6242
FS - Ford parts including a Cluster out of a 1966 Mustang- $40, Motor and transmission out of a 1965 Mustang- 150 horse- 40K- $500 for BOTH, Set of heads for a 1954 Mercury and a C4 transmission- 270-459-2105
FS - 2 bicycle hitch with rubber straps, made by Advantage, Vortex arcade game with touch screen- $900, and a steel door- 270-904-3229
Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
FS - Electric GE cook stove $40, Maytag washer $40. Call 270-361-9865
FS - Orchard grass and fescue grass hay, rolled with John Deere roller. Call 270-299-5359
FS - Large outdoor Nativity set with 13 pieces $250. 9 piece outside hard plastic Santa set with Mrs. Claus, candles and Frosty the Snowman, Santa and Rudolph with sleigh. Pieces are priced separately. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 600 cds in excellent condition, $1 each. Call 270-524-3368
FS - PSE Bowmadness bow with new string and cable, new Trophy Ridge sight $325, 2 antique Implement wheels, has some surface rust, no holes $250. Call or text in Cave City at 270-774-6307
FS - 2006 Chevy HHR, $3650, red, automatic, moon roof. 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Box trailer. Call 270-537-3794
FS Bag full of Beanie Babies, 8 small and 7 large ones. All new. Red satin sheet set, 4 piece, new, 3 piece hand-quilted flag set wall hanging, LF - radio with a cd player, quilt racks. Call 270-786-4737
FR- Apartment in Cave City, has private back. $500 plus utilities monthly. Serious inquires only. Call 270- 612-0701
Tuesday, November 6th, 2018
FS - Electric GE cook stove $40, Maytag washer $40. Call 270-361-9865
FS - Nice leather love seat- $150, 2 chest of drawers- $100 each, and an antique buffet- $150- 270-590-3511
FS - Orchard grass and fescue grass hay, rolled with John Deere roller. Call 270-299-5359
FS - Charolais bulls, and a washer/dryer set- $600- 270-670-4262
FS - 2 air bad suspensions off a 2005 Lincoln Navigator- $50 for both- 270-576-3717
FS - 30 boxes of yard sale items- $200- 502-529-2321
FS - Large outdoor Nativity set with 13 pieces $250. 9 piece outside hard plastic Santa set with Mrs. Claus, candles and Frosty the Snowman, Santa and Rudolph with sleigh. Pieces are priced separately. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 600 cds in excellent condition, $1 each. Call 270-524-3368
FR - 2 bedroom apartment with private backyard. $500 per month, plus utilities. Call 270-774-1485
FS - PSE Bowmadness bow with new string and cable, new Trophy Ridge sight $325, 2 antique Implement wheels, has some surface rust, no holes $250. Call or text in Cave City at 270-774-6307
FS - 2006 Chevy HHR, $3650, red, automatic, moon roof. 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Box trailer. Call 270-537-3794
Monday, November 5th, 2018
FS - Large outdoor Nativity set with 13 pieces $250. 9 piece outside hard plastic Santa set with Mrs. Claus, candles and Frosty the Snowman, Santa and Rudolph with sleigh. Pieces are priced separately. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 600 cds in excellent condition, $1 each. Call 270-524-3368
LF - Grill for an 2008 Town & Country van. Call 270- 590-3209
LF - 4 barrel carb for a 350 Chevy motor. LF - old mowers and 4 wheelers, FS - deepfreeze $40. Call 670-1359
FS - Large bag of Beanie Babies, assorted sizes, 3 piece US Flag wall hanging, red satin sheets, 4 pieces, queen size. Peter Cottontail Rabbit by Avon. Call 786-4737
FR - 2 bedroom apartment with private backyard. $500 per month, plus utilities. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Riding mower, 20 hp, 42" cut. Call 270-218-0813
FS - PSE Bowmadness bow with new string and cable, new Trophy Ridge sight $325, 2 antique Implement wheels, has some surface rust, no holes $250. Call or text in Cave City at 270-774-6307
LF - 3 to 4 bedroom house in the country. In Barren or Hart County. FS - X-large wheelchair, with paperwork. $50. Call 270-579-1710
Friday, November 2nd, 2018
FS - Riding lawn mower, 42" cut, runs great, mows good - $250, Call (270) 218-0813
FS - Fiberglass insulated panels, gray in color $2 a sheet & large size $3 a sheet. Located in Summersville - Call (270) 405-1628 or (270) 405-1260
Yard sale, last one ever, 2850 N Dixie Hwy. Tools, clothes, pots & pans, pictures, lots of different items. Also have Munfordville school annuals. Starts today at 10:00 or 11:00 and tomorrow at 8:00. Taking offers.......things have to go!
FS - Vintage wash stand w/mirror & picture & bowl - $149: Two glass bubble gum machine, use for business or home - $99: 2 different antique lamps - one is $50 and one is $30: Clothing armoire, cedar, mirrors on both doors - $169: Like new Serta sofa - $259. All in excellent condition. Call (270) 612-0701
Help with your health: visit, type "health assessment" in the search engine, scroll down and click on "Health Assessment".....answer all questions for your personal assessment with recommendations for products to help with health concerns - Call (270) 612-0701
Thursday, November 1st, 2018
LF - Couple of old cars to use for derby cars and riding lawn mowers - (270) 670-1359
FS - Chest type deep freezer $40 - (270) 670-1359
LF - Someone to hire to move a piano - (270) 612-1428
Tuesday, October 30th, 2018
LF - Quilt rack & Portable radio with cd player - (270) 786-4737
LF - Good, cheap wood stove - (270) 773-2616
FS - Have 600+ CD's, all in excellent condition, all kinds of music. Asking $1.00 each - (270) 524-3368
FS - Wood stove - (270) 528-3676
FS - 3 Wood stoves, barrel stove, 2 with pop-out's on top - (270) 537-5875
FS - Firewood (270) 537-5875
FS - 1993 Mustang, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, good derby or race car - (270) 307-4587
LF - Looking to buy lawn mower's....looking to buy go carts and a couple of cars to use for demolition derby. Call (270) 670-1359
FS - Chest like deep freezer - $50 (270) 670-1359
FS - Poulan chain saw - $50 (270) 670-1359
FS - 6 month old Yorkie - $300 (270) 612-1428
LF - Gas cooking stove, natural gas, and wall heater. Call 270-308-8595
FS - Old horseman doll dressed in red, baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish cookbooks, Martha Stewart and Paula Deen cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection. LF - portable cd, cassette and record player and homemade quilt racks. 270-786-4737
FS - Pedestal sink. $50. Call 270-786-1281
FS - Large deepfreeze $50, Craftsman 42" riding mower or will trade, LF - old riding mowers, FS - Poulan chainsaw, LF - cars for derby. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Wheelchair with paperwork, LF - 3 bedroom to 4 bedroom home to rent in Hart or Barren County. Call 270-361-7107 or 270-579-1710
FS - Charolais bulls, and a nice washer/dryer set- $600- 270-670-4262
FS - 2 air bad suspensions off a 2005 Lincoln Navigator- $50 for both- 270-576-3717
FS - 30 boxes of yard sale items- $200- 502-529-2321
FS - 2 totes full of Star Wars items- action figures, posters and more! 270-576-7818
FS - Mattress cover pads (full size) $20 each, 2-3 plastic zip up mattress covers- $10 each, NEW exercise bike- $50, DVD movies- $2 each or the whole box- $20, Deer ladder stand- $100, Climbing deer stand- $75 or both for $150- 270-670-7278
FS - 2003 Pull behind camper- 30’ long with slide out- comes with a flat screen TV- $3700, Registered German Shepherd guard dog- $100 without papers, and looking for a good dirt bike- 250 CC or bigger- 270-378-6998
FS - Moped battery, $20, dvd player $20, LF - odd jobs in horse Cave and Cave City. Call 270-218-2478
FS - Electric dryers, $75 each. Call 270-786-2903
LF - Place to rent in Hart or Barren County. Call 270-579-1710
FS - Martha Washington desk, top load washer, large hutch. Call 502-689-1113
FS - Camper trailer 15 ft frame. Call 270-307-4587
FS - Full size toolbox for a pickup. Call 270-528-2531
FS - Mobile home in Sunny Brook Trailer Park, 2 bedroom, make an offer or LF - mobile home lot and someone to move it. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Solid oak china cabinet, solid cherry desk, Mercury boat motor, black flattop stove. Call 502-689-1113
FS - Boys clothes, size 4, 5 & 6. All for one price, 2 boxes. Call 270-786-3756
FS - Coach purse and billfold. $45, KY purse $35. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Wonderwood woodstove. like new with pipe. $300. Call 270-218-0868
FS - Bosch Floor Nailer with box of nails $100. Call 270-748-0052
FS - Orchard grass and fescue grass hay, rolled with John Deere roller. Call 270-299-5359
FS- Bowmadness Bow with arrows and rest $325, 32 gb Nintendo Wii unit with games and Nintendo DS, Karyakin brand saddle bags $175. Call 774-6307
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8" diameter, 6 1/2" useable length. $9. Call 270-528-1443
FS- 2006 Chevy HHR, $3650, red, automatic, moonroof. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Shocks of fodder. $25. Call 270-528-3766
FS - Box trailer. Call 270-537-3794
LF - Horses, mules and ponies, reasonable. Call 270-784-6696
FS - 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Tanning bed and some girl’s toys- 270-670-1659
FS - Dixie Chopper zero turn mower- 500 hours- or would trade for a good 4 wheel drive pickup- $2800- 270-268-6060
FS - King size mattress- $100 obo- 270-563-0010
FS - 18” Poland chain saw and a small Porter Table air compressor- 270-407-8505
FS- Large bull (700 lbs) Long horn cow, Holstein steers, and others too- 270-563-4273
FS- Power chair- $300- 270-678-7278
FS - Antique Singer sewing machine with pedal- cabinet and drawers- $75- 270-261-1227
FS - Flat top cooking stove, 50 hp Mercury boat motor, washer, leather couch. Call 502-689-1113
FS - Mobile home $500, LF - Someone with a mobile home lot that can move it and LF - a place to rent. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Orchard grass and fescue grass hay, rolled with John Deere roller. Call 270-299-5359
FS- Bowmadness Bow with arrows and rest $325, 32 gb Nintendo Wii unit with games and Nintendo DS, Karyakin brand saddle bags $175. Call 774-6307
LF - House or mobile home in Hart and Barren County. Call 270-579-1710
FS - 28" horseman doll, 54 years old, Amish books, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection. LF - radio, cassette, record player and dvd combination. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 350 Warrior - 4 wheeler. Call 270-312-0801 after 3:00 p.m.
FS - Roof jacks and a cedar chest and cedar porch swing- 270-565-3787
FS - Doberman Pinscher (7 weeks) has had shots- $300- 270-528-6693
FS - Set of aluminum doors (like restaurant doors) double swing- 6’ opening- $125, and some 16” carpet squares (500 square feet) 270-792-3751
FS - 10 x 20 metal building (wired) has a loft- double door on the side- serious calls only- $2500- 270-404-1827
FS - Jon boat and trailer (with motor) And a Ford tractor, 2 Horse drawn wagons- 270-590-9192
FS - 16’ long boat trailer with jack and pulley, and a small air compressor- $35- 270-403-3417
FS - Leather love seat- $150, 2 chest of drawers- $100 each, and an antique buffet- $150- 270-590-3511
FS - Charolais bulls, and a nice washer/dryer set- $600- 270-670-4262
FS - 2 air bad suspensions off a 2005 Lincoln Navigator- $50 for both- 270-576-3717
FS - 30 boxes of yard sale items- $200- 502-529-2321
FS 2 totes full of Star Wars items- action figures, posters. 270-576-7818
FS - Mattress cover pads (full size) $20 each, 2-3 plastic zip up mattress covers- $10 each, exercise bike- $50, DVD movies- $2 each or the whole box- $20, Deer ladder stand- $100, Climbing deer stand- $75 or both for $150- 270-670-7278
FS - 2003 Pull behind camper- 30’ long with slide out- comes with a flat screen TV- $3700, Registered German Shepherd guard dog- $100 without papers, and LF - good dirt bike- 250 CC or bigger- 270-378-6998
FS - Square bales of hay- $3.75 (fescue/clover mix) 270-528-1531
FS - Zero turn mower- Dixie Chopper- 50” cut- 27 horse- 500 hours- $4800 or would trade for a good 4 x 4 pickup truck- 270-268-6060
FS - Full size cast iron antique bed (1930s) GREAT condition- $175- 270-202-0704
FS - Washer $125, leather couch $150, black glass top stove $150. 502-689-1113 in Magnolia.
FS - PSE Bowmadness bow with new string and cable plus sight and wisher biscuit arrow rest $325 obo, Nintendo Wii U with 5 games and Nintendo DS $125 in Cave City. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - Chest type deepfreeze $50, works good. LF - old riding mowers, old cars for derby cars. Large Halloween outdoor GA - kittens. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Radio cd player, cassette and record player all together. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Work in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-218-2478
FS - Electric dryers. $75. Call 270-786-2903
LF - Yorkie pup- female- 270-670-1567
LF - Roofing jobs- 270-282-3876 or 270-622-6436
LF - Electric cooking stove, not a flat top. Call 270-428-2710
FS - Celebrity x mobility scooter, not working, has two good batteries. make reasonable offer. Call 270-749-9018
LF - Work…lots of experience with decks, interior, exterior trim, room additions, pole barns, garages, etc. Call 270-287-8229
FS - 2002 GMC Envoy fully loaded 4×4, towing package, needs new air-pump for suspension. Asking $2,500 obo. Call or text 270-996-8646
LF - Used Levis 32×32 or 32×34 reasonable price…and a pontoon boat and trailer. and a concession stand. 270-407-9968
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8" diameter, 6 1/2" useable length. $9. Call 270-528-1443
FS- 2006 Chevy HHR, $3650, red, automatic, moonroof. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Shocks of fodder. $25. Call 270-528-3766
FS - Box trailer. Call 270-537-3794
FS - 2000 Chevy 4 wheel drive- 5 speed- good condition- no rust- 270-427-9056
FS - 54 year old collectible horseman doll, hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, cookbooks, flower books, Jane Austin dvd collection. Call 270-786-4737
Yard and Craft sale at Miller Storage in Munfordville across from State Farm, yard sale items, homemade crafts. Call 270-473-1499
FT - Enterprise freezer, not frost free for a table saw. Call 270-524-1042
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8" diameter, 6 1/2" useable length. $9. Call 270-528-1443
FS- 2006 Chevy HHR, $3650, red, automatic, moonroof. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Shocks of fodder. $25. Call 270-528-3766
FS - Box trailer. Call 270-537-3794
FS - 2000 Chevy 4 wheel drive- 5 speed- good condition- no rust- 270-427-9056
FS -2 A frame ladders (6’) make an offer, Used tires (lots of sizes) including some 15” $20 each, Ramp (for loading a 4 wheeler or wheel chair) $100, Porcelain sink- $25- 502-408-4847
FS - 8 horse Mercury outboard boat motor- NEW- $800- 270-622-0628
FS - #8 Massey Ferguson pull lawn mower- new engine- new paint- new tires- $700- 270-407-8505
FS - 1999 Dodge truck- 2500 series- extended cab- 5 speed, Glass blocks, and some iron wheels- 270-590-6410
FS - Tin- 2400 square feet Red and 2400 square feet of grey- $600 each- 270-427-0660
FS - Short 2 x 6s, Complete sway bar, and a surround sound system- 270-246-1734
FS - Sheet rock screw gun- $20- 207-361-1278
FS - 1971 Aluminum fishing boat- 14’- light weight- 8.5 horse- with trolling motor- comes with a trailer too- very nice- $800- 270-799-6672
FS - Lots of rent for the Roller Coaster yard sale- 270-670-5679
FS - 5’ bush hog- $150- 270-590-6233
FS - 4 truck tires- $100 each- 270-404-5285
FS - Nice Massy Ferguson tractor (1961) gas- good tires- good paint- $3250 or would trade, 750 Kawasaki jet ski and trailer- $1250, Parting out a 1965 Ferguson- 270-590-3931
FS - Lots of sets of Chevy wheels- Rally and Center Lines, 18” Boss wheels, and Parting out 1982-1992 Camaros, and some S10s- 270-576-8501 or 270-678-7130
LF - Bumper for a 1999 Dodge Dakota- 270-670-5345
LF - Riding mowers- running or not- 270-308-5057
LF - Used truck tires- 245/70/15 or 255- 270-300-3038
LF - Set of rims for a Husqvarna zero turn mower- 270-246-1734
LF - Bails of straw; around $4 each- and some free firewood- 270-576-1666
LF - 10 calves- 615-670-2660
LF - Remote control cars and trucks- 270-799-5925
LF - Good used piano. Call 270-612-1428
FS - Mums, $2.50 to $8. in 12" pots, lots of colors, 8" pots available. on Bacon Creek Road728 at Bonnieville. Call 270-537-3038
FS - 30 ft camper, needs some work. Cochin banty chickens and hens. Call 270-528-4750 or 270-537- 1844
FS - Coach purse and billfold $45, Kentucky purse $35. Call 270-528-7643
FS - 350 Warrior 4 wheeler. Call 270-612-0801 after 3:00 p.m.
FS - 4 ft Barbie Doll house with accessories. 270-473-3217
FS - Bourbon barrels, cut in half. Used for planters. $30 each. Call 270-799-7281
FS - Wonderwood Woodstove, with blower 2 years old. $300. Call 270-218-0868
FS - 2006 Mercury Marquee, white has 142,000 miles. Call 270-528-1997
LF - Grill for 2005 Jeep Liberty. Call 270-590-5168
FS - 2 A frame ladders (6’) make an offer, Used tires (lots of sizes) including some 15” $20 each, Ramp (for loading a 4 wheeler or wheel chair) $100, Porcelain sink- $25- 502-408-4847
FS - 8 horse Mercury outboard boat motor- NEW- $800- 270-622-0628
FS - Old 1980s TV with digital box, Warm morning propane stove (45,000 BTU) and a 120 gallon propane tank- taking offers on all these items- 270-799-3041
FS- #8 Massey Ferguson pull lawn mower- new engine- new paint- new tires- $700- 270-407-8505
LF - Pasture ground to rent, 30 acres, Wigwam, Hiseville, prefer with water and fencing. Call 270-646-0910 or 646-7750
LF - LG fliphones, and chargers, FS - Poulan chainsaw $50, pushmower, LF - riding mowers for parts, and cars. Call 270-537-4090
FS - 32 gb Nintendo Wii unit with 5 games and Nintendo DS $125 obo, set of Karyakin brand saddle bags, like new $150. call 270-774-6307
FS - Firewood, 2 1/2 ricks. $80 for all. Call 270-401-1994
FS - Dryers $75 270-786-2903
LF - Car ramps. Call 218-2478
FS - Old cub cadet riding mower $500. no deck. Call 270-401-7405
FS - Wishing well $45. Call 270-524-1042
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8" diameter, 6 1/2" useable length. $9. Call 270-528-1443
FS- 2006 Chevy HHR, $3650, red, automatic, moonroof. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 18 speed boys bike, 24" new Kingsford charcoal grill, 7.5" beach umbrella, 2-Stats and Stripes Tail Gate Toss games, 5 pop-up canopy tents, camping tents, horse saddles and equipment, AB Circle fitness machine. Located at 1705 Concord Church Road, Bonnieville, or call 270-505-0332
LF - Horses, mules and ponies, reasonable. Call 270-784-6696
FS - Shocks of fodder. $25. Call 270-528-3766
FS - Box trailer. Call 270-537-3794
FS - 46” TV (like new) Nascar items, and a Cub Cadet rear tine tiller- 270-308-6242
FS - Lots of Ford parts including a Cluster out of a 1966 Mustang- $40, Motor and transmission out of a 1965 Mustang- 150 horse- 40K- $500 for BOTH, Set of heads for a 1954 Mercury and a C4 transmission- 270-459-2105
FS - 2 bicycle hitch with rubber straps- can send pics- made by Advantage, Vortex arcade game with touch screen- nice- $900, and a steel door- 270-904-3229
FS - Deer ladder stand- $100, another deer stand (climbing stand) $75 or BOTH for $150, Full size mattress cover pads- $20 each, Plastic zip up covers- $10 each, New exercise bike- $50- 270-670-7278
FS - Dale Earnhardt jacket (30-40 years old) $75 obo- 931-624-2690
FS - John Deere 7’ drag disk in good condition- 270-563-4399
FS - 3 tobacco bailer boxes with a press and a 7’ haybine- 270-537-5673
FS - 2 water fountains (wall mount style) stainless steel- $100 each or $75 each if you take both, Some carpet squares (16 x 30) out of an old pharmacy- nice- $150, Roof top AC for a camper- $150- 270-792-3751
FS - Kirby vacuum cleaner with attachments- $900 firm, 7 ½ foot Christmas tree- $40, Pull behind sprayer (small) $50, Fertilize spreader- $15, Large entertainment center (heavy) $75- 270-597-2358
FS - 5 Beagle pups (ready next Wed) full stock- de-wormed- $75 each- 270-590-4537
FS - 2000 Chevy 4 wheel drive- 5 speed- good condition- no rust- 270-427-9056
GA - Kittens, FS - Poulan chainsaw $50, LF - old mowers and cars to make derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Hitch pin grade 5, 7/8" diameter, 6 1/2" useable length. $9. Call 270-528-1443
FS - Serta couch and loveseat, less than a year old. Call 612-0701
FS - Kawasaki Mule $1800, 20 ft cattle trailer, gooseneck, $1900, 2012 Equinox $6900. Call 670-3570
FS - 1960 model Cub Cadet mower, $500. no deck. Call 270-401-7405
FS - Large chest type freezer, not frost free. will trade for a tablesaw. Call 270-524-1042
FS - Poulan chainsaw $50, LF - lawnmowers, old 4 wheelers, cars for a derby. Call 670-1359
FS - 28" older doll, portable Singer sewing machine, baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, Martha Stewart and Paula Deen cookbooks, Jane Austin dvd collection, new purses 786-4737
FS- 2 year old wood stove, has new blower, $250. Call 270-218-0868
FS - Hitch pin, grade 5. $9. Call 270-528-1443
FS- 2006 Chevy HHR, $3650, red, automatic, moonroof. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone to saw up a tree, LF - bushel of pears. Call 270-590-3209
FS - 18 speed boys bike, 24" new Kingsford charcoal grill, 7.5" beach umbrella, 2-Stats and Stripes Tail Gate Toss games, 5 pop-up canopy tents, camping tents, horse saddles and equipment, AB Circle fitness machine. Located at 1705 Concord Church Road, Bonnieville, or call 270-505-0332
LF - Horses, mules and ponies, reasonable. Call 270-784-6696
FS - Shocks of fodder. $25. Call 270-528-3766
FS - Box trailer. Call 270-537-3794
FS - Coffee table and end tables, heavy, $40. Call 270-590-9953
FS- Square bales of hay- mixed grass- $2.50 each- 270-678-3288
FS - Large window- new- 28 x 70” double pane, Kawasaki 4 wheeler in great condition- 270-646-5643
FS - 4 tires- 235/65/17- $100 obo- 270-576-0302
FS - 5 foot Bush hog- $500, Hydraulic post driver- $2200- 270-774-1256
FS - Golf cart, Electric wall heater- two 100s and one 220, Large central air unit- make an offer- 270-646-6334
FS - 35 Massy Ferguson tractor- deluxe, fully restored- $4000- 270-532-1132
FS - Heavy duty hay trailer (16 x 5) $1250- 270-791-2646
FS- Registered German Shepherd (guard dog) $150 without papers and $250 with papers; 3 bottom plow- $375, 6 foot scraper blade- $375, and looking for a stock trailer (16 foot) 270-250-3680
FS - Poulan chain saw $50, LF - parts for zero turn cub cadet lawnmower, LF - old lawnmowers and old derby cars. Call 670-1359
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday, cookware, clothes, pictures, belts, knives and Munfordville school annuals, in the 60's. 2850 N. Dixie Hwy, up Pine Ridge Hill 270-524-9153 270-505-2646
FS - Tote of yard sale items for one price, old RCA large tv, cheap. Call 270-524-4547
FS - 18 speed boys bike, 24" new Kingsford charcoal grill, 7.5" beach umbrella, 2-Stats and Stripes Tail Gate Toss games, 5 pop-up canopy tents, camping tents, horse saddles and equipment, AB Circle fitness machine. Located at 1705 Concord Church Road, Bonnieville, or call 270-505-0332
LF - Horses, mules and ponies, reasonable. Call 270-784-6696
FS - Shocks of fodder. $25. Call 270-528-3766
FS - Box trailer. Call 270-537-3794
FS - Coffee table and end tables, heavy, $40. Call 270-590-9953
FS - Older doll, Singer sewing, Call 270-786-4737
FS - 23 riding mowers, 1 high wheel pushmower. Call 270-735-6698
LF - 8 to 10 ft box trailer. Call 270-537-3341
FS - 18 speed boys bike, 24" new Kingsford charcoal grill, 7.5" beach umbrella, 2-Stats and Stripes Tail Gate Toss games, 5 pop-up canopy tents, camping tents, horse saddles and equipment, AB Circle fitness machine. Located at 1705 Concord Church Road, Bonnieville, or call 270-505-0332
LF - Horses, mules and ponies, reasonable. Call 270-784-6696
FS - Shocks of fodder. $25. Call 270-528-3766
FS - Holstein Calves- starting at $185 and up; Jersey cow and 2 calves- $900 obo- Call 270-734-1552
FS - Statesmen riding mower- 42” cut- $200 firm. Call 270-404-2803
FS - Hay Roller- 851 in good condition- $1200. Call 270-784-7145
FS - 1974 Ovation acoustic guitar with case- $250, Antique Oak dresser and mirror- $125, Cedar rocking horse- $125, Pine rocking horse- $50, Cover for a short bed truck- $60- 270-784-7145
FS - Holstein steer- 700 pounds- $450 and a Black Angus steer- $300 or both for $700- 270-590-9804
FS - 1995 GMC 4 wheel drive- extended cab- 198 K- make an offer- 270-246-2039
FS - 16’ Pontoon boat with new trolling motor and trailer- $4500- 270-678-6376
FS - 1999 Chevy Tracker- automatic- 4 wheel drive- $2500 firm; 1965 Massy Ferguson tractor (diesel) and bush hog- $2700, Large business sign- $500- 270-670-6498
LF - Someone to saw tree limbs in a yard. Call 270-590-3209
LF - Bobtailed kitten. Call 270-524-7736
FS - 15 gallon weed sprayer for a lawntractor $75. Call 270-524-1042
FS - 18 speed boys bike, 24" new Kingsford charcoal grill, 7.5" beach umbrella, 2-Stats and Stripes Tail Gate Toss games, 5 pop-up canopy tents, camping tents, horse saddles and equipment, AB Circle fitness machine. Located at 1705 Concord Church Road, Bonnieville, or call 270-505-0332
LF - Horses, mules and ponies, reasonable. Call 270-784-6696
LF - Table saw, FS - Enterprise 27" x 35" tall deepfreeze, ready November 1st, will trade. Call 270-524-1042
FS - 23 horse Kohler command motor or will trade, LF - riding mowers, derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Kindle DX XL with Pokemon game $50, XBox 1 game $20, LF - odd jobs. Call 270-786-5072 or 270-218-2478
LF - Contact information on the Gingerich Builders at Three Springs. Call 270-537-3229
FS - Shocks of fodder. $25. Call 270-528-3766
LF - Someone to clean up some tree limbs. Will pay and cutter keeps wood in Linwood. Call 270-590-3209
LF - Motor for a 2003 Chevy S-10 or a reasonable pickup truck. 2740-786-4399
FS - 54 year-old doll, portable Singer sewing machine, baby quilts, Amish books, Paula Deen cookbooks, Harlequin books, purses. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Old Kenner SSP Smash up derby set for a collection. Call 270-524-3280
FS - Desk $10, car seat $10, wall pictures $2 each, child's youth bed $50 wooden stool, $5, twin size headboard $10, child's table and chairs 502-341-4335
8920 Happy Valley Road, yard sale, blue and white tent today and Saturday. Call 270-590-3452
LF - Horses, mules and ponies, trained or untrained, old or young, no high show horse prices, will pay reasonably priced. Call 270-784-6696
LF - Contact information on the Gingerich Builders at Three Springs. Call 270-537-3229
FS - Shocks of fodder. $25. Call 270-528-3766
FS - 32 gb Nintendo Wii U with games and hookups with Nintendo DS with charger $125, 2 pairs of leather chaps $50 for both. Ladies size 46 leather jacket $25. Call 774-6307
FS - MTD mower, deck is no good. $175. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Sharp brand microwave- $50- 270-576-2232
FS - Kirby Vacuum cleaner with attachments- $900 firm, 7 ½ Christmas tree- $50, Pull behind sprayer- $75, and a pull behind spreader (needs tires) $50- 270-597-2358
FS - Holstein Calves- starting at $185 and up; Jersey cow and 2 calves- $900 obo- 270-734-1552
FS - Pulling mower with Cub Cadet drive shaft and motor, hooked up just needs finishing. $250. Call 270-590-6007
Camp Ground United Methodist Church will hold a church-wide yard sale on Friday and Saturday on the grounds of the church at 2531 Priceville Road, Bonnieville. For more information, call 270-528-1158.
Yard sale on the corner of 218 and the Glasgow Munfordville Road. Thursday and Friday. clothes, antiques, variety of items.
Creekside Church in Bonnieville Saturday Fall Festival. Everything is free.
Yard Sale - Wednesday and Thursday. 2175 Hammonsville Road, Munfordville, brick house on the left, signs posted. Dishes, ottoman, antique kitchen table, clothes. New items as well. dressing table, child's chair with ottoman, Christmas items.
FS - Male German Shepherd $200. Call 270-524-5072
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday on the corner of Hwy 218 and Steen Avenue in Horse Cave across from the cemetery. Shoes, clothes up to 3x. Call 270-786-5824
FS - Square baled hay. $3.75 a bale. Call 270-528-1531
LF - Job sitting with the elderly or anyone. Call 270-299-6444
LF - Old Home Place Transport at Rowletts is needing 2 full-time drivers. Apply at the office at 3321 S. Dixie Hwy, Horse Cave or call 270-524-3302
GA - 3 kittens, good mousers. Call 270-528-1443
FS - Solid oak 6 ft kitchen table with chairs $200. Call 270-774-1266
FS - 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 32 gb Nintendo Wii U with Nintendo DS $150 obo, Quest brand compound bow $150 obo, set of motorcycle -saddle bags $200. Call 270-774-6307
LF - King Warm Morning stove in Metcalfe County. Call 270-579-6032
LF - Job sitting with the elderly or anyone. Call 270-299-6444
LF - Old Home Place Transport at Rowletts is needing 2 full-time drivers. Apply at the office at 3321 S. Dixie Hwy, Horse Cave or call 270-524-3302
GA - 3 kittens, good mousers. Call 270-528-1443
FS - Solid oak 6 ft kitchen table with chairs $200. Call 270-774-1266
LF - Nintendo switch, older Nintendo systems and games, LF - camper, over 20 ft long. Call 270-594-0969
FS - 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 32 gb Nintendo Wii U with Nintendo DS $150 obo, Quest brand compound bow $150 obo, set of motorcycle -saddle bags $200. Call 270-774-6307
LF - King Warm Morning stove in Metcalfe County. Call 270-579-6032
FS - Wood stove for a basement and a garage. $325. LF - Wood stove. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Older doll, Singer sewing machine, baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, Martha Stewart, Paula Deen cookbooks, Harlequin books, Jane Austin dvd. Cal 270-786-4737
FS - Culti-packer on wheels $400 obo. Call 270-528-6466
GA - 2 parakeets in cage, yellow, 4 years old, male and female. Call 270-246-1913
FS - House plants, some will need to be repotted, spider plants, aloe veras, cactus plants $1 and $2 each. Call 270-524-9647
LF - 10 x 10 dog pen. Call 270-528-5286
FS - Wood stove for a basement and a garage. $325. LF - Wood stove. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Nintendo switch, older Nintendo systems and games, LF - camper, over 20 ft long. Call 270-594-0969
FS - 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 32 gb Nintendo Wii U with Nintendo DS $150 obo, Quest brand compound bow $150 obo, set of motorcycle -saddle bags $200. Call 270-774-6307
LF - King Warm Morning stove in Metcalfe County. Call 270-579-6032
Clothes for Kids Auction donations can be brought to the home of Rose Bostic at Clayton Station Apts behind McDonalds in Munfordville. Call 270-524-9647
FS - Wood stove for a basement and a garage. $325. LF - Wood stove. Call 270-528-1419
LF - Nintendo switch, older Nintendo systems and games, LF - camper, over 20 ft long. Call 270-594-0969
FS - Bluegrass flip phone $30, Bluegrass heavy duty phone $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 32 gb Nintendo Wii U with Nintendo DS $150 obo, Quest brand compound bow $150 obo, set of motorcycle -saddle bags $200. Call 270-774-6307
LF - King Warm Morning stove in Metcalfe County. Call 270-579-6032
FS - 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
Clothes for Kids Auction donations can be brought to the home of Rose Bostic at Clayton Station Apts behind McDonalds in Munfordville. Call 270-524-9647
FS - 6 month old female Yorkie, full bred, housebroken. Text 270-612-1428
FS - New Brothers sewing machine, under the counter dishwasher, new. rocker recliner, Amish made with foot stool that rocks. Call 270-524-1915
FS - Wood stove for a basement and a garage. $325. LF - Wood stove. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Like new Nintendo WII U with 5 games and accessories, plus a Nintendo DS $150 obo, 2 pair of leather motorcycle chaps $25 each, set of like new Kuryakyn brand motorcycle saddle bags $200, 1967 Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife with original sheath and sharpening stone $75, like new with box Benchmade survival knife and sheath $80, women's genuine leather motorcycle jacket, size 46 $25, Bushnell spotting scope and binoculars $45 for both or will sell separate. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Nintendo switch, older Nintendo systems and games, LF - camper, over 20 ft long. Call 270-594-0969
FS - Bluegrass flip phone $30, Bluegrass heavy duty phone $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT, $2450. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Table and 8 chairs. Four are a different color. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Cloth lift chair $50, electric. set of cedar cornhole boards $100. Call 270-590-0984
FS - 2 copper radiators, 70 to 80 model Ford pickup, automatic, and an 80's model Crown Vic. Call 531-1392
LF - Lift chair. Call 270-524-5262
FS - Solid oak 6 ft kitchen table with 6 chairs $200. Call 270-774-1266LF - King Warm Morning stove in Metcalfe County area. Call 270-579-6032
FS - Wood stove for a basement and a garage. $325. LF - Wood stove. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Like new Nintendo WII U with 5 games and accessories, plus a Nintendo DS $150 obo, 2 pair of leather motorcycle chaps $25 each, set of like new Kuryakyn brand motorcycle saddle bags $200, 1967 Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife with original sheath and sharpening stone $75, like new with box Benchmade survival knife and sheath $80, women's genuine leather motorcycle jacket, size 46 $25, Bushnell spotting scope and binoculars $45 for both or will sell separate. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Nintendo switch, older Nintendo systems and games, LF - camper, over 20 ft long. Call 270-594-0969
FS - Bluegrass flip phone $30, Bluegrass heavy duty phone $50. Call 270-590-6866
LF - Paneling and Insulation. Call 307-4587
FS - 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LT. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Poulan Pro mower, 14 hp and 42" cut, $225. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Coach purse and billfold. $45 for each. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Ashley wood heater, new set of grates. Call 270-242-7172
FS - Coal burning stove, older model, 25 plus bags of coal $300, upholstery supplies, materials and tools $300 for everything. Jersey steer, ready for slaughter, dehorned 800 lbs, grain fed $700. Call 270-531-7476
FS - 32" exterior door metal, insulated glass with hardware, storm door to match, tan color $50 each. Call 270-528-4075
LF - Odd jobs and some scrap metal to haul- 270-943-7826
LF- Parts for a 3000-4000 Ford tractor- 270-646-8178
LF - Used tin roofing- 270-843-1651
LF - Corrugated metal and I have a female Blue Heeler dog and would like to breed to another- 270-670-5398
LF - Remote control cars- 270-799-5925
LF - House to rent in the Tompkinsville area- 270-622-1163
LF - a $1000 car or truck- 270-779-2217
LF - Deer corn, and a Mexican or American Telecaster guitar- 270-579-7004
FS - Bull calf on bottle 270-590-2396
FS - Quilting frame that will fit a baby quilt to a queen size quilt, $25, new 10 piece camo seat covers for small truck or car. $10. 270-842-2093 or 270-799-6223
FS - 2001 Polaris 4 wheeler 500,Hi Output Sportsman Model, New Transmission with Hi, Low & Reverse ,Electric Start. $2,000 Call 270-646-7912
FS - Queen size Wooden 4 poster Bed with wide side rails , Very Heavy . located in Glasgow. Call 270-670-7146
FS - Red Love seat couch $100, 55 inch Toshiba TV big screen $100, Harley Davison Trailer that you pull behind motorcycle $700, obo. small microwave $25. 2 - 1950s-60s wood bedside tables $20. 2 lamps $15. 2- exercise machines $20 each. brown cloth recliner $25. 3ft X 3ft table has 1 leg in center of table indoor or outside table $30, TV stand- glass 3 tier half-round shape $30. Keith Urban Guitar / case / 30 CD package still in box $200. Keetar electric guitar with amp / stand $100 . women’s wedding band/ engagement ring set, $800. size 6. 270-943-0016
FS - Porcelain doll, 54 years old, portable Singer sewing machine, hand quilted baby quilts and wall hangings, cook books, Amish and flower books, Harlequin new books, Jane Austin dvd collection, 2 new purses. Call 786-4737
FS - Wood stove for a basement and a garage. $325. LF - Wood stove. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Like new Nintendo WII U with 5 games and accessories, plus a Nintendo DS $150 obo, 2 pair of leather motorcycle chaps $25 each, set of like new Kuryakyn brand motorcycle saddle bags $200, 1967 Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife with original sheath and sharpening stone $75, like new with box Benchmade survival knife and sheath $80, women's genuine leather motorcycle jacket, size 46 $25, Bushnell spotting scope and binoculars $45 for both or will sell separate. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Nintendo switch, older Nintendo systems and games, LF - camper, over 20 ft long. Call 270-594-0969
FS - Bluegrass flip phone $30, Bluegrass heavy duty phone $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Troy bilt Mustang RZT 22 v-twin 50" cut $750, Poulan 42" cut 14.5 OHV $225, White outdoor LT1800 18 OHV 42" cut. $225. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2006 Chevy HHR, automatic, red. $3650. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 300 Honda 4 wheeler. Call 270-528-1187
LF - Old riding lawnmowers, FS - 30 gallon fish tank with fish $50. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Large gas propane fireplace heater, dark in color. Call 270-528-5784
LF - Job sitting with elderly. Call Peggy Patterson. Call 270-299-6444
FS - 55 gallon barrels (with and without tops) 270-579-7004
FS- Cub Cadet riding mower (zero turn) parts- $100, and lots of trailer windows and doors- 270-792-3751
LF - Air compressor (pancake) or something to power some small air tools- 270-938-5463
FS - Adult potty chair, walker, plus size clothes. 773-3368
FS - Porcelain doll, 54 years old, portable Singer sewing machine, hand quilted baby quilts and wall hangings, cook books, Amish and flower books, Harlequin new books, Jane Austin dvd collection, 2 new purses. Call 786-4737
FS - 2 - 46" cut riding mowers $250 each, 42" cut riding mower, $200, LF - old riding mowers. Call 270-670-1359
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday 5 family everything new 8984 N. Dixie Hwy Bonnieville. Bike, air conditioner, Barbies, Long men's shirts, picnic table, seeder, etc. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Air conditioner. Call 270-524-4547
Will - Sit with the elderly. day or night Call 270-299-6444
FS - Mini Bike (196 CC) and a Craftsmen mower (no motor) would trade for a 4wd 4 wheeler- 270-537-1638
FS - 1996 S-10 needs work but has lots of new parts- $1500 obo, LF - a cross bow- 270-597-7552
FS - 8 rolls of Fescue and Clover horse hay. $40 each. Call 270-590-6230
FS - Mares, Saddles, and bridles - 270-590-5635
FS - 1999 Grand Marquis- 134 K- runs good- $1300- 270-774-1614
FS - 18 volt Dewalt cordless drill with 2 batteries, charger, and case- $75- 270-404-5777
FS - Glass top cooking stove $150, front load dryer on pedestal, blue $140, table, antique Martha Washington desk, solid cherry desk in Magnolia. Call 502-689-1113
Yard Sale - Cave City 313 N. 9th St Thursday and Friday, household products, clothes, 3 riding lawnmowers, pushmowers, weedeaters. Call 270-670-1359
Fs - Pedestal sink, large, $50. sliding window, new. $50. Old doors out of an older house. Call 270-786-1281 or 528-6108
Yard Sale - bunk beds, clothes, lamps, pull behind seeder, walker, bike, quilting rack. 8984 N Bonnieville. Thursday and Friday. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Wood stove for a basement and a garage. $325. LF - Wood stove. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Like new Nintendo WII U with 5 games and accessories, plus a Nintendo DS $150 obo, 2 pair of leather motorcycle chaps $25 each, set of like new Kuryakyn brand motorcycle saddle bags $200, 1967 Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife with original sheath and sharpening stone $75, like new with box Benchmade survival knife and sheath $80, women's genuine leather motorcycle jacket, size 46 $25, Bushnell spotting scope and binoculars $45 for both or will sell separate. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Nintendo switch, older Nintendo systems and games, LF - camper, over 20 ft long. Call 270-594-0969
FS - Bluegrass flip phone $30, Bluegrass heavy duty phone $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Troy bilt Mustang RZT 22 v-twin 50" cut $750, Poulan 42" cut 14.5 OHV $225, White outdoor LT1800 18 OHV 42" cut. $225. Call 270-590-6007
LF - charger for a Jazzy power chair. Call 270-735-6698
LF - Lift chair. Call 270-524-5262
GA - kittens. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Serta brown tweed couch and loveseat. Wooden train flower box. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 2006 Chevy HHR, automatic, red. $3650. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2 bedroom home on about an acre at Cub Run. Call 270-528-1950
FS- Silkies, Naked neck rooster, banties. call 270-528-6381
FS - Living room suit, 1 year old, gray sofa chair and a half with storage ottoman. $600, corner patio umbrella $100. Call 615-668-1579
FS - Wood stove for a basement and a garage. $325. LF - Wood stove. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Like new Nintendo WII U with 5 games and accessories $150 obo, 2 pair of leather motorcycle chaps $25 each, set of like new Kuryakyn brand motorcycle saddle bags $200, 1967 Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife with original sheath and sharpening stone $75, like new with box Benchmade survival knife and sheath $80, women's genuine leather motorcycle jacket, size 46 $25, Bushnell spotting scope and binoculars $45 for both or will sell separate. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Nintendo switch, older Nintendo systems and games, LF - camper, over 20 ft long. Call 270-594-0969
FS - Bluegrass flip phone $30, Bluegrass heavy duty phone $50. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Troy bilt Mustang RZT 22 v-twin 50" cut $750, Poulan 42" cut 14.5 OHV $225, White outdoor LT1800 18 OHV 42" cut. $225. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2 riding mowers, 46" cut, 1 is 42" cut, Poland chainsaw $50, 1986 GMC wrecker with double boom, 350 motor or will trade $1250. Call 270-670-1359
FS - Older doll, Singer sewing machine, portable, baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, cook books, hardback books, Harlequin Romance books, Jane Austin dvd collection, 2 purses. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Drivers at the Old Home Place Transport in Rowletts, prefer retirees. Apply at the transport office. Call 270-524-3302
FS - 2006 Chevy HHR, automatic, red. $3650. Call 270-774-1485
GA - 1 male and 1 female pup, 10 weeks old, 1/2 English Shepherd and half Beagle. Also, the mother of the pups, a full English Shepherd, brown and white. Call 270-670-9070
GA - kittens. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Serta brown tweed couch and loveseat. Wooden train flower box. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Nintendo Wii U with 5 games and accessories $150, Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife $75, Bushnell spotting scope $30 in Cave City area. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Female Coon Hound (Plott) registered- great dog- needs to be hunted- $100- 270-678-2312
FS - 2 steel wheels (Ford bolt pattern) 10 x 15s- $60, 2 clusters- for a 1966 Ford Mustang and one for a 1965 Ford pickup- $40 each, Set of Chevy aluminum valve covers- $80, Hood for a 1969 Camaro in good condition- $175, and a 1987 Monte Carlo- $850 and other parts too- 270-459-2105
FS - Old trucks (1948, 1952, & 1953) 270-404-0471
FS - 1995 Ford F-150- 4 wheel drive- would make a good work truck- XLT model- extended cab- 183 K- $1800 obo- 270-943-1486
FS - 1989 Chrysler Lebaron- convertible- turbo- comes with an extra motor- good tires- $2500- 270-457-3435
FS - Parts for a 1996 F-150 and Ford Employer, 2 Stove hoods, Car seat- $10, Cub Cadet desk (no motor) and other things too- 270-457-3219
FS - Grass catcher for a Zero turn mower (Gravity), Trailer to pull behind a mower, 8’ folding table, Turing bike (cheap) Round Oak pedestal table with 4 chairs- 270-576-0971
LF - Someone to clean up tree limbs. 590-3209
Yard Sale - Saturday at 12185 Priceville Road, Cub Run, all kinds of items, tools, jewelry and candles.
FS - Tools, Cub Cadet zero turn mower $800 and a 4 wheeler $900. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Drivers at the Old Home Place Transport in Rowletts, prefer retirees. Apply at the transport office. Call 270-524-3302
LF - Gravity wagon for corn. 524-3460
313 N. 9th St Cave City today and Saturday, bikes, lawnmowers, diapers, household products, toiletries, clothes, furniture, 1986 GMC wrecker 350 with double boom $1300 cash. Call670-1359
FS - 11 x 10 ft area rug, rose and burgundy. Call 270-531-5922
FS - Hawk 10 ton hydraulic dumpbed trailer670-8190 after 3
FS - Diamond plated aluminum toolbox, came off a Ford Ranger, doesn't leak. Call 270-651-9842
FS -Electric fireplace and Big Boy recliner. Call 270-576-5222
FS - Plasma cutter. $500. 537-3369
FS - Red Belly Ford tractor- 270-773-5334
FS - Matching sofa and recliner- excellent condition- $500 obo- 270-597-6730
FS - Card table with 4 chairs- $30- 270-579-6463
FS - Dune buggy- 270-528-4252
FS - Yamaha 4 wheeler 400- automatic- runs great, Large window- 28” x 70” $100, 8 totes full of girl’s clothing- 270-646-5643
FS - Registered Jersey cow, Jersey bull and some smaller Jerseys - 270-734-1552
FS - 2006 Chevy HHR, automatic, red. $3650. Call 270-774-1485
GA - 1 male and 1 female pup, 10 weeks old, 1/2 English Shepherd and half Beagle. Also, the mother of the pups, a full English Shepherd, brown and white. Call 270-670-9070
GA - kittens. Call 270-369-0133
FS - Serta brown tweed couch and loveseat. Wooden train flower box. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Nintendo Wii U with 5 games and accessories $150, Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife $75, Bushnell spotting scope $30 in Cave City area. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Cub Cadet zero turn mower $800, 4-wheeler, needs carb work. $900, racing parts $100. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Maytag gas dryer, $200. small dehumidified, WetVac Stinger brand 2 1/2 gallon. Call 270-773-3436
FS - Kirby vacuum cleaner with attachments- $900 and a 6 ½ Christmas tree- $50- 270-597-2358
FS - Oak entertainment center- $100, Maple hutch- $50- 270-606-4762
FS - Set of 10- 20 Chrome over aluminum wheels- 8 lug with center caps (and tires) $400- 270-646-8178
FS - 110 air unit- 10,000 BTU- older- works, and a gas water pump- 3 horse- works- 270-528-5208
LF - Bed Rails for a queen size bed- 270-308-6059
LF - Electric fire place (with mantle) 270-996-8286
LF - (4) 14” boat trailer wheels- 5 lug- 270-378-6998
LF - Odd jobs- gutter work, pressure washing, etc- 270-308-7167 or 270-238-6918
LF - Small disk (pull behind) garden tractor (factory made) 270-590-1190
LF - Hot Wheels and a tanning bed- 270-670-1659
FS - bull calf on bottle. 270-590-2396
LF - Roommate to share expenses in a 2 bedroom house between Horse Cave and Munfordville in the country, must have job, non-smoker. $350 monthly includes all utilities. Call 270-978-0982
FS- Roper washer $250 obo. Text 270-421-0004
FS - KX 65 dirt bike, 110 ATV, oak queen bed, oak vanity with granite top and sink, used 16.9-24 tractor tire. Call 270-404-3194
LF - 3 ricks of seasoned hardwood delivered, FS - Angus bulls and heifers. Call 270-528-4961
FS - Matching couch and chair $75, Loveseat $75, Kitchen table w/ leaf and 4 chairs $100, double box spring and mattress $50, New dritz dressform $100, black and white Pinto mare, 12 years old $900, dresser with mirror $100, Victrola with records $200. LF - Reasonably priced washer. Call 270-590-5048
FS - 2014 Husqavarna 54″ mower with 226 hours, accessories include a triple bag system, sun shield, a floor jack to clean and do maintenance along with a recent service and a new battery. Asking $1,100 obo. Call 206-799-6005
FS - Brand new cover, fits a 2014 to a 2018 Chevy Silverado or GM Sierra pickup, short box. $175. Call 270-590-4983
FS - Wooden pallets. Have been stored inside. $5 each or $3 if you take over 5. Call 270-495-6022
FS - 2006 Chevy HHR, automatic, red. $3650. Call 270-774-1485
For Sale- 3 puppies (a $25 homing fee) Chihuahua mix- small dogs- 270-991-0396
For Sale- Welder- like new- $200- 270-622-9540
For Sale- 50” Cub Cadet mower- 22 horse Briggs- lots of new parts, but needs some work- $500, Girl’s toddler bed, and a table saw- 10”- $80- 270-590-8596
For Sale- Manure spreader- $800- 270-670-2826
For Sale- 16’ trailer- dual axle- $1150 or would trade to a 12’ single axle drop gate- 270-427-6786
For Sale- Mattress cover pads- brand new, Deer ladder stand- $100, Strap on deer stands- $75 or both for $150- 270-670-7278
For Sale- NASCAR items and a Cub Cadet rear tine tiller (with reverse) 270-308-6242
For Sale- Nice truck- 2011 Chevy Silverado- crew cab- 6.0 gas- long bed- 2 wheel drive-216 K- $11,000, LF - a deck for a Dixon Zero turn mower (2003) 270-792-1709
For Sale- Murray Go Cart- 6 horse- $200 firm, Cast Iron Jacobson 800 garden tractor (1950) 8 horse- $500, and lots of used batteries- 270-576-6228
For Sale- 5 x 10 tilt trailer- 270-384-2652
For Sale- Set of 15 x 7 Chevy rally wheels and new tires- $425, and some exhaust pipes- $30- 270-590-3537
For Sale- 2002 Nissan Quest mini-van- parts only- good motor- 270-670-9986
For Sale- Old dresser and mirror (white oak) $125-270-784-7145
For Sale- 4 good tires- 225/70/R70 on rims- $200- 270-473-3478
For Sale- Card table with 4 chairs- $30 and 5 other folding chairs- $20- 270-579-6463
For Sale- Registered Paint Quarter horses- gentle and halter broken- 270-250-1172
For Sale- Set of bunk beds (no mattress) $125, Stroller and car seat- $50 (stroller) and $25 (car seat) or $75 for all, and yard sale items- 270-433-1125
For Sale- Male German Shepherd AKC registered- $250, 3 bottom plow- $375, 6’ scrap blade- $375, and some baby girl clothes and other baby items- 270-378-6998
For Sale- 8 x 14 tilt trailer with wooden floor- $600, 1999 Dodge (black) 2 wheel drive- V8- 5 speed- $2350, and some Jersey and Jersey mix steers - 270-734-1552
For Sale- Set of tires- 235/70/17s- $125 obo- 270-943-0866
For Sale- 5 x 8 trailer with metal mesh floor- drop gate and dove tail- $450- 270-646-7127
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday - at 80 Knob Hill Road near the Horse Cave Fire Dept. Halloween and Christmas decor. Call 270-537-1681
FS - Spider plants (hanging), cactus plants, other indoor plants. $1 each. Call 270-524-9647
FS - 2006 Chevy HHR, automatic, red. $3650. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Old fireplace mantle, excellent condition. Call 270-834-0288
GA - 1 male and 1 female pup, 10 weeks old, 1/2 English Shepherd and half Beagle. Also, the mother of the pups, a full English Shepherd, brown and white. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Washer $75. Call 270-307-4587
FS - 14 ft 8 ft 6" tall brown carport building $750 with gravel bed. Call 270-524-1042
FS - 140 International 1974 model tractor $3,000 obo. Call 270-735-6698
GA - 1/2 bed with mattress and boxsprings. in Horse Cave. Call 270-473-1836
Fs - 2004 Dodge Stratus, one owner, good tires, non smoker, 4 cylinder $2000 obo. Call 270-849-5518
FS - Dale Earnhardt Jr. racecar tire, oil heater, black kitchen table with 3 chairs, chest of drawers, long table with 2 chairs, book shelves, oval table with benches, brown shutters. Call 270-524-1952
FS - Cub Cadet zero turn mower $800, 4-wheeler, needs carb work. $900, racing parts $100. Call 270-590-6007
GA - Black Lab, male. Call 270-590-7185
GA - kittens. Call 270-369-0133
GA - Kittens, 7 weeks old. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Nintendo Wii U with 5 games and accessories $150, Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife $75, Bushnell spotting scope $30 in Cave City area. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Nintendo Switch Game system, with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe $250. New Robotic vacuum cleaner - $50. Call 270-576-0969
FS - 2008 GMC Acadia SLT, 120,000 miles, one owner, sunroof, clean. $8500 in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4192FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Serta brown tweed couch and loveseat. Wooden train flower box. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Dell desk type computer $30, Craftsman 10" bandsaw, Yamaha lap organ, battery or electric, $40 and two 220 volt electric motors $25 each. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
LF - Video games and consoles, prefer older items, will buy broken consoles, Wii controller and sensor bar. Call 594-0969
FS - 19” Sony TV and an oven- good condition- 270-773-2621
FS - 3 chairs- 2 recliners and 1 straight back chair- $10 each- 270-799-1490
FS - Cub Cadet zero turn mower $800, 4-wheeler, needs carb work. $900, racing parts $100. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Porcelain doll, portable Singer sewing machine, baby quilts, wall hangings, 18 Amish books, Martha Stewart and Paula Deen cookbooks, romance books, Jane Austin dvds, 2 purses. Call 270-786-4737
GA - Black Lab, male. Call 270-590-7185
GA - kittens. Call 270-369-0133
LF - 4 wheeler. Call 270-590-0827
LF - Small hot water heater for a mobile home. Cheap or giveaway. Call 270-218-0105
LF - Yorkie. Call 270-576-7430
GA - Kittens, 7 weeks old. Call 270-773-8535
FS - Nintendo Wii U with 5 games and accessories $150, Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife $75, Bushnell spotting scope $30 in Cave City area. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Nintendo Switch Game system, with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe $250. New Robotic vacuum cleaner - $50. Call 270-576-0969
FS - 2008 GMC Acadia SLT, 120,000 miles, one owner, sunroof, clean. $8500 in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4192FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Serta brown tweed couch and loveseat. Wooden train flower box. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Dell desk type computer $30, Craftsman 10" bandsaw, Yamaha lap organ, battery or electric, $40 and two 220 volt electric motors $25 each. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Aluminum tool box came off an '89 Ford Ranger step -side truck, no rust and have keys. $250. Call 270-651-9842
FS - New Hawk 10-ton hydraulic dumpbed trailer. Call 270-670-8190 after 3:00 p.m.
FS - Twin bed and pink headboard, $75. Call 270-576-4567
FS -Black Blazer 4×4, $2800 obo. Call 270-842-5206
GA - Kittens, 7 weeks old. Call 270-773-8535
F S- 8 Silkies, pair of Bantys, 1 Dominicker naked neck rooster. Call 270-528-6381
FS - 28" walking doll, older. portable Singer sewing machine, hand quilted baby quilts, wall hangings, Amish books, Martha Stewart cookbook, Paula Deen, Harlequin Romance books, Jane Austin dvd, purses. Call 270-786-4737
FS - Nintendo Wii U with 5 games and accessories $150, Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife $75, Bushnell spotting scope $30 in Cave City area. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Nintendo Switch Game system, with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe $250. New Robotic vacuum cleaner - $50. Call 270-576-0969
FS - 2008 GMC Acadia SLT, 120,000 miles, one owner, sunroof, clean. $8500 in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4192FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Serta brown tweed couch and loveseat. Wooden train flower box. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Dell desk type computer $30, Craftsman 10" bandsaw, Yamaha lap organ, battery or electric, $40 and two 220 volt electric motors $25 each. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Video games and consoles, prefer older items, will buy broken consoles, Wii controller and sensor bar. Call 594-0969
LF - Help cutting tobacco- 270-528-1365
LF - Disk mower- 7-8’ 270-218-1104
LF - Nanny goats, also FS - Nanny goats. 270-590-6853
LF - 4.3 liter OMC boat motor parts- 270-378-6998
LF - Good cheap tractor- 270-427-0892
LF - 20” wheel for a 2012 Dodge Ram- 270-576-6307
LF - Tobacco jobs. 270-579-3899
FS - 4 205/70/15 tires for 50 dollars, 32 rolls of scotch painter tape, 1" wide and 60 yards $2 a roll or $40 for all, potter cable circular saw 18 volt, no battery $25, 60 dvds westerns and adventure, all of Lonesome series $40 dollars takes all dvds. Lots of VHS tapes. New homemade baby girl quilt for preemie 36×36 asking $25. 270-773-4512
FS - Twin Craft-a-matic bed. $250 firm. 270-590-3257
FS - Nintendo Switch Game system, with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe $250. New Robotic vacuum cleaner - $50. Call 270-576-0969
FS - 2008 GMC Acadia SLT, 120,000 miles, one owner, sunroof, clean. $8500 in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4192FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Serta brown tweed couch and loveseat. Wooden train flower box. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Dell desk type computer $30, Craftsman 10" bandsaw, Yamaha lap organ, battery or electric, $40 and two 220 volt electric motors $25 each. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Video games and consoles, prefer older items, will buy broken consoles, Wii controller and sensor bar. Call 594-0969
Garage sale- behind WLOC radio station on 31-W in Horse Cave - fall clothing, today and Friday. Rain or shine. home decor, jackets, baby clothes, shoes.
FS -14' by 20' 2" x 8' 6" storage building $850, with gravel bed. 270-524-1042
LF - Someone to cut tree limbs. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Nintendo Switch Game system, with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe $250. New Robotic vacuum cleaner - $50. Call 270-576-0969
FS - 2008 GMC Acadia SLT, 120,000 miles, one owner, sunroof, clean. $8500 in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4192FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Serta brown tweed couch and loveseat. Wooden train flower box. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Dell desk type computer $30, Craftsman 10" bandsaw, Yamaha lap organ, battery or electric, $40 and two 220 volt electric motors $25 each. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Video games and consoles, prefer older items, will buy broken consoles, Wii controller and sensor bar. Call 594-0969
FS - 5 x 8 dump trailer- $500- 270-670-8271
FS - 2000 Dodge Dakota Sport- been wrecked- extended cab- automatic- good motor and transmission- 165 K- $500 obo, 2 Rod Iron rockers (White) vintage- $30 for both- 270-991-0396
FS - 1986 GMC wrecker- 350 4 speed, Poland Pro riding mower- 42” 20 horse, Craftsmen mower- 42” 6 speed- 15.5 horse, Front tine garden tiller- 5 horse Briggs, Full blooded registered male Yorkie pup (7 weeks) and looking for old mowers running or not- 270-670-1359
FS - 1996 Ford F350 Dually- 74 K- flat bed- new tires- $5500- 270-899-0296
FS - Metal building- 12 x 16 with loft- $1200 and will deliver for $500- 270-834-9538
FS - Table painted green- small - $250- 270-799-3041
FS - Rottweiler puppies – 8 weeks old- have 4 left- $400 each- 270-590-6484
FS - Tanning bed with new bulbs- $1000- 270-670-9085
FS - 1985 El Camino Classic with 85,000 miles- wrecked- V8- with Chevy wheels- $800 or would trade, 6 one ton wheels (16”) off a 1994 Chevy- $100- 270-317-6995
FS - 6 foot scrapper blade- $375, 3 bottom plow for a tractor- $375, left over auction items- $200, Load of cedar wood- $150, Lots of duct work- $150- 270-378-6998
FS - Brother embroidery machine 1500 D- Allows you to download from computer- $800 firm- 270-646-4198
FS - Mattress cover pads- brand new- Full size- $20- King- $25, Box of DVD movies- $25 or $2 each, Deer ladder stand- $100, and two single stands- $75 or BOTH for $150- 270-670-7278
FS - Ball joint separator- $50 and LF - Tobacco to cut. - 270-404-4453
FS - Grass Hopper mower- 725K (parting out) good motor and transmission- 25 horse Kubota- $500- 270-361-9010
FS - 1996 GMC Sonoma- 4.3 automatic- extended cab (would trade) also a 4 x 8 trailer- $125- 270-612-1074
FS - Quality grass hay- $4.25- 270-528-1531
FS - 1994 Dodge 1 ton van- new transmission- new tires- $1700 or $1400 without the new tires, 4 old wheel barrels- $20 each, and over 100 dolls- $100- 270-782-2570
FS - 2005 Honda Shadow motorcycle- 19,000 miles- comes with 3 helmets- A1 condition- $2000- 270-404-3355
FS - Men’s bicycle and a 2002 Hyundai Accent- 119 K- good cold air and good tires- 270-457-4757
FS - Hay trailer- 16 x 5- all steel- $1250- 270-791-2646
FS - 1999 Grand AM- 2 door- $1200 obo- 270-670-9592
FS - Amish books, Singer sewing machine, flower books, Harlequin books, Jane Austin dvd collection, new purses. 786-4737
FS - 2 year-old white side by side refrigerator. 537-4276
FS - 2008 GMC Acadia SLT, 120,000 miles, one owner, sunroof, clean. $8500 in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4192FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Serta brown tweed couch and loveseat. Wooden train flower box. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Aluminum toolbox, less than 4 months old, has keys. Call 651-9842
LF - Video games and consoles, prefer older items, will buy broken consoles, Wii controller and sensor bar. Call 594-0969
FS - 2 - 6600 Ambassador reels on 10 ft catfish rods, 4 man tent, used two times. Call 270-528-6286
FS - Dell desk type computer $30, Craftsman 10" bandsaw, Yamaha lap organ, battery or electric, $40 and two 220 volt electric motors $25 each. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 10 X10 chain link dog kennel- $125- 270-597-6990
FS - 1989 GMC Silverado- 2 wheel drive- 350 automatic- $1,895- 270-614-1136
FS - Shape brand microwave in A1 condition- $50- 270-576-2232
FS - 21 & 24 horse twin cylinder motors- Briggs- 270-597-7552
FS - Older Honda 3 wheeler (needs tires) $300, Pop up camper- $500- 270-670-4333
FS - Statesmen, Craftsmen, and Simplicity riding tractor- all for $300- 270-282-3611
FS - 20’ trusses (11) $550, Rental property- $40,000, Go cart - $575- 270-590-9989
FS - 1996 Ford Explorer in great condition- $1300- 270-576-8791
FS - Twin size (girl’s bed) hot pink in color- $75 and lots of yard sale items- call or text- 270-576-4567
FS - Oliver manure spreader-$75- 270-991-9603
FS - Yamaha 4 wheeler-- 2 wheel drive- automatic, 3 acres and house- 3 bedrooms-1 bath - near Barren River- 270-646-5643
FS - 6’ wide tail gate- $85- 270-670-8271
FS - Kirby vacuum and all attachments - 270-597-2358
FS - Oak table with 6 chairs- $125- 270-749-5704
FS - 40’ house boat- junk title- $500- 270-427-7743
FS - 2002 Hyundai (parting out) $600 whole or $500 for motor and transmission- 270-943-1872
FS - 2008 GMC Acadia SLT, 120,000 miles, one owner, sunroof, clean. $8500 in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4192FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Dell desk type computer $30, Craftsman 10" bandsaw, Yamaha lap organ, battery or electric, $40 and two 220 volt electric motors $25 each. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 10 X10 chain link dog kennel- $125- 270-597-6990
FS - 1989 GMC Silverado- 2 wheel drive- 350 automatic- $1,895- 270-614-1136
FS - 2008 GMC Acadia SLT, 120,000 miles, one owner, sunroof, clean. $8500 in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4192
FS - Martha Stewart and Paula Deen cookbooks, Amish books, Harlequin books, older porcelain doll, baby quilts and wall hangings, sewing machine, bubble gum machine, large puzzles. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Kindle Fire. Call 270-524-1110
FS- Aluminum wheels 14" , 4 lug. $75. Call 270-218-0105
LF - Sitting job with elderly, private care, day or night, has Med Tech license and CNA, will sit at home or hospital, 26 years experience. in Horse Cave, Glasgow or Munfordville. Call 270-670-6674
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon $100, drill press $50, motor stand $50, 3 ton cherry picker needs jack $75, levels $25, socket set metric and standard $20, electric drill $20, electric grinder $20, lots of end wrenches metric and standard $50, 4 dollies $25, 110 electric winch $60, aluminum loading ramps $50, new skill saw $25 and more. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 16 ft S & H livestock trailer $2,000. Call 270-537-3761
FS - Dell desk type computer $30, Craftsman 10" bandsaw, Yamaha lap organ, battery or electric, $40 and two 220 volt electric motors $25 each. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 2008 GMC Acadia SLT, 120,000 miles, one owner, sunroof, clean. $8500 in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4192
Yard Sale - Today - gas wall heater, baby clothes, car seat, kitchen playset. At corner of Forrestville Road off of Hwy 88 toward Cub Run. Call 524-0605
FS - 20 ft cattle trailer $1800, 1996 Pontiac Trans Am, red. $5400 or trade for a pickup. Kawasaki Mule, 2 cylinder. Call 670-3570
FS - China Cabinet in good condition- $75- 270-774-7800
FS - 1996 Ford F150- runs good- 179 K- $2700- 270-427-8203
FS - Sharp microwave- great condition- $50- 270-576-2232
FS - white desk- $100- 270-576-4567 or text
FS - Comforter and matching pillow- $15 and will throw in a box of clothes- 270-579-6463
FS - Coon hound- 1 year old- smart, clean, dog- $100 and will throw in a antenna and pole- 270-678-2312
FS - Nice IPhone 7 (Bluegrass) $325- 270-597-6990
FS - 2003 Chevy 1500- 4 wheel drive with 20” wheels- $5700 or trade for a utility truck- 270-308-5332
FS - Lots of carpet tools- 270-261-1227
FS - 2017 4 wheeler- 125 CC- Camouflage in color- been used 1 time- $650- has utility racks on front and back, 1999 Honda 3000 5 speed- $1600 or BOTH for $2000, also 4 white ducks- $25, Old wringer washer- runs good- 270-528-5208
FS - Classic El Camino (1985) with 85,000 miles- needs lots of work; would trade to a Ranger or something with air- 270-317-6995
FS - 1995 Nissan pickup- extended cab- 4 wheel drive- V6- good heat and air- $1500, and a set of Chevy wheels- 6 lug- $100- 270-305-4532
FS - Lots of brand new parts for a 2005 Dodge Durango (front end parts) all for $100, Set of Chevy rims and tires 16” 5 lug- $80- 270-528-6914
FS - Diamond plated tool box for a full size truck- good condition and two riding mowers- 270-590-1190
FS - Chevy Cruise (2016) LT- 50 K- $7500- 270-404-0688
Yard Sale - Saturday at Calvary Baptist Church in Bonnieville, 2 family or more. Furniture, jewelry, clothes, glassware.
LF - Solid white kitten. Call 270-524-0165
Yard Sale- on the corner of Forrestville Road off of 88 toward Cub Run. 270-524-0605
FS - Carport building, brown metal. 14 ft x 20 ft 2" x 8 ft 6" tall. $800. Call 270-524-1042
FS - 2 tires LT 285 -70 R17's, $100 for the pair. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Rolled hay. Cal 528-2531
FS - Car stereo with blue tooth and remote, new. $30. X-Box 360 games $2 each (8), boxes of VCR tapes $5 each. Call 270-579-1710
FS - 2 Bluegrass cell phones, Cub Cadet rear tine garden tiller, and some NASCAR items and looking for some ladder stands (deer stands) 270-308-6242
FS - 2005 Pontiac G6 GT 4 door- all power- sun roof and cold air, and a 4000 Ford engine- 270-678-9066 or 270-834-6313
FS - Yamaha 4 wheeler- great condition- 2 wheel drive- automatic- $1200- 270-646-5643
FS - Taking bids on a tobacco barn and tool shed (lumber) 270-407-3551 or 270-407-3395
FS - 6 x 12 box trailer with V nose- made by Hall Mark with double doors in the rear- A1 condition- new tires- $1800- 270-782-2570
FS - 2 tires- LT 245/75/16s- 80% tread- $25 each, 1995 Dodge Dakota- extended cab- nice- good air, 1998 Pontiac transport van- 155 K- good air- V6 automatic- 270-319-6466
FS - 2002 Hyundai Accent- 119 K- good tires and good air and looking for a camper for a Nissan Frontier extended cab- 270-457-4757
LF - Parts for a 275 New Holland bailer- 270-537-5671
LF - 1964-1966 Chevy GMC for a project- 270-799-5925
LF - Odd jobs, willing to travel- 270-238-6918 or 859-755-6131
LF - Some ladder stands (deer stands) 270-646-7717
FS - 2001 Buick LeSabre $1100. 270-784-3527
LF -Tractor call (270) 246-3165
FS - Ford 641 gas tractor good operating condition with 305 bush hog rotary cutter. Disk. Plows. Cultivator. Grader blade. $2000 for all. Blonde top. Faked Gibson Les Paul…$300, 140 watt digital crate guitar amp…$200, Old long neck banjo needs strings…$80, used handcrafted f style mandolin made locally $300, Two very old violins $200 each- 270-404-4498
FS - 2010 Wonderwood automatic wood burning circulator Model number B2941B… $450- 270-531-1125
FS - Antique kitchen table and 4 chairs. Table does expand. Asking $200 or best offer…. 270-438-6584
FS - 110 AT, fresh rebuilt, 4 stroke, oak queen bed, oak vanity with granite top, 16.9-24 used tractor tire. Call 270-404-3194
FS - 3 bedroom full basement house. located 658 Borders Rd , Smith’s Grove. 6 miles from barren river dam. Asking $38,000. Call 270-779-2759
FS - Bull calf on bottle. Call 270 590 2396
FS - Dell desktop computer $30, Craftsman 10" bandsaw $50, Yamaha lap organ $40, 2 220 volt electric motors. $20. Call 270-524-0824
FS - 2 large flower pots and 5 medium size $5, filled with dirt. Martha Stewart and Paula Deen cookbooks, Amish and Harlequin books, porcelain dolls, wall hangings, purses, portable Singer sewing machine, glass bubble gum machine, older style. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 1967 Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife $75, leather chaps, size L and XL $35 per pair. Ladies leather jacket with liner size 46. $30. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Small cucumbers, around 5 lbs. Call 270-786-3795
FS - 1992 Ford Ranger $600. Call 270-234-6765
FS - 3 bedroom house an acre 528-1950
LF - Sitting job with elderly, private care, day or night, has Med Tech license and CNA, will sit at home or hospital, 26 years experience. in Horse Cave, Glasgow or Munfordville. Call 270-670-6674
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon $100, drill press $50, motor stand $50, 3 ton cherry picker needs jack $75, levels $25, socket set metric and standard $20, electric drill $20, electric grinder $20, lots of end wrenches metric and standard $50, 4 dollies $25, 110 electric winch $60, aluminum loading ramps $50, new skill saw $25 and more. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 16 ft S & H livestock trailer $2,000. Call 270-537-3761
FS - Frigidaire 5,000 btu window air conditioner $40, Dell desk type computer $30, Craftsman 10" bandsaw, Yamaha lap organ, battery or electric, $40 and two 220 volt electric motors $25 each. Call 270-524-0824 or 270-537-5732
FS - 2 6600 Ambassador reels on rods, 4 man Sears tent. Call 528-6286
4 family yard sale - bikes, air compressors, lawnmowers at 2618 Upton KY. 270-234-6765 Talley Oak Hill Road Today only
Yard Sale - at Calvary Baptist Church in Bonnieville on 31-W, under roof. Saturday, 3 families, clothes, furniture, glassware, dishes, jewelry, house plants. Will sell out for one price at the end of day.
FS - 2000 Nissan Altima, 2001 Chevy Lumina, parting out. 786-5616
Yard Sale - Saturday at 318 Woodlawn Drive in Horse Cave. Call 270-537-4090.
FS - Green sofa. located in Munfordville 270-774-6518
Yard Sale - 1586 Boyds Knob Road, little girl clothes, women's clothes, etc. Hwy 88 between Canmer and Short Cut Road. 473-3678
3 family Yard Sale - Calvary Baptist Church in Bonnieville, rain or shine, Saturday, furniture, clothing, jewelry.
Yard Sale - Bonnieville, ,kitchen table, bunkbeds, desk and chairs, 16 ft farm gate, frying roosters, step railings, today only, new items. 8984 N. Dixie Hwy. 270-531-6947
Yard Sale - Friday 2618 Talley Oak Hill Road in Upton. what nots, Halloween items, clothes, table saw. Call 270-234-6765
FS - Hand quilted baby quilts and wall hangings, Harlequin Romance books, cookbooks, flower books, porcelain doll. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 2 Bluegrass cell phones, Cub Cadet rear tine garden tiller, and some NASCAR items and looking for some ladder stands (deer stands) 270-308-6242
FS - 2005 Pontiac G6 GT 4 door- all power- sun roof and cold air, and a 4000 Ford engine- 270-678-9066 or 270-834-6313
FS - Yamaha 4 wheeler- great condition- 2 wheel drive- automatic- $1200- 270-646-5643
LF - Sitting job with elderly, private care, day or night, has Med Tech license and CNA, will sit at home or hospital, 26 years experience. in Horse Cave, Glasgow or Munfordville. Call 270-670-6674
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon $100, drill press $50, motor stand $50, 3 ton cherry picker needs jack $75, levels $25, socket set metric and standard $20, electric drill $20, electric grinder $20, lots of end wrenches metric and standard $50, 4 dollies $25, 110 electric winch $60, aluminum loading ramps $50, new skill saw $25 and more. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 3 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 16 ft S & H livestock trailer $2,000. Call 270-537-3761
LF - Sitting job with elderly, private care, day or night, has Med Tech license and CNA, will sit at home or hospital, 26 years experience. in Horse Cave, Glasgow or Munfordville. Call 270-670-6674
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon $100, drill press $50, motor stand $50, 3 ton cherry picker needs jack $75, levels $25, socket set metric and standard $20, electric drill $20, electric grinder $20, lots of end wrenches metric and standard $50, 4 dollies $25, 110 electric winch $60, aluminum loading ramps $50, new skill saw $25 and more. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 3 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 16 ft S & H livestock trailer $2,000. Call 270-537-3761
FS - Table and chairs- $150, Dresser- $100- 270-576-4567
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels- $2 per sheet- 270-405-1260
FS - Billy Goat- 9 months old- $75 obo, 1999 Mercury Grand Marquee- 134 K- good air- $1500 obo- 270-774-1614
FS - 2004 Dodge Ram 1500- $1500- 270-528-7866
FS - 26” 10 speed bike- need a little work, Some weed eaters, 5 x 10 utility trailer- good and solid, China cabinet (med size) and a nice table and chairs- 270-272-3293
FS - Jersey Steers, Gooseneck trailer- 3 axles (15’) with dove tail, 2000 Ford Ranger (clicks when it starts) 4 wheel drive- automatic V6- $1400, LF- computer for a 2005 Ford Escape- 3.0- 270-734-1552
FS - Drone with HD camera- $50, Motorcycle jack- $50, Motorcycle wind shied- comes with all the hardware- $50 obo- 270-991-0396
FS - Utility building- 12 x 16 with loft- $500- 270-791-4955
FS - 14’ flat bottom Jon boat- 8.5 horse- and trailer- all for $1000- 270-303-6756
FS- Kirby vacuum cleaner with attachments- $900 firm, 3 packs of adult diapers- $5 each- 270-597-2358
FS - Fender Strat guitar and 100 watt Marshall amp- $400 for both (or will sell separately), 55 gallon metal and plastic barrels, Canning jars (older style) quarts and pints- $5 per dozen- 270-579-7004
FS - 4 tires and rims- 5 lug- 225/R70/16s- $250- 270-317-2028
FS - Tires for a cattle trailer- 235/80/16s- good condition- $150- 270-303-6756
FS - Plott Coon Hound dog- good- smart- clean- $100- 270-678-2312
FS - Timber Wolf pups- 3 and half months old- 270-238-6918 or 859-755-6131
FS - 2 Bluegrass cell phones, Cub Cadet rear tine garden tiller, and some NASCAR items, LF - ladder stands (deer stands) 270-308-6242
FS - 2005 Pontiac G6 GT 4 door- all power- sun roof and cold air, and a 4000 Ford engine- 270-678-9066 or 270-834-6313
FS - Yamaha 4 wheeler- 2 wheel drive- automatic- $1200- 270-646-5643
FS- 6 x 12 box trailer with V nose- made by Hall Mark with double doors in the rear- new tires- $1800- 270-782-2570
FS - 2 tires- LT 245/75/16s- 80% tread- $25 each, 1995 Dodge Dakota- extended cab- good air, 1998 Pontiac transport van- 155 K- good air- V6 automatic- 270-319-6466
FS - 2002 Hyundai Accent- 119 K- good tires and air, LF - a camper for a Nissan Frontier extended cab- 270-457-4757
LF - Parts for a 275 New Holland bailer- 270-537-5671
LF - 1964-1966 Chevy GMC for a project- 270-799-5925
LF - Odd jobs. 270-238-6918 or 859-755-6131
LF - Some ladder stands (deer stands) 270-646-7717
FS - 2001 Buick LeSabre $1100. 270-784-3527
LF - Tractor. call (270) 246-3165
FS - Ford 641 gas tractor good operating
condition with 305 bush hog rotary cutter. Disk. Plows. Cultivator. Grader
blade. $2000 takes all. Blonde top Faked Gibson Les Paul $300, 140 watt digital
crate guitar amp $200, old long neck banjo needs strings $80, used handcrafted f
style mandolin made locally $300 and Two very old violins $200 each-
FS - 2010 Wonderwood automatic wood burning circulator Model number B2941B… $450- 270-531-1125
FS - Antique kitchen table and 4 chairs. Around 70 years old.. Table expands. Asking $200 obo. 270-438-6584
FS - Kawasaki kx65 dirt bike, 110 ATV, rebuilt, 4 stroke, oak queen bed, oak vanity with granite top, 16.9-24 used tractor tire. Call 270-404-3194
FS - 3 bedroom full basement house. Located 658 borders Rd , Smith’s Grove ,Ky in barren county. Asking $38,000. Call 270-779-2759
GA - To a good home small black and tan Fiest male dog almost 3 years old… Cumberland county 270-459-0522
FS - Bull calf on bottle. Call 270-590-2396
LF - Sitting job with elderly, private care, day or night, has Med Tech license and CNA, will sit at home or hospital, 26 years experience. in Horse Cave, Glasgow or Munfordville. Call 270-670-6674
FS - 21 cu ft Maytag chest freezer $450. new 786-4603
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon $100, drill press $50, motor stand $50, 3 ton cherry picker needs jack $75, levels $25, socket set metric and standard $20, electric drill $20, electric grinder $20, lots of end wrenches metric and standard $50, 4 dollies $25, 110 electric winch $60, aluminum loading ramps $50, new skill saw $25 and more. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 3 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 16 ft S & H livestock trailer $2,000. Call 270-537-3761
Yard Sale - Saturday at Calvary Baptist Church in Bonnieville on 31-W, under roof, rain or shine. furniture, clothing, dishes, jewelry, odds and ends. Call 270-524-9647
FS - 15 x7 gooseneck trailer frame. $800. Call 270-307-4587
FS - Husky riding mower, 18 1/2 hp engine, for parts. has good motor. 5 x 10 Bobcat trailer, all metal or will trade. Call 270-537-3341
FS - New Hawk 10 ton hydraulic dumpbed trailer . Call 270-670-8190
FS - 4 tires, size 225 60 R17's, 60% tread. $60. Call 270-528-2407
FS - New wooden rocker glider chair $60 obo. Call 270-218-1303
FS - Diamond plated tool box for a full size truck- 270-590-1190
FS - Barn full of items- must be cleaned out, 1993 Chevy S10- 5 speed- good condition- $900- 270-799-1490
FS - Nice Kirby cleaner with all attachments- $900 firm, Adult diapers- $5 per pack- 270-597-2358
FS - 16’ car trailer- steel platted- heavy duty- $1800- 270-407-3890
FS - 8 pair of boys jeans- Faded Glory- great condition- $20- 270-590-2603
FS - 3 door cooler, a commercial deep freeze, 2 round pens, 3309 Case International disk mower- 270-670-6710
FS - 5 pair of boys Levi jeans in good condition- $3 each- 270-404-0984
FS - 15’ flat bottom fiberglass with a 75 horse engine (Johnson) comes with depth finder and good trailer- 2 person boat- $1200- 270-590-3931
LF - Parts for a woodturning lay- 270-563-6973
LF - Pallets and a used wood planer- 270-427-0587
LF - Troy Bilt mower- 42” cut- Briggs- 270-579-2754
LF - A good lift chair- 270-678-2585
LF - Parts for a 275 New Holland bailer- 270-537-5671
LF - Year book- Cave City from 1965- 270-612-0076
LF - Good used scooter- 270-407-1892
LF - Someone to cut down and remove a large tree- you can have the wood- 270-308-535
LF - Someone with a side-cutting bush hog. 270-597-8030
FS - Tractor Tires, size 13 x 6 x 24. $325.00 for both tires. 270-597-7320
LF - Tea cup Chihuahua puppy…in the $300 to $400 range…270-791-2325
FS - 2 year old blue female Pit Bull, spayed and completely house trained friendly. call or text after 2:30 p.m. at 270-576-3354
FS - wheelchair ramp 14 ft long for sale 4 ft x 5 ft wire mash tail gate heavy duty. 270-612-0707
FS - 2002 Buick LeSabre- Black- loaded- 330 K- needs some work- $550- 270-996-0344
FS - 2007 Malibu- 2.2 4 door- power- makes noise- $600 obo- 270-938-5463
FS - Remote control helicopter- $95, Bicycle parts- seat- $10 and chain- $10, scarves- $10 - 270-537-5544
FS - 1970s model Ford tractor, 2002 Dodge- 2 door, chain saw- 270-576-8971
FS - Comforter and matching pillow- $15 and a free box of clothes- 270-579-6463
FS -1994 Chevy- 4 door- short wheel base- has breaks problem- $1800, 1998 Ford Mercury Mountaineer- 5.0- parting out or will sell it all- $750, Murray mower- 38” cut- new battery- $250- 270-404-2689
FS - Wii game system- comes with 1 game and 2 controllers- $60- 270-404-4656
FS - John Deere mower- 23 horse Kohler- like new, Poland Pro mower- 42” cut, and a 6 x 8 trailer (would trade) 270-670-6152
FS - 1986 GMC wrecker, 2 mowers- 42”- Craftsmen and Poland Pro- 20 & 15.5 horse, Lawn mower jack (would trade) 270-670-1359
FS - Husky puppies- $300 each- 615-388-8131
FS - Queen size comforter- $5 each, 1 male Shih Tzu pup. 270-576-2232
FS - DVD movies- $2 each or $25 for the whole box, Mattress cover pads-, 2 new queen size feather pillows- $20 for both, 2 deer stands- $75 & $100 or $150 for both- 270-670-7278
FS - All kinds of tools. Light wood coffee table and end tables. Call for price and information at 270-590-6007
FS - Baby quilts, wall hangings, Harlequin books, Amish books, cookbooks, 1964 porcelain doll. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 20 ft cattle trailer, closed in $1800., Kawasaki Mule $1800, 2 cyl with dump bed. 7 ft pickup disc and 2 bottom plow. 1996 Red Trans Am, 114,000 miles, new tires. $5400. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 18 roosters $9 each, chickens $7 each. 3 ducks, two are female $40. rabbit $12. Call 270-524-4687
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon $100, drill press $50, motor stand $50, 3 ton cherry picker needs jack $75, levels $25, socket set metric and standard $20, electric drill $20, electric grinder $20, lots of end wrenches metric and standard $50, 4 dollies $25, 110 electric winch $60, aluminum loading ramps $50, new skill saw $25 and more. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Flowered couch. $129, large 4 drawer filing cabinet with extra wide drawers, no dents $99, 6 drawer black chest of drawers. $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 16 ft S & H livestock trailer $2,000. Call 270-537-3761
FS -14 x20 ft brown metal building $850. Call 270-524-1042
LF - Ford Ranger pickup truck. Manual or automatic transmission, ready to drive. Cash in hand. 270-622-0761
FS - 5 Eagle/Goodyear tires 205x55x16 4 half tread left and 1 new. $200 OBO. Call 615-830-0392
FS - 60 horse Yamaha boat - 2 depth finders- inside kept. 270-597-6389 or 270-597-6390
FS - Set of wheels with new tires- 15”- $600, 18” Schwinn Stingray bike-$200, 2 sets of golf clubs (make an offer) Water pump for a small block Chevy and some out covers for a small block Chevy- 270-943-0557
FS - 2005 Honda Shadow 600 motorcycle- 13,000 miles- Great condition- comes with 3 helmets- $2000- 270-404-3355
FS - 1986 GMC wrecker- 350- 4 speed- double winches- $1500 cash, 2 mowers- Craftsmen and Poland Pro (Poland needs a rear end) both have 42” cut, 1994 Chevy 1500 truck- 4 wheel drive- extended cab- would trade for a good van…and looking for old mowers- 270-670-1359
FS - 1999 Toyota Camry in great condition- 89 K- new tires- 4 door- $3200- 931-624-1293
FS - 1999 Dodge 4 wheel drive- diesel- extended cab- very nice- $7900, Flat bed on a Dodge truck, Iron wheels, Glass blocks, Tanning bed with new bulbs- 270-590-6410
FS - Weed eaters, 2 dinning tables with 6 chairs each, Utility trailer- 270-272-3293
FS - Couch and chair, Electric cook stove, and good tread mill- 270-404-6708
FS - Musical instruments- Dobro, guitars, and amps- 270-579-2754
FS - 2004 Ford Taurus- 158 K- Tan in color- $800- 270-427-0576
FS - Parts for 2002-2010 Ford F150- Arms and ball joints and more, K Cup coffee machine, Glass jugs- 270-590-2568
FS - Full size comforter- blue and cream color- comes with a nice pillow and a free box of clothes- all for $20, Pillow (cream in color) $3- 270-579-6463
FS - Vinyl tri-fold bed-cover for a Titan 4 door- $200 firm- 270-670-6842
FS - Lots of household items at 121 Sunset Ave in Glasgow- 270-404-4173
FS - Set of factory running boards for a 2003 GMC Sonoma- 270-622-8522
FS - Matching set of Kenmore appliances- Refrigerator and stove- $350- 270-590-3578
FS - 2008 Ford F350 crew cab- 58 K- Great condition- $14,500- 270-246-3959
FS - 2 new dolls (still in box) $25 for both, Mary Kay make up- 3 new tubes (3-4-5) $10- 270-579-1589
FS - Quality square bales of hay (2nd cutting) $4.25 each- 270-528-1531
FS - Baby quilts and wall hangings, Harlequin romance books, Amish books, cookbooks, porcelain doll made in 1964, flower books. Call 270-786-4737
FS - All kinds of tools. Light wood coffee table and end tables. Call for price and information at 270-590-6007
FS - 2006 Chevy Impala LT, 4 door, 165,000 miles, silver $3800. Call 270-590-8928
FS - Black tennis shoes, Nike brand, girls size 3 1/2, $45 new. Earthtone brand white sandals, women's 6 1/2, $20, new. Pink fabric flowered tennis shoes, size 3 in girls $7. Call 270-786-4903
FS - 3 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS- 1 Shih tzu pup- Male- $125 down and $125 on pick up- 270-576-2232
FS - Husky pups- born June 29th of this year and some queen size comforters- $5 each- 615-388-8131
FS - Mattress cover pads- new- Twin- $10, Full- $20, King- $25 today! Also a box of DVD movies- $2 each or $25 for all- 270-670-7278
FS - Oreck vacuum cleaner- $40, Deluxe vacuum cleaner- $25, Large suite case- $15, Set of suite cases- $20, Large bird cage and accessories- $20, CPap machine- $15. 270-773-4948
FS - NEW Refrigerator- stainless steel- double door- never had food in it- $650, 6’ scrapping blade- $375, 3 bottom plow- $375 (or would do some trading) Chevy truck- diesel- 4 wheel drive- 5 speed- $4500- 270-378-6998
FS - Leather like brown sofa- $100, Vintage oak teachers desk- heavy- $100, Floral sofa- nice- $25 (can send pics) 615-655-7511
FS - Nice gooseneck trailer- 15’ long with a 2’ dove tail with ramps- 3 axles- can send pictures- $1650, Jersey Steer- fat and heavy- 270-734-1552
FS - Nice boat trailer- 14’- $200- 270-576-3403 or 270-646-3450
FS - Lots of canning jars- quart and pint, and looking for a 250-400 street bike, and a 150-250 scooter- 270-537-4036
FS - PRIDE brand 3 wheel scooter- new, and a nice couch- 6’ long with wooden trim- $10- 314-630-2230
FS - Window ac unit- 5050 BTU- $100- 270-590-9805
FS - 24’ Tandem boat trailer, 250 gallon plastic water tank, and looking for a gas operated wood splitter- 270-793-5548
LF - Odd jobs- painting- tearing down barns or repair- 270-216-0647
LF - Hay to cut- 270-678-3242
LF- Yorkie pup- 270-678-6881
LF - Deer stands and hunting equipment- 270-646-7717
LF - Briggs vertical shaft engine- 14.5-18 horse, and looking for a nice place to rent in South Edmonson county- 270-597-7552
LF - Odd jobs in the area- brick laying etc- 270-361-8913
LF - Tea cup Chihuahua pup- 270-791-2325
MISSING- Boston Terrier dog near Nolin Lake area- 270-246-2692
FS - All kinds of tools. Light wood coffee table and end tables. Call for price and information at 270-590-6007
FS - Older dishes, strawberry set, oatmeal glasses, vintage ashtray. Call 270-524-0435
FS - 2006 Chevy Impala LT, 4 door, 165,000 miles, silver $3800. Call 270-590-8928
FS - 1986 Yamaha Golf cart, Yamaha. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Black tennis shoes, Nike brand, girls size 3 1/2, $45 new. Earthtone brand white sandals, women's 6 1/2, $20, new. Pink fabric flowered tennis shoes, size 3 in girls $7. Call 270-786-4903
FS - 3 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Cattle panels, $50 each (5). Call 270-786-4846
FS - 108 sq feet of pre-finished oak hardwood flooring. Call 270-528-3387
FS - Chest of drawers and dresser with mirror- $100- 270-404-3437
FS - Quality sheep- Rams- 270-202-8110
FS - Tool box for a full size truck (deep) $100 obo- 270-646-7717
FS - Horse trailer in good condition- $750 obo, 8 x 10 utility trailer- $350- 270-308-1124
FS - 1990 Honda Shadow 1100- $1000 obo or would trade for a truck- 270-579-8942
FS - Craftsman tool boxes (hand held) Used children’s bicycles, and looking for a gentle miniature Mare- 270-427-8563
FS - 1989 Corvette- red in color- leather- 63,000 miles- nice- $8000 obo- 270-576-7818
FS - 250 CC Dirt Bike- 270-473-0884
FS - Tobacco wagons- 270-678-3242
FS - Tri-fold ramp- like new- comes with straps- $140, 2010 Razor 4 seater- good tires and wheels- $8500- 270-590-0849
FS - 1997 Toyota Camry (derby car) $500- 270-597-7552
FS - 2000 GO Metro- good work car- dependable- 36 miles per gallon- $700- can send pictures- 570-899-7350
FS - 1952 Case farm tractor, Small pull behind trailer, 4 x 8 tilt trailer, Husky front tine garden tiller, Husky riding mower- 270-791-8916
FS - 1989 Chrysler LeBaron convertible- comes with an extra motor, $2600- 270-457-3435
FS - Set of BIG truck tires- 295/65/R20s $300, 42” Stainless steel stove hood- $35, Microwave, and parting out a Ford F150- lots of good parts- 270-457-3219
FS - 1992 Chevy 4 x 4 short bed, Go Cart, Baja mini-bike- 270-606-0697
FS - 4 fishing poles with basket and net- $75, Pioneer car system (CD player) still in box- $20, and a truck load of yard sale items- 270-404-4453
FS - 1 Shih tzu pup- Male- $125 down and $125 on pick up- 270-576-2232
FS - Husky pups- born June 29th- $300 each, and some queen size comforters- $5 each- 615-388-8131
FS - Mattress cover pads- new. Box of DVD movies- $2 each or $25 for all- 270-670-7278
Yard sale - at Calvary Baptist Church in Bonnieville, Saturday, August 25th. Beds, dishes, small appliances, glassware, collectors items, clothing, etc.
FS - Brown metal building, has to be moved. $750. Call 270-524-1042
FS - Engagement ring, 3 kt, and 14 kt yellow gold ring. $400, woman's wedding band $45, Ruby with two small diamonds $500, grandfather clock $500. Call 270-786-3955
FS - 2 building full of items- Coleman generator, skill saws, and lots of tools- 270-428-4027
FS - 1999 Dodge (diesel) truck- runs great- 4 wheel drive- extended cab- 5 speed- all stock, Tanning bed with new bulbs, Free standing fire pit, Glass blocks out of an old school- 270-590-6410
FS - 250 CC dirt bike- 2 years old- good condition- 270-473-0884
FS - 2001 F-150- 4 door- 4 wheel drive- 31” tires- doesn’t use any oil- $4000- can send pictures- 270-230-6060
FS - Scooter (like new) 3 wheels, Couch- $20- 314-630-2230
FS - Garden tiller with Honda motor- $75 obo, and a poker set- 270-308-1124
FS - Mattress cover pads- King size. $25, Full- $20, and Twin- $10 today! Small desk- $5, FREE computer chair, DVD movies (box full) $25- 270-670-7278
FS - Several Holstein steers- $325 each or will make a deal, 2000 Ford Ranger- 4 wheel drive- automatic- V6- new tires- needs a little work- $1400, Steers for slaughter (Jersey mix), 14 x 8 tilt trailer- $585- 270-734-1552
FS - Insulation fiberglass panels- $2 per sheet- 270-405-1628
FS - Truck load of yard sale items- 270-433-1125
FS - Flip phone and a drag disk- 270-405-3407
FS - Oak knife display case- very nice, and an antique rocking horse (50 years old) 270-202-0022
LF - Female Chihuahua puppy, 6 months- 1 year old- 270-438-6047
LF - Rear end for a 2004 Dodge Ram 1500- 270-218-0766
LF- Baby carriage from the 1940s and an old gas pump- 270-459-2105
LF- Scrap metal to haul- 270-991-0396
LF- Gas cook stove in good condition with 3-4 burners and good oven- 270-590-1056
LF- Pasture to rent in the Smith’s Grove area and looking for a grain bin (stand up model) 270-563-4273
LF - Good flip phone- 270-404-3251
LF - 1980 pickup 1 ton rear end call 270-563-2599
LF - Good used 5 ft bush hog between $400 and $600. Call 270-590-9369
FS - 75 to 80 hens, 18 roosters, $6 to $7 each. Call 524-4687
FS - Wooden rocker glider chair $75. Call 218-1303
FS - 2017 Tonto 4 wheeler, 125 cc, 3 spd. $650. camo with utility racks. 99 Honda 300 EX, 5 spd $1600. or $2,000 for both, 4 white ducks $25, ringer type washer, 2 sets of deer stands, strap on. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Hog 350 lbs. $140. Call 270-528-2977
LF - Side by side refrigerator. Call 270-612-0703
FS - Toolbox for a truck, rolled hay in field. Call 528-2531
FS - Metal building, brown $900. Trailer for a riding mower, 3 large 5 gallon buckets full of Craftsman tools, lumber and siding, wheelbarrow, garden tools, deepfreeze. Call 524-1042
LF - Washer. Call 270-537-4681
LF - Odd jobs in Glasgow. Call 270-579-6583
FS - Several pairs of ladies jeans, $3 each, call for size at 270-590-4708
LF - Any type of work in Glasgow. Call 270-612-0122
FS - Chevy 1 ton crewcab pickup, flatbed with toolboxes, 155,000 miles. Call 270-834-9581
FS - 2005 Chevy Trailblazer White Body, needs a motor. 4.2 Straight. Has new fuel pump, clear title, but will have to file for lost title. $600. Call 270-996-8379
Will - Pickup any unwanted yard sale or garage sale items, basement, attic storage unit cleanouts. Call 270-943-1486
FS - Amish books, Harlequin books, cookbooks, 1964 porcelain doll 28" tall dressed in red. Call 270-786-4737
LF - Vehicles to buy. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Someone with a chainsaw to cut up 3 to 4 tree limbs in the Canmer area. Call 270-590-3209
Yard Sale - Saturday behind the Calvary Baptist Church in Bonnieville, beds, dishes, small appliances, glassware, collectors items, clothing, etc.
FS - Black tennis shoes, Nike brand, girls size 3 1/2, $45 new. Earthtone brand white sandals, women's 6 1/2, $20, new. Pink fabric flowered tennis shoes, size 3 in girls $7. Call 270-786-4903
FS - 4 white ducks $25 for all four. 2 strap on deer stands with ladders $100 for both sets. Call 270-528-5208
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10 pickup, transmission rebuilt, new battery, high mileage. $1500 or will trade. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Chest style deep freeze, Trailer to haul wood, John Deer mower and pull behind trailer- 270-590-3578
FS - Quality square hay- $4.25 each- 270-528-1531
FS - Car replicas from the movie Fast and Furious- 270-576-5205
FS - Flat topper for a 2000-2004 Chevy- $200- comes with clamps and locks- 270-579-6671
FS - Soft top for a 4 door Jeep- black with tinted windows- $150-270-579-1369
FS - Square bales of hay- good quality- $3.50- 270-678-3288
FS - Trike conversion- $400, Bed liner for a 1995 Ford Ranger pickup- $30 and a message table (play music) $120- 270-308-5653
FS - Stationary bike and good tread mill- $100 for both- 270-779-9722
FS - New wooden rocker (glider) make an offer- 270-218-1303
FS - 1983 GMC Sierra- 4 wheel drive pickup (farm truck) 270-427-4347
FS - White wedding dress (size 10-12) can send pictures- 270-612-0808
FS - 2002 LS 430 Lexus car- very nice and loaded! 117,000 miles- $6500- 270-791-4955
LF - Cattle farm to lease- 270-590-9192
GA- 300 gallon tank- 270-670-6152
GA - Rabbits- 270-576-5805
FS - 2011 Raptor toy hauler 361 Lev 39.7 long. $45,000, 2008 Chevy Tahoe 2 WD, 267,000 miles. Asking $7500. Call 270-202-1945
FS - 8 acres road frontage off Lick Branch Road, Glasgow, close to Eastern Elementary School district. Call 270-670-2294
LF - Odd jobs in Glasgow. Call 270-579-6583
LF - Small type wheelchair. Call 270-524-3620
Will - Do alterations. Call 270-528-2444
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10, just over 200,000 miles, transmission has been rebuilt. $1500. Call 270-774-6307
FS - 2006 Chevy Impala LT, 4 door, 165,000 miles, silver $3800. Call 270-590-8928
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon, drill press, motor stand, cherry picker, needs a jacks, jack stands, wrench set, electric drill, hammers, electric grinders, wrenches, 4 way dollies, socket set, 110 electric winch, 305 small lock motor parts, Toolbox full with channel locks, screwdrivers, chisels, wire pliers, vice grips. $1,000. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
GA - English Shepherd & Beagle Hound mix pups to a good home. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Husqvarna riding mower- 20 horse- 48” with a 9.5’ x 6 trailer and drop trailer- ALL for $400, Bobcat Jaguar mower (project mower) 60” cut, 2003 regular cab S-10- 4 cylinder automatic- 270-317-6995
FS - Small Billy goat- 8 months old- $75 obo- 270-774-1614
FS - Baby chicks- $1 each or $10 for all- 270-537-5056
FS - Kymco scooter 50 CC, Big-wheel push mower, and a front tine tiller- 270-427-6786
FS - Zero turn mower Cub Cadet- 42” in good condition (or trade) $1200- 270-427-1082
FS - Chest style deep freeze, Trailer to haul wood, John Deer mower and pull behind trailer- 270-590-3578
FS - Quality square hay - 270-528-1531
LF - Dodge pickup truck 6 cyl motor, automatic trans. Call 270-246-1913
FS - 2006 Chevy Impala LT, 4 door, 165,000 miles, silver $3800. Call 270-590-8928
LF - Country eggs in Horse Cave. Call 218-0006
FS - Pair of registered Coon hounds, 3 years old and shocking collars $600. Call 270-537-3884
FS - Fruit jars, quarts and pints. reasonable. Call 270-786-3756
FS - Old postage stamps, 50 year collection. $100. Call 270-524-0165
FS- Dorm refrigerator $40, Bobcat trailer, 2 Bunn ice tea makers (commercial). GA - kittens. Call 270-537-3341
Yard Sale - today and Friday, 1 mile from the Bonnieville Fire Dept. table and chairs, clothing, etc. large lunch room table, men's items. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 40 x 60 weighted blanket $40, Acer labtop has Windows 10. $100. Call 473-3217
FS - 1975 Dodge Dart $3200. Call 270-524-1042
GA - English Shepherd and Beagle mix puppies, mother is English Shepherd, daddy is a beagle hound. There are 2 females and 3males, ready for a good home. Can send pictures. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon, drill press, motor stand, cherry picker, needs a jacks, jack stands, wrench set, electric drill, hammers, electric grinders, wrenches, 4 way dollies, socket set, 110 electric winch, 305 small lock motor parts, Toolbox full with channel locks, screwdrivers, chisels, wire pliers, vice grips. $1,000. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 3 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Cattle panels, $50 each (5). Call 270-786-4846
FS - 108 sq feet of pre-finished oak hardwood flooring. Call 270-528-3387
FS - 21 cu ft. new Maytag deepfreeze $450. Call 270-786-4603
FS - Stand up air compressor- 5 horse- 60 gallon, and 2 strap on deer stands- 270-528-5208
FS - 2 living room chairs in good condition- $100 each- 270-563-4599
FS - Cloth chair (living room) and a computer and desk (with keyboard and printer), LF - set of patio doors for a mobile home, and front and back door and storm doors (72” x 76”) 270-646-4948
FS - Troy Bilt 42” mowing deck, John Deere seat and some mower parts, LF - good picnic table- 270-670-6152
FS - 2005 Explorer- 4 door- 4 wheel drive- 144 K- $2450, 12 Holstein steers- $325 each, (2) 16” tires and 8 lug wheels- 235/85/16 $100 each- 270-734-1552
FS - Pride 3 wheel scooter- like new- $550- 314-630-2230
FS- Set of chrome over aluminum 8 lug wheels and tires 275/60/20 off a Dodge truck- $500, Chrome front bumper for a 1971 Plymouth Road Runner- $250, 440 Complete Chrysler engine and 727 transmission- $800- 270-646-8178
FS - 2012 Chevy Impala- V6- 30 miles per gallon- 24,000 miles- like new, New Holland bailer 276 in good condition- $4500 obo, 7-8 utility poles- $20 each, Quality horse hay or rolls, 8.5 wheel disk, 10-15 used sheets of metal- $10 each- 270-932-1777
GA - English Shepherd and Beagle mix puppies, mother is English Shepherd, daddy is a beagle hound. There are 2 females and 3males, ready for a good home. Can send pictures. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Someone to cut up tree limbs. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Harlequin Romance books, Martha Stewart and Paula Dean cookbooks, 1964 porcelain doll. Call 270-786-4737
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon, drill press, motor stand, cherry picker, needs a jacks, jack stands, wrench set, electric drill, hammers, electric grinders, wrenches, 4 way dollies, socket set, 110 electric winch, 305 small lock motor parts, Toolbox full with channel locks, screwdrivers, chisels, wire pliers, vice grips. $1,000. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2 small dorm refrigerators. 5 x10 utility trailer. Call 270-537-3341
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 3 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - 10 x 10 dog kennel. Call 270-590-7089
FS - Cattle panels, $50 each (5). Call 270-786-4846
FS - 108 sq feet of pre-finished oak hardwood flooring. Call 270-528-3387
FS - 14 ft fiberglass boat $1195, queen size bed frame and dresser $125, solid cherry desk $495. solid oak china cabinet $800. Call 502-689-1113
LF - Used golf cart. Call 270-528-6488
FS- Baldwin console piano with stool. $100. Call 270-670-9070
Yard Sale - at 115 Church Street in Horse Cave Saturday. Women's clothes size 16-18, boys clothes, size 4 and 5, sewing machine cabinet, 10x10 tent, etc.
Yard Sale - Baby clothes, up to 4T for a boy, changing table, rocker, loveseat with recliners, rocker recliner, single size bed. 5564 Whitney Woods Road, Cave City. Call 270-773-5625
Yard Sale - Bonnieville Baptist Church on 31-W Friday & Saturday, Pampered Chef, luggage, kitchen items, toys clothes.
FS - 5 cattle panels. $50. Call 270-786-4846
Mission Project - Volunteer Program at Signature Health Care in Horse Cave, can visit with someone on a monthly basis, Lunch on August 15th, 2 to 4 p.m. with refreshments, flyers will be available.
Multi family yard sale - subdivision of Westwood Subdivision in Glasgow today and Saturday, riding mowers, aluminum toolbox, fishing poles, drills, mini blinds, clothes.....etc. Call 270-651-9842
FS - Quarts, pints and jelly canning jars $4 each. Call 270-590-3862
FS - 20 ft cattle trailer $2,000 obo, 1996 Trans Am, red, t-top, $5600, Oliver turning plow and disc, Kawasaki Mule $2500 obo. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon, drill press, motor stand, cherry picker, needs a jacks, jack stands, wrench set, electric drill, hammers, electric grinders, wrenches, 4 way dollies, socket set, 110 electric winch, 305 small lock motor parts, Toolbox full with channel locks, screwdrivers, chisels, wire pliers, vice grips. $1,000. Call 270-590-6007
FS- Baldwin console piano with stool. $100. Call 270-670-9070
GA - English Shepherd and Beagle mix puppies, mother is English Shepherd, daddy is a beagle hound. There are 2 females and 4 males, ready for a good home. Can send pictures. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Weighted blanket, 40x60, new $50, Acer Labtop Windows 10, $125. Call 270-473-3217
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 108 square feet of pre-finished oak hardwood flooring. Call 270-528-3387
Yard Sale - Saturday at 130 Birch River Loop in Smiths Grove from 6 to 2. Signs will be posted on 31-W, turn on 101 toward Brownsville, go 1 mile, turn left on Noah Bledsoe Road, go 1 mile and turn right on Lake Forest to the end of the street, turn left on Doe Crossing, at top of hill, straight down to 1st house on right around curve. Home Interior pictures, kerosene heater, curtains, antiques, set of blue Country Bear dishes, cb radios, Longaberger border, wreaths, clothes, Pampered Chef, old records and more. Call 270-378-0507
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday from 7 to 4 at 2769 South Jackson Hwy, Horse Cave (31-E), 3 miles south of Hardyville. Large dog pen on wheels, microwave, clothes, toys, scubs, furniture, Dale Earndhart jacket, dishware, jewelry and more.
Missing - Small Jack Russell dog, white spot on back, one eye is small in the Horse Cave area. A $50 reward is being offered for the dog's return. Missing since 1st of the week. Call 270-786-5887
1208 Legrande Hwy, 2 miles out on left, Today, Fri and Saturday. Call 270-537-5072
FS - Dining room pedestal table with leaf and 6 chairs, queen bedroom suit, chest, dresser and night stand. Call 270-786-2528
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon, drill press, motor stand, cherry picker, needs a jacks, jack stands, wrench set, electric drill, hammers, electric grinders, wrenches, 4 way dollies, socket set, 110 electric winch, 305 small lock motor parts, Toolbox full with channel locks, screwdrivers, chisels, wire pliers, vice grips. $1,000. Call 270-590-6007
FS- Baldwin console piano with stool. $100. Call 270-670-9070
GA - Puppies, mother is English Shepherd, daddy is a beagle hound. There are 2 females and 4 males, ready for a good home. Can send pictures. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Weighted blanket, 40x60, new $50, Acer Labtop Windows 10, $125. Call 270-473-3217
GA - Puppies, father is a Labradoodle and mother is a Sharpai mix. Call 528-6791
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 5 cattle panels, 4 full length, $50. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 108 square feet of pre-finished oak hardwood flooring. Call 270-528-3387
Yard Sale - Saturday at 130 Birch River Loop in Smiths Grove from 6 to 2. Signs will be posted on 31-W, turn on 101 toward Brownsville, go 1 mile, turn left on Noah Bledsoe Road, go 1 mile and turn right on Lake Forest to the end of the street, turn left on Doe Crossing, at top of hill, straight down to 1st house on right around curve. Home Interior pictures, kerosene heater, curtains, antiques, set of blue Country Bear dishes, cb radios, Longaberger border, wreaths, clothes, Pampered Chef, old records and more. Call 270-378-0507
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday from 7 to 4 at 2769 South Jackson Hwy, Horse Cave (31-E), 3 miles south of Hardyville. Large dog pen on wheels, microwave, clothes, toys, scubs, furniture, Dale Earndhart jacket, dishware, jewelry and more.
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon, drill press, motor stand, cherry picker, needs a jacks, jack stands, wrench set, electric drill, hammers, electric grinders, wrenches, 4 way dollies, socket set, 110 electric winch, 305 small lock motor parts, Toolbox full with channel locks, screwdrivers, chisels, wire pliers, vice grips. $1,000. Call 270-590-6007
FS- Baldwin console piano with stool. $100. Call 270-670-9070
GA - Puppies, mother is English Shepherd, daddy is a beagle hound. There are 2 females and 4 males, ready for a good home. Can send pictures. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Weighted blanket, 40x60, new $50, Acer Labtop Windows 10, $125. Call 270-473-3217
LF - Farm grinder mixer. Call 270-524-3460
LF - Houses to clean in Cave City or Horse Cave area. Experience and references. Call 270-786-1199
GA - Puppies, father is a Labradoodle and mother is a Sharpai mix. Call 528-6791
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - 2010 F-150 4 wheel drive quad cab, has 144,000 miles $12,500. 6 1/2' by 16 ft long trailer $1200. 14 ft Jon boat, Monarch without trailer $300 or with trailer $500, all with titles. Harley memorabilia. Call 270-404-3688
FS - 1978 CB750K, has 18127 miles $3500. Call 270-392-1326
LF - Good used refrigerator, bed and dresser, clean. Call 270-576-4295
LF - CDL driver with good driving record, must be able to pass drug test, d.o.t physical and able to work Mon thru Fri and some Saturday mornings. Call 270-670-3240
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon, drill press, motor stand, cherry picker, needs a jacks, jack stands, wrench set, electric drill, hammers, electric grinders, wrenches, 4 way dollies, socket set, 110 electric winch, 305 small lock motor parts, Toolbox full with channel locks, screwdrivers, chisels, wire pliers, vice grips. $1,000. Call 270-590-6007
FS- Baldwin console piano with stool. $100. Call 270-670-9070
GA - Puppies, mother is English Shepherd, daddy is a beagle hound. There are 2 females and 4 males, ready for a good home. Can send pictures. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Weighted blanket, 40x60, new $50, Acer Labtop Windows 10, $125. Call 270-473-3217
LF - Farm grinder mixer. Call 270-524-3460
LF - Houses to clean in Cave City or Horse Cave area. Experience and references. Call 270-786-1199
GA - Puppies, father is a Labradoodle and mother is a Sharpai mix. Call 528-6791
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
LF - Golf cart and golf cart tires. 528-6488
FS - 1990 Chevy truck- 2 wheel drive- new transmission- 270-590-3498
FS - 4 tires- LT 295/65/R20- $300, Bentwood rocking chair- very nice- 270-457-3219
FS - Nice glass top electric cook stove, and an air conditioner 18,000 BTU- 270-457-3435
FS - All wooden table with 6 chairs- $200, Antique cedar wardrobe- $125, Double stainless steel sink with faucets- $35- 270-782-2570
FS - Used tires- 14”-18” and a set of 6 lug 16” aluminum wheels- 270-427-3675
LF - Used hand tools- 270-427-8563
LF - Registered male Pomeranian- 270-622-1690
LF - 2 high chairs, walker, pack and play, and a double stroller- 270-612-0809
LF - Quart jars- 270-646-5643
LF - Inverted table and for lawn sweeper- 270-792-1709
LF - Casio keyboard and some Sesame Street puppets- 270-622-2744
LF - Piece of land in Edmonson County- Wingfield community- or a place to rent- 270-597-7552
LF - 195/50/r15 tire call or text 270-361-7144 leave a massage if no answer
FS - AKC Labrador puppies. Yellow, Charcoal and Silver. 12 weeks old. $375 each. Located in Glasgow. Call or text 270-702-1979
FS - 1982 2 bedroom 1 bathroom mobile home for sale. Needs work. As is. $750. You move. Call or text 270-702-1978
FS - 98 Dodge Ram short bed 2wd automatic for sale or trade. Call or text 270-612-0712
FS - 110 air compressor, 30 gallon, drill press, motor stand, cherry picker, needs a jacks, jack stands, wrench set, electric drill, hammers, electric grinders, wrenches, 4 way dollies, socket set, 110 electric winch, 305 small lock motor parts, Toolbox full with channel locks, screwdrivers, chisels, wire pliers, vice grips. $1,000. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 Chevy Impala SS $3,000 in Cave City. Call 774-6307
FS- Baldwin console piano with stool. $100. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Babysitting job, FS - 30" bike $45, Mountain bike for a boy $45. rocking bassinet $45. Call 270-786-5072
LF - Job in tobacco. Call 270-786-5072
GA - Puppies, mother is English Shepherd, daddy is a beagle hound. There are 2 females and 4 males, ready for a good home. Can send pictures. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Weighted blanket, 40x60, new $50, Acer Labtop Windows 10, $125. Call 270-473-3217
LF - Farm grinder mixer. Call 270-524-3460
LF - Houses to clean in Cave City or Horse Cave area. Experience and references. Call 270-786-1199
GA - Puppies, father is a Labradoodle and mother is a Sharpai mix. Call 528-6791
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Baldwin console piano with stool $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Jersey bull- 1000 pounds- gentle- $700- 270-590-9804
FS - Pit Bull mix (female) real playful and good with kids- house broken- $150, and a Blue Heeler- smart dog- 9 months old- $50- 270-646-7717
FS - 2006 Ford truck- 6 speed, and looking for a clean up man- 270-646-8479
FS - 1986 GMC wrecker- 4 speed- bull dog- V8, Sears garden tractor- 3 point hitch- 18 horse twin cylinder (or trade) 4 Parakeets with cage- $75, Fish aquarium with fish and accessories- $50- 270-670-1359
FS - Barbie dolls (8-9) 270-427-8563
FS - Rear tine tiller, Push mower (Yard Man) like new- 270-938-5463
FS - Statesman mower- 52” cut- needs motor, and a new mowing deck 42” cut- Murray- 270-576-3386
FS - New Holland square hay bailer-271- good condition- $1300, 18' oak hay wagon- $900- 270-590-9331
FS - New Holland disk mower- $3800- 270-670-4817
FS - Large deep freeze- not working. - $20- 270-576-3800
FS - 2010 Mazda Miata- loaded- 38,000 miles- $11,500, Husky rear tine tiller- $350, Front tine tiller (6.75 horse) $200- 270-404-0051
FS - RC can machine- $300, 63 Coke bottle machine- $500 obo. - 270-670-9592
FS - 2011 Chevy HD 2500- crew cab- long bed- 6.0 engine- 216 K- very nice- $11,000- 270-792-1709
FS - Iphone 7+- good condition- $400- 270-622-1690
FS -2005 Toyota Tahoma- 5 speed- 179 K- good condition, and a 2002 Crotch Rocket in good condition- 20 K- 270-590-5513
FS - 2006 Corvette- 72,000 miles- White- can send pictures- 270-202-3013
FS - Kirby vacuum cleaner with all attachments and some adult diapers- 270-597-2358
FS - Set of after market wheels and tires- 16” low profile tires- $125, Small refrigerator- $40 obo, and looking to haul old scrap vehicles- 270-576-7439
FS - 50CC scooter- great condition- $450, small tiller and push mower- 270-427-6786
FS - 2 old bush hogs (parts only) 6 foot- 270-834-6996
FS - Front tine tiller- $50 obo, Generator (off an RV) in good condition- $100- 270-576-7439
FS - Oldsmobile Malaria (2001) 3.4 automatic- 201 K- $500, 1128 rear tractor rim- $200, (2) 13/6/28 tractor tires- $80, and some 12/4/28/ tires, Ferguson tractor parts (1940s & 1950s) 270-590-3931
FS - 2000 Honda Civic- 5 speed- hatch back- will trade - 270-799-5925
FS - Quality square bales of hay- 270-678-3288
FS - flat top black cookstove $150, 14 ft fiberglass boat on trailer $1200, 50 hp mercury outboard motor. Call 502-689-1113
FS - 2004 Chevy Impala SS Indianapolis Edition, 146,000 miles $3200. Call 270-774-6307
FS - 4 tires, 225 60 R17's. Call 270-528-2407
LF - Amish books. Call 270-528-2407
Saturday - Items for sale, baby strollers, bouncy seats, 10x10 tent, household items. Boys clothes, sizes 4T to 5T. 115 Church Street Horse Cave. Call 270-786-3756
FS - Weighted blanket, 40x60, new $50, Acer Labtop Windows 10, $125. Call 270-473-3217
LF - Farm grinder mixer. Call 270-524-3460
LF - Houses to clean in Cave City or Horse Cave area. Experience and references. Call 270-786-1199
Missing - Cow since last week on Nichols Road near the AT&T tower area. Call 270-776-3281
GA - Puppies, father is a Labradoodle and mother is a Sharpai mix. Call 528-6791
FS - 2012 Chevy Impala, gray, LTZ, v-6, 24,000 miles, original owner $16,500 obo. Call 270-932-1777
Yard Sale - Thursday, Fri & Sat at 55 Bragg Avenue in Munfordville. knives, tools, gun cabinet, primitives, rod and reels, bikes clothes.
FS - 2004 Saturn Vue $1,000, has 103,000 miles. Call 270-218-3075
A country ham breakfast Saturday at 6 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at Rowletts Baptist Church. Donations only. Eggs, country ham and biscuits, gravy. Proceeds go toward mission trip for March 2019.
FS - Lots of tools for one price, serious calls only, Scrambler 4-wheeler $1100. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Pushmower, reasonable. weedeater. Call 270-774-2355
Horse Cave Christian Church clothes closet and food pantry will be held Friday, July 27th, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
LF - Farm grinder mixer. Call 270-524-3460
FS - 2012 Chevy Impala, 4 door, v-6, 36 mpg, 24,000 miles, headgate for cattle $450, kitchen cabinets $300, horse hay. New Holland hay baler. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Houses to clean in Cave City or Horse Cave area. Experience and references. Call 270-786-1199
FS - House and acre of ground in Centerpoint community in Hart County. Call 270-528-1950
FS - Kawasaki Mule $2500, pickup disc and 2 bottom plow $500, 1996 Trans Am, 114,000 miles, red, new paint and tires $5600. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Hawk 10 ton hydraulic dumpbed. Call 270-670-8190
LF - Handy man and a 200 amp electric outside box, and a good washer- 270-622-1420
LF - A transmission for a 1993 Chevy Silverado- 460 L for a 350 motor- 270-234-6765
LF - Used pontoon boat- 270-938-5924
LF - Electric potter’s wheel- 270-793-5548
LF - Tail pipes for a Harley Davidson Sportster 1200- 270-622-9540
LF - Set of hub caps for a 1995 Olds- 14”- 270-629-5315
LF - Handy man jobs- 270-308-7136
LF - Big stock chickens. Call or text (270)537-1824
FS - 2 male guinea pigs , cage, huts ,feeder and waterer $35 for all. Call 270-537-4669
FS - AKC Labradors for sale $450 Scottsville KY 270-618-0547
FS - Craftsmen mower- 54” 26 horse Kohler- good condition- $350- 270-234-6765
FS - 1990 Nissan (was in a pond for a short time) $400- 270-646-0966
FS - 2000 Mustang convertible- 59,000 miles- Red in color with tan top- all leather- 5 speed- $5000- 270-576-2928
Missing - Cow since last week on Nichols Road near the AT&T tower area. Call 270-776-3281
GA - Puppies, father is a Labradoodle and mother is a Sharpai mix. Call 528-6791
FS - S-10 truck bed trailer $200. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Baldwin console piano with stool $100. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
LF - Someone to cut 2 trees for the firewood. Call 270-590-3209
LF - Houses to clean in the Horse Cave or Cave City area, experience and references. Call 270-786-1199
Missing - Cow since last week on Nichols Road near the AT&T tower area. Call 270-776-3281
GA - Puppies, father is a Labradoodle and mother is a Sharpai mix. Call 528-6791
LF - Working DVD. Call 270-943-8062
FS - Parts for a 95 Buick Lesabre, complete doors, trunk, hood, radiator, bumpers etc parts are $25 ea. good transmission $100. Call 270-579-6564
LF - 15 laying hens preferably Dominickers, will consider others. Call 270-678-2812
FS - 2013 New Holland T4030, 4 cylinder, 78 HP, 2 wheel drive diesel tractor with 2012 New Holland 815TL skid steer style Loader, bucket and hay spear. Tractor has 2155 hours on it. New front tires. Asking $23,000. Call or text 270-646-6371
LF - Dependable car or truck to make payments on, can give references. Call 270-404-5708.
FS - Sharp carousel microwave, $50. Call 270-576-2232
FS - Window air conditioner- 220- 18.5 BTU- $50- 270-612-0801
FS - 18’ Bass tracker boat- 75 horse, Rear tine tiller Cub Cadet with an 18 horse Kohler and 2 Bluegrass cell phones and NASCAR items- 270-308-6242
FS - 2001 Chevy Lumina- 4 door- needs intake gasket and battery- good air and heat- $600- 270-646-3450
FS - Microwave- Sharp- in good condition- $50- 270-576-2232
FS - Local produce- 270-678-4992
FS - Blackberries and some plastic and metal barrels- 270-678-1398
FS - Quality sheep and rams- 270-202-8110
FS - 2000 Honda Shadow- 600- 12,000 miles- comes with 2 helmets- leather saddle bags- excellent condition- $2200- 270-303-0003
FS - 2013 New Holland tractor- P4030- diesel- comes with a New Holland skid steer- new tires- $23,000- 270-646-6371
FS - 2005 Colorado- extended cab 2500 pickup- 270-579-6006
FS - 2000 John Deere mower- 15 horse- very nice- 270-597-3382
Yard Sale - Saturday and Sunday at 103 Edwards Avenue in Horse Cave 7:00 a.m. to dark. name brand clothes, boots, pictures, toys, beauty aids, electronics. dishes, home furnishings. Lcoated behind Horse Cave Baptist Church. Call 606-688-0966
FS - Electric guitar and amp. $150. Call 270-524-2962
GA - Female calico cat, friendly. LF - Babysitting job in Horse Cave area. and a Chihuahua. FS - 30" boys bike $45, mountain boys bike $45. Call 270-786-5072
LF - 22" lawnmower. Call 270-774-2355
LF - Someone to mow a yard today, if possible. on 31-W in Munfordville. Call 270-524-3368
FS - New Brothers sewing machine. $300. Call 270-524-1915
FS - Set of 4 265 70 R16 tires $20. Call 270-528-6546
FS - Pair of registered Walker Coonhounds $300, 2 shocking collars. Will take $600 for all. Call 270-537-3884
FS - 454 head gasket set, new (Chevy), four sets of wrenches, 500 watt DC to AC pack, paint gun sprayer, flush kit, allen wrenches, adjustable wrenches, new air hydraulic riveter, box of nails and screws, three floor jacks, iron post driver $150. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 50 cc Kymco scooter for sale, great condition, mostly rode at campgrounds 750. dollars, also have carrier that’s fits Reece hitch for scooter $75 extra…270-678-2245
FS - ladies wedding band and engagement ring size 6 - $750. also man’s wedding band size 11 – 11 1/2 for $40. Black Harley Davison motorcycle trailer $700 obo, Doublewide mobile home, 1390 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, 3 car garage 1400 sq ft with work shop area. New roof 3 yrs ago , blacktop driveway , brick & block foundation. Corner lot 5 miles out Scottsville and 5 miles to Barren River State Park. $110,000.00. Call 270-943-0016
FS - 2 bedroom house located at 204 Sunset in Glasgow $30,000, also two businesses, one in Glasgow and one in Cave City, Stock, equipment, shelving everything goes with the price, serious buyers only. Call 270-579-3965
FS - (2) kayaks made by LIFETIME, Sport fisher, like new $700. sets and paddles. Call 270-434-3512
FS - 1998 Dodge Ram, short bed, 2 wheel drive, or will trade. Call or text 270-404-5202
FR - 2 bedroom house, 1 bath with a large rear lot on dead end street in Glasgow. $450.00 with $300.00 deposit. Call 270-590-9455
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus SES, just had new brakes put on, front end aligned $1800, 2004 Chevy Impala SS Indianapolis Edition. $3200, 15 12 ft x 42 Sundolphin canoe with paddles and vest 774-6307
FS - 10 person tent, new $100. Call 531-2245
FS - Full size bookcase white bed, Amish built rocker, recliner with swivel footstool, floral design at 728 East Gap Hill Road, Cub Run, lots of collectibles, purses, books, etc. Call 270-524-1915.
FS - 454 head gasket set, new (Chevy), four sets of wrenches, 500 watt DC to AC pack, paint gun sprayer, flush kit, allen wrenches, adjustable wrenches, new air hydraulic riveter, box of nails and screws, three floor jacks, iron post driver $150. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Craftsman lawn mower LT 1000- 18 horse 42” cut- 6 speed in A1 condition- $300 obo- 270-590-4497
FS - 46” tractor style Husqvarna mower- with extra blades- in A1 condition- 20 horse Kohler- $450 obo- 270-597-7552
FS - Gas dryer (GE) A chest style deep freeze, Antique China cabinet, 2010 Rogue- 1 owner- 180,000 miles- 270-925-8916
FS - End tables- $5 each- 270-404-4453
FS - 250 CC dirt bike, 2000 Ford F-350 15 passenger van with 122,000 miles- 270-473-0884
FS - Troy Bilt tiller- 6 horse- $300- 270-218-3308
FS - Pride scooter- great condition- 314-630-2230
FS - 2012 Mazda 2- very clean- hatch back- good air- 69,000 miles- good on gas (would do some trading) $4500- 270-670-2406
FS - Truck cab- fiberglass- short bed-$300, Finishing mower with a 3 point hitch- $300- 270-890-5506
FS - 2 Dinning tables with 6 chairs, Weed eaters, Leaf blower and a utility trailer- 270-272-3293
LF - New Holland mower parts- 270-537-5673
LF - Old mowers; running or not- 270-670-1359
LF - Carburetor for a 16.5 horse Briggs motor- 270-670-8639
LF - Honeybees and hives and a 10-12 foot boat- 270-392-4514
FS - S-10 truck bed trailer $200. Call 270-590-6007
FS - New cd player with remote, $50. Call 270-579-1710
FS - Breakfast nook corner bench with storage compartments and table $175. Call 270-531-7616
FS - Rear tine tiller Cub Cadet RT65 with dual direction tines/self propelled. $450. Call 270-531-7616
FS - 16 ft cattle trailer with lights, good floor. Call 270-590-3862
FS - 2004 SS Chevy Impala/Indianapolis Edition $3200, 1979 Kawasaki KZ750 $800, 15.5x42" Sundolphin canoe with vest and paddles $375, Bushnell spotting scope $40. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Baldwin console piano with stool $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Electric fireplace $75. Needs repair. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Truck bed trailer with junk iron $200. Call 270-590-6007
Now accepting applications at Days Inn and Comfort Inn in Glasgow for front desk associates for all shifts, must have flexible schedule, high school diploma is required, must be able to work weekends and holidays too. Must apply in person at 105 Days Inn Boulevard in Glasgow. Call 270-651-1757
FS - 2005 Pontiac G6 GT- V6 automatic- all power- sunroof- with Chevy rims, 1500 Yanmire tractor, 400 Ford engine with 78,000 miles- 270-834-6313 or 270-678-9066 (call after 12 PM)
FS - Ford 951 bush hog in good condition- 270-421-6070
FS - Set of 4 tires- 265/70/16s- $15 obo- 270-528-6546
FS - Husqvarna riding mower- doesn’t run- $50- 270-774-7800
FS - 8 week old Huskie pups- $100 each, 5 year old Yorkie- house broken- $200 obo- 270-834-0007
FS - 1986 GMC Wrecker- 480 booms- 350 dog house (or trade) it does need some work, 2001 S10 Blazer with new tires and transmission (or trade) and a Sears garden tractor with a 3 point hitch 18 horse twin motor- 270-670-1359
FS - 2 bedroom mobile home- 1 bath- must be moved- $1800- 270-576-0471
FS - 12 Holstein steers- $300 each, 2005 Ford Explorer 4 x 4- 144 K- V6 automatic- $2500, Slaughter calves, 2 trailers- 6 ½ x 9- $285 and 8 x 14- $585- 270-734-1552
FS - Set of 9 VHS tapes of Baseball- $25, Mattress covers (brand new), all sizes. DVD's and a box of great books (150) $20 for all- 270-670-7278
FS - 10 gallon kettle, Vice, Old mower, 1993 Chevy truck- 270-799-1490
FS - Inside doors, Oak bathroom sink with faucets, 125 landscaping stones- 270-427-9056
FS - Medium size deep freeze- $75, and a Butcher block table with 6 chairs- $125- 270-646-8335
FS - 200 amp meter base- 270-576-0542
FS - 2010 Razer (800) seats 4- 2000 miles- $9500- 270-590-0849
FS - Kirby vacuum cleaner with all the attachments, and Packs of adult diapers- 270-597-2358
FS - 1990 Nissan- been under water- $400- 270-646-0966
FS - 55 gallon plastic barrel drums, and garden produce- 270-428-5546
FS- 2011 Chevy Silverado HD 2500- 6.0- crew cab- 216 K- $11,000 or trade and LF - Inverted table. -270-792-1709
FS - 2 tires- Good Year- 235-75-R15- $60- 270-202-5715
FS - 3 feeder pigs- $30 each, Boarder Collie pup- $100, Boar hog- $100- 270-528-6693
FS- Craftsman lawn mower LT 1000- 18 horse 42” cut- 6 speed in A1 condition- $300 obo- 270-590-4497
FS - 46” tractor style Husqvarna mower- with extra blades- in A1 condition- 20 horse Kohler- $450 obo- 270-597-7552
FS - Gas dryer (GE) A chest style deep freeze, Antique China cabinet, 2010 Rogue- 1 owner- 180,000 miles- 270-925-8916
FS - End tables- $5 each- 270-404-4453
FS - 250 CC dirt bike, 2000 Ford F-350 15 passenger van with 122,000 miles- 270-473-0884
FS - Troy Bilt tiller- 6 horse- $300- 270-218-3308
FS - Pride scooter- 314-630-2230
FS - Upright air compressor, twin cylinder, 5 horse, 2 strap on metal deer stands. Call 270-528-5208
FS - S10 truck bed trailer $200. Call 270-590-6007
For Sale- Mowing deck- John Deere- 62” cut- with gear box- $200 obo- 270-528-1516
For Sale- 2013 Ford Edge Sport limited- loaded- 95 K- new tires- $10,000, 42” Cub Cadet- 3 years old- 300 hours- heavy duty- $1250, Large metal tank on skid- 1250 gallon- 270-991-1004
For Sale- Goats- 270-427-0196
For Sale- Rear Tine tiller- Cub Cadet- has reverse and depth locater, Some cell phones (Bluegrass) and some NASCAR items, 2016 Bass Tracker boat- 75 horse Mercury motor (4 stroke) 270-308-6242
For Sale- 2001 Harley Davidson motorcycle- good condition- $5500 obo, and a soft drink machine (RC) $300- 270-670-9592
For Sale- 6 gallon water heater for a RV- good condition- $25, and 2 RV tires (16.5) $50- 270-286-8525
For Sale- Jersey bull, Rhode Island roosters (6 months old) some ducks and hens- 270-731-9564
For Sale- 2 dinning tables with (6) chairs- good condition- Cherry and Maple, 5 X 10 utility trailer- $250, Leaf blower and a gas weed eater- 270-272-3293
For Sale- Poland Pro mower- 24 horse V Twin- 64” cut- $400, and a White mower- 20 horse 42” cut- $300 and looking for some old mowers- 270-308-5057
For Sale- 15.5 Canoe- with vests and paddles- $400 obo, 1979 Kawasaki 750- $1000, Spotting scope- $40, and a 1967 Uncle Henry hunting knife- antique collectors piece- $100- 270-774-6307
For Sale- 2013 Mercedes Benz- all wheel drive- great condition- Blue/grey in color- 70 K- 270-670-4372
For Sale- Trailers- 1) pull behind- 6 ½ x 9- $285, 2) 8 x 14 (perfect for lawn mowers or 4 wheelers) tilt- $585, 2000 4 x 4 Ranger- extended cab- new tires but clicks when it starts- $1250, Heifer calves and steers, and looking for a computer for a 2005 Ford Escape- 270-734-1552
For Sale- V hay rake in good condition- $1000- 270-597-6038
For Sale- 1979 Lee Craft boat- 35 horse Johnson motor (or trade) and a 1980 Star Craft boat- 25 horse Johnson motor and new electric start and loaded (or would trade) 270-404-4353
For Sale- Registered 3 year old Black Angus Bull (1400-1500 lbs) 270-646-5953
For Sale- 2 Husky pups (Male and Female) with shots- $350 each- 270-612-0478
For Sale- Maytag electric range- white- self cleaning oven- $125 and a over the top black microwave- $80, and a 1978 750-CBK motorcycle- 13 K- $3500 firm- 270-781-7129
For Sale- 2000 E-350- 15 passenger van- super duty, and a 250 CC- Dirt bike (2 years old) good condition- 270-473-0884
For Sale- Two air conditioners- Kenmore 5000 BTU- $50 and a GE 5000 BTU- $50 or BOTH for $90, GE dryer- super capacity- $75, 582 Cub Cadet (late 70s) needs to be put together- $300 and looking for a set of tires- 225/75/14- 270-317-6995
For Sale- Side by side stainless steel refrigerator- Samsung- brand new- double door with ice maker- $800 or would trade, AKC registered Male German Shepherd dog- 6 years old- big dog- $300 or would trade, Husqvarna riding mower with Kohler engine- $350 and looking for a 20” wheel for a Chevy Suburban and for a stock trailer (16-20 foot) 270-378-6998
For Sale- Mattress cover pads for all sizes of beds- $10-$15 each- brand new, Adult movies (DVD) $2, and kids cartoon DVDs- $1 each- 270-670-7278
For Sale- Savanna kittens- rare- spotted- 270-622-8280
For Sale- Dog kennel (10 x 6) and a dog house- 270-670-8271
For Sale- China cabinet- $200- 270-404-2617
For Sale- GE refrigerator- $200 obo- 270-261-1295
Looking For- Good used Pontoon boat- to take some elderly people out on the lake- 270-938-5924
Looking For- Stove and refrigerator- 270-361-1487
Looking For- Barns and buildings to tear down and a good cheap refrigerator- 270-612-0478
For Sale – 2012 Chevy Cruze with 100k miles. AC works great. Select shift automatic transmission. Cruze control. XM capable. USB and 1/8 inch ports for audio. Clean title no accidents. 1.4 turbocharged 4 cylinder. Very roomy for a small car. Asking $8500. Call or text (270) 991-0686
For Sale- Siberian Husky+German Shepherd puppies, 8 weeks old, 2 Boys and 3 Girls. UTD on shots and worming. $100 call or text (270) 834-0007 located in Glasgow.
For Sale- Whirlpool white washer runs perfect $100.00. White washer runs great also. $75.00. Craftmans chainsaw 18in bar, runs good $75.00., Still chainsaw 16 or 18 in bar (unsure), perfect condition, $150.00. Creme color marble vanity top with newer decor brass facet, $50.00. Small black single bathroom sink top, $10 (no facet). 2 big home interior pictures, one missing glass $20.00,other $30.00. Pink hover -1 board new battery and charger, runs great $80.00. 2 kitchen cooking stoves 1 gas 1 electric $75.00 each. VX1005 sewing machine runs great $40.00. 50 gallon water heater $100.00 and will install for extra $75.00- 270-308-7272
For Sale- 5×10 pull behind trailer, light weight and pulls easy, has 1″ deck and 3 beam neck. Asking $300 or best offer.
FS - Coffee table, end tables, dresser, desk, Nintendo tv. Call 270-834-9076
FS - Lawnmower parts, air hose reel. Call 270-612-0842
FS - Breakfast nook corner bench with storage compartments and table $175. Call 270-531-7616
FS - Rear tine tiller Cub Cadet RT65 with dual direction tines/self propelled. $450. Call 270-531-7616
FS - 16 ft cattle trailer with lights, good floor. Call 270-590-3862
FS - 2004 SS Chevy Impala/Indianapolis Edition $3200, 1979 Kawasaki KZ750 $800, 15.5x42" Sundolphin canoe with vest and paddles $375, Bushnell spotting scope $40. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Baldwin console piano with stool $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Kawasaki Mule, 2 cylinder $2500, 1996 Trans Am, red, 113,000 $5600. Call 670-3570
FS - Electric fireplace $75. Needs repair. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Truck bed trailer with junk iron $200. Call 270-590-6007
Now accepting applications at Days Inn and Comfort Inn in Glasgow for front desk associates for all shifts, must have flexible schedule, high school diploma is required, must be able to work weekends and holidays too. Must apply in person at 105 Days Inn Boulevard in Glasgow. Call 270-651-1757
FS - 2005 Pontiac G6 GT- V6 automatic- all power- sunroof- with Chevy rims, 1500 Yanmire tractor, 400 Ford engine with 78,000 miles- 270-834-6313 or 270-678-9066 (call after 12 PM)
FS - Home on 16.5 acres (between Glasgow and Bowling Green) call- 270-678-5146
FS - 2 horse bumper pull trailer- new floor- $450- 270-202-3085
FS - 1999 Dodge- 4 wheel drive- 5 speed- great condition- 10 ply tires- 8’ bed with gooseneck hookup, iron wheels, and glass blocks- 270-590-6410
FS - Lots of tires (various sizes) and a set of Ford wheels and tires (16”) $50, and some tongue and groove flooring (825 square feet) $650, 2008 G5 Pontific- 2 door. $2000. 270-528-1242
FS - Kitchen table with 6 chairs (all wooden) excellent condition- $200, Over stove microwave- $75, 1994 Dodge van- 2 seats- new tires and transmission- $1500- 270-782-2570
FS - Set of 285-70-17 tires and wheels (off a GMC Envoy), will trade. Call 270-597-7552
FS - Fiberglass insulation panels- $2 per sheet. 270-405-1628
LF - Tin metal roofing- 270-779-7082
LF - Slip clutch for a 10’ Land Pride bush hog- 270-421-3455
LF - (4) 16 foot 4 x 4s at a good price- 270-938-5463
LF - Bush Hog jobs- $50 per acre, and tree trimming jobs- 270-473-9346
LF - Good used Pontoon; to take the elderly out on the water- 270-938-1486
LF - Catalytic converter and looking for some old junked vehicles- 270-597-7552
LF - Good used refrigerator- clean- 270-670-9763
FS - Maytag electric range, white, $125. New whirlpool over range black microwave, $85. Call 270-781-7129.
FS - Stihl 90r weedeater in Fountain Run. Call 270-434-2905
FS - Rear tiller 208 cc with forward and reverse. Excellent condition- $350 obo. Call 270-646-0060 or 270-404-0051
FS - Tools, Numerous tools, table saw, wood turning lathe, miter saw, arm saw, biscuit joiner, rolling tool chest, saws, routers and lots of accessories. 2 air compressors, a weed eater, leaf blower and pressure washer. Call 270-678-2622
FS - Breakfast nook corner bench with storage compartments and table $175. Call 270-531-7616
FS - Rear tine tiller Cub Cadet RT65 with dual direction tines/self propelled. $450. Call 270-531-7616
FS - 16 ft cattle trailer with lights, good floor. Call 270-590-3862
FS - 2004 SS Chevy Impala/Indianapolis Edition $3200, 1979 Kawasaki KZ750 $800, 15.5x42" Sundolphin canoe with vest and paddles $375, Bushnell spotting scope $40. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Baldwin console piano with stool $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Electric fireplace $75. Needs repair. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Truck bed trailer with junk iron $200. Call 270-590-6007
Now accepting applications at Days Inn and Comfort Inn in Glasgow for front desk associates for all shifts, must have flexible schedule, high school diploma is required, must be able to work weekends and holidays too. Must apply in person at 105 Days Inn Boulevard in Glasgow. Call 270-651-1757
FS - Pushmower. Call 270-361-1320
LF - Barns and buildings to tear down- 270-621-0478 or 270-261-2464
LF - Rear end for a 2003-2004 Dodge ram- 2 wheel drive- 270-218-0766
LF - Barns and buildings to tear down- 270-427-9056
LF - Someone to do some fence work- 270-590-9804
LF - Good 4 wheeler tires- 270-646-5643
FS - baby bull calf on bottle. Call 270-432-0476
FS - Small gas oven $50, Counter top gas stove. $50 270-261-1865
FS - 1998 4×4 Blazer, $2800 obo. Call 272-842-5206
FS - Scrap metal. Call 270-590-2847
FS - 2 Holstein heifers and Holstein steer, 3 air conditioners- $100 and LF - 200 amp electric box - 270-563-4273
FS - 18’ wooden wagon in great condition- $900- 270-590-9331
FS - 1980 Honda motorcycle- 750- 12,000 miles- clear title- $2000, 2 Vega cars (1971 & 1973) $600 for both, Set of Pontiac rally wheels and a full set of hub caps for a 1977 Thunderbird- 270-459-2105
FS - Blackberries, Country eggs - 270-678-1398
FS - 1990
Nissan truck- $400- 270-646-0966
FS - 28’ Pontoon boat (130 horse Yamaha) on a Tandem trailer- has driver’s
seat- open floor plan- little hard to start- $4500- 270-202-2658
FS - Recliner- $75, and a wing back chair- $50- 270-670-1025
FS - 2013 Artic Cat 4 wheeler- Red with 1400 miles, $2500 firm- 270-230-8491
FS - Well pump- $500, Polaris 4 wheeler 300- $350, and LF - someone to cut some Pine trees- 270-256-8491
FS - 35 Styrofoam blocks (good for making targets) $50- 270-537-4225
FS - Ramps for a truck, 2 gas grill tanks- $10 each, Bath room sink (white) $10, Lots of used tires, and a box metal fan $5 and LF - cast iron pot - 502-408-4847
FS - Push mower (big wheels) Honda motor and bagger, Pressure washer with Honda motor (like new) and a small Troy Bilt tiller- 270-427-6786
FS - 25’ TV (floor model) $25 obo- 270-784-1899
FS - 2003 Dodge Stratus (parts only) and a 2003 Nissan Altima (parts only) and a Farmall H tractor and a 2 row cultivator- 615-670-2660
FS - Breakfast nook corner bench with storage compartments and table $175. Call 270-531-7616
FS - Rear tine tiller Cub Cadet RT65 with dual direction tines/self propelled. $450. Call 270-531-7616
Yard Sale - behind WLOC radio station in Horse Cave, mens, womens, childrens clothing, household decor, pillows, shoes. Today, Friday and Saturday. Call 270-537-5072
FS - 16 ft cattle trailer with lights, good floor. Call 270-590-3862
FS - 2004 SS Chevy Impala/Indianapolis Edition $3200, 1979 Kawasaki KZ750 $800, 15.5x42" Sundolphin canoe with vest and paddles $375, Bushnell spotting scope $40. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Baldwin console piano with stool $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Electric fireplace $75. Needs repair. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Truck bed trailer with junk iron $200. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Green sofa in good condition with accent pillows- $175- 270-670-8183
FS - 1998 XR 200 dirt bike- been fully rebuilt- 270-261-1487
FS - Sears pull mower- 270-576-8389
FS - Wire dog cage (large) in good condition- has double locks- $40 & a fiberglass full size shower- $50- 270-612-0809
FS - Set of Jeep aluminum wheels and tires- 255/75/17s (5 all together) $125 for all, Lots of exercise equipment (12 pieces) will sell cheap, Riding mower (Simplicity) it’s a older mower but runs- $150- 270-528-1242
FS - Solid Oak kitchen table (heavy) $500- 270-618-1431
FS - Sand blaster- $80, Yard plug- $100, and large prints framed- very nice- and lots of odds and ends- 270-350-0418
FS - Holstein bull calf- 5 days old- $100 cash- 270-427-9230
FS - Holstein Heifer-$175 and a Holstein steer- $125- 270-563-4273
FS - Jersey bull (5 months old) $150- 270-743-7389
FS - 3 x 7 solid steel door with alarm- $40- 270-904-3229
FS - 2 x 8s (14) - 16’ long- $100 for all- 270-427-9056
FS - 1990 Nissan truck- parting out or whole- been under water- $400- 270-646-0966
FS - 2 goats- Billy and Nanny- $250- 270-202-3085
FS - Large outside air unit, Large stainless steel grill (5-6 feet wide) $150, Mini bike frames and some garden tillers and a 30 gallon air compressor- 270-646-6334
FS - 2004 Saturn- clean- 103 K- $1800- 270-218-7035
FS - Polaris 4 wheeler 300- $300 (or trade) and a Billy goat- $100- 270-256-8491
FS - Registered Quarter horses- very nice- 270-670-1359
FS - Sears garden tractor with 3 point hitch- 18 hp (would trade), 1970 GMC pickup V8 and 4 Yorkie puppies and a 30 gallon sprayer- $75- 270-670-1359
FS - 1999 Saturn 4 door- 4 cycle- automatic- $400- 270-202-5538
FS - Square bales of horse hay- $3.50- 270-678-3288
FS - Wedding dress- size 12-14- very nice- comes with vale and hoop skirt- $400- 270-535-9009
FS - Box of DVD movies- $2 and $1 each, and Mattress covers. Call 270-670-7278
FS - Zero turn mower- new battery- needs key- 50” cut- $350- 270-404-5379
FS - Dragon ceramics, Kitchen décor, Small table and chairs, baby rabbits and love birds- 270-590-9077
FS - 2004 Jaguar- 114 K- good tires (or would so some trading). Call 270-565-3736
FS - Cross bow- $300 (will attachments) Compound bow- $300, 12” compound miter saw- $225, deer stands and hunting equipment- 270-774-6300
Will do - Caregiving for elderly. has experience. Call 270-218-5141
LF - 3 bedroom home in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-670-9054
FS - 16 ft cattle trailer with lights, good floor. Call 270-590-3862
FS - Sweet corn. Call 270-528-7969
FS - 2004 SS Chevy Impala/Indianapolis Edition $3200, 1979 Kawasaki KZ750 $800, 15.5x42" Sundolphin canoe with vest and paddles $375, Bushnell spotting scope $40. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Baldwin console piano with stool $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Electric fireplace $75. Needs repair. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Truck bed trailer with junk iron $200. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Truck parts from a 1999 Ford F250 4wd automatic, has good 5.4 motor and transmission and transfer case and frame. No title. Call 270-590-6409
LF - Left window (driver side) and window motor, and wing window for passenger side for a 1995 Ford F-150 single door cab. Call 270-246-7005.
FS - Angus Charlois crossed cows, large framed - 5 years old. $850. Call 940-337-1591
FS - Set of P235/75R15. Call 270-579-2616
FS - 1998 Dodge Durango with 160k miles. Call 270-590-2847
FS - 10’ x 15’ carport for sale. Call or text 270-261-1791
LF - A one bedroom home to rent with utilities included pay $400 a month. Call 270-576-4295
FS - Tall antenna, must remove, make offer. Call 757-737-1029
LF - Used washer. Call 270-453-4825
FS - 2002 Pontiac Montana, electric side door, leather interior, seats seven- $2,500- Call 270-308-5667
LF - Metal fence post new or used. Call 270-834-0110
FS - 4 tires, size 235 60r 17. $40. 2 tires 16" in $12. Over the tub shower chair. $20. Call 270-834-0110
FS - 2004 SS Chevy Impala/Indianapolis Edition $3200, 1979 Kawasaki KZ750 $800, 15.5x42" Sundolphin canoe with vest and paddles $375, Bushnell spotting scope $40. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Baldwin console piano with stool $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Electric fireplace $75. Needs repair. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Truck bed trailer with junk iron $200. Call 270-590-6007
FR - 2 bedroom house in Rowletts $350 per month at 160 Church Street. $350 deposit. Call 270-537-5733
FS - Washer and dryer $50 each, or both for $80. in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4097
FS - 10 person tent $150. Call 270-531-2245
FS - 2 cell phones (Bluegrass) and Nascar items, outside basketball goal with fiberglass back board- adjustable- 270-308-6242
FS - 16’ gooseneck stock trailer, $1000- 270-590-9804
FS - 2 buildings of yard sale items, 2002 Hyundai Accent- 119 K- good tires- air and heat- tented windows, LF - a camper for a 1999 Nissan- 270-457-4757
FS - 2 Male Yorkie pups, LF - riding mower (running or not) 270-670-1359
FS - UFC punching bag in good condition- $75- 270-308-1989
FS - Kirby vacuum cleaner with all the attachments (can send pics) 270-597-2358
FS - Woods zero turn mower- 18 horse 52” cut- good condition- $400 obo- 270-618-1843
FS - Aluminum tool box for a small pickup- $25, Lawn mower parts, and a shower chair- $20- 270-579-6438
FS - 200+ record collection- Beatles, Doors, Chicago, Rush, and more- $100- 270-427-6991
FS - Husky supreme mower- 19 horse Kohler motor, Pulling tractor- 270-576-8389
FS - Box of DVDs kids movies- $2 and $1 each, new mattress cover pads. 270-670-7278
FS - 2 solid oak book cases (7’ tall and 3’ wide) can send pictures- has lights- $100 both- 270-404-0984
FS - 4’ Frontier tiller (pull behind) $1200, 2013 Artic Cat 4 wheeler- 1400 miles- $3000- 270-230-7348
FS - 6’ disk- pull type- 270-622-0542
FS - 2003 Cadillac Deville- transmission trouble- White in color- good body- $1200- 270-678-5889
LF - Wheat pennies and Buffalo nickels- 270-576-2211
LF - Rear tine tiller, 10-12 foot flat bottom boat, and a radio for a tractor fender- 270-246-2767
FS - Grasshopper front mount model 623T zero turn mower, 2 cylinder air cooled Kohler Command V twin gas engine. 48” cut. 270-646-6208
FS - AKC certified Great Pyrenees puppies. Males and females. All have up to date shots and papers. 270-670-9362
LF -good clean square bale hay for horses, about 20-25 bales. GA - 1/2 Border Collie 1/2 Blue Heeler mixed Female Dog, spayed. Call or Text 270-427-9430
FS - 2014 Nissan Altima 23,800 miles, push button start, satellite radio, rear camera, cloth seats, 2 zoned heat and air. $12,500. $12,500 - 270-590-4983
FS - 2004 SS Chevy Impala/Indianapolis Edition $3200, 1979 Kawasaki KZ750 $800, 15.5x42" Sundolphin canoe with vest and paddles $375, Bushnell spotting scope $40. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Refrigerator in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Baldwin console piano with stool $100. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Work. Call 786-5072
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus $1800, 2 pairs of leather chaps $40 per pair. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Old TV antenna and pole- 20’- $25- 270-678-2312
FS - 500 bean sticks- $40 per 100- 270-576-6032 or 270-590-4497
FS - Sears garden tractor (or would trade) 270-670-6152
FS - 2005 Nissan Altima-4 cylinder- runs good- $2500- 270-622-9540
FS - 2009 Nissan Maxima- good condition, Husqvarna chain saw, Pressure washer, Generator- 270-576-8971
FS - 350 Chevy turbo transmission- $100, 4 chrome wheels and tires- $100- 270-576-0027
FS - 1977 Dotson 280 Z- complete car- $900, 2 Ford pattern wheels (15 x 10) 301 1968 Ford motor, and some Chevy blocks- 270-459-2105
FS - 9.9 acres in the Austin area- $38,000- 270-404-0372
FS - Lots of yard sale items- $80, and a kids go cart- $70- 270-404-4453
FS - 2000 Mustang convertible- new top and paint (Gold) 6 cylinder- $4500- 270-782-0962
FS - Mercury riding mower- 16.5 horse- 42” cut- and mulcher – $200- 270-670-8639
FS - 2 antique lamps- blue glass lamps- $3- both- 270-791-8250
FS - Utility trailer- 5 x 10, Dinning room table with 6 chairs, leaf blowers and weed eaters- 270-272-3293
FS - Scooters (2) 50 CC- $300 & $200- 270-427-0660
FS - Horse trailer (holds 2) $800- 270-784-6461
FS - 15 Holstein calves- $295 each, Flat bed trailer (6’.5” wide & 9’ long) $285, 1998 Jaguar 114 K- $2950. Call 270-734-1552
FS - Burning barrels, fire wood, cedar porch swing and chest, New weight bench and weights- $50- 270-565-3787
Will clean houses and top tobacco. 270-590-3209
LF - refrigerator. Call 270-786-1873
FS - Console Baldwin piano with stool. $100. Call 270-670-9070
Yard Sale - 108 Edwards Avenue Fri & Sat in Horse Cave.
FS - 15 1/2 ft Sundolphin canoe $400, 1979 Kawasaki 750 $1,000, Bushnell spotting scope $40, 1957 Shrade hunting knife $100. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Canning jars, 8 x 12 bumper hitch cattle trailer. Call 270-590-3862
FS - 16 ft trailer, $700, beige Lazyboy recliner rocker $25, 5 piece brown floral American Flyer luggage set, roll around kind $25. Old wooden ladder, old potato shovel. Call 270-943-1486
Yard Sale - at Hardyville Community Center, 8 to 3 Friday, boutique clothing, primitives, boys shirts, shoes, Tupperware.
FS - 1996 Trans Am, red, new tires $5900, Kawasaki Mule $2500, Ford pickup disc and flatbottom plow $500 for both. Call 270-670-3570
Yard Sale - today, Fri & Sat at 108 Edwards Avenue in Horse Cave, dolls, movies, baby clothes, etc.
Yard Sale at Society Hill Road in Edmonton. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. New fireplace. Under a carport. Call 270-576-5222
FS - 2002 Saturn $800. good gas mileage. Call 270-307-2618
Yard Sale - Wednesday, craft and bake sale, homemade items. Bonnieville during the 4th of July celebration.
FS - 3 lawnmowers, 42" cuts. $250 and $350. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Washer and dryer, riding mower and push mowers. Call 270-786-2903
LF - Any farm work in Horse Cave, Cave City. Call 270-405-0419
FS - 7 month old male Fox Terrier and Toy Pomeranian mix, shots, housebroke. $175 obo. Call 270-218-0105
LF - Kitchen table and 2 chairs. Call 270-524-7424
FS - Kawasaki Mule, 450 $2600, Ford pickup disc 7 ft. $300, Oliver 2 bottom plow $200. Call 670-3570
LF - A laddervator- to hold 200-250 pounds- 270-670-2130
LF - Bush hogging jobs- $40 per acre- 270-528-3978
LF - 2 tires- 225/75/15 or 235/75/15 and looking for a 10 x 10 dog kennel- 270-590-7089
LF - Gently used hot tub- 270-590-2555
LF - 16’ Jon Boat and trailer- 270-392-0683
LF - Rear end for a 1990 Toyota 456 and a zero turn mower- 270-407-9968
LF- a portable dishwasher, FS - heavy duty 6 foot Sidewinder (pull type) bush hog. It has a brand new hydraulic cylinder and hose. $450 firm. 270-590-0318
FS - New Industrial size generator. Call 270-932-0310
FS - sky blue 2012 Nissan Versa gets 36 mpg one owner 114k . Asking $4500 but open to offers. Call or text 270-784-8015
LF - A weight distribution bar in Glasgow- 270-670-4473
FS - 32" Sony smart tv $75, 15' Sundolphin canoe $400, mens Mongoose 21 speed bike $50, 1979 Kawasaki KZ750 motorcycle $1000. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Men's summer light coveralls, medium size. Call 270-524-7709
FS - 2 bicycles, $50 each, LF - Babysitting job. Call 270-786-5072
FS- Blue leather Lazy Boy recliner $50, solid maple end table with drawer $10, area rug 10'aa" x 7'11", rose color with green flower trim. $75. Call 270-531-5922
FS - Kitchen Aide 5 quart stand mixer with wire wish attachment $75, new Donner Dag 1C guitar with carrying case, tuner, kapo, extra set of strings, picks, etc. $125. Call 270-594-0969
FS- 50" boys bike, also a larger boys bike, LF - babysitting job in Horse Cave. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Farm work in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-405-0419
FS - Sturdy shower chair and sturdy tub/shower transfer chair, like new $100 for both. Call 270-528-5581 or 270-403-6540
Yard Sale - 55 Bragg Avenue today and in Cave City Saturday. 2004 Saturn Vue SUV, $1800. Call 270-218-3075
FS - 10 ton hydraulic dumpbed trailer 670-8190
FS - 32" Sony smart tv $75, 15' Sundolphin canoe $400, mens Mongoose 21 speed bike $50, 1979 Kawasaki KZ750 motorcycle $1000. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Men's summer light coveralls, medium size. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Laying hens and chicks, some Royal Palm Turkeys in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 2 bicycles, $50 each, LF - Babysitting job. Call 270-786-5072
FS- Blue leather Lazy Boy recliner $50, solid maple end table with drawer $10, area rug 10'aa" x 7'11", rose color with green flower trim. $75. Call 270-531-5922
FS - Kitchen Aide 5 quart stand mixer with wire wish attachment $75, new Donner Dag 1C guitar with carrying case, tuner, kapo, extra set of strings, picks, etc. $125. Call 270-594-0969
FS- iPhone SE, has iPhone 6 processing system and body style of a 5, has 16 gb $85. Call 270-612-0701
FS- 50" boys bike, also a larger boys bike, LF - babysitting job in Horse Cave. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Farm work in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-405-0419
FS - Sturdy shower chair and sturdy tub/shower transfer chair, like new $100 for both. Call 270-528-5581 or 270-403-6540
FS - Kawasaki KZ750 motorcycle, $1,000 obo. will trade. Call 270-774-6307
For Sale- 100 Bumble Bee traps and LF - someone to cut 35 acres of hay and LF - steering box for a 235 Massy Ferguson tractor- 270-407-3551
For Sale- 2 Michelin tires- P265/70/17s $30, 4 Firestone tires- LT245/70/17s $60, some Chevy wheels- aluminum- with caps- $100, Dinosaur toys, and a hot tub (6 people) $100- 270-670-5830
For Sale- Maytag washer and dryer- front load- good condition, and a double door Whirlpool refrigerator with ice maker and golf cart- 270-576-8828
FS- 50" boys bike, also a larger boys bike, LF - babysitting job in Horse Cave. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Farm work in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-405-0419
FS - Sturdy shower chair and sturdy tub/shower transfer chair, like new $100 for both. Call 270-528-5581 or 270-403-6540
FS - Set of 14" aluminum wheels $100. Call 270-218-0105
LF - Men's summer light coveralls, medium size. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Laying hens and chicks, some Royal Palm Turkeys in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 2 bicycles, $50 each, LF - Babysitting job. Call 270-786-5072
FS- Blue leather Lazy Boy recliner $50, solid maple end table with drawer $10, area rug 10'aa" x 7'11", rose color with green flower trim. $75. Call 270-531-5922
FS - Kitchen Aide 5 quart stand mixer with wire wish attachment $75, new Donner Dag 1C guitar with carrying case, tuner, kapo, extra set of strings, picks, etc. $125. Call 270-594-0969
FS- iPhone SE, has iPhone 6 processing system and body style of a 5, has 16 gb $85. Call 270-612-0701
FS- 50" boys bike, also a larger boys bike, LF - babysitting job in Horse Cave. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Farm work in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-405-0419
FS - Sturdy shower chair and sturdy tub/shower transfer chair, like new $100 for both. Call 270-528-5581 or 270-403-6540
FS - Set of 14" aluminum wheels $100. Call 270-218-0105
LF - Men's summer light coveralls, medium size. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Laying hens and chicks, some Royal Palm Turkeys in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 2 bicycles, $50 each, LF - Babysitting job. Call 270-786-5072
LF - Farm work. Call 270-405-0419
FS - Wheel disc. Call 270-786-3705
FS - 4 riding lawnmowers $200 to $400. Call 270-735-6698
FS- Blue leather Lazy Boy recliner $50, solid maple end table with drawer $10, area rug 10'aa" x 7'11", rose color with green flower trim. $75. Call 270-531-5922
FS - Kitchen Aide 5 quart stand mixer with wire wish attachment $75, new Donner Dag 1C guitar with carrying case, tuner, kapo, extra set of strings, picks, etc. $125. Call 270-594-0969
FS- iPhone SE, has iPhone 6 processing system and body style of a 5, has 16 gb $85. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Brown leather recliner $40. Call 270-786-1954
Yard Sale - Thursday Fri and Saturday Hwy 70 in Cave City at Sturgeon residence, 4 families, stereo, lots of items.
Community yard sale at Richardson Subdivision in Munfordville Saturday. Call 270-473-1045
FS - Square baled grass hay, this year's cut. Call 270-528-1531
FS - 1989 Pro 17 bass boat and trailer- 40 horse Johnson motor with depth finder and more- $2655- 502-641-6010
FS - Wizard of Oz collection- will sell all or separate- 270-202-4474
FS - Some hens and a rooster- $10 each- 270-579-1710
FS - 4 patio chairs in good condition- $10 each- 270-528-6546
FS - 1989 tracker boat and trailer- 40 horse Mercury motor- $2000- 270-678-4685
FS - Craftsmen riding mower with no deck; would trade for some Chevy wheels- 270-537-1638
FS - Munfordville high school and elementary year books- 1965-1969- $30 each- 270-505-2646 or 270-524-9153
FS - 165 Massy Ferguson tractor (diesel) in good condition- $4000, and a 200 Allis tractor with front end loader and hay spear- $7000, and a young black bull- gentle- $1300- 270-590-9804
FS - Charlois bulls (15-17 months old) 270-622-1273
FS - 1997 Chevy S-10- extended cab- 6 cylinder- 4.3 and good air- automatic- 270-773-2276
FS - 2003 Grasshopper mower- 61” cut- 988 hours- Kohler Command motor, 16’ trailer- dual axle, and an accent rug (60 x 84”) $10- 270-590-8853
FS - 4 Chrome wheels with 4 tires- 265/50/20s 6 lug- $250- 270-792-2595
FS - 2 Good Year tires- 265/60/R18s with 70% tread left and 2 BBQ grills- 270-670-1403
FS - 2 doors to fit a 1970-1972 Chevelle- $150- 270-779-3043
FS - 2008 GMC Acadia, 15 passenger Dodge van in good condition- 270-202-3020
FS - 6’ international disk (pull type) $100- 270-622-0542
FS - Computer and desk (older) $100, Living room chair- $100, Plastic chairs. Call 270-646-4948
FS - Assortment of pocket knives (16) Cass brand and others- 270-434-4028
FS - 4 cylinder 70's VW engine with aluminum parts and a racing clutch- 270-799-5925
Missing - Solid white male Pitbull with patch around left eye in Lecta Kino area of Glasgow, was wearing a red spiked collar. Call 270-579-7011
LF - Used mortar mixer. Call 786-4296
FS- 50" boys bike, also a larger boys bike, LF - babysitting job in Horse Cave. Call 270-218-5045
LF - Farm work in Horse Cave or Cave City. Call 270-405-0419
FS - Sturdy shower chair and sturdy tub/shower transfer chair, like new $100 for both. Call 270-528-5581 or 270-403-6540
FS - Set of 14" aluminum wheels $100. Call 270-218-0105
LF - Men's summer light coveralls, medium size. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Laying hens and chicks, some Royal Palm Turkeys in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 2 bicycles, $50 each, LF - Babysitting job. Call 270-786-5072
LF - Farm work. Call 270-405-0419
FS - Wheel disc. Call 270-786-3705
FS - 4 riding lawnmowers $200 to $400. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Cow and calf pairs- $1500, Honda Odyssey go cart, Arm saw and band saw- $150 each- 270-793-2600
LF - Someone to do some bush hogging- 270-202-6250
LF- Junk cars; running or not- 270-6468468
LF - Corn crib- 270-432-2258
LF - Good used golf cart that runs on gas- 270-991-1004
LF - 250 propane gas tank- 270-646-5643
LF - Good tread mill- 270-404-6314
LF - Good Bluegrass flip phone- 270-537-4352
LF - Moon chair with a wicker base- 270-779-9490
LF - 14-16 foot goose neck trailer to haul a car- 270-537-3562
LF - Walk in freezer or cooler
LF - Wheel and tire for a 06 Impala- the wheel must be 17” 5 lug, and the tire must be 225/50/17 or 255/55/17- 270-404-2305
LF- A good wheel barrel- 270-218-0238
FR - House to rent- 3 bedrooms- 1 bath-$400 per month and deposit- 270-590-3862
FS - 2007 GMC Sierra Classic 5.3 engine has 145000, extended cab, 4 wd, air, new tires $7900 OBO, not a rebuilt. Call 270-991-3672
GA - Antique hall mirror in wooden frame, Nichee sewing machine, converted to treddle machine. Call 270-590-3209
Lost - Female Black Lab older dog from Fisher Ridge. Call 270-786-4836
LF - Men's summer light coveralls, medium size. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Laying hens and chicks, some Royal Palm Turkeys in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 2 bicycles, $50 each, LF - Babysitting job. Call 270-786-5072
LF - Farm work. Call 270-405-0419
FS - Large piece of new satin material, 10 yards of white. Call 270-524-9647
FS - Stackable washer and dryer. Call 270-524-7889
FS - Wheel disc. Call 270-786-3705
FS - 4 riding lawnmowers $200 to $400. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Craftsman 48" cut lawnmower. $250. Call 270-524-0116
For Sale- 2006 Ford Taurus (high mileage) $800, 15” steel wheels, 1 bottom turning plough- $100- 270-459-1337
For Sale- 2000 Chevy pickup- extended cab- 2 wheel drive- 270-643-6973
For Sale- Goose neck trailer- 24’ has (2) 7000 pound axles, Some iron wheels, and glass blocks- 270-590-6410
For Sale- Reese hitch- $40, and a deer stand with 2 seats (padded) 270-670-1976
For Sale- Luggage racks for a 1973 Corvette Stingray, Set of running boards for an 1989 Dodge, Cluster for a 1966 Mustang and T-shifter, some vintage bicycles- 270-459-2105
For Sale- 2014 Chevy Silverado- fully loaded- 57,000 miles- clear title- $25,000- 270-404-5777
For Sale- 250 gallon fuel tank with 160 gallons of off road diesel inside- $525, some FREE scrap metal (2 tons) and looking for someone to tear down and old house and a log building in the Half Way community, and looking for a walk in freezer or cooler 270-202-6250
For Sale- Kirby vacuum cleaner with all attachments- excellent condition- $1000- 270-597-2358
For Sale- Troy Bilt power washer- 8 ½ horse- like new, Echo weed eater- $50- 270-792-1246
For Sale- Mobile home- 16 x 65 very nice- 2 bedrooms- must be moved- 270-779-2901
For Sale- American Pit Bull pups- male and female- 5 weeks old- 270-361-8702
For Sale- Med and small bee hive frames, Billy Goat- 6 months old- 270-774-1614
For Sale- NASCAR collectables, and a Samsung Galaxy S4 cell phone with charger- like new- 270-308-6242
For Sale- Weed eaters- $40 and up- 270-579-2881
LF - Set of racks to put on truck to haul 4 wheeler. Call 270-816-0658
Yard Sale at 108 Edwards Avenue in Horse Cave, today, Call 270-537-1777
LF - Lady by the name of Bethany Lynn Asbury, of Center. Her wallet was found on 31-E in Hart County. Contact
FS - Workhorse wheel horse pulling mower has Honda overhead veil, $500. Call 270-590-6007
FS - White outdoor zero turn mower with 18 hp Briggs & Stratton motor and 50" cut, new battery, has small gas leak $550. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Iron man invert table (hang upside down) $100, 6” pro race tube (pull behind boat) $80, and a 16’ canoe- fiberglass and comes with paddles- $300- 574-904-4334
FS - Goldendoodle pups- 5 weeks old- 270-792-7787
FS - 3 guinea pigs and the mom- 270-576-1666
FS - Smoker grill- made from an old fuel tank- sits on a trailer- $500- 270-537-5056
FS - Water softener system- $100, Kitchen drawer pull outs- $25 each, Wet tile saw- $75 and lots of other tools- 910-546-2188
FS - 3 x 7 steel door- with an alarm- perfect for a gun safe- $50 or would trade- 27-904-3229
FS - 600 Ford tractor (parts) Ferguson tractor parts, 6’ Ferguson disk (3 point hitch) $500, 7’ Cross breaker- $250- 270-590-3931
FS - 1997 Chevy S-10- extended cab- 6 cylinder- automatic- good air and tires- 270-773-2276
FS - Cook stove- $75, Washer- $75- both work good- 270-407-8034
FS - Pontiac Grand Prix- 153K- good tires- $500- 270-392-4497
FS - 2 Riding mowers- 18 horse and 22 horse- 46” cut- 270-576-4812
FS - Knives, adult walker, pool stick, Mazda 5 speed transmission, 1992 GMC- 615-699-0189
FS - Aluminum wheels and good tires- off a 1500 Chevy truck (17”) $100- 270-646-0766
LF - Someone to haul junk off for me- 270-646-2112
FR - 16 x 80 mobile home in Lincoln (Edmonson County) 1 acre lot- 3 bedroom-2 bathrooms- has a 20 x 20 building- no pets- $375 per month and deposit- 270-597-6038
FS - Solid Rose wood China cabinet with chairs (7’) $3000, Couch and love seat- $250- 270-710-1233
FS - 2005 Honda Shadow 600- with helmets- $2500- 270-404-3355
FS - Husqvarna mower- 42” with a 20 horse Kohler motor- PARTS mower- $75 firm- 270-404-3431
FS - Stainless steel grill (gas) Electric grill, Turkey roaster, and an 18 pound bowling ball - $75- 270-438-6047
FS - Kawasaki 4 wheeler 300- $400. and looking for old barns and buildings to tear down- 270-261-2464
FS - 1985 Winnebago- runs good- 270-792-3751
FS - Barbie dolls- 270-792-3751
FS - 1999 Jeep- 4 door- $800, Kids green machine- $50- 270-646-2248
FS - Older furniture- 270-427-7774
FS - 2005 Uplander- 230K- $600- 270-531-5226
FS - 2003 Grasshopper mower- 988 hours- 61” cut- Kohler motor, 16” trailer- dual axle- and ramps, and an accent rug- 270-590-8853
FS- 2011 Chevy Silverado 2500- 215K- crew cab- long bed- 6.0 engine- $12,900- 270-792-1709
FS - White outdoor zero turn mower with 18 hp Briggs & Stratton motor and 50" cut, has new battery, but small gas leak. $4550. Call
FS - 8 dozen canning jars. Call 270-528-1797 or 528-1839
FR - 2 bedroom, 1 bath home, at Rowletts $350. Deposit and references. Call 270-537-5733
FS - 2012 Impala v-6, LTZ model, gray, 4 door, 24,000 miles, one owner. $16,500 obo. Garage kept. New Holland square baler model 276 $4800 obo, light poles $20 each, horse hay, 10 hp Johnson outboard motor $375. Call 270-932-1777
Yard Sale - 103 Circle Drive on Legrande Highway, antiques, wood products, golf clubs, clothes, dolls, Case knives. today and Saturday. Call 786-3795
FS - Tobacco sticks and baler boxes. Call 270-528-2152
FS - late 1960's Schrade Uncle Henry hunting knife $100, like new Benchmade brand knife $80, mens Mongoose 21 spd bike $50. Call 270-774-6307
FS - 10 x 10 tent with sides $30, fruit jars, size 14 & 16 clothes for women, baby bouncer and a stroller, handmade items. Call 270-786-3756
FS - Doe & buck rabbits, New Zealand mother with a mixed breed father, 10 weeks old $15. Call 270-786-4836
FS - Power chair with charger $200 obo. Call 270-473-0120
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Leather brown couch and loveseat $175, GA - female Shiatsu to a good home. Call 270-576-4981
FS - Square baled hay, this years cut. Call 270-528-1531
FS - Rooster and 2 hens. Call 270-579-1710
LF 10 x 10 dog kennel. Call 270-590-7089
LF - 2 to 3 bedroom mobile home or camper. Call 270-307-4587
LF - Black refrigerator. Call 270-261-1492
LF - Female Beagle. Call 270-590-5168
FS - Washer and dryer $50 each. Call 270-528-4097
LF - Someone in Munfordville for work, morning. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Coffee table, child's youth bed, stroller, desk, 20" lawnmower, baby carseat, wall pictures. Call 502-341-4335
FS - Hydraulic dump bed trailer, Hawk 10 ton. $4500. Call 270-670-8190 after 3 p.m.
Yard Sale - Thursday, Fri & Sat behind WLOC Radio station in Horse Cave, couch recliner, filing cabinets, microwaves, clothing, purses, exercise bike. Call 270-537-5072
FS - Amrox bandsaw $150, old 70's Coke machine $475, 2 bottom turning Oliver plow $200, 6 ft pickup disc $275, 06 motor, 60 for GMC Denali $800, LF- 07 motor 6.2 for Denali. Call 270-670-3570
LF - 25 bales of straw. Call 270-646-0910
FS - Doe & buck rabbits, New Zealand mother with a mixed breed father, 10 weeks old $15. Call 270-786-4836
FS - Power chair with charger $200 obo. Call 270-473-0120
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Leather brown couch and loveseat $175, GA - female Shiatsu to a good home. Call 270-576-4981
FS - Square baled hay, this years cut. Call 270-528-1531
FS - Rooster and 2 hens. Call 270-579-1710
LF 10 x 10 dog kennel. Call 270-590-7089
LF - 2 to 3 bedroom mobile home or camper. Call 270-307-4587
LF - Black refrigerator. Call 270-261-1492
FS - Doe & buck rabbits, New Zealand mother with a mixed breed father, 10 weeks old $15. Call 270-786-4836
FS - Power chair with charger $200 obo. Call 270-473-0120
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Kenmore dishwasher, sleep comfort adjustable bed, red lazy boy sofa. Call 270-528-1006
LF - Someone to do small carpenter work. Call 270-786-1671
FS - 300 gallon diesel tank with electric pump, gravity wagon, hay wagon. Call 270-528-4197
FS - Doe & buck rabbits, New Zealand mother with a mixed breed father, 10 weeks old $15. Call 270-786-4836
FS - Leather brown couch and loveseat $175, GA - female Shiatsu to a good home. Call 270-576-4981
FS - Square baled hay, this years cut. Call 270-528-1531
FS - Rooster and 2 hens. Call 270-579-1710
LF 10 x 10 dog kennel. Call 270-590-7089
LF - 2 to 3 bedroom mobile home or camper. Call 270-307-4587
LF - Black refrigerator. Call 270-261-1492
FS - Power chair with charger $200 obo. Call 270-473-0120
FS - or trade - Mongoose mountain bike - 21 speed, $65 or trade for good pushmower, 8" diameter Dobson telescope with about $250 worth of eye pieces, $350 or will trade for good riding mower. In Campbellsville, call 606-219-7457
FS - 4 Saanen Dairy Goat Doelings, born 1st week of March, 3 girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
LF - 12 ft bumper hitch trailer. Call 270-528-5208
LF - Farm or any kind of work. Call 270-405-0419
FS - 1990 Chevy truck- 270-590-3498
FS - John Deer garden tractor-216- 16 horse Kohler- good condition- dual wheels on the back- $500- 270-670-6192
FS - 3 axle trailer- 26’ gooseneck with an additional 8’ $2450, , 18’ trailer with 2’ dove- 3 axles $3450, Holstein steers, 1999 Dodge 5 speed truck, and looking for someone to tear down a mobile home- must have good references- 270-734-1552
FS - Black futon- $50, and looking for a Bluegrass compatible cell phone with good battery- 270-670-2264
FS - 55” flat screen TV- Sanyo- $250- 859-361-2973
FS - Set of valve covers, gaskets, distributors, and double chain timing gears for a small block Chevy, Water pump (new & used) and a set of nice golf clubs, and a wheel and tire for a card trailer- 270-943-0557
FS - Used AC car compressor, Kid’s toys, 36” outside door, cast aluminum blocks, small bath room sink, some used tires, Half dollar coins, 50 gallon drums- $10 each and looking for a cast iron pot- 502-408-4847
FS - 1998 F-150 extended cab- 4 wheel drive pickup- 270-563-4399
FS - 2010 Dixie Chopper- 50” 27 horse- 485 hours- mulcher- new blades- $3200 obo- 270-268-6060
FS - Dale Earnhardt and Jr collector pieces- 270-308-6242
FS - School desk, Hanging pot rack, Lantern, Kitchen table, oak cabinets and a Hoosier cabinet- 270-427-7774
FS - LOTS of yard sale items, 20 ladies watches- $150 for all, Box of name brand purses, 3 bicycles (10 speed mountain bike and 2 smaller) 270-749-4848
FS - Red horse buggy with top, Red horse cattle trailer (dual axle) and a 1965 Mustang Convertible- excellent condition. 270-834-9466
FS - Mens Mongoose 21 speed bike $50, 2 sets of all steel dumb bells, 20 and 35 lbs, $20 each. Call 270-774-6307
Lost - Brown and white male dog in the Bonnieville area, Chihuahua. Call 531-2259
FS - 4 tires, size 225 60r 17's $60. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Blue baby walker and blue stroller $5 each Call 270-524-4547
LF - Chicken coup or rabbit pen on legs. Call 270-579-1710
Yard Sale - Munford Avenue in Munfordville Sat & Sunday, entertainment center, tools, antiques. Call 270-317-3961
FS - Dewalt deluxe power shop, saw, scroll saw, drill 524-1042
FS - Power chair with charger $200 obo. Call 270-473-0120
FS - or trade - Mongoose mountain bike - 21 speed, $65 or trade for good pushmower, 8" diameter Dobson telescope with about $250 worth of eye pieces, $350 or will trade for good riding mower. In Campbellsville, call 606-219-7457
FS - Bandsaw $150, Arbor press $400, old late 1800's stove $600, plow and disc for tractor, 6 ft Deerborn disc $275 and 14 ft Oliver plow $200 $275, old Coke machine $400 works. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 4 Saanen Dairy Goat Doelings, born 1st week of March, 3 girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Pictures of people preparing tobacco plant beds, especially those from the 1940's. Will pay $10 for each picture to use in exhibit at Hart County Fair. For more information, call Charles at 270-524-5621.
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 6’ international disk- $450, 6’ 3 point hitch bush hog- $300- 270-590-9801
FS - Tires- 245/70/17s, Camping propane grill (smaller kind) and 2 universal elements for a cook stove- 270-576-2211
FS - Medium style honey bee frames- $1.50 each- 270-774-1614
FS - 2004 Suburban (high mileage) runs good, Male lamb (2 years old) 270-404-0372
LF - Heat and air outside unit- 270-670-7175
LF - Front wheel drive car in good condition- 502-320-3204
LF - 110 window air conditioner in good condition- 270-537-3733
LF - Trailer hitch for a 2004 Ford Ranger- 270-432-1492
LF - 13” 4 lug wheels and a straight axle- 270-272-3293
LF - Screws to put up fencing (4000) 1 5/8” and some 3” 270-528-1242
LF - Garden tiller (rear tine) 270-308-6059
FS - 1990 Chevy truck. Call 270-590-3498
FS - Power chair with charger $200 obo. Call 270-473-0120
FS - or trade - Mongoose mountain bike - 21 speed, $65 or trade for good pushmower, 8" diameter Dobson telescope with about $250 worth of eye pieces, $350 or will trade for good riding mower. In Campbellsville, call 606-219-7457
FS - Bandsaw $150, Arbor press $400, old late 1800's stove $600, plow and disc for tractor, 6 ft Deerborn disc $275 and 14 ft Oliver plow $200 $275, old Coke machine $400 works. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 4 Saanen Dairy Goat Doelings, born 1st week of March, 3 girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Pictures of people preparing tobacco plant beds, especially those from the 1940's. Will pay $10 for each picture to use in exhibit at Hart County Fair. For more information, call Charles at 270-524-5621.
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Power chair with charger $200 obo. Call 270-473-0120
FS - or trade - Mongoose mountain bike - 21 speed, $65 or trade for good pushmower, 8" diameter Dobson telescope with about $250 worth of eye pieces, $350 or will trade for good riding mower. In Campbellsville, call 606-219-7457
FS - Bandsaw $150, Arbor press $400, old late 1800's stove $600, plow and disc for tractor, 6 ft Deerborn disc $275 and 14 ft Oliver plow $200 $275, old Coke machine $400 works. Call 270-670-3570
FS - 4 Saanen Dairy Goat Doelings, born 1st week of March, 3 girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Pictures of people preparing tobacco plant beds, especially those from the 1940's. Will pay $10 for each picture to use in exhibit at Hart County Fair. For more information, call Charles at 270-524-5621.
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Mobile home. 2 to 3 bedroom. Call 270-307-4587
FS - Wheelchair, newer one. $200 obo. Call 270-590-6264
For Sale- Cell phones- Moto E 4 plus-new- $100, 2 Verizon slide phones with charges- $40 both, Wicker lounge chair- $100, Red tailgate off a 2001 pickup, 46” grass catcher- fits a Husqvarna or Craftsmen- $80- 270-524-4913
For Sale- 16’ car trailer with new floor- has ramps- drop gate- 270-427-9056
For Sale- 1999 GO Metro 3 cylinder- 138K or would trade to a truck- 270-404-6478
For Sale- 32” flat screen TV with remote and HDMI feeds- $100 obo- excellent condition- 270-576-2232
For Sale- Insulated fiberglass panels- $2 per sheet- 270-405-1628
For Sale- 2008 Ford F-150 4.6 motor- extended cab- 2 doors on each side- 270-670-1694
For Sale- Toddler car seat- $20, 2 kerosene heaters- large and small- $20 & $50, Mickey Mouse toddler bed- $25, Infant cradle that plays music- $15- 270-407-0219
FS - 4 Saanen Dairy Goat Doelings, born 1st week of March, 3 girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Pictures of people preparing tobacco plant beds, especially those from the 1940's. Will pay $10 for each picture to use in exhibit at Hart County Fair. For more information, call Charles at 270-524-5621.
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
Cave City City Wide yard sale - this weekend, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Call 590-3862
FS - Lighted small curio cabinet, has glass, queen size bed, twinbed, 3 swivel barstools. Call 786-3880
FS - 8x18 aluminum box truck building, no leaks, $800, must be hauled away. Call 270-590-6007
FS - Zero turn Craftsmen 7000 mower and trailer to haul it- or will sell them separately- 270-427-6786
FS - Used washer and dryer- $100 and can send pictures- 270-404-0291
FS - 1999 Mazda 626- good condition- $600 obo- 270-590-4250
FS - 2 push mowers- Murray- self propelled- 270-287-7581
FS - 2005 Honda Shadow motorcycle- great condition- $2500, 6 foot bush hog- $500- 270-404-3501
FS - 20 x 30 metal building (must be reassembled) good condition- $2700- 270-579-8179
FS - 2001 Mountaineer- $800- 270-670-7340
FS - Cell phones- Moto E 4 plus-new- $100, 2 Verizon slide phones with charges- $40 both, Wicker lounge chair- $100, Red tailgate off a 2001 pickup, 46” grass catcher- fits a Husqvarna or Craftsmen- $80- 270-524-4913
FS - 16’ car trailer with new floor- has ramps- drop gate- 270-427-9056
FS - 1999 GO Metro 3 cylinder- 138K or would trade to a truck- 270-404-6478
FS - 32” flat screen TV with remote and HDMI feeds- $100 obo- excellent condition- 270-576-2232
FS - Insulated fiberglass panels- $2 per sheet- 270-405-1628
FS - or trade - Mongoose mountain bike - 21 speed, $65 or trade for good pushmower, 8" diameter Dobson telescope with about $250 worth of eye pieces, $350 or will trade for good riding mower. In Campbellsville, call 606-219-7457
FS - 4 Saanen Dairy Goat Doelings, born 1st week of March, 3 girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Pictures of people preparing tobacco plant beds, especially those from the 1940's. Will pay $10 for each picture to use in exhibit at Hart County Fair. For more information, call Charles at 270-524-5621.
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Silver Coins and a set of 4 wheeler atv ramps for a truck. Call 270-816-0658
FS - Handmade baby quilts, $35 each. Call 270-646-0224
For trade - u ft. chest freezer to trade for a refrigerator. Call 270-576-8036
FS - 4 bedroom, 2 bath and 1 garage house by owner. $50,000. Call 270-427-0660
FS - 2007 Chevy Cobalt, custom wheels $3200. Call 270-404-4299
FS - 15 ft semi V boat and trailer with 25 hp motor, remote start, steering, has new paint, floor and carpet, swivel fishing seats, 3 spd ft control trolling motor. $1500. Call 270-404-4299
FS - Table and 5 regular chairs with a captain chair $60. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 1969 Chevy C10 automatic, 350-fram off restoration, new tires, wheels and brakes, new interior. $23,000, serious inquiries only. Call 270-670-5272
LF - Motorized wheelchair. Call 270-670-6211
FS - Large business size desk with glass top and matching credenza $150. Call 270-678-4179.
FS - 1989 Jamboree Rally RV - 19,000 miles, 30 ft $4,000. obo. Call 270-678-1068
FS - Little girls riding bug, 6 volt power, $100, riding lawnmower, push mower and parts for a riding mower $100. Call 270-579-8831
FS - Young registered Angus bull, located near Eastern Elementary School. Call 270-779-1560 or 270-929-8525
LF - Houses and offices to clean. Call 270-576-8949
FS - Office printer $100. Call 270-629-6317
FS - Sawmill lumber, all red oak, 2x6 boards, 1" sheet boards and some posts, approximately 3500 board ft. also walnut lumber, kept under roof. $1.50/ft. Call 502-780-2066 or 270-791-8619
FS - Window awnings- metal- various sizes- 270-590-1246
FS - 10 horse outboard Johnson boat motor- $450, 2 year old registered Black Angus bull, New Holland square hay bailer, Wheel disk- $3500 obo- 270-932-1777
FS - Medium size deep freeze (chest), 2 rolls of nice carpet- 270-646-5643
FS - Leather recliner- $40- 270-404-5368
FS - 2009 Dodge Ram- 4 door- 2 wheel drive with 20” wheels- $16,500, 2005 Ford- 4 door- V8 automatic- $3800- 270-780-6701
FS - Indoor Jacuzzi- $150, Dr exam table- $25, 8 track player and tapes- $25- 270-378-6998
FS - Whitemen mortar mixer in excellent condition with a Honda motor, Depth finder (for a boat) 270-646-6573
FS - 42” riding mower (Yard Machine MTD) Moped, 4 wheeler, 350 Yamaha, 800 Vulcan (2005) Classic and some baby chicks- 270-404-4173
FS - Water tanks, Blue plastic and metal barrels, FREE cats, and some tires P255/70/18s $20 each- 270-678-1398
FS - Hawk dump bed trailer- 10 ton- 270-670-8190 (call after 3 PM)
FS - Outside door- gold color trim, Kids power toys (Barbie’s etc) Cast aluminum blocks (10-13 pounds) 502-408-4847
FS - 2 riding mowers- Yard Man and Yard Machine- 270-774-7800
FS - 2 antique lamps- very nice- $25 each- 270-791-8250
FS - Large picture (flowers and vase) matted and framed- $20, Metal coffee sign- $8, Green place mats- $5- 270-579-6463
FS - 200-300 sheets of used metal and lumber (off a barn we are taking down) Garage door and roof rafters- 270-792-3751
FS - 35’ Cedar Creek 5th wheel camper- 2 slides- new tires- (2004) great condition- 270-403-3417
FS - Zero turn Craftsmen 7000 mower and trailer to haul it- or will sell them separately- 270-427-6786
FS - or trade - Mongoose mountain bike - 21 speed, $65 or trade for good pushmower, 8" diameter Dobson telescope with about $250 worth of eye pieces, $350 or will trade for good riding mower. In Campbellsville, call 606-219-7457
FS - 2004 Ford Explorer. Call 270-576-8791
FS - 4 Saanen Dairy Goat Doelings, born 1st week of March, 3 girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Pictures of people preparing tobacco plant beds, especially those from the 1940's. Will pay $10 for each picture to use in exhibit at Hart County Fair. For more information, call Charles at 270-524-5621.
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Assortment of knives- Case XX and others- $35 and up. 270-434-4028
FS - Men’s shorts- like new- $2 each, Antique bar top- green marble- very nice, Mattress covers- brand new- King size- $35, Queen- $25, Twin- $15- 270-670-7278
FS - Afghan (has church, scripture verse, & dove) $15, Spring wreath- $8, High Top tennis shoes (size 9 1/2) $7, and other items- 270-579-6463
FS - Black cows, Bush Hog finishing mower- 72”, and looking for some kitchen cabinets, and for someone to move some furniture- 270-563-4273
FS - 20” boys bicycle in excellent condition- with the banana seat- $100, 2 parts cars- 1971 Vega & 1973 Vega- $500 for both, Ford Ranger- $900, 1987 Monte Carlo- 305- clear titles on both- 270-459-2105
FS - 2002 Hyundai Accent- 119,000 miles- good tires and tented windows- 270-457-4757
FS - Memorial Day flower arrangements- Saturday- in front of the old Kmart in Glasgow- 270-678-4277
FS - 2 room tent, large air mattress, and rods and reels- $125, Box of purses (name brand) and a collection of wigs, and a truck load of yard sale items- $100- 270-749-4848
FS - Meat grinder- $40, 65’ mobile home frame- $375, John Deere lawn mower- $150- 270-646-8637
FS - Cedar chest and porch swing, Troy Bilt riding mower- 18.5 horse- 42” cut- $350, Weight bench- new- $100- 270-565-3787
FS - 6 metal chairs, 60 x 84” area rug, 16’ trailer, 2003 Grass Hopper mower- 270-590-8853
FS - 15 Charolais Bulls- 270-622-1273
FS - 8’ disk mower, Weight bench with weights, and a Husky mower- 270-622-9488
FS - Craftsmen 22” lawn mower- self propelled- $85- 270-786-2394
FS - 1994 GMC pickup- 2 wheel drive- extended cab- bad transmission, 2006 Chevy PARTS car, and looking for old mowers (complete) 270-670-1359
FS - Honda 2200 generator- new- $800- 270-576-5178
FS - 6 cabinets with pull drawers- $25 each, Wet tile saw- $100, Water softener system- $100, Lots of hand tools and socket sets- 910-546-2188
FS - Yamaha Jr guitar, Home stereo system, 17” flat screen TV- 270-438-6047
FS - Power chair and charger- needs batteries- $400- 270-404-1295
FS - 20’ Pontoon- needs floor– $2500 obo, 2005 Pontiac G6 4 door- $1200, 400 Ford motor- 270-678-9066 or 270-834-6313
FS - 2004 Ford Explorer, 1999 Jeep Cherokee- 270-576-8791
FS - Pair of Michael Jordan Basketball tennis shoes- $70- 270-579-6864 or 270-576-0546
LF - Couch, Recliner, and love seat- 270-678-6880
LF - Black Angus Bull to lease with low birth weight- 270-791-2646
LF - Garden tiller- real tine- 270-308-6059
LF - Used well pump, Tires- 185/65/15- 270-407-8034
LF- Tools- Craftsmen power shop saw, Dewalt saw- $200, Craftsmen scroll saw (3.5 amp) and lots of Craftsmen hand tools- 270-524-1042
LF - Small chicken coop- 270-432-2258
FR - Lot on Barren River- $150 per month- 270-646-8637
FS or trade -Mongoose Mountain bike 21 speed $65 or trade for pushmower, FS - or trade - 8" diameter Dobson telescope with $250 worth of eye pieces, $350 or will trade for good riding mower, Located in Campbellsville. Call 606-219-7457
FS - 4 Saanen Dairy Goat Doelings, born 1st week of March, 3 girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 10x10 tent, metal with sides and carrying case $30, fruit jars, boys clothes size 2,3 & 4, socks, shoes underwear, etc. Call 270-786-3756
FS - Min Pin female $100. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Riding lawnmowers, push mowers, washers, dryers. Call 786-2903
Stolen - 5x8 ft black trailer stolen last week with mesh floor and ramp, has white rims Tractor Supply Company brand $500 reward offered. Call 270-242-7172
GA - 4 month old Border Collie pup. Call 524-5072
FS - couple of Hosta plants $5 each, must dig them up in Munfordville. Hummingbird vine starts to give away. Call 270-524-9647
LF - Pictures of people preparing tobacco plant beds, especially those from the 1940's. Will pay $10 for each picture to use in exhibit at Hart County Fair. For more information, call Charles at 270-524-5621.
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 250 gallon diesel fuel tank with 15 gallons of diesel included- $525, 2 brand new tires- 265/75/16- $175, 4 tires- 215/60/15- new- $200, 2005 Nissan Altima- clean- needs some work- $1100, and a farm house that needs to be moved or torn down- 270-202-6250
FS - 1978 Ford van, 1995 Dodge Dakota extended cab, Pioneer car stereo- new- 270-319-6466
FS - 1973 Ford 2000 tractor and a 5’ bush hog, Grader blade, and boom pole- $5400 obo- 270-792-8670
FS - 20,000 BTU Air unit- 910-546-2188
FS - Collectors UK Monopoly game sets (20th Year) brand new still in the box- I have several- 270-303-4398
FS - 1994 GMC 2 wheel drive extended cab, 2003 Dodge Durango 4 wheel drive automatic and looking for a 2-3 bedroom house to rent or rent to own and some old derby cars and mowers- 270-670-1359
FS - Super C Farm All tractor- good condition- 270-646-8750
FS - Cook stove- clean- white in color- $200- 270-590-8596
FS - 350 Chevy engine- good condition- $400- 270-528-3978
FS - Haybine- good condition $1500- 270-537-3930
FS - Holstein calves- weaned, Jersey Heifers, and slaughter steers- 270-734-1552
FS - 6 X 12 enclosed trailer- V nose- like new- used very little- $2500- 270-286-8086
FS - Cattle trailer- 36 feet- with 2 slide outs- (2009) $9000, 185 Bass boat- 150 Yamaha motor to trade for a Jon Boat (20-25 horse) 270-246-1205
FS - Deep freeze (6 ‘ tall) upright- 21 cubic- digital settings in the door- very nice- $300- 270-537-3111
FS - 10 horse outboard motor (Johnson) $495, Seed spreader- $15, Registered Black Angus bull (2 years old) Quality horse hay (square) and a set of kitchen cabinets- factory made. 270-932-1777
LF - Window unit. - 270-579-9042
LF - A good haybine- 270-834-0348
LF - Family lost all their furniture and needs everything- kitchen table and chairs, couch, etc- 910-546-2188
LF - Houses to clean- 270-320-7749
LF - S-10 parts for 1985-86-87 and some junked car or truck bodies- 270-246-0734
LF - Pictures of people preparing tobacco plant beds, especially those from the 1940's. Will pay $10 for each picture to use in exhibit at Hart County Fair. For more information, call Charles at 270-524-5621.
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FOR SALE- Husqvarna chain saw- like new, and a sawsaw comes with 3 batteries and charger- both for- $250- 270-404-3714
FOR SALE- 1985 RV (26 foot) 270-537-4571
FOR SALE- 1993 Jeep Wrangler Sport- new tires- $1500, and looking for a house to rent or buy in Morgantown (in the country) 270-579-7921
FOR SALE- Dale Earnhardt and Jr. memorabilia- will make you a deal, Also a Glen Dale deer target- new- 270-308-5344
FOR SALE- Golf clubs- $40- 270-579-6267
FOR SALE- 4 tires and wheels 10 x 22” 6 lug and will fit Chevy- $500, Poland Pro blower and a Husqvarna blower- $70 for both- 502-689-8368
FOR SALE- Antique Allis Chalmer WC tractor (1935) $1650 obo- 270-606-1928
FOR SALE- Power chair- like new- $300- 270-629-4010
FOR SALE- Goose neck trailer- 22’ with (2) 7000 pound axles and ramps- good tires, and 200 glass blocks and some iron wheels- 270-590-6410
FOR SALE- 2001 Ford Ranger 4 door 4 x 4 automatic with tool box- $3500 with tool box & $3000 without- 270-651-9842
FOR SALE- Mud tires (off or on road tires) 31/10/15s $225, and some Michelin tires 235/75/15s $180, 2004 Ford Taurus- 167,000 miles- white in color- $1400- and looking for junk cars- $1400- 270-576-7439
FOR SALE- Lots of yard sale items and new items! Brand new clothes and more, Dinette set with 3 bar stools, and a full loaded concession stand (or trade) 270-749-4848
FOR SALE- Cedar chest and cedar porch swing, and a 36” storm door- 270-565-3787
FOR SALE- 4 riding mowers- $200-$350 each- 270-576-0156
FOR SALE- 16 foot flat bottom boat and trailer-gas motor- 2 swivel seats- $2000- 270-646-7198
FOR SALE- 853 New Holland hay roller- 1 owner- good condition- $3000- 270-606-1743
FOR SALE- Set of bed rails for a crew cab full size Chevy Silverado- 270-576-0542
FOR SALE- 15 horse boat motor in good condition- 270-246-2767
FOR SALE- 2009 scooter- $200, Steepleton Pool table with LOTS of accessories and cover- $900, Sectional couch- $75, End tables and entertainment center- 270-670-7278 or 270-576-7573 (call after 3:30)
FOR SALE- 1999 Buick Reagle, 1992 Ford Explorer- 270-384-2652
FOR SALE- 2001 Subaru forester- runs good- 199,000 miles- $3000 obo- 270-404-1248
FOR SALE- 2007 Free style Ford in good condition- (or trade) $1500- 270-993-1730
FOR SALE- Figidaire refrigerator- digital settings built in the door- like new- clean- $300- 270-537-3111
FOR SALE- Reese hitch for a full size- new- $75, TV mount- new still in box- $10, and a car cover- $20- 270-427-6786
LOOKING FOR- Set of Chevy wheels for a Ford F-350- 270-799-1490
LOOKING FOR- Left over yard sale items- will clean out garages and out buildings- 270-303-4398
LOOKING FOR- Rear tractor tire (12 x 28) 270-537-4571
LOOKING FOR- Good camper- 270-590-2359
LOOKING FOR- Used 110 window air conditioner- 270-563-4273
LOOKING FOR- Someone to work on a 2004 PT Cruiser- 270-576-3810
LOOKING FOR- Metal water trough (to make a flower bed) 270-590-3511
FOR SALE- Craftsmen metal tool boxes with tools- 270-427-8563
FOR SALE- 2 riding mowers- Craftsmen 42” 17 horse Briggs motor & a Kobota 12 horse Briggs and a twin motor for trade- 270-901-7161
FOR SALE- New Holland haybind- $600, 880 David Brown tractor and looking for a ladder rack for a full size truck- 270-670-5388
FOR SALE- 16’ dump trailer- $900, Kitchen table and chairs, Deep freeze, Ford Explorer- $1000- 270-590-3578
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at 3778 Iron Mountain Road, Center, clothes, crafts, dishwasher, bathroom vanity and cabinet, gas grill, gas dryer, quilts, curtains, area rugs, bedspreads, oak queen bed, lamps, electric heaters, tv stand, cookware, George Foreman outdoor grill, Friday 8 to 5 and Saturday 8 to 1. Call 270-565-1163
Yard Sale - Today at Mt. Beulah Church parking lot, interior doors, etc.
LF - Pictures of people preparing tobacco plant beds, especially those from the 1940's. Will pay $10 for each picture to use in exhibit at Hart County Fair. For more information, call Charles at 270-524-5621.
FS - AKC registered Black Lab pup. Call 270-218-1432
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2005 7 passenger Saturn van, dvd player, good tires. $1600. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Big screen tv. $150. LF - place to rent in Cave City, and will work and babysit. Call 270-576-4295
FS - Whirlpool side by side refrigerator $139. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 8x10 building $300, two Cambridge 185/65/R14 $100, two Goodrich tires 185/65/15 $60 and container for any use $50. Call 270-590-6007
FS - AKC registered Black Lab puppy. Call 270-218-1432
Garage sale - Friday 3 miles on 88 out of Munfordville at Mt. Beulah church, furniture, kerosene heater, books, puzzles, fruit jars, no clothes. Call 270-815-821-1431
LF - Old cedar post fencing. Call 270-943-7366
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 4 Saanen diary goat doelings, born 1st week of March 2018. 3 of the girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at 3778 Iron Mountain Road, Center, clothes, crafts, dishwasher, bathroom vanity and cabinet, gas grill, gas dryer, quilts, curtains, area rugs, bedspreads, oak queen bed, lamps, electric heaters, tv stand, cookware, George Foreman outdoor grill, Friday 8 to 5 and Saturday 8 to 1. Call 270-565-1163
FS - Assorted make up by Mary Kay; mineral eye shadows, emerald azure iris, copper glow amber blaze, rosegold sweet plum, moonstone ballerina pink, spun silk sweet cream, peacock blue hazelnut, honey spice driftwood and precious pink granite, also Mary Kay cheek color, bold berry shy blush, cherry blossom strawberry cream, golden copper sunny spice and MK mineral cheek color duo, ripe watermelon juicy guava spiced poppy. Lipsense beige champagne kit, cider kit with remover and gloss, praline rose, caramel latte, pink champagne, cappuccino, and precious topaz $175 for all. FS - Table & 6 chairs with 6 ft long leaf $85. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 8x10 building $300, two Cambridge 185/65/R14 $100, two Goodrich tires 185/65/15 $60 and container for any use $50. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Long church bench- $150, Car seat- $100- 270-678-1670
FS - 2003 Honda SUV- loaded- all power- 4 cylinder- good tires- $2800 cash- 270-528-1242
FS - Tankless water heater- propane- $150, 12 foot bush hog- $1200- 270-378-6998
FS - 1967 GMC three quarter ton pickup- $3000, 350 V8 motor and turbo transmission- $750, 2000 Buick Century- good- $500, Pool supplies- chemical, steps, and more- $300- 270-618-5511
FS - Cedar paper towel holder, China cabinet, and LF - a place to rent in or near Edmonton KY- 270-404-2617
FS - 1930 antique table with chairs- $275 and solid oak square table and 6 chairs- $275- 270-678-5778
FS - Zero turn Husqvarna mower- 61” industrial deck- 28 horse Briggs motor- $4000 or would trade for a good grader blade- 270-670-8464
FS - 14 month old Billy goat- white in color- $150- 270-427-0196
FS - Nice home interior picture/canvas- framed- large- $15- 270-579-6463
FS - 2005 GMC Canyon- 2 wheel drive- very nice, 6’ bush hog, and a 2005 Honda motorcycle- 270-404-3501
FS - John Deere riding tractor mower- 54” 25 horse- new battery, and guitars and amps, bass guitar and amp- 270-579-7004
FS - Standard outside door (with glass), 32 tires- various sizes- $150 for all, (2) 20” rims- $50, and looking for a cast iron pot - 502-408-4847
FS - Chickens- 2 years old- 6 hens and a rooster- $5 each- 270-925-2219
FS - Nice enclosed trailer- 6 x 12- White inside and out- has the real ramp and side door- $2500 firm- 270-286-8086
FS - 6 Holstein Heifers- 1 year old- $475 each, 3 Billy goats- $65 each- 270-590-6853
FS - Male Jack Russell dog- 3 years old- good with kids and cats, 2 ducks- male and female, and some farm fresh eggs- $2 per doz- 270-576-1666
FS - Books, and a complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica (1985) and 2 men’s skis- 270-487-9135
FS - Refrigerator- $50, antique chifferobe- $100, Recliner- $20, Hall gate- $20- 270-432-1492
FS - Black and Red raspberry plants- 270-622-8280
FS - Buff chickens- $6 each, Australorp chickens- $5 each- 270-731-9564
FS - Husqvarna garden tractor- 46” 20 horse Kohler- new tires- 270-404-5523
FS - Ford tractor- VERY nice- early 60s model- 2000 series- 36 horse- gas engine- new tires in the back- $2750, 6’ Ferguson disk- $500, 3 point hitch cultivator- $175 and other disks too- 270-590-3931
FS - 10 horse outboard motor- $495, 2 year old black Angus bull, Kitchen cabinets (top & bottom) very nice- $295, Quality horse hay (square) 270-932-1777
FS - 8 Mickey Mouse movies- $40, and LF a good push mower- 270-576-1261
LF- Rotary tiller- 270-670-2826
LF - Place to rent in the area- 270-537-4465
LF - MTD Lawn mower deck- must be 42”- 270-404-3431
LF - Rams golf clubs- $40, and 2 air conditioners (110) $20 each- 270-579-6267
LF - To buy some old junk cars, trucks, or SUVs, and looking for a place to rent in South Edmonson County- 270-579-7552
LF - 2 bed room place to rent- house or mobile home in the Hiseville area- 270-537-3733
LF - Electric tread mill, and an 8 quart instapot- 270-622-8280
LF - Child bicycle with training wheels (16”) 270-590-9174 or 270-678-4058
LF - Someone to bush hog a 5 acre lot- 270-579-1585
FS - Antique lamps (1800s) kerosene, Bradley antique lamp- $100, and looking for some old baseball, football cards & comics- 270-622-2744
FS - Storm windows (8) 270-773-2744
FS - Troy Bilt garden tiller- good condition- 7 horse- rear till (or trade) $350- 270-779-8659
FS - 1991 Camaro- 270-612-1335
FS - 2004 Toyota Tundra- crew cab- 4 door- 4.7 V8 automatic- $9500, and a large house (4600 square feet) on Hwy 90 in Clinton County- 606-306-7470
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 4 Saanen diary goat doelings, born 1st week of March 2018. 3 of the girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at 3778 Iron Mountain Road, Center, clothes, crafts, dishwasher, bathroom vanity and cabinet, gas grill, gas dryer, quilts, curtains, area rugs, bedspreads, oak queen bed, lamps, electric heaters, tv stand, cookware, George Foreman outdoor grill, Friday 8 to 5 and Saturday 8 to 1. Call 270-565-1163
FS - Assorted make up by Mary Kay; mineral eye shadows, emerald azure iris, copper glow amber blaze, rosegold sweet plum, moonstone ballerina pink, spun silk sweet cream, peacock blue hazelnut, honey spice driftwood and precious pink granite, also Mary Kay cheek color, bold berry shy blush, cherry blossom strawberry cream, golden copper sunny spice and MK mineral cheek color duo, ripe watermelon juicy guava spiced poppy. Lipsense beige champagne kit, cider kit with remover and gloss, praline rose, caramel latte, pink champagne, cappuccino, and precious topaz $175 for all. FS - Table & 6 chairs with 6 ft long leaf $85. Call 270-590-6866
FS - 8x10 building $300, two Cambridge 185/65/R14 $100, two Goodrich tires 185/65/15 $60 and container for any use $50. Call 270-590-6007
FS - 2004 Chevy Silverado extended cab- 158K on body and less than 100K on motor- 4 wheel drive- $5000 obo- 270-590-5928
FS - 1996 Chevy Impala Super Sport- 70K - 270-563-6973
FS - Massage chair, Converter box and antenna, Scooter with charger, Entertainment center- 270-780-9908
FS - 2005 Dodge crew cab pickup truck- little rust- good condition- $2500, Chevy Tahoe- new tires- 20” wheels- $5000- 270-453-2229 or 270-590-3817
FS - 3 female black lab puppies- full blooded- $100 each- 270-404-2842
FS - Craftsmen tiller- rear tine- 17” 6 horse- $300- 270-576-8971
FS - 16 x 5 cattle feeder- $1200, Used Husky compressor (26 gallon) 270-791-2646
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat at 3778 Iron Mountain Road, Center, clothes, crafts, dishwasher, bathroom vanity and cabinet, gas grill, gas dryer, quilts, curtains, area rugs, bedspreads, oak queen bed, lamps, electric heaters, tv stand, cookware, George Foreman outdoor grill, Friday 8 to 5 and Saturday 8 to 1. Call 270-565-1163
If you need a ride to vote, call 270-537-3189
FS - Black Angus Bull, registered 2 years old. 270-932-1777
FS - Assorted make up by Mary Kay; mineral eye shadows, emerald azure iris, copper glow amber blaze, rosegold sweet plum, moonstone ballerina pink, spun silk sweet cream, peacock blue hazelnut, honey spice driftwood and precious pink granite, also Mary Kay cheek color, bold berry shy blush, cherry blossom strawberry cream, golden copper sunny spice and MK mineral cheek color duo, ripe watermelon juicy guava spiced poppy. Lipsense beige champagne kit, cider kit with remover and gloss, praline rose, caramel latte, pink champagne, cappuccino, and precious topaz $175 for all. FS - Table & 6 chairs with 6 ft long leaf $85. Call 270-590-6866
GA - Beefsteak tomato plants. Call 270-524-9647
LF - Mobile home, 2 to 3 bedroom, reasonable. Call 270-307-4587
FS - 8x10 building $300, two Cambridge 185/65/R14 $100, two Goodrich tires 185/65/15 $60 and container for any use $50. Call 270-590-6007
LF - Briggs & Stratton Overhead valve 308 side-shaft engine. Call 270-634-2927
FS - Refrigerator. Call 270-678-5958
FS - Craftsman riding mower LT1000 w/17.5 HP Briggs & Stratton motor. Call 270-427-9056
FS - 5 bottle calves. Call 270-250-9209
FS - 1986 Nissan hard-body King Cab truck with original wheels and extra set of wheels $1500 obo, maple gun cabinet. Call 270-735-5004
FS - Gas fireplace $550. Call 270-585-5554
FS - 10' lifetime basketball goal $80, GE dryer $75. Call 270-457-2164
LF - Set of running boards for a 1996 Chevy extended cab. Call 270-646-0554
FS - 55 gallon metal barrel with lids and rings, 55 gallon plastic barrels. Call 270-565-1750
FS - Bourbon Red turkeys. Call 270-565-4451
FS - 3 grave sites at the New Elizabethtown Memorial Gardens. Call 270-763-2295
FS - 55 gallon food grade barrels $7 each. Call 270-308-5686
LF - one or two pair of guineas. Call 270-453-3792
FS - Baby chicks and a 100 mile zarebra electric fence box. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 2014 Nissan Altima, 22,000 miles, auto, cruise, cd player, cloth heated seats $13,200. Call 270-590-4983
FS - 2 MF rakes, MF disc plow, John Deere 10 ft disc, 6 ft grader blade, Ford tractor Jubilee. Call 270-528-1187
F S- 4wd Ford farm truck, 1986, 133,000 miles $1500. Call 270-524-5725
GA - Beefsteak tomato plants. about 15. Call 270-524-9647
FS - Dewalt deluxe power shop $200, Craftsman power hand tools, 16" scroll saw, hand tools. 270-524-1042
Found -Tassel at Hart County High School graduation. Call 270-524-3620 270-537-1870
FS - Hydraulic 10 ton Hawk dump trailer. Call 270-670-8190 after 3:00 p.m.
FS - 4 Saanen diary goat doelings, born 1st week of March 2018. 3 of the girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Lipsense products, new, $100, new Mary Kay products, table and six chairs $100. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 4 Saanen diary goat doelings, born 1st week of March 2018. 3 of the girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 20 ft. electric hay elevator, $500. Call 270-786-2281
FS - 2 used Michelin tires 225 60 R16's. $25. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Lipsense products, new, $100, new Mary Kay products, table and six chairs $100. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
GA - Small Aloe Vera plants, hens and chickens plants. FS - Spider plants. Call 270-524-9647
FS - Assorted pictures, LF - picture of the old Houchens Ferry. LF - foldaway table. Call 270-773-3368
FS - Hunting blind 7 ft center, will hold 3 hunters $50. Call 786-3474
FS - 4 Saanen diary goat doelings, born 1st week of March 2018. 3 of the girls are natural polled and the other is dehorned. $150 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 10 hp Johnson outboard motor $450, lawn fertilize seed spreader, registered 2 year old black angus bull, quality horse hay, New Holland square haybaler model 276. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 36" Zenith tv, freestanding butcher block table Kenmore dishwasher. Call 270-528-1006
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 20 ft. electric hay elevator, $500. Call 270-786-2281
FS - 2 used Michelin tires 225 60 R16's. $25. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Lipsense products, new, $130, new Mary Kay products $150, table and six chairs $100. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Toolbox for a large truck. Call 270-528-2531
LF - Babysitting job in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Riding mowers, push mowers, washer and dryers. Call 270-786-2903
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 20 ft. electric hay elevator, $500. Call 270-786-2281
FS - Entertainment Center, backless couch, portable dishwasher, Wii guitars, electric amp, X-Box 360 with games. Items can be seen at 135 East Main Street in Horse Cave beside the Pawn Shop.
FS - 2 used Michelin tires 225 60 R16's. $25. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Lipsense products, new, $130, new Mary Kay products $150, table and six chairs $100. Call 270-590-6866
FS - Baldwin console dark wood piano with stool, $100. Call 270-670-9070
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - 2 Zero turn mowers, 5x8 and 5x7 utility trailers. Call 270-457-4236
GA - Plastic truck bed liner. Call 270-401-8760
FS - 1993 Ford Ranger, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, $1200. Call 270-590-8855
FS - 2 bred beef cows. Call 270-250-9209
FS - Washer $50. Call 270-576-1494
FS - 2003 Dodge Durango 4x4, automatic, 1994 Chevy extended cab pickup needs a transmission, Poulan 18" chainsaw with 4 chains and carrying case $150, LF - 2 to 3 bedroom home with 2 to 3 acres. Call 270-670-1359
FS - 6 ft side bushog, 32 ft. 5th wheel camper. Call 615-281-30019
FS - Hogs and pigs. Call 270-735-5431
FS - 256 New Holland hayrake, 4 basket hay tedder, 2 medium size refrigerators, bed mat for an F-250. Call 270-932-1498
FS - Concrete sealer in 5 gallon buckets $25 each. Call 270-805-7587
FS - Black & Decker deluxe power shop with wooden stand., Craftsman skill saw, drill, etc. $225. 524-1042
GA - Clothes hangers. Call 270-786-3912
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 20 ft. electric hay elevator, $500. Call 270-786-2281
FS - Entertainment Center, backless couch, portable dishwasher, Wii guitars, electric amp, X-Box 360 with games. Items can be seen at 135 East Main Street in Horse Cave beside the Pawn Shop.
FS - 12 ft bumper hitch trailer, has cut gate, walk in side doors, no rust. Call 270-528-5208
LF - RV Class A or C motor home- under $20,000- 270-991-1004
LF - Maternity clothes- size 6- 270-576-4644
LF - Grill for a 1993 Chevy truck- 270-404-1295
LF - Someone to plow a garden in Glasgow- 270-678-9078
LF - Manure spreader- 270-996-8070
LF - House dog - 270-805-8530
LF - Full or part time work- Farm, mechanical, etc- 270-404-5947
LF - Troy Bilt zero turn deck- 270-407-8034
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 20 ft. electric hay elevator, $500. Call 270-786-2281
FS - Entertainment Center, backless couch, portable dishwasher, Wii guitars, electric amp, X-Box 360 with games. Items can be seen at 135 East Main Street in Horse Cave beside the Pawn Shop.
Yard Sale - Calvary Baptist Church in Bonnieville at the pavilion, next to the school, Saturday 8:00 a.m. antiques, furniture, collectors items, clothing, plants, fried pies.........
FS - 2 used Michelin tires 225 60 R16's. $25. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 12 ft bumper hitch trailer, has cut gate, walk in side doors, no rust. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Registered black angus bull. $2,000. Call 270-528-6246
Yard Sale - Saturday railroad crossing 6:00 a.m. in front of Rowletts garage, tools, weedeaters.
Yard Sale - today and Saturday at 55 Bragg Avenue in Munfordville. 270-524-1952
FS - Several boxes of misc items, for yard sales and flea markets. Call 270-531-1669 located 9 miles out on 357 in Munfordville.
Yard Sale - Saturday at Calvary Baptist Church in Bonnieville, furniture, antiques, collectibles, clothing. 8 a.m. Call 270-524-9647
Yard Sale - Fri, Sat and Sun. on the Craddock Road from Hart County High School, signs posted. Dishes, stuffed animals, clothes, games, movies. 4 family. Call 270-524-2007 524-0435
FS - 20 ft. electric hay elevator, $500. Call 270-786-2281
FS - Entertainment Center, backless couch, portable dishwasher, Wii guitars, electric amp, X-Box 360 with games. Items can be seen at 135 East Main Street in Horse Cave beside the Pawn Shop.
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
LF - 22 gallon wood splitter (pull behind) and looking for a 5 horse tiller- 270-774-7800
LF - 7 x 10 trailer to make a produce market with- 270-303-6283
LF - Rear end for a 1994 GMC Sierra- 6 lug- 4 wheel drive- must have the 342 gears- 270-597-7552
LF - 5’ yard rake (pull behind) 802-585-0380
LF - Dry land fish (mushrooms) 270-597-7055
LF - RV- Class A or C motor home- under $20,000- 270-991-1004
FS - Carpets and mats, electronic Yamaha portable keyboard, 36 keys, ac or batteries, Brothers new sewing machine. Call 270-524-1915
FS - 10 hp Johnson outboard motor, registered angus bull, kitchen cabinets with sink and faucets $295, quality horse hay in bales, inside and outside house door. Call 270-932-1777
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat, in Horse Cave, boys clothes, antique items. Call 270-537-4681
FS - 20 ft. electric hay elevator, $500. Call 270-786-2281
FS - Entertainment Center, backless couch, portable dishwasher, Wii guitars, electric amp, X-Box 360 with games. Items can be seen at 135 East Main Street in Horse Cave beside the Pawn Shop.
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 20 ft. electric hay elevator, $500. Call 270-786-2281
FS - Entertainment Center, backless couch, portable dishwasher, Wii guitars, electric amp, X-Box 360 with games. Items can be seen at 135 East Main Street in Horse Cave beside the Pawn Shop.
FS - 1959 International Cub tractor, 50 MF tractor and 2 hay forks. Call 270-590-3862
FS - Set of 14" aluminum wheels $75, 16" rim $45. Call 270-218-0105
FS - Riding mower, push mowers 786-2903
LF - Babysitting job in Horse Cave, FS - Rocker bassinet $35. Call 786-5072
FS - Black & Decker Power Shop tool, Craftsman hand tools, sanders, etc. Call 524-1042
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 4 Nubian Bucklings $125. Call 270-670-8518
FS - Gold sebright-silver spangled Hamburg and Black Australorp chicks $2 each and a 100 mile Zareba electric fence box in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Old Case disc plow, needs some work $2,000 or make offer, sickle mower by Sears & Roebuck and Simpson Limited $2,000 or make offer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Samsung flip phone. Call 270-749-8793
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 270-537-3473
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 4 Nubian Bucklings $125. Call 270-670-8518
FS - Gold sebright-silver spangled Hamburg and Black Australorp chicks $2 each and a 100 mile Zareba electric fence box in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Old Case disc plow, needs some work $2,000 or make offer, sickle mower by Sears & Roebuck and Simpson Limited $2,000 or make offer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Samsung flip phone. Call 270-749-8793
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 270-537-3473
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female. Call 270-528-1813
FS - Unlocked Android phones, Galaxy Megas, 5 -8 and 6 -3 screen $100 and $150. Call 270-579-1541
FS - 4 tires - 225-60R17" $75. Call 528-2407
FS - Blue Heeler puppies, 5 males, 2 females. Call 270-218-5007
FS - Backless couch, X Box 360 with games, etc. Located Main Street Horse Cave, next to the Pawn Shop.
FS - Set of tires General truck tires- 16” with 75% tread- $125 or best offer- 270-943-0866
FS - Trailer- 10 x 6 or 5 x 10 & (2) mowers- Troy Bilt 42” – $300 each and a Craftsmen 42” cut- $350 or would trade- and looking for some old mowers- 270-308-5057
LF - 22 gallon wood splitter (pull behind) and looking for a 5 horse tiller- 270-774-7800
FS - 2 tires- 215/55/17 (300 miles) $50, and a set of Pyramid speakers- $50- 270-457-4934
FS - Upright piano (Whitney) 2016 Dodge truck (11K) 270-904-6221
FS - Statesmen lawn mower- 38” cut 12 horse- new belts- $250 or best offer- 270-646-8453
FS - 2 tobacco sitters- 1 row and 2 row; also a 6’ disc with a 3 point hitch- 270-590-3059
FS - Motorcycle- 2005 Honda 1800- lots of extras (32K) $4900, 2001 Ford Focus (parting out) and transmission- 270-763-2968
FS- Knives, Adult walker, pool stick, Mazda 5 speed transmission, 1992 GMC- V6- 615-699-0189
Yard Sale - 115 J L Borders Road Munfordville. Call 270-218-0105
FS - Registered 2 year -old black angus bull, 5 angus heifers, vet checked and ready to calve, horse hay, 10 hp Johnson outboard motor $175, New Holland square baler model 276. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Used electric white range. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Kitchen cabinets, wooden. $1,000 735-6698
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday, May 3, 4 & 5th at 11 Craddock Road, Munfordville between Hardyville and Hart County High School on Highway 88. Grill, weeding decor, Jeep parts, booster seat, clothing, shoes, household items, Ab Lounger, stepper and Christmas decor.
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 4 Nubian Bucklings $125. Call 270-670-8518
FS - Gold sebright-silver spangled Hamburg and Black Australorp chicks $2 each and a 100 mile Zareba electric fence box in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Old Case disc plow, needs some work $2,000 or make offer, sickle mower by Sears & Roebuck and Simpson Limited $2,000 or make offer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Samsung flip phone. Call 270-749-8793
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 270-537-3473
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female. Call 270-528-1813
FS - 243 acre farm in Park City, near Mammoth Cave, farmland and young timber, great for hunting. Call Leslie at 270-528-1183
FS - Pair of NAPA heavy duty wheel dollies, model #791-5260, rated at 1250 lbs per wheel, never been used. Call 270-786-4846
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday, May 3, 4 & 5th at 11 Craddock Road, Munfordville between Hardyville and Hart County High School on Highway 88. Grill, weeding decor, Jeep parts, booster seat, clothing, shoes, household items, Ab Lounger, stepper and Christmas decor.
FS - Murray riding mower, 38" cut, 11 hp Briggs engine. $150. Call 270-786-4846
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 4 Nubian Bucklings $125. Call 270-670-8518
FS - Gold sebright-silver spangled Hamburg and Black Australorp chicks $2 each and a 100 mile Zareba electric fence box in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Old Case disc plow, needs some work $2,000 or make offer, sickle mower by Sears & Roebuck and Simpson Limited $2,000 or make offer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Samsung flip phone. Call 270-749-8793
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 270-537-3473
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female. Call 270-528-1813
Yard Sale 8984 N. Dixie Hwy Bonnieville, today and Friday. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Cd player $50 obo, Amish books, 99c. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Norstar 7 phone telephone system. $250 obo. Call 270-774-1485
Yard Sale - today, Fri and Sat, 602 Hubbard Ave Munfordville, air tanks, antiques, coats, chairs, etc. Call 270-524-1225
Behind Calvary Baptist Church in Bonnieville, yard sale - Friday and Saturday, furniture, antiques, collectibles, kids toys, jewelry, clothing. 270-473-1499
LF - Load of topsoil. Call 270-524-4547
LF - babysitting jobs, FS - Rocking bassinet. $35. Call 270-786-5072
FS - 7 commercial Norstar telephones, can hold up to 6 lines each, with page, last number, voice call, intercom and hands mute. $250. Call 270-774-1485
Yard Sale - bikes, primitives, treadmill, clothes, knives, tools, etc. 55 Bragg Avenue in Munfordville. Call 270-524-1953
Yard Sale - Thursday, Fri and Saturday 115 J. L. Borders Road, antique items, wheels, commode, kitchen sink. Call 270-218-0105
FS - Concession stand (complete) with ice shaver, popcorn maker and more- would trader for a car or camper, Breakfast nook and entertainment center- 270-749-4848
FS - 3 beef bottle calves. $450 for all. Call 270-218-0988
LF - Smoker BBQ grill, pull behind preferably, large. Call 270-670-7725
LF - Tractor tire. Size 13.6-28. Call 270-528-3600
FS - Brown cloth couch, $50. Call 270-325-3469
FS - Used carpet, Troy Bilt pressure washer and a Graco pressure washer and a push mower. Call 270-576-5963
FS - Set of Pontiac rally wheels- two are 15 x 7 and two are 15 x 6, also a set of 1977 Thunderbird hub caps and 2 Chevy motors (blocks) 5.7 350 & a 302 Ford motor. Call 270-457-2105
FS - White bathroom vanity 30" wide with sink and faucet, like new $75. Call 270-749-8793
Yard Sale - 108 Edwards Avenue Tuesday, baby clothes, Horse Cave. Call 270-786-5111
FS - 1997 Dodge 1 ton utility van. Troybilt weedeater 27cc $50 obo, 2 boxes of colored ink and 1 black ink for Kodak XL, 5 drawer chest, 150 dvd movies $2 each. Call 270-932-0035
FS - 12 ft bumper hitch horse trailer, 12 ft long, solid floor, has walk in side door, lights work. Call 270-528-5208
Multi family yard sale at Calvary Baptist Church Bonnieville, clothing, furniture, books, jewelry. Friday and Saturday. Call 270-473-1499
FS - Plastic and meal barrels and some large water tanks, fresh eggs, and 10 dozen fruit jars- 270-678-1398
FS - House stereo- Sony- comes with 2 speakers- 270-576-4928
FS - 4 x 8 utility trailer with 13” wheels- $200- 270-427-7505
FS - 2005 GMC Canyon- 2 wheel drive- $5500, 6 foot rotary cutter- $500, sub soiler- $100- 270-404-3501
FS - Craftsmen mower, Minor saw, Air gun with case, Camcorder, 1992 Chevy truck- 270-576-3810
FS - Antique dresser and mirror, 1993 Jeep Cherokee- $1500 or best offer and some industrial lighting- 270-361-7921
FS - Used carpet, Troy Bilt pressure washer and a Graco pressure washer and a push mower- 270-576-5963
FS - 4 Nubian Bucklings $125. Call 270-670-8518
FS - Cub Cadet lawnmower with bagger $500, 4 person canoe, 12 ft long. $800. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Murray 42" cut lawnmower $350, obo, carpet shampooer $25, dvd and vcr, GA - tv's picture tube type. Call 270-773-5309
FS - Baby bed. Call 270-612-0873
FS - 2002 Chevy Blazer, 4 dr, 4wd not working, can be repaired $1800 or $1200 without wheels and tires, and will trade for 4 wheeler or car trailer. Call 502-381-1295
FS - Lots of insulation panels- fiberglass- various sizes- $2 per sheet. Call 270-405-7800
FS - 1987 Winnebago motor home- 20’ 4 cylinder- 46K- has a pull out shower- front wheel drive- sleeps 3-4 people- new tires- ready to go- $2500. Call 270-670-1513
FS - Plastic and meal barrels and some large water tanks, fresh eggs, and 10 doz fruit jars. Call 270-678-1398
FS - House stereo- Sony- comes with 2 speakers. Call 270-576-4928
FS - 4 x 8 utility trailer with 13” wheels- $200. Call 270-427-7505
LF - Calf huts and ear corn. Call 528-6693
FS - 4 Nubian Bucklings, $125 each. Call 270-670-8518
Saturday Hwy 86 Annual yard sales - located 62 toward Leitchfield, approximately 5 miles comes out to 86 and 25 miles across to 60.
FS - RCA older tv, works. yard sale items. Call 270-524-4547
Yard Sale - today, Fri and Saturday, coffee tables, entertainment center, small tv stand, new. knives, tools, jewelry, clothes, etc. 55 Bragg Avenue in Munfordville. Call 270-524-1952
FS - 2 15 60 16" Pontiac tires and wheels, 15 1/2 lawnmower motor, overhead valve. roosters. Call 528-4750
FS - 1997 model 12 ft bumper hitch trailer, 5 ft wide, no rust, original floor, side door, and sliding door on back. for hauling horses or cattle. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Commercial telephone system, Norstar by SCRTC, 7 telephones with up to 6 lines on each phone with intercom and page features, hardware. $250 for all. Call 270-774-1485 or 270-786-1000.
Yard Sale - today and Friday, near firehouse in Bonnieville, clothes, etc. Call 270-531-6947
LF- Lift chair. Call 270-678-5816
LF - Box trailer- 5 x 8. Call 606-614-5574
LF - Side post battery for an Astro van. Call 270-646-6870
LF - 38” deck for a mower, small house dog, and a body for a '97 Ford Ranger. Call 270-622-6914
LF - Pool ladder or steps. Call 270-670-8183
FS - Gold sebright-silver spangled Hamburg and Black Australorp chicks $2 each and a 100 mile Zareba electric fence box in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Old Case disc plow, needs some work $2,000 or make offer, sickle mower by Sears & Roebuck and Simpson Limited $2,000 or make offer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Samsung flip phone. Call 270-749-8793
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 270-537-3473
FS- Trifecta by Extang vinyl tri-fold bed cover for Ford F-150, 6 1/2 ft bed. $150. Call 270-834-9150
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female. Call 270-528-1813
FS - 2004 Hyundai Elantra, 140,000 miles, has had oil change, has bike rack, catalytic converter has been removed $1,000 obo. Call 606-219-0432
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower. and for used mobile homes. Call 270-531-2171
FS - Gold sebright-silver spangled Hamburg and Black Australorp chicks $2 each and a 100 mile Zareba electric fence box in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Old Case disc plow, needs some work $2,000 or make offer, sickle mower by Sears & Roebuck and Simpson Limited $2,000 or make offer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Samsung flip phone. Call 270-749-8793
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 270-537-3473
FS- Trifecta by Extang vinyl tri-fold bed cover for Ford F-150, 6 1/2 ft bed. $150. Call 270-834-9150
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female. Call 270-528-1813
FS - 2004 Hyundai Elantra, 140,000 miles, has had oil change, has bike rack, catalytic converter has been removed $1,000 obo. Call 606-219-0432
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower. and for used mobile homes. Call 270-531-2171
LF - Steel drum yard roller, one that pulls behind a garden tractor. Call 270-524-3280
LF - Pressure washer, prefer large one. Call 270-646-0910
FS - Cd player, tape and radio player included $50. Amish books 99c each. Call 270-528-7643
GA - 40 ft telephone pole. Call 270-670-3480
FS - 2013 Lincoln MKX 4 door sedan, 27,000 miles. 2009 model # 2605 MF tractor with front end loader, hayfork and spear. Call 646-7465
LF - Kitchen cabinets, upper and lower. Call 270-528-5407
LF - Starter for a 23 hp Kohler motor. Call 270-528-1419
FS - John Deere lawnmower 16 horse, no deck. Call 270-524-3341 ask for Joe.
FS - Cub Cadet lawnmower with bagger $500, 4 person canoe $800. Call 270-735-6698
FS - Camping tent, sleeps 10, $150. Call 270-528-1322
FS - 10 hp Johnson outboard motor $500, used light poles, 5 black angus heifers, soon to calve, vet checked, 1 registered angus bull, 24 months old, horse hay in square bales, outside and inside doors for a house, kitchen cabinets. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Pair of lightweight boxing gloves, that laces with ties, not bulky. Call 270-524-7709
LF - 1 to 2 experienced workers for remodeling business. Someone dependable. Call 270-473-9450
Found - Large gray cat at 303 Woodlawn Avenue in Horse Cave. Call 270-537-4525
FS - Old Case disc plow, needs some work $2,000 or make offer, sickle mower by Sears & Roebuck and Simpson Limited $2,000 or make offer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Samsung flip phone. Call 270-749-8793
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 537-3473
FS- Trifecta by Extang vinyl tri-fold bed cover for Ford F-150, 6 1/2 ft bed. $150. Call 270-834-9150
FS - 6 week-old Saanen Buckling, Natural Polled, born 3-2-18, receiving bottle, also eating grass, hay and grain $125. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, like new Benchmade brand tactical knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40, LF - pool table. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female. Call 270-528-1813
FS - 2004 Hyundai Elantra, 140,000 miles, has had oil change, has bike rack, catalytic converter has been removed $1,000 obo. Call 606-219-0432
FS - Bluegrass military Sonim phone $50, AT&T flip phone $25, table with leaf and four chairs $75 obo, primitive shower curtain and towels. $15. Call 270-576-3191
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower. and for used mobile homes. Call 531-2171
FS - 2000 Dodge Dakota, v-6 Magnum, 162,028 miles, automatic, $900 and will buy oil pump and gaskets. Call 270-576-5750
FS - 3 straight back chairs $20 each or all for $45. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 1995 Ford Splash, v-6, 5 spd, $700. Call 270-524-1963
FS - Coke machine- 270-427-7878
FS - Chevy Silverado pickup- (2004) V8- regular cab- long bed- $4750- Camper shell for a long bed- $350, and 16” snow tires on Chevy rims- $150- 270-999-2859
FS - 2 cars- 2009 Mazda & 2004 Saturn- 270-218-3075
FS - Antique oil lamps- 270-487-9790
FS - 4 Rods and reels- 8’ long- $80 for all- 270-404-3714
FS - 2008 Nissan Altima- 170K and looking for some old camera lenses, and a used MAC Book- 270-202-4507
FS - Winnebago 27’ and a 2016 Dodge Ram- 270-777-5870
FS - 40 rolls of good hay- $20 each- 270-590-2625
FS - Small window air conditioner, 1993 Chevy pickup- 5 speed- $900 has a new motor, and lawn mower parts- 270-799-1490
LF - Old junk cars, trucks, and vans- 270-421-6070
LF - Private fencing- 270-361-1648
LF- House cleaning jobs. 270-404-0653
LF - Small used 16" bike for a child. 270-678-4058 or 270-590-9174
FS- 5 rolls of hay, $25, near Big Clifty. Call 270-242-7172
FS - Old Case disc plow, needs some work $2,000 or make offer, sickle mower by Sears & Roebuck and Simpson Limited $2,000 or make offer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Samsung flip phone. Call 270-749-8793
LF - Kitchen sink and cabinets. Call 270-590-3862
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 537-3473
FS- Trifecta by Extang vinyl tri-fold bed cover for Ford F-150, 6 1/2 ft bed. $150. Call 270-834-9150
FS - 6 week-old Saanen Buckling, Natural Polled, born 3-2-18, receiving bottle, also eating grass, hay and grain $125. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, like new Benchmade brand tactical knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40, LF - pool table. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female. Call 270-528-1813
FS - 2004 Hyundai Elantra, 140,000 miles, has had oil change, has bike rack, catalytic converter has been removed $1,000 obo. Call 606-219-0432
FS - Bluegrass military Sonim phone $50, AT&T flip phone $25, table with leaf and four chairs $75 obo, primitive shower curtain and towels. $15. Call 270-576-3191
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower. and for used mobile homes. Call 531-2171
FS - 2000 Dodge Dakota, v-6 Magnum, 162,028 miles, automatic, $900 and will buy oil pump and gaskets. Call 270-576-5750
FS - 3 straight back chairs $20 each or all for $45. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 1995 Ford Splash, v-6, 5 spd, $700. Call 270-524-1963
FS - Side by side refrigerator, 24 bulb Wolf tanning bed. Call 270-786-2432
Yard sale - Today and Saturday at 55 Bragg Avenue, 1 mile south of the bridge in Munfordville, bikes, tools, knives, clothes, small refrigerator, etc. Call 270-524-1952
FS - Heavy duty shower transfer chair $65, shower chair $45. Call 270-528-5581 or 270-528-1692
FS - Vanity top with faucets attached, one piece, toilet that needs flapper, valve and supply line. Full size bedspread with shams, antique rose color and accent pillows. Call 270-537-4020
FS - 10 hp Johnson outboard motor, used light poles, registered angus bull, 24 months old, quality square bales of horse hay, inside and outside doors, kitchen cabinets with sink. Call 270-932-1777
Yard Sale - at 110 Green Street in Horse Cave today and Saturday, lots of items.
FS - Fender acoustic electric bass guitar $200. Call 270-378-0773
Yard Sale - 1 mile north Dixie Highway from the firehouse in Bonnieville. clothing, garden tools. Call 270-531-6947
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 537-3473
FS- Trifecta by Extang vinyl tri-fold bed cover for Ford F-150, 6 1/2 ft bed. $150. Call 270-834-9150
FS - 6 week-old Saanen Buckling, Natural Polled, born 3-2-18, receiving bottle, also eating grass, hay and grain $125. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, like new Benchmade brand tactical knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40, LF - pool table. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female. Call 270-528-1813
FS - 2004 Hyundai Elantra, 140,000 miles, has had oil change, has bike rack, catalytic converter has been removed $1,000 obo. Call 606-219-0432
FS - Bluegrass military Sonim phone $50, AT&T flip phone $25, table with leaf and four chairs $75 obo, primitive shower curtain and towels. $15. Call 270-576-3191
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower. and for used mobile homes. Call 531-2171
FS - 2000 Dodge Dakota, v-6 Magnum, 162,028 miles, automatic, $900 and will buy oil pump and gaskets. Call 270-576-5750
FS - 3 straight back chairs $20 each or all for $45. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 1995 Ford Splash, v-6, 5 spd, $700. Call 270-524-1963
FS - 10 foot flat bed trailer- $100, and a 5 x 8 trailer to trader for another trailer- 270-670-6152
FS - 10’ International wheel disk- fair condition- $450- 270-749-4232
FS - 14” electric chain saw- Poland- $15- 270-237-0933
FS - Ferguson tractor (30) and a 5’ bush hog- $1000 both- 270-590-1895
FS - Bed liner for a Nissan pickup- 270-646-6807
FS - Fiberglass insulation panels- $2 per sheet- 270-405-1628
FS - 1994 GMC pickup- extended cab- automatic- no reverse- 2 wheel drive, and a 2003 Dodge Durango- 4 wheel drive- V8- automatic (or trade) and looking for a water heater- 270-670-1359
FS - 1989 Honda Accord, 1993 Honda Accord, 1987 Nissan truck parting out- 270-457-2714
FS - 2005 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200- $4200 or trade- 270-670-5958
FS - Hospital bed- $200- 270-670-2092
FS - Huge Igloo dog house- $15- 270-434-4236
FS - Trellis for climbing plants- $22 (half down) and walking sticks- 270-629-4851
FS - Storage building full of yard sale items- 270-566-3318
FS - 2 cows- Jersey and Holstein and a smaller Jersey heifer cow- 270-734-1552
FS - Two entertainment centers- one is solid oak and the other has a maple finish- $75 & & 60 or best offer- 270-535-3346
FS - 1993 Jeep Cherokee- automatic- 4 wheel drive0 120K- $1500, 6’ wooden coat rack, Vintage wedding dress (size 6) and a Tony Lama hat- 270-579-7921 or 270-361-7921
FS - Chaise Lounge- brown- good condition- $200 or best offer- 270-678-5816
FS - Raspberry plants (red and black) John Deere riding mower, Concrete blocks, and looking for a 8 quart instant pot- 270-237-4003
FS - Vinyl bed cover to fit a Nissan Titan 4 door pickup- 270-670-6842
FS - Pulling lawn mower- $300 or best offer- 270-670-8123
FS - Dog house off a 1996 S-10- $250, 2 Riding mowers (White) 42” cuts (they need work) $250 firm for both- 270-317-6995
FS - Set of doors off a 2000 Chevy plus rear end, transmission and motor and looking for some good horse hay and odd jobs- 270-404-5947
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 537-3473
FS- Trifecta by Extang vinyl tri-fold bed cover for Ford F-150, 6 1/2 ft bed. $150. Call 270-834-9150
FS - 6 week-old Saanen Buckling, Natural Polled, born 3-2-18, receiving bottle, also eating grass, hay and grain $125. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, like new Benchmade brand tactical knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40, LF - pool table. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female. Call 270-528-1813
FS - 2004 Hyundai Elantra, 140,000 miles, has had oil change, has bike rack, catalytic converter has been removed $1,000 obo. Call 606-219-0432
FS - Bluegrass military Sonim phone $50, AT&T flip phone $25, table with leaf and four chairs $75 obo, primitive shower curtain and towels. $15. Call 270-576-3191
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower. and for used mobile homes. Call 531-2171
FS - 2000 Dodge Dakota, v-6 Magnum, 162,028 miles, automatic, $900 and will buy oil pump and gaskets. Call 270-576-5750
FS - 3 straight back chairs $20 each or all for $45. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 1995 Ford Splash, v-6, 5 spd, $700. Call 270-524-1963
FS- Hotpoint refrigerator, side by side. Call 786-2432
FS - cows and calves - 270-735-5431
FS - 12 interior doors with jams and trim $25 each or make a deal for all - 270-590-2389 or 270-428-2355
LF - small house dog or Siberian Husky pup - 270-805-8530
FS - 50 rolls of hay between Columbia and Edmonton $25 each or $20 each if you buy all - 270-590-2625
FS - Motorguide 55 lb. thrust foot controlled trolling motor, full size metal tool box, tomato cages - 270-932-7802
FS - 6 month old 1000 cranking watt battery $100, Trane XL 80 gas furnace, 4 ft. bushog $550 - 606-787-0226
FS - bottle calves an weaned calves - 270-405-6363
FS - Chinese Sharpei dog - 270-786-.3968 or 270-473-3600
FS - 1996 Chevy Silverado 4x4 extended cab for parts - 270-405-1684
FS - Maytag portable dishwasher - 270-670-4092
FS - body kit and aftermarket parts for 93 and up Honda Civic $300 or trade - 270-407-3874
FS or Trade - 1986 Ford F-150 5.0 automatic 2wd , 4x4 Dodge Durango , garden tiller - 270-670-1359
LF- 31 x 10.50 x 15 inch tires for Chevy S-10 - 270-218-1253
FS - or trade for street bike - 2000 4x4 stepside Ford Ranger with blown head gasket, $1500, 2005 Yamaha YFZ 4 wheeler. - 270-565-4912
FS - couch, loveseat, and recliner - 270-991-8765
FS - 1999 Chevy Silverado 4x4 extended cab 5.3 auto $3000 - 270-590-3931
FS - Pilgrim wood stove , Troybilt 42 inch cut riding mower, chainsaw - 270-576-6144
FS - 16.5 acre farm with 3 bedroom 2 bath house between Glasgow and Bowling Green - 270-678-5146
FS - 500 gallon water tank , 375 John Deere roller, 8 ft. John Deere Disc - 270-678-2918
FS - Vivint Home Security system, has outdoor camera and a doorbell that has a camera built-in also, two motion detectors, two-door detectors, and a smoke detector, touch screen. $250 will trade to a good riding mower. Call 270-405-0332
FS - 2007 Toyota Camry hybrid for sale. 160,000 miles Gold in color. Leather interior. Average 38 miles to the gallon Asking $5200.. Clean title. - 270 473 0472
FS - tiny 3 to 4 pound black male poodle, 4 years old $500. 1 black white Goldendoodle female pup $400 cash, dish washer $100 -270-404-4446
FS - several pieces of authentic Dale Earnhardt Sr. autographed memorabilia and sports collectibles. Items include 3 large posters, RARE 1997 GM Goodwrench NASCAR 1/24 Diecast Action Car, 2 tee shirts, several trading cards, and one 8×10 picture. 270-590-6326
FS - Wurlitzer spinet piano good condition $225 (270-670-9595
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Mini bike, has new motor. Call 270-524-5524
FS - Commercial icemaker makes 80 to 100 bags per day $1100. Call 537-3473
FS- Trifecta by Extang vinyl tri-fold bed cover for Ford F-150, 6 1/2 ft bed. $150. Call 270-834-9150
FS - 6 week-old Saanen Buckling, Natural Polled, born 3-2-18, receiving bottle, also eating grass, hay and grain $125. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 obo. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, like new Benchmade brand tactical knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40, LF - pool table. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
LF - Set of 16" rims, 8 lug, chrome steel or aluminum wheels reasonable 218-1220
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female. Call 270-528-1813
FS - 8 vehicle heads for older models, 79 and older. Call 270-528-2444
FS - Sears Iffex Power incline Treadmill by Proform, has 3 year service plan $375, 14 x 26 Taskforce red metal toolbox, 5 drawer $75. Tools, sockets, etc. Call 270-524-1042
FS - 2004 Hyundai Elantra, 140,000 miles, has had oil change, has bike rack, catalytic converter has been removed $1,000 obo. Call 606-219-0432
FS - Bluegrass military Sonim phone $50, AT&T flip phone $25, table with leaf and four chairs $75 obo, primitive shower curtain and towels. $15. Call 270-576-3191
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower. and for used mobile homes. Call 531-2171
FS - 2000 Dodge Dakota, v-6 Magnum, 162,028 miles, automatic, $900 and will buy oil pump and gaskets. Call 270-576-5750
FS - 3 straight back chairs $20 each or all for $45. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 1995 Ford Splash, v-6, 5 spd, $700. Call 270-524-1963
LF - above ground 24 ft. pool to take down - 270-670-7388
LF - aluminum bases for seats on bass boats - 270-576-7806
LF - transmission for 1994 Dodge Dakota ext. cab pickup - 270-524-3418
FS - 18 inch Poulan Chainsaw - 270-427-7775
FS - 12 ft. cattle trailer - 270-299-6762
FS - calves on dry feed - 270-250-9209
LF - passenger side mirror for 92-99 Pontiac Bonnieville - 270-932-7802
FS - 4 ft. Florescent lights with bulbs, LF - hen turkeys - 270-579-2645
FS - 2005 Yamaha YFZ racing 4 wheeler, 2000 Ford Ranger 4x4 (needs head gasket) - 270-565-4912
LF - two white legger laying hens 270-528-6198
FS - GE Almond Side-by-Side Refrigerator reduced to $275 Ice and water in the door. Call 270 432 4163
LF - Twin size older metal bed call 270-282-3387
FS - cows and calves - 270-735-5431
FS - 12 interior doors with jams and trim $25 each or less if you take all - 270-590-2389 or 270-428-2355
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS - Bedliner for Chevy pickup, regular bed $30 or best offer. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 6 week old Saanen Buckling, born March 2nd, receiving bottle, eating grain. $125. 531-6177
LF - Teacup or Toy Poodle, female, 270-528-1813
FS - 2004 Hyundai Elantra, 140,000 miles, has had oil change, has bike rack, catalytic converter has been removed $1,000 obo. Call 606-219-0432
FS - Bluegrass military Sonim phone $50, AT&T flip phone $25, table with leaf and four chairs $75 obo, primitive shower curtain and towels. $15. Call 270-576-3191
FS 225-60 R 17's $75. Call 270-528-2407
FS - 2 Beagle Hounds $75. 6 months old. Call 270-218-2256
FS - 2 tobacco setters, 1 is a one row,. the other a 2 row, 6 ft disc. Call 270-590-3055
FS - 10 hp Johnson outboard motor, light poles, 3 registered Angus bulls, square bales of horse hay, inside and outside doors, kitchen cabinets, top and bottom with sink. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Flip phone $25. Call 270-749-8793
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower. and for used mobile homes. Call 531-2171
FS - 2000 Dodge Dakota, v-6 Magnum, 162,028 miles, automatic, $900 and will buy oil pump and gaskets. Call 270-576-5750
FS - 3 straight back chairs $20 each or all for $45. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 1995 Ford Splash, v-6, 5 spd, $700. Call 270-524-1963
FS - Sprint Cell Phones. Call 270-576-8828
FS - 125 gal fish tank, with fish and accessories. $400. Call 270-646-5296
FS- Yorkchi pups, 1 male, 2 females, Call 270-404-4795
LF - place to rent. Call 270-696-0887
FS - Bluegrass Sonim cell phone, heavy duty.. Asking $75. Call 270-576-5750
LF - A stove. Does not have to work and color does not matter, can pick up. Call 270-651-6366.
FS - 4 piece maple solid wood bedroom suite. 270-457-2570.
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
FS- 5 purebred Black Angus heifers, will calve soon, 3 registered Angus Bulls, $1700 to $2500. Kitchen cabinets, top and bottom with sink and faucets, natural wood, $300, logging equipment, chains, tongues, etc. Horse hay in square bales. Call 270-932-1777
Yard Sale - Today at 55 Bragg Avenue in Munfordville, knives, tools, jewelry, shelves, chairs, benches, bicycle, dvd movies, cd's, clothing. Call 270-218-3075
LF - 3 bedroom home to rent or rent to own - 270-576-1913
FS - set of factory aluminum Colorado wheels and tires, 2008 Honda 420 4 wheeler - 270-378-5624
FS - Motorguide 55 lb. thrust foot controlled trolling motor, 7ft Massey Ferguson disc, tomato cages - 270-932-7802
FS - pool table with accessories $125, coal or wood stove - 270-405-6018
LF - 6 lug wheels and parts for a 1985 Nissan hard body pickup - 270-735-5004
LF - 2 or 3 bedroom house or trailer to rent in Metcalfe county -270-579-8844
FS - 2008 Ford F-150 2 wd extended cab $4500 - 270-579-7477
LF - military bluegrass phone - 270-405-6018
FS - brand new shower chair $20 - 270-308-5449
FS - registered Angus Bulls - 270-469-0339
LF - 12 pallets - 270-404-1242
LF - house to buy within a mile of Glasgow or between Glasgow and Edmonton or a lot with utilities - 270-427-6786
LF - rick of good firewood - 270-432-5378
FS - 16 inch Poulan chainsaw that runs, Stihl chainsaw ( does not run), Troybilt riding mower with bad engine - 270-670-6152
FS - Quart and pint fruit jars, dog box for truck - 270-670-1403
FS - 2 Holstein Heifers- 270-565-3999
FS - Nike golf bag with 13 clubs $25 - 270-405-6830
FS- indoor jacuzzi $200, LF - 16.5 inch tires, FS - class 5 receiver hitch for Chevrolet - 270-378-6998
FS - 3 pt hitch tobacco spray for six rows, no pump - 270-299-6375
FS - small deep freeze $50 - 270-324-3778
FS - 4x6 tilt trailer $100 , 20x 20 log barn - 270-618-0703
LF - 8-9 week old piglet 2704592878
FS - 2 1998 Camrys, both wrecked, salvage titles, $500. Call 270-786-4846
LF - Someone to milk cows twice daily. Call 270-590-2396
LF - Podium and In Remembrance Of Me table for a church. Call 859-948-5519
Yard Sale - Today , 1 miles from fire department in Bonnieville, baby mattresses, clothes, rugs, books, etc.
LF - Someone in the Linwood area with plow and disc, tractor or tiller to do garden work. Call 590-3209 590-1944
FS - CD and tape player $50. Call 528-7643
Found - Small pup in woods between Bonnieville and Upton, could be a Lab. Call 270-217-5528 or 270-524-4547
GA - Small white dog, female, has been spayed, good with children. Call 270-786-3705 and leave a message.
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower. and for used mobile homes. Call 531-2171
FS - 2000 Dodge Dakota, v-6 Magnum, 162,028 miles, automatic, $900 and will buy oil pump and gaskets. Call 270-576-5750
FS - 3 straight back chairs $20 each or all for $45. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 1995 Ford Splash, v-6, 5 spd, $700. Call 270-524-1963
FS - 1947, 48, 50 and 51, 65, 66, 67 and 68 from Munfordville School yearbooks, 1st yearbook 1968 and 1969 of Hart County $30 each. Call 270-524-9153 or 270-505-2646
FS - 10 hp Johnson outboard motor $500 obo, quality square bales of horse hay, 5 pure bred angus heifers, vet checked, calving next month, 3 registered angus bulls $1750 to $2500. Call 270-932-1777
Yard Sale - today, Thurs, Fri, new items at 55 Bragg Avenue in Munfordville. Call 270-524-1952
FS - 2000 Dodge Dakota, v-6 Magnum, 162,028 miles, automatic, $900 and will buy oil pump and gaskets. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Riding lawnmower. Call 270-473-1356
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower. and for used mobile homes. Call 531-2171
Yard Sale - 10 a.m. today, riding lawnmower, estate sale, new items, pickup truck, garden tools, etc. at 1 1/2 miles from Bonnieville Fire Department on the right. Call 270- 531-6947
FS - AT&T flip phone $30, Bluegrass military phone $65. Call 0270-576-3191
FS - 3 straight back chairs $20 each or all for $45. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 1995 Ford Splash, v-6, 5 spd, $700. Call 270-524-1963
LF - 42" deck for a newer model Yardmachine lawnmower, LF - used mobile homes, reasonably priced. Call 270-531-2171
FS - AT&T flip phone $30, Bluegrass military phone $65. Call 0270-576-3191
FS - Purebred angus heifers, 3 angus bulls, square bales of horse hay, natural kitchen cabinets, top and bottom $300. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 50 MF tractor, 1 and 1/2 rick of wood, 14 ft iron gate, wood pallets, hayfork. Call 590-3862
LF - Yards to mow. Call 537-1706
Yard Sale - 115 J L Borders Road, Munfordville, Today. Antique bed, Mason jars, aluminum wheels, bbq grill, pull behind trailer, computer desk, printer, tools, dresser, etc. Call 270-218-0105
FS - CD player with radio and cassette player. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Silkies, 1 year old, $10 each. Call 270-528-6381
FS - 50 inch Troybilt zero turn mower with 22 hp. Kohler $1000 firm - 270-651-9842
FS - 2 brand new pressure cookers in boxes, 6qt and 8 qt - 270-932-3479
FS - Craftsman, Cub Cadet, and Bolens riding mower and box of mower parts - 270-428-5911
FS - 2nd owner Honda Civic with new tires $2000 - 270-528-1242
FS - 2 - 50 ft. antennas to be taken down - 270-432-2592
FS - roosters - 270-432-3048
FS - battery jumper box $20 - 270-381-0306
LF - place to rent to own near Summershade - 270-432-7035
FS - top storage dog box, 3 shock collar system - 270-805-8530
LF - pump and filter for small swimming pool - 270-459-3171
FS - calves on dry feed - 270-250-9209
FS - 5209 New Idea disc bine. 270-404-1368
FS - Holstein heifer and Angus cross bull bottle calves - 270-405-6363
FS - 14x70 mobile home to be moved (needs work), 1989 Mercury Cougar (needs work), White riding mower - 270-487-1203
FS - Troybilt 42 inch cut mower with 17.5 hp , Craftsman 16 inch chainsaw, 1982 Yamaha 650 motorcycle, Pilgrim wood stove - 270-261-1740
FS - 2005 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Classic. 270-590-3074
FS - small refrigerator $30, new grill and parking lamp bezels to fit a 1989-1992 Ford Ranger $50. Call 270-576-7818
LF - Rolled hay. 270-670-2902
FS- Whirlpool 110 dryer. $60. Call 270-576-5750
FS - Laying hens. (270)634-0028
LF - Rolled hay. Cal 270-590-7089
FS - Bluegrass cellphone (Sonim), heavy duty. $75. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Free stove, doesn't have to work, any color. Call 270-651-6366
FS - 4 piece maple solid wood bedroom suite. Call 270-457-2570
FS - Bunnies. $15. Call 270-612-1405
FS - 4 cemetery plots in Glasgow Municipal Cemetery. Call (615)347-6263
FS - Solid cherry armoire, must be picked up, holds a 37" tv and has large drawer on bottom. $125. Call 270-579-9069
FS - 4 white bunnies, three weeks old. 1 black bunny and 1 wild rabbit. Call 270-579-9203
Will do - Yard mowing and weedeating, also will cut trees. Call 270-432-2625
FS - Sterling Sleep Systems softside king size waveless heated waterbed with double baffles, needs new pillow top zippered cover. Call 270-925-0318
FS - Country Western albums, Dexter Bowles prints, Ray Harned, Donnie Firkins and others, antique wheat dishes - sixteen set of 5 place settings. Call 270-834-0261
Found - Set of keys on Willie Groce Road in Glasgow Sunday. Call 270-702-1483
Will do - house cleaning, have references and experience. Call 270-590-4748
FS - E-Z Go golf cart $1800. Call 270-579-8223
Yard Sale - today and Fri, possibly Saturday, iron bed at 115 J L Borders Road, Munfordville, signs posted. Call 270-218-0105
FS - 3 straight back chairs $20 each or all for $45. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 1995 Ford Splash, v-6, 5 spd, $700. Call 270-524-1963
Yard Sale - Saturday inside Upton Community Center from 8 to 3, dining room, living room suites, etc.
FS - 2 registered angus bulls, 5 purebred angus heifers, should calve in May, horse hay square bales, logging equipment, tongues, chains, etc. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Person who advertised Ford Ranger for sale - 786-4399 537-4336
FS - Troybilt zero turn mower 50 inch cut 22 hp. Kohler - 270-651-9842 or 270-670-0986
FS - 100 gallon Better Built diesel tank with pump $500 - 606-278-3412
FS - farm fresh eggs LF - egg cartons - 270-432-4353 or 630-673-4353
LF - 3 bedroom home to rent or rent to own - 270-576-1913
FS - Factory aluminum Colorado wheels and tires, 2008 Honda 420 4 wheeler - 270-378-5624
FS - Motorguide 55 lb. thrust foot controlled trolling motor, 7ft Massey Ferguson disc - 270-932-7802
FS - pool table with accessories $125 - 270-405-6018
LF - 6 lug wheels and parts for a 1985 Nissan hard body pickup - 270-735-5004
LF - 2 or 3 bedroom house or trailer to rent in Metcalfe county -270-579-8844
FS - 2008 Ford F-150 2 wd extended cab $4500 - 270-579-7477
LF - military bluegrass phone - 270-405-6018
FS - brand new shower chair $20 - 270-308-5449
FS - registered Angus Bulls - 270-469-0339
LF - 12 pallets - 270-404-1242
LF - house to buy between Glasgow and Edmonton - 270-427-6786
LF - rick of firewood - 270-432-5378
FS - 16 inch Poulan chainsaw that runs, Stihl chainsaw ( doesn't run), Troybilt riding mower with bad engine - 270-670-6152
FS - Quart and pint fruit jars, dog box for truck - 270-670-1403
FS - 2 Holstein Heifers- 270-565-3999
FS - Nike golf bag with 13 clubs $25 - 270-405-6830
FS- indoor jacuzzi $200, LF - 16.5 inch tires, FS - class 5 receiver hitch for Chevrolet - 270-378-6998
FS - 3 pt hitch tobacco spray for six rows, no pump - 270-299-6375
FS - small deep freeze $50 - 270-324-3778
FS - 4x6 tilt trailer $100 , 20x 20 log barn - 270-618-0703
LF - 8-9 week old piglet 2704592878
FS - Two 1998 Toyota Camrys, both have been wrecked and have salvage titles, $500. Call 270-786-4846
LF - someone to milk cows, twice daily. 270-590-2396
LF - Mobile home or house to rent to own with at least an acre lot, prefer in country. Call 270-261-2151
FS - GE washer in good shape, asking $80. Whirlpool dryer 110 volt, works good, asking $70. Call 270-576-5750
FS - 20 ft. gooseneck trlr. with 8000 lb. axles - 270-590-8990
FS - 2 old milk cans, end tables, antique desk - 270-432-4400
FS - factory aluminum wheels for 2004 Chevy S-10 with new tires $300 - 270-405-4698
FS - home security system with cameras , sensors and smoke detector $2000 new asking $400 or trade for riding mower - 270-405-0332
FS - cedar chest , cedar porch swing, red oak firewood - 270-565-3787
FS - 2 Craftsman riding mowers , one with 16hp and one with 20 hp. both 42 inch cut - 270-428-2018
LF - rolled hay - 270-590-7089
LF - 245/65/17 inch tires, FS - 2004 Kia van 160,000 miles in great shape $2500 cash - 270-670-9912
FS - Hesston 5500 hay roller and one for parts , LF - 30-40 lb. propane cylinders - 270-590-5928
FS - 2 50 ft. antennas to be moved - 270-432-2592
FS - 6 month old 1000 cranking watt battery, 4 ft. bush hog, Trane gas furnace - 606-787-0226
FS - 4 year old Black and Tan coon hound, dog box with storage, shock collar system, LF - small house dog - 270-805-8530
FS - Motorguide 55 lb. thrust foot controlled trolling motor, 7ft Massey Ferguson disc - 270-932-7802
LF - K321 14 hp. horizontal shaft Kohler engine with cast iron sleeve - 270-670-1074
FS - 21inch. by 27 inch squirrel cage fan with stand - 270-404-2208
FS - 850 tobacco sticks 10 ct each , - 270- 576-3694
GA - free carpet , enough to do medium size room , brown and beige in color - 270-434-4236
FS - 1998 Volkswagon Beetle $2000 - 270-576-0027
FS - 3 bedroom 2 bath home with 15 1/2 acres between Glasgow and Bowling Green - 270-678-2918
FS - 500 gallon water tank, 8 ft. John Deere disc, 2000 tobacco sticks - 270-678-2918
FS - 1982 Yamaha 650 motorcycle, Pilgrim wood stove with piping, Troybilt Pony Riding mower - 270-261-1740 or 270-590-4965
LF - house to rent, 3 or 4 bedroom, pet friendly near Edmonton. Call .270-404-2148
FS - 2014 Nissan Altima ,Gun metal Gray ,1 owner, non-smoker, 4 cyl, remote start. $13,900. 270-590-4983
FS - Almond color GE refrigerator, side by side $325, has ice and water in door. Call 270-432-4163
LF - Horse hay 590-7089
LF - Someone to till a garden, give an estimate. Call 590-3209
FS - 52 inch cut Gravely residential zero turn mower $1000, cart for child to ride in behind bicycle $50 - 270-590-0856
FS - 1986 Ford F-150 LWB auto 82,000 miles, 2003 Dodge Durango, 2 front tine garden tillers - 270-670-1359
FS - SX six string bass guitar with 112 Peavey amp $275 - 270-378-0601
FS - 50 inch White riding mower ( needs hood) , Troybilt push mower with bagger $50 - 270-576-7806
FS - 5 - 10 ft cattle feeders $50 each or all for $225, 3 point hay spear $85, 1 owner White riding mower $325 - 270-405-1056
FS - large riding mower, Buff Orphington hens, stocking cages for birds - 270-432-5531
FS - chest type deep freeze, PSP game system, coffee table, dvd stand, PS3 games - 270-535-3784
FS - front tine garden tiller $50, 1972 Mustang Rolling body $900 - 270-407-3874
FS - 1995 Ford Thunderbird V8 auto runs and drives $500 firm, pair of 225/70/15 inch tires $25 - 270-991-8765
FS - good quality horse hay, Black Angus Registered bulls - 270-932-1777
FS - 1983 Buick LeSabre, 64,309 actual miles. $500 Firm. 270-361-9010
FS - 16ft. dove tail car hauler diamond metal plate floor built in ramps electric brakes factory built phone 270 590 4689
FS - brand new Queen size air mattress with built in pump $30 - 270-864-8163
FS - Black Angus calves. Call 270-428-4885
FS - 110 Whirlpool dryer for apartment $60. Call 270-576-5750
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Benchmade brand knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - Electric stove, Amana washer and dryer, couch, recliner, hospital bed, mattress, double door refrigerator, Keurig coffee maker, rice cooker, Sunbeam mixer. Call 270-407-0872
LF - Yard sale items, will pickup, and will buy in good quantity. Reasonable. Call 270-935-0410
FS - Black Angus calves. Call 270-428-4885
FS - 110 Whirlpool dryer for apartment $60. Call 270-576-5750
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Benchmade brand knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - Electric stove, Amana washer and dryer, couch, recliner, hospital bed, mattress, double door refrigerator, Keurig coffee maker, rice cooker, Sunbeam mixer. Call 270-407-0872
FS - Black Angus calves. Call 270-428-4885
FS - washer & dryer $100 - 270-670-4092
LF - 5.4 engine for 1997 Ford F-150 - 270-528-1419
FS - like new Frigidaire cook stove, 5 silky roosters, like new pair of lace up Carolina boots size 11.5 - 270-406-1717 ( Burkesville)
FS - 2008 Honda 420 Rancher 2wd 4 wheeler , front tine garden tiller, pushmower - 270-378-5624
FS - 2 Craftsman riding mowers and a Statesman rear tine garden tiller, all need a little work - 270-405-7669 ( Pierce community)
FS - 2005 Kia Amante luxury sedan $2500 cash firm - 270-528-1242
LF - horses , donkeys, roosters - 270-404-5959
FS - set of Goodyear Wrangler 265/65/18 tires with 75% tread $100 - 270-612-0737
FS -seasoned firewood , will deliver - 270-404-2606
LF - 1 yr or older dog that is good with kids and cats - 270-434-4236
FS - farm fresh eggs - 270-432-4353
FS - wooden mineral feeders $200 each - 270-255-1157
FS - Black Angus calves. Call 270-428-4885
FS - 110 Whirlpool dryer for apartment $60. Call 270-576-5750
FS - '52 model WD Allis Chalmers tractor, $700. Call 270-242-7172
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Benchmade brand knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 2005 Buick LeSabre $2300, Bluegrass cell phone, $75. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Full size bed, solid oak and oak corner tv stand. e-mail
FS - Country pine twin bunk beds with mattresses and memory foam covers, bed side table and chest of drawers $800 or bunk beds for $550. Call 270-528-6062
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
FS - Wagon for hauling hay and New Holland tractor. Call 270-590-3055
Found - Beagle pup, behind Sego Funeral Home in Munfordville. The pup is at Riverside Animal Clinic in Munfordville. Call 270-524-0301.
FS - Horse hay in square bales, 5 pure bred Angus heifers, will calve in May, vet checked, 3 Angus bulls. Logging equipment. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 2 male Beagles $100 for both, tri-color. call 270-218-2256
FS - 2 front tine Garden tillers, 3 point hitch post hole diggers - 270-670-1359
FS - brown electric lift chair $200 - 270-432-4400
FS - fiberglass bedcover for flareside Ford Ranger - 270-634-3131
FS - 2 matching chest of drawers , industrial type table 5 ft. long with wood top and metal bottom - 270-565-1663
FS - old lumber - 270-889-4404
FS - like new Honda Recon - 270-528-6108
FS - 3 yr old Boer nanny goat ( never bred) $200 - 270-405-4698
LF - free puppy - 270-404-2842
FS - 2 electric pressure cookers - 270-932-3479
FS - 3 ton heat and air unit outside unit not 2 years old new coils on the inside unit, $800. Call 270-932-2181
FS - Cd, radio and tape player $50. Call 270-528-7643
FS - 1991 model Golf cart with rebuilt engine and dump bed, LF - 30-40 lb. propane tanks for camper, radio for 2004 GMC Sierra - 270-590-5928
FS - new Porter Cable cordless drill with 2 batteries, 4 16 inch steel 8 lug wheels - 270-590-2359
FS - dog box for small pickup with tray on top - 270-634-0427
LF - table or stand for industrial sewing machine with 110 clutch - 270-404-5392
FS - 1996 34 ft. motor home $14000, 2001 Odyssey 2 horse trailer with escape doors and new tires $4500 , topper for 2001 Ford F150 with 6 ft. bed - 270-378-4407
FS - 2 front tine Garden tillers, 3 point hitch post hole diggers - 270-670-1359
FS - Black Angus calves. Call 270-428-4885
FS - 110 Whirlpool dryer for apartment $60. Call 270-576-5750
LF - 1 bedroom apartment for rent. Call 270-524-9517
FS - Black Angus calves. Call 270-428-4885
FS - 110 Whirlpool dryer for apartment $60. Call 270-576-5750
FS - '52 model WD Allis Chalmers tractor, $700. Call 270-242-7172
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Benchmade brand knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 2005 Buick LeSabre $2300, Bluegrass cell phone, $75. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Full size bed, solid oak and oak corner tv stand. e-mail
FS - Country pine twin bunk beds with mattresses and memory foam covers, bed side table and chest of drawers $800 or bunk beds for $550. Call 270-528-6062
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
LF - House in Barren County preferably in the country, LF - truck to rent to own around $500 or a 3 to 4 door truck with a down payment and monthly payments. LF - free couch and loveseat. Call 270-651-0339
FS - Electric stove, Amana washer and dryer, couch, recliner, hospital bed, mattress, double door refrigerator, Keurig coffee maker, rice cooker, Sunbeam mixer. Call 270-407-0872
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
FS- Washer & Dryer, Riding Mower --270-786-2903
FS- Cage Free Farm Fresh Eggs $2 Dozen --270-773-5306
LF- Lift Chair to Buy --270-565-3083
FS- Tires--31.10.50 15’s on 5 Lug Rims for $200 Firm, 1999 Dodge 4x4 w/V8 5 Speed & 6” Lift Kit (built for off-road) for $5500 --270-528-6255
FS- Red Oak Firewood for $35 per Ric picked up or $40 per Ric if delivered, Kenmore Portable Dishwasher with Butcher Block Top --270-404-2606
FS- 1994 Ford Ranger 4x4 5 Speed for $400 (slave cylinder is out) --270-590-8855
FS- Husqvarna Mower w/22 HP Motor to go with it, Poland Mower w/17.5 HP Motor, Rabbits --270-528-4750 or 270-537-1844
FS- Baker’s Rack for $50, Futon for $50, Desk & Chair for $50 --270-585-5554
FS- Three T-8 Florescent Shop Light Fixtures 4’ Long, 20 Ton AC Delco Jack, Brother Sewing Machine, Hand Post-Hole Diggers, New Ear Tags for Goats or Sheep --270-405-4338
LF- Ducks (prefer young hatchlings-Mallards but will take White) --903-715-6840
FS- Honda Four-Wheeler w/Push Button Shift, New Tires & New Oil Change --270-427-9056
FS- 2008 Honda 420 Four-Wheeler, White and Yellow Gold Ladies Rings for $25 Each --270-378-5624
FS- Miscellaneous Tools (wrenches, screw drivers, pliers, etc) --270-299-5998
FS- Holstein & Angus Cross Bottle Calves --270-405-6363
FS- Interior Doors (Two 6 Panel 36” Doors Left Hand Hung, 36” 2 Panel Door, 24” Door), New Storm Door, Battery for Tractor or Truck --606-787-0226
FS- 2 Craftsman Riding Mowers (16 HP & 20 HP), 4 Tires Size 205.70.15’s --270-428-2018
FS- 1991 Dodge Dakota (has blown head gasket) w/decent tires on 6 lug Rally Rims (no title), Tires Size 265.60.R20’s --270-319-6466
FS- 2 Flood Lights with Bulbs for $50 Each --270-834-9938
FS- Five Barber Shop Chairs for $50 Each, 1995 Chevy Parting Out, Transmission for 2WD Automatic Ford Ranger or Ford Explorer --270-250-5421 (Between Columbia & Edmonton)
FS- 2001 Kia Sportage (needs coil pack) for $400 --270-406-0631
FS- 1990 Ford Ranger 4 Cylinder 5 Speed for $800 --270-932-3767
FS- 5’ x 6’ 1” and 5’ x 6’ 7” Insulated Panels (1/4” Thick) for $2 Each or would trade bundles to Boat Trailer, Riding Mowers, etc --270-405-1628
FS- 1 ton capacity engine hoist ( cherry picker), used once legs fold up for storage asking $125 also cargo carrier basket that fits into standard receiver hitch. $40. Call 270-576-7818
LF - well casing or medal road tile 270 590 2396
FS - 40 ft. trusses , 5x8 sheets of plywood
LF - small white refrigerator under 72 inches tall preferably white- 270-590-3146 or 270-590-5624
LF - 8 Lug chrome wheels for and F-250 - 270-634-3998
FS - like new jaccuzi tub $100, Ram Sheep $150 ,3000 Watt Dimensions Power Inverter $500 - 270-378-6998
LF - good used refrigerator - 270-405-4325
FS - 1995 Nissan Maxima (needs a little work) , GA - male Yorkie 1 1/2 years old - 270-579-2356
LF - cedar logs 10-12 ft. long and 6-8 inches in diameter - 270-308-5128
FS - HD outdoor antenna $20 - 270-991-8765
FS - dinette table with 6 chairs $300 - 270-834-9116
LF - house and lot close to Glasgow, 100 Cub Cadet mower or Sears Hi Lo - 270-427-6786
FS - 1991 model Golf cart with rebuilt engine and dump bed, LF - 30-40 lb. propane tanks for camper, radio for 2004 GMC Sierra - 270-590-5928
FS - 15 1/2 acres, with 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, walk in closet, full basement with kitchen, 2 detached carports. Call 270-678-5146
FS - 500 gallon watering tank, 8 ft John Deere disc, 2000 tobacco sticks. Call 270-678-2918
FS - 24 ft pontoon 79 model, motor rebuilt, fair shape, $3,000, stand up freezer $100, Tommy lift gate for a van or a pickup. Twin bed old Cannonball type. Call 502-689-1113
LF - Sterling silver items and gold and silver coins. Call 270-816-0658
FS- Honda Four-Wheeler w/Push Button Shift, New Tires & New Oil Change --270-427-9056
FS- 2008 Honda 420 Four-Wheeler, White and Yellow Gold Ladies Rings for $25 Each --270-378-5624
FS- Miscellaneous Tools (wrenches, screw drivers, pliers, etc) --270-299-5998
FS- Holstein & Angus Cross Bottle Calves --270-405-6363
FS- Interior Doors (Two 6 Panel 36” Doors Left Hand Hung, 36” 2 Panel Door, 24” Door), New Storm Door, Battery for Tractor or Truck --606-787-0226
FS- 2 Craftsman Riding Mowers, 4 Tires Size 205.70.15’s --270-428-2018
FS- 1991 Dodge Dakota (has blown head gasket) w/decent tires on 6 lug Rally Rims (no title), Tires Size 265.60.R20’s --270-319-6466
FS- 2 Flood Lights with Bulbs for $50 Each --270-834-9938
FS- Five Barber Shop Chairs for $50 Each, 1995 Chevy Parting Out, Transmission for 2WD Automatic Ford Ranger or Ford Explorer --270-250-5421
FS- 2001 Kia Sportage (needs coil pack) for $400 --270-406-0631
FS- 1990 Ford Ranger 4 Cylinder 5 Speed for $800 --270-932-3767
FS- 5’ x 6’ 1” and 5’ x 6’ 7” Insulated Panels (1/4” Thick) for $2 Each or would trade bundles to Boat Trailer, Riding Mowers, etc --270-405-1628
FS - 2014 Nissan Altima ,Gun metal Gray ,1 owner, non smoker with 21,000 miles , auto , rear camera. Asking $13,900. Call 270-590-4983
Found - 2 small dogs at Southern States in Horse Cave. One is a male Jack Russell mix, the other is a female, Chihuahua mix. They have been showing up in the mornings in the straw. Call 270-786-2045
FS - GE washer in good condition, works good $80. Whirlpool dryer 110 volt, works good. $70. Call 576-5750
FS - Husqvarna lawnmower automatic 42" cut, metal racks (200) 15" wide, 12" deep would make good shelves for a business. stackable. $1 each Call 270-537-1706
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Benchmade brand knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 2005 Buick LeSabre $2300, Bluegrass cell phone, $75. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Full size bed, solid oak and oak corner tv stand. e-mail
FS - Country pine twin bunk beds with mattresses and memory foam covers, bed side table and chest of drawers $800 or bunk beds for $550. Call 270-528-6062
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
LF - House in Barren County preferably in the country, LF - truck to rent to own around $500 or a 3 to 4 door truck with a down payment and monthly payments. LF - free couch and loveseat. Call 270-651-0339
FS - Electric stove, Amana washer and dryer, couch, recliner, hospital bed, mattress, double door refrigerator, Keurig coffee maker, rice cooker, Sunbeam mixer. Call 270-407-0872
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - GE washer, works good, $80, Whirlpool dryer 110 volt, $70. Call 270-576-3191
FS - 2007 Yamaha V-star motorcycle, 10,000 miles. $3,250. Call 270-590-4235
FS - 3 used farm gates, sizes 14, 12 and 4 ft. Call 270-453-4800.
Will do - Private sitting, experience and any shift. Call 270-579-3517
FS - Bolen riding mower, 38" cut. $500. Call 270-590-0450
LF - Place to rent near Scottsville. Call 270-618-0198
FS - Oak table with bear claw feet and six chairs $300. Call 270-590-9536
FS - Roper heavy duty washer. $25. Call 270-303-1429
FS - 4 plots in Glasgow Municipal Cemetery. Call 615-347-6263 or 615-948-8368
LF - King cab or 4 door Toyota truck, 4 cylinder in good condition, 1986 to 1997 model. Call 270-404-4795
FS - 2002 Dodge Dakota, 120,000 miles, refrigerator, freezer and stove, etc.
Call 270-537-1117
FS - 1 year-old Pygmy Billy goat. $125 obo. Call 270-670-9234
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Benchmade brand knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 2005 Buick LeSabre $2300, Bluegrass cell phone, $75. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Full size bed, solid oak and oak corner tv stand. e-mail
FS - Country pine twin bunk beds with mattresses and memory foam covers, bed side table and chest of drawers $800 or bunk beds for $550. Call 270-528-6062
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
LF - House in Barren County preferably in the country, LF - truck to rent to own around $500 or a 3 to 4 door truck with a down payment and monthly payments. LF - free couch and loveseat. Call 270-651-0339
FS - Electric stove, Amana washer and dryer, couch, recliner, hospital bed, mattress, double door refrigerator, Keurig coffee maker, rice cooker, Sunbeam mixer. Call 270-407-0872
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Rolled hay in Horse Cave and Cave City area. Call 270-590-7089
FS - 2009 Model 2605 MF tractor 3800 hp, front end loader. 2013 Lincoln MKX, low miles. Call 270-646-7465
FS - 2002 Ford Escape 4x4 - 270-651-9842 or 270-670-0986 after 3:30 pm
FS - farm fresh eggs different sizes - 270-432- 4353 or 630-673-4353
FS - German Sheppard dog $150 - 270-381-0306
FS - bottle calves, Nubian Billy goat - 270-405-6363
FS - 1 yr. old Pygmy billy goat - 270-670-9234
FS - Kawasaki 4 wheeler, calves on dry feed - 270-250-9209
LF - propane wall heater - 270-261-1740 or 270-590-4965
FS - 5 barber shop chairs and 2 hair drying chairs, parting out 95 Chevy pickup without motor and transmission - 270-250-5421
FS - 1990 Ford Ranger 4 cylinder 5 speed $800 - 270-932-3767
FS - 2 sections of 4ft.x100ft woven wire fence with posts and solar box $350 - 270-590-6630
FS - 2 electric pressure cookers - 270-932-3479
FS - 1998 Jeep Wrangler Safari $6000, 34 ft. gooseneck camper with 2 slide outs $2000, LF - 30-40 lb. propane cylinders - 270-590-5928
FS - full screen door, interior doors, a few boxes of laminate flooring, vinyl flooring, 6 month old tractor battery $100 - 606-787-0226 ( Casey County)\
FS - double wide mobile home on 1 acre lot in Knob Lick - 270-299-5999 or 270-528-7812
FS - 1996 Oldsmobile Achieva $1500 - 270-991-8765
FS - 1972 Mustang body - 270-407-3874
FS - 3 1/2 ft. female boa snake with accessories $100, white refrigerator - 270-670-9763
FS - riding mower, tiller , 16 ft. trailer, GA - free hospital bed - 270-849-7025
FS - 3 utility trailers, 4x7 with drop gate, 5x7 tilt, 5x8 factory built - 270-457-4236
LF - well casing or metal road tile 270 590 2396
FS - Kawasaki four wheeler 4x4 360i motor. LF - 2010 Chevy ,8 lug wheels 270-805-9177
FS - 1989 Ford Ranger 4 cylinder 5-speed with air 104,000 miles, 2003 Monte Carlo SS 170,000 miles, 2003 Mercury with leather and loaded 150,000 miles - 270-403-0451
FS- 706 Minneapolis Moline Garden Tractor --270-407-3874
FS- Washer & Dryer, Riding Mower --270-786-2903
FS- Cage Free Farm Fresh Eggs $2 Dozen --270-773-5306
LF- Lift Chair to Buy --270-565-3083
FS- Tires--31.10.50 15’s on 5 Lug Rims for $200 Firm, 1999 Dodge 4x4 w/V8 5 Speed & 6” Lift Kit (built for off-road) for $5500 --270-528-6255
FS- Red Oak Firewood for $35 picked up or $40 delivered, Kenmore Portable Dishwasher with Butcher Block Top --270-404-2606
FS - 2 - 4 barrel intakes off a 352 Ford engine. 1 intake off 327 2 barrel engine. Call 270-473-1356
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Benchmade brand knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 2005 Buick LeSabre $2300, Bluegrass cell phone, $75. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Full size bed, solid oak and oak corner tv stand. e-mail
FS - Country pine twin bunk beds with mattresses and memory foam covers, bed side table and chest of drawers $800 or bunk beds for $550. Call 270-528-6062
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
LF - House in Barren County preferably in the country, LF - truck to rent to own around $500 or a 3 to 4 door truck with a down payment and monthly payments. LF - free couch and loveseat. Call 270-651-0339
FS - Electric stove, Amana washer and dryer, couch, recliner, hospital bed, mattress, double door refrigerator, Keurig coffee maker, rice cooker, Sunbeam mixer. Call 270-407-0872
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 2005 Mercury SUV V-6 4x4 100,000 miles $6000 - 270-404-6113
FS - 2 Tom turkeys $30 each , set of 245/75/16 tires $100 - 270-590-5635
FS - like new jacuzzi tub $100, LF - 16.5 inch tires and a 16.5 rim for spare - 270-378-6998
FS - 454 engine, 1990 van v-6 auto $600 - 270-405-0030
LF - donkeys and horses - 270-404-5959
FS - farm fresh eggs - 270-590-8117
FS - pigs of different sizes - 270-670-9958
FS - 1978 Ford Ton pickup with flat bed - 270-576-4240
FS - walker, motorcycle helmet - 270-805-9401
FS - washer and dryer, riding mower - 270-786-2903
FS - fresh eggs - 270-432-4353
LF - corner shelves to put plants on - 270-590-9077
FS - bakers rack, futon, washer and dryer - 270-585-5554
FS - 2003 Chevy Trailblazer $1500, 1976 Chevy 3/4 ton flatbed with dual wheels $2000, 1986 Chevy swb 4x4 $4500 - 270-576-6228
LF - book case - 270-432-5967
LF - a good 19 foot pull behind camper. Call 270-576-8499
FS - John Deere Tractor 2640 model Front end loader- bucket has 4700 hours $7,000. 3 bottom plow - Ford $500, International Disc - 9 foot new cylinders and hoses $400. Call 270-893-1370
FS - 4 year-old male black and tan registered coon hound, dog box with top storage, and Garmon 220 tracking system with 2 collars and 3 chargers for collars. Call 270-805-8530
FS - 2005 Chevrolet 4.3 motor and transmission with 137000 miles. $725. Call 270-308-5042
FS - good running 2000 Honda Rancher atv $1300 - 270-427-0973
FS - 2 Guinea pigs with cages $25 each - 270-590-1065
FS - 2 brand new pair of boots- Rocky slip on size 13, Carolina lace up ropers size 11.5 , Oreck glider mopper, wet vacuum mop - 270-406-1719
FS - Kawasaki 4 wheeler, runs good but needs a little work - 270-250-9209
FS - 16 ft. gooseneck utility trailer - 270-378-1109
FS - barber shop chairs, 95 Chevy pickup for parts (no motor or tranny) , transmission for 2wd Ford Ranger or Explorer - 270-250-5421
LF - game chickens, milk cows - 270-735-5431
LF - pump for tobacco sprayer at least 8 row - 270-537-5673
FS - 1999 Mustang V-6 5 speed, 2005 Nissan Altima, 1999 Dodge 3/4 ton pickup for parts ( has good engine and rearend) - 270-427-9305
LF - good used 5ft. or 6 ft. tiller for tractor - 270-427-7775
FS - well kept farm fresh eggs $3.00 per dozen - 270-590-8117
FS - grown turkeys $30 each - 270-670-6058
LF - someone to cut cedar trees - 270-590-2481
FS - brand new set of fenders for 16 ft. tandem axle trailer $100, 1996 Olds Achieva $1500 - 270-991-8765
LF - used hand tools - 270-427-8563
FS - 1977 CJ 5 Jeep (needs work) , camper top for long wide bed truck - 270-432-2720
FS - 4 275 gallon totes $35 each - 270-670-7340
FS - 2 walkers $15 and $6, 6 bags of medium adult pull ups $5 each - 270-562-4701
FS - 2004 GMC Sierra 4x4 extended cab with 213,000 miles $7500 - 270-590-4197
FS - KIA Sedona mini van very clean with new tires 160,000 miles $2000 - 270-528-1242
LF - transmission for 1988 Nissan extended cab pickup with 4 cylinder or will sell truck for $1300 - 270-576-3810
FS - 34 chickens $10 each or all for $8 each - 270-432-3499
FS - 2000 model Isuzu Rodeo 2wd - 270-308-5686
LF - good Bluegrass smart phone Iphone 6 or better - 270-646-6575
FS - 1999 Dodge 4x4 diesel with 6 inch lift and 35x12.50 tires on Bullet wheels, 5 speed $5500, set of 31x 10.50 x 15 wheels and tires $200 firm - 270-528-6255
FS - 2014 Nissan Altima ,Gun metal gray ,1 owner, good title, non-smoker, 21,000 miles, rear camera,4 cyl.,, Remote start ,am - fm cassette satellite radio. $13,900. Call 270-590-4983
LF - canoe trailer. 270-218-0503
LF - dog pen welded wire or chain link, cheap. Call 270-473-1921
FS - 2007 Yamaha Gas golf cart - 270-646-7523
FS - 1989 Ford Ranger 4 cylinder 5-speed with air 104,000 miles, 2003 Monte Carlo SS 170,000 miles, 2003 Mercury with leather and loaded 150,000 miles - 270-403-0451
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Benchmade brand knife $100, 16 ft aluminum extension ladder $40. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 2005 Buick LeSabre $2300, Bluegrass cell phone, $75. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Full size bed, solid oak and oak corner tv stand. e-mail
FS - Country pine twin bunk beds with mattresses and memory foam covers, bed side table and chest of drawers $800 or bunk beds for $550. Call 270-528-6062
FS - 2 plastic water tanks, wagon, turning plow, hay hauler and fork. Call 270-590-3862
FS - Horse hay in square bales, young black registered angus bulls. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
LF - Small air conditioner in good working condition. Call 270-670-9070
LF - House in Barren County preferably in the country, LF - truck to rent to own around $500 or a 3 to 4 door truck with a down payment and monthly payments. LF - free couch and loveseat. Call 270-651-0339
FS - Electric stove, Amana washer and dryer, couch, recliner, hospital bed, mattress, double door refrigerator, Keurig coffee maker, rice cooker, Sunbeam mixer. Call 270-407-0872
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
FS - Maytag washer and dryer, full size oak bedroom suite, coffee table, 2 end tables, oak dining room table with 8 chairs, bench. LF -Gospel group to sing with. In Horse Cave, call 646-6303
LF - Good puppy or young dog for a special needs child. Call 270-524-0402
FS - 1999 15 passenger van. Call 270-528-5393
FS - Electric stove, self-propelled lawnmower. Call 270-670-9296
LF - size 18-22 wedding dress at reasonable price - 270-361-7218
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
LF - Small air conditioner in good working condition. Call 270-670-9070
Yard Sale - today, patio table with 4 chairs, new clothes size 5 to 1x, corner cabinet, garden tools, toddler bed, highchair, John Deere lawnmower, Ford F250, 4wd. About 1 miles from the firehouse toward Bonnieville. Call 531-6947
FS - 2003 Chevy Trailblazer $1500, 1976 Chevy 3/4 ton flatbed with dual wheels $2000, 1986 Chevy swb 4x4 $4500 - 270-576-6228
LF - book case - 270-432-5967
LF - a good 19 foot pull behind camper. Call 270-576-8499
FS - John Deere Tractor 2640 model Front end loader, bucket has 4700 hours $7,000, 3 bottom plow, Ford $500 International Disc, 9 foot new cylinders and hoses $400. Call 270-893-1370
FS - 7 25" truck tires with 2 rims, bedliner for 2006 Ford crew cab, Cajun fiberglass boat, new carpet $2500. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 2005 Buick Lesabre, fully loaded, 3800 V-6 motor, cold air, 107,000 miles $2500. FS - Bluegrass cell phone $75. Call 270-576-5750
Hart County 4-H Soup and Chili Lunch at the fairgrounds today from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. $5 each. Call 270-524-2451
Yard Sale - Thursday and Friday 1 1/2 miles from Bonnieville Fire Department on right 31-W, estate sale: tools, 2x and 3x clothing, highchair, toddler bed, etc. dresser, shift robe. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Fiberglass insulated panels, 5 ft wide x 6'1 and 5'7. Would do some trading. $2 a sheet. 405-1628
LF - Good puppy or young dog for a special needs child. Call 270-524-0402
FS - 1999 15 passenger van. Call 270-528-5393
FS - Electric stove, self-propelled lawnmower. Call 270-670-9296
FS - 2005 Buick Lesabre, fully loaded, 3800 V-6 motor, cold air, 107,000 miles $2500. FS - Bluegrass cellphone $75. Call 270-576-5750
FS - Toolbox for a large truck. Silver color. Has key to lock. $150. Call 270-528-2531
FS - John Deere 42" cut riding lawnmower. Call 270-524-5428
FS - Beagle Hound $30. Call 270-528-2977
LF - Small air conditioner in good working condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
LF - size 18-22 wedding dress at reasonable price - 270-361-7218
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
FS - washer and dryer, riding mower - 270-786-2903
FS - fresh eggs - 270-432-4353
LF - corner shelves to put plants on - 270-590-9077
FS - bakers rack, futon, washer and dryer - 270-585-5554
LF - House in Barren County preferably in the country, LF - truck to rent to own around $500 or a 3 to 4 door truck with a down payment and monthly payments. LF - free couch and loveseat. Call 270-651-0339
FS - Husqvarna riding mower 42" cut 18 1/2 horse, $800. LF - Yards to mow in Hart Co. Call 270-537-1706
FS - Washers, dryers, riding mower, push mowers, weedeaters. Call 270-786-2903
LF - Babysitting job. Call 270-786-5072
FS - 2005 Buick LeSabre, 107,000 miles, 2nd owner, runs good. $2500, Bluegrass cellphone. $75. Call 576-5750
FS - 1960's MF pedal tractor $125, 1984 motor home Arrow, 47,000 miles, does need body work, 26 to 28 ft long, drives good. $2800, old 50's Coke machine $475, old plow - 3 pt hitch flat bottom $225, Deerborne disc $350. Call 270-670-3570
FS - Logging equipment, chains, horse hay in square bales, registered angus bulls. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Vision Ware clear glass cooking kettle, glass funnel and glass spoon. Call 270-528-1011
LF - Small air conditioner in good working condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
LF - size 18-22 wedding dress at reasonable price - 270-361-7218
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
FS - Outdoor wicker set with loveseat, table and 2 chairs, white. Call 270-524-0165
LF - House in Barren County preferably in the country, LF - truck to rent to own around $500 or a 3 to 4 door truck with a down payment and monthly payments. LF - free couch and loveseat. Call 270-651-0339
LF - Small air conditioner in good working condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Electric stove, Amana washer and dryer, couch, recliner, hospital bed and mattress, Frigidaire double door refrigerator, Kuerig coffee maker, rice cooker, Sunbeam mixer. Call 270-407-0872
FS - House with 16 1/2 acres, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Call 678-5146
FS - Post, lumber, gates, 150 MF tractor with posthole driver. Call 270-678-2918
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
LF - size 18-22 wedding dress at reasonable price - 270-361-7218
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
FS - 1999 Dodge 4x4., 10,000 lb wench. $5500 or will trade. 31 10 50 tires and wheels. Call 270-528-6255
FS - 2004 Kia Sedona mini-van with new tires $2500 cash - 270-528-1242
FS - 2004 Chevy Trailblazer 4x4 with rebuilt transmission $2995 - 541-659-1244
FS - 2 yr old mixed rooster $10, Johnson Flat top guitar $80, 12 ft. aluminum v hull boat - 270-432-2575
FS - 2005 Buick Rendezvous , or trade for motorcycle - 270-576-3810
LF - 2 Holstein bull calves on dry feed - 270-528-5208
FS - 2007 Mazda RX-8 126,000 miles $3000 - 270-590-3554
FS - Statesman 20hp. 46 inch cut riding mower, cherry picker, Husqvarna riding mower for parts - 270-537-1844 or 270-528-4750
FS - 2002 Dodge Dakota 120,000 miles $1800 firm, Bear Compound Bow, 5 cubic ft. new deep freeze , brand new commode , interior doors, kitchen cabinets - 270-308-5199
FS - full screen door, interior doors, a few boxes of laminate flooring, vinyl flooring - 606-787-0226
FS - lawn mowers for parts - 270-428-5911
FS - riding mower with 16hp. and 46 inch cut $300 - 270-432-5531
FS - 2 90 model Toyota 4x4 pickup trucks, 16 ft. bumper trailer, GA - hospital bed - 270-849-7025
FS - 3 Red Waddle feeder pigs 125 lb. $50 each firm - 270-218-0592 or 270-531-5617
FS - Big bale tobacco baler box w/hydraulic $2,500 Tobacco Seeder (288 cell) -$500. 950 tobacco 288 cell trays ( 1-2 years old good condition) - .50 cents each. Call 270-308-5665
LF - above ground 24' pool, will take down if in good condition. Call 260-670-7388
LF - Someone to help fence 270 590 2396
LF - Hood and carburetor for a Husqvarna yth 180 lawn tractor, a 20" Chevrolet wheel for a spare, goose neck trailer. FS . Inside white jacuzzi, Case 75hp tractor. 4x4, loader.
LF - good riding lawn mower, 18 hp or bigger. Call 270-405-0332
FS - Heavy duty trailer $200 or make offer or trade for lighter trailer, Ben Pearson spoiler bow and case, $55 or make offer or trade. Call 270-446-0501
LF - good used child's swing set, 16 inch tire and wheel that will fit a 2003 Ford Crown Vic. Call (270)405-0631
FS - 2014 Nissan Altima ,Gun metal Gray ,1 owner good title, non-smoker, 21,000 miles , auto , rear camera ,4 cyl automatic, gps, cruise , Remote start ,am - fm cassette satlite radio, cloth heated seats. $13,900 Call 270-590-4983
LF - Help at a Hiseville dairy farm, good pay and benefits. Call 270-453-3775
FS - 24,0000 btu air conditioner. Call 270-524-2007
LF - Small air conditioner in good working condition. Call 270-670-9070
FS - Small farm, 16 1/2 acres with 3 bedroom home, 2 bath, hardwood floor, full basement with kitchen, patio, shop, 2 detached carports in Barren Co. Call 270-678-5146
FS - Fence posts, gates used lumber. Call 270-678-2918
LF - 2014 to 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Ford 4cyl motor and transmission, came out of a Mustang. $400. Call 270-473-1356
LF - 4 female pigs - 270-590-9045
FS - Craftsman riding mower - 270-565-1061
FS - small air compressor, 16 ft. farm wagon with new flat, 7 ft. haybine - 270-537-5673
FS - rear tine Troybilt Bronco tiller with 5 hp. engine - 270-432-2575
LF - nice Pontiac or Chevrolet van - 270-573-3718
FS - 1995 2 wd Chevy pickup with V8 auto $2000 - 270-590-9915
FS - new stand up 10 drawer tool chest - 270-308-5199
FS - manual tire changer and balancer - 270-565-2316
LF - 2 young laying hens - 270-300-8125
FS - 6 ft. John Deere rotary mower $700, 2002 Artic Cat 400 4x4 4 wheeler $1750 - 270-590-3931
FS - twin bed, chest of drawers, night stand, chair - 270-427-6843
FS - 2002 Dodge Dakota 120,000 miles $1800 firm, brand new commode , interior doors, kitchen cabinets - 270-308-5199
LF - size 18-22 wedding dress at reasonable price - 270-361-7218
LF - 70's model Cub Cadet 100 Garden tractor - 270-427-6786
FS - 2002 Nomad 19 ft. bumper hitch camper trailer, 2004 GMC Sierra 4x4 213,000 miles - 270-590-4197
FS - brand new wedding dress size 10/12 - 270-405-3475 or 270-405-4429
FS - set of 245/65/17 inch tires $50 - 270-428-3152 or 270-576-6802
LF - various classic country cassettes, double deck cassette player, slip on Redwing boots size 11 - 270-469-5033
FS - 6 Easter egger hens. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 2 female ferrets, 2 years old with cage and accessories. $300. Call 270-361-7576
FS - 5 horse Honda engine on pressure washer frame $35. Call 270-590-3398
FS - Electric stove, Amana washer and dryer, couch, recliner, hospital bed, mattress, double door refrigerator, Keurig coffee maker, rice cooker, Sunbeam mixer. Call 270-407-0872
LF - Wedding dress, size 16 to 18. Call 270-361-7218
FS - Massey Ferguson model 41 mowing machine. $500. LF - Tiller frame. Will remove honey bees. Call 270-528-3709
FS - 20 horse John Deere riding mower 528-1950
FS - 2 sets of purple mountain birdhouses with poles. Call 270-590-0984
FS - New Idea disc mower to mow hay. Call 537-4044
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - pot belly pig 3 months old $100, Min Pin pup 6 months old $50 - 270-576-4868
FS - big bale tobacco baler $2500, 288 cell seeder $500, 288 tobacco trays $1-$2
LF - someone to help fence 270 590 2396
FS - black angus heifers and young bulls 270 634 3998
FR - Two bedroom mobile home for rent in Edmonton. Deposit and references required. Call 270-590-3948.
LF - someone with road tractor to move semi trailer a few miles call 270 646 6632
FS - washer and dryer - 270-773-8990
FS - 1995 Ford F-150 2wd 302 5-speed with new tires - 270-590-6755
FS - like new Snapper riding mower - 270-565-1061
LF - trailer hitch to fit 1998 Oldsmobile Regency - 270-670-1513
FS - 2003 Ford Ranger Harley Davidson edition with black topper, 143,000 miles 5 speed $5500, 1997 Buick Lesabre with 140,000 miles and lots of new parts $1800 firm - 270-432-5821
FS - 2 story house in Center with new windows , 2015 9 ft. disc mower, Gehl hammer mill - 270-590-5928
FS - like new Sofa/ loveseat, large area rug - 270-565-1663
FS -V-6 motor and transfer case for 1992 GMC 4x4 - 270-324-2965
FS - 2001 Ford F-250 crew cab 4x4 7.3 diesel 288,000 miles, 1986 Well Craft cuddy cabin boat 4.3 $2200, 2005 650 Can-Am 4 wheeler $3500, 2015 Snapper Pro riding mower $6000 - 270-670-8815
FS - 2 year old Rooster, 12 ft. V-Hull aluminum boat - 270-432-2575
FS - 1992 Honda Shadow less than 30,000 miles - 270-385-1367
FS - 12 ft. flat bottom boat with trailer and trolling motor - 270-465-6751 (Summersville)
LF - Queen size bed frame - 270-634-3131
FS - 2002 Dodge Dakota 120,000 miles V6 $1800, Gibson upright freezer, Whirlpool refrigerator, GE side by side refrigerator, 2 pressure washers - 270-308-5199 or 270-537-1117
FS - set of 225/55/16 inch tires $60, 1 205 /60/15 tire like new $20 - 270-319-6466
FS - 2005 Honda Accord 2dr v6 a/t runs, $2500, 2005 Honda shadow vtx 1300 motorcycle $3000 270-261-2577 or 270-590-0430
LF - bulldog pup. Or small size pit pup. wanting a male brindle may look at other color's. 270 646 0870
FS - like new Yard Machine riding mower 46 inch cut $675, Older Craftsman riding mower. $550 - 270-427-6573
FS - 372 XP chainsaw with 20 inch bar - 270-735-5431
LF - 4 female pigs - 270-590-9045
FS - Antique rocking chair, has no arms. $100. solid oak barstool with backrest and horse head carving. $50. Both have been refinished. Call 270-524-9647
FS - Bear compound bow with 6 arrows, deepfreeze, 5.0 cu ft. microwave. Call 270-308-5199
LF - Minivan, reasonable or will take payments. Call 270-218-0105
LF - Upper and lower kitchen cabinets, hay haulers for rolls. 270-524-5407
LF - 150 cc scooter Call 270-537-4027
FS - Amish books, 99 cents each. Call 270-528-7643
FS - 50,000 btu gas heater. Call 270-565-5475
FS - Home in Barren County with 2 bath, oak kitchen cabinets, full basement with kitchen, patio and decks, two detached buildings, Call 270-678-5146
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
FS - 1979 Pontoon boat, 24 ft, good canopy, $2900. Call 502-689-1113
FS - 1985 4wd Chevy truck $1200, canning jars. Call 270-590-3862
FS - full screen door, interior doors, a few boxes of laminate flooring, vinyl flooring - 606-787-0226
FS - set of 245/65/17 inch tires $50 - 270-428-3152 or 270-576-6802
LF - various classic country cassettes, double deck cassette player, slip on Redwing boots size 11 - 270-469-5033
FS - 6 Easter egger hens. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Heavy duty trailer the bed 4 /12 ft wide 8ft long with tung 11ft long, has 15" wheels, needs some work. Ben Peason spoiler bow and case has 2 cracked bow needs new string $55. Call or text 270-446-0501
FS-Honda 400ex four wheeler. (270)432-4520
FS - 2005 Chevrolet 4.3 motor and transmission with 137,000 miles, will fit Chevy Astor or S-10. $725. Call 270-308-5042
FS - 2 female ferrets, 2 years-old with cage and accessories $300. Call 270-361-7576
GA - red nose pit bull, house broke and fixed. FS - 5 horse Honda engine on pressure washer frame $35. Call 270-590-3398
FS- 1994 20’ pontoon for $4500 --270-670-5163
FS- 16.5” aluminum 5 lug bullet rims (33.12.60 16 ½’s) or would trade to 31.10.50 rims --270-261-1487
FS- 2003 Trailblazer w/3rd Row Seat, 1982 80 CC Honda gas dirt bike, 1986 Chevy 4x4, swb --270-576-6228
FS- 1988 Chevy ¾ Ton w/70,000 miles (sell or trade), Western saddles, 2 Walking Mares, 2 black & white Drakes --270-590-5635 after 2:30 PM
FS- 50 rolls of hay for $25 each --270-590-2737
GA-Upright Frigidaire freezer --270-432-4363
LF- Roosters & goats --270-404-5959
FS- Cherry picker, 16’ boat trailer, Husqvarna mower w/tractor cleats on back (needs work), 18 new 2x4’s 10’ long for $5 each --270-528-4750 or 270-537-1844
FS- Calves on dry feed --270-250-9209
FS- Desktop computer, uniform scrubs LF- Furniture to buy --270-427-6843
FS- 2002 Black Dodge Dakota V6 w/120,000 Miles, 2550 PSI Pressure Washer w/6.5 HP Briggs & Stratton, 2450 PSI Pressure Washer w/5.0 Honda Motor --270-308-5199 or 270-537-1117 (ask for George or Nick)
FS- 260 Big Daddy Four Wheeler --270-646-8750
LF - Wedding dress, size 16 to 18. Call 270-361-7218
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 8 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, 4 years to 9 months of age, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS- Bear compound bow with 6 arrows, box type deepfreeze, and a stand up freezer, commodes and sinks, Maytag washer and dryer, Dodge Durango. Call 270-308-5199
LF - Trailer for sale or give away, 42" deck riding lawnmower. Call 270-531-2171
LF - Cheap washer. Call 270-473-0581
FS - stack of sawmill Cedar lumber - 270-646-7198
FS - 2 15 inch trailer tires and wheels with decent tread 205/75/15 $50, 26 gallon horizontal sprayer tank, 17 inch Chrome Jeep wheel $30 - 270-773-5306
FS - 2007 Chevy Colorado 2wd auto - 270-378-5624
LF - Bobcat skid steer - 270-670-3615
FS - 6x12 enclosed trailer (needs work ) $800, 8 ft. x 7 ft. 6 inch factory tilt trailer $450 - 270-218-1220
FS - 1/2 Beagle 1/2 Pembroke Welsh Corgie pups $50 each - 270-378-4641
LF - New Holland 9ft. 488 haybine - 270-432-5862
FS - 2 metal full size toolboxes, Grasshopper zero turn mower - 270-261-1213
FS - 2008 GMC Canyon 4x4 auto single cab - 270-678-1039
FS - maple office desk $25, fold up plastic table $10, walker $5 - 270-562-4107
FS - Table and 3 restaurant style chairs.. $60.00, glass shelf tv tower $75, 4 piece wicker set with cushions $200 . Call or text 270-590-2204
FS - Heavy duty trailer the bed is 4 1/2 ft wide 8ft long with tung 11ft6in long the bed needs little work $200 make offer or trade for lighter trailer 270-446-0501
FS - 2014 Nissan Altima ,Gun metal Gray ,1 owner, non-smoker, 21,000 miles, auto, rear camera, 4 cyl, GPS, cruise. $13,900 270-590-4983
FS - 2 Aussie pups 13weeks old solid black female has a little molted color on her front foot a must see male solid black $50 serious calls only 270-473-1921
FS - 2007 Chevy Tahoe LT 179k leather seats, all new weather tech floor mats, remote start, DVD players in back of driver and passenger seat 4wd. Call 270-634-1556
LF - used deep freeze around 5 cubic ft.- 270-576-7806
FS - good seasoned firewood, Kenmore dishwasher, night crawlers, LF - 3 bedroom mobile home or house to rent in Barren or Metcalfe county - 270-404-2606
FS - camper top for short wide bed Chevrolet - 270-405-1684
FS - 1983 Chevy flatbed 1 ton truck - 270-459-1611
FS - fresh brown eggs - 270-432-4353
LF - small dog cheap or free - 270-891-4766
FS - indoor Jacuzzi $100, 1 1/2 year old Kaitidyn Hair Ram, baby clothes and nice car seat - 270-378-6998
LF - house in Barren County to rent at reasonable rate - 270-599-7231
LF - place to rent in Metcalfe County - 270-576-2957
FS - good quality horse hay in square bales, young registered Angus Bulls $1700-$2500 - 270-932-1777
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus 137,000 miles $1800 obo, new Mongoose 21 speed mens bicycle, Case XX Marine corps knife $30 - 270-774-6307
FS - maple office desk $25, fold up plastic table $10, walker $5 - 270-562-4107
FS - Table and 3 restaurant style chairs.. $60.00, glass shelf tv tower $75, 4 piece wicker set with cushions $200 . Call or text 270-590-2204
FS - Heavy duty trailer the bed is 4 1/2 ft wide 8ft long with tongue 11 ft 6 in long the bed needs little work $200 make offer or trade for lighter trailer 270-446-0501
FS - 4 Craftsman tires 195 65 15. Call/text 270-906-3316.
FS - 2014 Nissan Altima ,Gun metal Gray,1 owner, non-smoker 21,000 miles, rear camera, gps, driver side electric seat, Remote start with cloth seats. $13,900. Call 270-590-4983
FS - 2 Aussie pups 13 weeks-old solid black female, male solid black $50. Call 270-473-1921
FS - 2002 Buick Century 199k $1,500. Call 270-405-6422
FS - 2007 Chevy Tahoe LT 179k leather seats all new weather tech floor mats, has remote start, DVD players in back of driver and passenger seat, 4WD. Call 270-634-1556
FS - 2002 Dodge Dakota, 120,000 miles, v-6, sinks for kitchen and bath, commodes, jacuzzi, queen size beds and mattresses, stand up toolchest. Call 270-308-5199 ask for George.
Estate Yard Sale- Friday and Saturday at 8984 N. Dixie Hwy. toys, tools, some antiques, 2x and 3x clothing. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Jigsaw puzzles, cookbooks, craft books. Call 270- 786-5824
LF - Wedding dress, size 16 to 18. Call 270-361-7218
FS - 225 60 R17 tires for sale $80. Call 528-2407
LF - Black and white kitten, prefer female. Call 270-524-1042
FS - Set of Chevy 350 headers and intake and fuel injection carburetor. Call 270-246-1296
FS - 1975 Dodge Dart Swinger, needs transmission work. $4,000. 270-524-1042 FR - Freezer space available. Call 270-524-1042
FS - 8 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, 4 years to 9 months of age, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Horse, cheap or giveaway. e-mail
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Bus driver at Community Action Senior Center for 16 hours a week. Call 270-524-0224
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
FS - 6x12 enclosed trailer (needs work ) $800, 8 ft. x 7 ft. 6 inch factory tilt trailer $450 - 270-218-1220
FS - 1/2 Beagle 1/2 Pembroke Welsh Corgie pups $50 each - 270-378-4641
LF - New Holland 9ft. 488 haybine - 270-432-5862
FS - 2 metal full size toolboxes, Grasshopper zero turn mower - 270-261-1213
FS - 2008 GMC Canyon 4x4 auto single cab - 270-678-1039
FS - maple office desk $25, fold up plastic table $10, walker $5 - 270-562-4107
LF - Wedding dress, size 16 to 18. Call 270-361-7218
FS - 2002 Dodge Dakota, 120,000 miles $1800 firm, v-6. 3 sets of queen size beds, sinks and cabinets, jacuzzi, commodes. Call 270-308-5199
FS -1972 Dodge dump truck $1500, 10 to 12 bikes, some are Schwinn $75 for all. old 50's Coke machine, uses glass bottles $475, Oliver turning plow, flatbottom $225, 6 ft Deerborn disc $350. 1989 Chevy pickup, no rust low miles. Call 670-3570
FS - 8 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, 4 years to 9 months of age, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
LF - Horse, cheap or giveaway. e-mail
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Bus driver at Community Action Senior Center for 16 hours a week. Call 270-524-0224
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
FS - 6x12 enclosed trailer (needs work ) $800, 8 ft. x 7 ft. 6 inch factory tilt trailer $450 - 270-218-1220
FS - 1/2 Beagle 1/2 Pembroke Welsh Corgie pups $50 each - 270-378-4641
LF - New Holland 9ft. 488 haybine - 270-432-5862
FS - 2 metal full size toolboxes, Grasshopper zero turn mower - 270-261-1213
FS - 2008 GMC Canyon 4x4 auto single cab - 270-678-1039
FS - maple office desk $25, fold up plastic table $10, walker $5 - 270-562-4107
Wednesday, February 28th, 2018
LF - Horse, cheap or giveaway. e-mail
Missing - Blonde Yorkie across from the Hart County Ambulance Service Tuesday night. Answers to "Wendy". Call 524-7317 or 270-576-4712
FS - 2001 Dodge Dakota, 121,000 miles. Call 270-308-5199
FS - Male Chihuahua $50. Call 270-579-1710
FS - Wooden bassinet with white lace. $20. Call 270-579-6958
LF - Someone to bush hog. Call Bro. Bobby Neal. 270-590-3548
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Bus driver at Community Action Senior Center for 16 hours a week. Call 270-524-0224
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
LF - free or cheap puppy - 270-404-2842
FS - 2000 Chevy 4x4 swb $2500 - 270-404-6113
FS - 2 new Troybilt pressure washers, Sears power edger - 270-303-5199 or 270-537-1117
FS - 2002 Buick century 199k $1,500. Call 270-405-6422
FS - 2007 Chevy Tahoe LT 179k leather seats all new weather tech floor mats only had 93octane gas and synthetic oil has remote start DVD players in back of driver and passenger seat 4WD. Call 270-634-1556
LF - used deep freeze around 5 cubic ft. - 270-576-7806
FS - good seasoned firewood, Kenmore dishwasher, LF - 3 bedroom mobile home or house to rent in Barren or Metcalfe county - 270-404-2606
FS - camper top for short wide bed Chevrolet - 270-405-1684
FS - 1983 Chevy flatbed 1 ton truck - 270-459-1611
FS - fresh brown eggs - 270-432-4353
LF - small dog cheap or free - 270-891-4766
FS - indoor Jacuzzi $100, 1 1/2 year old Kaitidyn Hair Ram, baby clothes and car seat - 270-378-6998
LF - house in Barren County to rent at reasonable rate - 270-599-7231
LF - place to rent in Metcalfe County - 270-576-2957
FS - good quality horse hay in square bales, young registered Angus Bulls $1700-$2500 - 270-932-1777
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus 137,000 miles $1800 obo, new Mongoose 21 speed mens bicycle, Case XX Marine corps knife $30 - 270-774-6307
FS - stack of sawmill Cedar lumber - 270-646-7198
FS - 2 15 inch trailer tires and wheels with decent tread 205/75/15 $50, 26 gallon horizontal sprayer tank, 17 inch Chrome Jeep wheel $30 - 270-773-5306
FS - 2007 Chevy Colorado 2wd auto - 270-378-5624
LF - Bobcat skid steer - 270-670-3615
FS - 2002 Dodge Dakota, 120,000 miles, v-6, 2 pressure cleaners (Troybilt), like new. Call 270-308-5199 537-1117 ask for George or Nick.
Yard Sale - 8984 N. Dixie Hwy toward Upton, today. Toolbox, toys, estate sale. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Bus driver at Community Action Senior Center for 16 hours a week. Call 270-524-0224
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
FS - 2 metal toolboxes for full size truck, Grasshopper Zero turn mower - 270-261-1213
FS - nice wooden office desk $25, walker $5 - 270-562-4107
FS - moving sale in Greensburg. Call - 270-564-4115
FS - Gibson stand up freezer , Whirlpool 2 door refrigerator, GE side by side refrigerator, Queen beds - 270-308-5199 or 270-537-1117
FS - 1998 Oldsmobile Regency car, all power new brakes, 157,000 miles $1200 - 270-261-1213
FS- 2004 GMC Extended Cab 4x4 w/213,000 Miles for $8,000, 2002 Nomad RV 19’ for $4,000 --270-590-4197
FS - red Ventura acoustic guitar with new strings $65 - 270-405-6830
FS- Insulated Panels 5x6 & 5x6x7 (1/4” Thick) for $2 Each --270-405-1628
FS - Hysen side by side utv - 270-670-3936
FS - 4x6 trailer, 2006 Suzuki Forenza car, log barn - 270-618-0403
FS - 225/75/16 inch tire, good tread $30 - 270-670-8639
FS - 2005 Mercury SUV , just over 100,000 miles 4x4 $6000 - 270-404-6113
FS - 2008 Ford Escape 2wd 150,000 miles $4000 - 270-537-5347
LF - 200 amp breaker box with meter base - 270-261-1740
FS - sheep , 6x10 utility trailer with dump bed - 270-735-5431
FS - 2000 Chevy Tracker 2wd 4 cylinder auto 150,000 miles - 270-576-3810
FS- 3 Bedroom/1 Bath Home in Center for $18,000 OBO, 9’ 2015 Disc Mower for $5000, 170 Gehl Hammer Mill for $2000 --270-590-5928
FR - 3 bedroom house in Summer Shade - 270-308-5448
LF - handyman ASAP to repair RV walls and floor. 270-889-7554 text or leave message
FS - Heavy duty trailer the bed is 4 1/2 ft wide 8ft long with tongue, 11ft 6in long, $200 make offer or trade for lighter trailer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Moving sale at 6887 Edmonton Rd. Greensburg. Call 270-932-6257
FS - bull calf on bottle. 270 590 2396
FS - Owens "Classic Series" polished aluminum running boards for truck or van, like new with brackets and hardware. 56" long by 7" wide. $100. Call 270-473-1795
FS - 3 new car audio amps 1000-3500 watt, 10 brand new open face fishing reels $6 - 270-576-7806
FS - 42 egg incubator with self turner $50 - 270-646-7008
FS - metal dog box, 2 shock collars, reece hitch for Chevy pickup, 2 13 inch wheels and tires - 270-428-2018
FS- 1997 Kawasaki Bayou 4 wheeler, shifter is broke $600, 12 ft. aluminum v-hull boat, 2 yr old Rooster $10 - 270-432-2575
FS - used lumber from building - 270-670-9562
LF - beverage cooler for concession trailer, 3 dorm size refrigerators - 270-537-3341
LF - baby swing. - 270-590-8871
FS - stainless steel side by side refrigerator and stove - 270-405-0561
FS - new round kerosene heater $75, brand new gas leaf blower $50, LF - house to buy in the outskirts of Edmonton or Glasgow at reasonable price - 270-427-6786
FS - Honda Silver Wing with trike package 31,000 miles, $2500 firm - 270-670-8764
FS - Antique punch bowl with stand and 6 cups, 128" x 94" burgundy area rug - 270-565-1663
LF - Someone to replace a bathroom floor, need estimate. Call 270-590-3209 or 590-1944
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus $1800 obo or will trade, 16 ft extension ladder $40, 21 speed mens bike $50. Call 774-6307
FS -- 2002 Dodge Dakota, v-6, 120,000 miles, 2 Troybilt pressure washers. Call 270-308-5199 or 270-537-1117 George or Nick
FS - Jacuzzi bathtub, $500. Call 270-299-6444
LF - Empty egg cartons. Call 270-786-4836
FS - 2 metal toolboxes for full size truck, Grasshopper Zero turn mower - 270-261-1213
FS - nice wooden office desk $25, walker $5 - 270-562-4107
FS - 1998 Oldsmobile Regency car, all power new brakes, 157,000 miles $1200 - 270-261-1213
FS- 2004 GMC Extended Cab 4x4 w/213,000 Miles for $8,000, 2002 Nomad RV 19’ for $4,000 --270-590-4197
FS - red Ventura acoustic guitar with new strings $65 - 270-405-6830
FS- Insulated Panels 5x6 & 5x6x7 (1/4” Thick) for $2 Each --270-405-1628
FS- 3 Bedroom/1 Bath Home in Center for $18,000 OBO, 9’ 2015 Disc Mower for $5000, 170 Gail Hammer Mill for $2000 --270-590-5928
FS- 4 New Fall-Out Windows (45”x29”) for RV for $30 Each --270-405-6383
FS- Firewood. --270-404-2606
GA- 7 Mos Old Lab Mix Pup --270-261-2464
FS- Brush Guard for Chevy Z71, Aluminum Tree Spikes, 1996 Dodge Extended Cab Truck --270-576-3810
FS- Full Stock Blue Pit Pup --270-670-9113
LF- Cars to Make Into Derby Cars, Complete Riding Mowers for Parts, RV or Pull-Behind Camper for $3000-$3500 FS- Chest of Drawers for $60, 2 Drawer Cabinet w/2 Shelves for $30 --270-670-1359
LF- Transmission for 2002 Mustang V6 --270-404-4754
FS- Panes of Stained Glass --270-528-4750 or 270-537-1844
FS- Collector’s Elvis Clock for $65 --270-432-3851
FS- Nest Learning Digital Thermostat for $50 --270-670-5830
FS- 2004 GMC Extended Cab 4x4 w/213,000 Miles for $8,000, 2002 Nomad RV 19’ for $4,000 --270-590-4197
FS - BULL CALF ON BOTTLE 270 590 2396
FS - 2005 Honda Accord 2dr v6 a/t, $2500, 2005 Honda Shadow vtx 1300 motorcycle $3000, 1999 Honda Acura 4dr v6 a/t runs great $3000 270-261-2577 or 270-590-0430
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus $1800 obo, men's mongoose bike. USMC hunting knife. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Memorial School yearbooks 1962 and 63 both for $50. Call 270-505-2646
FS - Quality horse hay in square bales, 3 or 4 Registered angus bulls 13 months old, one that is 2 years old. Logging equipment. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Trailers, 8 ft long, 7ft 6" wide, factory made with wooden floor, tilts $450 and an enclosed trailer 6 ft x 12 ft single axle $800. LF - Junk vehicles. Call 270-218-1220
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Bus driver at Community Action Senior Center for 16 hours a week. Call 270-524-0224
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
LF- 18” Push Mower --270-670-1513
FS- 4-5 Bedroom Old Home (150 yrs old) full of chesnut Lumber --270-432-5232
FS- Wooden Twin Bed Frame w/Box Springs --270-576-3241
FS- Registered Angus Bulls 16 Months Old --270-469-0339
FS- 1982 Model 80 CC dirt bike, 2003 Trail Blazer w/3rd Row Seat, 1976 Chevy ¾ Ton Truck, 1986 Chevy Short Wheel Base 4x4 --270-576-6228
FS- Bow Flex Sport for $75 --270-634-2224 (Columbia)
FS- 1998 Mercury Grand Marquis w/2 New Front Tires for $2000, 5500 Watt Generator for $400 --270-312-9267
FS- Loveseat Blue in Color Reclines on Both Ends, 6 Drawer Dresser, Electric weedeater New in Box --270-299-1128
FS- Beagle/Corgi Pups for Sale $50 Each --270-378-4641
FS- 2003 Dodge Durango for Parts (motor bad), 2003 Grand Marquis (busted header) for $1800, 1992-1993 Ford Farm Truck for $500 --270-403-2217
FS- 16 Black Angus Heifers, Black Angus Young Bulls --270-634-3998
FS- Bottle Calves & Starter --270-405-6363
FS- Insulated Panels 5x6 & 5x6x7 (1/4” Thick) for $2 Each --270-405-1628
FS- 2006 Suzuki Forenza, 250 Polaris Trailblazer, log barn
LF- purebred black Australorp rooster 270-459-0522
FS - rolled hay 270-579-1013
FS - Heavy duty trailer has electric brakes, 8ft long $200 or trade for lighter trailer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Poulan chain saw 18" bars $50 270-590-4983
FS - Small deep freeze. $100. Brown leather recliner with cup holders on both arms for $75. 340 motor for a 1972 Plymouth Duster newly rebuilt $1,200. warm morning propane heating stove with blower furniture style for $100. small cast iron wood heating stove $75. 270-428-4040
Fs - Purple Martin Houses, poles and Martin gourds. Call 270-590-0984
FS - 2 Troybilt pressure washers. Sears edger, Gibson deepfreeze. Call 270-308-5199 or 270-537-1117
FS - Logging equipment, square baled horse hay, black angus bulls. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 2 deer stands with ladders. $45 a set if you want both or $50 per set. Call 270-528-5208
GA - 4 month old Doberman /Collie mix - 270-300-8125
FS -black and white speckled Banty pairs $10 each , 1986 Chevy SWB 4x4 $4500 firm, used batteries - 270-576-6228
FS - dog box, reese hitch for Chevy, 2 13 inch wheels and tires - 270-428-2018
FS - large natural gas stove with glass and brick $100, - 270-646-7008
FS - 2002 Mazda Tribune, 1993 Toyota 4x4 5 speed 2.2 4 cylinder rough but runs good - 270-849-7025
FS - firewood - 270-404-2606
FS - 3 bedroom house in Center $20,000 obo, LF - single wide mobile home - 270-590-5928
FS - calves on dry feed - 270-250-9209
FS - like new Sunquest 24 bulb tanning bed $475 - 270-786-5731
FS - 2001 Aluminum 2 horse bumper hitch trailer, escape doors and new tires $4700 - 270-378-4407
FS - like new glass shower door with gold trim - 270-427-7775
FS - baby clothes for 0-3 month old girl - 270-378-6998
FS - 19" Vizio Flat Screen TV. No remote.$45. 270-282-2262.
LF - Chevy or Ford 1500 4 dr crew cab 2010 or newer txt 270-723-4077
FS- 16’ Farm Wagon w/White Oak Bed, 2005 Chevy Colorado 4x4 Extended Cab (has timing issue but everything else works) --270-528-6787 (Summersville, Green Co)
GA- Couch, Loveseat, Recliner --270-565-2699
FS- 1996 Dodge Truck w/318 Automatic 2WD (needs headlights) for $1000 --270-576-3810
FS- 2 Wheels & Tires (15”, rims slight rust), New 26 Gallon Horizontal Water Tank --270-773-5306
LF- Someone to Refinish Table & Chairs, Someone to Pressure Wash Mobile Home --270-427-0679
FS- 6x10 Lawn Mower Trailer --270-405-6273
FS- 2015 Honda 420 Rancher ATV for $2700 --270-590-4111
FS- 1974 Dodge Dart Sport Converted to 1972 Dodge Demon w/360 for $3500 --270-646-8178
FS- 1979 Cadillac Coupe Deville 2 Door for $2000 --270-218-0601
FS- Self-Propelled Push Mowers for $75, Mower Motors for $250, Riding Mowers for $350 & Up, Zero Turn Dixon Mower for $1500 --270-427-6573
FS- 2 Metal Tool Boxes, Zero Turn Grasshopper Mower --270-261-1213
LF- Air Conditioner 10,000 BTU --270-537-5673
Wednesday, February 21st, 2018
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Bus driver at Community Action Senior Center for 16 hours a week. Call 270-524-0224
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
FS - Gibson freezer, Whirlpool refrigerator, 2 door, GE side by side refrigerator, queen size beds and mattresses. Call 270-308-5199 George or 270-537-1117 ask for Nick.
FS - John Deere riding mower 42" cut. Call 270- 524-5428
FS - Old 60's coke machine for bottled cokes $500, 2 refrigerated sandwich machines used for a display, rotates for $350 each, 1972 dump truck $1500. GA - housebroke cat and feed. Call 270-670-3570
LF - free clothes for men women and children - 270-361-7218
LF - Chrome bed rails for a long wheel base Ford Ranger - 270-432-5232
FS - Microwave and table, wheelchair, oak kitchen table with 4 chairs. Call 270-473-3612
FS- Bissell Vacuum Cleaner for $10, Tupperware Cake Holder for $5, Ladies boots, Size 7B Justin (new) $40, 2 Filing Cabinets, Travel Mugs --270-646-8782
FS- Washer & Dryer --270-801-4796
FS- Pony Saddle, Bridle, Blanket --270-819-0064
LF- Single Mobile Home --270-590-5928
FS- Double Wall Electric Oven for $75, Portable Dish Washer for $50, Laundry Tub for $25 --270-590-6630
FS- Chihuahua/Boston Terrier Mix Pups (3 males, 1 female) --270-579-6853
FS- Bottle Calves, 2 Nubian Billy Goats --270-405-6363
FS- 14’ V Bottom Aluminum Boat w/55 LB Foot Control Trolling Motor & 9.9 Mercury 4 Stroke Motor (2 years old) for $1900 --270-427-1380
FS- 2001 Chevy Impala 190,000 Miles w/New Tires & Brakes (needs CV Struts in Front) for $1500 --270-786-4846
FS- Registered Angus Bulls --270-469-0339
FS- Four 16” Steel Rims (for Dodge or Chevy), 2000 lb Wench for Boat, Primitive Chest --270-590-2359
FS- 2004 Kia Van --270-932-1128
FS- 2016 Dodge ¾ Ton Cummins Short Bed w/35,000 Miles for $39,000 --270-670-8403
FS- 3 Story Barbie Dream House for $65, Solid Wood Table for $10, Barbies, Fish Aquarium w/Sponge Bob Accessories, Hamster Cage & Accessories --270-659-9843
FS- Chickens & Pig --270-805-1138
FS- Table & Chairs, Heifers (some may be bred—one had black calf yesterday) --270-528-3307
FS- Push Mowers, Riding Mowers --270-427-6573
FS - 55 gallon drums, $6 each ,2000 Isuzu Rodeo, automatic, 2wd, 4dr. $900 or will trade. - 270 308 5686
FS - rolled hay - 270-579-1013
FS- twin mattress and box spring $50.00, 340 motor for a 1972 Plymouth Duster, 15,000 btu propane furniture style heating stove with blower, small cast iron wood stove and will babysit in the Summer Shade area or will sit with the elderly. 270-428-428-4040
FS- 2-seater go cart with new carb. and new battery. runs. Asking $600. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Good working condition VCR VHS player or DVD VCR VHS combo player. Call 270-670-5080
FS - washer and dryer , LF - good watch dog - 270-801-4796
LF - 350 Chevy throttle body engine, Found - 1 yr. old Walker Coonhound in Hardyville area - 270-218-1411
FS - 16 ft. dual axle trailer , Ford Ranger Truck bed trailer, 50 inch Cub Cadet Zero Turn mower - 270-590-3498
FS - 1997 Chevy 2500 LWB 2wd $2500 - 270-404-3188
FS - Holstein and Angus cross bottle calves - 270-405-6363
FS - 2003 Honda Civic 174,000 miles $3000 - 270-537-4438
Found - small pot belly pig in the Center , Node, Seven Springs area - 270-537-3224
LF - Bus driver at Community Action Senior Center for 16 hours a week. Call 270-524-0224
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
LF - Odd jobs, mowing lawns, yard work, painting, washing vehicles, cleaning gutters. Call 270-629-6317
LF - Young person to sit 4 or 5 hours with an elderly person, day or night. temporary to full time. Call 270- 404-2763
FS - Hospital Bed with mattress, Microwave, Recliner, Pictures, Bedroom doors, Kitchen Cabinets, Antique 4 Poster Bed Dresser with Mirror Chest of Drawers, old fiddle. Call 270-407-0872
FS - 2012 Chevy Traverse, 74,000 miles Super Clean- $7500 270-579-2994
LF - House to clean in Glasgow area. Call or text 270-590-4748
FS - 30 rolls of high quality hay. $30 per roll, will deliver in Barren County for $40 per roll. Call (270) 590-6510.
FS - 2013 Toyota Corolla- LE model, 15,000 miles.- Phone: 270-579-7484
LF - Good used push mower- 270-678-6412
LF - Someone to help with barbed wire fencing, GA - cat, 3 years old. Call 270-404-2763
FS - Carport, $300. 18×24 3 years old. Call 270-724-5256
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
Fs - 2 Beagle dogs, $250. Call 270-218-0105
FS - 50,000 btu natural gas heater. 565-5475
FS - Quality horse hay, square bales. 3 or 4 registered angus bulls, logging equipment. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 4 cyl Ford motor and trans $400 for both. Call 270-473-1356
FS - Antique China cabinet- - 270-774-7800
FS - Stereo with records and 8 tracks- $20- 270-272-3293
FS - Lift chair, hand walkers- 270-678-2707
FS - Male German Shepherd, 9 months old. 270-774-6489
FS - 2 end tables and coffee table- $40, Walker- $20- 270-407-9048
FS - Bissell vacuum- $10, Polo tennis shoes- 270-646-8782
FS - 4 x 8 trailer with 14” tires and spare- 2” hitch and solid wood sides. 270-646-0607
FS - 2005 Gravely 152Z zero turn mower- 52” 23 hp- $2300- 270-246-1421
FS - 14’ tracker boat, $2700- 270-528-1749
FS - 24 x 48- 1 bedroom house with garage- on 5 acres with chicken house- $125,000, 1953 Chevy Bel Air- $5000, 2012 Ford Escape with sun roof- loaded- $8000, 2005 Nissan Frontier with hard shell cover and new parts- 104,000 miles, roosters and hens with cages. 270-779-1224
FS - 3 Great Pyrenees pups- $100 each- 615-670-670-2660
FS - 10 x 10 dog pin- 270-670-1403
FS - Aluminum wheels- 31/10/50 for a Ford- 270-528-6255
FS - Sectional sofa with recliner- $125, 46” Toshiba TV- $100, Solid wood dresser with mirror- 270-622-0255
FS - Double axle boat trailer with treated flat bed, and a semi for storage- 270-590-8711
FS -- 2 kitchen table sets- 4 chairs and 6 chairs- all wood- 270-782-2570
FS - John Deer riding lawn mower- 42” 18.5 hp motor- $350- 270-308-5057
FS - Bass amp custom- 100 watts with books, charts and gig bag- $200, Fender Stratocaster with hard shell case- 270-246-2910
FS - 2014 Scooter- 60 series- 1241 miles- $2500 or best offer- 270-487-5348
FS - White twin comforter and full size, Transit with stand- $50, Wicker lounge chair- $100- 270-524-4913
FS - 2002 Chevy Trailblazer- V6- automatic- 2wd- 2 door- $2000 or trade- 270-576-3810
FS - 1998 Dodge with a 1996 engine, needs some work- $6000, Nissan- needs timing chain- make offer- 270-670-2130
FS - Utility trailer- 5 x 8 with gate, EZ Go golf cart- 270-286-6091
FS - 2002 Honda Civic LS- 4 dr, 5 spd- 266,000- $1200, 2003 Honda Accord Coupe, $1500, 32” old style flat screen, black Maytag refrigerator, deep fryer- $50, Soda Stream - 270-261-1629
LF - 1985-1986 Mustang GT/LX front bumper cover- 270-847-3313
LF - Good used tires- 285/75/R16- 270-618-1843
FS- Full size portable Sunbeam grill, like new and has extra tank. $130. Call 270-678-1051
FS - Singer serger $50 with the book. Call 270-528-6381
FS - Pair of male Beagles. $250, will hunt. Call 270-218-0105
FS - Gibson stand up freezer, Whirlpool double door refrigerator, GE side by side refrigerator, queen size beds. Call 270-308-5199 or 270-537-1117 ask for George or Nick.
FS - Quality horse hay, square bales. Yearling registered angus bulls $1700 to $2500, set of logging tongues, log chains. Call 270-532-1777
FS - Kids car, Rally, must be used with iphone or ipad. $20. Call 270-473-3678
FS - Frigidaire refrigerator, white, 9 to 10 years old. Call 502-341-4335
For Sale- 1995 F-150 4x4 pickup- extended cab- 270-473-0884
For Sale- pups- Chi/Yorkie, Chi/Jack Russell, 2 tires- 245/70/15- $60, 2 riding lawn mowers- 46”, 42” would trade for 46” and 50”, Kawasaki windshield off of a Vulcan motorcycle- 270-991-0396
FS- Black refrigerator $200. Call 270-537-3720
Wednesday, February 14th, 2018
LF - 5 speed transmission for a 1994 Nissan 4wd pickup. Call 270-774-2594
LF - Ford or Chevy 1500, 4 door crewcab 2010 or newer. Text 270-723-4077
LF - Bus driver at Community Action Senior Center for 16 hours a week. Call 270-524-0224
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
FS - 15 ft. Sundolphin canoe $400, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $25, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $30. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Beauty salon equipment, 3 dryers, 1 styling cabinet with sink and 2 hydraulic styling chairs. Call 270-773-2345
FS - 1986 DT466 International 2 ton flat bed truck with dump 61,000 miles , LF - 360 Dodge motor, FS - 1993 Toyota 4x4 farm truck $1000 - 270-528=1365
LF - hydraulic dump trailer - 270-670-3615
FS - 2 Oak glass end tables $40 each, Weather tech floor mats $45, 3 legged wooden stool $20 - 502-594-5396 (Summersville)
LF - tv antenna with tower for radio - 270-646-0554
FS - 55 gallon metal barrels with lids n rings 55 gallon plastic barrels. Call 270-565-1750
FS - 2008 Kawasaki Prairie 360 four wheeler 4x4. Great four wheeler . Call 270-670-6877
LF - above ground swimming pool 24 ft. Can take down. Call 270-565-4865
FS - Poulan chain saw 18" bars $50 270-590-4983
FS - Heavy duty trailer with electric brakes, the bed is 8ft long 4 and half ft wide $200 make offer or trade for lighter trailer call or text 270-446-0501
FS - 4 Dodge or Chevy steel rims 16 inch a brand new winch and a primitive chest. LF - rear rim and 2 front rims for a ford 8n tractor. 270-590-2359
LF - Looking to buy 4 good Sheep. Call 270-634-2376
LF - Rolled grass hay. Call 774-1406
LF - Clothing for men women and 361-7218
LF - 3x women's clothing. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 3 English tick coonhounds, will have shots by Friday. Call 773-3098
LF - Bus driver at Community Action Senior Center for 16 hours a week. Call 270-524-0224
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
FS - Couch, electric stove, 2 refrigerators, interior doors, tables, washer and dryer, 10x10 wooden storage building. Call 270-407-0872
FS - 15 ft. Sundolphin canoe $400, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $25, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $30. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Beauty salon equipment, 3 dryers, 1 styling cabinet with sink and 2 hydraulic styling chairs. Call 270-773-2345
FS- 4 Basket Walton Hay Tedder, 256 Ford New Holland Hay Rake w/Dolly Wheels LF- Large Rolls of Hay (prefers rolled with John Deere Roller) --270-932-1498
FS- Beef Calves (Heifer & Charlois Bull Cross) --270-535-8714
FS- 2 Horse 14’ Aluminum Horse Trailer w/2 Escape Doors & Ramp in Back for $5300, 1996 Class A Ace Arrow Motor Home w/30,000 miles for $14,000 --270-378-4407
FS- Metal Detector --270-250-2697
FS- 8 Lug Wheels off of Chevy ¾ Ton, 2WD Transmission for 1996 Ford Explorer, GPS System --270-805-7587
FS- 2015 Honda 420 Rancher 4 Wheeler for $2700 --270-590-4111
Lost—2 Black Heifers w/Green Tags weighing 600 lbs in the Randolph Area --270-925-8442
LF- Vehicle for around $800-$1000 --270-308-7504
FS- Patio Table w/2 Chairs, Women’s Size 7 Justin Boots, 2 Humidifiers, 2 Sports Chairs w/Bags --270-646-8782
FS- 2015 Hisen Side by Side 250 CC --270-670-3936
FS - Poulan chain saw 18" bars $50 270-590-4983
FS - American Standard Propane heating and cooling unit only 5 yrs old $2000, 1997 Jeep Cherokee 4x4 Country edition $2500 - 270-432-4857
FS - 20x10 Chrome wheels and tires for Dodge Cummins $700, Chrome Eagle alloy wheels and Nitto Grappler tires size 305-65-18 for Dodge Cummins $600, 2015 Honda 420 Rancher $2700 - 270-590-4111
FS - 1974 Dodge Dart sport turned into project car with 360 $3000 car only or $3500 with parts - 270-646-8178
LF - Shelty dog male or female - 270-528-6745 or 270-528-6764
FS - electric lift chair $80, Mens and kids coveralls - 270-404-1264
FS - 1989 Toyota pickup , turns over but won't start make offer - 270-670-8638
FS - 2 yr old white appliances Samsung side by side refrigerator $800, Whirlpool smooth top electric stove $300, Frigidaire under counter dishwasher $250, Oak corner propane fireplace - 270-459-0758
FS - laying hens and several pullets, pair of white pigeons, male ducks - 270-634-0466
FS - 4 young cows - 270-268-7573
FS - 4 like new 16 inch tires $300, 3 donkeys - 270-405-1684
FS - 2 longhorn cows - 270-250-9209
FS - bottle calves , goats, sheep - 270-405-6363
FS - set of 235/55/18 inch tires - 270-565-2367
FS - late 70s John Deere 350 B dozer, needs steering clutches $3500 - 270-261-1078
FS - big and small set of table and chairs, 5 Jersey and Holstein Heifers - 270-528-3307
FS - Class 5 receiver hitch for Chevrolet, LF - 20 inch wheel for Chevrolet, lightly used toilet - 270-378-6998
FS - Red Oak firewood - 270-565-3787
LF - set of 255 or 265 inch tires FS - 60 inch zero turn mower - 270-670-8638
FS or trade - 33x10.50 Super Swampers on factory Jeep rims to trade for 31x10.50 - 270-308-5410
LF - one tire size 225/60/16 or full set of 215/70/16 - 270-405-3475
Paid item
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
LF - Bus driver at Community Action Senior Center for 16 hours a week. Call 270-524-0224
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
FS - Couch, electric stove, 2 refrigerators, interior doors, tables, washer and dryer, 10x10 wooden storage building. Call 270-407-0872
FS - 15 ft. Sundolphin canoe $400, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $25, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $30. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Beauty salon equipment, 3 dryers, 1 styling cabinet with sink and 2 hydraulic styling chairs. Call 270-773-2345
FS - 3 small dorm size refrigerators, LF - beverage cooler for concession trailer and other concession items - 270-537-3341
FS - couch and love seat for sale for more info call 270-427-6106
FS - Heavy duty trailer with electric brakes can be hook up the bed is 8ft long with the tung 11ft 6in and 4 and half ft wide the bed needs work or new wood for sale $200 or make offer or trade for lighter trailer call or text 270-446-0501 please leave message
FS - full set of 8 lug Chevy/GM wheels they are factory with 245-75-16. 270-537-1638
FS- sectional and ottoman - 2704056805
FS- Free Firewood for Someone that Wants to Cut Tree Top Laps, Cub Cadet weedeater (1 yr old) LF- Steering Column for 1992 Dodge ¾ Ton 4x4 Automatic --270-590-2481
FS- 1995 Nissan Truck Regular Cab 4 Cyl Automatic 2WD, Entertainment Center, 2013 Chevy Silverado Extended Cab 4x4 --270-576-4915
LF- 3-4 Bedroom Home to Rent in Metcalfe, Adair, Green or Barren Co LF- Set of Drums --270-250-2697
FS- 2013 Ford F250 Diesel 4x4 112,000 miles for $29,900. 2008 Mazda Speed 3 Car, 2015 Nissan Versa --270-634-2403
LF- Home in Summer Shade Rent to Own FS- 3 Bedroom Home in Knob Lick for $15,000 --270-432-7035
FS- 2013 Chevy Equinox, 12” Sub Woofer 1600 Watt Amps w/Tweeters for $200, 2 Riding Mowers (one needs slight repair) --270-991-0335
FS- Lavender Roosters, Black Copper Marlin Laying Hens --270-348-4174
LF- Ewes --270-405-6483
FS - 8 heavy breed brown egg laying hens, $7 each. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Double door refrigerator, washer, dryer, couch, hospital bed with mattress, stove, recliner, microwave, dishwasher and other furniture. Call 270-407-0872
GA - 2 Min Pin pups, can be registered to a good home. Call 270-786-2432
Paid item
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
FS - Bedliner for a crewcab truck. Call 735-6698
FS - Guideposts 12 issues $10. Call 612-0701
FS - cloth electric lift chair (doesn't recline) $85, size 12 rubber camo hunting boots, mens and kids coveralls - 270-404-1264
FS - 3 small dorm size refrigerators, LF - beverage cooler for concession trailer and other concession items - 270-537-3341\
Paid item
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
FS - Husqvarna chainsaw. Call 270-670-9089
FS - German Sheppard with papers and shots $200 - 270-381-0306
FS - set of old solid wood kitchen cabinets with countertops $200 obo - 270-432-2164
FS - seasoned firewood $35 per rick picked up. $40 delivered - 270-404-2606
FS - like new aluminum 2 horse trailer with new tires $4500, 1996 34 ft. motor home ,1 owner 30,000 miles and new awning $14,000 - 270-378-4407
FS - 6x10 trailer. $2200obo - 270-622-5953 or 270-618-0460
FS - 18 ft trailer with lights and brakes $1100 - 270-528-6255
FS - rear tine tiller - 270-459-0270
LF - good enclosed trailer, - 270-565-3736
FS- 4 Basket Walton Hay Tedder, 256 Ford New Holland Hay Rake w/Dolly Wheels LF- Large Rolls of Hay (prefers rolled with John Deere Roller) --270-932-1498
FS- Beef Calves (Heifer & Charolais Bull Cross) --270-535-8714
Paid item
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
FS - Hospital bed, king size bed, electric. Call 270-531-6947
FS - Guideposts magazines, all 2017 except June and December, also January and February 2018 issues, excellent condition $10. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 2001 Ford Mustang, v-6, 5 spd, red, $3500 or trade. Call 270-308-5729
FS - Couch, electric stove, 2 refrigerators, interior doors, tables, washer and dryer, 10x10 wooden storage building. Call 270-407-0872
FS - 15 ft. Sundolphin canoe $400, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $25, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $30. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Beauty salon equipment, 3 dryers, 1 styling cabinet with sink and 2 hydraulic styling chairs. Call 270-773-2345
FS- iPhone 7 32gb black, has always been used in case, comes with a otterbox. Also an Apple Watch Series 1, just a couple of months old. Will sell both for $500. Call or text 27-308-5003
FS - Super C tractor with cultivators, hay rings - 270-646-8750
FS - 2013 Ford F-250 diesel 4x4 110,000 miles - 270-634-2403
FS - Red Max weedeater, Wheel Horse lawn mower - 270-670-6152
FS - 6 year old Walker male coon hound - 270-805-8530
FS - 2004 Pontiac Montana mini van $1650, 27 month-old Brown Swiss bull $800 - 270-590-3398
Paid item
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
FS - 15 ft. Sundolphin canoe $400, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $25, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $30. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
FR - Small house in Seymour, references required. Call 270-528-7986
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Beauty salon equipment, 3 dryers, 1 styling cabinet with sink and 2 hydraulic styling chairs. Call 270-773-2345
Paid item
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
LF - 6 rolls of hay. Macon Kessinger area. Call 270-786-3705
FS - 2 Ideal corn pickers, gravity wagons, flatbed wagon. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Hospital bed. Call 270-531-6947
FS - 2 seater go-cart, runs and drives, has new carburetor and battery. $600. Call 270-576-5750
GA - Food that was donated by area churches, located at J&J's next to the Barber Shop in Horse Cave on Main Street. Open 9 to 5.
FS- 97 CC Side Shaft Motor for Dirt Bike or Go-Cart for $100 OBO --270-404-2689
LF- Riding Mower, Someone to Clean a House --270-381-0306
FS- Wheel Horse Mower w/5 HP Briggs & Stratton & Trailer, Lawnmower Parts --270-670-6152
FS- Loveseat, New Double Mini Blinds 64” Long, Electric Blanket, Queen Size & Twin Size Comforters --270-250-5682
FS- Holstein & Angus Cross Bottle Calves, Lamb on Bottle --270-405-6363
FS- 018 4950 Scooter 4 Month Old w/210 Miles for $550, 2005 Buick Rendezvous, Aluminum Tree Spikes --270-576-3810
FS- Glass Block Tiles 12x12x3”s for $1 Each, Old Iron Wheels, 14’ Gooseneck Trailer --270-590-6410
FS- 2 Bedroom Mobile Home Ready to Move by Feb 15th --270-576-1386
LF- Someone to Trim Trees & Someone to do Barn Work (needs to be braced) --270-487-5596
FS- Japanese Black & White Banty Chickens for $10/Pair, 2 Tame Rabbits for $5 Each, Used Batteries --270-576-6228
LF- Firewood --270-385-1501
LF- Motor for 1995 Dodge 4x4 Extended Cab w/5.2 318 --270-932-3767
LF- Parts for 1989 Chevy Suburban --270-579-1423
LF- Mobile Home to Rent in Edmonton or Glasgow --270-404-2298
FS- Dishes, Utensils, Toys --270-565-3721
FS- 18’ Tandem Axel Trailer w/new lights, floor, DOT Stickers for $1300 --270-528-6255
FS- 2006 Infinity G35X for $5500 (or trade to Tahoe), 2007 Duramax Dually 242,000 Miles Allison Transmission 2WD for $16,500 --270-403-9594
LF- 65 Fender Deluxe Reverb Amp --270-317-9651
FS- D6B Caterpillar Dozer for $5000 --270-432-2196 (Call after 5)
FS- Insulated 5x5 & 5x6 Panels ¼” Thick for $2 Each --270-405-1628
FS- Feeder Hogs, Parts Chain Saw & New Chain Saw LF- Firewood --270-459-2371
FS - 1 Bridgestone Dueler A/T tire 255/70R18 $40. HP printer not wireless needs ink $15. 270- 432 -7568
FS - full set of 8 lug Chevy/GM wheels they are factory with245-75-16, 3 new tires and 2 slick tire, will trade for aftermarket wheels 8x6.5 lug pattern. Call 270-537-1638
LF - mobile home call 270-202-6324
FS- iPhone 7 32gb black, has always been used in case, comes with a otterbox. Also an Apple Watch Series 1, just a couple of months old. Will sell both for $500. Call or text 27-308-5003
Paid item
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
FS - 1975 Dodge Dart classic, slant 6, soft top, all original, automatic, burgundy, 2 door. needs transmission work $3200. Kodak Easyshare camera with new discs $100, shop tools, contractors table saw $300. Call 270-524-1042
FS - 15 ft. Sundolphin canoe $400, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $25, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $50, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $30. Call or text in Cave City 270-774-6307
FR - Small house in Seymour, references required. Call 270-528-7986
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Beauty salon equipment, 3 dryers, 1 styling cabinet with sink and 2 hydraulic styling chairs. Call 270-773-2345
FS- full size barrel stove $80, deer stands with ladders $60 each - 270-528-5208
FS - 7 game roosters - 270-576-3694
FS - used furniture - 270-634-0461
FS - Cabelas fishing bag with tackle, 3 nice rod and reels $200 or trade - 270-407-3874
LF - Bose radio - 270-403-0074
FS - 40 Ferguson tractor - 270-590-5635
FS - 2005 Buick Rendezvous - 270-576-3810
FS: iPhone 7 32gb black, has always been used in case, comes with a otterbox and an Apple Watch Series 1, just a couple of months old. Will sell both for $500 or will split. Call or text 270-308-5003
GA - two inside female cats, one outside female cat, and one inside male cat. 270-406-0177
FS - 1 Bridgestone Dueler A/T 255 70R18 brand new never on rim $40.00 HP printer not wireless needs ink. $15.00 270 432 7568
FS - 1984 F250 Ford truck automatic long wheel base make good farm truck and a Polaris four wheeler 250 trail boss real nice good condition call 270-432-5378
FS - Popup camper, needs repairs $150 obo, utility trailer, solid metal, tilt bed 8 x 4 ft. $350. Call 270-405-3041
FS- 3 Banty Roosters, 1 White Rooster --270-579-8881
FS- 97 CC Side Shaft Motor for Dirt Bike or Go-Cart for $100 OBO --270-404-2689
LF- Riding Mower, Someone to Clean a House --270-381-0306
FS- Wheel Horse Mower w/5 HP Briggs & Stratton & Trailer, Lawnmower Parts --270-670-6152
FS- Loveseat, New Double Mini Blinds 64” Long, Electric Blanket, Queen Size & Twin Size Comforters --270-250-5682
FS- Holstein & Angus Cross Bottle Calves, Lamb on Bottle --270-405-6363
FS- 018 4950 Scooter 4 months old w/210 Miles for $550, 2005 Buick Rendezvous, Aluminum Tree Spikes --270-576-3810
FS- Glass Block Tiles 12x12x3”s for $1 Each, Old Iron Wheels, 14’ Gooseneck Trailer --270-590-6410
FS- 2 Bedroom Mobile Home Ready to move by Feb 15th --270-576-1386
GA- Collie w/Doghouse, Wood Pallets --270-670-4059
LF- Size 8-9 Toddler Boy Jeans --270-646-6575
FS- Japanese Black & White Banty Chickens for $10/Pair, 2 Tame Rabbits for $5 Each, Used Batteries --270-576-6228
LF- Firewood --270-385-1501
Paid item
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
FR - Small house in Seymour, references required. Call 270-528-7986
FS - 2 sets of dishes, one is white trimmed in blue 4 piece set, the other is old time gold wheat. yard sale items. Call 270-524-4547
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - New men's 21 speed Mongoose bike $50, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron BBQ grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $25, 2000 Chevy S-10 $1500. Call or text 270-774-6307.
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS- Holstein/Angus Cross Bottle Calves --270-405-6363
LF- Odd Jobs, Moped, Cheap Riding Mower --270-381-0306
LF- House or Mobile Home to Buy in Metcalfe Co --270-432-5232
FS- Rear Tine Tiller --270-459-0270
FS- 29’ Salem Camper for $5000 --270-404-0372
LF- Good Used Exercise Bike --270-590-3584
FS- 5’ Bush-hog LF- Honda 4x4 ATV --270-427-9056
FS- Calves on Dry Feed --270-250-9209
FS- Twin Bed w/New Box Springs --270-932-1997
FS- Hauler for Power or Lift Chair --270-590-6090
FS- 3 Riding Mowers, Yard Sweeper, Whirlpool Refrigerator for $40, Parting Out of Sell Whole 2005 Honda Car LF- Mini Bike or Moped --270-670-1359
FS- Good Quality Horse Hay in Square Bales or Rolls, 4-5 Young Registered Angus Bulls --270-932-1777
FS- Ash Box from a King or Warm Morning Wood Stove Measuring 11 Wide x 24 & 5/8’s Long, Craftsman D-Thatcher for $25 --270-670-2264
FS- 1999 Ford Ranger 6 Cylinder 4x4 LF- Bales of Straw --270-670-3615
FS- Minivan (needs power steering pump) for $250 --270-261-1487
FS- Adjustable Ladder Rack w/2 Ladders (one side hydraulic), Mustang GT new parts (headers, throttle body intake, etc) --270-932-1334
FS- 225.75.16 Tire for $30 --270-670-8639
FS- Tires that have only 1500 miles Size for $650 --270-299-5709
GA- 4 Banty Roosters --270-670-7907
FS- 8 Laying Hens, 8 Game Roosters --270-576-3694
FS - 1 Bridgestone Dueler A/T tire P255/70R18 brand new never on rim $40.00 270 432 7568
FS - 2002 Pontiac Montana mini-van 170,000 miles. $1,000 obo. Call 270-428-5252 or 270-576-1154
FS - 2000 Rodeo suv, 2wd automatic $800 runs and drives. metal and plastic barrels, $6 each. Call 270-308-5686
Paid item:
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
FS - Gibson freezer, whirlpool refrigerator, GE side by side by side refrigerator, new queen size mattresses, and a dryer. LF - washer. Call 270-308-5199 or 270-537-1117
FS - Yearbooks from the old Munfordville High School 1947 thru 51. 1965 through 1970 Munfordville yearbooks. 3 books from Hart Memorial School 19 58, 1962 and 1963. Call 270-505-2646 or 270-524-9153
FR - Small house in the Seymour- Legrande area. Must have references. Call 270-528-7986
FS- 2002 200R Honda dirt bike. Call 270-528-1531
FS- 2005 Buick Rendezvous V6 Automatic --270-576-3810
LF- Tire Size 205.75.15 --270-404-6263
FS- Washer for $100 --270-576-1494
FS- Trane XL80 Gas Furnace, 75 Gallon Sprayer w/Booms for Lawnmower, 4 Pair of Green Shutters 71x14 --606-787-0226
FS - Poulan chain saw 18" bars $50 -270 590-4983
LF - nice used boat trailer, that's in working condition. Need it for a 14-16 ft boat. Call or text pictures to 270-590-4029
FS- Holstein/Angus Cross Bottle Calves --270-405-6363
Paid item:
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
FS - 200 to 250 lb pig. Call 708-670-3644
FS - Camcorder $150, table tv $40. Call 270-473-9707
FS - Angus bulls $1650, horse hay, square or rolled. Call 270-932-1777
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - New men's 21 speed Mongoose bike $50, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron BBQ grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $25, 2000 Chevy S-10 $1500. Call or text 270-774-6307.
FS - Square baled hay $3 per bale. Call 270-537-1714
LF - Rolled hay. Call 270-218-3019
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - new barrel stove $80 - 270-528-5208
FS - front tine tiller with bad engine, big wheel mower with bad engine - 270-646-0607
FS - 2 electric cook stoves, 7 cubic ft. freezer, microwave , round table - 270-590-8596
FS - 1993 Toyota 5 speed 4x4 - 270-528-1365
FS - 5x8 utility trailer with new tires - 270-678-1303
LF - single level house within 2-3 miles of Glasgow City limits - 270-427-6786
FS - 4x6 trailer like new with end gate and lights , LF - camper top for Ford Ranger - 270-991-8765
FS - 1995 Jeep Cherokee 4x4 $2750 - 270-457-3822
FS- Black Limousine bull - 270-469-5664
FS - 2012 Chevy Malibu 2 owner $5200, 2006 G35x all wheel drive 70,000 miles $5500 or trade for Tahoe or Chevy truck - 270-403-9594
FS- 5x5, 5x6 and 6x7.5 Insulated Panels ¼” Thick for $2 Each --270-405-1628
LF - small house dog, GA - - full blood Black Lab - 270-421-7012
Lost - black German Sheppard with brown collar with studs in the Bloyd's Crossing area of Green County - 270-405-1056
FS - firewood will deliver in Tompkinsville , Summer Shade, Burkesville area - 270-427-0973
FS - 2007 Mustang wrecked on passenger side for parts, 2005 Nissan Altima ( needs tires) - 270-427-9305
FS- 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee runs and drives (needs Transmission) $600 or motor & transfer case for $250, 2003 Trail Blazer 4 Door 4x4 Automatic for $2000, Carry All for Reece Hitch for $75, 15” & 16” Tires, 407 Chevy motor, Derby Car parts --270-403-2217
FS - White toddler bed with mattress, Queen size bed frame black in color, Pack n play for girl Stroller matching pack n play270 576 6055
FS- Troybilt pressure washer 2700 psi. $350. 270 432 4998
FS- Microwave, Bookshelf, Electric Blanket, 2 Comforters, Living Room Chair, New 64” Long Mini Blinds --270-250-5682
FS- Wooden Step Ladder, Piano Bench, Screen Door, Plastic Container of Artificial Flowers (All Craft Projects) --270-565-1663
FS- 16’ Trailer, White Riding Mower 46” Cut --270-590-3498
FS- Large Microwave for $30 --270-427-0973 or 270-433-5691
FS- Small Ram (Katahdin Meat Ram) for $125, 8 Track Player w/Tapes for $25, Top Mate Changing Table w/Sink for $225 (brand new—daycare style) --270-378-6998
LF- 220 Hot Water Heater 30-40 Gallon Upright --270-678-3840
FS- 215.65.16 Tires for $30 --270-670-8639
FS- Barrel Type Heater & Kerosene Heater for $75 (Both) --270-805-1543
FS- Insulated Panels 5x5 and 5x6 for $2 Each --270-405-1628
FS- Power Chair for $150 --270-407-7017
FS- 2 Old Town Kayaks --270-932-1886
FS- Wood King Stove for $150, 017 Stihl Chain Saw Like New for $115 --270-427-0973
FS- 1 Acre Lot on Cedar Flat Curtis Rd --270-432-3018
FS- 1994 Southwind RV 35 ½ Foot w/60-70,000 miles --270-590-1388
LF- I-phone or Samsung Galaxy Compatible w/Bluegrass --270-427-0973
FS- Brown Eggs --270-432-4353
FS- 2005 Buick Rendezvous V6 Automatic --270-576-3810
LF- Tire Size 205.75.15 --270-404-6263
FS- Washer for $100 --270-576-1494
FS- Trane XL80 Gas Furnace, 75 Gallon Sprayer w/Booms for Lawnmower, 4 Pair of Green Shutters 71x14 --606-787-0226
FS - Poulan chain saw 18" bars $50 -270 590-4983
LF - nice used boat trailer, that's in working condition. Need it for a 14-16 ft boat. Call or text pictures to 2705904029.
Paid item:
FS - 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, 84,000 miles, $7500. Call 270-734-2731
FS - 200 to 250 lb pig. Call 708-670-3644
FS - Camcorder $150, table tv $40. Call 270-473-9707
FS - Angus bulls $1650, horse hay, square or rolled. Call 270-932-1777
FS- 1996 Camaro Z28 LT1 w/360 Automatic & 100,000 miles (would trade to 4x4 truck) --270-670-6578
FS- 6 pair women's Size 12 Levi Jeans for $3 Each --270-670-1513
FS- 2007 Chevy Suburban LTZ w/3rd Row Seating, 2006 GMC 4x4 for $4800 --270-670-1790
FS- 65” TV for $50 --270-565-3541
FS- 2 Wooden Sleds for $35 Each or $50 for Both, Plastic Sled for $15 --270-670-5398
FS- 2012 Chevy Malibu w/106,000 miles (2nd Owner) for $5000, 2006 Infinity G35X AWD 70,000 miles for $4400 ---270-403-9594
FS- 2 Man Deer Stand, Water Trough --270-378-0121
FS- Whirlpool Refrigerator for $75 OBO, 3 Riding Mowers LF- Complete Riding Mowers for Parts --270-670-1359
FS - wood stove $100 , gas range $100 , John Wayne knife $10, John Wayne movies $5 each - 270-218-3662
FS - Whirlpool refrigerator $50, LF - 2 mini bikes, LF - riding mowers, FS - yard sweep and 3 riding mowers - 270-670-1359
FS - tire chains for tractor trailers and dump trucks - 304-360-8849
FS - 9 interior doors, 30,000 btu natural gas wall heater - 270-428-2355
FS - Sears Kenmore portable dish washer - 270-404-2606
FS - Casio keyboard with stand and seat - 270-670-3629
LF - load of firewood in Adair county - 270-670-6108
FS - 2000 Isuzu Rodeo 2wd auto $800 - 270-308-5686
FS- brand new large Tennessee Titan hoodie $25 - 270-579-8152
LF - Rick of seasoned firewood. FS - metal barrels and plastic barrels with lids $6 a piece and a 1990 dodge Dakota $400 it runs and drives parts only. .270 670 3532
FS - Quality horse hay, bales or rolls, young registered angus bulls, shoplights. Call 270-932-1777
FS - New set of bunk beds in box, $125, mattresses not included. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 200 to 250 lb pig. Call 708-670-3644
FS - New men's 21 speed Mongoose bike $50, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron BBQ grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $25, 2000 Chevy S-10 $1500. Call or text 270-774-6307.
FS - Square baled hay $3 per bale. Call 270-537-1714
LF - Rolled hay. Call 270-218-3019
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - New men's 21 speed Mongoose bike $50, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron BBQ grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $25, 2000 Chevy S-10 $1500. Call or text 270-774-6307.
FS - Square baled hay $3 per bale. Call 270-537-1714
LF - Rolled hay. Call 270-218-3019
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - 1997 Club Car golf cart with dump bed $1800, 3 275-75-16 tires, Gehl 170 hammer mill - 270-590-5928
FS - bottle calves , black angus bull - 270-405-6363
FS - GE electric dryer $100 - 270-405-4251
FS - seasoned firewood - 270-565-2401 (Knob Lick)
FS - 2 -50 ft. tall tv antennas - 270-432-2592
FS - seasoned firewood - 270-405-1628
FS - mini Pygmy goat, mini black stud pony - 270-405-7351
FS - mini bike with fat tires $200 - 270-670-7340
FS or trade - 1994 Cadillac Sedan Deville - 270-996-5343
FS - wheel chair carrier for vehicle - 270-590-6090
FS - old time tv antenna tower - 270-678-2312 ( Barren County)
FS - small igloo dog house - 270-427-7775
FS - 4 - 215-16 inch tires $100 - 270-405-6018
FS - Tot Mates changing table with sink good for a daycare or full time babysitter $200, LF - 20" spare wheel for 2007 Chevrolet Suburban and a 24"x24" panel box fiberglass or metal, FS - 8 track player for vehicle with tapes $40.00 or trade and FS - inside Jacuzzi, newer model. $150. Call 270-378-6998
FS - Poulan chain saw 18" bars $50 - 270 590-4983
FS - 2013 Chevy 4x4 extended cab pickup, 124,000 miles $15,000 - 270 - 576- 4915
FS- Replacement Windows for $30 Each --270-670-2264
LF- Size 13 Men’s Muck Boots --270-646-6575
GA- Winter Coats, Toys, 2 Children’s Rocking Chairs & Other Various Items (must pick up) --270-932-9032
FS- Full Size Barrel Wood Stove (never used) for $80 --270-528-5208
FS- Electric Cook Stove, 2 Yr Old Miniature Black Stud Pony, Bred Pigmy Goat --270-405-7351
FS- Walton 4 Basket Hay Tedder, 256 Ford New Holland Hay Rake w/Dolly Wheels, Medium Size Refrigerator for $80 --270-932-1498
FS- 16’ Trailer, White Riding Mower --270-590-3498
LF- Full Stock Black Ostralorpe Rooster, Square Tubing --270-218-0766
FS- 1999 Chevy Tracker 4 Cyl Automatic for $1800 --270-576-3810
FS- Sow & Boar weighing 450 lbs --270-576-6144
GA- 4 Banty Roosters --270-670-7907
FS - 1994 Olds Cutlass Supreme $800 - 270-576-1386
FS - 5x8 trailer for sale or trade to 5x10, 128 Cub Cadet with Grader Blade - 270-670-6152
LF - 2 people to clean up a property 5 miles from Glasgow, 10$ per hour - 970-462-1030
FS - 1997 GMC Suburban 4x4 350 V8 , LF - transmission for 1997 Dodge Ram 4x4 with 5.2 engine - parting out a GMC Jimmy -270-319-6466
FS - 65 inch Projection flat screen tv $50 - 270-565-3541
FS - 16' lawn trailer with 2 ramps, $2200, heavy duty 16' car hauler trailer $2600, Commercial heated pressure washer with water tanks $1900. Call 502-229-7678
FS - 12 rick of good oak/sugar/ash/cherry wood (cut and busted in 2017) $40 per rick, must pickup. Call 270-670-3854
FS - 8 bottom cultivator $250 - 270-432-7960
LF - queen size bed frame 270-528-6368
FS - Square baled hay $3 per bale. Call 270-537-1714
LF - Egg cartons. FS - Eggs $2 per dozen. Call 270-786-4836
FS - FS 2005 Ford Escape, needs work $1,000, queen size bed with mattress and box springs $75, 2 sets of twin box springs and mattresses $30 per set. 6 drawer brown dresser $40, 4 drawer chest $40, dvd rack $20, oval shaped dining table $20, small roll around black stand $10, Michael Korrs purse $50, charcoal grill $25, shutters $20 per set, 20 piece toolset, Whirlpool washer and Kenmore dryer $100 for both.. Call 524-1952
FS - Amish books. $1.99. Call 270-528-7643
LF - Antenna for cb radio. Call 270-579-1710
FS - Wood stove, small cast iron with 2 pop outs. Call 270-537-5875
FS - Full size barrel stove $80, strap on metal deer stands $60 each. Call 270-528-5208
Lost - Red Beagle on J L Borders Road between D & S auction and Canmer. Answers to "Red". Call 270-218-0105
FS- Black Angus Bred Cows, Heifers --270-634-3998
FS- Dog Box, 2 Sets of Dog Collars, 2 Sets of 12” Tires on Rims (One 4 Lug, One 5 Lug) --270-428-2018
FS- 6 Yr Old Coon Hound, 2 Yr Old Coon Hound --270-805-8530
FS- Cedar Chest, Hot Wheels, Pocket Knives, Cedar Shavings. Call 270-565-3787
FS- 3 Sows & 1 Big Boar --270-576-6144 or 270-576-4376
FS - Genie Manlift portable 30' AC/DC $850.00 Tot Mates changing table with sink good for a daycare or full time babysitter $200 Looking for 20" wheel for 2007 Chevrolet suburban and for a 24"x24" panel box fiberglass or metal. Call 270-368-6998
FS - Large black dresser $40.00 , 3 sets bi-fold metal doors $15.00 each, white vanity , mirror & stool -270-565-1663
FS - 2004 dodge dually crew cab, 6speed, Cummings asking $10,200, Super M McCormick Farmall antique tractor, wide front, excellent condition $$3800, Commercial heated pressure washer with water tanks $1900.
Call 502-229-7678
FS - Poulan chain saw 18" bars $50 - 270 590-4983
LF - 12 bundles of slabwood - 270-565-2193
FS - 2000 Ford F-350 4x4 long bed with lift kit and aftermarket wheels and tires (needs gas engine) $2600 - 270-361-1231
FS - 18.5 Aluminum bass boat with 90 hp. Evinrude - 270-406- 7006
LF - kerosene heater - 270-773-5435
FS - electric heater $50, glass kitchen table $50, playpen $40, twin bed frame - 270-7865072
FS - Jacuzzi tub,. Call 270-299-6444
FS - Curio cabinet. Call 270-299-6755
FS - Hammock on a frame. Call 270-299-6444
GA - Schnouzer dog. Call 270-537-5227
FS - 4 tires, size 225 60R 17's. $80. 3 are Goodyear. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Quality horse hay, square bales or rolls, registered angus young bulls. Call 270-932-1777
LF - 2.5 S-10 motor, FS - Ford Deerborne pickup disc $350, turning plow $325, coal stove $75, horse saddles Call 670-3570
FS -Heavy duty trailer with 8ft long bed $175 make offer or will trade for lighter trailer, old Sears & Roebuck and cement mixer $200 make offer or trade for trailer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - for sale twin bed complete with pillow top mattress very good shape $75.0075,000 btu warm morning propane heating stove in furniture style casing for 150.00Chrysler motor 340 came out of a 1972 Plymouth duster 270-428-4040
FS- Stainless Steel Double Sink w/sprayer for $25 --270-579-6463
LF- House or Mobile Home to Buy Near Edmonton --270-432-5232
FS- 3 Banty Roosters, 1 Half Grown Rooster, 1 Full Grown Rooster --270-579-8881
FS- Bluegrass I Phone 4 for $50, 8 Bags of Adult Size Medium Pull-Ups (20 in a bag) for $6 Each --270-562-4107
LF- Infrared Heaters at reasonable price --270-576-7886
FS- 6 Holstein Heifers & 1 Black Angus Bull Bottle Calves (90 lbs each), 1 Black Angus Weaned Bull --270-405-6363
LF- Playpen, Pet Taxi, Baby Safety Gates --270-428-4027
FR - 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath House in Metcalfe Co near Beaumont --270-670-3228
FS- 3 Riding Mowers, 3 GPS Systems LF- Cheap Car, Complete Riding Mowers for Parts --270-670-1359
FS- Miscellaneous Sizes of Wheels & Tires, 455 Motor w/Transmission, 2 Riding Mowers --270-763-2284
LF- Someone to Give Estimate on Trimming Trees and Fixing Barn --270-427-1450
FS- Round Dining Table for $25, 7’ Wooden Computer Desk for $25 --270-932-9032
FS- Black Angus Bred Cows, Heifers --270-634-3998
FS - Riding mower $150, natural gas wall heater with new gas line. $100. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Vermont castings wood stove. Call 270-678-6668
LF - Rolled hay. Call 270-218-3019
FS - Full size barrel stove $80. Call 270-528-5208
FS - Riding mower $150, natural gas wall heater with new gas line. $100. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Vermont castings wood stove. Call 270-678-6668
Benefit auction for Sherry & Toby Harper will be held Saturday, February 3rd, at Memorial Elementary School. They lost everything in a garage fire and she is currently on medical leave from work. There will be raffles. For more information, call 270-528-1419.
FS - English saddle $100. Call 270-834-0288
FS - Blue Lab Weimeraner mix, large kennel and igloo dog house, all for $125 - 270-433-1125 ( Glasgow)
FS - 150 hp. Force boat motor with boat and no trailer $400 obo , 2003 Chevy Trailblazer with 3rd row seating 230,000 miles $2000, 1976 3/4 ton truck with flat steel bed and dual wheels $2000 - 270-576-6228
FS - New Murray weedeater, $30, like-new Craftsman chainsaw $50. Call 270-405-0332
FS - Firewood $35 a rick and will deliver. Call 270-428-4246
FS - Rolled hay 270-579-1013
FS - Roll hay in Park City and Glasgow - 270 535 0004
FS - J. Reynolds Guitar $50 - 270-576-6802
FS - 2 gas heaters. 270-576-4915
FS - Laying hens, 2 pair of pigeons, baby chicks - 270-634-0466
FS - New 100 ft. roll of chicken wire, gooseneck plate - 270-404-2208
FS - Hot Wheels , pocket knives, cedar shavings $1.50 - 2.50 per bag - 270-565-3787
FS - Parker Terminator Crossbow - $350 - 270-646-7559
FS - New 3/8 angle impact $250 - 270-299-5387
FS - Fresh pecans, 55 gallon blue plastic drums - 270-428-5546
FS - Set of drums, $200 or trade - 270-250-2697
FS - Indoor rocking chair and rocker recliner, Princess house glassware, blue metal dish set, glass top table with dragon base, glass table with mountain lion base - 270-590-9077
LF - Antique chopping block - 270-646-7802
LF - Electric drop in heater for 100 gallon water tank - 270-405-4698
FS - Calves on dry feed - 270-250-9209
FS - 100 square bales of orchard grass, 30 ft. dual tandem axle trailer - 270-250-4036
LF - Woodstove - 270-250-5367
FS - 1976 Chevy 3/4 ton flatbed with dual wheels $2000 , Banty chickens $10 pair, Chevy Trailblazer $2000-270-576-6228
FS- White whicker lounge chair $100, transit with stand $50, comforter sets - 270-524-4913
FS - 2 Oak end tables $45 each, 3 legged wood stool, floor mats for Honda suv $40 - 270-932-5303
LF - Washing machine. 270-528-6368
FS - Square baled hay. Call 270-528-1531
FS - Contractor table saw $250, Radial arm saw, perfect shape $250. Router table $175. Call 270-524-1042
FS - small table & 2 chairs, living room couch, riding mowers, small chainsaw - 270-272-3293
FS - 540E John Deere Skidder - 270-218-1073
FS - 4 100lb. propane tanks - 615-507-9868
LF - place to live in Metcalfe County - 270-579-7278
FS - 50,000 BTU free standing propane heater $100 - 270-565-3751 or 270-537-1425
LF - older electric furnace for shop - 270-670-3615
FS - dog box for small pickup - 270-405-3041
FS or partial trade - 2013 Chevy Extended cab 4x4 with new tires - 270-576-4915
FS - 1995 Jeep Wrangler , new motor and transmission and soft top - 270-565-2316
FS - treadmill, baby grand piano - 270-433-5719
LF - cheap car that runs and has heat, 4 riding mowers, 3 GPS systems - 270-670-1359
FS - 2004 Ford Ranger V6 auto 2wd, lots of new parts $2000 - 270-405-3313 or 270-405-1850
LF - cheap or free washer and dryer, free recliner - 270-562-4107
FS - Riding mower $150, natural gas wall heater with new gas line. $100. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Vermont castings wood stove. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Jacuzzi tub, new. Call 299-6444
FS - 1998 Chevy Silverado, extended cab, 4 wd, needs transmission $200. Also, Firewood, $25 per rick. Must pick up. Call 270-473-1947
FS - Chevy S-10 $1700, 2002 Ford Taurus SES $1800, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30. Call or text 270-774-6307
LF - Place to rent in Cave City. Call 270-612-0637
FS - Purebred Australian Shepherd puppies for sale. Have 3. 1 female 2 males. $200 ea. Call 270-590-1028 or 270-646-0234. Glasgow
FS - 1 acre lot on Cedar Flat Curtis Rd. , water and electric available, does not have septic. - 270-432-3018
FS - Holstein Calves on dry feed - 270-250-9209
FS - seasoned white oak firewood $50 per rick delivered, $40 picked up - 270-405-3756
FS - 32 WWE dvds dating back to 1985 , Harry Potter dvds - 270-405-1850
LF - play pen and pet carrier for puppy and 2 pet gates - 270-428-4027
FS - 1989 Ford F-150 6 cylinder 4 speed, may trade to small automatic pickup - 270-576-3810
FS - 16 ft. trailer, table and six chairs $50, LF - place to rent - 270-590-3498
FS - good quality horse hay kept inside, registered Angus bulls - 270-932-1777
LF - large flatscreen tv. - 270-432-5232
From the Abundance of the Hart Food Bank will be distributing food Friday, January 19th, at 10:30 a.m. at Munfordville Baptist Church gym for residents of Hart County who qualify.
FS - 1998 Chevy Silverado, extended cab, 4 wd, needs transmission $200. Also, Firewood, $25 per rick. Must pick up. Call 270-473-1947
FS - Chevy S-10 $1700, 2002 Ford Taurus SES $1800, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30. Call or text 270-774-6307
LF - Place to rent in Cave City. Call 270-612-0637
FS - Riding mower $150, natural gas wall heater with new gas line. $100. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Vermont Castings wood stove. Call 270-678-6668
LF - Mobile trailer. Call 270-537-4807 or 270-528-1897
FR - 4 bedroom trailer at 1009 North Toohey Ridge Road, Cave City, good size yard with small out building, no inside pets. Call 270-773-2304
FS - 2 large plastic wreath containers $15 for both. Call 270-531-5922
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - Firewood. Call 270-432-5225
FS - 5x8 trailer with wood floor and end ramp, feed scales with 500 lbs of weights, 50 gallon barrels. Call 270-405-4338
FS - End table with dragon base and glasstop, coffee table with mountain lion base and glasstop, wooden rocking chair, metal extension ladder. Call 270-590-9077
FS - 2 Big & Tall recliners, gold and olive color $300 each, less than a year old. Call 270-973-5528 or 270-537-4182
LF - Small automatic truck. Call 270-576-7265
LF - Cheap dependable car with working heat. FS - 4 riding mowers, 1 is tractor type, 3 gps systems. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Job for CDL driver, with class B and tanker endorsement. Call 270-590-8855
FS - 2000 7 passenger Ford Excursion. 4wd, diesel. Call 270-537-5875
FS - 1998 Chevy Silverado, extended cab, 4 wd, needs transmission $200. Also, Firewood, $25 per rick. Must pick up. Call 270-473-1947
FS - Chevy S-10 $1700, 2002 Ford Taurus SES $1800, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30. Call or text 270-774-6307
LF - Place to rent in Cave City. Call 270-612-0637
FS - Riding mower $150, natural gas wall heater with new gas line. $100. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Vermont Castings wood stove. Call 270-678-6668
LF - Mobile trailer. Call 270-537-4807 or 270-528-1897
FR - 4 bedroom trailer at 1009 North Toohey Ridge Road, Cave City, good size yard with small out building, no inside pets. Call 270-773-2304
FS - 2 large plastic wreath containers $15 for both. Call 270-531-5922
FS - Fireplace heater, electric, 3 ft high and 4ft wide, digital and remote. $100. Husqvarna saw small bar 435 with extra torque $100. Call 270-473-1947
FS - 1998 Chevy Silverado, extended cab, 4 wd, needs transmission $200. Also, Firewood, $25 per rick. Must pick up. Call 270-473-1947
FS - Chevy S-10 $1700, 2002 Ford Taurus SES $1800, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30. Call or text 270-774-6307
LF - Place to rent in Cave City. Call 270-612-0637
FS - Riding mower $150, natural gas wall heater with new gas line. $100. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Vermont Castings wood stove. Call 270-678-6668
LF - Mobile trailer. Call 270-537-4807 or 270-528-1897
FR - 4 bedroom trailer at 1009 North Toohey Ridge Road, Cave City, good size yard with small out building, no inside pets. Call 270-773-2304
FS - 2010 Harley Davidson Road King Classic, 8,000 miles, garage kept. $14,000. Call 270-303-0665
FS - 2 large plastic wreath containers $15 for both. Call 270-531-5922
FS - 1998 Chevy Silverado, extended cab, 4 wd, needs transmission $200. Also, Firewood, $25 per rick. Must pick up. Call 270-473-1947
FS - Chevy S-10 $1700, 2002 Ford Taurus SES $1800, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35. Ladder. Call or text 270-774-6307
LF - Place to rent in Cave City. Call 270-612-0637
LF - Washer and dryer, cheap. Call 270-786-5616
FS - Horse hay, square or rolled. Young registered angus bulls $1500 to $1600 each. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 1998 Chevy 4wd pickup $1200, 4 new tires, transmission is out. Husqvarna chainsaw 16" 435 $140. Zippo lighters, 1 is older collector item. Call 270-473-1947
FS - Chevy S-10 $1700, 2002 Ford Taurus SES $1800, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35. Call or text 270-774-6307
LF - Place to rent in Cave City. Call 270-612-0637
FR - 4 bedroom trailer at 1009 North Toohey Ridge Road, Cave City. has small out building, no inside pets. Call 270-773-2304
FS - Statesman riding mower with 38" cut and 12.5 motor in good shape, asking $250. Call 270-576-3191
FS - 2010 Harley Davidson Road King Classic, 8,000 miles, garage kept. $14,000. Call 270-303-0665
FS - 2 large plastic wreath containers $15 for both. Call 270-531-5922
FS - Playpen $40, indoor electric heater $50, half size bed $50, glass table with chairs $50, LF - babysitting job in Horse Cave area. Call 270-786-5072
GA - Patio table, rectangle with glass top. Call 270-576-4981
FS - Chevy S-10 $1700, 2002 Ford Taurus SES $1800, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 1984 Crown Vic, body is good, needs engine. Call 531-1392
LF - Place to rent in Cave City. Call 270-612-0637
FR - 4 bedroom trailer at 1009 North Toohey Ridge Road, Cave City. has small out building, no inside pets. Call 270-773-2304
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - pit bull puppies - 270-361-7874
FS - calves on bottle - 270-250-9209
LF - house to rent in Horse Cave or Glasgow area - 270-612-0179
FS - calves on dry feed - 270-405-6363
FS - large brown eggs - 270-432-4353 ( Edmonton)
FS - table with 6 chairs, 16 ft. trailer, White riding mower, looking for place to rent in Barren or Metcalfe county
FS - 1987 Corvette convertible 145,000 miles, 2 horses - 270-537-4083
FS - toddler bed $35 - 270-432-7035
FS -ash firewood, $30 a Rick and will deliver. Call 270-428-4246
FS - good used livestock water tank. 100 gallon or larger. Also looking for an electric fireplace. Call or text 270-427-9430
FS - Antique wooden buffet - a project piece , 3 sets of bi-fold, metal doors, weight bench -270-565-1663
FS- New Omni Directional Kerosene Heater (puts out 10,000 BTU/Hour, only used 4 hours) for $100. Located in Cave City but will meet buyer --270-774-6307
FS- Firewood --270-432-5225 or 270-670-3854
FS - Antique wooden buffet - a project piece ,3 sets of bi-fold, metal doors ,weight bench. Call 270-565-1663
FS - 2 year-old male coon hound, 6 year-old male coon hound. Call 270-805-8530
LF - Someone to milk cows twice a day. Call 270-590-2396
FS - Statesman riding mower with 38" cut and 12.5 motor in good shape, asking $250. Call 270-576-3191
FS - New still in package. Lands’ End shirts size 17 ½ with 35 sleeve length. One jet gray tatter plaid, the other evergreen black tartan plaid. $20 each 270-404-2578
FS - 10 lb. and 5 lb. weights for pulling mower, 128 Cub Cadet riding mower - 270-670-6152
FS - 2013 Cadillac SRS 50,000 miles 1 owner $25,000, set of 19 inch wheels and tires for Lincoln MKS - 859-489-2955 ( Hart County)
FS - brand new 4 ft. handicap shower with glass doors - 270-576-8555
FS - 256 New Holland hay rake , 4 basket hay tedder - 270-932-1498 ( Green County)
FS - 2004 Ford Ranger Edge 2wd pickup , rebuilt title $2000 - 270-405-3313 or 270-405-1850
GA - 64 inch tv. ( needs new bulb) - 270-565-3541
FS - heated water tub and new drop in water heaters for animals, 16 ft. flat bottom boat - 270-405-1684
LF - 5 speed transmission for 1992 Ford Ranger xlt extended cab 2wd - 270-576-3810
FS - like new 4x6 trailer with drop gate and lights $300 firm or trade - 270-991-8765
LF - 2 bedroom mobile home or house to rent in Metcalfe or Barren County around 350-400 per month - 270-432-2031
FS - Whirlpool bathtub with jets $150 - 270-537-5056
FS- 2003 Chevy Silverado (Heat & AC works) w/new tires for $1600 --270-576-0302
LF- Jack that Fell off of Truck on Interstate Between Edmonton & Glasgow or on Bypass between Glasgow & Cave City --270-218-2448
FS- Chair, Corner Shelf, Bookcase, coats & clothes for babies, little girls & little boys in various sizes --270-250-5682
FS- Queen Size Bed (only 1 yr old), Headboard, Large Desk --270-634-0304
FS- 1986 Ford Ranger Automatic (needs head gasket) for $650 --270-565-3999
FS- 1999 Chevy Silverado 4x4 3 Door w/5.3 Liter (no reverse) Clear Title. Will Sell Whole for $1500 or Part Out, 1961 35 Massey Ferguson w/new pain & rear tires --270-590-3931
FS- 2005 Lincoln Town Car w/51,000 Miles for $7500 --270-932-3767
LF - 1/2 bed with mattress at low price - 270-786-4784
LF - someone to do bush hogging in Hart County - 270-218-1220
FS - 2000 Ford F-150 extended cab 4x4 $3000 obo or trade for smaller pickup - 270-576-3810
LF - bulk shell corn at least a ton 270-670-2902
FS - good clean square baled hay and used Dynaglo kerosene heater. 270-459-0522
FS - Heavy duty trailer the bed is 8ft long with the tongue 11ft 6", 4 and half ft wide needs new wood $175 or trade for a lighter trailer old Sears and roebuck and Simpson limited cement mixer $200 or trade for a trailer, Ben Pearson spoiler bow and case needs new string $55 and one row cultivator $40 make offer or possible trade. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Used kitchen cabinets and counter top. Call 270-432-3011
FS - Poulan chain saw 18" bars $50 Want to buy a used feed trough for a plant bed. 270 590-4983
FS - Jacuzzi tub, new. Will also sit with elderly. Call 270-299-6444
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus SES with 136,000 miles for $2,000 obo, 2000 Chevy S-10 with 213,000 miles $1700 obo, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75. Call 270-774-6307
FS - 2010 Harley Davidson Road King Classic, 8,000 miles, garage kept. $14,000. Call 270-303-0665
FS - 2 large plastic wreath containers $15 for both. Call 270-531-5922
FS - 2003 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4, $3500. Statesman riding mower. $250. Call 270-576-5750
LF - Babysitting job. FS - Playpen $30 and half size bed $40. LF - Any kind of work. Call 270-786-5072
FS- 4 Riding Mowers (1 Tractor Type 54” Cut 22 HP Poland Pro 6 Speed w/Hi & Lo), 3 GPS systems --270-670-1359
FS- Insulated Panels 5x5 and 5x6 1/4“ thick for $2 each --270-405-1628
FS- 4 Riding Mowers (1 Tractor Type 54” Cut 22 HP Poland Pro 6 Speed w/Hi & Lo), 3 GPS systems --270-670-1359
FS- Square Bales & Rolled Hay (kept inside), Kitchen Cabinets, 7-8 Interior & Exterior Doors for $25 Each --270-932-1777
FS- Insulated Panels 5x5 and 5x6 1/4 “ Thick for $2 Each --270-405-1628
FS- Twenty 4x5 Rolls of Alfalfa --270-670-5566
LF- Vinyl Banners that go in 4 Wheeler Shops --270-405-0418
FS- Large Brown Eggs --270-432-4353
FS- 2003 Chevy Silverado (Heat & AC works) w/new tires for $1600 --270-576-0302
LF- Jack that Fell off of Truck on Interstate Between Edmonton & Glasgow or on Bypass between Glasgow & Cave City --270-218-2448
FS- Chair, Corner Shelf, Bookcase, coats & clothes for babies, little girls & little boys in various sizes --270-250-5682
FS- Queen Size Bed (only 1 yr old), Headboard, Large Desk --270-634-0304
FS- 1986 Ford Ranger Automatic (needs head gasket) for $650 --270-565-3999
FS- 1999 Chevy Silverado 4x4 3 Door w/5.3 Liter (no reverse) Clear Title. Will Sell Whole for $1500 or Part Out, 1961 35 Massey Ferguson w/new pain & rear tires --270-590-3931
FS - cook stove and entertainment center. Call 270-299-6755
FS- Jacuzzi bathtub. Call 270-299-6444
FS - Samsung I-pad $50. Call 270-325-3469
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus SES with 136,000 miles for $2,000 obo, 2000 Chevy S-10 with 213,000 miles $1700 obo, Case XX USMC hunting knife $35, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75. Call 270-774-6307
FS - 2010 Harley Davidson Road King Classic, 8,000 miles, garage kept. $14,000. Call 270-303-0665
LF - Hospital bed. Call 270-524-7709
FR - 4 bedroom trailer at 1009 North Toohey Ridge Road, Cave City. has small out building, no inside pets. Call 270-773-2304
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Computer desk, 55" long, 22" wide, 36" tall, with 3 drawers $50, bookcases $20 and under. Call 786-4002
FR - 4 bedroom trailer at 1009 North Toohey Ridge Road, Cave City. has small out building, no inside pets. Call 270-773-2304
FS - Gas Saver for a vehicle. $250. Call 270-670-5463
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10 with 212,000 miles $2,000 obo, 2002 Ford Taurus SES with 136,000 miles $2,000 obo, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $40. Call 270-774-6307
Found - Red Dachshund on Woodlawn Avenue in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1225
FS - Square baled hay. $3 each. like new kerosene heater for $60. 270-459-0522
FS - Poulan chain saw 18" bars $50. LF - used feed trough for a plant bed. 270-590-4983
FS - Heavy duty 8 ft long trailer with tongue, 11ft 6in long 4 and half ft wide, needs new wood on bed $175 make offer or trade for a lighter trailer, old Sears and Roebuck and Simpson limited cement mixer $200 or trade for a trailer. Call 270-446-0501
FS - Horse hay, rolls or square bales, registered bulls and heifers, kitchen cabinets, wall and floor $200, inside and outside house doors. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Small chest type deepfreeze. in Bowling Green. Call 991-8571
LF - Electric cookstove. Call 270-218-0105
FS - 2 large plastic wreath containers $15 for both. Call 270-531-5922
FS - 2003 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4, $3500. Statesman riding mower. $250. Call 270-576-5750
FS - 3 vintage electronic testers, 3 cast iron skillets, 8", 10" griddle and cornbread pan , 5x6x1/4 insulating panels $2 each - 270-405-1628
LF - Place to rent in Metcalfe County - 270-576-2957
FS - 1997 Dodge Ram 3500 van rebuilt transmission $2000, used Zippo lighters, 4 100 watt speakers $100 - 270-932-0035
LF - Used refrigerator - 270-996-8286
FS - Heated water tub, drop in water heaters, square antique kerosene tank with pump, #2 cast iron grinder - 270-405-1684
FS - Round bale hay, Hereford bull - 270-403-2247
LF - Land to lease for hunting in Green Metcalfe or surrounding counties - 270-932-1443
FS - Firewood , rolled hay - 270-670-6108
FS - Leaf catcher $6, 7 piece set of towels $15 - 270-579-6463
FS - Oak end tables $40 each, pecans, 3 legged wood stool $25 - 270-932-5303
LF - Wood stove for house - 270-405-6263
FS - 6 wk. old Hedge Hogs $50 each - 270-405-3475
FS - 1 1/2 year old male Great Dane $200, female Beagle Hound 18 wks. old, game chickens - 270-774-6489
FS - 55 gallon blue plastic drums, pecans - 270-428-5546
FS - 2013 Chevy Silverado extended cab 4x4 123,000 miles , may take partial trade - 270-576 4915
FS - Wood King wood stove - 270-565-2367
FS - Vanity, boys bicycle - 270-576-7806
FS - 1 Holstein bottle bull and 2 Holstein Angus cross bottle bulls. 270-405-6363
FS - Treadmill $35.00 works. 270-528-6368
FR - 2 bedroom mobile home in Edmonton. References and deposit required. Call 270-590-3948
FS - Square baled hay. $3 each. like new kerosene heater for $60. 270-459-0522
FS - Poulan chain saw 18" bars $50. LF - used feed trough for a plant bed. 270-590-4983
FS - Heavy duty 8 ft long trailer with tongue, 11ft 6in long 4 and half ft wide, needs new wood on bed $175 make offer or trade for a lighter trailer, old Sears and Roebuck and Simpson limited cement mixer $200 or trade for a trailer. Call 270-446-0501
FS- 4 Riding Mowers (1 Tractor Type 54” Cut 22 HP Poland Pro 6 Speed w/Hi & Lo), 3 GPS systems --270-670-1359
FS- Insulated Panels 5x5 and 5x6 1/4“ thick for $2 each --270-405-1628
FS - Kerosene heater 10,000 btu, $100. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Full blooded Beagle pups, 11 weeks old in Glasgow $75. Call 615-604-3169
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10 with 212,000 miles $2,000 obo, 2002 Ford Taurus SES with 136,000 miles $2,000 obo, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $40. Call 270-774-6307
Found - Red Dachshund on Woodlawn Avenue in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1225
LF - Hospital bed. Call 270-524-7709
FS - 2003 Dodge 4x4 Ram 1500, $3500. Statesman riding mower $250. Call 270-576-5750
FS - Microwave, large size, table top, 1100 watt. $20. Call 270-786-1620
LF - Insulated panels and hay rings. Call 528-5407
FS - Female Red Heeler, 11 months old, spayed, $25. Call 270-528-3307
LF - Ukulele. Call 270-576-4209
FS - Under the counter butcher knife holder, Cadillac belt buckle. Call 270-789-6690
FS - 2014 Toyota Camry, black, 4 cylinder loaded with 13,600 miles for $13,500. Call 270-932-1074
FS - 6 bedroom 100 year old house to be tore down for lumber. Call 270-579-3718
FS - 1974 Corvette project car. Call 270-312-9267
FS - White GE double wall oven $50, portable dishwasher $50, fiberglass utility tub $25. Call 270-590-6630
FS - Yellow poplar barn posts, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 and 2x10's, 1 ft x 10 ft. metal decking, camper trailer. Call 270-427-9309
LF - Cattle insert for 16 ft. trailer. Call 270-218-0766
FS - Old matchbooks from different counties, set of old Fire King dishes. Call 270-384-4066
FS - 454 Chevy engine, 51,000 miles, stand alone 50,000 btu propane heater. Call 270-565-3751
FS - Stair climber and ski exercise machines. Call 270-579-6907
FS - 2000 Honda Rancher ATV, Stihl chainsaws, Hutch Rebel wood stove with blower. Call 270-670-8080
FS - 27" tv. Call 270-432-5572
FS - 14 or 15 laying hens. Call 270-670-4353
FS - 2 yearling quarter horse mules, LF - manual flywheel for 460 engine. Call 270-459-1337
LF - Pair of used 13x6x24 tractor tires, FS - Rolled hay. Call 270-763-2253
FS - Seasoned firewood, Walker coon hound pup. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Weather Tech floor mats for 2009 Dodge Journey. Call 270-678-1039
LF - Nice electric cookstove at a reasonable price. Call 270-579-3084
LF - Twin bed frame, wood or metal. Call 270-405-6830
FS - Man's winter coat, size 6x, roosters. Call 270-428-5546
GA - Dog and cat. Call 270-576-3496
FS - 1976 3/4 ton pickup with flatbed, v-8 automatic. Call 270-576-6228
FS - Holstein bull and heifer bottle calves $125 each. Call 270-405-6363
FS - 3 car audio amps, kerosene heater $35, pressure cooker. Call 270-576-7806
LF - Double wide mobile home to buy that needs to be moved. Call 270-646-6990
FS - 2 Homelite chainsaws, 18". Call 270-427-0539
FS - American Bulldog and female Boxer. Call 270-579-1710
FS - Precious Moments & Indian figurines and dream catchers. Call 270-404-3529
FS - 3 Leghorn chickens, roosters, will trade to some Silkie hens. Call 270-433-1430
LF - Used feed trough reasonable price for a plant bed. Call 270-590-4983
FS - Poulan chainsaw 18" bars $50, 6 ft extension Craftsman chainsaw and edger for side walks that works on a weedeater $50 or $150 with weedeater. Call 270-590-4983
FS - Kerosene heater 10,000 btu, $100. Call 270-774-6307
GA - Beagle pups, 10 months old, tri color. Call 270-531-3419
FS - Full blooded Beagle pups, 11 weeks old in Glasgow $75. Call 615-604-3169
FS - Emerson 1100 watt microwave. $20. Call 270-786-1620
LF - Hospital bed. Call 270-524-7709
FS - Lift for van or pickup $700, bedroom suit with dresser $150, glasstop cookstove, off white. Call 502-689-1113
FS- Wood King Stove, Older Model Big Screen TV --270-524-1963
FS- Young Bull --270-590-1843
FS- KFX 400 4 Wheeler --270-579-7278
FS- Holstein Bull Calves for $300 each --270-453-2251
FS- 2 Pony’s (Mare & Gelding) --270-769-8234
LF- 1950’s Retro Style Table & Chairs --270-385-1382
FS- Banty Roosters, Baby Rabbits --270-579-8881
FS- Drone w/Remote for $60, 1997 Suburban 4x4 --270-319-6466
FS- 55 Gallon Metal Barrels for $10 Each --270-590-1029
FS- 3 Jersey Steers --270-932-1498
FS- Computer Table, Coffee Table, 2 Oak Bar Stools, Electric Leaf Blower --270-670-2007
FS- 2003 Town & Country Van (needs transmission) for $300, 2004 Hyundai Elantra 4 Cyl for $1000 --270-218-0766
FS- Young Roosters (Blue Andalusians, Americana) for $3 Each, Lion Head Bunnies for $10 Each --270-378-4644
LF- Work Stripping Tobacco (crew of 5) --270-250-9898
FS- Male White Pit Bull (gentle) for $40, Female Boxer Mix GA- Female Cat --270-786-5072
FS- Kenmore Front Load Washer & Dryer for $450 --270-590-9804 or 270-590-9785
FS- 2013 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab 4x4 w/less than 38,000 miles Rebuilt Title for $19,500 & 1961 Massey Ferguson 35 Deluxe Tractor for $3750.00 --270-590-3931
FS- Cedar Chest, Cedar Porch Swing, Cedar Gun Racks, Firewood --270-565-3787
FS- 27” TV for $50 OBO --270-427-0769 or 270-432-5572
FS- 8x5x5 Cargo Trailer for $1050.00, Portable Genie Man Lift DC or AC for $3800.00. --270-378-6998
FS- Yamaha Keyboard w/61 Keys & Stand --270-565-1663
FS- 16’ Trailer --270-590-3498
FS- Slate Color Leather Sectional in Glasgow --270-404-5523
FS- Harry Ferguson Tractor w/Canopy, new 3rd arm, stabilizer, draw bar & 1 Row Cultivator for $1500 --270-670-1513
FS - Treadmill. $35. Call 270-528-6368
FS - fresh pecan nuts. thin shelled, blue plastic 55 gallon barrels. Call 270-428-5546
FS - walnuts if anyone wants to pick them up. Monday thru Friday 8 to 3. Call 432-4884
FS - farm gate. 12 ft $50. Call 432-7960
LF - Young outside dog. Call 270-590-5019
FS- Blue Heeler 8 Week Old Pups, 2 Females for $100 Each, 3 Males for $150 Each (had 1st vaccines), first cutting of this year's hay for $45 per roll. Call 270-218-2402
LF- Boar Billy Goat FS- Square Baled Hay. Call 270-428-4086
FS- Insulated 5x6 Panels ¼” Thick w/Fiberglass Middle for $2 Each --270-405-1628
LF- 8’ Pull Type Bush Hog --270-537-5673
FS- 6 Avon Collectible Beer Steins from 1982-1983 for $25 Each OBO, Hamilton Collectible Native American 8” Diameter Plates --270-428-4061 or 270-646-0372
FS- 2 yr old Dryer, Blue Lab/Weinmaraner 3 yr old Female Dog for $150 (comes with chain-link fence & dog house) --270-432-1125
FS- 2013 Chevy Silverado Extended Cab 4x4 w/new tires & running boards LF- Small 4x4 Truck --270-567-4915
FS- 2 Small Chain Saws for $70 Each, GPS for $80, GPS for $50, 2011 Cub Cadet 19 HP Hydrostatic Riding Mower for $350, Aftermarket Aluminum Wheels for $200, Digital Hand Held Police Scanner LF- Thin Light Bar for Wrecker, Complete Riding Mowers for Parts --270-670-1359
GA- Console Piano FS- Coffee Table & End Tables --270-590-8871
FS- Large Sectional for $300, Matching Oak Coffee Table & End Tables for $150, Couch & Love Seat for $50, Large 65” TV for $300 --270-432-5084
LF- Fluorescent Kitchen Light (can be 2 or 4 Bulb) --270-889-4404
FS- 70 Cedar Posts, Trees that would be good to build Shed --270-678-2713 or 270-404-4526
LF- Parts for 2013 Rzr 800S --812-703-0063
FS- Cage for Chickens, Rabbits or Small Dog (Heavy Duty on Legs) --270-428-4634
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus, 2000 S-10 truck, cast iron BBQ grill, men's Mongoose bike, Case XX hunting knife. Call 270-774-6307
FS - coal stove, gas fireplace and logs LF - guineas, motor for a 4.3 Chevy motor 270-670-3570
FS - Fender Telecaster. Call 270-622-6697
FS - Male hunting Beagles 270-218-0105
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10 with 212,000 miles $2,000 obo, 2002 Ford Taurus SES with 136,000 miles $2,000 obo, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $40. Call 270-774-6307
Found - Red Dachshund on Woodlawn Avenue in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1225
Found - Dog in Horse Cave area, Call and describe at 270-528-6995
LF - Used carpet. Call 270-528-2431
FS - Heeler pups $50 each 405-7963
FS - 3 pt hitch scissor spear hayfork. Call 270-769-8528
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2003 F-150, 149,000 miles, extended cab, has windsor 4 six titan motor, $2800. Call 270-590-4129
Wednesday, December 27th, 2017
FS - Square bales and rolls of hay, kitchen cabinets with sink and faucet $200, several inside or outside doors, Yearling Black Angus Bulls, registered. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Log splitter 5 horse $350, older Kawasaki Bayou 4 wheeler with snowplow $400. Call 524-0116
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10 with 212,000 miles $2,000 obo, 2002 Ford Taurus SES with 136,000 miles $2,000 obo, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $40. Call 270-774-6307
Found - Red Dachshund on Woodlawn Avenue in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1225
Found - Dog in Horse Cave area, Call and describe at 270-528-6995
FS - Kerosene heater, square baled hay, blue slate Tom turkey, 5 ft finish mower, in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
LF - Used carpet. Call 270-528-2431
FS - Heeler pups $50 each 405-7963
FS - 3 pt hitch scissor spear hayfork. Call 270-769-8528
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - 2003 F-150, 149,000 miles, extended cab, has windsor 4 six titan motor, $2800. Call 270-590-4129
FS - W-14 Case loader. Call 270-576-5647
FS - 2 antique 70/15 tires, GA - 3 free pups. Call 270-428-2018
FS - Full size sheet sets, slightly used. Call 270-453-4128
FS - Lowboy dresser $70. Call 270-432-5703
FS - Fresh pecans. Call 270-428-5546
FS - Small upright freezer $75, portable dishwasher $125. Call 270-590-3465
LF - 8 hp side shaft engine with electric start. Call 270-646-0867
FS - 1951 Chrysler New Yorker. Call 270-932-1996
FS - 1972 Dodge pickup, 318 motor, toolbox and winch in truck, runs but needs some brake work. $650. Oil heater $50. Call 270-428- 2835
LF - Bluegrass flip phone. Call 270-407-3344
FS - Entertainment center, solid oak. Call 270-299-6755
FS - 2000 Chevy S-10 with 212,000 miles $2,000 obo, 2002 Ford Taurus SES with 136,000 miles $2,000 obo, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, Case XX USMC hunting knife $40. Call 270-774-6307
Found - Red Dachshund on Woodlawn Avenue in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-1225
Found - Dog in Horse Cave area, Call and describe at 270-528-6995
FS - Kerosene heater, square baled hay, blue slate Tom turkey, 5 ft finish mower, in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
LF - Used carpet. Call 270-528-2431
FS - Heeler pups $50 each 405-7963
FS - 3 pt hitch scissor spear hayfork. Call 270-769-8528
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - 2003 F-150, 149,000 miles, extended cab, has windsor 4 six titan motor, $2800. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Hospital bed. Call 270-524-7709
LF - Outdoor Christmas decorations. Santa, etc. Call 270-528-2407
FS - Dishwasher, hooks up to sink $20. Call 270-786-3705
FS - 2 recliners, desk, kitchen cabinet. Call 270-528-5525
LF - Junk vehicles. Call 218-1220
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus, 136,000 miles. new front tires, $2,000. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Kerosene heater, square baled hay, blue slate Tom turkey, 5 ft finish mower, in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
Found - Before December 18th, at Save-a-lot, left a key in the kettle from the Salvation Army. Call 270-531-3194 or 270-524-9647
FS - New Jacuzzi tub in Shady Grove area. Call 299-6444
FS - Oak entertainment center. Call 299-6755
FS - 3 pt hitch scissor spear hayfork. Call 270-769-8528
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
GA - 14x80 partially scrapped mobile home with frame, has hitch. Call 270-465-1976
Wednesday, December 20th, 2017
FS - Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30, 2002 Ford Taurus with 136,000 miles $2,000, Case XX USMC hunting knife $40. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Heeler pups $50 each. Call 270-405-7963
LF - Upright freezer in working condition, a gospel cd or cassette by George Abney. Text 270-723-4077
GA - Guinea pig. Call 270-218-3019
FS - 2003 F-150, 149,000 miles, extended cab, has windsor 4 six titan motor, $2800. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Good used carpet. Call 270-528-2431
FS - 3 pt hitch scissor spear hayfork. Call 270-769-8528
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - 1997Dodge van 3500 series, runs good, with a new transmission $2000 obo or will trade, Zippo lighters, 4 speakers $100, antiques, cheap. 270-932-0035
FS - Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30, 2002 Ford Taurus with 136,000 miles $2,000, Case XX USMC hunting knife $40. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Heeler pups $50 each. Call 270-405-7963
FS - 3 pt hitch scissor spear hayfork with cylinder & hoses. Call 270-769-8528
LF - Upright freezer in working condition, a gospel cd or cassette by George Abney. Text 270-723-4077
GA - Guinea pig. Call 270-218-3019
FS - 2003 F-150, 149,000 miles, extended cab, has windsor 4 six titan motor, $2800. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Good used carpet. Call 270-528-2431
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
FS - China cabinet. Call 270-299-6755
FS - Electric cookstove. Call 270-299-6444
LF - Chicken wire. Call 270-537-4413
FS - Horse hay, bales or rolls. doors for inside and outside 30 to 36" $25 each. kitchen cabinets with sink and faucets, natural wood finish. $200. registered Angus bulls $1500 to $1600. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 2 bedroom 1 bath mobile home $600, has to be moved. pair of Beagles. Call 270-218-0105
FS - Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30, 2002 Ford Taurus with 136,000 miles $2,000, Case XX USMC hunting knife $40. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Heeler pups $50 each. Call 270-405-7963
FS - 3 pt hitch scissor spear hayfork with cylinder & hoses. Call 270-769-8528
LF - Upright freezer in working condition, a gospel cd or cassette by George Abney. Text 270-723-4077
GA - Guinea pig. Call 270-218-3019
FS - 2003 F-150, 149,000 miles, extended cab, has windsor 4 six titan motor, $2800. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus SES, good condition. $2,000. Call 270-774-6307.
LF - Good used carpet. Call 270-528-2431
FS - 3 pt hitch scissor spear hayfork. Call 270-769-8528
LF - Upright freezer working, gospel cd or cassette of George Abney. 723-4077
GA - Guinea pig. Call 270-218-3019
FS - Kerosene heater, square baled hay, blue slate Tom turkey, 5 ft finish mower. Call 270-459-0522
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, assorted reconditioned Lodge and Wagner cast iron skillets $15 - 20, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
GA - 14x80 partially scrapped mobile home with frame, has hitch. Call 270-465-1976
FS - Rolled and square baled hay $20 a roll or $3 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
FS - John Deere pulling mower, has 10 horse Kohler motor, $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 4 outside cameras with monitor, hammock, and will sit with the elderly day or night, with experience. Call 270-299-6444
FS - 3 tires, size P205 70 R15. $50 for all. Call 270-473-3165
Moving sale - Gas propane heater with blower, antique king size bed, tools, antiques, etc. Call 270-932-0035
LF - Good used carpet. Call 270-528-2431
FS - 3 pt hitch scissor spear hayfork. Call 270-769-8528
LF - Upright freezer working, gospel cd or cassette of George Abney. 723-4077
GA - Guinea pig. Call 270-218-3019
FS - Kerosene heater, square baled hay, blue slate Tom turkey, 5 ft finish mower. Call 270-459-0522
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, assorted reconditioned Lodge and Wagner cast iron skillets $15 - 20, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
GA - 14x80 partially scrapped mobile home with frame, has hitch. Call 270-465-1976
FS - Rolled and square baled hay $20 a roll or $3 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
FS - John Deere pulling mower, has 10 horse Kohler motor, $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2 - 3 ft space heaters, one has thermostat control $20 each. Call 270-528-3600
FS - Clean square baled hay $3 each, like new kerosene heater. $60. Call 270-459-0522
Wednesday, December 13th, 2017
FS - Large man's suitcase, expandable, full of hand made crafts. All for one price. $50 Call 270-524-9647
FS - 3 pt hitch scissor spear hayfork. Call 270-769-8528
LF - Upright freezer working, gospel cd or cassette of George Abney. 723-4077
FS - wood stove, lighters, Craftsman tool box, Snap on and Cobalt tools, antique canopy bed, glass table. Call 270-932-0356
FS - 5th wheel flatbed trailer 7 x 22 ft and hitch $500. 2005 GMC Sierra swb truck, red, 3,800 miles. $12,000. Call 270-670-7725
GA - Guinea pig. Call 270-218-3019
FS - Kerosene heater, square baled hay, blue slate Tom turkey, 5 ft finish mower. Call 270-459-0522
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, assorted reconditioned Lodge and Wagner cast iron skillets $15 - 20, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
GA - 14x80 partially scrapped mobile home with frame, has hitch. Call 270-465-1976
FS - Rolled and square baled hay $20 a roll or $3 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
FS - John Deere pulling mower, has 10 horse Kohler motor, $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2 - 3 ft space heaters, one has thermostat control $20 each. Call 270-528-3600
FS - Clean square baled hay $3 each, like new kerosene heater. $60. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 2002 Ford Taurus SES, runs, has new wheels $2,000. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Upright freezer, gospel cd or cassette by George Abney. Call 270-723-4077
FR - 4 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home in the country, must have good references, $425 a month $425 deposit. Call 270-531-1669
GA - Guinea pig. Call 270-218-3019
FS - Kerosene heater, square baled hay, blue slate Tom turkey, 5 ft finish mower. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Maytag flattop stove, off white $150. 1987 Chevy conversion van, good condition $2500. Tommy gate for back of a van or pickup. $700. Christmas decor. Call 502-689-1113
FS - 2 bedroom and 1 bath mobile home, must be moved. $600. FS - pair of Beagle dogs. Call 270-218-0105
LF - Someone to lay 44 sheets of metal for a porch. with experience. In Hiseville area. Call 270-646-0910
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, assorted reconditioned Lodge and Wagner cast iron skillets $15 - 20, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Kerosene heater, square baled hay, blue slate Tom turkey and a 5 ft finish mower in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
GA - 14x80 partially scrapped mobile home with frame, has hitch. Call 270-465-1976
FS - Rolled and square baled hay $20 a roll or $3 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
FS - John Deere pulling mower, has 10 horse Kohler motor, $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2 - 3 ft space heaters, one has thermostat control $20 each. Call 270-528-3600
FS - Clean square baled hay $3 each, like new kerosene heater. $60. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 12 x 12 solid metal building $400 obo, 1989 Nissan pickup $600, propane gas heating stove with blower $150, antique canopy queen size bed $150, antique Zippo lighters, stands etc. Call 270-932-0035
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 spd bike $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, assorted reconditioned Lodge and Wagner cast iron skillets $15 - 20, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $30. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Kerosene heater, square baled hay, blue slate Tom turkey and a 5 ft finish mower in Cumberland County. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
GA - 14x80 partially scrapped mobile home with frame, has hitch. Call 270-465-1976
FS - Rolled and square baled hay $20 a roll or $3 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
FS - John Deere pulling mower, has 10 horse Kohler motor, $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2 - 3 ft space heaters, one has thermostat control $20 each. Call 270-528-3600
FS - Clean square baled hay $3 each, like new kerosene heater. $60. Call 270-459-0522
FS - Banty rooster, pair of bantys, baby rabbits. Call 270-579-8881
FS - 2 sets of Ford Ranger wheels $40 each, LF - manual flywheel for 460 engine. Call 270-459-1337
FS - Set of bullet wheels for Ford Ranger. Call 270-773-8990
FS - 65,000 btu Warm Morning gas stove $200. Call 270-579-2267
FS - 2 tires, 1 - 205/75/R15, 1 - 185/75 R14, $15 each, large shop vac $25. Call 270-774-7167
FS - Clothes dryer. Call 270-432-5323
GA - American Bulldog. Call 270-579-1710
FS - Side by side refrigerator, couch and chair. Call 270-670-5624
FS - Tappan propane cookstove with electric emission in good condition. Call 270-524-4468
FS - 2002 Dodge Durango, 4x4, black $2500. Call 270-842-6489
FS - Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, 2 kayaks with paddles $500, Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, 6 ft aluminum step ladder $40. Call 270-774-6307
GA - 14x80 partially scrapped mobile home with frame, has hitch. Call 270-465-1976
FS - Rolled and square baled hay $20 a roll or $3 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
FS - John Deere pulling mower, has 10 horse Kohler motor, $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2 - 3 ft space heaters, one has thermostat control $20 each. Call 270-528-3600
FS - Clean square baled hay $3 each, like new kerosene heater. $60. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 1987 Chevy conversion van, 99,000 original miles, $2700. Full size bedroom suit $100. Call 502-689-1113
FS - Ray Harm framed raccoon signed print $79. Call 773-8761
GA - 14x80 partially scrapped mobile home with frame, has hitch. Call 270-465-1976
FS - Rolled hay and square bale hay $20 a roll and $3 a bale. Call 270-537-4044
FS - John Deere pulling mower, just needs weights, has 10 horse Kohler motor $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS- 2 - 3 ft space heaters, work good, one with thermostat control $20 each. Call 270-528-3600
FS - Clean square baled hay $3 each, like new kerosene heater $60. Call 270-459-0522
add hay and kerosene heater...
FS - 1987 Chevy conversion van, 99,000 original miles, $2700. Full size bedroom suit $100. Call 502-689-1113
FS - Ray Harm framed raccoon print $79. Call 773-8761
FS- 5x8 trailer like new $500, John Deere pulling mower $500. Call 270-590-4129
FS - Clean square baled hay $3 each, like new kerosene heater $60. Call 270-459-0522
FS - 2 sets of golf clubs, set of pro staff and top flights, $100 per set. Call 565-1712
FS - 1987 Chevy conversion van, 99,000 original miles, $2700. Full size bedroom suit $100. Call 502-689-1113
FS - Ray Harm framed raccoon print $79. Call 773-8761
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - Whirlpool dishwasher $59, New child's recliner with drink holder $49, nice scrubs, sizes medium to 2x, lots of horror movies. Call 270-612-0701
FS- 5x8 trailer like new $500, John Deere pulling mower $500. Call 270-590-4129
FS - Indoor electric turkey fryer. Call 270-218-1131
FS - Computer table, 2 oak bar stools, coffee table, electric leaf blower. Call 270-670-2007 or 270-670-5670
LF - Middle or rear seat for 1999 Ford van. Call 270-528-4225
FS - 2002 Chevy 2500 Duramax, 214,000 miles $8500. Call 270-407-8761
FS - German Shepherd puppies. Call 270-932-3594
FS - 2 large wood stoves made from well casing with 8" pipe $200 to $250. Call 270-834-9938
LF - Job stripping tobacco. Call 270-250-5056
FS - 5 Blue Heeler pups. 3 male and 2 female. Call 270-218-2402
FS - 6 Boom Dogs, 029 Stihl chainsaw with 20" bar, 6 hp - 33 gallon 220 volt air compressor. Call 270-405-4338
FS - Square baled hay, boat and trailer, 55 gallon aquarium, LF - Boar Billy Goat. Call 270-428-4086
FS - 1988 Chevy 3/4 ton, 4x4 with new paint $3,000, 1986 Toyota, 2wd, 4 cyl, 4 spd. $700, 2 Tennessee Walking Mares. Call 270-590-5635
FS - Banty rooster, pair of bantys, baby rabbits. Call 270-579-8881
FS - Square kerosene heater, new desk in box. Call 270-576-8023
FS - 1975 Dodge Dart Swinger, soft top, trans is out $3200, has 104,000 miles. Call 524-1042
Missing - Brown, black and white dog, since last week in the Jonesville are. Call 270-528-7961
FS - Free puppy or dog, no hound dogs. FS - 600 Peak battery jumper box $50, ice cream cooler $150, Also accepting donations for needy families, such as clothes, toys and food. Call Charles at 270-361-7856
FS - L-shaped cherry desk with chair $250, credenza with shelves on top $200. Call 270-786-2248
FS - Books by Wanda Brunstetter, Beverly Lewis and more. Call 270-524-7053
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - Whirlpool dishwasher $59, New child's recliner with drink holder $49, nice scrubs, sizes medium to 2x, lots of horror movies. Call 270-612-0701
FS- Wood, 2004 Ford Ranger 4wd. $3,000. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Golden Companion scooter, lift equipment, basket and cover $2600 obo. Call 270-576-3701 576-7897
Lost - Walker Dog black and white, has an orange collar around Jonesville area near Powder Mills. 528-7961
FS - 10 registered black Angus heifers and bulls $1400 and up, kitchen cabinets with sink and faucets $200 for all, inside and outside doors, $25 and up, horse hay rolls and square bales. Call 932-1777
FS - Free puppy or dog, no hound dogs. FS - 600 Peak battery jumper box $50, ice cream cooler $150, Also accepting donations for needy families, such as clothes, toys and food. Call Charles at 270-361-7856
FS - L-shaped cherry desk with chair $250, credenza with shelves on top $200. Call 270-786-2248
FS - Books by Wanda Brunstetter, Beverly Lewis and more. Call 270-524-7053
FS- Frigidaire refrigerator with freezer on top, has scratches and dings, but works $175. Call 270-681-8061
FS- 5x8 trailer like new $500, John Deere pulling mower $500. Call 270-590-4129
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, like new Carhartt 2xl coat $50, 2 kayaks with paddles $500. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS- Blue Heeler Pups (ready in 2 weeks) --270-218-2402
LF- Feed Tower for Pigs --270-404-1981
FS- Pure Bred Hereford Bull in Greensburg Area --270-403-2247
FS - Riding lawnmower. Call 270-524-3341
LF - Free puppy or dog, no hound dogs. FS - 600 Peak battery jumper box $50, ice cream cooler $150, Also accepting donations for needy families, such as clothes, toys and food. Call Charles at 270-361-7856
FS - L-shaped cherry desk with chair $250, credenza with shelves on top $200. Call 270-786-2248
FS - Books by Wanda Brunstetter, Beverly Lewis and more. Call 270-524-7053
FS- Frigidaire refrigerator with freezer on top, has scratches and dings, but works $175. Call 270-681-8061
FS- 5x8 trailer like new $500, John Deere pulling mower $500. Call 270-590-4129
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, like new Carhartt 2xl coat $50, 2 kayaks with paddles $500. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS- 2 White Doves for $40, Feeder Pigs --270-528-6693
FS- 2 Snapper Riding Mowers, 11 HP Engine, Tail Lights for 88-98 Chevy Truck --270-991-8765
FS- 5' Bush-hog, Straight Shaft Weedeater, 10x4 Lawnmower Trailer --270-427-9056
FS- 4 Aluminum Tool Boxes for Full Size Truck for $125 Each --270-670-1445
FS- 16x80 Mobile Home on 5 Acres w/Barn & Shed near Summershade for $65,000 --270-487-8384
FS- 500 Gal Propane Tank --270-299-6039
FS- 2 Bicycles like new (no seats), weight bench, Builtnap Company Antique Torch w/red wooden handle --270-565-1663
FS- Aluminum Loading Ramps, 14' One Piece Fiberglass Aluminum Ladder, 10 Gal Shop Vac, Female Beagle & Pup (both run) --270-405-1684
FS- Weaned Calves --270-250-9209
FS- 12.5 HP 40" Cut MTD Tractor Type Riding Mower LF- Single Burner Heater for Top of Propane Tank --270-528-5208
FS- 2 Bedroom/2 Bath Home w/Full Walk-out Basement & 2.5 Car Garage on 1 Acre Lot by Motivated Seller for $185,000 --270-544-7613 or 717-725-5958
LF- Weights w/Bench --270-590-4324
FS- 2 55 Gal Metal Barrels, TV Shows on DVD's --270-805-1366
FS- Jacuzzi Bath Tub for Best Offer --270-459-3017
FS- Dark Colored Rooster $10 --270-432-2575
Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
GA - Wood where a tree has fallen. Call 270-524-3368
LF - Free puppy or dog, no hound dogs. FS - 600 Peak battery jumper box $50, ice cream cooler $150, Also accepting donations for needy families, such as clothes, toys and food. Call Charles at 270-361-7856
FS - L-shaped cherry desk with chair $250, credenza with shelves on top $200. Call 270-786-2248
FS - Books by Wanda Brunstetter, Beverly Lewis and more. Call 270-524-7053
FS- Frigidaire refrigerator with freezer on top, has scratches and dings, but works $175. Call 270-681-8061
FS- 5x8 trailer like new $500, John Deere pulling mower $500. Call 270-590-4129
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, like new Carhartt 2xl coat $50, 2 kayaks with paddles $500. Call or text 270-774-6307
GA - Toys for Christmas at 108 Edwards Avenue Horse Cave, behind Horse Cave Baptist Church, 2 totes full in good shape. Call 270-786-5111
FS - 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home near Edmonton. Call 270-670-8813
LF - Cheap clothes dryer. Call 270-432-7240
FS - 16 ft. flat bottom boat, 14 ft. fiberglass ladder. Call 270-405-1684
FS - Mens shirts, 3 winter jackets. Call 270-590-3584
FS - Baby lovebirds, ducks. Call 270-590-9077
FS - Lawnmower trailer, 5 ft bush hog, straight shaft weedeater. Call 270-427-9056
FS - 2004 Ford Ranger Edge, 2005 Mercury Sable $2300 each. Call 270-405-3313 or 270-405-1850
FS - dog box, red oak wood, Blue Heeler pup $75 - 270-670-1403
LF - calf hutch - 270-308-5303
FS - 2 Club golf carts: Club golf cart, electric $2,800. Club golf cart, gas $2,400. 270-528-6158 or 270-528-1131
FS - 3 - P205/70/R15 tires w/rims, $50 for all. Alternator to fit Pontiac 270-786-1689
FS - Firewood, specialized cut, lot in stock. Season hardwood logs, cut on shares. 270-537-5875
FS - Antique style stereo with 8 track, record player and radio $20, 50 - 8 track tapes, best offer, 2 dogs, 1 is a boxer and 1 is an English bulldog. Call 270-579-1710
LF - Free puppy or dog, no hound dogs. FS - 600 Peak battery jumper box $50, ice cream cooler $150, Also accepting donations for needy families, such as clothes, toys and food. Call Charles at 270-361-7856
FS - L-shaped cherry desk with chair $250, credenza with shelves on top $200. Call 270-786-2248
FS - Books by Wanda Brunstetter, Beverly Lewis and more. Call 270-524-7053
FS- Frigidaire refrigerator with freezer on top, has scratches and dings, but works $175. Call 270-681-8061
FS- 5x8 trailer like new $500, John Deere pulling mower $500. Call 270-590-4129
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, like new Carhartt 2xl coat $50, 2 kayaks with paddles $500. Call or text 270-774-6307
GA - Toys for Christmas at 108 Edwards Avenue Horse Cave, behind Horse Cave Baptist Church, 2 totes full in good shape. Call 270-786-5111
Missing - Dog in the Hiseville area, brown and black Puggle, no collar. Call 270-612-1380
FS - Leftover yard sale items, tv, metal detector, dishes, girls clothes size 4T. Call 270-524-4522
FS - B&D Deluxe Power Shop. $350. Call 270-524-1042
FS - Small Kitchen table and chairs, couch and loveseat, Samsung washer and dryer, all works. Kids toddler bed with dresser and shelves for free. Call 270-473-0656
F S- Walnut coffee table, clawfoot. Call 270-524-1042
FS - 5x8 trailer like new $500, John Deere pulling mower $500. Call 270-590-4129
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, like new Carhartt 2xl coat $50, 2 kayaks with paddles $500. Call or text 270-774-6307
GA - Toys for Christmas at 108 Edwards Avenue Horse Cave, behind Horse Cave Baptist Church, 2 totes full in good shape. Call 270-786-5111
FS - '89 S10 V6 3.8. 5 speed, runs good, rough body. '87 Chevy conversion van, 99,000 original miles, uses no oil 502-689-1113
FS - Lot of Christmas decorations, animated, w/sound. 2 Bedroom suits will sell, one is 7 pc hardwood, maple, well-made 270-524-1915
GA - 2 Lab pups, 6 months old, male. 270-524-5072, leave message please.
FS - Brand New Brother sewing machine $50. Dell computer & monitor $15 or both for $25. 270-250-2182
LF - House or small farm, rent to own, want natural house heaters. Free puppy 270-361-7856
Amish Friendship Bread, have several starters w/recipe. Makes good Christmas gifts. 270-524-9647
Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017
FS - 2 Club golf carts: Club golf cart, electric $2,800. Club golf cart, gas $2,400. 270-528-6158 or 270-528-1131
FS - 1999 Chevy, 15 passenger van. 3,500 series. 270-528-5393
FS - New Lodge cast iron grill $75. New Mongoose 21 speed bike $75. 2 kayak's w/paddles, $500 for both, obo, or will trade. 270-774-6307
FS - 3 - P205/70/R15 tires w/rims, $50 for all. Alternator to fit Pontiac 270-786-1689
FS - Firewood, specialized cut, lot in stock. Season hardwood logs, cut on shares. 270-537-5875
LF - Free puppy or dog just no kind of hound dogs. 270-361-7856
FS - 600 peak battery jumper box $50. Ice cream cooler $150. Asking for donations of clothes, shoes, toys, blankets & food to help the community for the holidays, we will be giving the community clothes, kids toys and food to the needy families this year 270-361-7856
FS - Frigidaire Refrigerator with freezer on top, white. The racks have some rust and it has some scratches and dings. But it gets cold and freezes and runs very good $175 obo 270-681-8061
FS - New Lodge Sportsman cast iron bbq grill $75, new men's 21 speed Mongoose bicycle $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $40, like new Matthews HTR compound bow with new sight and new arrow rest $500 obo, willing to do some trading on any of the items 270-774-6307
FS - 37 chickens, new layers and bantys, asking $250 for all 270-531-2761
FS - Small wood stove, big old school TV 270-524-1963
GA - Puppies Blue Tic Hound give away 270-524-0605
FS - 2 Metal deer stands, both for $75 270-612-0701
FS - Sports Memorabilia, completed rivers outfit, Bell X100 helmet & bandana, coveralls worn by Doug Estes in 1st two races held in Talladega complete, priced $200 complete 270-524-3280
FS - Side by side refrigerator with icemaker, almond color $200, couch and chair and coffee table. Call 270-670-5624
Angel Tree program at Munfordville Elementary School. Contact 524-4651 Hope Resource Center.
FS - Beagles $200 for both. Call 218-0105
LF - Tool shed 10 to 16 ft. Call 270-473-1356
FS - Blue diamond ring $150, Vera Bradley travel bag $60, Michael Kors purse, brown with feet on bottom $60, homemade quilt top $40, POW black leather riding vest, medium for man. $60. Call 270-432-0919
FS - 1975 Dodge Dart Classic, needs trans work. $3300. Call 524-1042
FS - Antique queen canopy bed $400, cedar chest $50, rolltop desk. Call 270-932-0035
Paid item:
FS - Full blooded German Shepherd female puppies, have had 1st shots and have been wormed. For more information, call 270-528-1491
FS - Full size chrome lighted running boards for pickup 524-9626
FS - Registered angus heifers and bulls $1500 each, 36" wide doors inside and outside. Wooden kitchen cabinets with sink and faucets. horse hay. Call 270-932-1777
FS - 11 hens and 1 rooster, Rhode Island Red, Aricunas. $100 for all . Call 270-537-5724
FS - 40x32 jeans, 6 pair $20 for all , womens sweaters. Call 774-6518
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 speed bike$75, new Matthews Compound Bow $500, 2 kayaks with paddles $500 for both. Case XX marine core hunting knife. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Like new 5x8 trailer $500, John Deere pulling mower $500. Will take $900 for both. Call 270-590-4129
FS - Whirlpool dishwasher $59, New child's recliner with drink holder $49, nice scrubs, sizes medium to 2x, lots of horror movies. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 37 chickens, new layers and bantys $250. Call 270-531-2761
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - Whirlpool dishwasher $59, New child's recliner with drink holder $49, nice scrubs, sizes medium to 2x, lots of horror movies. Call 270-612-0701
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. Call 270-789-9758
Wednesday, November 15th, 2017
Paid item:
FS - Full blooded German Shepherd female puppies, have had 1st shots and have been wormed. For more information, call 270-528-1491
FS - Amish books, 25c each. Call 270-528-7643
FS - Solid white Pitt dog $40, female boxer mix dog. Call 270-786-5072
FS - wood. Call 270-786-2903
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 speed bike$75, new Matthews Compound Bow $500, 2 kayaks with paddles $500 for both. Case XX marine core hunting knife. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Like new 5x8 trailer $500, John Deere pulling mower $500. Will take $900 for both. Call 270-590-4129
FS - Whirlpool dishwasher $59, New child's recliner with drink holder $49, nice scrubs, sizes medium to 2x, lots of horror movies. Call 270-612-0701
FS - GE washer $25, 2 young rabbits $10 each, Bantys $10 per pair - 270-590-2164
FS - chickens , ducks, tires size 205/65/16 GA - Roosters - 270-678-1190
FS - propane freezer and propane generator - 270-405-5016
LF - front end loader for 4000 Ford tractor - 270-459-1337
LF - Goosebumps books - 270-432-5749
FS - Sketchers 7 1/2 women's shoes, $25 - 270-590-3583
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
Paid item:
FS - Full blooded German Shepherd female puppies, have had 1st shots and have been wormed. For more information, call 270-528-1491
FS - 2 heavy duty tree climbing deer stands, will hold up to 350 lbs, $150 each. Call 270-528-1247
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 speed bike$75, new Matthews Compound Bow $500, 2 kayaks with paddles $500 for both. Case XX marine core hunting knife. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Washer $100, tv stand $90, moped $225. Call 270-234-6765
FS - 8 ft x 4ft aluminum metal 528-4750 537-1844
FS - Toolbox for a large truck. Rolled hay. Call 528-2531
FS - 37 chickens, new layers and bantys $250. Call 270-531-2761
FS - Like new 5x8 trailer $500, John Deere pulling mower $500. Will take $900 for both. Call 270-590-4129
LF - someone that needs help stripping tobacco - 270-250-5138
FS - 6000 John Deere High Boy Sprayer $5000 - 270-670-8403
FS - nice storm shelter $500 - 615-495-2591
LF - oil heating stove - 270-250-5053
FS - 2 55 gallon barrels , wrestling dvds, LF - Michael Combs Gospel cds - 270-805-1366
FS - 500 gallon Propane tank - 270-299-6039
FS - wood stove with blower $250, Small Yamaha dir t bike that needs a little work, Stihl 290 Farm Boss chainsaw $250 - 270-670-1402 or 270-670-8080
FS - 50 lb. pig $50 - 270-565-1061
LF - good used 14x70 or 16x80 mobile home - 270-576-2918
FS - 10 gallon used motor oil - 270-774-1975
FS - propane gas stove with pipe, 2 nice wood stoves with blowers, LF - plastic totes to put used oil in - 270-404-1436
LF - used 3ftx10ft. metal roofing - 270-331-3165
LF - transfer tank for back of truck, FS - black Angus heifers - 270-634-3998
FS - pullets - 270-773-5306
FS - used 4 ft. florescent light bulbs $2 each - 270-670-5398
FS - 21 volt belt Coon hunting light - 270-670-5398
FS- Square Baled Hay, Fish aquarium , 1995 Harley Sportster, 1978 Harley Shovel Head Wide Glide --270-428-4086
Paid item:
FS - Full blooded German Shepherd female puppies, have had 1st shots and have been wormed. For more information, call 270-528-1491
FS - FS - Solid white Pitt. $45. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Wood. Call 270-786-2903
FS - 10 x10 canopy with carrying case $40, 2 rod and reels. $10 for both. Call 270-786-3756
LF - House to rent in Horse Cave area, 3 bedroom. Call 270-786-1689
FS - 5x8 trailer $500, John Deere pulling mower $500, or both for $900. Call 590-4129
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 speed bike$75, new Matthews Compound Bow $500, 2 kayaks with paddles $500 for both. Case XX marine core hunting knife. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Charbroil grill only used once, mirror, Home Interior, Samsung front load Washing machine with pedestal needs work - 270-678-5958
FS - Homelite chain saw - 270-428-2018
FS - replacement windows 31x52 $40 each - 270-670-2264
LF - rocking horse with stand and springs - 270-590-2584
FS - meat hog, 2 Walker female coon hounds - 270-433-5691 or 270-427-0973
FS- 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Home at 152 River Falls Drive, Glasgow --717-725-5958
FS - firewood $20 per rick - 270-432-7188
FS - Holstein Heifer calves, Angus cross calves, 2 Jersey steers - 270-405-6363
FS - 2006 PT Cruiser needs timing chain gasket $700, Chihuahua pup, Border Collie Blue Heeler mix - 270-361-270-361-7818
GA - puppies Pit Bull / Weiner dog mix - 270-404-1981
FS - 1988 Dodge Aries - 270-678-2979
LF - unwanted yard sale items - 270-361-7856
FS - 1988 Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 new paint $3200, 2002 GMC 4x4 6.0 244,000 miles $5000 - 270-590-5635
LF - 95 Polaris Explorer 2 stroke for parts, FS - 2006 LTZ 400 with 4th gear out $1200 - 270-405-0418
FS - Ram Sheep $150, class 5 reece hitch $40, set of Dodge 15 inch wheels $40, LF - old barn metal, 10ft bush hog - 270-250-3680
FS - Murray 40 inch mower - 270-805-1886
FS - 463 New Holland Disc Mower $3500, New Idea Hay Rake $900, Hay Hauler $500, Rolled hay $22 - 270-537-3206
FS - baby pigs $35 each. 270-404-1981
FS - meat hog - 270-427-0973
FS - 55 gallon plastic barrels, antique Oak high boy bed - 270-428-5546
FS - Registered Black Angus bulls 13 mo. - 270-469-0339
FS - 2001 Ford Taurus $800 - 270-576-2983
FS - baby bed made into Toddler bed $25, solid wood Hutch $100, GE washing machine $200, Electric fireplace with remote $100 - 270-590-8596
LF - propane hot water heater and refrigerator for hunting cabin - 270-537-4438
FS - 2007 PT Cruiser in Cave City, like new tires, new head gasket, water pump kit, thermostat, spark plugs, etc. will not start. Call 270-670-6543
LF - Unwanted farm animals or any aquarium pets. Call or text 931-619-1219
FS - 2 heavy duty tree climbing deer stands, will hold up to 350 lbs, $150 each. Call 270-528-1247
Paid item:
FS - Full blooded German Shepherd female puppies, have had 1st shots and have been wormed. For more information, call 270-528-1491
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 speed bike$75, new Matthews Compound Bow $500, 2 kayaks with paddles $500 for both. Case XX marine core hunting knife. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Job hauling amish. Call 270-773-4139
LF - Unwanted farm animals or any aquarium pets. Call or text 931-619-1219
FS - 2007 PT Cruiser in Cave City, like new tires, new head gasket, water pump kit, thermostat, spark plugs, etc. will not start. Call 270-670-6543
FS - Registered black angus heifers, bulls. Milwaukee saw, kitchen cabinets with natural wood, floor cabinets and kitchen sink with faucet, horse hay, rolls or bales. Call 270-932-1777
LF - Caregiver job. Day or night any area. Call 565-4492
FS - 2 Beagle dogs $100 each. Call 270-218-0105
Paid item:
FS - Full blooded German Shepherd female puppies, have had 1st shots and have been wormed. For more information, call 270-528-1491
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 speed bike$75, new Matthews Compound Bow $500, 2 kayaks with paddles $500 for both. Case XX marine core hunting knife. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Job stripping tobacco. Call 270-524-4547
LF - Job hauling amish. Call 270-773-4139
FR - 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home in the Canmer area, must have references. Call 270-528-2341 after 5:00 p.m.
LF - Unwanted farm animals or any aquarium pets. Call or text 931-619-1219
LF - Farm Help. Call before 4:00 p.m. at 270-528-2133 or after 4:00 p.m., call 270-528-2134
FS - 2003 GMC Envoy, good tires, heat and air, 173,000 miles. $1800. Serious calls only. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2007 PT Cruiser in Cave City, like new tires, new head gasket, water pump kit, thermostat, spark plugs, etc. will not start. Call 270-670-6543
Paid item:
FS - Full blooded German Shepherd female puppies, have had 1st shots and have been wormed. For more information, call 270-528-1491
FS - 2001 Chevy Tahoe, 4wd, 3rd row seat, v-8. 5.3. $3800. Call 270-784-6011
FS - Exercise bike. 270-524-3368
GA - Recliner. FS - Recliner. $40. Call 270-786-2376
LF - Reasonably priced car. Call 270-786-3705
FS - Computer with desk and chair $125. Call 270-524-1042
FS - Yard sale items for one price. Call 270-524-4547
FS - Whirlpool electric stove, ceramic top, black $125, firm. Call 270-678-4978
LF - Job hauling amish. Call 270-773-4139
FR - 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home in the Canmer area, must have references. Call 270-528-2341 after 5:00 p.m.
LF - Unwanted farm animals or any aquarium pets. Call or text 931-619-1219
LF - Farm Help. Call before 4:00 p.m. at 270-528-2133 or after 4:00 p.m., call 270-528-2134
FS - New Lodge sportsmans cast iron bbq grill $75, Matthews HTR compound bow $500, new men's mongoose bike $80, like new Case xx USMC hunting knife, 2 kayaks $500. Call 774-6307
FS - 2 110 cc 4 wheelers $500 each - 270-401-8760
FS - tan lift chair ( doesn't recline) $80 - 270-432-0005
FS - Charbroil grill, used once, mirror, Home Interior, Samsung front load washing machine with pedestal, needs work - 270-678-5958
Paid item:
FS - Full blooded German Shepherd female puppies, have had 1st shots and have been wormed. For more information, call 270-528-1491
FS - 2001 Chevy Tahoe, 4wd, 3rd row seat, v-8. 5.3. Call 270-784-6011
FS - Pitbull, male pup. $150. Call 270-786-5072
FS - 2007 PT Cruiser in Cave City, like new tires, new head gasket, water pump kit, thermostat, spark plugs, etc. will not start. Call 270-670-6543
LF - Electric water heater, 220. Call 270-579-1710
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $75, new Matthews Compound Bow $500, 2 kayaks with paddles $500 for both. Case XX marine core hunting knife. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Job stripping tobacco. Call 270-524-4547
LF - Job hauling amish. Call 270-773-4139
FR - 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home in the Canmer area, must have references. Call 270-528-2341 after 5:00 p.m.
Bro. Dewayne Kidd - has hot water heater for lady looking for one. Call 270-670-7725
FS - Computer, Windows 8 and computer desk with chair $175, ruby silver ring, size 6, gold ruby heart necklace $25, set of pillows $45 for both. Call 270-524-1042
LF - Unwanted farm animals or any aquarium pets. Call or text 931-619-1219
LF - Farm Help. Call before 4:00 p.m. at 270-528-2133 or after 4:00 p.m., call 270-528-2134
FS - Igloo doghouse with door $25. Call 786-3474
FS - Kitchen table and 4 chairs. Call 270-576-4981
FS - 2007 PT Cruiser in Cave City, like new tires, new head gasket, water pump kit, thermostat, spark plugs, etc. will not start. Call 270-670-6543
FS - Banty chickens and laying hens, Beagle puppies. Call 270-528-4750
GA - Male Beagle. Call 270-576-4981
LF - Rollaway bed. Call 270-524-1110
FS - New men's Mongoose 21 speed bike$75, new Matthews Compound Bow $500, 2 kayaks with paddles $500 for both. Case XX marine core hunting knife. Call 270-774-6307
Yard Sale - 108 Edwards Avenue in Horse Cave Saturday. Call 270-786-5111
LF - Job hauling amish. Call 270-773-4139
FR - 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home in the Canmer area, must have references. Call 270-528-2341 after 5:00 p.m.
LF - 42" cut riding mower deck. Call 270-531-2171
FS - 2003 GMC Envoy, good tires, heat and air, 173,000 miles. $1800. Serious calls only. Call 270-590-4129
FS - Tools $125. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Unwanted farm animals or any aquarium pets. Call or text 931-619-1219
LF - Farm Help. Call before 4:00 p.m. at 270-528-2133 or after 4:00 p.m., call 270-528-2134
Found - 2 Boxers, collars, no tags, on the end of Green Street in Horse Cave. Call 270-528-1443
FS - Maytag dryer $125. works. Call 270-590-3562
FS - Mobile home, $1,000. 2 to 3 bedroom and 1 bath, must be moved. On J. L. Borders Road. Call 270-218-0105
FS - 7 ft pickup disc Ford $350, 2 bottom plow $275, 1960 wheelhorse mower $350, 1 black angus cow and calf $1150, 14 horse Wesconsin motor $200, old 41 Ford sedan v-9, flathead $1400. Call 670-3570
LF - Someone to work part time to work on small appliances. Call 270-932-0035
LF - Small recliner or small living room suite, bed and mattress, lamps, and a job sitting with elderly, will babysit. Call 270-272-7777
FS- Large & Small Rabbits --270-428-2796
LF- Work Stripping Tobacco --270-805-8447
LF- Fall Pears (wants about 5 gallon) --270-206-0541
FS- Cedar Gun Racks, Firewood --270-565-3787
FS- White Riding Mower, Firewood --270-590-3498
LF - Job hauling amish. Call 270-773-4139
FR - 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home in the Canmer area, must have references. Call 270-528-2341 after 5:00 p.m.
FS - Tools $125. Call 270-590-4129
LF - 42" cut riding mower deck. Call 270-531-2171
FS - 2003 GMC Envoy, good tires, heat and air, 173,000 miles. $1800. Serious calls only. Call 270-590-4129
FS - New Lodge sportsmans cast iron bbq grill $75, Matthews HTR compound bow $500, new men's mongoose bike $80, like new Case xx USMC hunting knife, 2 kayaks $500. Call 774-6307
LF - Job hauling amish. Call 270-773-4139
FR - 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home in the Canmer area, must have references. Call 270-528-2341 after 5:00 p.m.
LF - 42" cut riding mower deck. Call 270-531-2171
FS - 2003 GMC Envoy, good tires, heat and air, 173,000 miles. $1800. Serious calls only. Call 270-590-4129
FS - Tools $125. Call 270-590-4129
LF - 42" cut riding mower deck. Call 270-531-2171
FS - New Lodge sportsmans cast iron bbq grill $75, Matthews HTR compound bow $500, new men's mongoose bike $80, like new Case xx USMC hunting knife, 2 kayaks $500. Call 774-6307
FS- 2 Boy's Size 14x16 Carhart Jackets for $20 Each --270-786-5731 or 786-3898
FS- Seeder Spreader, Antique Corn Planter, Water Tanks, Ford 532 Baler, Cattle Troughs, 5th Wheel Hitch --270-537-3221
FS- More than 200 VHS Movies (some are Disney) --270-991-8765
FS- 2003 Chevy Silverado V6 125,000 miles w/new tires, Set of Tail Lights for 2003 Silverado --270-576-0302
FS- Chickens/Pullets 3 mos old --270-773-5306
FS- Nubian Goats GA- Kittens --270-432-4960
FS- (2) 55 Gallon Metal Barrels for $20 Each, Wrestling DVD's --270-805-1366
FS- Old Scrap Books --270-590-3465
FS- 5 Jersey Steers, Black Heifer Calf, Jersey Bull Calf ($750 for both), Small Refrigerator, 4 Basket Walton Hay Tedder, Ford New Holland 256 Hay Rake --270-932-1498
FS- Wii Game System w/Accessories for $60
FS- Large & Small Rabbits --270-428-2796
LF- Work Stripping Tobacco --270-805-8447
LF- Fall Pears (wants about 5 gallon) --270-206-0541
FS- Cedar Gun Racks, Firewood --270-565-3787
FS- White Riding Mower, Firewood --270-590-3498
FS- 3 Bedroom/2 Bath Home w/Full Walk-out Basement on 1 Acre at 152 Riverfalls Dr, Glasgow for $185,000 --270-544-7613 or 717-725-5958
FS- 20,000 lb Reece Hitch for 5th Wheel (comes w/mounting kit and rails) --270-670-7438
LF- Meat slicer, FS- Echo CS310 Chain Saw w/Case --270-634-3131
LF- Bumper Hitch for Horse Trailer FS-Blue Heeler Pups ready Nov 8 --270-218-2402
FS- 180 Gal Black Oval Fish Pond w/Fountain, Algae Treatment, Food & more for $100, 46" 2 Bagger Grass Catch for Husqvarna or Craftsman Mower for $125, White Wicker Lounge Chair for $125 GA- Brother Printer for Parts --270-527-4913
LF- Used Heat/T-shirt Press --270-405-0418
LF- Electric Cook Stove --270-576-4209
FS- White Whirlpool Dryer for $50 (works), Used 4' Fluorescent Bulbs for $3 Each or Less if Buy Large Qty --270-670-5398
FS- Laying Hens --270-590-0481
FS- Side by Side Refrigerator w/Ice Maker & Water Dispenser in Door for $175 --270-670-9912
FS- Wheat, Straw, Corn --270-932-1573
GA - Small inside dog, Maltese female, housebroken. Call 270-576-4981
FS - Tools $125. Call 270-590-4129
Yard Sale - Wed 108 Edwards Avenue behind PBI Bank. Lots of items.
FS - 2003 GMC Envoy, good tires, heat and air, 173,000 miles. Serious calls only $1800. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Land to lease for hunting. will travel. FS - 140 hp chip with 6 settings, for a diesel. $150. Diesel fuel pump, new. $40. LF - junk vehicles. Call 270-218-1220
GA - Plants, hanging, spider, aloe vera, cactus, etc. Call 524-9647
LF- Bluegrass Smart Phone --270-576-6144
FS- Hammond Organ w/Bench --270-459-3017
FS- 4th Generation Chrome Dodge 8 Lug Wheels w/caps & nuts for $200, another set w/o caps & nuts, 18x10 Eagle Alloys 8 lug Dodge Wheels, 1998 Dodge Cummins Dually for $4,000 --270-590-4111
LF- Wench (3000-10,000 lbs), Used 4x4 4-Wheeler --270-537-4083
FS- Battery Charger for $20 --270-579-3162
FS- Home Stereo Speakers, Ray Ban Aviator Sun Glasses, 27" GE Analog TV for $25, 14" Turbin Roof Ventilators --270-805-9921
FS- 3 Bedroom/2 Bath Home w/Full Walk-Out Basement on 1 Acre at 152 Riverfalls Dr in Glasgow for $188,500 but negotiable --270-544-7613 or 717-725-5958
FS- 16' Fiberglass John Boat w/Trailer & Clean Title, PS 3 & 3 Games, Covert Trail Camera, Surround Sound System LF- Odd Jobs --270-427-4299 or 270-404-2606
FS - New Lodge sportsmans cast iron bbq grill $75, Matthews HTR compound bow $500, new men's mongoose bike $80, like new Case xx USMC hunting knife, 2 kayaks $500. Call 774-6307
FS - 2003 GMC Envoy, good tires, heat and air, 173,000 miles. 4.2, 6 cyl, automatic. $1800. Call 590-4129
LF - Caregiver job. with experience. Call 565-4492
Plants will be available at Rose Bostic's. Call 270-524-9647
LF - 42" cut riding mower deck. Call 270-531-2171
Yard Sale - today and Sat. 2850 N. Dixie Hwy. Call 270-524-9153 or 270-505-2646
Auction on 88 at the Produce Mkt. at 5 p.m. this evening. benefit for a lady with hospital bills. Call 218-0105
FS - Tires size 205 60 R15. $50. Call 270-590-9304
FS - 2 castrated sheep. Call 270-473-3200
FS- 2002 Pontiac Grand Am 4 Cyl Automatic for $1000 OBO, 2000 Honda V6 Automatic for $700 OBO, 2000 Dodge Ram Extended Cab 4x4 w/6" Lift and New 35 Tires (sell or trade) $2800 LF- Utility 4x4 Four wheeler to buy --270-427-9305
LF- Chevy or GMC 6.0 Motor w/Transmission --270-789-6690
LF- Suburban to Buy (2007 model or newer), Hay Rake w/Dolly Wheels FS-Sheep for $150, 15" Dodge Wheels for $30 --270-378-6998
LF- 1.5" Plastic Pipe, Corrugated Roofing --270-537-5056
LF - someone to clean and sweep for drywall crew-270-646-8479
FS - rolled hay - 270-261-1239
FS - 4 pair of brand new green shutters, 7 concrete boards, shingles, 2 squares of white vinyl siding - 606-787-0226
FS- 1986 Chevy Automatic Regular Cab (sell or trade to motorcycle, RV, golf cart) LF- Set of Tires Size 235.70.R15's, Cars to make into Derby Cars, Complete Riding Mowers for Parts --270-670-1359
FS - walker/ wheelchair, computer table, 2 Oak bar stools, electric leaf blower - 270-670-2007
FS - bottle calves and dry feed calves - 270-405-6363
Yard Sale - at Calvary Baptist Church has been canceled. in Bonnieville
Fs - House plants. Spider plants, cactus, aloe veras. Call 270-524-9647
FS - Heavy duty metal trailer for riding mower $85, 15 gallon sprayer $50. Call 524-1042
Will - babysit in home Monday thru Friday with experience. Call 270-524-7053
FS - Dinette set with 4 chairs. Call 773-2999
FS - Lots of hand tools $200. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2 - 10' kayaks with paddles and life vest $600, Mathews HTR compound bow with new sight and arrow rest $500, new men's 21 speed Mongoose bike $75, new Lodge cast iron BBQ grill $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $45. Call 270-774-6307
FS - 2 heavy duty tree climbing deer stands, will hold up to 350 lbs, $150 each. Call 270-528-1247
FS - Baby girl items, clothes, playpens, bassinet, carrier, high chair. Call 270-453-4323
LF- Wanting to see if someone would be interested in buying Orchard Grass Square Bales --270-590-3737
LF- 4-5 Laying Hens FS- Pony Harness --270-390-0481
FS- 2002 Pontiac Grand Am 4 Cyl Automatic for $1000 OBO, 2000 Honda V6 Automatic for $700 OBO, 2000 Dodge Ram Extended Cab 4x4 w/6" Lift and New 35 Tires (sell or trade) $2800 LF- Utility 4x4 Four wheeler to buy --270-427-9305
FS - 1 1/2 year-old Tom turkey, Call 270-528-6255
FS - Gas dryer, Kenmore $40. Call 270-576-4219
Will - babysit in home Monday thru Friday with experience. Call 270-524-7053
LF - House to rent in Hart county, $400 a month. Call 270-473-0847
FS - 15 gallon lawn and garden spot sprayer, pull behind $65, lawn cart. Call 270-524-1042
Benefit auction Friday for an Amish lady's hospital bills. Hwy 88 at the Produce Market, west of Munfordville.
FS - 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home. Call 270-218-0105
FS - Dinette set with 4 chairs. Call 773-2999
FS- 1999 Honda CRV AWD 4 Door w/189,000 miles, rebuilt transmission w/13,000 miles for $1300 --270-407-0649
FS- Rolled Hay --270-261-1239
FS- 21 Volt Bandit Coon Light, Wildlife Tracking System w/4 Collars --270-805-8530
FS- Husqvarna Riding Mower --270-670-8271
FS- Heavy Concrete Flower Basket, Newborn Girl Clothes --270-789-7893
FS- Zero Turn Husqvarna Mower w/approx. 30 hours --270-427-6786
FS- Nitelight Coon Light 6 Volt Rechargeable w/5100 Head, Pop-Up Camper (stripped out), 1 Row Cultivator w/Fertilize Attachment, Two 16' Flatbottom Boats --270-405-1684
FS- Wheat, Straw, Ear Corn --270-932-1573
LF- Bushwacker --270-250-9898
FS- 1986 Chevy Automatic Regular Cab (sell or trade to motorcycle, RV, golf cart) LF- Set of Tires Size 235.70.R15's, Cars to make into Derby Cars, Complete Riding Mowers for Parts --270-670-1359
FS- 256 Ford New Holland Hay Rake w/Dolly Wheels, Walton 4 Basket Hay Tedder, 850 lb Jersey Steer, Black Angus Heifer Calf, Jersey Bull Calf, Small Dorm Size Refrigerator LF- 5-6 Banty Chickens (no white), 4 Guineas --270-932-1498
FS- 2 CB Radios for $50 --270-432-5572 or 270-487-0769
FS- 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Home at 152 River Falls Drive in Glasgow --717-725-5958
FS- Porch Swing, Coors Lighted Beer Sign --270-378-0601
LF - Someone to repair natural gas heater. Call 270-524-0402 or 270-834-6073
FS - 3 year old dog, housebroke, male poodle. $100, white. Call 270-537-3733
LF - Stove or refrigerator. Call 270-473-1919
FS - Fender 12 string black guitar with case $200. Call 270-786-3705
FS - Under the counter dishwasher, new. GE microwave countertop, Christmas decor, hand tools 2 bedroom suites. Call 270-524-1915 in Cub Run area.
FS - Lots of hand tools $200. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2 - 10' kayaks with paddles and life vest $600, Mathews HTR compound bow with new sight and arrow rest $500, new men's 21 speed Mongoose bike $75, new Lodge cast iron BBQ grill $75, like new Case XX USMC hunting knife $45. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Heavy duty jointer. Call 524-1042
FS- 2001 Crown Vic w/4.6 Automatic for $1500 --270-932-3767
FS- Pony Harnesses --270-590-0481
LF- Vinyl Tile, Bunk Beds FS- Washing Machine GA- Dryer --270-576-4327
FS- Strawberry Plants --270-250-3364
FS- 2 Water Totes (250 & 275 Gallon), XJ8 Jaguar w/114,000 miles, Bass Guitar & Amp, Kitchen Table GA- Religious Books & CD's --270-565-3736
FS- Play Station 2 & 3 Games, Bowl & Pitcher Set on Stand w/Mirror, Full Size New Throw w/Picture of Wolf on it --270-404-2617
FS- Team of Geldings (very broke), Yearling Mules --270-459-1337
FS- 2 CB Radios --270-432-5572
GA- 2 Dogs --270-576-4151
FS- Ladder Racks for Full Size Truck for $100, Banty Chickens --270-932-9032
FS- Cedar Bedroom Suit --270-250-5689
FS- Large Water Tank --270-590-2398
FS- 4 Running Beagle Hounds (3 Female, 1 Male) all for $125 --270-427-9400 or 270-433-5691
FS- 2007 450R 4-Wheeler --270-261-2144
FS- 2 Pet Goats, 2 Pet Feeder Calves (1 Holstein Heifer, 1 Jersey), Baby Pot Belly Pigs --270-405-6065
FS- Antique Bedroom Suit --270-646-6367
FS - Feeder pigs, bred sows and pigs, deer corn $5 a bag. Call 270-528-6693
FS - 2 heavy duty tree climbing deer stands, will hold up to 350 lbs, $150 each. Call 270-528-1247
Yard Sale - 2 families or more, behind Calvary Baptist Church at Bonnieville on 31-W at the pavilion. glassware, clothing, baskets, antiques, craft sale, fried apple pies. Fri and Sat. Call 270-524-9647
FS - 24 ft Gorger Pontoon, 70 horse on a tandem trailer with aluminum floor, center console. $5,000. 28 ft Commodore, 130 horse, new floors and carpet on tandem trailer. $6000. Call 270-202-2658
FS - 1 black Angus cow with calf, and one with no calf. $1200 - $800, 41 Ford $4100, fiberglass signs $150 each, 2 bottom plows $350, pickup disc $375. Call 670-3570
LF - Help with natural gas, getting heat in a home, with a child in the home. Parents have health problems, live in Horse Cave. Call 270-524-0402
FS - Baby girl items, clothes, playpens, bassinet, carrier, high chair. Call 270-453-4323
LF - Full time farm help, experienced a plus. Call Larry at 270-528-2431
FS - Whirlpool dishwasher $59. Deer feeders $60 each or $100 for both. New child's recliner with drink holder $49. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Caregiver job. Call 270-565-4492
LF- Hot Peppers --270-404-1242
FS- Small Home Made Trailer w/2" Ball --270-773-8990
FS- Singer Sewing Machine, Kitchen Hutch, Brass Bed, 15" Notebook for $550 --270-932-0035 or 270-576-3124
FS- Bottle Calves & Calves on Dry Feed --270-405-6363
FS- Bottle Calves --270-250-9209
Yard Sale - next to R&S Grocery at Rowletts, clothes, furniture, today. Call 270-774-1543
Found - Men's prescription glasses Sunday in the parking lot at Dairy Queen in Cave City . Come by and pickup.
Yard Sale - Today - Star War figures, pictures, t-shirts, catalogs, cookware, Christmas items, records, clothes. at 2850 N. Dixie Hwy in Munfordville. Call 270-505-2646 or 270-524-9153
Yard Sale - 1292 East Gap Hill Road, 3 miles west in Cub Run toward Brownsville, turn on 728 at Rocky Top, Christmas decor, storage full of items, furniture, gift ideas etc. today outside.
Yard Sale - today and Saturday at 55 Bragg Avenue in Munfordville, 2004 Crown Vic police car. Call 270-524-1952
FS - 28 ft pontoon, new floor and carpet on a tandem trailer, 130 hp Yamaha engine. $4900. Call 270-202-2658
FS - 2 heavy duty tree climbing deer stands, will hold up to 350 lbs. $150 each, GA - tanning bed. Call 270-528-1247
FS - Baby girl items, clothes, playpens, bassinet, carrier, high chair. Call 270-453-4323
LF - Full time farm help, experienced a plus. Call Larry at 270-528-2431
FS - Whirlpool dishwasher $59. Deer feeders $60 each or $100 for both. New child's recliner with drink holder $49. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Caregiver job. Call 270-565-4492
FS - Baby girl items, clothes, playpens, bassinet, carrier, high chair. Call 270-453-4323
LF - Full time farm help, experienced a plus. Call Larry at 270-528-2431
FS - 215 65 16 tires (4). Call 270-528-2977
LF- Michael Combs CD's FS- Wrestling DVD's --270-805-1366
FS- 2 CB Radios for $50 OBO --270-427-0769 or 270-432-5572
GA- 2 Dogs to Good Home --270-576-4151
GA- Part Chihuahua/Boston Terrier Female (house broke) --270-576-7743
FS- Tail Lights for 1988-1998 Chevy or GMC --270-991-8765
FS- Whirlpool Washer (works) LF- Bunk Beds --270-576-4327
FS- Bagger for 46" Cut Husqvarna or Craftsman Mower, Ever-Baring Strawberry Plants, White Whicker Lounge Chair for $160 GA- 32" Flatscreen TV & Brother Printer (both for parts as lightening ran in on them) LF- Someone to do cycle mowing --270-524-4913
FS- 1999 Honda CRV AWD w/189,000 miles (new transmission w/13K Miles) --270-407-0649
FS- 1990 GMC 6-8 Passenger Starmaster Van 4.3 V6 Automatic w/185,000 miles for $1200, 14' Flat Bottom Boat w/25 HP Johnson for $1500 OBO, 240 International Gas Dozer for $5000 LF- 2 Ton Diesel Single Axel Truck w/o Bed to make into log truck (prefers Chevy w/Cummins) --270-405-0030
FS- 42" Husqvarna Riding Mower --270-670-8271
FS- 2 Wooden Dressers (one black, one white) --270-565-1663
LF- Cheap Vehicle for around $300-$400 --270-670-8639
FS- 14' Flat Bottom Boat w/6 HP Evinrude --270-590-0481
FS- 2 Bedroom House near Edmonton (would rent preferably to couple w/references) --270-432-5232
FS- 1/2 Acre Land in Adair Co, 2 Pr Men's Size 46 Insulated Carhartt Coveralls, 2 New Boxes w/Lifetime Warranty 14" Diameter Turbine Roof Ventilators GA- Bricks & Stones --270-805-9921
FS - Fireplace insert, set of gas logs, burn wood or gas, has fan and glass door, heavy. Call 270-528-1997
LF - Highchair. Call 531-2862
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. 2000 S-10 pickup, automatic with air, $2500 obo. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
LF - Full time farm help, experience a plus. Call Larry at 270-528-2431
FS - Whirlpool dishwasher $59. Deer feeders $60 each or $100 for both. New child's recliner with drink holder $49. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Caregiver job. Call 270-565-4492
FS - 4 padded chairs with dining table, maple, no scratches. Call 773-2999
FS - Men's 21 speed Mongoose bicycle $80, Lodge cast iron BBQ grill $75, like new Matthews HTR compound bow with new sight and new arrow rest $500, 2 kayaks with paddles and life vest $600. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS- Lots of tools $275. Call 270-590-4129
LF- Someone to Work on Drink Machine (can machine) --270-528-1365
LF- Low Profile Tires (18's-24's, but need 22's mostly) --270-763-2284
FS- 1986 Chevy LWB 2WD LF- 2 Cars to make into Derby Cars, Complete Riding Mowers for Parts --270-670-1359
FS- Holstein & Black Angus Cross Bottle Calves, Calves on Dry Feed, 3 Black Angus Heifers, Hair Sheep --270-405-6363
FS - Case XX USMC hunting knife $45. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Hanging plants, barrel cactus, California Yucka, cox comb, $1 to $10 each. Call 270-524-9647
FS - Moped $300. Call 270-234-6765
FS - Ford pickup disc, 6 to 7 ft, 2 bottom plows, $300 and $375, 1941 Ford $1400, v-8 flathead motor, good body. 16 head of Black Angus cattle $750 to $800 each. Call 670-3570
FS - Whirlpool dishwasher $59. Deer feeders. Call 270-612-0701
LF - Caregiver job. Call 270-565-4492
FS - New child's recliner with drink holder $49. Call 270-612-0701
FS - 4 padded chairs with dining table, maple, no scratches. Call 773-2999
FS - Men's 21 speed Mongoose bicycle $80, Lodge cast iron BBQ grill $75, like new Matthews HTR compound bow with new sight and new arrow rest $500, 2 kayaks with paddles and life vest $600. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS- Lots of tools $275. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2005 Dodge Ram 1500, 152,000 miles $6,700, woodstove with pipe $150, Roll Air air compressor $150. Call 270-524-2738
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. 2000 S-10 pickup, automatic with air, $2500 obo. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - 2 bedroom mobile home. Has to be moved. Call 218-0105
FS - 4 padded chairs with dining table, maple, no scratches. Call 773-2999
FS - Men's 21 speed Mongoose bicycle $80, Lodge cast iron BBQ grill $75, like new Matthews HTR compound bow with new sight and new arrow rest $500, 2 kayaks with paddles and life vest $600. Call or text 270-774-6307
LF - Washer, refrigerator, and stove, cheap or free. Call 270-473-1919
Will - babysit in home Monday through Friday. Call 270-524-7053
FS- Lots of tools $275. Call 270-590-4129
FS- Acre of Land in Adair Co w/Late Model Mobile Home (has new septic and pipes) and 2800 Square Ft Building on the Lot that has Gas Furnace (will consider trade) --270-378-5624
FS- 4 Tires (275.55.20's w/50% Tread Goodyear Wrangler) for $200, 20 Metal Overhead Doors 10x7 White in Color (includes automatic door openers, doors, hardware) for $400 --270-459-0758
FS- GE Cook Stove for $300, Hay Rake for $200, 2 Aluminum Tool Box $100 Each --270-261-1213
FS- Husqvarna Mower --270-670-8271
FS- Couch for $125 --270-537-1754
FS- Whirlpool Washer LF- Set of Wooden Bunk Beds --270-404-6240
FS- 2001 Crown Vic 4.6 for $1500 --270-932-3767
FS- Kenmore Side-by-Side Refrigerator w/Icemaker for $250, Self-Cleaning Electric Cook Stove for $125 --270-531-3030
LF- Someone to Buy Barn Lumber Around Edmonton --606-307-8437
FS- Antique Vintage Cabinet w/Double Doors, Vanity w/Mirror --270-565-1663
LF- Home to Rent in Glasgow --270-261-2686
FS- 9 Wheel Walking Hay Rake for $1500, 2 New Kobalt 60 Gallon Air Compressor ($750 for both or $375 each) --270-407-8761
LF-Parts Truck (Chevy or GMC--needing motor and transmission) --270-789-6690
FS- 4 Jersey Steers (approx. 600 lbs) for $600 Each or $2200 for all --270-932-1366
FS- Ducks, Guineas, Laying Hens, 2 small calves, Jersey Steer (800 lbs) --270-932-1498
FS- 400 EX ATV, KFX 400 ATV, 2 Laptops --270-579-7278
LF- Tobacco Work FS- Sump Pump --270-432-7567
FS- 5 Ton Chain Hoist --270-528-5208
Yard Sale - today, Sat and Sun, at 111 Yancey Avenue 8:00 a.m. to dark, clothing, name brands, household items, dishes, baby items, purses, etc.
FS - Case XX hunting knife with sheath $50, 24" and 36" Rigid brand pipe wrenches $100 for the pair, new Lodge cast iron BBQ grill $75, 6 - 15" tires $15 each. Call 270-774-6307
FS - 2 deer feeders. $60 each or $100 for both. Call 270-612-0701
FS - Rabbits. Call 270-537-5065
FS - side by side refrigerator, almond $200, sofa and loveseat with coffee table. Call 270-670-5624
FS- 2 Murray Riding Mowers, John Deere Riding Mower, Yard Machine Riding Mower (will buy new battery for person that buys) for $400-$550, 21 HP Craftsman V-twin Motor for Zero Turn Mower for $250 --270-427-6573
FS- 2 New Kobalt 50 Gal Upright Air Compressors 220 Volt for $425 Each, 100 New Humidifiers for $650 for All --270-407-8761
FS- Coon Lite (Nite Lite 5100 Head), Box Wood Stove for Inside w/2 Cooking Caps, 1 Row Cultivator-3 Point Hitch w/Fertilize Attachment --270-405-1684
LF- Go Cart --270-405-7901
FS- 1996 GMC Sierra 350 5 Speed 4x4 (sell or trade) --270-576-4915
LF- Coke Machine to put in Shop (bottles or cans) --270-528-1365
LF- Camera that was lost at Cow Days (black bag and strap) --270-234-3505 or 270-789-6690
FS- Red 1967 Chevy Impala Convertible Top --270-590-3061
LF- CB Radio --270-579-9275
FS- 4 Bowling Green International Festival Tickets (good for 9/30 from 9-6 PM) --270-579-3162
GA- 2 Dogs half grown --270-576-4151
LF- 5 Hole Wagon Wheels (size 15's or 16's) --270-537-5673
FS- Ducks --270-590-9077
FS- 5 Horse Saddles & Bridles (2 Small for $75 Each, 3 Large for $125 Each) --270-319-6466
FS- 1995 GMC Sierra Minivan Cobra Edition for $2000 OBO, 2000 Watt Generator for $150, Handicap Shower Stall for $200, 6' Oak Bathroom Vanity w/Top and Faucets for $100 --270-428-2116
FS- Acre of Land in Adair Co w/Late Model Mobile Home (has new septic and pipes) and 2800 Square Ft Building on the Lot that has Gas Furnace (will consider trade) --270-378-5624
GA- 5 Boxes of Ceramic Tile (used), Chinese Diesel Generator for $200. --270-709-5888
FS - Case XX USMC hunting knife with sheath $50, 24" & 36" Rigid brand pipe wrenches $100 for the pair, new Lodge cast iron BBQ grill $75, 6 15" tires $15 each. Call or text 270-774-6307
FS - 2005 Dodge Ram 1500, 152,000 miles $6,700, woodstove with pipe $150, Roll Air air compressor $150. Call 270-524-2738
FS - Wooden dinette set with 4 padded chairs. Call 270-773-2999
Friday - 4-H Ribeye Steak Lunch at the Extension office, 10:30 to 1:00 p.m. Delivery can be called in today at 270-524-2451. Proceeds go to Hart County 4-H
FS - Wood stove and coal stove, bags of coal, set of 15 and 16" Chevy wheels, LF - boom truck to reach 50 ft. Call 270-531-7476
FS - 18 black angus cows, 5 to 10 years old, $750 to $800. Trailer, flatbed with tailgate $300, 4 batteries for golf cart $150. 1941 Ford 4 door car, v-8, body is good. $1200, 7 ft pickup disc for Ford tractor, 2 bottom plow. Call 670-3570
FS - 4 rabbits. Call 528-2191
Yard Sale - Friday at Hardyville Community Center, primitive items, clothes, toys, games, costumes, shoes and purses.
FS - 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home, will have to be moved $1500/ Call 270-218-0105
LF - Someone who sells firewood in Brownsville. Call 270-246-2431
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. 2000 S-10 pickup, automatic with air, $2500 obo. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
LF - 32" aluminum storm door. Call 524-7709
Yard Sale - 108 Edwards Avenue in Horse Cave now through Saturday, baby items, costumes, clothes, blankets, camo items, etc. Call 270-786-5111
FS - 2005 Dodge Ram 1500, 152,000 miles $6,700, woodstove with pipe $150, Roll Air air compressor $150. Call 270-524-2738
FS - Matthews HTR compound bow with new sight and new arrow rest $600, 2 - 10' kayaks with 2 life vest and paddles $600, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $80, $80, Lodge cast iron bbq grill $75. Rigid brand pipe wrenches, 24" and 36" $100 for both. Call 270-774-6307
LF - Someone who sells firewood in Brownsville. Call 270-246-2431
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. 2000 S-10 pickup, automatic with air, $2500 obo. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
Free Bethel Church on the corner of 10th and Broadway in Cave City will have an inside/outside yard sale Saturday, October 14th, 8:00 a.m. proceeds go to Lottie Moon. The pastor is Bro. Jim Boles.
FS- 46" Cut Murray Riding Mower w/17.5 HP Briggs & Stratton, Small Wagon to pull behind mower --270-801-4796
FS- Rocking Chair for $15, Shop Vac --270-579-3162
FS- 1986 Full Size 1/2 Ton Chevy Regular Cab (would trade to RV), 2001 Pontiac Grand Am 4 Door Automatic LF- Riding Mowers for Parts, Cars to make Derby Cars --270-670-1359
FS- 5 Pot Belly Piglets & Mother --270-576-1666
FS- Full Size Cedar Bedroom Suit (Dresser w/Mirror, Chest of Drawers, Poster Bed --270-250-5682
FS- Husqvarna Mower --270-670-8271
FS- Couch for $125 --270-537-1754
LF- Pair of Young Turkeys, Pigmy Goats ---270-585-5554
FS- New Set of BF Goodrich Tires (31.10.50 15's), Other Tires for sell or trade (22.24's and some 18's) --270-763-2284
LF- Free Kittens --270-432-5531
LF- Boat Trailer w/Tandem Axels or 2 Axels --270-805-9177
FS- 17' Steel Log Chain, 5 Ton Chain Hoist, Craftsman Front Tine Garden Tiller --270-528-5208
FS- Charcoal Grill, Dehumidifier, Mirror --270-678-5958
Free Bethel Church on the corner of 10th and Broadway in Cave City will have an inside/outside yard sale Saturday, October 14th, 8:00 a.m. proceeds go to Lottie Moon. The pastor is Bro. Jim Boles.
FS - Matthews HTR compound bow with new sight and new arrow rest $600, 2 - 10' kayaks with 2 life vest and paddles $600, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $80, $80, Lodge cast iron bbq grill $75. Rigid brand pipe wrenches, 24" and 36" $100 for both. Call 270-774-6307
Moving sale - cabinet, entertainment center, 6,000 btu air conditioner, Christmas and Halloween items. at 315 Schoolhouse Lane, next door to Bolin's Market in Cave City. all this week. Call 270-773-8731
Sunday - 4th Annual Country Festival, trail rides, chili cook-off, church service, fellowship meal. Everyone is welcome. 9:00 a.m., at Bonnieville Church of God. The church service will be at 11:00 a.m.
FS - 3 bedroom house and an acre of ground, 3 miles east of Cub Run, Hwy 88. Call 270- 524-5428
FS - 2000 Ford Excursion, 4x4, turbo, diesel, 7.3 powerstroke. Call 270-537-5875
FS - 2004 Crown Victoria police car $1500. Call 270-524-1952
FS- 5 Ton Chain Hoist for $100, 17' Log Steel Log Chain for $50 --270-528-5208
FS- 1 Acre w/2800 Sq Ft Building 1 mile from Town --270-378-5624
FS- 1946 Studebaker, 1966 Dodge Dart, 1986 Chevette --270-585-0162
FS- 2 White Legged Roosters, Push Mower --270-579-8881
FS- Hammond Organ --270-459-3017
FS- Sony Home Surround Sound System, Play Station 3 Games, 16' Fiberglass John Boat --270-427-4299
FS- 1993 Toyota Truck (needs head gasket) for $1200, Nissan Truck, 1991 Firebird Convertible --270-585-0162
FS- 4 Compartment Rabbit Cage --270-433-5691 or 270-427-9400
FS- 1/2 Acre Land in Adair Co, 2 New Men's Carhart Insulated Coverall's Size 40, 2 14" Diameter Roof Ventilators --270-805-9921
FS- 250 Gal Diesel Tank --270-670-7907
FS- Wedding Dress for $200 --270-358-8187
FS- Surround Sound System for $35 --270-786-5072
LF- Short Wheel Base Bed Liner, Black Full Size Truck Tool Box --270-528-6255
Free Bethel Church on the corner of 10th and Broadway in Cave City will have an inside/outside yard sale Saturday, October 14th, 8:00 a.m. proceeds go to Lottie Moon. The pastor is Bro. Jim Boles.
LF - Washer, reasonable. Call 537-1894
GA - Walnuts, on the ground, in the Lonoke Community. Call 270-524-3620
FS - Matthews HTR compound bow with new sight and new arrow rest $600, 2 - 10' kayaks with 2 life vest and paddles $600, new men's Mongoose 21 speed bike $80, $80, Lodge cast iron bbq grill $75. Rigid brand pipe wrenches, 24" and 36" $100 for both. Call 270-774-6307
FS- Set of Tires, 255.70.16's for $40. Call 270-789-6690 or 270-234-3505
FS- Storage Cabinet, Vintage Vanity w/Mirror --270-565-1663
FS- Computer Desk w/4 Shelves 1 Drawer & Chair for $30, Entertainment Center for $30 --270-786-4784
FS- Banty Chickens, 4 Bard Rock Laying Hens 1 Rooster, 4 Brahma Laying Hens, 4 Game Roosters all for $5 Each --270-432-5531
FS- Bedroom Suite--King or Queen w/Headboard that has mirror & light fixtures, Chest of Drawers, 9 Drawer Dresser for $450 OBO --270-308-0528
FS- 2002 Ford Mustang 3.8 V6 Automatic w/195,000 miles for $1900, V Bottom John Boat w/Trailer for $300 --270-261-2180
FS- 15' Boat Trailer, Over the Range Microwave --270-261-1740
FS- Boat Trailer --270-576-5119
FS- 6 Orphan Buff Chickens (2 months old) $20 for all --270-528-6255
FS- Cockatiels for $75 Each --270-696-0654
FS- 1/2 Acre Land in Adair Co, Size 46 Carhartt Insulated Coveralls, 14" Diam Roof Ventilators, Rayban Aviator Sun Glasses w/Case --270-805-9921
FS- 1996 GMC Truck (350 5 Speed 4x4 Regular Cab Short Bed--may trade) --270-576-4915
FS- 3 Yokohama Tires for $40 (255.70.16's) --270-590-5928
FS- Hearty Backer Boards 1/4" Thick, Concrete Boards 1/4" Thick, 2 Square White Double 4 Shingles, Aluminum Shutters (71x14.5 & 56.5x14) --606-787-0226
FS- 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix w/110,000 miles for $1200 --270-590-0219
FS- 42" Husqvarna Mower --270-670-8271
Yard Sale - Bottom of Pine Ridge Hill today and Saturday. Call 270-524-9153
Lost - Dog on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave near the cemetery, black Heeler with some white. Call 786-5824
FS - Furniture off 1854 in Munfordville. Call 270-528-4197
Yard Sale - today Hwy 357 brick house on the left, girls clothes up to 4t, dishes, trinkets, Home Interior, clothes, china, toys Halloween costumes, coveralls. Call 270-
FS - 1997 ext cab Chevy 4x4. Call 270-528-6488
FS - Matthews HTR compound bow with new sight and new arrow rest $550 or trade, new Lodge cast iron BBQ grill $75. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Fence pieces, odd and end tools, air tank, chargers for drills, log chains, meters, rotozip spiral saw, tool boxes, Homelite chainsaw, like new, and much more. All for $350. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Someone who sells firewood in Brownsville. Call 270-246-2431
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
LF - Tv antenna. Call 270-524-7709
Yard Sale - today and Friday, china dishes, Home Interior pictures, Corelle ware, girls clothes, cookbooks, movies, toys. 2175 Hammonsville Road, Munfordville. Signs posted.
FS - 1997 Chevy, 4x4 extended cab truck, one owner. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Washer. Call 537-1894
FS - Dark walnut coffee table $15. Call 270-524-1042
Yard Sale - 516 East Union Street toward Hodgenville. furniture, decor, etc. today.
FS - Matthews HTR compound bow with new sight and new arrow rest $550 or trade, new Lodge cast iron BBQ grill $75. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Fence pieces, odd and end tools, air tank, chargers for drills, log chains, meters, rotozip spiral saw, tool boxes, Homelite chainsaw, like new, and much more. All for $350. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Someone who sells firewood in Brownsville. Call 270-246-2431
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
Yard Sale - Fri & Sat, 8 a.m., clothes, cassette tapes, shoes, at 2850 N. Dixie Hwy, north of Munfordville. Call 270-505-2646
FS - 1997 4wd, extended cab truck. Call 528-6488
LF - Someone who sells firewood in Brownsville. Call 270-246-2431
FS - Matthews HTR compound bow with new sight and new arrow rest $550 or trade, new Lodge cast iron BBQ grill $75. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Craftsman chainsaw $50, clawfoot walnut coffee table $25, Case XX knife $40, garden tools, shovels, rakes, $6 each. Craftsman skill saw $20, belt sander $50, grinder $15, 16" cross saw $20. Call 270-524-1042
FS - Fence pieces, odd and end tools, air tank, chargers for drills, log chains, meters, rotozip spiral saw, tool boxes, Homelite chainsaw, like new, and much more. All for $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - Various lawn mower blades for $5 each, DVD's for 50c each, rocking chair for $25 --270-579-3162
FS - Computer desk w/4 shelves 1 drawer & chair for $30, entertainment center for $30 --270-786-4784
FS - 3 sided hunting blind $25, 3 heavy duty lifting straps $10 each. Call 270-528-4097
FS - Couch, loveseat, coffee table $400. Almond color side by side refrigerator, icemaker included. $200. Call 270-670-5614
LF - Small female housedog. Call 270-303-4252
FS - Matthews HTR compound bow $600 obo or may trade. 6 - 15" tires $15 each or a pair for $25. Call 270-774-6307
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
Moving sale - at 315 Schoolhouse Lane in Cave City, starts Wednesday. Call 773-8731
FS- 1995 Chevy S10 (may need fuel pump, sell for parts) for $500 OBO --270-427-7321
FS- Large Clay Pigeon Manual Thrower Mounted on Seat LF- Plastic Calf Hutches to Buy --270-590-9629
FS- 2 White Legged Roosters, 1 Banty Rooster, 2 Banty Chickens, Game Birds, Push Mower --270-579-8881
FS- Parts for 2005-2009 Mustang (Tail-lights, Head-lights, Rear Back Bumper Cover, Aluminum Rims & Tires), Set of Head-lights for 1999-2004 Mustang --270-774-1975
LF- Used Bathroom Vanity --270-432-5232
LF- Great Pyrenees Young Dog, Pigmy Nanny Goats --270-585-5554
FS- 1995 GMC Minivan Cobra Edition for $2000 OBO, 2 Stroke Go-Cart w/Roll Cage (only needs sprocket) for $350, 2000 Watt Generator for $150 --270-428-2116 or 270-646-7820
FS- Fish Tank w/4 Gold Fish & Food for $10, 5 CD Player w/Remote for $10 --270-786-4784
FS- 10" Miter Saw for $75 (or trade for good cook stove) --270-432-7240
FS- Bottle Calves, Jersey Milk Cow w/Calf --270-250-9209
FS- Chopped Wood --270-565-5413
FS- Mint Condition Queen Size Bed w/Rails & Slats --270-590-3556
FS- 3 Yokohama Tires (255.70.16's) for $40 --270-789-6690
FS - Old comic books, old record albums, 20 Longerberger baskets. Call 528-6158
LF - Small housedog. Call 270-303-4252
FS- Jukebox that has records (needs cabinet work) for $200, Fiberglass 6 Bay Box Trailer, 14' Flat Bottom Boat w/25 HP Johnson for $1500, 40 HP Evinrude Outboard Motor for $400 --270-405-0030
FS- DVD's for $0.50 each, Rocking Chair for $25, Shop Vac for $25 --270-579-3162
FS - Matthews HTR compound bow $600 obo or may trade. 6 - 15" tires $15 each or a pair for $25. Call 270-774-6307
FS - Case XX knife. shop tools. Call Saturday 270-524-1042
FS- Rhode Island Red Roosters, Polish Roosters --270-361-8606
FS- New Roll of Woven Wire Fencing for $100, 12' Steel Panel Gate for $40, Wood Splitter that works off of hydraulic system of tractor for $500 OBO --270-932-1777
FS- Couch --270-537-1754
FS- 22 Ton Wood Splitter for $700, Troybilt Pressure Washer for $150 --270-427-6786
FS- 42" Husqvarna Riding Mower --270-670-8271
FS- Couch --270-537-1754
FS- Angus Cross Bulls & Heifer Bottle Calves & Holstein Bottle Calves (7-14 days old), Weaned Angus Heifers and Bulls --270-405-6363
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - 4K Android Kodi 17.4 box. Call 270-786-8811
Thursday, September 28th, 2017
LF - Sheep, already bred. Call 270-528-6255
Whickerville Baptist Church Car, Truck, Motorcycle and Tractor Show will be held Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Yard Sale starts at 8:00 a.m. Judging will be at 2:00 p.m. For more information, call 528-7765.
FS- 2 Lionhead Buck Rabbits, Banty Chickens, Game Rooster, Pushmower --270-579-8881
FS- 2002 Pontiac Grand Am (good working car) for $1200 --270-590-0219
FS- Set of 285.15.16's, 9' Disc Mower (like new), Restaurant Equipment --270-590-5928
FS- 46" Cut 17 HP Murray Mower for $150 OBO --270-407-3874
FS- Rocking Chair for $25, 2 Holiday World Tickets --270-579-3162
FS- 2 Teenage Gelding Horses, Black Yearling Colts --270-459-1337
FS- Fully Loaded Bass Boat, A & M Quail --270-487-1109
FS- Set of 265.75.17's Tires --270-401-8760
FS- Wrangler Goodyear Tires off of 4x4 Truck (lot of tread left) for $200 --270-459-0758
FS- New Wheels still in box for Ford F150 (6 lug 18") --270-590-6939
FS- GMC Envoy --270-300-8125
FS- Acre of Land in Pierce --270-565-4163
FS- Dehumidifier, Charcoal Grill, Samsung Front Load Washer --270-678-5958
Wednesday, September 27th, 2017
Yard sale - furniture, at 315 Schoolhouse Lane, next to Bolins Market in Cave City. Each day through Sat. Call 270-773-8731
LF - King size bedroom suit or frame. Call 502-263-8359
FS - 4x8 tilt trailer $300. Call 270-370-7541
FS - Male Chihuahua pup, wormed and had 1st shot $150, LF - junk appliances, metal. Call 270-404-4795
FS - 1997 Chevy truck, extended cab, 215,000 miles, 4x4. $5500. Red. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 4K Android Kodi 17.4 box. Call 270-786-8811
FS- Meat Hogs --270-932-1128
FS- Holstein Heifers & Bulls, 2 Jersey Holsteins --270-405-6363
FS- Universal Grater Box, 1020 John Deere Bush Hog & Disc, Old Grater --270-678-3299
FS- 10" Subs, 600 Watt Amp--270-218-2478
FS- Surround Sound System --270-786-5072
FS- Rabbits --270-579-3851
FS- Bottle Calves --270-250-9209
FS- Rotator Chair, Electric Leaf Blower, Computer Table, 2 Bar Stools --270-670-2007
FS- Bottle Calves --270-250-9209
FS- Everberry Strawberry Runners, Whicker Lounge Chair for $175 --270-524-4913
FS- Pot Belly Piglets for $30, Female Grown Pot Belly Pig for $50 --270-576-1666
FR--For Rent House 4 Miles from Edmonton --270-432-2592
FS- Ceiling Fan --270-432-5524
LF- Trailer to Pull Behind Riding Mower to haul wood--270-565-1061
LF- Miniature White Poodle --270-801-4796
FS- Heavy Duty 16' Bumper Hitch Trailer --270-528-1365
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. Call 270-789-9758
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
GA - kittens. Call 270-786-1288
FS - 4 tires, size 225 60 R17 $80. Call 270- 528-2407
FS - Ford pickup with bed and lights, hitches $300, 4 batteries for a golf cart $125, 7 ft pickup disc Ford $375, 2 bottom plow 14" $300, 2 Marathon signs 10 x 5 ft. $125 each, old wheelhorse mower $350, lift for back of a truck $100, 41 Ford car, body is great $1200. Call 670-3570
FS - Chest type freezer $60. Call 270-473-3217
FS - nice bedroom suit with King or Queen bed large dresser with mirror and lighting and chest of drawers $600 - 270-308-0528 or 270-651-1154
FS - 16 ft. Lowe flat bottom boat, 6 volt coon light with new battery and charger, 1 row 3 point cultivator with fertilize box, square antique kerosene tank - 270-405-1684
FS - 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix $1500 - 270-590-0219
FS - 9ft. disc mower used very little, LF - Spot scope - 270-590-5928
FS - 2002 Ford Mustang 3.8 V6 auto 195,000 miles $1900, V-bottom Jon Boat with trailer $300 - 270-261-2180
FS - refrigerator $50 - 270-261-2552
FS - 4 riding mowers and a zero turn - 270-427-6573
FS - 16 ft. 2 horse trailer $1500 - 270-404-3581
FS - 1984 Honda Goldwing - 270-576-3810
FS- Climbing Deer Stand, Washer for $50, Air Conditioner 25,000 BTU for $50 --270-576-5178
FS- Tool Box w/Tools for $250 --270-319-6466
LF- Wooden Doors 32x36" ---270-378-6998
FS- 1989 S10 Bed for $75, (4) 15" Aluminum Wheels for $200 --270-670-2345
FS- 2 Wood Stoves w/Blowers --270-404-1436
LF- Party to Cut Hardwood Tree Tops on Shares FS- 1/2 Acre in Adair Co --270-805-9921
LF- House Shutters FS- 2 Bedroom House Near Edmonton --270-432-3232
FS- 1 Mini Pincher for $50 --270-576-4868
FS- 10" Miter Saw --270-432-7240
FS- 24HP Onan Generator --270-407-3874
FS - Computer, used very little $100. LF - Net 10 phone. Call 270-774-2355
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial type sewing machine with wood cabinet, works well $125, antique trunk, coral and black $65. Call 270-789-9758
FS - 2 steel doors, one for kitchen, the other for living room 79 x 35 1/2". Call 270-524-9626
FS- 14' Boat Trailer for $250 --270-261-1740
LF- Jersey or Jersey Cross Steer Calves (on dry feed) --270-670-5398
FS- Hot Tub, Double Wash Tub --270-428-4061
FS - 4 bull calves $60 each - 270-590-9801
FS - 1996 GMC single cab 4x4 5-speed - 270-576-4915
FS - transmission and transfer case for 97 Chevy Suburban $700 - 270-261-1144
GA - kittens, FS - 3oo gallon tanks , nail guns - 270-428-4634
FS- Husqvarna 42" Cut Riding Mower --270-670-8271
FS - GE Clothes dryer - 270-565-3721
LF - drivers side door for 90 and up Geo Tracker - 270-250-9209
FS - 2011 Buick Regal with 91,000 miles - 270-678-1039
FS - 1984 1200 Goldwing - 270-576-3810
FS - 250 Trail Boss 4-wheeler or part out, 95' tri hull flat bottom boat with 25 hp Johnson 30 1b. thrust trolling motor, $1500, GA - camper top for 99 and up S-10, 2 foot controlled trolling motors - 270-405-0030
FS - charcoal grill only used once, de-humidifier, Early American mirror - 270-678-5958
FS - rotator wheel chair, electric leaf blower, 2 oak bar stools, computer desk - 270-670-2007
FS - 15 inch Western new parade saddle, 17 inch Western saddle, 3 Turkeys $150 - 270-590-5635
FS - 3 Nubian Doelings - 270-405-0096
FS - treadmill - 270-433-5719
FS - Wildlife tracking system with 4 collars, 21 volt belt light - 270-805-8530
FS - antique highboy bed, 55 gallon plastic barrels - 270-428-5546
FS - Cedar chest and porch swing, firewood - 270-565-3787
FS - 10 Mallard ducks must take all , Jersey Steer 800 1bs. , 13 Guineas must take all - 270-932-1498
FS - 3 tires size 285-75-16s, catering and restaurant supplies - 270-590-5928
LF - hood and driver side headlight for 2008 Nissan Altima - 270-780-7368
FS - 265-70-17 inch tires - 270-401-8760
FS - good quality alfalfa square bale hay - 270-576-8857
FS - 2 like new wood stoves with blowers - 270-404-1436
FS - firewood, LF - tailgate for 2000 model Chevy Pickup - 270-565-3787
LF - cheap iPhone with video FS - ladies clothes - 270-932-9708
LF - free small toolbox for Ford Ranger - 270-427-0769 or 270-432-5572
LF - Wooden unpainted interior doors with Jams - 270-378-6998
FS - 10 inch miter saw $75 - 270-432-7240
FS - heifer bottle calves, Jersey Steers around 1300 lb. - 270-405-6363
FS - 46 inch cut white riding mower, couch , loveseat, recliner and firewood - 270-590-3498
FS - bar made out of whiskey barrels $200 with stools, nice China hutch $200, 2 clothes dryers - 270-590-8596
Yard Sale - 803 East Side Drive Horse Cave, toys, furniture, etc. today and Saturday
FS - 3 sided hunting blind $25. Call 270-528-4097
LF - Place to rent in Horse Cave area. Call 270- 537-3733
FS - Set of 235 55 17 car tires. Call 270-646-0661
FS - High end treadmill, programmable $175, Singer industrial sewing machine, antique trunk, coral and black $65, new cash register system $100 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - Whirlpool dryer, 4 months old. $200. GE side by side refrigerator with icemaker. Call 502-689-1113
FS - Little boys clothes. Call 590-3862
FS - Coal Stove $150. Call 270-537-1993
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 55 gallon aquarium with stand, lights, filters, fish and more $200. Call 270-528-6242
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
Thursday, September 21st, 2017
FS - House and 1 acre of ground, 3 miles east of Cub Run on Hwy 88. Call 270-524-5428
FS - 1997 Chevy Blazer, 4x4, v-6. Call 270-786-
LF - Small chest type freezer. 270-773-3368
Yard Sale - Grinstead Mill Road Cave City, boys and girls clothing, men's and women's clothing, playpen, car seat, toys, heaters, furniture, old trunk. Tupperware. Today. Call 270-901-7790
FS - Tires 225 60 R17. $80. Call 270-528-2407
FS- 200 Amp Breaker Box full of Breakers for $75, 2 Burner Propane Camping Cook Stove for $30, Pioneer Auto CD Player for $25 --270-218-1220
FS- Husqvarna Riding Mower 42" Cut --270-670-8271
LF- Maintenance Man in Horse Cave-Munfordville --270-537-4083
FS- 2004 Chevy Monte Carlo --270-805-8530
FS- Couch --270-537-1754
LF- Someone to do Odd Jobs --270-432-5232
FS- Wedding Dress --270-358-8187
LF- Rabbits to Buy --270-427-0973
Wednesday, September 20th, 2017
GA kittens. FS - Surround System $40. Call 270-786-5072
FS - 20 young pullets. $10 each. Call 270-773-3098
FS - Side by side refrigerator, almond color, coffee table, couch and chair. Call 646-0610, leave a message.
LF - Swb bed liner for Dodge Ram, full size black toolbox. Call 270-528-6255
FS - 1/2 Doerper/ 1/2 Kateden Ram $150, Dewalt Planer $250, set of Dodge wheels $50 - 270-378-6998
LF - twin bed frame, sewing machine - 270-404-5392
FS - 800 lb. Jersey Steer, Mallard ducks, doves - 270-932-1498
FS - 55 gallon plastic drums - 270-428-5546
LF- Used Pallets --270-774-6300
FS- Registered Black Angus Bulls & Heifers 1 yr old --270-469-0339
FS - Plus size clothes. Call 565-3731
LF - Used washer, reasonable. Call 270-537-1853
FS - Coal Stove $150. Call 270-537-1993
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 55 gallon aquarium with stand, lights, filters, fish and more $200. Call 270-528-6242
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - set of Aluminum Chevy wheels with 215/75/15 tires $140 - 270-537-5329
FS - 2013 Kinko side by side 4x4 - 270-432-7234 or 270-576-6695
FS - Husquvarna riding mower for parts - 270-405-6383
Found - Female coonhound in the Hammonsville area. Black and white. Call 270-531-2862
GA - Bluetick Hound. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Coal Stove $150. Call 270-537-1993
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 55 gallon aquarium with stand, lights, filters, fish and more $200. Call 270-528-6242
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS- 6 Cyl Jeep Motor @ 43 Main St, Center --270-565-2316
FS- 2004 Chevy Monte Carlo w/68,000 original miles --270-805-8530
FS- 54" Cut Husqvarna Tractor Type Mower --270-384-2652
LF- Queen Size Black Headboard w/Frame --270-634-3130
FS- Husqvarna 42" Cut Mower --270-670-8271
FS- Old English Bull Dog Pups --270-405-7901
FS- 9' Disc Mower, Three Tires, size 285.75.16's w/70% tread for $20 Each --270-590-5928
FS- 16' Enclosed Trailer w/working lights for $2000 --270-670-3279
LF- 9-10 Pieces of Black Metal Roofing (6.5, 7, 8 Ft in Length) --270-261-1487
LF- Male Kitten --270-576-3015
FS- 14.5' Old Town Canoe (seats 3 people), 11' Old Town Kayak (sit in type) --270-932-1886
FS- 1/2 Acre in Adair Co, 2 New Turbine Roof Ventilators (lifetime warranty), concrete expansion joints LF- Someone to Cut Hardwood Tree-Tops on Shares --270-805-9921
FS- 17 Pullets, 5 Roosters --270-634-7705
FS- 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix 4 Door Automatic, 4 New Tires (195.70.14's) on Chevy Cavalier Steel Wheels for $100 OBO LF- Complete Lawn Mowers to Buy, Cheap Cars to make into Derby Cars in the $300-400 Range --270-670-1359
LF- Pigmy Nanny Goats --270-585-5554
FS- 12' V-Bottom Boat w/Trailer, Swivel Seats, Depth Finder, Fish Finder & Trolling Motor for $400 --270-590-9845
FS- 19 Sets of Tenzia Chairs (Aluminum Legs, Back & Bottom--can be used indoors or outdoors) for $120 per set of 4 --270-407-8761
FS- 3-4 Riding Mowers for $350-$450 Each, Zero Turn Dixon 50" Cut for $1500 --270-427-6573
LF - Stove pipe oven. Call 270-524-3211
GA- Kittens to a good home. Call 270-773-8535
FS Electric chainsaw $35. Call 270-786-5824
Yard Sale today 512 Grinstead Mill Road Cave City, baby girls clothes, crib set, costumes, entertainment center, playpen, Tupperware, kitchen items.
yard sale - 523 West Water Street today after 1:00 p.m. and Saturday 7:00 a.m. Call 270-590-4129
LF- 9-10 Pieces of Black Metal Roofing (6.5, 7, 8 Ft in Length) --270-261-1487
LF- Male Kitten --270-576-3015
FS- 14.5' Old Town Canoe (seats 3 people), 11' Old Town Kayak (sit in type) --270-932-1886
FS- 1/2 Acre in Adair Co, 2 New Turbine Roof Ventilators (lifetime warranty), concrete expansion joints LF- Someone to Cut Hardwood Tree-Tops on Shares --270-805-9921
Thursday, September 14th, 2017
Yard Sale - today at 315 Schoolhouse Lane beside Bolin Mkt in Cave City, furniture. Call 270-773-8731
FS - 55 gallon aquarium with stand, lights, filters, fish and more $200. Call 270-528-6242
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - 6 year old Saanen Nannie goat and GPX stereo system with turn table, radio, tape player and CD player $50. Call 270-531-6177
FS- 6 Cyl Jeep Motor. Call --270-565-2316
FS- 2004 Chevy Monte Carlo w/68,000 original miles --270-805-8530
FS- 54" Cut Husqvarna Tractor Type Mower --270-384-2652
LF- Queen Size Black Headboard w/Frame --270-634-3130
FS- Husqvarna 42" Cut Mower --270-670-8271
FS- Old English Bull Dog Pups --270-405-7901
FS- 9' Disc Mower, Three Tires, size 285.75.16's w/70% tread for $20 Each --270-590-5928
FS- 16' Enclosed Trailer w/working lights for $2000 --270-670-3279
Wednesday, September 13th, 2017
FS - 3 sided hunting blind $25. Call 528-4097
LF - Used shopvac. Call 270-473-1285
FS - 55 gallon aquarium with stand, lights, filters, fish and more $200. Call 270-528-6242
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
FS - 6 year old Saanen Nannie goat and GPX stereo system with turn table, radio, tape player and CD player $50. Call 270-531-6177
FS - rotator wheel chair, electric leaf blower, 2 oak bar stools, computer desk - 270-670-2007
FS- Husqvarna 42" Cut Riding Mower --270-670-8271
FS - square bale hay, 1979 Harley Shovelhead, 1995 Harley Sportster, boat- 270-4284086
FS - 9 wheel hay rake, 2002 Chevy S-10 4 cylinder 5 speed $1500 - 270-528-1365
FS - set of 15 inch Dodge wheels with 2 tires $50, 6 ft. grader blade $400, Dewalt Planer $275 - 270-378-6998
FS - table and chairs, Holstein /Jersey cross steer - 270-528-3307
FS- 1/2 Acre in Adair Co, Turbine Roof Ventilators w/lifetime warranty, Concrete Joint Expansions, LF - someone to cut hardwood tree tops on shares --270-805-9921
FS - 17 pullets and 5 roosters - 270-634-7705
FS- 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix (110,000 miles, runs good, clear title) $1500 obo --270-590-0219
FS - 20 pair of little girls shoes size 4,5,6 - 270-590-3584
FS - 95 GMC mini van with high rise roof, 2000 Watt generator, big go cart, needs minor work - 270-646-7820
FS - 10ft x 5 ft. cattle panels with 6 ft. gate - 270-670-6404
FS - apples - 270-432-5791
FS - rugs, shop vac, rocking chair - 270-579-3162
LF - cheap AT&T phone - 270-562-4021
FS - 14 ft. flat bottom boat, 16 ft. semi-flat bottom boat, spring seat for team wagon - 270-405-1684
FS - Dewalt 12 1/2 inch planer, cedar chest , cedar porch swing, firewood - 270-565-3787
FS - 15 ft. wooden flat bottom boat with 3 swivel seats $200 - 270-932-1443
FS - PS3 with games, Nintendo DS, LF - odd jobs - 270-427-4299
FS - wood splitter 22 ton 6.5 hp. $700 firm or may trade to 6x10 trailer, Wheel Horse pulling mower, 2 wheel horse frames - 270-427-6786
FS - 13 laying hens - 270-670-1403
FS - rabbits and chicks - 270-432-4353
LF - old used carpet - 270-670-3854
FS - 800 lb. Jersey Steer, Mallard ducks, doves - 270-932-1498
FS - refrigerator, electric stove, 2 sets of laminated flooring - 270-432-5488
GA - Kittens. Call 270-773-8535
LF- Stovepipe oven. Call 270-524-3211
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher, like new $3700. Call 270-537-5730
Found - Brown and white Beagle pup near IGA in Munfordville. Wearing a red collar. Call 270-524-1110 or 270-473-3706
FS - Square baled hay. Call 270-528-1531
FS - trailer of yard sale items, $175, go-kart $100. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 6 year old Saanen Nannie goat and GPX stereo system with turn table, radio, tape player and CD player $50. Call 270-531-6177
GA - 5 Beagle mix puppies. Call 270-218-1464
FS- 1/2 Acre in Adair Co, Turbine Roof Ventilators w/lifetime warranty, Concrete Joint Expansions, Rivet Gun --270-805-9921
FS- 4 Kentucky Wildcat Porcelain Bobbleheads for $100 (Tubby Smith, Adolph Rupp, etc--all still in box) --270-405-0332
FS - nice 1800 sq. ft. brick home between Savoyard and Center, move in ready - 270-565-3751
GA - washer and dryer, dryer works - 270-590-2090
FS - 5x5 rolled fescue hay - 270-299-6541
LF - work in tobacco - 270-381-0306
FS - Craftsman riding mower, Dale zero turn mower - 270-428-2018
LF - driveable RV under $4000 - 270-405-4287 or 270-405-4743
FS - washer, dryer and refrigerator $100 for all 3, 5x8 tilt trailer $450 - 270-261-2464
FS - Holstein and Angus Cross bottle calves - 270-405-6363
FS - 93 Ford F-450 dually with flat bed new tires 7.3 diesel 79,000 original miles $4200 - 270-407-8761
FS - 1984 Oldsmobile Delta 88 with 20 inch wheels needs minor work, AKC registered Rottweiler - 270-579-6501
FS - 1993 Chevy Silverado extended cab 2wd - 270-404-6881
FS - 1 yr. old Registered Angus Bulls and Heifers - 270-469-0339
FS- 200 Amp Breaker Box w/10-11 Double Breakers , nice piano with stool --270-634-3131
FS - heavy duty 330 gallon water tank - 270-465-2285
FS- 1/2 Acre in Adair Co, Turbine Roof Ventilators w/lifetime warranty, Concrete Joint Expansions, Rivet Gun --270-805-9921
FS - 17 pullets and 5 roosters - 270-634-7705
FS - 10 ft. Sun Dolphin Kayak with paddles and lifejacket $175,. MTD riding mower just needs motor $75, Craftsman front tine tiller $100 - 270-528-5208
FS - compound bow - 270-932-1150
FS - 2011 Buick Regal with 91,000 miles - 270-678-1039
FS - 10 inch miter saw - 270-432-7240
FS - 95 GMC mini van with high rise roof, 2000 Watt generator, big go cart, needs minor work - 270-646-7820
FS - elliptical $50 - 270-579-3162
FS - sofa and loveseat $40 - 270-565-3721
FS - Dell desktop computer - 270-786-4565
FS - 8 wk old pot belly pigs - 270-576-1666
FS - Holiday Rambler travel trailer , reese hitch, full size camper top - 270-646-0554
FS - 14 ft. v bottom boat licensed and ready for water $500, 2001 Ford Taurus $500 - 270-261-2180
FS - 2012 Honda Rancher like new $3,700. Call 270-537-5730
FOUND - Brown and white Beagle puppy at IGA in Munfordville. Wearing red collar. Call 270-524-1110 or 473-3706
FS - Square baled hay. Call 270-528-1531
LF - 6 people to cut 5 acres of tobacco close to Monroe in Hart County. Call 270-218-0806 or 528-2531
FS - 5x8 trailer full of yard sale items $175 and go-kart that runs and drives $100. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 6 year old Saanen Nannie goat and GPX stereo system with turn table, radio, tape player and CD player $50. Call 270-531-6177
GA - 5 Beagle mix puppies. Call 270-218-1464
FS - Baby clothes, for boys and girls. 270-473-3502
FS - GPX stereo system with turn table, radio, tape player and cd player $50. Call 270-531-6177
LF - 6 people to cut tobacco about 5 acres, near Monroe in Hart County. Call 270-218-0806 or 270-528-2531.
FS - Pop up 3 sided hunting blind $25. Call 270-528-4097
FS - Shampooer and vacuum. 524-4252
Dennis Reunion at Campground United Methodist Church Saturday on Priceville Road, 11:00 a.m.
FS - 6 year-old Saanen Nannie Goat. Call 270-537-6177
Yard Sale and Fish Fry will be held Friday and Saturday, Sept. 8th & 9th, at Owens Chapel Baptist Church. Yard sale starts at 8 with the fish fry at 11 a.m.
FS - Flip phone with over 2000 minutes, $100. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Coal stove $150 in Munfordville. Call 270-537-1993
Cave Country Lions Club yard sale - Friday and Saturday Sept. 8th & 9th, at 7 a.m. at 408 N Dixie at Hunt's Storage units in Cave City.
FS - GPX stereo system with turn table, radio, tape player and cd player $50. Call 270-531-6177
LF - 6 people to cut tobacco about 5 acres, near Monroe in Hart County. Call 270-218-0806 or 270-528-2531.
Yard Sale - 55 Bragg Avenue, south of Munfordville bridge off 31-W, today, Fri and Sat. 524-1952
FS - Square baled grass hay, patio set with 6 chairs. Call 270- 528-1531
FS- Hay wagon, 325 dvd's $300. Call 786-1579
FS - 8 to 10 saddles, $35 and up, 1960 wheelhorse mower $350, 2 Marathon signs, 5 ft tall $150 each, 2 bottom Ford tractor plows $300, 7 ft pickup disc $375, 4 golf cart batteries $150, 1941 Ford 4 door car, v-8. $1500. Call 670-3570
FR - 2 to 3 bedroom home Hwy 88, gray vinyl siding with 2 car garage, all electric. References required $400 monthly. Call 774-1485
Benefit Yard Sale - at 318 Woodlawn in Horse Cave, new shoes, clothes, body wash and shampoos, baby blankets $1 items. Proceeds go toward funeral expenses.537-4390
GA - Free 5 Beagle mixed pups. Call 270-218-1464
FS - 6 year-old Saanen Nannie Goat. Call 270-537-6177
Yard Sale and Fish Fry will be held Friday and Saturday, Sept. 8th & 9th, at Owens Chapel Baptist Church. Yard sale starts at 8 with the fish fry at 11 a.m.
FS - Flip phone with over 2000 minutes, $100. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Coal stove $150 in Munfordville. Call 270-537-1993
Cave Country Lions Club yard sale - Friday and Saturday Sept. 8th & 9th, at 7 a.m. at 408 N Dixie at Hunt's Storage units in Cave City.
Wednesday, September 6th, 2017
LF - Record player. Call 270-524-3211
LF - 6 people to cut tobacco, about 5 acres, located near Monroe in Hart County. Call 270-218-0806 or 528-2531
Moving sale - Starts Thursday and will continue each day, except Sunday. FS -Furniture, yard sale items, corner cabinet, entertainment center, armoire, small entertainment center, computer desk with tv, kitchen items, Christmas items. Located at 315 School House Lane in Cave City, beside Bolins Market. Call 270-773-8731
FS - 6 tires, size 235 55 17's. Call 270-646-0661
GA - Free 5 Beagle mixed pups. Call 270-218-1464
FS - 6 year-old Saanen Nannie Goat. Call 270-537-6177
LF - 8 ft. pull type bush hog, parts for 7ft. Woods bush hog - 270-537-1796
FS - full size ladder rack for truck $100 , Antique metal table $40 - 270-932-9032
FS - brand new rotisserie oven, large new mop bucket - 270-932-3479
FS - calves on bottle and dry feed - 270-250-9209
FS - 36" and 20" flatscreen tvs that need work $50 for both, Playstation 3 with 6 games $125 - 270-406-1719
FS- Square Baled Hay, 1995 Harley Sportster, 1978 Harley Shovel Head Wide Glide, Fish Aquarium w/Accessories, Water Pump --270-428-4086
FS- 2005 Polaris Ranger 2WD (only needs transmission rebuilt) for $1000, Invisible Dog Fence w/Collar for $100 --270-579-7477
FS- 2008 Saturn Outlook (3rd Row Seating, 130,000 miles) LF- 7-10' Bush hog --270-590-2737
FS- 10" Miter Saw for $75 --270-432-7240
FS- 2 Week Old Tom Turkeys, Orphan Buff Chicks for $10 Each, Copper Moran Chicks for $10 Each, Copper Pullets for $20 Each --270-528-6255
Yard Sale and Fish Fry will be held Friday and Saturday, Sept. 8th & 9th, at Owens Chapel Baptist Church. Yard sale starts at 8 with the fish fry at 11 a.m.
FS - Flip phone with over 2000 minutes, $100. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Coal stove $150 in Munfordville. Call 270-537-1993
Cave Country Lions Club yard sale - Friday and Saturday Sept. 8th & 9th, at 7 a.m. at 408 N Dixie at Hunt's Storage units in Cave City.
FS - 07 Sportster $3500, v-6 Allis Chalmers dozer $5500. Call 270-622-1935
FS - 6 year-old Saanen Nannie Goat. Call 270-537-6177
Yard Sale and Fish Fry will be held Friday and Saturday, Sept. 8th & 9th, at Owens Chapel Baptist Church. Yard sale starts at 8 with the fish fry at 11 a.m.
FS - Flip phone with over 2000 minutes, $100. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Coal stove $150 in Munfordville. Call 270-537-1993
Cave Country Lions Club yard sale - Friday and Saturday Sept. 8th & 9th, at 7 a.m. at 408 N Dixie at Hunt's Storage units in Cave City.
FR - 2 to 3 bedroom home in Munfordville, has stove and refrigerator, new carpet, electric. $400 per month, must have references. Call 270-774-1485
FS - 2007 Harley Davidson Street Glide. Call 270-991-7579
FS - 14 hens. Call 270-670-1403
FS - Bandit belt coon hunting light and shock collar system. Call 270-805-8530
FS - 8x10 trailer, 2x6 treated floor, newly painted $450. Call 270-537-1714
Lost - Calico cat in Cub Run area, reward offered. Call 270-537-4606
FS - 200 amp breaker box with breakers, $75, 2 burner propane cook stove for camping $30, Pioneer car stereo cd player $25, LF - Junk vehicles. Call 270-218-1220
FS - Gas dryer, almost new. $150. charcoal grill, used once $50. Call 270-404-4110
FS - set of Floor mats for Dodge Journey beige in color - 270-678-1039
FS - 2 20 ft. flatbed wagons - 270-590-5056
FS- Bissell carpet cleaner $50 - 270-535-4684
FS - size 13 shoes - 270-786-5072
LF - 12 ft. V Nose box trailer - 270-427-6786
FS - 50 lb. dog feeder - 270-670-4583
FS - 5x5 rolled hay in Donansburg area - 270-299-6541
FS - 4 wheeler - 270-404-2208
FS - 14 ft boat trailer frame, Craftsman garden tiller, under cabinet large microwave - 270-261-1740
FS - smart watch phone - 270-250-2840
FR - 3 br house in Glasgow - 270-576-4209
LF - old TOC electric panel box - 270-566-4771
FS - pot belly pigs - 270-576-1666
FS - 137 Cub Cadet riding mower, deck needs a little work - 270-384-3888
FS - 3 br home for rent 4 miles from Glasgow, prefer working couple - 270-432-2592
FS - 12 gallon 4 hp shop vac - 270-405-1628
FS - generator with 8 hp briggs engine, runs but doesn't generate $125, Eager Beaver chainsaw $60 - 270-405-1628
FS - washer & dryer $100 each, 6ft freezer $100 - 270-404-1438
FS - Holiday Rambler travel trailer , 18 ft. boat trailer with 2 new wheels and tires - 270-646-0554
FS - 8x10 trailer, 2x6 treated floor, newly painted $450. Call 270-537-1714
Lost - Calico cat in Cub Run area, reward offered. Call 270-537-4606
FS - Coal stove $150 in Munfordville. Call 270-537-1993
LF - Place to dove shoot around Barren and surrounding counties. Call 270-678-6668
LF - Mobile home to buy or rent or needs to be moved. Call 270-537-4807
FS - Statesman 12 hp with 38" cut, $300. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 36" tv, fm am radio, couches, dresser, end table coffee table. GA - cats. LF - 3x clothing for giveaway, tobacco work, and a place to rent. Call 270-612-0501
FS - 8x10 trailer, 2x6 treated floor, newly painted $450. Call 270-537-1714
FS - Black & Decker saw 300 force saw $50, B & D skill saw $20, tires 205 75 R15. Call 270-786-1689 or 270-579-2905
Lost - Calico cat in Cub Run area, reward offered. Call 270-537-4606
FS - Coal stove $150 in Munfordville. Call 270-537-1993
LF - white vinyl siding - 270-261-1487
LF - medium to large chest type deep freeze. doesn't have to work - 270-404-2296
FS - 2 bedroom house 7 miles from Edmonton - 270-432-5232
FS - 3 Yokohama 255-70-16 tires good for farm wagon - 270-789-6690
FS - 30 ft. dual tandem gooseneck trailer $5000, 8x20 bumper hitch heavy duty trailer $3000, 14 ft. gooseneck stock trailer $1500 - 270-250-4036
LF - 2-3 year old mini mare - 270-427-8563
FS - 1996 single cab swb Chevy 4x4 350 5 speed - 270-576-4915
LF - good used washing machine - 270-590-2090
FS - Pom Poo puppies, child's battery operated 4 wheeler - 765-655-4665
FS - 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix with only 110,000 miles on motor $1800 obo - 270-590-0219
LF - free push mower - 270-562-4021
FS - registered angus heifers, 1 year old - 270-469-0339
FS - 4 aluminum frame windows, 2 Holiday World tickets - 270-579-3162
FS - 1979 Harley Shovelhead, 1995 Harley Sportster, heavy duty water pump - 270-4284086
FS - 15 ft. wooden Jon boat with swivel seats - 270-932-1443
FS - 1982 Ford F-150 4x4 - 270-590-5497
FS - 40 PS2 Games - 270-576-5247
LF - 2 young Nubian Nanny goats - 270-789-8423
FS - firewood, LF - deer corn - 270-670-3854
FS - Holstein and Angus cross bottle calves - 270-405-6363
LF - place to rent in Metcalfe county - 270-612-0687
FS - rotator wheel chair, electric leaf blower, 2 oak bar stools, computer desk - 270-670-2007
FS- 21 HP V-Twin Motor, 46" Cut Snapper Hydrostatic Mower w/Briggs & Stratton Motor LF- 18 HP Kohler Courage Motor --270-405-6273
FS- 40 Head of Registered Black Angus Cattle (18 Bottle Calves, 20 Cows, 2 Bulls) --270-932-1777
FS- Vehicle CD Player w/Bluetooth, Two 10" Bass Tube Speakers, 250 Watt Amp --270-218-2478
FS- Horse Pictures & Figurines ($100 for all), 2 Baby Play/Walk Toys, Girls Activity Play Set --270-786-5072
FS- Holstein & Angus Cross Bottle Calves, Weaned Calves --270-405-6363
FS- Husqvarna 42" Cut Riding Mower --270-670-8271
FS- 15' Wooden Boat w/Swivel Seats for $200 --270-932-1443
FS- 1982 Ford F150 4WD Automatic Short Wheel Base --270-590-5497
FS- 2 Oak Bar Stools, Computer Table, Rotating Wheel Chair, Electric Leaf Blower --270-670-2007
FS- 2002 GMC Crew Cab 4 Door Gooseneck Ready 1/2 Ton 4WD for $6000 --270-590-5635
FS- 14" Trailer Tire & Wheel, Aftermarket Tail Lights for 88-98 Chevy Truck, 1998 Chevy Ton Truck --270-991-8765
LF- Free Kitten --270-432-2164
FS- 1986 350 Chevy 4WD Short Wheel Base w/new tires, 700R Transmission for $5,000, 1976 Chevy 3/4 Ton w/Flatbed & Rear Dual Wheels 350 Automatic for $2500, Chickens (Big Hens & Banties), Fish & Ski Boat (for sell or trade) --270-590-2164
FS- Go-carts, Battery Operated 4 Wheeler --270-565-5118
FS- Tires off of 5600 Tractor (16-9-30's, 1/4 Tread) for $50, Gas Stove w/Blower, Washer & Dryer --270-404-1436
FS- 2002 Malibu less than 100,000 miles for $2000, 20 Ric of Mixed Firewood for $600 --270-590-9482
FS- Entertainment Center w/Doors (40" Wide x 6' Tall), 26' Cover for Bumper Hitch Trailer --270-428-4061
LF- 2 Bedroom Home w/approx. 1/2 Lot to Buy --270-405-0381
FS- Jersey Steer 800 lbs (has had all shots), 13 Full Grown Guineas, 11 Laying Hens, Doves --270-932-1498
LF- Used Carpet Shampooer --270-634-3130
FS- 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix w/110,000 miles --270-590-0219
FS- 4 White Geese for $30 Each, Canning Tomatoes, 6 Big Rhode Island Red Hens for $10 Each --270-774-1388
FS- Mini Bike for $400, 2017 Scooter w/50 miles for $1000 --270-576-3810
FS- Play Station 2 & 3 Games, Box Set of 6 Garth Brooks CD's for $10, Large Home Interior Pics for $15 --270-404-2617
FS - miter saw, air fryer - 270-432-7240
FS- Husqvarna 42" Cut Riding Mower --270-670-8271
FS - 2 bicycles, 70 plus inch flatscreen tv $150 - 270-535-3784
LF - blackberry wine from potato recipe - 270-432-5369
FS - 98 Dodge Caravan with 3rd row seating $1200 - 270-670-1529
FS - 1993 Ford Ton with 11 ft. flat bed gooseneck ball and trailer brakes, 7.3 5 speed and new tires 79,000 original miles - 270-407-8761
LF - female hamster - 270-678-3840
FS - 20 ft. gooseneck stock trailer $1100, like new Dewalt planer $250 - 270-378-6998
LF - white vinyl siding - 270-261-1487
LF - medium to large chest type deep freeze. doesn't have to work - 270-404-2296
FS - 2 bedroom house 7 miles from Edmonton - 270-432-5232
FS - 3 Yokohama 255-70-16 tires good for farm wagon - 270-789-6690
FS - 30 ft. dual tandem gooseneck trailer $5000, 8x20 bumper hitch heavy duty trailer $3000, 14 ft. gooseneck stock trailer $1500 - 270-250-4036
GA - Kittens. Call 270-531-3046
FS - 3 tires and rims, aluminum, 205 70 R15. Call 579-2905 786-1689
FS - Round oak table with 3 chairs. Call 270-774-6518
FS - Craftsman garden tiller, large under the cabinet microwave - 270-261-1740
LF - riding mower, moped - 270-381-0306
FS - bass boat, table and 4 chairs, aluminum full size camper top, quail and quail eggs - 270-487-1109
FS - 2 riding mowers, 1984 Goldwing $4500 - 270-427-6573
FS - 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home with 30x30 block garage on 1 acre at corner of Knob Lick and Blevins Rd. - 270-432-5232
FS - fiberglass top for 95 Jeep Wrangler, inline 6 cylinder Jeep motor - 270-565-2316
LF - place in Edmonton to rent for 300 or less per month - 270-576-4327
FS - Bantam chickens and roosters, rabbits - 270-218-0592
FS- 14" Trailer Tire & Wheel, Aftermarket Tail Lights for 1988-1998 Chevy Truck, 1 Ton Chevy Truck --270-991-8765
FS- 42" Husqvarna Riding Mower --270-670-8271
LF- Fly Wheel for 460 Ford GA- 2 Kittens --270-459-1337
FS- D5 Caterpillar Dozer for $13,000 --270-789-7818
LF- Trailer (5x8, 5x10 or 6x10) --270-457-4236
FS- 6x12 Single Axel Trailer for $250, Pop Up Camper (converting into deer house) for $200, 1 Row Cultivator w/Fertilize Attachment --270-405-1684
FS- Shop Vacuum, 2 Holiday World Tickets --270-579-3162
FS- 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix (110,000 miles, runs good, clear title) --270-590-0219
FS- Set of 4 15" 8 Lug Wheels (brand new) --270-590-6939
FT- Would like to trade go-cart for dirt bike --270-579-8461
FS- Box Set of 5 Garth Brook CD's for $10, New Humidifier for $10, PS2 and PS3 Games --270-404-2617
FS- 3.4 Liter 6 Cyl Motor w/Complete Wiring Harness --270-565-2316
LF- Riding Mower, Moped --270-381-0306
LF- 20-30 lb Cyl for Camper FS- 9' Disc Mower (like new) --270-590-5928
LF- Multi-Color Regular Size Roosters & Hens, 12" Wheel for a Honda FS- Grater Blade for a RZR or Heavy-Duty Lawn Mower --270-404-2208
FS- Zero Turn Mower, Troybuilt Riding Mower (needs deck), 2 Old Tractors, Gooseneck Trailer --270-805-7065
FS- 1959 Farmall Cub Tractor (all implements included, new tires all around, been in same family since 1959) for $3000 OBO --270-670-9194
FS- Bottle Calves --270-250-9209
FS- Dining Table, Small Table, TV LF- Free 3X Women's Clothes, Place to Rent in Cave City, Odd Jobs GA-- Free Kitten --270-612-0501
FS- Ecko Chain Saw CS310, 200 Amp Breaker Box w/10-11 Double Breakers, Dixon Zero Turn Mower w/Vacuum System, John Deer 48" Cut Mower w/172 Hours, Bolins 38" Cut Mower --270-634-3131
FS- 26' Cover for Bumper Hitch Trailer --270-428-4061
LF - Place to dove shoot around Barren and surrounding counties. Call 270-678-6668
LF - Mobile home to buy or rent or needs to be moved. Call 270-537-4807
FS - Statesman 12 hp with 38" cut, $300. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2003 Pontiac Sunfire, 150,000 miles, $1200. Call 270-834-9244
FS - antique dresser and chest, $20. Call 590-3209 590-1944
GA - 2 Beagles. Call 270-576-3195
FS - 2 mowers $40 each, tent. Call 270-786-5079
FS - 450 Massey Ferguson hay roller, 4x4, new belts. $1500. Call 270-537-5875
FS- Jersey Steer (weighs 750-800 lbs), 13 Guineas, 11 Laying Hens, Doves --270-932-1498
FS- Car CD Player w/Bluetooth for $40, 250 Watt Amp, 2 Bass Tubes --270-218-2478
FS- Approx 80" flatscreen TV on Rollers for $150 --270-535-3784
FS- 42" Husqvarna Riding Mower. -- 270-537-1754
FS- 1997 Chevy Lumina, 2004 Cavalier for Parts, Horse Saddle, 2 Bridles, Tires (sizes 195.70.14's, 235.75.15's) --270-670-1359
FS- Coca Cola Items, 2 Toddler Bed Frames --270-576-4327
For Rent--2 Bedroom Mobile Home in the Edmonton Area. References & Deposit Required. No Pets --270-646-8196
LF- Loveseat that makes a bed for a camper, Utility 4-Wheeler FS- 9' Like New Disc Mower --270-590-5928
FS- 6' 3 Point Hitch Bush-hog, 1995 2WD Nissan 5 Speed 4 Cyl Truck w/new battery, starter & new front tires --270-457-2974
LF- Couch that makes a bed (cheap or free) --270-432-3499
FS- White 46" Cut Riding Mower --270-590-3498
FS- Cookie Dough at Golden Years Adult Daycare, all proceeds go to residents for activities & necessities) --270-432-2044 or 270-590-7215
FS- 15' Wooden River Boat w/Swivel Chairs for $200 --270-932-1443
FS- 10 Guineas (2-3 months old, different colors) for $5 Each --270-590-5300
FS- 1994 Ford Ranger for $1200, Club Golf Cart for $600 --270-834-9938
FS- New Rotisserie Oven--270-932-3479
FS- Tires (195.60.15's), Some 14" Tires, Banties, Large Chickens, Ski Boat w/150 HP Motor for Sell or Trade to John Boat w/Title & Trailer --270-590-2164
FS- Bred Nanny Goats --270-579-3413
FS- Sigma Flat Top Guitar, 19.5 HP Craftsman Riding Mower, 2 Burner Commercial Bun Coffee Maker --270-378-0601
LF- Coil for a 16.5 Briggs & Stratton Motor for Riding Mower --270-670-8639
FS - 3 Min Pin puppies - 270-565-3617
FS - Whirlpool range - $50, 2006 Z400 4 wheeler needs work 270-405-0418
FS - 1994 Honda 300 EX - 270-432-5749 after 5pm
FS - assorted calves - 270-405-6363
LF - clothes racks - 270-670-2325
LF - cheap or free bassinet for girl - 270-579-1863
LF - 265/70/17 inch tires for Tahoe - 270-670-9912
FS - older 111 John Deere 38 inch cut riding mower - 270-670-1891
LF - multi-colored large Rooster, 12 inch Honda wheel and tire - 270-404-2208
FS - 55 gallon plastic drums, Butternut squash - 270-428-5546
LF - Elvis tv trays - 270-579-1194
FS - Frigidaire flat top stove, 2 refrigerators, 2002 Honda Rancher $1000, 42 inch zero turn mower $1100, 180 John Deere riding mower $200 - 270-537-5324
LF - cheap or free twin bed or full size bed - 270-576-7886
LF - good refrigerator - 270-428-5911
FS - Yenmar tractor with grader blade and 4 ft. bush hog, Wheel Horse pulling mower and wood splitter - 270-427-6786
FS - 95 Ford F150 2wd with 302 - 270-634-0789
FS - miter saw, air fryer - 270-432-7240
FS - hitch, cd player, 2 bass tubes and 250 watt amp - 270-218-2478
LF - old pallets - 270-432-5488
FS - Craftsman 6-speed riding mower with 14 hp, 42" cut, mows good. $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2003 Pontiac Sunfire, 150,000 miles, $1200. Call 270-834-9244
Yard Sale - today and Saturday, 55 Bragg Avenue in Munfordville. Call 270-524-1952
Yard Sale - 103 Circle Drive near Legrande School, antiques, clothes, glassware, etc. today and Saturday.
Yard Sale - Saturday, clothes, household items, name brands. boys and girls, men and womens. fill a bag $5. will accept leftover yard sale items, at 701 N. Dixie Highway near Caverna Elementary. 270-901-7790
Yard Sale - 8920 Happy Valley Road just outside Cave City, tools, lanterns, cookware, housewares, novelties, today and Saturday. Call 590-3452
yard sale - 1586 Boyds Knob Road today and Saturday, clothes, etc. 270-473-3502
FS - 3 tires and rims off a Pontiac Grand Prix $75. Call 270-579-2905 or 270-786-1689
FS - Lionhead rabbits. Call 270-537-5065
FS - 1 female and 1 male Pug puppy, large side by side go-kart, will trade to a 4 wheeler. Call 270-404-2606
FS - 2 6 week-old Pit Bull pups. Call 270579-2645
FS - Square baled hay, 1978 Shovel Head Wide Glide Harley, 1995 Harley 883 Sportster, 55 gallon fish aquarium, LF -Nanny goats. Call 270-428-4086
FS - PSE Compound bow. Call 270-537-5069
FS - Coon hunting supplies, 2 year-old Walker female Coonhound. Call 270-805-8530
FS - 1997 Chevy Lumina, 4 door with air, set of 235-75-15 tires on aluminum Ford wheels, LF - riding mower for parts. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Low profile tires, 18-22's, Pit Bull pups, Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malimute pups. Call 270-763-2284
FS - 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix with newer motor and clean title. Call 270-590-0219
FS - 3 Yokohama tires, size 255-70-16 $40. Call 270-789-6690
LF - Swimming pool pump. Call 270-646-0350
FS - 46" cut Statesman riding mower, 42" cut Craftsman mower. Call 270-528-4750
FS - Grill, 2 baby bed frames. Call 270-576-4327
FS - 1995 GMC Safari van Cobra Edition, Go-kart with roll cage and motorcycle motor. Call 270-428-2116 or 270-646-7820
FS - Couch. Call 270-537-1754
LF - Peacocks and Pea fowls. Call 270-565-1061
FS - Samsung Galaxy S-4 phone (Cricket is service provider) $75. Call 270-361-7206
FS - 2001 Chevy extended cab, 2wd. Call 270-563-6973
LF - Female hamsters. Call 270-678-3840
FS - 1997 Chevy Silverado 1500 long bed, 4x4, with 91,000 miles. Call 270-401-8760
FS - 2001 Club Car golf cart 1500 (green in color), golf cart parts, 10 sheets of 4x8 plywood. Call 270-427-8831
FS - Unlocked cellphone, complete with 6" screen $95. Call 270-579-2901
GA - Shizh Chihuahua to a good home. email
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 3 doelings, 3 wethers. Call 531-6177
FS - Stereo, GA - kittens, FS - Baseball cards, LF - place to rent to own in Cave City. Call 612-0501.
Yard Sale in Munfordville at the storage unit, cookware, highchair, baseball bats, toys.
FS - Craftsman six-speed riding mower with 14 hp and 42" cut, mows good, $350. Call 270-590-4129
LF - 30" range hood. Call 786-5616
FS - 3 bedroom house, vinyl siding, porch, in the Centerpoint community on an acre of land. Call 270-524-5428
Yard Sale - Fri and Sat, Circle Drive off Hwy 218 in Horse Cave, starting at 8 a.m.
FS - Matching couch and chair, $100. GA - loveseat and chair. Call 270-261-1492
FS- 7 Pair Men's 40x30 Jeans, King Size Comforter w/3 Pillow Shams for $25 --270-590-3584
LF- Kawasaki Mule, Rhino or Polaris Crew Cab --270-537-5324
FS- Rhode Island Red Rooster (out of McMurray Hatchery, Full Stock) for $7 --270-404-1436
FS- Treadmill that folds up --270-459-3017
FS- Holstein Bottle Calves 4-5 Weeks Old for $150 Each, Weaned Calves starting at $300 --270-405-6363
FS- Wood Splitter, Diesel Yanmar Tractor w/4' Grater Blade & 4' Bush-hog --270-427-6786
LF- Twin Bed w/Mattress --270-786-4784
FS- Square Baled Hay, 1978 Shovel Head Harley Wide Glide, 1995 Harley 883 Sportster --270-428-4086
FS- Trailer Tire & Wheel (size 85.75.14), Aftermarket Tail Lights for 1988-1998 Chevy Truck --270-991-8765
FS- 1995 Nissan Truck 5 Speed 4 cyl (new battery, starter, new front tires) --270-457-2974
FS- Grill, 2 Baby Bed Frames --270-576-4327
FS- 1995 GMC Safari Van Cobra Edition, Go Cart w/Roll Cage & Motorcycle Motor --270-428-2116 or 270-646-7820
FS- Couch. GA- 4 month-old puppy. --270-537-1754
LF- Used 235.75.15 Tire to use as Spare, Metal Perforated Scaffolding --270-406-6095
FS- 11 Laying Hens, Doves, 9 Guineas, Jersey Steer weighing 750-800 lbs --270-932-1498
FS- 24' Bumper Hitch Camper, 9' Disc Mower (like new--only mowed 180 acres) --270-590-5928
FS- 1992 Dodge Dakota V8 Automatic 168,000 miles for $1000 --270-576-5893
LF- Peacocks & Pea Fowls --270-565-1061
FS - 2 push mowers, 22" cut $40 each. 6 man tent, new. $30. Call 270-786-5079
Yard Sale - 313 N 9th Street in Cave City, plus size clothes, body wash, detergents, wedding dress $125, quilt tops $50 each, other quilts. Call 537-4090
LF - Parts for a 1980 F-150 Ford 4wd. Call 270-528-1419
FS - Unlocked cellphone, complete with 6" screen $95. Call 270-579-2901
GA - Shizh Chihuahua to a good home. email
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 3 doelings, 3 wethers. Call 531-6177
FS - cd player for vehicle, vehicle speakers and amp. Call 218-2478
LF - Babysitting in Horse Cave or housecleaning. Call 270-786-5072
GA - 18 banty hens, laying. and a silkie. Call 524-1110
FS - GE dorm refrigerator. $100. stationary bike $50. Call 537-4630
FS - 7 piece patio set, square baled hay. Call 528-1531
FS - canning tomatoes, white geese, duck - 270-774-1388
GA - lumber from tore down chicken coop - 270-537-3364
FS - retro hutch, white chest of drawers with antique handles - 270-565-1663
LF - help topping tobacco - 270-528-1365
FS - 2013 750 bushel grain cart - 270-407-8076
FS - 1988 Fox body Mustang - 270-590-2481
FS - Cedar chest, porch swing and 12 inch Dewalt planer - 270-565-3787
FS - cook stove $40, hood and gas tank for 2000 Chevy S-10 , rain guards for 01-03 Crew cab dodge - 270-405-0418
FS - Wizard plus push mower, lawn mower cart with upgraded wheels, 1 row cultivator , 6 ft. stainless steel table - 270-405-1684
FS - 2001 Dodge Caravan 134,000 miles - 270-579-9275
FS - 4x6 utility trailer - 270-932-1443
For Rent--2 Bedroom Mobile Home in the Edmonton Area. References & Deposit Required. No Pets --270-646-8196
LF-Someone to Donate Riding Mower to Family in Need 270-562-4021
FS- Oval Retro Table (46x32x30) w/2 Red Benches for $75 --270-432-7755
LF- Young Pigmy Nanny Goats --270-585-5554
FS- 7 Pair Men's 40x30 Jeans, King Size Comforter w/3 Pillow Shams for $25 --270-590-3584
LF- Kawasaki Mule, Rhino or Polaris Crew Cab --270-537-5324
FS - GE dorm refrigerator. $100. stationary bike $50. Call 537-4630
FS - 7 piece patio set, square baled hay. Call 528-1531
FS- 40" JVC Flat Screen TV w/Original Remote for $130 --270-646-7618
LF- Black Coffee Pot --270-670-1513
FS- 1983 Monte Carlo w/350 Automatic for $1200 --270-670-6578
LF- Help to Top Tobacco --270-528-1365
FS- 77-80" Flat Screen TV on Rollers for $200 --270-535-3784
LF- Well Pump FS- Craftsman Rear Tine Garden Tiller, Frontline 2012 50 CC Scooter --270-261-1740
LF- White or Gray & White Kitten --270-473-1389
FS- 24' Camper Trailer, 9' Disc Mower (only mowed 180 acres, like new!) for $5500 LF- Tires (size 265.75.16's) --270-590-5928
FS- 3 Corner Hutch, Sewing Machine, Blower for Stove Pipe, Antique Pics & Frames, Air Purifier --270-678-6073
FS- 1946 Studebaker, 71 Olds Cutlass --270-585-0162
FS- 4 YO Paint Quarter Horse Mare --270-404-2296
LF- Riding Mower at Reasonable Price --270-427-0679
LF- Post Hole Diggers for Tractor --270-590-3146
FS- 7 Pair Mens Size 40x30 Jeans --270-590-3584
FS- Square Baled Hay, 1978 Shovel Head Wide Glide Harley, 1995 Harley 883 Sportster, 55 Gallon Fish Aquarium LF- Nanny Goats --270-428-4086
FS- 38" Cut Riding Mower for $175 --270-234-6765
FS- 4 Swivel Bar Stools --270-432-4363
LF- 12' 5V Metal FS- Rolled Hay --270-932-7802
LF- Male & Female Hamsters --270-678-3840
FS- 2 Cyl Yenmar Tractor w/4' Grater Blade, 4' Bushhog, Red Wheel Horse 8 HP Pulling Mower--270-427-6786
FS- 8 Holstein Heifer Calf, 1 Holstein Bull Calf, 1 Angus Cross Bull Calf (all 7 days-3 weeks old) for $150 Each, Weaned Calves starting at $275 --270-405-6363
FS- Brick Home Full Basement 2 Bedroom 1.5 Bath Natural Gas --270-565-3751
FS- 1999 Dodge Caravan for $700 --270-427-9309
FS- Couch. Call 270-537-1754
LF- 5x8 Utility Trailer --270-579-3162
FS- 17" Car Tires LF- Hot Wheels to Buy --270-670-1659
FS- Transmission and Transfer Case for $1970 Chevy (Big Bulldog 4 Speed Transmission, may trade to Riding Mower) --270-864-5172
LF- Spring Ride Semi Tractors --270-670-9915
LF- Jacks & Ginny's, Car for around $2500 --270-590-9804 or 270-590-9785
FS- White Dry Erase Board 4x8' for $55, Apple Yard Ducks for $10-12/Each --270-432-2575
FS- Small Table w/Storage in Bottom, 1 Chair & 2 Stools --270-565-1663
FS- 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix (248,000 miles) Best Offer --270-579-3002
For Rent--2 Bedroom Mobile Home in the Edmonton Area. References & Deposit Required. No Pets --270-646-8196
LF - pygmy nanny goats - 270-585-5554
LF - a barn to lease for tobacco in Metcalfe county, FS - 3 riding mowers - 270-670-1891
FS - baby mallard ducks and muscovi ducks. - 270-590-9077
FS - Jersey steer 750lbs. $800, laying hens. guineas - 270-932-1498
FS - Dresser and chest, LF - someone to replace bathroom floor. Call 590-3209 or 590-1944
LF - Barrel woodstove. Call 246-2431
FS - Purebred Nubian Billy goat, 7 months old, several cream legbar pullets. Call 270-459-0522
FS - New unlocked cell phone. Call 270-579-2901
LF - Coleman grill propane, for camping. Call 270-590-3376
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS- 2001 Mustang Cobra Limited Edition for $10,000 Firm --270-784-0802
FS- Registered Paint Quarter Horse Mare 4 yrs old (good blood line, good confirmation) --270-404-2296
FS- Square Bale Hay, 1995 Harley Sportster, 1978 Harley Shovel Head Wide Glide, 55 Gal Fish Aquarium w/Accessories, Couch for $20 --270-428-4086
FS- Sears Hi-Low Mower (no motor) for $150, Cub Cadet Mower for $200, Steel Wheels, Plows & Other Old Team Equipment ---270-670-5398
LF- 3 or 4 Bedroom Home in Summer Shade or Edmonton --270-493-6981
FS- 3 Riding Mowers, 2 Push Mowers, Weedeaters --270-670-1891
FS- Couch --270-537-1754
FS- Truck Starters, Scott Riding Mower by John Deere --270-801-4796
LF- Deerborne Mower for Ford Tractor, Basinet--270-261-1492
LF- Cheap Vacuum Cleaner --270-646-6575
FS- Roper Brand Washer --270-579-3162
FS- Eating Tomatoes --270-432-5862
FS- Aftermarket Tail Lights for 88-98 Chevy Truck, 14" Trailer Tire on Rim, 1998 Chevy 1 Ton Truck --270-991-8765
FS- 3 Bedroom/2 Bath/Full Basement Home for $129,000 on Wilson Ct in Edmonton --270-646-7544
FS- Country Clipper Zero Mower 20 HP 42" Cut for $1100 --270-537-5324
FS- Light Brown Couch & Loveseat for $150 --270-427-9400
FS- Lawn Mower Motors, Lawn Mowers --270-801-4796
FS- Matching Couch & Loveseat (oak frame) --270-612-1499
FS- Retro Table (46x32x30) w/2 Red Benches (40" Long) for $75 Firm --270-432-7755
FS- Calves on Dry Feed --270-250-9209
FS- 18' Boat Trailer --270-646-0554
FS- White Riding Mower --270-590-3498
FS- Electric Wheelchair, 2 Bar Stools, Other Miscellaneous Items --270-670-2007
FS- 1992 Dodge Dakota V8 Automatic (168,000 miles) for $800 --270-576-5893
FS- 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser for $300 --270-469-8980
LF- Black Horse to Buy --270-537-4083
LF- XL Scrub Pants w/Elastic Waist Band --270-432-5749
FS- High Chair for $5, Stroller for $5, Baby's Sit In Play Toy for $5, Booster Seat for Kitchen Chair for $3, Girls Bicycle w/Training Wheels for $3 --270-786-5072
FS- PSE Compound Bow (Mossy Oak Camo Pattern) w/Case for $300 OBO, 2001 Ford Mustang 3.8 Liter V6 5 Speed w/New Clutch for $2500 --270-537-5069
LF- 3 Bedroom Home to Rent in Barren Co FS- Boxer-Pit Bull 8 Mos Old Pups, Siberian Huskey & Alaskan Malamute 4 Months Old Pups, Tires (Size 18"-24"s) --270-763-2284
LF- Rear-End for Chevy Truck (4-11 Gear Ratio) or 1973-1980 Parts Truck --270-864-5172
FS- Adult Geese, Laying Hens $10 Each, Canning Tomatoes $18 Bushel, San Marzano Tomatoes $22 Bushel --270-774-1388
FS- 1076 Chevy 3/4 Ton Truck, 1986 4WD Chevy SWB Truck, Tires (14", 15", 16"), Used Batteries, Fish & Ski Boat 150 HP Motor (sell or trade to John Boat) --270-590-2164
FS- Couch --270-537-1754
FS- Duraflame Heater --270-786-4565
FS- 11' Sit In Kayak w/Paddle for $300 --270-932-1886
LF- Slide Out Miter Saw (Dewalt or Hitachi, 8, 10, or 12") --270-299-5255
FS- 40" JVC Flat Screen TV w/Original Remote for $130 --270-646-7618
LF- Black Coffee Pot --270-670-1513
FS- 1983 Monte Carlo w/350 Automatic for $1200 --270-670-6578
LF- Help to Top Tobacco --270-528-1365
FS- 77-80" Flat Screen TV on Rollers for $200 --270-535-3784
LF- Well Pump FS- Craftsman Rear Tine Garden Tiller, Frontline 2012 50 CC Scooter --270-261-1740
LF- White or Gray & White Kitten --270-473-1389
LF - Junk vehicles. Call 218-1220
Yard Sale - 2 family on Saturday at 523 West Water Street, baby clothes, wedding items, women and mens clothes, California king bed
FS - Black Angus cattle, 18 cows, 20 calves and 2 bulls, most are registered. Call 932-1777
Yard Sale- Saturday Bldg E at Four Sons Storage in Horse Cave, loveseat, odds and ends, etc.
LF - Barrel woodstove. Call 246-2431
LF - Used refrigerator. Call 528-1322
FS - Compressor sleeve for right arm, like new. Call 270-786-1671
4 family yard sale Saturday North 31-W in Cave City right down from Masonic lodge.
FS - Dresser and chest of drawers. 590-3209 590-1944
LF- 20-30 Gal Fish Tank --937-520-1696
FS- Full Grown Sheep & 6-8 Week Old Baby, Red Bull Calf, Bar Rake, Sprayer with Booms (3 point hitch), 3 point hitch Tiller --270-528-1365
LF- Pack & Play or Playpen, Nail Gun --270-670-9763
LF- Twin or Full Size Bed & Party willing to let someone take over payments on small car or truck --270-576-7886
FS- Holstein & Angus Cross Bottle Calves, Weaned Calves --270-405-6363
LF- Sears Craftsman Mower w/Hi-Low 3 or 4 Speed --270-407-3874
FS- 14' Adventure Canoe --270-932-2099
FS- New Fin for Boat Motor to Stabilize Boat for $25, Troybuilt Pony Mower (now motor), 16 Three Bottom Plow for $150 --270-537-5347
FS- 24' Camper Trailer, 2004 GMC 1500 Extended Cab 2WD, 9' Disc Mower --270-590-5928
FS- One Trailer Tire (85.75.14, 5 Lug), Aftermarket Tail Lights for 88-98 Chevy or GMC (fits Yukon or Suburban) for $25--270-991-8765
LF- Tires (31.10.50 15's) --270-308-5410
LF- 10-12 Week Old Pup for Children (do not want to spend more than $50) --270-404-2842
LF- Tires (265.70.17's) --270-646-6575
FS- 1976 3 Quarter Ton Chevy w/Steel Flatbed V8 Automatic for $3000, 1986 Chevy 4WD Short Wheel Base w/350 & 700R Transmission for $5000, 14" & 15" Tires --270-590-2164
FS- Kawasaki Bayou 220 for $600 OBO --270-201-4001
FS- 1995 Nissan Altima for $800 (call after 2 pm) --270-579-2168
FS- Square Grand Piano, White Wooden Display Case --270-432-5084
FS- 2000 Toyota Pick Up Truck for $1000 --270-634-2927
FS- Two Tires (passenger tires from Dodge Stratus, Size 205.60R.16's) $150 for both --270-849-5518
FS- 26' Cover for Bumper Hitch Travel Trailer, Hot Tub, 2 Metcalfe Co Yearbooks (year 67 & 70) for $20 Each --270-428-4061
FS - Horse pictures, horse figurines, LF - babysitting job. 786-5072
FS - 2 cd players for a car, amp and speakers. Call 218-2478
FS - 2 couches, end table, large table, flatscreen tv $200. LF - place to rent in Cave City area. GA - kittens. LF - dress clothes for give away and work. FS - dresser. Call 270-612-0501
FS - square bale hay, 2 Harleys - 270-428-4086
FS - electric wheel chair, electric leaf blower, 2 bar stools, computer desk - 270-670-2007
FS - Holstein and Angus Cross bottle calves, Calves on dry feed - 270-405-6363
LF - place to set up concession trailer for 127 yard sale - 270-537-3341
FS - 3100 psi pressure washer with nozzles and hoses - 270-622-0380
FS - 55 gallon barrel of horse shoes $100 , small square bales of good quality hay 5 miles south of Edmonton - 270-576-3423
FS - 2005 GMC 2500 HD 6.0 gas new tires 182,000 miles $8500 , 25 rolls of 4x5 hay $20 per roll - 270-459-0758
FS - 97 Chevy Ext. Cab 4x4 in good shape $3700 - 270-590-2625
FS - 2 Huskey riding mowers - 270-405-6273
FS - Registered black paint mare 15.1 hands, needs experienced rider - 270-404-2296
FS - electric treadmill - 270-404-5016
FS - 9 Banty hens & 2 Banty roosters $100, set of 235-75-15 tires, set of 195-60-15 tires, 14 & 16 inch tires - 270-590-2164
FS - 100 gallon water tank, 3 point hitch 1 row cultivator with fertilizer box, 6ft. stainless steel table with shelve underneath - 270-405-1684
GA - dryer that needs work, FS - 12 ft. ladder - 270-579-3162
FS - 14 inch trailer tire and 5 lug wheel - 270-991-8765
FS - Apples - 270-432-5862
FS - 2006 Harley Davidson Fatboy $7500 - 270-670-9912
FS - Pro Kennel dog pen, riding mower - 270-427-0973
FS - WD Allis Chalmers tractor - 270-849-4495
FS - bed mat for long wide bed F-250, medium size refrigerator, 9 Guineas and 11 laying hens must take all - 270-932-1498
FS - used metal roofing in different lengths - 270-427-9056
LF - wheelchair - 270-432-7289
FS - nice dish strainer $12, large picture in frame $20 - 270-579-6463
FS - 2001 Crown Victoria 4.6 auto $1500 , GA - hot tub that doesn't heat up - 270-932-3767
FS - de-humidifier $10, Home Interior picture $20 - 270-404-2617
FS - 1994 Ford Ranger $1200, Club Car electric Golf Cart $600 - 270-834-9938
Yard Sale - Two family, Saturday at 7:00 a.m., misc, baby clothes, clothes and more at 523 West Water Street in Glasgow.
FS - 10 ft Kayak, used one time $200. Call 270-528-4097 after 5:00 p.m.
FS - Full size antique brass bed, good condition $400. Call 473-1499
Yard sale - Fri and Sat at pavilion behind Calvary Church in Bonnieville. Call 270-524-9647
FS - Tobacco sticks. Call 270-528-2152
LF - Barrel woodstove. Call 270-246-2431
FS - Purebred Nubian Billy goat, 7 months old, several cream legbar pullets. Call 270-459-0522
FS - New unlocked cell phone. Call 270-579-2901
LF - Coleman grill propane, for camping. Call 270-590-3376
FS - New wedding dress, size 4, $600, wedding items $150, navy polyester tablecloths square and round, $80, Oak California king headboard and footboard. $175. Call 270-576-3191
FS - Broyhill tv cabinet, deep cherry, $150. Call 859-445-1816
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
LF- Air Conditioner --270-576-7886
FS- 1999 Cadillac in Great Shape for $1800 --270-528-3818 or 270-528-1244
FS- 20" Boy's Freestyle Bike for $45, Little Boy's Bike for $10 --270-535-3784
FS- Female Coon Hound with 4 Collar Tracking System --270-805-8530
FS- Couch --270-537-1754
FS- 62" flatscreen TV for $400 --270-404-1862
LF- Electric Pressure Washer --270-670-9912
FS- Barn Lumber --270-250-9908
FS- (4) 18' Farm Wagons, (1) 14' Farm Wagon, Wooden Posts, Steel Posts, Wire --270-565-3751
LF- Kohler Courage Engine (24-25 HP) or Carburetor for 25 HP Kohler --270-634-2927
FS- GE Stove like new for $200 --270-590-3146
FS- Square Baled Hay, Couch for $20, 1978 Harley Wide Glide, 1995 Harley Sportster LF- Nanny Goats --270-428-4086
FS- 1989 Martin D28 Guitar, 1982 Gibson Les Paul, Rogue Acoustic Electric, Ky Mandolin, Man's Ring, Coke Items --270-678-6252
FS- Baled Straw for $4.00/bale, 5x5 Rolls of Fescue/Clover Hay --270-299-6541
LF- Used Mini Fridge --270-404-2646
LF- Linear for CB (amp) --270-590-9629
FS- Stair Stepper Exercise Machine, Cross Country Skiing Exercise Machine, Front Tine Tiller --270-579-6907
FS- 4 Tires on Wheels (225.70.15's) for $125, 42" Cut Statesman Riding Mower (16.5 HP) for $350 --270-590-5440
FS- Apple Yard Ducks for $10 Each --270-432-2575
LF- Chain Link Fence for 4 Acres FS- Craftsman Garden Tiller, Metal --270-261-1740
FS - Chest and dresser, LF - estimate on replacing bathroom floor and work on a riding mower. Call 590-3209 or 590-1944
FS - Gas cooking stove. Call 270-524-5072
FS - Purebred Nubian Billy goat, 7 months old, several cream legbar pullets. Call 270-459-0522
FS - New unlocked cell phone. Call 270-579-2901
LF - Coleman grill propane, for camping. Call 270-590-3376
GA - Full size box springs and mattress. come and pickup. Call 453-3543
FS - cd player with speakers and amp, 270-218-2478
LF - Babysitting job in Horse Cave. 270-786-5072
FS - New wedding dress, size 4, $600, wedding items $150, navy polyester tablecloths square and round, $80, Oak California king headboard and footboard. $175. Call 270-576-3191
FS - Broyhill tv cabinet, deep cherry, $150. Call 859-445-1816
FS - set of 17 inch tires off of 2011 KIA $60 , wooden 6x8 cattle rack $75 - 270-932-5090
FS - 95 Dodge Dakota V8 auto $1000, 1969 Cub Cadet hydrostatic 10 hp $250 - 270-576-5893
FS - Muscovie Ducks - 270-528-3709
FS - 12 ft. ladder, LF - utility trailer. 6x10 or 6x12 - 270-579-3162
FS - Hi Low rear-end for mower, parting out wheelhorse mower - 270-407-3874
FS - eggs , chicks and rabbits - 630-673-4353
FS - Kawasaki Bayou 220 $600 - 270-201-4001
FS - Ice cream cooler - 270-361-1476
FS - 1994 Chevrolet extended cab 4x4 350 auto , needs transmission- $1000 or will sell motor for $500 - 270-576-1069
LF - small pull behind bushog , someone to do some electrical and carpentry work - 270-378-5624
FS - 10 inch. chop saw , herd of Black Angus cattle - 270-932-1777
FS - Infra Red Nuwave oven $30 - 270-406-1719
FS- 10' Trailer (made like car hauler with open middle, will sell or trade for bigger trailer), 2 John Deere Riding Mowers without Decks --270-670-8123
LF- Cedar, Cherry, Sassafras Boards --270-670-6511
FS- 10x20 Storage Building, 9' Disc Mower LF- 24' Camper with Slide-Out --270-590-5928
FS- Female Coon Hound & Tracking System --270-805-8530
FS- 1994 Grand Prix 2 Door, Grater Blade (for gator, 4 wheeler or large mower) --270-404-2208
GA- 3 Kittens FS- MTD Riding Mower Frame (has 40" deck, good tires, needs motor), Lincoln Stick Welder w/good leads for $100 --270-528-5208
FS- Craftsman Riding Mowers & Parts, Square Kerosene Tank w/Gallon Hand Pump, #3 Grinder, Parts for 1996-1997 Dodge Truck ---270-405-1684
LF- Chain Link Fencing for 4 Acres --270-261-2015 or 270-261-1740
FS- 9 Young Guineas (must take all), 11 Young Laying Hens (must take all) --270-932-1498
FS- 1987 Ford Ranger 4x4 5 Speed 4 Cyl (frame broke) for $400 --270-670-7003
FS- 6x8 Wooden Cattle Rack w/3 Sides & Top, Rolled Hay --270-670-6108
FS- 5x5 Rolls of Fescue/Clover Hay, Square Bales of Straw (in Pierce, Green Co) --270-299-6541
FS- 1995 Chevy Long Wheel Base 4x4 Truck w/350 Automatic for $4500 --270-670-4669
FS- 1997 Chevy 4x4 Extended Cab Truck for $3700 --270-590-2625
FS- 2002 Ford F150 Extended Cab 4 Door Truck for $5000 --270-576-3810
FS- 10" Table Saw --270-670-9323
FS- 10 Young Turkeys 4 months old --270-670-6058 call after 6 pm
FS - New wedding dress, size 4, $600, wedding items $150, navy polyester tablecloths square and round, $80, Oak California king headboard and footboard. $175. Call 270-576-3191
GA - 2 pups, 1 is a Chihuahua, the other is a hound dog. To a good home. Call 270-524-0605
FS - Cd player $40, 250 1 amp with speakers. Call 218-2478
LF - Babysitting job in Horse Cave. Call 786-5072
FS - New unlocked cellphone. Call 270-579-2901
LF - Coleman grill propane, for camping. Call 270-590-3376
LF - Lady that has a gas stove. 786-5616
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday, behind Calvary Baptist Church in Bonnieville at the pavilion. Everything needs to go. glassware, clothing house plants, antiques, collectibles, hand crafted items. Call 270-524-9647 or 270-531-3046
FS- Holstein & Angus Cross Bottle Calves, 2 Holstein Heifers on Dry Feed --270-405-6363
FS- Wood Cattle Rack (top & 3 sides), Rolled Hay in Haywood Community --270-670-6108
FS- Square Baled Hay, 1978 Harley Shovel Head Wide Glide, 1995 Harley 883 Sportster --270-428-4086
FS- Electric Wheel Chair, Electric Leaf Blower, Outdoor Glass Top Table, 2 Adirondack Outdoor Chairs --270-670-2007
FS- Black & White Tom Turkey, New Western Saddle for $350 GA- 3 Loads of Firewood --270-590-5635 (call after 3:30 pm)
FS- Purebred Banty Chickens (10 different breeds), Breeders Cage, 7 Parakeets --270-576-1939
FS- 8 Wheel V Rack --270-670-7907
FS- Young Pullets for $7 Each or Less if Take More, 5' Bull Float & Cum-a-long for Concrete for $40 --270-537-1650
FS- 22 Ton Wood Splitter --270-427-6786 (call after 12 pm)
FS- 2 Bedroom House 7 miles from Edmonton (inside remodeled, stove, refrigerator, 2 car garage, large out building)--may rent to couple with references --270-432-5232
FS- Black Side by Side Frigidaire Refrigerator for $100 --270-432-3499
FS- 36" Storm Door w/Full Glass & Screen, Cedar Chest, Cedar Porch Swing LF- Tail Gate for 2000 Chevy 4x4 --270-565-3787
FS- 5 x 5 Rolls of Hay (Fescue & Clover) --270-299-6541
FS- 1997 Ford Aspire --270-651-8040
FS- 1997 18' Sun Tracker Bass Buggy w/40 HP Mercury Motor, Live Well & More for $5500--270-585-5554
FS- Bulldog Mix Puppy --270-405-7901
FS- Nice Piano (brand is Grand) --270-634-3131
LF- Boat Motor (45-50 HP) --270-576-4209
LF- Oak Boards 2x6x8, 1x6x8 & Decking Board of Any Size --270-579-2641
FS- Couch --270-537-1754
LF- Someone to do Horseshoeing in Greensburg-Hodgenville Area --270-696-4062
FS- 2 Riding Mowers, Push Mower, Weedeaters --270-670-1891
FS- New $1200 Touch Screen Laptop for $600, New Heavy Duty Off-Road Bumper for 2011-2015 Chevy for $500, Dually Bed for 1996-1998 Chevy for $125 --270-378-6998
FS- Husqvarna Zero Turn Mower, 16' Gooseneck Trailer --270-250-9209
FS- 24 Bulb Tanning Bed for $200, 1998 Honda Shadow Arrow 33,000 Miles, Saddle Bags, Trunk & More for $2500 --270-670-8953
FS- Wheel Horse Riding Mower w/Hi-Lo for $250 --270-407-3874
LF- Camper Top for 1997 Chevy Truck --270-670-6244
FS- 2 Weight Lifting Benches for $100 Each --270-670-3668
FS- Car CD Player for $30, Amp & Speaker for $40 --270-218-2478
FS- 50" Cut Gravely Zero Turn Mower for $1500 --270-590-0856
FS- Twin Mattress for $50, Twin Mattress w/Box Springs & Rails for $100 --270-786-3898 or 270-786-5731
Multi family yard and garage sale today only, clothes, home decor, tv stand, antique buffet, misc items, low prices. behind WLOC in Horse Cave.
FS - 1941 Ford, 4 door, v-8, flathead, good body. $1800, 4 batteries for golf cart $200, 2 bottom plow $350, 10" Sears Craftsman table saw, $100, 7 ft. Ford pickup disc. $375, 2007 Red Chevy Cobalt, $2300. Call 270-670-3570
A yard sale and Amish bake sale will be held at 548 Short Cut Road in Horse Cave Friday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. All proceeds will go toward medical expenses for Gunnar Minton, the son of Jesse and Connie Minton. Gunnar was 4 days old and had open heart surgery. All donations would be greatly appreciated.
LF - Mobile home. Call 270-537-4807
FS - 7 weened calves, 4 bottle calves. Call 270-250-9209
LF - 2 Bluegrass I-phones 5 or 6. Call 270-670-9912
FS - 21 hp V-twin Briggs & Stratton engine. Call 270-405-6273 or 270-932-1829
FS - Bike $25. Call 270-537-1993
FS - Broyhill tv cabinet, deep cherry, $150. Call 859-445-1816
FS - Kirby Deluxe vacuum cleaner and shampooer. $100. Call 270-791-8620
FS - Lots of jeans, misses size 4 to 7, medium tops, American Eagle and Miss Me. Call 270-991-8337
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 2 Doelings and 3 Wethers. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 2 door Neon, teal color $900, 2 cedar porch swings $125, Rockwell upright bandsaw, $300. Call 270-774-1505 or 270-579-7386
GA - Park black and tan 8 month-old dog, will fetch, stay, sit, great with kids in Hardyville area. Call 708-670-3644
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 4.47 acres of land on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave with road frontage. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Treadmill $299 obo, new cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - 1941 Ford, 4 door, v-8, flathead, good body. $1800, 4 batteries for golf cart $200, 2 bottom plow $350, 10" Sears Craftsman table saw, $100, 7 ft. Ford pickup disc. $375, 2007 Red Chevy Cobalt, $2300. Call 270-670-3570
A yard sale and Amish bake sale will be held at 548 Short Cut Road in Horse Cave Friday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. All proceeds will go toward medical expenses for Gunnar Minton, the son of Jesse and Connie Minton. Gunnar was 4 days old and had open heart surgery. All donations would be greatly appreciated.
LF - Mobile home. Call 270-537-4807
FS - Dresser and chest. Call 270-590-3209
FS - Lots of jeans, misses size 4 to 7, medium tops, American Eagle and Miss Me. Call 270-991-8337
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 2 Doelings and 3 Wethers. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 2 door Neon, teal color $900, 2 cedar porch swings $125, Rockwell upright bandsaw, $300. Call 270-774-1505 or 270-579-7386
GA - Park black and tan 8 month-old dog, will fetch, stay, sit, great with kids in Hardyville area. Call 708-670-3644
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 4.47 acres of land on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave with road frontage. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Crocheted items, winter hats for women, men and kids, baby hats, baby booties, also baby blankets and security blankets. Call 270-537-1903
LF - Electric stove. Call 270-528-6880
LF - Gas cookstove. Call 270-786-5616
LF - Gas trimmer. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Treadmill $299 obo, new cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - Chrome front bumper for 2000 F-250, brass chandelier $150 obo, 6 ton central air unit $1,000 obo. Call 270-590*8117
FS - Lots of jeans, misses size 4 to 7, medium tops, American Eagle and Miss Me. Call 270-991-8337
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 2 Doelings and 3 Wethers. Call 270-531-6177
FS - 2 door Neon, teal color $900, 2 cedar porch swings $125, Rockwell upright bandsaw, $300. Call 270-774-1505 or 270-579-7386
GA - Park black and tan 8 month-old dog, will fetch, stay, sit, great with kids in Hardyville area. Call 708-670-3644
LF - Standup or wall-mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - 4.47 acres of land on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave with road frontage. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Crocheted items, winter hats for women, men and kids, baby hats, baby booties, also baby blankets and security blankets. Call 270-537-1903
FS - XM - home and car radio set, $75, windshield for Harley Davidson 1450 cycle, $30, shop creeper $25, office swivel chair, $60. Call 270-537-5753 or 270-524-0824
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - 4 drawer dresser with mirror and chest. Call 590-3209
FS - Leftover yard sale items in boxes, all for one money. on Jewell Drive. Call 270-786-1193
FS - 38" cut Poland riding mower $175. Call 270-234-6765
FS - Under the counter dishwasher, never used, chainsaw. Call 270-524-1915
FS - Crocheted items, winter hats for women, men and kids, baby hats, baby booties, also baby blankets and security blankets. Call 270-537-1903
FS - 2 bedroom home on 1 acre. located 3 miles west of Cub Run on the road. Call 270- 524-5428
FS - high chair $5, walking item for a baby $3, baby stroller $5, other baby items. LF - Babysitting job in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Tote full of yard sale items $20, electric grill, contact paper, 2 phones, etc. treadmill. GA - baby kittens. Call 270-524-4547
FS - 1 row corn picker, 2 row silage picker, feeder mixer grinder - 606-387-7536
FS - 1 like new push mower, laptop, 50 inch tv., tools - 270-779-7918
FS - gas furnace & fireplace $200, 5 roosters $2 each - 270-432-385
FS - bottle calves and two heifers on dry feed - 270-405-6363
FS - 12 ft. ladder, shop vac - 270-579-3162
FS - set of 225/50/17 tires $75 - 270-565-3327
FS - 7x24 all steel bumper hitch trailer 2 -5/16 $750 - 270-670-9912
FS - 2 Briggs & Stratton motors - 270-801-4796
LF - carport and storage building - 270-590-0219
LF - AT&T cell phone, riding mower and moped - 270-381-0306
FS - wooden cattle rack $20, rolled hay in the Haywood community - 270-670-6108
LF - single wide trailer, storage building - 270-590-5928
FS - Caterpillar loader , new under carriage $14,000 , 2000 model Mazda 626 190,000 $2800 - 270-849-4327
LF - 4L60 transmission for 1994 GMC Sierra 3/4 ton - 270-576-1069
FS - Hot Point electric cook stove - 270-250-5138
FS - 3 pc. Vintage 1950s bedroom suit , dining table with 6 chairs, Autographed Louisville Slugger, 2003 Mercury Sable - 270-299-6069
FS - tool box full of hardwood floor laying tools $225, tanning bed $100 - 913-634-2308
LF - goats, FS - rabbits $5 each - 270-404-1981
LF - Chest type freezer. Call 773-3368
LF - Someone to haul a china cabinet to Munfordville. Call 270-524-0782
FS - 1 row corn picker, 2 row silage picker, feeder mixer grinder - 606-387-7536
FS - XM - home and car radio set, $75, windshield for Harley Davidson 1450 cycle, $30, shop creeper $25, office swivel chair, $60. Call 270-537-5753 or 270-524-0824
FS - 4.47 acres on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Mowers, tillers, 2 push mowers, as whole or parts. $50 each. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Stand up or wall mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - New Sears self-propelled lawnmower with Briggs & Stratton engine, 15 boxes of laminate top of the line flooring, electric wheel chair, set of bunk beds. Call 270-659-2531
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - Bicycle, good condition. $40. Call 270-537-1993
FS - 1 like new push mower, laptop, 50 inch tv., tools - 270-779-7918
FS - gas furnace & fireplace $200, 5 roosters $2 each - 270-432-385
FS - bottle calves and two heifers on dry feed - 270-405-6363
Found - small brown dog in Glasgow. LF - clothes dryer - 270-432-7240
FS - 12 ft. ladder, shop vac - 270-579-3162
FS - set of 225/50/17 tires $75 - 270-565-3327
Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday at 871 Cherry Spring Road, Cub Run
Yard Sale - 344 Mill Street Munfordville, Kane Horton Football Memorial shirts will be sold.
FS - Estate Sale, off Hwy 218 on Jewell Drive, tools, kitchen items. Call 270-786-1193
FS - 2006 Chevy Impala, used to be police car $2500. Call 270-218-3075
FS- Couch for $150 --270-537-1754
FS- 12' Ladder, Battery Charger --270-579-3162
FS- Brass Chandelier for $150 --270-590-8117
FS- 5x5 Rolls of Hay for $25, 5x10 Trailer w/Drop Down Tail Gate for $700, 2 Row Cultivator --270-299-6541
FS- 52x27 Swimming Pool (needs liner) --270-286-9336
LF- Vehicle for Around $300 FS- Yard Sell Items All in Totes --270-401-3989
FS- Natural Gas Furnace for $30 --270-670-1513
FS- 1983 Monte Carlo for $1200 --270-670-6578
LF- 10x10 Dog Kennel --270-590-7089
FS- Treated Pine 2x6's, 4x8 Sheets of Ply Wood, 1/2 Acre Land in Adair Co, Home Stereo Speakers, Floor Sander --270-805-9921
FS- 5 x 5.5 Rolls of Hay North of Glasgow --270-678-4763 or 270-404-0231
LF- Pilgrim Wood Stove w/Blowers, Metal Barrels FS- Garden Tiller --270-261-1740 or 270-432-0208
FS- 2002 Volks Wagon Passat for $1500 OBO, Size 185.75.14" Trailer Tire on Wheel, Two 7" Rear Riding Mower Wheels, 1998 Chevy 1 Ton Single Cab 4x4 Truck --270-991-8765
FS- Rednose Pit Bull (fixed & house broke) for $100 --270-428-5402
GA- Plastic Feed Sacks --270-670-2264
FS- 2005 International Semi 5th Wheel w/Cold Air & Low Mileage for $10,900 --270-407-8076
FS- Eggs, Chicks, Bunnies (6 wks old-4 months old) --270-432-4353 or 630-673-4353
FS - XM - home and car radio set, $75, windshield for Harley Davidson 1450 cycle, $30, shop creeper $25, office swivel chair, $60. Call 270-537-5753 or 270-524-0824
FS - 4.47 acres on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Mowers, tillers, 2 push mowers, as whole or parts. $50 each. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Stand up or wall mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - New Sears self-propelled lawnmower with Briggs & Stratton engine, 15 boxes of laminate top of the line flooring, electric wheel chair, set of bunk beds. Call 270-659-2531
FS - Saanen Dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 doeling and 3 wethers. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - Bicycle, good condition. $40. Call 270-537-1993
FS - Pair of Home Interior pictures, iris in gold frames. Money will go to Clothes for Kids. Call 270-786-1620
LF- Carburetor for Kholer Courage 25 HP Twin Cycle Engine --270-634-2927
FS- Ducks, Ladder Racks for Full-size Truck --270-932-9032
FS- Square Baled Hay for $3.50/bale, 1995 Harley 883 Sportster for $4,000, 1979 Harley Shovel Head Wide Glide for $6,000 --270-428-4086
FS- Sub Speaker in Box & Amp for $50 --270-786-5072
FS- Electric Smoker (new) for $20 ---270-432-4282
FS- Female Yorkie (8 wks old) for $500 (or partial cash/trade), 16' Utility Trailer w/Dual Axels (sell or trade to golf cart or 4 wheeler) LF- Complete Lawn Mowers (working or not), Front End Parts for 1998 GMC Envoy --270-670-1359
FS- Wooden Door w/Panels at Bottom & 3 Glass Windows in Top (32x79), 2 Dressers, White Bookcase --270-565-1663
FS- Dehumidifier, Home Interior Figurines --270-678-5958
FS- 1999 International 2 Ton Log Truck, 2002 Mustang V6 Automatic LF- Junk Air Conditioners --270-405-0030
FS- New Holland Square Baler, Banjo, Pocket Watches --606-787-8993
FS- 2005 Ford Taurus for $1900, 12' Ladder, 22 HP Husqvarna Riding Mower for $800 --270-579-3162
FS- Restaurant Stove Hood, Double Cola Cooler, 55 Gal Fish Aquarium w/Accessories for $50, 544 John Deere Loader for $10,000 --270-405-0030
FS- Side x Side Refrigerator for $150 --270-432-3499
FS- 10" Table Saw --270-670-9323
FS- 24 Bulb Tanning Bed for $200, 1998 Honda Shadow Arrow for $2500 --270-670-8953
FS- 46" Cut 21 HP V-twin Huskee Riding Mower --270-405-6273
FS- 7x24 Flatbed Trailer for $750, 5x10 Trailer w/Single Axel for $250 LF- 2 Bluegrass Cellular Compatible Cell Phones --270-670-9912
FS - XM - home and car radio set, $75, windshield for Harley Davidson 1450 cycle, $30, shop creeper $25, office swivel chair, $60. Call 270-537-5753 or 270-524-0824
FS - 4.47 acres on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Mowers, tillers, 2 push mowers, as whole or parts. $50 each. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Stand up or wall mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - New Sears self-propelled lawnmower with Briggs & Stratton engine, 15 boxes of laminate top of the line flooring, electric wheel chair, set of bunk beds. Call 270-659-2531
FS - 1994 Chevy Astro van, high miles $1200. Call 270-5371870
FS - 1984 Fiaro, 2 seater car $3900. Call 270-537-1964
FS - Amish books. Call 270-528-7643
LF- Aluminum Camper Top for 1997 Full-size Chevy Truck --270-670-6244
FS- Cherry Table w/9 Chairs, White Refrigerator --270-299-5393
FS- Wheel Horse Mower w/Hitch & Hi-Low & Tecumseh Motor --270-407-3874
FS- Caterpillar 951 B Hi-Lift Loader for $14,000, 2006 Mazda 626 V6 w/190K Miles for $2800 --270-784-0802
GA- 4 Kittens --270-261-2615
FS- Couch for $150 --270-537-1754
FS- Aluminum 20' Extension Ladder for 40, Alum 24' Extension Ladder for $50 --270-432-2865
LF- Storage Shed & Carport --270-590-0219
FS- Fescue/Clover Mixed 5x5 Rolls of Hay for $25, 5x10 Trailer w/Drop Down Tail Gate, 2 Row Cultivator w/3 Point Hook-up for $75 --270-299-6541
FS- 1983 Chevy S10 Long Wheel Base w/150K Miles & Camper Top, 5x8 Dump Trailer --270-428-4027
FS- Holstein & Angus Cross Bottle Calves (heifers & bulls) for $155 & up --270-405-6363
FS- White 46" Cut Tractor Type Mower LF- 16' Trailer --270-590-3498
GA- 36" Magnavox Phillips TV --270-590-0925
FS- XJ8 2004 Jaguar, Water Totes, Bass Guitar, Amp GA- Books & CD's --270-565-3736
LF- Pair of Mallard Ducks --270-427-4348
Moving sale - Today at 1102 Greenview Drive in Cave City, selling antiques, furniture, toys, Christmas decor and more.
FS - 4.47 acres on Hwy 218 in Horse Cave. Call 270-774-1485
FS - Mowers, tillers, 2 push mowers, as whole or parts. $50 each. Call 270-590-4129
LF - Stand up or wall mounted water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - New Sears self-propelled lawnmower with Briggs & Stratton engine, 15 boxes of laminate top of the line flooring, electric wheel chair, set of bunk beds. Call 270-659-2531
FS - 3 young parakeets and large cage and food $60, 10 ft Watercrest kayak $200, woodstove with blower, pad and propane logs $200, Full stock Chihuahuas. Call 270-900-4454
FS - Saanen Dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 doeling and 3 wethers. Call 270-531-6177
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - Bicycle, good condition. $50. Call 270-537-1993
FS -Swimming pool 27x52 needs liner - 270-286-9336
LF - cheap vehicle around $300 , building full of yard sale items $70 - 270-401-3989
FS- natural gas furnace logs $30
FS - couch $150 - 270-537-1754
FS - 1983 Monte Carlo 350 Auto - 270-670-6578
FS- Square Baled Hay ($3.50/bale), Bicycles for $20 Each, 2 Harleys, Couch for $20, --270-428-4086
FS- Rolls of Mixed Grass Hay (Fescue/Clover, rolled with John Deere Roller) for $25 Each, , Cultivators, 5x10 trailer. with drop gate $700 --270-299-6541
FS - brass chandelier $150 - 270-590-8117
FS - battery charger , 12 ft. ladder - 270-579-3162
FS - Evinrude 75 hp engine , Minn-kota trolling motor, 461 Chain saw , 270-670 - 1402
LF - cheap a/c 5000 btu - 270-432-7035
FS- Delta Faucet with Whirlpoo1 tub , 96 Dodge Ram body parts - 270-405-1684
FS - baby Guineas $5 each, 2 gates $50 each - 270-537-8765
FS - 20 inch and 16 inch boys bicycles - 270-535-3784
FS - 1998 Kawasaki Bayou with new tires, GA - full stock Beagle hound - 270-324-2965
FS - 2005 GMC 2500 HD 4x4 6.0 gas 182,000 miles $9950 - 270-459-0758
LF - LP Gas cook stove - 270-250-3364
FS - 95 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 - 270-696-4515
FS - 4 Goodyear tires 275-55-r20 $120 - 270-428-4061
FS - 185/14 trailer tire and wheel, 2 -12 inch John Deere mower wheels - 270-991-8765
LF - Stand up or wall mount water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Sears self-propelled lawnmower with Briggs & Stratton engine, 15 boxes of laminate, top of the line, flooring, electric wheelchair, set of bunk beds with boards and mattresses. Call 270-659-2531
FS - lots of mowers and tillers, two pushmowers, whole or parts. $50 each. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 3 young parakeets and large cage and food $60, 10 ft Watercrest kayak $200, woodstove with blower, pad and propane logs $200, Full stock Chihuahuas. Call 270-900-4454
FS - Saanen Dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 doeling and 3 wethers. Call 270-531-6177
A Bible was taken from a vehicle on July 15th. The Bible was in a black and white bible carrier, a reward of $200 is offered for the return and no questions asked. Call 270-537-4807
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - Bicycle, good condition. $50. Call 270-537-1993
LF - Someone to repair a bathroom floor. Call 590-1944
LF - male Shih Tzu dog - 270-432-7289
LF - front rim for 50cc Shark scooter - 270-670-8639
FS - Banjo, old pocket watches, organ - 606-787-8993
FS - baby guineas, 4 ft metal gates, GA - cedar dog house - 270-537-5056
FS - 94 Ford Ranger $1500 - 270-834-9938
FS - bunnies and chicks - 630-673-4353 or 270-432-4353
LF - Mercury Marquee - 270-432-5384
LF - engine stand - 270-622-0380
FS - 2004 Jaguar XJ8 114,000 miles, 2 water totes 250 and 275 gallon, 6 string Bass guitar and amp, GA - Church books and cds - 270-565-3736
LF - duct work, FS - Grasshopper zero turn mower 500 hrs. - 270-670-8080
FS - 12ft. ladder $45, Husqvarna 46 inch cut mower with 22 hp Briggs and Stratton $800 - 270-579-3162
FS - 6 wk female Yorkie $600 , 16 ft. all steel trailer - 270-670-1359
LF - fence posts 270-670-8638
LF - utility trailer - 270-576-8555
FS- Muskobee Ducks --270-528-3709
FS- 1998 Honda Shadow Arrow 1100 w/Windshield, Trunk, Saddle Bags & More for $2500, Husqvarna 48" Zero Turn Mower w/17 HP Kohler for $800 --270-670-8953
GA- Metal to Haul Off --270-565-3810
FS- Hammond Organ w/Bench --270-459-3017
FS- Tame Blackberries --270-432-2592
LF- Pilgrim Wood Stove w/Blowers FS- Microwave that goes under Countertop --270-261-1740
FS- Sound System w/Speakers & Amp for $100 --270-786-5072
FS- 1994 GMC Sierra 4x4 w/350 Automatic Extended Cab (no transmission) --270-576-1069
FS- Cedar Swing, Cedar Chest, Cedar Wishing Well, 18,000 BTU 220 Air Conditioner for $100 --270-565-3787
LF- Silver Laced Winedot Chickens --270-735-5431
FS- Couch --270-537-1754
FS- 5x5 Rolls of Hay in the Haywood Community --270-670-6108
FS- 225.60.16' on Lincoln Rims, $150 for set --270-319-6466
FS- 2005 International Semi Tandem w/Cold Air, Low Miles --270-407-8076
LF- House to Rent to Own in Summer Shade Area --270-432-7035
LF- Miniature Pincher (Min-Pin) Puppy (would like to have red in color) --270-576-4915
FS- 1995 and 1996 Nissan Trucks (parting out) --270-427-9056
FS- 1998 Ford Ranger (needs motor) --270-432-3499
LF- Small Truck or Mini Van (will trade 1993 Nissan Sentra), Lots of Auction or Yard Sale Items --270-805-9116
FS - Custom set of used kitchen cabinets, upper and lower hard maple. $400 firm. Call 270-487-1479
FS - Push reel mower out of the box, has bagger attached $45. Call 859-445-1816
FS - Touch screen radio for vehicle $75. Sub speaker and amp $50. LF - any work or babysitting job. Call 786-5072
FS - Parting out a 1999 Toyota Camry, motor has bent rod, or buy whole car $500 obo. Call 270-202-0130
FS - 14 totes of clothes, all sizes, 1 totes of misc. items, all for one money $50. Call 270-576-4788
LF - Used refrigerator. Call 270-528-1322
FS - Chest type freezer $100. Call 270-218-0105
LF - Stand up or wall mount water fountain. Call 270-537-4533
FS - Sears self-propelled lawnmower with Briggs & Stratton engine, 15 boxes of laminate, top of the line, flooring, electric wheelchair, set of bunk beds with boards and mattresses. Call 270-659-2531
GA - 3 long haired kittens, FS - MTD 38 inch cut riding mower frame $75 - 270-528-5208
FS - 5 roosters, 10 goats - 270-250-1127
FS - 6x12 Utility trailer - 270-590-4814
FS - several nice vintage guitars and Gibson Banjo - 270-678-6252
LF - roosters - 270-404-5959
FS - 2001 Ford Crown Vic $2000 - 270-932-3767
FS - 30lb. thrust trolling motor, 3rd row seat for Yukon tan in color - 270-670-1402
FS - 205-55-16 inch tires - 270-590-4110
LF - male Shih Tzu dog - 270-432-7289
LF - front rim for 50cc Shark scooter - 270-670-8639
FS - Banjo, old pocket watches, organ - 606-787-8993
FS - baby guineas, 4 ft metal gates, GA - cedar dog house - 270-537-5056
FS - 94 Ford Ranger $1500 - 270-834-9938
FS - bunnies and chicks - 630-673-4353 or 270-432-4353
LF - Mercury Marquee - 270-432-5384
LF - engine stand - 270-622-0380
FS - 2004 Jaguar XJ8 114,000 miles, 2 water totes 250 and 275 gallon, 6 string Bass guitar and amp, GA - Church books and cds - 270-565-3736
LF - duct work, FS - Grasshopper zero turn mower 500 hrs. - 270-670-8080
FS - 12ft. ladder $45, Husqvarna 46 inch cut mower with 22 hp Briggs and Stratton $800 - 270-579-3162
FS - 6 wk female Yorkie $600 , 16 ft. all steel trailer - 270-670-1359
FS - tame blackberries - 270-432-2592
LF - fence posts 270-670-8638
LF - utility trailer - 270-576-8555
FS - 3 young parakeets and large cage and food $60, 10 ft Watercrest kayak $200, woodstove with blower, pad and propane logs $200, Full stock Chihuahuas. Call 270-900-4454
FS -Washer and dryer, Kenmore. Call 270-773-3321
FS - Saanen Dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 doeling and 3 wethers. Call 270-531-6177
A Bible was taken from a vehicle on July 15th. The Bible was in a black and white bible carrier, a reward of $200 is offered for the return and no questions asked. Call 270-537-4807
FS - Blackberries in Glasgow. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - Black flat top stove, side-by-side refrigerator with icemaker. Call 270-324-2177
FS - Baby highchair $5, kitchen chair $5, stroller $5. LF - Babysitting job in Horse Cave. Call 270-786-5072
FS - Bicycle $40. Huffy brand. Call 270-537-1993
FS - Craftsman wood chipper, 5,000 generator. Call 270-735-6698
FS - 220 Kawasaki Bayou $900 obo - 270-201-4001
LF - old farm wagon FS - herd of Black Angus cattle - 270-932-1777
FS - 98 Lincoln 4.6 V8 auto $500 - 270-319-6466
FS - 2000 Suntracker 24ft. camper $5000, 2006 Grand Prix 250,000 miles - 270-579-3002
LF - mowing machine for 8n Ford tractor, FS - couch & loveseat - 270-261-1492
FS - 42 inch cut Craftsman mower, reese hitch for Chevy S-10 and steel 15 inch. wheels - 270-428-2018
FS - 5x14 trailer with endgate - 270-646-6857
FS - 8 wk. female Yorkie $600, 14 ft. trailer, LF - old riding mowers - 270-670-1359
FS -6 ton central heat and air unit only needs service panel $1000 - 270-590-8117
FS - bass boat, Bob White quail eggs - 270-487-1109
FS - bottle calves and calves on dry feed - 270-405-6363
GA - yellow lab dog - 270-537-3364
FS - 1/2 acre of land in Metcalfe county with utilities - 270-432-5990
FS - 2000 Chevy 4x4 swb auto $4800 - 270-670-9912
FS - 501 6ft. mowing machine $325, 7x12 trailer $225 - 270-457-3287
Found - little brown dog near Glasgow - 270-432-7240
FS - 200 amp service, furniture - 270-378-5624
FS - 18ft. boat trailer, 67,000 btu heat unit for mobile home - 270-646-0554
FS - Ambassador fishing reel on Ugly Stick rod, set of 6 lug Isuzu Rodeo wheels - 270-4051684
FS - 1 Murray and 1 John Deere riding mower, push mower - 270-670-1891
GA - 3 long haired kittens, FS - MTD 38 inch cut riding mower frame $75 - 270-528-5208
FS - 5 roosters, 10 goats - 270-250-1127
FS - 6x12 Utility trailer - 270-590-4814
FS - several nice vintage guitars and Gibson Banjo - 270-678-6252
LF - roosters - 270-404-5959
FS - 2001 Ford Crown Vic $2000 - 270-932-3767
FS - 30lb. thrust trolling motor, 3rd row seat for Yukon tan in color - 270-670-1402
FS - 205-55-16 inch tires - 270-590-4110
LF - male Shih Tzu dog - 270-432-7289
FS -Washer and dryer, Kenmore. Call 270-773-3321
FS - Saanen Dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 doeling and 3 wethers. Call 270-531-6177
A Bible was taken from a vehicle on July 15th. The Bible was in a black and white bible carrier, a reward of $200 is offered for the return and no questions asked. Call 270-537-4807
FS - Blackberries in Glasgow. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
Lost - Female Pitbull Terrier, brindle marking, brown with white feet, chest and tail tip and face has a knot under left side of jaw. Last seen on Park City Glasgow Road. Call 270-576-3254 or 270-361-9585
FS - Bicycle, good condition. $50. Call 270-537-1993
FS- Couch--270-621-1817 or 270-537-1754
FS- 1997 Buick Lesabre --270-432-5821
FS- 1946 Studebaker, 1971 Olds Cutlass w/455 V8, 1968 Dodge Dart 6 Cyl Automatic --270-585-0162
FS- 11 Breeds of Banties (120 to choose from), 12-15 Large Bard Rock Roosters --270-432-5531
FS- 1998 Lincoln Town Car w/4.6 V8 (wrecked front passenger side--needs hood, front fender but good for parts) --270-319-6466
FS- Blackberries --270-432-2592
FS- 1983 Chevy S10 6 Cyl LWB --270-428-4027
FS- 7x12 Trailer --270-457-3287
FS- 8' Chevy Truck Bed, Wheel Horse Lawn Mower --270-991-8765
FS- Oak Firewood (seasoned) --270-261-1239
LF- 1973-1987 Chevy 4x4 1/2 Ton for Parts --270-864-5172
FS- Meat Hog --270-932-1128
GA- 6 week old German Shepherd/Australian Shepherd --270-590-1821
FS- 1978 Harley Wide Glide, 1995 Harley 883 Sportster, Square Baled Hay, 55 Gal Fish Aquarium w/Accessories --270-428-4086
FS- 1988 3/4 Ton Chevy Pickup, 1986 Toyota 2WD, 3 Black & White Tom Turkeys, Saddle & Quarter Horses--270-590-5635
FS- Vortech Lineman Boots (size 9.5) --270-404-6481
LF- Someone w/Bobcat or Front-end Loader to move trailer load of dirt --270-670-9234
FS- 5x5 Rolls of Hay in the Haywood Community --270-670-6108
LF- Kayak to Buy --270-576-0175
FS- 12 Young Laying Hens, 12 Guineas, Bed Mat for Ford F250 Long Bed, Medium Size Fridge for $100 --270-932-1498
FS- King Size Comforter w/3 Pillows & 3 Shams --270-590-3584
FS- Black Angus Heifers w/14 Calves, 2 Bulls (take $55,000 for herd of 34 Head or sell separately), Horse Hay (rolls or square bales), New Holland Square Baler --270-932-1777
FS- 2001 Crown Victoria w/4.6 V8 for $2000 --270-932-3767
LF- 10, 12, or 14' Camper Trailer FS- 2002 Ford Mustang, 14' Boat w/25 HP Johnson Motor (2 depth finders, hand and foot controlled trolling motors) for $2000 --270-405-0030
FS- 1/2 Acre in Adair Co, Barbwire, Belt Sander, Steele 041AV Chain Saw w/21" Bar --270-805-9921
FS- 12' Ladder for $45 --270-579-3162
FS- 5x10 Utility Trailer --270-576-2342
FS- Jersey Cross Bull, 1 Yr Old Hogs, Goats --270-218-1195
FS - car cd player $30, speaker and amp $40. Call 270-218-2478
FS - I-phone 7 plus, any carrier, LF - office work. Call 270-839-9208
FS - Amish books. Call 270-524-1615
FS - Blackberries in Glasgow. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Custom set of used kitchen cabinets, upper and lower hard maple. $400 firm. Call 270-487-1479
Lost - Calico cat, long haired, black, tan and white, last seen on farm off 728 Cub Run and Priceville. Reward offered. Call 270-537-4606
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 Doeling and 3 Wethers. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. Large older air conditioner $75 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
Lost - Female Pitbull Terrier, brindle marking, brown with white feet, chest and tail tip and face has a knot under left side of jaw. Last seen on Park City Glasgow Road. Call 270-576-3254 or 270-361-9585
LF - Old milk can to repurpose for a table. Call 256-777-3099
FS - Tobacco sticks. Call 270-528-2152
FS - Parting out a 1999 Toyota Camry, motor has bent rod, or buy whole car $500 obo. Call 270-202-0130
FS- 4 New Tires w/Wheels (size 235.75.15's), 4 Like New of same size (235.75.15'), 1 Tire on Wheel (175.14"), sets of tires (195.15's), Banty Chickens --270-590-2164
FS- 1946 Studebaker, 1971 Olds Cutlass 2 Dr w/455, 1968 Dodge Dart 2 Dr 6 Cyl --270-866-7269
FS- 55 Gal Fish Tank, Arrowheads --270-576-4327
FS - rolled hay $30 per 5x5 roll in Donansburg, Bale straw $4 per bale, GA - male beagle hound - 270-299-6541
FS - 1989 Chevy S-10 bed and grill $100 - 270-670-2345
LF - odd jobs - 270-404-6481
FS - bread machine, canning jars, large coffee pot - 270-432-5005
FS - nice couch - 270-537-1754 or after 5:30 pm - 270-621-1817
FS - eggs, bunnies, baby chicks - 270-432-4353
FS - 4x18 boat trailer with 2 new tires, 60,000 btu furnace for mobile home - 270-646-0554
FS - 5x5 rolled hay - 270-670-6108
FS - baby Golden Comet chicks $1.25 each - 270-670-3540 or 270-590-0781
FS - 12 laying hens, 12 Guineas - 270-932-1498
FS - Wheel Horse riding mower, 88-98 Chevy truck bed - 270-991-8765
FS - Holstein Heifers and Bulls, Jersey Heifers - 270-405-6363
FS - 2005 Kawasaki 800 motorcycle with Saddlebags - 270-579-3084
FS - Square bale hay $3.50 per bale, 2 Harleys, 55 gallon aquarium - 270-428-4086
FS - 70 rolls of last years grass hay 4x5 $10 per roll - 270-459-1337
LF - 1/2 to 5 acres of land in Metcalfe county to rent to own - 270-579-2168
FS - 1992 Olds Cutlass 4 door car - $700 or trade for pickup - 270-612-1074
LF - large dog crate - 270-996-8286
FS - 477 Haybine 7 ft. cut $950 - 270-537-5673
FS - UK NCAA Commemorative Monopoly game in plastic, wooden Military Jeep collectible, parts for 1/2 ton Dodge 4x4 pickup - 270-405-1684
FS - Female Walker Coonhound and tracking system with 4 collars - 270-805-8530
Paid item:
FS - Mobile home and 3/4 acre lot at 64 Horton Lane, Munfordville, Hwy 88, just outside of Kessinger. Call 270-528-3737
FS - Custom set of used kitchen cabinets, upper and lower hard maple. $400 firm. Call 270-487-1479
Lost - Calico cat, long haired, black, tan and white, last seen on farm off 728 Cub Run and Priceville. Reward offered. Call 270-537-4606
5 family yard sale today between Priceville and Cub Run. clothes, baby items, Hwy 728. Call 270-670-4063
Yard Sale - Hwy 90 today and Saturday, tents, baby gate, household items, bedding, etc. Call 270-646-8507
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 Doeling and 3 Wethers. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. Large older air conditioner $75 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
Lost - Female Pitbull Terrier, brindle marking, brown with white feet, chest and tail tip and face has a knot under left side of jaw. Last seen on Park City Glasgow Road. Call 270-576-3254 or 270-361-9585
LF - Old milk can to repurpose for a table. Call 256-777-3099
FS - Tobacco sticks. Call 270-528-2152
FS - 12 foot ladder. Call 270-579-3162
FS - Parting out a 1999 Toyota Camry, motor has bent rod, or buy whole car $500 obo. Call 270-202-0130
FS- Baldwin Spinette Piano for $150 --270-537-1425
FS- 2005 Dodge Ram 1500 2WD w/Bed Cover 100,000 miles for $5,000 --270-528-4033
FS- 10" Table Saw, GE Washer --270-670-9323
FS- Bottle Calves for $165 & up --270-405-6363
FS- 17' Plastic Coleman Canoe w/Paddles & Aftermarket Seats --270-634-0422
FS- Sofa --270-537-1754 or after 5:30 pm-- 270-621-1817
FS- 2005 Ford Focus w/Good Wheels, Tires, Cold Air, 159,000 miles for $1850 --270-670-9912
FS- 2 Bedroom Home 7 miles from Edmonton (newly remodeled inside, stove, refrigerator, storage building, acre lot more or less) --270-432-5232
FS- Pigs 100-200 lbs. --270-590-8068
FS- George Foreman Grill for $40, Shop-Vac for $40 --270-579-3162
FS- Variety of Chickens. -- 270-453-2251
FS- Square Baled Hay, 1995 Harley 883 Sportster, 1978 Harley Shovel Head --270-428-4086
FS- Tires (Size 265-75.17's) --270-401-8760
FS- Ducks ($10 and up), Mature Hens, 12' V-Hull Aluminum Boat, Salon Chair --270-432-2575
FS- Samsung Digital Camcorder (1280x720 Pixels, High-Def) for $120 --270-404-6481
FS- 5x5 Rolls of Hay --270-670-6108
FS- 2005 Kawasaki 800 Motorcycle (fully loaded w/black leather saddle bags, windshield) for $3000 --270-579-3884
FS- 16' Car Trailer (steel deck, 3500 lbs dual axels w/brakes, ramps w/extensions, new 12,000 lb wench, remotes & more) for $2500 --270-646-8404
FS- 2006 Harley Fatboy w/3200 miles, $8500 --270-670-9912
FS- Electric Wheel Chair, Electric Leaf Blower, Outdoor Lawn Furniture --270-670-2007
Paid item:
FS - Mobile home and 3/4 acre lot at 64 Horton Lane, Munfordville, Hwy 88, just outside of Kessinger. Call 270-528-3737
FS - Custom set of used kitchen cabinets, upper and lower hard maple. $400 firm. Call 270-487-1479
Lost - Calico cat, long haired, black, tan and white, last seen on farm off 728 Cub Run and Priceville. Reward offered. Call 270-537-4606
FS - Hello Kitty kids riding car, white, $60, riding mower for parts, $60, tall glass cabinet display with shelves, $50, needs painting. Call 270-590-4129
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 Doeling and 3 Wethers. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. Large older air conditioner $75 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - Leftover yard sale items, tables, organ, tv cabinet. Buy all for $100. Call 270-779-5067
July 30th Bonnieville Church of God, back to school bash starting at 11:00 a.m.
Lost - Female Pitbull Terrier, brindle marking, brown with white feet, chest and tail tip and face has a knot under left side of jaw. Last seen on Park City Glasgow Road. Call 270-576-3254 or 270-361-9585
LF - Old milk can to repurpose for a table. Call 256-777-3099
FS - Chest type freezer, 1 year old. $100. Call 270-218-0105
FS- Pomeranian/Chihuahua Mix 8 Week Old Puppy for $25, 7 Big Stock Roosters --270-405-4325
FS- 2005 Ford Sport Trac (Wrecked, Good for Parts) --270-465-1849
FS- Aftermarket 12" Tires (295-50-15's), Geo Metro Car for Parts, 16' Trailer w/Dual Axels LF- Complete Riding Mowers (do not have to run--for parts) --270-670-1359
LF- Used Working Riding Mower at Reasonable Price --270-590-9077
FS- 18,000 Sq Ft Brick Ranch Style Home (2 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath, Paved Drive, Full Basement, Good Landscaping) --270-565-3751 or 270-537-1244
FS- Reece Hitch, Boat Trailer --270-646-0554
FS- Razor Mud Tires and Wheels --270-579-2645
Paid item:
FS - Mobile home and 3/4 acre lot at 64 Horton Lane, Munfordville, Hwy 88, just outside of Kessinger. Call 270-528-3737
FS - Custom set of used kitchen cabinets, upper and lower hard maple. $400 firm. Call 270-487-1479
Lost - Calico cat, long haired, black, tan and white, last seen on farm off 728 Cub Run and Priceville. Reward offered. Call 270-537-4606
FS - Hello Kitty kids riding car, white, $60, riding mower for parts, $60, tall glass cabinet display with shelves, $50, needs painting. Call 270-590-4129
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 Doeling and 3 Wethers. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. Sofa, print fabric, teal, rust and beige $70. solid sage colored cover. Large older air conditioner $75 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - Push reel mower out of the box, has bagger attached $45. Call 859-445-1816
FS - Rolled hay. Call 528-2531
LF - 40 hp tractor with front end loader. Call 256-996-2371
FS - Sub speaker and amp for vehicle. LF -baby sitting job. Call 786-5072
FS - Parting out a 1999 Toyota Camry, motor has bent rod, or buy whole car $500 obo. Call 270-202-0130
FS - 14 totes of clothes, all sizes, 1 totes of misc. items, all for one money $50. Call 270-576-4788
LF - All kinds of furniture for a single mom with children, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
FS - 3 Jersey bull calves, Jersey heifers, 7 ft. New Holland sickle bar mower - 270-590-9801
LF - lawnmower - 270-381-0306
FS - 98 Acura 4dr. needs windshield and transmission work $900 - 270-432-3523 or 270-432-0005
FS - Wheel Horse riding mower, 8 ft. Chevy truck bed for 88-98 - 270-991-8765
FS - 2013 side by side 4x4 - 270-576-6695
FS - 1200 feet of electric fence, 190 step in posts, 2 solar boxes - $400 for all - 270-670-6404
FS - white refrigerator, white electric cook stove - 270-576-1494
FS - pushmower, 2 riding mowers - 270-670-1891
FS - GE washer 270-670-1891
LF - 1/2 acre lot in Metcalfe county with utilities , propane commercial deep fryer - 270-590-5928
FS - 1983 Monte Carlo 350 auto $1500 , natural gas furnace, gas fireplace log, ruby ring - 270-670-1513
FS - 2002 Ford Windstar van $1000 - 270-404-0568
FS - washing machine less than a year old $250 obo - 270-670-6739
FS - old hand stitched quilts, 5 drawer chest - 270-646-0146
FS - Wheel Horse Hi Low mower - 270-407-3874
FS - 2 Statesmen mowers $50, go-cart with 5hp engine $75 - 270-579-2168
FS - 05 Honda Recon 250 $2300 obo - 270-427-0027
FS - 5x 10 dog kennel, utility topper for 08 and up Crew cab Chevy - 270-579-2245
Paid item:
FS - Mobile home and 3/4 acre lot at 64 Horton Lane, Munfordville, Hwy 88, just outside of Kessinger. Call 270-528-3737
FS - Custom set of used kitchen cabinets, upper and lower hard maple. $400 firm. Call 270-487-1479
Lost - Calico cat, long haired, black, tan and white, last seen on farm off 728 Cub Run and Priceville. Reward offered. Call 270-537-4606
FS - Hello Kitty kids riding car, white, $60, riding mower for parts, $60, tall glass cabinet display with shelves, $50, needs painting. Call 270-590-4129
FS - Saanen dairy goats, 2 Nannies, 1 Doeling and 3 Wethers. Call 270-531-6177.
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. Sofa, print fabric, teal, rust and beige $70. solid sage colored cover. Large older air conditioner $75 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS - Push reel mower out of the box, has bagger attached $45. Call 859-445-1816
FS - Touch screen radio for vehicle $75. Sub speaker and amp $50. LF - any work or babysitting job. Call 786-5072
FS - Parting out a 1999 Toyota Camry, motor has bent rod, or buy whole car $500 obo. Call 270-202-0130
FS - 14 totes of clothes, all sizes, 1 totes of misc. items, all for one money $50. Call 270-576-4788
LF - All kinds of furniture for a single mom with children, cheap or free. Call 270-528-6488
LF - Used refrigerator. Call 270-528-1322
FS - Chest type freezer $100. Call 270-218-0105
FS- Square Baled Hay, 55 Gal Fish Aquarium w/Accessories, 1995 Harley 883 Sportster (sale or trade), 1978 Harley Shovel Head Wide Glide (sale or trade) --270-428-4086
LF- Upright or Chest Type Freezer --270-590-5822
LF- 5x8 or 5x10 Lawn Mower Trailer --270-670-8638
FS- Microwave for $70, Wrought Iron Table w/4 Chairs for $225 --270-784-6194
FS- Under the Counter Large Microwave, 20,000 BTU 220 Air Conditioner --270-261-1740
FS- Rolled Hay (rolled with John Deere Roller, not wet during curing process) for $30/Roll in Donansburg (can load for you) --270-299-6541
FS- 8' International Bushhog, 8' John Deere Bushhog, Water Tanks, Farm Gates, 4 Bottom International Plow, 3 Bottom International Plow --270-576-7796
FS- Wooden Entertainment Center --270-670-6734
FS- GE Electric Cook Stove (white in color) --270-590-1547
FS- School Desks, Guineas, Ducks --270-384-5610
Paid item:
FS - Mobile home and 3/4 acre lot at 64 Horton Lane, Munfordville, Hwy 88, just outside of Kessinger. Call 270-528-3737
FS - Touch screen radio for a vehicle $75 and sub speaker with amp $50. Call 270-786-5072
LF - Babysitting job. Call 270-786-5072
FOUND or GA - Kitten on Little Blue Springs Church Road. Call 270-786-1671
LF - Box springs and mattress, 3X clothing, baby clothes, house for rent. LF - job. Call 270-612-0501
FS - Box springs & mattress, pillows, women's boots size 7 1/2 $45, 1975 Dodge Dart Classic needs transmission $4,200 and yard sale items. Call 270-218-0799
GA - Cats to a good home. Call 270-524-1493
Found - Female Beagle, mixed, brown and white, wearing a collar, has been spayed, found at Thelma Stovall park. Call 270-524-0433
Paid item:
FS - Mobile home and 3/4 acre lot at 64 Horton Lane, Munfordville, Hwy 88, just outside of Kessinger. Call 270-528-3737
Found - Female Beagle, mixed, brown and white, wearing a collar, has been spayed, found at Thelma Stovall park. Call 270-524-0433
Help Wanted - Convenient Stop in Horse Cave, 100 S. Dixie Hwy, day and evening clerks, variety of duties, some experience required, will train. Apply today.
LF- Box springs and mattress for free, 3x clothing, house in Cave City, 2 to 3 bedroom, furnished. GA - kittens, LF - jobs. FS - Touchpad. 270-612-0501
FS - Hello Kitty kids riding car, white, $60, riding mower for parts, $60, tall glass cabinet display with shelves, $50, needs painting. Call 270-590-4129
GA - Female walker coonhound, young. Call 218-1062
FS - Deepfreeze $100, Border Collie pups. Call 270-218-0105
FS - 1996 Ford Ranger 4wd, $400. Call 270-453-4428
GA - Kittens, need a good home. Call 270-774-2751
GA - Male cat, will pay to have it neutered, must find a home today. Call 270-528-4033
FS - Items from an estate sale, 5,000 vhs movies, 1,000 dvd movies, garden tools, well pump, cages, microwaves, military clothing, uniforms. Call 270-528-7121
Found - Coonhound, Joyners Chapel Church area. Call 270-218-0546
FS - Maple bedroom suit with sheets, box springs and mattress, chest and dresser with mirror, curio cabinet $200, living room suit, misc items. Call 270-786-3985
LF - adult size wheelchair donated. Call 270-537-1894
FS - 10 sub with 400 watt amp $100. Call 270-786-5072
Yard sale - 5548 Happy Valley Road Cave City, Hwy 90, siding, lumber, tools, old chairs, etc. Saturday at 7 a.m. Call 270-786-1180
FS - Set of car ramps with stands. $25. Call 270-774-2355
FS - Hello Kitty kids riding car, white, $60, riding mower for parts, $60, tall glass cabinet display with shelves, $50, needs painting. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 2001 Crown Victoria 174,000 miles $2000 - 270-932-3767
FS - non matching washer and dryer, lawn mower trailer - 270-528-1419
LF - deck for 54 inch cut White zero turn mower - 270-590-1190
FS - 1/2 acre of land in Adair county, fireplace stone, Skil belt sander, antique gas cans - 270-805-9921
FS - 18' after market wheels off of Sunfire, may fit S-10 $100, 15 and 16 inch wagon tires - 270-590-2164
FS - natural gas furnace to trade to electric furnace, Ruby ring yellow gold, 9 cans of diet dog food, LF maple hutch - 270-670-1513
FS - FS- Square Baled Hay, 55 Gal Fish Aquarium w/Accessories, 1995 Harley Sportster (sale or trade), 1978 Shovel Head Wide Glide Harley --270-428-4086
FS- Antique Milk Can for $60 --270-434-4236
FS- 2 Great Pyrenees 6 week old Puppies, Eggs, Chickens, Rabbits, Husky 54" Cut Mower--270-432-4353 or 630-673-4353
LF- Small Building to Rent --270-579-3084 or 270-590-4956
LF- Used Tires Size 195.65.R15 270-250-2697
Yard Sale - in front of the old Akebono Bldg, Saturday at 7 a.m. baby items, baby clothes, purses, bedding. Call 270-537-4259
FS - Metal frame swimming pool in box, 12x30. $100. Metal catbed, green. $15, Cat tower, $35. Call 270-218-0799
FS - 2011 25 1/2 ft. pull behind camper, good condition. Call 528-1099
Yard Sale - 205 Coomer Avenue, clothes, misc. items. today. Call 786-4303
LF - Old farm wagon, any condition, FS - herd of black angus cows and 2 bulls, most are registered. 18 cows and 14 calves, horse hay, bales and rolled, New Holland square baler. Call 270-932-1777
FS - Puppies. Call 270-537-3660
LF - Used electric wench for trailer. Call 270-622-0380
LF - 5x8 or 5x10 trailer. Call 270-670-8638
FS - 2 year-old Walker Female Coonhound, Tracking System with 4 collars $300. Call 270-805-8530
LF - Half acre lot with utilities in Metcalfe County. Call 270-590-5928
FS - 4 - 15" aluminum Isuzu Rodeo wheels, 6 lug, big bolt pattern, square kerosene jug with hand pump, antique #2 coffee grinder. Call 270-405-1684
FS - 70 rolls of mixed grass hay $10 each. Call 270-459-1337
LF - Maple hutch, FS - figurines, size 7 Ruby ring $40, 1983 Monte Carlo 350 automatic with rally wheels $1500. Call 270-670-1513
FS - 2000 Jeep. Call 615-507-9868
LF - Window air-conditioner unit, electric stove, 2 to 3 bedroom home to rent in Metcalfe County. Call 270-576-4327
FS - Couch, LF - home to rent in Barren County. Call 270-670-8123
FS - 2002 Chevy S-10, 5 speed. Call 270-528-1365
FS - Rolled hay $30 each. Call 270-299-6541
FS - 2004 XJ8 Jaguar, 114,000 miles, M-Audio 88 key keyboard, 2 water totes, bass guitars and amps. Call 270-565-3736
FS - Registered Paint Quarter Horse Mare, 4 year old Black Mare, 22 year-old Brown & White Paint Mare. Call 270-404-2296
FS - Silky and BB red chicks. Call 270-579-1356
LF - Caterpillar engine parts for Cat 3116, Suburban or Yukon, FS - receiver hitch for 95-98 truck $50, 8 lug Ford Wheel $25, 480x12 new tire/wheel for Jet Ski trailer, Case 75 hp 4x4 diesel tractor $15,000. Call 270-378-6698
FS - 275 to 300 gallon water tank $60. Call 270-670-2625
FS - 2002 Volkswagon Passatt, 8' Chevy truck bed, Wheel Horse lawnmower $250. Call 270-991-8765
FS - 1970's style coffee tables and end tables with marble top. Call 270-470-1989
FS - All steel 16' trailer with dual axels, set of 295.50.15 tires and 12" wheels, American racing wheels, LF - front wheel drive cars to use as derby cars. Call 270-670-1359
LF - Set of tires (195.15's). Call 270-565-1778
LF - Pickle or mayonnaise jars. Call 218-0962
Found - Female Beagle, mixed, brown and white, wearing a collar, has been spayed, found at Thelma Stovall park. Call 270-524-0433
LF - box springs and mattress for free, LF - place to rent, furnished. LF - any type of jobs, 3x clothing for giveaway. Call 612-0501
LF - Dearborn Mowing machine for an 8N Ford tractor. FS - couch and chair. Call 261-1492
FS - 2002 S-10 cab, rear inner fenders, hood and gas tank, rain guards for Ford F150. Call 270-405-0418
FS - Meat Hog. Call 270-932-1128
FS - Oak kitchen table, 10 hairs. Call 270-590-2435
FS - Sander, jointer, planner, skill saw, 2 5' vinyl windows. Call 270-428-4027
LF - 10,000 BTU or larger air conditioner. Call 270-576-5119
FS - Yard sale items. Looking to trade - 1 1993 Nissan Sentra to a van or truck. Call 270-401-3989
FS - Fresh cabbage, High-Boy oak bed, full size. Call 270-428-5546
FS- Square baled hay, 55 gallon fish aquarium, 1979 shovel head Harley, 1995 883 Sportster. Call 270-428-4086
FS - Men's clothes $20, 14 totes full of clothes and misc. $70, entertainment center $50, electric dryer $25. Call 270-576-4788
FS - White LT 145 mower with 12 hp and 42" cut, $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 4 truck tires with rims 11R22.5 G124 Unisteel, for dump truck or other heavy truck. $250 obo. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Solid maple bedroom suit, full size bed with box springs and mattress, sheets, bedspread, etc. $450 new condition. Curio cabinet for a corner, misc items. Call 786-3985 at 306 East Dale Heights in Horse Cave.
Found - Female Beagle mix, brown and white, spayed, friendly, at Thelma Stovall Park on July 2nd. Call 270-524-0433 or 270-537-3272
LF - Catalpa worms. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Push reel mower out of the box, has bagger attached $45. Call 859-445-1816
FS - Mens clothes $20, 14 totes of clothes and misc. $70, entertainment center $50, electric dryer. $25. Call 270-576-4788
FS - Chest type deepfreeze $100. Call 270-218-0105
FS - Higher end treadmill, with programmable workouts, used very little. $299 obo. Sofa, print fabric, teal, rust and beige $70. solid sage colored cover. Large older air conditioner $75 obo. new RCA 601 cash register $125 obo. Call 270-789-9758
FS- 1973 Ford Bronco Front Grill, Lot in Bridgewater Heights Subdivision --270-432-2581
FS- 1988 Toyota 4 Cyl 4 Speed, 1988 3/4 Ton 2500 Series 4x4 Automatic, 2002 GMC Sierra 4x4, Horses (Quarter, Saddle & Walking Horses) --270-590-5635
FS- 2 Bedroom Home 7 miles from Edmonton (has furnace, Stove, Refrigerator, etc) --270-432-5232
FS- Guineas & Ducks --270-384-5610
FS- 18' Enclosed Trailer w/Bathroom, Refrigerator & More for $4500 --270-590-1821
FS- Bow Flex w/Attachments (no weights, but 450 lb's of resistance) for $75 --270-405-0332
FS- 2014 Nissan Armada Platinum Edition w/3rd Row Seating 55,000 miles for $19,900 --931-704-6039
FS- Tires (295.50.15's) & 12" Wheels for Full Size Chevy 5 Lug, American Racing Wheels, All Steel 16' Trailer w/Dual Axels LF-- 2 Chevy Luminas to make into Derby Cars --270-670-1359
FS- 130 Rolls of Hay for $25 Each --270-565-2485
LF- Small or Large Freezer --270-590-5822
Yard Sale - today and Saturday at 212 Reynolds Road in Glasgow at D&B Tax Service inside and out. Canopies, household items, bassinet, baby items, curtains, clothing, etc. For more information, call 270-646-5807.
Found - Female Beagle mix, brown and white, spayed, friendly, at Thelma Stovall Park on July 2nd. Call 270-524-0433 or 270-537-3272
LF - Catapa worms. Call 270-678-6668
FS - Push reel mower out of the box, has bagger attached $45. Call 859-445-1816
Found - small kitten. Needs a home. Little Blue Springs Road. Call 786-1671
Yard Sale - today and Saturday, Craftsman tools, garden items, clothes, 11:30 a.m. 1190 Forrestville Road Munfordville, 9 miles on 88. Call 270-218-0799
FS - Men's clothes $20, 14 totes full of clothes and misc. $70, entertainment center $50, electric dryer $25. Call 270-576-4788
FS - White LT 145 mower with 12 hp and 42" cut, $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 4 truck tires with rims 11R22.5 G124 Unisteel, for dump truck or other heavy truck. $250 obo. Call 270-678-6668
FS - 52" Grasshopper lawnmower, Kohler engine. $3200. Call 270-678-2432 or 270-590-7156
FS - UK blue toolbox for full size pickup, factory locks and keys. $100 obo. Call 270-473-1359
FS - Craftsman air compressor, needs new cord and hose. $60. Call 270-678-6668
FS- New China Cabinet w/China, Fireplace Mantle w/Electric Heater --270-579-3162
FS- Washer & Dryer (washer takes time to spin), Bard Rock Roosters (12 for $5 each) --270-432-5531
LF- 5x10 Trailer --270-670-8638
FS- Ford New Holland Hay Rake w/Dolly Wheels, 14' 4 Basket Walton Hay Tedder, 15-20 Guineas, 4 Chickens (1/2 Silky-Cochin) --270-932-1498
LF- Black or Grey Metal Credenza (needs to be about 5' long, 19" wide) --270-579-1423
FS- 1971 Olds Cutlass V8 455, 1946 Studebaker, 1972 Plymouth Duster, 1968 (?) Dodge Dart --270-585-0162
FS- Holstein Beef Cross Bottle Calves, Calves on Dry Feed --270-405-6363
FS- 4x8 Tilt Trailer for $150 OBO --270-428-5032
FS - Men's clothes $20, 14 totes full of clothes and misc. $70, entertainment center $50, electric dryer $25. Call 270-576-4788
FS - White LT 145 mower with 12 hp and 42" cut, $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 4 truck tires with rims 11R22.5 G124 Unisteel, for dump truck or other heavy truck. $250 obo. Call 270-678-6668
FS - 52" Grasshopper lawnmower, Kohler engine. $3200. Call 270-678-2432 or 270-590-7156
FS - UK blue toolbox for full size pickup, factory locks and keys. $100 obo. Call 270-473-1359
FS - Craftsman air compressor, needs new cord and hose. $60. Call 270-678-6668
GA - House cats to a good home. Call 270-524-1493
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 1190 Forrestville Road, 9 miles out of Munfordville. handicap items, dishes, Christmas items, tools, garden tools, Magnavox tv, antiques, woodworking tools, clothes for men and women. Call 270-524-1042 or 270-218-0799
FS - Men's clothes $20, 14 totes full of clothes and misc. $70, entertainment center $50, electric dryer $25. Call 270-576-4788
FS - White LT 145 mower with 12 hp and 42" cut, $350. Call 270-590-4129
FS - 4 truck tires with rims 11R22.5 G124 Unisteel, for dump truck or other heavy truck. $250 obo. Call 270-678-6668
FS - 52" Grasshopper lawnmower, Kohler engine. $3200. Call 270-678-2432 or 270-590-7156
FS - UK blue toolbox for full size pickup, factory locks and keys. $100 obo. Call 270-473-1359
FS - Craftsman air compressor, needs new cord and hose. $60. Call 270-678-6668
FS - 6 x 10 trailer, $600, 4x5 rolls of hay $20. Call 270-537-1714
Found - female shepherd dog with a nylon collar, tied at Defriece with water and food. Owner please pick up or is for giveaway. Call 528-2407
FS- Bissell pro heater shampooer, good for pet stains $80. Only used twice. Call 324-3749
FS - maple bedroom suit, like new condition with box springs, mattress $450, curio cabinet with light $200, misc. items at 306 East Dale Heights, Horse Cave. Call 786-3985
Yard Sale - Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 1190 Forrestville Road, 9 miles out of Munfordville. handicap items, dishes, Christmas items, tools, garden tools, Magnavox tv, antiques, woodworking tools, clothes for men and women. Call 270-524-1042 or 270-218-0799
FS - Chest type freezer, 1 year old. $100. Call 270-218-0105
GA - House cats to a good home. Call 270-524-1493
FS - 4 truck tires with rims 11R22.5 G124 Unisteel, for dump truck or other heavy truck. $250 obo. Call 270-678-6668
FS - 52" Grasshopper lawnmower, Kohler engine. $3200. Call 270-678-2432 or 270-590-7156
FS - UK blue toolbox for full size pickup, factory locks and keys. $100 obo. C all 270-473-1359
FS - Woodburning stove. Call 270-524-3211
FS - 32" flatscreen tv, 1 year old $100. Call 270-629-5832
FS- Calves on Dry Feed, Bred Cows --270-250-9209
FS- Couch w/Floral Pattern --270-537-1754
FS- 6.5' Truck Topper (currently on 2002 Chevy Silverado, Silver/Pewter in color) --270-537-2219
GA- Whirlpool Washer (works but slow) FS- Whirlpool Dryer for $50 --270-432-5531
FS- Electric Lift Chair, Electric Leaf Blower, Outdoor Lawn Furniture --270-670-2007
FS- Square Baled Hay $30/Each, 55 Gal Fish Aquarium w/Accessories, 1995 Harley 883 Sportster (sale or trade), 1978 Harley Shovel Head Wide Glide (sale or trade) --270-428-4086
LF- Upright or Chest Type Freezer --270-590-5822
LF- 5x8 or 5x10 Lawn Mower Trailer --270-670-8638
FS- Microwave for $70, Wrought Iron Table w/4 Chairs for $225 --270-784-6194
FS- Under the Counter Large Microwave, 20,000 BTU 220 Air Conditioner --270-261-1740
FS- Rolled Hay (rolled with John Deere Roller, not wet during curing process) for $30/Roll in Donansburg (can load for you) --270-299-6541
FS- 8' International Bushhog, 8' John Deere Bushhog, Water Tanks, Farm Gates, 4 Bottom International Plow, 3 Bottom International Plow --270-576-7796
FS- Wooden Entertainment Center --270-670-6734
FS- GE Electric Cook Stove (white in color) --270-590-1547
FS- School Desks, Guineas, Ducks --270-384-5610